Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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f The intcrnnl rovcnuo collections yes
terday amounted to * 9fi"l.W ) .
I'otor Itocuo , of Mossra. Hocco Urns. ,
commission merchants , hits just boon
appointed a unt for the Anchor Line
Eteiuiinhip coniiiny. ) )
A llttlo son of John Davis , reading
nbnr the corner of Cuss and Tlllrty-llrrit
streets , fell Irom itn unprotected porch
ycalonlny and received serious but not
dangerous injuries.
Yesterday the chief of police received
from the Fourth of July committee $05
for the police who took part in the pa
rade , and added so greatly to UH appear
ance. The inonov will IKJ equally divided
vided among the "men and will amount
to ubout il per head.
II. A. Hull , of Hnvcnnn , w lit the Windsor.
Mr. A. It. Graham , of Winner , is in Omnlm.
Mr. .Tunics II. Holtuan , of Linuolli , Is In tlio
Mr. W. 11. Kelly , of Lincoln , Is ut the Mil-
Mr. II. T. Jones , of Scward , Is u Mlllanl
Mr. J. O. White , of Lincoln , Is a I'nxton
Mr. W. II. Vnncc , of Crete , was In the city
Mr. ] ' . A. Donncll , of Lincoln , Is a Wind-
Bor guest ,
Mr. II. L. Hrooltllelil , of Cherokee. In. , Is
nt the Windsor.
Mr. mid Mrs. J. M. Grlflltli , of Wahoo , are
nt the Mlllurd.
Honoralile John C. Watson , of Nebraska
City , is nt the 1'axton.
Messrs. F. M. Parks , E. J. Dlckcrson and
W. M. Nichols , of Atlantic , is in the city.
Mrs. V. A. Whitney and Mrs , S. Huhbard
Have arrived in the city from Fort Niobrarn.
Messrs. H. K. Amlrus and John S. West ,
of Lincoln , were Omaha vlsitots yesterday.
Who Arc They ?
Jimmy Kcnmtrd , of St. Paul , writes the
s porting cilitorof Tin : UCK that ho Is matched
to Ik-lit Tommio Connor to a ilnlsli in Omaha
for the gate receipts.
Ilcr'H Trlii I TiikeM rince To-day.
The case against Joseph D. Her , Low Hib-
bcn , E. Gorman , W. Hognn and two others ,
charged with unlawfully Holliuj ; liquor on
the fair grounds on the Hist day of the r.ices ,
anil which was to have been heard yesterday
afternoon , was put off till to-duy at 'J o'clock.
HelMufM-cnt Kalians.
Peter llcunt and another Italian , whoso
Urn and musical name the police could not
Understand , and who was Instead registered
under the name of John Doc , engaged in a
Woody light In Dago alley last evening. One
was armed with a club mid the other with an
fax , each using tlio most frantic endeavors to
kill his opponent. After thev had pretty
well dlsllpnred each other , both were ar-
rcsflod by the polico.
Stealing Slioon.
It. A. Clark , an old time robber and crook ,
was caught In the act of stealing a pair of
pliocs from the store of Bowman & Duncan
last evening. He will now get a chance to
revisit his old haunts , the city jail , again.
Clark is the man who cherished a grudge
against Joe LouUwood , the Uarncau diamond
robber , anil pouched on him. IIo alto ac
companied Captain Green on his trip to Kan-
Baa City and Identified him for the ofllccr.
An Important Ottlor.
The latest Instructions f r.un Washington
concerning the regular troops are. First ,
that no United States Infantry , cavalry , or
artillery shall attend In form or participate
hereafter in any of the movements or en
campments of the Grand Army of the He-
public. Second , that army oflleors sliall dis
continue the practice of acting as Judges and
rCfvrccs at competitive- drills , and In general
shall have no formal connection with militia
troops or organ l/atlous. Consequently the
minimi encampment of tlio Grand Army of
the Republic at Norfolk this year will bo
without its greatest attractions , namely , the
drills of the light b.ittcne.s and the
tiham-battlo by . the regular infantry.
A Now Hrand Bully and Assault nn
A new phase of the H. & M. strike has
been developed by nn incident that occurcd
last night. It seems that after the lights of
last week the U. & M. Imported a new brand
of hirelings in the shape of ten or a dozen .so-
called detectives. They arc under the direc
tion of one Frank Pccnio , of Lincoln , and the
samples seen last night were rather rough
looking fellows. The new spotters have sig
nalized their advent with a high-handed
outrage that appeals to our common
humanity to uo denounced as brutal and with
out excuse.
A stockbuvcr named G. E. Dunn came to
Omaha to sell a load of cattlo. He lives at
Elwood , Neb. , and has been In business there
several years. Ho was at the B. it M. depot
last night waiting to take the train home.
While seated in the waiting room tie was approached
preached by a stranger who asked :
"Where are you going 1"
"Goinu homo , " wns the nnswcr.
"Let urn see your ticket. "
"What for ! I don't know you. "
"Well , let's see it. I'll glvo it back. "
"No , sir. I don't know why I should show
you" my ticket , " was the reply.
"I'll show you - quick that you
must let me sec that ticket , " threatened the
He was joined by two others during the
conversation. Thny were meanly cldthcil ,
ill looking , with no star or other article- in
sight to indiiMto that they were olllccrs , and
Dunn thought he had fallen Into hard com
pany , who wcro trying to rob him. Ho arose
to seek the protection of a policeman , mid
the t-pottcr hit him a list blow. Dunn tncn
ran out of the depot , and the three bullies
after him. They overtqok the stockman ,
knocked him down and began to
kick him , when special Ofllccr Foley
put in mi appearance. The rufllans fled , but
shortly afterward their ringleader was ar
rested and jailed. Ho gave his name as
James Wattcrnon. Dunn was taken to the
station to Identify the follow , and agreed tote
to stay over to appear against him to day.
Dunn was not seriously hurt.
Watterbon offered no explanation or evi
dence of his authority to make a demand
upon.Dunn. . Ho may have suspected the
stockman of being a striker or ono of Ihelr
BymuathUtrs , but there can be no excuse for
this outrage.
Tlio Whisky Trust to lOreot One With
u Capacity of IIOO , ( ) ( ) ( ) linMiclrt.
The gratifying information has been re
ceived by Tun Bm : that P. E. Her had been
given permission by tlio Western Distillers'
association to piocced Immediately with , the
. erection ut this jilaco of nu elevator witli
n capacity of 000,000 bushels. This will bo
used- mainly for corn and will 1
bo used for distribution to the
distilleries of the whUky trust as may bo
required. Tlio building will bo erected , It is
thought , on the grounds adjoining the WIli
low Springs distillery , which nro already
very well supplied with trucks. This will
tnuko Omaha n purchusing as well us a dis
tributing | K > lnt for tlio great quantity
of corn required by the trust , a matter which
will be greatly appreciated by tlio farmers
throughout the state. 1'liu elevator will in-
cruaso the gram trade hero by 50 per cent ,
and will increase the competition
Which has long been clamored for
In this community. Tlio detitlU of the
schema have not yet been announced , and
will not bo until the return of Mr. Her , who
U now in Chicago ,
Tills new industry , taken ( n connection
with the dcblro of the ImHl of trade to rush
its ojKin board , ns appears clsowlioru , affords
u grateful prospect of Omulm's advancement
In a greatly desired direction.
Two Boya Under Arrest Vov u Juw <
olry Ilurdlary.
Johnny Concr and James Collins , twc
youthful but abandoned young criminals 01
about fourteen , wcro arrested last evening
for burglarizing n jewelry store on South
Thirteenth street about two weeks ago.
Four gold watches and n gold pin were taken
by tlicin , Conor disposed of his booty In Don
Molncs , but Cdlllns kept his mid it led to his
apprehension. Concr is the son of n rcspctu-
bio til id Industrious father , but Collins comes
from n hard nest. Collins' father Is the man
who has been sending nls children out to beg
by telling n made-up story about sickness and
misfortune at homo , when In reality every
thing was screna there. The old man was
the occupant of ono of the central station
cells last Sunday evening. There has been
but llttlo crime and dovollshncss perpetrated
on South Thirteenth street during the past
year but what the Collins' or their cousins ,
the McDonalds , have played n prominent
part In it. The leniency of the Judge appears
to have very little effect upon them and they
doubtless will be sent to the reform school
for this offense.
Tlio wonderful scenery along tlio
Dalles of the Columbia rivet1. Oregon ,
can bo reached to advantage only by
The Board of K < | tinll/.atl < m
The County Clerk's Proposition1 * .
Saturday night notices were sent to about
live hundred persons whos.o property valua
tion had been raised by the board of equal-
Iratlon , and the rooms of the latter wcro
thronged yesterday with protesting citl/ens.
The county commissioners will meet this
afternoon to make their lux levy.
County Clerk Hocho will present a reso
lution "that the rate of levy certified to the
county clerk for school district purposes and
village taxes be and they are hereby ap
proved and made the tax levy for said pur
poses , as follow * * , to-wlt !
The county clerk will also introduce the
following :
Kesolvcd , Thnt the sum of * . ' ! bo charged.
tiKiilnst each person returned by the several
assessors us being liable to : i labor tax , nnd
that nil of said taxes bj extruded on tlio tux
list of said county by the county clerk us pro
vided by law.
This labor tax is nsTcssed only in country
precincts nnd may bo In cash or by labor on
the highways. A certificate from n road
supervisor will be accepted In Jleu of cash.
Jlorsf'orcl'H Ac ! < l I'hosjiJiate.
Il'yoii arc Nervous ,
mill cannotuleep , try it.
Two of Dcwcy & Stone's Employes
Itcforo Jiul o llorka.
The preliminary examination of Smith and
Qninn , two of the young men alleged to have
been engaged for sonic time in n system of
pilfering furniture frum Uen'cy & Stone's
warehouse , came up bcforo .Iiult'o Ucrlcu at
2l : ! ( ) yesterday. It resulted in Smith
being held for trial in tlio sum oifSOO bonds
and ( julnn being required to give bonds in
the sum of SlfiU as a witness.
Dr. McGrew , kiunoy. Rectal , & priv
ate diseases. Room 13 , 13 jslumin block
Smoke Scidonberg's Figaro nnd ffot
the best C-cent cigar in the world. Max
Mover & Co. , wholesale depot.
Tin ; County Clerk's ItiiHlncss.
The quarterly report of County Clerk
I Kocho shows \ho \ following financial sum
mary !
ncccirr * .
[ Toes received § 835 05
Ualaiico from llrst quarter 153 17
Returned by F. /Simmer 11 GO
first and second quarters as clerk
of board of county commissioners. 03 03
Total Sl.-'Ol T3
Salary .T. M. Woodburn.JIO 93
Salary Mrs. H. M. IIowo. . . 150 IX )
Salary M. D. Uocho ( W5 00-1,024 09
Balance ' . . . . S 1T9 73
Following arc the receipts from papers
filed :
81 incorporations ? fi2 00
8'JbilIs of sale 83 25
2i > 'lotnrlcs public SO 00
IK ) physician ? ' registers 3000
l, ; chattel mortgages 31005
74S leases 1S7 00
174 certificates , 43 5'J '
30 partnerships 24 50
02 miscellaneous ; 32 15
Total ? S35 05
The UNION PACIFIC runs Solid
Trains to Denver from Council BlulTs ,
Omulia and Kansas City.
Gatlinllc ClerKymon'H Hctrcnt.
The annual retreat of the C.Uholic clergy
men of tlio dioceses of Omaha and Lincoln
commenced last , night at Crcighton college.
There nro present forty-four clergymen , ono
half of which number have como from the
dioceses mentioned. The exercises of the re
treat will consist of pr.iyor , meditation nnd
spiritual exhortation und study , the lust two
features being conducted by Uov. A. J. Glee-
son , S. .1. The retreat will , continue until
Saturday evening. Duping Its progress the
priests will bo visited by Bishop Bonacum ,
of .Lincoln , and Bishop O'Connor , of this
Out *
The board of trade's commit
tee met yesterday afternoon to confer with
Mr. J. E. IlarUness , of Council Bluffs , upon
ways and means for the proposed assembly
grounds near the Binds. Mr , Barkncss re
ported abou t S. " 5,0(10 ( subscribed by the
pcoplo of his city , and u meeting will beheld
held Friday evening to inerenao tlio
amount. The Omaha committee were of the
opinion that ttio lowans should llrst raise
pledges to the amount of $30,000 und then
the criminlttco would uiiduitilco to raise
? U > ,000 on this bide of the river.
Incensed to Weil.
Judge Shields issued the following mar-
riugo license's yesterday :
Nuinuaiid Hcsldcnce. Ago.
( Charles K. Fleming , Omaha . 23
t Blrdio C. Swift , Omaha . 19
j Frank W. Crow , Omaha . 5
( ICutloK. Lambert , Omaha . 17
I Horace Freeman , Omaha . 31
( Mary Gordon , Ouialia
Mack f lalicy , Lincoln . . . . - . . . , . 40
( Mrs. ClarindaM. French , Omaha. . . . , . ' . 20
I Klmor U. McICibbcn , Oiimhn . 23
I Ada Hlllcz , Omaha . 18
Salt Lnhf * , tho. Dead Sea ot America ,
is reached by the UNION PACIFIC di
" '
A no ii-u"'Kxi'i/osiox. : '
T\\o Men liiNlumly Killed nnd Sev
crnl Sllclitly Wounded.
AI.I.KXTOWX , 1'a. , July 9. A boiler exploded
plodod at the Adelaide silU mill nt 7 o'elocl
this morning , Instantly killing Frank Sterne
nnd Hcmy IJorrcro , firemen. Hiram Sol
the engineer , was terribly Injured and dlc <
at 10 o'clock. Tlirc ? others wcro slightly
'bruised but will recover , Tho- engine hout >
Is a total wreck. Tlio causa of the explosion
1s unknown , ( tone of the 900 employeswcr
Injured but wcio greatly frightened by th
Drink Multo for the nerves.
A Child Dies From tlio Effccto of
An Overdose of1 Morphlno.
A Coroner's Jury 1 n vest Ijiiite The
Testimony of Ills Profession Itnthcr
Against the IMiyplolnti A Ver
dict To-night.
Morphine ; Kill * nn Infant.
Tlio infant son of SIgmund Anislcl ! ! died
nt the residence of his parents at Fourteenth
and Lcavenworth streets Sunday night , of nn
overdose of morphine. The facts Of the ease
are as follows :
The little ono was eleven days old Sun
day , and , according to Hebrew custom ,
was circumcised. After the csrn-
moiiy Dr. H. W. Council was
summoned and prescribed inorphlno
to bo given nt regular Intervals , each dose to
bo a powder of one-sixteenth grain. Ihci pres
cription was taken to H. C. Boll's now drug
store at Thirteenth and Jackson and tilled ,
and ono of the .powders administered. To
the astonishment of its parents the little ono
sank into slumber so deep that It could not
be awakened , and becoming alarmed the
physician was again bent for. Ho suw'nt
once that the child was suffering from an
over-dose of the subtle drug. Ho at once ad
ministered a hypodermic Injection tocounte"-
act the effect of the morphine and prdered
strong coffee , but without avail , the llttlo ono
dying soon after. The doctor then took the
remaining powders and , after weighing one ,
turned them over to the coroner.
Now comes the story. The prescription
was plainly written and called for four 1-10
grain sulph morphia powders. The clerk or
assistant pharmacist at Bell's , a ygung man
named Swoboda , says ho understood the pre
scription perfectly and filled it correctly.
That ns ho had no weights with which to
weigh a sixteenth grain ho weighed n half
grain , divided It Into two parts , threw one-
half away and made fourcqual-sUcd powders
of the remainder. The si-ales on which the
drug was weighed are new , excellently bal
anced and , although not constructed on as
line a principle as arc some especially designed
for weighing very minute portions of drugs ,
nto to all appearances perfect.
Dr. Council states that ho took one of the
remaining powders to Powell's druir store on
the nortlicst corner of Thirteenth mid Jack
son , and that it weighed on his scales which ,
by the way , are so delicate as to correctly
weigh the thirty-second part of n grain one-
fourth of n grain or lour times the quantity
doshed. Hero is where the problem refuses
to bo solved. Swobodu claims ho was right.
Powell and Dr. Council say ho was wrong.
The fprmcr asserts that his scales are per
fect , while the latter claims that , ho cither
mndo a mistake in the weight used or that
the hot weather may have affected his bal
ances so that they stuck partially , and that
the quantity measured was too much.
Swoboda Is registered as an assistant phar
macist and should know his business , and
probably docs. His employer , B. C. Bell , is
registered as n pharmacist. Whom the
blame will bo attached to , If any , of course
can not bo determined until tlio jury
this evening arrive nt n decision.
There were only four powders put up. Ono
was given to the dead Infant , another sent
over to a neighbor who had a child in a sim
ilar condition' and the other two put in the
hands of Coroner Drc.xel. It was thought at
lirst that the patents might have adminis
tered two powders instead of one , but this
disproves that idea.
Swoboda was arrested yesterday after
noon on a state warrant , charging him
with manslaughter. The complaint was
made by Mr. Arnstein and the in
formation filed by County Attorney Simeral.
He was first confined in Jadliul later was
released on a bond Of 310,000.
The inquest was held at the oftico of Cor
oner Drcxel last evening at 7SOan : < l a num
ber of prominent physicians of tlio city wcro
examined. Dr. H. W. Council was the first
\ \ itiiQss examined and testified that ho tit-
ended the infant ; proscribed m < 5rphino
vhlch was administered in his presence ; that
f tcr the Child taken ill or bccamo stupe-
icd ho administered antidotes and gave a
jypodcrmie injection , but all to no puipofe ,
lie child dying soon after. Dr. Council
tated that the child died of an overdose of
Alfred Schrocdor , druggist , next testified
hat ho weighed ono of the powders brought
o him by Dr. Council and lound It to weigh
no quarter of a grain. 'Wh.othor or not the
KW'dcra wcro the same/as tiioso put up by
ho clerk , ho did not know.
Swoboda then testified that ho put up his
inscription as written mid as stated above ;
hat ho was interrupted during the process ,
but refused , although earnestly solicited , to
ouch any other work until tha task Was
completed. Swoboda also stated that at the
time Dr. Council came back to t-co about the
natter ho had told him ho could not weigh
ess than a half grain each.
Arnstein , the father of the cnild , then
stated that ho got the prescription as di-
cctcd , four powders supposcu\to contain ono-
iixtcenth grain.
Then the phjslcinns ivero called. Dr H.
j. Miller testified that in his opinion one-
sixteenth grain of morphine would kill a
child as quick as one-eighth grain would , aifd
.hat only in nxtiemo cases would the pain
counteract the effect of the drug as admin-
stored to an infant ; that in his experience
ho had never heard of a case where morphine
was given that did not prove fatal.
Dr. Williams stated that one-sixteenth
uruln was a full dose for a child of one year ,
md Unit ho never gave a full dose ; that
m&rplitno was dangerous to administer to
Dr. Darrow stated that one-fourth grain
would proiluco death , and that if one-six
teenth grain was given after six hours in
terval ( as in this case ) antidotes would bo of
no avail ; that if one-fourth groin wcro given
the child suileringfrom the olfects of circum
cision would not live six hours , and that one-
sixteenth would kill it.
Dr. Spencer stated that ho would
not give over tup fortieth of a
grain under the general riilo applying
to such cases , and in his practice , would not
give it at all ; that uftcr six hours antidotes
would not avail where a sixteenth grain was
administeredone-fourth grain would prove
fatal in half an hour.
Dr. Ilaucliett thought that one-fourth grain
wouldprove fatal in a short time and one-
sixteenth administered to a weakly child
would also provo fatal ; never prescribed
morphine in bucli cases nt all.
Dr. Seiners believed that the ono-hundrcth
part of a grain was a snlilcient dose ; never
gave morphine to children ; a one-sixteenth
grain dose would kill a child of that ago ,
provided aid was not- extended before six
Dr. Sussdorf said ho would not prescribe
over ono-sovcnty-Ilfth or ono-hundrcth part
of a grain ; one-sixteenth would oauso death
if loft six hours , perhaps sooner.
All the physicians except Dr. Council
agreed on the point that a sixteenth grain
was too largo a dose for a child of that age ,
and ad stated that they would not prescribe
inorphlno except in the most urgent circum
stances , and then very sparingly , there be
ing other drugs much safor.
The Jury after hearing the testimony ad
journed until 7:30 : this evening. The body
of the infant was buried without a post
mortem examination and the powders given
wcro not identified except by Dr. Comioll.
An examination was to have been hcl <
bcforo Judge. Bcr'nji today , but doubtless
will bo postponed until nft < > r the verdict of
the coroner's Jury is rendered. Attorney
Slmorel represented the stuto aud Ed. Crow
ell the defense.
Man's inhumanity to man assumes it ! form in tlio adulteration of foot
products. Spices , condiments , preserves
serves , -and honied piclclos of all horts
are adulterated. Not so , liowovor , are
the delicious Flavoring ISxtnu'tn put uj
for over twonty-livo yenrd by Van Duzoi
tc Co. This multitude wlio continue U
u o them shown'Unit la ounn'tltv , IIH wo !
ns'quallty , they far oxcell ail others
Grocers everywhere.
Drink Malto itSsp'lcasant. * l > stnle Traiffurt.
J C Wllco.x nnd wife to StnnlMow Kelf-
swkl , w Wit lot . ) , blk 0 , Wltcox's add.
$ C2U
William ( ' llamriftt nnd wife to j Ilniu-
nett , w j of lot 7 , blic 7. nnd lot 2. blk
M ) , nnd und ' , w j , of n\v und w ' , of sw
nnd n w ot xu and tin of s\v .VJ-IU-M u nnd
lota ! i anil 4 , blK. II , Unmha , 11 c d . . . . 2,000
\VIlllum .loncs anil wiru to III' Paris et
nl , lot i. blklU Om.ilm.w d TOW )
CO House ! nndulto toT \V \ Mnnvllle , lot
f. lilk K , I'lirkeKd iHd.wd 6(10 (
Tlio I'.itilck I.iind Co to Win K Kurtz , lots
1.1 tb'lhlk ! 112 , Dundee place.vd t',2W )
S H 11 Chirk , trustee , to r Danlolson. lot
4. llk H. West Hllle. w d Hi" ,
1 Stiles nnd wife toV \V Mix , lot 57.
North Sldo add. IV d OOJ
I 0 Clark nnd wife to M Waybrlght , lot
2 , blk : . ' , Uu I'out place , w d COO
M T 1'ntrlck ami wife to 0 lnsmu ( seii ,
lot S , blk H , Patrick's 2nd add , w d . . . WJ
2II riayloy nmlwtfoto Rl < ( Urllclis , lot
in , bUcfi , suh.l 1 Hedlck's ndd. w d . . . . 8,600
t. ) Avery and wlfu to II ( loodiunn , lot 7 ,
blfe I , .letter's adil , South Omnlm. w d . 2a ) )
. I * . Porter , public' subdivision of lot 1 ,
Hngnn's addition , pint
) . 1) . Miifiilon to It. 0. Van C.Ieioii , n. 20
feet or s. 4'l ' feet lot a , block iB , South
Onrilm. w. d 2,500
) . Cnnnlnchani and \Mfu to n. J. Connol
ly , lot ( I , blk f , CarthnKi1. w. it "A )
t. C. I'atterson nnd wlto to K. A. < ! ny , lot
10. blk 1 , Armour pl.icev. . d 350
\.CoiHcutuw to the public , Coiwntlus'
Hiibdlvblon , lot 17 und n , 'j , lot 20 , blk
! ! . llrookllnn addition , pint
I. II. Constock and wllo to K. It. 1'erfivt ,
undlvldod'j ' lots it'tU' < , tnclunlvo blk
C , 1'nildoelc pl.irov. . d 4,402
I. M. I'nrk and wife to M. A. NlchoN. o.
31' , feet of w. 1.1 feet lotO , blk ( i , I'o-j-
ti > r s addition , w. < 1 ( l.OiiO
\ . H. Pitch nml lfo to M. A. Nichols , o.
3l'i Ifftof.4J1 , ' feet lotfi , ! > lk. ) , I'os-
tt't's adilltlon , ijiiitrl.itmdeud
Twenty transfers.
The following permits to build were Is-
lied yesteul.iy.
, oiils Kurtz , cottage , Tourth avenue nnd
llhcli J5CO
' . A. Whitney As Co.ollce ! , iiihteenth : ; nnd
Iznrd 2W
3.0. Itnemor , bnrn , Itlondo , neat Thirty-
fourth CO
. 1' . IVter < on , tottnge , Twenty-svcotid
nnd Cuss l.fSO
aidney Smith. two-Mory double duelling.
Locust nnd Twcnty-llrst 4,000
I. 1 ; . CnviiimnRhtwo-story rcsldunco , Lo
cust near T\senty-llrst 4iOO (
S2x permits nsurcgntlng . . . .JlO.uiQ
I like my wife to use Pop.oni's Coin-
ilcxion ljowilcr bccaitbo it improves her
oolvb and is as fragrant as violets.
Cheyenne , the cnpitol of Wyominpr
md tlio center of the cattle industry of
ho United States , is reached only by
Vast Crowds Visiting the Great K.\-
lilblllon Dally.
The vast crowds that visit Howe's only 10-
cent circus on Eighteenth and Charles
streets are increasing daily. The show Is
reached by the Twentieth street cnblo line
ind by the horse cars , nnd is cen'trully lo
cated. All the performances are unrivalled ,
md the rreut ( n shows on the road have per-
"ormanccs which fall short compared to the
ing work in this great display. Tlio riders
are murvcN , the clowns unsurpassed since
ho palmy days of Dan Hice , George. Arm
strong and Billy liurkc. The trick animals
are great , and everything produced in a high-
> nced show are reproduced and excelled
under Howe's canvas. The show will dc-
ight the citizens of this city for two weeks ,
ind after showing in North Omaha for a
veek will po to the south end of the city.
Ml those who have not .seen this unrivalled
vender should attend at the first opportunity.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel ol
itrcueth anil wholosoinciiess More ecouo nic
him thu orillnr.rv kinds , and cannot bo sold in
'omiiit.t oa with the mii'titmloof Ijncst shoit
\ elKht alum or phoiphate ] > o\vilei s. .SoM onfy In
ciis. ( Kov.u , HAICI.NG l'o111:11 : Co , 100 Wall It. ,
New York.
The pain from Neuralgia and its
comjianion disease lUicuuiatisin is
cxcruciatiiij ; . Tliousandsvlio could
be quickly cured me needlessly suf
will do for
fering. Atli-lo-pho-ros
others what it did for the following
parties :
Willl m port. Ind , Oct. 8.1687.
ilavtnff boon ullhttta with neuralgia for
tbnput rotirfeare , and tryingalmoKltirpr-
itiinv. but In rain. 1 linally Imard f All.ln-
phorun. After taLine one bottle I fuund it
tobe helping me. and after taking four hot-
ties nf Athloi > horuflnndoneof PilU , 1 found
tint I wan entirely well. 1 think the medl-
cmo la [ lueitively i n6 cure '
Mt Csmtel. III. . Joe 2S , 1 < * 7.
I hare nrci ] Atlilnphnro in ray family and
find it to tin tha eri'tti t mwliclne for neu.
ralitia In eiittcncn and hsvinit had lt fangs
/httUn < "lip"nmufortupa'1t. ! ! MyfyiiiiIknow )
wbureof I epuatc. .Mils. JULIA ClllLIOK.
aa-Scud 0 cents fur the U'nutlful colored pic
ture , " Moorish Muldcn "
THEATHLOPtJOnOS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y.
I'or skin nnd srnlp troubles
HI h as Krzeinn , 'IVtttr , Illiic-
vorm. Scaly llinptldiis , ( iioiiud
Itch. I'olsou Oafe , Damlrnll , rall-
iiinnrn ' "B Hair , \c , . Snun m'ti llv-
WIIK I H I'liosIMITII fj ' iivi1 Is superior
ituniii to all other loc al r.-modles. Ills
Turin n pure Mcillcnted Soap entirely
I H C . I n f ri' ° f r"1 lu 1's. ( ' alkullt's or ot Her
injurious m.ittur. IluiiiKHuectly
llinnii-r rented It ! < pica-tint nnil rnfrcsli-
WcillHI IIIK for the toilet , buthamlnut-
' " ' "
I hcry.Korthoseuornl pmpoeesof n
111 dlHiiifu 'taut. SBAiirHV'h Pt'i-
I'llint CXNDI.KS Hro highly es-
Pfll n tt'uraeil liv I'liyflclaiin overy-
UULLl whero. The'cmmltes nro nciit ,
cU'unly , nito , null ronvenleut for
nnin dii-lrifuctlnuMoro [ looms , Closets
UUIN CcllurH. h nKH , Ships , lloiitc. .
lusurniifo Compiimcs rccom-
mend tkcm ns u Mifo means of
imploring Sulphur.
. .
T.MH for aches and I'uius. yi a.
Grab Orchard
"eolTrvD cro-i5 : =
Dyspepsia , Sick-Headache , Constipation ,
Crab Orchard Water Co. LoutsvUlo , Ky.
- -ii > . - < r. . , 1VAPKRS are
ftMcwiufully \ u ed monthly by over 10,000
S > I.adIC3v AroSa/e , KffmtualatuiJHcruant
V jl pirbox tyinftll.or at dniBKlbts. Snaleil
* . , . Ad lrtHi
2'tirticuliT3 2 pOht 4 n KUimp rt < " ]
- ttulc and bll tnnll b\i \ ( i
Co. , Omtilni , Xe
M'liVOi : * i ' 18K > iUAb UKHIMTT , I.OST M\X.
iiikiiii . . ' . * i . * fti L. inmtlt lit l i > opk iBii o.Cin ulr frf ,
ia M IKVrttra Wrti , tlilUW ) , 1U.
Who Is AVKAK , NEirVOUK. ! > F.niMTA-
TKI > . HllolnhtlOI.I.YMHlI < JM HtAN < T
hMTRiriKI awsy his VUlOKof nOOT ,
MIM nd > J AN lioo I > , causing exbauitlne
drulns upon the I'OUKTAINH of l.IKr ,
Mi : ADA 4' UK , n4CKACIIE , nreadfui
PreatnB , WKAKNENH of Mcmorr. HASH.
the FA 'i : . and Ml the KFFr.CTH lendlne to
KAKL.Y ni ; < lAT ml ptrhnpi CUNNVMl * .
TION or INNANITT , ihoulil coutult At once
( he CI'.IKIIKATF.I > Dr. Clarke , KXnhlUued
IMI. IT. Clarke hn > mndc NEUXUIN UK.
IIIMTY. rilUONIC and all Il. < ta c of
Uio E.11TO IIUIVAKY Orcan > n 1.1 fo
rVudjr. It mikM N < > difference WHAT you
tTC taken or WHO 1ms failed to cum jrcu.
ftVFBW A I.KH suffering from ( licenses pecu
liar to their noz cnn consult with the nsiuranco
af ipeody rollef and cure. Send 2 conti postage
for works ou your diseases.
9ftend 4 cents postage for Cclnlirnfrii
\VorhN on Chronle , K > r ou and licit *
rxi'o Uitoasds. Consultation , persoiml.'y or by
Vitter , frm . Consult the nlil Doclor.
TlioiiKitncli cnrcrt. ontrpoand nnrlorn
prlvutp. AdrTboto roiiteinplntlliff Marrlaeo
uotul for Dr. Clnrkc'n cclcbmtcd RUldo
Mnlc nnd Fontnlr. each Ito. , both V' > c
( stnmpi ) . llofdtc conflnlng your case , coniiilt
Br. OI.AUKi : . A friendly letter or rail may
wvo future millcrlnznnd slmmo , nnd add golden
years to life. J-Book > * ( Secret ) Er.
rors , " 0c , ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
sent cvery\7hcre , secure from t-KiMi
Hours , 8t 8. Kimdnjs. 0 to 12. Addnes ,
P. D. OLAflKE , M. D.
JOOSo.Olai-leSt. . GHIC&ttQ ILK
Will buy one ol
our nobby Spring
Suits , in Worsted
fine Cassimcre , 01
Scotch Schcviots , in
8ll the popular col
ors and styles. Real
bnrgnins that cannot
fail to be appreciat
ed by the discerning
We arc aware that
Inexpensive goods
are largely adver
tised tliif season , but
all of them cannot
stand the test ol
close inspection.W <
our customers
to examine our slock , and thus satisfy
themselves of its quality and our veto
Paid Up Capital $250,000
Surplus 50,000
11. W. YAIRI. President.
I.I : IKH. ( ! iii : : ) , Vlco l'ropfileit.
A. K. TOUXAMN. 2ml Vice President.
\V. II S. IlUdi
uilti.croiis :
W. V. MOII K , JOHN S. ,
H. W. YATUS. Ii : is S. HEED ,
Hanking Onico
Corner lUtli nnd rarnam Sts.
A Gent-nil Hanking Huslnpb.sTrnnsactcd
"Tlio Overland Iloutc.
Hiu ? &o arranged its Family Slcepm
Car service , that berths can now bp reserved
served upon application by any ticket
igentto M. .1. GreovyPnbsongor Aypnt ,
Council 13lulTs , Iowa. The resorvntions
when mndo are ) turned over to th ° train
conductors taking out such ears , ho that
passengers can now sceuro berths or
dered , the saino as a Pullman berth is
reserved and secured.
J. S. TKBHKTS , 13. li. IjOM-VX ,
Gen. P. i : T. Agent. Abs'tG. P. & T. A
use of alcthol or tobacco , Wakofulnesi. Mental
Depression , BoftenliK ? of the llratn. resulting in
Insanity , nnd leading to nilserv , decay ftnd
dentil. Premature Old Age. Hnrrennoss , Loss ot
1'ower In cither PCX , Involuntary Losses nnd
HpermatorlNta caused by over-exertion of the
brain , sftlf-autue or ovcr-lndiilcenro. Knch box
contains one month's treatment. Sl.wl iv box , or
blx boxes for Vi.OO , Bent by mnll prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for hli boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , wo
will Fend the purchaser our written Btiuranteo
toiefuadtho money if the treatment does not
eifect a cure , ( junrantees Issued only by ( ' . V.
OOODMAN. , Solo Agent , 1110 ruruain
Street. Oninnn , Nab
S , K , FELTON & CO , ,
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Fur.mshed on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Straus's ' BiiMKi , Fourth Floor ,
Epps's Cocoa
"llr a tliornuKli knowledie of tba DOtuial lawi
which Kovvin Inn opeiuticm of dlcollun ana nuttl-
tlon , nd by careful application of Hie Una prupcrtlo
lit well leli'iled Cucott , Air. Cpni bui prorUrd our
Lrfakfm.1 tallies wllti u dellrHii'iy Uttvurud beverage
wnlch may , are ui many heaTy docti > rn blllv. His
by lie ) udklu luo ol > uch ultlcln of ( Hot that u
con'iltullon miiy bo Krutluitlly built up until ( Irons
enuugh to rcnUt erery tendency to < If ) rtie. Hun *
tired * of lubtlcinuludlt'i are tioatlutiArounJ us ready
toBlticlc "lii'rcivrr tbcrelia wmV pulDl. Wo mar
Cbiapu loany a falal > lmlt by keeplnn ourielvei well
foruuoil with I'Urci ' bloud nnd a | irupcrly uouilibud
fruine.t'UII ? rrlr ( ! au'tte.
MH.IU lmply with bolllntr water or milk. Bold only
In naif pound tint by tiroieii labeled tbus :
TAVPv ! UPPQ 9. f 0 Homteopathlo rheJnlsts
JM1IJ3 III 1U d OUi , I.O.VLO.V. K.NILIM ( ) .
Advertising has always proven
successful , lieforo pUiclniruny
Newspaper AdvertIsltijf consul
it > VIKTmU ICtSTH ,
411 * 19 Kuttltb Ittntt , CHICAGO.
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb.
CAUTION UcMlKnliiB jieroonn , tnlclni ; nilvnutnco of our reputation ,
nro ooiiHtntitly Htnrtlni ; UOCIIH incdlcnl CHtnbllslnnontH to duool\
Htrnnccrs vlsllln tlin city. TliCNo itrcteiutorn usually disappear In n
few weeks. Iliiwnru of I hem or their rnnncrH or nnoiitH , Tlio Omnlm
Medical and Surgical Institute U the only cnlnbllHlird medical InMl-
tnto in Omnlm , Dr. . , '
Mc.Mcnnniy 1'roprlctor , When you niako up your
in I nit to visit IIH , make n memorandum of our exact nddrcsx. nnd thus
save trouble , delay or mistake * .
Chronic and Surgical Diseases
DR. J.W. HcMENAMY and in
. . . , Physician Surgeon Charge. .
Assislctl by a Mute of Competent , Millfbl and Experience ! Physicians and Surgeons
Particular Attention paid to IeroniiiU ) < ' , Diseases of Women , Dl a'-es of Ilio Urinary
anil Sexual Orgnns , I'rhnte Disease * , Diseases of Hie. > enons System ,
Lims ami liiroal Disease * . Surgical Operations , Lniicpsy or
Tils , 1'ilcs , Cancers , Tumors , lite.
More money invested ; tnoic skilllui \ biuansand \ \ bingcons employed ; more patients
treated ; inorc cures cflectcil ; nioic modern impiovcd instruments , apparatus and appli
ances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispt'iis.aiicN in thee t
combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the \\cst. Fifty
newly furnished , well \\arnicd and ventilated rooms for patients , three skilled plnsici.uu
always in the building All kinds of diseases ticatcd in the most tcicntillc manner.
IFc Miiifactiire Snmcal Braces for Deformilics , ' \
Supporters , Electrical Batteries , . .nd can supply phybiciiins or patients any appliance ,
remedy or instrument known. Call and consult MS , or write for circulars upon all sub
jects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by
correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per
forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl
edged abi ily , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute the lint choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and
scientific principles , and patients here icceive every advantage tl-at art. skill , science and
hurmn ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfoit and convenience will
always be taken into consideration.
Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or concspond wjth us , you will find
that these statements ol our position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn in any
particular , but ere plain unvarnished facts , .
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of
All Blood Diseases Euccc'sfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system
without mercury. New lestarativc tieatment for loss of Vital Power , Persons unable
to visitus may lie treated at home by conespondc ice. All communications confidential
Medicines orinstiumcnls sent by mail or express securely packed , no marks to indicate
contents or sender. One personal interview prcfei red. Call and consult us 01 send his
tory of your case , nnd we will send in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impolcncv , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicoccle ,
with question list.
My Reasons for Writing a Book Upon Private , Spcial and Neurons Diseases ,
I have for many ycart made a specialty of diseases of the uiinary and sexual organs ,
have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently 1 rccei\c an immense
number of letters from physicians and afflicted persons , asking my opiuicm andadxice
upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I have written a book , giving a
general description of the most common diseases and condition ? , my treatment , MICCCSS ,
advice , etc. After tending it , pe ons will have a clearer idea of their condition andean
write me more intelligently and to the point. It will theicfore be seen that our object In
writing these pages is not to ( nrnisli reading matter to a class ot persons who read out of
mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who arc snffci ing to a greater or less
de"rce from disca es , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sc\ual or urinary organs.
Not a day pastes but we receive innny calls or letters fioni pcieone fiifleiing from this
class o ( discuses , or their sequel. Many of them aic ignorant of the cause of the difficulty
that lias wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is
shortening their da s.
c , r&z
' ' " "ScSis
L Sidneys , niadder , Ncn , Hones , etc. , as 1'aralys.s . , hp.lepsy . , ( Mb ) Scrofula
Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gahtutib , Baldnesu
Eczema , etc.
Treated carefully , skillfully and scientifically by
McMcnamy has for years devoted a large portion of bis time to the study and treatment
ol this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is
fully supplied w ithcvcrv instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department
We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom
we have cmcd , after others hove ( ailed , substantiate our claims. To thobc afhicted with
Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , then
visit whom you like , and if you arc an intelligent person ou will return to us for treat-
me"oaur book" , ' describing the Eye and Ear .1nd their diseases , in plain language with
numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write
us in regard to cases ; by reading them carefully plmlcian and pnlient will have a clear
understanding and can describe cases to us more intelligently. WKllh I'OR BOOh ,
Al lrcn all Idlers ( o
DR. J. W. McMENAMY , N. W , Got , 13th & Dodge Sts , , Omaha , Ne