Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered hyCnrrfer In Any 1'nrtof the City nt
Twenty Cents 1'er Week.
1JW.T1LTON. . . . , , . MANAOEH.
UusiNr ! " < OKI ICK. No. 43.
NKIIIT r.Diioii , No. SI.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Six niipllcants for pension ? were before the
pension board yesterday morning.
Two beautiful llttlo antulopo were yester
day received by express from the fur west
for Ur. I'lnnoy.
D About two hundred teachers nro now In at
tendance nt tho' county institute at ths
Bloomer school.
Tlio Woman's lUu'oahgo will glvo n lawn
BOdslilo ftt the residence of Thomas Oflldcr ,
on Willow avenue , this evening.
The funeral of the Infant BOH of GcorRO
] iaylls took place yesterday afternoon from
the family residence , 81" AvcnXlo O.
Attend the lawn social nt the homo of Mrs.
Jj. W. Tillle.vs this ovonhiK. You will ho
welcomed and served with icfrcshlncnts by
thi ! young gentlemen.
The press club held n meeting yesterday
mornlbtf at the parlors of the Ogden house
to maltoarrunfe'omcnts for securing rooms
nnd furiilshlnp thorn. A llnanco comtnltteo ,
of which U. W. Carr Is chairman , was ap
pointed to caiiv.iss the ground mid sco what
could bo done in the matter.
F. UroWmild was inquiring diligently yes
terduy for two pnlnlera , Jnines Oodshaw unci
James Smith by nimo , who , ho alleged , hat
left hii employ ami In going Imd tulcon sov
| era ! dollftis worth of brushes. Tlio chief ol
police thinks ho has located the culprits am
Is } sure hu will get the goods as well as th <
Jilnyor Hohrer ycstcrdav received n tele
gram from Editor Lufo Yonng , of the At
Inntlc 'IVlcfirnph , ptntltiKlthat his wife los
her gold watch and chain whiletlio lowi
state picas excursion pally were at Lak <
Manawii on. the preceding ; day. Every offer
for * will bo made to recover the time piece
ns U Is very valuable.
The watch that was raffled off for the ben
cfltof St. Uernaid'H hospital was won b ;
ticket No. aa&l , and the holder .of that tlekc
is requested to present It immediately. Un
less it is presented within u wcelf , the wntel
will bo rallied Hrnln. ( The sisters ncttci
S1CO fiom thofi.iloof tieKetM , and the mono ,
r has done H great deal of good. City papon
please copy.
There were but two lonesome lodgers i
police court yesterday morning ami tho.
were given the usual dose by Judge Ayles
worth. A Swede by the natnii of Job
Peterson appeared at the clerk's ollloo nm
swore out u warrant for the arrest of
young fellow by the name of Cart-others fo
assault. Shortly afterward Can other ;
father appeared and swore out a warrant fo
the arrest of Peterson on the uaino chargi
Both parties wore lighting at ickham1
brick yard In ttio northern part Of the city.
An clcctrlo light of 2,000 candle power wn
placed In the center of B.iyliss park jestei
day , and will hereafter Illuminate that beat
tlful little spot. UN quite likely tlmt tli
park will now lese much of It-j attractivonce
for the dozens of "spooney" couples wli
have filled its rustic benches almost over
evening this summer , ns the friendly dart
ness will bo there no longer to shelter thei
from the observation Of passers-by. Tli
light will icmain there until the autum
frosts scatter the leafy screan that now sltul
outtho rays from the lights on the coui
A prominent citiren residing on Sout
Main street , stepped into Tin : BI.I : odlco ye
torday and s.iid : "You warmed. Walters an
Waterman iu good shape , but It wasn't ha
as bad ns the citizens outsitlo gave them. :
you had tried to publish it all your papi
wouldn't have bcon half big enough to ho
It. Walters wanted to bet that the doub
reel\.i > aldn't ' bo sent back , but I sou it
again at thu old stand. I thought the cou
cil would hardly submit to the dictation of
subordinate who Is suffering from an aggr
vated attack of bighead , and I sco I wi
right. "
Union Abstract company , ' "A Main strcc
Lnrgost stock of bathing suits nt Jol :
Bono & Co.'s.
Full line of sheet music at Coun
Bluffs Music Co. , 224 Broadway-
IS ? "
IP- ? Personal
k Mr. C. Peterson , of Chicago , has accept
A position with the Council Bluffs Mus
Miss Yotta Xangs , of Ottumwa , la. , is v
King with her uncle , J. C. Lange , on Mj
Bterstreet. .
Will Davidson , a young man who has ju
been graduated with honor from Author
was in the city yesterday the guest of 1
ami Mrs. Hiuichctt. Ho left yesterday ]
Nebraska , but will probably return this w
before entering upon a permanent location
Iho west.
Special reduction of 20 per cent on i
kinds of picture franios , niado to order
{ or ten days , at Chapman's.
Kcfruttu IMnce.
The balance of these beautiful lots
Rejiattn Plauo , Lake Munawa , go to t
best bidder at 6 p. in. Thursday , July
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co
I- loan ollico , on furniture , pianos , hors
wagons , porbonal property of all Icini
uuu all other articles of 'valuo witlu
removal. All bubiness strictly cor
do nt lid.
TliQ case of Mills and Pullard , for runn
'n "ball and pin" skin game on the * irc <
was tried before Squho Barnett yeston
morning. Attorney Limit conducted
prosecution , ami Snyder & Welch lool
after the defense. Several witnesses w
examined , and a clcur case \v.i made <
ngalnst Mills ns the priui'lpal in the nITi
nml Pullard wi\s proven to huvo taken
role of "pluggd1 Milla was bound ovci
the grand Jury in the mini of ? : IO > ) , which
fallal to furnish , nnd was romamlcd to j
Pullard was discharged and made haste
get out of the city.
100 Foot.
Four hundred foot of frontage-
Lake Matmga will bo struck oil' to I
bobt bidder Tun ml ay , July 12 , at c
m. , on the grounds.
It I'liyri Tor Kveryboily.
I have an unusually largo stock
pant goods on hand which 1'waut to i
oil' . 1 will imiko op pun Us from thisd
for * 5XJ ( ; usual prlco $10.00. This
auction applies to all summer goods.
A. RijiTiiit , 5110 Broailwij
Wan Not
The Omaha reportois yesterday gav
brief account of a Council 15 lulls woman 1
- Jjii5 been drugged by two gamblers in a Ti
street wino room , She was brought bnc
her homo hi-ro yesterday , and promptly
cmphoHcally denies that pho was druggc
that she even drank uny llqpoiv As is km
nmong lisr friends hero , she nus suu'htv
several years tigo mm since that time slio
had tp ba careful about bo\ng \ exposed lo
heat. About nvc weeks ago she was o
come \ylth the heat again. Tuesday
went over to Omaha and she claims tha
she ilrani ; was n glass of lemonade In a 1
restaurant n ir Stcphonson'H stables.
* then wont to Downy & Stone's , to make s
purchase , buv finding that she was grov
111 FUO returned to the 'depot and there
camp unconscious , Slio was taken to
Joseph's hospital and hoc friends sent
She was soon rc.storcd to. consciousness
returned homo. Slip feels keenly the a )
incut that she was Visiting wino rooms
with gautblcrsi
Artists prefer the Hallott .t D ;
piano , t ( J.'B. Musio Co. , 221 Eroaflv
B. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan mono
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtelo.
Buy butblnjf suits at Beno't.
The Now Steamer , Mayor Rohror'
Launched on Munawa.
Tlio Striking KtiKlnccrs Deny tlio Clil-
cnito Dynninlto Story -Tin : lilnoald
Divorce A Wnywnril ( Jlrl from
Nebraska I'crsonal.s.
Imtinuliinic of tin ; M. I < \ Ilotiror.
Yesterday nftornoon In tlio presences of
2,000 people Csi > 'uiin John Chapman's new
loubio decked steamer , the M. F. Uolircr ,
wns launched t 4:55. : A number of news
paper representatives climbed the ladder for
tlio purp69c of Inspecting tlio boat when It
broke from Its moorings nnd slid oft gracefully -
fully Into tlio water. Thu "sllilo" was premature -
mature , but tor all that was made without
any accident. Thrco cheers burst from tlio
assembled coneourso as a greeting to tlio new
craft , after which Shu was made fast by lines
to tlio shore. Shortly after 5 o'clock tlio for
mal ceremonies occurred up jnttio lower dee-k
of the steamer. W. II. Copson IntroilucoJ
Mayor Kohror , who spoke bnelly nnd in n
most Imppv vein. He referred to the tlma in
the history of Council UlulTs when ono hack
was snfllcient to transport visitors about Uiu
city , but now ninny , nnd tlioso the iincst , were
seen upon the streets. It was but a shoit
time ago when ono boat was sullk'ient for vhc
needs of those wtio visited Lake Mnntiwn.
Now four beautiful steamers sailed
upon Its waters. In belnilf of thu
position ho occupied as mayor of the
city , the city council , the iK.OUO pcoplo anil
their seven representative newspapers he
accepted the honor tlio occasion imposed. Hi
then Introduced his nleec , Miss Loflio Ar
mour , who in a neat and maidenly speed
christened the boat , breaking a bottle ol
wino over the bow. W. A. Mynstur , in be
half of the people assembled , was Introduced
by Captain Chapman. His appearance was
greeted with applanso. Ho spoito briefly ami
appropriately , rcheurs'iig the growth ol
Munawa Lnko to its present position as the
recognized pleasure resoit of the Mlssour
viille-y. Very soon the boat , with its merrj
load , steamed out , and u couple of hours wen
pleasantly passed upon the bosom of t'i ' <
lake. Tlio occasion was most successfully
tcuninatod , and amid cheers for the M. F
Uolircr and its gallant captain the crowd ro
embarked upon the train In waiting and wen
borne homeward. The occasion was niadi
the moro ulclightfiil by tlio presence o
D.ilby's ' bnnd , which discoursed bcautifu
melodies at proper Intervals.
E. II. Sheato loans money on chatto
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business slrictl ;
confidential. " Ollico f > 00 Broadway , cor
tier Main street , up-stairs.
Everything from a Jewshurp to i
piano at C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway
J. G. Tipton has bargains in roalcstato
Tlio Strikers nml Dynamite.
"No , don't dodge , I haven't any dynamite ,
remarked onu of the striking engineers as In
stopped into Tin : Bnr oflico yesterday. '
just want to show you a letter I llavo r <
coivcd , and which shows how the boys fee
Hy the way you follows don't begin to get nl
th6 news there is about the "Q. " For Iti
stance , there was a mighty close call th <
other night near Prescott. The train whic
left Hero that evening was manned by
pretty merry crew , and it was getting sti
merrier , for there a keg of beer on boar
for the boys. At I'rcscott the board was ov
for the train to stop there lo let a second N <
18 pass. The boys never nolle Hi tlio boar
and went skipping by. Tlio baggageman-
they keep a sharp lookout now a diys , fo
they fool a little nervous noticed the bean
and lumped , and pulled the rope and the ai
brake , and stopped the train. Just as si
stopped No. 13 was seen a coining. They jui
got back to Prescott In time. It was a cloi
call. I Just got a letter from my brothe
and ho tells mo that the scab who took n :
olut'O has been drunk ever since the Fourtl
anil the fellow on the other run had toflonb
up. That's the way its going. But what
wanted you to bee was this letter from tl
boys who are said to bo using dynatnit
Just road it. "
NATIONAL Horr.L , Gmc\r.o , July 8,1&S8.
Brother Engineers , Firemen nnd Switchmei
You nro all fully nwaro by this time that
desperate attempt is being made to frighti
the Chicago , Burlington Ac Quiney inon , am
if possible , cmiso a stampede In their rank :
This is the supreme hour of the contes
Brothers , wo have every reason for belie1
Ing that the men under nrrost nro innoe-ei
or that they nro enemies , for a friend , if 1
meant to bo a friend , nnd undertake such
dastaidly act must bo crazy. There a
many reasons to believes that the whole pi
has been instigated by the enemies of o
brothuihood , f or tliq Burlington is llmincial
embarrassed Mid theyaio trying to borrc
SJ.OOO.OUO to defray the expenses of the ii
mcnsn loss incurred by their set of incomr :
tent men. The whole thing shows that t ,
"Q" is desperate and the men who would i
tiusttho lives of people to such n mmi
Fred Onlcr ( who had the wreck at Nap (
vlllo ) and others of his type , will not hcsitu
to still carry on their desperate attempts
Injure life , and what is moro tlear und pr <
lous still , the characters of men.
Heports are continually coming in showli
during tlio hist few da\s and in fact for tl
last months , a gradual falling oir of t
traflic of the ro.iu , which irritated , buyoml
dunbtthe oflleials to seal ; revenge In ttio w
they have.
.Stand llrm , brothers , for the last dc.sper ;
attempt from all appearance , to ruin you ,
all you will have to overcome , whlcn tn
will do. Uespoutfnlly.Hour.
Hour. AXI > Muuj'iir ,
, TiioM\3 \ \ . FOWI.KU
1 Buy mantels , grates and hearth fi
lashings of the Now York plumbing C
Tlireo Days For a Divorce.
Tim tioublcs of the Klncaid family h :
already been quite fully aired. The dlVoi
case In wllifh Mrs. Ktneald figures ns pin
tiff was called up In com t In Omalm Tn
day and some testimony takon. It leal
out , however , that Mrs. Kincaid Itieke-d Ji
three duys qf having llVe-d long enough
Omaha to scenro a resldanco In Ncbras
and liene-o the case was thrown out of cot
Thojudgo remarked that ho had no doi
but tlmt a dlvorco should bo grantoa , but
account of this technicality ho would i
consider the case further. Ho gi auted
injnnction restraining Kincnld from int
fcring with the children until Mrs. Kinc
could get her case projHjrly In court ,
couiso this injunction cannot interfere w
the habeas corpus proceedings started by 1
in this city , before Judge AylCswortli , l
a by which Klncuid liopos to secura possess
v- of the children. Mis. Ktncnid and child
vth mo living IIOIT now. In the taking of tc
mony the other envy IClni-uld swore he owi
forty acres in Cass county , Iowa , As tills
id not believed by Mrs. Klucald nnd otlx
erAs stops aru Vising taken to secure ovldenco
orm show that Hint-aid's statement was fi
mid if eo , this may get him into further U
As bio.
no l scnpcd From Oinnliu.
! !
lie The Omaha police may bo lynx-eyed ,
ill they nro not foxy enough for some of
: lo Couucll Hlnffs sports. The Other day , th
hole Was a tjuartot frOui this city taking
Omaha. The fom.lnlno pair seemed to h
lo got too heavily lalen and the police decl
st , to run In-tlid four. One of the Hluflites i
ir.3d ing the bluccoats coming , ami not bclr
3d very goou racer , crawled Into an. ice ore
tend wagon which chjiucetl to bostandlnt/ncar
anil 'under this friendly cover was coaiplct
hlddoii. Her offered tliQ driver (10 to br
, 'Js him over to the Blurts , and thu wagon ro !
olT ns the wondering pollooman was trj
to doionulito where that other fellow w
to. Ills partner in , ills tress was not so fo :
nato and was placed behind the bars , \\Y
ho had to lernuin untirti deposit ot $15
given us seourlty , and a Ulu.ts'uoHcfi
vouched'for Uls general character , and t
be U nut a Jesstt Jnuiw. The ice en
v..t..iL. i .
wagon is now looked on with friendly eyes
by the sj > orta us a menus of escape more per
tain , Jf not tnoro dignified , than the Jclt
Davis petticoat.
When fragile woman sljhs , deploring
The charms that iiulrkly fade nw'ny ,
Wlmt power the blooin of health restoring ,
Can check the progrow of ilecity 1
The only nld that's worth attention ,
For pains and ill of such description ,
Thousands of women gladly mention
"Tls Plerce's Favorite Prescription. "
The prlco of this royal remedy , Dr.
Piero'cs Favorite Prescription , is but
one dollar. Spccillc lot * all tlioso
chronic ailments and weaknesses
jweuliar to women. Tlio only medicine
for such maladies , sold by druggists ,
under a positive puiH'unluo from the
misaufticturers , that it will giVe satis
faction or tnonoy vofundod. Sea ptiar-
antco on bottle wrapper. Large bottles
81. Six for e 3.
An Knuinc Fnlls Into a Pit or Qulnk-
Hiiiiil and sink" Heyoncl Kc.acli.
"In the construction of the Kansas
Pacific and Tnpolm & Santa Fo rail
roads , " bald H. L. Carter , a railroad
contractor of St. Josonh , the oilier day
to a repro-ontaUvo of the Industrial
World , "one dillk'ulty of frequent oc
currence was mot with which , as far as
my experience goes , la unique in rail
road history. I refer to the trouble
arising from quic'khands , From west
ern KuiibHS to the mountains quick
sands are to be fpund in nearly every
stream , no matter how small , and lo
successfully bridge them required
an expenditure out ot all proportion to
the bine of .the btrcam lo bo cro&setl.
Wo tried pile drivintr , but the
longest piles disappeared without lotii'li-
iilg the bottom , Then tilling with earth
and stone was attempted , and met with
equally poor bueccns , as the quicksand
was apparently capable of swallowing
the entire Koe'kv mountains. The only
means of cro-wing was found to bo to
build short truss bridges across thorn.
This was very expensive , but was the
only thing to bo done. As an instance
of lluH practically bottomless nature of
tlio quicksands , t may cite the eabo of
an eilfjino that ran off the track at
River Bend , about ninety miles from
Denver , on the Kansas Pacific. The
engine , a , large freight , fell into a
quickband , and in twenty minutcb had
entirely disappeared. Within two days
the company bent out a gang of men
and a. wrecking train to raise the en
gine. To their surpribo they could not
find a trace of it. Careful bearch
was made , inngnetr/cd rods were
sunk to the depth of sixty-five feet , bul
no engine could be found. It had bunli
beyond liuman Iron , and from that day
to this Jins never been discovered. Cat
tle and horses are frequently lost , the
only animal that is safe bping a mule
the only animal tlmt never gets caught ,
No greater instance of the intelligence
of this much-maligned quadruped car
bo cited than the skill and care witli
which it avoids an unsound bottom. At
its hoofs are much smaller and narrow
er than those of a horse , it would mm
down in places whore a horse couli
safely pass. Recognizing this fact
whenever a mule feels the ground giv
ing away under nib feet it draws biiel <
instantly and cannot bo induced to ad
vance u step , although a whole drove o
hoi'aos may have immediately preceded
Those who think a mule is"stupid art
much mistaken. "
"See how whlto my teeth are growing ,
Satisfactorily showing , "
Said a lady to her friend , t'other day ,
"That this standard preparation
Merits highe-t commendation n
It was SOZODONT , Iscarcoly need to say
n : ; " nnd Its Reform.
Julian Magnus in the Epoch : It is t
the selfishness and thoughtlessness n
the rich that the growth of "tipping- ' !
mainly due. But while the result i
not oppressive to them , it has become
serious tax On persons of moderate income
como who travel much or take thoi
meals in restaurants. The man wh
can alTord to pay anywhere from $2 \
6-3 for his dinner does not miss the qutii
icr , which is the lowest amount that h
will give the waiter. To the o
woman of moderate means who take
throe meals a day at a restaurant whcr
tlio service is sulllciontly good to b
agreeable the necessity of paying 13
cents a day for "tips" is a serious addi
tion to the expenses of living. If hi
three meals cost from 81.50 to $2 the in
crease is from Hi to 20 per cent. Ovc
$100 a year compulsorily spent in "tips
is a sum which if saved would mak' '
to many people the ditt'ercnco bctwee
continual pinching and a fair degree e
comfort. Ton cents is the lowest "tip
that can bo given in a good seconi
class restaurant. Now , if a man hti
a chop and a glass of beer or a cup <
tea or coffee for lunch at the cost Of I !
or-10 cents , ho is paying 25 percent
additional for the privilege of , givin
the restaurant keeper a large profit , n
the cost of the meal , with all expanse :
is at the highest not moro than twi
thirds of the amount charged.
.Reform is only to bo hoped for throng
the action of hotel and restaurant kee ]
ors who will possess enough intelligent
to sco that larger prolits can be mail
by ridding tlier public e > f. this , to man ;
aimoat intolerable ) burden. Any ma
who will start a good restaurant i
hotel , in which there shall bo a stri
and rigidly enforced rule again
"tip * , " will most assuredly have moi
patronage ; than ho can accommodnt
It would need only a few such entcrii !
wedges to generally relieve the -publ
of this irksome and unnecessary tax ,
One touch of kindness that a hous
keeper will appreciate is the present
tion to her of several bottles , nay of 01
bottle , of Van Dn/.er' : . Flavoring.1C
tracts which nro known and csloemed
every properly ordered "household f
their asecrtaiiic'd purity , delicacy ai
height of llavor. They are particular
economic , necessitating the use only
the least quantity , and the bottles of I'
the different contain more tin
the average. All grocers sell them.
Why flu-en Girls \Vcce Kiollcl. .
A case relating to one of the board ii
schools for young ladies in tJaltimei
county has just como to light and ia t
subject of much popular talk. The i
fair Occurred several months ago a\ \
concerned throe of the female studet
and three young men. On the day
question the young ladies of the osti
lishmont wore given holiday , but we
not permitted to leave the grounds n
to receive visitors. By a preconcert
arrangement the three girls were
meet three young men of Baltimore a
stated hour in a secluded spot in t
The girls repaired to a hi
yonqg men in waiting. Three bom
were pulled off and the younp ladi
wont throughA few minutes later i
parties wore sitting under a tree clu
ting. A servant woman who had <
casiou to pass along-a pnth\vay near t
0- place where the parties sat was. a IU
: a witness to everything that transpire
01 Leaving her , hiding .place she hurrl
01y to the institution and apprised the ci
ly todian of what was going on. The liter
IB tor spdd across the grounds and wji
IBd within a few hundred feet of the trm
ig maida. was discovered. The frjfchton
nt girls appealed U tho. chivalry of tin
lire benux. but'thQlutterremembering tl
re the duys of chivalry have past bca
hnsty their sweethea
at t'o their fate. Next day the three gi
LIU were expelled.
The Indian orRomtuioo and of
A Strnnuc Scene on tlinSloitx Itosorvn *
tion Thft CliluTu nnd llrnvcs iu
nil the Glory ol'Kcntliora
nnd l-'lltlilncss.
Tob. , July 0. [ Special
Correfipondonco of Tin : Uin. : ] If you
arise in er.rly morn on the second or
fourth Wednesday of any month and
drive thirty-Ilvo miles iiorth of Rush-
ville to the valley of the White Clay
river in the Sioux Indian reservation ,
three miles above the Pine Illdgo
ngoncy , you will witness a bcono not
easily forgotten in your future wander
ings. Kastwilrd htretches dimly away
the winding , iedgy valley of the lovely
rippling stream who e source is the
bubbling crystal Springs in the Pine
Hidgo hills. Westward , and the valley
is lost to sight by encroafhiiiir hills , as
its channel wind ofi its course to its
mother stream , the White river. Aa
fur as the eye can reach , 'uid all around
you , are the active citmpi and topcus of
the tqiiiuv man , and original inhabi
tants of the plains. Dotted along the
river baul\s for milcf , these sodden ,
smoUc'-slained dtiinicilcs of these wild
people of the forest appear in endless
profusion. When one comes in sight of
this grand panorama of primitive habi
tation , a he descends the northern slope
into the valley , ho can but contemplate
the romaiit'o of the occasion. It is the
day of tht- big is < ue when four thousand
bui'Us , M\ua\vs and papooses congregated
tit the government corral are U > receive
their monthly beeves , and rations. On
wagons drawn by broncho ponies wails
the female part of the family together
with the younger element whose youthfulness -
fulness deprives them of riding on
horseback , and around every vehicle is
the pack of sneaking , s'narling. barking
dogs that every lodge invariably poss-
cssei. On her cbiiek painted In all the
gaudy colors known to the Indian art ,
are the young men and old warriors ,
each armed with an implement of wave-
faro of some description , cantering up
and down the Hold as though there wore
preparations being inaile for ado < -perate
battle , all the hUleousness of which
their savage minds is capable of con
ceiving , is displayed on every
feature. Contortio'nate expressions
of countenance. signs and sig
nals known only to tribal nom
enclature , paint and feathers , brass
and bone rings for ornaments , dangling
fiomtheoars , or suspended by their
matted , jet black hfiir. nro some of the
fiMtures of ai'lion .aad dross to which the
stranger's nttentiui\ \ llrst attracted ,
One will observe among them those wlu
think themselves much alune thoii
associates , and my attention was called
parliuularly to onu gaunt and greasy ser
of the wilderness , who believes himsel
to bo the glass of fashion am
the mould of form. He eanu
up to mo and asked for "towak'
( tobacco ) , apparently as unconscious o
his otiors as though redolent o
patchonly and white rose. He win
truly unwashed , and nearly naked , save
in the respect of paint and feathers an < ]
the scanty government blanket throwr
over his shoulders , and if the impolite
truth bo told he was swarming will
that enterprising insect to which the
Poet Burns wrote an apostrophe. Yo
ho maintained the hauteur and persona
pride oC his importance and stood witl
folded arms and delimit looks desiring
to impress mo with the idea that ho i
indeed "heap big Injun. "
Promptly at 0 a. in. the issue is ex
pected. to take place , and while wo have
an hour to wait we put in the time ii
studying the habits and customs of these
wards of Uncle Sam. There have bcci
many pen-pictures drawn of the Amor
iciin Indian * ' elevating their charade
and discoursing on their virtues , am
the picture from a romantic view of th
case has boon very beautiful ; but ii
truth , when confronted with the actua
hero , have been without foundation
Cooper's beautiful lines become ridieu
lous when ho makes those sons of tin
forest , whoso descendants now Huge
upon coveted reservations , in ilnhapp. .
squalor , lilthy , brutal , cunning an
treacherous , 'thievish nnd marauding
appcaras lovely , c'onlonl. iclicont , eh
quent , bravo , faithful , inagnaniinou
and truthful every Minliincnt a
beauty fades like mist be
fore the noonday Dsun when yo
compare their magnanimity and trull
fulness with the actual man. To om
who has been on the frontier for a nun
bur of years the ordinary rosorvatio
Indian is not a cilrlosity. The greas'
red blanket , the shanky legs , tno bras
jewelry , the la/.y , shulliing gait an
pigeon to 's. the encrusted rancidiu
tire poor material out of which toman
ufacturo a hero or form a romance. A
mihiionary and philanthropic olTort
made in his behalf have thus far faile
to amend lut > life or chang'e his moral1
Always prominent in the history of th
country , uvur to the fore in tihilai
thropic literature and "spread cag' '
oratory , " always the impediment to 1
removed , and afterward the dcpcndct
to be supported moll i lied by scmi-annu :
gifts , and oiled und pacified by perm
icaltalks about the "Great "Kallier" ;
Washington , and blarney about "brotl
ors" through campaigns , council
treaties and tribal relation lac is dual
approaching the lastyearsof his careo
with only one reddening fact upon h
record , that ho hn.s never been tame
nor never been a bftrvant ,
The common instincts of savage
"from Hod Jacket tOtho | present time ,
burning in their untamed breastsand
illustrated in their mode of Maughte
as witnessed in these beef issue
In the corral are gomo 2o ( ) wild Tex
steers , very rough looking animals ,
bo called oeoves but anything wi
horns , hoof and ] \ido \ is a hoof with i
Indian which the herders aro. bran
ing as they drlvo them through tl
"chute. " This brand Is put on the
the day of j&suo and is for the purpn
of detecting a stolen hide among thei
It is a simple triauglu in shape , and i
Indian can sell a hide to thq
that has not this brand upon
Through the kindnessr of Mr. liar
Clark , chief clerk , wo occupied a poi
tion in the lookout or ; call stand , durii
tlio progiejss Of the issue.
Upon the { arrival of the -agent ni
chief clerk and interpreter the ludia
formed in line in a sort oT "press
arms" style , each line facing the oth <
leaving u spaeo of .about' thirty fc
through which the frightene'd aniim
woi'c compelled to p'ass on leaving t
c\it of the corral , And as each mil
was called from the record the gal
keeper announced tlio bpovos for t
sumo and the interpreter gave the sai
in aborigine language , to an Indl ;
caller , who proclaimed' it in turn to t
crowd , and the red skin1 answering
the name woujd immediately dash fr <
the ranks with all the chivnl
an < } pompousness of Indian brave
and put-sue at lull speed the frighten
animal , chasing the beast for at least a
mile from the inclosuro before shooting.
After tormenting , torturing and aggra
vating the brute until its endurance
was beyond forbearance , the Indian
would dispatch his victim with his
Colts or Winchester. Tlio process goes
on the same throughout the ontitu ex
ercises , nnd It is no small sight to wit
ness throe or four lundred of these
slaughtering heroes upon the plain at
one time , and the discharge of tiroarms
sounds like the combat of lighting
armies. Imincdititoly after the tlrst
beef Icnves Iho inclosuro the squaws
start for the slaughter Held with their
wagons , in order to bo ready to skin
and dress the animal. Tlio "big bravo
Injun" has done his noble work in the
atlair and with the trophy of the ani
mal's smoking tongue for his pri/.e. ho
sita upon his pony while his squaws pre
pare the carcass for that process by
which it becomes jerked beef. Kvery-
whore and always the squaws do the
work and the men are idle. The hide
ous and toothless erono is never too old
to work , never old enough to
rest. The life of her and all
her daughters is that of a
slave , a slave horn and predestined , to
whom rest ttnd liberty shall nevercomo.
She is beaten , abused , reviled , driven
like any other beiisl of burden. She is
bought and sold ; wife , mother and pack
animal joined in onu hideous and hope
less whole a squaw.
There is but little more beauty to bo
found among Indian "maidens" than
there is among gorillas. Those- false
poems which descant upon the charms of
diisky loVc and the romance of wilder-
nc s'allcction are vagno imagjnationsof
a dime novel mind. Poolie license is a
wanton and wayward thing , and has
been made to caper nimbly to strange
tunes , but the man who invented those
charming but pheiiominally false Indian
ideals , nnd llrst crowned the universal
squaw with the ro es of love , ought to
see the woman once , and ho never would
again clluse on her " bewitching
charms. "
Kver.y particle of the animal is saved
and utili/.cd , even the blood is left in
the llcsh , and the intestines are carried
to the lodge and eaten as one of their
most dainty dishes. A grotesque cate
gory of names of these pcoplo becomes
amusing to one on lirst visit , but
after awhile its peculiarities will
not be thought of. Indians are
named in honor of some peculiar circum
stance , or characteric , in their curly life ,
I append a few which are among the
prominent of the Sioux tribe , all being
heads of consolidations , Cra/y Bear , No
Flesh , Broken Arm , Littlo-Ono-Too ,
Horny Bull. Kun-After-Cat , Feather-
Man , Young Bat , etc. There are 15 < l of
these consolidations , consisting of thirty
pcoplo each , one-half as many others
who got their rations from the block ,
making a total of 7,0" ( ) people at this
agency. The government issues to these
i23U beeves every twenty-eight days and
lliO every fourteen days , making 800
beeves a month. After a pleasant visit
with Colonel Gallagher , the courteous
and accommodating agentand his chiel
clerk , Harry Clark , and lookingthrougli
the government school building under
the guidance of Prof. W. T. Manning ;
also a friendly call on Captain George
Sword , the chief of the Indian police ,
in his commodious and elegant apart
ments , we express ourselves as fully re
paid for the time spent in visiting the
Pine Hidgc Indian agency. E. K.
Makes the lives of many people miser
able , and often leads to self-destruction ,
Wo know of no remedy for dyspopsin
more successful than-IIpod'b Sarsapar
ilia. It acts gently , yet surely and
olllcicntly , tones the stomnch and other
organs , removes the faint feeling ,
creates a good appetite urcs headache ,
and refreshes the burdened mind. Give
Hood's Sarsaparilla a fair trial. It will
do you good.
Sunstroke How to Trent Cnses.
Indianapolis News : Do the following
things in the order named :
1. Carry the pa lien t to the nearest
shade , preferable a drug store.
2. Place the patient's face up , hcae
slightly raised , where there is a draft
of air.
! i. Opnn the clothing around the nccli
and at once apply cold water to the heat
and neck , ice water is preferred.
4. Keep spectators away.
C , Sena for a physician.
C. Send for a patrol wagon.
Wliilo waiting for the physician 01
patrol , continue to'ipply the cold water ,
Sponges or clothes saturated with watoi
and applied to the neck over the jugU'
lar veins affords speedy relief in mosl
cases. It is believed tlmt many case :
have ended fatally for want of promp
attention , the pati'ent having been lef
alone , until the physician or wagon ar
rived. Don't wait in any case ; ac
promptly anel save the patient.
IVIUtllCl-H IvCllll.
The proprietors of SANTA ABII
have authorised Goodman Drug Co.
to refund your money if , after givim
this California King of Cough Cures i
fair trial as directed , it fails to give sat
isfaction for the cure of Coughs , Croup
Whooping Cough and all throat am
Lung troubles. Whim the diseas <
allccts the head , and assumes the fern
of Catarrh , nothing is so ollectivo a
. Thos
preparations are without equals a
household remedies. Sold at $1.00
package. Three for $2.Ml.
Drink Malto.
$15 ,
TliaMorrls Typo Writer fs n practical , w
made and llucly tlnHlicd michlnn , uiirtcombln
thu iierfect k'tlvrliiK , exact ulllKiinient , ai
rnnld wrltlnK of a high priced writer. The Kll
SON MIMKOHHAl'II , the best upiuratus mai
for inanlfoldlnif nutoeropbtc und type writ
work ; 3.00U copies can be taken. TYl'fc WHITi :
supplies for nle Semi for circulars. The
cefslpr to. . Council lll
Menllou Ihls paper.
Our now 'A'I'A I.OOUl : < | F C.ll
PAKJN" UUTFJ'l'M , with conitllutlo
drill mcilo and Mil Information * bo
and drilling M&rctilnz Clut
A , G , SPALDIHG ft BROS , ,
n 1842. INCOIU'On.VTKD 1 7
CO. ,
25 TO 300 ,
Specifications nnd estimates fitruUhi'd for complete steam plmiK ItCRiilntlon , Durability ( Iu r-
nntccd. Cnn show letters from users \\heio fuel Uconomy Is e < innl with Corliss No
1IKA3 I1 IB01' ! i : , COIKVOI , ItMJFI'S , IOWA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , lown.
WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary.
Call on M. imOlIMCH , VIS UrtMuUvay , whore you will receive
thu Eli heit Caxh I rlce.
' 8 iiiW
Wrought and Cast FOR
\ltnll \ < lings , Automatic Econoiny ,
Repairs. New P 3d JIand Simplicity and Jltiriibilttii.
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulTs.In. Telephone 1(50. (
HRIRI INRIIMF Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
Ull mill UlllL. Specifications. Supervision of Puhlic Work. Hrown
Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
FIWI TV RIlRkT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 118
rillLLI DUniXL. " Peail St. , Council Blun's , Iowa.
Justice of the I'cacc. Olllce o\er American Express , No. 419
NQPUIIIR7 - Broadway , Council Blulls , Iowa.
QTHIMC" Ji ? QII\yiQ \ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State nnd Federa
O I VllL. Ot OilYlu" Courts. Olllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-Beno Block ,
Council Blulls , Iowa.
CP UA7ri\l Bentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
\J > rln/LLlN" Blurts , Iowa.
PLJAR/IDITDI / IM l\/1 / l\ Specialist In diseases of Hyo. Kar , Nose and
MM LHA V DtnLl \ VI IJ Throat. ( llaHkea Accurately I'loscrlbca. Cut-
. , r. lrlfl UL > I lulij ' ' " L' n.irli treated In- mall after llrat ronsnltntlon.
r.m 'll r Vtl ° et'l"Ul Ill' ° nlUVny' Itcblllenee' C1 ° "hilt st. Iloiirs-H.toK' , atoC , 7Mto8:30. : :
PH From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
' FJ advancements such ns f.ost.l'omnl.
To Loan , rprSiile.To Hont.Wants. ,
etc , 111 bo liiM'itel in this column nt the low
into < if'.riN''iNl\Sl : ( : > UNi ; for thollrstln-
sertionund n\e Cents Per Jjlnn for each subse
quent Insertion. lea\o advertisements nt our
ollico. No. K Pearl Street , near Uronihiay ,
Council Illuirs. lo n.
lir.SSMAKING Also plain sowing done at
No. limiiluluvunue , or by Ilia day.
WANTliT ) Two lrirl 1o"wrnlt on table at
Allen's lestauiant , Wti Ilioadway.
SAM3 Tlio best small fruit and vegeta.
Foil farm In 1'oltawattamlo county , two
niKes from Council lllnlfs imstnfllcu , atapilco
that will boll ft , on remarkably ctiby ti'ims.
Title pel fecf anil property In good condition.
I'os-cs'jloii fjlven any tlmO. Rood reason for
tnlllnt , ' . H. T. Uryunt A : Co. , ( UJ
Council lllulls , In.
IJH'It ' THADIJ Several stocks ot mci ciumUe ) ,
L ! iiKo Improved and unlinpioved farms. John-
, ton & . Van 1'ntten , ! iJ Main at.
SAfjIi Tlireo year olil horso. Oontle
FOR bound. 181 : . ' Ninth fct.
rPO UKNT Imiiiertlntely , for tlio sunimoi. a
JKooil furnlsliiMl IIOIISD. 1U rooms ; closet and
liath room ; city wilier. Apply on premised , BLJ
" \VANT To oxclmiiRfl Nolnuskaor Wlsronsln
fiirm l.uids for Couiull liliills or Omaha
propel ty or merchandise. O. I' . McKesbon.
AXTANT1U ) HtoeK-T ot UierclmnilUe. ) lnvo
V > Omaha anil Council Jllull.s city propeity.
nlt.o western land to exchange for ( jooili , C.ill
on or mlilross Johnson A : cnrlbthiu , Hocm Jj ,
Clmmlier of Commcicu. Omnha.
1J1OK SAM ; At u Imrcnln. 40 acres near Block
-L yards , South Oiimha , N6I ) . , Jolm < ; on Ac
Clirlfctlan , lloom 35 , Chamber of Commarcu ,
Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Instructor of Music ,
No , lit Btutesmnn ( .ticet , Cquni.ll llhiffs , nml
MeluUeru'b Muulcbtoio , DoJeeistiect.Oiiuhii.
D , H , N DANELD" & GO , " ;
Hides , Taiiow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market prices. Prompt
f20n.ndK2 iJ.iI Sti etCoiinsll Uluffs.Iswa.
rJu.Miiiu : AMI IIAIHH : IN
NO. r,2 ( nii.v ST. ,
M. D. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
DisciiFCsot Woiiion and Children ,
Vf ! lioafi ! uy , Cmnull Illuini.
WBroailwiy ) ( Council IHulTn , IOWA. EjtablHUsd
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Unison uml mulen comtuatly on bund ( or iM
at retail or In cm-1 t" . .
Orderii pinmptlr Allca. by contract on Uo <
Stuck fcolA on comtnlsslou. .
TeUjihone 114. . bClll.UTKIl * IIOtEYj *
Oii'rOvlt < j Dummy Depot , Couucll Ulu