Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' ' - - " - . - - . . . . -
fW ff 'T
1f . _ 4 - TIIEOMAIIA DA1TJY3FIETJ1U11SDAY : J1JLYI2. 188& _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
TI:1tM : ; or } LTliSCItI1'T1O.
Ittb' ( Morning Itiltluni : lxiluung stiiiay
( ma Vcrtr.
) nr l.tontli ( )
' lnr Thre Noftth. . . . 2 ( Xl
Uiio Oinnlui tinilay llii : , intitlel ta nuy nil.
. ilres One Yt'tr 2
On.i.t ( ) ' , . A1ti16 1.IN.tM 4TItET.
Niv VOIIK OFFJL 1 , lUitii I I AN fl V. 'l'itt iirnK
lIll.IHMI. W.IllTU ( UkIC } , No. JIJ
F0W1T11T1l TlI.r ;
, ( ) ltltl5I''D1NCt. )
Au cornlnUIi1cntoflM VeILtt1fl ( C ) flOWs anil elt
tonal hint ti. , & hIIiiUItt lie Ltdl1 eieI to tIii Jiij'rou
0 I TI I i II IK.
13ISIIS L 1TIilt.
All liLIiIi1eiS I tttr linti I t ? ntii1eg 1ioii1d 1o
. ni1re IL ( to Tij : lIkE l'tlI % Iil INU CO1iA\ .
OflIIA. lrnlt , , clit.cksall l lOtOI1CC ) OtileTSt.1
' , be inatW I)8 ) ublo to thf3lcr _ ot ( lti coIiiliaiI ) ' .
Tile Boo Publls1iiiioiiipany1 Prepriclors.
1 : . 1oSF\VATlR , EdItors
Ft nrii tntciiieuLofClrcuIiflon.
tiite of Ncbinkii , ,
. ( 'oiiiitv ifJUIIR ) ,
(1io. iL Tscl.iick . , of The flcn pill ) .
lIliIig CO1il)1iji ) , doe4 sole11iIilswKr tiit ! the
ctunh circuintlun of ( lie IAIiy Ilec for thu wet
nihlng .Jtil 7 , WlL tS to lhows
tiiturilty , .i iII1' :34) : 17.IJ
. ilI(1fly ( , .iiil . I li,2) )
1h oitdy , J Lt. 2
' .ftlCMlty JU1 % 1 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .
, WeiliIe.SIft ( } , fiiW.I . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltUt )
IlIli'il8y , Iuly ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 1riduy , July 0 . lYJO
U EO. H. 'r i.sci i UCIt.
Eworn to befrn inc nl StIbSCrIII&I in my
lresthce titia tli ( ( ) tJiily A. 1) . , 1ii4.
Ifl FflfL. Nutary Public.
$ tate of Nebriuika ,
r County of lotigla I
. ( Jvtvgo ii. 'VZ4lItlCk , belnt flrst iltily s c.rn ,
( lcioe ; nild i84 tlut lt t.i secretary of 'Ilio lien
ItiilIltiiig Company , that thn uctual aerj.o
tinily circulation flf thin Iitiiy ) hiee for ton
liioutlt or July , J7 , % 84 IIOI COl)1CM for
August , 18T , to iI. s ; for eVte1iticr ) , 14 47 ,
14lU copIe for ( ) cto\cr \ , ftQ7 , llJ COli.3 for
. . NOV(1111aVV. ir.o coii1e4 ; for loceiiiber ,
1Ih,7 , l5ll ( copies ; fo'r .lnniinry. 1N $ . 1,9i COl ) .
lei. : tot. l'ebrnnry , eopleM : for .iaiifl ,
JFt 1II.ti C1)1e4 ) for April , 18,744 COiIii4.
for Mtiy , is , itlti copiei ; or June , l , w,2ti
l COliICtJ.
' ( lEO. 13.
Svorn to before inn and siibcribeil in my
. rceuc. tlilsutli : tiny of .lune A. 1) .
N. P. vi : i I. I otitry Pulilic.
I ANo1'It1tL clintoni hns been imported
from the United States into England.
lJot'eiiftci' AiflLkthl ) truvo1er CnII got
, thoirbiggngo : checked just a they do at
. home.
' _ _ _ _
. . J)1lissuD niii' : : is CLLL'riCl from Chicago
to Now York at a 1 cent rate. This
ought to allow ovorv natri , womati and
* ' phild of the east t1i luxury of poi'tor-
, house steak daily.
1 Foit the proeiit , Mr. Louis llolinrod
: holds the fort. His eiit1oreinont by the
80000(1 ( ttfll seventh ward shiow that his
ollicial coiiiluct meets witiL approval
L t : nong citizoiis of the south side.
n Now tiat ) the ropublicaii congr s-
sional Cooveiltion fot' t1ti district has
beeti deferred to Soptemlor 20th , the
CaliditliLteM Will have nniiilo tinto to adjust -
just their fences niul look alter their
I ; IF Ed. Wolcott , of Cooralo ] , hoops up
his I'CCOrd in lreakiilg furo bunks at
Long Btafleh , he will win by virtue of it
deal the admiration of C'oloraillo to sue-
coed Jiowen , the elutiiipion lOlCOr 1)lItYer
In the senate of the United States.
_ _ _ _
Fou the mouth of .Juno , the weather
5. 1)rCtl4CtlOils Caine true only nine days
put of thirty. No wonder farmers arc
investing in goosobcmes and cultivating
ground hogs iii proforcnce to taking
, ChaliCes On the weather bureau cards.
Tim range in Wyoming anti Montana
Isreported to be in oxcehlont condition.
There is a luxuriant growth of grass in
t both territories , and the cattle are con-
I sequozitly in flue form. in exception-
thIy good year for tlc cattlemen seems
I assured.
I c Fen a dull , otT year , Omalut is holding
her own remarkably well ; in fact , its
compared vith cities of equal population -
: t tion , she Is booming.Vhule specu-
littlon in real cstato is not as active as
0 itvts 111 18S7 , , tha records show
t a very large number of transfers and
the iiuinbcr of new hulldin's under.
t ; way affordij an agreeable surprise to
L ; . conservative 1)001)10 ) vlio ently in the
, yeats llOdlCtCd a lull in the zrntttor of
1 pi tvato Improvements.
_ _ _ _
- i M1fIICIAN'rS who stocked up heavily
, . with bitiidautt handkerchiefs are disappointed -
. pointed in the iiivcstinerit. There is
very little demandior an article which
) ill more ways than cue is dlsngroeably
suggestive , anti besides the majority of
. those domocpats who use a haiidkerchief
arQ sufficiently sontivo not to haunt
the forbidding-looking "wiper" in ccii-
. trast vith the rcpubliian emblem , the
stnts und stilpos. As a campaign tuhis-
maii the , iCtI bandana is a Izunentablo
. .failuro.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tl1F paying and gritd1ngcontrictors
J arc always very lirolupt and active In
. . pressing their bills for work , but. with
- fdw eXCOptioflB they always hiao some
j , excuse for delays and violations of their
' ; . . contract. llttlf of the paving coiitracts
; given out last year still remain untlu-
, . . ished , and people are compohled to sub-
. znlt t'o torn-up sidesviilks and lockttdod
streets. It seems to us'tlmt unless contractors -
: tractors ctiii justify theIr failure to coma
jo time by reason of delays on the piirt
of , the cngliieers , their coiitraets should
$ be cancelled and re-let by the board of
: public works.
\\T1. : ttrq promised an Invcstlgatioii In
. i !
' . our state univorslty whIch will rival tim
; recent lnvOtIgation at the Iowa state
i. I uuicrsity. : 'i'Iio uxitmitiation will no
doubt disclose a couditIa of potty jeal-
: , : oustes , anti. chlcItp politics similar to the
? atato o allairs oxiiitnig at tile Iowa in-
stitution. It Is unfurtiiiiato 4 that the
4 k . usofuhiiess of ourstato university should
. be ImpaIred by the oxibtenco of bickerIng -
Ing and dIscord among the faculty. It
( is a blight on ho reputation
which a stitto univorbity ought
to establish and maIntaIn. But
such . sUsto of niTaIrs is iiot new.
, Every chancellor at the university has
been the hetul center of cnbnls and
cliques. The cauo of thl can be traecL
to its fountain head. The univorblty
ISILS boOn irnulo the battle ground of pa-
. ; . litlcal ftictlon.s and religious beetS ,
vhipro fa-orltos vero rewarded Iflid
; enemies punished. T1iori Is but , one
i oinedy to lift tim state uulvcrdlty to It
true lovol. It hiiust be purged Trom
political Influences uid soctaritut con-
' trot. Let the bvarl of regents upply
the knife to the ZOOt of the exit.
; f
. , & . , i . t 4h
Itiutitici's of' ( lie "Q' ' Iannger.
It. Is the boast hf Chiniince3 M. 1)epew
that no goileril strike has occurred on
the Ntw York ( cntruf railroad sined Ito
ltits bceii at its hnd. TItq atnicctbio to-
iIttltiS ) that have for years pr&lvailod
between the great Vtuiderlillt road and
It4 Ltiii of cinploycs ls cIi1cfl.v If
not Iiol1y , duct to the broad-
inintled , course and conciliatory policy -
icy pursued by Its managers.
4ik a natural result of this harmnoimy between -
tween time owners aiid mnnniigcrs of tli
Now York Central and the railroad
IncH Iii It OmlOy , the service of tito
routi has hiucri efficient In all doptrt- :
mneiits itimil Its patronage bIts steadily
growii .
Iii striking contrast to the New York
Ccii tritl thin hlurli ngton system huts been
doiniimated by a general mumiager vIio
lacks alt the essential qualities that go
to mnalai Ull IL sagnelotis , irUdciit ) itii1
Popular executIve , It is a iuattor of
liiStiry that the conihict betcceii
the Th'otliorbood of Locojnotl ye
cng1iieer and time Burhingtoii moati
might have beau arrcstd but for Cen
ertil intiintgor Stone's imperious (1i-
iiosltloii to tepol hl attempts to arrive
at. an nmnicuble settlementof differences.
The contemptuous , insolent nail insult-
lag treatitietit o the engineers who up-
hmi0tC11Cl IsIr. Static literally forced the
inch , InS fi matter of self i.espct't , to 1c-
sort to the only voaion which organ-
j7ed lfllOL ) can ivield whom driveit tp the
vall by arrogant capital. A brainy
mnitil hiIo 1)ppew Ut the head of time
road % 'ottld have treated the engineers
courteously anti by a conciliatory
( liScuSsioli of their grievances
avcrteu a contest certain to be disa-
trous to the road , damaging to its pat-
1OlO3 , and eotly to tine CflgiflrCr3. Mr.
Stone wanted a test of strenth , ye-
sources and endurance. lietice he
siflirnel alt OlTOrt4 at comptomniso aiid
demands for concession.
Ills policy iitts co3t the owners
of the road over five millions of
dollars in ( lecreased earnings and data-
uge to rolling stock by reason of accidents -
dents , chielly brought aleut by na-
skilled timid iimtentpet'itte rflOii CiflplOyel (
silica the strike.'hi1e this enormous
loss has falleim upon tli stockholders ,
the Public have also sullered by
this wtifamc. lint whom the gods
wish to destroy they first make mittul.
having resumed tralhie after a protracted -
tracted struggle , the mnanagot' of the
Burlington road reopens the old tote
by launching out UOfl a vindictive
campaign of revenge itnd retaliation.
A story about a dyiiai.iitc eotlspititCy ,
trumped up by Pinkerton deLco-
tives , is followed by arrests of
officers of time brotherhood of
emigincers On a charge pf issuing soli-
tious circulars ndvisiiig the use of
chemicals during the strike to disable
thto coilipany's locomotives.rLhlis , , if
itiiythiii , is a more StUpidblUiilcr than
IIr. Ston&s refusal to arbitrate while
the Burlington system was paralyzed
imy the strike , under lrctpusc
that ' 'there wits nothing to arbitrate. "
WThut is the Burlingtoit road to galit by
these prosccutionis ? No rational p rott
1)CliCVOs. that inemnbors of the Brotherhood -
hood of Locomotive Engitteers would
engage in dynamite plots. But if any
111mm , or set of inca , can be coil-
vjctctl on evidence of somebody besides
detectives of questionable cliarmmter
they sill receive no sympathy from any
quarter. Thu attempt to embroil the
wholQ brotherhood of engineers in a
( lymlamnita conspiracy by coupling some
of its ofhlcers with u1)holding the practice -
tico of "killing" engines , which pro-
itils iii nearly ithi cngiiieer and firemen -
mon strikes , is stupid. Even
if the proofs are ovcrwbtlming ,
the prosecutions instituted by the Bar-
lhmgton nina ugars have arrayed not only
evol.y individual member of the brotherhood -
hood of eimgincers against them , but
v1ll arouse inteuso and bitter resent-
meat among all elements of organized
labor. Such hostility is not likely to
restore to the road its lost ) rcstige. Ott
the contrary iLls sUre to provoIo an tin-
friendly feeling among all classes of
lCOPIO along its lines. Nothing but
the most reckless disregard of
the material interests of a coy-
poration could PromPt I ts man tigers
to such a foolhardy course , In which
there is everything to 11)50 aiid nothing
to gain. Even the late II. M. Hoxic ,
who htati a most bilioustcmnper , did not
dare venture on arrests and conpiracy
prosecUtiotis , after the great Missouri
Pacific strike , lit which imiore lawlessness -
ness was coninhittel in three days titan
there has liocim on the Burlington in
live months.
Time ' 'iierlcai' I'arty.
Perhaps not more titan Lou voters in
every ten thmousamid are aware of time
fact that there is an organization call-
lug itself the American party , and very
liholy teL inonc than half oi thosts wilt )
know of the eistonco of this misnamed
organization have aimy idea of its oh-
jeets. To the older class of voters ,
whose recollection of pphltical parties
goo back thirty-live years , the imanno of
the present organization vilI naturally
recall the old know-nothimig pai.Ly and
imnily another olfort to Introduce in 0th ,
politics the essentially uit-Amomican
prhhlCilles of tliitt inennomablu but short-
1 i ved orgaiti zatlon . ' 11to socal he d
. American vtrt of to-tiny Is not exactly
a reproduction of the know-iiothttiig
lttttY , though it hints sonic of
tile princiiilcs of tim latter. It
differs chiefly in these respects ,
that It does not exclude front its raiihs
& , ItIi.iis of foreign birth who are in
symnpttthiy with Its policy , and It does not
mnttke a religion a lrlnlIal object of
itsatUtck. Its present battle cty Is to
t)10501V0 ) America for Americans , itmid
by way of doing thil.s It lroposs thin ro-
strietion of Immigration , a (1iscrlnI nit-
lIon between those lmniiilgi ants iin do-
sirabl and those that itre objuctlonablo ,
null more careful lImItations upon the
grtntIng of the rIghts ut cittzoitshlp.
It Is not a utatter of great moment
vhcn vhere ot how this patty origl-
iiatod. SQiuo months ago it few score
men , havIng no political stniudlimg or
ittt itthiliatlon , got together In PitIlit-
tletjiltla itiiil 1otinuhttted It set of ltiiiet
Plus for the mAy party , and recently
these Inca , with lCI'ltitls it few
ethers ; hittyc , hold vitntt they Were
: , cd to call a national convention
. . hie nomlilatlots ofcttudidatesloy the
presonc. Timy did not Inalfo niiy
nomnliuttlons , but adopted it resolutlolt
. ihivItIuf Mayor Howttt of Now York , to
becino their tmndldntfc for ll'eSilelit.
tr. hewitt Itni been stispe.cted of hay-
lug an ambition to be president , but
this bait was not to his lIking. As a
comnphlitiomit to hIs zeal In protcLttig the
Amerienit flag froni con titini natloni by
pmultie ntssoctatioit with any ohiei' flag Ito
inity liavo apptcelnttecl the recogititlon
of his superior hitttnts to the considora-
tioti of the tmnnrloaii lthr.ty ) , but he Is
riot iii the iiiesideiithnil 1)usimlcss ) this
yelti. , either on his own iteCptint , or , us
It. tt1)1)titrS ) , that of anybody ehe. The
110W jittty , hioyovcr , will doubtless hiitvo
i caiidiihitte , and it. mnnty be thiitt hero
iiid there lie svlll recelvea few votes.
This movement deserves nothi ug bet-
toy titan ridicule , but there is just
enotigh of serIoUsimes In Its ltttrttcter teen
en U tie it to a little ti ought ful oon1der-
tttioii. it. really represents a sentiment
maccit more cxtcntlcd tiutti wpuld be I ii -
ferrcd fronn 1io numerical strength , Si )
fnt as developed , of the new patty. It
Is the senti men t against hninigrntloii
which was i'ccently voiced In the Gettysburg -
tysburg address of George \Vilhiani
Curtis , which Is being petsistently
t i t'ti mated in to the public cur
by certul a tin Inilueptint newspa-
le13 ) and by magazine vriters , and whielt
It Is to be aPIi'elieiiiOd may acquire no-
ceptanco tunQii those rhio vihl not give
time flatter intelligent and caroftil coit-
siderntion. W'o have so frequently itis-
cussed tills immigration question that
ve iiCCl hot i'01)Cttt the arguments
against utumy policy of i'estrietioit lcyond
that already ado1ted. Our laws , if
lr.oPerIY enforced , will keep out pati-
liens , criminals , the insane , and persons
undet contract to hibor , uttid further
than this restriction should not go. It
is probably it fact that the laws are not
enforced , but that is a fault. to be roni-
ediod by the pcopbo electing tnt cx-
ccutive vlto : jii thiutt the
luv : are enforced , and by
congress ) roVit1ing adequate ma-
iiiitery for their enforcomenit. It is a
wholly fttlso an d ii a ten abi o assuniption
that this countt'y has reached the coui-
(1 itioti whiemi it cutu afford to shut out
I inmigration , except of time objectionable
kind already excluded by law.
\Ve do not apprehend that the new
party , which , despite its title , is at war
wRIt inlnciples purely American which
have stood the test of a century , witit
the grandest results to the republic , is
I ilccly to make much hieuu1vay , btit it is
always the safe course to warn the
1)001)10 against insidious : qpeals to
seltishuness and prejudice.
Comilondiiig Street laiiwayu.
\Vliatovet may come of tim mutual
agreement for joint tiacks betweeti the
Motor line afll the Cable ' 1'raiiivutycomn-
In.lny , the practice of laying tracks disconnected -
connected from any main line and lcav-
jag theta fut' months and years to
obstrurt puhihic thoroughfares should be
Pt'Oihibited l)3' ordinance. If a street
railway comamiy means business it
should niever be permittc1 to tear tip
utnd obstruct streets with tracks unless
they are a 1)ai.t of a continUous unto
fi'oin a fixed terminus.
'l'lio IiactiCo of laying down half a
dozen rails at a crossing in eider to hold
the street against it rival line should not
be tolerated. The right of crossing
the tracks of a rival unto Is es-
tabhished by law. 'i'he company
that occupies and oporittos a line of
street ra1vuy en a given thoroughfare
first is entitled to lrioiity , and If the
Street is too narrow to alloW miiote than
one set of trucks , the company that oc-
CUPiOS the street very properly holds
the ground as against another , unless
by mutual consent both use one set of
The council should , by all menus , define -
fine by ordinance the width of streets
that wihljustify the laying down of more
titan it single track for street railways.
All the streets In the original town sire
which are one hundred foot wide , vill
accommodate four tracks withoutserious
inconvonienca to the public , but beyond -
yond the oi'iginal city limits most of the
streets haid out vary from thirty to sixty
feet in width. Thmoso streQts ire not
wide enough for two double tracks and
a roadway lietweep tracks and curbs.
The condition of Twentieth , between
Cass and Cunning strets , affords a
striking oxanhihe of this state of facts
and should Impel the council to estab-
hishi once and for all time the width of
street on which single Street railway
tracks only vill ho permitted and the
width required fr two or four tracks.
\Vhien this hits beeni done and the lay-
lug down of rust streaks has been lro-
iiiliited , the warfare between rival hues
vilt sinimncr down to a question of
means to build and operate hues.
Tni scope of the Illinois conspiracy
law has just been significantly stated by
Judge Hitwesof Chicago. The attempter
or the claim agent of the Chicago city
railway to bribe a jur'unnii wits 13X1)OSed ,
and the rigeitt wits prosecuted , convicted
ililti sentenced to six month's imlrison- )
uieiit. in reittleriug his decision the
judge recommended that the grand jury
consider the question as to whether the
pruskicuit of the railway conipany ttiit
its uttoi'uoy had abetted the. cffot to
liribo , and stated that in order to Ihud
thpni guilty It was not neccss:1iy : to
show any i1oslttve or alhirmnative net.
However remote their conmimeetlon they
eotiltl be held. Every state shtoul.l hitL'ro
such a law.
Nebraska JOttluigH.
'l'tuo Knox county teaciters' Institute will
be lucid Ut Niobrnrt troniAugus 19 to 2i.
Pluun Valley boasts of the lircttlcst nail
most tastily dressed girls In the itato. And
thtl on the frontier of tine wild timid wooly
'l'tireo ( comic hircaehersMises Townq-
hey. Spoichor ituuul Nitsii-occuiieLl ) the PiuIiit )
of the Iliiittst church at AlexandrIa Suindiuy.
They coinstmtutcU quito a dr.ivhiig coitibinnu-
thou , .
'rho younng PeoPle of Minden are stepping
hunto.duublo iutrnessn fast that fcsrsaro cii.
tortamued that thin town will soon be entirely
devoid of uiisrrluiwablo youn . nr.en isind
Two atl.sonors lii the hail , at Callaway ,
miatuod Krause utah \uni Riper , attonnptod to
burn the butklning the other aught. bitt tito
fhn-o was discovered by the uitnrslisl until cx-
tingi.ileheti. .
l3i ; fIsh stOrlo3 nrc now the order of the
(153' full 0110 of them coliles trout ICuox Ccii-
toy , where two bunch boys are i-iporU'l to
itntto taiitUrLi1 ii catlhh ycihilng ; lirty cuu
and a half vuuils. Tine oldest boy wns
. ,
- - - -
- ' - - '
manipulating the lisit hue inen lie had a
"bite' ' that iiuIlx1 limit unto the creek. hthu
little brother ann to his reuciuu iiuiil the two
coiqiiei'ett ! tiuofliiiiy inuinstor vithi an tix.
Iurini thu torzit at lturtwehl last week
Davti ltohiiison vushcihle& , ) by lilituiluig svliiie
at the wall gettItttii linill of vater , sunil two
bunts vere struclc by hIghittiin nail bunuted
to thl ( grotitnil
A tuluio year.okl daughter of , Iolw Tulil , , o
I'lutttinnionith , was nontrl' hilled by boiiit
klchu'ti iii titim fuce by it horse. She iiturcd
tine statilo tyitin a binuilict over lucy hnetiui ,
rhiclu frigltteued tiiO iniiiutnl.
Beatrice tntg thiovs hilled , dressed and
carried away the carcass of II. Zinininicrinitiun's
fntt hor1et ) Stuindity while tine owner t&is at.
church. In tine future tr. Zlnauiternnnmn tvIll
worship Wlicrt ) lie cant lied ) hits eye out ltus
Crawford citizens were ontertuinned by
Chief \Vhlte liluil nund a hinnutil of Ility Sioux
wnniniOrs witin war tiunces last week at so
touch irnr mmcc. 1Vhcn the white brothers
mind takoun worth they concluded they hind
enotugh , uttd the noble red mien ngniitt took
tite trail.
Out In iCuioc Center such a luxury as a
tablecloth Is unhujown , nmid one of the reM-
dents of tine , luce hiins Invented an niphiancO
for tine diiniimg table , of which it Is declared
ttiicro's Hi unions lii it , , ' It. I s ann attitchnunicint
that revolves inn tine ceinter of tine table , 111mm
wintohi ninny be ihilCt ) the cnstci- , butter diem ,
caito and nil other nittinclitnieuits to a sqinunre
tnteiil , and as each ucrsonn vatits either niticld
all Inc hints to do k to toucit tine revolving at.
tnichinnennt and the urtielo wannted is before
limit ,
'Pine Beatrice Donnocrat rles to remark
tinut "while Iowa , Dakota , ? .ltininesotni mind
\V.vouiitiig nine holing dornnstnntcil by cyclones ,
Nebraska , nuid especially Gtigo counity , is inn-
thitiging inn balmy skies nund gloilotne vettIier.
As soout us it gets a , little too watmit for count-
fort , tefteshilnig shiovci's bout up all unuottund
ins and liaiiIiiess ) tIgnis suprenno. 'l'iic quce.
tioni now agitating our fnnruncrs is whether to
lay hi extenisive inuldet's to gatlner the corn
doll Or tie the tops t1ovn to Iccep the tassels
Itonni bi'inshiiing tIne dust off tine
Charles T3hinndt , a Cheyenne bartender ,
shot mIs wife Monday nilgint , but failed to
kill lice.
A mmii storm at rnnaqiia last wecic ataui-
petled a drove of tiiiity horses , tvlno tore
down nn bnnnbed iue fennee ninth have unot. yet
beemi necovered.
'line supreme court line afllrmed tine judg.
macitt of death ugnninist Jicin Cauter , who
killed young .lcffries , until inc tvihl be linniged
in lawhlns Augast 21.
Tao Cheyenne Tribune Inns come into tito
mopubilennin hold , As tine avowed channiploun
or tine labor cause it felt bound to Itilt its see-
vices hcte they would do tine tnnost good.
F. A. Coleman and .L H. Iliochner have ar-
ri'cel jut Cheyenne , tue inilvamnco gunned of 19-
000 Incail of 'l'oxnns cattle being driven front
Tom Gicento county to tue nortinerni ranges ,
A defective foutndatlon caused the rear
end of tim ( Jowinick block in CIioseunno to
collapse Tdondnny , ninid a nuimnbcr of ineoiiio
wino went in tue building barcl escaped
with their lives. of the enterprising eitIenis of
Itawlinis at'o tniiiciing ill ) fl children's cxciii-
siomi to Snnlt Ltihe about tine middle of title
mouth. Tine inrogramninino is to stop one day
iii Ogden , , two days at Salt Lake , nnntd one
day ntt Gntn'klclil Beach.
'l'ivo ritinciners on Hock creek , D. H. Battey
and Atkiiisonn , having quarreled about cattle ,
Battey ionic over unatincil to att1dn'oun's ,
tine nitet blunt vitin a gun anal olenied lire.
Battoy spurned mis itorso to get out of mis
\.ny , but tt1 luisoni shot hi tnt in tine anna , I a -
flirting a seiiitus woinind. hinnttey is lii the
iiOsiititl at Luranili' ninth Athinsoni inurn-oiviy
csc.ipcd hyincinmnng by his mneiguibonsvlthn wlnoun
lie Is extremely unpopular.
The Coast atiti Northiveet.
Tine Idaho territorial dentocratic convcn-
tion for tine bonnihinintiont of a candiduto for
delegntte , Is to be Inch inn Boise , Augpst 2.
A vent of$40 galenaorotiin'ce feotwido and
tiitd 3,000 inn lenngtin is alleged to be dcvclopod
Iii tine 2 h itihmie , Tybo district , Nyc county ,
.1. .5. Cooper , an enginicer out tine Monitana
Central wino 'as lu change of tine cotistn'uc-
tIn trafti meat' Btsin , iopied dead ttitllo on
thnty in the loconnotive cab.
The Cininanninni 4tin lCtilnii , meld in tine Chial-
lie Jail tar the killing of I'oii Nec , ruiothner
Chiniannan , lit Custer last full , escaped last
eelr , but after being out two days ho was
A Fronchnuun by the name of August Pam
true dro'ned winilo crossing the niortin fork
of Stint river , Montatna , lust Saturday. Ho
lost his horses , Inurmioss and vugonn inn the
rapid streinnin. The body of the drowned aintin
was recovere&L
The Carson Appeal says a meteoric steno
woighniung tonn tonis fell cnn Sweenny's race
trncic last Tinursdnty lit froint of a colt v1nicin
Ii jockey was exeicisinig. it was red hot and
contained streaira of lnorun silver. Probably
It cannne fronn tine Langtry vehl.
The startling discoveries inndo at Fresno ,
Cala. , showing that the wiunes and brandies
whicin had beeni reported as having been Oe-
stnoyod by fire at the Margherita vineyard
and on wlnich insuraunco was claimed , hind
bccin lnlddein Inn cellars anal other places , have
caused much excitement at Fresno and In
tine vicinity.
For the mast two weeks Butte's vigilant
officers have bcn searcmning for tine headquarters -
quarters of the gang of thieves which mow
iuifest the city. They vera hintely rewarded
by running across the robbers' rendesvouz.
Tine idaco vnts inn a cabin hi it gulch south of
Park street. They captured two of the gang
and recovered a large amounit of stolen ar-
tides , iineluding tine silveewniro stolen fronn
tue Cnntinolic church recently , and a let of
house breaking tools.
Yesterday's I'roceedings in the Die-
ti'Ict Court.
The cun'tain inns fallen on this term's crim-
iual busimness Lu tine district court. Tine lust
of tine criminals have heard their sentence
and are 1,0w , no lounger wondering what cleini-
eney tine delay unit Investigation on the part
of mis honor Judge Gruff will bring forth.
Thennen svlio were brouginthoforo tine Judge
yesterday vcre tine santo onnos wlno ileadcd
guilty or vere comnyictoni at tinls term's cmliii-
mitt business but whosQ sentence was sus-
icnded until tine court. could linvestigate tlncir
cases and see wlnnt , If any , elcuiency they
deso rvcd.
George Corcoran. pleated guilty to horse
stealing. lie is (17 ( years old and for sonic
tunic before itis atrost had hewn
takinng care of Dr. 'l'ilton's cUbe
and inorsos. I1l i couduct herniae such that
thu dcctor considered iniun lnartlulil lunsiune ,
on. tnt lontst met. cominpetetit to longer inorlorini
his duties , uunil dischnnnrged Ininu on Saturday
night. ' .Fiun next Mqnnday nnoriniung ho cnt to
that doctor's ' ohflcenid seeing tine morse tied
Inn romnt of it , got lii tine buggy nund started
for tine \vost. lie tvai arrested nit .Vatcrloo.
lie clammed that inc simply took tine horse to
drive out lnnto tine cnitry to secure a job of
vork , mmii Intondea to ruturin it. On the
stretigtin of tints stutment , tlio court made ii
thorough nnvestignntlOn of tine case. but found
tinat Coucor..nn ti.k ljo horse to on4bio lnlnn to
escape fronni partics who wore liable to meeter
charges againsV. ln thnnnt lie wotnld iintve
found sonic troiibib lt exphnnning ( away. Tue
court , owing to thu ue of thn crhnninnal , sent-
tenced ininu to five olrs iii tine stuto pcnnlten-
EdVlce , connvl tqd of tine iurglary of a
lodging house vhO lnp was stepping , wa
tine next nnan cal l. for senteucO. lie hnnd
takein a number of suIts of old clothe he.
longinig to tue lodirers In tine building , The
count stated that lie had no reason to exorcise
any lonniencv In thtjs 01W , anti would lix tln n
regular buriar snitcnco on to Wise , Tiio
latter will reinairn in Lincoln ten years ,
Charles \VlIsou , conivicted of grnnnnd linr.
c'einy , was sentenced to one car In the peal.
teintiary , Wilson html stolen tIii out of the
sate in the Omaha Coal , Coke and Llnn9
conipanns"s efilco while inc was drunnlc The
crluninul stated that this was mis hlrst offense ,
amid that ho mud always boon a hard.workinig
nnan ,
A MEcmntxic's nr.x.
.Tintigo Gruff took up tite case of A. Milleop
uignilinuit John hull utnil others. Ball cutorad
unto a contract with A. F. Groves amnil Bog js
& 11111 to construct four dwelling itouses ( or
tinena on lots six and seven Inn block live ,
Omaina'jiw addition. The rdtnhmitltf allcues
tliiit lie worked ( oi Hail until that for said
work there Is duo mmii the unnof & .I2. Ifo
asks for ii nmnechnaitica' lien upon tine buildings
and lots for tinint amount. I'here iwo about
ten other creditors iii the suit wItin .lhllsoji ,
nil ye item ii vino'n .i itt ) lieS futAii ann.
'Mrs. lLulccti P. htniiiiduy w.ns gLnuntcd a
decree of dlvone , On Judge floannu's court ,
from her huthifnd , Cinarles hlaihittay , on tine
. . I " . . . . .
. . . . : ±
grouiul of desertion. Mr. nuiti Mrs. 11nuIk1al
weic tunnirricil in Dow City , Iowa. They
Inmoyrnl frotni there to Intkotit where Charles
feilowed the inusJtiess of a lners dosier end
tmnujcr. A little over two years ago
inc sent his wife i1ovni to Volley to visit her
n'o1ativs until lie was to joini her there mmd
also ml3 ii visit to mis inothnor-in.lniw itmnd uncut
necennipuny his vIto hna'hc , to tlieii lakota
inoiniS , 'line tvife arrived itt 'alIcv nil ennie
anal nqtna1iitett item ulinir Charles of iner urn-
viii , but lie cnnttne ot until nns lonng tie a ynir
ingo huflt August ceasc'mt even to eennntnntiniicate
vutin her , 4inc line be ui counpehled. to sup-
iort. ) hneisclf by woikimng by the week as
( lominestle. Tine conirIs ginunted lice decree
nhhosvs her to go lieu' way mmii her ounce vnnn-
ilening auth licklo hover of horse lio3in to go
Inis , amid she Is no longer reponislhlo to blunt.
iiin'AiT. T Am. Uflh ) .
Coumnty Attorney Sltiiernnl yosterdnny
brotiglnt stilts for the county nigainist I. 5 ,
liasenililciiniel DoniovaitV. . E. ' 'iigint ,
It. 0. Clark and .1. 5. ( itheout to nccovor luny-
inneunts uinpaid cnn lots inureininsed onn the l,00r ,
xrw stirs ,
George ! r , floaglnnnntl lwgnnn proceetlimngs
ognilnet .iuhla II. UniinVhhlinnun A. Cnilnn until
St. A. B. lintleonube to foreclose a mnoitgage
to s&'ctnr lnasxtnennt of a lnreiniissor note of
'l,0St ) . -
l'ctor Mice imc.gan stilt mngalinet JosepinV. .
hirnnnnilsnnIl to foreclose ii mnortgngti oil lot ii ,
block 1 , Inn Smnnitin's nddltlonn , for l5,3S0.3O.
Ciniunty Coiui't
A Jt'nrulnNT : t'Oli n'r.ttxmnrr.
Ip tiiecaso of Meyer and otiner3 ngaimnst
Goldinaun Judge Sinieltis cittered ii judgm.nenit
for the pininntllf In tine sum of : J32.5.
stir ron i.trtin.
Tim case of Albert D. hughes annd Thomas
McCullough ngainnst Fred ' 1' . Mumnuny and
harry E. Cole wnn cnn trial before , iudge
Shieds. 'Jine piidnntiffs luinn $ S00 danmnages
fronmi tUe dofenndannts for lniisrciresenitiing
1.0 IIW irQhit ( V In in renil estate dcntt
( korgi' 'I' . iI1ie hints Micil Muty A. Duntn'nn
nnti her slnrotp , Donmnk Cinmintiuginaun , for I2 ( )
clnnlitnotl te be dine nt i'nit cnn 21 1 South Fif-
teenitit stn'eot. Tine nn3nt stna I00 l'en ' nnnotitln
The iill of Evclinia 13. Myers was hiled
for mnrobnnte.
Anti \Vhy tine 1'lerMThat Sniiik tine
( enieral iein'y Itenninnhni.
'l'ino cinaninber of commerce of hliSnninnrck ,
Dalc. , recently appointed a cennunittee to inn-
'estigate tine alleged obstructions to niaviga-
tion by tine piers of tine old Unniotn Pacific
bridge , nail Innetructed tinennn to inresent tine
nnattcr to the mironer autinonities nintl catae
lronnnlnt ) action to be taken. 'J'lnis nctlonn on
tine pant of lhismnnrck's ' einnnnnibcr of conni-
nnncrce waa doubtless Pn'omnlntcd by the reccint
disaster winicin befell tine stennner General
As et mietininig hnn moon hoard Ia this city
regninding uny nineasutes em the hart. of tine
cenninnnittce lncnntionned nntd it will hirobabi
icqtnit e ii thorougun investigation , ont tineir
pant to finid wit viio is rcspqnslbte for tine
mien' still statidlnng. The new Unionn I'aciflc
hnldgo 'nns completed unnder the supervision
of Mr. 0. F' . Morn-leon , of Cinnenige ,
tine senior ntomier , of tine linni of
Morn'msonn & Continnil , enneinnooi's. At
Unnion Pueblo ineadqunirters it is stated thnnit
Morrhon mail enntire control of the woik mnn.nnl
was scnnt lucre to nunpenintenil tine won'k my tine
govenin mnemnt , tine hresidcntt , nppo I intl in g loin.
'lIne tTniionn Pacific footed all the bills. At
tue conclusionn of tine wonk Inst fail Monuisonn
CnUiSCd OinO of tine Itleus to lie newoved mat
left Its twini stnnnndiing. Tine ono reinnoved
was taken dowin to in point below low winter
nnnnn'it.Vinntt iIerrisoii's object wnts in lcav-
hnng the old i'ier ' stannil is met tiolbnnjtely
hcnovin , bint tine Asertionn is made that Inc
tlnoinglit tine Ice would carr , ' it out nnnd tue
xuncnnse of taucinng it down would tinus be
As Morrison was ann ex-oflicio covcrmtnnicnt
oflichnti tine ninnininngeunwnt of tito ( Jnioii Pnnchhic
iinnvo met ( leenlncd It to tinoir inntencst to tnnke
any nmneasurcs conccnniing tine pier , hunt em tine
eqnitr.ii. ' , nine imiclitned to assunine tinnnt tine
tusk in000rly belonged to hniunn.
\Vlniie tito colnnpanny nissuuucnl tine tinnoage
caused bytine wreck of tue Genicual Terry ,
until allowed tine clnnitnis for loss of it'oitort
belonigling to tlno passengers on tine steamier ,
tine niniter of settIinn for tine dntnnage done
tlne boat Is still pendhing. ' [ 'Inc bout is stili
lying where sine stink , ninooned to the bunnk ,
mail Ic mniinidl3' going to iicccs. Thu thnlonn
i'nncific irovlde , a watcmnnnmn , The nuacimineny
couhnl be saved oven now vcre ireiier stops
tntkeii , but should the railroad eoinlinnnty ) intake
amy titteninpt to reciuinii ninny of It , It voinid be
cenneldered us ann nnltnnissioin that tiney were to
bhninte foe tue disaster , atnil inn consequence
tine stearnnerwiil , unless nneasures are tukein
soon by tine owners , go to itieces.
The Bisnnarck comnnnltteo vIhl inrobalii'
visit Oinahni before mnnilcinig iuivcstignntiouns
cise\'incre , Tinoy will visit tine cmi-
gineers' depantmnnent of tine tTnioun
Pacllicanid the iinfonntnttiou required
vih1 not be fortinoonninti because
forsootI tlney knnow cemnjnaratlvoly inotinimng
of tine matter. No Plans vhli ho founnil , mnmnd
niothlng rebating to contracts for tine mow
bridge. Tiney will be requested to see Mr.
Morrison at Chnlcnngo. By going down stains
Into the general nnanuger's office tinoy vihl
learn that tue Unlomi Pachlie footed tim bills
for tine workbut that Morriseni hind entire and
absolute control. Then they 'ill see Morn-
soil aind inc will doubtless exllmnin vhiy ito
took downn Onle pier aitd loft the other atamnd-
In connnection with this nnattor it ininny not
be out of order to state that the uflluavlt of
the caittalmn of the sunkeit stcanncr made for
the Innfurinmntlon of tine governunnount mound of
survey , him itt Union i3acitlc hcudqunnrters
tine board havinng referred it tlncrc
for tIne innfermatlon of the efllclals ,
HAS lIE JCI1J14EI ) iT ?
iI. F. Smnnltli's Chilling Itetter on tine
Hoati to tine Non-thnwest.
Pita Bea some time ago mentioned tine
fact that lien-mann Kountze bind gene east to
conifer with his brother Augustus in New
York and B. F. SrnItln , ot Boston , witin a
view to ascertaining tinelr .eelinngs toward
aldlnnw in tune counitructionn oi the reau to the
imerthwest. At tine lust ineetlug of tine limo-
jectors of the scincuno , Mr. Konniitzo miresounted
a lengthy letter from Mr. Snultin , in which me
said that he felt favorably inelinned to aid
mi anythliig whlcin wins likely to
tend to Onninnimni's advancement ,
but tinnt inc felt tao road itrojocted wnis met
stncii mm cinntcrirIse. lie feared thint It wotnid
always lie at tine anercy of tIne larger roads
rinininung iii the ennumno directionn mini thintt ins
sucin , it vouid niot be a schonine Inn vinicht he
thought hne would like to htnvcst lnls unones' .
Tine letter was in daunipener to the einthiuslasm
of tine hnrolotors , who udjounmned , subject to
tine call of tine cinalrnnnan , mind have not sluice
Thin Riciiest 601(1 Mltno Inn tiit , World
On'umcd I ) ) ' Sominitor Jomno.
WTaslninngtont Speelmul to the New \'u'k
} Icrald : ' 'it will uirpu'iso tine IIen'ntld
remiders , I dare say , " said A D. lelmi-
mney , COhleetOi of eiunntonns at Sitknt , "to
ifliow that tine greatest gold inniuno tine
wot'ld has over knownn is situated at
.Juiit > City , utbo'it 151) ) miles fu'otn Sitkn.
I stittu it , however , as a fitet. It is
called the Pai'is mine , nind cue of the
irluneilnti owmners is Suminitor Job in P.
Jones of Nevada.
'Tlne inline produces $7 ,000 wortln of
gold biulilomn enich mouth , and exports
; 1t3' that emnougin is Inn sight to furimish
this aminouunt fet 100 yenits. If thIs be
true , mind I have tie reasoum to dottbt It.
tine mniimo ougltt to be wortin several imiuim-
tIred millions to tine syundlcttto vhnIchi
controls It , One-half tine inline wits
on'lgiinully puieimitsed for 8(150. ( For tim
othiet' malt a trifle nnoro wins paid. ' ' .
itJ Alaska tieli Inn muinermtl
: ; ili . lohntnmey itus tanked.
"It lit believed to be. Unmfortunately ,
the coumntry Is so wild anal mnoinntaiinoins
that prosjcettnng Is enin'n'Iod omn with tine
greatest diilleulty. Coat Is found un
eouitldet'ablu quitmntltles , timid coppetdq -
posits are ocenMommnihly seen. A mew industry -
dustry , vlilcin lii0ii1m59 to be inolitnihlc
is thu catching of snnlnnomi. ' 1'hne Celummi-
hint river , which hits furunishied ii urontt
lnii.t. ) of the suthmnunul of tine lJiniteul States ,
inns hewn so oxtoiilvthly worked for thu
lust quarter of it century timtt ) Its otmur-
ItlQiiS suinimly. is boemnninlint' uxhimnustod.
' [ 'Inn fi'csin-wmttnt' stroniunis of Almifkut
ttbouutd lii stttuiou1 udthic indIeatinis
. ' . . % , ' 'I
' , ,
nti'e tlntit t few cnl.s hienco wilt find
Alaska tue gn'cmtt * 'iihinoin-pubduclmi g
couimitt's o the World. IL Is it il'oiltihilio )
I ltltin4trS. Cotninititi salted sat minoni
punohced lii 1aucolmi cutn lie lniIul tinwmn lii
Suit 1maiieiset for I.1 ( ) it bniu't'cl , but tine
iIi'Ico imid .fot It Is l 1.75 ii Jiam'u't'l , Of
cotii'n'U these enormntous iuoflts will hun-
vIto a hnrinnk cotnmpctitlomt that will tilti-
mntnttcly lower tine Pubes , but at pi'eenit.
It is tcinttmiermitlve. ' '
' 'Is the future of ltlaskmi a llntttot'ing
, ,
onto ?
"I caunnot caundidly many that It Is. It
Is ribhi otuly I a ntiliiot'als , uinul tine do-
vclopmncni ts of thice enini be miccominpllshietL
oiil' , ' by the expomidititto of mulch timne
alit ! lunoumey. Tine i'lliinite ( , Iuowovon' , Is
not so iuiinotimLtable its you of thn cast
linuginie. Tine hmihitmeunce of thin Gulf
Stteiunt hints a munit'koil eliOcL tipon the
toi2ipeuuttlro along the coast. Tue
8li'iuiiS utid ttiimiuinors into multi utunti
hmleuitamit without being hot. The otinor
mniouithis of tine yenni' into by no mntonuis ro
tiinplenientunt as they are lit cov You'k , for
itt bt a in cc.
' "rite ooo tsltttes lit Sitlcni fomni it pleas-
flint coleily.VtI got tim Now 'on'k nunti
Snnnn i'uuuncieo nnnpcn , us elI as tine
lending mnnagnt'.ines miind inen'ionllennls.
Trin , thnoy ecinne to its nt little into , but
tiniougli Ihnoini we mnnunmnnige to keei
utbeenist of iioiitulutr thought , met so
ntonnnptly , inevhnmtiis , halt ijuite liii SiiCCCS-
liii Iy , its our itioro fttvoi'ed ( clouds inn the
oust , "
Fnesh Society fluid Otlien' Iteuns Piouun
it ( imlhIuit' ( tiotimimni.
Detroit Free PressVc' extract tIne
( th1vvimig itcjjis fioun tim latest issuic of
tine Anizonini I'ieker :
'i Tnipomtnunit Notlce.-\Vo shall next
veek beirut tine ltibli'nttiOut of ut weekly
columnun fevotctl to society gossli , . 'J'Ino
inuovennonn Is of oeiety peollc ) , balls , iat'-
tics , 'iits , etc. . v1il ho chntounii'led nns
far as siniCe will pel'mtnit , nmnd this iil be
tienic without inne'tenisimng tine subscn'ip _
tioii ltkU of the Iieker , winlein is 2
year fin nidvniunceVe mope to t'eccive
tIne assistntnnco of tine ladies inn titan cnn-
ten'lriso.Vlnemn , iinmythimng ocean's let.
tlncmnt senid us nut outliuie of it , say as tot-
lows :
' \Vctlincsdny evouniiig last ims.
Clnuclc A. Luik received it few friends
nit lieu' clcgutnmt mtitotle cii CoyOte avonnnne.
Sevclnn-tnp nind old sledge wore inndulgel
I in ( as se1l as winisiy iunebes ) uintil it
bite mont' . until tine g nests departed to
I hel r hnonnies i ii tine in a ppicst ninooti.
' ] 'hcne are no Ilies oin Mrs. Luck. hot'
fotiner cxpetien Co mi Chuicnngo its ni hnntsii-
ti lunger un a ( .inentl ) motel fits her to jilmn
tIne lat't of iiostes to petfcctionn. "
' 'Left ion' tine Senisliore-Sttnitlniy evening -
ing last otnr friemnd uiuid fellow-towns-
ilium Colonel Ilivens , left fin' time At-
himitic scnuiotrd : to spemnd tine Inoated
ten'nii uimnoumg his old fricunds.
"Ije was micconnpantied by a detective ,
to see that Ito did nuot lose his winy.
' 'it is sntid thnntt Inc rill stop oil at
Sing Simng for a tunic.
' "l'lne culoniel left inn a lnunrry , nail hind
no tinto to bid mis fritinds goodby.Ve
vis1n in itnn boun vo'agc. an ii hope tue sett
hireozes tilli ininn good. "
'Linnn's \Vonk.-Tlie han' is still
i'itut tan , and lila vemiomuotns tontgtue is
still at work. lie hints , nis bits lnmtet
transaetionn , coven'ed tine tovin with the
i'ohort that vo ntttemtded Mt's. Majoi'
Gordoim 's iiitil(1lt' intuty witinout a siniu't
cnn , aim ii I ii a coat boriowcd of Sol .1 tuck-
toun , the liver , ' stntblo mmmi.
' 'It is nun infnunnous cniluimnny !
" 1 t is it lie steopetl i mn nmnnhiee I
"it is a sltmnndei' wottiny of tine ilays of
Nero !
" \Vc mnot omnlv ivoec a shuirt , but i'o
mail utmnotltet' at tlme otilce.
' ' \V& , met only did not bon'row Sd
, Taekson s coat , but w'c wome cue wlnli'in
we mayo owned for fotnu'tccii yenirs.Vc
1)Ohiet'e this lie onnnnunated fronni time
\Vidow Stcvents , ivlno et imor cap foi' tns
ntiitl got left.Vo tine tracinig it monte
anmd tine nuiltinoress of it mutt hotten ho
pnelninet1 ) I 0 sk i l- "
' 'Atteintinted Suicide-Omt Sintutday
ovciming litat old 13111 Toviner , whioso
cirinmikoin cancass Innis obstructed eveny
gutter iii town by ttimnns , got an idea
thnuit Inc would be botton' otT in heaven ,
lIe theuefoi'eoitt down to tine bridge
annd rolled hiimnself innto tine t'ivei' . It
hms tIne first tunnibler of wmtten' ho had
struck for tiiiuty years , amid it made hunt
loimesoitie to get back to ivlnisky. Some
p00mb incited his yells , aniti sujosiimg
tlnttt Inc wits somebody woutht savimig ,
tiney hauled hun out.Ve hope inc will
tt'.S' it agaimt soon. Ho spoiled tine vnttor
for tvomity-thrce itiiles downi strennit ,
amiti It's mo wonider hes nsinmunod to
show his ( mice out the streets up to date. "
"It hurts 'Eun.-Tino sinew of live mmdc.
vhiemt tine ICiekor is inbw nimnmklntg butts
sonic of the nevslaiQn's iii title locality
nmwftnl bad. The Buhhivlinteker umnud
otiners at'o charging us wIth ni'ocuu'inig
our nmds. by tint'cats numnd iuntinnidatiouu.
It is tt momistrous lie. Business muon ntd-
'ertiso with us because tlne knnow that
we are n'eachlng out ntftct a ely-
ouhation of 100,000 copIes , itind
tlnat we Inutvo mmlrcnidy hooked 181
mnimnniec towards itVe drop unto a
business house iii a buslmness way , ox-
ilttiui tine advitmntatres of advortsiung lit it
Pntiet' like tine Kicker , and seldomni go
ntwtty ennpty untitled.Vhlie It ninumy
have hnulpouicd tlnntt mnon-ail'crtisevs ,
like oil Cobb , . tine grocer , ankI Dead
Beat Sunithn , tine drtigist , itnivo mad their
records 1tmiblished nmmid boom slnowin UI )
fot' whnnnt they were , it wins only a coinol-
deunce , Let the jaekitls howll'e ! know
Olin' gait ninth lmt'oPose to hoe [ ) night
' Coune In.1.\nIll the iindivltlual s'ho
tclegraphnctl tine St. Louis ial)0i5 tue
other duty that we itad bceni cowiiidcd
i ) ' IL woinnaun pleitse call mid see us itt nit
cnmtiy ditto ? \Vo wnmunt to tell lninn wiinmt
wit thlnnk of his counduct itmnti them bt'emmk
htinn in tuvo.
' 'Tite ontl3' fomnindatloin for such a slant-
tlei was thu ftnct that tine \\Tldouv In'iggs ,
svhn i n'uus a cu'oss-eyed ennting house omn
\t'kaunsus milley , called impoum us to snty
timat the Kicker had belied lice. Site
html it Wlnii ) inn liar Innumnd.Vo ohIn.rcd
to nnnologizo , miii ii she lmnyfinlh hit us
about the sinoulilen'ni. Some hiutse homin
inyennm mit omnco i'n'ote otit mm seumsmttionmtl
despatcin and hmurrieil it off , calculatlutg
to ito us all time burma possible. We
limtve cnmltnled ) on mis tunmil , however , inuid
wftcmm siiu'e of his identity will nituke hi
it Dlii Nyc Belle.
Litnannle J3oouncn'nimng : Thi&n & olil lutse-
bunuiem' stove , about whiuhi 13111 Nyc amid
mis Forty Lintes gathntpcil , itt ycnnis gouto
by , was taken to-day fuoun its jhnmo 1mm
Grow 1t ; Jloleomub's * itou'e , dittlOil un
mnourniutg , anti now lies in Stiitu await-
inns Its fiutal obsequmien4. 'fhie tovo had
StoOd iii erie nh1Ot , WithOut ovei holing
tnuicoIn dowut or moved for any puu'poo ,
for fourteeni years. It wnis tine siiu'iunc at
which tine 91(1 gumuig svornniillped ) dully umund
nI rglntiy , upon. w'inieht they inourcil ilium-
tlonis of toijntcco jhuicti Uiil agtiunst whilein
tity inuu'cd stories so iinutl that titoy
wouiil mayo hirokoni mm vall of mu'nuimunumt.
If tine unclentanti revered ileco of hnmnuul-
vau'e now relegated to tine scrimp 1)110
could spettic it COUld tell a. story that
ivouid sum ) ass all the fictiomis Of nml ( > ilou'ut
tiunos. ' 1' note uvims seine tnmtic of boxing
it up unud sending It tO Nyu at Now
York its p souvenir fmomni tim Forty
Liat's , but It 'vije llmnimlly u1endcd to let it
kcst itt Inmst 1mm the allot whmiehi 'as tlnu
scene of its bug reign inn tine past tund
wuisn'o It will ho , ileither umnwcpt , oun-
htoinoned inn Unncmiing. . :
. .
. - - -
Drlttis Malta fortheuturvos , , , ' .
. . : ' . ' , . ' . ' .
. '
. , , , ' ' . .
' " . , : :
¶ i'hme flxiierloince or nun Oniiititt ttn-- .
( for lii'uIibn-tiIi , imi t lie
Suilcitl tiluiiNo MiroTilotngiitl
. of8iilolthn , Now ,
It Is fenrmnitIy kunotvni that tints ftty coiitntlun
( lilt , ( ) f t hit' , , , iiuiitiio ( lint 0 inncouvcntlnnmnnnu ( 0 C
ninils , 'oihilung leq I inani ii soctot y toy I lie Inn itin.
I mcii iUntt inn nen m gut ! , iii of noetmnoti fmr mihiim lii lnng
oil this nmnoi mlii volt inn tine ninot satleta tony nnmann
mntn' . 't'Ino chub miii eniiiy into. it huge nniemini.cislniii
mmd aim muenoins nnnechintnilcni I div lice ninnil chnvmuiwiil
rtminldnietlomns cii 'x milbnt kn tnt t heir roonnis. ( ) nno
( If tlneir mnnst 1)1)1 tint , clii'mnniyntis i , lmnnslo uclil ,
I iii' niiost t'Lipi ii 1mm 1 I s ii ci lent of mniny knnowunui tiny
mime itrohn ot itiIchi Ininice , I on I tnn I omiirne w iii
litiiiiCO ( ( ) nullniiltU l'anntlysms ul f tIne oat In t , niervoit
s3.tennn iinsItit lIt ilmiti muiinnmnte , Annot men called
I couni u e , I i ) t inose iluilrumng mm soninual mat thti en'
denithi ton t Juit un'i hot tnnt hut Its not ionn , mint t ii
ititot mien ilin 1cm mnns i ic nnscil ln 0 Ip0 mi a nctil1o ,
lint I ) It amid Iuissinng I tin inicilie in mnilci' tine sklnn , Ii
siulliclenit to liOtinit ) tl us c11t'ct. it Is kumonvun n ,
( 'tnn.imu or I hula in nutinti IlolMoni. I us Comm i ) ohiIi.i
ii in nnknnowmn , hint it Is ohtnnlmnt't tiomni Ciii nnlui I in-
Olituns of 5nnt ii A innerleni , iiln , , , lmp I Inc mount ii CrC
t ii1i , sri Ills I nnb It , utmtl iiiiootyci , l evenn
scrnnttinel l3' one ut ( Ineini iitlI tilt' . A mold
niit'thiitI ( it km'dliitngtine lulunm ( Iii tine uiersomi wa
slnnimnn. It eonnstnts t it 'oty tlnin rimpnilo of
glans ii lOch cointiil iii I hn PolMoin. 'ii its itimoon ii'
1n lunnino nhthtil Inn t la mmninit' ( ) t t in. ' nn'ini Oti tine Inn
men s nie , iuntl I mu n.ktni iii ioiint I o hnnih ihnt'nt
I ins pun intnnn ( itshitl to c lntI in Is ii mltmii' hno ann y
1)115 ) lii ennusin tine ciiu.nniti. ; , Inca lhno thninnnlca , i
1mm liii ely ntMrle(1 , , nnj.jil il , ) . . ' its lQifdt ) lik
1l'ti' ) peronn ultIVoim , of jolmniung t nit' tItib iintnt
, ltoii , li hIinil , lnntinnth inns , or nit itast inn in nnt.igo
nil mni to t int'nnn . 'hiiit' nine nnnnnniy ( Land idnil o for
mntemnluersiimi ) , anal tine slon'y of uni Cx-timmndhtinUt'
11 I liv l9it' ' i > io innttiictInig ins simopInig onit'
, , r t tn i'nmnhuns hind hod of bit inn , t n1t , lniihil % , , snmlehiioni 'innititit' ii i nii'glec I.
M I' . ( 'innnhs I. hat I , ii i ur.mnoins mnnain , ciii
1)iOVi ) ( ly t Ito I lol i ii il anna fuel ii umnng ennui Pnmnn ,
nohtIumg nit tint' roinnen' in f 9. tin ninth leat'znwtnl ) In
streets. tells ttno fothowling story of hilnnnsthr. ,
' 'For nine lat tuc t'ans I ininvit begin Inn it ieCii )
him cnmnimttonn. , Ny mcmii sctinncd it ) be uchnlnng
conit unit Iy. t'slneclil ly bitvcemm I in e dt'I. minnd
itnl' tnost' Vttnlli ( sI 01 , iii ) . lirst on nno sltit . t hem
, un t lie tit tnvr , oftemn 1.01 ii ill ism ntiM. linen I 1 egninn
t ( I tnotli , ' shinginliur nnonsei I ii mnny tnil s nOnLiltig ci
bnizzlnnn sommntt , t hey nit ioeitic0 t ) unto it , be , mini
ionmnet mines 'ulnmnOM I thu i'Iilst ifim iz anal ii nunnmnnen-
hnng . 'tlotnt title t mine any thinont also tx'gamn to
give lint' ii grtnI I iltu I 0 C I ronilnht' , l ivonnhi niwntys
ho hnnnuklmng mind hennnnnnlnng in intl t iviung t 0 rIo ii
liii tmnront , oft cit nimishnng hIt t1 hiarti ( .
titHes of in gn'eeinb.innt otinertlinnes of in yeiIowln
ciilti' .
"I ioiiitl oftenn iia'o minhnne iii I Inc chnt , oxtennd
I mng to ( Ito ingnnt si noim nilci' hint nit'Vlno nn tlmnnvt ing
in hung liittn , I couki hntar a klmnd ol it lneezInng
Inolso inn mnny ( inet , 'tiui sumnnen it iii's It ) tOtnltt
seemmn to Into us If I wnis bremntlnunng tnnrougb a
sulonge.h , seenined to lt utile to ni"r thu nile la
lung tlnronnghi I begnmun to fear ilium I inns golmng
hin tn oiotnmnnpttomn I wins innore mu rinnly tom hniceti
( if tin Is vhmenn itotort' mong , I C. onn nmnemneed I o Coin hn
it kimntl of tnoiloo Ci ) nngln. 'I'hio , thnnii p PIll ii. lun mnny
ctntst i ould , jxtenitt niroanni to the snnnnill of mnny
back. ,
"try t provemit it as I mnnlgiit , I wns forever
catthmtnng fneii tohtis. I nnever ivas witlnonnt thncmni.
ti mciison , ml mi un fie , Ii lii % ' itteo anal qin It ( me.
qnienntiy my nnoo voiiitl bli'i1. nnny won'k I
I litre to htoo , OOi mmli o frtun nnonnt ly , niuntl it nntimn I
t1 lii SO I i0nilt1 1)ctnnne ) 'ilziv ninnil eviryl InI nig
atemnneil to swlnnn hwfoit , miny eyes. At mnigtnt mnn
sleep thu niot reIrin , unn ( nit nil I , ninnd In ( ho imnornn
I n I woninin fti t In etl niunmi languid nis lhneni I
icuit tolled.
. 't ) . wins ii Itet .11 t iu I uoniltl stt
doitin to t Inc table ttt ii u mm I eet'innenl ni it'Oil Ii Ii
intl Itt , tOil in ft ci a innonmtii tint on' tire iii v tippet Ito
Wtltiil ( fCit'Ol'C. . EelVtnntmng s.nmiiI nttni to
5(1111 ( cnn miny .siininuin. Ihnono ivonnld be nilinn.t ,
tomntnnt itllctnIung , ii tiItnngncentintt. , bhiter tate
I in t in , , mnnonu t In , in mitt nit lust I got so I dlii nn't rate
tolook nit (000 ,
"I Iot mle1n nimul strcnnctli stenlIiy. mund fronin
may miItniigo etgiit of l75 1)inmnius ) , I eninnie tiow in
Inn ivehguit io below 11.0 1)otnmntis. )
' I iini : niit zys feeling tt mcii : innul no nmnniilt toni.
Eteny i4tol , I took iunil w'lnatcven' woik I mnnhinu
nm ins donnt , ititli an vtlort , nnnnd titter lon JIingit
winhhi , or ivnnikuingnt biock on two mii3' ] neinlv4)ulIl ( )
pensjnlre nunil mnn' limntits voinld niclnti us I t 1 intO
tiomne 5(1100 tii , hnnnvy work.
' 'I cinirto mete to Oinniilia until bmn in gut iniy ca
tiinrhn i'Itii line tin nentillnng tine dully itatiers I
nenil tine niilvmrttciniennt of 1W. ill. Ct' ninil intntiio
in m my aitnul I 0 t 13 nngnnlnn. I tisi I ed hnis Ofilets
I ii t inn Itaini cc block 140 mine t hue Iti A lnifl altO
et mirteit t tonntmnnonnt wIi Ii I ii inn ninnd 1 gntnnv boLt or.
RI tIne smith. timid mntt or tnne , mnnomntli'n , I tenntmnnunt , I
fClt ii ) gtotl tlnnit I iVtnnt away on a vlut tinhmnk'
big that I wonnlti Ilniisln tine trenitmnient utter may
retinmmn , I innivo nio Innoro n'inipttnnnns of eniUnrn Ii ,
aind iou. I ttilnnk , enntii'eiy ennroni of 11. iIy advice
t ) amy onno % inn ) ii sintteiInng irhth rnmtnnrtmn , In , mnot
to tnilie itithi inltennt , iiituiiciiics , bitt to go to in' .
1nicCii' nit onice. " t.1
. no 3011 CiiCC if I mnmubilsin tints lnntervicw ? " tva
akcni of tine genntmonmnntnn liit ) was
II 1A1 _
* )
Mu. CiItiE5 iA )
. , 3m. mm.v.
conner 2tii nail Leavennwortii streets ,
"No sIr ; I .ltmn't cart , a bit for 1 itnmnt nnmny onto
suirenhnig ins I was to inaic tine honnoilt mt niiy ox
perliunce. nunt 3011 CftiL itniy. too , tinnit mmiv onno
nonnhitlmng tItus lnmorvien'cani I intorvion' nine 1 Intuit-
elvo , Ifttncy ivish It , by calihing on nina at limit
A I'opular Explanation.
Tine past ago mnigint be enintil a siiemstItIenls ,
cite , 'mine 1m.siint , tnun nniortl mnleriy ho cmnliel
{ nu age ofsnnrprltes. for , iinnny tuimings mice ohni'netl
innineing ttno iminlio4st il I It los hnnive mnoi' beconnie
everyday possIbIlities. Itwomnid bo bulterumnious
to uiluimiemntto thiomnn. lIut hnau't ii 0 reaclnol ( tIne
titmnnost limnilt ? ilinvo 110 ? i'tnysitinuis wIno cintlnnn
to ininiko certniiii nil Innnennts or tli o lnuunnuii boil y
nenbject tent P0I'Iiil sandy , timid clndmnn to inc intto
to dm0 sintli t1lseaes , itro lnronmouimc'eii my otinon
eel ( -unit Isiloti Piatt itiomierin ins mnesnm miniS moms ; bunt
iloos their , otylmig so make It so ? 'lime aunt wino
1iimt ConnIe ( Inn nenirust to ovemeomuno tints n'eeiun-
lug lninIsstbtilt It's tnt oilier , , is mcii iii I t Inc tinge ,
untO well dcci hnt , or lucy nlrsotio thmosnnccss ( hey
liniio iabflmdil S U hinitil to otitimlun , lie. .1 , CuCannI )
% i'oV ( or hits ui.socimites ito not intake chiumui.s to
inmiyu hntng imnanVem(11u14 , such ins natsnmng thw deati
untO gliing tinemni mno % lit. : Hell lair cia t may ( liii iii
to give nilgmit to time biliucit hunt by their Inpw cmiii
scientific innetuioil on tr.'atliig ratnnrrln thd.y hal , ,
cnironl uinil do ruin cnntnirrln inasihI as inniiChninl
until tinronit trin1iie. 'lucy mnnnkt , tatarrnn it site.
intmty , iwemiiuse it 114 until of I mu in , i.t PrIVmniunt
unit troinllesnmiu' tltsease that tine poiie of thil
eliminate fir , ) heIr to Sluice hr ! nlrt'n' timid hit. ,
nissoiInttt's mull ) haul , ii I mm tilts ci 1 y I Inty hnio
treat tO iilt Ii suiect , . . inn rniIm.ti of mneisomns iihiinmni
( Ii line dnysicIiiil mmmlii tt 'ill ' tlnt'hn' it Iseaso ilin.
cisst'O mtnnnonug t lie I mncnnmablcs. I ) o they mnot mail-
I Ishi frtnnn veu'k to i't'ek tin tint , dull ) pa hlIrs u Ott I-
lii omnlnis ( ruin canto of tIne unninnn' gnnntt'funl 11mm.
ic'iniin givlmig Iii cacti cnisu thu full tni.mnno anal intl.
, liss of tnnu leimdi5 miiakimnf thii stnntonineint hunt
tIne diin bttg ii md sktlit : ion ] unity call uunti hit or-
11,111 , I Ins sin Iii liO10O linier to 1151 I mit tIni ulont or's
mIlio for eonsuiinitlonn 'l'ii , , ioPio hiiienlibOil
unit cnri'tI line by inn mnncntnis obatinrin om ilnnmnmvmn
lent In tin , ' inns lenIty ( if ( liSi'S art , tit I zelne ittil
hmnoiii 1)3' tint , himnstimess ie0tt10 anti tonumnnuunlty
itt lang , ' , ainni it un I 1 inn ono ttiu in rt'uoty all ) ' , , mno
niinmlerinig itIthn cstnirmhmiih nthittctlonn to visit tUosi ,
wtnoso i4tatiiiniints tire lnnlitilnmd or coinsniI
i'niln tInt , ulocuon' or hnI nis5otuti's at mis otlinco.
I ii tInts eoiumieCtitmi there ennui hniiinJ ty ii linen , ,
I nterest lung , , nnlijott tinitil ttno mnntm tiuittttteit , , or
utitt. . ) rrln ilp'mi tine menu i ma. 'lImo 1)011 ) ti5tH of I mini
tlktaso iii ioInionItigthio bmenthm rettlmnn mnvity thu
ilolitnit 0 nnachntnner ) ' nrsnnnoil aunil taste. icnlsnmuIng
t Inn I nuungs. nnul t lie tilooti , utnil passhing I un tq thu
honunichi eiireldlnng , tine dhgstIonn , % Ltinntiing lImo
iteretlomne mail polintimig time very fonimitnihmns of
I I tt , . i I t ! nls him mitnitinmts beomi l'tl3' gomnernnll y
ii i'.rnnt'si'ii . liii t tlmo very freiiiii'ult cli t et Of end urrln
( If t hue mntit' ' anti thinontt itptni tine Inonirl ung hints unot
becim toincineil inponn its ; ttein ins ( mu suliject
I'eniznminihly ijocintod.
Dr. .1 , C'iu'Snq ) ! itrCoy , late ( if hieilni'inn liospt.
tinh , New Vonk , unit hIs mnsstuiatum , , mnnttly itt tIne
Unnlv.'rsltyof Ntis' York ( it ) ' , must , of l niiihiig. !
tom , I ) , I have located iinmmnnamnemnthy to t Inc
Itaniign liluek , ( ) uuiiihnnn , ehn. . lihneru uih curimhnic
dull , . fire tr'iiited skillfully. Cinnsnnutptlon ,
hlrlgiit's IIsease ) , Iysiemnstnt , Itlnemnunnuisni , inmnti
till mnervonii tilseinies , Imll uilsennscs jnociihlar to
sex a nilut'cmaity.
Counsunitnithinin at , Qtlncti or i'y mail , $1 , ( ) tic
inoumit , V to 11 a. un. , S to 4 p , am. , 7 10 5 p. mn.
Summiduty lieu-is , ( m'onli I ) mu. in , In j I ) . ii ) .
( 'nre5Ionndt'mnce i'eceivcS jiroumnpt nttt'nitlomt
No butturmi4lu.nniwwed tnutehnm .ty .
t'ints imiintnnnintid. . .
Adiir.t'su all unnail to Dr , .1 . C. McCoy , lt'ngI
ihiock , Pxinalinn , Ninti. ' : , .