2 TC OMAHA DAILY B/E8E / : SATURDAY , JULY 14. 1888. CORN BUSKERS LOSE AGAIN , Omaha Boys Lot Thorn Down Easy In Yesterday's Qamo. THE BATTING STREAK KEPT UP. JTho Home Team Itlttlni ; tlio Tintl With IMonHliiR Regularity Tlio Urcwers Defeated Jty Ilio Maroons Sports. SMtuling. Following Is the ofllclal standing of the Western association teams up to and In cluding yesterday's games. Plavca Won Lost Pr Ct Bt.Puul . . . . . . .61 U4 17 .IMM ! DCS Monies. . . . ; . . . 4(1 ( 2S IS .cos Kansas City . 47 2. " > .531 Omaha . 47 -4 .510 Milwaukee . 51 24 27 .470 Chicago. , . W 21 STi .4S9 Minneaoolls . 63 1U 34 .3.VS Sioux City . 10 3 7 .800 Otnnhn 12 , Sioux City O. The Omahiis went out to the ball park ngaln yesterday afternoon and played with the Sioux Citys ployed with them as a cat docs a mouse. But , mind you , no disparagement Is In tended the Sioux Cit.vs in the above asser tion , for the Corn Huskers arc n hardworking ing , Industrious , gentlemanly set of follows and arc deserving of u better fate. But the gods have decreed otherwise , and otherwise it must be. Their ambition Is to beat Omaha , just why ills difficult to sa- , but still It is a fact. Vain , foolish Corn Hunkers I They might ns well try to dam Niagara with a bat bag. They arc just the pudding Omaha has been waiting for and they need look for no mercy. The crowd yesterday was small , but en thusiastic. It was so exhilarating to see the liome team smack the ball and prance round the bases in their ugly uniforms. Just to fool the Sioux Cltj s the Omnhogs Bllowcd themselves to bo whitewashed in the first Innings , and then they came back ut them In the second and third , and knocked tout no less than seven runs. That made the Corn Huskcrs tired. They lost all Interest in the battle from that point out. out.In In the third , with Annis and Hums on the bases , Naglo made a homo run. He did not lilt the ball on the nose , but B < | ilaro between the eyes , and it went whizzing out over the left Held fence like a shot from nParrott gun. itador started after it , ami climbed upon the fence just in time to kiss his hand to it as it went on , on , on , over Walnut Hill , describing n lovely parabola in the air , as it went down behind the distant horizon. A farmer from Dodge county brotmht the ball into Hnrdin's store at U o'clock last night with the statement that It had lighted in his orchard at precisely 15 minutes after 4 that afternoon , twenty miles away t This was about the only notable feature of the game. "Chippey" McGarr , however , made hiu debut with the local team , and played brilliantly , as the score proves , not withstanding his one error. Ho will bo u favorite before the wenlc is out. Clarke , while hodldn't ' huvoto pitch a very good pame , did nicely , and big Wilson con tinued his great work both behind and at the bat. bat.For For the visitors the prehistoric short stop made soirto circus stops , and Genius iiuidu several wild , wayward breaks at the bound ing sphere that mumps him us one of the best men to keep away from the third bug that there Is probably in the whole profession. Steve Hagan umpired another 1'nuHlens pame , his decisions all being prompt , clean and precise. Ho Is A No. 1. But peruse the oftlcial score : OMAHA. SUMMAlll' . Runs earned Omalm 0 , Sioux Citv 3. Two- liases hits Nnglo 1 , Wilson 1 , PUoltin J , II Prantcr 1. Tlircc-baso lilt Schllukaccht. Homo run Nturlo. Uoublo phiys McGnrr to Crooks to Nnglo. Buses on balls Hy lilancnaril 5 , Cluruo 2. Struck out lly lilauchurd S. Tiiuo of KUUIO - :00. : Umpire I n , Mllwnitkoo 1. UKKU , July 13. [ Special Telegram to Tiic Bii.J : Chicago took to-day'a guiuu from Mllwuukoo through tlio inability of the home men to hit Dwycr , whom tboy pounded out of the box when ho Inst pitched hero. Grlflltlis , Milwaukee's new pitcher , was hit rntlicr hard , nml plnyoil iiltogctlicr a rnthor chumii Knino. Uotrait is about to buy Heuglu of the Chlcagos. The score. Milwaukee . 0 * . " Chicago . 0 01000000 1 Earned runs Milwnukeo 1 , Chicago 3. Huso on balls Oft flriflltli 2 , off Uwyer 2. Struck out Forstor , Mastroy , Uriftlth , JIuu- liahau , HliuluiH (2) ( ) , Galliujlicr (2) ( ) , Ilooyor. Two base hits Onllnghcr , llcu lo and Bhocncck. Wild Ditches Grimtli 2. Time 1:40. : Umpire Brcnnan. OTHEK GjVMlJS. VcstcrJny'rt AVInuern In the National Ijeajiiio Contests. PiTTsnono , July 13 , Hcsult of to-day's gaines : ( Morulng game. ) Pittsburg . 0 03010010 4 Biwton . 0 00000000 0 Pitchers Staloy for Plttsburjr , Miiijilon forUoston. Uaso lilts Pittsburj ; 9. lioston B , Errors Pittsburs 2 , Uostou a. Umpire Daniels. , ( Afternoon gainc.1 PlttsburB..2 JJoston . 0 00000000 0 Pitchrra Galvln for Plttsburg , Rntlbourno for Hoston , BIIRO hlt.Pitt burK 12 , Hos- ton 1. Erroi-s 1'ittsburjj 0 , Uoaton t ) . Um pire > Dunies. ! DUTUOIT , July 13. Result of to-day'a pain as ; ( Morning puuo. ) Detroit . . . .0 00011001 3 Phlludolplilu. . . . ! 00010000 Pitchers Getzoin for Detroit , OuDluton for Phlludalphiu. Uaso lilts DotK it 4 , Phllnaolpliln 3. Krrors Detroit 1 , Pliilailcl' pliiu 3. Ujijilrc Kelly , ( Afternoon guuia ) Detroit. . 0 * 2 Pliilatlu ] | > hla..O 00000000 0 Pitchers Couway for Detroit , Casey for Philadelphia. Base lilts Detroit 4 , I'hila- cloliililaO. Errora Detroit 0 , Philadelphia 5. Umpire Ke lli' . JxDiANvi'Ol.is , July 13. Result of to-ilay's pnmo : lntllanaix > lls . 0 00000000 0 Now York . 1 0010030 * 4 Pitchers Boyle for IndianairaHs , ICecfo for New York. Base lilts Indianapolis , Kcw York t > . Errors Iniliunauolls 5 , No v YorkO. Umpire Valentino. ' ' CHICAGO , July 13. Result of to-tlay's patnor CUlnaso . 1 0440300 * 0 Wulilugton. ! . .000000000 0 . 'llcliers Van HolU-on" for Chicago , Shaw Tor Washington. Base hits Chjcatro 10 , \VfttlilnRton 4. Krrors Chicago 4 , .Wash ington 1. Umpire David SulUvau. Ainci'lcnu Annsoclntlon. , CISCISXATI , July 13. lli'sult of to-day's Cinclnnntl . 2 4 Cleveland . 0 0 ! J 0 0 1 0 0 0 : i KANSAS CITV , July .13. Hcsult of to-dny's KiiiisrtsClty.,2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 S rt Urooklyn . 1 4001 1 II 1 8 L.OUISVIM.I : , Julj1 18. Ilesult of to-dny's cntiio : Louisville . , n 0 1 4 0 U 0 2 2 14 Athletics . 2 0 0 ( i 0 2 0 0 0 1 ST. Lour * , July 13. KcMilt of to-day's panic : St. LoilU . 4 3 n 0 2 2 0 1 1 10 Hiiltliiiore . 0 9 I'lattnmomli it , I'ort Uinnlia H. I'HTtsMotnii , Nob. , July 13. [ Spoclnl Tolpgnim to Tun UIE. : ] The I'lnttsiuoiithH and Kort Oiuulms pluyeil hero to-dai' . The ricorc : Plnttsmouth 7 " 1,1 Kort Oimihii . . . .0 S lliitterics Fort Omaha , Purtoil Hros. ; Plnttsmouth , Patterson Hros. Home runs . Coady and T. PatturBou , TURK KVKNTS. Yostcrdny'H AVIfinorH.oii tlie ton I'nrk Course. Cntcuoo , July 13. At Washington park to-day the weather was good and the attend ance largo. One mile Badge won , Orderly second , Arlsto third. Timo-1 :4tJ : : . One and oiin-olglitli miles Daruna won , Kredcrlon second , \Vuterlcap buutun off. Tiiuo 1 :57. : One-half inllp Galen won , Princess How ling second , Illtidoocraft third. Time t : OS. One mile Grey Cloud won , Tudor second , Gurus third. Time 1 :4.K. : : Three-quarters of a mile Prophecy won , Kitty H. Hccoud , Aloha third. Time 1:1 : % . Throe-quarters of a mile Doiisiuan won , Lutlttc second , Lucy Johnson third. Time At RrlKliton Uoncli. BIIIOIITO.V LtUACii , July 13. Hcsult of to day's racoi : of mile Mute Relax Three-quarters a won , lax second , Buss Viol third. Time 1 :17. : Three-quarters of a mile Silver Star won , J. J. Healy second , Frank C. LJ. third. Time -IslStf. Three-quarters of n m Ho Ford Kyle won , Burton second , Diihino third. Time 1 il1 ' . Ono and one-sixteenth mill's Qulbbicr won. Miss Charmer second , Cardinal Mc- Closky third. Time 1 : WK. ) Ono and one-quarter miles Barnum won , Valet second , Grecnlleld third. Time 2.11'/ . Sovcu-ciglitlis of a mile Valiant won , Cruiser second , Glcnhall third. Time 1 :2'J : f . THE rUIAiMAN HEGATXA. A Heavy Wind nml Had AVoattior In- tcrl'crc With ilio Sport. CHIC vao , July 13. The first day of tha eleventh annual regatta of the Mississippi Valley Amateur Uowiug association on Lake Caunict to-duy was hardly a success owing to the weather. A heavy northwest wind created too much se.i for the light shells of the racers. Four contosti wore carried 'out and four shells capsized. The principal event of the day , the Juuior singles , was abandoned and the time made In other con tests was unsatisfactory. The junior four- oared shell races , one milu and u half with turn , was won by Pullman crew No. 2 by one length. Time n : : ) V ; Pulltmm No. 1 st-coud In 11:41 : ; Crescents third in 10l)7Jij. : ) The others wore close up , the Iroquois coming in last. The Sylvaus wore capsuud ut thcturn. The junior double shell contest wa4 won by the Lurllnci in lli:0'J : , Culllns second in 14:10 : , and the Dulawares last. The race for the junior pair oars was won by the St Louis Modocs iu 14:4 : ! ! . The Mo- liuo Sylvans , the only other starters , cap- sbud in milking the turn , and the Modocs tltiished at leisure. The llnal ovmit of the day was the pig con test. The Sylvuns' boat Hwumpud and llllcd on the way homeward , and the Modocs won inl'J:00. : The annual meeting of the Mississippi Valley Amateur Hawing association was hold to-night at Pullman. H. C. Avcry , of the Farrngut club , of Chicago , was elected president , and K. P. Brown , of Minneapolis. secretary and treasurer. OUT ON BAIk. Tlio Appellate Court Orders Mrs. Ruwson's KelcuHo. Ciuavoo , III. , July 13. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bun. ] The petition of Mrs. MeeKlo li. Rawson that she ha released on habeas corpus proceedings from serving 'the re mainder of the contempt sentence , was heard before Judge Tuthill this afternoon. Mrs. Rawson was present in court attired in n beautiful white dotted silk dress. She looked calm and hopeful. Her attorney , Seth F. Crows , presented to the court his argument , which was based mainly on tech nical errors in the commitment by Judge Jnmicspn. Judge Tuthill after reading various authorities tending to refute the argument , fulled to grant tlio petition , and remanded Mrs. Hawson to jail. Nothing daunted , Mr. Crews and Captain Black carried the matter t j the appellate court. The four judges then pronounced the points good and ordered Mrs. Kawson's release on bail instantcr. Attor ney Crown hurried over to the Jail with the news and Mrs. Hmvson and her son were ex ceedingly rejoiced. A number of ladies be- louginir to the Women's Protective associa tion came and congratulated the banker's wife , and altogotner there was. quite a jubi lant time in the jail. Mrs. Hawsou soon loft the Jail with her attorney and announced that she was going in the country for u few days. < Jlchl for Rnpo. Cnmu RUMPS , Nob. , July 13. fSpncial Telegram to TIIC Bin : . ] John David , a bach elor , was arrested for attempt to commit rape on a six-year-old girl in thiu place. Ho had a uralimiaury hearing and was sent to Jail to-day to await trial at the ne.\t term of court. Tlio AtnalKaiimtcd Scatn. , July 18. Brown & ( Jo. , pro prietors of the Wuyno iron company , of this city , signed the amnlgamatcd scale this morn ing , and another llrm is expected to sign this ultcruooii. Brown & Co. employ UUU nieu. Drink Multo ut soda fountain. A Voivilcr Mill Explodes. POTTSVIT.LI : , Pa. , July 18. Lartln& Rand's powder mill , at Crcssonu , just below this city , exploded this afternoon. Two men were killed and one other fatally injured. Rheumatism \Vo doubt If there Is , or cnn lie , a speclflo remedy for rheumatism ; but tlioiixruuHvlio IIAVO nufforoil its pains havu liceu greatly bcii- clltcd by Jlootl's Su .ipirlll : . If you liavo failed to lliul relief , try this great icracdy. "Ivas aniletodllli rlivunutUm twenty years. I'icvloiis to 18831 found no relief , but crew worse , and nt one 11 mo was almost help less. Hood's Hannpaiilla did me more good than nil the oilier incillcliio I ever had. " II. T. IUI.COM , Shirley Village , Mass. " I had rheumatism three years , and got no relief till I took Hood's Sarsararllla. It has done great things for me. I recommend it tether other * . " Luris UUIIUAM : , IJlildcfonl , Me. Hood's SarsaparlHa Is characterized ! three pccullai-ltles : 1st , the coinblnallyn of remedial nccnts ; .M.tho jjrojmrtton ; Sil.xho procejj cl securing the active mcdlchinl Qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. Scud lot book containing additional evidence. "Hood's Bartanarilla tones up my system , puriflca my blood , shariwutmy nptiotuo. and Bcenis to wnko me over. " J. P. TiiOMMOJf , Register of IJectls , Low-ell , Mass. "Hood's Barsaparllla hcati nil others , and Is worth tti weight In pild. " I. liummaTON , 130 lUnkSirsei , liew Vutk City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold .by all drugfltta. $1 j lx lor $ RMmle culy by a I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , MM * . IOO DosesjOn _ Dollar. LOOKS THROUGH IRON BARS , Eloper Moore lg Rolonsocl But Im- mcdlntoly Retvrrestod. STILL FIGHTING FOR DELAY. Ho Hopes to Worry Norton Into n Compromise I/IM ol' the Valua bles \Vhluli MI-H , Norton Took Away. In the Hand of thn Lmv. TOI'KKA , Kan. , July 13. fSpeelarrelegram to Tin : Her. . ] Henry \V. Moore appeared In court this morning and after some wrangling over technical legal points between the attor neys ills case was continued until 2 p. in. At that hour another adjournment to 4 o'clock was taken the argument was made then and after three hours talk Judge ( Suthrlo ordered Moore released. Ho was piomptly rcarrcsted , however , and lodged iu Jail despite his request to be allowed to stop nt the hotel under guard. New habeas corpus proceedings were at once instituted , the writ bolng made return able at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Moore's attorneys are making every effort to delay the proceedings and hold Moore here as long as possible and hope In this way to wear out Norton and get him to consent llnally to the release of. Moore on condition that the property Is surrendered ; Moore said to-day : "I feel more confident than ever to-day that they will not pet me batik. Every delay and continuance secured is in my favor. " Following is a list of the funds , Jewelry and valuable papers brought hero by Mrs. Norton and turned over to her lawyers. The original list is in Mrs. Norton's handwriting , and after each article she notes from which bource It was received , whether from purchase or gift from Mr. Ngrton or other source. There is quite an assortment of Jewelry cases , bended portemonnaies , pocket books and ornamental trinkets not itemized in the list which is as follows : Abstract of title to u lot in block 3,74J ! in St. Louis ; one promis sory note for $5,600 , Hated August 17 , 18S7 , due ih three years , payable to Emma S. Norton or order nt the Bank of Commerce , St. Louis , with interest from maturity nt the rate of li jier cunt per annum , signed by Hudson B. Payne , with live coupon notes attached for ? 1 ! .50 each ; a certlllcnto of sixty shares of the capitol stock of the Cottrell Bill Post ing comparty , of St. Louis , for ? r > 0 each , is sued to Emma S. Norton September 20. 1SS7 ; four first mortgage bonds of the St. Louis Exposition and Music Hall association of W. each with coupons attached ; cash $3.,000 in national bank bills of various tionmninutions. There are also onumcnated a number of other shares of stock , canceled notes , insur ance policies and miscellaneous papers with out Btated value. The Inventory of the Jewelry is , ono pair of diamond hoop ear rings , ono three-stone diamond ring , ono sapphire and diamond ring , ono band , emerald and diamond , ono pair of diamond bauds , ono torquois and diamond ring , ono rose pin with small diamond , ono diamond sword and shield pin , one pearl and sapphire bug breast pin , one small bird phi with flowers , ono coral pin with small diamonds , ono Elks pin , ono monogram band with spangles , ono monogram bracelet with bunglct , ono pair gold bands , ono blaclc onyx cross , one purse containing gold , the gift of her mother , ono pair of sapphire and diamond oar rings , ono chatelaine watch , ono holltaire diamond ring , one pair pearl ear rings. _ _ FIFTIIOTH CONUIltiSS. S < ; nnto , WASIIIXOTOX , July 111. Tvlr. Dolph pre sented the remonstrance of a largo number of wool manufacturers and wool dealers against the legislation proposed in the Mills bill. Hofcrrcd. The senate went into executive session and Mr. Dolph spoke at some length in opposition to the treaty. When it came to pass that the most important acts of the highest legis lative body in the country , wore controlled by fear of a foreign war or threats of execu tive proceedings that would involve the country in Unaiioial distress , then republican institutions were indeed in danger , but the danger was from within , not without. Mr. Dolph did not court war with Great Britain , nor she with us , and lie was not alarmed nt the prospect. The nation could emerge from n costly and sanguinary war with its honor untarnished , Its love of liberty intensified , and its foundation of prosperity strength ened ; but when it yielded to unjust demands it Jot its own self-respect and the respect of other nations. The sonata then adjourned until Monday. WASIIIXOTOX , July 13. Mr. Blount sub mitted a conference report on the postofilco appropriation bill. An agreement has been arrived at on all the amendments except the "biibsldy" amendment. The rate of postage on seeds , plants , bulbs , roots and scions has been fixed at 1 cent for each two ounces or f motion thereof. The report was agreed to. Mr. Binghain of Pennsylvania moved to concur hi the senate "subsidy" amendment , with an amendment reducing the appropria tion from $ SOO,000 to S450X)0 ( ) , and authoriz ing the jwstmaster general to increase the mail facilities not only between the United States uud Central and South America and the West Indies , but betwoan tlu United States and China , Japan , the Sandwich Islands and Australia , and providing that American ships carrying mail Hlmll'bouilowojd four times the rule , ot compensation they now receive. A long ilubato ensued , and without action the house took a recess until & o'clock. The house at the evening session passed twenty-four private pnnsioii bills , including ono granting a pension to "MurUAPee - Wall- Ken-Gnu , " or ' 'John , " and at 10:30 : ad journed. UAOK-ltHNTJXG SCUIjTjY. Tim KiiKlUh I.ovd Forced to Sell His Illinois JCritntos. SpitixancLii , 111. , July 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun. ] It is learned hero that Landlord Scully , whoo raclt-rcntiug proclivities have made him notorious on two continents , is quietly arranging to sell all hU Illinois "estates , " comprising nearly forty thousand acres of the finest farming lands in the state. Ho has been impelled to do this by the passage last yeavby the legislature of mi alien land bill , ordering all alien holders either to qualify as citizens and bonaildo residents or got out before six years from the passage of the act. The history otLand- lord Scully's nick-renting in Illinois , Ne braska and cUoxrhero whcrn ho has lands Is too well known to need repetition. It is to bo hoped that the legislatures of these other states will force ; him out. IUVKUS AGAIN IMS1NG. Another Night of liurtUhip Along ; the JMonongalicla Hivcr. Pm nt'no. July 13. The Allegheny and Monongahelu valley * wcro visited by another heavy rain last night and the rivorcaro again rising at the headwaters. This has caused some apprehensions , but old river men do not anticipate another flood , It is now clear and very cool. The mercury dropped twen ty-four degrees In n few hours. Last night was tlio hardest of all on the 150 families who baa to move out of their suimtj- boats , 'iholr floating homes wcro in bud sha | > o when the river fell yesterday and not lit for occupancy. Then the weather suddenly grow quite cool and rain soaked the bed clothes and other goods piled up along the river banks. Many of the women and children wore cared for by neighbors , and the moil built tires and passed the night on the wet ground as best they could. Nebraska Postal Ohnnge * . WABIIIXOIOX , July 13. [ Special Telegram to TnE'BKis. ] The following Nebraska po.st- ofiices will be discontluuoil. , from July 31 : Amity , Merrlck county ; Chicago , Antelope comity ; Leo Park , Valley county ; and Mer- riclr , Mcrrick county. A lti3aiAKKAni < l3 THIEF. f flow Slic Wns AucldcMitnlly Captured Ily the ClilcnKo Pol lew. CHICAGO , 111' , Jtly 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKI : . ] A most remarkable discovery of n much fonecl and shrewd thief was made by the pcftiro this evening. Yesterday afternoon n rifofrScngcr boy standing nt the corner of Adams , and La Sallo streets was mysteriously shotSii the [ eg. ' 1'ho pollcenian on the crossing locked about In ainn/emciit to see where ) ( the shot cnino from , when suddenly , \ \ \voll dressed middle- aged woman tglviug her nnmo as Mrs. Jcntilo Crane , WhW had been standing near the boy , waiting fdr a street car , exclaimed that she had unwittingly ilono the shooting. Her husband's revolver wan In her satchel and In putting herj hand In for her pocket book the weapoinvas accidentally discharged She was locked up at the central station and her husband sent for , but ho did not come. A lawyer named McNulty came , however , mid tried to get her ball but failed. It de veloped that ho was near the woman when the shot was fired and that he had been for some time In the habit of calling on her nt her hbmc. Nothing could bo learned from the husband who appealed to bo very Indifferent , but from neighbors enough was learned to iniiko the police bollevo there was something wrong between Mrs. Crane and McNulty and that in all probability the re volver was discharged intentionally. Neither of the Interested parties would talk on any subject but the "accidental explosion" theory and Mr * . Crane remained hi the station all night and to-day. The singular portion of the story devel oped to-nlcht when It was announced that the police had accidentally discovered that Mrs. Cruno is no other than the celebrated and mysterious "pock-marked woman"who , in the disguise of a domestic , hired out to ilo/ens of families during the past six months , remaining in each place but n single day and always de camping with n iiuanttty of valuables. The police strained every nerve for six months to discover this woman but not the slightest trace of her could bofoundaltbough while the detectives wcro looking up one ot her ro ) > bories , anothorono would lo ) reported. They had llnally about given the matter up in despair. To-day , while a police captain , was talking to Mrs. Orane about her case , it struck him that her discrlption tallied closely with that of the famous "pock-marked woman. " Saying nothing of his suspicions ho quietly sent Jor several of the latest of her victims and when they were brought in , the woman was Identified beyond a doubt in a moment. She broke down completely at once and con fessed that she was tho'thief. ' Search of her residence this evening resulted in the re covery of hundreds of dollars worth of Jewelry , silverware and all kinds of valuable articles. The police are greatly clirtcd and regard it as the greatest catch of the1 your. The mystery of the shooting of yesterday , however , still remains unsolved. AM ) UAH. Yesterday's I'l-ot-'fledliujs In the Dia- trlot Court. The case of Nolllo Hcnahan against Michael ncnahan , on an 'Application for n divorce , was heard Thursday afternoon before Judge Doano and passqil , . on yesterday and the decree refused. 'Jlho plaintiff and defendant were married in this city the lOtli of August and lived togothcfTonly about three months , when Nellie left pen' country homo at Elkhorn - horn station and ; /moved to South Ouuiha , whore she opcneit boarding house. The grounds upon whfull'sho ' asked for a divorce wore that Michael ' , \vouid talk loud ubout the house and would' ; vhiiii the doors and was not at all careful in hi ? manners. lie Is a well to do farmer near EHchorii station and his wife , who had lifted for some tlmo at the Cozzens house in ( bis city , could not cnduro his noise. Many of. their neighbors were present as witiiDsiics. The court hold that the charges against illeiiuliaii wcro not suf ficient upon which to grant a dccice. The motion to strike from the flies the amendment to the original petition In the Hobinson-Jones case which was set for hearing Thursday wns taken up yesterday. The ruse is nno that is well known in the courts , and has been mentioned in detail in the press. Jones entered the land in Coun cil Bluffs where the Union Puniliu Transfer dcpdt now stands , on a wan-ant owned by Hobinson and held in trust by Jones. Jones llnally sold the land to the Union Pacific ; , and invested the money in land In this city. The investment proved to bo a good one , and the property is now worth about 250,000. Rob- iiibon , who lias been in California about thirty years , sued to recover the property , and at the opening of this term the court decided the case in his favor. and the court gave Robinson's attor ney's the privilege of amending their petition so as to conform to the evidence de veloped in the case. Jonos' attorneys lilcd a motion to Iiavo the amendment stricken from the tiles on the ground that it la more than an amendment , and Includes some facts that are not touched in the original petition. The argument of the motion Is now in pro gress. TO rOKBCUISK A MOUTriAOK. Jennie It. Wray began suit against Rosalie Brash , Otto Lobeck and John Gallagher for the foreclosure of mortgages given to secure the payment of n number of promissory notes , amounting In all to Sl.V , > 0. rin : nitiixii : IAWSOXCCII > INT. : John Hurley began suitac-ainst Hopkins & Scully , the contractors on the Council Bluffo and Omaha bridge comp.my's bridge across the river , asking $ ll'.i ! ! ) damages for Doing locked in the lower chamber of the caisson for about eleven hours. Tiio petition sots forth , lifter giving 11 detailed description of the caisson , Unit the lower door of the caisson is forty-six feet bulow the surface of the water , and that paid door was iniprocrly | miido and loosely hung to the shaft and would wubblound slide when being opened : that numerous Hhatt rivets project inward near the said door upon which the door" caught and thus caused the accident ; that about six loot of concrete was dropped upon the door , and that , on this account , the door could not bo opened , and that he , ( Hurley ) , together with Dowdy and Brady , two other employe * , were locked in for eleven hours under u pressure of air of forty pounds to the square inch ; that the defendants knew Of the nir-chauibcr in dangerous tlio door - wa * a gerous condition , and that plain tiff , owing to his confinement , was unconscious for nine hours and lias not bnen able to work since , and has besides been damaged for Ufa. The case will probably not bo heard before next term of court , AX I'M' MI ) XOTK. William A. Loach slius Ncllio McNamura to enforce u note for SJO ) secured by mort gage. sunns nivoiin : . Lydia Gllnes sue * for a divorce from her husband , William Mij for cruelty , lack of support and desertion ! There are no children. ( < X\P JIJIK1MKNT. Corn-Hand Abr.uns sues W. E. McCloud , L'jo Love and Samuel Coffman for es.U3.SI7. The petition alleges that V. N. Wheeler mortgaged 100 head of cattle to McCloud. Love & CM. for * 2,4lK ) . Ho also mortgaged eighty-oifo other onttlo to the sumo linn for iSJU3 1.74. Altorward plaintiff bought VJI of the ISU'euttlo of Wheeler ut Ponder for SlJO fiublpct to the two mort gages.Tl'ho plaintiff , alleges that the 181 head of cattle woru vorth $13,64 Ml at the time. Subsequently. ! the defendants took lifty-sevon of tliocatll" and Hold thorn for mid Int4jc they ulo hold the , thorn and converted the proceeds to their own use , knowing ? ut the time of Abram's Interest in them. The plaintiff alleges that the said I'M cattle were worth 33.5SO 30 ut the tlmo of their tioUuro , ami ho claims Unit his , interest in thorn was fs , 112.37 , for which Uo nifls. * _ _ * " Afc Cniiiitjrljbitart. A 4UI10MKXT KNTUISBI * . Judge Shields allowed the Oinnha Oil & Paint company n judgment against Charles Kuhtinan for ? 97.07 for mutorlal furnished. 8WIJCO THE CITV. The ease of Elliott & Ish asjainsfc the city Cf South Omaha for f20D as a retainers' foe in the cusn of the city of South Oinnha against Police Judge Routhcr for nml lulministratlon of Justice , WIM brought before Judge Shield * . I'lio plaintiffs were non-Suited. In the case ofUIow and others ugaliut Burlington jTho Burlington takes the load. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of nil lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha prop3r. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington1 C.B.SQ.BR : and others , Judgment was given igainst the defendant by default for 7-1.Oii due on a foreign Judgment. Al'l'OIXTKn VIIMINMVrUTOIt. . William Albert Smith was appointed ad ministrator of tlio estate of Joseph II. Smith , leeeased. Christina Colbert was appointed adminis- iratrix of tlio estate of Nicholas Colbert , de ceased. _ IU VINO JIAI'Tj ? Organization on thr Qnlot or a New Dcmouratic Olnb Imst Ni ht. Thirty democrats gathered in two of the larlors of the Millard last night to perfect ; ho organization of a new democratic club. Among thorn were none of the wheel horses of the party. In fact they scorned to be an entirelv now aggregation , what might bo styled in political parlance the silk stocking clement of the party They hud gathered on icrsonal invitation. Ernst Uiall presided. Will Wakcly acted ns secretary. Gdorgo Bertram , from the committee on constitution appointed at the llr.st meeting , reported a preamble setting forth the advisability of citizens talcing part in public affairs and the necessity for tlio welfare of the country that the democratic > arty should be in power. This was followed jy the following principles : The largest liberty of the individual con sistent with public order ; local self-govorn- npiit ; opposition to centralization ; separate ndepcndenco of the legislative , executive and Judicial departments ; recognition of the supreme court of the United States as the irnper tribunal of all constitutional qtics- : ions : strict maintenance of the public faith ; ipposition to enforced contributions for po ll ical purposes ; tariff for revenue at as early i practical period us possible with duo re- jurtl to existing invested interests and needs of the government and reduction of the sur plus , in the treasury in conformity with the president's message to congress. Tlio club was named the Omaha Demo cratic club. It was stated that 150 demo crats had announced their intention of Join ing the association , and that that number would bo greatly increased. The initiation Tec was placed at S3 , the monthly dues ut SI. The following ofilcers were elected unani mously : President , Arthur Wakoly ; lirst vice president , Frank Irvine ; second , John C. Uruxol ; third , Nat Hrigham ; fourth , Samuel llces ; llfth , W. H. Crary ; sixth , Tcsso Lowe ; recording secretary , Will Wakoly ; corresponding secretary , tico. tter- ; ram ; treasurer , P. Lang. These constitute : \\n \ executive committee. The committee on uill was given further time. Adjourned till the call of the president. "Why haven't you people Joined the Samo- BotclubJ" asked Tun IJur. man alter the meeting. "Oh , " was the answer , "there's room for two clubs In Omaha an Irving and Tam many hall , you know. " The uninvited appearance of Tin ; Hin : man , as also that of another Journalist , was a surprise to a couple of the managers of the affair , who had intended a star-chamber meeting. Their efforts to consign the news- niper men to a place beyond the threshold ivcro most emphatically destroyed by their ittendance. _ M131IITATIOX AN1 > PltAYKU. Hotli Iiavo Jloon Iiutnlcoil This Week l > y Catholic 1'astorH. The retreat of the Catholic clergymen of , lie dioceses of Omaha and Lincoln came to a close yesterday. It has been In progress since last , Monday und attended by about lialf the clergymen in each diocese , the others remained at homo to attend to pas toral duties. It was conducted by licv. F. Glcason , S. J. The exorcises were held in the Collegiate church of St. John , while the clergymen roomed in the college. Tlio names of the clergymen in attendance were : Uioeesp of Lincoln Hov. C. M. Hrown , Cedar HlulTs ; Kov. W. Murphy , Lincoln ; Hev. C. J. Freeman , South Auburn ; Uov. H. Kuppcnbender , St. Stephens ; Hcv. M. M. Morkul , Fairbury ; Hev. T. I. Carney , Platts- nioutli ; Hev. J. Lawless , Orleans ; Hov. W. Crowe , Friend ; Hev. T. Corcoran. Graf ton ; Hev. J. T. Leo , York ; Kov. .1. E. English , Hastings ; Hev W. McDonald , Dawson ; Hov. M. A. Kennedy. Lincoln ; Hcv. A. Haush , Wymoro : Hev. J. Crowley , Tecumseh ; Hev. H. Hex , David City ; Hev. E. Hartig , O. S. H. , Nebraska City : Hev. L. A. Dumphy , Lincoln ; Hev. L. S. Arjiin , Campbell : Hov. N. Stalls , Bellwood ; Hev. T. Cullcn , Mo- Cook ; Hcv. J. Ilovorka , Able. Diocese of Omaha Hov. P. Hrophy , Chad- rou ; Hev. .1. Harry , Lyons ; Hev. J. DPVOS , Spauldine ; Hcv. J. Flood , Omaha ; Hev. P. Lynch. AVood Hlver ; Hev. J. T. Smith , Hub- bard : Hev. M. Waldron , West Point ; Hov. F. Wlilnjr. How Valley ; Hov. W. Kelly , Hev. P. V. McCarthy , Hov. A. M. Colancri , Hov. J. Jcnnctto , Hev. .1. Uaxacher , HeV. J. Kr- nester , Omaha ; Hov. E. Henry , Central City ; Hov. D. W. Moriarty , South Omaha ; Hov. J. Mtillnr , St. Libory ; Hcv. C. Mugan , O'Ncil ; Kev. P. O'Hoilly , Jackson : Hev. J. M. Hynn , Columbus ; Hev. J. Hucsing , West Point ; Hov. F. Lichlcitner , Norfolk ; Kov. J. B. Fitzgerald , Fremont. Flis Resignation Accepted. WASIIIXOTOX , July 1 ! ! . The president has accepted the resignation of Hon. George V. N. Lothrop , United States minister to Rus sia , to take effect August 1. Lothrop is not in good health. If you buy LUMIJKU without getting Iloaprliind s prices you will lese nioiioy. Pell in litn-o AVitli Knglr-Hyc. Paris Dispatch to London Telegraph : The tulle of Paris just now is a ro- inaueo in real lifo , of which tlio lioroino is u young Englishwoman nnd the hero no less a person than Kn le-Kyo , 0110 of of the braves of Mexican .Too. Joe and his redskins hnvo conic over to the bip annual fair of Ncuilly , out&irto Paris where Ihoy ( hilly ami nightly umayo and anuiso Parisans by tlioir diabolical yells , tlioir hoi-bcmunBhin niicl thoii1 prair-io pr.'uiks jjonorally. It appours that during ono of the representations given by the troup in England a young ludy who was prohont became enamored of Kiglo-Kye. : She shortly afterward ( appeared from her homo , and hop parents learned on inquiry that she had gene away to Franco with the Indian troupo. A do- tootivo wns sent to Paris , nml he , : ie- eoniimniod by the cominlsinry of police the Ncuilly district , went to tlio camp of the rod skins at the Porte-Maillot , where the yotnig lady wns dUcovorcd in the tout of 'Knglo liye. M. Martin , tin ) commissary , and the English dutcctivo had much trouble with the savage , who asumod u thrciitouing aspect , iind would have shown light but for the interven tion of Mexican Jou him&elf. Kaglo Kyo was almost foaming at the mouth , and Ihrciuonoil to kill the commissary if lie led the young lady away. The detec tive , however , taking advantage of the general contusion , quickly suizod the girl in his arms , ran with her to a ve hicle , and \\iis speedily driven oil , leav ing JW. Martin to deal with the redskin ua bf.-bt he could. CITCS a llavishlng ly Fair Skin. U ( nttnntlynpplij no Detection. Inherited Diseases. Tn the realm ot dl en i ( ho faoti of In. borlt.inoo nro mo < t nurnurous nuil are tlnu r accumulating. Here , ulna , thry become ttS rlblff , fateful end orrrwhclmltifr. No fact ot nnturo U inoro proRiiant vrjtli nwftil incnn. IUR than tlio fact of the liihorltnnce ot dNcnso , It merit tlio fihjilclan on his Onllr round * . rmrnlrzltiR liii nrt anil filling him with illsnmy. Th togpmt of the nnclcul GiiTkl picture * the Furli't as pursuing families from goncrallon to Kcncrntlon , rcnlorlng thum desolate. Tlio 1'iirlo.i ellll ply tliclr worUof tenor and death , hut Iliojr ro not nnnrcj'ilhcil In the garb of supontt- tlon , but npprar In the more Intelligible but no K' 3 nwful form of hereditary dlscnto. Modern nclenca , wliloh hai Illuminated so many dark corners of nature , hni Bhed now light on the ominous words of th * Eu'rlpturos , "Tho nlni of the fntli ra fli ! l b * vl < lted upon the children unto the third and fourth ecncrntlon. " Initanros of hereditary dlicuso abound. 1'lfty | > cr cent , of canes ot consumption , that fearful destroyer of farnl- lief , of cancer and scrofula , run In families through Inheritance. Insanity U hereditary In nlnnrked degree , but , fortunately , Ilka miMiy other hereditary dlscows , tends to wear Itself out , the stock bcvomlnj extinct. A distinguished oclcntlst truly skyst "No organ or texture of the body Is exempt from the chnnco of being the subject of hereditary disease. " Piobably more chronlo djscaitra , which permanently modify the structure and funrtlomt of the body , are moroor l c > lUblo to lie Inherited. The Important and far raachltKC pf' ' " ' " < 'at deductions from such fact * nffrotloK so powerfully the Impiilncsi of Individuals and families and tha oolleetli a welfare of the nation are obvious to rodeo- ting mind * , end the belt means for prevent ing or curing these dltcaics Is a subject of Intensa Intortrft to all. rortmmloty nature Lai provided a remedy" , Trhlcti experience has attested ni Infallible * , and the rTmedylf the world famous fiwlft's Spcelilc , a pur * vrgctablo comixjund nature's antidote for all Wood ] Hil ntn. To the n diluted It Is blessing of Inestimable vultiu. All Interest * Ing treatise on "Illood and Bklu Diseases" Will be oir.lled free by addrimtng TIJC SOTFT hrecrric Co. , Drawer S. Atlanta , da , ( UKctP 1 : of Ilio llnoft Hnvor.A lpvcrnKH ) for ftronc nppptlto : n dpllcutu drink for llin Mmslttvo. Tliornnulily tc > hl il ; nit- tiltlous , jmlntiibli' : uni'xi'elk'd ' In purity : un unpleasant utter eirocts. Hcqulrrn no boiling , yoi.n HV W. R.BENNETT &CO. "The Overland St < mc. " Una so niTiiiitfcd its Fiunily Sleoplii l/'nr i.orvico , tlittt berths can now bo ro Borvetl upon npplicntlon by any ticket iifjentto M. J. Oroovyl'n sonjor Ajjont , I'ouneil UhilTs , Iowa. The ronorviitiniis vviion in ado nro tiirnod over to tlio train conductors taking out suoh cars , so that passenpors can now sociiro berths or dered , the hiuno as a I'ullmun berth is rcsorvcd and socured. J. S. TKltllltTU , 13. li. IjOAIAX. Uou.1 * . &T. Agent. . \S3'tO. I'&T. 0.11 A HA. NKH. ron nr.STiioviNO Bed Bugs , Koachss , Anta , Flaa : .vutl uny other iuncctH , u o M. o Infallible Insect Powder. Alsotuiltrarts tuk"ii fur clean- Inn hotels. lio.vsltiilftmul prlv.ito rv lilrncuaticiiu vcrinlii. Hallftiiclldii Kimrunu-Hil or no puy. 1'tluclpal Dciutt11'lBtmth ' I'ttli Hlr i't. Thai HappyDaring , ! t untl glatlncm to the homo. In so notiiletuly bociv\wo U iuts enough to vat , but because It hui tliu right klutl. It 1 fed ou DRIGE'S FOOD. None C'nilneltliout ! NVooutiuii.L'o. . Uble no. rnn liril nill V Anulcjc. pennBnontcuro r-riH MFN llfJI I 'or Uut tit falllnB lUn 1111.11 UHLIt . manliiwl. utrvouir.cn , weaknru , uimntural looui. lock or ptrenuth , vluor or Jovoloj > m nt , cuuncil by Indiscretion. xc e . to. YalmilJi - > ( " ! ifuM ) free. KltlK MKDIOAL CO. . BUFFALO. N. Y. LYOM&HEALYI Bttto & Monroe 8t . CHICAQO ,