Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    " 1t
fi.not.hor Dny Spent In Considering
tbo Alumni Charges.
Ti | ( < l } lhflnn IHrtGoril Alk'jind to Have
Hcun llrouulil Al'Ui't 1 > } ' the
JI might Incus ,
and Irony. *
LlNCO-x liuncAU or Titn OMAH.V Bnn , )
I.l'XCl > I.X. Jtlly 12. I
At 0 o'clock this morning the board of ro-
prulH again took up the clmr-gos against
Clmnccllor Mrtmitt , if i ado by u comtnlttwi of
( he iiliitiiiii of the st-.ito university , nil liivo <
tlRiitlou of which was formally bo/nn .ve.-Uor-
ilny. It Is elmrtfCTl In the soi'irlcntlous | of
llio alumni "tlutt three- l u thorough luck of
nympilthy ami coiilldotieo between the faculty
nml Htuilrnts ol thti university on the onu
Imnd ami the chnncullor upon tins
othur , produced and brought about by 'man- '
iiQrlsm' and dlctallon , suruusm mid money ,
lined by the chancellor In his past relation *
with thi ! faculty and stililimtti , " and that hit
retention II.H tlio hwitl of tbo university Inn
ards Its futuru success , and porputuity. In
Htimiort of this the testimony of Messrs.
1'olk , Uliirku. Pound , Stout and Polk , former
Btuaunts of tlio unlvorslty , has boon token
mid reported In onbstanco. While It is true
that these Kuntlumcn thus far la the investi
gation haVe testified nifiilnst tliu
chancellor , it must bo remembered
that lie hue not introduced a sin-
ulo .sylablo in hli own rtefcnso naldo
from what would naturally develop in n rl id
crosvoxumlmittim. And to this time not a
witness has charged special and s | > e itle un-
kindtujss on the part of the chancellor. Thu
testimony of I'rof. Hltchcook that ho has not
regarded the actiou.s of Chancellor Maimtt in
Ills relations with the facility altoh'uthct
"open and honest , " the chancellor states , will
yet react in his favor , as the circumstances
nUcndius his actions are such thut they must
bo weluhed in conjunction , nml that a thor
ough understanding of both sides of the issue
will malto the adverse testimony altogether
I'rof. Hitebcock'.s testimony in general was
rather In fuvor of the chancellor. Ho wiii
recalled ilrnt this mornluir for n brief cross-
pKiiinlmglQii , to cleniiy settle the sl #
I'.Wclncc of a paper ho had drawn as the re-
suit of aconfercnco with Profs. Howard run ]
tXlKson. This pA-icr was addressed to the
regents and had been prepared for the nig-
natures ot members of the faculty. It sim
ply expressed a sense of thu gravity of th (
situation and nr ed the rcgi'iiti to avoid all
unwise agitation so far as pos.siblc.
At this * point Cliancellor Manatt aslrci
lhat the bonnl of resents at once send foi
Prof. Edgson , who is now in Cliautauqna , N
Y. , whom ho desired to bo present to testify
on the olli'Koil conspiracy aimlnst him on tin
part of the faculty. Wilson stated that tli <
professor had written n loiter disclaiminj
mij knowledge of a conspiracy to dethrom
or Ih any way Injure the chancellor , ollleiall.1
or socially , nml that the letter was In thi
hands of 1'iof. Sherman , who would bi
placed uiion the stand , to iden
lify the lettur imd the slgnn
lure to it , that its Kcnuineuess mlht | not bu
como a mutter of ipicstlon. This was done
and the letter tiled and the hoard took tin
Bending for Kd sou under advisement.
I'rof. McMillan was next called. He statei
that ho had bcpn connected with the univer
sity for thu past twelve .years , und ilurinj
the mostof that time tind held thu Greel
chair. Ho also stated that his relations will
the chancellor during the llrst year of thi
present administration were rattier pleasuu
than otherwise ; that they wore both mom
bcrs of the same church , and moveri
In the same circle of society
that a coo'ness sprung up bctweei
them , ro.iultinir from the chancellor's inter
lerunco with what ho thought to bo the prov
inooof his individual work ; that whdo hi
was doing everything possible tinder the con
Ultlon of his health , thu chancellor had bur
Oencd him with additional work , having , un
warrantedly thrown upon him the instructioi
of classes in philosophy , ami thus adding ad
ditiotml responsilibltlcs that he was not abl
to bear. The cross-examination tended ti
snow that the chancellor's interposition ii
his work was bccnuso ho desired to olcvat
nnd advance the work in Greek that might ii
the future sniffer to some extent by reasoi
of N'.cMllhin's uiflrmiti growing deatncBs-
nml in no way disparaging his work , for i
was nil that could bo nskcd or expected
Ago Was telling upon him ; his deafnes
might prow. ; succession might become nocea
Bnry. In tlint event McMillan wits to bo re
tired to the library ilopartmcnt on a profci
Bor's salary.
Prof. McMillan had reduced his grievance
to writing , mid submitted them to tlio boar
in'writiug. Ho recited some of the cause
that had led him to lese conlldenco In tb
ability of Chancellor Mauatt to remain chit
executive of the state university , union
them charging interference , intcrvei
lion , dictation in mutters that bcloniro
to him by right of his position and the di [
hity of his chair ; haughtiness and sarcasi
und Irony. Further investigation , howevei
developed the fact that tUo' chancellor ha
refused to sanction the appointment of hi
BOH to n position ns tntor , although wnrml
endorsed by the facu'ty mid recommemlc
for thu i > osltlou. This fact may have led t
the estrangement between the professor an
llio chancellor.
Prof. Hicks , of the chair of geology , teethe
the stand Just at the dinner hour.
Prof. HicltsttHtillodthatthouhancollorha
declared to the witness that ho Would opix
the nomination of Conway McMillan , Pro
McMillan's neil , as Instructor In aoology , b <
eauso the father was hostile to this unive
slty administration ; that the chancellor
manner , mid bearing were not nlways plea
ant m\d urbane lit his rqlntloim with tli
1'rpi. Nldiolson being sworn , testified tin
Chancellor Manatt , some two years ago , ha
com ? to mid stated to him that men
hers of his class , doing .practical work in tli
laboratory , had complained that they wet
overworked and required tp devo !
( oo much time In the lalonitor
which prevented their going forward wli
Iht-lr other studies ; that ho ( Nicholsoi
asktil four or live members of his clns
Which consisted of twenty-four or five sti
flonta , If they had nindo any such slutrmct
lo the chnncellor , and MUJSO four or fi\
Students tlmt were asked infurmi
him that they had not made , an
inch statements , ami upon this statement I
bused his charge ot dislngonicmancss qn tl
part of the chancellor ,
A vciy brief 'cross-examination on tl
part of the chancellor elicited U
tact that Prof. Nlchplson' know win
he testlllrd that seven memlicr.V i
the cl.usH had been to .tho ehancelU
nnd. complained that they had been ovci
worked ami rc.qulred.1o doyoto mow tin)6 ) i
his dopilrtment than could possibly bo itui
without neglecting- other studies , and tin
Prof. Nicholson , himself nml 'tl
chancellor provided measures ' to ' r
llovo these complnlning .students froi
- Buch overwork , thus showing that his stilt
mcnt in chief was such u distortion and dm
ntion from the truth as justly to brand i
. dlsingcniousncss and falseness , there ]
Bhawlng tljo , willingness of thu-mvtfcsso
ivho'is ordlnariU' truthful , to Uo-lnMucnet
'by tuotlvcs of - 'prcjndlca ' .and paswh
or , hurried bey\nd tho' fact * 'Uy h
teal , an'd the zeal of those'yho < iiu the chni
collar. must go. . .
Ptof. Little , tissofiato professor of math
ma.tUb , .tpstllled .ver.v. utroiiKly ngalnst tl
, chan'cellor. Ho said tha.t the chief re
? pn for the unploasantmws ' rosultcd-.tro
u lack or . candor . on the part ' .
tlio cbunt'oltor ' in his. rolatHon with tl
fa\ult.Y.that' \ ; ho possessed , n very.lrritati
. .tewper mid kad' let his chalc twice Uurh
faculty meetings-'inisslsn ; IhuVli
lirtPrfcivucciiuiul mUnncr and bei\rinc we.
luythuig but conciliatory tmdor presen't prc
'tro , aidUio ) fututo.wclfarodf tha univorst
' , flemmufcd a changb of Julministrntion : ' 1
laid on cros.s'uxitmlnatiijn that he could 1
. happi' under Manatt , but that ho wMild sti
Oitcrtalii tlio utmost Vohtcmnt- him ; an
barrlnp oftlclnl meetings , Would kcvp out v
bis Way. ' . " . . .
Prof. Qmce-and Miss. Floyil.woro ; of t
* > o < iHlvc oiimionthat the intjirferciices ni
nmnncr and bcamigofTta \ chanoellor t
miunlcO. a ehungo of lulmitiistmUon f
Ihopoc l of tho. .university , I )
' lljat socially ' they werp Iwstllo-to'.ti
dinucollor , The Ijourd of rcgonts ' ovidenl
Intend to . pivo the chancellor a fair and ii
partial hearing. .
TAUUA'XT' ? i SilL-lT-KH
ptTcutually euros CoiuUpatloa1 and rSIi
Uoudaoho ,
Tlirty Watch CrookB.
. . . tire Very clos.e-moiltKed people
ple , " said n friend to a Chicago Journal
rojKj-tor..who find buen inaklhg'norno
olMorvatiiJuH. ' ' * ' "in eat'efitl
. 'CJipj . nri >
.tibou ) ; giving ttwj-y anything Hint oocuriV
In tho.bivok uj'tlu-y , nro.'nl > otit. telling
Ibo yat& combination or . 'lending- money
to itrungors. Yoii hjtvj'-Mjen 'thd big
policiMiinif who Is on duty in rtfost largo
'banks. It lodks to if per.ion who .visit- )
H bank once it week us If his t < orvl oa
wore , unnecessary. Thisic ; i great mil-
tnke. Ono of these same sotitry gentle1
mon took mo into lite 0-nlUlcnc ' 'thi >
other day. .Ho snitl itvn not , o iniioh
what he did as what ho prnvetttbd , Ho
and the cashier understand each othur
porf'M'tly. ' If a man presents a cheek
or draft that IH ut .all bu plelouif the
cashier hat an electric button which ho
touches , and th'ls jingles a little boll ,
which quickly bring- * the guard to
the main ontvanco of the bank.
If the eoshlcr , after some in
spection , derides that tlio mail ,
nt the window is all straight , ho gets
his onsh and goto out without over
knowitiir that ho was under guard , but
if ho taken fright i\ml \ tries to ettcano
from the cashier , who is 'caged , ' ho
runs into the man and his gun nt the
dopr. Again , thu sentinel needs to bo
keen-eyed. Most people llko to fount
money after receiving it. They nro not
exports , and if thciy get a few dolhirs in
specie ten chances out of twelve they
will drop n nicKul or ( limo before they
pocket their wealth. While they stoop
to pick uj ) 10o they leave y > 0 , or , per
haps , $ -500 on the desk. This i ? the
sneak thief's chance. More than one of
thorn have tumbled into the clutches of
thos | > eiial bank policeman as they tip
toed toward the street with tlio careless
counter' roll of bills. Wo selddm see
anything of this in the papers. Bank
otllcials urn not/npt to make an example
of an outsider who tries to snatch a
bill , but if any one In their employ
breaks confldcnco there is no nonulty
under tlio Iiiw too severe and no ex-
punbtf too great to See that the oilomlor
is punished to the full extent , "
Pirif'Ki.Y AMI HITTKIP * is nn unfail
ing cure for all diseases originating in
blliur.v ciorangomunU caused by the
n in hi ! ii : of miarttnalic countries ? . Nc
other modlclno now on halo will so of-
feutuiilljrotnovp the disturbing ele
ments , and at tin * bamo time tone tip the
whole sybtoui. It is sure and safe in iU
A Curious I'liciinmiMinn.
The surface1 of the river at prcMUnt is cov
ered with what at u distance lool-s to bi
HoatliiK snow or Ico. It H not , however
the woatlmr b too warm for that. It is
c.msoil by the water washing away u biuil
somewhc'ro up north.
Tliiel * Arrrstoil.
The news was received with tho" ut
most Hatisfnotion by the community thai
ho had terrori/.cd ; but the arrest of t
disoasi ) that is stealing away n lovet
and valued life , is an achievement thai
bhould inspire hearli-folt gratitude
C'liiliness , cold oxtromitics , doDtres ei1
spirits , and extremely miserable sonou
tioiih , with pale , wan features , nro tin
results of disordered kidneys and li.vor
Arrest the eatibo at once by taking Or
IMetve'a Golden Medical Discovery. I
is purely vegetable detective , that \vil
forr t out and captnro the most subth
lung or blood disorder. Druggists.
Real listntc
II K Hindu to W I' Rudolf , lot SS , 'jilt t ,
Potter iVUolib'gudil. wil i 4CC
William (1 ( Alm-lf-ht and wife ted llolf , lot
A , lillc tu , AlbrlKlit's choice , wil ? 3
J .1 Malionn ct al to .1 A I'attWMm , int.a.
lilli S , Malionuy & Minaluin'K lit add
wil - r > )
Omahu Smelting Ar KptlnlnB ( "o to r.irter
\VUto ! Lead Co , il arros near n o cor d w
of n w iT'l.VH u , w il
Omahu SiuultlUK uud KeUulin , ' Co to Ui'u
IMibllor. loti I , fi , 11. K , U nnd II , and pt
of lot | "i , DlSL'H'.s add , w fl Sl'i3
Curtur White Mv-id Co to ( ioort'O I'hullur ,
1JO ft parallel with u line lot 5 , ONeu's
add. w il 7OC
.1 .1Y C.rlimh to Uote Nowmaii , lots 5 aim
u , blk I. IliiKor placo. w il K
Unoncrutlvn l.aml nnd lat t'o tuJohn
linker , lot : > ' ) . lilb S , Howard , w d 3C
A Itood nnd wlf.i to Mary Mick , lot HI ,
Miller's sub , wil 'A
A Hood iuul wlfo to C Carlson , lot 5 ,
Mtlli'r'H Mill ) , wil T
H .letter anil v Ifoto .1 Jl Klxa , lot 8 , blk ii ,
.It tur'n add , w d. . . - l'K
Ii I'nlmtaz to I * Arjiibrust , ptlotU , Has-
kell'sadd , wil l,7t
T llonclii-r to M l.'oiiclu'r , lot f , Isa ic'sadd ,
ami lot ! ( , blkf > , DoiiKlas add. wiU 4 W
J A Muglmiie to J 11 Klrkpatrlob , lot 10.
blk-.v , West SIiliwil. . . . CC
U II Clark and wife to N'Anderson , lot 7 ,
blk ( i. Oil 1'out pliu'w. w d 4 ;
0 r Harrl-.on to U O I'attorson , lot 7 , blk
Ul. Ambler placo. w il 71
I , p 1'rnyn and w Ifo to S II Kin-noil , n 3.1 ft
of siM ft lota 7 nnil , blk 1 , llllMde No.
h P Pruy'ti aild Vvl'fH tii S ii'irwimil's'Wft : : ' '
lots 7 and f. blk 1. HIlMilo No.wil. ! . . . . R
iiPPniyn nmlitu to K llnciclivtfham. n
a ) ft of .s : ii ) ft of n ro ft and n so ft ot H W
tt lots 7 nuil H. blk 1. HlllsliloJJo.2. wd.
C O Howard to CJ Smith , lota 4't ' , 47 and
48 , blk a , Howard , wil <
I' K lloui'llrnul Koto. ) < i iioKeath , lot
il. , Windsor pl.u'o. ij c < 1
J n Moscatti and \\ltv to K II Ho i ll , lot
id and u ijlottll. Windsor place , wd. . . .
Al.emim'to KH Corbett. lot U , Ilarkur'a
sub , w d '
TOlsen und wlfo to "Win Henderson , Ot nl ,
lot II , blk'4 , South Omahu park , Wil. . . .
W 1) MatlinuH and wife to Ii I' Prtiyn , lois
15 and M , blk V , Oeo II llitfC 'ndd , w'd.
A .1 Stanley nnd wtfo to K llelmer , H 23 tt
lot K. ' , Nel-on's add , w d
I , M IHI kin and hnnb mil to 1,1'ixlt-y , n \ \
lotioIrtkU , Imp As.s'nadd , w d
Twenty seven transfers. nsKng.itlng'.jOS.7 :
HuHillii 1'crinlts.
The followlns building psrmlts wore I :
supil yestordny by the supcrintcmlcnt i
bulldlnci :
Kmid Knndion. Improvements , Chicago
nuat Tnunty-llfdi , . . ' . /.J Cl
U P. I'rnin , nnpiovoiiients. Patrick live.
uenr 't'wouty-luui tli 1
Oeorurt Jl. llhott. Injpvovements , Charles.
bvtwetm 'l iiiity-uiijhth ftnd Twenty-
ninth. . ! _
John llia/t > kcottaKe , I'lftceuth nnnrVlI -
llnins , . . . , ' ' <
John \V. Paul , t\vo cdttnKei , Ilumllton
nearTwonty-'Kth 3.0
KilMiller , < ottnre ; , i.arluioru nonrTliltty-
fiUth. . . 1,0
I' ) ank Wusscimau , Juiprovemiuitu ; 21Q3
Kicholiii ' , 2
. Seven permits agf-regatlntf ( o,2
jtasuiierlor ' xcrllence proven In millions
hoimij for mpve than u o.u.lrter of H cMntnry.
Is used by the L'nlfcd Hlr.te.-i GoeiiiKnt. > . I
iWr tt ( by of thn Kroat unh-'er.ltle.t
thostiongest , puriMt 'iinil mo t bealthtul. I
rr-jam Il.iVlim I'owiler < ioe not conla
ammoiila , llinuor nlnin. fioKlnnl"lacUrt * .
New Voti , .Chicago , it. Lou
Tin * County Attorney Continue1) Ills
Proiceutlons ol' the Dcltniiucnts
County Attorney Slmoral nililcJ another
chaptcitho > ' poor , , /nrin .inw , buslnes.1
when - ho."filed''lctitlons lu the tini-io
of Douglas county.'a'ialust I. S. Hnsrall ,
Mjohaol Pono'van , W.B. . Wright , ftiiRli O ,
Clark and James S. G'ibsfmi . '
The papers In , the case against Unseall arc-
to jtforco the ootnl payments fm lots 2 and , blo'ck'J ; lots2 ntul II , lu block-I ; tot. ! ) ,
in blook A ; lot I , In block ' < : lots 5 nnd o ; In
block ( i ; lota , Jn block " . The nmouill back
on nil of theio lots Is * l 1,00.
The lols in wliii'h Donovan is In nvrcnrs on
nml In which the suit against him-was bemin ,
nru : Lot 'Jl m block 3 , lols 1 unit 2 in block
' 0 , lot 10 in block 4 , lots 13 anq If. In block 4 ,
lot 2U in block 4. The amount remaning yet
duo on till-so lots it $ ' ) , r > S"i.
W. E. Wright Is back fl.TiJJ on lot U in
block 7.
. Htifru O , Clark is back SKX ) on lot 111 in
block 7.
.Tames S. Gibson is bacl3tC53ou lots 5 and
' in block
County of Douglas ntraltist , John P. Coad
or $ tIW yet ililaori lot tilno In block four.
County of Douglas lunlnst David Alt inilti
or ? l)75 ) yet due on lot fifteen In block six.
County of Douglas nt > . lnst P. Uouclior , fdr
J75 yet duo on lot i' , In block IU.
County of Douglas njjmust X. A , Christen-
on , for 51,023 yet duo on lot 4 , In blork K ) ,
County of DoutMs against \ \ * . A. Gbddnrd ,
or ? 1,40U yet ihio on lot 15 , In block a.
Tlio good work will no on until i9mo dlspo-
tloil law been made of all the cases.
Tliiwe In Dnruult ,
The followlnp Is n list of the purchasers
i-liorlmve defaulted in their payment on the
oor furni lots :
.Tamos Ewi-itr , lots 11 block 1 , 9 block'J
lork'J , 11 block y , 5 block 4 : amount , $90.25.
W. 13. Alexander , lota 13 block 1 , 7 block
; amount , ' . ' .fi..O.
M.V. . Clair , lots 1 and 2 block St 23 block
; nmount , ? 3 , 73.
J. H. Hasciill , lot 3 blorl : ? . ' . ' , 3 mid -JO in
look 2 , 1 block 5. 3 and I ! block I , 5 nml (1 (
ilock U , ! block y ; umouiit $ lt'i50. : !
Chris Succht , lota S , 0 nnd 12 in block b ;
mount 31,333. ,
H. F. Hcdman , lot J4 block S Sl.qU" ) .
.1. J. Gibsonlot in block S,2) ) block 7 ;
imbunt , SlPtX ) .
F. Uouuhcr , lot 3 block 10 , 81,000.
N. A. Cliristiimson , lot 4 block 10 , $1,0" > 0.
Lucy Parker" , lot 5 block 10 , ' 1,010.
Ab' ' hjiniSmlfJi , lot Iftblocl ; 10. ? l,03a
H. fUlnrk \ , lot 10 block , 59.3.
W. If. Alexander , lot 1 bloi-k T , * lr..5 ,
W. A. Dawitr , lots 11 ami 14 block 3 ; 15
mil US blot-k * 3 ; nmount , iiv , ( ; . " .
\Vi A. Goddard , lot 13 , block 3 , &l3. .
C. I , . Drlscoll , lot IS , Mock 3 , Sl.HiTJ.
D. Jumisou , lot 14 , block li , $1,023.
D. Altmaii , lot 10 , block ( i , SI.OOO.
Charles Tatrccrt , lot 2. block 12. W Z.
Miss A. It. Smith , lot 17 , blccic G , > f.3. )
M. DonavHii , lots 15 , 10 , . ' : ) ami 10 , in block
1 andJ , block 0 , 2i , block I ! ; amount
* 11,775.
O. It. Wooloy , lot 2J , block 4 , $ ) ,0'U
Lcv.-ia McCoy , lot 1 , block 1 , J'J.VJI.
John E. Coad. lot 0 , block 4. ? 1,1U5.
K. Stuht , lot 7. block 7 , ? 1U30.
C. M. Mahan , lot IS , block V , ? 175. !
W. \Vrisjht , lot 14 , block r S 1.731) .
James Walsh , lot 3. block 2 , § 1,700.
J. S. Gibson , lots U und 0 , block S , 54.100.
words , flood , ' S.irnaparillaill not do
tupossibiUties. its proprietors toll
plainly what it has done- , submit proofs
roni sourceh of unqtipstioiied roliabil-
t.y. and ask you frankly if you are
uttering from any disea o or affection
caused or promoted by impure blood or
ow state of the system , lo try Ilood's
sai'sanurilla. The experience of others
sultleiont assurance tint you will not
: disappointed in the result.
The i'nvlnu of Kli.-vtMitli Street Likely
to Cnuie Trouble.
There seems to bo a prospect of a flrst-class
lirht over the pavement of South Eleventh
street , which , it is threatened , will be cirnud
on in the courts. The contract , it is claimed ,
was let to Hush Mui'phy & Co. ami the nui-
: eriil h stonO. Some tluio ao , how
ever , after u species of bull-do/-
iuy , it id claimed on the part
of the contractors , and when It was
made to appear thut atone had won a vle-
ory. an ani-cemcnt was. effected at a muqt-
iiff jicld ut Pomy & Sojrolko's that the street
ilioulil not. bo p.xved until it was narrowed at
some places , widened at others , and until the
strcut company ready to lay Its
trucks. The last part of this arrangement
wns insisted upon because othnrwiso the
street car compuny would utilize the puv-
imr atones for which the tax-payers
had paid. The car company has not as .vet
secured riK'litof way over the viaduct , they
Imvo not laid their truck on south Eleventh
street and yet , yesterday. Murphy com
menced to unload his pavius blocks along tne
t > ttt > Qt,9 and It is claimed for the purpose of
laying them immediately. This has made
the citizens indignant uml they
ha'vo banded to iet loj , ' . 1 ndvUo
with a vlow-to obtaining an injunction to rO
strain the laying of the stone. The facts
presented to the attorneys Rp to show , in the
estimation of the latter , that the contract in
question has been procurett by fraud and can
bo set aside. It is claimed that'll majority of
the owners Qf the froutiujo on thu street ,
comprising about. 1,700 foot , had al
ready binned' for cypress blocks and
that the petition had been illcd
with the ulty engineer. The thirty days in
which the. people hail u riijht to select their
paving expired on the 110th Qf last April. The
petition was scon in the city engineer's ofllca
and v.'hllu that ofllchil was absent in thu
cnstern ono of hia two ofllcos.
Councilman Lov/ry b-aid li'o would
take the doeumcnt and show
it to somebody. On the following Tuesday ,
the 2d of May , the petition for stone was cir
culated. This was after the limit sot by
ordinance. If these facts bo true , Murphy
has no right on the street , but it is thought
the cuurU , will have to act In thu matter.
the Wnvos ,
A storm at sea means inevitable seasickness
ness fargcean travelers. The vibration of a
steamer's screw , oven , is a soi'o trial to any
but tbo strongest stomach. "Splicing the
main brace , " as the imbibition of a glass is
Jocularly terpicd by sailors , Is a. poor substi
tute for the swallowing of that incomparable
tramiulllizcrof icu-.siek .stomacjis , Hostettor's
Hitters , which no commercial traveler , tour
ist or Invalid should bo without in "
the. briny , " qr making a tedious land Journey ,
Xo anmcdjcated'stimuhint of commerce is
comparable for oftluacy to the ( treat Invigor
ant , E.migrauts to. the west pronounca it a
reliable preventive of malarial infection , as
well ns oilier complaints to which hardship ,
Impure water ami miasma-tainted * vapors
iivo ; rjso. It renders brackish water drink
able and harmless , nml Is a llnq fomody for
( I'sQrdors of the stomach nmj bowels , and for
kidney troubles ami rheumatism.
' -liE IS OX TsTIMU. !
A 11. K M. Attorney Seeks n Collier CH-
intuo.nml l o4t.
John U.'uwson , of Alma , ' Neb. , wjis attorney
for the U.- & M'.ra1lroad at .thut point and in
Hartan'county. On tire 17th of Juuo ho ar
rived in this city'on his ' .way to Chicago ,
where ho was gains tto sct'tlo npapm'ulttw
business and estates that He. ha'd charge of :
While hero ho'kupl buforo him too long the
Idc'ii of passing tnrougli prohibition Iowa , Ho
.d\Vell'long-at tho.-biir 0f the eitjruii&'Uccniiu )
sorcly-jn need of friendly assistance , This
needed asalstanco yamcr froni-n , young n'ttdr-
noy of the citjrand Da'wson'\ sobered up
nnd. "was uila to" " goon cast.
Alter " . nn'ivinp -'Chicago and . .be-
fore , he . Ilimhed uphis busJitests
ho went on n p.rwtractc'd drunk untl while In
that coii'diUon v.-as relieved of , 'large-amount
Qfjexchango paper \\iai \ l 3 liad taken with
hint to convert Inurcwlito bo.uscd1 hi'ifetfllna
up lu-i'legal.bnslpcss
Af.ter he had bcgn away BUVCVO ! days Mrs ,
Dun-son , his wife , wfoo had been Jeft ntwViina
with the lIvo'cMldren of "their-family , be-
eanamiicli ahrrincdtibout her husbUnd and
not Having heard from- him during , his ab
sence , got a friend ot.his to go to Chicago
and sco If any aOflildnt Imd.uefaUtii 'him. ' A
Itievtivo was employed und after working
oq the ciibe for Dome'time ho learpnd that
Dajtvson the city mid gone wV t. It
was alas learned that ho had been ' In
Oimilla on his. return'tha S31U of June.
A letter has since bej'cu , received , by friends
Continental Clothing
, . . . - , . " . ' . 1J '
L House West of the Mississipp
, We will send packages containing suits of clothing , clotns and woolens of all kinds kept
in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota , Colorado , Kansas and Wyo
ming C. O. D , , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article
ot merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for the m'and
if not perfectly satisfactory , returninsr goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts ex
ceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we
have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfac
tory results. You take no risk. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they.
do not please you.
Corner 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska
of Mr. Dawsdn's In Pluttsmouth , from him
dated at I'm tlnnd , Ore1. , and stating that ho
( Uawfcon ) is on hia way to Vancouver's Is
land , where homtviHlscn'ciiniaome Kovurn-
mcnt 1'ind. Ho stilted in the letter that this
country was too hot for him and he would
not live In it itnrlm ; the rtiimmor. .Mrs.
Daw.son is VcVy much relieved since she has
hoard from him and feels sure
that ho will return homo in
a very shor tjiuo. He had ? lGOiHn money
with him , unit his friends thiuk that us soon
as that is all pone ho will return to bis family
and ncclectea law practice. The payment of
the oxehangu paper Mr. D.uyson had with
him when ho wunk to Chiiugo has beun
stooped , PO that .his little vacation will only
cost him 31,1'A ) . Ho is n man of means , and
hia family Will not sutTor financially from
this little sprcoi
State1 Natlonii' , GooiI-Hye.
The State Xatioiuil bank has concluded to
go out of buslnchs , mid on next Wednesday
the directors will meet to effect this purpose.
The ofllcc used by the bank has Deeu rented
by tlio Omaha UankiiiK association , who will
move into it immediately.
. . o
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
Meillcal anfl Bri nUHc silll has at last pplvis ? the
frubU'in of ( lie IOUK ucotal inwllciuw for the nor.
rous , ileliltltateil , anil the atrcil , t > y cuniljininjf tha
bail unr o.tnnlc * . C'clt-r } ' "nil Crtca. VN Ith olh r effoc.
tlve rtim'illes , whlai , actiuir fi ntly but clllrli-ntly
on thu kMnoyx , Ilxer ami lioui-lg , ITUIOVU iUnraa < i ,
rcuttire etrcugtb aiidreiiew TitaUty. Till ? medicine is
. If fills a. rl oo hrretcfore. imorcuiiftl , anil rearki
K new era lu thn tnatr.ient of uf irons troulilix.
Ovi-nvprk , anxl tjillhoo s lay the foundation ft
ucnroin iirostratioii anil weakness ud uxjirH-nc
liai Bhown that tlic unttl n-innlim Uo not iiiuid tlio
train and caral > ! a of thunen-ouH aytlrm ,
Recommended by prcfessional und busineSii mon.
bond for rlrcuUrs.
I'riceSI.OO. Sold by druesWu.
WELLS , RICHARDSON&CO. , Proprietors
It hai Btood the Test of Ye ro ,
Ln Curing alt DiBeasss of the
ELS.&e. . ItlMilflOBtho
Blood , InTigorates an'd
dlsappeAfat once under
( [ KIDNEYS Ua beneficial influence.
STDMAGH It U purely a Medicine
as its cathartic proper
ties forbids its me as a
beverage. .It-is pleasant -
ant to the taste , and as
easily taken by child ,
ren as adults.
Bole I'roprUtors.
ST.Louia u' " "
r.m Ixi nuliklr'CURED at Lom by uilntr
UITAI IABI Ome 1' ' * ' " " *
VII Ah I ADaWK I O dTcrnuda fur
OOI ) . .u. II byinalli trial t rkaE 23e.Clri.'Ulanrrr < - .
tTalliaUl KUtbl u. U IXwkara IMnil. lUICiLO. LU.
Cured. : SM/1 ER
lly uv
Yoyr Left Liver
A Proprietary Mudlcinu that needs but u trial
to prove Its worth.
Dr.Calbdei's . ' Left liver Bitters ,
Tlio Only Distilled IlitteM in the 1'nlteil
Htntt'.s. The only Bitters recognized l > y th
rnltPtlStutei InterTinl revenue mwst n u 1'ro-
prlutnrj Moilli'lno. Lawfully 1'atuutod. No. of
1'atent 149,573 , Contalus no tusll oil : ) , no
iMsi > ntlaiollHn ( ) forclrn snl > stance oriliuniin-
ln diucH. A perfectly puru meillolnc. coin-
pomuleii from Pure Knot Herbs ami OM I'ench :
pleasant ti < th taste , qnlot and decisive- Its
i-irect. Cure ? Dyspepsia or Yellow JanniUco in
tlveilay.s. Itruulatos thn IloweU. Invlcorntes
Inactive I.iver. Cures Dlseaseil Liver , ICevlvei
tlio Kulneyo , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
IteKiilntes the nulo system. New Ilfo to the
whole fcystmn
SOLD KVEK'V\vilI--tK. |
Manfactt'red aud for sale \\holeialu by
Barbero & Callender ,
Ccrlified Checks , Payable al Sight on the
Puget Sound National Bank Given as
Security for Money Invested.
To the r-ilo iruusof buying iiroporly on tlnie.wo
offer the following : \VP will nllow from : t niontlii
tuft years'time , acconllnu to thu Inint you buli'ct.
Wu clmr u iR'tthor iiri'iulnin nor lnlere ! < t on tliao
, Jiml will tilveynu a wHrriinty.ilced , We
lave lots nt .VI ( \ ) ami luVUUlhiit nro nltlifn n nidlua
uf t\\o Hii t u half miles of the po < 4t > ottice m3
( iiitro'only ID pur cent , a * an eariu"t inonpy nnil we
nlllKlvcccrtltlml check for the lull amount uf each
anil every HiiMariiHint puyuipnl , TheiliQittlHilrawn
by Ihu 1'iiuutSii \iiUunil I : hunk until * nmilemy |
nbloiitiiluhtilndyducan draw your irioniiy utuny
tlnmtliuiiEhlironilolnit 5011 forfeit jiuirrlKhth to
liurchiKuland. .Miiko your Ineomn , no matter how
email , eiirn 'ninoililni- . 'rr.inacuntliicntulrullrojiln
1110 liL'iiiliiic fur ricjiitlo , anil luaniilnctnrliiElKllour'
MiliiK fioncrul roniiiii'rcii It In U.blutuul Milulim.
lutl unurei-lon. 1 lie chilly | mK | > .n urn tilled with
accounisof new onterprlsei Caliln rnff and hnr i
cnrsclrulucjouulc. Aihlrnn L'OOK tlr MOOHK ,
Who huvo tha I.AIUSKsT rilul'UUl'V J.lbT In
Itemarltable for powerful aymp * *
thetle tone. liliaClq action uud '
aolute qurablllty. i > J years'
thn best gu rant a of tUe excel
lence of tnei)6 lustrliratrutij.
E.T.Allen , M ; D. , '
. IloiUcEOpathlc Sptclulbt , '
tit AND NOSE ,
BpecUclu Accurately PiMcrlbod.
, II * . J. UALIlTtAJTn ,
' Surgeon and Physician ,
Olllco N. W CtTinrr i4th untl UoiiKlaa tit. Offlc *
telepliono , 405 ; liualduucit t lepUon , 94J.
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Aids Digestion ,
G'ttre.s Dyspepsia ,
Sti'eiifithens tha System ,
Itcstorcs Sound , HefruslilHU
1'rScclcsa to JViersfny Mothers ,
RecoiiiiiiciiuGil liy Eminent Pliysicians ,
For Sale I/ ) all Drntjui ta and litch-
ardson Dmy Co. , Wholesale Dniy-
The largest , fiieient and Unesl In tlio world
Passenger accommodation ! unexcelled.
-Yew YorkU > Ulu iroirYlu2ouilouilnrrv
AM-noiitA Jin.v tnii I
DKVHMA In.v21 t I
L'lllCASHIA J L'l.Y th I
NEW yonic TO l.iVKitroor.
TbnColchrutod | Ijiru'c-t uii'l finest i'as-1 Jur.v lllli
steamship senior tUi'aimtr tu Aim. Mh
CITY Of JtOJIK I 'lie Wiitlil. I Nit. | Mil
The Celi-bnitoi ) nnd finest Pnv .It'XK 11th
t ) nuni-er Meiunur In Jl'l.v ' Mil
CITVOl-'HOMB thi ) World , A III , ' , bill
Suloon ( i.itguuc to Glusxow. i > crr ) ' . J.lvrrponl. llelfn t
orO.tnemti > iTiiTOiiMil upwunM iicr Ulni ow Stoniu-
on. Ml iuul upwiirUs tor city of IMmo. M > cnnllliii9
f-V. lleluru tlckett tit reducoil rntu niailu iiTullnlilo
for clthiT route , iiHerlng uxciiislunlilH thu prlvMouu
of ii'olii ! . ' thu North iuul Hnuth of Irolnnil , tlie Ulvor-i
Mvroor nml | ilcturo iiio | Clile. htuoraitn IJJ. Alichnr
l.lnu iirnlt V'lijniiki Ireu ol rlnruv , milil Ht lowest
ruici For liouk of tours , tickers or furtliei luforinn-
tlnn apply to
HENDERSON BROS. , 72 La Ballo St. , Chicago.
Or to unjr of our local UKCIIU
Eel Bugs , Roach53 , Ante , Flea ?
Anil uny othur Insects , USD
K OKH'J EllUin
Infallible Insect Powder ,
Al o contructs ) taken for clean-
Ins hotels , hors ItnlHaml privnto reslilenced from
vermin. Satis' i"1 ! Inn. gnarantce * ! or no imy.
Principal Dotiot 4H ! South 13th Street.
Advurtlslun bus nlwnys jiroVoil
Bucccssful. He fore jil.iclnif any
Nuwt paper AclvortlsliiH oonsut
rtf ( . CHICARO.
State University
The bcvernl Depaitments will bet-In' tlvo yeat
' l tW'l ' UH VollDWh
September 12. Uolleglte , Law and Pharma
October 3d. MeiUctil , HoUu > bpathlo Medical
anil 'Delitnt.
. KuHi ilepartment is thoroiiglily pqntppeil.wltli
clllclentork. . anil no palmt will b hpared tc
afford htmlent * thu best poiilble opportunity
to purnllo ther | chosen lines of stmty.1 Tor pur
tRulnr Intornmllim us to Ihu ru. > pii.tlvu de
partments ; address as folluwn
( ; olleflato-'iiAni.Kd , \ ; HniAKrflni , Pi'csl'
dent , IinvuClty. . -
Law KMI.IK JlcC'i.Aix , Vlco-ChancOllor , lown
Jleillral W ; F. TjJCK , M , 1) , , IJoan of 1'acultr ,
llomii'opathlo Meillcal A. P. Cowi'Kicrii-
WAIT > : , Jl. I ) . , Dennof Kucnlty , Iowa ( , 'tty.
] ) ent i-u r. Is'ii.uioi.ii ' , I ) . I ) , y. , bi-anoi
Fncnlty , KeoVnk.
Pharmiicoutlcal U. I. . HOKIINKII , ph. ,0. Dean
of Vacuity ,' it- .
KxpeiH , sin all di-partmonU are icnionablo ,
Coat ot board in inlyntij families , U to i.'ipti
et-k ; In clubs , H.W to ? 2.50 per freek.
> Vircntnloauo9 , or for general information ,
. BCHAKITKU , President .
houtliVlllliunstiiwn ; Iterkshlro county ,
Mans. A private riool for hey . 1'repare foi
college , aclentlHchchool or luulnriH. 1'orty-sov
ontli year betrln Tluiisduy , t-eptwnlier IJtn ,
1'or catalogue uddrcis ( i I'.O. K M I M.S.
_ Principal.
J-I'eek klll-on-llnaon. N.Y 8enl ) for c t -
OKUO. JNO. M.TILOUN , M D. , JI.A. 1'rluclpal
HunnlnR between Couucll Illuffs ami Albright.
In addition to thu fitatlons mantlonuil , tratna
stoji at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth stwets ,
anil at the Summit in Umiiha.
broadway - Trims- Omaha . bolltli
way , fer. Depot.Shooly. Umnha bright.
A. Jl. A. Jl. A. M. A.M. A. M A. M.
nt5 ; 5M : 0:00 : 0:01 :
0:10 : ' ' 0W : ) n-M
l.V ) ; > 7'l' : : 7:3.1 : TM
7:4.'i : H:0'i HtO : ;
0:01) :
It : II 10:1 : : . ' 10:39. :
1(1 ( : ir , 11 : < X > 11:13 : U-3J
' r. M. _ l > . M. P.M. P.M. '
I''M ! . M. 13:12 : 13:2.1 :
Uir : > i-url 1:3 : }
:3. : )
-:4' : ! 3:13 UJ3.1 3:3) ,
4:05 : 4:31 :
4 sM nii-J 5:2,1 :
oioi 0:3.1 :
ll:4'i : 7t : : ) 7:3.1 :
7i'i : B:3j : H0 : ; !
Kill 8-r , aim oji-i 11:3,1 :
: 1UIU : 1U:35 : 10:3J :
. . , . ll-MI
r , , ar.
10:41 : J- ° -iv. | iianf ; Ili3 : UiW
Al South ' Uinuini- TlHIW- llroud-
bright. Omaha. Shos'loy fur. wny.
A ; M. A. M. A. M , A.M. A. M. A.M.
5:1.1 : n-.oi
Hill ) 0:15 : 6:3.1 : 0:30 : 0:13 : 0:50 :
7:00 : 7:3D : 7It : } 7 : < 1
7M : 7:1 : 8:07OI : HM ; M.:37 : 83j ;
H.V : ) : OI 0:35 :
! l:5ij : II-i 10:07 : 10:11 : wS. 10:31 :
10:51 : 1ICI7 : 11:11 : 11:31 : 11-.33
11:51) : ) ! P. > l. P. M. P. M. P. M.
1' . M. ' . j ; 13:1)7 : ) 13:15 : 18 SIS
1:15 1:37
' :
TlKi r'-m. 3:11 : 3:37 : 3:33 :
8:50 : 11:37 :
4:07 : 4JI5 4:31 : 4:35 :
B:07 : ' 5:15 : 6:37 : B:3V :
Ul)7 : ) 0:1.1 :
ii:7) : ) B5S ; 7:07 : 7:15 : 7:37 : 7:31 :
7.V : ) 7:51 : H:07 : 8:3 : *
8:51 : ull.1 nai
" HIM 10'n7 ! 10:15 : 10:37 :
1U:5.1 : 11:07 : > r 11:1/1 : /
11:55 : l.mii : ( > Iv 11:3) : )
Leave. Ari'ivo ,
ANo. II 4:00p. : in. I ) No.2. . , .R:2U : a. In.
It No. 8 Bill p. m. A No. I.J. ,11 : ; H. in.
O NO. il ilM : n. in.lo No.5. . . ,5:45 : p , m.
A No. 4..U:40 : n. m.iA No.3. . , .nGO : p. m.
U Dei Molnoa Accommodation.
( -De.s Molnew Accoinmoilntlon.
A : ina.m.A | No. 3 H : 15 a.m.
A No. 1:00 : p. in. A'No.7 llSiOa.m.
ANo.4 11:11 : | i. in.A | No. 5 0fXJp.m. :
KANSAS crrr , S.IOIKV rofNcii * m-i'i-'iiu
A No.8 . . . .11:85 : a. m.A , Np. 0:31 : a.m.
A No. 4 . . . . : IO p. m.iA No. i 0W : p.m.
A No.10 : No. ! )
A No.12 TtUlp , HIM No. 11. . . . VWii.iu. :
OMAHA i ; HT. 1,01'IS.
A No.8 3lOp.m.A : |
No , 14 8W : a , in. A No.5 U:4' : ' ) a.m.
No. I i > > 4) a. m. D No. 15 0:45 : a.ui ,
No H 4i ; < ) p. m. ' No , 7 fi:0) : p.m ,
No. U nil No. 3 7IW ; p.m.
A dully ; I ) d.illy except Sat. ; C dally uxcopt
bun. ; i ) except Mon. ; t fait mail : Limited.
nij U tins given unrm.
iftl unlUlnctlon In thi
euro cl Uonorrbcra mad
( licet , 1 prcicrlbe U ud
( eel i ( o In recommend'
Ing It to nil luflcMM.
4.J. 8T05KB , K.B. ,
Dteitnf , IM.
PRICK , 81.00 ,
Bsia ty