Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1888, Image 1

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IIo Is Said to Hnvo Boon Pernic
iously Active.
JMucli Dlnioiilty Encountered hi PillIng -
Ing the Position A Ncbrnikn
Ixmd Cnijo A Story of
Beimtor Mimdernoii.
Commissioner IllaoU'w Predicament.
613 ForiiTKr.STit STIIKKT , , >
WASIIINOTON. D. C. , July 12. I
There 1ms been In circulation for several
ilays tlio report tliat the president hits asi < cd
for .ho resignation of General HlocK , com
missioner of pensions , ntfd n great innny en
quiries have been made at tlio ponsoii ( olllco
nntl nt the white house as to its truth. There
nppcais to ho no foundation for It , although
It is well known that tlio president not
at all pleased with the conduct of General
Uluclc prior t" nml during thcjdemocr.itlccon
vention at Si. Louis. It is notorious that for
several mouths General Hlack had the best
politician * in the pension ofllco assigned to
special duty In states where ho thought they
could make vutui for lilin as vice ptosldont ,
and the attention of the president w.u called
repeatedly to tlicir conduct , lii'li.ina was
ono of the chief bcones of OLiiernl Ilhick's
operations , where ho endeavored , it is
charged , by tlio use of his authority as com
missioner of pensions to the aspira
tions of Governor Clray. It appears that ho
not only assigned political agents to thu
position of pension examiners In that state ,
hut for several months prior to the conven
tion , had almost the entire force of the pen-
hion ofllco engaged in examining claims from
Indiana soldiers so that the pay rolls of the
Indiana pension agent have been Increased
f rein 2'MHX ) to10,1)0) ) since I Hack has been
vommissloncr of pensions. During the last
Jiur months S.tSM names have bean added to
Ihe rolls In Indiana , while tlio incrcasa In 111-
Jnols has only been about 3,000. General
Hlach's personal representative at the St.
Louis convention was Mr. Murphy , the chief
clerk of tlm pension cilice , mid the president
is said to have been quite offended with hia
pernicious activity there. Hut while he has
spoken very frankly to General IHack anil to
otiiers of hiH disapproval of these transac
tions , he has not invited the resignation of
either of them , and they will not bo removed
from ofllce , for If they were , Colonel Mor
risen , Fourth Auditor Day , and a number of
other officials who were guilty of the same
oftonso would have to bo aemovcd also. Gen
eral Uluck has been ill ever since the con
vention , mid is now out of the city regaining
MMi'Aiin rou MIL u\nvu , .
Mr. Uniulnll continues to iuijirovo in health
mid unless ho lias a sot buck the doctors
think IIP will bo able to lo.ivo the city the
llrst of next month , but will not bo .iblo to
again resume this legislative duties this ses
sion. Tim illncM of the Pennsylvania states
man has attracted frotji all p.ntaof the coun
try letters of sympathy and inquiry , and his
son-ln law , Mr. Lancaster , a young lawyer of
this city , lias been able to do little else for
fcevcral days than read and answer telegrams
and letters asking for Information as to Mr
Handall's condition and sympathizing with
him in his Illness. It is a rather icmaikablc
fuel that .so far in the Fiftieth congress there
has boon but ono death tluxt of Representa
tive Moffett , of Michigan , although at this
period of the Forty-ninth congress there hud
been twelve deaths iimong senators aud rep
resentatives , and IIyo had buried their wives.
While the history of the Forty-ninth congress
Hhows unusually large mortality the history
of the Fiftieth is unusually small.
nuNTixo run A e-n.MUMVN.
The democratic national committco is
hunting for a chairman. The position has
boon tendered to and declined by Senator
Gorman. Heprescntativo Scotland General
Calvin S. Brlcy , the railway manager and
millionaire. Allthrcoof them declined because -
cause of tlio pressure of their business and
the inability to give the necessary attention
to thu management of the campaign. They
agree to glvo as time as possible to
political work , but cannot assume the re
Hponslbility of thu direction of tlio affairs of
tlio canvass. EvSenatoiWallace , of Penn
sylvania , or ox-Kepresenlulivo Frank .Tones ,
of New Hampshire , will probably bo chosen
for this important position , with the under
standing that Gorman , Snott , Urico and other
members of the executive committee shall
give him active co-operation.
Mil. rlii.l' | : AND 1MB 1IVNOS.
A wicked and Imsolcss libel Is going about
the press to the effect that William Walter
I'holps. of Now Jersey , has been shorn of his
beloved bangs. It claims , that having learned
at Chicago the sad truth that no man with
bangs can bo nominated to the vice presi
dency of the United States , the Now Jersey
leader took ono more long look In the glass
mid then started on It run to the barber's to
H.icrltleo his prldo upon tin ) altar of ids ambl
tlon. Tlicro it. not the slightest foundation
nor excuse for the slander , nnd the indigna
tion of Mr. Phelps is Intense. It may have
been that some indiscriminate and thought
less wi Her saw Mr. Phclpsata moment when
his bangs were ilHtuibed fiom theft normal
posture , and mnde thoaiinouncement without
tin thor investigation , but this ornament ol
his classic head was never more conspicuous
lljun it 1ms been since his return from Chi-
e-asjn. Instead of taking the Held as tlio rev
publican candidate for vice president , Mr.
Phelps , who never sulks in his tent , will
make a canviihs for the semitorship to sue
eeed Mr , Me-Pherson , of Now Jersey , whoso
term expires on the -tUi of Mai eh nest.
A xr.muMcv MSI ) ut.c iiiox.
The secretary of the Interior to-day derided
rided the contested limber culture entry ol
Jfthn If. Klscrvs. HltiK F Kerch nnd Charles
K. Purely , involving the northe ist quarter ol
i-eetlou , township lit , north range : iS west
North Plutto lalid district , Nebraska. The
case wus appealed by Ktser , from the decis
ion of tm ! commissioner ef tiio general lam
olllee which dismissed his contest against the
entry of Kerch because of the prior cancel
Intlem of suld entry by virtue of the contest
nf Otto S. ( ere against the same. It seems
that alter the contest alluded to above Im
been derided the land was entered bv one
Chin les \ . Purdynnd the secretary holds tin
while thu general hind oftico did right , u
dismissing the contest Of KIser u.s ngains
Kerch , still Gore , the puxsenl occupant o
the laud , had It subject to the rights.of Kiscr
i-.nd ho thcreforo directs the commissioner o
the ucnornl land ofilce to Instruct the loca
oniivr * to allow the entry of Kiscr upon ( i !
vi Iginal application for thirty days from no
tlce If ho shall show that ho is 0.11 a ! I tied ti
make sucn entry , whereupon the entry o
Purdy will be cancelled , Othcrwisa the
bame wfll remain Intact
bl.NiTOIl > H.NtlCll < O.V AND HIS lir.VOl.VCI- ! ! .
Puriuirtha late warwhon Senator Marnier.
ROII , of Nnbmt.Ua , was a lieutenant colonel ,
Rhoillj after the battle of Stone Hlvcr , lie
was presented by the oft'cers of his vegimcnt
witha , pair of handsome revolvers and a
Held glass. Which were Inscribed with bin
name and tlio elate of presentation. Just bo-
fora the buttle of Missionary Uldgo Colonel
MandcrMin stalled for Chattanooga. Fiidmg |
that tl > c tourney by the ordinary wagon road
would consume two dajs and that by follow
ing a bridle | uith which ran through u. portion
tion oftho enemy's c.oiiitry | ho jrould save
twenty-four hours , ho determined to. take
the short cut- Accordingly ho entrusted his
trunk , which cputnliicil his bagpigo .and the
two pi'Cbeutntiou revolvers to thu wagon
'traln-und set forward himself , accompanied
inly by a lieutenant , by the bridle path. . He
reached his destination In safety , but was
greeted lij u disagreeable surptiso thp next
diiy whc-n tlio tieiitcunnt of the wugon train
rode into toxVn. nh.u inulo , und explained
' '
that 1'is party had been attacked and the
wagons. wth | tholr. contents raptured Uy
rebel bnsjiwhai-km-s. . Mrs , Mary. A. Liveri
tuore , > the \vull-kuowu equal'u'ftraKO Ice-
uror , who was then connected with the Mn-
tnry commlfislon , was a passenger on the
0.3011 train nml From her ff naror Marnier-
son learned the circumstances of the capture
mil her csctfpo. She described to him how
ho truln Imil been captured by the bush-
vhackcrs , and the belonging * , iiteludlnir tlio
.wo . revolvers , liael been divided among tha
mrty. While ex-President Hayes was gov
ernor of Ohio ho wrote lo General Marnier
son , saying that from tbo records of the
Ohio rciglmqnls during Iho war II had been
llstovered that an Ohio oftie-er hud captured
'roin a rebel soldier In Alabama a revolver
faring the general's name. The senator ,
n his reply , related the history of Iho
pvolvcrs , nndl how they were captured
Ills letter wns forwarded by Governor Huycs
o the ofilccr referred to. Five years after ,
when he came to the S2nntehe received a let-
or from the Ohio man asking if ho was lieu ,
cnant colonel of a certain regiment during
the war , and If ho hud ever been presentee !
with a revolver. Senator Miinderson replied ,
nnd the correspondence that ensued resulted
in the restoration of ono of the revolveis
twenty years after Its loss. To-day Judire
IJlves , of Alabama , reached the city , having
in his possession the second of the revolvers
inscribed with General Mandorson's name1 ,
which he .sa.\s was found upon the Held of
Missionary Midge , and returned it to its
Tin : nuiwkv MVII , gr.uvicc.
There was a bill passed and approved last
February creal'ng ' two new divisions of the
railway mall service to bo established , nt the
lieginning of the em rent fiscal ytar , and
there Is considerable inquiry as to why no
action has been taken. Mr. Hancroft , the
superintendent of the railway mail service ,
tells me that the delay is owing to the lack
of money to cirry the liw into effect.
The poslulHeo appropriation bill for
Ihe I'lirrent year of ISt-S S' ' ) is
still pending in e-omrress , owinp to the ells-
| iute over tlio South American steamship
subsidy , and probably will not become n law
fe > r some weeks yet , but as soon as It has
| Ms ed the- postmaster general will take
steps for the establishment of the new di
visions of the railway mall service.
Pr.nnv S. llumi.
Senate : .
W\ niiTON , July 12. A resolution to
print extra copies of the report of the eom-
miUeo on pensions In the cases of vetoed
pension bills was the text for some polllical
discussion , Mr. Cockrcll desiring to have the
list ot pension vetoes printed among other
Mr. Hawley intimated that the publication
of the vetoes would not help the president or
Ills party with the surviving soldiers of the
republic or with the soldier vote of the coun
Without disposing of the suDject the sen
ate proceeded to tlio consideration of the
.fisheries treaty in open executive session ,
and was addressed by Mr. Geoigo In favor of
Us ratification.
At the conclusion of Mr. George's speech
the > bill to pay eC" > ,000 to Mrs. Larimer
of Wyoming for important services In
giving information concerning the hostile
purposes of tlio Sioux Itulinns , was passed.
The senate then took up the bill referring
to the court of claims the claims of laborers ,
workmen nnd mechanics employed under the
government since June 25 , IbMs , for excess ot
labor over eight hours , fixed by law on that
date as a legal day's work.
Mr. Cockrcll olTeied an amendment pro
viding that any amount allowed shall bo paid
only to the claimant , if living , or to his per
sonal representatives , if dead. Agreed to
without action on the bill.
The senate then adjourned.
House * .
WASHINGTON- , July 12. In the house to-day
Mr. Ford of Michigan , from the committee
on military affairs , reported back the resolu
tion for the appointment of a special commit
tee to investigate the alleged evasions of the
contract labor law. After speeches by
Messrs. Morrow and Vaudoverof California ,
referring to the Chinese , and Cox of New
York , regarding the Italians , the resolution
was adopted.
The house then went into committee- the
whole on the tariff bill , the agreement be
ing that no vote bo taken on the pending
wool schedule to-day.
Mr. Pugslejy of Ohio said that the duty on
wool should bo increased instead of reduced.
Mr. Morse of Massachusetts favored plac
ing wool upon the free list.
Mr Caswellof Wisconsin protested against
free wool ns having the effect of destroying
llio sheep raising industry in his state.
Mr. Hoothman of Ohio said that the plac
ing of wool on the free list struck a deadly
blow nt one of Iho industries in his district.
Mr. Allen of Michigan said thai ino demo
crats had protected all of the products of the
country south of Mason and Dixon's line and
then charged the republicans wltti section
After further debate the committee rose
and the house took a recess until S o'clock ,
the evening session to bo lor the considera
tion of privattN nsion bills.
The house m\ & " this evening to consider
certain private pension bills , but after two
Ineffective ) roll calls the house , without uo-
uomplUhing anything , at 11:1S : adjourned.
nnd Iowa PennlonH.
uly 12. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Uii.l : : Pensions were granted to-day
to the following Nubraskans : Original in
valid ( special act ) Columbus Hosteller ,
Wayne ; John \V. Hersh , Iiidlnnoln ; . .TubeY. .
Spauldiug' , Inman. Increase Robert P. Me-
Knight , Herwin ; Il'inpoiii Dewolf , 13artle/t / ;
William Dice. Culbertson ; Joseph A. Uiddoll ,
Hubbell. Henry J. Jett , Tauiara ; Allen P.
Vainey , H.irnum.
lowans : Oilsmfii Invalid Daniel McGllli-
euudy , alias Daniel Mack , Now Albion ;
Joseph U. Ltuules , Clmritou ; John Howie ,
liloomlluld. Increase Anaktr A. Itobcits ,
Guthrie Center ; William Dawson.Van Meter ;
James M. Ilobsnn , WIntcitiOt : William F.
Strtuilow , Stillwater ; George A. Greenfield ,
Sheldon ; William Uelvel Linevillu ; Thomas
J. Graham , Meclianiesvlllu ; William Carr ,
Poreival ; William Bennett , Davis City ;
Archibald Hamilton , Hlockley ; Aaron Ilil-
Hard , Vernon ; Patrick Callaher , Yankey ;
.lacob G. Hluhsti'iii , Garvvin ; John Cool
Avoca ; William Street , Col fax , El.un U ,
Jones , Prcseott : John W. Wilson , Monte-
znma ; Joseph Gray , Centervlllo ; Campbel
l''r 'sbwater , Leandor ; Wilt T. MeVcy , Ores-
ton ; John H. Parkisoii , Panoni ; James H
Ktilller. St. Charles , Hose-u Hounds , Burling
ton { Thomas J. Pollard , Kcokuk. Itolssuo
Alfred W. Jameson , Acklcy ; William
Bacon , Grcenllcld. Original widows , etc
Uosanna , widow of James Martin , Wash
Ington. _
Harrison the CJrnnilI'.uher of a Nluc-
Ponnil HU y Girl.
Isnuxti'OMS'lnd , July 12. [ Special Tel
cirram to Tun Hni : . ] Among the visitors
who ciamei to stay at the Harrison resldenco
laf.t evening was a girl baby , a woo bit of a
little uliie-poundcr , with black eyes and hair
the daughter of Mrs. McKee , and the firs
grand-daughter of the presidential candidate
As u consequence , General Harrison is smll-
biff-all over , quit confesses that ho is vcr >
in urh'pleased over the ad vent. " "Wo have a
pair of Joys now , " said Harrison. Mrs. Harrison
risen wus equally pleased , nnd the entire
household looked and talked as if thcta Is no
Joy to that afforded by the udvedt'of anew
now baby.
( enernl' | Condition.
NUNQVITT , July 13. Thp only change It
General Shoriilati'ti cu-udltion duniig the las
'liveinty-four hours has been in the condition
of his nervous system. He slant well'lust
night add has been quiolullday.
, ' ivr , IndlotcMl. ' '
CINCINNATI , July 13. Henry S. Itns o
New. York , wns'lndlcttid to-day by the Ham
iltoii county grand Jury.MVjiat the iHlcgci
a the court authorities refuse to tc'.f. '
An Incident That Caused It to Rloo
to Fever Heat.
" 'or Committing till Unnnrdonnlilc
OflVnse ol' Cnlllnir the Premier
n Llnr Mackenzie' * ) Trent-
incut Criticised.
Cnlleel PIoitiRt | n Tjlnr.
, July 12. In the chamber of dcpu-
ics to-day Opncral Houlangcr jiroposcd a
lissolutfon of the chamber. Ills pro | > osi tlon
vas rejected. General Boulangor thereupon
resigned his = cat. In his speech proposing
tissolutlon , Hculanircr said that such a
course was imperative ; that the country do-
naiidcd the institution of new safeguards to
sccuio the icpublie from the attacks of its
idversarics. The country felt that its safety
leinandcd a revision of the constitution.
Premier Floquct icproaehed Houlanger for
relylir- for support on the right ,
Houlanger "I made an appeal to the conn *
ti-i' . "
Floquct "Wo have never recognized you
as one of us. We have rendered more ser
vice to Iho republic than you can do harm.
You demand dissolution. It Is in your party
.hat it exists. Your photographs come from
Germany , where your interests lie. "
" ' is the
Houlanger "Floquet's speech only
utterance of a badly educated school usher.
I tell him that ho Impudently lies- . "
After a scene of excitement the president
of the chamber said that before applying cen
sure ho would allow Houlanger to speak. Hou-
.auger asked if censure was to bo applied
to Floauct.
Tlio President "It wa you thai firsl at
tacked the chamber. The last words you
uttered make il necessary to apply a severe
rule. "
Houlanger protested , nnd said that in view
of the president's decision he would resign
lis scat. The general thereupon left the
chamber. A vote of consul e of General
Houlanger was then adopted and the chum-
jcr adjourned until Monday.
It is reported that in consequence of the
occui rences in the chamber of deputies Hou-
anger aud Floquet will flght a duel.
3fnclcenzic's Treatment Criticised.
\Ciifiirlg1it \ ISfiS tin Jamc * ( luiilnn Jtemicft.1
HEIIMV , July 12. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to THE UIB. : ] Prof. Uerg-
nann eloes not desire to enter into the news-
mper warfare which Sir Morrcll Mackenzie
.ins . smarted. He isontiro'y conlldcnt of Iho
crushing effect of Iho recently issued im-
> crial blue book contain ing si scathing criti
cism of Mackenzie's method by all the
greatest throat specialists of the two crn-
) Ircs , and which bus proved to bo unanswer
able except by mysterious threats iounded
on unproduccablc , non-existent state secrets.
S'evertheless , Dr. Hcrgmnnn authorizes me
.0 give the following emphatic statements as
coming from him :
"All the German physicians were on the
Oth of May , 1S& " , agreed as to the necessity
'or the comparative safety of the prineo of
the throat operation. After such operations
nany cases are known of recovery , and sev
eral of long life one living twenty years
afterwards. Mackenzie's confident state-
ncnt that ho could certainly cure the patient
within six weeks prevented the operation. I
am confident that Mackenzie then honestly
iiolloyed that the disease was not
cancer , but , led nway by am
bition , determined to take the patient
to England , nway from tbo other doctors ,
ind thus pet exclusive credit for the cure. I
believe ilrmly that on the Isle of Wight , in
July , Mackenzie became convinced that the
disease was cancer , but lacked the moral
courage to confess his error and deliver the
pitient back to the other doctors. His fool
ish ambition to so isolate the royal patient as
to gain exclusive credit for the euro ami his
criminal lack ot moral courage , combined ,
make him responsible for the emperor's
death. Ueing unable to obtain any authentic
information from Mackenzie , and having en
tered a strong protest , the Gorman physicians
ceased to have any responsibility for the fu
ture. When the crown prince reached San
Ucmo it was already too late for the opera
tion. Mackenzie Is a weak character , easily
swayed backward and forward by conflict
ing interests. I bc'lievo he used every means
to save his reputation from the great error
he had made. He has completely lost his
reputation and place as a scientist , nnd I
would not accept his word about any matter ,
great or small , if It affected his reputation. "
Dr. Hergmann then laughed a little over
some stories illustrating this last point , nnd
dismissed the subject with an expression
showing utter contempt for any physician
capable of sacrificing even the humblest
patient rather than acknowledge his mistake
In the diagnosis of the disease.
German I'TCKH Comment * ! .
Unni.ix , July 18. The excitement created
throughout Germany by the reports of the
German doctors w'uo attended the Into Emperor
poror Frederick is intense and their critl
cisms of Dr. Mackenzie's conduct of the
case form almost the solo topic of couycrs.i
tlon. The KreuXeitinig , in Its comments
on the reports , overwhelms Dr. Mackenzie
with invectives. To the question why the
German doctors did not attempt to save the
royal patient from Dr. Mackenzie the National
Zcilung reports that according to Prussian
principles their olllcial i > osition In the tragidy
provcnlod them from making an appeal to
the public , but they did appeal to Em
peror William while the sick man was at San
Ucmo , and ono ot their number stated
the case to him without reserve.
His majesty was deeply distressed
by the recital of the circumstances ,
but answered : "My son is llfty-six years ol
ago , und the right of final decision regarding
his medical treatment cannot bo takeU from
him , " The progressist Journals , which are
Inclined to defend Dr. Mackenzie , point to tlio
fad that there were eight doctors concerned
.In the case who cld ] pot sign the reports crit-
Dr. Mackenzie.
Crop Prospects Excellent.
Sr Pi.TBiisin'iii , July 12. The exports o :
btvadstuffs from southern Kussla during the
coming autumn are expected to bo enormous
Heports 'from Odessa indicate a harvest of
itnuiciibi proportions.
Keliclllon nt I'ort nu Prince.
P.AiUf , July 12.--A report has been rccelvcc
hero that.nn insurgency occurred at Port au
l.'rlnco and Unit Ihe insurgents have burno.
51XJ houses , including most ot the publi
Pai-nell Accent * * the Proposition.
LONDON , July ,12. Parucjl will accept the
Rovcjrnn.icnt's btTcr to Introduce a bill for the
appointment of a committee of Judges to In
vcstlgatvj thu Times' charges against the
mcflibers of the Irisli parliamentary party ,
Suunrtiilxed. !
LONDON , July ll-Tlio Pull -Mull Gazette
' denounces P.dncc Uhmarek tor allowing the
reports of-the. Gorman doctor * . o'n thb'caso a
the late ruiperoirFredcrIck to bo iubllshcd
L The rtjporu , iv fcaja , scandalize Eurdrre. " '
\u AddrosH le > , tun People Approvc-el
by I lie : StnUillAod Convention.
Hfiio.v , Dak. , July 12. [ Special Telegram
o Tiin Ur.c.J The statehood convention this
Horning approved an Address to the [ > cople us
ollows !
"Such n day asthe ono nbw shining never
[ owned upon us before. We have secured
recognition from one of the great national
urties. the same ill wo shall have when both
jur states are within the union. It now re-
nalns for us to make ono supreme effort and
aur work Is done , in this campaign , for the
Irst time , the twoDakotns tire keeping step
0 the same music. The same coal is before
, hein both. To do this let us elect to our
text legislature only such men as will flrsl of
all stand together for the two Dakotas. Men
vho will bo neither frightened nor cajoled
nto wavering from' this | > ositlon ; men who
rvlH not bo turnlel to strip from the olllco of an
illcn governor the powers nnd perquisites
.hat wo should never think of giving
jvcn tp a governor of our own Choice ; men
> vhovil ) make no appropriation of our
noney that is not clcauy warranted by the
organic act ; men who will at the tiist oppor-
.unity move forward to accomplish statehood
'or both Dakotas. "
The bar convention endorsed the action of
the general convention nnd recognized the
icccsslty for additional judiciary , and passed
1 resolution In accordance with these views' .
J'he business men's and farmers' meeting
csolvcd substantially that , the burden of
.axation , rates of Interest , etc , , were greatly
ncrcuscd by the territorial administration.
The ministers adopted resolutions concurring
In the action of the gen.eral convcntlous , and
; > ledglng thMr support to the two-state move
ment. All the cons'cntlons have adjourned.
The bar is lo meet here September 4.
The Hepnlillcnn
Nnw Venue , July 1'J. At the conference of
the republican national executive committee
with the presidents of the republican state
leagues to-night the following was adopted :
Hcsolvcd , That the national republican
committee recommends to each of the state
central committees of the several states thai
they recognise the state league organizations
of the republican clubs and give them such
aid and support us may be within their
power. _
Repuhllcnn National Committee.
KW YOIIK , July1 52. Tlio republican mi-
: ional executive committee this afternoon
chose J. S. Clarkson , of lo'va , temporary
chairman. The committee then elected W ,
W. Dudley , of Indiana , treasurer , nnd Col-
mcl H. Swords , of Iowa , sergeanUat-arms.
During the afternoon Mrs. Foster addressed
the committee on her plan of organizing
women's republican clubs , which was fuvor-
ibly considered lust night.
llnrrUon IleccivcH Stuto , July 12. A number of vislt
ng delegations called upon General Harrison
.o-day. The principal event of the day was
he reception of a delegation of about two
housand persons from Hoono county , ncconi-
rallied by three baud ? of music. D. C , Scull
lehvered an address on behalf Of the elelcga-
ion , to which General Harrison replied , and
concluded by thanking them for their early
ntcicst in the campaign. After tlio speak-
ng was over an informal reception and gen
eral handshaking toojc place.
Dakota Democrats.
J\.MnsTO .v , Dal ; . , July 12. The demo ,
cratlc territorial convention last night nomi
nated for delegate to cougress John J. Har-
\ cof \ Jcraulel county , The resolutions de
clare for ttic admission of the territory im
ono state , but with a licov'ston ' for the sub-
nission of the qnestiqn of division to a. Vote
of the people. Ilardqn is a divisional.
Kansas City Switchmen Will Now
Handle tlio liiirllnuton's CII-H.
KANSAS CITY , Mo ; . < July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Ucc.Thc ] boycott on the Hur-
llngton cars hns been lifted , though the strike
is not yet declared off. Eighteen more switch
men arrived to-day from different points on
the Uurlington railroad and were put to
work. This completes the full working force
of the road. The Uurlington has now more
nen to work than were on the old crows , but
they are kept In case of some contingency ,
little after noon , while the superintend
ents were still In session , a committee of live
Santa Fe men knocked al the itoor and asked
for Superintendent Sauds. Ho came to the
door and the following note was handed to
him :
To the Superintendent and Yardmasters
of the Atchisou , Topeka & Santa
Fo Hallway : This will inform
you that at 12 o'clock , July 12 ,
all members of this association in jour em
ploy will handle any anu all cars that you
may require them. "
It was signed by a general committee of
the Switchmcns Mutual Protective associa
tion ledge No. 4. Kred Mceher , one of the
committee wtio served the notice , stated that
similar notices were given to the yardmasters -
masters of all the other roads. None of the
men would give any reason for the raising of
the boycott except that it was done at the
suggestion of the Santa Fo men after a
stormy debate. Tbo Missouri Pacific rail
way got wind of the raising of the boycott
and were handling freight when the notice
was served. Superintendent. Fish said :
"Tho strike Is all over. Wo are m along Iho
transfers and that is all wo wanted. " A
meeting of the switchmen was hold this
afternoon , but no further action taken.
Asked for Smltli'H Release.
CIIICAOO , July 18. Donohuo nnd David
attorneys for tbo brotherhood of locomotive
engineers and firemen , appeared before Com
missioner Hayno to day mici asked that Alex
ander Smith , who is under arrest Tor sup
posed complicity in the Hurllngton
d.Miaiiite ) plot , bo admitted to bail.
Alarslmll Marsh put in an ap
pearance and stilted that Smith
did ne > l care to bo admitted to
ball until after examination to-morrow. The
attorneys were not satisfied and expressed
an intention of resorting to habeas corpus
proceedings/ *
Short.Tlilrty-llvo Thousand.
SVIUCL-SK , N. Y.July 12. ] Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKK.J It is announced hero
that William M. Morrissey , n young attor
ney , has disappeared'anil that there Is an
apparent deOeier.ey off 35,000 in his accounts
as one of the administrators of tbo Will of
the late Mary K. JJrinekerhoff , of Chit-
tcnango , who loft f OO.OCK ) . The disclosure
was made through n visit to Syracuse of ex-
Mayor Stevens , of Koine , who has been ap
pointed testamentary trustee of the estate.
When ho arrived hero it was learned tlmt
Morrissey had disappeared. Morrissey has
been leading : i fastdlfe for sAino time and
paying very little uttontlon to his profes-
fcbsional duties.
KiirieeV Alive.
LONDON , July 1' ' . A dispatch from Cape
town , Africa , says that the pobcrs coal mine
at Klmborly caught lire yesterday. Eight
hundred men \\ero entombed. It is bolioveil
thai 500 persons Have perished , including
Lindsay , Hie manager ot Ihe company.
The Weather JnillontloiiH.
F.or Nebraska and Iowa : Continued high
temperature and fair weather , followed Frit
.day afternoon by local rains anu cooler , geti'
erally southerly , winds.
For Dakota : Slight change In temperature
turoair - weather , followed by local.raltis
and cooler Friday night , southerly winds.
Murdcrer'Mn\wc.ll llc'splted.
ST. .Louis , July 12lvr.begoVernmtnt t'h'ls
inornlng.rcndcrod a decision- , whieh-be dp
cllned to grant ebnhnulatfon. of entcico |
against Hugh M. Hrooks , alias lax'we'U , but
i'l-anted a respites , for Jour' weeks. :
Tbo Second Annual Mooting Opens
Under Fnvornblo Auspices ,
Capture of u Man Hadly Wanted nt
XokniniUi A Meawlo lOiilelemlo
Ijost HIM Leu Other
State Ne\vH.
t .
' The IJOIIK Pine Chniitntuiun.
Lo'xei Pi.s-n , Neb , , July 12. [ Special Tele '
iriim to Tin : Hr.i.j The opening day of the
eng Pine assembly was very lino. Trunks
and baggage of every description are being
: akcn from all trains arriving at Long Pine ,
mil there is a continuous llnuot dray wagons
lelivering the goods on the grounds and there
ho arrivals tire busy putting up tents and
irrunging nnd supplylmr them with costly or
) lain furniture , us the taste of the parties
llctatc. The lute spring thlx year makes
every article of shrubbery Iho finest that
could bo desiied. It | s pleasant to wander
iround among Ihe tent dwellers and see them
uljustlng themselves in thu different nooks
mil coves of the great woods and fixing
: hetnsclves to slay in their retreat for twelve
lays and away from the toil and turmoil of
jiislncss' . 'J'he managers have 200 or 'It'll
tents on the grounds now and they aie nearly
ull disposed of.
The people of Long Piuo are nearly nil
moving down to the grounds anil assisting
with all the energy natural to western peo-
; ) lo to make this second session of the Long
I'lnu . Head-
Chautauqun a grand success. -
luarlers for nearly all socielies and organ-
l/allons are on Iho grounds , so II makes il
convenient for all interested In such societies
to meet and have a place to hold business
and social con veisations. The leading jour
nals of Iho state uro all represented. Among
tlio prominent arrivals arc President 0. W.
Martin and family , Hov. Dr. McLoish , Prof.
Taylor , Prof. Hlaso and Prof. Whitman.
The opening exercises took place at 2:30 :
o'clock this afternoon In the pavilion , President - .
dent G. W. Martin presiding. The address
of welcome was delivered by Kev. S. F.
Smith. Hov. Dr. McLeish responded in a
very neat and appropriate address. Kev.
Dr. J. O. Evans , superintendent of Instruc
tion , wus then introduced and was received
with the Chautauqua salute. Ho then pro
ceeded to address the assembly.
To-night n sermon was delivered by Kev.
1. C. Webster. Tlio following is iV synopsis
of the programme for Friday , July'l ! ) , labor
day : -
00n. : ! ! m. Prayer services.
8:00 : a. in. Theological lectures.
8:00 : a. m. Natuial sciences , botany , C. M.
8-J5 : a. in , Noimal class , J. D. Stewart and
G. E. Taylor.
lUHO n m. Natural science , geology.
0U : ! a. m. Music , chorus , J. M. Hlaso.
10:15 : a. m. Pedagogy , lecture.
11:15 : a. m. W. C _ . T. U. conference.
11:00 : a. in. Lecture.
2:00 : p. m. Lecture , Ida Evans.
3:15 : p. m. Polities , J.G. Evans.
4:00 : p. m. Chorus.
41H. > p. m. Normal class , J , D. Stewart.
A MS i > . in. Advanced noi mill class , G. E.
b:00 : p. m. Lecture.
OUIIK Hepiililicniis at Plattsmonth.
PI.VTTSMOUTII , Neb. , July 12. ( Special
Telegram to Tin : Bni : . ] The oldest and
only incorporated young men's lepublican
ciubof NebraskA'gave their fourth annual
Danquct to-night in Waterman's opera house.
Active preparations have been going on for
some time , and those who gathered to par
take of the banquet and hear sound republi
can doctrines were not disappointed. John
Davies , president of the club , delivered
the opening address and welcomed guests
from home and abroad. H. U. Wlndham
read regrets from many who hud been in
vited. Among them were J. C. Fremont ,
Governor Thnyer , William M. McKinlcy ,
Mrs. J. A. Loiran and Ucnjainin Har
rison. Tlio mention of Harrison's name
drew Irom the audience the wiletest applause
lasting many minutes and speaking volumes
for Nebraska in November.
Hon. S. H. Pound responded to tlio toast ,
"Republican Loaders , Past and Present.1 ,
J. H. Strode responded to "A Free Hallot
and an Honest Count , " giving indisputable
slalisllcs of elecllon frauds in Georgia , Ala-
baum , Mississippi anil Louisiana , and showIng -
Ing that H.OJO votes could elect n senator from
the south whore it took 80,000 in the north.
Hon. J. Watson , of Nebraska City , was
the next speaker. Uov. J. G. Taito of Shel
don showed why the protcccivo tariff is
needed in the west to-day moro than at any
time , and referred to the lime when Colorado
would bo tlm Pennsylvania of the wesl. At
this writing the banquet is still in progress ,
with somaOf the most eloquent speakers yet
to bo heard. The supper , as on previous oc
casions was furnished by the Young Ladies'
Heading Hbom association.
RtroinMnirg'H Advantatien.
STIIOMSIIUIIO , Neb. , July 11. [ Correspond
ence oi Tin : HBB. ] Situated in the midst of
a region famous for its fertile soil and fine
farming facilities , Stromsburg has advant
ages seldom possessed by the ordinary In
land town. Three elevators of ample size
and well constructed receive the grain
brought to the city , and as "competition Is
the life of trade" the highest market price is
always realised by tlio farmer who favors
this town with his farm products. Provision
is also made fur live stock , nnd the yards
are constantly receiving largo numbers of
cattle and hogs.
Siromsburg was last fall made a city of
the second class when the following officers
weio elected : Mayor , L. Headstrom ; police
judge , C. J. Lindstrom ; city engineer , George
Osborno ; cily clerk , J. H. Day ; Councilmen ,
First ward , Olof llcadslrom and Alex Scolt :
Second ward , J. G. Gicun and A. L.
Two weekly newspapers chronicle the
local events the Stromsburg Republican
and the Headlight , union labor.
Workmen are at presenl engaged In put
ting in waterworks and in a short time the
town will bo able lo boast of one of the finest
systems in the state.
Itolh the Kansas Cily & Omaha and Omaha
& Republican Valley railways terminate
hero , and arrangements are at prcscul being
made for Iho construction of a roundhouse
which , when completed , will accommodalo
eight engines. A great source of pride to
the citizens is tha company of the Nebraska
Nallohal guards. Al Iho last annual en
campment this company ranked second In
drill , and now they acknowledge the receipt ,
of a $7. > flag , u gift from Ihe citizens of
A Good Mil 11
PHCMUXT , Neb. , July 12. [ Special to TUB
HUB. ] Kov. J. W. Oiborn , ono of the oldest
am ) bcst-known , ministers in the slalo , died
at his home In this city yesterday morning nt
R o'clockafter an Illness from an acute dis
ease lasting for marc than ton weeks. The
funeral services will bo held at the Baptist
church on Friday afternoon and will be eon-
dueled by Dr. H. C. Wood of Lincoln. The
deceased was sevcnly-lwo years and six
months'old. Ho was a native of .Nou * Yont.
His jurents were poor and had a family Of <
ten * children. Hi ) was thus deprivvl ( > bf any
help in the way of education ; but by his own.
efforts he succeeded in cduchtlng'hiinsclf ,
' and p at Madison university , Hamil
ton , N. Y. , In ISIJJ. He 'immetliatejly entered
.the Uliuistry , und has. followe'd that work nl- .
.inos't conllnuQusl.v for > forly-llvU years. ' Ho
heldpastorates iif New York'nnd Ohto pre
vious to his comlmf to Fremont cloven years'
ago. He was pastor of the Haptist church
ut this place for 'several "years , when ho resigned -
signed to act us stata.ngc'rtt for the Haptist
Publicutioa soak-ty. , ; Siice resigning thi.s ho
. . . ' *
hns held the moro responsible position1 of
general nUss'lonury for Nebraska for Uio
Home Mission society , In which ho has been
an active and -efficient worker.
n _
A Hard Charnuier Captured.
Tr.u\MUi , Neb. , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HKI : . ] NOws was received
hero to-day of the arrest at Flort-neo of Samuel -
uel Lowe , of this place , charged with at
tempting to perform tin nboition em Nina
Darrah , the ncvcnteen-year-old dauehter of
Martin Darrnh , living here. The arrest was
made on n warrant sworn out by County At
torney Dlculnsnii. Mr. Dickinson Is Bald to
have In bis possession the Instruments which
were given bv Lowe to the girl for this pur
pose of performing the abortluh and letters
from Loivo instructing her how to proceed ,
The crime is said to have bcc.ii committed In
Omaha June .M. Lowe Is a leader among
the rough element of Hurt county and has n
very bad reputation. IIo has been married
several times and now has an undivorced
wife living here.
Valparaiso Hepiililleiaim.
VAi.r-uiu-o , Neb. , July 12. [ Special to
Tun Hnn.J Last evening the republican ' . -lub ,
Including the ladles' auxiliary , mel and
formed a procession , bearing tore-lies nnd
headed by n band , marched to the resldenco
of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Conn , where they per
formed the ceremony of hoistiinr a largo Iliii ;
upon a pole about thirty or forty feet high.
The flag vTns made ) by Mrs. Conn and con
tained an e'xtr.i star to represent Dakota.
After a few pieces of music and cheers for
Harrison and Mr. and Airs. Conn , the cluti
proceeded to the city hall , where Judge
Wright , of Wnhoo , spoke for an hour and n
half on the issues of the day to a large nml
attentive audience.
Collide ; at K.xetcr.
EMTIII : , Neb. , July 12. [ Special to
Tin : BEE. | At midnight lust night as
train No. ! ) on Iho H. & M. wns standing nl
Iho depol hero an oaslbound freight rng into
her , breaking Ibo pilots off both engines and
doing considerable other damage. Tlio head
light can bo seen for ten miles in either di
rection , und the only excuse that can bo
given is thai Iho "scab" engineer on the
freight was intoxicated or unable to control
his engine.
On Monday nighl of Ibis week nt about 2
a. m. , n train of about one hundred broken
cars and wreckage was taken through Ibis
place to the Lincoln shops. These , too , were
the results of inexperienced "scab" labor.
Aurora Items.
Auuoin , July 12. [ Correspondence of Tin :
Hir. : . ] Tlio waterworks bonels , for 2. , 000 ,
were carried almost unanimously in this city
last week , there being only twelve votes
against them. Plans and spccHlcatious are
being made and the contracl will bo let out
at the earliest possible moment. Johnson .t
Henthorii , of this city , secured the contract
for the temple craft building to cost t-'i.OOO ,
for which the foundation is now being laid.
The crops piomiso belter now than over be
fore at tins lime of year , and farmer * look
forward to a large crop of corn , oats and
grass. Hyo is also good , and harvest In Ibis
line has commenced. Polilics arc very quiet.
Neither party has made any demonstration
as yet.
Iio-ii Ills Let ; Hy 11 lliinnwar.
Cot.UMiirs. Neb , July 1'3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HII : : . ] II. K. Oigooil , repre
senting the Jewell Nursery company of SI.
Paul , Minn. , met with a serious accident o.t
11 a. m. tc-dny while driving u pair of uron-
chop. The team became frightened , throw
ing him to the ground , causing a eon-pound
f racturo of his rishLJi'tr. _ lje , was taken to
St. Mary's hospital , where his leg was ampu
tated this afternoon.
Deserted the llrothcrhood.
PiATTsvot'Tii , Neb. , , luiy 12. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Hin. : ] There has been a
slight break in the ranks oi the striking en
gineers he and the following have gone to
work for the Hurlington road : Joe McCoy ,
F. D. palmer , J. E. Gloason , Mart Gushing ,
J. CofTman , G. Ceffmnn , S. E. ' Wheeler , Uob-
ert Smith and George Prongu. Two fire
men , named Penninglon and Martin , have
also gone to work.
Ilin IIiindK CriiNlmd.
FIIKMONT , Neb. , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : UEB j George Putecrs , living
at Scribner , a bi-akemun on the Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road , had his
hands mashed to n Jelly to-etny while coup
ling cars al Leigh. He was brought , to Fremont -
mont llils afternoon and placed in charge of
Dr. llrown , surgeon for tao railroad com
pany. _
Abused Ills Family.
NuiuiASKA CITV , Neb. , July 12. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Hm.J : Fred Husch was
arrested and tried to-day at the instance of
his wife and daughter for brutally beating
bolh and otherwise mislrealing them. It is
said their bodies are a mass of hrulhcs. IIo
was bound over in the sum of $ . ' ! H ) to keep
the peace. _
A ISurclary at Oakland.
OAKI.\NII , Neb. , July 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hiu.J : Hyrons Hros' . general
store in Dceatur , this county , was burglar
ized last night , Pocket knives by dozens
were taken us well as other goods. The
probable loss is $100. Tlicro is no clue to
the pcrpetralors.
German Measles
GI.INIIAI.I : , Neb. , July 12. [ Special to Tin :
Hii.J : : The German or false measles are ragIng -
Ing in Knox and Antnlope counties , but so
far as known no serious results have fol
lowed. Tlio old , original measles are follow
ing in the wake anil seem to bo of a danger
ous character.
A YOIIIIK ' ! < i'menKilled. .
Arnoiit , Xoh. , July 12. [ Special to Tin :
lhn. ) Sam Ancrews , a young farmer hero
left for Chicago , in charge of entile hist Sun
day , and this morning was brought back n
corpse , having jumped or fallen oil the cairf
anil being run over.
Three AVoinen Le > so Their Lives In a
Hlg Michigan Klro.
AUT.NA , Mich. , July 12. About 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon un alarm of .lire was-bcnl
In from Iho lumber mill of II. K. Morse , a
huge structure covering two acres of ground ,
nnd surrounded by sawdust heaps and piles
of refuse lumbar. The wind was blowing ft
llcrco gale and the lire soon spread to neigh
boring bulldlnsrs , Tlio Jlro elcpnit-
ment was helpless und there
wns nothing to do but wall until tlio Iho had
exhausted itsalf. Gllelirlst's lumber dock ,
with : i,000,00l feet of sawn lumber , was.
soon In Unities. The lihmng logs Tell Inlo Iho
bay and drfftcd out tpwr.rd tlio mouth of.llui
river and sol lire to the government light
house , wh'lch was soon a total Joss. It was
not until midnight that- the lire was under
.control. Over two hundred buildings w < ; ro
burned and 1U)0 ! ) persons uro homeless. Nine
tcnthi of these are workinemen , and most of
them have no InmiratiBd. iTio loss. on those
building * willcxVeed * ' 20 < ) , UOO Mrs. Ann
McLean , of HufTalo , wasbnrnoil to u'uath.
Mrs. puivin , . aged seventy-throe , Miss N.os-
tor and Mrs. Sharboneau - werobovtou&ly
burned and are not expee.led ta li've.
Tlm.lnsuraiicc/iii / the propeity burne'd is
about , flSO.WKi. 'J'his Is thought to w about
qlic-hulf Uiy total Joss. Ono hundred und
forly-siivcji buildings -are in ashes. A citlr
/eui ' irtt'Ctlng bus been called to provide'for
.life j-pllof Cif.tho sulTererrt.
A iltiry I-'lvei-'JJiilled. J
. . . , * .y.o , j'lVi.vlJ. The apiKillntc court thU
"afternoon granted a subpojiia.In thet-asn of
C. Welch , Jury fls'-r , un3 bail'was fixed-at
The Virginia Midland Exprosa
Rushes HcruUoiig to Destruction.
I'lve ; People Instantly Killed nnd , „
Others Injured The Strtirtitro
Knemn to he Insecure by
the Company.
Thov Wont Down to Death.
Ai.KMNitnu , Vn. , July 1'J. A terrible nev
cident oeetirreil on tbo Virginia Midland rail
road early this morning. Tne thhitigh south-
rn train that left here at m'i'i last night
went through trestle between Ornngo
Court llouso and Harbours'vlllo , a distance of '
fifteen feet , killing live persons outright and ,
wounding many. The trestle was. known to.
DC weak ami the rallroa'd company was en
gaged In tilling it In. The train was
moving at a speed of six miles crossing the
re-stle , under regular oVders. The engine'
mil passed safely over most of the trestle
when the smoker , mail , Unggago ami ex-
ires8 ears wont down with a great crash , ' ' .
Iragging down the engine aud tender nnd
two passenger couches. The engine wont
down pilot end foremost , thus comm'unicatA
ing no fire to the wreck. All the lights were
extinguished in the fall.
Tin : uiiun. :
Among the killed niw
C. Cu.of Alexandria. , of the engineering ;
department of the Piedmont line.
H. T. Wun IIMITO.V , postal clerk.
K. C. HniiiiT\vii.i. ( : , postal clerk.
W. D. PMtmnr , postal clerk ,
J. G. Wisr : , postal clerk.
1111 : i\.mtii : > .
J. L WU.TIIU.I. , iHHlal clerk , badly In
PiiTr.u Fir.r.p , express agent , seriously In-
F. JINXIN ; < IS , pnsscnger , received internal
The injured arc estimated at twenty five.
In addition to the list , of killed three moro '
icrsons were found dead in clearing uwiiy
.ho debris two men and one woman but fe
.hey have not been recognised. *
The lliv.tliy lletwe-e-n the * Two Towns
ol'I'Voinont County , leiw.f. " * " * , . .
HtMiiimi , In. , July 1U. [ Special to Tire
Uru.J The proposition to bond the county
'or $ : ! . " , ( ) ( ) te > build a court house n.t
Sidney was submitted to the voters of the
county Tuesday and was defeated by ' 105.
majority. Last winter Hamburg took steps
.oward the removing of the county seat from
Sidney to Hamburg nnd hal worked
up considerable interest in regard .to
the mutter. While these efforts
were being made the court house at Sidney
wns burned under suspicious eircuinstnnoosr ,
and vauous rumors were current at the tlmo
is to tiio origin of the ( Ire. Sidney charged
Hamburg with setting it nilre. while Hani-
burg rotalhteil by charging Sidney with the
same thing. The county is now without u
safe place for its records , and the defeat of
thu proposition leaves the county seat light
lietweeii Sidney and Hamburir fctill open for
discussion. There is considerable- Interest
ijunifcsted } at present In regard to the nuit >
ter , and how the question will finally bo set
tled is the question.
Cureless Mcdicttl Students.
Dis : MOINIS : , M. , July 12. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Hii : : . ] Quito a sensation was
created this afternoon by the discovery of a
wrtially decomposed body on the dissecting
: able of ami'dical college In this cily. The
> ody had evidently lain there since the col-
ego adjourned last March , and that floor had 3
jeen unoccupied over Hlnco. Tlio odor was \
so horrible that people have been laying it to
the porlt houses , not suspecting the true , -
laiiKo. This is the same nu'dlcal e'ollogo that V
iad the body of n young lady stolen from a
5iwe in Warren e-ounty several months ago ,
mil tlio carelessness of the ofllclals Is ex
citing general indignation.
] ) ul > uctic Shipper * ) Protest.
Drnt QUI : , In. , July 113. [ Special Tele ;
ram to Tin : HIM : ] The shippers of this
city to-day telegraphed to the railroad 'cora-
bbionorh to know whether they regarded
the new schedule of rates as In force , not
withstanding the Injunction of Judpo U rower.
The reply was that It is in force. Tlio ship-
revs thcreforo ay that they will not pay ft
cent moro than the now tariff calls for ; and
if the railroads refuse to carry for that , they
wilj begin suit against them for violation of
the- law , there being heavy penalties prd-
vidcd lor each violation.
Irtjproty nt Ijetriiiid.
DBS Mots-ci In. . -S
, , July 12.-Special [ Tele- -
gram to Tin ; Uri : . ] A report was made to
tlio state board of health to-day of n cuso o ;
leprosy nt Logrand , Mnrsliall county. This J
Is the first case so far as known In tlm state. ' . |
Tiio patient is n young Norwegian woman
named Helena Halverson , who euma to Iowa
from Norway in Juno. ISM ) . The rinluru of
Iho disease was not fully known until care- ;
fu lexamiiialion was made a few days ago. ' '
Every precaution has been taken to prevent
the spread of Iho disease.
The UnlvorMlty Invefilltjntlon.
low i CITV , la. , July 12. To day's investi
gation inquired hit } the management of thp
denial department. Dr. J. P. Wilson , ot1'
Uurlington ; Dr. W. O. Kulpy , of Davenport ,
and Urs. Wood and Price , of Iowa City , testj-
fied. Dean Ingcrsoll , ol Kcnkuk , will t-iko
tlio stand to-moriow , closing this p.irt of the
Democratc ! ; Stuto Convention. .
Dus MOINBS , July 12. Tire elotnooratlo
state committee , In session i\t Muscalino to
day , isalled the stilto convonllon to bo h'eld in
Deb Moincs , August 2 ! ) ,
Tlio Atlantic Const Swent Uy Wind.
. and Itnln. , *
Ni\v : YOUK , July 12. Adylce-s to the Assp.
elated press from all | urtsof New Yorlt , New
, Tci8oy and Now Hnglaud show Unit a tcrriflo
ruin niut wind storm raged alt last , night. The
htorm was partlcuhuly severe along th'o coast'
and many sailing - . voiseld ' went
ashore. . No largo loss of lift
has , ns. ye-tr' b'-eit reported , but
Itio damage lo properly will bo largo , A
dispatch from WnterUiwn , N. Y. , Hhows that
the s.toi-iii was very vovero along Cape Law-
i-enco and on Lake Ontario. At Cape Vin
cent" , the Islander and Annie I.anrio , small
passenger steamers-were elriven ashore nnj.
lumber barges Mink.
A dlipatch from Unston says the damoga
hy the storm in tliut vicinity , so far ns heard
from , was occasioned at City Point. It U
reported that nearly a dcuen yachts were
mink during ill" night , and Unit several per
sons sleeping In Uiem were drowned , it is
known that ono man was drowned , nml a
pollen boat will go over to-day und Hcurcti
foe the bodies.
Advices from Sandy Hook tlito afternoon ,
stiito that the storm continue" , tliougli not
BO scvc'ro , and tint the sea Is very rough.
A Steamer In llntreHH.
. FniuIsiMSi. , N. Y. , July 12.--A United
States , lighthouse steamer ran aground whiltf
entering the Inlet this forenoon. Tbo cap
tain of Iho life. snvii , | ; station lias gone to her
assistance. A f I'csh gale Is blewlng from tha
5orthwetviuid thn uteamcr Is llyiijj , I '