8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FJKIDAY , JULY 13. 1888. THK CITY. Tlio interim ! revenue collections yesterday mnmmtoc ! to 31I,140.0. Tlio cqimll/utlon board lowered tlio nBsofesinunt of thu I'axton hotel front $ (15,04X1 ( to tflXXI ( , and of the Murray from MO.OOO to ftW.OIX ) . Judge Shields IssntHl 0110 lone mar- rltttfo HeoiiFO yoHtorday. Tlio parties were Edward Ktickor , njjcd thirty , and Miss Minnie Myei'd , aged twenty-two , both of Omaha. The statement that Messrs. WiffRiiiB nnd Ltoclu ) would en a e in u political di.Mc'iisisInn before the members of the Seventh ward republican ulub is wren . Tlio participants in the dibctibslon will be Mr. Mahoney , suporliiteirtlont of the poor farm , and Mr. 1 * . .1. ( Jualey. I'orsonal I'nriiurnjiliH. Mr. Louis Uurkc , of N'uith Pliittc , Is In the city. * Mr. Thomas Wolfe , of Uavld City , is ntthc Mlllard. Mr. L. Horruin of Talmadgc , is at the Windsor. Mr. W. C. Ferguson of Atlantic , la , Is n Windsor guest. Mr. und Mrs. II. M. Eberling , of Stanton , nro Mlllard guests , I Mr. J. 13. SUudan , of Malvci n , la. , was In the city icstci day. Mr. nnd Mri. W. C. Strolim , of Ueatiice , pro nt the I'axton , Mr. J. IX ICllpatrick and family , of Heat- rice , arc I'axton guests. Mr. Will Smith , United States inaishal for ArUona , Is nt the Windsor , Colonel W. I . Hepburn , of Clarimln , In , was an Omaha visitor i ustci d ly. Messrs.V O. Henry and John Harsley , of Palnnoiint , wore In the city yesterduy , Mr. J. H. Waving , U. S. A. , arrived last evening with his family , and they ate ston ing at thu I'axton , Mrs. C. M. Stuhhins and Mrs. H. L , Good rich , wives of Fremont business men , were In Omaha yesterday. Mr. Edgar C. Sn.vder , of the Es-celsior , will leave Saturday for an extended cmstutn trip. Ho will make a long stay in und about New York City , and may icmain pcrnrt- neatly. Mrs. Howe , of the county clerk's ofllcc , was taught in the net of swe.u Inir the other day. She did it oftleially , however , and Coroner Urr-xol was a party to the act. It was Mrs. Iloue's first offense. AVill Doubtless Die. Mrs. N. C. Nelson , the lady who fell from the second story of the boarding house at Seventh ami LcaVoawortli streets , on Tues day night , is la u vury precauous eondition and will doubtless die. Tlio N'cw HrldtTf. Work on the base of the pier in the center of the river Is nearly completed and in per haps four weeks the second sp.m will bo put In. That portion of the stmcturo already fcompleted is receiving a eo.it of paint. An Olllccr Arrcslril. Robert F. Williams caused the arrest of Ofllcor Hmchey yesterday on the elmrgo of assault and battery. He claims Hint Hinehcy iiccdlessly struck him a time or two nnd ho intends to make him buffer for it. Put was granted a continuance until to day. Councilman Ford's Ilm-glar. The residence of Councilman Ford was visited Wednesday by burglnr who walked off with a couple ot gold watches , ono of which belonged to the father , and the other to his son. 150th tiekeis weio valued ill about $200. _ Horse Tliicf' Ed. Hall was convicted yesterday In the police court of stealing a horse from Willimii Fleming and was put under SOO bonds to an swer to that charge before the district court. Ho had attempted to soil the hoiso for ; * " , and this led to Urn suspicion that the steed was stolen and caused his subsequent arrest. A 1'lckpoekct Hound Over. O Ed Sampson , the pickpocket who lifted a purse from Mrs. Charles H. Dewcy's pocket yesterday afternoon , plead guilty to the charge in the police court and gnvo as his excuse that ho was needy. Ho was put un- r dcr ? , iOO bonds to appear oofore the dis trict court. Attacked by n Vicious Poj * . A little son of Mrs. H. II. Hough , residing at the corner of Howard and Thirteenth streets , was attacked yesterday by a vi- ciousdo- , ' and badly bitten. The little fel low's lower Up was almost torn off , nlid the brute's fangs made acouploof ragged wounds inhlschcok. Ofllcor Hinchoy w.\s \ called aud promptly dlsuatehed the dog. The Pnlr Premiums. Thp Omaha Fair and Exposition associa tion Is sending out its fourth annual pre mium list for the fair which is to bo hold commencing September ! J and conllnuliiK to the bth Inclusive. The list contains about ouahundred pages and shows that premiums amounting to 0,000 will bo given. The fair will bo open to tlio world. Copies of the baok may bo Imd from the secretary , J. II , McShano , in this city. Tlio Sale Kecordcd. . A bill of sale was tiled with the county clerk yesterday , conveying Louis KosetuumVs interest in the furniture , and llxtures of his hotel , restaurant and saloon at IGia Farnam street. The consideration la $ . ' 1,000 and Oscar Manger , to whom the property is ronvoved , assumes two mortgages. One is for $1,000 , given to Frederick King March 1H , 16 7. The other Is for f.l.IJO ( , giveii to JosephineFrock - man October 'J8 , 18s7. The bill of sale is dated Mny 1 , isss , mid Manger has been In possession since then. Son of tliofit President. Mr. Russell H. Harrison , of Helena , Mon tana , Is In the city , homeward bound. IIo attended the Chicago convention , where ho BUW his Illustrious fatlior nominated for pies- idout. Mr. Harrison called at THE line of fice ycstcrdav , and presented this paper with u splcmiid lithograph poi trait of Gen eral Hoivjamtn Harrison , executed on satin , .pronouncing It a perfect like'ncss. Ho , nat \irally enough , expresses himself coiitldent of thu election of the icpuhlicnn nominee , but nskod that his views bo not quoted. IIo leaves to-day for Helena. Important Deeds. A quit-claim deed was llled for record yes terday by the Omaha & Grant Smelting and Retlnlng company to the property where thu Garter Whlto Load company's works are lo cated to that firm. There r.ro about three acrestf ground Included In the tract. , The OmaliH & Grant Smelting nnd Holla ing company have also deeded a number of . lots on lower Twentieth street to George Thlllcr. The mondy consideration was 3 ,850. Tlio Carter White Lead company also deeded somu parts of lots on Twentieth street near their works to Georuu 1'hlller. .Tuo consideration was $7,000. All O\er u Towel. Sarah Hunuctt , tlie comely courtesan ac- \ cvised by her landlady , Airs. Hurlclgh , of < ' stealing some clothes from her , was given a tflal by jury in the police court yesterday. The only article found in Sarah's trunk that belonged to Mrs. Uurlctgh was an old towel , and this , Sarah claimed , must have ac cidentally got in while sue was hurriedly packing her trunk. The prosecuting attor ney torgot to pioVo that the af fair occurred in Omiilm anil also failed to prove that the article \tekeii was of any value. The Jury returned with u vcniict of "not guilty. " As the pros- rtfcutlon was very evidently prompted by ' Bpltc , the costs of the suit were thrown upon Mrs. Uurk'lg h , the prosecuting witness. Indignant llnttcra. There is a war thrcatencif among the city hatters. Sometime since all the distinctive dealers in chapcaux M'ucd an agreement to close their establishments at 7 o\'lock during the uionthi of July uiul Augus } , Hid for n time the cgrocmeiit was religiously adhered to. 'Hut rcc'ontly the store of Mr , Hudson , In the Millard - lard , has liecii kept open after thu pie- scribed hour , und the test of the hatters nro Doing the can-can net In great slmpu. It Is only proper to iidd , however , Unit this broach Of the agreement Is belnir made by u elerk , Air. Hudson bimsoll being ubscnt from the clti" - Those wlfo take Dr. Jones' Heu Clover Tonic ilovui1 bavu dyspcpsl.v , costiveness - ness , bad breath , piles , pimples aj'iio and malaria , poor appetite , low bplrits , headaehu or kidney troubles. 1'riee 50 co ills. Goodman. Dr. MeOrow , kidney , Rectal , it | ) i'lv- atcdi-ea cd. Kooin 1 : ! , Liuahm in block Smolcu Soidenber'rt ( , Figure and pet the best-o-eent ci ur in thu world. Ahix Mover & Co. , wholesale depot. Tlio UNION PACIFIC , the famous route to and from tliu I'aoillo Coast. ' I5UIN A Clillil l < cavcH lloinn to 13scni e it Hinlo'ri linorlunllt" | ( < . Henry Stork , of Tekamah , Hurt ceiinty , Neb , who was last weeit one of the most wretched men in the state , ami almost heart broken , is now again happy in the possession of hisdaughter , Hllcn , whom ho thought was lost for all time , nnd a luined iming woman Mr. Stork inserted n personal something like tlio following in Tnc IJiu : n little over a week ago' "I311on Josephine Stork ran iiwny from her home , Juno itf , nt Tokamab , Neb. , about noon , and the last seen of her was at Hlair , Neb" After describing her cothing to the minutest detail the following description wrs given of the girl herself nnd the reward offered : She is live feet live Inches high and well built ; has dark auburn hair and done up , at the time she left , in a twist upon the top of head , combed down on forehead nnd laid in four or live loupj ; largo dink brown intelligent c\jos , clear cut features , dark complexion , nearly fifteen years old , but would bo taken for eighteen. Her parents know not why she loft , and any inform ition to the undersigned will no gludli received bv a heiutbroken mother. A$100 reward will bo given for her return to her parents. If this should meet the eyes of our daughter ICllen , will she come homo or let us know where she Is ( Your mothei's oheait Is nearly biokcn , Como homo. Henry Stork , Tokamah , Hurt county , Neb. Nothing was hoard ns the icsult of the above advertisement and the diligent search of the fond father until Monday , when the welcome news came that , the daughter was found nnd was well and happy. The joyful news camofiom Hod Oak , Iowa. Mr. Stork i cached that city Monday evening and found his daughter. Tuesday he addressed the following letter to Tin : Uic : ItiniOiK , la , July 10. To the Editor of Tut : OMAiivMlrn Sir : Hy the assistance of the largo cnculation of your paper I hnvo found my daughter , Ellen Josephine Stork. J. S. Cook , an ofllcor of Hod Oak , Iowa , after reading the notice in Tin : OMn v HII : , an I with the assistance of one Georiru Kunlon , a hotel man of lied Oak , discovered the whereabouts of my daughter. She was working for a rospi-ctnblu nnd esteemed farmer by tlio name of J. H. Taylor , two miles uest of Hod Oak. I llnd my daughter well nnd in coed hands , my worst fears not b.'iug realized , and will start homo July II with her. l'er yours most ui atelully , Ilnvm SroiiK. Mr. gtoik arrived in this city Wednesday , now on ills way homo with his daughter. She is a stout , plain looking German gitl , nnd from all appearance ( tiiito intelligei.t. She would bo taken by the casual observer to be twenty , \ cars old , although her father asserts i positively that she is not yet fifteen. / Ti.e reason she gave her father for leaving ' home was to save her life. This led to further investigation and the child woman told her father that Chailes Smelt/or had made in decent pioposnls to her , bad attempted to carry out his vile desiics bv violence , and when she threatened to tell her patents lie swore to tier that if she ever told of his advances to her ho would hill her. Smellier is a man who has been working on Stork's farm and living in his family since a year ago hist October. Hois about twenty- two years old and is a widower. Ho is a Stout robust man nnd a good farm hand , and o all outward appearances was very friendly with the childien in tlie Stork family. Ho had been in the family since the younr girl , bis would-be victim , was n mere child and her parents never dreamed of any such actloua on his part toward the girl. She ntuted to her father that his threats upon her life wore so positive that she was afraid to remain about the name house with him , oven though she did not relieve her mind of the burden that was upon it und for her own personal safety und for her life she concluded to leave homo while ho was thoi o. Mr. Stork loft for Toknmah Wednesday in the company of his daughter. Ho was hor- rilled when ho heard her story and learned for the lirst time that the man whom ho has befriended for almost two years would thus attempt to ruin his family In this brutal and degraded manner. He stated before leaving that ho would swear out a war rant for Smeltzer * arrest on the charge of assault with Intent to commit rape. Ho will spate no money to have the wretch punished to the fullest , extent of the law. Popular Excursion to San Francisco , Los Angeles and other points in Cali fornia tire run over the UNION PA CIFIC. The- UNION PACIFIC waa iir.-t called the Great Overland Kouto. Hi ; IS A MASH EH. II. II. AViinanll and Ills Paramour Klcoini ; from u Deserted Husband. Almost a year auo an nttractivo-looking young man by the name of H. II. Wnndell came to this city , and after being In the em ploy of W. G. Albright & Co. for some time was located at Albright as their agent. Ho introduced Into Albright and South Omaha society a pretty voung woman whom lie called Mrs. Wnndell. During the tray winter season they were among the leaders , and as Mr. Wandell's ' salary was a very generous one , they wore able to entertain n great deal themselves , and gave several very pleasant paities. It is needless to sav that their at tractive and congenial manners won for them man } ' friends and their sudden dis appearance last Saturday has caused a great commotion in the land. On that day Mr. Wnndoll announced to his friends that ho had to leave and go to ChoAcnno on some special business. He took his ( iwifo" with him on tlio trip. The next day two strangers appeared at Albright and made Inquiries for Ajr. Wnndoll. They were told that lie and his wife had loft the evening before for Chey enne and would not return for some days. The men imido it known-that they were from Illinois nnd thai one of them wns the husband of the woman Wnndoll had been living with and the other was a constable who had the tKipors in his posses sion for Wumlell'u arrest. As ROOH as the strangcis learned that the couple had gone west they also made that part.of the country the object of their search" The lovers heard , however , that they were being followed and to their friends In Che.v- enno they gave it out that they wcra leaving that city to go io Denver. Instead bf going to Denver tnoy returned to Omaha , and within thu past few days Wundoll has packed his household effects at Albright , and with his bird has down , while the ical husband is urobably searching the boarding houses of Denver for the wlfo of Ills bosom. The hus band did not glyo up his name , , but stated that his wlfo had lofthlin to go with Wr.u lell , nnd that over since that ,111110 he lias been looking for tier nnd 'was not 'able to loeitto her until a few days ago. Ho will probably return to thjs city the last'of this week and take u .m.\v start In his mad search. The las-t heard of Wandell was that ho was going to Norfolk , where ho formerly lived. Albright says that with the exception of some Inaccuracies there , is nothing wrong with Wandoll's accounts. The UNION PACIFIC ls.\hq \ oillv rend runaiinsr through the fnmo'us Af- jiine Tuniiul , 11GU ( ) fooLiibovo.ua level. The Manitoba KloutlimV WiN'NU'EO , July 12. The provincial elec tions jesterday resulted in a signal victory for the government. TJiq entirp provlncq has been swept fiom eini to end. Out ( if thirty-eight scats thlrty-fjvo have btefl heard As many of our patrons eagerly look forward to our annual summer clearing-sale of Boys' and Children's Clothing , we take especial pleas ure in stating that the great bargains toffered for this sale eclipse all our former efforts. An unsurpassed opportunity is offered this week to economical parents , as we have made an effective cut in all the light weight clothing for boys and children , and extraordinary bargains will be found in this department. Children's Sailor Suits , in several shade's of flannel , at half price. Children's Jersey Suits , in different styles , plain and fancy trimmed , at half price. Children's very fine all wool Cassimere Suits , made up very stylish , at $2,75. Children's very fine all wool Cheviot Suits , in beautiful patterns and ele gantly made , at $2.75. Children's Knee Pants , in all colors , fancy Cassimeres , strong and well made , at 25c , 35c , 50c and 6Oc a pair. Less than one-half what you would have to pay in other houses for like qualities. Corresponding reductions in prices of Long Pant Suits for Boys from IO years upwards. The rush for our MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Ts sufficient pioof Hint our Flninu'l mid Dress Sliirh Undenvnar. Hosiery , Ncckwcnr , Collars and CuiTs nro sold far below the prices of otlu-r house * . \Vc luivo just opened a line of gcii'iinc Fieneh Extra Fine Flan nel Shirts sillc striped ulid others of the most beautiful pattern1 * , and elegantly made up. Thrse Shirts are in firoat demand now , as they are very light and pleasant to wear and particularly well ahiptcd for hot weather ; Having bought these goods greatly below the cost of the manufacturing , wo are enabled to oiler them at one- half the price which other fir it-class house ? charge for like qualities. In our Hat department , wo oiler a lot of best Summer Helmets , at 50c , and thin , airy Cloth Crushers in dif ferent slia-les - at b.'i ie price. The&e are the lightest and coolest hats for the summer. One price. Plain Figures. Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. During July and August our store closes at 7 p.m. Saturday at 10 p. m. SATURDAY'S JAMBOREE THEY Any summer suit on our tables will be sold next Saturday for $9.05. We have got four tables left of summnr suits , not one of them worth less than § 115.00 , and many of them worth $20.00 and $25.00. You have this one more chance at them. They will positively be the last day we will ofTor them at this price to make a clearance sale , and then put in our winter stock. Don't miss this opportunity. Ask those that got suits of us at our last sale. They will tell you of the great bonanza. S.LANDREWS&COMPANY Positively Open Every Evening. Positively Closed on Snnday. Southwe st Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. from , twenty-seven of which are for the ROV- eminent and three for the opposition. The verdict in Winnipeg was u rousing one for provincial rights. Absolutely Pure. Tills poder novcr varies. A marvel of put Ity , streiiitthand ttholoiotuoue" ! ) Moio tuiiioiito than the ordtnar ) kinds , und cuniiot be bold In compttlt'ou ttlth the inultltudo of 1 > wcst shoit v t'lulit alum or phosphate i > odei s Until niilii In enntt. Kov.vi.ItAaiMi PottiituCo. , 1U1alltt. . , New Voik , MAX MEYER & BRO. Wcbtciu Aceutt for Chlckerlnfr , ICnabo. Voso uml llanr llros. Vlnnos ; Story iClurk Organs. A rEW MOKE MJI'T. Moaning I'lanos and ( irgiun hut little used which will bqold this \ < cifc nt the following ieilUQcd prices uml terms : Down Mnnuil'l ' Aij/mrnt. 1 Kimbo Square , test 5C , UVJ . . . _ . . . . . fci-.00 J15.00 toil WfiO , ior't&iU ; ooo 1000 1 llrailhiiry S < iuare | cost $100 , tor Jr-0 10.00 11.1 * . Hnlo Sutiare , cost tlTJ. ' forU > 15.00 . 10.00 1 Stodtlnrd Smiure , co.it t-tl't , f r * 1W 10,03 6.W 1 lluierscn Siuin\ | 8 ] > lriullil baiualn , cost t-VW , for * A ) , 10.0) 6.00 1 Iliillelt DIIVI.S iiuato ( iuuul , cost Hiii , for iiV. . S5.0/ l.Marbliull Wemlel Upright co-it Wt" ' * 4500 10.W 1 WluiKc I'lirlght , cost for Htv- ' ' no : ( ) . ; 10.00 1 Klmb-ill Oigrtui'Voot' for ' 10.00- ; 3.00 1 IMey Organ , 'cost tlWtPV , 10.00 3.00 13la < ! oh' & " HiiiRltYi ' 'Organ , cost f-SlO , for * < 3 . . „ , . . . ' 10.W CkOO Confo early ami take jour pick , llrlng this d.itli ) 021 to nvold mistakes. MAX MUVKIt .t IUIO , , Corner lltl\ancl Furnniu Hts. \Vill buy one of our nobby Spring Suits , in Worsted fine Cassimere , or , . _ _ Scotch Scheviotsin /'fc B _ all the popular col- I W ' " U ors arl < ' stv'es ' < ea' ' i H | B bargains that cannot V H H fail to be appreciat- l9 Eled by the discerning 1H Bd We arc aware that ( /PR Inexpensive goods * b" " " " "are largely adver tised this season , but all of them cannot ! stand the test of ! close inspection.Wc | ask our customers i to examine our stock , and thus , t-atisfy themselves of its quality and our vti- racity. lnn \ < ri > Mms EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpHE SCIENCK OK LirB , the great .Medical Wurlc ot the nggon Maahood , Nervoua imrt riislcnl DtlillUy , 1'rcmnfuro Decline , Errors of Ymith.aiiA tliountolil mlscrlcicontfiiuenr thereon , Cud jiigcg 8vo , US primerli > tIons for nil dlscjuci. CloUl , full gilt , only $1.0) , to1 mall , Be.ilctl. Illiutrath o uniplu free to all younn onil middle .tE l men. Scndn < nv. The Gold ami Jen ellvd Medal a ariled to the nlithor by the Ns- tlnnal Medical , Asfbclatloii. AdJrcts 1 ! . 0. box 1893 , Horton.JIaiui. , or Dr. W. ir. 1'AIUCKV , grtid uatenf Hanard JIcdlcnlCoUeici5 > -utri.'iiractlcu In Hoston , lie may tin coukuUed conlldcutlally SjicclalI ) , Diseases of lUui Ofllce No. 4 L'ulflucQ it. 21.820,3 0 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were shipped during the puat two years , without a ( Irinn- inerm our employ. Nootlitr hnuso in the orld can truth * fully icakpeucu a showing- . One nuout ( dealer ouly ) wanted In ouch ton n. SOLD BY UADINO OauCCISTS. W.TANSILL & CO.,55 State St.Chlcaao. "ilrU Aqi5cic.i rm nentcur pnD n ll V rim MrN UN Y f" ' ° t or railing iUll IIILI1 UllLJr tuanhood.Dcrvaiiineix. weakneis , unnnturul loaifs , lack of'ctrcnelb. ' vJtror or development , rausaa by lnclltcretloor excuses , etc. ValunUt > * t utitlicalntSitf. KHIK MEDICAL , CO . JIUFFALO. N..y. . ' Die ? Health is WeaKli ! Dit , K. 0. WrST'n NFUVB AND nnxtj * MENT , a Bmirnnteetl iixSclllc for Hysteria , Dizzi ness , Convulsions , Kits , Nervous Neuralsln , tf eaaache. Nervous Prostration , mused by the use of alcohol or tobacco , Watchfulness , Mutual Depression , Softening ot the Drain , resulting In Inaaiiltv , anil leading to misery , decay nuit death , Premature Old Age , Itariennees , Loss of Power In cither neac. Involuntary Losses and Bpcnnatorhd-a caused by over-exertion of tlio brain , self-abuse or over-Indulgence. Knch box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box , or six boxes for V 00 , sent by mull prepaid on re ceipt of price. \VK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES Tp cure any case. With each order received by ns for six boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , no nlll send the purchaser our vrltten guarantee to refund the money If the treatment docs not effect a euro Guarantees leaned only by C. F. GOODMAN , nrnirelst , Solo Aseut , JUO 1'arnam btrcet. Oraana. Neh "Tlio Overland Itoulc. " Has bo arranged its Fiiinily Sloontn Car t-orvici ) , that berths cun now bo reserved served upon application by any tiekot agent to M. J. OreovyPassenger Agent , Courieil lihilTs , Iowa. The reservations when made are turned over to the train conductors taking out such earn , so that passengers can now secure berths or dered , the fiaino as a Pullman berth is reserved ami secured. J. K. TUIWIVfS , Ut. . LOMAX , Gun. P. i. T. Agent. Ass't Q. 1' . A T. A O.MAI1A , NDl ) . U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. * I'ald Up Capital . . . . , $250,000 Surplus . H0,000 H. "W. VATB * . Prebldent. li\sin : S. llia.l ) , Vlcu President. A. K. 'loiWUN.-'ml VUel'icsldent. W 11 S , II un n us , Castile W , V. MOIISK , JIIIIN S. COLLINS , 11. W. VATI ! . LEWIS S. Km o , K. TOUAM.I.V. 'THE IRON BANK , Corner 1-th and I'nrnnm Sts. A ( lenerul llatiklne HusJiic siTruusacted JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL FENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS. pxrosiTiotf isw , Noo. 3O3-4O4-I70-CO4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS. u/ INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb , J sjsSw SFgB * . " t : " SaiSg * CAUTION llPMlunlnc | ) "rson , tnlclni : nclvnntnKp of our reputation , nro constantly stnrtini ; IIOCIIH medical cHtntilislimcntH to dpcplvo Btrnneers vlMltlne I hi * city. Them ) prrtciuterR usually ( llsii : > | i < > iir in a few works. Hownri * of thorn or tholr runner * or n pnts. Tlio Omnlin Aloillu.il nnd Surilunl Institute IM tlio only CHtnlillHlioil tnoillual Inwtl- ttito in Otnnlin , Dr. McMonntuy , I'rnprlotnr , When yon ninko tip your mind to visit ttx , nmkc 11 memorandum of onr exact ntldreHM. mid tinm Biive trouble , ( lolny or mist ikes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL AND DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAK. Physician anil in Surgeon Charge I'-I-it U lilUillUl ilui - - i i i i 11 i uiv/uvii mm r\'ill c. v/un in viiniv-v TWENTY YCAUJs' HOSPITAL [ AM * rim ATI : PKACTlCi : . Assisted by a Number of CompelGiil , SKillfiil anil Exjoricncsl Physicians and Surgeons PaHicular Attention paid to Deformities DNenscs of Women , lUspn of the Urinary anil Sexnnl Orpins I'rhnto Diseases J Kea > > es of tlie > cnons Saturn , Lnii } ; ami Throat DNeat.es , Surgical Operations Knilqisi or 1'ils , I'ilcs Cancers Tumors , Ktc. More money itnestcd , inoiehkilllu pinMuatis'aiul buigcons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures ellected , inoic modern improved instalments , apparatus and appli ances than can be found in all othci infirmaries , institutes or di-pensarios in the ucst combined. Largest nnd most complete Medical Institute 01 liosjital in the west. Fitly newly furnished , well s\ai mid and \cntilated rooms for patients , three skilled physiciaiir always in thu building. All kinds ol diseases ticaled in- the most bcientillc manner. Supporters , Electrical latteriesXind ) can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all btib- jectb , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged abi ity , experience , icsponsibility and reputation , should make thq Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the lint choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage tl-at ait , skill , science and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their eases. Their comfort and convenience will always be taken into consideration. Should } on conclude to visit us for tieatmcnt or correspond with us , you will find that these statements ol our position , location and facilities aie nol oveidiawn in any particular , but : re plain unvarnished facts. Only Eeliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison rcmoxcd from the byslcin \\itlioutmercnry. New tcotorativu treatment for loss of Vital Power , Persons unable to visitus may Le treated at home by Correspondence. All coinir.iinications confidential Medicines or instalments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no maiks to indicate contents or tender. One personal interview prefei red. Call and consult us or tend his tory of jour ca e , and we will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous DUuascs , Impotenu ) , Syphilis , Gleet and Vaiicocclc , willi question list My Reasons for Writing a Book linen Private , Special and Nervous Diseases , I have for many years- made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , have become a recognised authority upon the cuhjcct , consequently 1 rccei\e an imincnte number of letters from physicians and allhctcd persons , asking my opinion and advice upon individual cases. I'or the benefit of such pcrt-ons , I have wiittcn a book , giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After leading it , persons will have a clearer idea of their condition andean write me inorcintiOligcntly and to the point It will therefore be seen that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class 01 persons who ic.id out of mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from diseases , or the effects of disease ; , or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day passes hut we recmc many calls or letters from persons mffei ing from this dla s of disenses , or their sequel. Man } of them are ignorant of the cause of thedifiicultr that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright plospccts and u shortening thcii dajs. . . Smgical operations lor tlie cure of Mare Up , Club Feet , Tuinorb , Cancers , Fistuln , Cataract , StrabiMiius ( Cross Kyes ; Vnricocele , Inveited Nails , Wens and Deformities of the Human Uody peiformed In the most scientific manner , We ticat Chronic Diseases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc , as Paralysis , Epilepsy ( Kits ) , Scrofula Bright's DUtase , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever SOICB , Dyspepsia or Gastritis , Baldness Ec/eina , etc. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Tientecl carefully , skillfully anil scientifically by the latest find most approved methods. WHITE FOR I5OOK ON DISEASKS OK WOMCN , FREE. 13r. McMenatny has for years devoted a large portion of his time to the study and treatment ol this class of diseases , and hat- spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and .is fully supplied uitli every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. EYE m EAR DEPARTMENT We claim superiority o\er any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands \\lioin We 1mecured , after olhers have tailedsubstantiate our claims. To those afll ctcd with Eye and Ear DUcaecs , we simply say call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , then visit -whom } ou like , and if you are an intelligent person jou will return to us ( or treatment - ment and cure. . . . Our book , descrihinx the Eye and Ear and their diseases , In plain language with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit of patients and nhysicians who vriltc us in regard to cases ; by reading them carefully jilnsician and patient will have a clear understamliiii : and can describe cisce to us more mielligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR , FREE. Addrcst all letter * to OMAHA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE DR , J. W , McMENAMY , N. W , Cor , | 3lb& Dodge Sts , , Omaha , N 3 V | JLJJLf rrrflilMlf Bin * HBl4 tf i4'l/fc / ifci M . . P. * y" u.kA.k J