Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Carrier In Any 1'artot the City nt
Twenty Cents I'cr Week ; . . . . „
„ „
CK , No.
NlOIIT ElllTOH. No. V3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
The excavating of the Mill school grounds
is going nloiitf rujikliy.
There will bo a Inwn sociable at the resi
dence of L. W. Tulleys Thursday ovcning.
Dalby's band Is expected to accompany the
press excursion party to Lalto Manawu thH
Mike Sliea , charged with assault and bat
tery , had his case continued until witnesses
could bo secured.
Joe Johnson and Ella Smith , two Insane
wanderers , were locked up until their cases
could bo investigated.
The funeral of the Infant sou of Mr , auO
Mrs. T. O. Allison took place yesterday af
ternoon from the residence.
Thrco cars of western tourists nrrivcd.ovci
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. 1'uul last evening /
ing and departed over the Union I'aclllc.
Yesterday's ' business in police court wa >
lighter than It Mis boon on any Monday
morning for some timo. Harney Onrity am
N. Nelson were eaoh relieved of $ } .10 foi
A train on the Northwestern killed n cow
vofctcrd.iy morning near the local depot 01
iiro.ulway. The animal belonged to a Dan
ish milkman , residing at the corner of Vim
und Tenth streets.
The case of Floyd Hunt , charged will
forging his father's name to a check for t 15
will be heard before Judge Aylcsworth at ' .
o'clock this aftei noon. In the meantime hi
Is enjoying the hospitality of Sheriff O'Noil
Omaha division , No. 189 , Urothcrhood o
Locomotive Engineers , sent on Saturday s
special donation of $ ; oo to the 1'luttsmoutl
striking engineers. This amount was con
tributed over and above the regular assess
The Sisters ol Mercy of St , Ucrnard'i '
hospitnl have received W with which to sum
John Crimmcns to DCS Moines to Join hi
son who is Just recovering froin an attack o
temporary insanity. The matter was brough
about through an item which appeared ii
Tun Her. n few days ago.
A collision took place near the corner o
Main and iJroadway yesterday morning bo
twccn a street car and a buggy driven b ;
Ed Wickliaui. The buggy was badly wrecked
but the sticet ear sustained no damage ex
cept a broken window. No one was injure )
and the affair caused but momentary excite
A communication in last cvenlns's Glob
from James S. Hayes to the effect that h
was denied admission to both hospitals ii
the city is denied by the Sisters at St. IJei
nard's. Ho applied there Saturday and wa
admitted yesterday and is now being care
for. His only ailment is old ago. and th
Bisters desire to have it understood that the ,
never refuse admission to any one who 1
sick or mulcted.
Complaints are numerous of tramps an
others hanging about the residence portion o
the Fourth ward. There has been little o
no police protection in that part of the citi
There certainly should bo such an increase i
the police force as to furnish at least one pi
trolnmn for the residence portion. A foi
dollars could bo spent judiciously in this d
rcetion , and , if need be , a little moro ecoi
omy shown in the lire department to ba
anco it.
E. II. Slicalo loans nionpy on chattc
security of every description. Privat
consulting rooms. All business strictl
confidential. Olllco 600 Broadway , coi
n er Main street , up-fetairs.
Everything from a Jowsharp to
piano at C. B. Music Co. , 2'2l Broad wuj
J. G. Tip ton has bargains in rcalostuti
Flnloy Hurko Is ill with pneumonia.
M. B. Swan loft last evening for St. Pau
P. A. Fay and wife , of Clinton , were In tl
city yesterday.
W. H. Ohlamaclier left for St. Louis ye
torday afternoon ,
General Agent Marshall , of the Burling
ton , is enjoying a rest at Spirit Lake.
C. H. Sholes and wife loft Sunday fc
Portland , Ore. , and will bo absent about U\
It Is noted with pleasure that the conditic
of Mrs , T. J. Clark is now so much improve
that her recovery to health js expected ,
A gay party consisting of D. W. Bushnel
"Billy" Hawthorn , Charley Fitch and Mi
and Mrs. Wightman loft for Spirit Lake las
It Pays for Everybody.
I have an unusually largo slock <
pant Roods on hand which I want to ru
oil' . I will make jp pants from thisdal
for $5.00 ; usual price 810.00. This n
duction applies to all summer goods.
A. REITEK , Hit ) Broadway.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fui
mshings of the Now York plumbing C <
Kn Koiilo For tlio Const.
Yesterday noon a train of eight Pullmt
cars en route from Boston to San Francisi
arrived In this city over the Chicago , S
Paul & Milwaukee road. It left Ubston lai
Friday utlJO : ! p. m. , having on board U
passengers bound for the coast. Tlicso wci
from the various Now England states , ai
nro their most promincmt educators. Mai
of thorn are members of the National Toac
crs1 association. The train was In charge
Charles A. Brown , the New England passe
gor agent of the Milwaukee road. Amoi
the pasvscngeis wcro the following : A.
Blocking , of Boston , agciit at Harp
Uroa. ; Alonzo MescrvJo , principal
Iho Howdoin schools ; C. W. Hill in
wife ; B. F. Dye , wife and daughter ; Eli
Brook , principal of Central sticet schoi
Boston , and his wife ; G. 15. Hurd , prlnclr
af the Winchester school , New Have
Conn. : Prof. A. II. Campbell , principal
normal school ( Johnson ) , of Vermont ; lie
W" . N Aekloy , i cetorof the Episcopal cliurv
U'arren , It , 1 , ; llcv. E. D. Anderson of t
Baptist church , Providence , 11. I. : Ml
. .Josephine Carr , of Warren. II. ' .
General 'I ! . J. Morgan , principal of the stu
normal school at Providence , U. I. , Und wli
The party will niako stops at Denver a
Salt Lake City , then through to the eoa
After d two weeks' stay they will return v
Iho Northern Puclllc.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co
loan ollleo , /urnituru , pianos , horse
Wilsons , porbonal property of all kini
unu till other articles of value witho
removal. All business Strictly con
A Can ! .
The Sisters of M'orey return gratol
thanks to the following parties :
Mr. A. Creloce , sixteen yards calico ;
J , C. Hoffman , sack ( lower ; Mr. Amey , sa
potatoes ; Mr. J. Mergeij , eggs ; Mrs. Kob
ion , six pics ; Mr. J , Short , sugar , fruit a
Vegetables ; Messrs. .T Sullivan & DoLoi
Vegetables ; Messrs. TaGalvln , llsh a
vegetables : Boston Tea company. $4 wet
of ten ; Messrs. Plfer , Miller , Mottoy a
Langeiulcrfee , meat.
Special contributions toward ( nsurau
The Glebe Printing company , flO ; U.
O'Ncll , A. E. Avery , \V. Moore , * 5 ; Uohei
$3.50 ; W. H. Thomas , G. Mullen , J.
Kelley , K. T. Waterman , J. Dnrum ad
Nolan , $1 , From friends In small Items ,
To Our Citizens.
Our liberal citizens , llvoryinon und carrla
owners are earnestly requested to send c
riagcs to the various hotels at 1 p. m. sha
to bo used In giving the members of the Iq
Press association a dnvoof one hour throu
the city. All persons uhvo to the growl
interests of the city will please scud th
Barnes to the ofllce of M. F. Hnhrcr ut 0
n. to-day. W. JI. Corsox , President ,
U. I ) . WBSCOTT , Sceretar ,
Buy buthiug tults ut Beno'f.
Indignant Citizens Protest Against
the Flro Department Change.
An Oltl Mnn Falls Down n Cellar
Way The New Steamboat Named
Alter the Mayor Tlio Coun
cil Meeting.
A Protmuly Fatal Fall.
About 9 o'clock yesterday morning nn
aged resident of the city by the name of II.
C. Henderson , residing on Harrison street ,
opposite Foster's irrcenhousp , fell through a
trail door In the grocery of E. B. Gardiner ,
on upper Broadway , find sustained serious
injuries. He was walking to the back part of
the store and did not notice the trap , which
had Veen l < jft opgp to d/y out the cellar ,
which was flooded by the ram of Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Gardiner heard the fall and
rushed down stairs , to lind the unfortunate
man lying on his head and shouldcis , with
his face in the ina.l. He was extric.itcci
from his perilous position and taken up
stairs , when It was found that ho was una
ble to move , and a doctor and the patrol
wagon were summoned. Ho was removed to
his home , where Dr. Laccy attended him. It
was found that his neck was dislocated , and
it required considerable skill to set it prop
erly to prevent death from ensuing. The
chances uro greatly against his recovery.
Ho Is sixty years of ago and has resided here
for four years. He was formerly a resident
of Warren county , this state , and is an uncle
of Judge J. H. Henderson , of the DCS
Moines district. His G. A. H. comrades are
interested in his care , and are doing all pos
sible to alleviate his sufferings.
Largest stock of bathing suits at John
Beno & Co.'s.
Full line of shoot music at Coimci
BlulTs Music Co. , i24 ! Broadway.
The Press Association Received.
This evening at 8:30 o'clock the Iowa Press
association leaves this city for the west on
its annual outing. During the early hours
of the day these gentlemen with their wives
will arrive on tlwj Incoming trains. As those
usprescntativc journalists of the state have
chosen Council Blurts as their starting point
It was thought proper that they bo enter
taincd while they are with us. To arrange
lor this a meeting was held yesterday after
noon at which there were present the loca
press club , members of the board of trade ,
the mayor and other representative citizens
The order of the day as outlined is as fol
lows : At 0 o'clock the club room will bi
open and gentlemen will bo present to receive
ceivo all who come. Business men arc ex
pected to lay aside their work for an houi
and visit the rooms. At 1 o'clock carriage !
will arrive at the hotels and the visitors will
bo given a rldo through Fairmount park and
to other places ot interest about the
city. At 2'M o'clock Colonel Heed wii :
run a special train to Lake Manawa , which
ho has generously placed at the disi > osal ol
the excursionists and their friends. Arriving
at Lake Manawa tlio boats will take them
across the lake and back. Supper will hi
served at Hotel Manawa , after which thi
party will return to the city in time to take
the train west.
It is fully expected that this entcrtainmcnl
shall be on behalf of the citizens of the city
and all are earnestly requested to contnbnti
as far as possible to its success. The tel
lowing committees were appointed to the
different parts of the work of caring for tin
visitors : Finance and carriages Mayo
Hohrer , Messrs. MeConnoll , Wells , Carr
Hunt and Kappell. Depots Mcssis. Copson
Lynclmrd , Carr , Hoyden and Nugent
Hotels Ogden house , Htiydcn and Carter
Heehtolo hotel , Copson ; Pacific house , Hunt
Telegraph Messrs. Copson , Lynchard am
Matthews. Club rooms Messrs. McConncll
Zovcrly and Uohror. The various eomniit
tecs will meet as per previous instruction
and all will bo done by the gentlemen men
tloncd and the people of the city at largo ti
make the entertainment of our guests pleas
ant and memorable.
Union Abstract company , U30 Main street
Artists prefer the Hallott & Davi
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 22-i Broadway
Quo Moro Ohaulauqna Push.
The movement for securing a nuimmot
Chnutauntm assembly hero has progressed s
far that success is in sight and almost witiii"
reaching distance. With ono moro unite
and earnest effort the enterprise can bo sc
cured. Everybody should bo actively intei
csted in this. The situation Is critical. Thcr
has been so much work done already that th
enterprise can hardly bo abandoned , and ye
there Is just lacking enough to warrant th
managers In going ahead with their con
tract. Unless the arrangements are con
pletcd within a week or so it will bo almos
impossible to secure an assembly next yeai
The talent and attractions necessary for sue
u programme are already being engaged b ,
other places for next year. It mcam
in fact , that Council Bluffs rrus
either spring to the front o
let this important enterprise drag nnothc
year. If it thus drags , some other city , wit
moro life and promptness , will locate an as
s > ombly , which will do away with the nccc ;
sity of onehero. . An assembly , largo cnoug
to be a national ono , will surely bo locitod u
some point m the west within a year , and ai
other national ono established on the Pacili
coast. Council Bluffs has made a good star
and with the co operation of Omaha thes
two cities can secure this Chautauqua asson
bly and plan so largely for it as to make
truly national in its character , diawin
hither thousands of people within a radii
of at least SOU miles.
In order to arrange for ono moro and sin
ccssfnl push a meeting of subscribers tin
othfi''s interested is culled for Friday ovenin
at tlio board ol trade rooms. Let the roorr
bo crowded.
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money ,
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtelo.
0 Indignant Citizens.
The cxrltcincnt nnd indignation in tl
southern part of tlio city over the change i
the location of the hose reels was oven 11101
intense yesterday than on tlio preceding da ,
A petition to have tlio old system restore
was circulated nndorcr two hundred slgno
secured , representing the largest propeil
owners In that part of the city. Amnngthc
wcro the following responsible business inc
or the city : ICoyhtone Manufacturing coi
puny , Dccrc , Wells fc Co. , David Bradley
Co. , Crystal Mill Grain company , Cliicaf
Lumber company , Council Bluffs Luinbi
company , Cole Bros. , Marseilles Manufactu
ing company , D. H , McDaneld Ac Co. , Gcon
Bcbbington , McClurg Cracker company , Ti
ton Coal company , Thomas Oillccr , 1
Kirscht , Groncweg & Schoontzen , Jol
Schocntzcn , Kccllno & Felt , Max Mohn , j
L. Kahle , D , E. Glcason , Hoist & Spotma
S. H. Kciloy , J. T. Evans , Kimbiill& Cham
.1. P. &J. N. Casady , P. W. Spotman
Bro. , Pat Gunnoudo , W. H. M. Pusey ,
Tlio petitioners claim that the change ht
endangered their property , and seek a rom
dy at the hands of the city council. Tl
property in question is among the most val
ublo in the city , embracing the lumber yari
and wholesale Implement houses , us well i
many of the leading retail houses. Clil
Walters U severely scored , us ho is cluirac
to be the cause of it.
On the ether hand , Walters seeks to shii
the responsibility , and says the change w ;
ordered b.V the lire committee.
Alderman Kucplcr , who Is a member of tl
lire committee , says ho know nothing of tl
change until ho read it In yesterday's BE
Ho thinks tha council should not Intcrfc
with the workings of the department , at
nlvoeatos the removal of the chief if ho
not abla to run it in a satisfactory niannc
The general management of the dcpartmci
comes In for much adverse criticU
by the putillo. The big trm
is started out to all tires , 'and tl
men who are stationed with It ( ail to reai
the majority ot them , lu fact , ono of the re
sons given for changing the reels Is to ha\o
n means of conveyance for the men. ino
city government is Just beginning to llnd out
what a u eless piece of property Is the mam
moth dress panido truck. What Is necessary
for better protection is the locating of nnM \ -
dltional man at the Main street house , so
that the double reel can bo satisfactorily
handled. Walters claims that ho has asked
for additional men , but the request tins been
refused , so ho made the change. Several
now men wcro appointed some time ago , and
one of the seven at the Broadway house
could bo used much moro effectually nt thu
Main street house. If Walters was a com
petent man for the place , ho would station
his men and apparatus wnere they could do
the most good , and then Insist on their re
maining then' , Instead of trying to sadili'
the results of foolish experiment" < " ' tlio lire
committee. As It is now , ttio citl/ons justly
object to paying their money for uro protec
tion which they do not got.
The Hotel to He HullU
The 'unss meeting of citizens Interested It
the new hot'C1 "reject at the Masonic tcinph
ast evening , was fa.\v \ flttjmded mid w
reductive of excellent results' Xlw jneet
ng was called to order by President \Vu. . * ,
f the board of trade , \\ho briefly stated Us
bjcct. Mr. J. II. Baldwin was the first
peakor. Ho urged the necessity of raising
Ills money and offered to increase his sub-
cription. Ho was followed by Judge W. C.
nWes , C. M. Hull and C. Haldanewho made
imilnr offers. Simon Eiseuian then tpoli
ho iloor and said that money was what WIM
vantod , and it was time .to get to work ,
le then offered to Increase the subscription
f his linn $100 , and asked who would follow ,
Subscriptions of 8100 in addition to former
jnes thmi came in as follows : J. N. Bald
win , Gc-orgo Ii. Champ , S. P. McConncll , C ,
lald.iue , Pcrcgory & Moore , Judge James
Jcere , Wells Jx , Co. , Pat Lacy , T. ,1. Evans ,
i. L. Shugnrt , J. J. Shea , David Bradley A
Co. , Metcalf Bros. , George T. Wright , T. B
"Baldwin. Trcynor ft Harl.
Subscriptions of $50 each wcio then ii
order ; IS. II. Hvtin , H. H. Van Brunt , Cap
aln Henry. J , N. Baldwin then subscribed
: ,0 , forT. N. Baldwin , jr. , and Simon Else
nan followed with another § 50 for Hcnrj
I'jiscman , jr. S. Pnlnsworth and S. P. Me
Council stated that tlioy had no heirs to sigr
'or , but subscribed $ .10 each for future hopes
jeprgo Metcalf confessed to "two palis , '
but backbit his hopes of a "full hand" by an
other fifty. Bon Marks , Ferd Wicso and F
H. Hill also pledged $ , 'iO each , and the $
subscribers resulted as follows : K. G. Dunl
& Co. , F. J. Day , W. W. Chapman , ,1. A
; iorham , Forrest Smith , Wii'klmm Bros.
W. W. BilgerV. . H. Lynchard , P. O. Glen
son , S. Snunders , D. A. Farrcll and Dai
The lull amount is now raised , and tin
choice of the Pacific house site or the Wood
bury corner can bo offered to the Chieagi
syndicate , and a meeting of the hotel com
mittce is called for this morning at 10 o'elocl
at the board of trade rooms to sio about tele
graphing the acceptance to Chicago.
City Council Proceedings.
The city council met last evening in spcclo
session. Present : Mayor Kohrer , Aldoi
men Knephcr , Lacy , Weaver and Watei
Mr. W. S. Shoemaker appeared with rcfci
cnco to opening the streets in Ferry ndditioi :
The matter was put in shape so that the c >
> unso incurred in running the lines is to b
: > aid by the property owners.
The reading of petitions was , on motion
dispensed with.
Committee reported that an electric light
12 o'clock circuit , can bo had in llayliss par !
for $15 per month , and recommended sai
light bo located at once. The report wa
The judiciary committee report favorabl ,
upon the adoption of an ordinance regulutin
licenses. This makes hucksters ? . "X ) , pci
dlers > 50 , small articles 5-10 , advcitisin
agents § 10. This takes nil stands from th
streets. The ordinance was read a bccon
time and was laid over under the rules an
was referred to the city attorney anil Jud
clary committee.
A communication from the chief of the fir
department relative to certain changes in th
location of the hose reels was read. A ixt
tion bearing upon the matter was read. Th
two horse reel was changed to the Broailwa
house and the single reel was sent to tli
Main street house. The petition froi
more than ono hundred and fifty propert
owners living in the lower fire district wn
for the return of the two horse reel to Mai
street. The petition was granted. Purtltc
contemplated changes were referred to th
flre committed.
Bonus ior $1,024 were ordered issued to I
Sweeny in full payment for work done o
contract. Bonds amounting to § 154 were o :
dcred issued to M. Cullihan. for grilling o
The bill of the Omaha Republican for fX.t ( )
was allowed. Also bill of C. C. Chambei
lain for filling intersection , $3 < 7MO. Also e
E , A. Wickham & Co , for c4,474.
* an - " y > * *
Disgrace and Destitution.
A report of the death of an Infant child (
the corner of Pierce and Madison streets wr
given in Sunday morning's Bnn and rcflec
ing strongly on the father of the chili
Further investigation shows that ho did m
intentionally desert the child and its mothc
in the time of trouble , us ho did not kno'
tliat the child was dangerously ill. Tli
couple are not married , but the woman saj
the man has been "keeping" her for seven
months. She was formerly a member of tl
donu-monde , but lately has taken in wasl
ing. She told the neighbors that she wi
loft alone with the child before it died , ai :
that tlio statement was construed to men
that she was deserted , and it was s > o pit
lishcd. The father claims to have done i
much as possible for hts illegitimate chili
and docs not wish to bo unduly censured. .
misunderstanding of the mother's statemcn
by tlio kind-hearted neighbors who assiste
her in her trouble gave tin exaggerated cole
ing to the affair. At the best it is br
Launching tlio New Steamboat.
The , launching of the new stoatuer boii :
built at Lake Manawa by D. Chapman w
take place Wednesday ovouinir , July 12 , ute
o clock. Those never having witnessed th
performance will find it to bo very iuteres
ing and should not miss the opportunit
The dimensions of the new steamer nro i
follows : Extreme length of hull , SO fee
breadth of beam , 111 feet , with two deck
main and boiler deck , with railing tirout
both decks. The machinery coiibists of tl
following , viz. : One 42.\00 inch uprtgl
boiler made ot steel of 00,1 OJ tensile strengt
stamped by the government inspector , t\i
oscillating engines 0x7 , two propeller wheo
21 inches Ja diameter. Tlio machinery
built by HK I & Whitacro of Chicago , mm tl
hull bi' Thomas Btigloy of the same plac
The boat will bo christened after thb wortl
and popular mayor of Council Bluffs , M. J
The Teachers of Young Ideas.
The teachers' Institute opened ycstcrdi
morning nt the Bloomer school with an t
tendance of about 100. Tlio institu
will continue three weeks , with daily sc
sions from S to 12:80. : The corps of instruc
ers includes some of the best in Uio countr
including the following : Dr. James M
Naughton , arithmetic , first division , and i
dactics ; Prof. A , B. Warner , Harlan , nrit
rnetic , second division , and grammcr ; Prc
W. C. Davis , Avoca , arithmetic , third (
visionand geography ; Prof. J. W. W. Lair
Carson , arithmetic , fourth division , and hi
tory ; Mrs. I. P.Yaro , Council Bluffs , phyi
ology. It Is expected that there will bo i
attendance of at least 250 before the close
tuo session.
Ho AVilLBo Judge Kcatloy.
It will bo gratifying to the many friends
Coloiiol J. II. Keatley to learn that the pro
dent has appointed him United States jud
for the district of Alaska. Colonel Kcatli
has been for some time occupying a positli
in ono of the departments at Washingto
The now position is ono moro to hb tasl
doubtless. He has been a member of the b
bore for ycars.nud although ho has boon esc
luting somowlmt between the bar and jour
alistn , ho has never forsaken the practice c
' 'Seo how white my teeth are growing ,
Satisfactorily showing- "
Said u lady to her friend , t'other day ,
"That this standard preparation
Merits highest commendation "
U was SOZODONT , I scarcely need to so
Sir JnsvnhsliiRltJoo , K. C. I. E. , nml His
guccr Costume.
The news that Sir Jnsvtvhslnghlco , K.
C. I. E. , Thakoro Sahib of Limbdi. is
stopping at tfici" Palmer house , has
shaken Chicago 'Bocioty from centre to
ulruumforonuo , says the Herald. If the
Ahkootul Of Swat himself had como
among us , or if the Begum of Outle had
condescended to make us a call , the sou-
satlou could not have been grontcr. Sir
Jasvahslnglijeo arrived at- the Palmer
on Wedne'-d'iy morning , accompanied
\iy \ lils name anil his suit of one Eug-
Human. The Herald reporter most con
versant witli Sanscrit was dispatched to
Interview the prince , anil was court
eously received. The prineo scorned
quite'surprised to moot In far away Chicago
cage a reporter who c.ould salaam in
such graceful and genuinely Oriental
stylo. The reporter explained that this
perfection wns the result of practice , ho
having frequently sala-amcd the door.
Till ) costume of the prince is not easy
V ( fSi'i'il'UIt is | l combination of
styles. Ho wore
ho ordinary c.
' '
n this country , and aho' ;
omtuitic-looking garment o , , Jt i" , \ .
jroon striped batin , its style of aU
ccturo n bert of cro s between the
) orle Mother Iluhhard and the Ionic
Pajamas. On his shiny black hair he
voro a green turban , and thus attired
sir Jnsvahsinghjco lookpd as if ho had
tcpped out < of a comle opera or a viiudq-
, 'ille.
The prince talks hotter English than
nest of the Englishmen who come to
\moriea , but , ng the Herald reporter
vns pining for an opportunity to prac
tice his Sanscrit , the prince kindly con-
bcntod to talk in that beautiful and too
ittlo known language. Stripped of its
lootio figures and allegorical imagin-
ugs , which would sound extravagant ,
, ho princo'b views may bo summarized.
; hus : lie IH travoling'only for pleasure ,
'laving left his > ; younger brother to run
.ho business of governing Limbdi , Ho
is the Thakore Sahib of that principality
and what he bays goes with the Limb-
diaus , of whom there nro several hun
dred thousand. The British flo not in
terfere with him in any way. but lot
jiim tlo hufeincs' ) as a licensed Thakoro
Sahib , at which trade ho has been
working seven years , lie was edu
cated in England , and has traveled in
Europe extensively. He has introduced
into his own government those features
of European governments which im
pressed him mo-it , and he hopes to learn
something now and valuable in Chicago.
The reporter suggested that Major
Roche could give him some points on
the organization of a police force and a
lire department , and Sir Ja.svahsinghjce
said ho would try to meet the mayor
during Ills stay in Chicago. The prince
said that ho arrived in Now York on
the Adriatic August 2(5 ( ; that
ho was not seasick , as ho has been a
grout traveler ever since ho was a
boy. lie stopped .at Now York and was
entertained extensively. What a catch
ho would bo forborne of the money-lov
ing holies of sordid Gotham ! Ho wojit
to Washington und was given a recep
tion by President Cleveland. Ho thinks
Cleveland a substantial , brainy man ,
a ml said that ho would vote for him if
ho remained in this country long enough
to have the right to vote. Ho went to
Newport , and was there at the btimo
time that the Duke of Murlborough was.
Marlborotigh seemed to bo very popular
with Airs. Stevens and a few others.
Tie visited Boston , where ho sought
borne now and excellent spectacles ; also
went to Saratoga and Philadelphiatook
a trip up the Hudson and skipped over
to Canada , visited Toronto , Montreal ,
Ottawa and Quebec , being tendered a
reception at the last named place by
Lord Lansdowno. Ifo wont to Niagara
Falls for a few days , and thought them
an enduring monument to the tireless
energy and inventive ingenuity of the
American people. The prince expressed
the usual t\mount \ of wonder over Chi
cago's splendor and phenomenal growth ,
and sujd ho would consider the matter
of locating here and buying the Storey
palace. From hero the Thakoro Sahib
will proceed westward to California ,
taking in the points of interest on route ,
including the Yellowstone park. Proba
bly ho will sail from San Francisco and
visit China and Japan , thence proceed
ing homeward , but there is a possibility
that ho may cross the continent agniii
and sail from Now York.
Drink Malto , "o cents a bottle.
Staying In Russia.
From George Kenimn's contribution
to the July Century we quote the fol
lowing : The Imperial Russian post is
now perhaps the moat extensive and
perfectly organized horao-oxprcfcs ser
vice in the \\orld. From the iiouthorii
end of the peninsula of Kamlchatka tc :
the most remote village in Finland ,
from the fro/en wind-swept shores ol
the Aictic oi'otin to the hot , sandy des
erts of central Asia , the whole empire
is ono vast network of post routes. You
may pack your portmanteau in Nizhni
Novgorod , got a padorozhnaya from the
postal department , and start for Potro-
pavlovtik , Kaintchatka , seven thousand
miles away , with Uio full assurance thai
throughout the whole of that enormous
distance there will bo lior.ios , reindeer
or dogs ready and waiting to carry you
on , night and dav , to your-destination ,
It must , howeverlie borne in mind thai
the Kiii-fian post route is a very ditl'er-
out tiling from the did English posl
route , and that Iho Hussion horse illD'orE
widely , not only from our owr
western "pony express , " but fron
the horse expresses of mosi
other oountrlc * . Tlio characteristic
feature of the \\o-it European and Amor
lean s.\s'oms is the Mage-coach or ill I
igoiu'o , which loaves cor-tain places a'
certain stated hours , or , in olhc-i
words , runs upon a pivarrapged time
schedule. It is precisely this feature
which the RiH-ian sy-tem docs no
havo. There are , generally speaking
no stupe-roach" Hues in Rusdn ; the
vehicles which carry the mails do noi
carry passong rs < , andt away from the
the raihondt ) , there is no such thing ai
traveling upon a-il.xpil time ge'hedule
You are never etblipcd , therefore , t <
wait for a public conveyance whicl
leaves at a cu'tain stated hour , and the )
go through to your destination in'thn
convcvtinco , stopping when it stops nut
starting when it starts'without rcgari'
to your own he'a'ti } , comfort , or con von
icne'c. On the contrary , you may ridi
in your own sleiyh or carriage , nni
have it drawn t/y'j.o ' t horsn-j. You mtu
travel at the rate\of , 175 miles in twen"
ty-four ho'tis , oV .twenty-four ratios it
175 hours , Jiisl as you feel inclined. Voi
may stop hen joil like , where you like
and for as long a time as you like , ant
when you are ivady to move oh , yet
have only to order out your horaos ant
got into your vehicle. It makes no dlf
foronco in what part of tno empire yoi
may Inppon to be , nor to what part yoi
may wish to go. Sotal your padorozh
naya to the nearest post station , and it
twenty minutosyou will bo riding awa ;
at the rate of ton miles an hour , will
your postal order in your pocket and i
hundred relays of fresh horses ilistrlb
uteil i\t \ intervals along your route.
The established rate of payment fo
transportation over the post routes o
western Siberia seems to an Americai
absurdly low. It amounts , inuludini
the compensation of the driver , tel ,
cents per mile'for eve'ry horse , or 3
couU per uiilo ( or. the usual . "troika ,
\JULY . IP , isss :
f ? ? ?
( cih' ° f Uirco. ; Tn other words , tw
S CAn twtf .in their own car
with .R tcnmiyjf Aroq horses n , uls
, . cftCi . , lo fco
31 cents . < _ KiiDOtimes to ivtiUt
almost ashnmuu } > post fetation
up n driver ti , stormy nitjhl
in the middle of ' --os horses i
cotnpol him to harness tulurk , i
drive iifl twenty mllosovcr a . . , ll
ami perhaps dangerous road , a * .
oiler liim ( or his corvlco the pitiful sim
of sixty-eight cents. TrlBlng and in
adequate , however , ns sneh compensa
tion may scorn , it is itirpo enough to
tcinntiiit" this field of enterprise hun
dreds of pt : i .llllt " ' " 'crs ' who compete
with the povoniiuP"1Post \ ) ' fitrnishinj |
what tire known ns -'J'1'1"1. or. . freo.
horses , for the trnnsporlatiou of tnivol-
era from ono village to another.s
those free horses are ponurally hotter
fed and in bettor condition than the
ovnr-drivon nnimtilsnt the postbttitions ,
it is often ad viuitngcous to employ them ;
und your ilrivur , as you approach a vil-
layo , will al most always turnaround and
inquire \Uiother ho shall take you lethe
{ jovorntnent post htatinn or to the house
of ti "frieiid. " Triivolliiji with "drush-
ki , " or "fr'ionds ' , , " co-ts no moro than
traveling by post , and it enables one to
fcco much more of Iho domestic llfo of
thu Siberian peasants titan ono uould
heo .KV Stopnlnff und changing horsi s
only at ri 'aiVrost ' 4tt ! | ' , ' ] ;
Calil\iriiiii ; tlu Ir.liil , ol' IJlfioovoi'Icfl
, , .
coughing r , when tlltvl TilOit ( igrceuuiu
California remedy , Santa Abie , will
, 'ivo you immediate relief' ( SANTA
\B110 is the only guaranteed cure for
Jonsumption , Asthma and all Bronchial
Complaints. Sold only in largo bottles
itSl.OO. Three for Si.f ! > 0. C. V. Good-
nan Drug Co. will bo pleased to supplj
vou , and guarantee relief when tibcd tit
lircotcd. CALIFORNIA CAT-U-CrUl ;
lover fails to relieve Catarrh or Cold in
the Head. Six months treatment , $1.00 ,
By mail , $1.10.
Thp Vanished.
On the morning of the llth day ol
August. 187:2 : , Charles . ) . Kohl , a young
nan of twenty-live vcars , living ai
Xenia , O. , fell de-ad while wakingacross
ho dining room in his father's house ,
MIJ'H the San Frani'teco Uxamincr ,
rile family contested of his > father ,
mothf" . Iwo biiterb , and a cousin , a bov
uf 11 f toon.
All wore present at the breakfast
table when Charles entered the room
but instead of taking his accustomed
seat near the door by which he had
entered , passed it and went obliquely
to\\aid one of the windows , with what
purpose no one knows.
lie had passed thf > table but a feu
steps when he fell heavily to thu Hoot
and never again breathed.
The body was carried into a bedroom
and. aflor vain olTorls at resuscitation
Ijy the Mrickon family , left lying on the
bed with composed limbs and covered
Taco. In the meantime the boy hail
been htifcliXv dispatched for a physician ,
who arrived noino twenty minutes aftot
the death. He afterward rememberer
as an uncommon circumstance Ilia'
when ho arrived the woojiing relation !
fiithi'r. mother , and two sisters were
all in the room enit of which the bod'
room door opened and thai the door was
closed. There was no other to the bed
This door was at once opened by the
father of the deceased , anil as , the phy
sician passed through it ho observed the
rigid outlines of the body under the
sheet that had been thrown ever it , am
the profile was plainly discernible undoi
the face cloth , clear cut and sharp , a :
profiles of the dead bceim always to bo ,
lie approached and lifted the cloth
There was nothing there. Ho pulled
away the sheet. Nothii.g.
Tlio family had followed him into the
room. At this astonishing discovery
if so it may bo called they looked ai
ono another , at the physician , at tin
bed , in speechless amazement , forget
ting to weep.
A moment later the three Indies re
quired the physician's care ; all had
fainted and fallen to the Iloor. The
father's condition was but little bettor :
ho stood in a stupor , muttering inartic
ulately and staring like an idiot.
Having restored the ladies to con
ciouMicss the physician went to the win
dow the only ono the room htul open
ing upon a garden. It was locked 01
the inside , with the usual fastening at
tached to the bottom bar of the uppoi
sash and engaging with the lower.
No inquest was hol < l there yras noth
ing to hold it on , but the physician am
many others who were curious as to this
remarkable occurrence made the mos
searching investigation into all the cir
cumstanoos , but without result. Charloi
J. Itotd was dead and ' 'gone , " and tha
is all that is known to this day.
Ono touch of kindness that a house
keeper will appreciate is the prcbonta
tion to her of several bottles , nay of OIK
bottle , of Van Duxor's Flavoring Ex
tracts which nro known and esteemed it
every properly ordered household foi
their ascertained purity , tlelictioy ant
height of llavor. They are particular ! ;
economic , necessitating the use only o
the least quantity , and the bottles of tin
fiyo dill'erent sixes contain moro thai
the average. All grocers sell them.
liO , 29 MAIN ST.
IIIIIPI ru i mm
Tlio Morris Type \Vrlter la n practical , wel
mndo nud finely llnlshed machlnn , nndcombine
the perfect lettering , oxnct alllKmiiont , nn
raildwiltln of nhlKh priced writer. The KI i
SUN MIMiuiiAPil. : : ( tfiqboat npnnratns mad
for mnulfoldliiB autoKrnphlc nnd tvpo write
work ; y.lWI copies can be taken. TVi'fiVH1TKI
stippUes for sale. Bend for cironlara. The
ccinlor Co. , Council llluUd.Iu.
Mention tills paper.
-L great Xecllcal Work of the
nga oa Msuliood , Ncrvoui nnct
Phyilcal Dtbtllty , 1'reniatuio
Decline , Error of Voulb , an 1
Ibercon , CCO pagca Svo , 125
prescriptions for ull Ulseacei.
Cloth , full gilt , only $1.00. l > )
mall , eraleil. llluttratl\ iauijlo | Iran to all younj
an'J ivIdiUe.BEcil men. Send now. TUaOoldand
Je cllcd Medal an ariled to tna author by the Kn-
tlotial JlcUlcnl Auoclatlon. Ad < lrc < a I * . O. box
1693 , Hotton , Haw. , or Dr. W. 1U
in IKnton.who may be consulted couflijenllally
Specialty , Dl > c 4C3 et Utu. OlCce No , 4 tuUlncmt.
co. ,
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted
POWER , Mills and Elevators/1
fpccillcntions nmi estimates furnished for complete steam plants. HcB\ilatlonVnurn1jllIty G"4
jjnt ? d. Can show le-ttcrs from users \\licio fuel Kcouomy Is equal uitli Corliss ou-Condcu lug/
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manage
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6OO Broudwny , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , , < * *
WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or snlnrv. " " " * * " * "
. . . .
W % % * ' ' . ' I fc t tffef * % A 1\1 It 'VIEA " 'I'V . . Vf * % rB.Lt * i -
AA ll'jU iiOlrAIj I * l.ljP.\l AtnIINlS
Aiilf * ? O V CO I > HSSI | < > V
- - rz n
. . .
" ' *
- u- flAVfi A Y * *
Cull on ill. DKOlILICIl , 5iS : ItroiiiUvay , wlicro you will receive
tlio ISi , ' ! ; c t Cush Price. * - .
Wrought and Cast FOR
\llitildinun \ , Automatic Iliyhcst Economy ,
Itcpitli : * . yew < C 'M Hand O1UI11LO SimitUcitu and Dttrabilltiji
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council Blulls.In. Telephone 100.
HRIRI INRINF Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
UllllvmuillU Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Drown
Building , Council Binds , Iowa. \
Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
Pearl St. , Council Uluffs , Iowa. ) '
N Justice ol the Peace. Oillcc over American Express , No. 4ltf
Uroadway , Council Blnfls , Iowa. J
Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Kederi
&QIMQ " Courts. 'Olllcc Rooms , 7 anil 8 , Sliugarl > ncno Bock | ? '
Council Blufls , Iowa.
CP Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
\J , UltilTb , Iowa.
Specialist In citscasoi of Eye , Kiir , Novo aud
M. H. CHAMBERLIN M. D.Specialist ( Jlnssfs Acciir.itclv Proscribed. Out-
. , , , - , - - - nnrh triMiteilbv tnnll niter llrst ronsiiltntlon ,
oillcncor. JliiinMioetand Uronilnny. Ucsliluucc , 010 lllutr bt. iluurs-lMo 1U , atoB , 7yoto8w : : ; >
Council lllutlf , Iowa.
PLH From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
SPECIAL advertisements , such as Lost.Vouml ,
To Iionu , Tor Sale. To Itont , Wants , Hoarding ,
etc. , will ba liiscited in this column nt thu low
rate of UT.N TENTS I'KH I.IN13 for the first In-
hurtlon and 1'ivo Cents Per Line for e.ich subse
quent Insertion. I.euve advertisements nt our
olllce. No. la 1'cnrl Street , near Iiroadw.iy ,
Council lIlutTs , ] O\MV ,
Itl'SSMAKlSO ANo plain sowing done nt
D No. ll'il Third nvunuu , or by the day.
fjAOH 8ALU The best small fruit and vegeU
-1 } bio farm in Potiaivattninlo county , two
miles from Council lilnlli voftolllce. nt a prleo
that > \111 scjl it , on icmarkably easy terms.
Title j > erfoct and property In wood tomlltlon.
Pc BebSJon ulvt'ii liny timo. Good leahon for
soiling. It. T. Hryant iV Co. , 0 8 llroadway ,
Council illnirs , In. _ _
TKAOI3 Several stocks o merchandise ,
nlHolnipioved and unimproved fnrms. John
ston & You Patten , tfl Main st.
OH SAI.1J Three year old horse. Genile
and bound. IbK Ninth st.
rpO HUNTImiue'llntfly , for the Minimcr , a
JKood furnished house , 10 rooms ; closet nnd
bath room ; city water. Apply on premises , til !
Etlinve. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To exchange Nebraska or Wisconsin
WANT lands forCouniil Illulls or Omaha
propel ty or merchandise. O. 1' . McKfSSon.
'A XfANTKD Stocks ot inarrhiindl o. Hnvs
it Oniulia nnd Council Jlliitr < i city property ,
nlso western Intiil to exchange for iioodi. CiH
on or address Johnson .V U'lrUtluu ' , Ilooni 34 ,
Clmni-cr of Commerce. Omalm.
"IJ Olt BALI' At a bnrgaln , lOnnesnoir stock
-1 } yards , South Omaha , Neb. . Johnsuii .V
Christian , Itoom 3J , Chamber of Conimerco ,
Instructor of Music ,
No. 114 Stntesmau ( .trin t. Council ItliiuV and
.Mclnberg's iiuslo Btoro , Dodge streetOmaha.
nounitivs sr. , OMAII.V , NU
o McDANELO & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow. Pelts ,
Wool and Furs. . .
Highest Market Prices , . Prompt
' KO iid KM Mali : Strcoi.Cjaucil
DMBroaa\vay Council muffs , Ion a. Establhhed
NO. 521 BI UN ST. ,
. , Kiurrs , : : IOWA
Star Stables and Mute Yards
Ilnr ou nnd niulcH constantly or.hand for jlf
nt retailer in carl ts. I
Onters promptly ( llled by contract on sbord
U'ltiCO. '
Stock hold on commission.
Telephone 114. bCIII.UTIIH * lOI5y- ! ! ,
Oppo lto Uuiijiny Depor , Uouaull I
MB. % SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
: . - ' SI'KCJALIST :
Diseases of Women unil Chlldreu ,
, - . si ; liroaiway , Council Uliuu ,