Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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. 4 Ti-I 1 OMAItA , DMLY BEE : SATUTRPAY. . JTThY 14 _ _ 1888. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f , l'tJHhlSllIil ) EV1It MO1tING.
j TEftMS 01' S1'I1CII1PTJON.
± iahLy ( Morning 1:1Ittoni : including Stthay !
hIM , 0110 Year , Jo O )
I'Ir iIoflth . ' t ( )
For Tire' IOfltlq ) . .
ahfJ Urnitlilt Uua ) 1IE ! , litallod to silty fl (
iU us. One Yvnr . -
D.IiA , AIitJo1'A1tNAt STIUT.
Niss : YoItI ( OFFII'E. Itout 14 ii 1TIrIiUNI (
JIudtn % VAIIIiTN ( OFE1J , No. 513
All cnrninuti1tnt1oiit ie1ttlflg Ii ; ne5 P.11(1 ( etI.
, . t rini iiattrN1lotlIt1 , t > c nt1dresei1 to thu LtiTott
U ) Till. IlKl.
. IItY1N1S LE1'TEI.9. {
All 1il1S1WM I.tter4 anti ijiiiIttrtnce ihou1ii be
. ft1drt" , vU to 'i'iii : IIEK 1'I1II.ItI1Sl ( COSIVAY ,
lM UI . Irn1t ) , C1II3k.4 nii1 jOtUilICO orders to
Lie innc pttib1c to the oidur oC thu coiupuI27
; ¶ flio Propuitors
1 flOS1\V4TF1 ElitOt' .
. - _ -
: i3tntemeiltofClrCUILttlon.
. thteotNcbraklt , t
: VoiuitS ot1)ogla. ) I
ljeo. Ii , TzcIiuck. iecr'tary of The flee Pub
. lphiiu ( 'oUltJ8flY thC ) f3O1CIflhI s1ciar that tim
ltctU8I circulation of the ltill ) flee for the wouk
! tdtt1r JILIV 7. 1b. wts tii to lluws
t Fatnrorty , IIlfleJ : ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IiiiitIay , JtIW I
, lotitay ! , .1ty2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IU.t' ' 'U
1'lic'dL ( ) ' ItiIy :1 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
V.Ineuay July 4 : I
'I'lnirsday , 'luly 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 1 rIIay ( , 311W
: Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UE ( ) . II. TZCl1tJCli.
, Fern to 1)'foro ( me nud nh1)ser1ir1 ) , In my
' DrcEflo thl t1i ( lay of .1 iilV , A 1) . . 18.
N. 1' . i'iii : , Notary Public.
tflfOtf NOiJi1ikfl ! ,
( otIty of Irug1a ) ,
' ( k ( Il JU 11. 'l'zschuck. 1elfl first iuly sworn ,
(1ejiots mid nyii tliitt mi j secretary of 'l'lio lluu
. ) 'ulIIsiiIng , coinpttny , that tIi actual fltiu
(1lII1) e1rcult1on or the Jaliy lIeu br tno
noiitli of 3 uly. 1t7. was I 1,113. ) copIc4 : for
I Augt1t , 14lill covles ; foc September , 17 ,
cupie ; for : , 1hFT , 1i:1 : COj)1Q5 for
NOVClflhlV , 1S7. lr,22n cO1cs : for ] ) eceniber ,
11i7 ir..ui co1)I ) ; for ltiniiarv. 1.2)i ) ( CO1.
. Ics ; for 1ehriiary , 1f8 , coj'le : for 1areii ,
k ] ttt' ll.1tfl colte4 ; for. APril. 1t,714 CO1)t04 ,
4 . : : yorMay , i8 , ltlt copies ; for June , 19.213
cop es ,
Sworn to lielote inn and sti1wrIbI In my
reenvo this Ot1i luy of lune , A. 1) . 1S. .
I N. P. FEI b otnry I'ubltc.
.PtVEILtfl ( IAI ) X C111CU14i'I'ION 1Sl , ) I
. . T1UU1 i danger tliatGenoral B1ack
licail vIl1 be bioughL in on a chlLrger.
: flerod Cleveland iIIys the 1IOIISIOII agent
: . is a 1)ot'IttciOtIs ) 1)tI'tSttfl.
Titi joy ovot the nine-pound baby in
the linrilson family vi11 only ho equaled
' 'wheii gvand-apa ) Don gets the nosvs of
his election to the preshency.
' . BotrANoII : has lI'OCIl himself no
' betLeL duelist , thati statesninit. No man
t1l call the JICflhler of France a liar
11Id not get lilt In the neck.
Iv Us & Co. assunie the contract
L p1 rulinilig thIs whole city and county ,
they may 1II(1 the contract a little too
: before they get througit with it.
; . . . W'AN1'ID-1nhIncdiatoly , yi the democratic -
' cratic iiatioial , executive committee a
cIin iiinaii. Must be a man with a
: ' 1Ult"I. " The bigger the ' 'bar'l' ' the
: .
fliw1r.iss stiect car drivers courting
r Oll1biOflS with cable cars may sonic day
o held Oil 0. SerIOUS charge if they coii-
; Litlue to iiuperit the safcy of their paso -
o engers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: . z Tii1 frisky cyclone has gone cast for
) iis summer vacation.Vlton last 1ietrd
. ' ! VOIfl ho was enjoying Iiinisolf immensely -
ly taking in the ca shove resortS from
I IaIno to Florida.
I Pr WAS wool's day in the house , and
, . % t catno near being free trade In wdol ,
. , ; ttio. Iopubllcitmt congressmen wore
: c1ilng to got their lituids on the heads
DI Mills' supporters.
DAN LAMONT Is 81)OkOfl of as a cabi-
i net ofilcor in the event of Cleveland's
re-election. This would be only a jist
iowartl for tht3 luau who ran the oxecu-
; Live oI1lce for four ycars.
TUE Maclccnzle-Bcrgmann scandal
i ; nvcr the treatment of the late Emperor
Ircdcrlclc is detIned to spread from
- medical to political cireibs. At all
* ,
, 'bveiits ' the affair may be expected to
I strain the rolatioiis betvccii Gerinsay
Luid England ,
lftM1ltits ; of the council , elected at
: . large , are expected and In duty
bound to serVo the whole city1 regardless -
loss of locality. They are not repio-
onttng the partlculr vard in which
J # they happen to live , or ft location iii
. , which they lutvo a special real estate
. 1 jntetest.
. IT be wcak-knocd " "
must a - "capitaltht"
f I . vhp , according to railroad authority ,
limid decided to Put a cool mlliomi in to a
t , 3morthwost road froni Omaha. , but was
z. frightened off by the miow taril ! sheet of
N . the state board of transportation. This
f story , however , vill tulcd Its place on
r the hook with other moltl , chestnuts.
3 , IN CON'L'ItAIISTINCTION to the do-
- iiotlitng 1 > 01103' of the fttriners o
. .
N braska , vhio wore invited tc
d presdnt their gtiovuncos beforc
. . thb state board of transportLt
'f , . tion , the action takeii by the farmiiet ol
I1Iniicsota stands iii direct contrast.
, . '
On being asked to present their view
before tli9 railroad conitnisslonors 0
. .
1inmmesota , Uio farmers of that stat
yoL o imot at nil backward in letting tlic
. : . . conunissloners 1mow ; what kind of a dis
. , tttmice tariff they wanted. Through tuit
pro1m1ont of th farmner' idlliuico a doe
t . . ; _ arat1on On the subject ot the regulatlom
' DI railroads withtn the state was flied
; ' fly tiolug this the farmers of 1Ililmeot
. have outtineti it policy which will be a
great service to the conimisslon Ii
making an equitable railroad tariti
. r1io farmers' alliance subuilts fou
. ) roposltlons ,
1. There muat be no discrimination ii
; , ftwor of large cities and against sninli liiCOs
" ' there must ho nodtserlnilnatlon between per
eons &ina laeos. The average cost of nil sin
lo track roads in the Btnto doc not execc
Pooo ) a mile , and rates should cover Omily :
' lcasoimablo Interest on the cost , together witi
Dper.iting nail maintaining expenses. i. Tb
: ' bippor must have the right to chose hi
I biurket and the rout to market. a. helter
, *
' tes previous' declarations concerning rail
) oad taxation. 4. Tim i'resent ' rate fror
' ' . t'argo or Moorhend to Chicago , 710 nines , o
- , Wheat is 23. cents per 100 pounds. Coinputin
. ml that basis tiio rate from Moorhoad to Ii
: . luthi , 2OmI1es , 8119u bunbout Scouts 10r it
. pounds. We believe that tO cent rates o
, vhcat ( rota Moorhead to Duluth and a pr
ort1onato rate for all Parts of the stat
p4 , Would not only 150. reMonublo but lmbcral
' t1 toad.
, w
; . _ _ ' _
, - -
: ; i- ' :
A Notable FrOileti Iiicl.
Our cable dIspatches recorded yestor-
tiny morning tile sc'jmntlomial proceed
jugs lii limo l'ronch ? chamber of deputIes
on tim previous day , whIQtl Premier' Plo-
qubt ( tad General l3oulangcr had an
acrimnonoims tilt , ciidimi in tlio latter
charging the former with luiving im-
pudcntiy ileti. l3oulanger VItS called to
account for this language I.S' ) tito iircsl-
dent of tue chamber , amid told tlitt : It
would be necessary to cemisuro imimmi. lie
thereupon reIgmied hi1 bent , and the
tllspatcli closed w'itli the statement that
a duel would ItOitliY rcstiit. The iironi-
iso hnlcen fulfilled.
It would scemn that Floquot lost iio time
after the adjournment of the chamber lit
socking ti vindication of his voracity
hiy challenging Boulnuger to mortal
combat , and time redoubtable general
flpCtirS ) to have been equally prmnpt In
accepting. lIe undoubtedly expected
such a result vhiemi he applied the inn-
gtmagc , mititi may have Intended to bring
It , itlout. F1ioqtiot has been conslicu-
ousiy bitter in ( lcmunciug ) llouiangcr
evot. since time latter legmI hits move-
meat for a dissoitition of thio chamber
atici It revision of tue constitution. A
few svechs ago lie niado a powerful
slCCChl cxcoriatiii the gemieral , which
was it'iiitCtl liv the thousands amid tils-
tributed throughout France. IL was
iiot only a moSt vigorous arraignment
of Ilouiangor as it plotter agrtiiist the re-
iublic ali(1 a neif-sCChilmg tlciimgogue ,
but it was as vcll a itias-
terly argument against the wibdomn
itmimi expediency ntthtb time of his pro-
P0S1l for disqolution and revision. ' 2hmc
speech nutde a great imiipression UjOit
the cotimtry , amid its effect wts ; severely
damaging to the popularity of Boa-
hanger. lIe was , therefore , imaturaily
very much emmibittored agnimist F'ioquct ,
timid very likely determined to use the
first OOrttiI1ity ) to Pi0S0lC0 hjitit to a
If such were tue case ho did not timid
the premier unwilling , ior was the
statesman at mimiy disativnmitiige with the
sword , but fuliy the equal of the soldier.
l'hiu two inca met yesterday mnormiing ,
amid time lammgumtge Of the d191)atches indicates -
dicates that the encounter was deadly
in its ettt'iiestmiess. Both inca wore
wrniiided , but iloulitmiger received
the more serious hurt , getting
a thruL in the neck which is thought
to be ( litugerous. It was by far the
iimost notable tied , and one of the iiiot
samiguhmmary tiatt has occurred in ( )
for znmtny 3CtL. Jiio number iii France
v1mo vill sympathize with Bouiumgor : is
loita1)s not 'ory great , while certainly
110 svoll rishiot of that country elsewhere -
where vii1 regret that ho got the worst
of the combat. ho has conic to ho
micarly universally regarded as it iimis-
chief mitaker of a very ordinary , but still
( lamigerotis kind , and if the hard amid hiti-
mnhllittimig expeiience he has just hind
shall take him out of tue way as a meti-
nec to the i ) lltictl peace of Fiance
the sword of Floquot vilI have thummo
a vorygroat icrvico to that country.
It is j)055Lb10 however , that the ahlair
iiiay be proritictive of couseqifomiecs that
will give Boulumiger anotlici opportu-
iiit' to got a iublic stamiding amiti renew
the agitation with which his minnie has
become proinljicntiy identified. In iii-
imiost any other country lie would be jor-
inammoiitiy consigned. to obscurity , but
the Fremich veoiiio ftro not 111cc any
other , and arc quito us likely to make
the vanquished general again a 1)opular
idol , If ho survive his wound , as to pursue -
sue the more sensibie course of dropping -
ping him from the list of inca vhto have
a claim to publie respect and coat- !
A Volbe Front M1ssIssiipi.
Eisowhore we print a communication
to the editor of TrEE Bita from a rest-
dent ol Mississippi , a republican , which
makes a platmi and unquestiomiably a
trustwortiiy statoinolit sf the way the
negroes of that state are treated. It Is
a recital that ou'ht to be imnpossiblo itt
this country , amid ito fair minded citi-
xcii can read it without feeling that the
Ainericmtn le01)tO ) arc dishonored by the
exlstciico of such a state of af-
fairs. The citizonshii ) conferred entire
tire imegro by the eqnstitutiou is of ito
value to hint in Mississippi. Instead of
serving as it shield and protection ,
It is really a source of iiitrdship ,
bringing down upon him if ho
ever attthiipt to assort any
of his rights thib harshest Ill troatnient
that the dcsceiidamits of the slave
drIVOIS dare to inflict. Time negro is
hot only disfranchised , but ho jcopar-
(1IZOS his flfe if he vomitures to CXiCSS )
nit opinlomi not in harmony with the
principles amid policy of the ruling ciass.
Before the law he is the equal of ever
other citizen , but the lav Is povoriess
to protect him In thio exorcise of
single right which it comifers , To all
intents amid 1)UViOSO the negro In Mis
sissippi is no bettor otT titan iii the dny
) of slavery , if so svcll. lie encounter :
quite as much cru lty , ho has no better
chamico for a redress of wrongs , raid iii
order to secure a ltveiihiood lie inns
forego his rights a it citizen , rostrai !
.4 his speech , and abjectly yield to tin
f behcst of the dominating ponor.
3 \Vittt : Is true of Mlssisipi Is essen
tiitliy so of nearly all the southerm
btatcs. And the consequences of thi
) wrong which deprives the negroes a
- their iollficat i'ghts do mint stop with
the injustice to a race , but are oxtondei
to the govermilnont itself , the oxcctit1v
rt branch of whicui Is now in the contro
f of thio democracy by roasomi of the tue
that the fourte mith and iiftoonti
amendment to the constitution are
I. dead letter in the southern stttcs. Sun
ator Chandler , In an article cmi "Ou
: t Southrmi Imtstors" In the July b'uiziiiz
says : "Lot it bo borne in mind-I
camniot be too often repeated-that I
- the constitution were in force Blame
instead of Clovelamid , would now b
pi esid nt , and the natronal house wouI
lo yelnblicaml instead of domnocrate. I
S the colored citizelis could vote , an
have th1r yotos countei as cast , tim
1. electlomi iioxt fail vou1d , with hard ! ,
the forni of ii. contest , be repubilcnmi
it nud on tue 4th ofMarchIISSDCiovelnn
g would surrepdor thic exeeutviowor t
; republican presidomit , vhto vould b
austatnpd by a congress rtpubIertn ! ii
) . boti britmiCheim. " , :
0 But the colored vote lit the bouUt wU
.0 itot be cast this your' Iotny greatcr o
tc'at tiiumiltyas fouryarsiigo. It wil
- , - - - - --j. - - - .
- - -
- -
. - . . _ i _ _ . - - , - . : i . . ; : .3 _
ho agaIn unconstitutionally sup-
lflOsOd , ztnd It yiil coiitinuu to
bo so bag us the democratIc party
Iolds ; Its grip cii the south. thils cail-
hot inst forovor. There are conditlaims
at wik while-h itiust sooner or later
breitkthio hold , nnd whibtiovet that time
otncs , the cohered voters wIll gut their
1)OlitiCItl rights. McanvhIlu there ap
Jcai.s nothIng better to do thiami to rip-
peal to the whltp voters of thp country
who huive somncscmiso of Justice , anti who
can npprcciato tue cnoriiiity of the
wrong of depriving several inililomis of
citizens of their constltuttqnnl rights ,
to usist iii driving from power the Pai'tV
that Is responsilio for the gravest of
crimes against tue bincic luau timid
against the constitution.
Thic'mtmlt time Eart Ii.
, Tlm Creighton is , us usual , playing
dog iii thu mnnnger , and tt'iug his hull-
doztmig tactics on the council iii COil lice-
ti oit with the propoed new city baUd-
lags. Jim is 0I)1)0el ) to ally public
iinpu'oi'cmnoitts uliless they can be niade
profitable to that thrifty firm , \Ve , Us &
Co. lit \\e , Ui & Co. had rut assurance
of the contract for erecting the pro-
jectcd. city buitding , IIoimet Jima would
not be hanging aroumid the coummeil
chamber itmal inalcin g loud tim rents every
ti inc a i'csolut ion or ordhiami cc is pe ad I img
to complete the city hail buiidimig.
This is the milk In tito cocoanut.
it is currently estimated that WTe , Us
& Co. have cicanod up overono hundred
tiiousaiid dollars out of contracts with
the city for sewerage , paving , curbimig ,
etc. , during the jiast three yeuti. . It
\vuis the umimlci-Iituiicled work of that , firm
with imodlo legislators that inspired
1ussch1 , Slttcr , and their ilk , to mutt-
late thie charter amid rob Omaha of the
benefits of hauis tutu ! boulevards. The
isstie of homids for the lurchtaso ) of large
tracts of land for park and boulevard
11 rlOSCS iroud have seriously i a ter-
fercd with the greedy schemes
of We , Us & Co. to mnonopo-
hize all time bonds that the
city is authorized to issue within the
tomi pe ccitt limit.
The oil room amid lobby expenses
agaimlbt jarlrs and boulevards uuitve
since beeti added to the extras which
We , U & Co. are in the habit of hog-
rolling through the cotiiiciI every few
The citizens of Omaha have patiently
boiuio U , vith these iiiiposltioiis as they
have miecesariiy subinitteil to the itutla-
cious immanipulation of their relrosenta-
tives in thin couftcil.
But fotbearanec will soon give way to
resuntuiemit , If We , Us S Co. are not
satisfied with the ill-gotten gaimis thiat
lit ; c been libciied from time poekot of
Omaha tax-payers for wre tehed cedar
block ltV01i0i1tS and ttnnbied-iii sewers
by their under-handed work , they wibl
presciitiy discover that hiighi-iuuidcd
jobbery vill not ho toidrated to rule amid
ruin this coimnitlmjity.
Aroxo the lirePosterous Iropositions
tiittt troro ( Uscussed at a meeting of the
stock-buyers at South Omaha the other
day was the exclusion of market quota-
tiomis of live stock fiom thu miewspaers.
The maim vhto conceived this brilliant
idea ought to have a leather medal. A
mnoi.c idiotic suggestion couid scarcchy
IIaiO lCeii nuide.Vhat would the
South Omaha cattle market be without
pubhisbed quotations iii the uewsmpers ?
If the price at whIch cattie timid hogs
can be marketed in Oniahia was a secret
icmiovut only to thie stock-buyer and coin-
mission maria , who would venture to
bring stock to this market ? If Oluahit
stock quotations vere inaccessible to
time stock-raiser , ho vou1d tiike no
chance on thus nitirket and siiip his stock
whore the 1)1iCC paid are mimi 01)011
CANCELLING the cotitracts with Re-
gait Bros. for woi'k that should have
be mi finished last season wa conii cnd-
able on the 1)art of time council. If the
board of public works amid time city
council could at all times act as bar-
moniously on the question of puhlic
works , the city would be treated with
due comislderation by the army of
Otber Lan dr Than Oitrs.
it is announced that Mr. Parmiehl tvihl no.
cept the goveratnent's offer -introduce ii
bill for the appointment of acomnniittee of
udgcs to Investigate the charges of time Lou.
t1oi Times against the mileutbers of the Irish
parliamentarY ImartY. ' 1'lmo attacica of the
' 'ThumidQror" on time Irish leaders have beoui
very severe , mid time publication of letters
urortiiigto imuive been written by L'mirncli ,
and which , If authemitic , would connect hint
with the P1io.nlx I'ark murderers and v1tim
the PerPetm'aors of other outragc , hits
osIleclahlY excited Intense imiterest. Mr.
i'arnelb Its-s jironounced alt of thOse letters
forgeries , auth unpro3udiccd inca will not
doubt his statement. It Is incredible thimit
Parumehl , who is time most cautious find politic
of macn , volumitarily plaetl hilthself in the
3 POV0r of the Plmaniix jiarlc murderers , and
3 actually committed himself him iwriting to aim
approval of mtssassimiatiOu. Butt of course hits
dental vilb not satisfy those who are ready
to believe ammything ngaiiist the chief of the
Irish leaders. An investigatiomi is necessary
3 to his fuhb vindication , riuitt lm does wisely hum
accepting time brOiOStttOui ) of the governmena
for a eoiuunlttec of judge3. ITo ought to receive -
coive at the imamuls of such a cznmmnttteo a fair
amid iinim.trtlal inve9tigatiomm , but in nmiy event
) it is better to accept a uiaiiuggcstcd by thic
f goveronmunt than to have Insisted on omme oh
m hiis own. Ills vimidlc.itiomm would thereby bc
h omdercd , time more commmpicto and unqucuiomm
3 abLe.
* *
t The theory thmat it is time lrCSOflt pohicy oh
Germany t shut out France rromn any ) )0S
sibio aihiammee withm another Europeaii lOwCi
is by no niearu4 imrrodib1o. Them would bt
- a two.folJ. object iii such it consumnmnattoum-
L hlrst to kuartli against the possibilIty of mutta cli
from France , and , seommd , to imlaco Gcrmu.iny
t In a iasitiomi to relieve ltsdlf of the huge mIll
f tary lnrubti which Is now dr.ihmiing its re
sources iiimtl ttddiimg to Its indebtedness. 'rhc
i ; mon now actuAlly scrrimmg tim the German mlrin3
number lOPOCO. Adding to these th
I ; escrveauml 1ndwohr , time number reachici
t , t1oooo mitch. Tim number of those able tc
LI bc1r rirums alit ! liable to draft , not COmuprisel
( I lit the forgoing , is 3,225OJO. Ummiler the ra
y cent amimonthmncnt to the constItutIon wlute
I ; tirovides unit each. Imcrson lit for nmitttar
duty shaliservO seven years Lii thmQ ttnding
0 army , generally froni the cminipietiomi of hits
twLntieth to time boginimimigof hI twenty
( I
ighttim year , Gornmamiy tvhhl bu inmabteti to 1)01
between tx nudsucit uumtltions of lighmtImt
men umudci anus at. nit ina1cuiab1e.cost tu
her iuidittrlal dCYcdOtfli2e'utt taiL ! hiuanotah
- .P.rosPerItY. Iemnvhiil the rehitmoims be
twc eui France mini Grtu.mmy fumv. imccum
been mnorO trahnouI titan they are noss.
Germmuiy Is tmnu1utIoiiabhy nverso tea
a vrit'vith Framm o. iitsmiitmrek said mutho
IeIchtstag , "if tii3m I'remieh wait for time ( icr-
nmmths to attack tee Is an nssuranceofpetcti :
forcter" but there is lie gilmiraultee that
Fiancc svlit not immako time tackns soon s it
feels 5trm emmoughi. ivliietmUy if Germiamiy
an detarim I'r.tuiet , fruom mimiy fossibhtm ahllnumco
iiuiti COiiilC1lL ) to disband or rcu1mce its army ,
time former couintr will reuimuvL mill possibultt'
of attack had at time samimo time muatcrltmity
lessemi its owmm burdens anti lmprova fts con.
dttioii , 'll'lio meeting of the emperors imp.
iicar to have this PUVPOSO iii vIew , nmmd tim
hirOPosills vhtcim the eniperor of Geriumaim ) '
cliii i uinko to Russia and Austria will be
strong iimtlutxmuneuits for timcuui to enter into
time coimmbiumnttomm.
Prliico Ferul inamid is 1mm hick , minul mu time
luck , too , mncrited by courage , if it be true ,
as British ofilcini disimatelues from St. l'cters-
burg state , timmit after time nmiddto of Do-
ceuiuber Husslut will ash her imammds of lJtul.
garia aini likerise shake Its dust front her
feet. Time mldtbi'ice will be a good one , piid
time Joy of lttttiug : mmmutual. it cciims a i,1t3 ,
amity thmiut this decision laid imot been reached
earhir , in the tluime of l'rimmce A1eamnlcr ,
wimo hail domuc so mnucim mmmorc for ihulgnmia
thumumi hits successor hits , umimul limit ! led
her to glorIous memiowui on time battle-
liehil lii her first var as an luithi'1iit1Ciit
Poivem. . l'criunps the l'rimmce of Ilattoum-
berg iuiay now regret a little that lie wis
so lliitilO amid subuuuisstvo uimttcr Uusslan disfavor -
favor , amid that he resigmied huts thirommo at
time Cir's : imoti. l'i-iumcc Ferthumumuiti , on time
contrmry has had time good fortune of not
bclmug able tiuorouglmiy to appreciate time dami-
gers immid diluiculties nroummd imtuum , amid hits
gobe on serenely dcfymmg iussiu to do her
wom'st , vhiieiu seommis to iumuve bocum hits Cest
imolicy. Still , in time si'c mmiommthis intorvc'nimig
bofomc Tuislt's : leavctmklumg there is mamiy a
clmnmtco for a slip betweemi thmo cump auth time
ili. Cynical ditioummatists vihl imrobabh watch
mit ormto to see wiietiuer this iwofcsstomm of
ltissimrm : ( hi3tU5t or dlsiiitrestcdmmcss does
muot vouteuid imumnmedlutc iimtemvemitioim.
* *
It viil Imerhituims imnmtlty lieu ) . mit least ivitim
time limitisim PeoPle , tim new cheimme of britig-
iimg tit lmmmzlllt ciusimimel to find that time ( icr-
mmmii goverimimiemit mitts uxpiessed iumurim interest -
est mum it nmmmi that ii Gei'nmaui engineer imu
been oxmiinimilumg its traeticabultts. It nqmcums
thiitt hue luims exlircssed a favorable olmiuuiomu of
it ; amid ierlinls ) the Eumglishi public is expected
to be corresoiidiimgl.y gratefui , But cvcum
iverc Gormnnmt cmpttiml : to coimmo forward amid
oITci to build the whole bridge , timutti Bm'itoius
might look upoum it as upomi time tiumiumtiy
woodemm imorso once givcii to Tmoy , If Great
Britain itmums : mmiy m-isir of future tuivasion , that
rIsk mnny tonic fromim Germnaimy mis well us
from F'rance , amid no one comm smy : imov mnueiu
micar Cainis Geuimmmtmiy mummy ho at the cmiii of
time ceimtury thai sue is impw. Still , If time
bridge scheme , whim its systemui of hiomits , is
practicable , it'iou1th probutbl be more popu-
lay lii : ( ho tumiuueb iroccr , front
vmtmious reasons. A imigliway above stream
is mote nttrctive : to time mimuujority of travelers
timaui a imoiu dug under it. Imidepemmdemutiy of
time mjtieti ii ofhight mmd fmesim ntm , rescue iii
casoot disaster to time structuiesceimiseaster.
* *
The colonization of l'alestinc , which is
again to be attInpted , is imot iiicol3 to immeet
witim greater smocss , timimim hits nttcmmded pie-
vious ciforts jim that direction. 'rime low
Hebrews viio I different periods imavo settled -
tled In Palcstmiim3 have geumer.uliy failed to
SUiiOit themselves for mummy length of ttimme ,
mmd In the cimmi have becoiuio mm burden emi
their richer brotimremm. The united testimnoimy
of all trmtvelems isimo have visIted time country
Is that Palestine cotmid novel- have been
as ricim a regiomm as represented , auth that time
terumi ' 'a laimd hhovhmg w-ith initlr iuiid imoimey"
must be taken in a coimmparutive sciuse
timid its ihltistratirmg time oxtravagaimce of
Orleimtal limmagery. It huts but few agrioul-
tural possibilities and mm oppomttiumtttes for
estabhishmimig trades and imimimmufimetures in nimy
Imart of it. This latter fact would of itself
check any effort at colomitzatioim. Time nmoilcrmt
licbm-cw , while retaining time traditions of his
iiumciemit rnitim nd ) rcsers'ing the aticient race
imabits , has not hesItated to hlemittfy hImself
with crerythmtmmg temmdtug to time immoral aumd
scinl c1vtttioum of mmmicind , , and the dream
ot a Mcsshiimic kingdonm has already been
lartltuhly realized by tJme brealrtmig down of
race prejudices ,
* *
Ttmqro scommis to be no end to Russian en-
tfmrprise in Central Asia. Not contented with
building a railroad which wibi facilitate time
excimane of products and 01)011 ill ) iiOW outlets -
lets for RussIan Industry , amid Is also of liii-
immense strategic value , ii reular steammmer sOm-
vice foi passeumgers amid nmercimammdiso is to bo
established on time Oxus. In hmer AsiatIc
ventures Russia has aiimmett at time esta'ohisim-
uncut of order amid of confidence , And mm ecu-
taut rottirmi iii mevcmmue for her own heavy cx-
heiises _ 1mm 1mev schemimes of mmrgrmmmmdizemmmemmt
site imas always comnbliietl diplomatic with
military mnaehmimmery and gained aseendemmey
over vtid mmmmd iimimiiitive hmco1m1. Jim mmothimmg
has this been mmiomi3 fomcibly illustrated timami
by lice peaceful commqucsts In Ceumtmat Asia ;
uimd ! yet Great 13mitalim stamids alOof1 watehimig
wjtii immditTercmmce RussIa's advamuco towamd
liudia , rind trusting for safety to mu 'seieumtlflc
frontier' ' whelm would be cmmtircly useless in
stentmaiuig time tide of conquest.
* *
One of time greatest olstacies in the way of
piuimttimg time seeds of civilization iii Cemmtm-aL
Africa amc time terrible outrages commmtmimtteti
i ) , tribes of jlundering and slave-dealing
Arabs. Theynreums ferocious and ummtnnmmibio
as tigers , mind Cauitmot be mmule mimmmeuiabie to
civilizing immfluenccs. The lamowledge of time
existemmco of a 1)etCefUl : amid industrious tribe
eemmm to inhiammie thmcni whim gm-eed mumtl
imtred. It Is no uneounmnomm timing , explorers
say , to fluid a town of 5X)0 ) quiet ituiti hardworking -
working hmmlmmmbitants , mind oum time umext visit to
see imothimmg imuit rulimed huts , time peoimio hay-
lag leeum lilileil or capthirctt by these chmildrcmt
of Ishmmuuiei. It is easy , timorefore , to realize time
ththuicultles unti , whuich Stanley must have
labored , maid th&indoniitablo cmtcrgy zummtl ipr-
sevtiraimcu which have enabled Emumimi Boy to
trausforzmm a savaje PeoPle iumto lieaeOftil till-
ems of time soil. .
) *
* *
r Pi-esident Dimi Is now absolute master of
Mexico , maid , wlumtt is immost remark41ho , lie
hits iiot ommiy sulitubd but ItCiflCd it. There
ale ito slovoiutmf3 iii timid , mis
its is knowum , imthij arc commttmmumplated. Fir
Mexico , this is : traimge as it is fortuumate ,
but Iimtz has slmhyi liii grcit ability in otlmem
ways. lie imsrtttmie sommiethmiumg to Put time
limmammeos of thiu'1jdoral ' govornumment out a
soun1 basis. 1o has Pi'OOtC4h Mexican
trade. lie has iu-iiited , time mummui.y ummililomis of
foreign cipituil bueamms of 'hm1cIi time gm-emit
natural resourcet cit thq coummtry are umott
being developed. Ills foreign policy itts : been
1 abbe and dignIfiei. Undoubtedly , lie is the
P greatest statesniali Mexico ever hail , anti
Mexicb is fortUnate inhavimmg imim
} vcn in his ciith Comntu do P.iris sue.
coeds iii brhuugimmg imlmnseif ocuislonahly to timc
imotice of time F'ronch POOPIC , him5 latest tiffoit
imm this dircetmon bclumg a lottr ailres3J L
the omiservativo mayors of I4imcU Pinttn
out time grIoammcma tinder tyimicim , in his opin
. Ion , time imcuuiht , labor , amid the bommchtts tvhic1.m
would aeumoto them tiivughmtlie rcst.oratltni
of t.he bourbon r.momnirchmy. 'Limo Csmntu dt
T'muls , no doubt , fcLm. Vmut it Ii 1tduy Ic
u nmiitmmtaln the tz-idition hi his house , ammil sO
ioug tms.imcsTuahloithitClutniSOlf tosuvhm harm'
less thammifotoos the republic rmmiy imorm
lmlmii to irmduhic immimum amnusemeimt. wlmiudmmif.
- -
fords hub so machi gratification ,
Time ammotmncememittlmmit ) ommi Pee , emm-
litror ! of Brazil , hilts recovered fmommm fits rc
cctmt hlimmess anti irili soui sati for hmommie should
nfford umiuicim gratitleatiomi to uk Itcoimlo. It Is
mmot otten thmrmt a ruler iossessing ahimiost absolute -
solute power is so tlmorougimly iii iarummommy
with time siiirit of ltbert1tsmim us Is titi broad.
mmiimided amid intellectual mmmommmtrch. W'lmiio imms
miiemimbry will always ho revered fem tue rid of
cmtuaimehhiatioim wlmichm hits given liberty to
thmousnmmds of boumdsmmmcim , time great dccii
would have scenmed iuicommipleto lied im mmot
lived to see its advantages to hits count.
s'P4Vvi : .IOTI'lGS.
FIft-si % tovn lots chmuumgt'd Imantis at Aim-
hnmrut uituring time mouth of .Itmmme , ivhmicit hi ccii-
siticmcd evidence of a slight iiooimi.
A heavy rumii mimmitie on time l'eopho's
bnimlt of Griftout by time depositors lust w cir ,
but it StoOd the stommim successfully.
Time sumicesS of time electiomm forwater worics
at Stittomi lots caused time btisimmes macmm of
time towmm to agitate time qucstlomm of elecimle
iiiits ,
'l'lic deimiaimd fem tovnsiulp orzamhlzritiomt is
growluig iii tndisomi totmmmty , mmd limo immomiosi-
tioum intl irolably be subimmitted to time voters
tlmim fat ! .
Chielcoum thieves arc tloummg a rmisimimmg bumsi-
mmcliii lit DilcOtlt : City , tumid iii coimseqiucnce time
tiog oiiummimcc : immiposimug ml tt : , : of $3 out caumlmmes
immus bLeum repealed.
Viitltmu : hloohiiuaum , of IIudisoum : , ti-ted to
tube time Intmdamtummm siiom't him to time hare-
nltem , hut time doctor switclmed hmImum off before
lie lmmtt : Iairlv la.gumum imis journey.
Aim hmmcemmdlmury attempted to bunt the res i-
demmte of \ ' . .1. Limmetiargor at ietl Cloud
'J'luiim'sihitv , taut tlm tire ivus discovered timtl
put out before aiiy tiummmmgc wits domme.
'l'wcmmty-tiureo of tim himmest i'orlcer3 ' of Iob.
cit lVilkmtisoum's herd mit l'mctorla ivcmu cmp- :
tumctl by hog thieves last eok , mmmiii lobert
ammd his imeighhors limuve a Icettlo of tuimimmd : a
bag of feuthmeri m'eatly for time rascals if timey
1imim be found ,
Time tois'mu stntisttchmn of \ Vcepiumg'ater
limit Ilgum rd it im p ammth mmii non rices that 800 guI.
mint of ice ercmumi were commsummmmed by time rest-
demmts o timat Place out time 4tlm , cmiii there
i'ci'o sevcm'ai girls who could Imave cubit
mmmom.e if tue oummg imiemm imunhmit run out of
All time saioon keepers of Dakota comimity ,
save ammo , imavo sigimeul an agreement imot to
sell llqtmomoim Sumuilny if thmo iiiosecutlomi of
time cases mtgutimst thuemut Is w'lthdi-mtii-ii. 'J'imo
oumly hcielccr Is John l'cyseuu , uimnyor of Coy-
immgtoum , vluo says time iuiv amid order league
Ctmm : go to lmndcs , as he is mumming Imis own
A sicepluig passenger on time westbommmmd
overlnimd trmuimm steppeut off the ctrs mit Seimu3'-
lee amid sat dowum in time depot , Some timuie
after time ti'aiim imad disappeamed he uwoko
nimil tclemupiued to his fumniiy on board time
cars time smttmntiomm. They discmmmlitmheth : at
Noutim Plattc aim ivere inter joimmed by the
Two deaths occuired at Wilbci- Tuesday
evening by which Sihimie county lost two of
its ohilest citizeims. 0mw was .foimum hlcm'mriumm , a
I3ohmemniamu , i'lmo lund lived 1mm tIm couumty siumie
ISGbI , mind vas kmmoivmm to his coumntm'ymmmeim
tiirouimotmt tlmo United States.rllme otimer
mmliuu : tt'ulM .foimim 4llsnamm : , mmmm old ned vohl
1cnos'ui citizmm.
'hue editor of time WeepimmgVntem' Rcpubii-
cmiii , ivhmo is nis'umy 0mm mm little tmip , wilt be very
immucim surprised wheum Imo sees the last Is'mue of
his tiallem' hUed tip ivitli t'imtlorsenmemmts of time
demimocratie caumdiduttes mmmiii lmlumtformmm , 'l'lmo
offlee "devil , " huowover , has a little side cute
imu time luuicr whelm exhiltiims : time cause of time
sudden flop , 11i3'liIg time itummie on I. i' Tiuti'is ,
U . simimmiumg light of time iieummocm'atic 1utrt' ivimo
i.uis left iii cimai'gc dum'lmug time editor's uth-
stumce. : Jf , ) 5iiS time mmforcsaiii " &Iei-ii , ' '
"ive thought theme \'as anything tlat imeeictl
aimswem'immg , we would mb it mmd miot have to
dm'aw very much out otmm lntclhectuai resources ,
either. "
lhahthvln ( milled to mumake hits balloon accxmd ,
mis umuhveitised at tluscatimme ,
Time mumuruler of time Kelly is'oninii mit Ot-
tumnwa utiii reniatims a dark mmistcm'y.
A imriiltamut lumotcor ihL4sed over time south-
eastem'mm vart of time-state last Friday mmiglmt.
Twenty iiiomo Immjtmnctiomms have boon
gramuted agumiutst Creston saloomi beepers ,
\Vittiaimm \ Kellogg , of Cluamles City , imns
shaved oil imis beard for time flm'st tunic him
timiity-titrcu ycam's. None of his clmhlihm'emm
hind ever seen his cli in.
A. E. lCeiiogg , aim old niid resleeted citizen
of West Uniomm , was billet ! by a locotnotiv at
Missoula , M. T. , emi time 0th. He wmusemm route
to Spokumme Fails with cattle.
.llosepim Sumuutii , of Cedar Rapids , is one of
six brothels wlmo served iim the union arnuy
duritmg time rebOllioim. Ho also had a son 1mm
time arimmy. Mr. Smimith's gramitifatiter was a
sohdiCr in the rmivolutionary war mmd his
father served in timowar of 1312.
liimieic Hawk county imas a veteran ropubli-
caim voter iii tIme iem-soim bf Joint Iluitimaway ,
Sm. . , of ftobertsoh , who cast his fit-st vote in
1324 for Joimn Qumiumcy Adaumms , mtmmd hiss voted
fem evemy wing ama ! repubilealt presidomit up
to time hresent ) time. lie vfittd for W. II.
hlarrlsoi ; ium 1S30 and 1S40 , amid if life Is
spared will vote for Benjamin flarrison , Mr.
liatiifuway is over miuftety years old , amid is
quite Octive for a man of hIs ago.
Two young mmmcmi of Boone were caught in a
bimsimmess 0111cc Ofl time mmigimt of time Fourth
vithm two females frommu abroad. 'rime whole
lot were fimicti nuud time young womemi Immvitod
vcm-y tmrgoumtly to return to theum-luomo in Sac
cotmimty. 'rimoy mire said to be school teacimers ,
iveil road , amid have tried to secure seimools
iui that county , imieammwiitio boardtmmg at a
llaco iii time city timiut is respectable ,
Time Negroes ofMlssimslppi Practically
flILLSIALIt , Miss. , July 7.-To time
editot' of 'rhmm 13mcit : 'rime m-ebot briga-
tilers are bosslng the government amid
if ' 'Collar' ' Cbevohammil amid ' 'l3muidauma"
Tlmut'mnami are elected thIs year , they
ivill Imave aceomimphishied by fratud what
thmey failed of thmo sivt'd , tqml 'iil wield
time smtumio iniluenee of nimtoboliuimi days.
If It be time ivishu of time 1)001)10 ) of tue
miom'tii itmirl ivost to ovom-thmm'ow the lm'es
out circus ahil hillitiodronic 5011(1
nom'tii v4. a solid southm , " lmouId be time
The r01)ubliehmls iii the south are
bOUUd hamids and foot timid have beemu
cast lOtV'Ceml the devil aumd time deep semi ,
Our mnatom-'mutl iuiterests , thmouugh pu-c-
gm-esslmmg to some extent , mime far beimimmd
those of any other section of time court-
tm'y otviimg to the iiuuumem-ous imell-bluwk
otmtritges thmuut. Immuvo been nun are still
being coiiimmiitted tipOum mu defouiceless
ehmts , of citizens-negroes-which comi-
stittmto mulnuost the ommtjro vorkiuug class ,
As shiu'mirs' left a Bert of rti'istocrticy
ashmumuimed to let time uiogro see timomn work
nut ! who consider thie umcgo a beast of
hititil ii , thou-u is m class of idlers
wimichu I'Cniliy ( coiiimnmts tIme imellish outrages -
rages that time better lnss of white
eltizcuiri would not timlumic of , nut !
as the pm'ejiihicod ( , emmtimeumts of
shut'ou' . ' bare mmbt yet ( lied otut
tiiso outmuges mire condoned , when tIme
perpott'tttors should be severely puui-
Fiimanciuthhy , we mime ermunped , and
thioughm possessing time firmest of agricul-
tom-al lnnds , uuud raisluig time hnimgest
cmt ) produced lii time Ummital States for
exhuolt , ' - t cdi' tmit'ins mule 1)hnstercd
itii mnomtgage ; feimees mid mmubiuis are
lii it state f dilapidation amid decay
'i'utxntioit , though miot cxcousivo , yet on
aCcount of otur lOVOt'tY. is btiidcuisuumio.
TIle cause of educattoim .l ngulmuimcs.
Politically the inrgcmt iortioui of our
PO1)tmhtttt mi is dislruuuiclmihed laid in-tie-
m titally demuloti c pm'oieiitttthoum .
doni of ) is vostt'cteU , amid vmuious
othut' 1)mtCt10a tolerated amid enc ur-
: i'cel to mmmttic time south a ummit imm 11cr per -
r iitjcal exprsai n. Imocrtttic jout-fimuis
aulciver time state arc udvishumg time ' 'roil
siiimts" to omgammize , ttuid they are do-
Time simtto ofl Isissl ppl , vhi elm Is 10cm
pQtcI itlum its public scimools the cuumtl.
tumted ilitilt of 'mouthS , hits beoum mtbimi
. . to SimljiV them ittflis of thio unbt urn-
, jm-ovod pmtterum.a1ul the sweet stiiimict
of thmo irmiciuiht-boUi' isrude dnturhed
- . ' - . . ,
. ' _ - : . -
, % _ -
. - - - - - - . - - - - . ' - . - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - .
hithio oico of the du'ill-mnnster ninth thin
click of limo gimmi-boclcs. In thus city it
climhi of young doimioet'at'y hmn been ( r-
gruumizeti tmndet' a call for , otmulg
IflOlt only. Becnuo tIme young' miwim did
the ts'Ork Iii lS7ti whilcht tl thm'ommetl time
republican unitY hit this ttnte. AL i
meeting u s few nights uigo ammo of tbo
hlotnrboiu semIs inn ium it speech , ) tmtiunt
lilly white m'opttbiicami ho iVttlid lent !
uiegt'OOs otigint it ) be duuumiimetl by both
races. " ills w-om'ds iiitist hu'tvu Imeim
bricked by seine miuthmnrity for time poIcumt
i'oico of white mepumblicaims Is stilled.
I f thin votes svei-o hioiistl eotmmmtcd
Ii4 cast ummaimy of the big "t'ebei
brigrmthiors' ' would imot be imoidlimg
so mnmmuiy imioimilliemit ilItceS tiimtlor the
' 'colltir' nuhmuilumistu-atiomi. jy ( . % ( lemimO
cmnttaum ensthv see thmuut time llghmt will be
iii time mmortim , 'imeiico nil southmevum reimub-
hernia appeal to thmoim' lmom-thmcm'im bi-ethi-
romi to help to tlmrow off time yoku of op-
iiressioui mis el otlons hmcme mire oiii' ni
simamim , thie voting jocs cii iii the day ,
html time i'etul election begins at iulglmt.
You say : " 'iVhmy domm'L youm scud time
1autot-box stulToms to the nomiitcimtiai'y'i" '
I unhiossiblo ? They hmmuvo time governor ,
jtmnlgc mud jtit'y' anti thin fot'mnem' riil exercise -
erciso hi is ' 'pai-dommlng po-em' " if time
jut-i. lie fool emmough to coumvlct. r
1or all thicso lomig yenta thin negro
has ivadeut through blood to support
time t'eptmblkaim html-tv , amid it is umour time
(1tmt' of thuit 1)hi'tY 10 maize hits
putuimttum mis stt'tmigii& & itimd its simiouthi a
otimer citizens. I Aylmt'im'mmmg hints becommie
time on-them' of thin tiny' time railroads ,
mmiiuu Cs and fat-ins ii m'e be I mm g crowded i'm mmml
ilboimom':4 : mire subjected to mu slavery thmmnt
Is cruel , imenu-tiess amid aboimilumuble , amid
its cam-sod as timmut whIch eximuteil fom-ty
yeats ago.
Oui mummy of time hitttittttiomis time mb-
groes mum-c icumockel mtiil ( icicitcul tmm'otummui
like ( log' . Amid if a iioon mmegy ( ) lifts his
lmammd iii his owum tiefommso a great howl is
raised. It is loported that time muegroos
ai.o givimmg trouhilo ; timat time lives of
time white micOiio limO imm nianger aimd
tloojis lute needed. ' 1hmey are tele-
gu'aiiiied for , maid lmerc they coutie. Time
amlimy of time Uimited States is bm'oughmt to
beam mum it few hmelphcss , imiohicumstve ) eo-
pie , sirniiy ) iCCtUSC they iu'ill emidure
(3 i'C ty tim ii g.
0 God , how bug sindi such comitimmuot
Tim time face of tlmw'o thimigu , iu'ho desires
to see thio commtimiuatiomm of sumeim aim miii-
muil ii istratiomi ?
iel1ouv u'oltmhiicamms of time mmorthm , ivo
utti uimoim ishi yo to vote for liii m'u'isomi mum U
Mom'tomi , amid mis time sott'nimg sun liii isimes
lila course acmes the 1)1cc vault of
hmeavemi , tue gtummmdiami amigel of hlhemty
simull herald jim the regiomms of immiunot-tal-
ity good tidings of great jos' timmit time
cultist , of fm'eedoumi hums ttiamnphicd.
1iON AN ! ) STIlL.
Dm'imiic iIahto for time mierves.
Rare Clnumm'mmis Fossessel By am Oregil
4 ummazo , , .
Coi'm'esponmtlouTcc Situ Framichuco Clmron-
icuti : 'l'imo jut' of hmemuvy feet wuts Imeam-ti.
Suummo youumg horses emuumme dowum mu steep
Imill itt full ion , iielmimmd was a i'echzlss ,
i-null mulct' . The loose steeL dimsitcil
iit : $ . Time hiorie that boto time m'idem'
\vts : tossiuig 1uI imemud tumidly amid slimigluig
white foaimn iii hiakes from Imis mimouthm. lIe
was a ieaiiiig , m'estieas , hmemtvy built m-og-
umluitmomi bromico , but it ivuis rornrum'ked timat
lie uvums well uumdcr control , fm-lie scented
tO be fairly lifted fn'omn side to side by
time i'eimms at the will of the m'idor , t'lmo
drew to our m'cthimg place.Vo staI'cl
iii mu way that was imot mmiuumuieu'iy eveum iii
time u'iids of Oregon. 'rime ridcr.of time
restless iioum3' WitS it yotuumg'l. Sine
waited with emriiirrmtssmflemmt : for ins to
tell otme em'ramul. -
" \Vlio lives imem'e ? " we mishced.
"I tb , ' ' sire replied iii a toumo timuut ilimi
miot nuike ums feel nii' iuuomo at hmoume. !
"WTimose gutm'demn is this ? " wits thin mmext
' ' \himme. "
iftoi' a hituse simo added : "Caui I do
numythmimmg for you , geumtlcmneum ? "
" \Vell , WTeft , imo , " was about thm only
Imu tOiligille answer itt coimmmmtnmud.
" \Viil you Come to the house ? " nlmo
added , 'it is mmcmiv dimmer time. "
As sime i-ode before we looked upoim a
gu-neeful rider , a ivoli i'otmrided , neat fig-
are , a bi-ummiette with time languid
beaumtyso mnucim admnim'cul in the Cmstilimui
woinemi , clad iii coarse , stromm , short
shuts , below which showed a sniall
boot mmmd a keen , bright spume. her rich
smuidhe wits mmciv amid strommg and double
rigged. I-icr mouse imad not Btopped
at time guiLe till site spramig to the
ground. My comnpaumiomm stopped for-
wtttd with a Chnesterhbeld bow , jut too
late to nmsslst her. She risked us to go to
tIme imouso while sine led hicehtorso to time
stable.Vheim we vou'o witimimm a rod of
time door we both stat-ted with surlmise.
A icpulsivo , sulbemi , scowling Imidurmum
wits at eutdhu wimtuiow.Vc tvem-e greatly
5111jrisel to icarni that out' hostess wims
a Imuuifbm'ecd. Iii imor features or netlomis
we iiad OlSet'VCi not omie trace of time
luidian. lice demeanor was muodost ,
whmilc at the same tune she Was fully
inibued with that westerum liborimlity
that tuhlows umo mmmii to pmtss witimoumt an
lii vituttiomi to lmui'tutice of a meal or ut
imighmt's lodging , \Vo bade imer gootl-byo
m'ntiioi' ieluctmuutly nim(1 commtinucd out'
hmuut , thmimiktmmg lmouv nmuchm mote appu-o-
priatc stuck gi-nee amid stueii mveutitim would
he mum time circles of bocicty thaim on tile
butch of a bu-ommeimo.
Afl(1 nil Skin auth Scalp Dlsemvc
Speomhlly Clued by Ciii Itii'iit
Omit iii iiifl , vlii be four years at age Oii the
2Mlm 1mmt lii May. 1S , imi vits attmmckmmul , , ltlm ii
\ cry valnfumi lreuiklmig , ( liii of time sicium , We
called In mm hhmysilutim time treatiti hminim lou' abomut
moor weeks. ' 1 lao chmiict i-t'cisit'il ititlu or umo good
frommm the trtatmumeimt , its tim ium-etmkhng out , m.ump-
hosCtl by tim plmysicium tO be hmivtn him mimi migm.rm-a-
Yateti form , i'canmm ) lam-ger 1mm buotcimem , toni
lmmom'u antI ummoru tilhtres'Umlg. Se were I ruuiumently
obliged to get imp in tIme imtglmt imnul nil , hmimim with
bodmi ha iaiter. at mug Ii umlrimtimt. etc . Fluimmhly ,
% t ) t-atid otliem pimyslchuins , iumtit mme ies tiiamm
six lma1 tttt7mmltti 10 CtitC bile , all mtiike fmtliiumg ,
amimi tim , , chmhiul mti'iuhliy gettiuigar'o , itntl w'oz-se ,
tuntli mtboiit time 2utlt Of lust July , whieum we lmgtum :
I 0 give - hmiuum UIITI CL ? 1 .t I iumtmi.VI-flT iumterimuui ly ,
mmmiii tIme Cuirroum u , utimd Ct"zret'u ' . Ho t I. oxtem-
mmaily , , aimul iJ1 time httt gf Ammglm.t imo wis to
mic'ai-lu mitil that we give hint immiy one iloso of
tim ltisom.VESr : utbommi iverv , second huiy fet
nboUt t'um ' days ioimger , imml ho hues unmet Utuim
I u-aim biheti sian , rhtii rho lmomrlhhe hmatuiy. I mm miii
we ussh t.n.t limumum omni-lmmml ( of it bottle of C'Tu-
gamut 1(1 ( : ort'sx-r : , a little 1es tlmimmm ama , bOx of
CVTI'Ufll , aumd ommiy oim'tk : , of Ctrzcufle.i i-U.S P
I I. I iti' % N , uaymmgum , iivtngstomi ( o , iii
iullirrlts'd umad sworim to lueoro ins I imh-toiurthm
day cit January , 1557. C. N COIL .1 . 1' .
$ ( AtOF'UhQUi4 itUlOflS.
1,551 spr1im I 'mts very sick , heIimg coyrred
wIth somimu kmici of scrafui : , . 'limo doctorS could
Bet hull ) pit , . 1 was alvlse't , ' to try thu Cmnietmiut
itmAof.i'ENr ' 1 di1 so , ammml In it tiny I griw hut-
Or and 1et'tet. himLhI I ant 5 $ Wt-JI as over. I
timaImi yomm ( or it S-tY zmmmmchm , and uuinild hikm to
luitvi It told to the public.
1iV. ' liOVlT.iN. North , 'tttlohomo , )11u45.
- Ctrrunmrus ( , alms gmtit Smtimi Cure , arid CUTICIIIIA
5A1 ( uttPlimed trdnm It. extetnaily. mind Coil' .
Court 1tESO1.'ET , the new blood rurhhlor. inter-
imutii3' , are ut loiltivu cure for every forUm of
skin timmil iihooui thi5tmutsoiroun Idmumlihoi to crofnmla.
olti everywhere. Price. ( uxhcuunA.f.Oc : SoAr
2e ; ito'ExT-I. : l'reparcd Jiy the i'OT'rEm
Iutmi t5m' Cuuumtue : in Ce , . Iitomm , Yhutts. )
' " ' Skhii h)1eases , " Cl
-'teimlI for 1 low' to (1mro (
t'himstruWolms.utmimt100 ' _ teitluuuotmlail4.
b nvi ct t3kimi amid Scalp lmr'strrtl and beauti.
ULIIJI I ) tie I by Cn'TzctYut % IEmiItjATIIbAr' .
: ) f ( tousles humstmtimthy rehieis1 by hitat
, imemr , tJngammt muummi hmmfmiiilbb , Aimlhlnlo
U , l'4imu. hut1nmimmatIoii miumd % V.'mikumes ,
tire , ( m1TucVftA ANh-I'AIN .Iu.A5Titmt.
, "lie tlrst awl oniy pMu-stubuuina plttttVr.'iCt5 ) :
. . .
, , ; ' - \ , , . - :
- :
'rime iperIemmce of' nit Onmnia , Maim.- .
Itcjccteii fur Lenmmber-sIulp lib time
Stu1CIi 0 CI mibNo tore Thought-i
cfSulcido Sow ,
it is gmmiratly kimwmm that this city eolmtaiii
ammo o r t ho nmmatt mimmiqumo n mmd mmmiceiivcuit hormal ,
climbs. Nothing it's tuman mm society forIim Iumt'mu
tmoum utmiul imitisi igitt iou of mmuetiutis , for sinmimli tuma
oil' tlmi 111(111 5 I coil iii I Imi , nmot sSt I fa't cry iii mmii
imer. 'i'lmu dub iii mt-amy im is a large mmt'iumlit'rxlm I I'
nut ! mmmnimmtmromts immeclmmimmicil ' 1ulcc mmmmti chmim urumi
'ouimbimmat louis Oh uximibit ton I ii ml tuft' tOcin 5. ( limo
of their muteSt iotuimt clmummii'imis t Pitissic a iii ,
I lie Immost I uliiii ha it s act lou of mmmuy 'smmowum tin-mu
ommu rlro t' utImiclt i'laceti ( 'it I Ii im ton mmmt' w 111
irothumce VOimm Imieto liatamlYSis 0 F I lit , t.umt I I o rmt'r t'uis ,
s'st rum imishlti of mimmo ummiumimt e .t not her cnili ,
Acciimitt' , to timosu tit'sii-immg a soummemu limit slim , , t'r
dent Ii bum n Jim t mis hot , emit iii It s act lou , immimi tmI I
um mmotiiem' tt'iutt'im umtuiy ln useil by mihililt mu i a mm ct mb
tat o it a mmd l1tSSiumi : tile tmcmlhu mu umttem' t imo skimm , I
sim lllclemmt to ti i'odmmco it s Oltect , it is kmtowmm mrs
( 'tmrmma : emI I imdtmmim strait' l'oisoiu. I is cimmm io'ti hum
is mm mmkmiow mm , but it Is oii us timid front cerm muir I mm-
tllatm of Sommtlm Armtem-icmm , w lmtm ( ill ) time polmmts of
timeir mirrows Immto it , amid w-imooet-Ct- eSt'mm
tcratcimutl li ) ' oumo of timt'ni mmlii thu . ' , Unmet
immetimoti nfkeepImmictimepoiomm (01 tht lmersoum mm-mr
showmm. I t commshtmt of ii i-try I imimi ( iili'mmltm of
glum. ' , ) mm hikim commtmrimmm I Ims luot , , oml , 'lhmt cat' mm )
is I iimlt'ddt-d , tin t lie uumttmtit' of I lii' armim , emu tim , ' mu
uter stilt , ammd tlmo mktut imilomveul to imt'tml , \Vlmtm
t in' imer semi dire I o tutu hutS o x i-li emmce him tmi
hmmi to crmm uhi limo calismuit's , mm hm cim t ho clmeimm b'a I
I mmmimmil ( mitt ely nimombmu1 mtuiu I thu , ' it s pQrtt-t mm .o k
hm'em' hers miii uic' ' , I 1004 01 jolum tug I licimuli mmiii t
simonsuilehuhiml iumt'umtiouts , or mit Lt'mtst mm ummtmmm
imtsium to I hiummm . 'there am o ummummy tutmuhidmut it for
1mn'umihcrmhmip , nimui time st om' of mmii ex-cmtuil 1,1mm , ) : '
mm-il I umo ii emi mit r-ome tmmt i-u-'it , I mmg ims slmowl 1mg 'imo '
ot the vmim-ltiiu s immitirmids 'if w liii nmiglmt be ctllct :
liupisstit : mmliti-ot , smmi-hut' 1 mmeglect.
, m i' . Olmam ii l Dutm it w utmeim'mtmso iii run emmm
imloud by time iuohmmm mimmnario'tumrhmmg coummpmmm : , '
rtsitiimqz itt I lm corner (1 t C tim im uiui I ( 'aveniw ) it ii
St , V'et , , t cli4 t ho I oilmm , lug st om' of hi immmsi r.
rom- m ito limit I mm o vt'am" I imavt be'mt hum a mirerm-
lint' mmmii itiomm. 11 y ltiuh : setmimeti I o b nub tog
Cnrm't nimbly , .hmcc1mtl ; ' iii't ii'mt , thu rm eyes , nut
mmmy hose vommid stolm mmli , tirsi on tome sit ! i' tutu
tam I in' ether , ( Ittemm 1)1)1 ) ii mmomt mil , 'then I I egmmmm
to mmouiO siumguiiir mmoisos mu amy ears m-oumm-iumg or
umzi uigoimni - , t lucy imp uleimmeut to him , ' to he , mmmiii
olumt imumes sotmumd'm ltku w ii i-st hug atmil lmauimummt'r.
luir , A bmmt I hi t't ti ummt um u' u I mront mthm'o bt'gmrmm to
give mime mm great uleal of troulmi , ' . I woimlit imtmm ays
be lmnwkmmug miud lmtmiumimmimmg nimil trvlumg to chetr
uumy throat , oft cmi mutiimm x tithe timird bumps. somiio.
tlmmmei of ut Ii-ct'mmhihittt ; otlmem'tlrumes of mm yelloim-ibim
, , I trotibi ofteum litvu' : na irmi In t hmo chest , ox tummd-
limit t 0 t 1 in migim t simommhi it 1 )1i ) : tie. \'lmeit ml raw-log
a mmmmg 1,1-emit ii I ( ' ( iii lii im enmmm k irmU a I mm. mm him&zimte
mmOim.i , tim iii y thiust , .i mm'l s.ummtt tmumet It miouu bit
seulum t , ) imme as if I wirm bmtuttbuitig timroumgim mm
spoumg-l 'tcmuimi to he mihiti to Imar time air 1)1185 )
lnmg tiimommgh. I lt'gaum ) to ft'ar t imirt I tm-its .mobumg
hmito eommsmuummpt itiit I ivims immure uirmimly voimvimmct i
of timis wimen lieforo Ioumg , I coimmimiuncemi totighi ) (
mm kind of imoihow' cotmglm , 'limo mimum rp Imatumi ium mmiy
eimest would uxtemmu mimoumat to the suumimil of mumy
" .l'r' to PrOt'emit It as I mmmtghmt , I mnim fat-em-em
cntoiitmmg fmslt eold. I never mm-its witimommt thitmim.
iluctm isolu iii rim mm ium ) ' mmti.ju inn ! mimuit em ( me.
qimemit iy iuiy mioo ms-emil , ! Idecel , _ i t nmy ucork I
ham-i , to Stool ) OVOt qim It o fri'iu uuemtt hy , nun ! w luoum I
thu so I m otuhil betommum dizzy utimel evemylimimig
sceumuomi to winm hit-lot-a rmm' usycs , i t night mum
nht'ei' dlii riot rofiesim imic itt imi I , nuol 1mm t lie mum , n-lu-
hmmg I would feet us timed ammil hummipuid as w belt I
\reiit to bemi.
' .uim' stoumiutcit wits nilerted ton I womilil sit
dow'im to Lime table with mm-lint sceutitil a good iii-
iietite. lutt ml fter a uumniitlm fir 1 ( it' tim-n mumy impliotito
vouiil , h'ut'mi , ive. I-me-t'ui hilmig w omhi I mci-tim to
SouL' On iiit stoummiri-ii _ ' ( hem , ' mmomiit I ai alumni t
coimtmiut Iuelchiiuig , a uhismmgu-eeahbe , bitt ir tastu
in t ho mmmii tim , nmmii mit last I got so I thu mit Circe
to look at fooil.
"I lost ibciit timid stremmirtli steadily , until ftoumm
mny nvorngu w'etgimt ni 17I4 ptuuumils , , I cammmo tiow-mu
iii mvetgimt to below ire lomlmmis. ) ,
"I wits ulmvays feeling tired : hmnul mto aummbitiomm ,
ICm'1itOj ) I took amid mvlmrrtevor mvork I Imuighit
do was , iommn mitlm amm-euiou-t. uimmii after worktumgut
while or w'aiktmmg a block or two nmy lietd wmuiuld
PerSPtl'o aumil iii3' Itimibs would aelmo n-i if I had
ciommu , MOlimO vtm-y luemim' ) ' work.
" 1 ( 'mime imero to Ommi-mimmi amid bromigimt mmiy Ca-
tai rim wIth ummo. Jim reading tim tinily lianers I
read liii' uulm-em-Iisemumi-nt or lr. ) McCoy mmii immailo
imp mimI' immhummi to try ngniui. I Vhshtcil his nilbeit
him thuo ltaummgu block snuume thummo tim tpm-ll , amid
started ticatmucuit mmliii imimmi , uuiil I gremm' 1)011cc
at thin start , umiti utter ommo mnouitim's troittimmeumb ,
fclt so god ! that I wemit away on a Visit tiitumk.
11mg timmtt I w'orilil ttnisii I lie treat uneumt attem' ummy
retiimmm. i have ito mimoro sm'mmmlmtommumt of eatumrrim ,
ammul aumm , I ttmtimk , emmttreby cmmm-oul of It. Mm' ail'ico
to any one-u-ba 14 sumiTertuig with cmmtarrlu. is not
to trhhio m Itim liitielmt incti1eimie , but to go to Dr.
ticCoy mit ( ulmcc. "
"jiuyomu eirmo it I iumublisim this Interview ? ' tiM
asheu tif tine geimtloumami wimo va3
M , -
simm. cur&mtrr.s mm. nt nix.
corner2tii and Leavenwnrthm streets.
'No sir ; I don't cnm-o a bit fec I wuiit any oni
ummitrei-huig mrs I was to ftastu time bonetit of mmmi' ox
jieriemice. nail ouu calm say too , i-lint any one
tmommiiUuig tiiis inqmrvlemvcamm hmitorview limo tiiomum.
uelm'es. , Iflimey wish It , by cailtuig emi mae at ( hit
A Popular lqhnnatIon ,
Time Past age mmiiuiiit be caubed a smupertttloims
omme , 'ilium lii's&iit ( lilt JiLOFO proiorl } ' lie cahied
aim ago of ucurprises. for iumauiy thirmgs ommee classed
Aimmoumg time lmiijicissibtiitieS lint-c now becomimo
ovorydiry liSSiIitltie. It wommiut ho smmpom'himuomus
to onimunarutte thmeimm , litit hmutvo mm'd reacimemi time
umimimost hiiimit ? lIsva we ? Pimysiciutuis wit damn
to ummaico cuirturint urtlimmemitmi of time Imumimmitim boiiy
subject tea utpooiaistmmuly , anti datum to ho urtuhe
to cure Mmcii .itsoit8is , are hrmiiummeml huy other
seif-sittistled practitiormers iou Jiicstmuuihmt mnuus ; limit
iloos their smiyimtg so immako It so ? 'limo nina who
can comae the mieiirnst tim om'orcomuio time socam-
ing IunposStbiiitIeM of otimirs h now mmii the rimgo ,
amid mmoii does ito Cm they , iu'setm'u them stmccoci limo ) '
have iaboret so immurd It ) olititili. nr , .1. Crosaim
? iicCo or luis utsuihmiteim4 do 801 moake ciamumms to
nmmimhmiumg immmtitetouus. such as iaismng limo dciii !
amni givtngtiueiui mmcmv iIfo umohtlmer da ulie' climumi
toghvo sigumt to tIme bhimmrlm limit by timeimimew nun !
ctsuitiuhc uumctiioil or tmeittiumg eatarrli tiuey hate
cured aitil do cmmm-u caturrim Immem well am broume-imlal
mid thmroat trommbles , 'lucy uumnko catmurm-im ut spo-
cmli y letnmise It iii Dime of tIme , ummost humamLmutimt
real-i rommbh soi me ihimi-misci thin tue iii'Oiiit ) of thih
ciimmmmmte aru Imoir ti ) . iihumco Dr. iu-Coy mrmmd huh
uisso-uates have locmiti , tim timhi ) city they have
tmoatiI w-Itha nmmrcess iuimimdm-eiIs of meu'omms wlnimim
oilier pliysiciutmi ( have tom , ! their ilisemise , wits
cimmitseil aummong ilto Inciurabics. lie they not ; mmuum-
11.11 frormu scenk to week him the uhahi' 1mur i.stt.
immamitnis ( rommm souume or tluu iumilumV grmtuofmil 1mat-
Ient giving him each cameo t ho fumul muimmimo mmd ad.
ulcete of tIme lmhi-iOflS uimuikiuii this statoummeumt timat
time ilotmhtintt. umiut Mkiticii1 mimimy 'aii tumid imitor.
iim-mv thin siriit licolite hurtorto m-hmmiuiumgtlm doter's
Oblico for ciimmsimltumtkmn. 'flue I'oiibo fliivemttseti
as ctmreii mire liy iii ) uumoatis oh , cluro or uuumkuiowuu
limit ha time ummuilou-hty ( it' eases are citizemis mm cii
known ) i- time lumustnemumm pPiuliiO amid ciimminumiity
mit large. miimui it wit I mumaut , tush m.iiimy niuu. 0111
him II eming tritim catuirrimal um tiec-t t u ) visi I timot
mm lie. ' , stilt iumiemmtfl ame u'uu hi thi.-d or comisuult
t-mili time doctor or liii mmsom-hit--u : at his olliu0.
hum tilts conumectioli timoru cnimi luarilly hO ii mimumi mu
mt etsthuU.t stubjert thuami time lult I oust o eirei-ts oh
eatmirrh mupoum thu hiamiluc , 'hits 1inccoesmir thmts
ti Ii'iIo , him oisoumtumg I Iii lrftat im i-ottiimg uiwnty tite
ml ohheato iuu mrchminen3' of smmmeii utah tstu' , poibummtumg
t irti huumigs : mmml I imo iilnoil , mmmiii passiimg tumt o I ima
touiuacht eumtuobiimmg thu dIaotloum , vitiating time
, -ecrctlomm ammd poiuttrmg the u-try fommuitimiums , t
life. All-this huit iii.rimals been very gonmururiiv
t1i-iisd , mit thou tory fi-eqtm"nt nflOCt ocaiuumim
of themim , , . ' alit ! tlmmoat nhpoui time iieauluufc huas umot
becmm tiulicitcil umpomi rum orteun its tim smnbjuct
Peinaitcnmtly Ij0CtCtt ,
it. .1. ( 'resmip McCoy , into of fleiievume hasp ! .
timi , emv I'ork. amid imis ts'ioehntes , lately of ( ho
UumIvroiI3of New York city , utlso \ymmimiumg. .
tumm , 1) ) . 0. , have locat'4 permmmammeimtly hum thu
Itamuige iliock , ( ) uuumhmmt , Noii , . mmhioro nil cum'abiu
( -aM's uttatrnatemi mikhihfmmih ) ' . Cormsmmiimpttou
hirlglit's liitia'se , hyspomsts. ) I thieummmjttttsri , , : tmm
all miervous ihiscaimete. Mi tiiSetmbumi pt'cullar ( g
sex a slupChitlty.
- Consultation itt niUlo or 1 maim , j , Omc.
imoar's , ( Ito ii &i.-lml , S to 4 p him. , 7 to S u. mmu.
liunti fly hours , -frormi I ) 8 rn , to I p. rim.
( ' 0r4'spondencu rccem'cs prompt uittermtious
Ni' ietters oust , ered. tuio5 acctulmlusmiiml ) b ) ' I
cents imutanrpn. - -
Amltlut'ss utli munSti to lr , J. ( iMcCoy. itanmo
lIlock ( )
: , :
- - - - - - - - - - - _ , _ . , JsJi.s _ - .