Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    LHI" WlIU' '
Wheat Moro Than Recovers Its
Losses of Yesterday.
ConulilcrnUIo Activity In Outs 13x-
tensive Trading lit provl loiiN ,
AVItli howcr I'rlocH Cnttlo
fjulto Slew' HOIJS lamer.
Ciiirno , July 11. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Hnj.1 ; The course of the wheat market
to-day proved that the effect of the Iwarlsh
government crop report had been liberally
discounted. In anticipation of n continua
tion of yesterday's depression the trading
ciowd sold August wheut down to 76j ? c on
the curb lust evening , but the opening tills
morning was1 So ; c for August and b'JX for
December , a gain of Js ® " 40 over the regular
closing , Hcall/mg nnd trading carried prices
down ? ( , ( < ' .J-ic , wlilchastliobottom. . Ono
of the factors which entered into the cal
culations of room traders early in the day was
the fact that Hutchinson met \Vitli nn uccl'
dent lust , evening. It was rumored ho wns
badly hurt and that bis Iminenso holdings
Would como out nnd cr.ush the murkot. To
the general fear tiat | this might possibly
provo true Was probably duo much of the
initial wo ikness. The old gentleman turned
up all right-however , and , although ho did
.lot appear on 'chango his influence was
tiono the less potent. Ho did
not sell out his wheat and the
prlco advanced. Ono of the Jlrst
things talked about was the reduction of
'I,000COJ bushels on Ileorbohn's statement of
the amount In passage. ThH was an unex
pectedly largo decrease und was not con
firmed by the board's correspondent , who
made It 800,030 bushels reduction. The next
thing talked of was wet weather
cables , The news on this sldo was
that harvesting In tbo southwest
nnd south is still bolng delayed by wet
weather , and that tlio weather In Dakota
and Minnesota is of a dangerously blistering
suit very , very hot. The principal news
features of the day were foreign and the ef
fect on the market was decidedly bullish.
The sweep was strongly upward , especially
during the last two tnuling hours of the ses
sion , and tlio close was strong at about tlio out-
Bdlo llgures of the day. The range wns ljc
and closings record a gain of l @l' < fc as
compared with yesterday. July ranged ! ] -
@lo over August most of the day , although
tlio premium was IJiO ut ono time. The vol'
umo of general trade was heavy , foreign
houses being especially largo buyers. The
market acted to-duy as though it had been
Speculative trading in corn was not
of iliiUHiiallv largo volume. The
prevailing tone was weakness , especially in
distant-futures. Closings for nearby months
were the same as yesterday , however. The
bullish promise held out by the government
report is inducing free selling of year corn
nnd thvro Is already a strong pressure upon
May , which Is not receiving general support.
Considerable activity was displayed In oas
with operations in speculative circles con-
lined chIcily to near futures , though deferred
doll vcriesulso came In for n fair slmrool atten
tion. Weakness was the rnlo early In the
session under liberal selling of July by oper
ators who had taken on largo loads on the re
cent rain. This was sulllclont to force the
iirico downward Jfc from yesterday's close ,
but moro contidcnco was displayed later , July
advancing from 30Jc , the low point , to HI lie.
Provisions came to the front nnd claimed
unusual attention in trading , which reached
u largo volume. Pork took its old time po
sition and became u leader and in sympathy
with its movement the general market suf
fered a material decline. Opening sales of
pork were about 5c lower than yosterday's
closing and as hogs were in better surply
t trade promptly assumed a bearish tendency.
Piomlnont traders sold freely and as their
offerings were slowly taken und ocX-a-
eioned n break that brought out considerable
country und poorly margined holdings the
market became overloaded. For some time
sellers of pork largely outnumbered' the
buyers nnd from fl.50 ! ) , the initial price ,
August declined to $13,05 , and from J13.57 } < i
September sold down to $13.10. During tin
receding turn thcro was no recovery , though
when the bottom was reached offerings wen
in n measure withdrawn and prices reacted
Borao 10c. At the close the market rested
ut n decline of 85@37 } c from yestui dny'f
last flotations. After pork short ribs wen
the weakest and most active article. Thoj
opened steady , fell off lOc. and closed at t
depreciation of ' < c. Lard covered a range
of Ho in its fluctuations and declined onlj
2K@'Crestini ; at $8.12)4 ) for August and $8.2i
lor September and October. Later dollv
cries nil around were iiulet and lower. Tlu
dosing was ijuito steady and without oxoito
CIIICAOO , July 11. ( Special Telegram ti
TUB HEI : . | UOTI.B : - Receipts , 11.00C
Trade opened slow and unsatisfactory will
a down turn of , lOo on fat cattle of all grades
making u decline of 20 ( 300 onltho ordlnar ,
run of full fed and partly fed cattle. Gras
eers , such as haveto compete with cholc
Toxnns , are 35@JOo lower than last ivcoii
'There were only about three thousand 'frcs
Texiuis on the market , and the number it
Kansas City and elsowhcro was not us gren
l > y several thousands as on Monday an
Tuesday ; hence sales In this market sliowc
no essential change as compared with yestei
day' , yet calves uro 15@2.r > o lower than la
week. Native butchcrs'followed the turn o
Tcjcans , which , although not any higher Urn
yesterday , were in better lleman'd am
fetendler. So- long as thorun of Tiixans- <
Drains at the same volume , thcro will bo llttl
or no improvement in butchers' stock. Vet
calves were scarce and ' 'iZa higher than las
weok. Hulls were setting 41 shade strongo
at f3lt'aJ.1J5 ( ( ; for oxpoi ts Louis Morris is o
the market and wants about ono than :
and feeding bulls , for which howl
pay about $ .2.00 per 100 for averages of IV
anil 1000 Iis. ) Quotations were us follows
Choice to extra beeves , HOO io 1000 lb *
jri.TOMO.'S ; medium to good steers , 1:15.0 : t
ItUOJni , $ \30gJi.7ri5 ( 1200 to 1310 Ibs. Jl ( H (
r > .CO ; WO to 1'JUO Ibs , tl.00@4.70 ; stoekeis nn
feeders dull and uncjianged at F.MUf l.SC
cows , bulls und mixed , fl.ToOjU.lTn buTi
C2.r.i j3.80 ; slop fed stoer.i , $5.20 5.71
Texas eat tlq were in good doinnan and stoad.\
Bteers , 9JO to lo : > 0 Ibs. f.1. © I.OO ; 7BO to IK
Ibs , W73 3.20flWO to 700 lbs , ia.25Gj2.7t
cows , Jl.-U > 0t2 > " ; s ; western rangers , 5Xi
< u4.15.
Hoot Receipts , 2\000. There was a slnu
mid unlooki'd far down turn of lO'i tSo on n
grades , bullc soiling a good Ific lower. Yi
nil were sold and tlio general ninrhet close
strong1 at the declino. Host heavy sold i
f.VSliy.'U'O ' , best mixed und packer * , $ o.70i
6.7C , and common mixed as low as § 5.SO ; llgl
sorts , $ "i.7P5Ar > .7fi. Receipts were liberal i
Indlaimpnlb , Kansas City und. clsewhar
many orders going front Chicago to Oth' '
poln is. '
NKW YoiiK'July 11. [ Special Telegram
Tn UrE.l STOCKS The only Dear poin
in the market were- the fears of the swltc
men's strike at Kansas City and rumors ol
itrjke of engineers on tho1 St. Paul ai
Nqrtluvestoni at Chicago. Thcro was not
ing to confirm the latter reports , but at 11
sainotlmu they' h.xd a tendency to ma !
operators tlmlJ. The opening was stio.n
llrst pi-Ices showing advance * avcryfe U
day's closing from } { to ) { per cent. Tl
market \vus vnry Active but souiewli'at fevc
Ish and whllo generally strong the ftJvnii'c
uindo were In > est cajcs oannned to sm <
fruotloni. There was no further tpacl
featuio and toward the eit \ of tUu lir.'t ho
the market t'tcama weaker avd rnkcteii
a fraction frptn beat prices ait.t nl 11 o'ctu
\vn still active but IICRVJ at sibiill fructlo
belter thsn opt utiig figures. Bull news v
kbund at. Thq gcod showing mads by t
poverDmenl crop ra-orts cr.oouraf Inj
the built and will give lUo er ccr rci
- * " ' * - *
plenty of business this fall nnd winter. Tlio
: able war Is practically ended and although
.tio ofllclnl announcement has not been made ,
Us said by thoHo In a position to know that
Gould and Mackoy have settled their differ
ences nnd the public will soon sec rates
doubled. Western Union stock moved up %
on the report , but thuro appeared to be lib
eral Belling not only of It , but the general
market on tue advance , and It created the
impression that the upturn was made to
allow traders to unload. St. Paul earnings
for the Ural week In July Increased $ fib42.
The gain , although small , Is expected to bo
Increased from this tlino forward. Arbi
trage houses were largo buyers and assisted
In the upward movement , but free selling the
last hour caused a recession In almost the
entire market and part of the early gains
disappeared. Last sales showed net gains of
1Xon Louisville ft Nashville , on Hock
Island , * 4 nn St. Paul , * { on Northwestern
nnd % on Missouri Pacitlc. Total snlos wore
GOVIIINMIXT : : = I Government bonds were
dlill but btcady.
I' . H. 4s regular . .IST'l'Noithcni ' I'n-IBc . 2IU
U.H. 4i coupon * l"i'i doprofeneil. . . . .M'i
t' . S.4'5sr.'gulur ' . .1UC. . ft N.V . KW ,
U. H. 4 'in ' coupons 107V doprefirreil , . Ill
I'nclllctaof ' irt . . Mil .V. V. Central . 10V
Central 1'iiclltc . . 32' , I' . , I ) . &i : . 1 4
Chicago Ac Alton .ir : , illo"kl liind . 1U1
C'lilaigu.lliii-llngton C..M. .VSt.I' . flSU
& Oulncy . 112 i * doprcfcrred
I ) . . I , . At W 131 i St. 1'unl * Onmlia . ! )
WCeutrnl 1IP4 ! rtopiuferreil. . , . .101
I. , II. A , W Pnlonl'acllk1 Wl'i
Kiii'iiH ) , V Texns . . 13' . W. . St. I , , i : I1 U
I.nkij Shore . . . . V > i ; do prefcnod i'4'4
Mlchlgiin CuntrRl . M'i ' Western L'nlon 7t
Missouri I'licitlc
MONCT ox CAM. Easy at lj ( 1) ) per Oent.
PIII.MB MEIICANTILE PArtnt ( ili ) per
STIIHUSO EXCIHNQI : Dull but steady
with actual business at $1.S7 for sixty day
bills ; RSSJ-i for demand.
CIUCAOO , July 11 Wheat Strong.higl ;
cash and July , I' O ; August , bl ll-10cv t
tcnibor , &Ujc ! ; December , b'J'tfe.
Corn Steadier ; cash and July , 40c ; Aug
ust , 4l ! ) u ; September , 4'J c bid.
Oats Lower ; cash and July , SlJ'j'e : Aug
ust , 20'so ; September , 25 5-10c.
Kyo August , -I0c.
Harley Nothing doing.
Flax-Casli on track. 81.13.
Prime Timothy No trading.
Whisky $1.20.
Lard Easier ; cash nnd July , t3.07J- ;
Auijust. $ S.12' ; September. VS.20 bid.
Pork Lower ; cash , July nnd August ,
$ l3.17Ji ; September , $13.25.
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $0.50 ®
O.C.3J < ; short clcilr , $7.'J5 ( < M.OJ ; short ribs ,
Hutter ijulet ; finest qualities firm ; cream-
cry , Ifit'i'l ' c ; dairy , iil6) : c.
Cheese Firm and a shade higher ; full
cream chcddars , 7i4jiS1.lo ( ; full cream flats ,
7KoeSc ; fancy young Americas , 8) ) < , ( < jbj4'e ! ;
skims , 5J @lJc.
Eggs Firm ; fresh candled , 13J-j@14c.
Hides Unchanged ; green salted calf , 4K
( $5c ; heavy green salted , 5Ka5fo ( ; light green
pulted , 5J < ' ( iil > o ; salted bull , 3 c ; dry flint ,
8u , dry calf , be ; deacons , 20@25c each ; dry
salted , C@7c.
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 , solid packed ,
3o ; No. 2 , 3c , and cuke , 4c per Ib.
Kccoipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 15,000 13,000
Wheat , bu 18,000 .t.OOO
Corn , bu 117,000 33',000 ' )
Oats , bu 135,000 2 < j'J,000
Now Vork , July 11. Wheat Uccelnts ,
none ; exports , btti ; cash nnd options higher ;
ungraded red , btKft'.W c ; No. 2 red , fc9yi.v.i | o
in elevator. 9090X ( afloat ; No. 2 red
August closing at byj e.
Corn Hcceipts , 17,000 ; exports , 1UO,2S1 ;
cash Unit ; options closing steady ; ungraded ,
55 4@.Vlic } ; No. 2. fiS c in store ; No. 2 Au
gust closing ut C0'e. !
Oats mixed western , 35ft3Sc. (
ColToc Kio linn at $14.50 ; options weaker ,
811.2rifJJll.50 ; August , $ l0.4U@10.fiO.
Petroleum Firm ; united closed steady at
Eggs Heavy ; western , 10lSJ } ( c.
Pork Unchanged ; mess , 114,75 ( 15.00 for
now ; $13.75ii,14.00 ( for old.
Lard Western steam , $8.35.
Hutter Quiet and unchanged ; western ,
13i ( < 20c.
Cheese' Firm ; westernS'i'c. '
St. Louis. July 11. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
70J < @iOo ; July , SOc ; August , SOVc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 47c ; August. 40 } < fc.
Oats Easierjcash,33 > .f@34c ; July , 36 > < c ;
August , Hftj o ,
Pork $14.00.
Lard Nominal.
Whisky $1.14.
13ulter--Steady ; creamery , 10(320c ( ; dairy ,
Ijlveriionl , July 11. Wheat Firm ; de
mand fair ; Holders Oder moderately ; Califor
nia , No. 1 , ( Is 8d@ii Ud ) > or cental.
Corn Steady ; demand fair ; new mixed
western , 4s lid per rental.
Mlmicnpolla , July 11. Hard wheat sold
nt about yesterday's prices ; other grades un ,
changed. Kocclpls , 170 cars ; shipments ; ! M
cars. Closing No. 1 hard , cash , 82c ; Au.
gust , 82) ) o ; No. 1 northern , cash , Sic ; Au ,
gust , 81c.
Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in Sacks ,
Milwaukee , July 11. Wheat Active :
cosh , SOq ; August , 79c.
Corn Steady ; No. 3. 4CJc.
Oats -No. U white , 3 ( > c.
Hyo Noiniiml ; No. 1 , fi7o.
UarleyNoininnl ; No. 2 , 57c.
1'ork July ,
Clnciiiiiiitl. July 11. Wheat In lighi
Stip'plyNo. ; . 2 rod , old , Sic ; now , SOJ c.
Corn Firm and higher ; No. 2imxod.6lrjj
52c.Oats In coed demand and higher ; No. !
mixed , 25Vi"ti35J ( c.
Kyo Dull and lower ; No. 2 , § 5e.
Pork Steady nt $11.25.
Lard Finn at 3-S.20.
Whisky * UJ.
KIIIHIH : City , July 11. Wheat Steady
No. 2 cash , salesb.Je ( ( [ ; August , OSJtfo bid.
Corn No. 2 cash , 42 } o ; August , 41c.
Oats-No. 2. cash , 20 > fe ; August , 20)
New Orleans. July 11. Corn Irrcgu
lar ; mixed , liUrG2c ( ( ; yellow , G.'o ; white ,
Oats -Excited uml higher ; No. 2 , 4bijC of
. Cornmeal Steady ut $2.SS.
Hog Products Scarce and firm ; pork
$ l l2KUmi , ? 7.75.
Hulk iMoats-Shoulders , $0.50 ; long cloui
and qlcar ribs , i'.CO.
Clilcnco. July 11. The Drovers' Journal
reports us follows :
Cattle lieccipto , 11,001 , including 3,00
Texas and western c.ittlo ; market fair ) ;
active ; natives in@15o lower ; choice ti
extra bcovcs , 't0.7U < , ' ( i > 35 ; common to good
$4.CUit5.75 ( ; utockers ana feeders , J2 4008.fc ( )
cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.75@3.25 ; Tcxu
cattle , 51.40 ( 3.90 ; weatcrn rancors , $3.S5- (
4.15.Hogs Receipts , 22,000 ; market active am
prices lt$15o ) ( 'lo\\c > r ; mixed. $ . " > .53@5.75
heavy , t&.tiOCijS.Sl ; light , J5.55M5.feO.
Shftc-p licceipts , 3,000 ; marltot active n
10ifl5o ( ; natives , ( J.25@5.CU : weal
cms , W.31X3 l.2o ; Texans , J2.50ii3.00 ( ; lamb-
t4.750.00 per 100 Ibs.
National Stock Ynrtls , Kaat HI
IjouiH , July 11. Cut tie Receipts , 22,41)0 )
shipincntK , 8,700 ; choice , heavy natives , to. I
. Q5.70 ; lair to t'ood$4.8'rt5.10. ( ' {
Hogs HecelptH , 2,700 ; shipments , none
cliolco heavy und butcher.V scloctluin , $5.7
; paukine : , moUluui to prime , $5.fX'3.7i '
id Kansas City. July 11. Cuttle Receipts
idh 3,315 ; shipments , none ; market slow ; con
h10 fed steers fi10c ( lower ; gruss range 10i1J (
lower ; peed to choice corn fed , ( itSSfjjii.iH
ce common to medium , t0a5.00 : ! ( ; stoekeis Au
feeders , ! 2.lXia3.f,0 , ; cows. J1.40@i : 15.
Hops Uncalpts , 11.3jS : shipments , 2C2s
good let choice , $ j.C@"i5 ; common t ? mi
dium , S.Ki35.40.
IT WoJneidny , July 11,1455.
Th < rsc ! | - > of cattle were about the > in
IK i KI ) 'esterdK > , there being only forty-del
M i frc b.lodr. on sale. The quality of the call !
M I wa good , ' tli. bulk being dry fed stocrs. Tl
! market was dull at a decline of inc. Kas
I am markets tire i n such condition thAttl
16 ! , fhlpperj ctiu do nothlby , aud the packers ai
is i about the ouly buyer * .
Hoe * .
Under the Influence of the liberal receipts
nnd the lower prices n.ported In Chicago ,
the market hero dropped off about 5o on an
average. In the morning n fe\v sales were
made at \ cry nearly steady prices , while
later some of the moro common mixed hogs
sold nearer lOo lower. The hogs were all
sold before the close.
Sheep. 11
There WRS only ono load received. * > *
Itcuelpt * .
Cattle , 000
Hogs 8,300
Sheep , 100
Horses 140
Prevailing 1'rlocq.
Thefollowlng n a table of prioss p.ilJ In
this maritct for the grades of stock men
Primesteers. 1300to 1500Ibs.$5.00 r35.50
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.50 fS.YOJ
Fatlittle steers. 000 to 1050 Ibs. 4.00 ffU.75
Common to good cows 2.00 ( # 3.00
Choice to fancy cows 2.50 @ 3.25
Common to choice bulls 2.25 (43.00 (
Fnlrtbchoicollghthogs 5.35 < ! { fi.45
Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.50 $5.00
Fairto choice mixed hon's 0,40 © 5.50
No. Av. Pr.
.1,000 J2.25
1 grass steer .1,1,0
1 cow .1.240 : > .oo
1 cow .1,100 : i25
5 cows .1.C04 ; t.r > o
12 steers .1,213 4.50
40 steers 1 ! IO'J 4.C > 0
HO stccra ,1,107 4.70
20 steers .1,117 4.VO
71) ) steers .1,207
51 western ; ) 0.20
No. Av. Shit. Pr. "No. Av. Shk. Pr.
81..11K ) 210 $5.20 72. . .2(0 ( ' . ' 00 ? 5.45
73..lbS 11,0 6.20 SO. . .Hi3 SO 5.45
? J..VJ3 800 5.XO 70. . .220 ICO S.45
111. . . 103200 5.40 72. . . 21 40 5.45
74..211 bO 5.40 75. . .221 120 O.IG
71. . . 2J2 bO 5,10 53. . .271 200 5.45
25..210 120 5.10 O'J. . .220 bO 5.45
81..ISO 200 5.40 . .205 SO 545
.257 100 f..40 81. , . .203 210 5.J5
.Ib'J ' SO 5'.40 02. . .249 bO 5.45
01. .250 1IX ) 5.40 02. , . .241 120 5.45
04. .214 120 5.40 , . .20. ! 200 545
74. .190 ICO 5.4' ' ) 09. , . .2.18 120 5.45
ICO 5.10 72. , . 225 100 5.45
78..193 100 0.40 61. , . .2-M fcO fi.4)
CO..210 120 510 03. . , . ,250 100 5,45
250 5.40 74. , . .831 320 5.55
63..241 100 540 OS. . . .245 400 5.45
03..2JO 5.45 01. . . .200 bO 5.47' <
00..241 40 B. 15 b'4. . . .1(13 ( 240 547
SO..HH1 5.45 81. . . .U5 100 5.47
120 5.45 07. . . .VM 120 5.47K
71..2-10 240 5.45 03. . . .249 120 5.50
74..210 240 5.45 07. , . .1' ' . 5 SO 5.50
81..2J8 240 5.45 70. , . .2JO 280 5.50
SO 5.45 00. . . .252 80 5.50
103..UIS 200 5.45 73 , . . .ISO 100 B.CO
WJ..20J 100 5. 15 81 , . . .1'JO 240 5.50
02..248 SO 5.4f , 58. . . .275 40 5.50
02..227 120 5.J5 82. . . .102 120 5.50
07..257 80 5.45 73. . . .204 100 5.50
141..237 300 5.45 04. . . 240 SO 5.50
71..237 120 5.45 70. . . .21b 120 5.30
50..210 SO 5.45 47. . . .258 4.0 5.50
820 5.45 70. . . .25'J 200 5.50
120 5.45 50. . . .259 40 5.50
BO..211 ICO 545 U. . . .2i8 120 5.00
73..215 100 5. 15 70. . . .207 200 5.50
50..290 160 5.45 02. . . .213 120 5.50
73..218 120 5.45 72. . . .2-10 120 fi.50
OX..207 200 5.45 1'J. . . .157 5.50
03..231 200 5.45 05. . . .270 2SO 5.50
23..107 SO 5.4. ) 05.Ml. . . .285 120 5.50
70 . . .240 bO 5.-15 85. . . .207 2-10 5.50
25..200 40 5.45 00. . . .252 SO 5.50
LO " O 1 I 100 5.45 50. . . .HOD 120 550
75" ! MllO 200 5.45 01. 100 5.50
120 5.45 00. . . .204 SO 550
200 5.45 70. 80 5.55
70..205 120 5.4.1 00. . . .270 5.55
07..214 bO 5.45 51. . . .812 80 5.55
04. . . . .208 200 5.45 53. , . .297 G.OO
Pitckers I'urclinso9.
Showing the number of hogs bought by the
leading buyers on to-day's market :
G. II. Hammond & Co 403
OinuhnP. Co 780
Armour-Cudiihy Packing Co 8,537
J. P. Squire & Co OS3
C. H. North & Co 800
ClovoluudP&P Co 574
Hnlstcad & Co 60S
G. H. Wilson & Co 58-1
A. Spring : 18U
J. Dotlil 3SS
E. n. Harper 2it ]
U.S. Morris 470
C. E. Docrr ' 55C
McCoy , I
Hyner 13S
Gibbs & White 247
Churlcs White GR
JJrainard Bros , ISt
Highest and Lowest.
The following qro the highest and lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs
on this market during the past fe\v \ days , anil
for the corespondlng period in 1887 find 183J :
Live Stock Notes.
Cnttlo lOc lower.
Hogs r > o lower lujaln.
John Ilastlo was on the mnrljctvlth stoelt
L. Gilbert. De Witt , was hero with thrci
loads of. cattle.
J. T. Prime , Oxford , was on the inarkc
with n car of cattle.
GeorRO Geary , of Inland , came in to-da ;
with u Ipad of sheep.
E. L : Martin , Fairmont , was amoiiR tin
visitors ut the yards.
Johnson Hros. , Anita , were on the marko
\vith two eras of cattlaL.
A. M. Wukoflcld , Atiuiitie , la. , was in will
a load of cattle , his own feeding.
P. II. Parks , liancroft , was In with twi
loads of cattle and OIKI of hogs ,
B. B. Cook , St. Paul , and A. D. Hale , New
man's Urove , were lu with cattlo.
Ttibor , la. , was reprosunled by Samuel Dal
ton , who came in with two loads of hogs.
H. N. Van Gordon , Utiea , and J. M. Hai
ber , Tabor , la. , were visitors at the yards.
William Parsons , ono of Squires & Co.'i
hog buyers , arrived hero to-dtiy from Siou :
City ,
I { . A. Hartman , of Council bluffs , has beei
appointed cattle Inspector by the Colorad
association and will bo located at the yard
Georco Doetol , Millard ; A. C. Virgin
Utiea ; It. C. Chumbloy , IJlnir ; Mr. Cross
Avoca : Mr. Sullivan , O'Neil ; Lewis Moil
teen , Mead , and W. B. Dorroty , Dawbon
Mo. , were among those who came in will
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
Wednesday , July 11 , 18S3.
RuTTF.ii Fancy creamery roll butter , 20j (
21c ; solid pnckod at 15 ( < illo ! ; cliolco countr ,
butter , 13 ( < rl to ; common K'raJes , ll@l2c.
Kaus Strictly- fresh , iyc ? Hc.
CnKitr.lus-Percasoof 10 Ibs , $1.75@2.X (
Southern cherries JI.25 per drawer of 1
15iarKiKiiiir. ! < fi.OOQin.S5 : per rasp.
Ui.iCK KAsruiiiiUF.s--4a.2' ( ( . ' ' 0 l ? r case
red r.Tspbeincs. t4.UO per cuse.
CHEESE I'ull crcriin , ISVf.
POTATO * * New , W.OC(32.a5 ( ; tl.OO po
bu hel for California ; 'JOo for homo ( jrown ,
POUI.IKT No dressed fowl in tlio market
live chickens , $3oU < 3j.75 ; per doz : sprin ;
chickens , JSWIS-J.50. (
TOMATOES Per crito. OV(9tl.OO. (
. . . . .
Timxn-s 25@30c per bu.
WATEn\iir.o.Ns-J15.OC : ( ) 2.VOO per 100.
PKIK * California. 13 IWC < ? ' .W per box.
PEACHES -California. ' . Oxi@-J.25 per box.
PLUMI J2 OOO'.Sh per i > ox ,
UAXANACommon , Jl.5032.25 per buneli
chojcc , f2.50 3.M.
it. O roc i1M l.lst.
it.o Kuoi.t-liranulated , 75/QTJfo : conf. A,7-
o Cs'Kov white extra O , O'feoj/c ; extra C , 0 ]
t10 * % - ; , ; yellow C , o 'Cio.'lo ' : cut loafs. 8 (
10 6Vc ' ; po'\iJm-d. bCiSt c.
'u ' Coyr it Ordinary graues 10@l7o ; fai
ITffllsoj. prime , Itla'l'J c ; .fancy greetian
yellow , 2 C23ci olil povtrnHent Java , 2SO
'Me ; Interior Java. 25 ( < f2Sj ( : Mocl.a. 28rt30o ;
Arbuckloa- roasted , lU'jos ' McLnuehlln's
XXXX , lil.jc ! ; Dllwortti'n , I'.ic ' ; Ked Crosn ,
I'.ic ' : Alaromn , lO c ; Gtrman , 10 > 4C' Lion ,
E Two-hoop palls , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop p.ills , N.05 ; No. 1 tnb ,
$7.00 ; No. 2 tub , * d.OO ; No. 3 tubs , f.VOO ;
washboards , electric , $ l.W ; fancy Northern
Queen washboard ? , fJ.T5 ; assorted bowls ,
$2.,5 ; No. 1 churns , frf.50 ; No. 2 churns ,
$6.60 ; No. n churn ? , $7.50 ; butter tubs. $1.70 ;
spruce , In nests , 70c per nest.
CW.XKH . Goons Oysters , No. 2 Standard ,
per cn e , $ .S.'OyJH.30 ; strawbiJrrles , 'J Ibs. per
case , $2.HW < (2.40 ; ntspbcrrlvo , 2 Ibs. , pqr
ciue , ? i.W ! ) < 3'i.40 ; Callfornl.j pears" , jwr case ,
$ .tM G4.70 : nprlcots , per case , f4.20S)4.30 ) ;
California | ieaches , per case , $5.60C.r ? > .iU5 ; Cal
ifornia whlto cherries , per case , $ . " > .80 ( 000 !
California plums , per case , $ l.iWjO .70No. ; 2
blueberries , 2 Ibs , per case , il.WiiiOO ;
Pine apples , S Ib. per ease , M.25 ( < $
4.WH 1 ll > . salmon , per do ? . , $ l.S."ii ( !
1.90 ; 2 Ib. gooseberries , per euse , $ , ' .10
LKMOXS ? 7.00aS.50 ( per case.
OIUXOKS Messinns , $0.fiQ ? $7 per box ;
Uodl , $7.50 ( ? 3 per box , fl(3f ( 1.53 per half.
Ctuuri.ojvmi Good stock , $1.0001.25 per
CAmuoKs Homo grown , J2.60 per 100.
Ai'i'LES sa-UOGi-U't ) per bbl.
Uiiinit Choice Michigan cider , $ l.f)0(3tl ) ( , " 0
per bbl , of 32 gal ; Califoiniapearcidcr$15.00
per bbl.
Oxioxs Native stock , $ L2o@1.50 ; Califor
nia onions , 2c peril ) .
Pol'coltx Choice rice corn Isquotcd nt 3@
4cpor Ib. ; other kinds 2i } ( ti ! ! jiur Ib.
CAKiiors Now stock , I DC per doz.
Uuvxs Good stoiik , 2.COi ( 2.7G ; California
beans , fia.VIO. .
Hoxr.v Kiil21c ( for 1 Ib. frames ; canned
honey , 10@12cper Ib.
Toiucco Pi.uo--LorlllimVs Climax , 45c ;
Splendid , 45c : Mechanic's nellght , 44c ;
Leggett it Meyer's Star , 450 ; Cornerstone ,
HOe ; Urummond's Horseshoe , 4"ic ; J. T. .
4''c : Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut llatis , "
S'Jc ' ; "Oh. My , " 27c ; Piper Heidsick , 04c ; G.
S. . 20c.
Ton icro SMOKIXO Catlin's Meerschaum ,
31c ; Cntlln's Old Style , 23c ; Sweet Tip Top ,
32c ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Ked , White and IJluo ,
JlU-Mi-.s-SO-lb pnils , Sl.2 : > ® l.BO.
SVI-T I'er bbl in carload lots , $1.30.
-Seven-sixteenths ,
CANDY Mixed , IXgllt'i * U-
l'iciii.r.3 Medium , in bbls , W.OO ; do in half
bbls , IS.50 ; small , in bbls , $7.0J ; do in half
bbls , $1.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , $3.00 ; do in
half bbls , $4.f.O.
Ilqi.LANi ) Hcuuisos'-CSffi'Co per keg.
AlAi'i.ii StuiAit Uricks lu' ' c nor Ib. ; jietiny
cakes , l@Hc ! ) per Ib. ; pure maple syrupSl.25
per gal.
JJKOOMS Extra , 4-te ! , $2.00 ; parlor , 3-tio ,
painted handles , J2.25 ; No. 1 , S2.00 ; No. 2 ,
il.93 ; heavy stnbld broms4.00.
STVHCII Mirror gloss , fi 'fc ; Graves' corn ,
CXc ; Oswego gloss. 7c ; Oswego corn. 7c.
TEAS Japans , 20 ( < f.Vc ; Gunpowitor , 20@
( JOc ; Young Hyson , 22ii ? . " > c ; Oolong. 20@50c.
POWIIKK AND SHOT Shot , $ ! . ! ) ; buckshot ,
81.551 , Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 : half kegs ,
* ' ) .75 ; one-fourths. $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $2.33 ;
fuses , 100 ft. , 4575c.
KKFINT.D LIAKU Tierce , 7J c ; 40-lb sijuaro
cans , 7J < o ; 50-lb round , Sc ; 20-lb round , Jiko ;
10-lb pails , 8 c ; 5-lb palls , SJ c ; 3-lb pails ,
PIIOVHIOXS Hams , UfjMl'.fc ' ; breakfast
bncpn , 10V@10i c ; bacon sides. J@IJ4'o ! : dry
salt , Sj.jTub e ; shoulders , 7 > ' @ ; dried
beef , S > 4 ( < < > lie.
Diuii > FUUIT Apples , bbls. , new , Jfs-
evaporated , bj'i'fJJOe ; blackberries , evnpo
rated , 9JJ9 ; { ; pitted cherries , 20@21o ;
peaches , SaltLakoJsevaporated , lJ4i ( 12e ;
peeled peaches , 2S ( ' "lo ; evaporated
mpiircd , 10@17o ; new currants , 7fVC7j ;
prunes , 45j@5c ; citron , 23Tt24c ( ; raisins , Cal
ifornia , London layers , S2.50@2.CO ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , $1 70(31.80 ( ; new Va
lencia , 7tf@79/ .
Cii.vciCMtS CAKKS , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda
snowllako ( In tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , 51 o ;
soda wafers ( in tins ) lOo ; soda zephyrs , be ;
city oyster,0) ) c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster ,
7c ; gem oyster , DC ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha
oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5c ; snow
drop cyster , 7c ; butter , 5u ; Boston , 80 ;
Omaha butter , 7c ; sawtooth butter , OJfc ;
crackci meal , 5 < o ; graham , Sc ; graham
wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12) ) c ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7) ) c ; oat
meal , 8c ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; oat meal wa
fers in pound packages , 12 e ; animals , 12c ;
Boliver ginger ( round ) , 7c ; cream , Sc ; Corn-
hill , lOo ; cracknells , lOc ; frosted cream , 8X0 ;
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ;
homo miido ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; home
made ginger snaps , (1-lb ( cans ) per do/en ,
$2,50 ; lemon creams. 80 ; pretzels ( hand
made ) , HJ < ; c ; assorted cakes and jumbles ,
llj o ; assorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea
( in tins ) , per box , $7.00 ; banana fingers , 14c ;
butter jumbles. 115 c ; Brunswick , 15c ;
brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( now ) ,
lOc ; chocolate wafers , Ifio ; Christmas lunch
( in tins ) per dozen , $4.50 : cocoa taffy snaps ,
14c ; coffeecake , 12o ; Cuba Jumbles , llj < c ;
cream puffs , 30c ; egg Jumbles , ll ) e ; ginger
drops , lie ; honey jumbles , 11X ; Jelly lin
gers , I5o ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; Jellvtart ( new ) ,
15c ; lady lingers , 13o ; vanilla bar , 14o ; va
nilla wufeis , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen
packages in a box , per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans Ac ] > cr Ib advance
except snowflake and wafer soda , which arc
packed only In cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-11
paper boxes , J o per Ib advance ; all othei
goods lo per Ib advance. Soda In 1-lb paper
boxes , lo per Ib advance. The 2-lb boxes arc
packed In cases holding IS in u case. The 2-
Ib boxes nro packed in cases holding 12 in i
caso. The 4-lb boxes are packed in cases
holding 30 in n case. Ono-lb gruhnm und oat
meal wafers packed 2 do zin a case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening t (
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3.00
not returnable. Cans for snowflake soda
? 5.(10 ( per doz. Tin cases with glass face Is
display the goods , 75o each. No charges foi
packages 'except for cans nnd rcturnnbli
goods. Glass front tin cans und "snowflako'
soda cans are returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
1'niXTS SOMU COI.OHS Atlantic , Oc
SlatcrjSJ e ; Berlin oil , OV c ; Garner oil , 0 ( <
7c. PIXD AND HOIIKS Ulchmond , ( i c ; AI
Ion , OJ e ; Ulver Point , Bo ; Steel Kivor , Oo
Hichmond , Oc ; Pucitle , O c. I.NDIOO ULVK-
Washlngton , 0e : Century , dlg'o blue prints
9c : American , 0 } c ; Arnold , 7c ; Arnold H
10' < c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10' ' < ' c
Dnnss Charter Oak , Co ; Hamapo , l ) < c ; Lo'di
5J4c ; Allen , Oc ; Hichmond , ( lo ; Windsor , OK
Eddystonoyto ( \ \ Pacillc , Olfc.
HATTS Standard , 9c ; Gcui. lOc ; Beauty
12J < | C ; JJayonne , 14o ; 15 , cased , $050.
CAitrnrS'Aiii' Bibb , white , 19c ; coWrcd
22c.MISCUUANEOU& Table oil cloth , $2.51
plain Holland , 8' 9'ic ; Dado Holland
"COM rouTKiis fO.CO@35.00.
Hi.imui : : > SniiuriNOMBcrklcy cambric Na
00 , 9 > c ; Best Yet. 4-J , 0 fc , butter cloth
OO , 4Kc ; Cabot , 7) ) o , ; Farwcll , S c ; Frul
of Loom. Oj c ; Freejio. G , 0 ; Hope , 7 0
King Philip cambric , lie , Lonsdale , 11' ' c
Lonsdalo , Ho ; New York mills , 10).Jo ; Pep
perell , 42-in. , llo ; Popporell , 40-jn. , 12c ; Peii
percll , 0-4 , lOc ; Peiiperull , 8-4,21c ; Pcpporoll
9-4 , 23c ; Pepperell , | 1M. ( 25c ; Canton. 4-1
8Kc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9) ) ovfrrlumph , Oc ; Wun
uttn , lOc ; Valley. 5c ,
GINOIIAM Plunkett cnecks , 7J < o ; Whitten
ton , 7 > o ; York , 7 } o ; N'ormandl dress , ' S ) c
Calcutta dress , 8 fo ; Whittendon dress , b c
Kenfrew dress , f " "
TICKS Lewiston , 3ti in. , 12 } e ; Lowlston
32 in. , 18 e ; York , 32-Iu. , 14c ; Swift rivet
7 0 ; Thorntlyke , OO , 8Thorndyko ; PP.
8) < o ; Thorndyko 120 , DJ e ; Thorndyko XX
ISc ; Cordis , No. 5 , U-CordIs , No. 4 , lie.
DINIMS : Atnoskcag B , 9-oz , lOc ; Everett
7-oz. , 13o ; York , 7-oz. , 13 } < fo ; Havmarkpl
8) ) c ; Jaflrey , XX , intfc1 Jallroy XXX. 12 e
Beaver Creek AA , 12o ; Bearer Creek BU
llo ; Bcavor Creek CC , lOc.
FI.ANNKLS PlaldHaftsman , 20c : Goscer
32 0 ; Clenr Lake , 32J < c ; Maple. City , 3'iUft '
Whito-G HNo'J , Jf , 21p ; C II No. 1 Jj
. , Leather.
City harness per Ib , 2S20c ; country bin
lies * per Ib , 24(5 ( , .Bo ; city Ihie porlb , 3i(533c (
kip heavy per Ib , 45@.VV : ; kip-medium per 11
6530J ? ; vrul per Ib , ( VXgTOo ; . Chicago slaugl
torod bolujicr Ib , 25 ( 2jc ; city calf SS to I
Ibs , SSfiWhj ; city upper per foot , ] S@20c ; eo
14iii ( | < 3 ; .Buifalo slaughtered solo per II
. leather slitub'htcred solo pcr 11
33o ; hnrncsb per Ib , 2a@r ; upper p <
, 21(22 ( - , Kip heavy per Ib , OSOjru ° ; ki
medium per Ib , 75SSOe5 ( city calf per Ib ,
WcWtl.OO ; lining l ix-r doren , M.IXiS.uO ;
I'rench calf S , > to HO Ibs , $ I.10 ( < 7 > 1.75 ; Krvnch
calf 80 to 50 Ibs , $1.10 ® 1.75 ; French culf. G'J '
to 76 Its , cQjl.2o. '
ntitl Tinner1 * ' Stock.
Tin plate , I C , 10x14 , best , $0.75 ; tin pinto ,
rooting , I C , 14\20 , $5.25 ; sheet zinc , M.51M
0.75 ; pig lead. $4.8'J ' ; bar lead , ( I M ; Urge pig
block tin , 25c ; small pig block tin , -Co ; bar
tin , 27cJ ; solder , UKg-Wc ; copper bottoms , 81c ;
sheathing copper , tinned , -Oc ; jlanlshlti ) ;
copper , tinned , 37o ; leail Jilpe , O'ic ; sheet
Iron , NS , IS to 24 , $3.20 ; Hussla iron , 13o ;
Am Hussla planished , A , Kltfc ; Am KusHla
1'lanUhcd , B , O'fc ' : painted barb Wire , $3.00) )
galvanized bitrb wire , $3 75.
Add 50 cents .per 1XW ( feet for rough joist.
IIP till ) ! ! .
No. 1 com , sis $1S.OO I No. 3 com , sis $15.00
No. 2 con , , s 1 s 10.50 I No. 4 com , sis 12.50
Add 5'J cents per 1,000 for rough.
No. 1 , 4 and 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . . $20.00
No. 1 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20.00
No. 2 , " 12 and 14 ft , " . . . . 10.00
No. 2 , " 10ft , " . . . . 17.00
A , 12,14 & 10 ft.$20.f. . , ) | C/12 , 1 & 10 ft.l ) .7-i
B , " " 10.751 D , " " 11.75
1st com , ? { In white pine celling $3,1.00
2d " " " " 87.00
Clear -V in Norway pine celling 15.50
2dcomt8' in " " " 13.50
. ri.oouixn.
A 0 in white pdio $ ! 1.00
B " " " 32.00
( J ' 211.00
D " " " 21.HI (
E " " " ( sol. fencing ) 18.50
Six Inch drop siding 60c per 1,000 extra.
A , 12 in , si s.$45.00'1C , 12 in , si s.$30.00
B , 12 in , s 1's . . 39.00 | D , 12 in , flls. . . 22.00
No. Icom , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
No. 1 com , 12 in. sis , H ft 20.00
No. Icom , 12ln , si , 10 ft 20.K ( )
No. 1 com. 12 in , s 1 , 10 , IS and 20 ft. . 22.50
No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 10 , IS and 20 ft. . It ) . 15
No. 2 com , 12 in , sis , 12 and 14 ft. . . : , lb.50
No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 10ft 18.00
12 in grooved roofing $12 per M. moco than
12 in stock boards same length.
10 in grooved rooting same prlco as 12 in
stock boards.
Pinr i.Ar.
No. 1 plain , 8 nnd 10 in $18.75
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 In 17.00
No. IO. G. , Sin 19.25
1st nnd 2d , clear , 1. 1' . ' , , in s 2 s $50 00
" " ' 1 , 2 in , s 2s 50.00
3d , clear , 1 in , s2s 45 00
AselectI'ins2s.'I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MOO !
A , IK , 1 ,2 in 4'.00 !
B. " 1 in , 92s 29.00
B , " IK , IK , 3 in 30.00
B , select , all 10 ft , $1 extra.
Star4 in flooring $10.50
1st nnd 2d , clear , 4 in flooring 21.50
Clear % in ceiling 19.50
Clear V in partition 23.50
Clear % in partlon.t'J above % in ceiling
Clear finish , 1 and I'fin , s2s 2.J.OO .
Clear finish , 1)4 nnd 2 in , s2s 23.00
Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in 23.50
Clear yellow pine casing nnd base 25.00
Clear poplar bx bds , % in s 8 s $ . " 5.00
Clear " " " K in pane ) , s 2 s. . 27.00
Clear " " " cor'ga'td ceiling , 23.00
O. G. Batts , ' > X in $ ' 05
0. G. Baits , Ux3sl s 30
3 in well tubing , D. & M. und Bcv 22.50
Pickets , D. 11. flat 19.00
Pickets , D. & H. square - . . 19.00
Slll.NliLi.S : , LATH.
XX clear $ 3.10
Extra-A * ! U > 5
* A Standard 2.05
* A H. B. & B , , 2.35
Gin. cl 2.05
No. 1 1.40
Lath ' . 2.85
White Cedar , 0 in. , % a 12V
" " U in. qrs 12 #
" " 5Kin. , KS 11
" " bin. qrs 09
" " 4 in round 14
Tenncsseo Hed Cedar , split..1 .14
SphtOak 03
Quincy whitolimo ( best ) , 83c ; Crystal ce
ment. $1.40 ; hair , 30c ; plaster , $2.4' " > ; tar
board , $1.05 ; sash , 50c pr ct. ; doors , 45o pr
ct. ; blinds , 50c pr ct. ; mldgs , 50o pr ct. ;
tarred felt , per cwt. , & 2.05 ; straw bd. , $1.55.
Freight added to above.
AH Ingenious Savannah Negro Makca
Them AVcijili Him for Nothing.
The American automatic scales that
were put in the hotels several months
ago got out of order frequently , says the
Savannah News , and a good many who
are attracted by the pretty sign , "Drop
a nicklo in the slot and ascertain your
correct weight , " drop the nicklo , but
without finding out how much they
weigh. As soon as the fact was made
known to Messrs. George. & Bevill , at
the Seroven , a notice that the scales
were broken was posted on the face of
the scales and warned the fat man that
lie could not weigh there. When the
agent wont around yesterday collecting
from thd boxes in the scale * the niekleu ,
it was found that a largo piece of tinfoil ,
the si/.o of a nickel , had been dropped
in the slot of the Seroven House scale
anil h'ad lodged there. When the foil
was removed the scales worked all
An ox-porter who stood outside on the
street looking through the window ai
what was going on , remarked , with a
chueklo , "that tlio 'nigger' that did
that job was a-fool. "
When risked why , ho said : " \Vhv ,
dis is do thing wut gits nrwuy wid dc
artorniivshuns , " nnd ho drew from hit
pantaloons pocket a nicklo with u hole
in it and several feet of silk thread.
"Djs is do kino or thing I weighs m.v
friends wid. Loinmo sho' yo' , anil
going inside after the crowd hud di *
porsed ho stopped up on the scales anil
dropped tlio iiicklo in the the slot , hold'
ing on to the strings. Instantly tin
hand How around to the MO-pound
mark , and looking up the peeler said :
"Wut I tell youV" Ain't it soV"
Then he pulled Iho thread and ou
eamo tlio nieklo.Vinding it up , IK
replaced it in a box in his pantaloon !
pocket and walked oil' , chuckling tc
himself : "Dis iliggor wubo'n great. '
L'fe PARKER'S QlNGEtt TONIC without
t curr < l tlio u erst nue * of CoUKh.Wc ak Kuni . Attltirxu
lon. linvuril Tuliir , Kilmuilloii.
Tim Mfcst , mrr t ind best cure for Coroa. liunlonl , fta.
6top iJlialii. | Enjutvscotrtfort ttf tl o toct. Ne\erfalll
to cure. U ccnti it liru-teLits. Iliscoz & Co. , N , V.
C. It. PAHItK. X. IMIICItUAN. J. llJl.A.\CUAIll : :
Live Stock Coinmission Merchants.
CSeo-Hooirt24 ! , Oppoiltn Kiclmntfo llullillng , IJnioi
_ htockurt \ , boutli Uianlm , Nc-U.
live Stock Commission Mcrcliants ,
Market f urnlnhi'il f rco on application Ftockerti nn <
fon.u , tunililiol cm iood ; term * . Itu'i'nmceillnu
tin Nutliinul llmikunll boutli Ouiahu NliUuuiM , Ujilo
block'.s , boutli Onmlui.
Live Stock CoiBinissioii ,
lloom 15 , Kxclisnito Ilulldlni ; , Union Stock Yurd
NJtilli Omuba , Neb.
C'Ominision ' Dealers in Liye Sock ,
? * , Optnslto | l.'xchnnco UulMlne , Uulon.fatOC
Ytinl * , touch OmabH. Nub *
Of Omaha , .Limited , v
Dealer in Agilcultoral Implements , Wagons ,
Cntrlnrca tail Ilniitlp * . Jime < ? trfrtbolwi > cn Ui nj
_ i loth , Umau * , Nobtarka.
AETicnltural Implements , WapnsCarria , cs
Iiip ) le , Ktc. Wliolp lo. Omaha , Kobraikn.
Wholi-'ile Dcalor * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
tm.llll , HC anit IW Jon * 1 8trct , Omaha.
p. P. MAST" & COM
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultlratot * . Hajr Itakr * . Cider Mltln nmt r.uban lul-
tcrhf r . Cor. 14th nml Nlcluilaf f trt'vla. _
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Corner Hill nnrt Mcliolai Mri'ctn.
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery anil Binder Twine ,
\V , K. Mcat.Mana.-or. IJlll.piivenwortli t. . Omalm.
JlaiiutKOturcrJ and Jobbers In
Wagons , Bugg'cs ' , Rakes , Flows Etc ,
Cor. Otluinl 1'aclfla streets , Omalm , Nob.
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1513 IKmclai Street , Oiuatii , Nebraska.
Boots end Shoos ,
( Suc ! Ktor to Itecil , Jones i Lo. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots andSlioes
AncnUfor lloston Kubocr Show Co. 1KB , J1U4 Ji 1100
llarnur St. . Omiilia.J obrunkii.
w. v. MORS'E & co. .
Johhers of Boots anil Slices ,
1101,1103-1103 UoiiKlu * St.Omal.a .MnnutuctorrSitni-
mcr'-t. llLSlon ,
Coffoea , Spioos , Etc-
CLARKE 'C 6 F F E ECO. ' ,
Uninba ColTvo antl f pIco Mill:1.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Flavoring Kitrnott , I.nntulry IlliiB , Inks , Ktc. lilt
14Uillnrn r Strci't. Omuhu , Nobra kH.
Crockery and ClasBvvnj o
' ' " "
" w. L''wmaHT.
Aent for the MnnufRcturvre nnil InipoUeis Of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
itp. C1H co , 317 S. 13th yt. , Omaha. Nebraska.
liuDorlcri- unit Jobbers of
Crcckery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 1514 Furunni St. , New 1'nxton llulldlnif. _
CommlBBlon end StoroBo-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Ilullrr. r.uB * , Cbcrx1'nullry , Uame ,
lliailowunl Street. Om lj .
fiucct'Stora to JlcFbano A Sclirocder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
OuHbu. Ntbrnska.
Whole ale
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commisioii
Merchant. Corrosponilonco aollcltuil. 1011 North IClh
btreut.Ouinba , Nub.
Cool , Coke and Lime-
' " *
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South 13th Street , Omaha , Ncbraika.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shipper * of Coal , Coke , Cement , 1'lastcr , I.lme ,
Drain Tile , anil Bener I'll * , tmlre , Taiton Hotel ,
Karnum St. , Onialm , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
21 < South 13lh St. . Omaha , Nob.
M. E"SMITH * cb. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 anil 1101 Douslas , Cor. llttl St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jofcs in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Genii' FurnUhlni ; ( looils. Corner llth ami llunej
bto. , Oiutiha , NcbrHBka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Vurimm Street , Oinilin. Nebraskai
Omaha , Nebraska.
_ _ '
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
706 , ' 07 , 'CO nnit tit S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
th and Leaven worth Streets , Orunbt , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate
Mctnls , Sheet Iron , etc. A 'nts ( or Howe Scales
.Mluuil 1'ou'tler [ uull.yimm UurbuU i\li'e ,
( jinnha , Nebrnakit ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tools ami IlutTnlo Pcaloa. 1 < OJ Douiilu
Htruct , Omuha , Nebrti ka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and llanmr Hts. , Oiaulia , Ncli. Wustcrn Accnl
for Austin Powder Co. , Jolt n > on t-ltelNnllr ,
Kalrbanki Utuudunl Hcali > > .
Wholcaulo Mnnulncturc of
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardwan
Aud Leather. UOJ , It'JS nl H'lJ llnraoy at. , Omaha
Hpayy Hardwaro.
" "
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BpriDgi , Wagon Stork , Hurdwnru. Lumber , Etc.
and 1211 llarnuy ritruut , Omaha.
iEto. .
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Good :
1TJ7 tinnier t-treeUOnmha , Ncli.
" ' ' "
"OMAHA'l.UMBEn'coV ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Holcsal
15U Street und Union 1'ftclHO TrackOmaha.
Dealer in Lmnlier , Latli , Lime , Sasl ) ,
Doon.Klc. YorUi-Corner 7th nj luu"l ij Cotai
C. N. D1ETZ ,
Dealer in All KiniufLunte ,
13th and California HlrctH.OnmliH , Nobr k .
- FRED \V. GRAY7 *
. . Lander , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Elc ,
Csrnot ClU tad Bcuglai SU..Om U .
. Lumber , jgju
To Dealers Only,4
Offlcc.liro F rni > rn Ftr tt , Omaha.
Wholesale Liniilier , Etc , ,
Uulncr While Unit.
Dealer in Hardwood Luiiilier ,
Wooil C r | < ol4 Rnd Titqiict flooring lh ml noii l |
Mllllnory nntl NotlonaT
" "
lEijorters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
ON. till unit 111 Pnutli 11th M
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , . hlrU , Kto. IKRxnil 1104 Douglas Sttttl ,
. Neb.
Wiolesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4(0 ( nnil I'Vi ' Scutti ) Wh tl. , Omitlm.
Wliolsale Refined and Lubilcatins : Oils ,
A lo llrennc , Klo. , Oiimlm. A. II. lllihop , Man < ir
Notions and Gent's ' Fnrnisliing Goods ,
IiirnfT Htrci'l.Oinnha.
Office Fixtures.
Munufacturers of
BanK , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mntitloi. SMeboarK llnokCunr > , DniiJ IHtun .Wsll
I'n.u' , rurtlliims , ItKlllnxn , Counter' , llepraiid Win *
( 'iioli > r , Mlrror Pic. Factory amtonicr , KJJnuil l\J3 \
boulli Mill SC. , Um.ili't , Telephone ll.'l.
Points iind oijs. . j ,
\Vliulo < nIo Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS F.imnm Ptrcot. Onu\linNob. \
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice utock of rrlnUnc , Wrnriplni nil Wrltlns
I'kftt. Spucial atli'nlkm gTren to car load nrdor . _
Pnpor Boxos.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 131T anil 131 Uouglni St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Mnnur aturfr * o (
Sash , Doors. Blinds and Moulding ,
Prnncti UlUco , lith nml Irani Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blindy
: . ' . .ulUtK . SlHlr Work nnil Interior IlunlVcoJ l'lu <
> n. U.K. Corner tli and LonvuuwurtU tftro ti ,
Oiimliu , % iul > . i
MuMacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And Illncl ! , Turning. Ftsir-worU , llnnlc ami Offlco Fit *
ttntfs. 'JUUi uud t'uppietori Avunui * .
Prlntors * Materials.
' ' " '
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Pvalcrs In 'ffK < " > \\tf \ \ * ftjfn > l rrintor * ' buppllei. Ml.
Suulb Hlh Street , Onmha.
Rubber Ooocla-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
ail Clothing and l-oather Ueltlpg. 1CU ) Fnrimm Ku t ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , WrUor , Hiillwiir wnd Mlnhiit Huppllei , Etc.
_ KM , UM anil UM Tarnam fctrcet , Omaha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Iteam and Water Supplies , neadqtmrten for Mut ,
Foost 4 Co'a goods. 1111 Fnrimm tit..pmulia.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
llnllldar Wind Mllli. ( in and ICD Fnrnnm St. , Omaha.
_ U. F. llosa , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron \Vork Ptcam 1'nmps , Rnw .MIKs. 1213-1211
J.oKvenwoith S trei'l Omuhii.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 und i'llJnncM ' HlriM t Onuliii.
Storogo , Forwarding & Commlaalon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
tlranoli limlM ! nT Ilici IlpiHH'X lIUKiir Co. IHictlcs al
vrliolc jlo unil reuill. 14 HlOnnd 1IU Iruril tnruut , j
Omaha. Ti'li'pUonu Nn. 750. .1
Stacks ,
Manufacturing Dealer in smote
Urltchlum , Tank * nul | Oeiu'rnl llollnr Itvpalilnv. Uli
_ l > iil.'o e-trnit. Oiuulin , Nub
STOR2 & . ILER ,
LaEcr Beer Brewers ,
1M1 NoftU UUtliteenth Strrct , Orunlm.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron anil Cornice ,
Julm Kpunvtor , I'rnprlctor. ' . ] Doilca nn'l Itt ! uJ luf
North imhHtreel. HIII JIB. (
Iron Works.
Carter/i ton. I'mii . Miinnfacturi'rsof nllklpdi
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sliest Iron Wort' '
Work > S-oulh Outh ( , nd II. tc M. Croxlng.
antl Cast Iron Building Wori
, Ilnm Wurli , Oenorul I'O'.nvlry , MucUlnoaol
lllucksiultli Work. OMIco nnd Works , U. I * . | t/ .
anil IHli Mriet , UmnliH , i
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Ratlines
Doik lulls , Wlnilow ( Junnln. Klowrr RtmuM , Wlr
fclmn , Kto. 12,1 North ICtli MtrrutOmuli
Faults , Jnll Work , Iron ant : \Vlro fenclne. Hlcni , Ktfl.
11. Anilrec'ii , 1'ron'f C'or. Iltri u4 JxLkiuuhts.
I Iron and Wire Fences , Railing. Guards
1 unJ Scruem , forbanki , ofllrcs.Mori'v reitdencoi , oto.
I linprnvuil AwnUik'i. I ocknultli Muililnerr nud
UUu'.smltU Works. Wlboutu lull t.
Fire and Biirglar Proof Safes , Time loots.
flenerul Attnnti for I'MHbul',1 Hfo .t l/jck Co.'s
Tiiultj nnd J all \Vurk , 1110 1trnum Slruot , Ouir.U .
iiicccssfijlly utrd monthly by turr 10.IXO
Ladteg. Aro&ife , I'.fftctuulttnd t'ttatent
" 1 pi-rl i by moll.or at ilnik' iiU. Kralcd
_ 'nrltc-ul < irt 2 [ Kielop ; " htanip * . Aildrniul
TUG UUIIKEA CutMiCAL Co. , UuntotT , Micu.
Fur sale and ! > ; / mall liy
Drug ( . 'o. , Oinuliu , JN'eb ,