Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    - - T ' 'irnwf. ' wivHivxv&i * * * * * * * "y < * ' ' * igrr" * ' ' 'p ' 1 1
Unity ( Morntnic l.ellUomlncludluB Sunday
Hi r. One Your . !
rorHix Months .
1'orTliiPf Moulin . . , "m
U lit ) Omaha bumla ? ULE , maltuil to any acV
dies * , One Vtnr . , . -00
OMAHA Oi FICK , No-t.ojUNi > 9in J'.VHVAM
Illllt.UlNn.VAtillI.SUTO.V OH1CK , NO G1J
Vuuirrf KNTii Bnti.J.T. _
All communication * rclutlimto IKJWK mid evil.
torlnl inntttT should bo addressed to the LlilTOll
All bUNlne- letterf and r.-inlttiinccB nhnnld bo
iMlrtrcfcBcel lo TUB UBB I'l'nt.isiiiiMi COMI-ANV.
OMAHA. J > rBft , check * and j i tolllco order * to
butimdo imubl to the ordi-r e > f th company.
The Bee PnlsWnfciiiaiiy , Proprietors
i : . RCfSEWATHU , Editor.
Till : BEH.
fi orn Btntcinenr ofClrculntlon.
Elntcof Neliraskn , I , .
County of Douglni , ] " "
( Iro. if. TzFclmtk , Fecrptfiry of The Hoe Pub'
llBhing company , doca Holeinnlr w rur that the
nctuBlclrculatlon of tlio Udily Ilee for tha week
tndlnir July 7. INJ vms astollows-
baturday , .InnelW . > ' > ' >
Sunday , July 1. .
Monday , July 2 .
.Tuesday , July 8 .
jr. July <
G luirpdiiy , July r >
Friday. July 11
OKI ) . ll.T/WHUCK.
to before mo nnd subecrlbed lu my
presence thU 7th day of July , A. U. IbS .
N. I'.Fl/lU Notary 1'uWlc.
Blqlcof Nebraika , i _
Counly ot louilas ; , t8' s '
0orce II. Tz-Mhuck , being first duly sworn ,
lift o-.e ? andsays that he lui-fcrctaryor The Ilco
- compam , that HIP actual axuraco
November. 187 , for Decembvr ,
Sworn to before mo and e > ubscrll > ed In my
I > rc&encu this Will ( lay of June , A. . im
N. P. JT.Hj Ixotary Public.
Tim glory of Sullivan has not wholly
ilopattctl when ho could stand oil fi
BherifT and a big crowd the other day in
Connecticut. But then John L. is the
biggest card in his circus.
RUSSIA declares that after Dcccmbet
17 she will lot the Bulgarians do us the } '
please. If this means anything the
Russian bear will have swallowed the
Bulgarian lamb before that momentous
flay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tiinm ; in talk in the inner circles o
Now York City politics to pit Sunsol
Cox against Chaunccy Dcpow foi
jnayor. Should Mr. Dopew accept tc
run on the republican ticket , ho would
not have to sacrifice his salary of $ - " > 0,0 < X
n year as president of the Now Yorli
Tun trick of the London Times to iiv
jure the Irish cause by besmirching Mr
PuriieH's character did not work. The
plucky leader of homo rule promptly tint1
clTcctivoly exploded all the false accu
sations brought against him by the torj
sheet. Now the jtYmcs is the laughinj
Stock of all England.
IT is bad enough whotr a car of tnintcc
meat is about to bo offered for sale by r
leading packing company and stoppcc
only by the Intervention of the meat in
spoctor. It is about time that in addi
tion to the confiscation of tlio unfit food
fit that the parties offering it for sale be
Bubjeot'toa heavy fine.
A iinJlctiLOirs proposition evolved in
the fertile brain of one of our cotompo
raries is the abolition of all pcrsoiia'
tax. This brilliant genius docs nol
know that our state constitution o.v
prcssly requires the taxation of al !
'property ' , real or personal. Perhaps'he
is able to amend the constitution by v
city ordinance.
IT is significant that England is now
building largo canals ) between her trade
Centers , Liverpool and Manchester ant
'Liverpool and Birmingham. In this
I country canal building is said to be out
of date and represents little more than
r & waste of money. But tlio activity ol
"English capitalists in extending thoii
jnternal water ways in a thickly popu
lated region is a strong argument ir
favor of maintaining that cheap means
Of transportation oven in America.
A BlOgT peculiar state of affairs exist ;
( n East St. Louis. In years gone ly
that town kept on borrowing money foi
rjniblio improvements with the cxpccta
tion that in the future it would bo one
ol the metropolitan cities of the west
i But instead of growing East St. Louis
'lias ' dwindled dbwn to a btraggllng vil
Ingo while its indebtedness has swollct
to enormous proportions. In additioi
to the heavy Interest on the principal
n judgment of several hundred thousaut
dollars is pondintr owing to a recent decision
cision of the courts. To moot thes <
nccrulng obligations , a special levy o
18 per cent on the taxable property ii
necessary. Such a levy would rosul
in virtual confiscation of the homos ol
the poorer classes. The only way on
of the dilemma seems to bo for the clti
to go into voluntary bankruptcy ani
through a receiver make a sottlomoul
with Its creditors. East St. Louis pre
sents a sad example of reckless dis
counting of futures.
E is a very favorable promlsi
that the lockout In the Iron trade wil
1)0 of short duration. Thus far nine
teen firms , including some of the largcs
'mills ' in the country , have signed th
scale submitted by the Amalgamated as
Boclntlon , and It is not doubted that mbs
Of the othora will promptly follow , s
that very likely before the end of th
'present month the largo majority of th
wills will again bo in , nctlvo operation
Thl&-is an outlook upon which all partic
'in ' Interest are to bo congratulated , and i
should bo remarked that the favorabl
change from the very threatening Bltun
tion o ! ten days ago Is the rosult-of judl
clous mutual concessions. It woul
have boon a Tory serious matter if nl
attempts to effect a soltlomciU ha
failed. The closing of factories thu
employ ever one hundred thousand worli
ingmoii would have been well nigh
national disaster. There Is nowrcasor
able nssuninco that the great iron ir
dustry of the country-will have nnothc
your of prosperity.
The arrest of several alleged m m-
> crs of the Brotherhood" Lo'coitiotlvo
Lhiglnoers , on the charge ? of being ou-
jagcd In a plot to damage and destroy
.he propcrty.of the Burllilgton .railroad
company by the use of dynamite , is
) oing commented upon by the rtcwa-
papers of Chicago and elsewhere in a
way calculated to impre&s the jiublia
with the belief that Ihcro ban really
) ccn such a plot , nnd that the men nr-
cstcd are guilty. The manager of the
Jurlington has not been sparing of
effort to oncdurngo this impression , and
.0 involve the officials of the in-olhcr-
iood in the alleged conspiracy.
This tray of prejudging the men under
arrest , nnd nf attempting to criminate
with thorn men whose character should
juard them against the slightest sus-
( ) icion of giving any countenance to
Muidulisin nud anarchist methods in any
form , w'ill bo cOlidcmncd by all fair-
minded people. It Is unquestionably
Lrue that the clicumstanccs appear tc
jo somewhat against ono or two of the
arrested men , but they may bo able to
easily clear these awny when they are
brought to trial. As to the officials of
Lho brotherhood whom it is sought to
implicate , they mo3t pointedly and vig
orously deny having any knowledge eli
( i plot of the character alleged , tuid as-
Sicrl that they have always been opposed
to vietloneo. In the prc&cnt aspect of the
matter their statements are at loa-st
, xs worthy of regard as those
of the manager of the Burlington , who
lias an obvious motive iu malting hi--
allegations as > sweeping as ho dare to.
Prompted by detecthes , who o budinui'-
it is to. present matters'in the \\orst
possible light , it is not dlfllcult to un
derstand that the Burlington manager
should conclude , even if ho were not
quite willing to do so , that the cntiic
brotherhood of locomotive engineers ,
from Chief Arthur to the la > > t imnibci
admitted , was iu a great conspiracy tc
destroy the property under his control.
People who are dibpo cd to Ifo fail
nnd just will reserve judgment regard
ing this matter until it bus been ju
dicially iiucsllgatcd , and especially
ill they discredit until disproved all
allegations involving the brotherhood
ns an organization or any of its trusted
olllcials. It is possible , and nol alto
gather improbable , that a judicial sift
ing will show that the alleged plot i'
more of a detective than a dynamite
The Colored Voter anil Democracy.
The democratic party will rocciie tin
votc-s of spmo colored men next Novcin
bor. There arc voters among the race
enfranchised by the republican parti
who refu&c to acknowledge the debt o
gratitude they owe to that parly , aiu
alnliato with the political organi/.alioi
that has never been others iso. than un
friendly to the negro as a race. Those
who do this are not a very numorou'
body , nnd they are for the moit par
fellows who want olllco. The fact tha1
the present administration has retaiuci
a few colored men in public positions
and appointed u few others to places ii
the ground upon which these colored
democrats rest their professed faith ii
the friendly disposition of the demo
cratio party toward their race and theii
hope of some time or other receiving
the reward of their support of deinoc
These colored democrats are alrcndi
making themselves somewhat conspic
uous. They are scon bobbing up here
and there with announcements of theii
adhesion to democracy. A few colorct
clubs have boon organized to labor foi
the democratic cause. Unquestionably
they will not fail to receive hearty on
courngcmont from the party managers
They may not bo allowed , to dip deeply
into the campaign funds , but there wil
bo no lack of promises to stimulate thofi
7eal. It is not Improbable that thoj
will make some converts , strange as i
is that any colored man of fair intolli
gpnco should vote the democratic ticket
The colored voter who allies himscl
with the democracy is not pnly n. po
lltlcal ingralo , but ho docs a wrong l <
his entire race. The moral effect of hii
conduct , even if it has no other consc
quonco , is damaging to the Cause in be
half of the rights of his race , denied i !
in nearly .one-third of the slates of the
union. The colored man who espouse ;
democracy , thereby condones , so far in
ho is concerned , the outrages that have
been CQinmltted against his people it
the south , constituting one of the mosl
repellant chapters In American politi
cal history. Instead ot the protcsl
which every colored man in the natloi
should utter , against the wiongs ant
abuses inflicted upon his race in tin
south , each ono who goes into the dem
ocratic camj ) virtually acquits the do
mooracy of all responsibility for its re
fusiil to do justice under the constitutioi
and laws to the negro. IIo aids the on
courngemont of such outrages us withh
the present your the country was givoi
an example of ut Jackson , Mis > ,3. , when
an organization headed and managoi
by democratic federal officials kop
every colored voter away from the polls
The negroes who by their labor un
willingly helped the confederacy , dii
less to the Injury of their race than I
being done by those who are at thl
time supporting the democratic part }
dominated ns it is by its southern wing
The colored voter who believe
that the democracy can ever bocoln
sincerely friopdly to his race , or wil
ever voluntarily concede its politico
rights , is the victim of delusion. Th
character , traditions nud policy of thn
party forbid its ever willingly doin ,
justice to the negro or feeling any lion
ogt concern for his interests or welfare
There is nothing more certain thai
that the permanent ascendency of lh
democratic party In the governmon
would mean the destruction of th
political right given the negro "by tl.
fifteenth amendment , which is 1101
practically a dead letter' in every soutli
crn state.
Didn't Know it AViiH
Our amiable neighbor on lower
Ins has a happy faculty of opening ii
mouth at the wrong tlmo anU puttlu
its foot in. Its attack on County Al
torney Slmoral , over the shoulder * c
Commissioner Mount , and .Its loud cal
for Mr. Simeral to push to the wall th
pifrchrtsew of'the county pool- farm lot :
hits its foremost champion , Council
man Ilasoall square between the
eyes. If our viudictlvo ncighboi
\vio ) has a bone lo pick with the count ;
attorney because th6 latter has 1 > C !
employed In a suit against it , hud taken
the trouble tq look into the records , 1 |
would have discovered that Isaac S
Hnscall is .the principal delinquent ii
the county poor farm lots. Mr. Unseal
only paid twenty-live dollars apiece or
most of these lota and might bo made
to forfeit what ho has paid , but we
doubt whether Mr. Slmoral , or anj
olhor attorney , could compel him It
plank down the casli for deferred paj
incuts unless ho was disposcel to do so
The truth of the matter is that most o
the purchasers of these lots cxpcctee
to realize n handsome profit 01
them without investing their owi :
money. The trivial payment which UK
commissioners1 accepted as first payment
mont was a bait to spoculatora , and this
short-sighted policy is chiefly respon
sible for the shortage in the count ]
ticnsury from these stiles.
Wo hope Mr. Hascall will sot out
neighbor right , in the interest of liar
mony. The public will accept an apol
ogy when advised that the \crdnn
cadet didn't know it was loaded.
Clerical Cramps.
Douglas county Iris boon rather un
fortunate in several of its ) county clerks
who cither regarded the foes taken bj
themselves as their own , or else laborei
under hereditary . mlsundcrstandinj
with regard to what part of the motile :
collected by them belonged to then
and what belonged to the county
This has been a peculiar abcrratioi
ever since Mr. Louis S. Rued vticatot
the olllcc. Mr. Rood never had an.- )
trouble in ascertaining what part ot tin
funds collected by him were his owi
and what belonged to the county , am
his > neces3or ought not to have hud.
The fact that one of thcso clerkwhe
was notoriously an emboslcr was givoi
immunity from criminal prosecution be
causes ha was prostrated by cramp colic ,
superinduced by fright , has had a tend
cnisy to prolong this habitual misunder
standing of the law in the clerk's olllcc
Tlio Motionless Motor.
We do nol want to tramp upon a mai
when ho is down , We arc a\varo tha
Dr. Mercer has had a very hard time o
it since the contraction of the rcx ;
estate boom , and his consequent inabil
ity to raise- the wind to propel hi'
motor. It Is vary unfortunate both fo
him and the community , who had ica
son to hope for bettor transit facilities
Harassing injunctions may bo largolj
responsible for the failure of Dr. Mor
ccr'rf motor to material Ue , but the lac !
of moans to carry out the project lui :
had a great eical more lo do with it.
The obstruction of certain thorough
fares by motor tracks which connor
with nothing and Icael to nowhere , 1m
been patiently submitted to , ovoi
though it had for months been an un
mitigated nuisance. But when thi
Motor comp my caps the climax by play
ing dog in the manger , and plants itscl
in the way of other lines that moai
business , forbearance ceases to' bo
virtue. .
the past year Italian immi
gration to America has boon unusual ) ,
heavy. It is "estimated that fully 15,00 ;
of .these people have buen brought fron
their homes since January last and tha
fully two-thirds of them are withon
work and on the verge of starvation
The cause of this wholesale emigralioi
of thc-paupor class of Italy has been dm
to the rivalry of the steamship companies
ios between Now York and Gcnon
They have not only mtido-a low rate bu
have boon offering as much as throi
dollars a head premium to agents to se
cure emigrants from the ovcrcrowdc
Italian towns. The result has been fo
these agents to lure thousands of thoi
countrymen into the United States iun
leave them lo their fate. The Italiai
government as well as the authorities c
the state of Now York have had thoi
atte'ntion called to this abuse. Stcji
are beins : taken to prevent this Hhainu
leste traffic in men all appear
'anco is not far removed from the trad
in Mongolian coolies.
BY the waters of Babylon a party t
American explorers p'ropose to sit an
dig. The colony may bo reinforced i
November by two eminent democrat
who will sit and wcop.
Nebraska Jottings.
Fiomont silbsotibers can now hello at 15
Tlio Fremont canning factory began th
season's work this weclt on tlio beau croi > .
Burglars tried to ulow.n safe at Humplirc
the other night but failed aneljiael to bo su
Isflccl with a low loose articles of incr"liai
The United States land onlco at Nolisli I
nt present taking in an average of $3Oi.H ) pc
elay Interest nionoy on 'Winncbaso India
Highway robbers nro nt work nt Woo
Uivor and compelled Hilly MauKhnn to thro1
up his liamls the other night. Hut thpy enl
got § 2 und a watch.
Gruco Ferguson , n Pliittsmoutli youn
lady , can now wear ono slzo smaller shoe :
She 1ms had ono of her tees cut off to got rl
of a troublesome corn.
All tlio effects of the Niobrnra land oflk
reached O'Ncil last wecUnml u rousing reco :
tion with iv brass band greeted their comiiij
The ofllco does not opqu for business unt
the loth.
Judge Mccham , of Cambridge , who lit
been an inllilol nil his lifo , held u public e ]
b.ito with Elilor Mills the other night an
was so badly vanquished that ho ucknoiv
eclgccl defeat and declared his belief 111 tl
A two-ycar-oUl qlilld of C. W. Wilson , (
Auburn , was bitten on the leg by a rattl
snake last week , but Its lifo was saved by U
Oppermann , who son-oil In the capacity of
leach and sucked the blood und poUou froi
the woilud ,
Joe Hall , who In the early days of Anti
lope county run u saloon at Oakcliilo nnd wi
the leader of o Oesperato gang of outlaw
lias Kivrn up his evil Aniya nnd is now
worKcr iu the vineyard of the Lord nt Li
bon , Ln. Hull's real iiumo is F. J. Simmon
and he has "killed his man" several times.
Hoy. D. S. Davis , of York , sustained sevoi
If not fatal injuries lull week whllo brlngln
a bull Into tha oity. Ho was riding a horsi
when the bull b'ecama unrulv nnd charge
upon the liorso nnd rider. The horse wu
fatally govecl and fell With Mr. Davis uucji
him , tlio geiitlcuian receiving sovcro intern :
Whllo a farmer uamoJ .Peterson , llvln
near Auburn , was Watering n mulu , wlilu
lib tlcC to the well curb , his little four-yea
old adopted sotv stood against tlio curb on tli
other bido. Tho'mtilo bfio'amo frjghtoncc
pulledback and upset the curb and the llttl
boy foil to the bottom pt the jvoll a distnnc
of forty-two foot. Mr. Peterson nt oneo dc"
canded lute the well andHvl h the assistant
" * ' ' - " *
i r" r jMi'V7T I it fir i.
of. the wife who handled a rope , succeeded In
gottlnn the little fellow out nuve , ttioiiKh his
skull win BO/-badly fractured that it Can
hardly bo oxpek-tcjl that ho will live.
It cojtltll to assess Harrison county
this i car ,
Two > oung ladtei were dctcctea.last week
parading the stl-ccU of Uunlap dressed In
UialL utiiro.
Stephen Hannushnn of Highland township -
ship , was kicked into tlio hereafter by a
frisky colt lust week ,
James Wallace , father of John Wallace ,
the famous dairyman of Kossuth county ,
diiul lust Wednesday , aged elguty-onc years.
Four boys were seriously Injured anil dis
figured for Hf < ; at Denlsoii on the Fourth
by the ; cNilo4ftln | of seventeen pounds ol
powder which thby were carrying. A care
lessly exploded crucucr elld the mischief.
As tlio remit of n lunaway last Trlday
evening ut Little Sioux Miss Carrie Whiting
had her collar bono broken nnd George
Hope had nn aim similarly Injured. It Is to
bo hoped that the young man's arm was not
previously out of place.
An extraordinary case Is reported fiotn
North English , being that of a e-hfld bom on
the " (1 ( lust , with Its stomach nnd bowels on
the outside of Its abdomen , without any coV'
cring whatever , the ( jusopliagus passing out
at tlie umbilical uperturo ut the center of the
nbilomon. The coldn was nbseiit. Tlio child
otheuvlso was In : i natural condition anil
lived thirty sis hours.
The ins.ino asylum ut Yunkton is full and
nil the ora/y people lu the ten itory tire not
COM lined the ; ix1 tet.
Tlio democrats elected the county superin
tendent of schools In Hanson county by u
majority of'J muvotoof 111.
Tom Miller , n saloonkeeper of Dcadwood ,
Is much Boucht after. Ho decamped a feu
elaya ago und neglected to pay his elcbts.
A child of Alf Carleson , of Taylor town
ship , Hanson < , ounty , was killed by the ilyini :
timbers of n barn in the storm of the Fourth ,
One htinehed men are now at work on the
watorwoi Us tit Watcrtown , tind dirt will soul ;
lly on the motor line fiom the city to Luke
Mrs. Alice Cook , tlio victim of last Jan
linry's bliyrnril In which she lost u part ol
each foot , has sutlliiciitly recovried lobe
cli-ctcil Mercer county's superintendent of
A youni ; imn recently smolicd cscapiiifi !
gas in the m < w n.lptistrlmrch at Fargo ami
lit u in itcli to llnil the leak. An explosion
followed , doing considerable damngo to the
chin eh. Tlio Under of thu leak was not inucli
hui t.
A very sail ucvlilfnt occurred in SJKMI-VM' '
the Fointh. A party ofouiigincneu
filing levolvcis in the nir. Henry Lculh , a
ineicluint , was one of them. Tlio ehambet
of Ills revolver caught. In trying to IK it
the weapon was discharged. The bullet
ciosscd the street and struck MUmio Hook ,
aped sixteen , ehtoring the abdomen and
lodging near the back bono. Medical aid
was summoned , but there is no hope for her
.rames Collins , a plasterer , killed Lyman
Moore Wednesday morning ut Mltito bj
stabbing him to tlio heart with a case knife ,
About 1'J o'clock Tuesday evening Modi o und
several other companions went into a black
smith sllop to drink u keg of beor. While
drlnklpg , Collins entered , but was imuicdi'
ately ordered out. Upon refusing to go , n
low oct in red , Collins drawing a kiufo ani
stabbing Moore ( mil almost severing the
hand of another. Collins i\us taken to the
jail nt Uraftoti Wednesday morning by Con
stable Lawrence ,
A Snnelwlcli Itlnml VnlirlcYhloli tiost
In Labor Alone $1UOOOO.
A royal feather cloak from the Sand
wich is - in
Itjlands sin-cad out fan-shaped
a cns > e > in the National inujoum , says the
Washington Star. This clo.ik is com
puted to have cost in labor $1,000,000 ,
Jn the days when a Hawaiian bollc
wanted little clothing , but wanted thai
gorgeously colored , this clonk or mantle
would have boon considered of more
value , ivsthoUcUly : and intrinsically ,
than a shipload of Worth costumes , nnd
its happy possessor" might truly bii wild
lo bo in high feather. Since the natives
hnvo adopted wide trouserslawn-tennis
shirts and four-in-hand tics , its
value lies chielly in the traditions :
that surround it. The mantle , which
is semi-circular , is four feet loner
or deep , and it'is Hi feet wide at the
bottom , and 23 inches at the top whore
it goes around tlto neck. The entire
outer surface is made of feathers of fine
texture , giving the whole the appear
ance of plusli. The prevailing colors
are rod anel yellow or orange. The
body is decorated with largo figures ,
crc&cont-slmpcd , of either red or yellow
feathers. The upper and lateral bor
ders are corded and decorated with
alternate tufts of reel , black and yellow
The foundation is a network of elena ,
or native hemp , and to it are attached
by fine thread of tho.samo material the
feathers of fine birds found ejnly in the
Hawaiian island , and very rare thcro.
Recent writers have dbclared that the
bird is now extinct. The fcnthort are
woven in so as to lap each each other
and lie flat , forming a smooth plush-like
surfaeic. Thu inner surface is witlwut
lining anel shows the elena net
work and Iho ejuill ends of the feath
ers. The con ! of the upper margin it
prolonged so as to nerve as u fastening
nt the throat. The yellow feathers , arc
tained fi'om tlio Oo Uho and
ol or , , as-
stated , are of great valve , as the bird is
rare , very shy , and difficult to capture ,
and it hasbut. . n very small tuft of thc c
feathers ) upon each shoulder. The black
feathers are from the head and back ol
the s.imo bird its general plumage bo-
infr a glossy black.The Oo is caupht
alive by moans qf bird lime ; the yellow
feathers are then plucked and tlio bird
released. The reel feather * are from
the body and nock of the drcpanis coc-
cinoa , tlio most abundant birds of the
S.mdwhich Islands.
The Hawaiian Spectator , a newspaper
published in 1830 , refers to. this , or a
similar mantle , as follows : "Knwkeauli
has tho'Mams , or feather war cloak oi
his father , Ta-Moha-Moha.- was not
complctod'untll his reign , having occu
pied oightjn-ecoditigoncsin its fabrica
tion. A piece of nankeen , valued at
81.60 , was formerly the price
of live of tttho ( yellow feath
ers. By this estimate the value e > f
the cloak woulet equal that of the
purest diamonds in several of the Eu
ropean regnliti , and , Including Ihp price
of the feathers , ; iot less than $1,000,001
worth of labor was qxpondoel upon it at
the present rate of computing wages. '
A bunch of the yellow feathers called
hulu was received by the king from hii
subjects in payment of a poll-tax , and it
required many years to collect thu
material and niuuufacturc ono of these
mantles. Until re'cont years those
mantles were the royal robes of state
and considered , jtlio principal treasures
of the crown. Iny. European clothing has
entirely superseded them iitid they are
not now manufactured. A beautiful head
dress , for womeilj'1 called lels , wad made
of these feathora.
Another authority states that two
yellow feathord only are obtained from
each Oo , and those -are found under the
wings. When the much-prized feathers
are plucked the bird is sot at liberty ,
The price of the feathers , according tc
* his authority , was $1.60 for throe , anel
the tune occupied in making thn oloali
was estimated Jrom fifty to ono hundrct
lioxcs mill Itnskots.
Articles of Incorporation of the Councl
Bluffs and Omaha basket nnd bcfx factor )
huvo boon liled , with the following Incorpo
rotors s Donald Mi-Crcn. A. T. Ill well , Johi
Cliiuson , J , O. Hogiin uud A. 13. How. The
capital stock is fiU.OOO.
The UNION PAOtPfC carries the
idail for Australia , China and Japap. ,
A 'Frisco Lndy Tnkos the Lnw In
Her Own Handg.
The Two Million Dollar Uriel go Tliut
the Southern Pnulflo Is About
to Hullil Kiuiils Spirited
Ilorscivlilppcel n Itivnl.
SAN PitAN-cibco , July ! . [ Corre
spondence loTmDr.K. ] Snu Fnuicisco
is u law-abiding city. Such ti statement
will surprise your readers. Everybody
remembers or 1ms rend nbout tlio dtiys
when the vlgllants bold open court in
this city mid dealt out justice to evil
doers in liberal doses. In tboso days it
was not uncommon to see or bear of sum
mitry vengeance overtaking a culprit ,
but of late years all UHMO relics of ' 19
have disappeared. Still somoUitng of n
similar imturooccurrod during tile noon
hour on Market street tlio otbor day
which caiibcd as much oxcitcmont for the
moment as an old-time lynching. It
was the spectacle of \\oman beating
another \\OIUIIH with a whip. The li'ily
wlio received the castigatioiij Miss Li/-
zio Ryan , was walking down Market
falreot with her t > i ter when the whip-
wieliler , Mrs. C.r. . Avliugton , sudden
ly uppearcd , and buying something
winch the sisters did not catch , began
lajing the whip over Mis Lizzie's
shoulders and head. She wa-s too much
.surprised and frightfncd to knew what
to do , but her sister , MKs Ellen Ttynn ,
with more iirosonce of mind , told'her
to go into a store , which she did , with
tlio infuriated woman following her.
] toforu the pioprictor or the hand
some young lady who presides behind
the counters onuld interfere in Miss
liyan's behalf , Mrs. Arlington luul dealt
her ti coui > lo more rebounding Inshos
\\ith the whip. The &tal\\arfc gentle
man reached her bide in an in
stant , however , tinil wresting the whip
from her hand thrust her out into the
street. MiHb Uyuii was conducted to the in the rear and allowed
to recover comppsure before she wont
Mit.4 I'Mlen TJynn , thq sihter of the
lady assaulted , told the following story
of the trouble :
"My trouble , " she said , "was keeping
company with Mr. Arlington for over
two years before ho married this woman ,
whoso name was Mrs. Tyler. They
wore engaged to bo married , but fo'r
reaf-oiiH best known to ourselves the en
gagement = i bioken on. Mr. Arling
ton then married Mrs. Tyler , and my
sister saw no more of him. Wo always
Considered Mr. Arlington a perfect goii-
tleman and liked him very much.
This , morning Mrs. Arlington wont down
to our uncle's place and complained
that my bibter was trying to get
her. husband nwny from her. Ho told
her that ho did not think it po-siblo ,
but that he would see about it , and told
her to call and boo him again. She
went away without making any throats ,
but he thought she had the whip in her
hand at Ihe time. Of collide wo are at
a UMS to know "why she should have at
tacked my sKtor , but it must have been
that she thought Unit ho was paying at
tention to my &ihter and it iniide her
jealous. Wo shall not take any pro
ceedings against Mrs. Arlington. ' *
Mr. Arlington , who was the indirect
cuubc of all the trouble , is described as
a very handsome young man who for
merly kept a candy store and soda foun
tain on Market .street , but now proaidcs
over a grocery establishment at tlio
Miss Ryan is an intelligent ,
relined-looking little lady of about
twenty-live summci's , while her assail
ant is somewhat older.
A C.UUAT uitmcn : .
California ib noted for its gigantic en
terprises , and if the present plans of
the Southern PaciJie coiupanv do not
miscarry , the corporation will have n
S2OIKOUO ) bridge across the Carquinoz
straits two yours hence. Engineer Tliom-
n of the Chicago Bridge company , in in
vestigating the feasibility of the scheme
and .T. S. Souther is making soundings
to ascertain" the depth of the channel
at various points. Ho finds the average
depth to be fifty-five feet , although a
maximum of 180 foot 1ms been found in
one place. The bridge will probably bo
ovorbno hundred loot above thosur
face of the water at high tide , so that
there will bo no interference with navi
gation. To accomplish this will
noccbiitato a high grade on
either side of the straits , probably
above fifty feet to the'mile. . The length
of the bridge will be between three
thousand live hundred and four thous
and feet , and there will bo Bovoral solid
piers to construct. Although this
bridge may not bo built in the time
specified it will soon become a matter of
necessity with the Southern Pacific com
pany and must bo constructed before
long. Trafllo was never so heavy on the
transfer boat , Solano , as it is at present ,
and the increase in business by tlio
now line into the Sonoma Valley docs
not tend to relieve the strain , as may
well bo supposed. Dy the construction
of the bridge the work of handling the
business of the Sauramonto division will
bo greatly reduced. Bolter time will bo
mudo , as the long waits for the transfer
boat will bo avoided and the transfer it
self will be entirely obviated. With this
bridge and the now double track now in
course of construction between this city ,
and Port Uostn , the railroad company'
will have splendid facilities.
Spiritual circles are still agitated by
thodoinntoriuli/.ation of the ftmdb which
ox-Collector S. B. Clurko is said to have
been intrusted with. Dr. Louis Sclilos-
singer , the chief critic of the ox-collec
tor , has loft the encampncnt on the
other side of UIQ bay , whore Clarke Is
now handling the funds. Dr. Schlcs-
blugor was found at his olllco on Market
btrcet yesterday. Ho was angry and
warm , and was in the act of unpacking
a case of booka and papers which , until
a few hours provioualy , had constituted
the stock in trade of his branch business
on the camp grounds.
The criticised spiritualist , when scon
at Oalclund , .said :
"My religion teaches mo not to re
taliate In a vindictive spirit. All will
bo well in time. "
In reply to other questions ho said :
"My bonds are good , and a day has boon
sot when all nccoilnts will bo handed
ovor. That will bo some time in
August of thirf year. "
President J. C. Steele said : "Tho
alTnir is much to be regretted , but is in
no way the concern of the camp-moot
ing Associates. The matter belongs to
the Progressive Spiritualists. The
name of S. B. Clark figuring promi
nently upon the prospectus of the Camp-
mooting Associates as treasurer , atten
tion was drawn to the fact. Mr.
Walker explained that Mr. Clark was
induced to 'resign' a few days b'oforo
the camp-mooting opened , and that
olllco Ib-now in other hands , "
A r.uif.H unviviiD.
J. N. Dinwlddio was the plaintiff
against Asa'Fisfc in a salt for$299 for ,
services rendered. Some years ago the
dgfondnnt , according to Dlnwlddlo's
fctory , met him on the street and bogged
him , with tears in his eyes , to go homo
with him ami got something to cat.
The plalnlltY at that time was a very
poor but houest man. lie was also very
hungry. With , great reluctance ho ac
cepted 1'lsk's oiler , went to his hou , o
and loaded up on a fairly good dinner.
Then Dlnwiddio , who could get no
work , was importuned by defendant to
stay around and do odd jobs about the
house. After sonjo consideration ho
did that. Flsk pleaded with him to ac
cept bomo clothes , his own being quite
shabby. Dlnwidttio drew the line at
clothes for a while , but finally , at Flsk 'a
urgent request , cut It and took the gar
ments As the years rolled by Flsk and
Dinwlddio had some Itttlo quarrels ,
caused by the hitter's refusal to take
anything' for the services ho rendered
nbout the house. The men came to
blows after awhile , mid a few days ago
Dinwiddle was sent to the county jail
forstrlklnga man who had Interforrod
in ono of the numerous disagreomonty.
Dlnwiddio was taken from his cell to
testify iu the suit. He got a mouthful
of fresh air. but lost the case.
AN HX-ACTOU'y 1'AI.T , .
John Hall , an ox-actor nud formerly
the dresser of William E. Sheridan ,
George Wes ols and other noted trage
dians , was taken to the inwino asylum
at Stockton IhO other day. Ho is a con
firmed morphine and opium fiend , and
during the pn t few months lias made
himself a nuisance around the various
theaters. A short time after ho was
adjudged insane by the coinmibbionora
Hall appeared at the box ollico of the
Baldwin theater and asked the treas
urer for a dollar , stating Unit ho had
been declared insane and he wanted the
money to pay his faro to Stockton. IIo
explained tliat ho wanted to cure him
self of his vices , and ho thought ho
could got the best treatment at the asy
lum , .so lip coaxed Mrs. Mary McConnell
into making the complaint nguinst hiiiu
which she did. Hall , whose right name
is John JUggins , is a brother of the
Iliggiiib whoso wlfo. Josephine , stabbed
him to death in a Natoina btrcet lodging
house a couple of years ago.
A STUAXlli ; S'lOltY.
The complaint in a suit brought the
other day by William A. Nygh for Wil
liam G. Blunt against the Pacific Mail
Steamship company gives publicity to a
btory of a most revolting nature. Blunt ,
\\hoisaminor. claims $50 ,000 damages
for the terrible suffering ho endured.
Last March the boy took passage on
( he steamer Newport from Now York to
this port. The vo.\ago to Aspinwull was
uneventful , and the vessel made good
time. At Abpinwnll ho was transferred
to the cars of the Pacific Mail Steamship
company and was taken to Panama , lie
was then put on board the Acapulco ,
bound for San Francisco.
A very short time after the vessel left
port Hiuall-pox made its appearance
among the passengers. Telegraph io
dispatches to that ell cot wore published
but none in this city know the heroic
measures taken to prevent the spread
of the terrible disease. Blunt says that
when the steamer reached a desert
island in the Pacific opposite Acapulco
lie was forcibly taken from the ship
with a number of stricken passengers
ami placed on the island. lie had not
been suffering from the disease and had
given no bign of being infected. From
April 1 1 to May 0 he had to remain With
the binall-pox patients' , exposed to .the
malady in itn worst forms. The
weather was intensely warm during the
time he remained on the island , and he
had to ond'ire great hardships and
suffered great mental anguish.
This is a mo-it interesting suit , and
has had no precedent in this city for
some time.
Caused the \Vnr of 1 I2
St. Nicholas for July : It happened
in this wise : Two citizens of Provi
dence. lv. 1. , fell into a most unseemly
'discussion on account of the lawless
trcspassings of a pig owned by ono of
them. The aggrieved party owned a
very fine garden , in which it was his
custom to spend his leisure hours , weed
ing , grafting , and transplanting the
llowei-b and vegetables in which ho de
lighted. But often , as ho entered his
garden in the evening , his cars would
bo saluted with a grunt and a rustle ,
and the fat form of hN neighbor's pig
might bo scon making a hasty flight
from the garden in which it had been
placidly rooting all day ,
In high dudgeon the gardener sought
his neighbor and complained of the
pig's frequent visits , declaring that a
little time .spent in repairing the pig
sty would restrain the pig's roving pro
pensities. But to thib the owner of the
pig responded that if hi neighbor
would keep his rickety fences in proper
repair , the pig might take its daily air
ing without temptation , and the garden
would not bo endangorfil.
Repeated misdeeds on the part of the
pig fanned the smouldering fires of dib-
scnsiou into the flames of open hostility.
At last the crisis camo. The owner of
the garden , rising unusually curly ono
morning , discovered the pig content
edly munching the last of a line bed of
tulip-bulbs. Flesh and blood could
stand it no longer. Soi/.ing a pitckfork
which lay near at hand , the outraged
gnnlonor plunged its sharp tines into
the hapless pig , and bore the body , thus
fatally impaled , to the sty , \vhora it mot
the gn/.o of its owner an hour or two
later. Thereafter it was war to the
knife between the two neighbors.
Now , what had all this to do with the
war of 181U' : ' The answer is simple. The
two neighbors belonged to the political
party known as the federalists.
Through all the outrages that Great
Britain inflicted upon the United
States ; while seamen v.-oro being im
pressed , Amsrlcan vessels stopped on
the high seas , and while every possible
indignity was being committed against
the flag of the United States , the fed
eralists remained friendly to Great
Britain and contested every proposition
for the declaration of war.
But the democratic parly was eager
for war , and as British oppression Do-
came more unbearable the strength of
the democratic. Increased. It BO hap-
puncd that the election districtin which
the two neighbors lived had been about
equally divided between democrat' and
federalists , but the latter party had
always succeeded in carrying the elec
tion. But in 1811 the owner of the gar
den was a candidate for the legislature
on the federalist ticket. His neighbor
had always voted that ticket ; 'but now ,
with his mind filled with bitter recol
lection of the death of his pig. ho cast
his ballot for the democrat. When the
ballots wore counted the democrat was
found to bo elected by a majority of one ,
When the newly elected legislator
took Jus boat , his first duty was to vote
for a United States senator. Ho east
his vote for the candidate of the demo-
cats , who was tilbo elected by a majority
of ono. When this senator took his
) lace in the United Stales senate lie
i 'ound : the question of war with Great
Britain pending , and after a long and
bitter discussion It came to a vote. The
democrat * vote for war , and the feder
alists against JU As a result of the voting
ing , war was declared again by a ma-
jority.of ono vote.
Vailed. '
Charles ifiwlnton , druggist In Imperial.
Neb. , liav dosed up fcliop. Liabilities j.1,000.
Drink Malta.
Strikes This City in the Shape of a
Suicide Club ,
I'olsons nnd Bulclttnl Appurtenance *
An Uinniia Mnu < Jr. i > lilcully
1'ortrnyd It * Horrors No
Moro SulclUofor
It Nflwncrnlly known thnt this ilty contnlai
olio oniio nio-ii liuliiuo nnil nncoiuentionnl of
clubs. Nothluulft i tlinnnhoolot.vfnrtliclmuii'
tionniia iHjcstlRntUmof methods rorsliulllliiK
oir this mortal colt In the moit satisfactory iniiu.
nor. The tlub already has n lurRo inriiibi > r lihi.
nmlnumcioiH mcchutilriUilu\Ue < < nmlclu-imcul
rdmbluntloiis on exhibition lu thalr rooun. Him
of their most potent chi'iiihvils u prusMo nclil.
the mint ranW In It * notion of iiuy known iliuij !
Dim drop of which placed on the tonvuo will
ionuM ous
fcystem liisldu of ono minute. Another called
Aconite , tothosa de'lrliUT u Romowlmt slower
dentil but Justin potent lu It * lutlon , mul still
another width inn ) ho u ed hydluplniHi noodle
Into It uml passing the needle under ihn skin. Is
Miincient to proUmu It * ollect. It 11 known m
C'untrn or IIUUHII arrow poNon. its composition
Is unknown , but It Is obtained fioni certain In *
dliiui of touth America , who dip the points of
their allows Into It. mid vho oiner IK e\en
snatched by 0110 of them will dlo. A mncl
method of keepliiKthoyioKou on the poison was
shown. It consists or n veiy tlilu VupMilo of
cjnsshlch contains tlio poNnn , This capsule
Is imbedded In the miHrloof Ihn nrm. on the. In
ner sldo. and the skin allowed to heal \\lion
the poison desires to pud hU oxMeuce liooulv
lias to crush the cnpMikN , when thcf chemical Is
Immediately absorbed and clous ttsjmrlVitw oik
ijvory person di" irons of Jolnlm- the club must
Mio\v Mikldul intentions. 01 at least no antauo-
lll m to them. There aio liiiiny candldutes for
inembeishlji. nnd the itory of nn eK-rauclldato
u 111 no ( loiilit proro interesting as showliiK ono
nt the vatlous methods of whalmlj'ht bo cVilled
Itupa-slN o sulcldoor sulolde by neglect.
Mr , Utilities M , Dalh.a warehouse man , cm-
ployod by the llohn MtumracturhiK company.
losldlng nt the corner and l.eivcnwoith
Btiects tolls the following htoiyof hlmsvlr.
" 1 or the past two \eiirs 1 limn been In npecu-
liar condition. Mj head tiermod to bo nihhic
constantly , especially between the eyes and
mj nose would stop up , llrit on ono Bide , the.ii
on tim other , often both noMills. 'llicn 1 began
to not Iruhlugular uol < es In my i tus-ioailngoi
buzzlm ? sounds Ihpy appeared to mo to bo. and
homotlmes hounds \\hlhtllngnnd hammer.
ing. About this time my tluoat also began to
plvo mo a great deal of ti oiible. I w oiild IUH .is s
bo liawklm ? and hemming ajid trvlna to clear
my , often inUingllttlo hnrdltimiM.Homo
times of a gicimlsh.nt other times of a j ellen Isli
"I would of ten h.ivo pains In the chest , extend
ing to the right shoulder blude. When drawing
a long bieatli I could hem a kind o'n wheezing
iiolso in my client. And guinollmes it would
seem to mo us If i was bieatliing tnrough n
sponge I seemed to bo able to hear the air pass
lug tluouBh I began to fear that IMIH going
Into consumption 1 wusmoiollrmlyconUncou
of I his when befoie long , 1 commenced to cough
n kind of hollow cough. ' 1 he sharp pahu In my
chest would oNtomi aioiuid to the bmall of my
"Try to provunt it in I might , I was forever
rattlilng fieshcold.s. 1 muerw. is without them.
JIucus would jun fio.n mj nose and quite fio-
piently my nosB would bleed. At mj woik I
Inn e to stoop oor quite fieciuontly. and w hen 1
did so 1 would become dizzy nnd eveiytldng
( teemed to swim befoio mojcs. . At night my
tdcep did not refiesh mo at all , and in the morn
ing 1 would foci as thed and languid us when 1
went to bed.
' "MVBtoiimoh was ntlccted too r would flit
down to the table with what eemecla good ap
petite , butuftai u mouthful m twomyuppetlto
would lea\o wo. l.ierjthlng Voulrf tec'm to
soul on my stomach. 'Ilieio would bo almost
constant belching , A disagreeable , bitter tu-to
In the mouth , and at hibt I got i > o I didn't cam
toliiolc nt food.
"J lost llosh and slionuth steadily , nndfiom
my aoingo ivuiuht of us pounds , 1 came dow u
In u eight to below 1" > U pounds.
" 1 was always feeling tired : had noiimbltloii.
illeiystopl took and whatever work ! might
do was done with nn eiroit , and after notklupn ,
while or walking a block or two my head would
pcrsplioandmy llmhs would achoaslf I had
done some very heavy woik.
"Ican.ohc'ip to Omaha nnd brought my ca-
t.lirh with mo In leading the dally pnpets I
lead the udicitlscment of Dr. ilrcjoy and Hindu
up my mind to tiy again. 1 visited his olIlteH
In the Itamgo block some tlmo In April , and
started treatment with him. and 1 grow better ,
at the stiu t and alter one mouth's treatment , 1
lelt I wont away on a , think
ing that 1 would Ilnlidi the tieutment alter my
letuin. I have no moio symylomsof latarih ,
mid am , 1 think , entirely cured of It. Mad \ Ice
to any one who Is sulleilng With eatatili , Is not
to tilllo with jiitent medicines , but to go to Ur ,
McCoy at onto. "
"Do you cuio If 1 publish this intervloiv ? " wai
nskea of thu gcntlcmuu who was
MIL ciiAiu.r.s M
: orner27tli nnd r.eavenworth streets.
"Xo filr ; I don't care u bit , for 1 want any ono
iull rng | as I was to hnvo the benellt of my ox-
lorienco , and you can say , too , that any 0110
loubtlng this Interviewcan Interview mo thorn.
> elvc3U they wish It , by calling on ilio ut Hint
idd ress.
A. Popular Explanation.
Tlio put ngo mlRlit be called a superstitious
mu , The piuwnt lanmoro pioperly bo called
in tifje of am prises , for ninny things once clasnecl
mioac the impossibilities hnvo now becoino
i\oiday possibilities. Ifuouklbo niiperlliioiis
ocnumoiuto them. Hut lmoo readied tlio
itmoit limit ? llavowo ? Physicians u ho clulm
.o make certalu nllments of tlici human body
rdbject tea Miecl.ilbtiuly , uuil claim to bo itblu
.o cum suclullsensesaio pronounced by oilier
iiilf-satlsllodpraclItlouersaspresumptuous ; but
lees their 8 make It soTlio man \\lio \
an como the nc.iroit to overcome the seem-
ng Impossibilities otothen is now all the ingo ,
met well does ho or they elesei i UIOMICCCSH they
lavelaboicelsoharcl to obtain. Ir , J. Ciosap
McCoy or hU associates do not make r Inimi to
mytlitiig marvelous , such us ralsinu the dead
iml ulvlnKthem now life ; neither do they eliilm
: o glQ sight to the blind ; but by their new und
iclentltlc method ot tieatlnijcntarili they liu\o
nil cd and do tinecAt.urhlins well nsbioncliUl
md throat troubles , 'llievma o catnirli a f > po-
.Inlty , bocniiso Ills ono of the moat prevalent
Hid trouble enme diseases that the peoploof tliH
: llmat aioholr to blnco Dr. Mirny und liln
issoclatcs liavo located In this city flie y ! ia\o
: reated ltli miccc'ssliunditvls f parsons lUiow
> ther pliyhlclaiH IIUIH told tluilr ciliensu nud
lushed mminu the Inciiruliles. Do thvy not pub *
loll from week toeek In tlio dull ) papuis tchtl *
nrmlals from HUIIIO or the ninny Kratciful put-
ents , Klvlntt in each case tlio full numo and nd-
Ircss of the IHTKOIIS mnkliig the t-tnteincn' tlutt
liocloiilitlnp , anil Hkeptlc-al limy t.ill nnd Inter-
, lew the said iieoplepilorto\lsltliiirtli do ( tor's
> lllco for consultation. Tint people udveitl ed
iscuroiluit by noiueuns obicuru ornnkno\Mi ,
int In thp niajoilty of cmcs tire cltl/.ens ell
< no\\nb > the business poojilo nnd cominuiilty
it lnrnu , niiillt will mom than rM > , ij uny ono
> lifc'rlnx ( vlthcataiihalallectloii to \l < lt these
\ htatcmentH are published , 01 coiiMiIt
Mill the doctor or lilnasi > oclntoi at lilx olllico.
iu this connection them tan ha i illy bo u morn
ntori'stliiKKUbJact tnan the * ultlmuto clfi'ctH ot
atirrli upon the hp.irliiK. 'Ilio proccissexorihlg
lUeicSi ) III poiaonlilKtllu breath.lotlliiKnuny llu )
lullciito machinery of smell und tuHtv , poUimlnc
he luimx , and tlio blood , and passing Into tlio
itomnch enffoblliit ? thn dlcestion , vltlatlui ; tlio
lOcnitlons unil polutliiK Hi" voty fountulns of
Ifo. All this IMS perhaps boon veiy gcuoi-ally
Ilseussecl , biittho veryfrequentoiredofratarin
if the nosn nnd tliioai upon the lirarln Imiiiiot
iccii touched upon as often us the subject
variants ,
I'cmntinntly Ijoejutcd.
Pr. J. Crtsap .McCoy , Into of llellcivue Ilospl.
al , Now Voik , nnd hU nssoclnteH , Intelyof tha
Jnlvcrsltyof Now York I'lty. iiho \Viislilng- -
on , I ) . ( ' . , have located pcrmnrfcntly In tha
tamgo Illock , Omnhu , Neb. , where all ehin.hlo
asos are treated skillfully. Consumption ,
lilslit'rt ) iciise , nynpeiislu , UlinumatlHm , and
illnervoMi diseases. All cllscaso.s pccullir to
BX u upt'dulty.
Consultation nt olllco or by mull , 1 , Olllca
lours , U to M a. m , , - ' to i p , in. , 7 to B p. in.
junelny Hours , from 0 o. nu to 1 p , in.
Oor < > spoml < > nce rtcclics prompt iittnitlon
Nolottoiii uuBHvitil uiiU-b4 accompanied by i
: cnm In stamp ? .
Address all mall to Dr. J. GVMcCoy , Kaluga
illock , Omaha , Njb. .