Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    THD& & OMAHA. DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JULY 13 18891
Whoftt Buloe Fairly Firm Dcepito
Much Boar Nowo.
Dfltn Nervous and DoollnliiR-A Gootl
liiiftlncNH Done In Provlslonw
Cnttlc Activeiinil HtroiiKcr
HOKM Htondy Quotations
CtifCAoo , July 12. [ .Special Telegram to
TUB Hitn.l The wlicat tnnrkct opened } ff ( *
ifc off this morning on the expectation thnt
Hntcbinson's holillnpn woulil conic out. His
line Is KC'icnilly ' supposed to ntjgreRiito
rlWOWX ) bushels or pver , anil the pos-
Bltilo tlTect of the dumping - of
such nu amount filled Iho llttlo
bulls with nlnrtn. H nvo way suddenly ,
Miontly before the middle of the forenoon
without nny other iipparnnt euiso : than that
llutchlnson wa silliiiK. Ucforo the day
was KOIIO the crowd had the llutchlnson
wheat Bold out half u doVcn times , and in the
face of It all CURIO the announcement aliout
noon that C. L. HUchlnson , prciiilcnl of the
board , was about to stint to the couhtry with
his father , anil that the old gentletnan'fl lno }
ofwtieat wus "intact. " The crowd "cop
pered1' the hist statement and weld ri > ; lit and
left. Oncq market rallied to the extent of
JfCJJfa lmt il ' "oko again and agtcd as
though oppn-swd with moro wheat than
could bo easily dlgvstod. Uudahy was sup
posed to ho selling , but the common undcr-
stnndlng was that the Icviatlmn of macula-
ton ) , "OJd Hutch , " was really and as o mat
tcr of fact KCttintf mt ] , of the market and
closing up his deals preparatory to retiring
temporarily from the speculative menu. The
big battles of the day were around bOo foi
August. Several of these occurred , anil
while It was not seemingly a dllllcult mattei
to get the price to that point , it was found
impossible to beat it below bOo. The closing
wius above it and the tone was far from weak.
Foreign news was to the effect thut wcathoi
c-ondltIons were unfavorable and that mar
kets wcro 111 in with ti well dollned upwanl
tendency. It was reported to-da.V that for
eigners woio good bu.vois In this murkot and
New Vorlt. The Knglisti trade in p.irticuhu
RVCIII * to bo Waking up. As u general thing
crop newo from the northwest Is fa\orable ,
but more or less uneasiness is experienced ii
certain quartets over the prospects o :
damngo fioin rust and heat. New
wheat Is beginning to arrive It
St. Louis in larger volume , but no
oilier market is getting anything worth men
tlonlng. The local situation was inllucncci
largely by the unloading of a single line
\Vlicntclosedto-duy at 1'jytl e lower thai
Cora was active and very weak. Countr.\
rolling on line crop prospects depressed the
distant futures , nnd tlui Ireo realizing of
heavy lines of corn bought for August nnd
September wilted the near by end of the
list. The market was very badly depressed
ftom start to llnish , and this average decline
on the day was l Cii'-1- '
Trading was rather moro active than usual
in oats and the tone at the close nervous
and llabby. A feeling of quietude pervaded
this cereal , and while a fair liUondmice
of traders was noted , the actual
volume of business was light , with
price changes conllnod within narrow
limits and tending toward easiness ,
There weic no new outside inlluencos in operation -
oration and the recent interest di.splHj'cd in
the July option hud largely disappeared.
Tins month opened J < fe lower at lllc , declined
to ! ) ( > > < , and later recovered nnd ruled about
Btendy throughout the session , 'i ho passing
business was ehielly in August , though de-
fen ed futures were in some request at sub-
btantially .yesterday's prices.
At the morning call of provisions the sales
iniulo aggregated O.KW ) barrels of pork , 500
tierces of lard and ti.lO.IK'O pounds of short
ribs. In the day's general trading short ribs
rather led In Interest. For the forward de
livery they were in good dcmaud nnd it
was intimated that u certain largo
packer and distributer of property was
increasing his holdings for the purpose of
controlling the market. Pork solu lower
than yesterday , but practically recovered the
ground lost befoto the close. Lnrd , though
less active than short ribs , was relatively the
strongest article traded in , and rested at an
actual advance of f > ( iTKc. ( In shoit r > bs the
nppreciatlon established was ! 2 } @ .ric , while
jiirl ; unchanged toKc lower. Lard was
mipportrd mainly by English houses. In the
entire trade thorn wan less excitement than
yesterday , though quite a fair business was
transacted. C.isli property , however , sold
rather sparingly ,
CmoAoo , July 1'J. [ Special Telegnim to
THU UEI : . I CATTLE Receipts , 9,003.
Tr.iilo was again active anil prices a shade
stronger ou good natives , so mo salesmen
( muting an advance of ll'c ' , but the general
market wus only .active and strong. Thcio
was larger per cent of natives than ycstcr
Any ivnd among them were several lots of fine
dry fed steers. Taken altogether It was u
fiatisfnctory market for salesmen. Shipping
order * m'ro libcnil and the dressed beef
tr.ida wanted about an average number.
Texans were comparatively scarce and sold a
atrong lOc higher. The rim of Texans was
less than 2,000 nnd there was less than 0,000
in sight in Kansas City , St. Louis and Chicago
cage , against J2KX ) and 1 ! ( , ( * ) on Holiday
mid Tuesday. Tim advance in Tuxnns and
tlto light run Had n stimulating effect on com
mon natives and butchers stock and although
thcro wus no substantial advance salesmen
camu nearer getting their price than on any
( lay this woek. The stockcr nnd feeder trade
remains quiet. The arrivals of suitable
stock cattle were unusually light and prices
rather on the up turn than otherwise. Quo
tations were as follows : Choice to extra
beeves , USO to 1000 Ibs , $ ( ; ;
medium to good steers , 1:150 : to 1400 Ibs ,
S. * > .oO ( < } 5.-U ) ; I' lK ) to ir : > 0 Ibs , $ t.TO@5.5 ;
1 J to IWK1 Ibs , fl.OO@-I.O.V stockers and
feeders' W.fiOwil.Wl ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
WOtolOO Ihs , i'J.'JiVjfl.lB ; cows , Sl.4UOtS.llU ;
western rangers , $ Js55iM)0. | ( )
Hoos-Urci'ipts , 21IKHI. Trade was fairly
nc.tivo imd prices steady at the decline of KMii )
15e noted on Wednesday. Hest heavy sold
litf5.MC'(5.W ) , and best mixed at f3.7l ) @ " > . < 5 :
light borts , t5.7Bjl5.bO. All wore sold uud
nmi lct ; closed steady.
l < 'lNANOI.\li.
Js'r.w YoiiKf July 12. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Hii.1SToeiJ8 ! The. stock market was
excessively nervous and Undiluted sharply News regarding dressed beef and
, Hvo Block rates wus as. dopi cssing as over ,
f the ICrlo reducing i-ntc qn dressed beef to
Nuw Vork to Oo ntul Hvo stock- rates to Do.
Luko'Shoro'also cut" rates pn wopl 3c , Kric
nniuui.ic s that rates Will oo cut lo per day
until the . Oown to lo , At prcserit
. _ figures Uicrols'adcud losslii thobUsmossaml
. .the fiuUoatlons for a rostoratioli to u paying
b sts. a'ro'as tjs 'over. News from
( ho west' was' incagra owlrtg to poor tolc-
. .ernVhle coinmtlnicatlon. Tlis market opened '
"Irregular , tirst siilcs btini ; at concessions
from } i to fpor cj-nt ge'n i'
' Slight l.ossriy re sustaiuud In early dcullne.
.Ths'ilcclluQ'.was followed''iiow ivors by a
Keneral advance , which'was In1 most 'of Vbo
' list ' conlincd _ to small fractions oiily. The
'lijarket bc'cawo positively , dull dbJUt1' 11
, tO'clock and tlicro was fa slight reaction from
t t
I 'best figures. The 'Hurlingtou 'developed
t-trcngtji and advancctl IJ/oti tire report'that
. Muifagcr Stone HAd rfcslgn.ed.'nnd'-th'o .price
toui lic\f l .hut fell } { Wforo.2'.o'cldck : 'Al
though Cjfilragb opqrators , have , ijought
IJrnncers frct-ly of late tlje heft Interest 'Is
still said to bo lurgd. und In' tome quartos
. h rsUmat'M ' at' 50,000. share's. ' Mieliigilfa
CcntK'tr , which tm attracted llttlo attention
of lute , droypeil Iff. Gould' properties wcfo
' .sc-ci-ully easier uiidMissouri PiVitia lnok
1 point. Trader * who have , bought stock ( era
a turn decided to secure profits find nt the
same time test the market. At the Inst hour
the market became ilccfdedly Irregular , but
last Sale * on n majority of stock1 } were oil n
weak market and showed irregular changes.
The principal advances wore K point on
Utirlliifton and > on Lackawanno. Declines
were 1 ' < , points on Michigan Central , } tf on
Llike Shore , 1 on Hock Island , % on St. Paul
nnd Northwestern , and Jtf on Western
Union. Total salps were io2,000 ! shares.
Govr.iiXMEXTi Government bonds were
dull but steady.
II. P. < s rojulnr 127 Northern I'urlflc. . 2 < %
v.s.4scoupon4. . .n ; dopreferied iVIJ {
I J. S.4'i ' regular 107 J C. A. N. W
U. H. 4'incoilpous. ' 1071 , ! do preferred , . . . .HI
rucltin M of VI I1H iN. V. Cunt nil Hfi .
iVntral I'ncllle , : < 2' . ( I' . . ! > A 1 ! IMS
rhlrngo A ; Alton , Vfi ( Hock Iflnnil . . . .HM'.J
Clilcngo , iiurfltigtcm C. . M..VSI. I' 7ii
* Qnlnry ll- ' do preferred. . mA.
n. . I , . Jew . . . Ml' ' , St. 1'iiul .V Omaha
Jii'liioN Contrni . il lfVlopreferred { . .lf l
i.n..v\v. ia , rnionrnciiic r/i'
KunsHii .V'lVxus . l.TV W. . St. Ii. .V 1' ! - '
InkcShore . I'J I do pri'feriecl l'i '
illi'lilKiincontml Hi' ; Western L'nion 7b't '
Mlf.-cjiirll'ndllo . . 74 > i !
MONEY oyC\it-r-Kiny at lVfl ( } . per crnt.
PiiiMB MuircANTiLu"1'Ai'Ki : ' ) ( < j5j } per
STIIIUNO : K.vritvxon Steady and un-
clinngcd atSJ.'s" fot- sixty day bills : $ - l.SJS }
fbr demand.
1'UouucK MAKKITS. :
Ciic | ro ) , July I',1. Wheat Weak , lower
cash ami .luly , Sl5Tc ( : August , M ) IMI ) ;
September , M ) 1-Itic ; UcePtiiicr | , b2\c bid.
Corn Lower ; e.isji , July , and . August ,
4y. ; September , 4 > i 5-ll'c.
Oats Lower ; cash , July 31'bc ' ; August ,
23140asked ; September' , 5'c. '
Hye- August , 4Sc.
Flour Quint and unchanged.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders iO.VKWHrW : short
clear , 87.I.-'S.OJ ! ; short riba , $7.7."iCir.-5
Mutter'-Firmer ; creamery , l" > &l5.ic
dairy , lllijr.dll c.
Cheese Firmer ; full cream cheddars t > (
S'fo ' ; full cream flats , k(7i ( ) < ' 4r ; fancy youn
Americas , b' dt'.lc ; skimsr good ,
skims , Hat , t'.d.c'ie. '
Escs Steady , randlodlMJ (0,14c. (
Hurley Notliing doing.
Flax-Cash on tracK , tl.12.
Prime Timothy No trading.
Whisky ? l.yo.
Hides Unclianged ; preen salted calf ,
( S 5c ; heavy gret-nsalted iJO'if c. ; light gieeu
failed , riJfCifde ; salted bull , 3jfe ; dry Hint ,
8c , dry calf , be ; deacons , U0@oo ! each ; dry
called , ( Xfi.ic.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
3Jjc ; No. " , .ic , and cake , 4o per Ib.
Heeoipt-i. Shlpmonts.
Flour , bbls 14HK ( ) b.llOO
Wheat bu lil.OOU ( i.UiW
Corn , bu ( .1.000 14VUC )
Oats , bu 10.1,001 lll.WK !
Uyobu 1,000 17X ( ) (
Now Vork , July 12. Wheat Uceeliits ,
MXK ( ) ; exjiorts , ! ilAUO ; options opened ' 4rt (
? Ho lower , closing ht'iivy at near the lowest
ungraded red. b7'H@Jjc ) ; No. t ! red , sS' ' . , (
Vfc in store , ! K ) ' ( ( illc ! deliveredUO Cityi i :
f. o. b , ; Angilht closing at vi i1'
Corn Receipts , 17,000 ; exports , 5 ,000
ungraded , mixed , -l'i ) ! ( .1i ( > c ; No. 'J. .ViJ " e ir
store , I'iCit@ ! > ( 'i c delivered ; No. 2 c. 1. "uiiil
i. , 53'4C ; August clooinp lit D.lo.
Oats Keceipts , l'J.0'0 ' ; exports , S.WIO ;
mixed western , tO&tliSc ; white western , 4 J' >
ColTee Spot fair ; Hio llrm atSll.50otions ; ) )
higher and steady : sales , .V ! , . ' > 0(1 ( bags ; July
tll.nojOill 70 ; August10.4DiS10.lU ( ! ; Septem
ber , * ! l..lKi ( llH ) ( ) ,
Petroleum Firm ; united closed at * ! Uo
Kggs-Quiet and easy ; western , lG > < ; ni
1'ork Dull , but fairly steady ; mess w.if
quoted nt13.7.X'ijl- < for old ; rl4.7r > ( (615 ( OC
for new.
Laid Easier ; western steam , § S.I7 ! .
Butter Quiet : western , JiKifJOu.
Cheese Fai" dciiiund ; western , 7@S' ' ( c.
St. liOiilM. July 12. Wheat Higher ; cash
7'.l,1 © 3Uc : July , S.c ! ; August , tOjsc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 47e ; August. 4IiJ-j'c.
Oats Kasierjcash)3'4tMc ; ) ' ( : ; July , liii
August , Wl'ie. '
Pork $14.00.
Lard Nominal.
Whisky Jl.14.
Hutter Steaily ; creamery , IGiJi'Mc ; dairy ,
140 ? Kie.
Iiivofpool , July 13. Wheat Steady bu
quiet ; holders offer moderately ; California
No. t , ( is SdtglJs ' .Id per cental.
Corn Steady ; demand fair ; new imxci1
western , 4s lid percental.
MlnncniiollH , July 12. Wheat Receipts
ir/.i cars ; shipments , incurs. Sains were imiili
at from , ' 40 to J e below yesterday's closing
Closing : No. 1 hard , eiibhSl e : on track
8llo ; No. 1 northern , cash , SO e ; on track.
SlO Sl c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 'ityfo ; on
track , 77'sc. '
Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in sacks ,
Milwaukee , July \1. Wheat-Cash , 79o ;
August , 77 Lc.
Corn Quiet ; No. 8 , 47c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 36c.
Hurley Quiet ; No 2 , 5'Jc.
Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 66u.
Pork-July , $13.42 .
Lard SS.07.
Clncliinntl. July 11. Wheat In light
supply ; No. 2 red , old , Mo ; new , SOJtfe.
Corn Firm and higher ; No. 2 mixed , .11 ®
Oats In coed demand and higher ; No. 2
mixed , 25lg35Kc. ! (
Hyo Dull and lower ; No. 2 , 53c.
Pork Steady at $14.23.
Lard Firm at $120.
Whisky Active at $1.14.
KIUIHAH City , July 13. Wheat No. 2
red. cash. ftS' e bid.
Corn No. 2 cash , 13c.
Oats-No. 2. cash , 20J < ? c.
New Orloans. July 12. Corn Irregu
lar ; mixed , CiOCu'B2c ; yellow , C2u ; white , IISc.
Oats Excited and higher ; No. 3 , 4S ) c of
Cornmcal Steady at $ i.S5.
Hog Products Scarce und firm ; pork ,
? 14.2K ( ! : hint , $7.73.
Hulk Moats Shoulders , $0.50 ; long clear
and clear ribs , I7.UO.
. July 12. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Keceipts , 10,00) , including 8,400
Texas and western cattle ; shipments 405 ;
natives active and lOo higher for dcsiranlo
grades ; choice to extra beeves , $5 b5(70.30 ( ;
common to coed , * 4.00f5..t ( < > ; stockers and
feeders. S2.5'tV ( : UH ) ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
Sl.SVjMJ HJ ; Texas catllo2 8X4&93 ; western
ranuers , I.S-fe4.00.
Hogs Uecelpts , 21,000 ; shipments 0,000 ;
market uctivu imd values steady ; mixed ,
heavy , $5.00(25.00 ( ; light , $5.55
Sheep Receipts. 3,500 ; trade brisk at 5@
lOo lulvanco : natives , $ : t.lO(3. ( > .OOr west
erns , KUOCiKI.75 ; Texans , ei.00 ( 3.75 ; laulbs ,
? 4.rr tr..S7X pur K * ii > s-
Nutionul Stock Yards , Ease St.
liouis , July l'J.-Cattlo Hecelpts , 2,000 ;
shipments , SOOU , ; choice heavy native steers ,
MlHVgr. > 5 ; butchers * steers , * 3.40@a.-J5 ;
slockcrs and feeders , $3.2I@.tiO. : )
Hogs Hccelpts , 3KH , ( ) ; shipments , 1,000 :
choice heavy and butchers' ' selections , fTi.70
( ( T5.MJ ; packiufc' , f5.tXiij.73 ) ( ; light grailes ,
$ . ' ) . < r5 0" ' .
Kiuifiaw City. July 12. Cuttle Heceipts ,
2,000 ; hhlpiUcnts , none ; good to choice corn-
fed , f.j.l5yr > . fi ; stockcrs und feeders , S1.5.Xl5
Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , none ;
rood to choice , $5.-15@5.S5 ; common to medium -
dium ; $3.00(25.40. (
1 ' Thursday , July. 13,1SJ9. .
. .Tho receipts of oattlo were very light and
( \uidity \ raiminon ; but few loads of passably
good stoolfbein'g received. iTho in tkofxvns
quiet with dcmaud for godd , cattle Urni. The
bulk of the trading WHS douo'bcforo midday ,
locul.deulurs being tho. principal purchasers.
, " With the hotd over added -to 4ho' fresh sup
ply the number on sale was fully 'up to the
uver.igu. 1'rices promptly .advanced ' froirr
the opening and the iua.i > kut closed strong and
. . - - .
Cattljo. . . . . . „ . . . . , . . . . . . ' . . . . * v..V.6bO
The following is a tibloof prless paid In
this marxct lor the grailos of stock men
Prtmestcers. iSOOto 1500Ibs.W.OO © 3. " >
Prime steers , 1100 to ItoW Ibs. 4.W tfrS.UJ
Fat llttlo steers. 000 to 1050 Ibs. 4.00 ® 4.75
Common to good cows 2.00 $ : ) . ( > ( )
Cfiolcc to fancy cows. . ' . 2.50.n.'Wi .
Common to choice bulls , 2.25 ( tfJ.QQ
Fair tochoico light hogs . , fi.'JS ( i5.'l5
Fair to choice heavy heirs 5.50 ifc5iiO
Fair to choice mixed hoes 5.4Q
HuiircMontativl ) I
No. . Av. P > .
1 flap 1,250 . $1.7.- .
4 cows nnd bulls . . ' 14U
1 bull , . -.1,0-0 ! . ! } *
IMiclfers , . . . . ' . OW . 2i7fi
1 bull. / , . . . . 1,2-0. ' . 2:75 :
rj7caivc.s ; . . : . . i."J n.QO
2cnlvcs ! ) ; ; . . . . lit- ) : ioo
! l c. L cows. , ' . , . ' . . i. . tl , ' 1 M ) : t.50'
0 , . ; . . . . ' . , . . . , .lOh ' fl.15 !
. 4 grasaors. . . t. . ' 1. . . . . . . . W 5 ! l.7. >
Hiprassi'i-s : . , / 1,010 .1.10.
"o grnsseis. . ( 1,137 4 4"i
! )4 ) crnsseru Il7t : 4.-0
2'J ' grassers 1,253 5.10
. ' . non * .
No.Ay. . Shis. Vrv No. Av. Shk. 1'r.
! ! ! 120 lUO ' ( Vi24l ! ! ! ! ! 2' ' ) 5.50
2).ic7 ) r > .io 7i.2'.i5 lo 5.51
05. . . . 111 ! ) 120 jV.45 42..20.S JO 550
, . . . | ; 200 5.4. , Ob./ill 200 55
2 . . . .ib5 ) 5.4. > ' . . . , : ! : 40 nfio
US..207 b ( ) 5.4" . 45..242 120 ft.V ) > 'J ' 10 s.4.r > Km ,
h7. . .210 21.0 5.4. > 57..2ii : KM I 5.5) )
70..111. ' 120 . "i.471. ; 01..2. ) ! ) .40 5.r > 0
SJ1..I-0 120 5.i7J ? 07..2 : ! ! M ) 53(1 (
7s..211 200 n.r.o . 75.s : j 100 f.o
so..218 210 . ; . ) ; ) ; i.2W r > .
74..210 2H ) ! - , . . ) < ) OI..2I1 10(1 ( 51" >
70..218 12J 5.30 'HOM' ! 100 5.55
0'.217 ) 120 5.50 M . . .2v.7 I''O 5 f.5
b0..2i2 ( 2sO 5.5'J ( Ji.2M ) 2'W ' " ' " '
tS.,217 ; 100 53. ) 07..2.'S vo 5.5' ,
fe.'i.,2ii 100 r..v ( rij. . . . vJ i-yt 5.55
74..201 1W 5.V ) ' . ) . . . . : : 40 353
t'0..1i7 ' ! SO fi.50 17.-f4 2)0 ) 5.55
bl..210 UK ) 5 CO 70 2111 2iil ) 5.55
t71..2H M ) 5.50 71..210 2CO 65 >
C/.I..217 240 551) ) 72. . . . 2 HI K'O 555
.a . . .mi hi 5.50 7i..2n : 200 r.Vi
( lS. . . . i 2(0 ( 550 71..217 40 555
0t.,2 ; 200 550 58..2111 bO f..55
70..2-0 fed 5.521 ' , 53..2i0 ! 40 3.55
72 . . .2W 40 5" , . ) . . . . ' ! 1'il ) 5.5
b0..203 120 555 lif.'JV.I 120 5.57' ' ;
7II..214 120 5.f5 4).2iO lf > > 5.45
07..200 fcO 5..Ti 07..Tl ' . ' ) 550
70..22 ! ) 120 5.55 07. . . . 275 I'-'O 5.55
. Vt.,0 < 200 555 57. , .27.s .1.55
51..201 4hO 5.40 01 2b7 12(1 ( ft 55
( h. . . . ' . ' . bO 5.5 | OJ..277 40 5i ( ( )
01..2:10 : 100 't.\'yt \ 5S.,7I I'O . " . ( Kl
OS..C41 2bO 5.47 51. . . . 271 100 5 ( UI
.IS. . . 211 M ) 551 ! . . . . : ! 40 0 C5
5V..2II bO 5.50
Paoki-r-i I'ureJrisoi.
Showing the number of ho , ; } bought by the
lauding buyers on to-day'd market :
U. H. Hammond & Co . 52.
Onmlm P. Co . 1,0V
Armour-Cudahy Packing Co . 2il1
.1. P. Sqiliro ; Co . 1:5I :
C. H. North Ac Co . 4r- (
Hnlstcad & Co . Oil
A. Spring . > . ltl ;
.1. Douil . , . 2V
E. H. Harper . . ' 5r
II. S. Morr.s . ' . M ,
C. E. Doerr . 15 !
McCoy . Isl
Krainard Uros . a I1
and Lowcit.
Tlio followiUiT are tie ! highest and lowest
prices paid for nnxl and heavy loads of hos
on IhN market ilur.ii ) ; tliu low days , am !
for the corcspundlng pciuod in l T mil ISSi :
"f 'Jmwsai. | ' " .Iua > ISiT. " | " " .I nno 1 l. "
Ijivo Stoulc Motu- < .
> ( ; ? lc ( ) hifc'lior.
Cuttlo luarkci very iiuict.
J. ti. Iniiin , Osccolu , laarlcotcd hogs.
Henry Bchlastoclc marketed u load of
hogs fioia West 1'oint this morning.
L. S. I'owoll pot in Irom Grand Islund ,
this mot niiirr ! with a .shipment of tioj'F.
Henry Kunee. of Sti'oins'ouiv. Nuh.vis ;
ainonfj the shippers hero to-duv , with hotrs.
Jim Fr.izier , of Wlllard A : Fr.uier , Colum-
bns , Jicb. , was here with two lo.ids of 55o
Marlon WaUcIlold , of Atlantle , la. , e.imo
la yesterday with cattle , und stopped over
until to-d.iy.
C MltehuU-Inne > > s Uros. , well known dealers
at Sehnyler , marlcutcd two loads ofr .ttlo
anil ono of hogs.
W. W. linker of LOMII , a repnlur shipper ,
cauie ill with a loud of ho .i and will stop at L
tlui Exehaiitfe for a fo\v dnys.
Kd Ayres wim filled to ovcrllowliifr this
morning with . 'ov , ho beiiitf the recipient ,
from friends nt Suward , of a box continuing
woililinij eake , a lot of Ui .irs und uti
boipaet. _
Thursday , July 1L' , l&SS.
Business is brisk for the season' mid mail
orders keep jobbers too busy for comfoittiils
hot weather.
The produce markets were fairly well sup
plied the past twenty-four hours and prices
ruled lower all around. Su ar is still boom
ing and granulated Is l tjl c. Canned
California apricots are higher , a the
sbortago la the crop und pack becomes
more apparent. Coffuo grows weaker and
lower. The apparent consumption of coffee
in tno United States for the past six months ,
us Indicated by the w.u-ebouso reports at all
scuports , with comparisons for the three
years , bus been l,110,45l ! bafjs agiiinst I,31V
< 1H bugs In 18 7 , and l- ! . ' ! ! , ' bags in Ibsll ,
for Hko periods.
Messrs. Karrell & Welch , rellnoiB
and Jobbers of syrups , tire about to
dissolve , Mr , Fan-ell retiring and Mr. Welch
continuing with a now partner. The linn
has bepn very successful and l.s quite popular
with the trada in Nebraska and Iowa.
A lai'KQ accession has been iniido to the
force in the counting room of the Artnour-
Cudahy Packing company and Mr. Lansdou ,
the secretary of the company , is heio uriaiig-
ing a system by which the immense
trailo with the retailers of this
section , heretofore dona by the com
pany at Kansas City and Chicago ,
will be , handled from Omnha. Mr. Keumin
Of the Chicago ofllco is also hero mid will
take charge of the credits of the company.
The action of the ofltcers of the State
National bank in suggesting to their stock
holders the propriety of goimr into voluntary
liquidation was antich > : itcd lit banking circles
since the banks , of Omaha in the clearing
house association voted , to admit no bank with
a less capital than 200,000. , which was under
stood to be a delicate Intimation to the State
National that banking methods in Omaha
would .bo maintained at the high standard
which has prevailed' hero so long and inudo it
possible for the city to boast that there hod
never been a bank failure , bore. The capital
of tlitf Stuto National was but tlOO.OOJ.
I'rotlnoo , Fruits Ktc.
UUTTEII Fancy creamery roll butter , 20@
Jllc ; solid packoi ) at 15iiltJo ( ; choice country
butter , 13C iUo ; common grades , Iligl2c.
Eaos'-Strlctly. fresh , 18 ® Me.
CllEilillKS-'Per case of 10 Ibs , tl.75@2.00.
'Southern cherries fl.25 per drft\ver , of 10
, HLicpiicnitiEs J3.00@3.25 per ease.
Bi.AfK HAsi'iiininiKs J3.-3.V ; ) .f.O per case ;
red yusn'bprries. I4.0JJ i > er case
Cni.E8ii-FuU cieam , 13c. .
PoViYoKS New , $2.000rii ; tl.OO per
bushel for GAlitornin' ; Wo for homo irrown.
Poui.Tiir Xo'drosscd fowl.ln thp market ; '
live .chicken * , t3.nOt3y.75 per doz.spring ;
jchirkcns. $ ; i.oo@3.Sii. . ; .
' STKISO HEsH4l.OO > per bu- * . .
ToHATOK-l5er crate ,
, iv ' air . ntiovvini uu . - . , . . ; - . .
' ' ' "
* ' "
. . . : . * : . > .
' ' ' ' ' "
" . \ - . . . :
rKi.JO ( ( 2ri.OO per XOO.
per box.
nx xi Conimop , jl.syM'J.S , ' ) pcr'biuich"
holce , * - . > ,6X ( 13. 0. ,
- . - . . . graae , . . . . . . ,
; iirlmo , ISJU'e ' ' ; fancy green
yellow , 2.jf'i'e ( ! ; old government Jnvu , 2-C'Z1
IDc ; interior Java. 25 < < i2e ; MocLn. asculW.- :
Arbncklo s. roasted , I'.MIC ' ; MeLauirhlln's
XXXX , I9 > 4c ; Djmtirtli's , H'c'Red ' ; Cross ,
We : 'Afiuoina , Ili/jof / German , l'J'4c ' ' ; LldtiV
. ' . .
10'4 ' c.
f.S fto ; No , 3 ehiiniM , $7 SO ; butter tnb . SI.70 ;
spruce , In nests , TUe 'ief nest.
Cv\xti : > Cf'ifiiu O.vstpr * , No. 2 Stundifil ,
| > cr cnsi > , j.M ' 'iK'i ? : ! . : ! ! ! ; strawberriiM , ' ] llw. per
case , j'J.0uJMO : ! ! ; raspberries , 2 Ibs. , pir
c-iifiC , ? ! ; California pearur | case ,
8J.HOGW.7.I. pritots , petc.i.e , ft < 'n/)4 ( 0 ;
California peaches , per case , > " > M > fi5.iiii ; Cal
ifornia whlto cTierries , per i-aso. .Vi.SiiC'itlHl ;
Californli : plums , pcrcnic. ? ! iVi iH.70Nn. ; S
bUicberrie.H , 'J Ibs , per case , M.lKliii Jill ;
I'lne ajipli's , 2 Ib. per caao , ft'.a.-.t' ) (
4.Ml ; 1 Ib. siilmon , ULT do/ . , fl.S'nf
l..Kl ; 2 Ib. Booseberrius per rime , $ . ' .10
( rj.v : ! ) ; 2 Hi , strung bca * . per case , -il 7. ) ®
IX ) ; 'Jib. marrow fat i" * * . M.a.i&i'.MiO ; 2 H > .
carlv .luno pea , $ 'i ( X\tfJ 75 ; ! l 1'j. tomatoes.
S'J.SX-f. . W ; 2 Ib. corn. # J/Ji\'ii , ' . JO.
I I.MON'S ? 7 ( KKit'iO per i-iuso.
OU KII ( > . Mcjtsiiiiis. SiVJi'lK/tfr ' per bo s ;
Hodl , $7..Mi ( < i * 3 per box , ? liM.r > > pvr half
t'Ai'i.iri.dwnu Good stock , $1.0JC'tl.25 per
Cvnnvr.i's Homo grown , $2.f,0 per 100.
Aii'i.hUM : ( 4.(0 ( par bbl.
CIDI.I-Choice : Ani-mgun cider. $ .r > 0 ( " . < i.r > 0
; icv bhl. of 112 L-nl ; cider$15 ( W
per bbl.
ONION * Native Block , SI.'A' rl.nO ; Califor
nia on ( ins , LV per Ib.
1'omm x Choice rice coin isijuoted at o ®
leper Ib. ; other kinds 2'sfnMc per Ib.
Cvuitori New-stuck , nij per doz.
Hi\N ; * Good stock , % .lir/'U.75 ( ) ( ' ; California
. _ lii ( < i"lc for 1 Ib. fr.imcsj canned
lionoy , 10 ( I2e per II ) .
Toincco-I'i.rd Lorill.srdU Climax , | 5o ;
Splendi.1 , 4"iL" Mo lianio'i Dvitkl.t , 4lc ;
IjogjioU * Meyer's Star , 4" > e ; Cornerstone ,
M > c ; lru ) 'imond's llorsi.slioe , 45c ; .1. ' 1' . .
42c ; Snrg's S ; enilieml , 45i"Cut ; Hate , "
Cl'c ' ; "Oh , M.\V27e , Piper Ileidsick , He ; ( J.
Toiuiiio SuciMVd O.itllii'sMccrsch.uiiii ,
'lie ; Cutliu'B Olil Stile , -.V : Sweet Tip Top ,
! Io ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Ked , White nnd llluc ,
151' .
Jpi.i.iialb : ( ) pails. Sl.25j ( 1.50.
Svi.i Per bbl in vat load lots , Sl.IiO.
Uoi'i : Sovon-sixtecntlis , ' . " .jC"-1 < < - .
UXNIIV MIJ ! , ' .i&'llc ; stick , ' .KuJ'fi1. '
1'iCKr.i : * MeiliiuiK , in bbls , JO oil ; do in half
hbls-M5) ) ; small , ( n liDls , 57.01 ; do lii htlf
bbls , 1 0,1 ; ghurkliu , in bills , * < . ( ) ) ; do in
half bills * -l.3'i. '
Hnu.iMi Ilr.iiKi.vo0f 7i'e i > or keg.
M u i.i ; Si n utHrlcks I2ji' per ib ; penny
c.iki's , iifd : ( ic uor Ib. ; pure in.iple byrupRl,25
per pil.
JJuooM Kxtr.i , l-tlo , 4.J.OO : p.irlor , : i-tio ,
painted ha'idlos. ' 2,25 ; No. 1. sfJ.O-l ; No. 2 ,
jjl..l.T ; ho.ivy stublc btoi.i's.fl.lHI.
Krini gins-- , ' ; fir.iv s' corn ,
O'-.c ' : Oswen'o n'lo.-- ' . 7c ; OSMV.TO corn. 7i- .
Tiv : < , 2"rrt' ( " > "c ; Ciunpoivdor , 20ic (
OOc' ; Young1 ll.ytii , JJ'v' > * > u ; Oolong , 2iV < . .Vc. )
I'o'.Mil.u VMI Kiior Shot , > l.i : ( ) ; buc'iM'iot ,
Jl > " > ; ITiiz.ird piwl"r. I-OM , if'Oi ; lulf If' s.
. ' 75 ; one fourths. Sf 511 ; liliv < tincr Ue "i , S-'i 15 ;
fuse10) ft. , 45ii70. (
ICi H\ID : Tl"rco , 7sf ; 4TliFiiuii !
I'iuiii , 7Vr ; 50-11) round. bi < ; 2 > i-lu iMund , n'n '
llk-lb " p.iiis , 'J'c ; 5-11) pntls , t'ji- ; " -Ib p.uU ,
8" ' < r.
. 'uoM ui'.c lEIatris , llwll'/c ' ; breukfit'st
bi.-oii , lO utld'Jc ; b.cin sides , ! > ' ' 0 ) ' , , ; do
b.ilt. .s'jl" " ' ; shouUlcrc , 7'1l ( . < i"c ; dried
Di'Lci'i Fun ripple , bbl'i. , ncxvs ' , -
t'V.ii'di'.iled , ( ( iCli1 ; I.Uu kbi'jruf , ov : po
nitod , il' ' dt'.lpitt"d ' , i-hoiTies , 2lifjle ( ;
' "
peeled poaclic * , 2s ( ; evaporated
inland. K' ( > il7c ; ntw iiirrnnts. 7'iT1 ;
IIIUIICH , 4-1fit3i ! ; ; cition , 2lci'2cr ! ! ii'irtiiijf , Citl-
iforni.i , London la.ur' , f-2 50't'2. ' ( 0 ; Call-
fornlu loose inuscutulf , 51 70&l.b'l ' ; new Vu-
lenci.i. iJ W'-y.
CiMfivi'KS CIRI : , HTC. Price } subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; ( city gooJs ) , 7c ; soda
snowil.iko ( in tins ) , itli1 ; soda candy , 5l c ;
soda waters ( in tins ) 10j ; hoda.cphyrs , be ;
city oj8ter.0i.jc ; cj.volsioi1,7c ; farina oyster ,
7c ; gem oyster , 5c ; mou tor , 7ei Omaha
oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , fie ; picnic , fie ; snow
drop ejMer , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Uoston , bo ;
Oin.iha butter , 7c ; stiM'tootli butter , ( Wfo ;
cr.icl-ei meal , .V < fc ; gr-iham , be ; grulium
w.ifern , lOc ; grahuni wufuiii in pound pack
ages , l-Jife ; li.irJ broad , 5milk ; , 7l o ; oat
meal , to ; oit meal w.ifurs , lOc ; oil meal w.i-
fcit. in pouiiil imekag-cs , 12 , ' c ; animals , 12c ;
IJolivcrizinpiu1 ( rounil ) , 7c ; cro.un , " c ; Corn-
hill , llle ; crauknolls , lOo ; fronted cream , b c ;
ginger anups , be ; ginger sn.ipi ( city ) , ! H ; ;
iioiiii' iii.ule gin.-x-r snaps , In boxes , l.'io ; homo
I'liide ginger simps , (1-lb ( cans ) pur doyen ,
2.50 : loinon creams , 8c ; pretzels ( hiind
iniulo ) , HSc ; assorted e.ikes and jumbles ,
ll' ' u ; assorted lingers , iDj ; afternoon tea
( in tins ) , per box , S7.00 ; Uanana lingers , llo ;
butter jumb'es. lll o ; DruiiRwiek , 15o ;
brandy Mini | , ! 5e ; choeolnto drops ( new ) ,
Itle ; vhociiliito wafers. Ific ; Christmas lunch
( in tins ) per ilo/cn , W.50 ; cocoa tally snuH | ,
14e ; colfeo ctiko , 12 ? ; Cuba jumbles , llii.u ;
cream pulTa , ! ! 0e ; egg jumbles , llj c ; ginccr
drojn , lie ; lionoy jumbles , llj o ; jolly lin
gers , Ifio ; jelly wafers , 15i ; ; jelivtart ( new ) , , ; lady lingers , l.'ie ; vanida bar , 14o ; v.i-
nilla w.ifeis , 14c ; Vienna wafers , t down
packages in u bale , par do/en , $2.50.
Al ( goods packed in cans Ic per Ib ailvanco
except snOwllako and wafer soda , which are
packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lii and 1Mb
paper boxes , ' jo per Ib advance ; all other
goods le per Ib advance. Soda in 1-lb pauer
boxes , Ic pqr Ib a'dvnnce The ii-lb boxes ore
packed in cases holding IS in u case. The 2-
Ib boxes nro packed in cases holding 12 in a
caso. The 4-lii boxes are p leked in cases
holding : y > in a case. Onc-lb graham and oat-
inc-Hl wafers packtvl 2 doIn a eas , : .
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $11.00 ,
not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda ,
85 ( K ) per doTin cases with glass face to
display the goods , 75o each. No charges for
packages except for cans and returnable
goods. Glttss front tin cans mul "fctiowdnkc"
soda cane nrn retiirnaWo at prices charged ,
Dry Goons.
PIIIN'TS SrtLli ) Coi.ous Atlantic , Oe ;
Slater , 5Vc ; Horlln oil , O' 'e ; Onrner oil , ( iil
"o. PISII AMI Honr.s Hiehmond , < i > ic ; Al
len , 0 } < c ; Uiver Point , 5o ; Steel Hiver , Oo ;
Hichfnond , Oo ; Pacific. O' ' c. INIIKIO -
fiUc ; Allen , ( ic ; Richmond , r > c ; Windsor ,
icildystonc. ( i' < c ; Pncillc , ( il c.
UiTri Standard , ' .tc ; Gem , lOo ; Ucauty ,
12 > io ; Hayonno , 14o ; H , cased , $ (150. (
Ciiti'ET WAUL' Hitib , white , lOc ; colored
fublo oil cloth. $'J ;
plain Holland , SJ J c ; Uiulo Holland ,
Hi.EiciiKii : SiiM'.TiMi Herkloy cambric No
IX ) , ' . ) Uc ; Hest Yet , , -4-4 , HJff , butter t'loth ,
C Ol c ; Cabot , 7'for Purwell , b > c ; Fruit
of Loon ) . Sl cv l-'rcouo G , (1 ( ; Hope , 7o ;
King Philip cambric , Ik' , I.onsdalo , ll' c ;
Lonsdalo , Ite ; New , York mills , lpj < q ; Pep-
pcroll , 4Mn. , llo ; P ppdrellIllill. . , 12c ; Pel )
jiercll , ( i-l , Jlio ; PcPpcrell , S-4 , 21c ; Pcppcrell
1M. 2.o ! - 10-4 25c Canton.
2.oPcpperoll ; , - , ; 4.-1
8 > ic ; Canton , 4-4 , U' c ; Triumph , ( ic ; Warn
uttn , lOc ; VullKv. He.
GISOHAM Plunkott checks , 7'fc ; Whitfen
ton , 7 > fc ; York , 7Kc ; Normimdi dross ,
Calcutta dress , SKc ; Wh'ittendon dress ,
Honfrew dress , b ( < il2 ! c.
Thorndvko 120 , < Ji o ; TUorndyko XX ,
15c ; Conlis , No. fl , Mfc ; Cordls , No' , 4 , lie.
Amoskeag H ( 0-oz , lljc ; Everett
7-oz. , Kloj York , 7-oz. , ll ! } < c ; Hnvinarket
S c ' ; Jolfrey.XX. llKcjJalirey'XXX. lii c
Uea'ver Creek A'A" , 12c.ljeaver ; Creek UU
llo ; Heaver Creek CC , 10o.
FI.AN.SEI.S Plalu Haftsman.JOc ; Goscon
32 ! < c ; Clear.Lakc , 32Ko ; Maple City , SGJfo
\yh.te-aHNo.i.W . , aic ; C H No.1 } t
& ' „ ( ; blenched , 0 { c : Steven * ' N , 9,140 :
bleached , lO' ' c ; Slovens' S U T , 12Jc.
Cit.hnrno . pcr lb , c'4We ; country hnr-
ness pei1 Ib , .MajV ( ; oily line per ib , iU'cCi'lcj
hip lii'ftvy Iwr UN JMgBOo : kip medium peril ) ,
fifltitWc ) veal per Ib , t'Ciociiio ; Chicago sliulpli-
tcrcd Sole-peril ) , ! i.X < i2H. ; city c.ilf 2S to W
HH. s.V 'iOp ; city upjiCr per foot , IS&MOc : collar -
lar , H ( < ltoi ! UulTalo stlaU htercd sole per Ib ,
flsiiflWe } Onk leather shuiphlurcd solo per Ib ,
i0 ! ( < { : Kic ; harness per Ib , 'JMglt'c : upper per
foot , Slt'tS.V ; kip heavy per Ib , O C'ii * ! kip
'medium per HI , i.VnstW : oily culfpor Ib ,
KVv . * l IX ) ; lIuliiK per iloron , M.OO ( iS.r > 0 ;
"Yeiii'lienV 2" > to 30 Ib * , gJ.lot'M.TiV KrcnOh
nlf . " 0 to W ) lb , $ I.U\gl.i3 ; French eiilf , 50
lo'Tolu't , ! Hjc ( < i5l , ' . ! . > .
. totals nnil TJimnrV Stock.
Tin. plato. 1 C , 10x14 , best , t4"5 ; tin pinto ,
tr , I O , tKi.0..VJ.'i ; sheet zinc , f < ! .f > 0i8 (
: TR-pli ; { lead. * ! 3.1 ; bar load , $4 "ij lat'KC P1R
jlocl : tin , 'J.V ; snmll pic Mock tin , 20c ; bur
In , ' - ' ? ( ; ' , solder , ir-S.tic ( ! ; topper bottoms , itlo ;
hetlthlnt : ronp'or , tinned , ' .Me ; planishing
otipcr. thniiid.MTo ; pipe , ( l c : sheet
rtin , N S , IS to 21 , V.'O ; Him'lu ( von , lllo ;
\m lliisohi I'lhuiMled. A. lO'ic ' ; Am Uustla
jliml hcil. 15 , > J < 4e ; palntud barb wire , SJJ.OJ ;
galvanized barb \vlro , > : ) . " > .
,1- ' . 11\ I I ]
I HI It. I * ft Mil ft 2J ft Ml ft
' \ < . . , . I 10 fl ( III UO I'l 0 1 . ' 0 ( U'I (0 (
.M ) . It ; > III Ml I'l ' 10 'I fiOU'l 6'l
X-I..I , . : . . . . KI n i in IK ) iium a i o i sj w
xlO . . . . . I 1 > I MIJIMM I'l IIU-'I I 2I W
vlS . i ; nil. ) ( kill IMS ! iVIMM'M )
. _ „ _ . . I. 17 MlUUlll 00 Ml l'l l ( )
Add . " 0 ecnta per I.ICM . foot for riiTujh Jol-it ,
No. 1 com , s 1 s SIS ( VI I No. : ) com , s 1 s ? 15 00
No. 2 con , H 1 10 .V ) | No 4 com , sis 12.50
Add 3'J cents pur l.OiHl lor rough.
No. 1 , I and Gin , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . .MO 00
No. I , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20.00
No. 2 , " 12 und 14 ft , " , . . . 1000
No. ! . ' , " 1'ift , " , . . „ 1700
A , 12,11 f ; 10 fU20.5'l I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.14.75
15 , " " 111.75 I U , " " 11.75
( CII.ISlI INI ) 1'UiriTIOV.
1st com , ? f in white pine ceiling *
ejr V In Norway pluo celling . 1ti. . " > 0
'cJ com -U in " " " . l'0
ri o'iiu\a.
A in white , pine . , . $ . < >
H " " " . IWI'U '
" " " . ' . " .MHI
I ) 11 . . , . " 1 IHI
K " " " ( id. CciicitiK ) . 1S.50
Six Inch drop Mdtni ; irk1 per 1,000 extra.
ynx K IIOMIII-l.
A ) 12 In , "Sis. . 545.HO I U , 12 in , s I H.HUK : )
15 , 12 In , H 1 s o'V.i.llO I I ) , 12 in , sis. . . 2J..OO
No. 1 com , 12 in , s I H , 12 ft . 'JO.r.l )
No. I com , 12 In. r , 1 s , II ft . . . , . 20.0) )
No. 1 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 11 ! It . 20.00
No. 1 eo'ii , 12 in , s 1 M , in , l-M'.nd 20 ft. . 2J.50
No. 2 com , I1.1 in , s 1 s , 10 , is and 20 ft. . 111.45
No 2 com , 12in , si s , 12 und 14 ft . lK..r > 0
No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 H , 1(1 ( ft . . IH.lnl
12 in grooved roollmr $12 per M. inoro. than
12 In storlc bo-irds same length.
10 in crjovcd roollngsamo pilco its 12 In
Moult lm.ird .
Mill1 I.A1- .
No. 1 plain , s mid 10 in . $18.75
No. 2 pl.iin. h and 10 in . 17.0(1 (
No. 1 O. C ! . , ban . 10.25
1st and 2d , cicr.r , 1. I ' 4 , in s 2 s $50 00
' 1U.2 in , s 2s
'M , elear , 1 in , s 2 s 15 00
1' ' , , 1H.2-HI 40 CO
A , select , 1 in , s Js . . . -v : ) . ! ( )
A. " I' ' , , l'.2 ii > 41.00
R " 1 m.iv's "J.IM
H , " l < f ' ; . ! . ' ! ( ! t'O
U , selivt. all 10 U , fl extra.
Star 4 in flooring' . . . . . . . . ? li,5' ! ' )
1st and 2d. i-li-ar , I in lit orm : ; 21.5) )
( Jluir * , in i-UMng I'.i.r.O '
Clear Jt' in p u tltion 'XI to
Clear „ in p irtiunf2 above ; in ceiling
Clear finish , 1 und 1'4 ins2s , 2J.OO
Clear flnwh , H. , mid 2 In , 2s 2I.IH )
Clear co : rngated Ceiling , 4 in , 2.1..VJ
Clear j ellow pine casing and base. . . . , . 25.00
I'Oi'i.ui i.iimii. : .
Clear | iOhir | bj. lids , ' - „ in s VJ H f.5.00
Clear " " " y In pane ) , s 2 s. . 27.0 >
Clear " " " cor'ga'td coillnirjjf 28.H )
O. G. Units , 2' : . in $
O. C5. Halts , " s : )
H \velltubinir , 1) . &M. and Hov 22.51) )
1'ioUefH , U. .t H. Hat W.00
IVkcts , D. & H. square 1U.OO
XX clear . $ 3.10
Kxtra * A * . 2. ! 5
"A * Standard . 2.i" >
* AH. U. & H . 2.- : ! . 2.O.-
No. 1 . 1.40
Lath . i . 2.S3
White Cedar , (5 ( in. , } . { s . 1
" " riKin. , ' < s 11
" " . O'J '
Sm. ijrs ,
" " 4 in lound , 14
Tennessee Red Cedar , split 14
Split Oak OS
j.i MI : , 1.1 ( - .
Ouiucy white limo ( best ) , Sic ; Crystal co-
mcnt , $14) ) ; hair , : tc ) ; phister. JS-.4" > : tin-
board. * l.ii5 ; sash , 50e pr ct. ; doors , 4.rc pr
ct. ; biniiis , 5Jc pr el. ; nildgs. fi'lo pr ct ;
tarred felt , pcrowt , 2.05 ; straw bd. , $1.55.
Freight added to above.
Stic Was That Sort.
\Vn.shiiif'on Critic ; A Seventh
strcol widower , whoso wifu had buon
the head of the family , orilurccl u tomh-
htono for her and loft it to the food
taitu ol the cutter to put sotno comfort
ing iiibCL'iption on the mat-bio beaido
the name und iluto. When thp stone
wus put up ho went out the builder tepee
pee it. It looked very handsome , and
across the base were tllo consoling
woi-ilw : "Thy Will IJe Done/ ' - _
"Well. ' ' nsUcil the builder , "whiiT o
you thiiiU of itV
' First rate in every way , " was the
pleased reply ,
"Anil the inscription , is that till
The widower gazed at it tenderly for
a moment.
"Well , J should mnilo , " ho taid ;
"thai s just the kind of a woman she
w < is to adot. "
B ps ni
Indusirf , Science and Aft ,
Open Until October. 1888.
Medical Congress Moots August 7th ,
Round Trip Excursion Ticket. .
W > and $7d.
Tor Infnrmntlon upply to
Agtw. , 5. ! Hroadway , Now York.
. U. 1'Al.M U , ft , H. IlirilMA.V. .1. II , 111. AM MAUD.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants.
Ofilco-ltoom 31 , Om > o lt E hanin ( Hullilltiu , I/nlon
ttocn Yiira , bouiu umiOia , Kuti. _
M c i CO Y B R ds7
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market f iinihheil f reo on application. Stockcrt nnd
fce'tem furnlaliixt on uood tuiui , Hefurenie ' Uum.
ha Nalloiml Hank ami Suiitli Ouiaiiu National , Union
htocktrUn , ( juulli Umiilm. _
Liye Stock ComMssion ,
Itojjm 15 , Kicliinto llnlMlMti , Union Stock Yards ,
'BoutU Uuiaha , Jfeb.
ALEXANDER & FiTcnV' " " 7
Commision.DeaIers'in Liye Sock ,
Scorn 1 2 , UpHilte | Kicliange llalldlntr , Union Stock
_ ' Ynnli.buntji _
; . Of Omaha , .Limited ' , . ; . . - ; ;
' ' ' '
_ " A ricinuirni imfnumonts ,
Dcalcrin Agricultural Iinplemciits.WaEons . ,
it llupclri. Ji ioi Hlrrrt.botwectiSlhunil
Hull , OUI | IH ,
A ricnltnralIniplcinontslVaEoiisCarriagcs )
s , Ktc. Wholomlc.
\VUolcialc IC | IT In .
Agricnltural ImDlcmcnts.f . agons & Bnggics
Ml. 1UI. BVi uniUOT Jonoi Ptrcft.Omnhn.
Manufacturers of Biicicyc Drills , Seote ,
CulllTntoiv liny Hi\Xo . Clilrr Mills ami Lilian 1'ul-
prUcm. Cer. Ulu nmt > ilchum Mri'ots. _
\Vliiilc i\lo -
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
rt.rncrUlli . 'ml Vlrlnilnnstrorl * . _
Akron , Uiilo.
Harycsllng Miclilucry anil Binder Twine ,
W.12. Mc.ul. Manairr. 1211 u-aTi-nwnrtli t. , Om-ililv.
MnnufHcturir > niu1 Jobber * In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. mh nn I I'IKIIII ; litrcuts. Omitlm , Noli.
_ Artlcts' Motorlnls.
A HOSPE.'jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials. Pianos and Organs ,
111.1 l > uuda > Slroi't , Onialin. Nvbmtkn.
Boots and Shoos *
t ! > tm.cnor to Ilecil , Jouts A to )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Slices
AkCiitsfor llnvinu V.uliticr Slino Co. KIB , 1101A HIM
lliiii.ey ! * t. . uinnha. Nubraaliu.
W. V. MORSE .V CO. .
Jotes of Boots a.ilSioes ( ! ,
1101 , tiav-lliK iVuvIno S' . ( iiiiHlm Miiiiufftitory.Pimi'
nior-i. Ikdtnn.
Goffoas , SplcoB , Etc.
Omitlm Cvlti'v niul Sl > lee Mllln.
Teas , ( Met'S , Snices , Baking Powder ,
1-nuilrr KiltiU'H , I.iuinlry Him1. Inkt , KU1. ItU
1 < Iii lliinuyi ' il , Qmalin , .Solirn-Ln.
Crockery and Clasownro.
Aatnt fur tin-Manufacturer * mid Imi'nrlorBOf
Crockery , Glassware , Lames , CMmiieys ,
UtcdClc , : ti ; B. 13li ! tt. , UmaLa , yubratiin.
liuuornr * nnil .lobbtT1 * uf
Crccierteware , , Lmis , Silverware
I ! c. IM4 rnri..iu St.NV TiiMiMi llullilluir.
Commission and
" " " "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Siicclr.HIC' "i-'icr V'-C" . i'l > rr < < I .t-liry , Gamu ,
lllJIIowutd Street. Omaha.
r-'ici sjori lo McHliitnn \ t-chnicilcr )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Uuiulia. Nubrusltii.
Flour , Feed , firaii and General Coniinision C'orR'ipoiiiluirooollfllcil. 1014 Nnrtb li'tli
street , ( Jni.ihu , Nub.
Con ! , Coke and Uimo.
' " '
Jolliers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
2K ) foulU nib i-trcet , Onmlm , Nvbrakkn.
Mannfactors of Illinois White Lime ,
And Milnner * of Ciuil , Coke , Cement , 1'hittcr. Uino ,
Drain Tile , nnil Sowi-r riip. | Offlcirmion llotul ,
FnTiiara St. , Uiutthn , Neb. Tclciihonu 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 oulh SI. . Onmba , Neb.
Dry Goods and Notions-
M. E SMITH tc CO ,
Bry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
11(12 ( anil HIM IKniKlas , ( 'or. llth Ft. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Johhers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Uunts' rurnUblnK ( ioorts. Corner llth anil UaJucj
bte. , Onialm , Nubruskii.
f liolGsale Dealers in Furniture ,
Furimm Struct. Omalm. Ncbrntkn.
Omiba , Nebraska
" "
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
KB. 707. SOJ and 7118.10th St. . Otnalm , Neb.
MCCORD , BRADY" * co. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
J IhanillrfaviTiwortbStrocti.Oiunba , Nohra ka.
Wholtsale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate
SIctuls , Mioet Iron. etc. Agents for Ifowi : Scuk-i
Mlnml l'o\Mlrr niltl l.ymail llurhcd M Ire ,
Otnalm ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tonli nnd Iluffslo Hc lpi. 1 05 Douglu
htrcct , Oiuatiu , Kcbmaka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
JOlh jnil Ilarnur M . Onialm , Kuh. Writ'm Ancnt
for Aultln To'TilorCo. . Juffenon Hltel Nalle ,
. I alrbHnks Htirulmil Hiulc *
Wli'iicaulu MnnutRctiircfj ot
Saddlery & Jibbers of S3ddlery Hardware
AuU U-nthcr. Httl , 110T > anil H < J7 IlHmuy 8t.Omalm
.Ncbrok , .
JHoavy Hardvyare.
Heayy Hardware , Iron anfl Steel ,
Spflngl , Waiton Slock , Haul warn. Lumber , Ktc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps an § Straw Goods.
_ _ _ Lumber- ' _ _
All Kinds of-Biiilding Material at Wholesale
ISUHtrettanJ Union 1'aeiac Track. Omaha : .
Dealer In' Lumfier , Lath , Lime , M.
noor , Ktc. Yorili-Corner Till unj DoVlat : Coioei
'Dealer-inAllKii ofLiimher ,
I'HJi anil Talifornla Blreeti , Oinahn , Nbliraik'a-
! ' * " "
. . . Lnmtiep , Lime , Cement , Etc ; , Etc , :
' '
Ltnnbor *
To Dealers Only ,
Office. 110,1 Knrnnm Ftrfct Onmhn. _
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
IniportnJ onrt Anu-rlrnn I'ortlmul Comonl Pl U
AKintlorMlliTBukCrt llrilriiillcCvrnvnt mul
Wulnry Whl lto l.lmy.
CHAS. n.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmter ,
Wooil CarpcK nml I'nnjuct riourlnc Bth nnrt DinttA
Mllllnory nnil Notions.
" ' " '
"l. OBEnFELDER fc'co" , ,
Importers & Jotters in Millinery & Notions
3TN. Jill B
_ _ Pvornl'n. '
' '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans 1'imU , S , Ktr. lUr.Mml 1101 loujl Strteti
Oninhn. MrU.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Gooffs
4'l ' nnd 4V ( > f i nth 10th St. , Onmlm.
Wholsale Reflnefl and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle < ! ren , > , lic. , Omaha. _ A. II l > hop , > lmia < erj
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
llOSTIarnor Slrtot. Omalia.
Offlco Flxturoa.
Miiimlniturcrii of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlo , SliUbom\l . Hook Cnic , Drue KI tnrqv\Viill
( 'ii i > , l'uilltliiii . HMIIniiM'outilor. , IlocranuWInq
Cimlor' , Mirror' . cLo. H'.cKirr Rinl iinlorTM \ HUd ITU
fuutli Mill St. , Oiu.ilm , T lci > hua 1K
Paints nnd ' .
\Vliolo-ulu ICHlcr < In
Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc ,
IIH Knnmni Strnot. Omnha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice ntnck of I'rlntliiE , Wrapping anil Wrlllnf
l'i > , r. BpftUI allcnllon nfvcn lo cur loart tirrtir *
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
No' . 1117 nml 13PJ Doujlut Ht. , Omaha , Neb.
\VhuIeiulo Mann ; .ctur ri > of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Moulding
llrnncli ofHco , IStli nnil Itanl Mroali , Oaiakia , Neb.
.vanufactnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
/ ulillns ! . Stair Work nnrt Inlnrlor JI anl Wool KVtt
n. N. U. CoruiT Mh Hii'l ' l.iMiviMiirortU Street" , ,
Omnha , eb. J
Mruafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
Anil Illlniln , TurnlnB. Ptalr-noili , Hank and Offlco FIW
llnv . 'AtUi uiiil l uppltitOD ATcnue.
Printers' Matorlnls.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dialers lu Type. l'rc r nml I'rlntcrt'Buppllo. 601
South Ktli Street , Oinuha.
Riibbor Coodq.
* "
Hanufacturers and Dealers in Rutte Goods
311 Clothing ami Ix-alhor UulllnK. 100H Karnnm BtrMt ,
, Pu mpe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Plugs ,
Steam unj Water RtinpUc * . Headquarter * for M
Kooftt & ( Vs RouilH. 1111 turn mil St. OmmbH.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llalllilar Wlml Mllln. Ollnnrtmnrnrnam St. , Omaha.
O K. Horn , Antlnx Miuiugcr.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , I
Shout Iron 'ork StpainiPiiiiip1..Hw MIK. . Kli-KlJ < f.
i Miutt. < inmliii ,
Sooda. 1
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds' ' |
Ull und 111 I.louptt'lrrct Oninhu.
Storage , Forwarding A Commlsalon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission , , * .
( Irnnch huu root the llemier lliiKcr Co. UuKflciai Kl
ntiolcmilu < und rolnll. 1 KM lllOana 1112 ItnrU Struct , K f
Oninlm. Teli-pliiiim Nn. 'CO . g \
Stacks ,
Manufacturing Dealer in SmoKe Stacks , ! '
IlritcUllif" , Tanks nnil ( ionoral nnllor Hop.ilrlu . 131S
tiln-fl. Oioaliii. Neb
Lager Beer Brewers '
, t'l.b.'l
! . ' .2l North Klvthtcouth Btrent. Omntin. t'l.b.
Cornljpo. _
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Comic
John Eijcaetcr , I'r | irlpor. | VM Duilgu and IWauU J
North IJlli Hlrcct. Omnlia. , "
Iron Works. . . '
Carter i t-on , I'lop'n. Alanufacturvriof nllklndl )
Steam Boilers , Tanls and Sliest Iron Wori
i rlouth Mid anil II. , V M. Croxlnf. '
Wrought aM Cast Iron Building'-Worfc1
Knuliies.llraii Work , Qoneial Koimilrr. Maobln6nn < (
llluckmultli Wurk < imi o nnil Work * , U. 1 * . Itr. 7
nnd lull Btrcut , Oibalia.
O MA H A WIR E & I RbTTWORKS. " " * .
Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railing
Dujk llallf , Wlnilnir nuariln. Flower Ptanili ,
NxmiKtc. UI North Kilt HtrcrtOmaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes-1
Vault * , Jail Wprk , Iron anilyiro 1'oDclne , Hltui , Kt .
O , AiiJreeu. fropV < ; < jr. UUi uadJatk on HU
CHAMPION IRON anfl WiRE-VV > ril < 3
Iron a'nd Wire Fences-Railings , , "Guards
anil Screens ; for t > tnki , ollicfti.tloru * riMlilaui.o . oto
Imprnved Awnluun. Ixickimltli Mnthlnirr aoil
IHaclnnltlt VV'orki. Wltoutli lull rit.
Tire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time locti ,
( jeoeral Agknd for Dlebold fjafn A l dk CV.'i
Vnulit and jail Work , llli famam Ktruot ,
iiccoisfully used uiouthly \ > ? oriuJO.fXO
I dieft. Aro.S'a/r. Kfftctunlaiid l'lrr.ta\t \
$1 prboz by mUll.or t itruUu. .
' 'TBx.K | uuA OutMKHj. Oo , Vntan , 2
i' " 'r. sale and lt\j \ nuiil by G'ooi
2 > ri0 ( Co , , Ointthti , AVI/-
' ' '
< ' ' . ' " . . :
. . . * . . - . *