Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    ( BCAHA bAILY BEE : TUESUAY. JUliY 10. 1888.
JTobroska Invite to Participate ) In
the French Exposition.
Stops Tnk'cti to SupprcF * Inguliordlnn-
tlou nt the I'onifctiilnry AVny -
.ivnrd Girl Kent to flic Ilurorm
School Minor Mention.
LIXCOI.N HritE\t ; or Tiin OMUH Hire , )
ltr."J 1' STUKBT , >
LINCOLN' . July P. J
This morning Governor U'hnjcr received
the following letter , n porsuul or which will
fUrrilfth nil necessary cxplnnutlon :
bopnrtmcnt of State , Washington , July 3 ,
18S8. To tlio Honotublo Joliti M. Tliaycr ,
Governor of Nebraska Sir : Hy n joint resolution
elution of conpress , approved March 10 ,
3fiSS , the Kovcnimeiitof tlio United Rtntesar-
it'ptcd tlio Invitation of the ropulillc of
France to take jmrt in on exposition of works
of nrl itnd the products cf the manufactures
uncl ngrlculluro of nil tuitions , to ho held In
Paris commencing on the 5th dny of Maj and
closing on the Hist day of October , ISStf.
1 have the honortp enclose herewith copies
of the Joint resolution icferrcd to , mid in uc-
oordanco with Its terms I would leqnost you ,
by mien methods us you may doom KUlt.ihlu ,
to notify the i > roplo of your stuto to assist in
the proper rcurcscntntlon of the proilUtllouB
of our industry and the rc.Mjuicca of
our country. J would also auggost that jou
take huch further measures as imiy bo nates
Bary In older to st'curo to your atnto the ltd-
vantages to bo derived from this benclloent
umk'rtnklnfr ,
The president , by and with the ndvlro of
the honale , has appointed tScncrnl William
1J. Franklin as commissioner general to the
1'orls exposition , and the ofllcc of the com
mission Is now established t No. :15 : Walt
etreet , Now York City. T. F. BA\AUI > .
Th ? resolution in brief states that the con-
nto and IIOU.HO of rcprcscntutivos on the pnrt
of the UnitQd States accepted the Invitation
and that the governors of the several slates
and territories ho requested to Itivito their
pcoplo to assist In bci'lngthnt the proper rep
resentation of the productions and industries
Is had , and fminor that such action bo taken
us may bo necessary to secuic their respect
ive states and territories all advantages to bo
ilcrivcd from exhibits ; that $250,000 had bced
nppiopriatcd , to bo expended under the di-
rcctlhn of the secretary of state , to defray
nil the necessary expenses attending Ihe ex
hibits of tile country at the exposition. The
commissioners of titfriculturo tire au
thorised to collect and prepare
Hultublc specimens of agricultural products
from the several states and territories , with
descriptions of thorn printed in the Kngllah ,
French and Gorman languages. The reso
lution also Incorporates the desire thut ex
hibits bo obtained from every Held of in
dustry In the land.
Governor Thaycr will not toke immediate
fiction regardIIIK the mailer , but Homothlug
will bo done that will Insure an exhibition
of products nt the great expo
sition. Such aa exhibit will undoubtedly bo
inado as will be wholly commensurate with
tliD resouiccs of the state.
M ) .MOIH : iMriirr.nrjNri : .
The board of public lands and buildings
passed the following resolution at its hist
Jiicctinp , which may , perhaps , aid Warden
liyers hi reducing any insubordination that
jnay occur at the slate pcnitontiury in the
future. It will certainly prevent any mali
cious Interference.
The board of public lands and buildings , In
the llh'lit of rccenl cvcuta and insubordina
tion at the state penitentiary , and In view of
Jho Interference of malicious and officious
persons , to Iho safety and hazard as well ns
to the prejudice ami proper discipline of said
institution , institutes thouotns lollows :
Therefore , It Is heiob.v ordered and deter-
jnlncd that the warden of said penitentiary
fjhall exercise full mid absolute nuthni ity over
rill i > oi sons whomsoever entormg , or being em
ployed in any cauac-ity on or about said
building or premises , and till orders omaiat- |
JHC from 1dm rfuull bo respectfully and Im-
llllcltly obeyed , and any Infraction of this
order or disobedience to his ordois shall bo
forthwith reported by the warden to this
board and the warden bhnll bo hold strictly
responsible for the cnfoicement of this
ron THI : ncroiiM SCHOOL.
Tlio circumstances mo cettalnly d'strcss- '
Ing which impel a parent to make complaint
tipalnst 11 child , especially n daughter , ro-
cjting that she Is wholly mcorrltrlblo , having
.committed divers crimes little short of mur
der or manslaughter , itnd prnylnir thatsho
bo sent to the ciue and custody of tlio reform
pchool of the state. William Hann thus
complained against his daughter Anna , n
lass.ui'der sixteen years of age. this mornIng -
Ing , before Judge Stewart , and n warrant
committing her to the reform school until
she bo lawfully discharged , was placed In
Sheriff Mollck's hands and she was taken
for committal nt 1:30 : o'clock to-dny.
Anna's unfortunalo position Is doubtless
flue to her escapade yesterday afternoon.
For several days past bands of gypsies have
been quartered In and about the city. Onn
of them pulled stakes yesterday and the girl
packed uj ) her traps and Joined them. Her
parents , hearing of her ilight , pursued her
and tried to iHMsuadohor to return , which
nho peislstenlly refused to do. Tlio matter
was then placed in the hands of un onicer ,
who also pursued and overtook the girl , but
pho wort still obdurate and he had to place
Lor under arrest.
PII.KIJ wini TiiEsnciiUTini or STATE.
The Call publishing company llled articles
Of Incorporations with the secretary of state
to-day. The principal place of business of
the company is declared to ho at Lincoln and
the capital stock Wo.OOO , one-half of which
must bo subscribed and paid before business
is commenced. The oblcct of the company Is
to piibllsh n dally mid weekly ndwbpapcr.
( This corporallon dates itb existence from the
ESth day of June. ISsS , and Is to continue for
twenty i cars. The business of the corpora-
lion is to bo conducted by a board of trustees ,
and it is us follows : A. O. Fnirbrotlier , II ,
M. Uusliucll and Sam D. Cot ,
) Noruius. :
Governor Tlmvcr commissioned the follow
ing notuile.3 to-day :
Warren H , Holmes , nTecumsch , Johnson
county ; John P. Ucorin.ikor , Chester ,
( Thuycr county ; George A. Uciuigh , Grand
Island , Hall county John H. Uarns , Omaha ,
Douglas county.
Hon. Sam Chapman , of I'hittsmouth , Is h
the city.
The Lancaster prohibitionists meet Ir
county convention next Thursday afternoon
Sheriff Coburp , of Om.nha , was In the citj
ycsteiilay after papers of requisition.
The H. & M. railroad compaiJy has Just cs
tnblialiiM a commercial agency In this city
It will mark un important era. Hrunch of
Ucos will bo established in the principa
cltcs | of the state , the llrst of which will bi
nt Heutnco.
A. U Sanderson , Stockton , ICnn , , and Con
ttablo J. li. Murphy , of toward , nre In tin
City looking for a team and buggv of Bander
foil's , who is n livpry nmn , and which was
jilrcd to a jioddler for a day or two about tw <
weeks ago , but Us yet ho has failed to recovei
Ills property.
SCciqtary Furnns , of thn Nebraska state
board of agriculture , says that thoexhlblttoi
bf horses and cattle nt the coming state fnii
Will bo manually Hue. A tine stud of Ara
man stallions will bo on exhibition. OIK
pi-coder , from outside of Nebraska , will shov
loventy Shire Stallions of li S imponallon.
Governor Tliaycr has Issued n prorlainn
lion offering n reward ofJr2DO for the arrcs
fend coiivictlon of tlio persons who murdcrei
lluber Uubcrt nt Hay Sprlr-cs June 12 , 1SS7
If you need a perfect tonic or blooi'
purillor , tuUo Dr. Jones' Itod Clovoi
a'onlp. It speedily cures nil troubles o
he Btoinuoli , kldnoys tind llvor. Cur
[ to Uikon by Iho most ilcllcato. Price
0 eoiit's. Cioodninn.
I1KXCH AM ) 11 All.
V'cutcrilnj'o ceilings itt tlio U11 ltd
Staffs < " < nrt.
Tlio I'lioqiiix Mutyul ImuiMtiw com
ol lliirtfor.1 , tXi.n , uc .tii suit UKiil-is
elm MoFctrUljo , 15 iliiM't unit Sarah Mo
Petrld e mid Koi "i't M OM l < > cnfort'O the
payment ntli pivinUory initu of SsuO | j lvot
July , ISI. I. Tin- note ii nnt ilno imni ) i0 bu
Iho inturcM , iWO PIT Uiin'tm , l\s : rot bcci
Jiaitl for the | tti > > t t\\t > yvui'a and u&orJmv' U
llio tcrmvbf the nclo tu'a rtyhu of tUs As
fondants are forfeited. The first three of the
defendants named In thu suit are residents
of Saline county , N'cb.
District Court.
The various c scsset forbearing yesterday
In the dlstrfcl court before Judgcn Wnkeley
and Groff were passed until to-day to allow
them to hear In chambers the various Injunc
tion proceedings agulnst the numerous street
railway companies. The attorneys for
the , defendants in the application of
Uw motor company ngalnst the
'cable coitrjiaiiy announced that they were
ready to proceed with the hearing of their
case , and us the work on the building of the
system In the part of the city named
In the application for the Injunction had
to be stopped on account of the restraining
order they were anxious lo be heard. They
also objected to all the cases being considered
together , Mating as their reasons that nil the
cases weredepcndllig on this one. The at
torneys for the motor cojipany Insisted that
the cases all be heard together and that the
hearing bo continued over until to-morrow.
The court granted each a part of their request ,
continuing thohoarlng until to-morrow for
the plaintiffs , mid ruling that the motor case
ngalnst the cable company wjll bo taken up
nlono anil If it is found that tlio
points Involved in the other applications
tire Identical Iho decision in the Hist case
will bo reserved until all the application ! !
have been heard. The application of the clt-
7enB residing on I'oppleton avenue for an In
junction against the motor company will bo
heard after the other cases have been dis
posed of If the decisions in the other cooes ate
such ns to miiko the npplicanls for the writ
desirous of being heard. Tlio court cranled
the cable company the right , pending the
hearing of the case , to so ll\ the exc.ivatiqns
whore they have been compelled to suspend
work on itt'count of the restricting order us
lo render them safe to Iho public.
A nniiT cou.crrou BXJOIXCD.
The case of Frank M. Kennedy against
Calvin 1' . Coum.mnn and the Union 1'acllle
Hallwav company on an application of the
phmtlll to enjoin the defendant , Counsinan.
from garnlshceing his wages In the hands of
the railway company was heard by
JuJgo Oroff , Tlio case was begun
In Council Uluffs , la , by Counsman , and ho
was beaten. Ho began proceedings in the
licnvcrCol. , courts on the same clalmwhero
the case is now pending. The court granted
Kennedy the Injunction perpetual and held
that his wages cannot be obtained from his
company for the debt.
The case of Gllmoro and other heirs of
Addison K. Gllmoro , ngalnst Andrcon H ,
Moore , chairman of the board of trustees of
the city of Urnndvipw , and others , was on
trial before Judge Doane. The case involves
the tax titles of a number of lots in Grand-
The case of Llvcspy against Festncr for
Iho foieclosure of a mechanic's lien for Iho
sum of $ S7i ) was taken up before Judge Groff.
Fcstner , in his answer in the case , holds that
Llvcsey did not fulilll llio conditions of the
contract In theconstructlon of Ihe walls of
Iho building and he ( Festncr ) was damaged
by the failure more thnn the amount of the
County Court.
SUITS ron r.ionr.
The United States Electric Lighting com
pany began suit ngalnst C. S. Higgins on two
promissory notes of JJ03.17 each for luel and
John A. Wakcllcld began suit agamst'.Tohn
U. Killer lo enforce the payment of a prom-
iss'ory note amounting lo S300 , payable ninety
days nftpr February 2 , ' ) .
HII.I : > A FIIIM'S cioons.
Hyde & Soulhworth began suit against
William Coburn for & .V ) damages for unjustly
maintaining possession of $1)00 ) worth of
merchandise belonging lo them.
Jl imVIIXTS UXTl'.ltni ) .
Judgments were entered by Judge Shields
against C. 11 Mnyno In favor of Jonason in
tlio sum of & 3M.tH ) ; in favor of the Uepubll-
can Publishing company ngalnst C. U.
Mnyno in the sum of { . (12.25 ( , and in favor of
Iho Republican Publishing company against
the C. II Mnyno Heal Estate Ss Trust com
pany in the bumof $112.03.
K Mi Sternberg has been appointed guar
dian of Knbuius Nelson , Insane.
In the conililimtlon , proportion nnil
propiiKilion of ils > ingredients , llood'a
SiU'haparillu accomplishes cures where
other preparations fail. Peculiar in ila
good iisuiio lit homo , which is a "tower
of strength abroad , " peculiar in the
plicnoineiial hales it 1ms attained ,
llood'rt Sursaparilhi is the most success
ful medicine for purifying the blood ,
giving btrongth and creating an appo-
Gdncrnl Items Gitthci-ctl at 'Hcnilqunr- '
tors A Southern IJHC. !
Throa cur loads of school teachers from
Pennsylvania , bound for San Franci3cocamo
in over the Northwestern yesterday.
On Wednesday next the H. & M. will con
voy the Omaha Killo club to the raugo nt
Bollovuo. This is the ilrst excursion of the
season and will be an enjoyable affair.
Three car loads of Chinamen nrrivcd from
the west over the Union Paclllo yesterday
and went cast over the Chicago , Burlington
& Quincy They nre cnrouto for Now York
city nnd other eastern points.
On July 17 the B. & M. will run a big ex
cursion to Fleming , Col. , a new town cast of
Stirling. Tickets from Lincoln and. inter
mediate points good for ten days will bo sold
at the vato of ono faro for the round trip.
A iiewllilo of.road from Savannah , Ga. , to
points on the Missouri river and to Denver is
said to bo the latest suhemo in projected rail
way extension. The company is to receive
its iliiul backing from a syndicate of Euro-
rcan capitalists interested in the Newport
News and the Mississippi Vnllay railway.
The proposed road will bo formed by the
line now under construction from Savannah
to Atlanta. The organization of the parts
of the road In Alahimannd Tennessee has
already been formed It Is believed that
it charter will bo . ' .led in Missouri within u
few weeks , The terminus of the road will
uo In Kansas City , where connections will
bo ntado with the Kansas City , St. Joseph &
Council muffs road , n portion of the "Q"
system , nnd freight and passoiigors will thus
be shipped Is said that
the Mississippi will bo bridged at Now Madrid.
The Union Pacific folks nro Increasing
their rolling stook greatly of Into. During
the past three months they nave contracted
for seventy now locomotives , forty of which
have been delivered , while the other thirty
will bo sent as soon as they arc completed.
Those , when received , will malco the total
number of engines owned by the company
010. The company have also lot contracts
for six hundred furniture cars , ten emigrant
sleepers nnd six now baggage cars. This
won : is being done by the Pullman Car com-
. The Union Pacitlc company nro ro-
nilding nearly ono hundred fruit cars for
last bervico between Omaha and San Fran
cisco , equipping them with air brakes and
Miller platforms.
Ail Absolute Cure.
3 Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
3r and is nu absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hauls , and all skin erup
o tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles.
' MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 23
ceut-s per bovr by mall UO cents.
An Omnhn Firm Tlmt Handles the
Article Knowingly.
Sunday mornini' State A'ctorlnarlan
Dr. Gerth , accompanied by Meat Inspector
Hickstcln , stnitod to inako a trip to n milk
dairy just-outsldo town , and while driving
along Sixteenth street , near Izard , the latter
observe ; ) 0110 of the Omaha Packing com
pany's teams standing In front of a car of
meat which was/being unloaded. 'Hickstcln
stopped , and upon examining the , meat ,
found that ono beef was diseased , nnd that.ln
order to cover up tbo fact , tbo inside
lining of the ribs had been taken
out. Tie ( balance was spoiled. Not very skill
fully was the work done , cither , but In n
gbunglln clumsy manner. The nuiinuU had
wen affected with , contagious plenro-pncu-
monlaortubofciilo&.U according to Dr.Gcrth'a
opinion. The meat was condemned on the
si > ai.saUirnted with coal oil and dumped In
tlm river Tha nmount was about 2l > 00
( . 'onnth , more orleo , according to the inspec
tor's cV.lmnte , thuro bain ? twenty quartora
m all. This U not the- first time thlt com-
pany's meat has been condemned. A ( ew
weeks ago. ns will bo romeiffborctl , n IJua re
porter made n trip with Inspector FanAt
their market on North Sixteenth street about
four hundred pounds of tainted meat was
found. The day previous to this vi-slt Hick-
sloiu had condemned twelve quarters
nt the same place. Figures from
his books , indicate that since the
Anglo-American Packing company merged
into .tlio Omaha Packing , which occurred
om"o time ngd durlhg la'st January Ihat over
0,000 pounfls of meat kept by tin ? lirm has
been condemned. Ihnt which was passed
upon Sunday was , according to the In
spector's statement , killed nt South Omaha
and that the parties handling It knew full
well the stuff was diseased Is evidenced by
the manner in which the traces of cither
lubcrculosls or pleuro-pnoumonia were at
tempted tn bo covered up , Tubercular Is a
discnoauffOclliiK Iho lungs ana when cattle
are affected by It that part 6T the beef next
to the lungD Is filled with globular .spots not
unlike bubbles of nlr which lenve n brlitht
red spot. The tearing off of Iho inside lin
ing usually leaves but very
little trace of the disease visible , as In this
case , but nil experienced i-yo could readily
discern It.
The Inspector nnd Dr. Gerth next visited
several dairies In search of diseased cattle , but
found only one affected , ami the owner , sus
pecting something wrong , had kept her apart
fiom the head and endeavored to cure her.
When told that It was useless ho readily
consented to kill her mid did so in the pies-
cncc of both gentlemen.
The only Complexion Powder in the
world that is withoutvulRilrity , , without
injury to the user , nnd without doubt u
bouulillur , is Poz/oni'- * .
A jrrnmlulcnt U. S. Marshal AVorlcs n
Washington County CiratiRcr.
J. II. Hnrbldge. a farmer who lives on the
Washington county line , was the victim of n
very shrewd confidence operation yesterday.
He was at the Webster street freight
depot to ( iBCQrtaln the rates on n carload of
catlle , when ho was approached by n man ,
who said interrogatively :
"This is Mr. Harbidgoi"
"It Is. "
"Well , you are the man I want. I am n
United States marshal , nnd have a warrant
for your nricst , " nt the same time exhibiting
11 United States marshal's badge.
"A warrant for my arrest. For what
iravJ" ) asked Hurblugo , in astonishment.
"For dealing in counterfeit money , " re
plied the pseudo "And you must
submit to an immediate search , Mr. liar-
btdge , the law icquires Ihis nclion in Ihcso
cases. "
Thinking Ihat there had been on mistake
nado , but that ho really was in the custody
of u bona lido representative of the govern
ment , Hnrbldgo pormltlcd himself
to bo searched. The sharper con
ducted him to the rear ojf the
depot nnd there proceeded to "go through"
him deliberately and h.vstcinatlcnlly. This
operation resulted in tlio crafty scoundrel
taking possession of u silver watch nnd
chain , and $13 in money. Ho afterward ,
however. returned the watch anil
chain , but remarking Cthnt the money
would have to bo turned over to
the inspector , ho cooly pocketed it. Then he
told Ilarbildgo that ho could report at tlie
UnitcdStntos ] marshal's olllro in the afternoon
at'J o'clock sharp , that his farm was surety
enough that ho would not run away. The
man then left him , going up Webster toward
Sixteenth. The moro the ugricnltui 1st
thought of the matter , the more ho became
convinced that he had been worked by tin
impostor. Tile ridiculousness of the entire
transaction was proof enough of this fact ,
nnd shortly nftor the occurrence he'found
himselt hurrying toward Sixtcentli
street In search of the United
Stales marshal who had nrreslecl
him. Hut ho saw nothing moro of him.
HurbUgn then returned to the depot , whore
ho related the truiis.iclion to n Hni : reporter.
"Well , " said ho philosophically , " 1
thought I wasn't quite as big a fool as I look ,
but I guess 1 nn | , add I'll Just keep my moutl :
shut and go home , " and despite the fact thai
ho was urged to ropoi t to Iho police , ho did
got inlo his wagon and drive off. The reporl
of a similar case , on a smaller scale , comes
from Florence , but ns yet nothing definite
has bccu ascertained concerning it , only thai
It wai again n farmer who was the victim ,
and that his team was stopped right on the
public highway by a man on horseback , whc
know his name , residence , etc , nnd who re
llevcd him of $ " .SO in the identical way ir
which Harbldgo was relieved.
Tlilcl' Arrested.
The uows was received with the ut
most satisfaction by the community thai
ho had terrorized ; but the arrest of r
disease that is stealing away a lovot
and valued life , is an achievement thai
should inspire heart-felt gratitude
Chilincss , cold extremities , tlonrcssccl
spirits , and extremely miserable sensations
tions , with pale , wan features , are the
results of disordered kidno.vs and liver
Arrest the cause at once by taking Dr
Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery. It
is purely vegetable detective , that will
ferret out and capture the most subtle
lung or blood disorder. Druggists.
How the Military View tlio lniiRcr ol
Indian OutlircnlCH.
Tin : BCR of Sunday contained a telegran
staling Ihat Senator Paddock had received n
number of petitions from citizens in Siou >
nnd Dawes counties , Nebraska ; protesting
ngalnst the proposed removal of troops fron
Forls Robinson and McKinney lo their sum
mer encampment at Kearney. The reasons
assigned nfe that the settlers nro npprohen-
slvo thnt there may bo an outbreak of tin
Sioux pending the adjustments under the recent
cent net of congress open Imt up the grca
Sioux reservation lo settlement. The seaa
tor has referred the petitions to the secretary
of war.
A Br.K reporter made Inquiries at the head
Quarters of the department of the Platlocon
corning Iho petitions and was told b.y Genera
Brcck that it was known that such petition !
had been circulated , but that it was ulsi
known that the man who was foremost h
urging them was 1 hatcher , the pos
trader at Fort Niobrara , who wa
undoubtedly afraid that the receipt
of his business would b6 decreased by tin
absence of Iho soldiers. It was not the in
tcntlon of the authorities to take all tin
troop * away to the nulnmn encampment , am
In any event , they would bo in camp on i
railroad from which point they could react
any place of danger on the Elkhorn roac
insldo of thirty-six hours. That was ono o
the reasons why Kearney had been selected
Ho thought there1 was no reason for the pee
pie to bo afraid of an outbreak , becausi
when the last scare took place there was in
ground for it except that the Indians hai
been out on n hunt. "But , " sail
the general , "if the people ge
scared there Is no preventing , am
the mailer will have lo bo considered. " A
Fort Kinney there nro now two companies o
infantry and two of cavalry. They ar
located right near the town of Buffalo , 'vhlcl not the only place they have t
watch. They are supposed especially I
have an eye on the Crow Indians , who ar
quiet , the only exception having boon som
time ago when they wont out and their chic
was killed. But they never did anything ol
the reservation.
In Fort Koblnson , the parrlson consists o
four companies of infantry nnd four o
Those who take Dr. Jones' Red Clove
Tonic never have dyspepsia , costive
ness , bad breath , pilch , pimple * , agu
and malaria , poor appetite , low spirit-
headache or kidney troubles. iMco 5
cents. Goodman.
A Novel Sight Witnessed on th
A blind horse belonging to Garbage Mastc
Goldsmith fell Jrom the dump boal , at th
foot ' of Davenport street j into the river ye-
tor'day , Tbo animal struck out almlcssl
tor the other sl > ere , which it is doubtfi
whether bo would over have reached. How
ever , he had swam but ten or fifteen yard
wh n Golusmlth's big spotted dog plunge
o.T tile boat und started after him. Ovcrtu )
Continental Clothing
Clothing House West of ssissippi ' (
We will send packages containing suits of clothing , clotns and woolens of all kinds kept
in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota , Colorado , Kansas and Wyo
ming O. O. D , , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article ' <
oi merchandise inSour stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for the inTand I
if not -perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at otir expense. Money for all amounts ex i
ceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we
have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfac
tory results. Yeti take no risk. Examine thegoods : , and return them at our expense if they
do not please you.
i !
Corner 15th and Douglas Streets , Nebraska
incr the horse , the dog nobcd him by ono of
his ears and tuiwcd uway In an endeavor lo
turn him around toward the Nebraska shoie.
Ho only partially succeeded in Ibis , and ,
caught in the swift current , both equine and
canine were carried nl a rapid rate
down the HI ; , ' Mmld.Tho . dop ,
though , did not pive up in hts l.uul-
ijhlo effort to save the horse , but
cllusinK to hi * car , he continued to pull away
toward the western bhoro. The interested
spectators who had assembled upon the river
hank ran along down Iho shore determined
to witness the outcome of the novel scene.
They wore compelled to maintain their labor
ious pursuit for over ono nnlo and a half , for
it not until the luiimals had boon swept
way below the bridge that the doR was en
abled to pull his refractory companion out
of the inllunnco of the current and inlo Ihe
shore. This he finally succeeded in doing ,
nnd the feat was jrrqgtcil by a burst of cheers
Irom those who vi Itncssed the The two
animals were none the worse off for their
long swim , lioth were much exhausted , and
the horse had a badly chewed auricular , but
that was all.
/V Move For Shorter Hours nutl Jicst
About thirty grocery clerks assembled at
G. A. H. hall Sunday afternoon to take
steps for the organization ol a. union or so
ciety for the improvement of their condition.
Among the grievances complained of by the
various speakers who addressed the meeting
were hard work , long hours and poor pay ,
coupled with various indignities such as
being compelled to "board oul" n portion of
their pay. Amontr those who addressed the
meeting wore1 Messrs. F. J. MuArdlc , who
expatiated nt some lenpth on thobenollts of
orgauizallon ; Dr.V. . U. Lavender , who
strongly urged those present to bring new
members and said that If the COO grocery
clerks of the city would as n unit demand
shorter hours or heller pay they would get
their demand ; T. J. O'Noil , who considered
the condition of the grocery clerks no better
than that of a lot of slaves ; William Walker ,
Peter Hanson. A. Kerr and John Ahrens.
The organization was started about three.
mouths ago , but owing to lack of a proper
place in which to hold meetings is now al
most dead. Though no delinite aclion was
taken the meeting was productive
of a good deal of enthusiasm and those pres
ent were confident of having made a g6od
start. Another mooting will bo held in the
same place next Sunday afternoon. .
Its superior excellence jroven In millions of
homei tor morn than a quarter of a century. It
H used ! > ) tlin I'nltid Stntt'tidneminent , lln-
dor ed by the heads of the great universities us
the strouKoat , purest mid most liciilthfnl. Dr.
1'rlcos Cream linking Powder docs not contain
ammonln. llnioor nltiin. Hilil only In cans.
New YorV , Chicago , St. Louis.
Industry , Science and. Aft. .
Onon Until October. 1898.
Mcillciil Congress Meets AupusV 7th ,
Round Trip Excursion Ticket.
505 nnti 975.
For Information apply to
Agta' , 5H Brouthvny , Ko\v York.
See That Rugged Baby
haven't tried
make a test , ana ace If you ret'ret it.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Oinnlia nnd Council
IlliifTs to
Chicago , AND JIHnaiikco ,
St. I'aui , Minneapolis ) t'cdnr RnpidSj
Itock Island , Frrcport , IJocltford ,
Clinton , Dubmiuc , llutcnport ,
Elgin , Madlsmi , .Tanesvillc ,
Belolt , Wnonn , L.i Crossc ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast and
Korthrodjjh tlcke-M call on the ticket acfnt nt IVtl
Karnnni street , In Darker llloct , or ut Union I'aclUu
I'ullmnnRlceiioM nnd the llnest DlnhiK Ccrs In tbe
worlil uro run un thu lu.Un line < i ( the Culcago , Mil
wiiukcu A. Ml. 1'aul Hallway , nnd ervry uttvatlon K
imtd to passengers by courteous employes cf tbi
n. > lllt.lcn.ccncrulMnnncor.
J. V. TIlUICKIt , A 8l tant Ocncral Manasor.
A. V. IU CAHl'l'NThR , Ucncral I'ussongcr and
Ticket AK nt
Cil-o. K. HUAI'TOni ) , Assistant General Vmt aftl
anJ'llckvt Aecnt.
J.T. C1.AIIK. tJoncrol Supprlatendent.
Jtooui 63 Traders' Utilhllng/
nororcnccs-MetrornlUnn National Hank.
It. U Dun & Co. Thu Ilradstrcet Co.
PA ION OUTFITS , with constitution ,
drill tactics and full Information about
orgnnlilnif and drilling Marching Clubs.
Aparty sails nro. Mfor the Bouth of FRANCK ,
ITALY , SICILY , nud other delightful resorts.
A Second Tarty for the
01 I.ANB , OllKECK.
TOKKKV.Tlie NIl.K.niul
the chief countries .indcltlca
of Kiiropc , sails same dato. Scud for Circular.
E.TOURJEE , Franklln'Sq. , Boston.
IE. T.Allen , M. D. §
Ilomccopathlc Specialist ,
Breotaoles Accurately Prescribed.
Surgeon and Physic
Office N. W Corner i4th ar.d Uousliti St. Onics
telephone , 405 ; Kusldeucu tolupliouo , Clj ( ,
Bed Bug : , Roachss , Ants , Flois
And any other Insects' , use
Infallible Insect Powder ,
Also contracts taken for cleanIng -
Ing hotel ? , liovajtola and private lesldencesfrom
vermin. Satlsfactlim Uunraiitcnd or no pay.
1'rlnclnal Ueont 41U South 13th Street.
WE AK , , ME N ! BSiSaa
F * * ft1 li n ' - " " fr" " * OL'ARiNT
lunouttoill . tooth leg cUrrcoti ol
_ th tn tjJ * * * tohitltkAD4Yljbrouifitrtcgth. [ EUctnc
Ctmtoi * > t-Wtioft nUr orweforfiittMW in eiitk.
Qrutcit ireproTCCiitnti over All other bilu Wont cnei per *
ntnintly ctfrtdln thv moBrbi HewTfd ptmp iU * A * > < > * >
ThaSandenEUctriaPo. l69L 8aIic t
f A lA/Cflif / UUV > aiiuBtrine from the f-
Vf CHIMhHf cti oryouthtul er-
U i ' nj fa JB ror , fitly dtray. l
InanbWMl , ftc. I win wiiTik valunble trotlwlwul
containing full particular * fur huniu curu , frtv vt ,
cJianrtv Artiirw .
PROF. F. C. FOWLER. Moodug , Conn.
JL PuukHUll-orflliidftOii , N.V Heul ) foe cat a-
e. JtfO. M.TILUEN.M D. , M.A. 1'rluclp.l ,
.THE ORIGIN AL.THE ONI-- . . . , . ,
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Srandosl Triumph ol Eloelric Science
n iifl * Gcionlifically Made and Practically Applied.
' *
WILL Vf 5 B Hare yon Pains In ttifl Back , Hips. Heart or l.lmbi ,
\S'iS Nertoiu OoMlltj- , Lumbago , liberal llrbllltr , Mlieu-
nutUm. 1'uralrola , ' * StlntK-s ' .UlMiur ; , of Kldntjii , f < pliwll > U il > . Torola Urvr ,
Uont KvhuutuoB , _ Jmlalc'na1 Aithran. lltari IlfavaRe , I > y nep Ia , Con.tlDBtion '
WeakncM. Impoteney , ( tauirrh , 1'lle * . * " ' "ppi1 ! . Du " litclrotele ,
lllood I > l ue . nropny. ! - , then thU licit Is Ju t what jo uctt.
'It , RttanlTiJVIKCin bo ppjied
to any part of tbe body. letamllr can ALL ELSE FAILS.
wear It It the blood and cures
KTerronedeoulcaandntf < ] hy nermtnlon. RUTE thofollowloe who IIKTObeen
CUUEUi-A. J. B. I'aikerapd J.M.lliilett.allonIoan1of ( Trade ,
Clilcagqi A. Oreetorr , commliilon merchant. Stock Yardi ) UuJJ lloblo.tho trrokt tonomnn : Col Oonnollr ,
of the Jnfjr Octaiti Q.V. . Dtllus , M. V , Uormonto-.rn. lo ; Lemuel Milk , Kankakeo.lll.i Jadiio l.P.
Murray. NaperTlllp , 111 t tL. . Abbott , 3upt. oltr waterWorki , South llend.liiil i , Qampaon , Cnlcatro
post offices L. P. McMlchatl , M. D , IlaHa.o. N. Y. " Yonr twit has oreonipllKheil what no other rcmeJr Imsi
itcadr nerrrs and comfortable sleep at night. " IloLt. Ilall , alderman , 1 > O Kail JJtli Struct.Mc < r York
and thousands of others.
. . ' . . . . . . . .
elroj piwluoos a contlouous current t conycjrs ctrlcHy _ thronglithobodr pn the ner It cures dlncaios
generating a continuous current of cloctrlclty ( lOor ! hours out of * 4 > throunhout the human sjitom ,
auMlngaUnerTonsueMlramedUtclr , and proiiutlnjr a now circulation of the III" forces the blood. In-
inrflnir Tlfror , itrength. enenry and beslth , when another treatment has t aUoU. The inerlta o ( this nck-n-
Uflc Iielt KM ) lielnarecoiralsvd and Indorsed by thousands whom It baf cured. . . . .
llKKEUKNCM.-Any bank oommerolal npener or wholesale hoaso In ChlfaffO ) wholetalo drugrl ( < ts ,
Ban Pranclsoo and Chicago. t9 A nilsttrap for lift page Illustrated pamphlet ,
mt "W , &m XtCOfUITBI , Inrentor and Manufacturer , lilt WubMn Artnue Chicago.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
.The only rnntt to taVo for Ies Molnei3lar < lnltoirn
Ceiliir Itupld * , Clinton , Dixnn , Chli-airo , Miliinukcu
and all nolnts Ku l. To tliuiivuplo ol Nebraska , Colo-
rudu. Wyoiuluii. L'luh , Idaho .Nuvmla , Oigpin , wu < li >
InKlnn nnrt California , It otters superior ndvnnta-'us
not iio sllln by iiny oilier lino.
AmonirA few of tlio numerous points of superiority
enjoyed liy tlio patrons of this roail between Oiniha
and rhlaijro , uro Its tliroo trains n iluy of JJAV
COAUHKh , which urothu tinost tlmt humitu art nml
Ingenuity ean c roatu. Hi PAlj \'l'jdljUIU'l.Si ( OAlts ,
wlilPlinriMiioilolsorcoinlorl nnd cluxunco. Its 1'All-
l.OH DUAWIMl lUMIM CAIW. nnvmmW.I by any ,
nnd Its wldi-lycfluhr.itodl'AI.ATIALllIM.NC OAltS.
the equal of wlilth cannot lie found el'nwhcro. At
Cuiincll Illuffn , the trains of the Union I'arlllo Hull-
nay connect In union depot with tlirxo of th Clil-
iiitro.VNorthwestern Hy. In Chlt.ixo thu trnlns of
tills line niuku close Lonnectlon wltli tlioao ol all
other Ila'turn llnc'i.
IVr Di'trnlt , C'olunibiK. Iiullnninolls. Cincinnati ,
Nla ur.i Falls , Murrain. I'lttsluiri , ' , Tnronti ) , ,
lIomon.Npwoik , I'lilluJcjphla , llaltlniore , Wanii.
limton , nu 1 all points In thu East. Ask for tlikuts via
If you wl h the bi > t acooinnioJatlon. All ticket
iiL'ontiM'll tUkcts Mu tills lino.
ll.llL'CJlinT , K. I * . WILSON.
Uen'l Manager. ( Jcn'l IMivr Azcnt.
rillTAOO , 1LI.S.
W. N. BAHCOCK. fii-n'l Western AEOnt.
1) II. KIMllAU'/l'IckuiAuont
ti. KVisr , City rassnnucr Aucut.
1101 rninaib St. , Oraalm , Neb.
Or llio Ll'iuor Hnblt , Positively Cured l > j
AdmluIstcringDr. Hatncj' Gulden
Tt can be given In a cup of coffee or tea ivlth-
put the Knowledge ot the person tuklpg It ; abso
lutely harmless , onil will effect a permanent nnil
speefly cure , whether the patient U moderate
drinker or un alcoholic wreck. Tboueamla ot
dninkarila have been mftrto temperate men who
liavo taken fjolden Soedfli In their roffeo with
out their knowledge and to-day bollovo they
quit drlnkloffof their own fieo will. It never
falls. The hy t m once linprecnatt'd With the
Bpcrinc. it becomes an uttfr fruposflbUlty for
' " ' ' '
tbe llauor nppetlto to exist. For sale b'y'Yin'lm
& Co. , 15th od louilas ) c . , ana lotu and Qutii.
( Hucccssdre to John ( J. Jifobt. )
Undertakers & EmbalmerS
. tuo old stand , U')7 ' Vniinin Bt. ( Irdevs by
telcgrnph bollrltcd iitul promptly attonOed
Tulcjihono to.No IS
> ow TO ACT.
-ib odHMton1 Pr .
< J r > ar. < il < m l diwr.
dirirtirtiii > ( iAOiiltt | in cbXc-lll
8 Ua Trt iliac Bt frc otIriUa
Its mala line's and bronchos Include CUXOAOOU
POUT , ccs MoiNia. COUNCIL BLTJITS. xiuft
and ecoroo of intermediate cities. Choioo of
routes to nnd from the Pacific Coast. All tranfti
fora In Union depots. Fast trains of Fine Da *
Ooachaa. elcsnnt Dining Oars. tnnrnlEcent Pull *
man Falaco Bloopers , and ( between Oilcoco , 8t
JosopD. Atcalaon and Kanean city ) Bocllnlnt
Chair Cars. Boats Frea , to bsldora of throusU
flrat-claaa UcketB.
Chlongo , Kansnp & Nebraska R'y
"Croat Rock ( aland Route. "
Estonia Wcot and Bouthweet from Kansas City
ondUL Joseph to NELSON. HOJITON , . BELLE"
HUTCmNBON , CAI.DWXI.I. , and all points la
end beyond. Entire passenger equipment of th *
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ay
pliinccm and modem improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
la the favorite between Chlcaeo , Hock Island ,
Atchleon , Kaneaa Clt7 and Minnonpolla and Et
Paul. \7atertown branch trnvorooo the great
of Northern Town , Douthwoatcra Mlnnoaota. onfl
East Central Dakota to Watertown , Oplrlt Zak9.
Cloux Falla and many other towns and cities.
The Short , I.lno via Denoca and Knnknkoo ofTer *
( uperlor facilities to travel to and from Indian * "
Bpolls , Cincinnati and oilier Southern points.
For Tickets , IInpn , Fcldera , or doalred informa * "I
Hon. apply atony CouponTlckotOOlcoor nddrca *
qiat. ft I'M * Art ,
Hemarlcnble tot powerful sympa
thetic tone , iillnblu action and ub-
tolute curability.Myears'rtrortl. ,
tha brat guaraiitCB ot tha excel
lence of tiiflaa lu'itrumenta.
Noa. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.