Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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I ' 'titllvtrcrtlirrnitirrln Any I'wtot UieCliyat
r TwentrtcntiKT WeeV.
J' 'Wlf.FF OHIOit. M ) . 41.
Hinr 1 imod , No. as.
N. Y , Plumbing Co.
The YoJng Men's Democratic club meets
this evening.
Regular meeting of Fuirmount CouncilNo. ,
1007) ) Royal Arcanum , to-night.
Special nieetfiifr of Fidelity council. No.
JBO , Hoynl Arcununi , nt b o'clock.V. . A. G. ,
The home of Mr. and Mrs. f'corgo Hunt ,
comer of Ninth sticot and avenue II , is
mane glad In the arrival of a BOH ,
On his recent visit to Council muffs Al.
Bwnlm , on behalf of the State Press associa
tion , donated $30 to the T. J. Potter monument
ment fund ,
The weekly shoot of the Manawa gun club
was held at the lake yesterday afternoon , the
liny having been changed from Friday to
Lnst evening a very enjoyable lawn socia
ble was given at the rtsldencc of Mrs. L. W.
Tulle } * . The attendance was largo nnd a
. grand time wus had.
Workmen b'-gan Irlullng material for the
Merrlmun block yesterday. As soon as the
contracts uro nil let active operation * in the
erection of the building will begin.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Haum-
hnch , ( W-J Pierce street , died yesterday morn
ing ut-1 : ItO o'clock. The funeral will take
| ) lnco at 9 o'clock Saturday moi ulng.
There Is a movement on foot to have Floyd
Hunt treated as an Insane person. It will be
remembered he was leeently bound over to
nwalttlicnetloiiof the jury upon the charge
ttf forgery.
. The condition of Mr. II. C. Henderson i ;
considerably Improved. The circulation of
the blood through all p.uts of the body has
been restored. He is In a very cheerful
frmiie of mind , and It would not bo a great
tnrpriso if ho survived his terrible fall and
its consequences.
OileJl faros , ft Co. are r.rrauglng canvas
nwnings to protect the visitor ) at ij ! ; beaen
from the hot sun. This Is a ttosirablo fort'
lure , and ono which will bo nppieciated by
the bathers at Manhattan. A boat house
nnd bathing place for l.idics exclusively is
nine being arranged.
Yestt'rdnv afternoon .1 , A. Call was over
come with heat while shoveling coal in the
" < i"yaids. lie taken to his homo at
the corner of avenue II and Tenth street ,
Where the proper remedies neing adminis
tered ho rapidly iccovered. U was a close
call and one which the unwilling victim will
. not care to repeat.
Chief Lucas has received a description of
ono Frank C. Harrison , tin abscond ing treas
urer of the cigar makers' union of Sacra
mento , Cul. Ho is twenty-eight i cars old , 5
11 Inches high , light complexion , with u
short , blonde mustache. He took $ l'J."iOlK ) of
the lunds of the Intel national und local
The new drop curtain , which Dohany had
painted some inout'is ago , has at last been
taken out of its hiding place anil put in posi
tion In the OJXT.I house. His a very pretty
piece of aitistlc brush work and will be an
agreeable change-.from thu ndvcitislntr cards
\yhich have stared audiences In the face dur
ing the IList nine months.
The kick against gambling housescis
growing more and more vigorous. There
is an increasing demand that they shall at
. Joust bo forced to retire from ptiblle sight.
If they cannot bo stumped out altogether
they can ho made to do away
. with the plUggers and cappers , and
made to remove from the ground floors eng
g liroadwuy. It , is time that the business is
i- given U check , and not allowed to run with
open doors and luvito in children aud
drunken men and vcrdants.
'if An effort is being made to inaugurate an
early closing movement among the dry
goods stores of the city. Ono who has inter
ested himself In the matter said to a reporter
last evening : "So far as wo are concerned
it makes little difference , for Mr. KIsemau
allows his clerks to go out of an evening
whenever they wish. Why , do you know
there Isn't enough business done during the
evenings to p.iy the gas bills , " and from the
looks of the stores along the street the Uii :
man thought the statement was true.
E. H. Shcato loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Oflleo 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main ptreot , up-stairs.
Everytliiiicr .from a JowBliurp to n
piano ut C. B. Music Co. , 24 Broadway.
' Try N. I. Tibbotts on groceries , 345
* Personal
Mrs. S. J. Uoddu and children are visiting
nt Colorado Springs.
; Mr. John T. Stewart has returned homo
from his eastern visit.
, Kir. und Mrs. Jacob Sims and son returned
yesterday from a visit to his old Wisconsin
C homo.
, * Mr. E. D. Scwall , the traveling lumber
agent of the "Milwaukee , " wus lu the city
> 'yesterday. '
, ' Mrs. J. J. Hrown and daughter -started
yesterday for a month's visit to Long liranch
and other eastern points.
, Mrs. George Parks left last evening over
the Union Pacific for Denver to visit her
daughter , Mrs. Uifcnborick.
Miss Mary Hughes of this city leaves for
Columbus , Kc'.i. . to-day , to spend a needed
, "Vacation with friends and relatives.
A. U , Klein hus been added to the mail delivery -
, livery corps. Additional business htis miido
an enlargement of the carrier force a nccos-
' Drs. Lacy and Ilrown , T. J. Cleaver , Har-
1 ry Atkins and Jerome McCllntock leave this
'afternoon for a week's "angling" at Spirit
' lake.
Mrs. 0.1C. Pratt Is visiting with relatives
in JJoston. She will not return until the
temperature In lowu Is below the boiling
Ed Wlckham returned from Kansas City
1 yesterday bringing with him four practical
pavers. This augments the force so that
ivdrk will proceed more rapidly than hero-
. toforo.
, Hon. A. R. Wright "nud daughter Fannie ,
and Miss Cora liufllngton , of Glenwood , have
returned homo lifter a brief visit with Chief
and Mrs. O. H , Lucas.
Dr. Cleaver and family returned homo yes
terday after.'a three weeks' visit with rela
tives In Pennsylvania , the doctor's old homo.
Ho reports having enjoyed his visit iiu-
Mayor Rohrer loft yesterday afternoon for
Avolpn , Mo. , for a week's recreation. Ho
was accompanied by his wife and children ,
who will remain during the balance , of the
'heated l
term ,
Mlwr Anna E.Uodno , formerly of this city ,
returned last evening frotn the Indtan.Torrl-
. ' tory , where she luis boot ) teaching In a gov
ernment school. She Is the guest of Mrs :
William T. Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hannon and. children
, are expected homo to-day from their eastern
visit. They have been away three weeks
and , visiting' friends In the 'principal cities of
Illinois and Michigan.
„ * * Cufth talks und wo will savo.vo\i money
1 Ty buying prrooorlqs of mo. N. I. Tib-
* ' Ibottd , 345 IJroudwny.
31 * J1. G. Tip ton him bargains in roiilostuto.
t _ _ _
" Buy mantels , t'nitos nnd hearth fur-
of the Now York plumbing Co.
Ludips , do not fall to BCO the "Ladles'
Friend , " 709 "Washington avenue ,
ClinuiniKiua Notice.
A meeting ot all milMcribors to and others
Interested In the Chuutauqua movement 1 Is
called ( or this evening nt 8 o'clock at the
board of trutlu rooms. You are requested tc
l > e jirosunu J , M. OUUBI.EII ,
' JJeconllng Secretary.
LnvRO' * .stock of bathing aults at John
' Bono & wO.'s.
Fresh bcrrlca aud vegotableb ut N. L
Changes In and Kicking1 at the Flro
\Vlio Owns Urown's Suit ? A Hot Day
In Court Superior Court
DIIICH Itrms Caught enl
l lie Street.
Mmlc It Hot Kor Thorn.
Yesterday murniiig Judge AyleswOrth was
up betimes , and before the city had got its
business bustle fairly on he appeared ill the
court of justice clad In the mantle of charIty -
Ity , as well as his other summer garments.
Ho ordered the public spittoon set outside the
door , the thermometer sponged off with lop
water , and the door of the catacombs opened.
"Loirg on drunks , short on cash , " ho mut
tered , as the forlorn and perspiring live
trotted out of the pillory. "Whence come
you alii" his honor said. "I surely thought
you must bo dead , your noses were so
awful red. " The club essayed not to hear
the unfeeling speech and said nothing.
"Peter Clctrg , you are from Dodgcville ,
WIs. i believe you have no earthly
abiding place und yearn for the
"home over there. " You dodge from one
place to another , and want to bo somewhere
else all the tlmu. You can go back Into the
sweat box until I want to look upon your
face again. If I forget your features I will
come ut 'J o'clock this afternoon. Mr. A.
H. .lont'9 , come forward. You are charged
with being very drunk. What have you to
say whv the sentence of death should not bo
pronounced upon you I You were trying to
kill yourself with whisky , and we might as
well make short work of it. " Jones pro-
- . and ho allowed to
fyi-'nl to paj i-T.GO was
uo so.
"Mr. Thompson , you were trying to make
a homo run contrar.\ . the orders of the cap
tain of thy nine. You stole n base , but was
knocked out at the homo plate. Don't
do it again. If you get full again
and wonder what I will do with you , Just
"lead your answer in tlio stars. "
Klchard Hmiiphan tried to make a clean
iwse Mt , but fouled aud was laid in the cooler ;
$7.00. W. S. Bd.vts paid a small line , but
until now ho don't know what for. He
thought ho wa n't drunk und the ofllcer who
arrested him thought he was. It was n tie
vote and tlio court decided the point. Joseph
L. Ultchig was asked to deposit , the usual fee
for a carrier's license.
Then the spittoon was taken back beside the
steve with a pair of tongs ; the thermometer
was caught half way up the side of the build
ing , pulled m and nailed to the floor ; the tin
dipper was found melted in the bottom of the
ice cooler aud court adjourned.
More Flrn Department
At the last meeting of the city council the
matter of making certain changes In the fire
department came up for discussion. Views
were exchanged between the aldermen , the
mayor and certain citizens who appeared to
protest against the change made a day or
two ago by the chairman of the flic com
mittee. The solo Idea In the changes sug
gested was to give to the entire city the best
possible protection. The matter was finally
left in the hands of the lire committee with
the suggestion from the iniivor that the situa
tion should be looked into carefully by the
committee and such changes as they deemc.l
necessary or best should bo reported
td the council so that that body as a
whole should understand what was
being done. This suggestion was , to
say the least , n good one , and one which the
file committee would have done well to ob
serve. They did not choose to do so , however -
over , and after taking a day for deliberation
they made the following changes : "Old Pat"
and the single reel were taken to No. 9. The
bay team was taKen to No. 4 , and the gray
team to No ! l. It seems that no one's wishes
or advice was asked. No ono but the fire
committee are responsible for the changes ,
and if there is any blame to attach anywhere
they must shoulder it. Candor compels the
statement that the committee were acting in
good faith , solely desirous for the best good
of the whole city , and if there has been an
error in the arrangement of the department
( which docs not yet appear ) , It Is ono of
judgment and without any ulierior design.
Certain it Is that there is quite a general kick
all along the line , but whether a bettor
arrangement of the department can bo de
vised is certainly a question.
A Scientific Curiosity
Last evening Mr. 0. 1C. Pratt brought into
Tar. Bun office on osseous structure which
bailies the knowledge of the oldest inhab
itant. It was unearthed yesterday by some
workmen who were excavating for raising
his house , No. 71 ! > South Sixth street. I
was found about four feet be'low the surface
and must have been brougnt , hither in the
clay taken from the banUs and used to fill his
lot. It is evidently of great age , but is re
markably well preserved.
A bare outline In description is all that can
bo given at this time. It is u vertebrate and
has a dorsal fin extending from the neck
proper about six inches down the back. H
hus two legs , the bony structure of which is
the saino us that of the human species. It
has no wings. It has' the sumo number of
ribs as are . contained m any mammal.
It hcs a broad. Hat head , which con
tains the regularly fornicd teeth of
the modern rodent. The head evidently had
no lateral motion. Its eyes were so located
as to look straight ahead. The auricular
passage Is located well back toward the neck.
In fact : It p.-esents so many curious combina
tions as compared with the bodies of the
birds , mammals and reptiles of to-day that
for a novice to classify it is impossible , The
attention of the local naturalists is respect
fully invited to it. It will bo found to-duy at
THE HUB ofllco.
Wanted n Ficlit nnd Got It.
On Tuesday last Pete Johnson and Chris
Crothers , employes in Nickham's brick yard ,
came to blows and for their fracas answered
in court. Johnson had Crothers arrested ,
anil yesterday the case came up In the supe
rior court. Previous to this the father of
young Crothers filed an InCormatlon In Jus
tice Harnott's cpurt against Johnson to com
pel the latter to keep the peace. The result
of the first case was a dismissal and the costs
were taxed to Johnson. This apparently
satisfied Crothers , for ho immediately paid
the costs of tho.second procedure and noth
ing further'was dotro. 'Tho evidence showed
that Johnson was the offending party and
nuUlo the flrat assault , after which Crothers.
who is a peaceable "great big.boy,11 pitched
in and gave bis assailant bucli u thrashings
ho deserved.
Who Owns Ilrown'8 Sub ?
Another act In the "squatters case' * was
played before Judge Carson in chambers yes.
terduy. This tlmp the property .in question
is two blocks In Brown's sub Into which
\VUllam Klmball had put a crop , following
the practice of former years with reference
to this outlying latid. F , K. DaVis pro
cceded some weeks ago to enjoin Kimball
from thls use of the land , putting in a cluin
of ownership. The present hearing is on t
motion to dissolve this Injunction. Chun
collar Koss appeared for Davis and Messrs.
Mahoney and Duffy of Omaha take care ol
KlmbaU's caso. The court has the case Utuloi
A Bill Worlli Having.
Yesterday afternoon there was filed In UK
ofllco of the county recorder bills of salt
amounting to over one-half million dollars
There wore olovcn separate bills. They arc
given bv the Union Pacific railroad compan ;
to cover loans made by the American L'oai
and Trust company. These bills cover mort
gages already executed to the same compan ;
uixm the rolling stock of the road. The oxac
amount Is 518,000.
I Tlio Clinutnmiiin.
| This evening all subscribers totho'Chau
tauiiua are requested to bo at the board o
trade reams on business of im [ > ortaucc
Colonel Chase , Mr. Rosowutcr and uthe
Omaha gentlemen are expected to bo prcson
to join in the deliberations.
Prof. Palmer , who had charge of the mu'sl
c-1 department at Crete , was here yesterdu. .
and looked over tlie grouhds. Ho W > s en
thusiastic In his praise , und deems the enter-
prlsqono which can bo mudo a grand sue *
cess. _
Peaches iOc per doz. at N. 1. Tibbettsj
JI5 ! Broadway.
A Now Order Organized.
Last evening there wn * organl70d In this
city a now local assembly , 1C. of L. It Is con
stituted entirely of the employes of the
Union Pacific railroad residing In Council
Hluffs. H will bo attached to district No.
S'i. Hy this organization there will bo no dif
ficult complications of Interest , un this as
sembly is simply a pail of the system which
embraces thoenttio Union Pneilic road. The
new organisation is well ofilccred and con-
talus very able material.
Full line of sheet music at Councl
Blull's Music Co. , 2-24 Broadway.
Special reduction of 20 per cent on all
kinds of picture frames , ttmdo to order
for ten days , at Chapman's.
Money loaned at L. B. Crufts & Co."a
loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of 'value without
removal. AU business strictly confi
More Court Tlinn Kvcr.
According to nn act of the last general as
sembly , which provides for eight terms of
superior court in each year to bo set in ad
vance , Judge Aslcsworth set the following
dates yesterday : For l1 1 * , September 3d ,
October 15th , December 31 ; Ibs'J , January
Tth , March 1th , May (1th ( , Juno 3d , July 8th.
September 10th , October 21st , December Uth.
Artists prefer the Ilallett & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 4 Broadway.
S. B. Wndsworth f Co. loan money.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bcchtele.
Buy bathing suits at Bono's.
A Strangely KcnutU'til AYomnii
i a Hand of Gypsies.
Koi- several days a party of gypsies
has been in and around Cox uekio , says
tlio Troy ( N. Y. ) Times. They do not
cause apy unusual excitement , any more-
than to make timid mothers careful of
their children , and the nutporous cjwn-
ers of lien roosts Uiko o.xtnv precautions
al night. A ' few days ago Undertaker
William R. R'eod was called to go to the
cam ) ) at Sickles Crook to make prepara
tions for burial of one of the number.
Arriving there ho found the dead body
of. a young woman , a member of the
party , who was very handsome in form
and face. The entire camp was in sad-
nossovcr the sudden death of thisyoung
woman\vho was the pet of tlio party and
who was considered tlio queen of the
camp. Mr. Reed had his curiosity
aroused when ho saw tlio men and
women gathering the belongings of the
young woman together in an immense
pile. Upon his asking one of the party
what was going on , the reply was that
they were going to burn up everything
belonging to the dead woman. Valuable
blankets , shawls , dresoes , her private
carriage , harness , letters , and in fact
everything she owned was east on the
pile and burned up so as to keep away
evil spirits and bring good luck to her
followers. Ono blanket she had used as
a coverlid , handsomely worked and
worth at least :20 : , was consumed with
the rest.
Undertaker Reed was given carlo
blanche as icgards expense of coflinand
ourial. Hundreds of oitizons have vis
ited the camp since the deatli of the
young woman , and many of CoxsaukSo's
young men and women hiu'o availed
themselves of this opportunity to have
their fortunes told , tlio fortune-teller
reaping quite a harvest from the sad
event. The sorrow of tlio entire cam ] )
appears to bo genuine. As far as can bo
learned , no depredations have been
committed by tlio Gypsies. Nothilig
can bo learned as to tlio previous life of
tlio deceased other than tlult she was anew
now member of the party.
Dr. .7 , II. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier , by its vital
izing properties , will brighten pale
cheeks , and transform a pale , haggard ,
dispirited woman into ono of sparkling
health and beauty. $1 per bottle
About Cowardice.
There have been % mny instances
which go to prove that a youne soldiei
ought not always to bo hastily sacrificed
for flinching in his first engagement ,
says General Porter in tlio current num
ber of the Century. Upon ono occasion
during a desperate , assault in. which the
attacking column was under a wither
ing lire , I saw a company of olllccr de
sert his men and run to the rear , as palo
as a corpse , trembling like an aspen
the picture of an abject craven. Ho
oven tore olT his shoulder straps that ho
might not bo recogni/.ed as an ollicor
Ho heeded neither urgings nor threats
ho was past all shame ; ho was absolutely
demented. It was all thomoro distress
ing because ho was a man of great intelligence
ligenco and possessed many good qual
ities. When the engagement was over
the only question seemed to bo whethci
ho should bo cashiered or shot ; but ho
begged so hard of his commanding olll
cor to give him another trial , to gran
him ono more chance to redeem him
self from disgrace , and gave such earn
est pledges for his future conduct tlia
lie was Iltmlly released from arrest ant
allowed to go into battle with his com
pany. Ho fulfilled his pledges most re-
iigioiisly.Vhorovcr there was danger
ho was seen in the midst ot it ; his con
duct in every subsequent fight was that
of a hero ; aud ho was finally promoted
to the rank of a field ollleec. He had
otlacod tlio blot from his escutcheon.
Tlio man was no coward at heart ; ho
had for the moment , in army parlance
"lost his grip" under that murderous
About Drownlnir.
"How do personsdio from drowning ? * '
asked a health board . doctor of a New
York Tclogriun reporter to-day.
"For want of air. " ,
"No. "
"Give it. up thQn ; what is it ? "
"I will toll you. After a person is
below tlio surface loug enough ho lills
his lungs with water. The first stage
of deep inspiration lasts about- ton
seconds , followed by a reaction caused
bv tlio resistance to tlio entrance of tlio
water into the bronohialos. Tins is
followed ty arrest of respiration and
loss of consciousness. "
"In a fetv seconds more ho makes four
or live respiratory efforts , and then
dies. Imniorsion causes an immediate
rise in the blood pressure , with slowing
of the heart. The action of the heart
remains slow but strong until death en
sues. The pressure gradually lessens ,
but rises just before death , to
fall to' zero immediately afterward.
The heart continues to beat feebly for
twenty minutes in some cases. The
period of respiratory roaistanoo'is there
fore due to the respiratory mus-Jcs , na
not to spasms of the glottis. An. inter
esting study , you see , " added the doe-
tor , "but to appreciate fully the various
- symptoms caused by inddo'ii immersion
uof you , perhaps , .had better experiment
ofC. . "
. yourself. "Thanks. " . .
I Hko my .wife to iiso Po/zoni's Com
plexion Powder because it improves her
looks und is as fragrant as violoU.
A Visit to Some of the Citioa of Onl-
The Prolific Fruit CN > ; i-rcat } IMilillO
Imiirovc-iiii'iitK Ynliioi nritcnlty
Arrow llcail
31 u tl Hatliii ,
Aiinow IIi.u > Si'niNo . Cal. , July
S. [ Special Corro.-pomlcuco of Tin :
HII : : . ] Before leaving Oiniiliu on my
in tended visit to tlio Paclllc Coast , a
number of person1 * wished mo to fjivo
thoni my impression of California. I
have concluded tliat n letter or two
through Till : Bii : : would tavo mo the
trouble and time of Writing to individ
uals , since almost every person reads
Tin : Uii : ; . I left homo on May ! ! $ spent
several days in Denver , LeadVillo and
Salt Lake City ; arrived at San Fran
cisco May 12 , and was atoucc impressed
with its vast business outlook , having' '
one of the finest harbors in the worjit.
The city is growinp rapidly , and des
tined at no distant day to be
one of the three largest and im
portant jiointH in our country , New-
York ami Chicago being the other
two. The climate of Sail Franeibco I do
not like , being too damp and rare. Oak
land , on the opposite bide of the bay ,
is a beautiful residence city of ; iO,000 or
more inhabitants. Many men reside
here who do business in San Francisco ,
crossing to and from their business on
the line of steamers that ere s the bay
every fifteen minutes crowded with
passengers. In the mouth of May over
8.000 monthly tickets were bold to per
sons who live in Oakland and do bu&i-
nebs in San Francisco.
. .
Tne conn try surrounding Oakland is
beautiful and productive. Property it )
held at reasonable prices , not yet hav
ing a boom hero. The climate , while
much better than in San Fi-ancibco , is
still too damp , and at times , particular
ly in the morning , too cool. At least
that was my experience during the
mouth of May.
From Oakland I went to San Jose , a
city of 1,800 or 2,000 inhabitants , lo
cated in the celebrated Santa Clara
valley , about thirty-live miles from Oak-
laud. It it , a very pretty city , having
.many delightful homos , several col
leges and good schools , line churches
and an enterprising class of citi/ens.
No doubt a very desirable place to live ,
having a good climate and burroundcd
by a magnificent country. Fruitgrow
ing is largely developing in this section
of the btate , and pays wejl. Land is
held at a pretty high figure , orchards
bringing from WOO to $1,000 per acre ,
and raw land from $150 to $200 per acre.
Vet at these prices money is made in
fruit culture. A Mr. Now'hall In 1887
sold his apricot crop on forty acres of
ground for $1,200. Messra. Gardner re
ceived for their prune crop S400
per acre , bought by the Omaha
Schneider boys , who arc largely
engaged in fruit drying. Tlioy put up of
raisins alone 200,000 boxes Curing 1887.
Peaches , cherries and pears also jwy
largely. The crop of cherries this year
was largo. I was told by Mr. Taft , for-
morlv of Omaha , that tie know a person
who liad been offered $400 for the cher
ries on eighty trees , covering less than
an acre of ground. Charles Schneider ,
during the time I was there , picked
1,200 peaches olT of a four year old tree ,
to thin it out , and loft as many on the
tree as it was able to bear. May 20
Messrs. Nully & Co. exhibited a straw
berry that measured oxi ( inches. Grapes
also pay largely , and many are culti
At San Jose and in the immediate
neighborhood a number of Omaha fam
ilies are living. Mr. Fred
Schneider has a beautiful homo
in the city , and a fruit ranch in
the valley. Mr. Taft , Mr.
I. T. Bell , G. L. Leabold ,
John Tremble , E. A. Abbott , Rev.
Ingram and others , all of them bay they
are delighted with California and in
tend to stay. There are from hero a
number of line drives , over as uico
roads as I over traveled. The ride to
Ml. Hamilton , twenty-seven miles dis
tant , the site of the Lich observatory ,
is worth a trip across the continent. No
one coming to California should mibs
it. From San Jose I wont to Santa
Cruz and Monterey. The Hotel del
Norto is near Monterey , the most de
lightful spot in the United States , if
not in the world. All that man can dote
to beautify this place of over two hun
dred acres of ground apparently is
being done. The now hotel ib perfect
in all its arrangements and always
lilled with guests.
From hero I returned to San Fran
cisco and then started for the Yosemite
valley. An account of this delightful
trip 1 will reserve for a future commun
ication. After leaving the Yosemite
I came to Los Angeles , tlio reported
"dead city , " but to my mind a lively
corpse , It is the only place I have been
binco I loft homo that reminds me of
Omaha from a business standpoint as
well as topographically.
The amount of improvements going
on hero at present is wonderful.
AmoiiL' others is the "Hotel Splendid , "
800x832 foot , boven stories , estimated
costl , 000,000 ; a government building
to cost } 2-50,000 ; opera houbo $0,000 ;
county court house , $110,000 ; W. C. T.
U. builciinir.45,000 ; Y. M. C. A. build
ing , $120,000 ; city hall , $280,000 ;
Souuthorn Paeillc railroad depot , area
covered , 180x515 feet , $200,000 , and
other public and private improve
ments , amounting to txbouj , $0,000,000.
A largo amount of street paving
is being put down a so. They are
using for paving material , tlio limo-rock ,
a substance resembling'nsplmllum , but
in many respects superlor'lo it. It is a
product of the btato , and' can bo put
dowii for lcsstlu\n thopo tof asphaltum.
TlIK 1100M COI.I.Ar'hKU.
The real estate boonl hub collapsed ,
in a t'real measure. A good thing it is
for the entire state. Yet property in
the city and npighhorhood
is hold at high figures. Many holders ,
however , will soon bo compelled to soil
at reduced prices. I think as a rule
property is still too high in price. Very
little at present is being sold. They
are oxpeoting a deoided improvement
in this direction this fall and winter.
Among the successful real estate firms
is Molvoon & Strong , who are doing
a good business. Mr. M. G. McKoon was
formerly a resident and businessman in
Omaha , whore ho is btill favorably
known. Ho is an nnthuniastlc admirer
of California , and of Los Angeles in
particular ; and well ho may bo , for he
is nicely fixed here. A number Of .for
mer Omaha people live hero. AJl ap
pear to bo doing \yell , and all say they
like California in fill ro pcctn. I can
not disabuse my mind of the fact thai
Los Angeles in do.-stined to become u
largo and important city. It has n
large and fine country surrounding it
uu enterprising set of citizen * , and
climate that surpasses anything I have
yet witnessed elsewhere. In fact , it
should bo. a summer nx well as a winter
resort. I am told that September and
October are their unpleasant months.
The Improvements going on here are
all llrst-i'lii ! ) .
In company with Mr. M. 0 , McKoon
I visited Arrow Head springs , about
sixty-live miles from Los Angeles and
six miles from Siln Bernardino. Tlieto
springs are noted health resorts. They
derive their name from the figure of a
enl sal arrowhead out-liuod against
the side Of the mountain destitute of
vegetation. Covering live acres and
visible for twenty-live miles , its point
directed towards the mouth of the sub
jacent canon in which bursts forth a
number of hot mineral water springs ,
giving the locality its reputation as a
health report. The temperature of the
largest spring is llt ) ; = Fahrenheit. Ibaw
an egg boiled hard in the spring in six
minutes time. Hero also are given
mud baths. "Over an area of half an
ncro the hot water and gases are osc'ip-
ing through every joint and crevice of
the rock. Thiri rock is covered
to the depth of several feet with a
dark , soft mud of flue , smooth texture.
Into this mud , boxes without bottoms
are placed at a depth whore the na
tural heat is about 100 = Fahrenheit.
Into this box and the warm mud the pa
tient is placed , and covered with mud
of the same temperature prepared to the
consistency of poultieo. While in one of
these mud baths I felt as if I was liter
ally buried alive. There are line hotel
accommodations hero. On the hotel
register 1 noticed a number of names
of Omaha , residents who vibitcd hero
last winter and spring. The glorious
Fourth I spent in San Bernardino.and a
lively Fourth it was , so far as firecrack
ers , rockets , etc. , could make it. From
here I start for Riverside and San
Diego. The weather thus far , except
on the 4th iiibt , has been pleasant.
Have slept under blankets every night
thus far. P. S. Liisixmxo. : :
An Atpoliio Cur p.
is only put up in larije two ounce tin boxes ,
and is im absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped iinn Is , nnd all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 25
cents per box by mall : i ( ) cents.
A Narrow ICscnpo.
The following incident is narrated by
an ollicer on thostalT of General J , E.
B. Stuart , of the Confederate army , says
the Youth's Companion. The 'opera
tion was a neat one , but most men would
rather bo shaved with a raxorthan with
a bullet.
General Stuart , as usual , greatly ex
posed his own person on horseback by
ruling out of the wood into the open
field , and 1 felt it my duty to say to him
that in my opinion ho was not in his
proper place , as in a few minutes the
whole lire of the em-my would bo con
centrated upon him.
But he was in very bad humor , and
answered curtly that if this place seemed
likely to become too hot for me , I was
at Ifborty to leave it ; whereupon I made
response that since my duty attached
mo to his side no place' could bo too hot
for me where he choose to go.
Nevertheless I changed my position
lid cautiously brought a largo tree , in
front of Which I had been standing , bo-
twoou myself and the enemy.
In an instant the firing began , and
three bullets struck the tree at just the
height to show that , had I remained
where I was , they would certainly have
gone through my body. Looking at
Stuart , I saw him pass his hand quickly
across his face , and even at that serious
moment 1 could not help laughing
heartily when I discovered that one of
the numberless bullets that had been
whistling round him had cut off half of
his beloved mustache as neatly as it
could have been done by the hand of an
experienced barber.
'CUKE ' rOT\
' fT , . | > ,
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Sale by
Goodman DruoCo. .
The Morrlri Type Writer is a practical , yell
uiHdu ami ilui'ljr ilnUhed maohlnc. and combine *
thu { iprftiit IrttorlliK , exact alllKninent. ani
lapld viltlnx of a Iilun priced writer. The Kill
. ' l'B"t . . . . . mad .
. the " *
SON MIMKOflKAI'll. * ' o upparatiiii
for intkuiruliliUK autoifraphlc ft'J'l.tiiKi ' wTlu- :
worJct'.l.uaucoiMBiii'nu lie taken. 'l1'B WIUTKI
Btippllos for sale. Send for cncnlars. The Ex
ctnslor Co. , Council lllutls.Ia.
Uvuttoathli paper.
CO. ,
SIZES FROM rjpcclally Adapted for
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications aud o tlmatos furnished for complete steam phinti , Itegnlatlou , Durability ( luar-
alitecd. Can uliow letters ftom II CM whein fuel Kconomy N with Coillis NoU'Conanioliii ; . : Eioi'si : , cou.von. iti.urrs , IO VA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. GOG Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary.
Call on ill. DKOIIMCIl , r : J8 llroiulwiiy , wliorc you will receive
lliu IllghVNt Cash 1'i-lce.
Wrought and Cast FOR
K , Automatic Jllyhcst Economy ,
liciHilvs. Ncm ,0 2d Hand t , IIUIIILO Siini > llcitil and
Nox. 1100 to 1-00 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulTsIa. Telephone 100.
H ' Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
. Specifications. Supervision of I'ublic Work. Brown
Building , Council Blufl's , Iowa.
FIN I FY Rl IRKFAtt ° .r"e'I1 Lilv. ! cto.nd Floor IJro\\n Building , 115
. ' . , Council .
'carl St. Blufl's , Iowa.
N \PHIIR7 Justice ot the Pt-ace. Oillce o\er American Express No.119
Broadway , Council Illulln Iowa.
J ? . QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Federa
( X Ol IVI O" Courts. Onice Rooms 7 nnd 8 , Sliugart-Beno Block ,
Council Blufl'b , lowu.
CP UA7CIVI Dentist. Cornar Main Street and First Axcnuc , Counci
nrt/LLIl" Bluff * , Iowa.
PLJAR/inrni / IM l\/l / PlwlallstliiuUen-ics . of I'.vc. Knr , Nose and .
MM . LnAmnrm IN IVI L ) t. < n sst.sACM-urutoivru-scrnn-d.
_ . ,
I It \ JiniTI \ ULI IL.I M , IVI U , uxr | , treated In- mull nftcr ln > t consultiillon.
( nicoror. Main htieet and llrondwny. Residence , 010 Hint ! t. Hoius-O.lo 12,2tol > , 7:80 : toBJO. :
Council IllnllH , Iowa.
1 From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
QPEC1 AL advertisements , nucli as Lost.ronnd ,
3 To Loan , Tor Sale.To Kent.Wants , llimf..h'.i , ' ,
etc. . will 1) limtTteil in this column at the low
rate of TUN < ! UNTS PUH L1NU for the tlrst In-
Feitlon and five Cents 1'cr r.ine for each mibsc-
lucnt insertion. Leave ad\eitlHpments at our
olllce. No. 12 Vearl Street , near liroadnuy ,
Council IllufTii. Iowa.
ilOH HUNT nirnlshed room , No 1 mrth
1 Alain st.
PI H HALB-A Rood. K'-ntlu family
- PIC also buggy , j lIlco onite , Council llliinv.
Also i > lalnsewlnK done at
DKKS8MAKINO nvonuo , or by the day.
W IANTKD Two Rirls to w'nlt on tnble at
Allen's restaurant , 4M llrouilway.
TJ1OH BALK The best small fruit ami vejjeta
JD bio farm In I'ottawattumlu county , two
miles from Council Illulls postollltf , at n price
that will hull it , on remarkably easy terms.
Title pel feet and property In oed condition.
1'osnession Riven uny time , ( loud reason for
pellinnH. . ' ! ' Hryant & 0" . , 023 llioadway ,
CouncllJUullH , lit.
OHTKADU Several stocks of mcichandiso ,
alsoimprovL-d and unimproved farms. John-
Man Sc Van 1'atten , SMain tit.
o HUNT Immediately , for the summer , a.
good furnished house , 10 roonm ; closet and
bathroom ; city water. Apply on premises , 812
Cth ave. .
" \\7ANT-To exchange Nebraska or Wisconsin
> V faimlandH for Council Hindu or Omahii
property or merchandise. 0.1' . McKesson.
AH7ANTKI-- Mocks ol merchandise. Have
V > Omaha and Council Hluir * city property.
also western land to exchange for RuoiM. Oall
on or address Johnson & C'hrlstUn , Uoorn 111 ,
Cliamber of Commerce , Omaha.
171011 HA Li : At a bargain , VI acres near stock
X1 yards , South Omnlia , Neb. , Johnson i :
Christian , lloom U5 , Cliamber of Commerce ,
Instructor of Music ,
.No. mStutcsman street. Council Illutrs , and
Meinburg'H .Music Store. Doilgo ilreet , Omaha.
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
Retwrns. .
S M luBtreetCouncll lllult.i.Iow < L
NO. r,21 M MN ST. ,
M. B. SNYDBR , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Women and Children ,
WHroaf.wuv , Council Illutls.
CGODroadway Cmmill muffs , Iowa. UstablhueJ
Star Stables and Mule Yards
llorhp * mill muleitconitantly on hand for ial <
at retail or in car 1 t .
Or.ient promptly filled by contrart on nhorV
Htiick void on roiumlxulon. .
Telephone 1H. bl'IILUTEIti 110 Mi V ,
uppobltu Dummy Ifpor ) , Council lllutra.