Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Nil Ailvortlm'ineiil * will bo taken for
thrso uoliimiiM nllor 1'2IO : : | > . in.
Terms Cnsli In advance.
Advertisements under this head 10 cents p r
line fur tlie tlr > t insertion , 7 tout * for ruth sub-
M-iiucnt liifcitton , nml II.WJ it-line pr month.
No nihcrtl ement taken for IPS * tlmn S5 rents
the llr t lii'iTllon. fr'eveti words will bo counted
to the line : they must run consecutively and
Mint rw paid In ADVANCK. All ndverllso-
Incnn must bn handed labefore-ISSH o'clock j ) .
In. , and under Ho clrt umstunces will they uo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd hav
ing the answers addresrcrt In earn of Till : llrr.
1II please imk for n check toemiblothem toget
Iholr letters , a * none will bo delivered cxcep on
jire.'cntatlnn of cbeck. All answers to adver-
llKi'tucnts should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these rolnmn < are pub
lished In both mornlnjr and evening edition * of
TIIK HIK : , the ilrcnlfttlon of which aggregates
lnoro tlmut \ , < ) papers dally , and gives the ml-
Vcrtl erit the benefit , not only of the tlly clrcu-
latlonof TIIK HUB , hut also of Council lllults ,
litiKoln and otner cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advirflnlng for these columns will be taken ,
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness liotiKe * , who are auth'-rlzcd agents for Inn
lift : special notices , and will imote the came
rotes as can be had at the main olllee.
"l OM V W. Il'l'.Mj , 1'harmaclst , Kt ) South Tenth
( / Street.
CHASU & KDDY. Stationers and I'rlnters , 1111
{ ' 011th Hth Street.
O II. KAHNSWOHTH , J'hnrmncht , 2113 Oum-
Ing Street.
\\7 J. IILillK3 ( , 1'harmadst. icH North 10th
. btrcet.
GKO. \ \ " . 1'Altlt , Pharmiclst , 1MM St. Mary's
"IVAN' ! ' ! ' . ! ) Situation an housekeeper by an
M American girl of ! i" > years ; is capable , neat
find Industrious and n good COOK. Sirs. Ilirj
ilU'.i a. l..lliHt. 7IH-iiJ :
SITUATION wiinted by an olllreman. largo
. expeilencii In cotirt-lmiiMi woik and law
yers' Olllces ! good referenicK ; icpjlng pru-
Jerred Address Tail , lite. 'OJ I3t
" | \7ANTii : > 1'osltloiihy competent meat'
> > cutter , address Till , lleo ollicf. d7i : 1C'
" \\7ANTKD-lly printer < it experience , po- . !
> > tlou In country ; am acquainted with
ronntry work ! cm do local work. Addre-s
Omaha Ilee. ili3-l2'
" \\TANTKD lly a young mnn - years old ,
> Fjicaka llohemtan t < iid r.ugllsh , situation
111 whulecate business , object leumlng business
mid sei nrlug perm iinent iiosltlon. Addre.ssT' "
Ilee ollice. > < ( " > IJ *
\\7ANTIl-Sltnntlimbv ! ) > ouiiK man In prl-
vutefomlly. Kent referencuH. Address , ' ! ' .
7i llci-ollUi. 701 1 *
\\7ANTP.n A situation by n man of nblllty
> where he can do-omn light worK Had
lieen Injured In an neldi , > nt about a year ago
nnd Is mm anMous to got started ugaln. Ad- "T VI , " Ilee ollice. ( ill Iti *
\ \ TANTII ! > Situation as bar tender , by a so
ber married man. Address' ! ' , ' ! , lleo Mill *
\ \ rANTKD Three llrst-class waist-litters at
T 1 lleyman .V Delches' , 151t > and 1520 riirnnm
\\rANTKD-Stiong reliable boy at Ifec mail
T > room for morning work. Apply bet. 'J and
11 o'clock a.m. 7avi2
AX * " ANTKD A competent acroiiutiuit , who con
' furnish best of lelercnces , to write up a
tctof single entry books for ncontotnln the
fountiy Wll ( rriiulre about nwcek'Htime. In-
riulio at I'axton iiotel ollice , between ft and i )
p. in . fntnnluy , .Inly 14. li-frs. _ 70U la
\\rANTin-2 ; white barbers ; steady Job. ! ' .
T > M Arnott , cor. 2ith ! and N &ts. , So. Omaha.
717 HIT
_ _ _
AGKNTti to canvass for campaign books ;
lliirrl. onS : Morton , Cleveland \-TImiman.
Apply 1' . II. Hauls , ipom 111 , First Nat. Hank.
TtTANTKD Hoys and girls nt Falrbauk's lard
Tt rellnery- KW 12
" \\r ANTKD - good men for city work atoneo.
t l.oomls Nat'i Mbriiiy Abs'u , HO , U. H. Hunk.
- 078 la *
T\TANTii-Hoy : about 1,1 years old , 3 ± i S. loth
> V _ s 704-liJ
TV 7ANTF.D Twobali'smen for Nebraska and
Iowa. I' . F. Collier , K ! llelhnan block.
"ISfANTKD-On or about August 1st a tlmr-
T oiighly competent mnn Und wife to take
full chtirtre of a largo farm house lu central Ne
braska ; must be able to furnish best ot refer
ences us to ability , character , etc. ; 11 couple
without chlldion will be prefered. Address for
" days. I.oek llox I , Madison. Neb. , or apply lu
person at tun Paxton hotel between 2 and ft p.m.
Baluiday. July Hth. bS4 13
"l\r ANTKD-Mau and wife , without children ,
> I to cook on a ranch U to cook for , Hefer-
rnres requited , .Must know how to make but
ter ; wages J.10. Also II good ranch hands. 418.
airs. Urepq. 70212'
\\fANTKD One young gentleman and three
i young ladles to go with a dramatic com
pany , Ksthei- Lyons write , address T 21 lleo.
CC1-12 *
_ _ _ _
\\7ANTKD-81x travelliiB ami local salesmen ,
i i salary and expenses ; no exiwrlouco necos-
fcary. Addr.ess with stamp , I'aimer .V Co. . DCS
Monies. In. -Ml la *
. , - - - - -C0 paving Btono dressers nt
Northwestern Labor Agenry. Ship dally.
Dohn Muliloon ACo. . 315 8.10th at. U13-
\\rANTKD-Mcn for the west. Albrlght'a
T T labor agency. IWi Farnam ut. P14
TDOVS-Am. Wist. Tel. Co. , 11)04 ) Douglas.
\Sr -VNTF.D-ilrl to assist lu npral light
T i hou.sekfeplng , 2.V ) Hewnrd itt ; 740 Kf
\\rANTKD 'JdTn7ng room girl. * for the west ,
T } ' week ; 2J girls general work , 4 dining
room girls , 2 chamber maids , 2 laundry women ,
MO month ; cooks for private families , ? . ' > week.
l.ots guod placi's. Omiilm Emp. uurejiu , 111) ) N
16th. 723 12
_ _
Vy ANTKD 3 good girls for same family , ) .
l fi ; 2 for boarding houso. * l ; lu dining-
room girls. j fl ) , fain paid ; 1 bundle wimher , 2
snnmbertmilds- girls for Sioux City , Ashland ,
I'luttsmomli. Albion ; also woman to take washIng -
, Ing home ; cook for lioardlnp house , f2S ; pastrv
joolt , MO ; 60 girls for general housework. Mrs.
llrcgu. 3l4Vi.g. 1'ithnt. 74iu ;
\ ANTKD-Cook for small family. Cant
* > 211 > California st. ,
\ \ rANTlID-Au exptrlenccd Waist llnlsher.
1 1 ' l.Mti DoiiKlas , up stairs. H7 H
\VANTID ; At onci > , servant girl for family
of three , work easy. Mrs. W , O.Clark ,
rid and Capitol avenue. rl'.N ii ; *
" | \'ANTKD-Hrl to do general houseuork.
' ' lniiuiru610Si 'diit. .
\\7 .VNTKD-A . good girl lor general house-
woik. F. W , Young , litlft .N.Sid , mn.ia *
" \\'ANTKU-A girl for fgeneial' tiouxework.
' ' ages H per week. iKoaiOlhbt. 7IU ( K *
TV ANTND Nurse girl. Call between 12 nnd
l fi , with references , at 11J S.iJthstreet.
Mrs , i ) . Q. I'atterson. i >
\VAKTE | ) ApUl for general uousework , nvr
TI cor.Itthand l.eaM'nworth.stn. U71
to Mrs. W. H. McCord , 201 8 18th.
\VrAXTii-Hrl : ( to do dining iiiom and
t clmmb. rwork. Doran House , lii S. Ibtli ,
.licar bt. Mnry'n Avo. 710
\VAXTKI ) WalaTTiiindi M. A' Wallace , 15l'i
llqvaidst. } BIOiS *
\\r ANTii-Cilrl : for gemTralTiTiiso ) w6rkT"al07
Cnllfoinlast. VM
' \Y.\NTKD-A"good girl for generaT housed
| , wiirk In a family uf-a , * 1 per week , liuijilro
t , 1004 N.'llHh.
\ \ rANTKD-A wet nursb for a child a fuw
! _ mouths ojd Address B 6S , Ilee. mill )
; vyrM , nll5tu3n > mn girl ut Occidental
hotel. tj5
\\'ANTKI-.L.-\dv ugents. "A'"hklrtaml bus
TI tl * combined H. hose supporters.
JlotU lew. : Hie profits 'Senile towns forrprhu ;
ttailp. Ladles' biipply Co.Sr ! W. Washington
M. , llicuj.-0 | , -
\VANTF.I-2\ lrlK general w-.irk. nig
i' roomslris , dishwashers , a'copts for hotel -
tel . 2 pabtryoooks. dlninn room girls for the
yvit. iot of placrs 'furlrl . Omiilw Kmp ,
jlurcml. llgy.'IMlist. _ 37,1
' iit ollice. No. ai7-Ni'rt
IS iflfii'ViV ; Mn'o'mfd lulp mippHeU.
I'rn ate fninlllt-j n specialty. -
O > I.V11.Kmp. . IUireixu7it "N. H'lh , oldest
nnd ma tr lUl > lanmrf > l city , "
JiIi } llIoiItw. . Til " "
CANADIAN Hmuloyment Ollice-.Maf6 nnd
female help sent to all parts It fare Is ad
vanced. Hoferehte , Ouiuhn National bank , Mrs ,
Ilrexani4'i S. 1.1th. Tel. < < M. TWJyll *
\VANTKD-A limited htintlwrnf children to
i T boariatflorulttiihoinetralnInK ; ! ! rlmrces
reasonable , Jlrs. > | . Moore , Kent , l.oup ( ' ) . , Ne' )
741 1-
\\7ANTKD-lMirehaser for linn large house
> > nowbwing bi H In Clifton Hill. Street < nrs
and licit ltiill iiy station at hand. Only $1,0D ,
and monthly payments ut that. Will sell house
and three lots If-desired. A. F. Tukey , Kith and
W ANTED To buy or tiarto for a good build
ing that mn be moved. I'lcaso call on
or address Ueorge j , Stcrusdorll , room D , oppo-
ito p. o. sir
\\7ANTKn The ptilillc to roako good use of
TT The lice's message boxes throughout the
city , 100
\\7ANTKI ) If yon have any land1 ? , lots , or
T > houses and lots to sell or exchange for
other property , cell on m or write , lean llnd
yon a customer , C. C. Spotswood , 303Si 3. liitn.
WANTKD- Table boarders , 1013 Dodge.t * i
" \\rAXTF.D-Torcnt7or t * room hon o ; inoil-
i-rnconvenience. Keplystatlngrrnt. To ,
lleo plllce. fUJ 15
"iyANTCI > Cottngo of fi or 0 rooms within
i 1H miles of postolllqeAddre y , giving
lo"atlonnml rent expected. Address 8 ID , lieu ,
! UO
Foil HUNT A : Htory brick building , IfilT
Howard ht. , store , basement Mid Hats. In
quire at \ Nichols' livery barn , 2Mh and
I.euvenworth sts. Telephone ( Mil. ) ' !
TTJoiTHiHT : house. Kountze place , vn
J. permonth. C , M. Kiiton , rtlO N Pith st , or A.
.1. l.aton. with Heard & Otis , 1.117 Douglas. TM
"IJ10H HUNT 2-rootu house , i a month , aK8
X'DorcaK t. ' 21 *
"nmit" . ItKNT 2 7-room Hats. 1007 Howard st ,
Uodimn ltr < H.,4n Harker block.
HOt'SI ! 10 rooms , good barn , shed and fruit ;
lw : feet cast front on 1'ark ave ; jprlce fi" " ) .
AJIH'S , 1W7 I'liniam. IVS-I
( M ( HBNT Houso"No. . fllO N Illh s't. nmiuTre
bet. 1 ' and I p. m. , % TM mo. U77 13 *
j HKXT-rA 7-ioom house , < or. ' ith and
JL Davenport. All modern convenience. In-
riulreat Jos. Ilosensteln's , 217 S. 1-th ht. G" > 0
j'OH HKNT rial , with or without bnnj , very
1 reasonable , N\V. cor. lutunnd llhkorj. nil fa
"IJ OH HUNT llotue" rooms , large yard , on
JL ' ? Jtli and llnniry. Small-'house J7..VI 1-th
and Jones. House nnd burn It.'d and Howard
st.10. l.lnahaiuv Mahoney , Itoom iiO'i ' 1'axtun
block. iV.ii
FOU HIINT Savu car fare ny moovlng In the
"Jler Hats , " lilted \\lthnlltho most modern
conveniences. 7 light looms Including bath ,
pantiles , closcti , steam heal , gas mid water ,
"also t\\o nice stores" mid liasement. "Itefcr-
'licos u'iUlied. | " Apply to Itaymei' \ Her ,
hardware , fi''l South .st. r > H 7
HKNT .2-room boarding home , corner
Mth and Dodge sti. 1.11 1'J'
THOH HKNT 2 iVrooin cottages , eentrnlly lo-
JL cated , rent ! i.1 n month , Mt'iul lurehtinent
Co. , 311 a. 1.1th t. H
POH itl'.NT 1 n-room hbuse , 2"th nvo. nnd
Webster. Ituiulro Itoom OJ3 , I'axton block
F. J. Crgotlon. 257
FOH HF.NT-A splendid 5-ronin cottage and
large barn on Noi th 10th st. H. C. Fatter-
n , 'JIS south I5th Kt ! H'S '
T71OH HKNT Cheap , an elegant new d-room
J-'house with nil moili'i'ii Improvements , 1HI7
S-ilth street. Just f-outhof Woulwmth.
; ; ui 12 *
FOH HKNT-Modern single house of rooms ,
liathroomhot and coldwuter , oustieet car
line ami paved street , readv for occupancy
Aug. I , ? 4.i per month. Apjly at once C. I1 ,
llairlson , 41s S. 15that. 21K
17IO11 HKNT 7-loom houe. No. 151s S rth st. ;
1 iVtootn cottage , No. lil'j Win. St. : Ti-room cottage -
tage , Ho.27i5 Charles st. Imiulru 110(1 ( Cap ave.
Foil HKNT or Sale New cottage , llcdford
1'lace , on easy p.iymentx. Kuiiulre M. I , ,
Hoeder , room 4W11'axtonblocK. 1OT
"ITlOlt HUNT 2 new houses , all modern 1m-
JL1 provements , desirable location. UAheuv-
onworth , room 1,117 Furnam s.t. SI i
T71OH HKNT A line ID-room brick house with
X all moilern improvements , line location on
stieet cur.llue. It. .M. Genius , 14VS Douglas ht.
FOIt SAI.K Two new , g-room houses In Or
chard Mill iinil Poppleton 1'aik. Will sell
cheap for cash , or will take good llrst.or second
mortgage paper. Any reasonable terms to lion-
est parties. 0. U. ijpotswood. miTiVj S. loth. 445
TjlOH HKNT 10 room house 17th St. , J ) ; i ) .
-L' room house ? , \ mroom homo f H , 7-room
hoiike fci5 ; G-rnom house Howard st and other
housed , ( i. K. Tnompson. Shcol y block. Stl
FOH HKNT A desirable , nine-room house all
modern improvements , hnlt block from
fable line on w est Dodge st. All Improvements ,
cheap to good tenant , r. J. llothwlck. Jl S 14th.
FOll HKNT 1'uriilshod house , good location ,
for particulars call at the ollico of Thus ,
llrcnnau & Co. . room a. Chamber of Commerce.
IIIAVK a four-room house on Ifith street , two
blocks south of Vlnton , that I will rent to n
good tenant for (12 per month , everything In
good repair. Ueorge J. Sterusdorff , Ituam Ii ,
opposite 1' . O. uu
TKN room house wltli yard , near Knrnntn and
24th St. , steam heat and all modern 1m-
piovemonts. W5 per month. Cull 207 S. 21th st.
T71OK KENT A neat ft cottage. Apply at
JC once. C. P. Harrison , 418 S 13th st. 1111
FUHNISIIKU looms from JlOto * 23 per month' .
120 ! Faruum st. WS-lh
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished front room ,
suitable for.2 gentlemen , or gentleman ami
Hlfe. Apply Ih2l : Karnam st , BM 15
1J10H HKNT 2 furnished rooms for light
J-1 housekeeping , with bath and conveniences ,
if 15 ; also sleeping rooms , & , at X > 7 N. 17th-
IpltONT room for contleiuen , U2l ; N. 17th. _ t
'VJ'ICKI.V furnUhed room away from nolso
- land dust , sev eral degrees cooler than rooms
near builne-n .streets. Nice location , close to
street cur , small family , cheap rent , 2 0il Srward.
TRIO It HKNT Furnished front room , first
L' Iloor , large and hhady yard , tO.t N. 2.Jrd st.
TAlUl K room with closet. tOO 8. 22d st.
* EMU *
_ _
T710H HUNT-Furnlslied rooms. US S. 20th st.
E 1172 a IQt
" 1710H HKNT At reahon'ablo rates , nicely fur- '
-L' nlshed front room with board In private
family for iimn and wife ; distance W miles
from ! ' . O. Kmiulro nt Moitenson if thrlsten-
son's ollice. UU Farimm st. _ Utg ly
rpwo furnished front rooms with privilege of
JU bath-room , yoii S. isth st. ttiO-i ; ! ?
riWO nicely furnished rooms complete for
J. housckeeplns , with cellar and pantry , rent
Hg.aoUecaturMt. ) HIM la *
_ _
CIIOIUK front room with board in pleasant
home , references , KU S. 23lh ave. Mil 12 ?
SIN(5 1.K room , gentleman , 2020 St. Mar.v's ave.
" * T lu *
TpOJl HKNT-M Howard , cool fnniMied sleep-
-L1 ing rooms , urn and second lloors , W.oo up-
w nrdH. a- , , ) ; \ - > t
_ _
T71QH HKNT turnishcd rooms ; ISlfl Dodge.
' - IW4
_ _ uji _ "
13I.KAHANT furnUhad rooms for ro nt. "I ;
J- Web < ter , on table and Street car lines ,
015 12 *
T710H HKNT-Hoom and board , ICW3 Ktirnam.
- * 1178 a 10 *
POH HUNT Kiu-'nlshed room ground lloor of
cottage looting upon beautiful shady
lawn. 411 y Uth. mo 12 *
furnished rpoms.ensultt * or single ,
-l-i with or without board. 170 ! * Dodga st.
411 Kt
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rpwo nicely furnished east front roonn , wltli
X balcony , in private family , with or without
board , 1114 tioutli Ueoreia ave. Vary reasonable :
' 604 1J ?
_ . _ _
1I10H HKNT-2 fnriiUheil rooms , with or wlUi-
.1. out bourd , privaw family. 1011 Douglas t.
_ _
'ITIt'HNISHKU room * , 318 N. 15th t.
J- .
_ :
rooms -ami board , 1613 Chlc.igo.
- - „ _ . _ - ' _ , _ -M-al *
furnished rooms with bo'anj. lite1 N.'IS.
_ _ _ _
r/OU llKNT-JKurnUhed rooms in Greilnls bile
r : - ' ' 5mJ "oige bts. . imiulre 9 ! Oeo. It. ,
] Javls.'Jllllard hotel tllllard loom. Ui
IT'l'HNlSIII.U ' Hooins for rent. 1701 .CaOltol
JJ Uveniie ' MU-15 !
_ _ _
ifOIMlKNT-Largc furnished room 10.No. ? 22
JL1 s. IMH > t. fei ia
Two nicely furnished rooms * ult-
nblcf'if man and wife or two Indies ; mod-
irn couveulKDc" . 10 ntxl } 10. SJI tf. I'Jth. tf'tla'
small rooms nicely funilshed ; modern
conveniences ; near CabU car. 21U7 Douglas.
_ _
TT1OH HKNT Tvfo and three suitable dwelling
JL' rooms. 13m south lOfh street , butween Cen
ter nnd Dorcas. C75-15 ?
TTlOlt HfiNT-S furnished front rooms , stilta-
JL1 ble for2or4 gentletuon ; cool : central loca
tion , Innulro room C , Sdtlbor , 1J02 Uouglas.
fiB n *
LA 11(1 ( K and small room suitable for gentle
man. with or without board , l'i l \ DiuU'e.
FOH HKNT I'lea nnt large ground llovrrootn
witn al < eve , closet , large yard , nice shade ,
cable and street cars at door. No. 112 S. 21th.
f-ii'l '
_ _
t'HNISIIKD-Hooms with board , S ) Hurt.
f 2l-a7'
XnCKI/V furnised rooms with modern con-
-L > venlences at OID S. 17th st. irT2
"VTIUKIiY funitsheil rooms , with < ir without
-iM-oanl. 201,1 Douglas st. _ 411 Jy Ijf
KOOJia Including board In the Voting Wo-
men's homo 1'JlO Dodge st. Heferences re
quired. Wt )
_ _
"VTICKI.Y furnished room' , ? 1 per week or M.V1
- lmonth. . iVti. Ml umlAiirt H. IMh st. 402 .Jyll
FOI'H gentlemen can b& accommodateil with
ii nice unite of rooms anil tlrst-class board at
2T > 1i ) gt. Mary's ave. . ( Jraddy blotk. " >
FOU HKNT rurnlsiicil room with bonnl for
t o gentlemen. 2u20 ft. Mary's ave. Kj7
FOH HKNT 15 single unfurnished rooms at
Sam'lMotz's tlsh market , 411 H. Kith st.
7t2-14 ;
WO unfurnished rooms , IWJ Farnsm st.
07)1 ) 21t
Four (1) ( ) rooms. 415 S. inth st J18 CO
Thiee ( H ) rooms , 1027N.2Jth .st 11 2.1
Three CD room cottage , IMS Nicholas st./ . . 15 OU
'ltireeirooins. ( ; ) inm North 21st st 12 li't '
Four fl ) rooms , 1702 Webster st IS W )
Four ( II rooms , lii : South inth it 27 IK )
T o(2)rooms ( ) , 707 I'aclllcst 'i 00
T\\o (2) ( ) rooms. I KS Howard st 10 OU
Olio 11) ) barn. 7th and I'lii'llln sts , . . . , 4 W
Foiir(4)nujms.l7ic ( ) ! Webster at ' " M
Four ( I ) rooms , 41H S IWhAt 2J Oil
At > pl } ' I" Judge Hunting Agencv , Herald
building , S.V. . corner of 1.1th and llarnevst.
FOU KKNT-Storo room. Apply to Owen
iUCnllrey-HI F. ICthst. . 7071tn
T71OH UKNT-Cooil olllte at Mil 1'arnam st. ,
J up stalls. dSJ lit
FOHHKN'T-llalf of > i H. 10th st. . opposite
IChninber of Commene. M. A. lplon\'o. (
TOH HKNT- i mall store on 15th between Tar-
Jnam nnd llnrncy. large tufo for sale. Apply
lloom 411 1st Nut bank bldg. 4" !
O I'l'ICKfi ami stores lu Shciily block 0.
Thompson , room 212 S'lS
3 roil HIJXT-Slore , b.iiemeut aud warehouse
attached , suitable for tin hardware shop or
lilumber ; good place forgiooery stoie. 114 9.
" Immlre (1. Oliicomliil.
FOH It I5NTStoreroom , northwest cor. IMh
nud Vlnton. 73
STOlti : for lent. Mil N. Mth , Imnilre of
Henry Ostholl , 1.11'J California st. 45S
171OH HI'.NT Itetall business room on liith st.
J-1 C. 1' . llnrrl.ion , 4H S. 1.1th st 13S
_ _
T71OH HUNT StabTi- . capacity 2J stallsT Tn"-
JL ijiilreat Hoiidsters' otnble. 111 . - < . 17th * t , bet.
llniney and St. .Mary's ave 712-18f
F. " . .SMITM-OION. Kith.
. niojy 20 *
Gil. THOMFSON. Hoom 112 Slieely bloelc.
1U (
IF YOt" want your * rented pmce them
with Henawa A Co. , 13th. opposite po tollice.
IOST Small liny hhrse , hind fret white'- star
J In forehead , chafed behind right ear. lie-
ward for return to 1U1U Canltol Ave. dye works.
7W-14 ?
LOST Dark bay horse , weight 1,000 poumls ,
short tall , C. II. on loft hip. Hcward will be
paid on return to Charles ( ienseu , US ) Douglas.
? -7 11 *
TOST Iljxy pacing mare , blind In left pye ,
J white Mrlpo In face , hole lu trout feet ,
weight about CO ) ibs , a liberal reward for In
formation or return to A. Heoil.Vluton nijd 17th ,
074 17 ?
CJTHAYKD-From Howard St. , small red
V fo branded "P" on hip and has both horns
bioken elf ; nuttable reward paid for lutorma-
tlon of her whereabouts. W. U 1'airotte.
I9 12 ?
LOST Suinll black money containing
M5. Hi and small gold wheel. I'lmler leturn
to lleo ollice nnd get reward. U'll 12 *
T OST Lurgo blacK ho e 10 hands high w 1th
J-Jspurs on front feet for toe weights , liberal
reward will be paid for his return to417 So. lath
TAKKN Ul' One small gray mare , about 10
years old ; can be had at Colllm'-llvery bsrn ,
210S Uumiug st. Jnne28Jy.V12.l-2tt | ! !
S < ; iKNTIFIO dress cutting school ; Eureka
- lady tailor system , the only place a lady can
learn a perfect tailor uysteu In the cltv.
Ladles-can Uuun at their homes if preferred.
Tailor made mitts and traxcling wraps made.
15th and Capitol aye. 233 li ?
TEHPONAI-\Vill the lady who took the par-
X asol from a 1'ark nve. car oil Monday morn
Ing by "ilstaue please return to owner , 1321 N
18th st , 711-12 *
PEHSONAI. Ifyouhuvoa personal Itom. or
any communication , drop It In 0110 of The
Heo's message boxes. iw
pRHSONAI' 1'rivate homa for ladle.3 during
JL confinement , strictly conlldentlal. Infants
adopted. Address K 47. lleo ollice. 5iVIJlW
rpo the ladies : Mrs. M. V. Delp , with the oilg
JL Inal 1'arlxhm method of ilreas cutting ami
designing aud all of its wonderful improvement -
ment to facilitate learning , will bo at the Dar
ker hotel In this city two weeks to wait upon
callers , and teach the only Parisian motnod
taught in Anicrlqa. It U easy to learn , and tits
all pupils for good paying positions. Mothers ,
wives and daughters , this Kan opportunity for
vou. Agents wanted in all towns lu Nebraska.
Mrs. M.J. Delp.l'roprietor and Manufacturer 01
1'arlslan Methods. 1'attenis cut to measure.
. *
TF you want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
call on or address George J. StenHdortr ,
room o , opposite 1' , O. 2 ; ! !
FOH SAI.K lleavy.young team horses , smal
payment down. C. M. Eaton , 810 N. Kith st.
FOK SAI.K Second hftnd tHiorse powei
l.egerwood hoisting engine , u ell mounted
ready for use. TenipleUm X Morrow , 21. Ne-
brnska National bank building. _ 7t7. t |
171OH BALE-Fino saddle pony. 1MI1 Doorgo
JJ street. 71 13'
TOH SAU'-I.lght side-bar buggy and har-
JJ ness , price } 50. I5U7 N. li'th ' st. 70U 17 *
OH 8AI.K-nn.i-t driving team in Omaha
cheap for cush.'Jnqulre2111 Cumlng street
' B173 U
_ _ _
A GOOD baker- with oven aild fixtures for
salmheaptmiiit be bold. Address T. 15
Ilee ollice. KJJ 10 *
Foil SALE A family carrlagu and team , a
Lee i : NlcUol's livery barn. Telephone 840.
_ _
F OH iAIK-Hank ? , natures und good will ii
thriving western town on II. A ; M , H. H. , no
opposition , rare opportunity ; good reasons for
selling. Kraus & t otter , room 2 $ , Chamber o
Commerce , , 51.17 jj
I TO II SAI.K A good phaeton , newly painted
in good repair. Inquire ut 1'VJ. Tarnam.
"II10H SAM : Largo line carrlaae horse , youni
J- and gentle. W. U Belby ; 1MI farnam st.
_ _ . _ 65'J
" 1710H SALE Cheap , family horse 'and buggy
-t' terms to hult. Apply 'after .0 p. mV. 3:11
Chariest. . . . . ' . . . . . 7J7-1I *
-OHB typo writer nnd cyclostye
Inquire 1207 pouglns st . CM 14
lit nvort. notes for sale. ont 4 ami tw <
years in smull hums. ' ' Addrajs ' O2. Ht'o ollle
_ ' _
TKHSKY Cow T'hea'p Fresh Jersey cow thoi"
'oughUred reguterttl , h.tudaosnti uuil. A'tn
cciitlf. f rir sale cheai > , , aceHuiit Want of iwc. 0
I 6.fcUlblnslW.'S7tUftVB ) , , Owulia. CCJ U
SAI.K ' Two nno bird dogsr , cleixp. | Call
FOlt SAI.K-CneTipeooil horse ami butcher's
tart , S ESOth and Pierce. flU 11 *
FOH SAI.K l.en e nnd elegant new furniture
of 20-roonOpHVate boarding house , 3 blocks
from 1 , ' . O. Owner leaving city. Address aw ,
Llee , fl' 447 12t
TrOltyAI.K-l'urnltur ami pool will. s
JtJ Charlei hoti'l , Uncoln , Neb. One block
Irom depots nnaimstolllce. Umg lease oil cat-
sfnctoty terms. Address O. M. , St. Charles
lotol. ail
HOUSE , bftg 'aml harness for tale cheap.
Henry Womlianh and llrnnt st. U27 a a *
TJ1OH SALEA fine family mare 4 years old ,
JL1 perfectly safe : also an almost new Snyder
MiKgy andhanifM. Inquire L. D. llurnett , cor ,
1,1th and Fnrnam. at llelman's.
1T1OH SALK-1'lanlng mill machinery. Call at
JJ U'lS ' Davenport st , Onlivlni. 310
OH SALK-A few rholqo milch cows. P. F.
Harrison. 418 S. 15tU st. 105Jly2f
_ _
"TT'OH SAliK I'luo single horse hainess nnd
JJ buggy. Charles A , lloss , 418 S. 13th st.
BAHN to be moved I hoa barn that will
accommodate four horses and Is In good
repair that I will trade or sell very cheap. Ap
ply to (1. llarth , proprietor Saiinden street
market , between Cald/tcll and Hamilton
J.M. (1A VNOHK'S social lnnc3s every Thnrsi
day and Saturday evenings , IMS l > oduoRt ;
private Ii ssons Riven. Till-I.I *
rplIK SHKI.TOy. 25th aud Dodge streets
JL First-class family hotel , lionrd and rooms
flligleorensulte at reasonable rates , liefer
encos re < | iilred. Mrs. M. Whlttuker. Ills a'.l
rPHKban.lo taught as an art by Geo. f , Gollen-
-L beck , tOJ llarncyst. 18J
V\7 .1. WHI/SHANts , No. 3MS. Kith opposite
TT cluunburof commerce. Ilulldlngmuterlal
of all kinds , best Venetian blind ever made , art
glass , pressed brick , building stone , Hie brick ,
teira cotta , dumb waiters , lawn fiuulture ,
Iron fences , etc. , etc. If In want of any article
not to be foundnel.sewhcre In the city , see me.
IF you nave anvtnlng to trade call on or ad
dress neorgoJ. Sternsdorlf , Itoom I ) , oppo
site postollite. 107
J. S.STKHNHDOHKF. room fi , oppoiltopost-
ollieewlll trade you a good farm or city
property for n here , buggy mid hariies * . 132
rplin host wlnilow screen III the inal'Ret C.ill
JL lit S. K. cor. i'th ' and Douglas and I will pro\o
it to you. Fred W. Gray. 7CO JyjJ
LKIANINO and Dynlng All kinds of first-
class cleaning and cheing done at tlieOinuhii
Steam Dye Works.lVii llowaid st. TeIcphoneU17.
Wl .lyin
JKHSF.Y bull for service , cor 31th nnd .lack-on
street. 21J12 ! | ;
"JOMKfor Destitute Women nnd Children ,
2713 Hurt st. (110 (
W OMAN'S Exchange , li 17 Farnamst. I.unch
ilally , supper S iturd.iy nights. Ul I
\VANTKD A good Jiorso , bugcy and harnes ?
T > lu exchange for South Om.iha lots. George
J.pteinsdorll. loom 0 , opp postolllea. 2ii : )
TiT'ALKNTIMJ'S hhorthund Institute Is tlie
> large-t nud only exclusive , practical short
hand and tj puw lit Ing hchoOl In the w Fmler
the management of 0. C. Valentine , citllrlnl court
reporter ot tlieThinl judicial district of Ne
braska , and 1'rof. H. II. lloyles , u verbatim ie-
porter or large experience nud reputation , as
sisted by other experienced teachers. Our list
of gtndujites Is the largest of anyfchool In the
west ; all are occupying positions nnd
giving entire snH'sfiietlon. If you intend luain-
ln5 ; shorthand aud typewriting attend a Hut-
clitsM school nnd Ve sine of a good situation.
Students can enter at any time ; no summer va
cation. Pltm'nnV , Mminon's and Graham's svs-
terns tnlight.i Instruction given on Hammond A ;
llemlugtoii 'l'ype\\rlteis both for sume price.
Particular attention ) ) alil to spelling , punctua
tion forms , etc. For full mr-
tli'ulars h-eitiVfor circulars or call nt Valentine's
Shorthand Institute , Now Pa\ton building ,
Omaha. Neb. ' W JyJl
CHEAP sfl7l\AGK \ We have at our ware
house good slorage room for household
furniture or dtherperi-iinal property : also am
ple room for ni < 'rchaudts storage. Hates
enable. Grijat iVcstern Typo Foundry , 1111
How iird atrelit. / git ) 111
'V/'KHY Chcnp Storage Hran new bullillup ;
> live storltk 7U vutor Mfg Co. , HIM Howard.
1 ' , ! Kiljy27
rpHACKAGK , storage , lowest r.itcj. W. M
X llujhmnn , 1J11 Leavonworth. IU7
"YlfANTi : ! ) Few good mortgage * . A. P.
Tukey , Ifith audJLoUlas. ( " JW4.
"WANTED To bny all klntiTTif" household
1 goods for c.i = h. Furguson Furnlturn Co. ,
T15 , 717 and 711)15 ) N. IGth st. tt.V-jyll )
( teed House and lot in desirable
WANTHD the city ; will give bar
gain to anyone If suited. ( Jeo. j. aterns'lorlf ,
HoomO , Frenzer blk. bis
IF you have Improved business or residence
pioporty that you wMh to sfll. call and seu
me. ( feorga J. btcrnsdorir , loom 0 , opposite
po toilice. an
was furnlturootD. nous.9 or Hat cen
trally located. Co-op. L. is L. Co W N. Wtn
SIIVBHAIj store buildings or houses that can
bq moved. Will pay good prlcu If suited ,
Georga J-Sturnsdorff. room it , gpposltu 11045-
ollice. 12-1
MUS. ECCELES. the greatest living clairvoy
ant. telH the vast , present , nnd future ;
satisfaction guaranteed ; No. : K2N. It ) , room 1.
KM 14 *
DK. NANNIR V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med-
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases u specialty. 1)9 ) N. IBta
5t..Uooiua 2&U Tal.9u. UK )
MONKY To Ijoon Ily the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan agency
inOnmltu. Loans of * 10 to jiOtmudo on funa
ture , pianos , organs.horses , wagons.maelilnery ,
etc. , without romoval. No delays. All business
strictly cautldentlal. Iouns so miido that any
purl can be paid at flnv time , each payment re
ducing the cost pro ratu. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. 1'ersons should
carefully consider who they nro dealing w 1th , us
many new conceins are dally coming Into exis
tence. Should you need money call and SHO inn.
W. H. Croft , Hoom 4 , Withnell bulldlng.I.lth and
llarnoy. 170
MONKY to loan on diamonds , watches and
Jewelry ; all business strictly conlldeutlal ;
can accommodate you with long or shott loans ;
lt lll pay you to M'O me. Sam's Diamond i ;
Watch Loan Co , 21 ! ) B IMh St. Ho } d's opera
house block. 77'Jall
MONEY to loan. l.oiu time. Cieorge J. I'oul ,
IBX ) Farnam .st. yiO
LOANS made on real estate and mortgagoi
bought. Lewis S. Iliied 4 : Co. , 1521 Farnam.
" \I FIAH ! IvhIN , headipitirtetM for trading and
i'-l money to loan , 100111 ui.l I'u.xton building ,
fch.1 12
OMAHA Chattel l.oan Co. , has money to loan
on chattel and collateral security. Hoom U ,
Omaha Nat'l llojik m
I OANS made pa city property low rates. C.
JT. Morton , 1117 Farnum , Hoonts U and 10.
; > I7 11 2
M ONKY to loan on real estate ; mortgages
bonjjht and sold. Wallace , Crelghfou block.
1 17
MONKY Gpod.commerelal paper and short
time mortgages bought. Heal estate loans
negotiated. S. A ; . loman , 13th and Farimm.
i j 4UI
MONEY to loan on improved real estate ; no
commlsstfui , charged , l.eavltt llumliam ,
room 1 , Crt'lcntOflolock , 178
EASTF.HN inonoy cheap. Ojlice ! Philadelphia
Mortgiigfanil Trust Co. . room 11 , lloardol
Trade , Oeo. W. VI Coates , Hapreseiitatlve
_ ,
T .OAN3 on fe'al Vstnto , \ \ \ Jj. Selby , 1521 1'ar-
AJnam. r 1141
LOANS niaAii t6 parties de-drlncc to buHd. D.
Y. Sholes. room 1. llarker block. H02
S KB Harris HHilcf' Co. for loans , room 411
1st Nut Hank. 220
_ _
to loan. 0. K , Thompson , Hheelyblkl
MONEY to loan onnorses , kuriiiiureaiiuoiiitT
l > r onal property or collaterbl. Haten mod
erate ; business confidential. Olllee S. W. cor
ner l n and Douglas sts. llutrance oil loth st.
The Falrkauk Investment Co. ' 175
HH. 1I1F.Y WW.ftM to loai ) nn city property
nnd unproved farm land. Frenzer block.
M.ONEYtoloan on "furniture wagons. , otr' . ,
without removal or on collateral' i ecurlty.
lIuMnMs atrtctly vonHildntlal. A. K. ( Ireenwood
x Uo. , It 1 , Cunnlnghaui block , cor 11A Jackiioii.
DON'T , borrow money on' funiltnVe , horses ,
wagon * , etc , , until you Imvo oceu C. H.
Jaeols. rocnutn. First flatlouul bank buildltf ,
cor. lUUaiiti luruuai ItJ
Ol'KH C15NT money to loan , FiUterson .V llar >
nanl 31s a IMh M . ISQ
( tjVXi.OOO oper cont. Moneyto loan on Impnv-
u3vcM fanns or city property , .lament A. Wood *
mnn , nt the olil Uro insurance olllee of Murphy
* JxiveU , 220 S. liltlint. UI7
T\l ON1JY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
-i'l etc. , or on nny-iimirot ed security. J , W. Hob-
binH. . -VI Shcely blk. I jth and Howard. 574
MONUY to loan. Mortgages bought. Klmball ,
Champ , V llyan , H. 0,1' . S. Nst. Hunk.
CIO11T ) time loans niaiu ) by D. K. Johnson ]
Olato pres't Hank of Merna. Heferonces 1st
Nut. bunk , Omaha. H. Mi , New I'nxton block
7 Jy2
$ 'iOiiiOU ( to loannt n per cent , I.iuahuu .V Mahoney -
honey , Hoom iii > l , 1'axton block , 1S2
ONHYToaned atO. F. Heed A Ca's I.OAU
ollice , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
per onal property of all klnd.s , nnd nil other
articles of vnluo without removal , 3in S. IJllh.
All business strictly contldeiitlal. 111) )
rpIIF Omaha Financial Exchange , Itoom Ii ,
J. Darker block , southwest corner of Far-
nam and Mth sts.
Makes n specialty of short-tlmo collateral and
real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of flu ) and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved se
Secured notes bought , sold or oxihangert.
Clear real estate and Cash to exchange for
fpVHi tlrbt or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contract * . Mocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , Urst or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape
1'innnclul business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoqm 11 , Darker
block , Corbet t , Manager. I'll
T OANS made on Improved and unimproved
J-Jclty property at lowest rates of Interest ,
special rates on largo loans on lusldo property.
Odell Uro * . \ Co , 3K S. Ifith st , IS !
" ! \f ONUY to loan. O , F. Davis Co , , real estatu
I'-l and loan agents , 1WM Farmim st. lul
MONKY to loan In any amount , either for
bulldlngor otherwise , nt lowest lutes of In
terest nnd on short notice. D. Y. Sholes , room
1 _ , llarker block. mi
K. COI.K loans money on Improrad city or
farm property. Hoom D , Continental block.
T OANS mailo In all the additions to
JLJotnaha at lowest rates. U. V. Sholes , room 1 ,
llaikor block VO !
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand ,
( W. il , , I 1 hurls , over ' "J J S 13th st. 187
$ ! piiO(0'to ( ( ' ) loan on Omaha city propeity atl )
percent. ( I , \Vlny ) , recor Kx. bill. 1SS
V > fIUINU loans. Mniihan X JlahoiieyT
MIDI/AND tiunrautea and Trust Co. , 1W3
Karnam Mreot Coniploto abstracts fur-
lilshed , and titles to real esUiU examined , per
fected and unaranteed. un
BENSON vCcAUMIMfABf7 funilsn complotij
and guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any
realeat.itolnOmuhi mul Doucl 11 coimtr upon
short notice. The most comnl ta sat of abstrajt
iiooksln thaclty. * No. I'll'l ' I'arnamst. MJ
TJ1OH SAliK ( ' 'urnlttire and undei taking
JL1 ness In athilvlug town , the countVheat and
the only buslne > 8 of the kind In the county ;
Mock about -f.VOoO. Address .1. I1. , llox
t-tmiton.Neb. 744 Ut
I'SIXIiSS CIIAN'i-A ( : well established busl-
ness for suloj good rea.sou given for .soiling.
AddlessT3l , I lee. 7M 13
_ _
T7Kll SALK A clean new stock of hat dw arc
JL' and stoves , with tine hliop and estaWlshed
Im.sliiHss , on the best retail street In the city.
Invoice about 12,700 ; Jl.'iiOcash : bahini on easy
terms. This isn llrst-class opening and will bear
Inspection. Address P. C. N. , Heal Estate. KO
S. IJth st. 7\'il l-'t
FOIt SM : rhenp. I.unch counter In a sa
loon doing good business. Ola N. liith st.
FOH SAM' or TradeIn a live , growing
town , htock of liaiilwnro end to\es ; will
take Omaha properly In p.irt payment ; uraro
chance for a live man ; best of tuaoons for sen-
Ing ! rush receipts for May and June , Ail-
die sC. N.A. , c.ireliiindraclllcColumlm , Neb.
710 ir > >
VANTI'.l ) A partner with f'HW ' to travel
with a Unit-class showto go toOld Mexico.
Y business Is a miiglclanand slight of hand
rformer. Our expences arn light. A good
anco to the right man to make money. 'Ihls
chance will be open until August Ut. Wo will
go from heretorulciigotoM't ) about things that
lire needed. lama first-class nerformer and
only play in llrut-vluss theaters. Atldress T,2. ! ,
Itee oiHco. ( W4 11 *
"I/1OH SAhll A Rood meat market , business
JL' centrally located.wlth a good trodeT2llee.
Will ! ( ) "
FOU SAI.K - Fixtures , lease and goodwill of a
business on N. Kith Ht ; reason , 111 health.
Inquire of Orll \ Co. , 117 N. 10th. > ii-l3
PAHTNIMI with a thousand dollars Invest
ment for n now enterprise for the rond. pur
chase money made lint week ; n sure thing.
Address T L'3 lleo olllco or call at olllee , li. S lutli
FOH SAI.IJ-OHTKADK A banking business.
Hi n prominent location , with llxtures ,
bookrf , time-lock clmst , lease and good will. Ad
dress li.S. II , lleoolllre. KH ! ! )
FOH SAl.H and furnished rooms
wlh ( good confoctlouerv. Ice cream , sfnlu
watur , tobareo and cigar trade. Old established
btiind. Cheap lor cash. Address T , IS , Ilee.
FOH SALE A restauitint and lunch counter
doing good business. Coino quick If you
want It che.ip. 1 want to leave Omaha. T 14 ,
Heeoinro. ( ! 4'i Ht
FOK SAM1 A oed groenry. established four
years , good location , doing a good business.
Good reasons for selling. $2,000 capita ] , and will
take nothing but cash. T20 , Ilee Olllee W0 !
FOU SAI.K Hardware business and tin shop ,
and store for rent. Mrs. OJ. llullard. l.tfj
bouth Uth street. 577-1.1
" | 7 > OK SA ItK Itostaurant doing 'a good cash
JJ business. Must bo sold this week. Keasons
for selling , sickness In family. Cheap for cash.
T5 lleoollllcc. D7ir > *
FOH SAI.K ! i interest In established manu
facturing bushiest , capital required about
JI,2tW. Address T 2 Ilee ojlice. t.71 14
: Haio chance. A general stock of
merclmndlsllllnvolce ; about JIVOJU ; an
established trade of 12 years standing : average
annual sales 4 ( > o,0i)0 ) ; located In a rapidly growIng -
Ing town of 1200 population la the heart of the
great Itepiibllcan valley on the II , Js il , rail
way : no tlner farming country anywhere ; very
favorable terms to light party. Torfmther
paitlculars address S 07 , care ileo olllee , Omaha ,
Neb. f.0-lll
\\7 1' have a few rare Ims'lnesR chances to olfer
f T that Inivu been thoroughly Investigated
and we guarantee. Omaha llusiness Kxchiinge ,
s. w. corner 15th and Douglas , | t. ii. r > 17.
WK hnvo two customers tor a stock of boots
and shoes , groceries , Hour and feed store ,
or drugs , Omaha Hus-lness llxcnango , s w cor
15th and Douglas , K& . ni7
17V3H SAMA : llrst class dairy wnn good will ,
JL' llxtures and pastuio sold If deslied , from &J
to 130 cows. Inquire J. 1' . Hoch , Omnh'i P.O.
WK have a partnership Interest In an esti -
lished Insurauci ) agency paying $ . ! & * > per i
year , . for sale to a good , reliable man , Omaha
lluslne > M Ex. , w cor 13th aud Douglas , H f > .
' \X7E have for sale a longtime lease of the best
T location for fancy retail business m tha
city. Fearon. Cole it Itobortson , 310 S. 1 Jth st.
FOH SA I.E News nnd cigar More orTprincI-
pal street In Omaha , on account of 3 busi
nesses , cheap for cash. Addres.i O 31 , Ilee.IKI1
IiMm SAI.K OrtradB for good Omaha prop ,
erty. n complete pork-packing i-sliilillah-
ment. with 2 acres of ground , clear of incum-
branee. located in best town In Nebraska , l-'or
particulars enquire of lllrkhauserlllumer. .
loom If , Ware block. 45212
FOH SAI.K At Kearney. Neb. , the furniture
nnd lease ot Crand Central hotel. The second
end best house In thaclty , and the best looated ,
belnjf opposite depots. Doing a paying busi
ness. Will bo sola at a bargain , liuiuireT. C.
llralnatd. Midway hotel. Kcarnoy. Neb. n
PHADR House and lot for n few acres of
JU land near city. Call 818 Facltlc st. 72.1 15 *
"WANTED-lHioOiiO good brli-k for'lnld city
f > property and cash. W. J. 1'aul.lCOJ Farimm.
FOH THADE- room cottage and full lot for
vacant-lot. II. W Huntress , 14)7 ) Furnum at.
rno F.XCHANdE For stock of goods orclear
-Lclty property , a v&hmble ranch property
containing 1810 acres together wltn schoof bt-c-
tlon lease , ull enclosed with good wire fence ;
house , two well.i with windmills , partly In crop ;
siilendtd opportunity. Address l' . o. llox K& .
MiKcatlno , Iowa. 68.117
niO THADB-Or for bale , fin- Omaha or South
-L Omaha propprty. vacant or ll pro d , 15 sec ,
land , nlllovel. lie.tvy soil , good Improvenii'nts ,
UOnclcs under cultivation. Htor K n'l indue
and I' , O. on land. Laud nil clear , Aildrosk. 1' .
M. , blovUin , Holt Co , Neb. , 6'M lit
TIHU KXCHANOE-IIouse nnd lot. Neb : furia
X1 or South Omaha lot for vucuut lot In Car-
th ur * . 1 Jnrpln 1'lace or Weit t'umlus ftJdf ,
rpo KXCIIANni : A < 0 acres Jt. It. 'land. I'olk
JL Co. ; It ) ' ) H. It. land In Datv'Oit ( At. : 'EM II. It.
land , Keith Co. ; ivlH > ve land have from 4 to o
paymentspUd. ! Al o 4 sec. of school laud near
ilcCook , Neb' ! Uvery slhblo and town lots In
Mromsburir , Neb. Will trade for genera ) mdso
of any kind at reasonable Valnes. J. A. I'raw-
ley , Stromsbuiy. Neb. 11411 lit
mo Kl'IINlKsacres ( on N. SaundeM
.L ft for Ill-room house ill towh. U. 1' . Harri
son. 4IS 8. Kith st. 7.V
" \VANTKD To trade n hoiisonndtotonNorth
T 27th street for a good cottage that ran bo
moved In the vlrlnlty of draco street. Address
T 17 Hoe. Itll 12 *
GJ. STHllNSDOUFF , Hoom 0. opposite I1.
o , , has some choice farm land to trade
for city property. Will assume light Inciiin-
brances. 211
TOHXCHANdK-Clty lots , Will trade for
horse and buggy. Hoom 40(1 ( , now I'axton
block , KM
M1O Til A DK Improved farm for general
-I stock of hardware , Address H. ( l.Moirow ,
I'.wIiig. Nub. tXl ) U *
HICK Wanted-100,000 bricks m oxchangs
for good Insldo Ouiaha property , S , A.
Sloinan room22and 1 llellmau bldg. lul
" \\TIIAT have you to trade for large douhla
f 10 IMOIU house , modern Improvements ,
noutji fiont. largo burn. Very desirable.
Kotintz 1'lace. C. M. Union , 810 N. HHIi.
i give you a good trade for an eluht or
it ten room house and lot , Uoorgo.l. Menu *
dorlf. Hooiiitl , opposite I'.Q. ail
E 1(5 ( HTYN ( ) ) acres of and adjoining I.ako
Munawii. Counnl1. llhilK la. Thin tr.ict
will make 400 beautiful lots nud U free from
encumbrance. What have volt to oiler ? ( leorga
J. Sternsdorll , room il , opp t' . O. _ 1(17 (
rpllAUK A large span of sorrel horses Ifi'i '
-L hands high. w eight , 700. To trade tor smaller
team. 0. Jl. linlon. MO X. Itlth. "It-Jly S. .
\\71IAT liavo you to offer for lA-sJ acres of
T T timber land In West Virginia , clear of In-
ciimbrance. perfect title. ( Icorgo J. SternsdortT ,
Uooui il , opposite 1' . U. -It
NKW 2 seated carriage and now stnglo top
buggv to trade for long time rcul ostftto
mortgage. W. I. . Selby l. l l-'nrnam st. 1UI
\\71Mi TH.\li : Rood frame store room , 22x80 ,
T > located oil best corner In Uuyloril , Smith
county , Kansas ( lot JUlxl.Vi ) , unlncumbered , for
house and lot In Omaha , and assume a reasona
ble Incuuibrance. Address F. II. Oreutt. Conn-
rll llluirs. la. Wt-July i
" \\rilAT hivn you to trade for NJ acres ot lann
uiilncnmbcred In .liinean county , Wls , ,
H miles from county seat. O. J. Sternsdorir.roout
0. opp 1'ostolllce. 107
Neb. fanu or two South
JL1 Omaha lots for span of inures or mules W.
1. . Selby , 1.V.-1 I'arnam st. 1'Jl '
rpKADl'S made In reul estate and poraon.U
J- property , boo exchange book. ( ; o-oi > . L.
mul L. Co.a.i ) M. 10th at. 1U5
4t2.'ii ) lots Inilcle city limits Chicago , to close cy
Plate : \ cry rale chance ; en--y iiaymcuts. T a.1 ,
} lee illce. | 7i'J ; I3
. PAM5 l-'lno east front 7-room house
t olT I.eavenwoith st on S. STith ave. ,
, ,4l a great bargain Apply at once. 0 I' ,
llnrilson , { M f. IfithAt. 7-'l
" \To\Vhoro Is u bargain aixl III on 1'ark ave ,
-Li between I.eavcnwolth anil Mason stsllX > ,
iidjoliilng 4U feet sold for * 1T : > per foot. > 1 , A.
'o. 7U
1T1OH SALK or rent -Ilulldlng K ) feet long ,
JL' two stories high , bake oven anil other Im
provement * . lias been occupied us bakery
and restaurant for ten j ears. Centrally located
on west side of suunro. Call on or address ,
1 , . ( lioijean , Tecunibeh , Nob. OW7-17
BFS1NFSS Northwest corner 27th and Far
nam for $ ! i,000 : one-third cash ; oh , you mo
missing It bv not picking up some of these bar
gains. M. A. l'pton\Co. 070
T7HifSALE ) hot 30xlli ) feet on 20th HtTneiir
J Sherman st ; cable passes the door : good r > -
loom house , lentlng for JJ.1 per montli , * ; i,2i10 ;
Jl.oio cash , balance on time. II. W. Huntress ,
1117 Furntunst. Os.ji ;
" \\rANTED-To sell nt a great bargain new -
i > room house and lot , Mini cash , bal. easy
rayments. Lockbo.xSOS : must bclluext ten days
Dill 12 *
. > il building lot. No. il In block 1. Denlse ad
dition , three blocxs from cabin line ; an ex
tra bargain at * . ' ,250. M. A. Upton A : Co. B70
FOR HA I.F. Or exchange. We have some
goo < l Omaha leal estatw and Nebraska
farms , which-wo will sell cheap or trade ior
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drv goods ,
boots andshoos , groceries or hardware , bchlos-
Inner Ilros. . C14 S. 10th st. IDS
OT , house and barn tor sale nt a bargain , on
J-/car line , corner 2ith ) and Grant BIH. Apply
on premises. IU7 a 2 ?
rpWl'J.VK per cent Investment For Sale
JL'Ihreo 2Tstory and basement brick houses , 10
rooms each , all modem Improvements , on cable
line , ifJ3fOJ ; .IW.M ) c-nsh , balance I years ; will
take good clear lot for nnit of cash payment.
M. A. Upton V Co. UsU
SOUTH Omaha lUrgnln 14-room hotel , new ;
lot iiOxlVI , on 2'ith st. . Just south of N. Price
$ " ,000. which Includes hotel furniture , saloon
llxtures.c. . M. A. L'pton ic Co. ita
QOIITH OMAHA Lot II , block M , nud lot 1.
k ! > block IW. ? ; ) , tOO each : one-third cash , balance
in four s-emi-annual payments ; vltiduet on I , st
w 111 make these lots very valuable ; lot 12 , block - A. Upton &Gn. IJ70
rPIIItr.H good South Omaha lots at n price
JL much below their value. Lot II , block 12 ,
Albright's Annex * jiibt N. W. of depot , An main
rounty road , t K ) . Lot 1. block 3 , Ilrown Park ,
corner on 23d and "H ( Ilrown ) street , * I,2UO.
Lot 3. block 24 , South Omaha , llneat Inside lot ,
J , east front , J90J. M. A. Upton & Co. OS5
POH SALK A nice cast front lot In Windsor
ulace , new S 100:11 house well , cistern , ce
mented cellar , etc. A line home , only H70J ;
WOO cash , t5 ( l lu one year , bal In three years ; wa
hare the exclusive aulnof this. M. A. Upton H
Co. 7 1
$ ) , OiXbuy.safulltot ) and good 4-room cottage
In a good locution. U , V. Sholoj , room 1 , liar-
ker block IKti
LOT HI , block K ! . West End addition , Is hereby
wlthdiawn from the market. Chas. Singer ,
T71Jlt.SAIi ( : or Lease Ilulldlng and lot , south-
X1 went coi tier Franklin and Saunder.s Bin. In-
mtro 12u7 DougliiK st. K'14
F OH SA JK-lT2xl32 feet on Hrlstol .street , between -
tween 21th and 30th , for il.OOU. M. A. I'pton
A Co. 02:1 :
CMOO buys a f ull lot and good 4-room cottage ,
Peasy terms And good location. D V. Photo
loom I , llarkor block. . ItU
F'oil SALK -MxllO , soutn anil rastfronto"
cor 6th and Dorcas ; nn elegant lot with rt-
room house ( nuwl for W DOO ; f 1,100 cash. Wo
have exclusive sale of this , M , A. Upton & Co.
This lot adjoins Goodman's Hue grounds , 717 *
TOH SALE. Farms on longtime. Co-Opera-
JL1 tire Land and IM Co. . 20. . N. Ifith St. ' .127
ONLY a few lots left in I ) . & M. park addition
to South Omaha. What huve you to olfarV
George J. Sterusdorff , Itoom fi , opp.i' . O. Sll
DON'T miss thls-Lot 1't , ClarKe's addition.
Just north of St , Mary's ave. , ( U feet front ,
worth K40J. We will sell for a short time for
y . ; OQ. M. A. L'yton A Co. 3V1
GJ.STEllNSDOItl'F. roomO opposltn post-
oillce , will bell you a good 4-room hntua
on Kith street , 2 blocks south of tar line , by pay-
lug * iXl casli. balance monthly payments to
suit. This is a splendid opportunity for any
one wanting a cheap homo. 2-1 ]
FOH ISALi ; llciuUifiil oust front lot In Ar-
cade place on 3Hth ht , . Just south of Lewm
worth , for * 1,8W. ( This is * Vxt below actual valua
and will bo in the market u short time only ut
the price ( tuoted. M. A. I'pton & Co. 310
' '
"IIIOH reui'estaTTca'lTou Geo. J.Paul , lovu Furn
-I ? JBU
THINK Hesldenco For Sale-ileautlfiil south
JL1 front lot In block A Kountzu elegant 12-
room hoiue , furnace , laundry , bath , hot and
cold water , electric annunciator and burglar
alarm. Interior tlnnly gnlshed , H-MCW ; | 2u )
cash , balaucu easy , M , A , Upton i Co. U2U 14
Ojl.Wd w 111 buy a good h6Ti ! > o and barn wlth a
P lot 40 < cl27f ! feet. Have also a 40 foot south
front lot for S.V ) . Apply to 34UDccuturtiout.
_ _
HKHK'Hn good thing Ixit lf > , blk A , Omnha
View , It-room house. < ; lty. clhtern and well
water , riiruiue. etc. Everything Urst-cliiss ;
leaseijto Oct. I'lth at > per month , only H7l ) : cash , balance 1,2 , . ) and I years at U and a
percent. M A Upton Ik Co. * * !
I HAYK several choice , Inside , full lots , upon
which 1 can build housr-1 to suit purchaiurs
upon their own selection of plain , am ) on termite
to suit. This will pay to Investigate. D. V.
Sholes room 1 Harkor block , L'U
ST. . IMS nniuc
Pressed Bricl
Wilier Slidingand Ver-
. .mont Venetian Win
dow Blinds. .
> Cj W. CONKLII G , ' .
311 South leth SU'ijet.
TKnwholtihlsroi.I.ThndI NORANt'E
hM TRirlKI > awny Mi VinilR of IIOHT ,
MINI ) and M ANHOOn.cAuilnK exhauitlnj ;
rlmlni upon the FO11NTAINK of t.lWK ,
H K A PA > r II K. B A V K A : il R , Urcivlful
Drwimd , WKAKNRNfl of Mcuuirr , ItAHH *
the FACir. . mid Ml the FrrCTfl Icnrllnc to
EARLY DK ! AY nd Trh M CONNUM1 * .
VION or indANITY. ihouliA eonnult at once
the CKI.EHRATKD Dr. Clnrke , Kttnbllihecl
lg l. rt. Cl rk * hu made NKRVOItM UE-
BII.ITT. CHRONKI And all Dlioaiei of
the UBNITO tlHINAKT Ornni a Life
( Kiuly. It.mnkM NO dlRurcneo WHAT you
&AT * tAken or WHO hM failed to cute you.
liar to their MX can roniult with the usiuranco
of ipeedr rellaf and cure. Scud 2 centi pottogo
Ibr vforki on jour dlicatcs.
* * -tcnd 4 oenta postage for Celj > br le l
Work * on Chronic , Nvcvnim nnd Ull >
cute Ulsettica. Coniultatlon , penonal'y or by
totter , fr > . Consult the olil I > orl r.
TtionnnniU rnreU. Oltlrm and nnrlnr *
prlvitto.ThP8o contemplatlnc Manlnm
twnd for Ilr. i'lnrke'n celebrsiod gulda
n l and F inn1r. each IN ; . , both C.
( tnniM ) . Ilnfoio conflolna your cn e , coniutt
lr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call inny
Hive future tufteringnnd ihnino , nnd ndd irolilcn
yean to llfo.Brk " LUr'N ( Secret ) Er
ror * , " Wc. ( stnmp ) . Mcdlrlnc nnd writing *
tant everywhere , ecur from 'npo ur * .
Hours , 8 to M ; Sundays , S to H. ArtdrcM ,
F. t > . OLAAKB , M. D. .
J 06 Sa Clark St. . < buiOAQO. ILL.
Its main lines and brnuchoo Include cmCAQO ,
and ccoros of lutcrmcttlato cltlos. Cholco ot
routes to aud from the Pacific Coast. All trans
fers la Union depots. Flint trains of Fliio Boy
Coaches , clccant Dining Cars , mngulflcont Pull
man Palace Bloopers , and ( between Chicago , St.
Joeoph , Atchiion and Kansas City ) Reclining
Chair Cars , Boata XTroo , to bolder * of through
CjBt-claso tlcketa.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Croat Rock Island Routo. "
Extends Went and Southwest from Kiuitao City
cud St. Joseph to NELSON , UOUTON , , BELLE
HUTCinNBON. CALD\VHLL. and all poinfa la
anil beyond. Entire paisonKor oqulpmont of tbo
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety op-
pllancea acd modern improv mant3.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Rock Island ,
Atcblion , KanervB City and Minneapolis and St.
Paul Its Watortovi-n brnnqh traverses the eroat
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Lake ,
Blouz Tails aud many other towns and cities.
The Short Line vln Benecn and KankakrA ofTtrn
fuperlor facilities to travel to and frora Indian-
nrollu. Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets , Maps , Fcldcr , ordeelred Informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Tlckot Ollice or addrass
Oen'l JUanagor. aon'l Tlit. fi Pass. Agt.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tlio only rnnil to tnko for lies Molnns. Mnrrimllnwn
Ceilur Kiiplili , rilntnii , liliiin , Clilraj" , Milwaukee
nnri nil points Kn t. TCI thti peoplii c "
railii , Wyoming. Utah , Malm , .Savuclu , OrdviulVR U.
liiKton unit California , Itoircr * superior ndvnntaci
not possible by any other line.
Amnnir a low ol the nuuiurniia polnM of superiority
enjojroil by Hie pMroni of this ruivl botwomi Orounn
iinil rhli'aiin. uro Its HUTU train * a ilujr of 1JAY
COACIIK8 , whloli lire tlie lineal tlmt human art nnrt
InKeiuiltroHiicrnntu. Hi I'AI.AOIISI.KICI'INU CAUH ,
tlleo < iniit of wlilcli cumiot bo foiinil CHnwhcro. M
Council Hluffit , tliu tmlntof tlio Union lliulrjo Hall-
wnyconnect In union depot wltli tlin'o iiftliOCIil-
eiiKO.V Niirtliwixlrrn HIT. In'hlciigu the tnlnfof
thM line makii i lo o cunnoctlon with tlioto of all
oilier K teni limn. T
For Detroit , ( 'cptuuilu . Indian npoll , 'Clnclnn tl ,
Klikuoru 1'nllH , llulfnlo. llttshuru/r'ironlo , Mont-eul ,
llmtun Now York , I'hllmMpMlH , llHlllinorpViiMi -
Initton , and nil iiolnts In the rait. Ask for tlcltot , Tla
If you wish Iho best iirromniii < lntlun. A1 ! ticket
nm.n ( neil Hi kcts via this Mil" .
11. HtJIilllTT. U. 1' . WILSON.
( ien'l.Manager. licn'l I'usj'r Ajent.
I'llll'AIIO , IMH ,
W. N. lUnCOCK , Hen'l Wc-icrn AKent.
I ) . K. KIMIUI.U Ticket Aaont.
( J. K. WKM1 , City ruMOtiKi '
1401 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ,
Tlio Best Route from Omaha aud Council
Bluffr to
- = = = THE EAST = = -r
ChJcnifo , AND .Mlhvaubci' ,
St. I'aiil , MIiincaioll.s | , Coil a r Ituplds ,
Hock Islauil , I'rcoport , Itochfonl ,
Clinton , Diibiiijiip , VavciiporV
Klt'lii , Jlaillsoji , Jniicsrlllc ,
llclolt , M'lnona , Li Croise ,
And Bit other Important point * liait , Northatit knd
Montheast. t
For tlirouiih llrkoU cnll . . .Mho ticket Mient KtliOl
rarnain atrcet. In llnrkur Illock , or at Vnlou 1'aglUo
Pullman Slueperi nml the Hn t Dlnlau Curi lu tli *
worlil nre ruiinn tlio imln : line of tha Clilcato , Mil
waukcu IL at. Caul llallwiiy , und every Httcotlonli
ptlil to imiionteri by cuurlooui emplorot CI lb
H.Mlr.I.'Klt. ( icnonil Manaifor.
J. V. TIJCKKH A il.t nl liunuriil Maniuter.
A. V. U. UAUI'tl.vriill , ciuiierel l'u < . .iger aui )
GKO. K. HKAKKOim. Aailttunt Uonural
unu 'llrkut Ak't'iit.
J.'r.CJ UU.UuuomlBuprriuteudeot.
uiltlvdy curoi
onlr ci'na InUio world |
Bconlinuoiu IflKlrla t J
' - ' '
ntrrrtil. 0
OT rfl.ooOciirwl. ff rn > . .
ALxii M.rof mo iir.i.Tn roit kn r .
Incomoirably the Duat.
'VflOF. F. b" ' FOWLER. IfloodU * . flonrt.