Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Chtmtauqunns Finally Doaort tho.
Olnsoic Shades nt Croto.
Kearney and tlio NebrnHkn Southern
NehrnHka Clty'N 1'nckliiK llouoo
Bold Dig JtcnuhUcnn Jltilly
nl Chndron Stnto NCAVB.
The CloMlns Dny.
Cnnin , Nob. , July 11. [ Special to Tim
ilt'.r. . ] The ncvrntll atiiiuul session of tlio
Nbbruska Chutitauriua assembly closdd yes
terday. In many respects It has been supe
rior to any previous session. It has been
longer , has luiil a lurger atteinlaucc mill a
larger corps of lectuicrs and histruetor.s.
Thun , too , the arrangements and npriolut-
tnDiits of the grounds this year are uiueh
better than formerly. The Increased number
of cottages and headquarters add much to
the appearance of tlio grounds as Avail us to
the comfort of the guests.
Tlio last lecture of the season AV.IS glA-oa
by Dr. Uuryca nt 2 p. m. Monday. The sub
ject Avas "Habit in education , " and the lec
intliv. . ture AA-ns the last of ascricu of throe , all
nsses'p tending towards this subject. Dr. Duryon
the ' 1ms become very popular AvltU assembly
il iiudionces and is alAv.iys sure of a goodly
f amount of applause. Helms .shown himself
n man of wonderful resources. Ho is a treed
inusiuian , n popular lecturer on a variety of
Avhloly different subjects , an able and elo
quent prelt'iier : , a tlioroHRh Hlblc student ,
und a Rcnliil friend and acciunintaucc. Hi )
will undoubtedly occupy a prominent place
on tlio assembly projirniinno for isb'l. '
At 4 b'clock Ur. Palmer met his chorus
class for tlio lust time tins year. At the close
of the hour's lehcarsul ho gave au approprl-
lite prod-by talk , and his class gathered
uboutlilin ea HIIIHSO to slmlto hands Avith him.
The last concert of the session AVIIS given
- thu StoAA-.irt .
Monday eA-ctmiK by comnnnv.
The aiulicnco Avas A-cry lai'O ( considering the
fact that it AV.IS so near the close of the as
sembly Tlio programme Avas Avcll selected
nud Avell rendered , and Avas Avell received by
the uudietiec.
The grounds present n rather dcmoral-
I7cd appear.mec. Hairpago Avatons arc nu
merous , and everybody is malting prepanl-
tiona to break camp. The tents arc taken
down as soon as vacated , nnd the summer
t-Jty Avjll soon bo deserted. At 8 o'clnelc the
farewell meeting AAMS held in the pavilion.
nnd Avas conducted by Drs. Palmer and
Duryea. the only remaining assembly work
ers , who miido brief and appropriate ad
dresses , nnd many of the audience testified
to the benefits tiipy had received at the as
sembly. After the singing of the hymn ,
"God bo Avith you till AA-O meet again , " Dr.
Duryea pronounced the benediction , and the
BCA'enth session of the assembly AVIIS ended.
The work of packing IIOAV Avcutonwith
rcneAATd vigor , and soon the last of the tont-
ilAvellers wus ready to depart , At noon the
grounds Avcro deserted , save by n JOAV belated
quests nnd the squads of Avorkmen who are
cleaning things uu and storing things aAvny
for another j ear.
ItcpnhlientiH Ilatil'y at Chailron.
GiiADitox , Neb. , July 11. [ Special Tele-
Riarn to Tin : HIR ; , ] Tim republicans of
* DaA\-cs , Sioux and Sheridan counties united
last night in a monster ratification. CH'cr
2,000 , people congregated. At 4 o'clock the
republican club of DUAVOS county raised n
ninety foot pole , from the pe.itf of Avhich
floated a Hiirnsou and Morton banner thirty
feet long , and then marched to the depot to
jncct the visiting delegations frpm north , enst
nnd west. At a n grand torchlight pro
* cession paraded thu streets , Avith the Gordon , from Gordon , and thu Chadiou
cornet band , A number of transparencies
.bearing such inottoea as "Holly round the
llag , nut the snuff rag , " "No frco trade in
ours , " etc. , SA-CIO a feature of the procession.
The orators of 'tho ovcnlne Avero A. Harton
and F. C. Kldred , of Chudron ; A. Hamilton ,
"of Hushvilie , anu J. Wesley Tucker , of Val
entino. Tliis Ava , considered by all to bo the
largest political gathering over congregated
in noithwcsturn Nebraska.
A NCAV lluilroutl 1'or Kcni'noy.
KBAIIXKY , Neb , , July 11. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UUB. ] The city council took
linal nctiou ta-day upon u proposition from
thd Southern Nebraska railAvay company rel-
atlA'o to an extension of their line to this city
from Concordia , Knn. , via Superior. Hod
Cloud nnd Mlnucn. An ordinance Avas
passed calling a special election August 10 ,
when tho. matter of bnndinfe the city for the
rcqulr.ecl amount will bo voted upon. It is
Reno rally understood thnt the proposed road
will bo operated by tlio Atchison. Topokn &
Santa Fo ralhvny company. This makes a
competing line and excellent shipping facili
ties to the southern nnd southwestern states
nnd territories. It Is promised that AA-ork
will bo commenced Avithln 0110 year from
September l.
AlnsAvorth Is Jubilant.
AiNSAVoiiiir , Nob. , July 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tuu lir.i : . ] Xho tipeclul bond and re
location election held yesterday in BroAvn
county resulted almost unanimously iu favor
of $1SCOO bonds to pay prpsout county indebt
edness nnd for AinsAA'orth to retain the
county neat by n majority of J05. ! votes so far
as heard from. Tim IAVO precincts yet to
hear from Avill not change the result to any
extent. AiusAA-orth people nro jubilant nnd
will have n grand demonstration of their delight -
light on the 13th. The brass bands of Now-
port. llassett nnd AiusAvorth Avill furnish
musle for the occasion.
Homlley llcpiihlicntis Ratify.
Hixm.iv : : , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim UKK.J The largest nnd most
enthusiastic meeting over held , In Furnas
county Avns hold hers to-night for the pur
pose of ratifying the Chicago nominees. Not
more than half the people could gain ndmit-
tapco to the largo hull. Prominent speakers
helped SAvell the strain of praise for Harrison
and Morton. Among them AVOIOV. . H. Me-
Faddaii , Arnpnlioo ; Mr. Shelby , Cambridge ;
Captain Lee , Oxford ; George \V. Morris ,
13cavcrC ty ; W. F. Seiver , Heaver City ;
Oliver V&tOAvait , Indiana ; Dick WIrth ,
Ilcudloy. _
A PncktiiK House Sulil.
NcnnxsKvCiTV , Nob. , July 11. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK HUB. ] The sale of tur
trans-Missouri packing house nt this plueo Is
announced. C. L. Hutchinsoa disposes of it
to the Chicago Packing and Provision com.
pany. The house is to bo greatly enlarged
nnd to commence operation * Avith n largct
capacity by Soptoaibor. The cons.iderutioii
was not made public.
To Hulld n NOAV City Hall.
Knxnxur , Nob. , July ll.-r-SiccIal [ ; Telegram
gram to Tins UJIE.I An ordluauco Avas in-
traduced calling for f2r > ,000 In bonds to be
used In the construction of a city hall , con
tnlnlng a rtty prison nnd a place for the stor
ngo of flro apparatus. It passed a seconi
rending nnd Avill bo placed upon Its Una
passage to-morroAV. The bonds will bo oar
rled by u luryo majority for both purposes.
Charged With Seduction.
NKIUHSKV Citv , Nob. , July 11. [ Spccln
Telegram to Tun BEE.J Buffalo county ofil
cars urrestod Kruest ilo isr V.m'6 to-liiglit
charged Vrlih seduction. Ilomurwill bo inker
tor Buffalo county to-morix > AV ,
Iron Moulders' Convention.
ST. Loui , July 11. The cightn nnnu.vl
convoution of tbo Iron Moulders' Union ol
North America began this morning.
Marrlatjo Incenses. ,
The following marrlix-0 licenses \vcro is-
ued yesterday by Jiidgo Shields :
Name nnd Residence. . ' " Ago
\V. Adams , Omaha. . . . . . . , . !
JJeff , Omaha. . . . . . \ \
J John H , Kcos , Omaha , . . : y
\ Mary L. Boyle , Omaha 8 ;
Jo-ieph Outh , Omsha. . . . . 2 !
Hello D.PuU , Omaha. . . . <
Drink Malto a ; soda lounUiu.
J'lio IlrinnltiR of Allco Kelly Kent to
Ccilnr County for Dnrlnl.
Dr.s Moixrs , In. , July ll. [ Spcclnl Tele-
lam to Tin : Hnn. ] The case of the myflter-
OU9 murder of Allco Kdlty nt OUmmvn Is
still occupying the attention of the coroner.
The witnesses to-day described the man last
seen Avith her ns small , smooth fucc With
red oreatidyhair , Avolght nbout 140 pounds
ind AVenrhiK light clothes and n slnnA * hat.
i'lie.inurdcrcd.Avoinnn Avns born nt Inland ,
Jcdnr county. IOAVB , and AA-as but tAA'cnty-slK
, 'cars old. Kite first cnmo into promuicnco
u ls.s" > . In that year she AA'.IS convicted of
nttfiiiptiut extortion from n citizen of
Jackson , Mich. , und .sentenced to the
Detroit house 'of correction for eighteen
months. At the hmno of cor-
-cctlon n nmtiin fur declaring that she hail
> ceu criminally intimate with officials of the
> rlou und any mule visitors she chanced to
ice bccaino more pronounced every diiA * . In
March , ISiO , she AA-ns transferred to the Insane -
sane asylum at loula. A decision of the su-
ircihacouit released her last AA'iiitor. She
AAMS llmilly scat to her sister at Ottuimva.
3ho AVIIS u handsome and Avcll educated
Avoman ,
Her body Avas taken to Cednr county for
> urial to-night. It seems evident ttmt she
md some secret which stio Avas holding over
ho man Aviio murdered her , Avhich led to the
'alal tragedy.
A J > Ilnlstr Killed.
Dfcs MOIXKS. In. , July Jl.T-Spocial ( Tel
egram to Tin : UKU. ] Last night Hov. John
laydeil of Liberty toAviibhlp , Jefferson
ounty , AA-as killcU by the cars on the Hock
slaiul track nctir ins home. Ho had been
Ishlngand AA'.IS Avalklng homo on the track ,
ind It is presumed sat down on the rail nnd
ell asleep. The train coming around a
urA'o .struck him before it could bo stopped ,
( illing him instantly. Ho had been n very
irominunt man in Hint part of the state , liuv-
tig becu a Methodist minister for forty
ears , lllling prominent appointments , nnd
erA'ing sPA'eral terms ns presiding elder.
Ic AA'as elected to thu legislature in IbCS and
served Avitb great eflteichey.
Drowned in tlio Slbttv.
Sioux Cm , In. , July 11. [ Special Tele-
; ram to Tnu llii : . ] Kdward Small , n popu-
aryoung Jnun , tAventy seA-cn yearn old , as-
istant cashier of the Security National bank ,
vils taken Avith cramjis nnd UroAvncd in the
Slouv tivur last night. Tliu body was n -
covered this morning. Small's parents re
side Iu Hartford , Conn.
Tlio Unlvoi-.slty Muddle.
IOWA CITV , July 11. Dr. FclloAVs concluded
lis case of investigation by introducing let-
ers to shoAV IIOAV ho A\'ns regarded by the
alumni , nud , besides his own testimony , thnt
of Prof. Parker , Messrs , Hauncy , Uralncrd
md Hoblnsou. The defense introduced a
ist of political meetings Prof. FelloAA-s at-
cndcd , sheAving the piofessor'.s political nc-
Thn CoUirr-tl lasons.
CJIDAII Kvi'UM , July 11. The grand lodge
of colored Masons elected the following ofll-
ccrs : Grand nmster , , T. K. Hilliard , St. Paul ,
Minn. ; deputy grand master , C. S. Gomer ,
'cdar Hapids ; grand senior wnrdcu , J. S.
"Mai tin , Osk.ilooia ; grand junior AV.irdcn , K.
I' . Banks , DCS Molucv grand treasurer , S.
ox , Kcoktik ; grand secretary , J. K. Gil-
liancr , Keokuk.
The NOAV Yoi-kor AViiis.
Sioux CiTr. la. , July Hi [ Special Teln-
ramtoTnn Bcri ] Tlio foot r.u-o bctAA'cen
Curtis of NCAV York anil Gray of this city to-
lay AVUS Avon by the former by eight foot.
The MCO AVIIS 100 j ards nnd Gray AVIIS given
i shut of ten feet.
An Kxcurslon Fropi Siotiv City.
Sipix CIIAIn. . , July II. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bii : : . ] A special train of SCA-OU
coaches Avill leaA'o here Sunday morning for
Omaha , Avith excursionists to see the base
ball game bctAveen the Omaha nnd Sioux
City clubs.
I3\licrt Tliiovos IlurBlnrlzo Uio Jlotol
of the Iloss Thief Catcher.
NP.AV YOIIK , July 11. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BIR. : ] Burglars Droko into Benja
min West's hotel at Long Brunch , n night or
tAvo ago , Avhcro no less n personage than
Inspector Byrnes Iny sleeping. They robbed
him nnd did it ns though for something higher
than the acquisition'of mere vulgnr sAvag a
sort of professional flourish or advertisement
of their eloA'crness. Ben West's boast is
that nobody was ever nblo to rob his house ,
which is n select place. Ho Avas particularly
proud of his silver Avarc , which is n very
choice collection of many years , and IIOAV it
is all gonb all but one- little pepper castor
nnd Inspector Byrnes' silver nnpltin ring.
Much of it belonged to some of the guests.
Inspector Byrnes Avna thu last person to bed ,
retiring about 1 o'clock Sunday morniiig.
A foAV moments thereafter tlio burglars
began their work on the place. In the mornIng -
Ing nearly everything of value had been
cleaned out. Several thousand dollars worth
of silver ware AA'as missing , tables AA-cro dis
arranged and the floor strewn with odds and
ends aiid broken pieces of plated AA'uro , Avhich
had been lllod nnd tested Avith ncid , and
throAvu nsido or broken up. They replaced
Byrnes' napkin ring , putting it deferentially
Avhero ho AA'ould sea it nnd understand the
situation. Byrnes Is quito crestfallen nnd
cannot yet understand IIOAV it AVIIS done.
A Trusted Clerk Skips With $1OOOO
in Cnsh.
DI-.XVEU , July 11. [ Special Telegram to
Tiu. Bun. ] Charles M. Kittrodgc , a banker
and real estate dealer at No. 1'JO.l Fifteenth
btrcct , Avns robbed on Saturday last of
$10,000. It Is believed from the circum
stances attending tbo affair that Arthur
White , his clerk and cashier , is the perpe
trator of the theft. White- has disappeared
nnd presumably has fled. Ho is nbout nine
teen years of nge , of medium height , has a
smooth face und blonde hair and is neatly
dressed. On Saturday morning lust Mr.
Kittredgo accompanied his family to the
mountains. Ho entrusted everything in his
absence to White. Ho returned Monday
night nnd found that White had not been
seen ut the otllco si net ) Saturday. An Inves
tigation developed the fact that on Saturday
White droAV fclO.OOO from the Colorado Na
tional hank on tlio account of Kittrcdijo &
Co. , which amount lie failed to account forte
to his houso. it is not known wlieru ho has
gone , but detectives have boon put to work
on the case. Whlto's btepfather says thtit
the boy met Avith n soA'ero bieyc'o ' accident a
foAV Avecks nsro , severely injuring his liend ,
and since that time has acted very strangely ,
nnd they uro of the opinion that ho Is par
tially insane.
Their Attorney Assmrcs Thoni That
They Are All lU ht.
MitNisu'OMs ; , July 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tins Bun. ] The Bnrratt boys Avero rea
sonably happy to-day. Tbo stay of sentence
granted by the supreme court until the ap
peal is decided menus u postponement of
punishment for several months nt least ,
with a clmn'co for a now trial ut the onO
of that time. Above all , the boys
have the great "Bill" Ewlng. "tho man
of many dOA'K'es , " und ho AA-HI surely find
some mccns of saving their uccks. That
is Avlmt ho tolls thorn , und the
bellovo him Implicitly. To all appearances
the hanging Avill not IIOAV tako.jiluce , if ut nil ,
until the latter pact of November. The supreme
premo court mccU about thu first of October ,
und nn effort will bo niadoto huvo the case ;
como on the first day of the term. In thnt thp bupreuia cour will bo able to arrive
at a dooUIon about the first of November ,
and will probably fix the day for the cxccu-
.tlon nt the tune the final decision is made. II
is probable that the court will glvo the boy ;
a short time to say tholr prayers. This AvouU
bring the date of oxo eutlon pretty close to
the 1st of Dscombcr ,
The Amalgamated Sonic.
PiTTsnuno , Julyn. . Tlio amalgamated
= s'iu was signed by Jones it Laughlln , of the
American Iron Avorks , and also by the Gate
City Iron company , of Alabama.
fa. . .
Stock Shippers Hold a Rampant
Session at South'Omaha.
Country lliiyors Would Keep the. Jinn
\VK ) > Unifies tho- Product lu
nuc of MM Vnltio by
UiiilircaHliiK | tlio I'rcus.
Iilvo Stock Shippers' Mi-rtlni : .
Tlio Live Stock Shippers' association mot
nt South Onmlia yesterday , ami transacted n
cortiiln amount of business tlmt was no doubt
satisfactory to thciiisclvcH , but which wouhl
be decidedly othcnvlso to tlio fnnuers and
commission inun of tlio state. jAmong these
ire-tent Averts President .1. A. ICclioo of
? lnlto Center , and Vico-I'rcsldont K. ti ,
Martin , Jnmes U.uily and D. Anderson.
Secretary Wiggins was also on hand , along
Avith Ti pasurcr , T. G. Smith. The other mem-
jers ] ) rescnt , Averc , A. .1. Vail , J. W. Slockor ,
John Lcnipke , U. King , .T. W. Lynch , .1. G.
Hall and A. O. Vlrgon. Houtino business
vns quickly disXsed ] of , nnd then they et-
led doAvn to Avhat nffectctl them the most.
They had nsked for free passes to
nnd from the convention , and the
Union Pacific had offered them nato
ate at n fare nnd a third , Avlilch Avas de
clined Avith thanks on the motion of D. An-
lorson , of South Omaha. Then an attempt
vas made to prcA'cnt the commission houses
rom sending out- agents to divert tr.ido to
South Omaha , and a resolution Avas put by X
Vf. Stocker , of IOAVU , to the folloAving effect :
Whcrca , There nro certain commission
Irms nt those yards Avho arc buying stock at
Uo different stations In the country , through
nen employed by them Avho huvo neither
noney nor local credit , in competition Av'ith
CRiilar shippers. Now , therefore , bet it
Kcjolved , By the members of this nssocia-
ion , that AVO tliscoiintenanco this pr.\ctico ,
md Avill Avithhold shipments from such Unas
md discour.igo oilier shippcis fiom pationl/-
UK them.
Vice President Martin faA-orcd the resolu-
ion , and in addition only wanted ono stock
oport to bo regarded as official , instead of
laving all the Omaha dailies sending out
> ricc lists.
.lames Daiiley , of Ashland , AA'.TSof the same
opinion , and objected to the Omaha dailies
felting market reports. He went further ;
10 objpcted to tlio South Omaha commission
ncn sending out the local panels containing
ivo stock reports to the farmers of iho state ,
and advocated that in future tlio meetings of
ho association bo considered as being exorti-
ive , and from which nil reporlois be ex
Secretary Wiggins AVUS in favor of every
thing spoken about except that regarding the
newspapers , and he As-anted them to send
abroad all and oA'ery Information they could
obtain about the markets.
Vice President Martin said if they could
ircA'ont the sending out of thd local stock
iipcra nnd Avithhold the inaikct reports
rom the Omaha dailies , not oao runner in
> 00 wouhl take a paper.
A. J. Bennett , of'Vail , protected against
.ill these iostrictions against the daily papers.
Flo got most of his information fiom the
Dninhu dailies , because they reached him
.Avonty-four hours ahead of the stock pajiars.
He Avanted thorn all to publish all the information
mation they could get on the market.
.1. C. Hall , of Gibbon , objected to all at-
; ompts to keep the fanners in the dark as to
luotations , because he prefeued dealing
with a man AVtio wus posted rather than with
n man that Avas not.
President ICohoc Avas glad ho Avas present ,
uecauso he had learned something fiom
the gentleman Avho came fiom Iowa , llo
would favor the appointing of : i committed
to draft a icsolutiou providing for Uie asso
ciation meeting tlio next time ( October ) in
executive session , from Avhich all ne\va-
l > aper men Avould be excluded. Ho thought
.it present commission men had the local
shippers by the throat and the time had
come for the shippers to do some actiA'o
Avorlc. If the commission men Avould not
desist from sending out "drummeis" ho
thought they ought to establish a live stock
commission Him of their owu and consign all
their stock to tliein.
J. W. Stacker AVUS not in favor of appoint
ing any ono llrm to act for them and thought
thu commission men should bo notified that
if they persisted in the practice the associa
tion Avould appoint representatives of their
Another member then suggested that the
best Avay to prevent this \\oiild bo to appoint
iv "spotter" to keep track of the firms sending
out agents. Tills AA'ould enable the members
to keep clear of the firms so transgressing.
Second Vice President Danby moved that
acommission firm bo established within thirty
da } s , but no one seconded it.
On motion the secretary Avas Instructed to
notify members to bo present at the October
session , as the question of erecting n render-
inn establishment of their OAVII Avould bo dis
cussed. The impression seemed to bo that
the shippers Avoro not getting full value for
their detul hogs , and they could do bolter if
tlioy rendered them themselves. Complaints
Avero made that too much dockage AVUS
charged for piggy fcOAvs and stags , and lifter
rousting the railroads it Avas suggested they
would have u full attendance if fret ] passes
Avero granted the members.
Then they adjourned.
This Year's Assessment.
The board of equalization has completed
its labors for South Omaha , and the result ,
so far as real property 1 * concerned , Avill
leuA-e the umounl just nbout AvhatTiiri BII :
stated it Avonld uo-l,000,000. To this will
bo added the amount of ptn-sonal property ,
jind upon this the board is IIOAV at AA'ork.
Changes have been mailo In the
assessment of leal estate , some
of the outside property being loAvcred ,
Avhile that in the vicinity of the stock yards
and in the business portion hits been raised
The totnl amount , hoAvever. will bo about as
stated. The leA'y for all county purposes
will be 14 mills on thu dollar throughout thu
county , and the state tax about 0 mills. What
the l"cnl loA'y Avill be has yet to bo decided
by the county.
A Heal Kstnlo SI an Arrested on Tliat
E. AylosAA'ortb , n real estate dealer , passed
the. night peeping through the bars of cell
No. 2 of the police station. The charge
against him Is obtaining money under fulso
pretenses , nnd Colonel Flood of the Diamond
mend , and Goodly Uruekor are both losers by
his frauds. On last Saturday night he pre
sented to Colonel Floyd a check for $10 on
the United States National bank. The check
Avas signed Avith the name M. M. AylesAvorth ,
the Avifo of the person presenting the check.
The colonel cashed the check , but on present
ing It to the bunk ho found it AVUS worthies * .
Ho notified AylesAVorth of this , but ho failed
to make Hull right. Bruckcr had a similar
experience Avith the sharper und both ho anil
the colonel sAvoro out Avarrants for Ills ar
rest. Ho Avas taken into custody about 810 ; !
last evening.
AVIchlta Cur Stables Ditrncd.
WICHITA , Kan. , July 11. [ Special Tele
gram to THK BEK.I The stables of tlio
AVIcbltu Street raiKvay company Avcro burncil
this morn'mjr. Forty mules perished. Will-
inm GuntA' , Tobias Milo and William Hose
Avero badlv burned Gunty , It is thought ,
fatally. Vf. Murphy , another emploio-
The Weather Indications.
Nebraska Continued high temperature
fair , folloAVcd Thursday by cooler local rains
generally southerly AVinds.
loAva Continued biph temperature ; fair ,
folloAVcd Thursday by cooler local rains ; gen
crully southerly Avluds.
Dakota Cooler ; fair ; northerly Avlnda.
Dr. Hamilton Wurroil , Magnetic Phy-
sieiun and surgeon. Room. 3 Crounso
block , cocner lotn and'Cnpltol ayonuo.
Chronic and nervous discuses iv special
ty. Telephone 044.
Go to Pries lake for family , club und
school ulcuics.
Ycstcrilny'n AVlnncru In the Nntlonnl
lu'ajjuo Contests.
iNWA.VAt'ou .luiy 11. HosultOf to-day's
game :
Indianapolis fl 00000200 2
NCAV York..ij : } 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 r.
Pitchers HeftfcV for Indianapolis , Keefo
for NeAV Vorkl t Btiso hits Indianapolis ( t ,
NCAV York ll. ! Iji'hirs Indianapolis (5 ( , Now
York 0. Umpiro'Vnlontiue
G'miuio ' , July ' . "ll. " Result of to-day's
ciuuo :
Washington. . . .1,0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 5
Chicago ' l 1 003020 * 7
I'ltck-w KroW 'for Chicago , O'Day for
Washington. IJaVO hlts-CliicaL-o 7 , Wash
ington 7 , Krrors Ulilengo T , Washington 0.
Umpire Lynch.
Durnorr , July 11. Kesult of to-day's
game :
Philadelphia..0 00030100 4
Detroit 1 1 n 0 1 0 0 0 (5 (
Pltcliers-Gloason for Philadelphia , Bald-
Avin for Detroit. Base lilts Philadelphia 11 ,
Detroit II. Krrors Philadelphia ! l , Do-
trolt 2. Umpire Kelly.
I'lTTsiumu , July 11. Result of to-day's
game :
Pittsburg , 0 03240000 3
Boston 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 (1 (
Pitchers Morris for Pittsburg , SnAvders
For Boston. Buso hits Pittsburg ll ! , Bos
ton 14. Errors Pittsburg 1 , Boston 0. Um
pire Daniels.
Amrrlcnii AHHMOcintinn.
KANSAS CITV , July 11. Kesult of to-day's
KnnmsCity 2 00000000 2
Bultluiore 2 20U'JOOO 0
Brighton Kench Uuccs.
Niw : YOIIK , July 11. The results on a
heavy track at Brighton Beach to-dav AA-ero :
Tin ce-foui His of n mile Cun't Tell Avon ,
Jorroi-co second , SaA'age third. Time 1 t'Jl.
SoA'cn-elghts of a mile Miss Charmer
Avon , Obelisk second , Andy Mac third. Time
1:31. :
Ono and one-eighth miles Wayward Avon ,
Greenlleld second , J. J. Ilealy third. Time
_ > . ( ) . ' .
One and one-eighth miles Dan Avon , Gar-
ict second , Pilot third. Time L'.OJ.
One and one-fouith mill * Valet Avon , Car-
llnnl McCloskv second , Charley Uussell
third. Tlinc-'J.iri } , , .
Three-fourths of a mile Arrla A\'on ,
Vtinilln Filley second , Valinnt third. Tjme-
At AVuHhiiifilon 1'ark.
Ciucuii ) , July 11. At Washington park'
to-duy the track AVUS still heavy , preventing
good timo. The attendance Avas good.
Six furlongs Shotover Avon , Gleaner sec
ond. Time 1:18. :
One nnd onc-ck'hth miles Bonita AA-OH ,
Somerset second , Frederick third. Time
Ji.ijf. : (
Tliree-quarters of a mile Unvillato AAOII.
ilimloocnift second , Bulsou a clo o third.
rime Itisif.
One and one-sixteenth miles Maori Avon ,
Mich second , Tudor third. Time 1 : r.r.4. '
One mile 15usine .s Avon , Kensington second
end , Antonis third. Time 1 S1 .
An Unrounded Humor.
KANMS CITV , July 11. [ Special Tele-
ftam to Tin : Ttni : . ] The story sent out
rom St. Louis that "Tip" O'Neill , of the
31. Louis BroAvns , Avas to he exchanged for
Manager Sum Barkley , of the cowboys , is
entiielv Avithout foundation. Buiklei Avill
remain in Kunsas Cliy.
I'lnnioiHl Flashes.
The Western association will not disband.
EA'orybody is un ous to sco the Sioux
Citys. ; ,
Minneapolis has. ii HCAV pitcher named
March. j
What has become of "Columbus , " the
nascoti i f
n'i'ho Sioux Citys will bo hero to-dav for
! our games. - "
St. Paul is clinchiifc her hold on the cham
pionship Hag. . ' '
One or IAVO of tlio present team Avill bo let
out this Aveek. , ' , - , ,
Tlic Brooklyns Imyo iclcnscd Silch. Ho
goes to Buffalo. <
O'Connell Avill be ready Sunday to iesumo
lis position at ilrst.
Minneapolis , Manager Gooding Avritcs TIIK
Bur , Avill sticlt the season through.
The leaders m the pennant chase , the St.
Pauls , Avill not bo here until August.
McGarr or Shannon hereufter will play
second , Crooks third nnd Miller short.
The Western association umpires receive
S100 moro pay than the members of the league
No word has as yet been received from
[ in roll. He Is up in Dakota somewhere
"punching" cattle.
Dolan and Cautz , ol tlmtlcfunct St. Louis
Whites , haA'o been signed by the Browns.
Nyco has gone to Toledo.
Anyway , the Oniahus have at last got
their the ball and the - -
eyes upon AA-UJ- they
line 'cm out is exhilarating to behold.
The Avenkncss and inconsistency of the
Western association schedule becomes moic
und moro apparent as the season advances.
Lovott has yet for the first time to com
plain of n soio arm. He is ono of those level-
ncadcd plaicrs who takes cine of himself.
Flynn Avill bo put in the points in ono of
the games with Sioux City , piobably on Fri
day. Ho is to have ono more thoiough ti iul.
Umpire Hagan has given vry good satis
faction here. Ho is a tr ] llo off on balls and
strikes occasionally , as are the best of them.
Generally , however , he is correct.
A big crowd Avill evidently turn out to see
the Old Oinalin players , Bailer and Genius ,
to day. And , by thu Avav , Jack
Sliced , Avas u member of the old Union Pa-
From this on the Oinalin publio can expect
bettor bull at the hands of their pets. With
the addition of McJaritho HCAV second
baseman , and Shuoft'or , lite soul hern pitcher ,
they will bu in shape to keep them all guess
There is n good deal of talk about an east
ern clique riinning the bull team. This is nil
poppycock. Manager Soleo has no fuvoutos ,
and if a man demonstrates that lie is Incapa
ble of lllling his position he will bo let out.
While Shannon has not been playing n
first class short , he has been hitting the ball
sqiiuro on the nose. In the series of games
Just closed ho made two homo runs , two
three buggers and two singles a totulof six
teen buses.
The Omaha management has signed a
ncAV pitcher , Shueffcr , of the Birmingham ,
Southern League , team. Hu Avill bo hero
Saturday. Slmeffer is said to bo a good man.
Ho is n right hander , has great speed , and
has the most deceptwo CUTA-US.
rtanold Axle Orcaso Tor Corn Salve
Composition ol Toothache Drops.
"I AViiut tv box of , tlio cheapest nxlo
grouse in stock , one-half pint of alcohol ,
ono oiinco Of oil of inuatiml , tbreo do/.Qii
binnll tin Halve boxes and the sumo nifni-
bor of ono-hiilf ounce vinls. "
Now tluit AA-ns tibrliiinly u queer look-
infr purchnso for /suoh nn ' 'ornory"
looking folloAV to bo mitkiiiH1. So the asked hjm.khully to t-oino in
niul look tit liin sainnlcs wliou the wlno
in them AVIIS roil , nud lie boon hud the
fakir , for such ho was , making u con-
fc.ssion to him. ' And this AVHS the drift
of it.
"Those things coat wfc loss than 70
conts. I shall boll. the boxes nnd vials
Avhon they uro filled at 2-5 cents each-
six do/en in all , equal to $18. But I
huva material biilliciont for twice that
number of boxes and vials , t-o tluit for
about iJO cants more , or $1 in all. I shall
realize ? ; iJ. ( Any trouble to sell. Not
a , bit of it. I' rarely stop nt n farm
house that I fall to sell ono of each
sometimes IAVO , throe or a half do/.on ;
Avlillo at every village I enter do/.on
or so go oil likq hot cnkos. What is-lt ,
you say , and how do I work UV Noth
ing simpler. Thu axle grease goes into
the iiu boxes. I um not ask for the
cheapest to save money , but for the
Bmoli. I've done considerable patent
medicine reniltne nnd have found that
the A'iler tlio Binoll the readier It soils.
This nxlo grease , once it is in the tiny
"tin box , I call it corn bjilvc receipt ob
tained from a Siouy * niediuino mini.
Nine people in ton in the .country huvo
Blirlinglon BuflinStonl
. ' ' The Burlington takes the lead.
' .
It was in advance of all lines .in developing Nebraska'
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
. Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
. , Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone ,250.
Depot on Tenth Street. . . . . -
corns on their foot , and a s-inglo Mnoll
of the stiill is enough to effect a sale.
In the visils I pour two tablohpouiisful
of alcohol , ilvo or six drops of the-
oil of mustard and fill it up with Avuter.
The vial then becomes toothache
drops , Avhich I learned how to nvako ( I
nil-nil J toll the people this ) from a Turk
A\hose life I sived in the sea of Mar
mora , and he'srnvo mo the recipe out of
gratitude. There's lots of toothache
ainong farmers , their AVIA-CS and diuigh-
lors. Ah to their virtue' . , what of Unity
Farmers are the most credulous people
ujider the sun. and their wlf-esteem ,
tlie biinip of Avhich ib a\\fully big , but
makoa inii | ) ition iion | them more onsv.
There are probably lumdredb of men in
the United Statec engaged , like me , in
bulling nostrums to village and country
people , not one of Avhom knows or fiires'
Avhether there bo virtue in them. Do [
over bear from those T have vh'limi/ed'j1
Blobs you , this country is big and Avldc ,
mid I never return the way I go , and
am dibindincd lo boll at the houses at
Avhich I put up/or the night until the
following morning. I give it to you
straight , young man , I do not miss a bale
one time ; in ten , and Averot not so averse
to gadding about I should folloAV this
busincbs as a livelihood. There's ton
times as much in it as in farming. "
Old Marino Ideas In NCAV Gavl ) That
Have Iloon 1'utcntt'd lleoently.
"It ijubt thirty-live years this biim-
mor .since the Ih-ft attempt Avns made to
build a six-day Liverpool packet , " taid
a South street shinning merchant the
other day. in sneaking to a representa
tive of the NOAV York Sun , "und ,
although the recent record of tlio Ktru-
ria has almost miulo her n six-day
Quoenstown packet , the six-day steamer
to Liverpool is still to be built.
l > Jn Ib- ) : ; William Norris , a Philadel
phia engineer , contracted AviUi John
VV. Orilliths , a NOAV York marinearchi-
toi't , to build iv steamer that should
average IK } nautical miles an hour ,
carry from UO to § 0 lirnt cabin passen
gers , real for 3,000 miles , and tiie mails ,
the Avhole to cot $120,000. Hho AVUB de
signed to bo USl feet long on the water
line , 37 foot Avido , nnd 10 feet . ' ! inches
deep , with a displacement , Avhen loaded
and coalutl ( she carried 400 tons of coal ) ,
of ii7 : ! tons. With jjiiddlo wheels I > 0
Joel in diaiiiotor. turned by an engine
that bad a t-ylindor bix foot in dianieler.
ll. Norris and Mr. Oritl'tliH believed
she would make 18 } knots an hour , and
so cross to Liverpool in six days. But
Mr. Norris became bankrupt before the
vebbclvas completed. Anoljier man
bought her , piled on tAvo more docks
and reduced her power. Kvon then
Bho made 1" miles au hour nyainsl Avind
and tide in smooth water. Perhaps as
debigned bho Avould have'made the 18J
Icijots expected of _ lior.
"It AVIUS t-omo time before nnothor nt-
ttMiipt to build a six-day ttoamer , Avas
nmde. but Avitliin recent yours the idea
does not suism bo jiropostorous'as it did
Avhou thoiiAorngo time AVIIS eleven days.
With each year Die number of invent-
Ofb Avlio try to solve tbe problem in
creases , and binco January 1 this year
no lebS than a dozen patents have boon
issued to men who have plans for in
creasing the sposd of steamships.
"It is not long since a press dispatch
from Pittsburg told of a vessel building
there Avliich Avould make from thirty-
live to forty miles an hour at least.
Nothing has boon heard from the vessel
hlnce that time in the daily press dis
patches , but a patent has recently boon
issued to William Johnson , of Pittsburg ,
for tin invention which is probably the
one in nuustion. Nothing seems more
roiibonablo to the novice than to suppose
that great spued would bo obtained if a
belt could bo run ever band wheels
forward and aft on each sida of the ship ,
BO that pnddles sot at right angles to the
bolt could dip in the water as the bolt
traveled aft and then pass through the
air on the part of the bolt going for-
Avurd. Tlio Marquis do JolVrio tried it
Avithout success at Lyons , Franco in 1782 ,
nnd William Johnson has obtained a
patent on a modification of the idea in
1888. Mr. Johnson used sv Avide chain
instead of It bolt. William H. Silsby ,
of Martin's Ferry , Cal. , has also patent
ed a moilitlcation of thu idea , his p.ite.nt
covering pnddlos of the T-iron shape
riveted to a bolt.
' 'Another patent issued shows nnothor
interesting revival of nn old idea.
KmanuolJrilTont of Bordeaux , Franco ,
Jiss patented a modification of the
duck's-foot propeller which Mr , John
Melville brought out in 1831. The now
invention consists of a shaft on each
uldo of the ship , with n vide fan on the
outboard end. As the shaft is miJved
forward the fan is lifted out ot UIQ
water by 'tho rotation of the 3hut. (
Then the fun dips down in the Avator
und iti shoved uft again. Whut would
be done with it in n boa way AVO do not
"More practical arc the putenis issued
for modification of the MM-OW propeller ,
of Avhich llvw have been taken out since
.limitary 1. Mr. Alex. Vogclslaug , of
this city , patents a wheel in wliich IAVO
of the blades cut into the Avatcr for-
Avnrd of tlio vertical piano pa od
through the hub at right-angles Avilh
the shaft and the two aft of it. Jason
S. Bishop , of Olenn , N. Y. , by means of
a hollow shaft Avhicliorks nlecvo fash
ion around a solid shaft , turns n two-
bladed right-handed AAhcel one WII.A and
atwobhuiedlfft-hanileil AvliOol Ihoo'ther.
Mr. John K. T. Bnrtlett , of this city ,
patents a wheel the blades ot AA'hich arc
curved in the line of a parabolic gen
eratrix to form a driving-Mirface. con-
sibting of a heiluidnl parabolic surface
of ruAolution , and so combined Avilh the
projiL-Hc shaft that a piano pa cd
through the axis of the bhnf t Avill inter
ned the driving suuface of each
blade in a parabola , all of AA-hich
you Avill understand if you ttro a nuitlie-
inatician. W. N. ( . 'handler , of Norwood ,
N. Y. , patents a propeller A--Jio o hub
surface is parallel Avith the axis , and is
circled by tA\o or moro integral , inde
pendent spiral , somi-circuinforeiitial
blades whoso hub surface Jb parallel
with each other. Walter L. Strong
patents a screw propeller oj ordinary
form , with it thin hoop or tire secured
to and including the forward portion of
each blade.
"Last Of all comes the man with a IIOAV
form of buoyant propeller. A couple of
years ago the Sun described a sort of a
Avalk-in-tho Avator , in Avhieh a man
proposed to secure large hollow Avhcols
or cylinders to the corners of a triangu
lar frame , and by revolving them in the
AA'ntor cause tlio machine to go forward.
Instead of cylinders , Urigon Vandon-
burg burrouiids.big hollow shafts Avith
open-mouthed air chambers. If you
Avill take a do/.on corned-beef cans from
which the tops have been removed , and
place them hide by bide so that they
form a periphery around a short shaft ,
you Avill get the idea. Such u cylinder
Avould get 11 grip on the Avntor , sure
enough , but no one at present expects it
to develop into a six-day Liverpool
"There is ono thing that encourages
these patentees of modifications of
old ideas , and thnt is the succors al
ready attained by the screw propeller.
In Hobort MacFarlano'.s 'History of
Propellers , ' published in 1651 , the
author says that 'ucrow propulbion is
now regarded as more economical than
side whoolrt , but only as auxHlinry to
sails , for thuya re not no fast as timm-
ors Avith side wheels , ' while the Mer
cantile Mnriiiu Maga/.ino of London , no
longer ago than 180:2 : ventured to > ay
that A\hilo the .screw would undoubtedly
bo. used exclusively for freight boats in
Uie future , it could never bo applied to
Liverpool packets , whuro Speed was of
prime importance. "
The message boxes of Ttn : Bun are
proving u great convenience to the
Somn Queer Stories ol' the Dakota
Hail Ijandir' .
St. Louis Post-Dispatch : "Talking
about murder as a , fine art , " said A. J.
Fleasanton , who lives up near thu
Dakota Bud lands and to Avhom the
gruesome subject had boon suggested
by a reference to the Maxwell case ;
' talcing about murder MS a line art I
am reminded of , the perfection to Avhich
the saff and scientific slaying of one's
fellow-men was brought many years ago
in the nortlnvest , and Avhich opened my
eyes not , a litthj to the muthous of tlio
mining mon among whom 1 Avont to live
Avhen 1 first visited thy Blai-k Hills.
NOAV , don't understand menu inveighing
against , the Avcst nnd its border llfo , or
critici/ing for criticism's sake the code
of moral.1 of the pioneers. Far from it.
The country ofhich 1 spoalc is
misroproMonted enough , und its
manners hold up to a gibing
public by reckless writers too often fin1
me to .sircngtluMi the impression that
the frontiersman is normally a cut
throat. What I do AA-ant to ay is that
thrro is no more dangerous man on
earth than the citi/on ot it frontier town
Avhen he becomes absolutely convinced
.that ho must have the life of an enemy.
Times are changing nownnd the period
is passing mvny Avhen each ono sot himself -
self up for an ull-sulliciont judge of per
sonal right and wrong. People go to
law Avliero they formerly readied for
the weapon , and Blaukstono is
resorted to oftcnor than the boAvie-
knife. But it was ilitToront Avhon I first
Avont Avost , say Avhon the Homo Stake
mines - of their first
AVOI-Q pillaged big-
pay dirt , and I mu t confess that my
heart failed mo until I grow accustomed
lo the now order of things. Mind you ,
I am not speaking of dcsperadocM.
but of mon AA-ho made a murder
iv necessity Avhon confronted by
some stern situation , and Aviio
Avould go to Avork in the most cold
blooded manner imaginable in order to
attain thoirend. It was very terrible
to my inexperienced mind when Jim
Waters , AVO Avill call him , for I don't
Avish to revive unpleasant recqllections
up at home , shot down a man who stood
high in our little community of minors
and traders iv few miles to the north of
Sturgis , in a little town that hus long
since boon abandoned. Waters had
made up his mind to kill his enemy.and
hoAv do you suppose ho Avont about it' ?
Why , in true Avestern 'fashion , for ho
had no desire of having his nock
stretched for his pains. The party of
Avhich his foe was a member was workIng -
Ing a claim just across the ridge from
us , and ono flno morning Waters BUAV
ills man slowly Avnlking along Jho
summit of thu ribO , ax in hnTid ,
looking for lire-wood. His mind
was made up in au instant ,
and he quietly loft camp in the direc
tion of his onomy. Wo could hour noth
ing of the quarrel. The first tiling that
wo knoAv Avas that Walters hud turned
nnd wus miming at full speed , pursued
by the man whom I AVUS afterward con
vinced ho bud deliberately sturlcd out
to kill. The pui-buer pained a little
and raised bio iixo us if to strike , and
then AVO saw Waters turn and halt.
There wus a litllo pull'of smoke , the
crack of a six-shootor , and the limn with
the axe AVUS dead. Solf-do/unso / , Avusn't
itV Of course thiit'tthat the witnesses
Hworo and Avhat 1 swore , though wo foil
in our hearts that Waters AVUS a cold
blooded murderer. I merely toll you
this to illustrufo what I call 'western
tucticd. ' The went is my homo now ,
and I lOveMt , but I rccognix.o its faults ,
and am only too glad to sec the tdo | of
tenderfoot setting our Avay.
rivco a Ravishing
ly Fair Skin.
for the F e ; Neck
Arm * & Hud *