Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1888, Image 1

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A Statement In Court of the Al
leged Dyimmlto Plot.
h'cveral WitnewK" ) 'testify Positively
to H.ivliiLc Seen I ) } nninito C.ut-
ridden and Cans In ( liu I'on-
The " " .
"Q" CoiiHiilrncy.
CIIKHOO , July 13 [ Special Tclcpinm leTHE
THE HEK ] H is doubtful whether , oiilsidc
of the famous anarchist trial , moro sensa
tional or dan n/ing testimony was ever ad
duced against pi isoneis than that brought
forth In thu examination to daj of the alleged
Hinllngloii dynamituis IJiueroIsen , Goding.
Hrodorick , Howies , Wilson and Smith were
bcsfoio United States Commissioner Hvmo
'J hcsonru thu men anostcd on Ihu nominal
chargu of violating the feduial laws regard
ing this tiansportalion of high explosives
'ihu men wciu airalgned In Ihe same couit
room where the famous b icolt case
of the Hurllngton eompiny against
the Wabash for rufusing to
accept "Q" freight was decided by Judge
Gieshiun. Thu loom was crowded with
business and railroad men , p irtieiilarly Ihe
laller class. The most intense interest was
manifested In the proceedings and sensa
tional developments for Iho brolheihood men
vvero not lacking Not the least notable of
Ihcso incidents was thu action of the
"squeuloi , " Aleck Smith , in loftising tone
ccpt the services of Iho brothci hood's coun
sel. Smith was separated from the others
before the couit opened , having sat with
them only n moment Attorney Donahue
then at the very oulsct demanded that Smith
Hit with Iho other men. Mi Donahue do
elaied himself Smith's attorney , retained hi
S'lilth's hi other , and askol yyltj ho should
not bo permitted to consult with him
After much pulleying the couit asked
Smith Himself to stum ! up mid say whether
hu desired to rceopt the sarvices of llio
biolhuihood and nit with his foimcr com
rndcH When the bitin Iho court was
hushed , Alex Smith stood up and
said doggedly : "No , sir ; JI haven't got any
lawyer , and I don't want mil " The
biother's checks fnlily seemed to burn ,
whilu Ihu olhei prtsonciB and the biolhor
hood icpiesentallvcs piesent wcro fmtlj
dumbfounded Smith , who is decidedly un
pic possessing , then smiled at the Huilmg
lon'H couiiHoi and sat down near them The
piocccdings then began , and as Dislnel
Altotiic.v I'ulng unfolded ills analgnment
the beholdeis glow deeidedl.v neivous and ill
at ease , with the exception of Haueieisen ,
who letuinid iidmnablu composure When
the tesliinony icgardmg the pui chase and use.
of the dynamite be an lo como in thick mid
fast , however. Haueieisen lost his nlr of
indllToiunce and his cheeks binned brightly.
Hofoio the conclusion of all tlio damaging
uvlddieii , which is presented in the 10
poit of the court piocoedings below ,
was concluded , it became qmto clear
to those in the loom Ihat thu ease
looks veil black for the piisonois , and it
baldly needs tlio additional testimony uliich
the piQsecution piomlscl to piesent to-mor-
ro'v to Insure the holding over of the men hi
thu commissioner. Not the least Impoitant
feature of the pioceedings is the vciy bad
cflcct this testimony will have on the case )
of Mcssis. Hojfe and Kolli , who mo soon to
bo m iiilgncd under thn stuto conspiracy law
AHer Commissioner Hoyne Imdiofused
the defendants' i cquest for a scnainto ex
amination for eai It of them , the disliietat-
toinc'y moso nnd In a matter-of-fact way.
without nny uttchipt tit declamation , lecitcd
the facts that ho proposed to piovo. Ho
Raid that his evidence would show
that the dinamito cailiulgc placed on the
Hm lington Hacks nt Kola , 111. . May UU , was
put theio by How Ics nnd Smith. A fewd iy sprier
prior to tills explosion Howies went Into
Chnii man liege's i onm at the Grand Paeillo
mid "bowed himaiiumbci of these caitrldgcs ,
and they hilked togcfthor icgardlni , ' their use
A dav or two Inter Hautlesen told
Smith that Howies had left a package for
him at a eei tain hotel In Aurora. Smith
got the package and it contained dynamite
earti ulges , and bj Haill'leXen's advice ho c\-
p'oJed those 611 Iho Hut hngton ( racks Juno
14 July 5 , bv dhcctton of the defendants ,
Smith took a letter fiom Goding to his wife ,
who gave him a pachaso containing dyna
in I to cmtridges Thcso Smith took lo the
, brothoi hood hall at AUiora , where ho met
\ Hiodcilek , Howies nnd HnuriCMHi , and told
' . them that ho had left the dinamlto in the
mile room. ISiodcitek put tlio package under
Ms arm and Iho men all loft the hall together
nnd took the tiain to Chicago , exeeplirg
_ Hmtrlcsen. On their way they vvero m
I rested. The prckago contained four half-
i , * pound dynamite cm ti idgcs.
i J. J. Kelly , soeietary to Chalnnnn Hogu ,
was placed on the stand nnd told how How Ics
had biought Iho dj iiamite to Hole's loom in
the Grand Pnciilo hotel. The package was
opened in the piesenco of Hogo.
The eat tridges alleged to have boon taken
from { he prisoners wci0-1)1 ought Into court.
Samuel C. Madden , agent of the All is dyna
mite eompahy , was put upon the stand and
testllled that the caitndges contained 30 per
cent of nltro glyceilne. 'Iho fulminating
caps found on Hiodcilek wcio shown thu
witness and woio declined lo bo Iho kind
used lo explode dynamite.
Edward Poole , conductor ot the tiain of
yvInch Howies , Hioileiick and Wilson wcio
m rested , testlllod Ihat the train was c.uiy-
ing Inter-stale pastengeis. Poole's cioss-ex
aminatlon was conducted with a view lo
showing lhal thu car In which Iho piisoncrs
wcio nncstcd hud bcc'ii ntlached lei Iho tiain
nt Qtilney ; that It c.uiied nopassongcisfiom
njiomt ontsido of Illinois , and did nut come
within these statutes.
John D Kelly , secretary to Chnuman
Hogo , of the pilevanco coqiinittco , testified
Hint ho knew tlio defendant Howies , and saw
him In thu looms of the striken in thu Grand
Piicillu hotel ; that Howies camu to the
Etilkcis' room nt ttia hotel with n package
said to bo elynumlto and opened it in tno
mesciicoof Hogo mid a man named Fowler.
It was marked "Ileicules" with a led stamp
How les had cii > s in his pockets , 'i hey weio
like thosu taken froiti Hioucnck. Howies
bpokoof "vvoiklnplt" on the Fulton branch
of the "Q. " Hu told wllness Unit he had
laid a cmtildgoon the track , using a sheet of
lead to keep it on thu mil and caps for explod
ing it. Hu had four catttidgcs and half a
dozen caps. Rolls's cios examination de
veloped that ho was twenty-eight old ,
Ameilean bom , hud been n Hi email mid for
Bcv'crii ! JCO.IS woikcd on the Huillngton
load. Ho was &CCi"tary for Hogo , and said
that hu hail a memoiandum showing dates
regarding this and other subjects if it hail
not been stolen since his atrest , as soveial
oilier papcis had been. Hoio It was dls-
closed that some ono had i aided ICollj's
room while ho was Blocked up down town ,
nnd It was charged that thu defense had the
documents taken from his t oom. Witness
bald that ho made a memoiandum of How les' '
talk about dinamlto at the time , because
the biothoihood did nut allow acts
of violence. Ho did not icpoit It to Iho police
because of his iclatlons to the brat hoi hood ,
ilo suld that shico his urrcst ho had cou
fertcd with Inspector Uontlcld , Allot noi
Collier and Mr. Slono , but was not tesllfi IMJJ
under a promise of immunity , and that t.c ex
peeled lo bo put on trial for conspiracy.
Thonuis C. l.loid testltlcd that ho lived n !
Noblcsvillc , Jnd. , and dealt in hardwuio. II (
hud SCQII Howies It ) hl > siorc , about Juno 1
find hint sold him five pounds of dytiainiU
put up In tolls. The brands wet o known a :
the "Hcieules" powelcr , and lie Idertlfei .1
tlint in couit ns thei fnmo brand. Ho sole .1
htm moro two weeks later , and again 01 .1e .1n
Juio' ' ; ! . Fulminating caps and fuses wen e
bought with each lot mid packed caicfull :
bv special dlicctlnus. Howies told him 01 n
the Hibtorcnslon that ho vvus stopping yyitl
n Mr Sapper In the neighborhood.
Andrew U. Hat nes , clerk for Llo.vd , alsi
eceu him lathi
store several times , nnd sold him d.vmimlto
about 7 p in on Juno -3 Howie * tltc.ii got
a package of dynamite put up for him by
' 1 homas Jester , of Noblcsville , Ind , had
cen Howies when the latter was stopping at
apptii s They talked about the strike and
iowlcs told him that ho was gem ' to Ctes
on , 7a , "to raise hell aiming the bnjs ' '
KirkoHowe , n eleik in nwior & Pirrce's
atdwaic stole at Westfiold , Ind , Ideiitllicd
iotvlcs as the man tu vvliom ho had sold
Itiannto aboul six weeks ago
Fuithci Pxiininiition was suspended until
0 o'clock tomoiiow Thu pioseculion ha * olhei witnesses lo be examined.
The Stuns of tin ; Strike IeiaitliiK In
Ihu KansiiH City YariN ,
ICANsvs CITV , Mo , July t ! [ Special Tele-
ram to Tin Hi n ] Thuielsno appearance
n the HurJington yards this morning of any
ilrlke Imvintr Iftken iilace All Ihe curs arc
lem moved mid the overplus of transfers
: ias been loJuool down to its normil
tale. The striking switchmen of the City , St. Joseph & Counril Hinds
ailioad , who had no cause for sti iking , nnd
, \ho went out on the appeal lo tl.otn by the
Innmhal .1 Kt. Joseph men , appeared before
jupcilnlctidcnt Fish this morning to icceivo
heir p 11 Supei intcndent Fish settled with
hem In a friendly maiinet , nnd told them
that ho was sonv that Ihev hud gone-
out , ns they weio good nun and Ind
no pai tieular giievanee iiiniinstthu cjmpany.
'I ' ho men all admitted that they had no gnev-
iince and st ited Ihat thei went into the thing
ihoiiL'htlessly at Iho Instigation of the Han
nib il KW itelimen hupcrintcndnnt Fish lull-
mated to them that after a pei iod of proba
lion Ihoy might ic-turn. The Ilannibil men
ire soie against the nssoi iation and it is not
likelj that any of them will bo lemstiitcd A foicu of special police1 Is still kept
in the \aids and about the Union depot , and
witli the exception of b.mdaing wouts with
Iho stiikcis , Hitv ! have nolhing to do No
mrcsts weio made last night ol the sinkers
or then It lends , and It is viituilly conceded
tint as far ns the tallioad Is concerned , the
strike is over.
One lload ( Questions Another's Ui lit
lo Kntci Ht. .losopli.
Sr. JoMfii , Mo , Juli in [ Special Tclo
gram to Tin : Hrt ] A suit was Hied in the
ciicuit couil Ihis aflernoon bv Iho Chicago ,
St 1'uul Kansas City lailio.ul lo compel
thu Chlc'.igu , Huilm ton & Quiiuy to give
them riuht of way over the latlct's liacks in
Ibis city , as piovidi'd for in Iho ordinance
passed bi Iho etiuncil some months ago
When the oidinancu was intioducedit was
bitti'ili 01 pised bv the Ivans is City , St Joseph
soph Ac Comic d HlntTs on tliu giound
Iho piesent switch facilities weie baiely suf
lie lent toaccommodiilo their business When
the richt of wai Un outfit the citv was given
tnu old St Joseph ix. Council HluiTs loid in
lSs7 it was spec Hied in thu oidmaneu Hut till
loads which should dcsiio to enler Hie cit.v
fiom the north Bhould be given tliu light of
wai over the Council Hind's tiachs , provided
tlio Council Hlulls should see lit to make thu
older The St Joseph X Council Hlults was
nfterivmds coriholldated w ith the St. Joseph
X Wc ! > t'Lti , the two loads into the Kan is
City , St Joseph & Council Hlufls , and
the Hurliiigton eompiny now t hums
Ihat with the eons illdition and change
of names the oidinaneo was yiitually ten
dcrcd void. Tlio council was of a different
opinion mid the Chicago , St Paul > x , Kansas
City , was given the eit.v's permission to use
the Huiliiik'ton's tiacks within the coipotato
limits It is livened in tliu petition Unit Mr.
Stieknev , of the Chicago , St Paul & Kansas
City and Mr Pel kins of tlio Hurliiigton , have
had a number ot inlet views In which Mr.
Stlcknov has tried to arilvo at nn amicable
adjustment of tliu affairs , but that Mr. Per
kins staled Unit if Iho Chicago , St. Paul &
Kansas Cili got ovei the Huillngton tracks
it would bo done "by force and at the point
of Iho bayonet. " Hoth sides will lU'la to Iho
bitter end , as the possibiliti of the Chicago ,
St. Paul & Kans is City entering St. Joseph
without buying the right of way tlnough the
bo.ut of the cily will bo dolcimined. The
now'road is now within a few miles of St
.loo and considei able grading has been done
in the noi them part of the city. The suit
will bo atgued bufoio Judge Spencer in
chambers , Tuesday. ;
Interested Heads Kind Fault With
the New \ehrnHkn Hate'i.
Ciuoioo. July U The now schedule of
rates the lallroivd cominissioiicia of Nebraska
braska propose lo put Into effect in that state
July " 0 has been analyzed by the fi eight
olllf ials of intei csted loads mid found to bo
decidedly unsatisfactory. It is understood
that the Hmlington , the Chicago & Noilh-
wcslcru and the Union Pacific will made ap
plication in the stalu eouits of Nubiaska for
an injunction icsti , lining llio commissioners
fiom enfoicing Iho proposed isilcs.
Colonel Smith Hulled Out.
NEW YOIIK , Julv 13 [ Special Telegram
lo THE Hi E.J Colonel Nicholas Smilh , hus
band of Ida Giceluy , the deceased eldest
daughter of Horace Gieeley , appeued in
the Yoikvillo police eouit lo nnswei to the
charge hi ought by Boniface. Allen. The
colonel admitted that ho owed the bill , but
denied iiitout to defraud. Ho waived exami
nation. Gieat tioublo was oxpoucnccd in
seeming ball , but ex Senator Thomas C.
Plait Ijmilly became his bondsman. Colonel
Smith had not a penny In his pockets ycster-
dnj , and Justice O'Reilly gave the pollco- who accompanied him in his search for
bail , monei to defuiv the expanses.
Struck Salt in Iviuisafl.
M uiv iv ii LE , Ivan. , July 13. [ Special
to Tiih HIE ] Tlio piospoctlng drill
hero has stiuck a slrong vein of salt
water at a depth of .VW feot. The vein
is so stiotif ? as to force a stioam of water the
full sUe of the hole eight inches up live
feet nbovo the top of the giound , and the
vvuler is so sliotig wilh salt that it will Heat
an egg easily. Hon. P. Ilutehlnson , on
whoso { iicmisc-s the well Is located , will at
once eiect immense salt works for which
machinery and uveiytliltii ; will bo ordered
in a few dai s
The Window Glass AVoikrrs.
PtTisuL'ito , July 13.The. conference of
the wage commuted ot the window glass
woikeisaud the manufacture ! s adjounicd at
230 this morning after practically cqiitlim-
ing the wages qf last I'ci.r. Iho manufac-
turcis' and woiUcis' association agreed
Ihat their intciesls are Identical , and agreed
to use all lionotablo means lo prevent a re
duction in Ihe laillT , In ease of a change u
rvndjuslmciit of wa cs U to take place.
The Indian Timber
WASHINGTON' , July 13. Fredoi iek
hausur , of Hock Island , III. , head of large
lo rghig n d milling inten-sts , was examined
by thu senate committee on Indian Under-
ships last evening. The commitleo Inquired
with great minuteness into all Iho details of
thu tlmbci tiansacuons belvvecn Ihu Indians
and the companies icprescnlcd by Weyer-
Still .1 Seoict.
OiS'cixxAit , July 13. The jrrand Jury has
not made its llia ; ! icport and w ill not do so be
fore tomoi row , and then its action will not bo
made known until the Indicted persons ate
attested. Thc'iofoie. Uicn tjfHeial ells-
closure oncoininiJr the unnoted indlutmcnt
of Hem y S. lyes , and R. A. McDonahl who
have llgutcd In the Cincinnati , Uainlltdn &
Pcjton titfairs ,
Anoilier Tuinhlo In Uix'C.s.
y Cnciie : ( > , July 13.-'fho Erie mid the Chi-
( ago . Atlantic have gut thu rate on dressed
beef down to S cents to Now Yoik mid H
o cents to Hostoii. The rate was met by tliu
e Yunderbllt uud Pennsylvania Hues.
Chinese Record Buncombe Will Not
Affect Anything.
The ChocMl'nl Outlook in Vlrulnla-
KC\MI | | of the Ti nut In\cstluiitloii3
hleniNi'irolllUlons A Trull-
till Ni > \ \ Yoik Town.
Harrison and the Slope * .
51 1 Fol HTKLNTll STIiri.T , , >
I asked Congressman Vandever , of Califor
nia , Hst nl ht , how the republican ticket was
going to tun on the Pacific slopi' .
"They m ty say all they ehooso about Har-
tison's tccoid on the Chinese < iuestlon , " ho
icplicd , "it will not made the slightest differ
ence Thu republican ticket will sweep the
coast and iccche the electoral vote of every
state Attj icpubluan can eauy California
with the platfoims standing .is thej do The
Mills bill is so obnoxious to our people that
theie IH not the slightest doubt of the result.
In my district the republicans will have 1,000
majoiit\ , although I was elected by onli
flftj-Ilvo majority at the last election. "
nutiniT i iDstTira \IROIMV ,
Congressimn Vest of Viiginia , who is a
high protectionist upublican and who was
o'ected ' over vlgoiousopposition in a sttong
clemoctatie district in isst ) , belongs to what ib
callcit tie Wise faction in Vitgmia i > olitics.
Mr Vest was asked by jour coircspondent
o day what , in bin opinion , arc the prospects
of icpublican success in the Old Dominion
this falland w bother he thinks that the differ
ences which liavu existed between Mahonc ,
iViso and Uiddlcbeiger can bu pitched up so
us to secuic ptttj harmony. Mr. Yost , ie-
> U ing to the seeoncl question lirst , said.
"The so called Wise party aio willing to
submit their giicvanccs to the na
tional committee for settlement or
to iinv other non-partisan body. Wo
, ire w ilium to abide absolutely by the dcc-ls-
lou of the aroitiators no that
ilecision nun bo. Wo want all pattj diflor-
ences settled lon enough in ndvanco of the
election to insuie a liatmonious , active cam-
) ) iign 1 have no light to say whether wo
shall be able to settle satisfactorily , but I am
sanguine th it a settlement can bo reached ,
nnd with Inumony in thu lepubliean tanks in
liu state. There is , in in\ opinion , not onlj
L good llgntmg chance' for suc
cess , but almost an absolute cci-
tamty of winning m the coming con
test The piospccts for cairiiiur Vugiuia
o daj upon the issues set foith in the oppos
ng platfoims weie never blighter The
MinpatiTti will be fought lor all It is woitli ,
nnd It is worth a gieat deal to the people of
Virginia In the present ciso Agun 1 say
that I think we can win , and that I am con-
lldont th it an ariangemont will be icaehed
under which all clicks and fac lions willwoik
tox'Cthci for thu common success of the party
of which wo aiu all membcis
v HUM \iik\iii L MMor. .
About acar ago tlie fail association of
the litt village of Kast Aurora , N. Y. , re-
ceivcd the eoiitubulion of HO in gold from
tlio piesidcnt of the United States , which
thej at oiicooflc'icd as a ) ) U7O for the best
set of tuple ts which inlirht bo exhibited at
the babj show which was to bo conducted in
connection with their fair. The piuo
bioughtaut thiua'\ury pietty children botn
to a family named Dart , living in the countj ,
a lew months bcfoio the fair opened. Mis.
D.ut received the $10 gold piece and triumph
antly cat lied it homo , together with some
other pii/cs which the society gave her.
Now word comes from Hast Auroia that
Mis. Daita few davsago piusented her bus
b md with a pair of liealthj twins to add to
his joung family. It is also stated that the
fair association is making arrangements to
secure the attendance of the parents and thu
ilvo chlldien at n fair to bo held there next
month The famllto whom all these bless
ings have been sent within sixteen months is
in lather poor circumstances , and the $ > 0
which the association oftcis lor the exhibi
tion ot the five children will piobablv atlract
them and help Papa Dart to elotho the little
ones for the i igors of the w mtui.
IlastAuiora , by the \\ny , prides itself
upon the tact that it has pioduccd ono picsi-
dent of the United States , namely , Millaul
l-'ilmoro ; ono postmaster general , in Nathan
1C. Hall , and , with the late ditedor of the
mint , Mr. Hut chard , as well as ex-public
pi Inter A. M. Clapp and the present post-
mastur at Chicago , S. Coiinng Jttdd , all 10-
ceiv'ed the ludlmtnts of their education in
the academj within the corporation limits
Hchidcs thU there ha\u been n number of
other men who started out fiom Hast An-
iota as bo.\s and youths who hao since become -
como piomincnt in the nation as well as in
the states inhlch they liuvo taken up
their lesideuco.
run TKIJST INi.stio ITION .
The committee on manufactures , which
was stirred up bj Iloprcscntntivo Adams , of
Chicago , the other day , has iiRtccd totesumo
thu Investigation of tiusts , but will take up
the whisky trusts instead of going on with
the inqultv into the opeiation of the cotton
oil combination , whic'i it was at work upon
when the investigation was suddenly sus
pended. Iho Douthein mcmheis of congress
Insist that the cotton oil tiust shall bo let
alone , and Bacon of New York , the chalr-
tnaii of the committee , will obey their orders.
No ono will object to the pi csideut appoint
ing his biother , tlio Kov. W N. Cleveland ,
as a member of thu commission to negotiate
with the Sioux Indiins for the division of
that rescivation In Dakota He is to act
with Judge Uihjht , of the inlet lor dcpat t-
mcnt , who has negotiated ticaUes with sov-
eialof the northwest tribes , and with Cap
tain Piatt , supeimtcndcnt of the Indian
school ill Carlisle No belter commission
could have been selccled , nnd Ino picsident's
biother will have a pleasant vacation In the
n ithwest.
Air. IMimnuli said to divy that the nomi
nation of Mr. fuller would bu considered
early next week , but ho was not willing to say
that it would bo confirmed Ho did not hit !
mate what his own course would bo , but it Is
generally understood that ho will mildly op-
imco confirmation on the ground that Mr.
rullci is not a big enough man for the place.-
Pi.imS. . HLVTII.
Iv.tlmntos for Oarrj fnu on thn Work
Diiiiny : the * Coming Year.
WVSIIINOTOV , July 1' ) Major C. W. Allen ,
corps of engineers , makes the following esti
mates for t ivcr and hat bor improvcmanls in
Mlnncsola , Wisconsin and Dakota :
Inipiovcmcnt of the Minnesota river , to
completeTOJb09 ! ; H < > d Klvcrof the North , to
complete , JJi'j ! ' ! , for the next jcar , ? 40,000 ;
Chlppewa river , Wisconsin , to complete ,
155,6'ilj for the next jear , { ' , ' 5,000 : lock and
dam on the Mississippi tivor at Mcckcr's is
land , Minnesota , to complete , $ b97V41 ; sur
veys for reservohs at the sources of the Mis
sissippi , Saint Ciolx , Cliippowa nnd Wiscon
sin rivers , to complete , $ o'HX ' ) ( ) ; iinpiovcmcnt
of Mississippi t tver above the falls of Saint
AiUhonv , to complete , * 10U7 ; for Iho next , $15,000 ; Chippawa river at Yellow
Banks , Wisconsin , to complete , ftW.OOO ; for
the tiext i ear. $ 10,0 ( 0 ; Saint Crolx river ,
Wisconsin ni'd ' Minnesota , for next jear , tc
complete , $ l\ytct ; icsoi volts at headwater ol
Mississippi , tb coinplctiJ , flJSlsa ( ) ( ; for Iho
tiuxt jear , fl'J.HOO ; t-rcseryntion of
ihn falls of Saint Anthony , to complete ,
SHO.OUO ; Mlssouii river from Sioux City to
foil Hcnton. to complete. fJC'O.'XK ) ; for the
next jear , slOUMiltnprovpinent of the Yol-
lowxione i Ivor , to coinpltjtc , 510)1,000 ; for the
next veiir. fui.O'JO.
Major McKeiulo makes the following cstl
mates for work on the up | > cr Mississippi
DCS Momes rapids , to complete in tho. ncx
IOSIV5j UBS Moincs rapids caual , foi
hoticxt year. * < r > ,000 ! drj' dock nt the Dos
Slolnes tapids canal , (10,250 ; harbors of
efugo on Lake Peplu at Stockholm , for
lext .vcar and to complete , flii.OOO , Mls-
isslpil | ftom St. Paul to DCS Mulnes rapids ,
nvnllable , 0000.
The confercnoo on the river nud harbor
illl adjourned over till Mondav Agiee-
nents have been reached In respect to nil
nit the canal projects which arc embodied in
he bill , and in tesucct to which neither side
muilfesU n disxsllon | ! to give away The
nembers of the- Sioux commission meet In
Msmnrck , Dak , next week , aud work will
10 begun at Standing Hock agency.
nnd low n 1'unsloiiN.
WASIIIMITOV , July JH. [ Special Telegram
0 Tin : llhtt.j The followlni ; Nebraska
icnsions weie granted to day : Original in-
alld-C. 1C. White , Nehawha ; K. C. Gas-
on McCook ; , ICichard Shonnahan , Kearnuj ;
J. W. Kejcs , Kearney , David S Tidham ,
" "nils Citi , Isaau S. Moicr , UyndenWtlllam : ;
J.Ues , Stnplehurst ; John N. Udwatds ,
Iowa pensions1 Oilginal Invalid John
loldun , Mount Ajr. Increase bamuel
lopkins , Noi way ; J II. Tarson , Lauiens ;
1 C. Htown , LcClairo , T. J. Millet , Ames ;
W H. Mct'-air. Osceola ; William II II.
; cott , Linevlllo ; Charles W. baw'ier ,
' > csco , Peter 1'ritcher , Osage ; D.iniel D.
Jowns , Osknloosa ; Thomas Dial , Eldon ;
Samuel Matksbury , Missouri Valley ; Honr.v
Gould , Manson ; Peter H HallilT , Ml lUmi ;
lacobTrager , New Shaion ; J II Saxton ,
eWltt ; Matt Landon , Cromwell. Hu-
ssue James Heed , Webster ; Aaton C.
Perry , Missouii Valley.
The Itcuulnrs Gnu Go.
WisitisiiTos , July 13. fSpechl Telegram
o Tim Hm. ] No otders prohibiting the
irmy from paitlcipatlng in Gi and Army of
.ho Republic millions : have been issued nt
.ho adjutant gcncuil's ofllce , it was said
today. On Iho contrary , the dcpailment is
anxious for such gatherings. Some compa
nies mo now in camp with Grand Arnn of
llio Uepublio veterans at Mackinac , Mich. ,
mil four companies will paitieipato in thu
N'oifolk leunion.
Knmltill Grown AVoi > e.
July U llandall had an
other hemorrhage this evening and though it
was-but slight theio is much anxiety mani
fested about his condition.
l .uO a m. Randall had fourhemorihnges
In all to-night nnd lost sixteen ounces of
; > Iood. ' 1 heio aiu giave appichunslons as to
ils ability to withstand a tuither iceuiieneo
of the attack.
Makes a PonltUo nnd I in
phalli } Denial.
, la , July , 13 [ Special Tclegiam
to Tin : Hi i. ] Tlio Telegraph , the demo
cratie pipei of this city , having published an
illeged letter from Ingalls to Phelps , a icsl-
ilent w rote lo Ingalls asking if it was genu
ine. IIo has just deceived thu following
teply :
"WASHINGTON , July 10 P. S. Webster ,
Dubuque. Dear Sir : In leiily to jouis of
the 'Jth insl , I would s.av that the letter
ciuoted is an absoluteforgeiy from begiiiiiing
to end. 1 ncv er w lote a letter to Mr. Phelps
on .1111 subject , and am pintilicd lo have this
opportunitv fordeniaU J should bo glad if
jott would lead this'letter to the editor of
the Telegiaph. I have no idea that ho w ill
ictract what he has said or give mo the ad
vantage of an explanation to his teadcis , but
It is well enough to gi\o him the chance.
Verj tiulyiouis , JOHN J , INUAILS. "
The Unlvc-rsitv Investigation.
IOWA Cm , July 13 The investigating
comnntlco lo day heard Dr. Ingersoll , dean
of Iho denial faculty , who corroborated the
charges against Hun ? made by Dis. Puce
and Wilson. Ho said Hunt had always 10-
fused to allow him to see hit ) bills and vouch
ers or explain his way of keeping accounts ,
and produced books claiming that tlioi would
explain tilings all right. The committee re-
quesled his otiglnal bills and ho admitted
that ho had used ? HO for lobbjing pui poses
Hcgcnt D. N. Richardson explained to thu
committee that all the state institutions had
to do tills , and said Unit thotegent spent con-
sideiablo money in that way. Hotcliklss , a
member of the investigating committee , de
nounced the piaetieo sliongly.
A Good Capture.
Di visof , la. , July 13. [ Special Telegram
to Titr Hi E ] Sheiiff Mooney tcturned fiom
Uurlington lo dai , having captured there a
man named Prank Pierce , charged with the
murder of a man nt Manilla during August ,
18b7. The body of the mm dercd man , Clint les
A. Sharp , wai found in a corn Held Septem
ber 1 , w hoi o it had ovldenllv lain for some
lime. The cot oner could give no clue lo Iho
perpclmtois of the deed , but the h0iitl lias
been working on Iho case oft and on ever
since , and two weeks ago obtained a clue
which led to the anest of the man at Hur-
A I'lonoci Dead.
oiNi.s , la , July 13. [ Special Telo-
giam to Tin : Hic. ] Dr. William Haiber ,
one of the oldest physicians and diuggists of
this city , died hero to day. He came to DCS
Moines in Ib5l and has been In business hero
ever since , laklng a piomlncnt position
among the professional men of this com
munity , lie was sevenly ono icais old at
the time of his death , d.v ing vet y suddenly
fiom paralysis of Iho heart.
State Convention Dntci.
WATUUOO , In. , July III. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun lli.p. ] It was decided to-day
to hold the Thud Iowa congiesslonal dlstiJct
lopulillcan convention hi this city , August
2.1. The state coiivcnllon of Iho Iowa bulter ,
chce o and egg association will bo held in
this eily about the muldlo of November ,
Accidentally Shot.
Sioux Cmla , July 13 [ Special Telo-
Kiam to Tin : HCE. ] Jacob Wiinan , a young
man of eighteen , was to daj accidentally
shot and Instantly killed while hunting near
his home at ICmgslc.v.
) rou'ius cnnm
Murtlcicr George M , Uider Strung Up
nt Mnrhlmll , Mo.
MAUSHU.L , Mo , , July 13 [ Special Tele
gram to Tim UEU ] Geiorgo M. Klder was
hung hcio this afternoon for the murder of
Hamsoy P. Tallent. The goveinor had re
fused to respilo him. Hider nnd Ramsey P
Tallent wcio neighbo in Iho bottom , four
or live miles east of Miami. On July 2J , Ibto ,
Rider went to Miami on business. During
his absence his wife went to Tal-
lent's and hud Tallent take her
across the river in n skiff.
When Rider returned ho storied to look for
his wife ami sent a young man to Tnllent'sto
eeo if she was theio. Uider armed himself
w lib u shot-pun and went to Tallent's him
self , and tlnding the hitler not at homo ,
slatted noiIh on n path leading to Iho river.
A short distance fiom the house ho mut Tal
lent and there killed him.
Kctiaycd Ills Trust.
NEW OKI EAN-S , July 13. [ Special Telegram
to THE HFE 1 J. . H. Carpenter , n prominent
notnty publievoPNew Orleans , has disap
peared. undffMthjhlBi , BO his ci editors say.
something bHw } et > ' ? .J < ) ,000 and ? 50,000 of
money. Car | > enter was the adviser of many
of the old Creole families hero who Intrusted
to him largo sums of money for Investment.
Since Saturday ho has been missing. Ho Is
thought to be in Mexico.
A Svvitolunan Killed.
ST , JtVEi-ii , Mo. , July 13 [ Special Tele
gram to THE UBu.l .Arthur Verbtlek , a
Keck Island swHchmrn , was run over 0nd
Instantly killed tit 1 } o'clock hist night nt
Kighth and Mnuteiy streets. Yerbrr1 * is a
single inUn uncl lives at NOifc''G Sduth Fifth
Washington County the Scouo of a
Bloody Crlmo.
Collide On tlio Klkliorn A
Man Drowned While Hath-
lti | { StUei1 llsco\eied In Hurt
Count j State News.
A Wenlthj Farmer Mm del ed.
Ht\tn , Neb , July 13 [ Special to Tun
HIE | News was received hero about 'J
o'clock this morning of a tragedy which oc-
cuncd the pievlous night on a fmm near
Herman Jacob Miller , the owner of the
place , was shot nnd died in a short time.
The circumstances surioutiding the sbooling
point strongl.y to the supposition that ho was
murdered. What could have been the motive
of the crime Is only a matter of conjecture ,
but Iho Indications are that it was committed
for the purpose of lobbcri as he was known
to bo quite wealthy. IIo was ono of the old
tesidetitsof Washington counti and well
known. Herman is in the northern part of
the counti mid ills dinicult to obtain par-
tieulats of the ttagedv.
Di ov\ tied While HathliiK.
FIIKVIONT , Neb. , July 13. [ Special to Tin :
Hi r J A sad case of drowning occurred
icsteiday nfteinoon at Campbell's hike , ten
miles east of this city. Horace Cmpcnter
was ono of a good-sized paity who \voio
bathing in the lake. While they were thus
enjoying themselves it was suddenly dis-
coveicd that Catpentcr was sinking. Seeing
him in peril his ioungur biolhcr went to
hlsicsciie. Ho w as gi aiped by Uio di own
ing man and taken down with him. When
ho came to the surface , alter liberating hint-
Belt , ho too was supposed to lie lifeless , but a
plil sician was immediateli summoned and
ho was icstiscltnted atid will piolmbli to-
cover. The body of his brothui Honicowas
found in about eleven feet of water , vvheio
ho was last seen to go down , at 4 o'clock this
inoiinnif. He was twcnt } four leais old and
leav es a w ife.
A Villain ArrcHtcd.
Ci IIAU RUMIH , Neb , July 13 [ Special to
THE Hi r. ] Last evening about ! ) 30 the in
dignation of our citi/ons was moused by Ihe
icpoit that ono John II. David , adtunkun
piolllgatc who has for several ie.nsmado
this vicinity his hcadquai tots , had made a
villainous assault upon the six-year old
daughter of Charles N. Htoadticnt. The
child , though b.adl.v frightened , was unlit-
Juied , the prompt .11 rival of assistance pie
\enting the accomplishment of his put pose.
A w an ant was at once issued foi his atiest ,
and hu was seemed by Muishnl Rickoll and
placed behind the bars A pieliminaiy tnal
was held to day bofoo Justice Campbell , ic-
sulting in his being bound over lo the elisttict
eouit in the sum of t'.OO.
Investigating ; Public Officials.
Hi\TIIICE , Neb , July 13. [ Special to THE
HM : 1 The city councjl called a special
meeting lust night to Investigate the sowcr-
ngo constiuctioti now going on. A number
of yvitnessos were examined 43 to whether
the city engineer and chairman of the board
of public works wcro doing their woik prop
erly and whether Iho BUVVCIS weie laid in
good shnpo mid at the proper slope. The in
vestigation showed that a few mistakes in
levels had been miUlo , but that it was thought
theywciu not sufllcient to make any differ
ence in the working of the sewers. However -
over , llio council look no action , but ad
journed to consider the matter further.
Further developments are expected.
A Fatal bleep.
Lori-CITV , Neb , July 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hi r. ] An eighl-icar-o'd son
of John Rapp , a fui mot living about tw elvo
miles cast of hcie , was stiuck nnd killed by
Iho H & M. weslbouml ftelght tiain icstcr-
day afternoon. IIo had been herding catllo
near Ihe Irack and piobably lav down on Iho
liackand fell asleep. When discovcied by
Iho engineer ho was Just lalsing himsoll as
if suddenly awakened by the approaching
tiain , and was striuk by Iho pilot and tlnovvn
back on Iho engiuu Theie was but 'one
biuiso on the body and death must have been
Re.fofelnK at Ainsvvorth.
AINBWOHTH , Neb , July 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UI.E. ] Alnsvvotth cclebralcd
Ihe county seat viclory lo day. The Hassclt
and Newport bands and ball clubs , the
Spi ingvicw ball club and about two hundred
people were hero icjolcing. Theio was no
disoider or dlstuibancc. Abiilliunt display
of firevvoiks and a free dance in the evening
completed thu jollification which exceeded in
numbers and enthusiasm u Fourth of July.
It Ijookn Like Silver.
OAKIV\I > , Neb , July U. [ Special to THE
HFE ] The people in the vicinity of Lions ,
Una county , are considei ably agitated over
the discovery of what is supposed lo bo sil-
v cr 010. Some limo ago coal was discovered
about ten miles northeast of Ljonu on Cio
wcllHios fmm. In sinking the shaft n few
dais ago , they stiuek what looks like silver
otc. Specimens of the quaiU have been
sent toexpeits lo lest. It is thought the
qualiti of quaiU is good.
Crnim Looking Fine.
STOCKHVM , Neb , Julv 13 [ Correspond
ence of Tin'HEP ] Crops are looking Hue.
A heavy ram Sunday night did great good.
Harvest his begun. Flux and oats aio
Inrgelj sown and ciop. Corn ,
the gieat staple , has caught up with Iho sea
son and ptomises un immense jiel.lW. . S.
Pnttei son iX , bon shipped u train of cloven
ears of stock the other day , the Hnest shipped
this season.
A Collision on the J-lkliorn.
Fin MONT , Neb. , July 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HIM : . ] A collision occuircd on
the Geneva branch of the Fremont , Klkhorn
& Missouri Valley road near Skull Cicek
at 9 o'clock this morning. A construction
tinln tan into a frclcrht train , badtv damag
ing Ihu engines , caboosu mid ecvuial cars.
The engineers mid Hicmcn Jumped Irom the
engines and nobody was huit.
An Old IVretoh
DVKOTA Cm , Nob. , July 13. [ Special
Telegram to THE Hi E.J James Reuse , Iho
old man who is chanrcd with seducing his
grand daughter hero , was arrested in Union
county , Dakota , lo day. Ho had fled in a
wagon , Inking with him his prand daughter ,
who is about to become a mother.
Itntn and IlorseH Ittirncd.
Nu.iON , Neb. , July 13. [ Special Telegram
to THE HEE. ] The barn of Mr. Hollistcr ,
two miles from this place , was burned last
night with nil ils contents. Two vnlu-
able hoises iMjrished. The stable insurance
was ? J75. 'i he loss is about ? 500. The origin
of the tire U unknown but it Is thought to bo
Will Kchtilld ,
Lour CITV , Nob. , July 13. | SiecInl | to TUB
HKK ] Thp Loup City creamery , recently dc--
stto } cd by lire , vs-lll bo rebuilt at once.
Now School IliiildlnKM For Hen trice- .
HKA.TUKE , Neb. , July 13 [ Special to THE
Hi'K.J Lust night the city school hoard let
the contract for two now brick schdol build
ings ia the Third und Fourth wards 10 Janus
! { amse.vot Hcatrlee , for MO.SIC , ho being the
owest bidder Tlio buildings nro to bo com-
ileled by December 1 of this jour.
Threatened to Kill Him.
OAM.AND , Neb , July 13 ( Special to Tut :
li r.J 11. A Puttt , a wcll'lo do fanner ne'ar
Oakland , had L L Urwln , his neighbor nr
ested icsterday for being drunk on JundU
mid threatening to kill him The trial e-omcs
off to-morrow before Countj Judge Dally.
hy Heat.
HrATitirr , Neb. , July 13 [ SpoeMnl Tele-
gtam to Tun Hi E I J. R. Jackson , an en-
jhieeroii the Union Paclllc fiom the south ,
was piostuiled bv heat this afteinoon and
cmried liompon a stretcher. His tecovery
s doubtful.
IMAM sricmns.
The Curi'ci1 ol * a Notorious Indian
Itroimht to an Abrupt Clove.
DtxvEit , Cole , July 13. [ Special Tele-
giam to I'lii : HLE ] Chief Piah , the once
urtoiious chiel of the icuegado Utes in the
Noi th Paik , has ended his career bj suicide
Infoimntlon was received heto from Ouray
igency.esterday Unit the old Indian shot
Himself un the old Navujo tiall about thhty
tulles south of the agency. The Navajo liall
lends ftom the Green liver southwatd to
wheie Igimelo , chief of the souihoin Utes ,
tins his band It has long been used bi the
NavaJoS on their tiuding expeditions with
Ihe Ulcsmid Atupahocs. Thosuiciduoccuiicd
about six vecks ago. Piah and n put t > of
ilftecn had been on a visit to Ignaclo and
wcro returning. On the louto lioublo atoso
between the chief and his son Johnnie. Hoth
dtevv their weapons and Iho chief "hot twice
nt his son but missed. The other Indi ins
then Interfered Foi that dn.v thotioublo
was over and thoj went into camp foi the
night. The next moiiilng as thei bioke
camp the qnariel was renewed , but no mtuo
oliootliiL' occulted. As the Indians ttavelcd
on Chief Piah fell behind solno dist nice Ho
was veiy moioso and silent , but no
especial attention was paid him
As the little paity passed mound
the1 point of a mountain thcv heard a shot
behind them. Going back the\ found Piah
lllng in the tt.ill with a bullet hole in his
breast. His pistol was examined and one
shot was found to have been Hied fiom It
Tliei all concluded that It was u ense of
suicide , and nfti-r holding iitde funoial i lies ,
buiicd him on Iho spot.
Chief Piah was an Indian with a iccoid ,
and was known thioughout Coloi.ulo foi his
btavcry , his buiimi , and his tieadieious
chaiacter. IIo was also an Indian
politician of no mean abilities. Atone
ono time he was chiel ol
a lenegado band of 4CX ) Ule bucks laiigmg in
Middle and Xoitli Pinks. Hu alvvnvsi hilmed
North Park as hn eounli v In fact , it was
onlv after his bind had been decimated and
had dwindled down to tlfti in number that
ho moved to the agcneHo was ciedlted
with maiij murdeis in this state1 , among
which was that of apirt.v ol prospoitois who
ho is alli'ged to have massacred in Noith
Paik ten icars ago and lobbed Iho bodies of
$ lnOO , all of which ho squandered in Denver
on a spice a month afler.
A GijNTiniji : > iA ! ) nn.vT.
Uc\elopnlentR In the Case of a llccent
Colorado .Sniulde.
TniNinAK , Cole , July 1'i [ Speciil Tele
gram lo Tin. Hii..l : i'ho man Rcminglon ,
the artlsl iciiiescntlng himself to bo nttiuhod
lo Hm pet's Weekly , w ho commitled suicide
lesterday , has so far not been idcnliflod , In
answer to inquiry the Hm pels sent the fol-
ji | lelceram , , d gcjJljujJ.lujlr.Uoming- !
ton , but did not rtalu'vheio they believed
him to bo at this time :
"NEVOIIK , July 1'i Remincton Is about
six feet tall , well piopoitioncd , has a iiiddy
complexion and is a blonde. Ho has a thick
neck , and weighs about .ISO pounds His
homo is at Canton , N. Y. HAIII'EIIS. "
Tliis deseiibes the sulcido well , except that
his stature is oveiestinmted by six inches.
It has been concluded heio tint the suieido
was one. of the most genteel of dead beats
and hnd assumed the n.mio of Remington.
Papeis In Iho dead man's satchel indicate
that his foimcr name was GcoigoF. Rni-
mond. lie was n continued cccimo cater ,
and so planned his death as to cicalo a sun
Ration. After vvi iling a lellf'r to his father ,
referring to much wealth , nnd after dispos
ing of much wealth in his pi clouded will , it
was found that his total funds hero amounted
to lOcenls The > cumins were buried at the
cost of the counly Fiom the vvoik ho left
ho was evidently mi m list of considcr.iblo
KVNSsCin , Mo , Juli 111 [ SpeclalTclo-
giam lo Tin , HM . ] A good deal of Inteiest
was created hero lo day by Iho publication
of n dispatch to Iho elTeet that Fied Kerning
ton , the at list , had committed suicide nt
Trinidad , Cole Remington spent n good
deal of his time in Kansas City and has
mani fi lends here. Ime-iUgallon proves Iho
dispatch to bo a canaid. Reminglon left
Kansas City for New Yoik Iho night of tlio
llih. Inslcad of being singlu ho Is inained ,
his home being in Glovcrsville , N. V.
Tlio llciiil > lioiiii National Committee.
NEW YOHIC , July 18 The republican na-
lional executive comuilltco was in session to
day. Vice Chaiiinan Chnkson , of Iowa , pre
sided in tlio absence of Senator Quay. Among
the business transacted was the ci cation of a
sub committee far Minnesota , Dakota and
Montana ith Mr. Kvans , of Minnesota , as
chaiimau , and a similar subcommittee for
Califoinla , Oiegou , Nevada and Arirotm ,
with Mr. Do Young , of California , chairman.
A commitleo consisting of Mcssi s Cl.nkion ,
New. Dudley , Fessenden and Hobatl , was
appointed to establish and open national
liendquartcis and to act for the executive
committee during icccss.
Pi-ohlhltloiiistR Ualliy.
CniCAno , July 13 - Tlfio was a largo at
tendance at the prohibition tallllcalion meet
ing to night. The platfoi m was occupied by
many loading prohibillonisls. I'iof , Samuel
Dickey , of Michigan , was Iho picsiding ofll-
ccr. Dr. John A. Hroohs , vieo picsidcnlinl
candidate , was Iho Hist speaker. His lo-
mnrks were dcvotal mainly to an onslaught
on both of Ihu leading parties. Ho was foi
lowed by Miss Francis U. Willard Gcnuial
Clinton H. Fisk , candidate for picsident , was
then inlroduccd. His icccption was an ova-
lion. When order had been lestoiud ho went
over about the same giound as that coveted
by Di Hiooks , but was lllllo less ladical in
Ids views. Speeches woio also made by sev
eral nominees on the state liekct.
I'ln Money lor the Duchess.
NLW YonK , July 1.1 ( Special Telegiam to
THE HEE.I SuriOo'ato Ransom hasgianted
LilianDuchess of allow anco
of f 100,000 as pin money fiom the estate of
her late husband , Louis C. Ilmnmersley ,
now in litigation before the RUpicmo court
general term On the Tuesday previous to
her mart higo lo the duke of Murlborough
Mis. Hatnmersley. through her attoinoy ,
RobeitSewell , made application to the sur
rogate to allow her to takoli.0.i)0of ( ) ) accrued
Inlorest of her late husband's estalc , Iho
Ilammcrbloy heirs and conlcslanls of the
will asking that only fiij.OJJb'j allowed.
Oxer Two Humlied HodlcN Found.
LOXIIOV , July 13. A dispatch from Capo
Town says that Debar's mine in Kimbcily ,
Iho scone of Iho fliu Wednesday night , has
been a party of Bcarcheis.
Twcn ty four whites and two hundi ed natives
were found to have been burned to death.
The cuusu of the fire is unknown ,
Foi ty-thrco whites mid 4X1 .natives have
been rescued fiom the mine.
.Maiitluvillo's Funeral.
Dum.i.v , July 13.-.Thc funeral of John
Mnndovillo took place al Mitchcllutown les-
lerdav. Fully O.OtQ poisons followed the
Loilv to Iho grave. O'Hrien delivered tl o
eulogy on the deK-tmed , saying tmlhow.ns !
i'S bii vo and noble n mac us suffcicJ fur lie-
laud ou the bUUe ; tie-Id.
Boultxngor nnd Floquot Vitullcnto
Their Honor With Swords.
JTlin Gftieial n Serious
Thrust In the Vhroat While the
Civilian With n few
'J hey I'ouulit lor Hlood.
Pint * , July 111 As was expected , the in *
suit offered hi ( icnei al Houlanger to 1'ilmo
Minister Tlocpiet , In the chamber of depu
les , last u\enlng , tesulted in a duel. 'IhQ
.wo gentlemen , attended by their seconds , '
met in the vicinity of 1'ai is at 10 o'clock thli
inoriilni ; Swords woio the weupons used/
iloitlanger was wounded In the arm ami
icck. I'loquet's hand was sciatchcd by4 \ \ \
opponent's sword 1'lociuet's colleiigues in
the mlnlsliy wcro waiting iit his bouse foi *
ne\\s of the duel and weio oveijoyedto sue
ho pi line minister leUuii safe He wat
liven an ovation. A small ciowdof Oenetal
Uoulntijtor's followers weio in fiontof hl |
louse when ho leached home. \
Liter details of the duel ate to the cffecc
that at the second encounter Holilanger was
slightly wounded in the log anil I'lociuot toJ
ceived a cut on thu right hand/
After testing the men lenuwccl
: ho llphting for the thlid time. ( lOiiorat
ilouhmger made a Itingo at Klociuct's loft
ireast , but only sllghtb torn he 1 the mark.
Houlanger then tccelved a wound in the
throat which put an end to the encounter.
The duel was lloiccly fought Houlaugor
.ried haul to kill rioquet , and thruw'tiliusclt
on him again and again It is now believed
that thu wound In Houlangei's throat is a
serious one. rioquet received scratches oa
Ins hand , chest and foot.
'H Condition Serious.
, July U Dr. Monod , who Is nt-
: ending General Houlunger , has issued ft
liulletln reg.irdlng his condition. It says
that theio Is a deep wound in thu right ntdo
of thu geiiei id's neck , mid that
t causes a marked difficulty la
ns icspiriitlon At piesent the doctor is un-
iblo to give un opinion as to what turtt the
case mai take I
It was later repotted that Bnulangor's
condition Is serious and th it a high fovorf
lias been succeeded hi extiemu proalralloUi
Pi ess CoinincMit ,
Puns , Juli HIThe lepiiblicmi Journals in
commenting on thu discussion in the chatu-i
her of deputies last night between Floquot
ind Gencial Houl.iugor say that Gen-
cial Houlanger has ontcicd upon a
iilobiscito campaign , and that thu struggle )
i"tween Ihe lepiiblic and thn a dlctntoishlp1
lias begun Univeisul suliiage. they say (
will do Justice lo C.vs.irism. The Lantern
gives nolico that it dellinleli severs nil con
nection with Houlangoiism. The conserva
tive otgiins commend Houlangcr'ff
attitude and nsciibo to him the honors ot
leslcidni's se'eno in Ihe chamber.
GCMU\I ; I'otcniaN
The Youthful King ol' Spain Tukcq
1'ioni CJiicen Natalie.
WtisnvtiiA , July 13 All ofllccr , attended
b.v twenty policemen , ontuted Quern Na
talie's v ilia at 10 o'clock this moinlng nnd
shoitly nfteiwmd leappeaicd with young ;
Pi nice Alexandci , the Set vian crown pi incc ,
ind a lady of honor of the queen's suite.
The two wcro bundled into a close earilnga
and diivnii to tlio r.iilwa.y station , whcio the
pi Inco wa s handed ov cr to M Potties , chief
of the Set vian po lice , who placed him on Iho
tiain. In a few minutes Forties and his
oh at go w ere on their w ay to I lelgi ado. The
Joui noy will bo made without n bicak.
It is believed that the queen suriondored
the boy without u struggle The crovvel
cheered the piineo when hu was hi ought out'
of the house. When llio queen received no- '
ticoflorn llio police Unit she must part with
her son she telegraphed to the king Implor ;
Ing him lo allow llio boy to icm iln with ho'r ,
another month. The king , however , was
incensed at the abrupt manner with which
the queen had telused his conciliatory proposal - ,
posal for mediation , nnd telegtaphed back ;
to the ciown pilnce's tutor that the boy
must not leinaln with Iho queen n dav
longer. The queen had planned to lly with
the boy , and this intention had otdcrod ;
a. special tiain She failed to state her des
tination and tlio authorities i of used to give
her Iho tiain.
Tlio German pulico have ord < red Queen
Natullo to leave Gennaiiy within twenty-
four hours.
TheGanilicttii Statno Unvelloil.
PAIIIS , July 18. The Gambetta statue , lt\ \
the Place du Cai rouscl , was unveiled this
afternoon. Floquet , Iho pi line mlnlHtor , who
fought a duel with Gcnctal Houlangur thU
moi nlng , dullvcicd nn oiation.
LONDON' , July 18. Ono of thu Hritish iCRtt
mcnt now in Ugi pt bus been 01 dored to /\\\u.\ \ \
laud It Is geneially belloved that seilou *
ttoublo will soon cnsuo in boulh Aft lea.
Gone to Kt. I'cterHtiui'cr.
HEIIIIV , July U. Umpeior William do
paitcd to-night on a Join noy to St. Polers-
A Ci clone's Woi k.
WIIEI r.iMi , July 1 i. Advices fiora Hughes
river , a small sit cam flowing Ihrough Dodd ]
ridge mid Ritchie counties , say that hundreds
of funnel 3 in those counties are abso
lutely mined. On Mend ly evening there )
was a e loud bin st , and In a short tlmo Iho
watets wcio higher than ever known. Every
biidgo on thu stieam is gone. Houses ,
b.n us , graluci les , and growing eiops disaH ) .
pcarod entirelj , and piles of drift and debris
left ten or twelve fet deep in tlio valley. '
For miles the neil was washed oil as clean us
a lloor , leaving a haul , smooth , clay surface.
The loss is placed at % : > 0.000. On Wednes-
daj Terra Alia , Pieston county , wtis visited
biuevclono of Iho ciclono lav
through Ihe hcait of the town and twisted
houses from their foundations and catrled' '
loafs hundieds of feet from the buildings.
Should Censo.
Crtc\no , July 13. Chaiiinan Fnithorn , ot
the Western and Noi thwcstoin Fieight nsJ
soclatlon , advised the lines between
Chicago and Council Hluffs that lircgulavi'
tics in talcs on business oiiglnntlng in the
cast ought to cease so as to prevent a furthci'
dcmorall/atlon In rates. Ho tofcrs to the
Bpcdiil agi cement cntctcd into looking to
the preservation of rates on eastern Iraflid
to and finm Council Hluffx , Omaha and
Sioux City. Ho thinks it advisable that
some date bo established when all ii regular
ities should cease , and that for no causa
fihould there bo on mid after Julv 27 any
talon nt variance with the tifsiccd figures us
published by the chairman Tim tariff rates
are to apply hicapcctivo of the oiiglu ot
The AVcntlier Indicnllnnti ,
For Iowa nnd Nobiaska : 'Slightly warmer ,
fair weather followed Kiitutday afteinoon by
local rahiH.
For Dakoliv : Ruin , followed Saturday
night by fair weather , v.niablc wit.ds.
General hhei iilnn'n Condition.
NEW Hi.iiFOitii , Mass. , July 18. General'
Sheridan slept ( soundly last nl 'liV and ts tub
ing solid nourishment.