Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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TtllTcrcdlivrnrrlrrln Any 1'nrtol the City at
Tw enty Ci'ntH I'cr Week.
- :
Hti ( < l.NhPS On ICB. No. 43.
> fuiliT hlliTon. No. 'a.
N. Y. I'lumblng Co.
13r. Plnnuy lit tli6 po'Jtcs'tor ' of two us fine
antelopes ni were over RCOII In this part of
clvlllrntlon. They recently arrived from the
fat VcaK * i V. *
Electrical connections arc hclnij mailo at
the ilroiuhvny llro house for opcnlnir the
BtnlU w licnuvtir the BOIIK strikes. It will ru-
quire several days to complete the work.
The mammoth stores of Henry Elicman ft
Co. now float u beautiful stroiuner , which
gives the national colors anil hears the nuino
of the llrm. It li doubly attractive- it is
very handsome und the largest ono In the
' Ono of the renders of TUB HE it yo = i
brought into the ofllco n sample of this j ear's
winter wheat raised in Moi'ton county , Kan
sas. The heads seem to ho to small too hold
all of the grain , nnd theio nro branches on
nearly all of them to accommodate the mi-
morons kernels. It is hut one of the indica
tion" that are coming in every day tliat this
season's crops will ho imincnso ones.
While iu the east Dr. Cleaver came into
possession of a volume of "I'oor Richard's
Almamics. " This publication covcicd a
period of years , beginning with ITO" . To the
ordinary pet ! > on this volume Is a nov
elty , and to the antiquarian it is u valuable
iclioof tlio past. The doctor would not take
many dollais for his old , hack number alma
The excavation for the new Washington
avenue school building is nearly completed
and it will bo hut a few days until thu brick
walls of this handsome cdlllco Will ho
steadily growing up into the air. Contrac
tor Murphv is very well satisfied with the
progiess of the work thus far , and SHJS ho
will have thu structure completed according
to contract by the 1st of January , ISs'J.
For the Jlrst day In several weeks the city
Jnil was without , a tenant yesterday , and the
doors were tin own open to allow the cooling
breezes to penotr.ito tlio foul smelling place.
The lioso was turned on and tno atmosphere
was soon relieved of the obnoxious odors
that have caused the hnir of tlio couit to
stand nn end and ills teeth to chatter on the
occasion of his daily visits for the past few
Habeas corpus proceedings have been in
fllituted for thu release of Herbert C. Mills ,
the "skin game" operator who was bound
over to the gi and Jury a few daj s r.go and who
is now lying iu the county jail. A notice was
served on Sheriff O'Neill yesterday to bring
the piisoncr befoio Judge Aylesworth next
Tuesday , when the matter will bo argued.
Attorney Welsh is defending Mills. The
bond was fixed at WOO und Mills was unable
to rnlso that sum.
Judge Deemer was expected In the city
yesterday , but did not arrive. Attornei
yims , representing the Law and Order
league , will have several cases before him
for the violation of injunctions by the saloon
men. It is very nrobablo that there will bo
another general closing up of the saloons in
a few days until after Judge Ueeiner leaves ,
As long us com t is in session Council ) Huffs
is a model prohibition city , but insldo ol
twenty-four hours after its adjouinmcut it is
chcnp whisky and plenty of it.
An hour's drive about the oily Is all that
needed to convince anyone that this season's
growth will far exceed that of any previous
year. Many of the buildings just completed i
nnd in the course ol erection are very hand-
homo and costly structures and would bo a
credit to any city. Among them are the ele
gant residences being erected bv Judge
.Tames , W. W. Loomis , Owen Wlckliam ,
Hoist & fjpotmun , James Wickhilin , J. J.
Stcndman and Martin Hughes.
The outlook for a fountain in Bayllss park
this season is not as fluttering as it might be.
About StCO has been raised for the purpose ,
but it-will require at least $1.100 moro to put
in such a fountain as is desired. The citizens
owning propei ly adjoining tlio park are the
ones who would receive the greatest bunellt
from such a move , and the greater part of
the necessary money should bo raised by
them. The commissioners are ready to go
ahead in the matter as soon as the funds aio
Thursday evening last when Frank Bill
iard anne to look for his horse and buggy ,
after spending a few hours at Lake Manawa ,
"Modoo" and the vehicle had disappeared.
Visions of horso. thieves , etc. , p.issed before
his mind's eye. when a friend who had just
arrived upon thu grounds told him ho hud
inet his horse running at full speed for home.
Frank jumped upon the next motor train for
homo , expecting to find a wreck at this end
of the line. Arriving at the stable , the
horse was found with the buggy attached to
r him. .Nothing was broken. Considering the
'condition of the road over which the horse
passed , this result of a runaway is little else
than marvolous.
The Broadway paving is now completed to
the west side of Strcetsvillo , and the lower'
end of this great thoroughfare is covered
every evening with the nobby turnouts of
citizens who have discovered its upivridld advantages -
vantages , for speeding purposes. Contnictoi
Wickham says ho will bo ablij to complete
the Job in thirty days if the w-eathcr con
tinues favorable. Over n hundred of
material are now hero on the Hack ready for.
Use. The blocks pow being used are shipped
in already sawed and culled'and nro run di
rectly to tlio ground where they arc to be
Tlio , plans for the now Merriam block on
. South Main street will bo hero to d.iy nnd
work will bo commenced next wcok. Mr.
Merriam has decided to use Council Bluffs
piossed brick , although it his intention
nt llrst to nsa Chicago brick. Tlio building
r is to bolOUx'JOO feet and three stories high ,
requiring about 1,250,0(10 common bricks , ami
l-KOi.pressed ) ( ) ) brick. Thu contracts for the
work are not yet let , but will ho in a few
I days. The foundation lumher is ulronuy on
Ute 1'Wund , having been purchased by air.
Merriam asldo from the material for tlio rest
* o the building.
It Is reported that some person or persons
bAnt on mischtof , and for the purpose gf mak
ing fishing moro easy uud productive , have
cut out a portion of the lovco constructed be
tween Big lakoand theriver. . Of course , tlio
discovery of this act has lalsod a howl , as in
justiceit should do. Hut has not a watch-
mini been employed during all these months
to guard these waters and prevent just such
occurrences as thisl The lake is not BO
large but that an occasional visit to all
portions of it could bo made , and this , it
would scorn , Is the duty of the watchman ,
Sco that , he docs his duty , and tiicio will bo
no occasion for a kick.
Council BlufCh is really a progressive city.
It kpe ; > s | Mco with the demands of the times
in all mutters of improvement. Lately it
has Invested la '
a shy-scraping-slls'er-
mounted-bevol-edgcd ladder truck for put
ting out the llics in the moon. It has also
purchased a modern all'wool-nnd-yarj-wulc
street scraper. Evidently both of these nro
tooru for beauty than utility , for the scrapct
now In use upon tlie streets Is thu old gray
headed Invention of 1000. Has the new-
fancied scraper been locked up in the cit.v
vaults or must it be kept in the shade foi
fear of spoiling ! Trot out your scraper , geiv
tlotatn , or else soil it and got fcomcthlng you
arc not afraid to handle.
A minor was circulated in the city ycstcr
day that war upon the recently opened sa ,
loons as well as these established for yean
I would bo immediately opened aud prose
Ir eutrd mors vigorously than fiver before ,
This repoit originated in the return
r of Attorney Sims and a husty conference ol
the law and order Icuguo , What plan ol
action was decided upon lius not been nmd (
public but it will within a very few
days. These bitter facts sufficed to effect or
Instantaneous closing of somuof the saloons
The members ol the lenguo say the worn is.of
extermination is well in hand and they wil
fight the battle to the death of tUo .saloon
Great LAcitcimmt.
A unmbor of gentlemen were scon 01
the street corners yesterday oxoitodlj
didcufcbinp the bargains that J. G. Tip
ton , the real estate broker , has. The ;
finally soburod down and decided that
any man taking advantage of his bar
gains in Broadway lots , and houses am
lots , would double their mpnoy as booi
as the bridge shall bo completed
That's right , you bet , aud then it atop
rout. *
The Stooltorlrfg Oltizonfl Seek Com
fort nt Mixnawa.
A Mule Team Itacoa WltJi ix FrolRlit
Train Too Many Vagrants Iho
CuMoiiH Skeleton Other Jjo-
Matters at Manawn.
The season at Mntiawa wrts slow in getting
a stait. Everything seemed to conspire
ngnlnst it. The weather was horrible for
weeks. Haiti nnd mud continued. The
hotel folks , the bortt owners , and bath
kc-cpcis waited patiently and kept paying
out hard cash for expenses , with only drib
lets coining in. Then the motor line got
st/.cU on the crossings atidjhcrc wns " 9
convenlenTway for reci oTilo suT ct to the
lake. It has been a tedious , dtcary , discour
aging opening.
The season Is now brighter. There is a
lush and a hurrah. Everybody smlloi.
Every evening theto is n crowd. Business
men , weary and warm , jump onto the motor
to run down to Manawa , and there get a
bath , a fresh bieo/u , a meal and a cool smoke.
Many spend the nights at the hotel , and the
looms are so in uoinnnd that frequently Visi
tors have to bo refused lodging. It is difll-
cult for the hotel folks to calculate at all
times aright. A Hliower or some
other slight cause may leave
them with a big block of
quickly spoiled provisions and meat , which
provo n total loss. Again , un extra crowd of
fifty to a hundred rush in upon them , clamor
ously hungry , impatient for attention. Har
mon Bros , are doing nobly under thcso
change.iblc circumstances. Those who nro
used to summer resort hotels appreciate the
situation , and If they are not waited on as
promptly us usual , or any llttlo thing goes
wrong , thov pleasantly adjust themselves to
the situation. Occasionally some hungry ro-
poitcr , who Is nettled because the lundloid
does not turn the house over to him , tries lo
tunrtlio house over himself. Sometimes a
veidnnt who knows nothing of the dlfllcultics
of 1 milling a short season summer resell as
sists iu the grumbling.
As a rule thu guests are delighted. A1th
cool brec/cs , comfortable rooms , a well huhm
table , the hotel furnishct all the needfuls for
comfort and pleasme.
Fireworks and music in the evening , boat
ing and bathing , target Shooting , ten piiis-
in fact a great vui iety of rcci cations arc lire-
Omaha seems to appreciate Manawa fully.
Thursday evening about twenty , couples
cumo over in a party , and after having great
sK > rt at the beach , indulged in a supper and
a little hop , returning homo on the late even
ing ti am.
Tlio same evening the young ladles of the
X. Y. / . club of this city were at the hotel
for a morry-mnking , and remained all night.
The crowd continues to como and go , some
times much larger than at others. There is
every reason to believe that the rcsovt will
continue to Increase in popularity. Colonel
Kced is so running the motor line ns to ac
commodate the public well , and the Munawa
trip is in.ido so easily and cheaply us to sat
isfy all.
The Manawa boom is now established on u
solid basis , and buildings are going up in r
manner that is fairly surprising. Eiiougl ;
capital is now interested at the lake to assure
its future- success , as nothing that \vould ndi
to it will bo allowed to pass by on account of
lack of funds. At the recent sale of lots
only fourteen were disposed of owing to the
small attendance on account of the excessive Those sold brought good prices , One
of them was bought by Mr. J. J. Mulouoy , o
Hebron , Neb. , who will erect a line residence
there this fall. Tins gentleman has already
completed a two-s > tory building , w ( ch will I
bo used us a restaurant. There tire several I
schemes now on foot for the future of f
Manawa It will bo an attractive winter as i
well as summer resort. His already planned I
to erect a toboggan slide theto aoxt winter ,
and several purtlos have announced their In
tention of putting ice yachts on the lake.
Mr. Mnlonoy will shortly visit Chicago to
purchase a line of boats to put on tlie lake.
Ho will also purchase a yacht for his own
use. Several of the citivcns hero will do
likewise , and before the end of the present
season the Mnnawa fleet will bo double its
present size. Tlio ground on which the club
house of the Omaha boat club now sUnds
wus bought at the recent MO ! by Mr. Frank
Cook , Of this city.
E , n. Shealo. Ioati3 money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business btrictly
conlidontiul. Ofllco SCO Broadway , cor
ner Main ( Street , up-stairs.
Evor.yth.inc1 from a Jewsharp to n
piano at C. 13. Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Try N. I. Tibbetts on groceries , 315
Docs 'i'lipm Up Heavily.
A case oC embezzlement has just como to
light In ono of the wholesale houses in tin's
city.tlmt bids fair to bo very serious for tlio
. embezzler unless , ho bpocdily niakcs good
his stealings. About a year ago Mr. Fulton ,
a member of the Boston Tci company , mis ' !
trusted that ono of the clerks by the name of
James Leo was' robbing the llrm , and ho so
Jnformcd his partner , Mr. HielunonJ , who
scouted tlio the idea. Matters went along
until a short time ugo , when Mr. FnUou
would stand it no lonccr and de-
cluicd that something must be done.
In older to cover up the fuel that Micro was a
watch on the suspected clerk , the work of
bujldlng u boat in the store was begun und
kept up evenings. Much uioro than the
needed amount of evidence was secured , and
the mutter culminated yesterday , when Con
stable Wesley arrested Leo ut the store und
took him bcforo Squire Biggs for examina
tion. Hu confessed everything nnd agreed
to mnko good the deficit if not prosecuted.
The firm assented to this proposition and
hope to have the mutter settled up to-day
Mr. ! iillei ton informed a BKE reporter lust
evening tliat they would not settle for less
than f5,1'OJ.
For the past thico days parties have been
on the watch nnd several have been sen *
into the store to iniiko purchases , and it is
claimed that Leu would ninUo an $3 sale and
put So In his pocket ; that ho has lobbcdtho
cash drawer and also taken out goods with
out charging them to himself. Ho has oven
loaned back some of the money to the llrm
and holds their notes for flOu nnd $ W .
, Ho has claimed to bo a member of
the firm nnd that ho was trying
to get bach "his own money , but both Messrs.
Fulton and ttlchmond deny this , and say ho
never was interested in the Him. Ho wus
very neatly trapped , and now makes a clean
breast of It. According to the statements of
the members of the llrm this systematic
courno of robbery has been going on for over
a year. Unless the embe/zler quietly 10-
tuins the money , the outlook for him is any
thing but-en viable.
Gush talks and wo will save you money
by buying groceries of me. N. I. Tib-
belts , 345'Broadwtiy ,
. J. G. Tiplon bus bargains in renlotuto.
Buy mantels , prates and hearth fur
nishings of the Now York plumbing Co.
Ladies , do not fail to so.o the "Ladies' '
Friend , " 709 Washington avenue.
. Ys Steam.
Yesterday afternoon a lively runaway oc
. curred ia the lower part of the city. The
driver of a diit wagons becoming enraged al
Ills tmilo * bccaust * of their Inability to pull
their loud , beat thorn severely. The mules
resented the treatment , and breaking the
wagon in half started at a lively speed across
the country. They headed for a freight train
which wus then pulllngout. Swerving In theli
course they pulled up along side the train
Tlio truin hud the pole and held its posltioi
around to the buck stretch. Hei e the mule-
pushed their not.cs ahead and attempted toes
cut tlio truin put of Its position. The mule-
attcmutod to cross' the track ahead of tho. esn
Clue , when the wheels stuck uiiri the mule :
stopped. The engineer reversed his engine.
but it was too late/ The cow-cntchrr turned
mulo-cntchcr , nnd picking up nlules nnd
WBBOII threw them safely to ono side. The
mules were bound to win nhd repeated their
effort to cross the track , this time with bet
ter success , for they plunged off Into the
weeds nnd worn lost to view. The team was
afttrward recovered by its owner but llttlo
worse for their experience
Largest stock of bathing suits nt John
Bono & CO.'H. - . t
Peaches lOc per doz. at N I. Tibbetts ,
310 Broadway.
Full line of sheet music nt Counci
Blulls Musiu Co. , U21 Broadway.
Work the
Nine vngs were hauled in Thursday night
from the various railroad yards of the citv ,
where they wcro comfortably ensconced in
their chosen haunts , .ludgo Aylesworth
was not disposed to send them to Jail yester
day moniingeihcr , _ out qf consideration for
their comforfor because ho wished to pro
tect the city treasury , and he discharged the
whole bunch , They were tlie only victims
who spent their night in the cooler. It is imperative -
perativo that some means should bo devised
to make this class of the genus homo earn
its living when visiting this municipality.
There Is no rock pile to tneklc , and ns they
are not compelled to work on the streets they
find It the softest kind of a snap whenever
they happen to fall Into the hands of an of
ficer. A chain gang would enable the oily
to dispose of them very effectually , If they
continued to drift in heie , but it is predicted
that as soon as it wns noised abroad that
Council Bluffs hud adopted the clinin gani ;
system , the visitors of this class would speed
ily become scarce.
Special reduction of 'JO per cent on all
kinds of picture frames , made U > order
for ten days , at , Chatwian's.
- Crafts & CO.'H
loan olli'co , on furniture , pianos. hoi-hCh ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
ana all other articles of value without
removal. All bubiuu&i strictly eontl-
Tlio Chatitaiumn.
A mcqtlng of stockholders In and sub
scribers to the Ghaut uffjua enterprise was
held last evening. Mr. E. ItnsuuMtcr and
Colonel Chase , of Omaha , were over and an
iiriangemi'iit was made by which a grand
rally is to bo hold at the opi'r.i
house Sunday evening in the
interest of this entet prise. It is desired Hint
steps bo taken ut once by which the opening
assembly shull bo held next summer. It is
high time that arrangements are m.ulo for
lecturers , instructor nnd various attractions
for next season. Tlio improvements on the
grounds should also bu started. At the
meeting Sunday night thuro will bo brief ad
dresses by Mr. Hosewater , Colonel Chase nnd
Kev. Mr. Kees. . The house should be packed
for this closing rally , nud the Chnutauipia
cau thus be placed noonco on si basis by which
n grand success will bo assured.
Let everyone bo present Sunday night nt
this Chautauqua meeting.
Arlists prefer the Hallctt & Davis
piaiio , tit C. B. Mubic Co. , 1221 Broadway.
S. \Vadbworth & Co. loan money.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bcchtule.
NainclesH ami Unknown.
The < ; clentlllc curiosity to which reference
was made in yesterday morning's BUB , ivn-
tihucs to bo unnamed and unclassified. During -
ing the day many persons visilcd Tnc Bun
bflico to sen the marvel. At first blush
nearly every one had u name for it. It was
called anything fronl a cat to an elephant ,
but after a close examination Of its puonliar
foj-m every person gave tip in disgust. The
skeleton will remain in TUB Mii : : ofllco
another day nnd it is hoped some one will yet
uppear who bus seen something like It in th
heavens above , the earth beneath or in the
waters under the earth.
l.'ci-sonal Paragraphs.
Andrew and BeHiq Dahany are spending a
season at Colfux Springs.
Mrs. F. L. Harden returned home yester
day morning after u protracted visit to rela
tives in Plnnkinlon , lak.
Jumes Bliss , a former cigar maker of this
city , has returned after an absence of two
years. Ho has been working in several cities
since then , and reports wont very scarce In
his line.
Buy bathing suits at Bono's.
Fresh berries and vegetables at N. I.
Tippcc.nnoo anil Tyler Too.
On account of the excessive heat there was
no indoor meeting of the republican club last
evening. An adjournment wus made until
next Tuesday evening when a club will bo
formed embracing the voters of 18-10.
S. Rief , proprietor of the Pigeon
creek hall , will give ; his monthly danuo
Saturday , July til.
From St. Bernard's hospital , Thursday
July 13 , n lurge dark red cow , white star in
forehead. Any information will bp thank- .
fully received by the Sisters of Meicy.
. ,
Is This What Alls You ?
Do you have dull , heavy headache ,
obstruction of the nasal passages , dis
charges falling from the heild into the
throat , fcomotiinct , profuse , watery , and
acrid , at others , thick , tcnacioub ,
mucous , purulent , bloody and putrid ;
eyes weak , watery , and inflamed ; ring
ing in the cars , deafness , hacking or
coughing to clear the throat , expector
ation of offensive matter , together with
scabs from ulcers ; voice changed and
nabal twang ; breath oiroiibivo ; smell
and taste impaired ; is there a sensation
of ( li//.inoss , with mental depression , a
hacking cough and general ( lability ?
if you have all , or any considerable
number of these symptoms , you are
suffering from Nasal Catarrh. The
more complicated your disease has be-
coino. the greater the number and
diversity of bymptoms. Thousands of
cases annually , without manifesting
half of the above symptoms , result in
consumption , and end in the grave.
No disease is BO common , moro decep
tive and dangerous , or less understood ,
or moro unsuccessfully treated by
physicians. The manufacturers of Dr.
Sago' Catarrn Remedy oiler , in good
faith , a reward of WOO for a case of this
diboaso which they cannot cure. The
Remedy is sold by druggists , at only 50
The wife of ono of the beathnown sporting
mOn of tlio city has been suspicious for some
time that her lord and master was not con
ducting himself in a manner creditable to
her , und she determined to Investigate. She
hired a livery rig at Bruy's stable , und drove
out to the roadhousc , where she found her
recreant lord having a high old thno with
two of the frail females of the city. She at
once returned to the city , packed up her
things and left for Kansas City. The widower
ewer does not want It mentioned , and it Is
not yet announced what legal uctlvn. his wife
will take.
Dtscovcrlca Moro Valuable than Gold ,
Are SANTA ABIE , the California dis-
coyory for.Consumptioil and Diseases ol
the Throat. Chest and Lungs , and CAL
guaranteed cure for Paturrh , Cold ia
the Uoad and Mildred complaints. They
are sold at $1 per package , or three foi
$2.60 , and are recommended and used
by the leading physicians of the Pacillc
Coast. Not secret compounds. Guar
. anteed by the Goodman Drug Co.
Popular Excursion to San Francisco ,
Los Angeles and other pointH in Cali
- fornia are run over the UNION PA
n niia i i M '
Largest Stock , METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods ,
Lowest Prices , Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto.
COCo tn William Sipdantopf ,
. . _ Dealer lo t ffardman , Everett eft Fisher
KMU1 City & Count/ REAL fiSTATE iv , . - -
MUTUAL UIFE IHO. CO. N w York. [ No fl M. Mala . _ / . -g Main SL 1814 CouncU St. Miry'i AV..Oml > .
Co vwv.g x x
Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronaga cn
of Any Banff in the city. , /s Solicited.
SVH , & R , D , Foster , . SMDKE '
0if Class Porcgoj & Jloorc'a
Pomt , Abstracts of Title
_ Wholesale. Santo
Mo. 8 , "p earl "SI
, "
MaiuifiK'turer of Filio C'arrlngca nnd Bugyieb. H. F. HATTENHAUER I alwuys keen in stoulc a larjjo variety or enHtcr
I liavo alwuys a full -itoi'U ti ? si > lei't from. . . , make OamatfCHiWliich I soil at a very low rate.
Call ami eSamino. 1'rii'i-s Low. s. > 27 lo : { ! -i I'ourili .Strcut. I am alway.s ready U > show poods.
Tlie IMattHiiiiiutli Enjjlnoorn
Items of IntcrcMI.
A special telegram from Plattsmouth , pub
lished in yostmlaj 's i > .suo . , conveys the
information that a number of brotherhood
engineers and two brothorl'.ood lli'enien have
gone bick to work on the B. & M. The
chairman of the local executive committee
of tlie brotherhood , in speaking of thu matter
tor josterdny , snid that the Item wns In
the main con cot. but , in justice to a portion
of thu men , u few facts iu connection with
the matter should bo published. Itubcit
Smith and S. E. Wheeler , two of the en
gineers mentioned , have not gone to scab
bing , but , on tlio contrary , Will work in the
shops at PlattsmoUth , both being machinists.
They are both good men , and were ; well liked
by the Burlington oflieials. J. Collmau is
not an engineer , as stated , hut is a llremun ,
and at the timu the strike began was out of
employment ami also out of the brotherhood ,
having be en expelled for drunkenness.
I'nlmer came froai Indianapolis sumo BIX
months since , and isa biotlicrlniod m in , as
are Cubbing and McCoy. Glcason is also a
brotherhood mini , and is > thu only ono toward
whom ar.y especial fcrtroness is frit. Homo
tune ago GloasoitM4taUen siuk. The aider
f.ciit him m charge of one of their men to
I'onca bprings , put him in charge' of n iih.\s- and paid his expenses and thusoof his
family until he was entirely cured. During
ho strike ho has been very vindictive towaiil
lie company , and only three nights ago made
i speech in one of the JiiectjagH. urging tlio
ncii to hold out. The men hero say th it
hey do not c.uc for the men at I'luttsmouth
; niinru\ick. Thut during the entire trotiblo
ho order has said to nil who wished to leave
t .iiui return to wotik. to do so This matter
Iocs not alToet thtj f.mso in thu lo nt. The
'iifjinemca aio confident ot an ultimate nc-
John Francis , jjetiqial pissoiigornnd ticket
igeiitofthc I ) . &M. , went to 'Chicago lu = > t
A. H. JMcClelHn , station agent of the
3rand Trunk iailwny at Woolstock , Oli-
ano , is in the city , tlie guest Of Colonel A.
H. "Forbes.
t- The Trans-Continental association has
been in suv-ion now for nearly a month , and
as yet no changes in tariffs have been an-
louuccd. Froicht Agent Johnson , who is in
ittemlunce at Chicago , Is said to have com-
iletely mastered John Upward Payne's song ,
mil slugsit daily.
Geneial Fieight Agent Munroo , of the
Union Pacific , who lias been QfC on a wedding
trip for some time , will return in a few
The Iowa Editorial association , which a
few days ago p.iised tli rough the city , took
up a collection on the train for a subscription
winch netted WO , which was re
ceived by GenoiMl Passenger Agent Tcbbctts ,
of the Union Pacllio , to bo applied to the
fund for building a monument to the lute
Tnonias J. Potter.
J. H. Green , city ticket agqnt of the Mil
waukee , left lust evening for Manitou ,
Colo. , accompanied by Mrs. Green. Mr.
Green's health h not very good und ho goes
west to recuperate.
ThO Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
has located a fine pietiio grove near Irying-
ton , and next week will take out nn excur
Joint circular No. 12 , issued by the Colorado
rado association , states tliat on and after
July 'M , 1S > S , the following rates will apply
between Missouri river points und Denver ,
Colorado Springs , Pueblo , El Moro and
Trinidad. Colorado , and other common
points : Mercliandlso in cents per 100 pounds ,
lirst class l.liO , second class fl.80 , third
class $1 10 fourth class W ) cents. Cur loads
of not loss than tlio minimum ns shown in
classification , nor moro than marked crip icily
of car in cents per 100 pounds ,
filth class " . " > ceato , class A S3 cents , class B
O."i cents , class C ! ( " > " > cents , cities D 45 cents ,
class E 40 cunts.
The IJ. ft M. issued n notice yesterday
that tourists' tickets would bo sold good until
October 31 from Missouri riVer points to
Estes park , Colorado , at f-iS for the round
trip. Estes park is one of the finest resorts
in the west and largo numbers will doubtless
avail themselves of this opportunity.
Drink Malto. io ! ccntsa bottle.
Snmetliinn About IVator.
"Water is one of the secrets of cook
ing1 faontontiously said a well known
chef up town to a Now York Mail and
Express reporter.
" 1 suppose you mean that all food in
its raw state should bo washed ? " .
"Nothing of the ( kind , " replied the
artist. ' 'Few cooks understand the-
many ollects produced by hard und soft
water in cooking'vegetables and meat.
It peas and beans , for instance , are
cooked in hard water , containing limo
and gypsum , they will not boil tender ,
because these < jubatnucc8 have a tqnd-
ency to harden vegetable casoino.
Now , many vegetables , as onions , boll
nearly tasteless In heft water , because
all the flavor is boiled out. The addi
tion of salt often chocks this , as in the
case of onioiiH , causing the vegetables
to retain their peculiar flavoring
principles' , besiA fc t.uch nutritious
matter as might bo lost in the soft
water. Some of the finest dishes in the
world are ruined by the use of hard
water when soft is required. It is a
science that can best bo learned by
actual experience ? in the capacity of an
assistant chef. It requires a long ap
prenticeship and a natural apptitudo
to become a great cook and to under
stand water , Now , to extract the juice
of meat to make a broth or K > up boft
water , uiibalted and cold at first , is the
best , for it much moro readily pene
trates" the tibsue. lint for boiling ,
where the juices should bo retained ,
hard water or boft water salted is pref
erable and the meat should bo put in
while the water is boiling , so as to close
up the pores at once. I have two" as
sistants , and once a woelc I lecture them
on the proper use of hard Und soft water
in copking certain dishes. In answer
to your 'facetious question above I nlll
state that not only raw fooa khould be
c' < an but that wnt > r gocg a long way in
keeping si cui&iiu * ina healthy .sanitary
condition. ' '
NO no 10.
SPiCl.Ui : advertisement * , such as f.ost.J'ound ,
To l.oiui , I'or Stale. To K-jat\Vnnts , lloarillng ,
etc . Nlll be In-ortol la this column nt the low
rnloofTC.N rilNTri I'lIlU.INK
lor the ilrst In
sertion and l'iVnts 1'cr Line for ench sub-e-
iiueiit intuition. I.CM.Mluheitbcments nt our
cilllcc , M > 1' . ' I'earl Street , ueur Uroad\\ay ,
CoiincllJJluirs. IIHMI.
T7U > USAI.r.-Or trade , lits 4 nml r In blocks
JU 'IVrw Illager's tut. Apply to W. Ij. 1'iitton ,
L'TNoithM uln street.
IIBST rurnlblicd room , No I noitli
' st.
IT'OIt ' , i : A good. RC'iitlo family _ ,
-L nls i liUKt-y. r IJ , llfi' olllcu C'oimc'll ItliUIs.
b ltl'SMA IXO Also pliilnsewlni ; done nt
No. II.J7 Thlid avenue , or by the day.
w ANTii : ) Two gltls to luTit on tablu at
Allen's restumant , 400 llroadwny.
Ipdlt SAIii : Tlio best small fruit and vexetu
liltfiirm In Tottawattumlo i-ounty , two
miles Inim Council lllulls po tolllee , ut a prlco
that will sell 11 , on remiukably easy terms.
Title pi'ifectaudplopeity in good condition.
I'oK'-ussloil jthen any time. ( Seed reason lor
selllnr. H. T Iti'iiint , V Co. , ( i'JS llioadway ,
Counetl lllulls , In.
_ _
FDlt TIIADi ; Several stocks of merchandise
ills' ) improved mid unlmpro\ud faims. John-
hton \ Van fatten. (11 ( Jl.iln ht.
rpo JUINT Immedlrttel- < ir" the butnmcr. ft
1- good fnrnlshiMl lionsu. U ) rooms ; dosutand
liathroom ; Uty water. Apply oil premises , blJ
ftth live.
" \ \7 ANT To oxch in 'o Nem nvku or Ayisconslu
lunn l.iniis for Count 11 lllulls or Onmlm
propei ty Or inurclmmll&u. 0. 1' . McKesson.
\ \ fANTnj- ) Stocks nso Fliivii
> Oinnh.i and Council Hlulfs city property ,
air o ustern lund to uxulianire for mJUll * . Call
on or aildittss .JohimiaA ; Christliiu , Uocm 35 ,
Cliamber of Commurcc. Omaha.
T710K SAU : Atr luiivaln , V > acres stock
J. yards , Houth Omaha , Neb. , Johnson &
CluHtimi , Hyom 3j , Cluunber of Commerce ,
Uiuaha. _ _ _ _
Instructor of Music
No. Ill Statesman street , Council IJlulTs , and
.Melnlit'rji s iluslc Htoie , Dodge stieet , Omaha.
PI.UMIICUM > m.uKii : IN
NO. 521 > \IN ST. ,
< I > UE ! , Itl.Ul-'i'.S , : : KUWA
M. B. SNYDEB , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Discascsof Women and Children ,
307 llroafiwav. Council lIlulTn.
DCOUroailway Council llluira , Iowa.
0 ;
The Morris Typo Writer Is a piactlcsl , well
made anil finely flnLibi'd nuchlnA , uiuliomlilnei
tllu perfect lettering , exact alllvnmrnt , .and
rapid wrHInc of uhlslMirlceil writer. The lil-
SJON MI.MKOdllAl'ir. tfie bes $ npnuratils imuto
for manifolding autographic uml typo writer
work ; ; ! . < XXJ copies can be takwi. TVPfi WHITISH
kiiBplUu for f ale. 8 ml for circulars. . The Ex-
c ulor Co. , Ouiicll HluUU. ! .
MeBtlontb ) ) > * per.
181' ! . INCOUl'OUtVTKU 1879
CO. ,
SIZES FROM Ksprclnlly Adapted M
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
SpeclUcntlons nnd estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Itoi nliitton , DnrnliUlty ( lunri
lintccd. Can show letters from tiseri vhcio fnol Kcouomy Is eipial lth Corliss Npn-Coudonslui ; .
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
DR. C. B. J U DD.
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commissiou or salary.
on M. DllOIIMCII , 5i : § Hroudway , whorv you will I'ccoivo
the IllKlicttt Cash Fricv.
Wrought and Cast IIIUII If UIIII FO R
lliuildinrjs , A ntomatic JUffhcul Economy ,
llepulr * . Xew C 2d Hand lulU Simpllclta and Durability
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avoiiuo , Council BlufftIa. Telephone 100. i
H Pi RUIN PINT " Hydraulic and Sanitary Kngineer. Plans , Estimate/ /
UllminDMlL" Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Bjown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 'n '
Dl iDUT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , llo
DUrmL" Pearl St. , Council Binds , Iowa. ' , -v
" " " " " 1"B "J * " * HW MM M MM1 MMMMMVWMtMMMMMM MMM ,
N Justice of the Peace. Ofllcc o\cr American Exprets , No , 419
. Bioadw.iy , Council Blnfl'h , Iowa. j
Ki QIIW1Q Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Federa
" "
( it OIIYlO" Courts. Ollke Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-lieno Blodc , '
Council Ithi Us , Iowa.
C Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Councj
j Iowa. 1
MU PUAr\/IDCDI / IM R/I / H Speclnllbt In dl3iMea of Ilye. Ilnr , N'o'o unit
i Mi LnA VI LjtriLI \ V ! IJ Thnmt. Clnsucs.\crnrutcl ) Prcscrlln-a. Cutl
I IIIP i M i , , , ' n r" troatca bv mull ufti-r tlrst consultation.
CouiicfumillHlo'00 IU ° W"y' ltubllle"co' ( I | ° JJIllir . , loC , 7. UtoB:30 : ,
From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
IT" "
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
J5tl lOIJii/AS ) ST. , O.M.i \\K1J
" '
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Markei Prices. Prompt
13 } * ua &S Mala Str tCimcil llluJs.low * .
Star Stables and Mule Yarda
lli > i'-s iind mulrx roiutulitly on bum ! ( or said
at ftiillorln t-.ii 1 H. ,
Orcifrspiomptly tilled by contract on ibort
Htock sold mi commission.
r lepU u 114. A ; DOI.KV.
Oi > f > bli Dummy Depot , Council lilutt * .