Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    9cprvr * rvfir *
tlosult of Yesterday's Investigation
By the Bonrd o'f Regents' .
HCPSO of AVnlioo Tnkcs the
Hlntiit In Ilclinlf ul * Chancellor
Itfiltintt Ilio Testimony
LINCOLN Dcnnvtr or inn OMAHA Hnc , )
1029 p STimr.r , >
Lixtnt.x. July 13. }
The Investigation Into the charges against
ChancclIorMnnatt was resumed this morn
ing lioforo the board of regents. Permission
ivns granted the respondent to Introduce
JudgeKcosc , \Vnioo ! , to testify In Ills be
half , us ho was compelled to leiivo on the
noon train for homo and could not remain.
Ho was therefore called Jlrst and sworn ,
tobtlfj Inir that ho had .iK'Micrnl ac < iuulntanco
over the utatc of Nebraska , and know and
liad itiiowlcdfo of the guiioinl reputation of
the management , of the university under
Chancellor Munntt , and that the reputation
was peed and mot with the general , if
iiot universal commendation of the
people of the stiito ; that under IU iirescmt
mining incut it hail been brought Into har
monious and working rulnlton < with the hlfjh
schools of the state , and thioiiKii them wllli
the common pchooli , thereby rcautiluu the
peojlo ) of tlio whole state ; Unit Its work was
of a hign ordorand Us discipline and lluun- condition in every way improved ; Unit
ho wiis not familiar nnu had no personal
knowledge of tlio iclations existing between
the chancellor nnd the faculty ; Hint the
chancellor and university were en titled to and
cnjojcd great credit , and received iou from tlic people throughout
the stulo for ( ho worU which had boon tic-
complishcd by tlio luimmlstr.itlon. Uross-ov
amined , the Judge said : ' ! do not say Hint
tills ( iiosporous.state lias boon jertclicd by
the work of the chancellor alone. The
faculty nnd board of regents may como infer
for a proper share of the credit. "
1'iof ( ScorgoJj llowaul , icgarded ns the
"illumed knight" of the opposition , and who
( 'itvu his evidence in chief at the conclusion
of hist night's ' session , next took the Bland to
undergo cioss-oxmtiltmtloli , lie said that ho
became a student of the uuivetsily In the
year lSi : , and graduated in 1870. Sinud
that date ho hnd bcori constantly
In the employ of the university ; was. present
nt the meeting so often referred to when
the first outwaid trouble arosto between the
chancellor nnd McMillan. "I certainly
could see nothing In the statement of the
latter that would have glvi1n offense to nny
man with a clear conscience , " said the pro
fessor. "Tho reply of the ohnneollor was
substantially as given by nearly every for
mer witness on the stand to-day. Jt was
nn attack upon the piofosskmnl stand
ing nnd clmrneterof Piof. McMillan. It was
followed by. precipitate retirement from his
chair and th6 room. Ho btated that ho hud
appealed from the decision of tlio chair just
four timed during tlio chancellor's udminls-
liation , and with otio exception ho was the
onlj piofussdr who had done BO 1 sneak
under oath. The chancellor Is ponuralli of
fenslvo in his address , but it is of such a
nature- that you can not resent , however
keenly \pu may feel It. "
Tlio \ \ Itncss stated that the manner and
method of the chancellor In addiesHltig his
questions to tlio witnesses BIIICU thin exam
ination comim-timl furnished a fair illustra
tion of what tlio faculty had endured dutlug
the past four jours. The meetings of the
facult\ were ulway.s made unpleasant by the
inunnor find bearing of the chancellor. Ho
could not cnduio-opposition to his oxprcssscd
opinions , however open they iniglil have
been to criticism and objections , and when
ever ventures were made In this direction the
irritable temper of the chancellor was al
ways manifest. "Tho great trouble , gentle
men , " said the witness , "lic in the fact that
lie luelib s-lncority , and this leads lo the sus-
' pieion that ho is not honest. I do not 10-
( 'uid lilln us open , honest imd ingenuous. I
distrust him in all his relations with the
faculty. "
The witness cited one or two Instances
that guvo him peisonal knowledge. One
was of a business clmracter and related , to a
raisu of Piof. Caldwell's. ' salary. The clian-
cellor opposed any advixnco and opposed
whatever recommendations that may have
been made by the faculty : afterward , when
comprehending the scope of Gtildwell's work ,
BO stated , ho consented to the uiiso asked ,
and'so recommended the matter to the board
Df regents. "i'ut his method it : this matter
lo impressed mo that I seriously question his
candor mid honesty , ' , said the witness. "Tho
university has continued to KIOW in ppltoof.
Uio chancellor , but under unfavorable cir-
DU instances. "
I The gist of Prof. Howard's tes
timony was jrlvon by Profs. McMillan , Hicks ,
Little and Mrs. Lloyd , Involving tlio chan
cellor's irascibility , dictatorial spirit , inter-
roronccs in the relation of the faculty to thotr
Classes , interventions , mannerism and bear
ing , in nlrtho just nnd legitimate nnd ns-
turned responsibilities ns the head of the
University of tno state. Ho added but llt-
llo that would glvo now light upon the
charges and complaints preferred by the
hltimnl association. But ns before stated , ho
Is iciognlred us the "plumed knight , " of the
Opposition to tlio administration , and what
bo had to say was looked upon as the cream
Df the denouncements. Ho hlmply made the
testimony of the proceeding witnesses more
positive. Ho stated that ho never had had
any thought of aspiring to the chancellor-
> hlp.Prof.
Prof. Howard's cross-examination , con
Quoted by Judge Mason , was keen nnd
fceurchlng. Sharp "bouts and pleasantries' "
Worn freely Indulged in between the exam
liter and examined. But the testimony was
In no material way shaken. Many sharp ut
terances made uy the witness on his his ex
amination In chief nxalnst the chancellor
provoked "nudiblo smiles" from all who
ivcro in sympathy with the alumni associa
tion , but proved to bo opinions based upon
bib personal convictions and facts perhaps
jvnrrauUng > the sharp cxnrcsslons. Prof.
Siownrd was sccmlucly very frank , and oneo
6r twice during the examination rather
sought to "tell more" by turning inter
locutor , lint his answers to the respond
ent's questions wore keenly Ironical and sar
castic. Prof. Howard admitted that ho was
Indebted to tlio chancellor for the richest
filtim ho has aside from his university chair ,
viz : the secretaryship of the SUite histor
ical society.
Miss H. P. Moore , who Is In charge of the
nit department , was called and sworn , Sbo
Btutcd that she. hud no personal knowledge
that the chancellor over treated the faculty
unUlndly in ofllnnl relations ; that her griev
ances were personal and separate. She then
recited that she came to the university to
lake charge of the art department by the
Written request of Prof. Sherman , In 1SS-I ,
Who acted upon the authority of the chan
cellor. The letter tendering the position to
IMibR Moore was Introduced in evidence. It
dimply stated that Lincoln was n city of
tame twenty thousand people , but that the
doiinrtinvnt was not directly estab
lished ns a work of tlio univer
hlty ; that there were students
who desired Instruction in nit and that she
could have what there was in it. Mutters
went smoothly for n time. Clashing * fol
lowed. The chancellor opposed nor woik ,
nml contemplated progressions. Witness
worked with the assurance of no minimum
lees and was bitterly opposed and discouraged
invbtablUblngacollcgcof Hue urts by the
Utgcut Uurnham asked hero what this
toatiruony had to do with the charges or in
vestigation. Satisfactory explanation was
Jiot Riven , but the witness was put upon u
cross-examination , the chairman of the board
evidently having concluded to give the In-
vohtigatlon the widest possible scope. It ,
however , elicited nothing of any special in.
tciebt. Miss Moore simply wanted to ottnb-
lish n college of flue arts nnd was vigorously
opposed bv tbo chancellor as untimely and
After nsiembllng at 2 o'clock for the after
noon session , Kegcnt Hurnlmm moved nn
adjournment until next Tuesday at 0 o'clock.
Tins was done to give the prosecution n
chance to look over their evidence , nnd to
Rive UMJ respondent nn opportunity to pro-
ji.uchls defense , and because the Investiga
tion could not bu ilnlshed this week. Tha
motion carried. It Is only necessary to add
that Ri Kramer's testimony will close the
caRO adverse to the chnncqllor. In the event
that ho can not bo found , specltication RCVCII
of the c'farpcs of the ntuiuul against the
vlaucellor will Ire withdrawn
Tlib Musllicsq Men's Association Mnlies
u Move.
At Thursday night's meeting of the
Husiness Men's association. Uio following
resolutions were adopted :
Whereas , This association has learned with
slnceri'regret that tlio prolcetot-s of the Pal
ace of Products 1ms seen tit to abandon this
most worthy and laudable enterprise ; nnd
Whereas , Whllo wo donot desire to In tiny
manner cast a reflection upon the business
nion of Omaha , or these who put forwaid the
iffort to secure the necessary- amount to
nuke the venture n success , we believe that
.ho cr.ind any worthy object should not bo
abandoned , ami
Whereas , Wo believe that the contom-
> latcd 1'iilnco of Products would bo n Brand
and most praiseworthy enterprise ; that It
vould show to the world that the products
Of Nebraska would surpass anything of the
clnd ever collected together , and that the
ntoresh of Nebraska demand of tlio city of
Omaha an opportunity to show what-tho soil
nnd rllinato of the pride of the west Is capa-
ilc of producing , and
WIIMIUAS , The proposed palace of products
Becms to meet the approval of the press and
ho pcoplo throughout the state , and that
thcfo should bo a united and determined of-
' 011 on the part of every organ ballon in the
illy , as well ns of every business man , to
ti.ko hold of this enterpilse and make it a
grand nud glorious success. : therefore ,
Hesolved , That the cxocuUvo commltteo of
.ho Omaha Uuslncss Men's association re
spectfully request that the board Of trade ,
the Palace of Products association and the
"nioii ulub call a special rse.Hlng of their re
spective associations to w nsidcr tills matter ,
nnd" that the Omaha Hiulncis Men's asocla- !
lon promises in ndvar-'o its most lidnrty and
jarncst co-operation in any move that may
jo made which will make sure the organlza-
ion of nn association which will take lin-
nrdinto steps towards n successful exhl-
'Hlon of Nebraska's products.
IJcsolvcd , That u committee of three be
ippolnted by the president of this association
.o confer with such committees as may bo
ippolnted by other associations , with a view
to perfecting nn orgrini/allon which will
nako Itpo.-tslblo for the citUens of Omaha to
ipurato in a way that cannot but icsult in
ho greatest good to Omaha and tlio state of
After the , adoption of the resolutions the
'ollowlng committee- was appointed : 1) . J.
O'Domihoc , Z. T. Lindsay , W. H. Taylor.
Your IIouso ( in Klro.
Not the house of wood , brick , orstono ,
n which you liyo , but vnur bodily tene
ment may bo in terrible danger from
imnuUloriti tire which jou nial.o no of-
'orl ' to ijuonch. Tlio irrcnl dimmer from
mpin-o blood is Unit it ilobllitatos Uio
systcnl , find the ili < rcstivo , orgnus { 'row
weak and initutivc. IIoOd'3 Sarsaparilla
combines the best kidney nml liver in-
viffonitoi1 , while the bust alteratives
ind tonics , all from the vcgctnblo Idnir-
1om , carefully nnd understamlinyly
iiepurod Jn 11 concentrated form , it
nirillos , vitiili/.es and enriches the
ilooil nnd tones uj > the system , giving
, ho whole body vitality , and ollcctunlly
'unnling ' it against the tittauks of dis-
They Show the Klnniicc ? of the County
I'rom .lanuary 4 to July 1.
The rncelpls aio as follows :
1'olal amount of taxes collected. . . ? 331oj3 44
Collections on sale of poor farm
lots 23,401 17
Miscellaneous collections 44la Oi
Total SI2j,133 53
Warrants i cdeomed 123,13 ! ! ! )7 )
[ 'aid to state treasurer 'Urj ( I . " 5
I'aid to school district treasurer. . . 31,71 ! ) IS
I'aid to city village treasurer r,7ll ! 03
itcdcniptioni p.iid C > , i07 \
ialftnes , 3,40000
Siiixirvisor'B receipts redeemed. . . 1,42" > 00
Vlllagotax i-Qfundcd 7 43
Total MGOU19 32
II\IANCG ON 1HS1) JfLV 1 , l SS.
State funds S .VJ.IBIJ 02
Hospital building fund 81,803 7S
City and village taxes 4lSi Oi
School fund , . . . 43liSO (50 (
County funds 1I24)07 ( )
Total 331,713 03
"See how white my teeth are growing ,
Satisfactorily showing , "
Said , n lady to her friend , t'other day ,
"That this standard preparation
Merits highest commendation "
It was SOZODONT , I scarcely need to say.
Drink MiUto.
\Vns That of the Expiring Board of
Kiliicntion ,
It has been currently reported , nnd com
mented upon rather lavishly in the city press ,
that the old board of education at their ex
piring meeting , had chosen all the now teach
ers for the ensuing year. This Is erroneous ,
Secretary Piper assures Unu reporter.
The only tcachorsappointcd were those of the
old ones the board thought advisable to re
tain , not a single now appointment was made ,
nor none of the janitors selected. He said ,
in fact nothing was done but what nil retir
ing boards are accustomed to do , and no dis
courtesy whatsoever was shown toward the
incoming board. There remains about forty
touchers to bo appointed and other positions
to l > o Illled , which will bo done nt the lirst
regular meeting of the now board , which
will be held next Monday evening.
IlorHford'H Aciil Phosphate.
I ( 'you nro Nervous ,
nn < l cannot sleep , try U.
Jamleson'H Parents Howl nn ICplstlo to
The parents of Jniicison , the young man
who was clubbed so severely by Ofilcer
Bloom and afterwards Hied at St. Joseph's
hospital recently , wrote a letter to Division
Freight Agent Worraok , of the Union Pu-
clllc , expressing their gratitude for the
favors rendered their sou in his illness.
In connection with the mutter it mav not
bo out of order to state that it is believed
that Jnmioson's brother , who was in the city
n short time ago , has put the matter in tlio
iiands of the English consul tit San Fran
cisco , nnd it is possible that something may
bo heard in regard to the matter very soon.
One touch of kindness thut a house'
keeper will appreciate is the presenta
tion to her of several bottles , nay of one
bottle , of Van Duzor's Flavoring Ex
tracts which nro known anil esteemed in
every properly ordered household for
their ascertained purity , delicacy and
height of llavor. They nro particularly
economic , necchsitating the use only of
the least quantity , and the bottles of the
live diiroront sizes contain more than
tlio average. All grocers sell them.
"On the Shelf. "
"Who is to bo the next United States
marshal for this district ! " was asked of Jim
Ciclghton yesterday.
"I'm a mossbnck ; I'm on the shelf nnd
dasn't say anything , " was the laughing ro-
Prepared by a combination , proportion
tion and process peculiar to itself ,
IIood'sSni > apurilla accomplishes cures
heretofore unknown.
JOO'H Wrist.
Joe Teahon has a sprained wrist. Ho sus
tained it in getting- off n horse ear with a
heavy bundle. He carries an accident policy.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When nuby WM rick , we Rave her Cutoria.
When ehe iru ft Child , she cried for Costoria ,
Whim glie became MIs. % eho clung to GostorU ,
VThen she had Children , ehe gave them CastorU
Iti superior exrellenco proven In millions of
lomci tor tlnn a uunrtT of u century. It
Is lucd bythn Pnltcd Btntot ( lo\o-mnent. I'.n-
Wrsi'il by the hpads nt tlio Kroat universities HI
liKHtioiiKCit , pun-it and nust he ; 1 hCul. Dr.
[ 'rices < 'learn lutclng I'owili-r does nor contain
ammonl.i , Itmanr nlnm. Sold nnlv In emu.
Now York , Chicago. fct. Louis.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated by the IpgUluture In IfcW. for I'd- ioiml nnd Ihnrilnblu pnrpo < o , nnd Ita frnn-
Uilso nuidi ) n part of the pioiont Statu Constitu
tion , In 1MI > , by an ovi'rulielniliiR popular \oto.
take iiluco goml-Annually. ( Jmit * mid December )
nnd Its ( ! I1\NI ) SlNdl.lI iNI Mlllllt DltAW-
1N(1S ( tnkoplace on encliof tljootlicrton montlis
In the year , ami lire nil drawn In public , at the
Academy of Music , New Oilcans , ln.
AVe do hereby certify that uo supervlso the
nrr.inncmc'iitH lor till the .Monthly nnd Seml-An-
mini l > iawliu ; ! < ot Ihu JxMil-iI.inu St.ilo Lottery
Company , nnd In person iliiinaKO and control
the Drawings th m c > K < . ' ! i , anil tint the s-amo
nro condiictid with honesty , fullness , nnd In
nooil liilth trtwnrdull pirtlc-s , nnd wo alithoilzu
thecotnpuny to USB this crrtlllcate , with f.xc-
hlmllcs of our slgnatuics nttnclird , lu its adver
tisements. "
\\"o the undersigned llnnfts nnd Bankers will
pay nil 1'Uzes drawn In 'I ho Louisiana State
IjOttoilus uulih may bo presented atour coun
ters ,
It. M. WALM3LUV , 1'res Louisiana Nat. Mk.
] 'IiUKi : : LANAUX , 1'ies.fatfito Niifl Ilk
A. HA LDWIN , I'ros. Now Oi lenns Nut 1 Ilk.
UAKL KOHN , 1'ies. t nlon National Hank.
In the Acailomy of Jtuilo , Now tr
loans , Tuesday. Atiff. 7,1888.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
1CO.OOO . Tickets nt Twenty Dollars each ,
Helves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
T.ISTOV rill/ES.
i viii7.r. or J.TKM ) ii . S.TKVOI
1 I'lll/r. OK ICO.OiUia . 10J.WX1
i IMUXI : or wi.oo.tis wi.w-3
i pitr/.i : or ITI.MJOI- , .o o
a iMiix.r.s or iii.cojme > norjo
fi I'IM/r.S OF nkM ( arc J-'VIX )
E5 TKI/.iS : OK l.UOi ) nro 2.VO3
lee i'Ki'/ns or rm uro
Ml 1'IIIX.KS Ol' SKI nro ( AOX ) )
00 MtlX.iS : OK 2JO nro ICO.WA )
Arl'llOXIMATlU.V I'R ! B3.
ICO Prizes of.00 nro . TO.OOO
11X1 do. nonro ) . MJWO
1UO do. tX aio . . . SiUGO )
KX ) do. ICO nro
do. lUOiire . i"WJ
3,131 I'llzrs , amounting to Tl.Oil.rO )
Noir. lltkcUilrawhiK C'ni'll.U 1'rlzui are not en-
tllltHl toti'rmlnul 1'rlzi-i.
tftau Ci.uii ItATJ.s.or any furllior Infornuillon
1e lrcil , write It-Blbly lo tlio inulcrtlxnoJ , cli'iirly ftiit
imynur ro ldoiico , with Mntc , Ciiunty , htrcpt uml
Number. Mora rnplil return niiill ilcllvory will bo af-
urcilliy > ouc cnclotlnif 1111 J.'nveloi o buliiliiK ) uur
r-enil I'O.s'i'AI. ' NOTlM , Krpros Slonoy Onler , of
Now York Kxilnuifo In onllnury lottcr , Currency by
Kiiri sut our expense ) nrtdresscd
New Orleans , I . ,
WuslilnKlon , D. C.
Address Registeredletters to
Nuw Orleain , I.u.
lT T\TI T\TTiT lJ 'l"1'10 l > ro' iroofien-
ly , who uro In clmrxo of tlio dnivvli'icK , li 11 KUiirunit'e
of awolutoTnlrni'iinnil Intri-Krlty , tliatlhocli.uiroa
nrc ! all Mcml | , anil Unit no DUO tan iiusalbly clhlno
lull number 111 rlravr a 1'rl-u' .
HKMiMniilnl : : o.tliMt Hie pnynipntot l'rl os It
OUAltANTIIKI ) 11Klllll N.V110.NAI. HANKS ( it
Now Orli'tina , anrt tjm TkkctH are | KIHH | hy tie | rro l-
tlLMitof an Inslllntlcin , vho clnnli'rcd lights uru
nieoKiilzi'il In the lilghutt ( . ' < > tliurulnrobovaro ;
of any Imltatluns or anonymous nclinuiCH , "
honestly ntlmit that they can't euro
Rheumatism mid Neuralgia. Others
hutdon't. Ath-lo-
gay they can - - . - -
iho-ros says nothing hut. cures ,
That'll the word of its hucce .
Years of trial have jiroicJ it to bo
a quick , sttfc , sure cure.
Coiiconl , N II.3t | > t.3 , JS37
In myowiifninlly AtlilnjJioruswanuvsl
an a last tvxort , ( ho UHT Iu\lnv xmlrml
from tbcumntiam for J-JM anil Imlnu
liet > u trrslcil for llm dl > a > e brdllTeniit
Iliikldaiu lu thin htale mid MavutUii.
KO n without cvrn tcmi > orary nliif.
I'ltm ' niv rcronmuliititloii M'orertnf ptiu.
I'll ) ln\ttiiHo < ltlijH nsimly with tlin f.nnu
res\ilt claliiRil tor It. U , 11 WIIJ-ON.
. . . I > uliuiiir | , Inwn. Jan. 3 , Iwi.
AlliloplioroH liis completim rur l Ino ot
nervous hcmlacba , nnJ I fctl llunUlul for
all tlio good It htm dune inf.
Mrx. I.mtur. CiiEnnv.
-Scna G cents for tlio Ix-nullfnl < olore < l pic
ture. "JtooiWi Muldcn. "
Soitury's Sulphur Candls :
Tor disinfecting Hosels.
Itoonis , Celln < s , Sinks , St
Outhouses , Chlck ( n 0'6pps ,
DON'T ' YOU Cnpcs &c. '
Seatury's HydronaphtholSoap ,
Vor diseases ot the Skin nnd
Ho ilp , HLC'I as ivttt r Hinsworm ,
Kczunui , rriible.t. Scnlny , Krnp-
ONE OR tloiiK , Itclilni ; . SncntliiK reel ,
Dtindnitl , railing ; llnlrc. .
Hydronaphthsl Pastilles
MORE OF Tor purlf j ln the Sick loom , ox- ,
tcrnilniitlng lus-'iis iincl oUiniu-
mint : dlse.ibu fiirms. ;
THESE Mead's Cora & Sunioa Plajtcrs
lor 1'oot tio'ible-i.
ARTICLES ? Benson's Plaster
Tor Aches nnd 1'alns. r-old by
n 1 Drtirelsts.
Sole MumifacturerA , New York.
Tald Up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 50,000
H. W. VATES. President.
8. llKKD , Vice PresWent. .
A. K.TouzAMN.i.'nd Vice President.
\V. 11. 8. IlL'GllKS , Ciiililo
\v , v. MOIISK , JOHN B. Coi.t.iss ,
11.V. . VATES. U : wis S. Uircu ,
Hanking Olllco
, Corner 12tli and Farnam fits.
A Oenorul Hanking Huglni > 8sTraU8ncted
Tft WCftlBlf M offering frtmlS. rt.
I II " * " I" II ' " o'J , " < l > ful tr-
1 MB . nlk In rora. early rttrnjr , lo t
hunhood . t < v 1 oil" VnTValuaMu InallwUii-aUd )
rfnlalninic full liaillcularf fur LOIDQ curv , ( ivtt ot
. Cftalve AMrf > . ,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER. Moodu , Conn.
ontinental Clothin
. House
Clothing House West of t i m mi m
We will send packages containing suits of clothing , clotns and woolens of all kinds kept
in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota , Colorado , Kansas and Wyo
ming O. O. D , , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article
of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for the inland
if not perfectly satisfactory , returning1 goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding -
ceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we
have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfactory -
tory results. You take no risk. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they
do not please you.
Corner 15th and s Streets , Omaha , Nebraska
At this . time of . the . year . , we send our . agents . throughout , the clothing country to. secure i
v 4-1-v * - * wv * lv * - * ! - * * * * * f + * j-x4 > < 4-T-.xv l h x n4 * w v- kI'k -s. 4. * J-k41 < I r * - < - -hT * w rfl 4-y t rf-kn 41 r\w * m n TT P * in TT I 1 1 * f * II 1 T * TTTT * u * *
ing. Bargain seekers , this is a chance of a lifetime to obtain a good suit , and one that will fit ,
for a mere song. In this slaughter of fine clothing will be found.
137 .Cheviot Sack Suits at $8 ; made to order for $18.00
124 Square Cut Worsted Sack Suits at $12 , made to order for 28.00
136 Four Button Cutaway Sack Suits , neat checks , at $12 made to order for 35,00
247 FourButton Cutaway SuitsImp Clay Worsteds at $18. made to order for 45.00
135 Prince Albert Suits , in latest colorssilk , faced , at $22 , made to order for 55.00
MARX YOU : These are not old and shop worn suits , but every garment guaranteed to have
been made this season by tailors of the highest known art. Tne most skeptical buyers of
clothing are cordially invited to visit our stores and carefully examine these Bargains , where
every attention will be shown them by our corps of polite and attentive salesmen.
Dn'i Fail to Look through Our NOBBY LINE OF TROWSERS , prices ranging from $2,01
to $8 , embracing all She Latest Foreign Novelties.
All Alterations to Improve a Fit , Made Free of Charge.
1119 Farnam Street , Omaha. 1119
Prompt attention paid to all mail orders.
UE.NT , a euurantoed snocltlc for Hysteria , Dlrzl <
ness. Convulsions. Kiln. Nervous Neuralgia ,
tlcachicne. Nervous 1'rostratton , caused by tha
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefuluess , Mental
Depression , 8ortenln < ? of the Urnln , resulting In
Insrtnlty. nnd leadlni ; to ralserv , decay and
death. Premature Old Age , Uarrenncss , Loss of
] ' In either sei. Involuntary J.osses and
Bpermatorha-a caused by over-exertion of the
brain. Belf-abuie or over-Indulgence. Each box
contains on * month's treatment. tl.OO a box , or
MX boxes for $5.00 , sent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt ot price.
To cure nay case. With each order received by
ns for sir boxes , accompanied with KM , we
will send thp purchaser our written guarantee
toiefundthe money if the treatment does not
effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by O. F.
GOODMAN , Dnimrtst , Solo Agent , UIO Farnam
Etreet. Omano. Neb
Advertising- always pi-oycn
successful. Before placing an ;
Newspaper AdvirtUliiK consul
KMitlvketntU CHICAGO-1
Unforrnented an < J not
intoxicating. Acts like
> a charm in all cases of Diar
rhoea and Dysentery and all
Btomnrh and bowel troubles.
Grateful alike to women , chil
dren and convalescents. Gives
n delicious flavor to ice-water ,
lemonade or soda-water.
Imported nnd bottled by
MinALoviTcn , FLETCHER & Co.
Cincinnati , O. For sale by
lue following denier * : Tllch nl on Inu < 'o. , lllako
llrucoiJo. | . , .Artier A. Holler , ( iUditono llros. \ Co.
1-rank Dellono A. Co. , U. 11. Orotto. uml all wholesale
nnil retail drusutsti , Ilijuor dcalcri and wine oicr-
cbatu every wlicrc.
mild. lo tbliicurrtnu ot
rough all vttk pinritriot- hnllh and YijorouiSirtngth. tlectrla
Currinl tf-fclt buuuly or . .furf.It tsTuX ) In cailk.
Or l llinpn > ivcoift 'jo f all other Ulli. TVortl cutiricr-
State Line.
To Glasgow-Ilclfast , Dublin and Lhcrpool
From Naw York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin nnssnco 11 nml } V ) , ucconMnj , ' to location
ot btatu room , nxcurnlou $ < > . > to VJM.
BtecraKQ to and from I'.uropu ut Lowest Hates ,
AUSTIN IIALUW1N & CO. , Oon'l Ah'ents ,
KJ HrvmilwHy , Now York.
JOHN DUiar.N. Gen'l W torn AgniU ,
1R4 llaiidolph St. , Chicago.
1IAHUY K. JIOOHES. Agent. Omuha.
Reduced Cubin Riitca to GlusL'ow Ex
Perfect Hiding Buggies.
Breaking Carts.
Itcntonablo PIcc ( .
Bohanon Carriage Coij "CHICAGO. " "
( Eurcedsors to John 0. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At thu aid stand , 1107 I'uniam fit , Ontcrs by
elicited nnd promptly attended.
Tulcptioue to.No , SA
Or tlio Liquor Habit , Positively Cured by
Administering Dr. IIulncs' Golilcu
M can be given In n cup of coffee or tea with-
mt the Knowledge ot the person taking it ; ftbs * .
lutfly Uarmlevs , and will effect a permanent and
peedy euro , whether the patient Is n moderate
drinker or nn ulcohollo wrack. Thousands ot
drunkards hATe been made temperate men who
have taken Golden 8Dcdflo In their coffee with
out their knowledge nnd to-day believe thev
quit drtntlnz of their own free will. It never
rails. ' 1 lie Hyutorn once Impregnated with tbo
Ing nts. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. 1) . Foster * Uro. ,
Tountll IlhilTa , Iowa.
Kemarkable for powerful sympa-
ihi'llgtonn. pllaLlB action and ub-
solute auratiiUty. 80 years' record ,
the boit Kuaruntee ot th excel *
Wnce ot tnese Inatrumenta.