Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 TliE OMAHA -DAILY BEE : FBIPAY. .JULY , 13. 1888.
Knocks the Corn Hufekors
Silly in Six Rounds.
City < Jotn a Gnino From St.
J'anl nnd the JIlnncapollH
Tall ICndc-rs DolVnt tlio
\Vrstorn Association
rollbwlnfj Js the ofttclal standing of the
Western association teams up to and In
cluding yesterday's games ,
Oinnlm 20 , Slouv City . " .
Everybody has been 'crying to see the
Omahas do some hitting. Well , everybody
r phonhl have boon out to the park yesterday
( afternoon and witnessed them paralyze Mr.
'Wells , Sioux City's crack rotator.
* rH was one of tlio grandest slugging exhi
bitions within the memory of the oldest Inhabitant -
/habitant b'ifP bang ! crack ! .smasi | ! from
the beginning to the close. This occurred
until the nnd of the sixth Inning , when Urn-
i plro HiiKnn , out of .commiseration for the
panting , perspiring , faded visiting Holders ,
called the game. J
The curiosity to see the new club , with
Bador and cicnins , iittrrtctcda rather sizeable
crowd , and they all got the fullest woith of
their money ,
While Genius failed todistingulsh himself ,
Other than by making thrco blunders at
third , Badcr wrapped himself Ina
blanket of glory by his daring base running
* bmln | > retty t\\o-lniggcr He is the same old
Badcr without a superior on the lines in the
\vholc Western association.
But you aio waiting to hoar about the
As usual , Cooney was the first man nt the
l > late , and after Wells had tried by his "ins"
tmd "outs'1 and his "down shoots" tn get the
ball over the plate without succces , took
his base Ho quickly stole second. Then
Amils drove the sphere out into loft Hold for
rf couple ot bases , and Cooney scored the Hist
"Well , well. welU" said Mr. Crooks , and
the grand stand Hied oft u broadside of
Whoops ,
. . , It Is so nlco to sec an Omahog cotno home ,
i-Crooks now squared himself and sent the
w Ball Hiillining right at Wells , who , with a
diabolical | ; nn , tossed him out at Hist.
Gorman was luckier , as his hit
landed safely about a do/en fec-t away
from nimble Mr. Sneed. But ho fell Him
the beautiful snow on an attempt to purloin
| hq next b ig.
"Oh pshaw ! " ejaculated n tender miss in
v the opera chairs , "why didn't ho run around
Burns was mud over the shabby way in
which Goi-m in had been served , and the first
ball that left WolK' sinuous flnger.s lie
smashed out toward Bailer for a single.
Then Nagle. lilt another into Snccd's terri
tory , while Miller , the boy with the dove
llko eye , drove ono like a swallow on the
Stl jvlng way out over the left field fence for a
* " in Burns and before
lioine run , driving Nnglo
fore him.
Oh , njyl how the glad hozannas resounded
upon the air.
, Order restored , Lovctt was given a llfo by
* Genius' fumble , and Wilbon bent him to
Second on a hit to center.
t By this time every man in the team had
had his turn nt the willow , and Cooney
bobbed up n second time , lie was speedily
Tctlrcd , however , and the Corn Dodgers
Cnmo in.
, Sneed immediately hit safe and was
greeted with faint applause when ho neatly
WBtolo second.
Lovott didn't like tills pretty well and Jus
Inflammatory curves bcgau to biistle. Ho
pent 'cm in straight from the shoulder.
fc\Vhltley went out on a long fly to the poet ,
Hmd Blanchard struck out. Plielan then
* Bllppcd up and Lovott very "pliehinlj" pre-
8 c tiled him with a base on live wide balls.
fe. But. hark 1 What is that ?
The cheers of the multitude rise on high ;
BomoUiinff has , or U about to happen.
Oh no , It is only Davy Force old Davy
Force who witnessed tlio bullaing of the
pyramids of Egypt and was present at the
deluge , taking his position at the plate.
Myl the memories that camu Hooding
Back at the sight of that symmetrical but
Bawcd-off form.
But there was no tlmo for saddening retro-
Jlpection , for the famous old short stop
Wielded his war-club nnd sent ono of Lov-
ptt's down shoots gyrating out into Burns'
But it was no go. Bnder foul tipped to big
Wilson , nnd the Jig was up.
< In the second , after Aunts nnd Crooks had
been squelched , Gorman , Burns and Naglo
, nit safe , Miller got his base on an error by
< jPhclan , and Lovott on balls , This bit of
' itlckuig and luck resulted in thrco moro
. .tallies. ' ,
The Hnwkoycs got ono hit In their half ,
i..tut like the first , it availed them not.
In the third Coonoy sent the ball flying
t ( . raj- out .Into the northeast corner of the
[ , -yard , and before Snccd could fish it out front
under the fence , was homo. Then Annis
a ! Barulo a hit mid Crooks a three bagger , and
vBftur ( iormuii had fanned put. Bums bit for
* three socks and Miller for a single , the net
result being four more runs ,
The Sioux Citys wont out ono. two three ,
, . B did the Omahas in the fourth. In their
i. jialf , though , the visitors scored three runs.
Bador lilt for two bags , Wells got hla base
"On" nn unaccepted chance , and Sohildknccht
tnado n tin co bagger , and came homo on
iueed'H ' long Hy to the poet.
, ' In the fifth and nlxth Omaha made eight
j-Qioro runs on two bases on balls , suven nits
and tinee errors , while tlio Cotm Buskers
* had to bt > contented with but two which they
piudo off of Cooney , who had cpme In to
'Bitch In order to save Lovett ,
* 'T Tl\e \ Omahas knocked Wells Out of the box
In the third innlin. , Blanclrard finishing ,
i The O in alms will have some more fun this
U.iliu olllcial score :
Totals 805 8 ' 3 IS JO t' '
BCOUI : iv :
Omaha : . , . & 3 i 0 442 ?
Bloux City -.0 0 0 3.0 2 J
Runs earned Omaha 14 , Sioux City 2 ,
Two-baso hits AnnUr Badcr. Three-bast
* , hits Crooks , Burns , .Wllsou , IX ) volt ,
t Blanchard , $ childkuccht. Homo' runs
' Miller , Cooney. . Bases on balls Oft Wells
.Si. Blanchurd 3 , Struck out By Lovt-tt 3 ,
\Vclls3. Time 1:40. : Umpire Ilagan.
r KaiiHiiN City 4 , St. Paul I.
$ ST. PAUL , July 12. [ Special Telegram to
ViraliKn. ] Kid Nichols Kansas' City's no
fiHi-hcr , held the locals down to five hlU to
t *
, r JJuyundwa * backed up _ ln his good , pitching
l > Jf spmo VCY flno Hold work , Maiinhit
ndln ) ( wo phenomenal catchers at ' 'ctntui
iid Arduer , doing- great work nt Second
Ifljckcnnan also pitched a fine g&iso , but "hh
. 'was hot as snarji a that of Nichols
Shafer , lieu ever , put up about
nsjilco n gome jn their respective ) positions
as has been scpn on the homo grounds this
season. Carroll sent the ball ovqr the fence
Hi the ninth Inning , but stopjicil nt third bate
in order to keep Ounson up behind the bat
nnd was left there , Ounson nod Knrlo were
both off In their throwing to bases. The
score s
St. Paul . 0 00010000 1
Kansas City . , . .1 ( I 0 3 ( ) 1 0 1) 4
Kuns earned Kansas City 1. Threc-baso
hits Carroll. Home runs Johnson.
Double plays Plckctt , Shafer and Ifoilly ;
Tuckqrman , Shafer and Morrlsey. Bases on
balls Long , Manning. Struck out By
Tuckerman 1 . by Nichols fi. Passed balls
Gunson. Wild pitch Nil-hob. "IJnscs stolen
By Karle , KOilly , Shafer , .T.onV , Mannlhp
. (2) ( ) . Lofton bases St. PnUrj , Kansas City
I. First base on errors Kansas City 1.
Tlmo 1 :3i. : Umpire Fesseudcn.
Minneapolis n , le .Molncs .
Mi.vxiiMoi.iJuly 12. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BEU.J The battery was very lighten
on both sides to-day lies Mplucs ouly
making two hits off Wlnklcnmn until the
seventh inning , when that club forged ahead
through a base on Lulls and four singles. In
the ninth Minneapolis pouiuic'd out one run
and rescued the winning scpro through the
poor battery work of Cushman and Traflloy ,
tlio former being wild and the latter belli ?
umiblo to stop balU which were not wild.
Wlukleinaii was very effective when men
were on bases , ulnc Dos Molnos men being
left. The score-
Minneapolis . 0 2 0
DCS Moines . 0 4
Base hits Minneapolis 7. DCS MolnOs T.
Knors Minneapolis it. DcsMoines4 , Kuns
earned- Des Molncs 1. Two base hits
Patton , Quinn. Double plays Tebeau ,
BroMian mid Hn/.vcs ; Jevuo and Broughton ;
Quinn , Macullar nnd Stearns. Bases on
balls Bv Wlnkleman 4 , by Cushman 1. Hit
by pitcher Macullar. Struck out-'By
Wlnkleman 3. by Cushman 0. Passed balls
Broughton 1 , Trallloy 4. Wild pitches
Cushrmm . Bases stolen By Hawe.s ,
Walsh , Brosnon. Left on bases Minneap
olis 7 , Dos Molnci ( J. First base on errors-
Minneapolis 1 , DCS Molncs ! ! . Time 1:50. :
Umpire Powers.
Milwaukee . " > , ChlcnKo 5.
MII.W.UKUI : , July IS. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Ben. J About ono. hundred people
saw Milwaukee and Chicago play their Open
ing game to-day. Sprague , who shut out the
Mllwuukrcs when last licrc , was hit easily
to day. The visitors also got onto Horncr
and hit him hard in the fifth inning , making
two doubles and four singlca. Ciamo was
called after the tenth inning on account of
the weather , with the score a tie. The score :
Milwaukee. .0 'J 0 it 0 (1 ( 0 II 0 0 5
Chicago . 0 0 fi
Earned runs Milwaukee 4 , Chicago ! : . B.ise
on balls OH Sprague 4 , off Homer : ) . Struck
out > - Foster , Fuller , llorner , Hanrahan ,
Ithcims , Gallagher. Two base hits Ma-
culler , liberals , Dugdale. Double plays-
Foster , Pcttu , Fuller. Umpiie Brenuan.
Oil Their lm t
Yesterday's Chicago Tribune says the
Maroons passed through tlioro on their way
from Kansas City to Milwaukee. The re
cent sale of Long and Lnngo to the Kansas
City club has somewhat discouraged the
boys , and several of them are getting ready
for a. general broaking-up. Hcngle , Hanra
han and Dugdale- have made arrangements ,
in case the team disoands , to go to Buffalo ,
and Coughlln to the Grcenhood it Morans of
California. Hoover docs not think much of
the present state of affairs and says ho made
a mistake when he Camu to cClik-ago. In
place ot Long and Lange , Pete Gallagher
and Pcdros have been slgued , the former as
n third baseman and the hitter as a pitcher.
The team may pull through the season , but
It Is doubtful. Now that Long , believed by
many to bo tlio star fielder of the country ,
lias buen sold , President Spalding and Cup-
tain Anson give it out that they wanted him.
Morton said : "The man who pajs the money
gets the plum.1
Piniuond Flashes.
Billie Barnio lias been given orders to buy
Chamberlain , of the Louisvillcs , no matter
what the price may be.
Indianapolis , is worrying over the non-np-
pcarance of Burdick. Ho was to have ar
rived Friday lust.
The report that Tip O'Neill , the left fielder
ot the St. Louis Browns' , was to bo &old is
denied. O'Neill has been playing poorly on
account of ill health.
D. C. Webb , the St. Louis lawyer who
helped Third-Baseman Latham , of the
Browns , in his matrimonial troubles , re
covered Judgment yesterday against Latham
for ? 00for fees.
The DubiKiuo team , which has been voted
out of the Inter-sttito league , has made over
tures to the Cliicngo Maroons' management
to purchase their franchise In the Western
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
management have been requested to furnish
u special trial on Sunday next for n very
largo party of Sioux City people , who arc
coming down to sec the ball game. It will bo
furnished. _
Ycstcrday'fl Winners In the National
League Contests.
iNiuAN'Ai'ous , July 12. Uosult ol to-day's
game :
Indianapolis . 0 9
Now York. . . . . . 0 0
Pitchers Shruvo for Indianapolis , Welch
for New York. Base hits Indianapolis 13 ,
New York fi. Errors Indianapolis 3 , New-
York 2. Umpire Valentine.
PITTSIIUHC , July 12. The Pittsburg-Bos-
ton game was called at the end of the foiuth
inning on account of rain. Neither scored. t |
DBTUOIT , July 12. To-days gamO was post
poned on account of ram.
CHICAGO , July 12. Hcsult of to-day's
game :
Chicago . 1 9
Washington. . . .0 1 8 5 0 S 3 0 0 22
Pitchers Brynan and Hynil for Chicago ,
Whitney for Washington. Base lilts Chicacro
11 , Washington 17 , Errors Chicago 12 , Wash
ington 19. Umpire David Sullivan.
American Association.
KANSAS Cm , July 12. Result of to-day's
Kansas City . 0 3
Brooklyn . 0 00001000 1
ST. Louis , July 12. Uesult of to-day's
ginno :
St. Louis. . . . . . . . .2 04030000 S
Baltimore . 0 3
CiNt'iNNvri , July 12. Kcsult of to-day's
game :
Cincinnati . 1 00000000 1
Cleveland . 0 03000000 2
LOUIIJVIU.E , July 12. Result of to-day's
came : ,
Louisville . 0 0' (1 ( 0 > 0 0 1 0 0 1
Athletics. . . s..O 0201 100 0 4
Hastings Druinmor.s to Play Hall.
HisTixas , NeU , July 12. [ Special to TniJ
Br.E.J Ttio traveling' men of Hastings nnd
Lfncoln play ball iu this city "next Saturday
.lor.1100 a sido'and the whohi bakery.
Tlio Hastings team-Is co'mposcd of the fol
lowing aggregation of talent :
Nftt Miller , manager ; II.II. . Cherry , left
field ; L. McUoodwin , cooler field } il. Helluer ,
right HeldV. ; \ . 1 . Whlummn. pitches ; J , It.
Lau1 , catcher- , William Snllt n , first base ;
George Uogers , second base' ; Peeler Garetv ,
short stop ; Alison Jllgbco , third base , , the
great upkuowu.
i 'Kxctcr 23 , Dorchrstor 7. >
' DouciiiiSTKit , Neb. , July 12 ; [ Special TcU
eg/am to Tun Bnu. ' ) Darchu&tor.'s'crack
ball club was easily dofcato.l at Eietcr 'yes
terday In , an uninteresting th'o fol
lowing sooro :
Exctor , . . . , . „ . .4 0 3 3 1 0 ' 3 2-23
Dorcluistcr.- . fr 0 0 4'-p 1 0..27
. llnpiil City O , Onndroit a , . .
Eu'in C.ITV , Dak..Juty 12. | Special Tolo-
gra'm to Tim BKq. ] Th same ol ball hare
, to-day between Ciiadron'und Ilapld City " for
a purse of JIO,0 was ] City. The
score i
'Ilapld Cty.I'O. | . 0'-a 1 0 0 1 4. " 0
, OlIa.droii . U 0300010 03
HattcMutrItjpMCity , Carroll and
Thomas ; ChadroiU'illluins and Coon- . ' . '
Rocm STKII , N. V. , July i ? . Hiram Slbloy
died ut lOrio o'cloclc inoruini ; , ' ,
A Now Turn of Affnlra In the Mooro-
Norton , OI\DO.
Tlipy Arc Arrested on n Wnrrnnt
Them With nn I'tecoil-
Urnvu OflVnse Tl o lintest
Th ( Moore-Norton Case.
Toni-.KA/Kan. / , July 12. [ Ispeclal Telegram
to TIIK UKR. ] Shortly before noon to-day
Coustiililo DAwes scrvcil u warrant Issued
from Justice Searles eoutt on complaint of
County Attorney Cm Us , charging Mrs. .lolm
W. Norton with violation of tlio laws of
Kmjsa'lon two counts. The warrant was
miido out for both Moore and Mns. Norton ,
but us Moore was iilrcuily in custody it was
only served oi tlio wonnin. The Hivst ooutit
spcclllcs that they wilfully lived together n
iiiun and wife on .Tilly 8 nt the Cftpcliind
hotel. Tlio second count specifics tliut
they arc Kullty of "open nud
gross loWdncss and lascivious bohaviqr ,
nud of open and notorious nets
of public Indccancy grossly scandalous In
this , that they registered nt thq Copeland
hotel on July 8 as nitui midwife and occupied
tlio same room , contrary to section li ! of the
statute In i elation to marriages , " which
muUcs It a misdemeanor foru inun and wonmn
not married to live together as man and wife.
it itxen the penalty at not less Hum , " > 00 nor
more than $1,000 line , or not less than thirty
days nor more than three months imprison-
nient in the county Jail or penitentiary. If
Moore is released the warrant will then be
served upon him.
Mrs. Norton was nt once taken under cus
tody in room 42 , Just opposite Moore's room ,
with nn ofilecr guarding each room , Booth
Moore and Mrs. Norton were very much sur
prised \\hcn the warrant was re.iil. It is
believed that Mrs Norton will plead guilty
when arraigned in court , and the minimum
line will be Imposed. She immediately sent
far her attorney , Captain Johnson , and held
( | Ultc u long consultation with Mini. Mrs.
Norton , in conversation with Tin : Uii : ; re
porter soon after this warrant was served ,
said :
"It is the work of Noiton. I am satisfied
that lie has instigated this prosecution. They
want to get all the money we have , so that ,
we will bo unublu to resist their prosecu
tion. "
Moore became very much enraged nt the
new turn of affairs , nml said Unit "they
( moaning himself and Mrs. Norton ) were
getting in deeper and deeper.1
This morning , a little before the tlmo set
for thoheaimg of the habeas corpus pro
ceedings by Judge Guthrie , Moore appeared
in court , accompanied by his attorneys and
Attorney General Taylor , representing tlio
states of Missouri and Kansas. Sheriff
Fisher presented tlio warrant of the- gov
ernor issued upon the requisition of tlio gov
ernor of Missouri. Moore's attorneys said
they hud no opportunity to see the warrant
or requisition papers , -and before any fur
ther proceedings were taken they desired
to see all the papers ill the case.
The attorney general said that tno
only question upon which tlio Judge had to
liass was tlio Hiifllcioney of the warrant.
Moore's attorney disputed that question.
The Judge said the gentlemen ought to have
an op | > ortunity to o.xanune the papers fully ,
and liu would give them any rdasonnble tlmo
they desired. Moore's attorney asked that
they have until to-morrow , and the case was
continued until that time. The action of the
attorney for Moore was a complete surprise
to tilt attorneys on the other side. An
agreement was made last night between the
attorneys , and it had been settled that no i e-
sistunco would bo made to the requisition
papers , but that Moore would return to St.
Louis without making any light. Moore's
attorneys , however , have announced their
determination to nuke a tight against taxing
Moore back. The governor's warrant order
ing the arrest of Mooie , in obcdiencti to the
requisition of the governor of Missouri is
now in the hands of the sheriff. Mooro's at
torneys declare the requisition papers will
not hold good , and that on the hearing of the
habeas corpus proceedings to-morrow the
prisoner will bo released The attorneys have
up to tills morning attempted to settle the
matter without further interference of tlio
Kansas courts , but all negotiations to this
effect wore declared off this morning. Hotli
hides have become bull-headed and declare it
is n light from now on. Captain Johnson ,
Mooro's attorney , said this afternoon that
they would resort to every means to prevent
Mooro's being taken back.
15ut Desolation and Ituia Mark the
Flood's Track.
PiTrsnouo , July 12. The waters that have
been sweeping the valley of the Mononga-
hcla and the valleys of its tributaries for the
last sixty hours arc again falling into their
natural channels. They leave In their track
scenes of desolation and ruin that have never
had their counterpart In the same localities.
From Pittsburg to the mountain fastness
of Randolph county , West Virginia , towns
have been ravaged , manufactories have
been inundated , boats have been sunk ,
houses and lumber have been flouted off ,
fields with wheat in shock and growing
crops have boon devastated , families forced
to the hills for shelter , and in many instances
the accumulations of years of toil and self-
denial have been lost in an hour. The losses
entailed by the Hood will not fall short
of $ J,0 < > 0,000 , a largo proportion of which
falls upon tno people of the thriving counties
of Mongolia , Marion , Taylor , Harrison ,
Lewis , Barbour , Upshur and Handolpli in
West Virginia. In Pennsylvania ttio losses
arc In the counties of Allegheny , Washing
ton , Westmoreland , Fayetto and Greene.
These Ipsses fall most heavy upon the owners
of coal property , railroad companies and
farmers. In Pittsburg proper much of the
loss fulls upon the owners of shanty boats and
boat houses. The owners of mill property
will lose largely and will have to undergo no
end of inconvenience on account of the in-
vasiqn of mills by water yesterday , the put
ting out of tires and tlio rusting and almost
ruining of valuable machinery. From points
above , millions of feet of valuable timber
and lumber have come down and have been
carried oil into the Ohio a total loss to the
Horaoo Grrcloy's Son-in-lmw .lalloil
Kor limiting Hit ) Hoard Kill.
New VOIIK , July 12. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BUB. ] In u cell in the East Quo Hun
dred and Twenty-sixth street police station
there -was confined last night a distinguished
looking individual , who had b'een arrested as
a hotol"bllk. " no-Was registered on the blot ;
tor as Verres NSnilth , , but the man is boater
known-us Colonel Nicholas Smith , and is tl > o
same who gnlncd'considorablo notoriety last
year by going to Kentucky to act as best man
nt the wedding of Edward .J. OVington , of
Uroqklyn , and afterwards making demands
for money upon that gentleman. Colonel
Spilth is a son-in-law of. the late Horace
Greeloy. , married his 'daugh-
tei ; Ida. Ho . wag arrested on
complaint of John. Allen , proprietor of the
Hotpl Haml\toii \ , nt Ono Hundred and
Twenty-fifth , street aud Eighth avenue.
Allen went before Justice Allen at the York-
vlllo.court and procured a warrant for the
colonel , ' charging him wjth obtaining fdod
and lodgings at the Hotel Hamilton upon
false representations and with tailing to pay
for the same. An officer was sent for and
Smith placed under , arrest. At the police
station ho gave his pedigree as follows :
Name'Ycrreii N. Sinlth ; ago , Xorty-ulght
years ; born In the "United States ; no OQCIT-
patlon. Colonel Smith's bill foots up . $10 $ .
' Ho had represented that'he Imd.soUl lands In
Virginia and was c.\i > octhig money daily.
HJs tlUo of colonel comes from tits' service ; in
the confederate army. ' . '
' * '
- - . " '
: . .
. _ A Pennsylvania Cyclone. . ;
.Pin riEU ) , Mass' . , July 13. P
Toal-hliig lioro from 11)0 ) wpst this evening Vfr
port that las.t night's cyclone credited ter-
ribl'a.dorastation between hero and , . Albany ,
sweeping froilv the state , line to East
Chatham add lovpwng' three napr mill * ,
many small houses , etc. It Is supposed that
* < > IMS been scmo'Wss of life.
OKXmtftfi Hl'OUT.
Oarsnirii Arriving nt I'nllninn to Par-
tlclnntc ltd tilllU'Kiitta. .
Gificuio , July 12-rO'vor ! otio hundred ama
teur scullers from till p'\rt ' ( \ of the wesUiro
already on hand to pai tlclpato In the nntlual
regatta of the Mississippi Valley Rowing
association , which l glnlt to-morrow nt Pull
man. Most of the races will be. hotly con
tested events , it is poifgcdod that tlio Junior
singles llos bctwecn'Wrowh , of Philadelphia ,
and Wheeler , of tlroILurlino club , of Mlnite- ,
npoli * . The Junior ddubUs will bea'walltover
for the latter club , bill ll.e Junior pair is re
garded as an open coiitti , t. Three clubs are
entered the Sylvan * , arMollne , Irwiuois. of
Chicago , and ModtA-s , of St. Louis. The
Junior four-oared race seems to rest between
the Unions of Chicago , Sylvans of Molina
and Crescents , ot Wichita , Km. Muchiuoro
in n favorite in the senior Rlnglo. Tho.senpr {
double sdull will bo the race of the rceottn ,
and the contest will bo between the Dela-
warcs of Chicago , Lurllncs of Minneapolis
and the Ottumwa oarsnfen. The barge ruc < \ ,
which Is set for. the second duy , will 'bo
three-quarters of a mile nti.ilght away. The
other races will bo a mile and a half , with
Washington Park Ilaccs.
Cmc oo , July 13. At Washington park
to-day the weather was cool and the track
good but not fast. The attendance was
SK furlongs Eldorado won , Contempt
second , Hattie y third. Time 1 :17'4. :
Six furlongs Plnlt Cottage won. . Autocrat
second , Laredo third. Time. 1r 1 : \ > yt.
Ono mile Wary won , Uohomia second ,
Jcnnlo McFarland third. Time 1 :4'14' : .
One and one-eighth miles Santalenc won ,
Leo H. second , Yum Yum third. Time
lWtf. :
Oho and one-sixteenth miles Uadgor and
Gallatin ran n dead heut. The stakes were
divided. Time 1 tfOlf.
Six furlongs Lady Hamphlll won , Sports
man second. Nylcptha third. Time 1 : ! .
E. J. Baldwin's famous colt , Emperor of
Norfolk , pulled up lame at his exercise to-day
and will not start again tills season.
At iMonmnntli Park.
MosMot-Tii PAIIK , July The track was
fast to-day.
Three-fourths of n mile Fred U. won ,
Hralt second , Lady Primrose third. Tlmo
1 .10.
Tlneo-fourthsof n mileStone Crop won ,
Harrisburg second , Groomsman thiid.
Time 1:17. :
Ono and one-eighth miles Invervvick won ,
Goodloc second , Paragon third. Time
One and thrco-fouith miles-Flrenzl won ,
hlhwood hccoud. Ewans third. Time
: i:06' : ? .
Ono and ttiieo-slxteontirniiles Hanbridgo
won , Favor second , Tenbooker thud. Time
2 : ( ) . " > .
Three-fourths of n mlle liowland won ,
Gienadior second , Hotrcat Colt third. Time
1 .17.
Three-fourths of a mile Lackawnnna w on ,
llousatonio second , Freedom third Time
Money anil a Pending Dixoroc Aimar
ontly Intensify HlH Ijovo.
MINNKU-OMS , July12. . . [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Bi.K.1 The tenement low num
bered 521 to 629 on iicnnepin avenue , almost
opposlt o the West hotel , i ? to-day tenanted
by what seems to bo loving couple , happy
in the light of each others eyes In spite of the
fact that the canker worm , of divorce pio-
ccediifgs is slowly but surely tearing them
in twain. The couple is nnno other than the
much-married John Fi WiNchis and wife No.
0 , formerly Mrs. Katd Stcts > un ot Cleveland ,
O. Wilkins has for soniy tlmo cnloyed the
unenviable reputation pf a polygamist without
having professed n changeflf , heart in that
direction or taken steps to join his biethren
in Utah. The gossipsiwould have it that ho
played the part of a lovinghusband to four
women at the same time at , St. Paul last winter -
tor , and certain it is thiit'one ' wife at a time
never filled the measure of nls ca
pacity for love nnd affection. At
the instaneo of wife No. 1 last
January Wilkins was arre-Ued , charged
witli bigamy , while enjoving his honeymoon
with Mrs. Stetson Wilkins'at Fergus Falls ,
and was bronchi to this city. He was sub
sequently taken to St. Paul for trial. About
two months since Lillie Bell , Mrs , Wilkins
No. 1 , secured a deciee of divorce. She had
long ceased to loyo him and the rrcatcst re
lief of her life wna the riddance of his un
savory uiinif and his ill-omcnd pet son. Mrs.
Wilkins the latest lived , happily witli her
husband until Juno 15 , when , curiously
enough , she , too , npplled for a divorce in the
district court of Hcnnepln county. This
minor digression has not been allowed to mar
the peace and happiness of then- homo life ,
and all is merry as u marriage boll. Mrs
Wilkins claims to bo forty-five years old in
her petition , while her husband is moro than
ten years her Junior. A key to the situation
is perhaps furnished by the fact that within
several days Mrs , Stetson Wilkins has dis
posed of her farm in Otter Tall county and
the abundance of the wherewithal may have
brought back to his sixth love the wandering
affections of the fickle John S. Wilkins.
Drives a Talented Voting Artist in
Denver to HulcUlr.
TniMDAT ) , Colo. , July 12. [ Special Tele ,
grain to THE BEK. ] Some days ago n good-
looking young man calling himself Fred
Remington , and passing for nn artist on Har
pers' Weekly , came to this city and spent
some time sketching mountain scenery in this
vicinity. Ho mingled with those of the citl-
7ons who were recently residents of New
York , and there is no reason for doubting
that ho gave his genuine natno and true rela
tion to the journal ho claimed to repiobent.
To-day ho took morphine with suicidal in
tent. Several physicians , bv means of arti
ficial respiration and hypodermic injections
of alcohol , prolonged the young man's life
until 0 o'clock this evening , when ho died.
Ho loft a will bequeathing to Miss White , a
handsome young milliner of this city , whoso
acquaintance he made a few days after his
arrival hero , some ? 4.00U , and setting apart
f 51X ) for the expenses of his own funeral , SJ.OCO
to Urn Journalists' home , nnd 31,000 to the
hired help on his father's farm. He also
wrote a letter to his father , u banker , asking
him to grant Miss White a position In his
bank , as she was capable and worthy. Just
what transpired , If anything , between him
and the young lady is not at this tiinn known.
Humor has it that lie fell madly In love with
her , and she , refusing to listen to his vows of
love , caused him to commit suicide. Another
rumor is that ho has been 111 for a couple of
days nnd took the drag as a medicine and
with no suicidal Intcn'jL. 'f
Pj-Un AVlnnluK 'Photographers.
Mixsnu-ous , July,12. . The prjzofl
awarded by tUo National Photographers' as
sociation wore awardpd to-day us follows :
Gold ba'dgej valued uV.2j , for tholiest slngla
cnlargcmont on Easluma bromide paper ,
Thomas Hcitiag , oT iWyton , Oliio ) silver cup ,
valmul at * 10 > , for best coHectiou of en'argo- '
incuts on Eastman's | tawr | ? , C ; F. O'Kdofo. df
Ft. Madison , Iowa ; gold mednl , yaluo $70 ,
for the best collectiort .shlivvlng the greatest
variety of application of Iransforotypo paper ,
K. J. Jennings , of Phit.nduluhla. "
An Knrly .
'CoLi'Miius , O. , July , , ll Ehemycr Stcn-
'yard , thoYoungstowninunlcrcr | , wllo killed
his' sweetheart in 1SS7. i was lianpod In the
penitentiary at 1 oVlock thl ; morning.
.By UH announcement In this pnpor it
will bo secn.tlmt tlio Stuto UnlverMtv
Iowa renunios its work on the , duy
of Sontemboi1. It' ia the Ocadlnp t > ohpol
in tlio state tlio crowning jrlory of our
.odilentibnjil system. .Tho chairs of its
several iloimi mcntsnro filled \vith'pr'q-
foHsqrs mid touchers volect'exl for thoi'r
superior ( Uiioss1 foltjioir work , , Jio , ef
fort \vlll Ijcr pai'ed ' 16 protuoto'tho wol
/nrb. o'ftlio Btudutitiiid ) wo tiikq'bici-iiil ; )
plen&uro'Hi focoinindiidinp' { Vitljout
va&vfo to Uio'iittejntioii ftiifl . pa.troiuVy'c
of nil wh'o ai'o ( ho ; icqutr < \ -
jilont orf n cpllcnitito r pro'fess'lonul cd-ii1
oiitlon. Fiill infm-jnution its to t .sjcn'io )
'nud bojiool.fitcilitioS wilj bo
furnished on up'i > liCatiou , ' .
. , , .
* 1 '
: " . ' " ' ' . ' - - Route
C.B.RQ.R.R. C.B.&Q.RR.
The Burlington takes the lead. "
* . It was In advance of all lines in developing Nebraska * '
. ' . It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning nnd arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past. ;
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington. .
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone SCO- '
Depot on Tenth Street. " - '
Consideration of the Ordinances for
New Public Buildings Deferred.
Unfinished Paving Contracts
Bros , llcrolcca A SlO.OOO Crcclio
Proposed Mnny Minor Mat
ters Passed Ujion.
Adjourned Council Meeting.
The city council met in adjourned session
last night to consider the city hall , jail and
library ordinances. A large number of in-
tqresled spectators were presdnt.
Air. Hascall opened the ball by saving that
inasmuch as it Was a hot evening to dlscu s
such important measures as were to come before -
fore the council , he would move an adjourn
ment until Saturday.
Mr. Ford was instantly on his feet with nn
intimation that four or Jlvo members were
trying to bulldote a job through the council ,
but needed delay , and ho wanted to do the
business for which the council was called.
He wanted the members put on record.
Mr. said that the minority were trying
to pusli the matter to nn issue because cer
tain members \vero absent , but if the gentlemen -
men wanted a test of strength he was ready.
Mr. Ford retorted that ho know nothing of
these ordinances until they were read Tuea-
day nicht. He wiw ready to give the people
of Omaha a chance to say what they want.
Whoever objects must have a nigger in the
fence , and the skulduggery ought to bo
stopped. "Let us put two distinct propositions
before the people , and if they vote for a hole
in the ground , well and good. "
Mr. Leo said that the ordinances were ev-
pressly intended to give the people a chunco
to express their wishes.
Mr. Hascall said tin was satisfied the pub
lic building ordinances were not in shape to
please cither party. Botli wanted the public
library embodied in the city hall , and botli
wanted the Jail in a separata building. Ho
inodiHed his motion to have the ordinances
rcXerred to the committee of the whole ,
which , ho said , would give all the members
time to Hx up their schemes.
The Hascall motion was carried by the. fol
lowing vote : Ayes Alexander , Hoyd , Has
call , Kaspar , Kierstcad , Leo , Lowry. Snyder -
dor , VanCump , Bechel 10. Nays Bailey ,
Cheney , Couiisoman , Ford , Kitchen , Man-
The spectators ami flvo or six councilmen
made a wish to get out of the overheated
room , andscveial motions wcru made to have
the sorgeant-at-arms bring bicic the vanish
ing onicials. Councilman Lowry capped llio
climax by calling to Councilman Kaspar :
"If you don't come insldo the rail , so help
me John llogcrs , I'll go witli tlio north pait
of town' "
The plea had the desired effect. The chair
refused to put the motions , ns a peed work
ing quorum remained. The council then took
up miscellaneous business.
The board of public works was ordered to
make a contract with J. B. Smith As Co , for
p iving the intersection of Sherman avenue
and Wirt and Twenlh-fourth and Wlrt.
A largo number of ordinances were read a
first and second time by title.
The following ordinances were read a
third tlma and pissed : Locating hydrants
In Walnut hill ; designating ploco < where ex
press wagons may stand ; authorising the
mayor to issue a permit to Baker , Horncr
& Co. to operate as fire reporters.
Also for paving on Twenty-second street
from Dodge to Davenport , on Picrcd street
from Fifth to Fourth , from Pierce street to
alley north of Pierce , on Pierce froin Tenth
to Eleventh , on Nicholas from Twelfth to
Fourteenth'on Douglas from Kigalli to
Seventh , on Lcavenworth In district 150 , on
California iu district Ibl , on Twenty-filth
from DodgtJ to California , on Twenty-sixth
from Half Howard to St. .Mary's avoiiuo.
AISo fpr levying special paving taxes ! On
Thirteenth street from Caste'.ur to Viutoo.fln
L'eavonworth from Seventh to Kighth. Also
several grading and cuibing ordinances.
A communication was received from City
Kngjne'er Tillson and Messrs. Halepmbf ) and
ijeimtod of , the board of public works , rec
ommending the cancellation of all unfulfill"d
contracts of US" made with Kegan Bros , for
cedar block [ lavement and advising the re-
letting of tie ) contractsprovldingthe city
attorney approve-such action as legal. The
communication stated that 7r,020 squuro
yards of paving , ( which Includes a piece of
Twenty-ninth street , laid with cypress instead -
stead of cedar ) , were left over Irom 18-37.
During this yt'ar1:1,000 : square yards luivo
been awarded to the same firm , and : oral-
nances have bcpn pas'sod'for 21,000mono ,
James Fox , n silent partner of. thfl Hoitaiis ,
has i contract for M yards. The following -
ing summary Js iiiado of work in hand by'tho
. . ; ' . \ . . .
.Worker last year
"Workdqnoou aamo. . ' . . J2,500
" * ' ' '
' , . . - . .
. .Left oven. ' : . ; . . , . . . . . . . . " . . . ' . -HB.o (
Work'this'year * . . . .rt. . . . . ' 'i ° ' ' . < ' .
AVork done on'sumo. . . _ . , , . , . . . , < , < > ixj .
' \7nUono. ' . v ! . ' : ' . ' . . , . ' . . . . . ' " . ; V * . > "T" 73 , 00
Total undone. . , ' . ; . ,
resolution \m tcsst > a.ordering tU6 board
. . V . '
. '
, * * , . ,
of public works to cancel the unfinished ron-
tr.'ieH for hist year and advertise for new
Thn dlrcctois of the German scheol on
Harney street were reported as strenuously
olijccting to the construction of the proposed
building for n creche on the adjoining lot.
The ladies of the Omaha charity association
made the council a proposition to erect a
610,000 briok instead of a frame structure , if
tlio council would extend the lease of the lot
from ten ycai t to twenty-live. A resolution
was presented making the desired extension.
1)IKO KI103S T11I3 I in AT.
A Woman nt South Omnhti tin ; Victim
of Sol's Kntnl Hays.
The intense heat of yesterday was felt
with fatal effect in South Omaha , and
shortly after 1 o'clock the wife of James
Dancey , a carpenter , was classed among the
victims. She had buen ill for about two
weeks but was fast recovoriuir , until j oiler-
day , when she was prostrated by the
Convulsions followed , and , although medical
aid was at once summoned , it was of no
avail , and in a few moments she was dead.
Nootlier cases were reported , but most ot
the men at work thioiighout the cltj were
compelled to quit during the afternoon.
1H1) FOU HOUSimi K
Thn Pension Departniont Hushing
Claims < > l Indiana VutcrniiR.
IxiiiAVAi' Ind. , July 12 | Spcclal Tele
gram to Tin : Bic.l-An : extraordinary increase
in the pay rolls of the Indianapolis pension
agency has given rise to the suspicion that
the department Is giving special attention to
the work of rusliing through the claims of
Indiana petitioners with the hope Unit this
activity will be helpful to the democratic
party at the next election. Since General
Black became pension commissioner the
number of pensioners on the pay-rolls of the
Indiana agency lm increased from 20,003 to
40,000 , and during the fiscal year ending on
Juno ! > 8 there were 5.1P6 names added to the
rolls many more than in neighboring states ,
the oflleial report showing that the increase
in Illinois last year was 'j.siKl. It lias become
necessary for the disbursing agent to Increase
his force of clerks , but even with tlio addi
tional assistance the men have been required
to work at night for several weeks. It is
said Unit many pensions have been rushed
through without proper examination of the
records , some of them being allowed in less
than the time usually required , and before
all the proof hi support of the claims had
been filed.
i *
The Unto Wnr.
Cine voo , July 12. The Erie and Chicago
& Atlantic railroads led off with another re
duction ofYi cents in the rate on dressed
beef to-day , making a rate of ! l cents from
Chicago to Now York. This reduction was
met by the Vnnderbilt and Pennsylvania
lines. Indications point to mi early settle
ment of the fight.
If you need n perfect tonic or blood
purifier , take Dr. Jones' Ked ( Jlovor
Tonic. It .speedily cures nil troubles of
the Htomiiuh , kidneys am ] livor. Can
be taken by the most dulieiito. Price
50 coats. Goodman.
Spontaneous CoiiilniKtlon Aaln.
About 9 o'clock last evening the tire de
partment was called to the corner of Fif
teenth nnd Farnam btreots by an alarm of
llro said to bo in the Wabasli ticket ofllee.
The blU70 was promptly extinguished before
any damage was done. The cause 01 the lire
was spontaneous combustion In a lot of old
greasy rags which are very liable to ignlto
themselves this warm weather. The damage
was slight.
ui ) ix TIM ; I.AKK.
A VUIIIIR Man J\lei > H Death While
Another i-nso of drowning occurred nt CutOff -
Off lake last evening. This tlmo tlio unfor
tunate was Arthur U. Simpson , a young man
of twcntj-llve , employed at A. B. Woods'
transfer bain. In company with about eight
ot his fellow workmen ho wont to the luku
about S o'clock to have a bath. Only thrco
ot the eight young men coulil swim , nml
among those who could not was young Simp
son. A few feet from the shore , while- wad
ing in iibjut flvo feet of water , ho suddenly
came to a stop otT about twelve or fifteen
feet deep. lie immediately sank. As
ho came to the surface again the
three boi s who coulil swim started out for
him , but getting into his clutches they were
almost dragged down to death also. The
body dlil not rise the second time , and the
boys dived for nearly an hour trying to Unit
the body and bring it to t'-o surface , l-'l-
nullv nn expert diver named Taylor , who
works at Swift's ice house , lent his assist
ance and brought the body of the drowned
man up. But it was then lee late let bring
him buck to life. The body was recovered
about ! ( o'clock and brought to his late rosl-
dcnco about 10. The blow Is a terrible one
on his young wife , to whom ho was married
onli flvo weeks ago.
Thrco Victims In Oiniilin Ono Suf
fer ! ) n DlHlountcd Arm.
Yesterday was lint , very hot. Ambition *
thermometers mounted to the dUzy altitude
of 1U degrees in tlio aliaifb , while more mod
est instruments contented themselves with
the less wilting height of ' .is , but miffeiitif ;
humanity sweltered in the presence of cither
of them.
Three cases of sunstroke nro repotted.
Chris Agaard fell to the walk near the cor
ner of Tenth and Leavcnworth street. Ills
collapse must have been very sudden and
complete , for the fall dislocated ono arm at
the elbow , cut his face and caused other
bruises. The unfortunate man was taken to
his house on South Twentiecli street. He is
a Dane , and n by trade a machinist.
A Orand Island saloonkeeper by the namn
of Wells was In Omaha , enjoying a moro ox-
tcnsivo and expensive spiec than ho could at
home. Ho was prostrated by the heat wliilu
on Tenth street , and was considerably
bruised In tlio resulting fall , II o was taken
in by friends and cared for.
The third case happened on Fainam street.
The man was unnhiti to give his nnmo and
was removed to Sj. Joseph's hospital.
Tried to Kill His Staler.
There was trouble In the Fischer family at
1010 Douglas street , yesterday afternoon.
The young man in the family was on a spree
and very surly , and this was the cause of
some sharp words between him and his sis
ter May. AR the debate waxed win inor Ma v
Buucd a glass and hurled it at her brother's
head. This so incensed him Unit ho pulled
out his revolver and commenced ilrinjr at
her , The bullets whb/ed about her head for
a few minutes but foi Innately none of them
took effect , and befoioanymlsohiof wasdonu
a number of persons rushed in and took thu
revolver away fiom the murdoroiHly in
clined brother. May win urged to have him
arrested but her sisterly impulses uero
stionger than her do-mo for revenge , and
she foreavu.him ,
Tlio UNION PACIFIC is tlio. Direct
1/mu to Luudvillu , the hir cst iniiin ! < > '
rltj In the \\orld. _
Moro KlKiiwri Scoured.
PITTSIII mi , July 12 , The officials of the
Amalgamated association were notified this
moinlng that the Central Iron and Steal
company , of Brazil , Ind. , had signed tha
fMagnolia Magnolia
Balm- Balm
gives a Ravishing
a LIQUID foftl * ly Fair Skin.
. , i t
" '
. ' . , : f
* * . . * i
In Instantly 1 .V
oppli *
* *
, *
/ t