Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Nervous nnd Irregular
Throughout the Session *
OntN Knlo Finn nnd Advance
HMnrpJy Not MncJi Mono In Pro
visions Cnttle Pnlrly Active
Jlrlnk Quotations.
CincAoo , July 0. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HKB.I Tlio wheat mrtrkut opened ox-
cltcd and Itt'cgulnr , Tratllnjsas lareely In
/ugUBtat the beginning , thotiKh Docottibcr
was active. There wcro salca for December
delivery nt Sl c atul 8-lc at the same tlmo In
tllirercnt jiarts or thu nit. The early tendency
of the market was strongly downward. The
lmpre son ! produced was that "foreigners
were Helling" and scalpers followed the lead
en tnavso in that bolluf. Hutdilnson was by
common consent given rank its the largest
buyer nnd the principal support of tlio mar
ket. There was frco rcnllrlug for
local Bpcculatlvo account , nnd this
pervert to depress values considerably. There
u" > nothing in cables to Justify thobelidf
that extensive speC"1 ' selling emanated
from 'Unffland or the ; t. n"a °
theory was entertained by not . . .fow tr"llc
that ' local unit ew York ] ieoilo ) Wtro yolllf
tho'pounditib' . The commission houses lian
n good many buying orders to-day , C"nuu'li
to have udvandcd the market had it not been
for the unexpectedly heavy speculative pres
sure. As it was the market recovered quite
sharply ? e , but from the moment the vlslblo
supply statement wn posted the weakness
Intcnultled. A battle was fought aroutia
fet QSl c for August , but nftor the
price got below blo the descent was
easy. August went to 81 ' < c
and December to 82 ; < c. Many of the little
longs who had bought on the advance a few
days ago dumped their loads on the weak
market , and the aggregate of HUelt offerings
wan largo. The attitude of several of the
leading operators oxnitc.d their alarm and dis
trust , but by far the most ulspiriting Inltucnco
very was the apprehension that was gener
ally felt that the government report duo to
morrow would bti a bearish document. Mitny
think that the Juno report did not rep
resent the true extent of the damage
to winter wheat , but nothing occurred
in Juno to lower the conditions as they
existed at the beginning of the month , while
the prospects for spring wheat , corn and oats
nro ccitainly generally impaired. This ex
plains , therefore , the underlying cause of the
anticipation of official circulation of tin im
proved outlook. The elosu nt 1 o'clock was
fractionally above the bottom , with July
resting at b'Jjij1-1 , the premium over August
having widened to l c1. The average
shrinkage for the day was 1@UU | and the
feeling at the cud was nervously wcalc.
Crop reports nro not changing radically.
The weather In the southern winter wheat
belt is clearing off , but much of the area Is
saitl to bo badly under water and not In shape
to permit the satisfactory progress of har
The corn market did not fulfill Its early
prom.i-o . It opened strong and from } { to % o
higher , but sold off , not steadily , but none the
less surely to the close. The announcement
of a largo decrease in the visible simply
found n great many longs ready to
hell. They were apparently waiting fern
n good time and place to sell , and
as usual they noted together , with the
usual result. August , which opened atftl ' * , c ,
hold oil to I'JKo ' uml closed there. Strong
local operators , headed by Cudnhy , wore frco
sellers , and Hutchiiihon led the buying In
corn as ho did in wheat. Now York was also
u good buyer.
Oats ruled linn nnd the now crop future
advanced sharply. A portion of the improve-
jnent wits lost later in the day , July declin
ing In-Byiniiathy , but closing at Saturday's
last quotations. August left oil j'go ' higher
than Saturday.
The provision trade opened weak in n quiet
manner. Tito cash product bold with u little
moro freedom , but there was no increase to
speak of in speculation and future trading
scarcely reached n moderate volume. In n
speculative way tile market was narrow , and
was saved from being practically featureless
by n sharp break of llc ) In lard Into in the
day. This article was stiong early , nnd oven
promised to rule higher. Later the support
sustaining It was suddenly withdrawn and nt
the clqso lard for both cash and future de
livery rested o under Saturday's last fig
ures. Short ribs nnd pork wcro relatively
stronger than lard , though the advance actu
ally established in the former was only 'J > c
nnd In porlc2) ) < @ 5c. The favorite future Uo
liveries wcro ug > ln August nnd September.
CHICAGO , July 9. ( Special Telegram to
THE UBU.I OATIMJ The estimated receipts
wore 8,500. The market , opened active and
fully as high as on Saturday on beat natives ,
but later , snd especially at the late close ,
values ruled n shade lower , some of the later
sales showing n dccjhio of lOo as compared
With the opening. The iirimo cause of the
drop was the largo run hi New York 180 ;
cars and n decline of Ktff&Xa below Fri lo
day's rates. Then again them wcro
0,1)00 ) cattle in sight at Kansas
City , St. Louis and Omaha. Of >
rourso the bulk of the cattle at western
points were Tcxans , but they till the want
mid at nil times have moro or less effect on
llatlves. In Chicago Tcxans sold fully as
ctiong as last week , but the run in the west
would Indicate n fall In prices , as the
bulk will Uml their way to Chicago. Native
butcher's stock . sold n bhatlo better !
on nccount of the light run
nnd the Might advance on Texnns ni
veal calves making $2.iig3.r ( ( ( > U for Textuib ,
'and $ a.jriif3.0 ! ( for natives. Quotations are
ns follows : Choice to extra beeves , 1-100 to
1000 Ibs , i.VJO ( .i > . : t5 ; medium to good steers ,
I830tol5lHlb ) , - ri.40 ( M.O. > ; iSUOto 13.t ) Ibs ,
S4.0C ( 3.-IO : WO to 1MO ! Ibs , $ UUTO.OO ( sv ;
stookets and feeders quiet and uncliangod at
$ S.&OyiUH : ) ; cows , bulls anil mixed linn Its
81.bOCna.n05 bulk , ? 'J.f > PCavi.b5 ; slop fed steers
fLWtf'ft.W ) . 'lYxiis cuttle wcro in good demand -
mand and tinner ; steers , -10(151.75 ( ; bulk
12 7i ! < g .15 ; Texas cows , l.Mfi'.i.aO. ) (
Hoes The receipt * were 17UOO. nuslnrss
was active with an up-turn of a strong 5u on
nil classes. Host heavy made Si.lHlcif..VS.onc
load at fil anil two lots of I'hlladolphlas at
fil.05 ; mixed sold larpel.v at f3.S'@l . > .90 , ami
common mUcd nt $5.75C < i5.0. Light bovts
told at sftOj/.VJO. (
New YOHK , July 9. [ Special Telegram to <
Tnu Uu.lSTOCKS : The feeling unioni
itock operators was chiefly bullish , upW
rumor was nfiont tnat n bull pool of Nev !
York , and Chicago operators had b'oci
formed with the special object of lifting tin
grangers. They base their opo'rations on thi
Improved crop prospects In the southwcs ;
nnd noithwcbt ; also In the bolter earning
made of lato. They ave confident thu
values have seen their lowest point for ho
present , nml although there may bo n sllgh
reaction , the tendency , they claim , Is lo I
higher level. The opening was quiet nd
fairly steady I ! rat sales , being nt but sllgh :
changes cither way from Saturday's closlu
quotations. A weak tonp set In , howevci
nnd fractional losses wcro sustained In carl ,
trading , which ranged up to % per cent i
Missouri 1'aclllo , followed by St. 1'aul nd
Northern 1'acillo preferred with ) f ndml
The decline- was checked , however ' , ml
curly losses wore generally regaliied'f wit > !
something In addition ) Ucr.dln twd Missoui
Pucltlo being especially conspicuous in th
advance. The market , became weak aboi ;
noon and prices declined ) i to } < i from PJ > Ml
Ing figures. Gould was reported 111. Ui
ntnrs were also nlloat that thfro had bee
heavy telling of Missouri I'uclllo of ! at to. <
These reports hud u depressing effect , nut
coupled with the continued reduction . c
trcight rules nnd selling by Hostoti , bad n ie-
cldedly depressing effect on the general mnr-
kct. Thb reduction ot dressed hoof rates has
been so severe that they nre.nlihost . down to
nothing. . Roads' formerly received 8110 to
812(1 ( per car , while nt present figures they
get about t'M n car , leaving little or no profit
for the carrier. The shorts Jiavo covered
freely of Into , nnd room trailers who were
Instrumental In advancing prices of late sold
freely. The lat hour witnessed n slow ,
weak market , last sates being nt nearly In
side figures und recorded declines extending
to 1 % . Hock Island headed the list , llur-
llngton lost 1 , Lake Stioro % , St. Paul } f ,
Northwestern 1 , Union I'licillc } , Pullman
} { . Total sales were 118,703 shares.
GovunsMcxTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
II. P. < sroglstt'rcil.l27''C. ' ( ' AN. W IIWj
U.H. 4nroiipon. . . 12li | ( Inpreferred 1W
U.8. 4"s ruKtstred. 107U N. Y.Central 1K )
1J.S 4iscoiiion. ! | , in7'4 O. It. N HI'i
1'nrlllc HH of 'I' ' . ' , lll ! | 1' . T SI'S ! '
Camidn Honthern. . W I'aclllc Mall Ill
Central rncltlo 3JYO. D.&IJ 184 ?
kAlton . .nil I'ulltnnnralaccCarlW
I ! . , II..VQ ItlitiUeniUnic 1
! > . , U&W ll'i ' Hock Island llfl
n.A : u.a ir.'s ' st. i , . .vs. K ya\
Krlo JN'il iloprpftrrril HtH
do preferred Wi C. , > f. .t St. 1'iiul. . . fifitf
Illinois Central llfl'l do in eferrcd la'l"
I. . II.AW : 1(1" ( St. I1. \ O Pv-.U
K.&T II ) ' , do preferred Ittl
hnkoShoro HI I'JVxns 1'acltlc'i \
I..VN Mil i UnionI'nrltlc 61'i
Michigan Contra ! . . 7H'i W. . St. I , , ft ! IHiS
MissouriI'acltlc. . ? ! P | ilo preferred. . . . iil'i
Mlssiutrll'iicllio. . . . UlliiW. U. Telegraph. . 705i
do preferred f'l I
Mos'KV d.vCALi , ISiwy tit K' IK l'r ccnt-
1'niMC MCHUANTILC PAI-UII ytitper ( \
STRiir.ixa Kxciuxnn Dull lint stonily nt
? l > 0'f for sixty day bills ; 5l.bS lor de-
nro the
20 : ! ! clobiim prices :
Flour Firm nnd nncliungod. ' . , . v
Whciit Unsettled , opfciicd nt Jj(2 ( - '
lilglR-r , then hociiinc woiik arid doellnini , ' to
\c from outsulo jiriccs imkluarlv in the day.
'Phoroweionfow slight reactions , closing
liIVc ( lower than Saturday's close ; cash ,
-Inly. > ie ; Auirust , S 1 , ' 4 c ; Sep
tember , b ( ) > fc ; December , b-JJfflJS Jo.
Corn Unsettled ; opem-d OZ'ie ' nbovo
Saturday's closing prices , then became weak ,
declining and closing % < < < } ( c lower than
Saturday ; cash , July , -lO o ; August , 10 > oOl
September , 5J ( ) c.
Oats Higher except July , which closed
unchanged ; cash , MjSfCuMu ; July , Jtf-'jife ;
Auvust , UCi.Vc ; Septcmour , 'J.'i > c.
Hye Dull nnd heavy ; cash , 30c.
Barley Steady at Ii3c.
Prime Timothy i'J.-JOftg'J. 15.
Whisky-Steady at 81,20.
Pork Quiet ; cash and July , 813..W ;
August , Sia.G3@18..Ii7if' Scitcmber , $13.00
C < el3WK. (
Lard Easier ; cash and .fuly , SM5 ; Aug
ust , e.S.UN'C ' . 'K ; September , ? S.i ! % ( < ! $ . : ! 0.
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders. il.40 iJ.f > 0 ;
short clear , JSOViTS.lO ; short ribs , * 7. ( .
Butter Fairly active and a .shade easier ;
creamery , IfiWlbJifc ; dairy , 14jT17c. (
Cheese Unsettled and lower ; full cream
chcddars , 7J < ro : 1luls , ' vi c ; fani-y
young Amciicas , S ' 4 l'fti } < c ; Cheddars bklms ,
, r , > Jrnl ( } c ; Hats , IWe. I ( .
Eggs Firm ; candled , 13 } @Uc.
Hides Unchanged ; green salted calf , 4V
@ .V ; heavy green salted , jj 'tioc ; lightgrccn
rutted , n iic ; salted bull , H3ac ; dry Hint ,
fcc , dry ealf , be ; deacons , -0V ! ( . ! 5u each ; dry
salted , 0@7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
3 o ; No. 2 , He , uml cake , 4o per lb.
Uocuipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbis . ll.OQO 1,000
Wheat bu . 20,000 8,000
Corn , bu . 72,000 310,000
Oats , bu . b5.000 114,000
Hyolm . 2OU , 1,000
llnrley , bbls . 1,000 -
New York , July . Wheat Receipts ,
none ; exports , 100,000 ; sppt ojitlons ad
vanced KC'iX" early , but soon weakened and
declined UK' ' ltd c , closing barely steady at 14 OS
TMc above the bottom ; ungraded red , & 7'4@
DOc ; No. 'J red , bO ) < " .o in stori1 , UOO'.UOhii
nlloat ; No. 'J red , July" , bSft ) UJ 1-10 ; August
closing tit bSJie.
Corn Keceipts , 33,000 ; exports , 21,000 ;
opened strong at if ! fifl lsc highi'i1 , later ruled
Oats Keceipts , : J1,000 ; oxports. none-
opened K@ % u liifjhcr , closing dull anil
weaker ; mixed western , 30 ( < J3'Jo ; white
western , 40@47c.
Coffee Spot fair ; Kio linn atSU.fiO ; options
15@20 points higher ; very quiet ; bales , 20COO
bags ; July , $11.15 15.40 ; August , lO.ll'Q '
10.25 ; September , jf'J.'JO.
Petroleum Firm ; united closed strong at
? le.
Eggs Firmer ; western , ISJtfrtiJlOc.
Pork Steady ; mess , 1 11.1 15.00 for new ;
$13.7r14.00 for old.
Lard Opened steady , but clocd 12@10
points lower ; western stei\m \ , $ S.50.
ljuttcr Firm and quiet ; western , 13@
10 > 4'c.
Choose Firm but quiet ; Ohio 'flats , 7@3 c.
St. Iiouln. July 9. WJteat Advanced
early , but broke badly and closed Jfe lower
than Saturday ; cash , bOj c ; July , SOc asked ;
August , 7UKc.
Corn Cash higher ; options lower ; cash ,
4.Sc ; August , 47 { c bid ; September , 4bc.
Oats-r-lllghcr ; cash , 22 c ; August , 23 c.
Pork Cash , fl-t.UO ,
lard-T.bO :
Whisky 51.14.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 15 ( 20ej dairy ,
Ijlvot-pool , July 9. Wheat Firm ; de
mand fair ; holders offer moderately ; Call-
iornia , No. 1 , Os sHdfeOs 9l jd per cental.
Corn Finn : demand lair ; new mixed
western , 4s ll d percental
Minneapolis , July 'J. ' Keceipts , 3SO cars ;
sdiipments , < li cars ; prices ruled } e higher
than Saturday. ClosingNo. . I hard , cash ,
btl' c ; August , S'J c : on track , b3 3 ( Mo ;
No. 1 northern , , Slo ; on track , b'J } o ;
Nci ! 'J iiurUiernj cash , llio ; on track , '
Hour Uneliungpil ; patents to ship In saclts
Inc.irlot , ? l.y. > ( jSI.4. ) .
Mllwnuliue , July 0. Dabicr ;
cash , 7I'D ' ; August , 7bc.
Corn firmer ; No. 3 , 4bc ,
Oats Quiet ; No 2 white , 80c.
Kyo Dull ; No. 1 , Me.
H.irlov-Unchanged ; No. 3 , Wo.
1'rovlslous Steady i pork , cash and July ,
SW 5u.
, Olnoliitintl , July Q. Wheat In light
supply ; No. - rod , old , bio ; new , SOJ c.
, Corn-Fiviti und higher ; No. J mixed , filtj
Oats In irood dotnand and hiivher ; No. 2
mixed , 35 > 4'feaiJc.
Kyo Dull und lower ; .No. 2 , 5Do.
l > orl ; Steady nt ll.x'S.
Lard - Firm at $ VJO.
Wlilslcy Steady ? 1.U.
Kitiisart City , July 9. Wheat Steady
No.'J solt , cash , Tljo ; bid , 73y asked ; Au-
Kitst , 71c bid , l4 > 3 nslsuil.
Corn-SU-ady- . 1 ! cash , 4So bid , 4t > 4'o
asked ,
Oats No2 , cash , no bids and no offerings.
New OrlraiiH , July 9. Corn Irrepu-
W lar ; mixed , WfeGSo ; yellow , 02o ; white , 05c.
Oats Excited unit higher ; No. 2 , 4 c of
Cornmeal Steady nt $ J.85.
, Hog Products Scarce and llrm ; pork ,
st 4.UKlaru ( ; , J7.73.
Built Meats Shoulders , $0.00 ; long clear
and clear rib's , $7.03.
IX : July 9. The Drovers' Journal
reports us follows :
ht Cattle Uccoiptti. S.,103 , Including. O.OCi
Texas cattle ; general market oi > cned firmer
, but natives closed 103 lower ; c-holco to i-xtrj
, bcovcs , ? 0.9JC'iOJl5 ; common to t-holco , 54,400
5.V5 ; stcckersanu feeders. f2.f > 0a3lU ( ; cows
In and mixed ? 1.50@3.30 ; Texas cattle
llrm , . . .
Kccolpts , 17,000 ; market actlvo and
f.c higher ; mixed , $5.70@5.00 ; heavy , W.Sixa
(1.05 ( ; light , $3.70 < J5.'JO.
th SheepKceejpts. . 2,000 ; demand steady am
nrm ; natives , f l.'JQ.VO1. ) ; westerns , 1.2. '
ho ( ; Texans , $2.25 ( < i3.85 ; lambs , fl.50S3.0 <
pin-hundred. UOS
City , July O.-Cattlo-Ueeolptn ,
> 3GUO ; shipments , 1BOO ; Rood to eholco corn-
/cd , K > . ! 15y5.7Ti ; prass ranjro _ _ BWMA jW.OOJ ( !
' a30 ; stockers and feeders , * 2CKi ( < ja.0 ; cows
. .
Hogs Uccoipts , 2)000 ; shipments , 000
, peed to choice , $5.70ti5.iO ; common to medium
of dium , * 3.23 ( < J5.tWj skips -and pigs , $3.X ( C' < 5.00 )
- National Stock YarUs , EASE St
Loulu , July 0. Cattle Uccclpts , r.WX- ) ,
Bhlpmciits , bOO ; mnrkct stronger ; choice
heavy native steers , fi.Ot'C'ZS.W ) : butchers'
steers , medium to choice , $3.50(3-4.00 ( ; stock-
crs nnd feeders , fair to good , F..4t ! > W3.v Ot
rangers , corn- fed , W.50@4.00 ; grass-fed , f2.30
I iog's Keceipts , ' . ' ,000 : shipment * , SOO :
ninrkct stronger ; choice heavy nnd butchers'
selections , f5.M/i5.lH ) ( ) : packlngf medium to
prime , f5.C(5vo ( ; light grades , 'ordinary to
best , t5.fiCQi3.TO.
On t tie.
Monday , July 0 , 1SS8.
Although the receipts were only moderate
they were the heaviest for some days back.
The market was In very fair condition nnd
the bulk of the cattle changed hands before
the close. Good , dry-fed beef cattle sold at
nn advance of nbout lOc , while grass cuttlo
wcicnbout steady. One choice bunch of
cattle weighing nearly 1,000 Ibs sold at $3.00.
The market advanced nbout fie to-day nnd
wns active on nil grades. As high as $5.05
was paid for both light and heavy hogs. The
receipts were very light nnd the hogs wore
nil sold In n very short time nfter the market
There wcro no fresh receipts nnd nothing
to make n market.
Cattle . 1.300
Hogs . L',200
I'riivnilitii ; Prluos.
ThofollowiiiK is a table of pricas p.ild In
this mari < ct for the graduj of stocic men
Primostoors. 1300 to 1BO libs. . 5.40 ffl..OO
Prime steers , 1 100 to 130J Ibs. 4.50 (25.40 (
Fat little steers , 900 to 1030 Ibs. 4.00TO4.75
Common to good cows . 2.00 OJ3.0 ! )
Choice to fancy cows . 2.f.0 . ( u 3.25
Common to choice bulls . . . . . . . . 2.25 ( tf,3.00
Fair to choice light hoes . 0.53 W5.U5
Fair to cholco heavy hoira . 5.55 i5.03
Fairto choice mixed hoi's . 0.50 ( ( 5.00
" " ' - * - - , CATTLE. * - ' . .
No " ' * ' Av. Pr.
OCOWB . ' . . J 0 fl-W
J bulls . 1,370 Q.Otl
Icow . 1,150 2.25
1 steer . b50 2.50
2 1 western grassers . . . . 1 ,0i.'j ! U.J'J '
w wcstcrr. „ r e M . i ,203 3.05
2 bteers and hellers . 1,170 4.75
81 steers . 1,3114 0.10
21 native steers . 1 , 145 5 20
0 steers . 1K 3 5.25
SO steers . . . 1,2-19 5.35
1U ! corn-fed westerns . 1,205 0.40
102 native steers . 1.250 0.40
04 steers . , . J0'J5 ; 5.90
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
30. . . .174 120 $1.05 00. . . .240 1GU ( * > . . " >
10. . . . mo ICO 5.15 71. . . . 244 bO 0.55
78. . . . 213 320 5.17J 77. . . . 217 SO 5.55
14. . . . 115 5.40 55..2S4 100 5.55
55. . . . 2(52 ( 2SO 0.45 11. . . . BOD 120 5.53
142. . . . 218 HH ) 5.13 ( H..187 bO 5.55
(19. ( . . . 252 H'rO 3.4'i 23. . . . 290 100 5.53
015. . . .2J5 200 5.50 ( W..271 120 5.57K
75. . . 20 1 200 5.50 72..23S 2'0 ' 5.07) ) i
(17. ( . . .a . ) bO 5.50 b9..2'.lS 1IX ) 5.57-
(12. ( . .239 120 5.50 . . . . 2stl 200 0.57)4 )
C.0..22S 240 5.55 00. . . . 220 40 5(0 (
05. . . . ' . ' 57 200 0.55 CO. . . .270 SO 000
55. . . .241 240 0.53 Ox..2 ! > 3 I'M fl.C > 0
83. . . .1119 2UO 5.55 Si. . . l S 210 0 (50 (
( Mi. . . . 25-1 0.55 74. . . . 199 80 5.00
O'.l..20.'l ' 40 055 22. . . . 201 5.00
07. . . .210 bO 5.55 33. . . . ' 91 40 O.OO
01. . . . -41 120 S.55 5.15'J ( ! M ) O.fiO
OS. . . 213 250 5.55 5'i..317 80 0.0)
OS..2i9 200 6.55 33. . . . 207 5.05
Packers Piirclinses.
Showing the number of hogs bought by the
leading buyers on to-day's market :
G. II. Hammond > ! c Co . 510
Omaha P. Co . 197
Armour-Cudnhy Packing Co . 421
J. P. Squire & Co . 59
Hnlstcad te Co . 232
Davis .t Atwood . 137
Oibbs & White . 245
H. S. Morns . . _ . . . . 30
Tlio U'cok'M 1'tirclinses.
The following are the number of hogs
sold on this market , last week , to tlio
leading buyers :
Armour & C. P. Co . 4,773
G. H. Hammond At Co . 2OM !
Omahn Packing Co . 2,915
Swift & Co . 412
E. L. Lambert . . . till
G. V. Bartlett . „ . ' . Oil
Gibbs& Whlto . ' . . , . 032
J. P. Squires At Co . 2.0S3
ICIngan& Co . 554
G. B. U'iKon &Co . ' . . 1,2J
Hnlstcad& Co . 79 : !
Brainerd Bros . , . 4t5 !
M. Crane. & Son . , . b'J5
C. H. North & Co . 427
A. Spring . ' . 521
Cleveland P. Si P. Co . . 275
Bcckstein .t Co . 124
Davis & Atwood . 119
and Lowest.
The following arc tho. highest and lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy lp\ds ; \ 9 , $ Jipijs
on this market during the past t'ew days , and
for the corcsponding period in ! Ss7 and 18SO !
o Stock Notes.
Good cattle higher.
Hogs advanced , "c >
Top on hogs $3.fM and J.'i.OO on cattlo.
A. L. Chandler , Aurora , tipped , the hojj
D. Silves , Sutton , was among the cattle
men at the yards.
1' J. Murphy , Kogers , nnd George Thrush ,
Scluiylcr , were in with hogs.
SinuoJuno 1 Otnnh.i has received 20,0r > 3
hogs moro than Kansas City.
Leo Love , of the llrm of McCloud , L6vo &
Co. , was licro from Vorlf , Nob. .
Charles A. Wood , of Chicasro , is visiting
his brother , W. E.Vood , of the llrm of Wood
Among those who came in with cattle were
W. N , Hichardson , Hod Cloud , and Ell
iJeoker , Phillips.
Sutton was represented by P. C. Mattesnn ,
who marketed four loads of very line 1.VJ5 lb
western cattle of his own feeding. They
topped the market ut $5.1)0. )
Bromlleld was represented by J. M. Parker ,
who sold twelve loads of corn-fed westerns
of his own feeding. Also by N. F. Lane ,
who was in with six loads.
Tlioro were n good many western men In
with e.vttlo to-day , among whom were Joe
Hatch , Heber , Utah ; S. K. Koylo , Salt Lake
City , and Mr. Johnson , Clear Water , Utah.
I'rotltico , Friilta , N'uts , Ktc.
Monday , July 9.
Tmdo fell off somewhat after the Fourth ,
It Is again pickipg up und business Is re
ported fair. Them are no Important changes
in prices and they rule us before. Two cars
of bananas will reach the market to-day.
UIJTTEK Fancy creamery roll butter , SCK3
21o ; with solid packed at 15 < 3ilGo ; ulioico
country butter , 1'JCnHc ; common grades , ll@
"lion * Strictly fresh , 1415c.
CIIKIIHIUS Per case of 10 Ibs , $ l.75@2.00.
Southern cherries fc/.SO per drawer of 10 !
quarts. 10o.
STIIVWIIKIIHIES & 2i55iti.l.75 ( per lJ-qt ( case .
Hl.ACKUBKitlcs $3.00C < tU.WJ per case.
HI.ACIC KAsniEimiBs fl.ooC'g-J-K ) I > cr case ;
red raspberries. $ l.50 ( , " > .r,0 per case.
) ( 'iiKESK Full cream , ISXyjHc.
, fJ.T5vjy,00 ( per lb ; ? U (
) ( gl. 15 per bushel.
I'ofi.Tiiv No drqascd fowl' In tlio market t ;
Hvo chickens , f3.aO ( a.75 per , doz ; spring
chlckons. $3.tXi@3.25.
Sinixa HUANS $1.50 per bu.
TOMATOES Per cnito , tt.25 ( 2.50.
PINU Ai'i'LEs J3.85j4iriO. (
13 1NAXA8 Common medium , ? 2.50J3.00pei
bunch ; choice , I.OOCTJ.0 ; low graces , f2oo )
' TuiiN'ji'A California , 2H0.'to ' IH.T lb.
. DATES Persian , 0 @ 7c per lb.
. LEMONS TS.OOQ3.50 per cose.
OiuNir. ( . McsMnas , JO.WWt * per box ;
Hodl , r.50i4M ( | > cr box ( Mrt ( > 4.5J per half
CAULIFLOWEU Good 8t < 5cK , ? l.W(2t.7o ) ( per
doz ,
CAnitAons Homegrown , 2"Jo per lb.
AITI-ES 75Ji Wo per o'ntj-third bnshel , Jilno
( JniEii Choice lllnlgan : elder , W,50 ( < 100
per bbl. of ; ei cal.
ONIONS Native stock1.2x31.BO ; Spanish ,
per box of 5 Ibs , $1,76 ( 2.00 ; California on-
ous , 3' , , ( g4e per lb.
Porcoux Choice rice corn Isquotcd at 3Q
4cpcr lb. ; other kinds 'JVu.'K : per lb.
C til HOTS New stock. VOe per doz.
Ilctxs-Good stock , ft'.00a2.75 ( ; California
benns , r.-
Fin's ' In layers , ingMSc ; ? nltc , 10o per lb.
MUTS Peanuts , raw , 6 } ( ; J7e ; Brazil nuts ,
We ; almonds , Tarrasona , 2-'o ; Enplish wal
nuts , 15 ( < lSc ; lllbcrts , Itc ; Italian chestnuts ,
ICc ; pecans , 15o.
HONEY HC-i2tc ( for 1 lb. frames ; canned
honey , 10(2 ( 1''o i > er lb.
Pi'itn MAIM.I : Sviti'i1 tl.55 per gal.
S M.SIFV ' 'Sc per buuch.
WATEUMEI.OHS jao.oo ft.W ) per 100.
California , ( per box.
Ks California , Jl fltif'i.'i'i per box.
California , tl.iiVg'j.riO per box.
Ordinary grimes , lfi ( < ? 17e ; fair.
17@lbc ; prime , lbli ! c ; fancy green and
yellow , ' . ' -a'J.ic ( ; old government Java , 2S@
! 10c ; Interior .lava. J5C't'-So ' ; Mocha , 2syt30o :
Arbucklo s rousted , IUjJfc ; McLailirhlin's
XXXX , llfjc ; nilwortu's , 1'J' ' ' c ; Ued Cross ,
llio : Alaroma , lUJfc ; German , ll'J ' c.
Wooiir.sw vui ; Two-hoop pails , per doz. ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , JI.IO ; No. 1 tub ,
-7.00No. ; 2 tub , 0.00 ; Xo. 3 tubs , fo.OO ;
washboards , electric , 81.iV ) ; fancy Northern
Queen wiishboards. $2.75 ; assorted bowls ,
S2.75 ; A'o. 1 churns , fll.M ) ; Xo. 2 churns ,
SS.OO ; No. 3 churns , S7. 0 ; butter tubs. § 1.70 ;
siirui-e , In nests , 70o per nest.
Tolucco Pu'o Lorillard's Climax , 45e ;
Splendid , 4riu ; Mcchanlo's Delight , -lie ;
Lcggett & Meyer's Star , 4."e ; Cornerstone ,
We ; Drummond's Horseshoe , 4."c ; , T. T. ,
4''c : Sorg's Spearhead , 4 < V ; "Cut KntiJ , "
o ; "Oh , My , " 27o ; I'iper Heidsick , C-lc ; G.
S < . -'lifl.
Ton vcco SMOKISCI Catlin's Meerschaum ,
31c ; Catlin's Ola Style , 'J3i' ; Sweet Tip Top ,
< J , U. N. 0. , ircj. HedVlilJi. , . ' and 131ue ,
lsjci.i.n { -80.1b pails. Sl.55SBl.Bof ' - -
Su.T-1'er W. .f.'uarioad lofs , $1.30 ,
] tof't-S"even-sixtecnths.iVa'W' ' ' f.
CtSDV Mixed , Udlllc ; stick , iHallJ e. -
1'iCKi.r.s-Miuliuin , in bbls , . * i > .0 ( ) ; do In half
iibls , * M5' ' ) ; small , InbbK $7.00 ; do In half
bbls , ? U > 0 ; gherkins , in bbls , 5.00 ; do in
1ml f bbls , ft 50.
HOU.ANII Hcimixns G3@70c per keg.
jM.U'i.i : SfOAit Hricks l- c ner lb. ; penny
cakes , 13@ltc per lb. ; pure maple syrui > , S1.25
i > er gal.
UuooMS Extra , 4-tlo , Si.W ; parlor , 3-tic ,
painted handles , .25 ; No. I , .f2.00 ; No. 2 ,
. ! ) . " > ; heavy stable bromsf .00.
'i ; , I uuil Ii. > aiiu , w yv" ' , v/ , ivniinjnn'w. .
POWDIH : AND SHOT Shot , $ l.iO : ; buckshot ,
f 1..W ; Hazard powder. 1'ogs , $5.K ( ) : half lei gs.
$2.75 ; one-fourths. $1.50 ; blasting kegs , J2.35 ;
fuses , 100 ft. , 4o75c. (
HcriNCD Hun Tierce , 7J < c ; 40 lb square
cans , 7T c ; 60-lb round. So ; 20-lb round , bkc ;
10-lbpailB , S c ; 5-lb pails , 8 > ic ; 3-lb pails ,
Pitovi-ioNs Hams , IKfjMl c ; breakfast
bacon , lO' ' lOXo ; bacon sides , UCtOJ c ; dry
salt. Si0tsic ! ; shoulders , 7J4C'fise ' ; dried
beef , bi. , tllc.
Ditiif : ) FHUIT Apples , bbls. , new , s- ,
evaiiorated , fcjf ( 'je ; blackberries , ovnpo
rated , OWQO ; pitted cherries , 20@21e ;
peaches , SultLukc .evaporated , ll Citr.V ;
peeled peaches , 2SQt2'Ju ' ; evaporated
mparcd. ll17c ! ; 'new ' currants , 7i(7' ( ;
prunes , - ( ( ftric ; citron , 2 ! ) (24c ; raisins , Cal
ifornia , London layer * , $2.r > 0(7J.(0 ( ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels. $1.70j ( l.bU ; new Va
lencia , 7 } ® 7 ( .
C\NXIII : uootS Oysters , No. 2 Standard ,
pur case , $3.20r3.30 ( ; ; strawberries , 2 Ibs. per
case , $2.ii : ( ( < t2.40 ; raaspberries , 2 Ibs. , per
case , $2.iM : < 2.iO : ; California pe.tsr , per case ,
$ l.(10 ( ( ) t.7d : apricots , per case , # 4.20g)4.30 ) ;
California peaches , per case. $5.50T ( ( > . ( i ( ) ; Cal
ifornia white cherries , ease. J5.bOjti.OO ( :
California iiluins , percaso-l.WMt.70No. ( ; 2
blueberries , 2 Ibs , per case , $ l.t)0@300 ) ;
Pine apples , 2 lb. per case , * ; t.2.'i ( ( §
4.bO ; 1 lb. salmon , per do. : . , ? l.Sr > C < < !
] . ( ) ; 2 lb. gooseberries , per case , $2.10
( iliJ.ItO ; 2 lb ' , strung beans , per case , $1.75@
irbl ) ; 2 lb. marrow fat pens , $2.'iOS2 ( ( 75 ; 2 lb.
early June pears , $2.40S2.iO ( ( ; 3 lb. tomatoes ,
M.23@2.40 ; 2 lb. corn. * 2.20(3 ( > 2.40.
CHVUKRHS CAKKS , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , Cc ; ( cay goods ) , 7c ; soda
snowllako ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , DWc ;
soda wafers ( in tins ) lOc ; hoda zephyrs , be ;
city ojstcr , OJ c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster ,
7c ; gem o.vbtcr , 5c ; monitor , 7e ; Omaha
ovster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , fie ; snow
drop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Uoston , 8e ;
Omaha butter , 7e ; sawtooth butter , ( ijfc ;
cracker meal , 5) ) < c ; graham , be ; graham
wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , l-K ° i hard bread , 5e ; milk , 7 o ; oat
meal , be ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; oat meal wa
fers in pound packages , l'J > e ; tmimnls , 12o ;
Boliver ginger ( routut ) , 7c ; cream , Se ; Corn-
hill , lOe ; cracknells , ttie ; frosted cream. SX" !
ginger snaps , Se ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 'Jo ;
fum'.S muao KlnS ? Siinj'A ' 'ii ' Sj Ijpj J19WP
made ginger snaps , (1-lu ( cans ) per do25n ,
j.3.50 ; lemon creams , So ; pretzels ( hand
made ) , lll.c ; assorted cakes and Jumbles ,
lljifc ; assorted fingers , 15r ; afternoon tea
( in'tins ) , per box , $7.00 ; iraiiann lingers , 14c ;
butter juf.blcs. IlUc ; Hrunswiek , 1. " > c ;
brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( now ) ,
Hie ; chocolate wafers , ISo ; Christmas lunch
( In tins ) per dozen , $4.50 : cocoa taffy snaps ,
14e ; coffcocako , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , ll o ;
cream pnlTs , HOc ; egg jumbles , ll fo ; ginger
dro | > s , lid ; honey jumbles , ll tjelly ; lin
gers , Ifio ; jelly wafers , 15c ; jellvtart ( new ) ,
15t > ; lady lingers , lllo ; vanilla bar , 14c ; va-
nilhv wafers , He ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen
packages In n box , per dozen , * 2.iJO.
All goods packet ! m cans le per lb advance
except snowllako anil wafer soda , which nro
packed only in cans. Soda in 1Mb nnd fl-lb
paper boxes , * c per lb advance ; all other
goods lo per lb advance. Soda in 1-lb paper
boxes , lo per lb advance. The 2-lb boxes are
packed in cases holding 13 in a case. The 2-
Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a
case. The 4-lb boxes are packed In cases
holding 'M in a case. One-lb graham and oat
meal wafers packed 3 do ? in a case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 7ic. ! Cans for wafer soda , $3.00 ,
not icturnablo. Cans for snowllako soda ,
S5.00 per doz. Tin cases with glass fnco to
display the goods , 7 ! " > c earh. No charges for
packages except for caus and returnable
goods. Glass front tin cans and "snowllako"
soda cans are returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
PitiXTS SOLID COLORS Atlantic. Cc ;
Blatei1 , ri4c ! ; Berlin oil , liio'i' ; Garner oil , ( > ( ' < !
7c. Pixii AXI > Honr.s KiUimond , ( iJ-jCe ; Al
len , } . ; e ; Hivcr Point , Cc ; Steel HI vet1 , Oc ;
Hichmond , Go ; Pacill ? , ( i.jc. ) Ixnftio liwj :
Washington , tl)4c-Century : , digo blue prints ,
9c : American , ( % c\ \ Arnold , ( % u ; Arnold H ,
10 > ij'e ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal , lO r ;
DHESH Charter Oak , no : Uauittpo , * ytcLodl \ ,
5c ; Allen , ( Jo ; Hichmond , flc ; Windsor , C } c ;
Eddystono , ( i'tfc ' ; P.xcilic , fiVfc.
HATTS Standard , Vc ) ; Gem , lOo ; Beauty ,
12 } c ; Uayonne , 14c : 11 , cased , $ ( ! . ! > 0.
O.IP CAIII-KT W.viti1 Ulub , white , 19o ; colored ,
" "
"MISCKLL\NEOUS Table oil cloth. f .S,1) :
plain Holland , 8Kf Jic ; Dado' Holland ,
lii.r.iciiKii : Snnr.TiMi Hcrklcy cambric No.
fiO , DUo ; Host Yet. 4-1 , 0 > | C , butter cloth ,
OO.4' c ; Cabot , TC ; , Farwell , S c ; Fruit
of Loom , lljfu ; Frecno G , ( i ; Hope , 7o :
ieroll ) , < l-4 , K'KJ ; Pcppcroll , 6-4,21c ; Pcppcrell ,
0-4. 2Iic ; IVpperell , 10-4. 2ro ; Canton. 4-4 ,
SKo ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Kc ; Triumph , Cc ; Warn
utta , lOc ; Valley , 5c.
GINGHAM Plnnkctt checks , 7Ko ; Whltten-
ton , 7 > fc ; York , 7c ; Nonmindl dress , 8 } c ;
CalcutUx dress , * ? &vWhltteudou \ dress , SK J
Jicnfrew dress4 , b jC'iU-Kc-
Ticub Lewiston"ao in. , 12 } c ; Lovvlbton , ! . . 13Kc ; York , 33-ln. , 14c ; Swift river ,
DU.NIMS Amoskeag H , 0-oz , lllc ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 18o ; York , 7-oz. , lll ! < c ; HaymarKCt ,
She ; Jaffrey , XX. 1W ! Jallrey XXX , 12Kc ;
IJeuver Creek AA , lUc ; Heixvcr Creek lilJ ,
Ho ; Hcave.c Creek CC , lOc.
. J37no ; Queeher , No. 4 , ? . : t2Ko ; Anawan | ,
13Xe ; Windsor , 231fo ; Ued XC , 24-in , 1,5X0 ' ;
E 24-in , 21n ; GG , i4-in. 18ej II A F , Jf , 0'
J H F. Jf , S7c ; d , X. 35fr
CKAMI Steven * ' H. Oo ; bleached , 7e ;
Stevens' A , 7 c ; bloachcd , 8'c ; Stevens' P ,
b'o ; bleached , l > Hc ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , 10' cv Stevens' S H T , 12c
x > -i > TiMnnn.
"WVt. 18ft. 20ft. [ :
2x * . 17 SO 20 W 21 00,22 Wfc (0
.17 N ) ! W HI 21 00I IWiSlI ( M
.17 M 2.1 HO 21 ( I'szuosstw '
2x10. 17 60 20 W ) 21 ( HI SI w : ti oo
2x12. It ) za-TI ' Ul-l Wt,24 , , 0024 UU )
15 M 111 SOI20 W 2il IllCt ( U
No. 1 com , s 1 . .I1S.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.l.YM
No. S com , si. . 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. . 13.50
No. 1 , 4&OIH 12 & 14 ft , rough. . f 19.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 19.50
No. 2 , " " 14 "
No. 2 " " "
, 10 18.00
A , 12 , 13 A 111 ft.t2l.50 I O , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$15.50
13 , " " 20.501 1) , " " 12.50
2d com Jf In White Pine ceiling 14.00
" " "s.oo
Clear 4' In Norway " " 14 ( H )
2dcom fln " ' " " 10.00
AT , In Whlto Pine , . $20.50
HOln " " -
Ctlin " " 30.00
DOIn " " 21.50
EOin " " ( Sol. Fencing 1900
0 In Drop Siding 60c. per M extra.
Star , 4 inch Flooring . - $21.00
Island 2d clear4 inch Flooring 1KI.CO
Clear % inch Ceiling ' . ' 0 DO
Clenrjf inch Partition 2U"o "
Clear % Inch , Partition S3 above inch
< < im > LU' . < 19.00
No. 1 Plain Sand 10 In. . . ,
No. 2 " " " , 17.50
No. 1 , OG , Sin 19.50
imrirxs. wr.i.i , Tuni.NO , TICKETS ,
OG Halts , 2'rfln ' $ 70
It \ 'y'l a 1 a ' * * )
3iu well tubing , ' i ) & mid'bev ! \ . ' . ' . ' ! . ' . 2,1.00
1'ickels , U & II Hal 1050
" U.HSII 19.30
1st and 3d. clear , 1 , lij- , ins 2 a Wl.OO
" " " l' , : > 51.00
3d , clear , ! In s2s -14.00
" lU'i lMin2 40.00
A. select. 1 in s2s 40.00
A. ' IJf , JK,3Ins3s 41.00
" linslis ao.UO
B ! " ) ! r , 1H , 2in s2s 37.00
V , select , all 10 ft , textra. \ .
Clear Finish , land 1J/ Inch , s3s 2Q.50
Clear Finish , 1 } and U inch ; s2s 30.00
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch ' 'i'W
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and 13aso. . . . 20.00
How \Vllkcs Kooili Tossed tlio Pickets
on tin ; Kntal Night.
"Did you over know how Booth parsed
the jiieljots on thu bridge of the cnhtoru
lirmich of thoPotoiimctliiitftittiliiitrhty"
tislcod u frioud of n Philadelphia Tiint-s
roportur. "I will toll you JIB it was told
to mo by the old bontinol who was that
night on duty there. A half hour be
fore the time agreed upon by Booth to
meet Harold , the hitter , who hud lived
in the neighborhood of the bridge till
his life , nnd who was across the river
in the little village of Uniontuwn then ,
crossed the bridge to the Washington
side. 'Who goes there ? ' said the sen
tinel on the bridge. 'A friend going
for the doctor , ' replied Harold.
'Pass , ' btiid the bontinel. Ho
quietly rode up Kloventh street to Penn-
svlvnnin avenue and Eighth street , and
there in the darkness waited until the
thundering hoofs ot Booth's horse wore
heard coining down Pennsylvania live-
line. The two horsemen then started
down Eighth street toward the bridge
on that ride for their lives , which
ended in Garrett's burning a barn in
Virginia , a hundred miles away. 'Who
goes there , ' rang out on the air from
the startled sentry , as the two horses
camo-rushiiig toward the bridge. Har
old cried out , 'A friend with the doc
tor. ' The two men passed over the
bridge , and it wns perhaps several
hours after the reverberation of the
horses' hoofs had died away before the
sentry know who the men in such a
hurry were , and when helounditout ho
was nearly scared to detilh for fear ho
had failed lo do his duty. "
Drink Mttito at soda fountain.
Cnnitul $500,000
Surplus 100,000
JIEUMAN KOUK'TZn , President.
" " "
"JOHN A. CHKIG11TON , Vlco rrcfililcnt.
1' . H. DAVIS , Cashier.
W. If. MKCGUIEK , Assltnnt Cashier.
Corner of ICtli and I'limam Streets , Chamber of
ComniL'rcu Itulldlng.
C.ipllnl Stock . $100,000
Liability of Stockholders . 800,000
cent piild ou ( U'po-lti , loniis innilcon mil
e-talu Mini iierhiuinl nucurltyi iiutuj , uriants , stotkf ,
uml bonilH jmrtlmiu < l.OIT1CKHS
JOHN I * . Aill , 114 , l'ri' lilcnl.
AMlli\V : UOsKWATKU. Vlfo 1'icflclcnt.
DKXTHH l.TIIOJIA , Cuslilcr.
ItOAIll ) OK
.lolui I. . Mllci , llniiln * lloiKon ,
Siiinuol Cntnt-T , .lotin II. Kviuis.
Andri'W Hiiotiwntor , .MciirH.Morrl'on ,
W. A. I < . liltiliiin , ( ,0i. i : . llurkur ,
( ior. Alvln Siiiinilcra , li ) > xtirUTIioin.i < ,
Normnii A. Kulin , Juinc * Tliniuiisun ,
F. n.Jolinton , John llusli ,
Ceo. C. Hoblilu.
To 310 S. Si.vlccnt'i ' St.
P. Windlieim
JDealcr In
Paints , Oils , Varnishes
. . „ r.u.MKii. x. r. UICIIMA.V. j , u , I
Live stock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllco Uooin 21 , Opposite KxclianKo llullillni ; , Union
Vlints , houtli Ulutilin , Nub.
Lire Stock Commission Merchants ,
Jl'irkpt fiiml ) i il free on application , htuckurn nntl
futdera fiirnHlieil on KnoJ ttrnn. ) li''i'rrnci' - ( Him-
tin Nuttunnl llnnk HIK ! houtli OmiUiu Nattuiiui , Union
block Vi.rU > , buutli Uinalin.
Live Stock Commission ,
[ loom 15 , UxcbanKo llulldlnit , I'nluu Stock Turdi ,
rJuutti Umaliii , Nub.
cCommlsion Dealers in Live $ o.d Z ! , .Oppoklto Kieliaugo Iliillillni ; , Uulon Block
'Yurili.iioutli Oman * , Nun. '
" "
' '
Of Omaha Limited
. , , .
. , ' ' Jolial'.llajd.auccrtfltculeat. '
Agricultural impiomontu.
"C"H U"R c H i LL"P A R K ER ,
Dealer in Agricnltural Implements , Wagons ,
Curtlnget uJ Ilneclp * . ,1mifi Strert.bctnccnMtiBiiO
_ 1011 ] , Onmlin * , Nobratlin. _
A ricnltriralIinpleineuts , agonsCarriages )
\Vliolfnnlo. Om h . Xebrnslu * .
Wtioli' le DrBlrr * In
AEricnltural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Kl ) , ml. W6 mlm \ Jonc Street , Umnlin-
P. P. MAST &
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CultlTMor , Ilnr llnkfJ , Clilcr Mlt ! nml I.ubxn 1MI'
Turltcrt. Cor , llth iul Nlcliulu strctti.
Wliolc lp
Agricultnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Corner Ulli nnd Sir hola j-
Akron , Oiiio.
Harmting Machinery and Binfler Twine ,
\V. K. .Moixil , Mannpcr. lJ1.1l.riivonwortli ft. , Omnlm.
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Piows Etc ,
Cor. Plli nn > l 1'nclllc Direct * , Omnlm , Nob.
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 loucl Mrcct , Omnlm , Ncbrnikn.
Boots and Shoos.
( tucccoors to IU'f.1 , Jane * \ Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AncnUior llinton Hublicr Hlme Oo. 1102,110J A HIM
llnrnuy M. , Onmlm. Ncbniutn.
vT.v . MORSE \ co. .
JoDlicrs of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,11KM103 Uougln * Ft. Oninhalanufuitory , Sum.
incrM. llotoii.
CoffooB , Sploos , Etc-
_ Omnlm OjBoo Had bf\v \ Mills.
Teas , toffees , Sjic , teing Powder
Crookory and
W. L"WRIGHT. . "
Apcnt for tlio Mi\nufoctu 'rs nn J Importer * of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
Ktc. Qfllcc. 317 B. 13th ft. , Omnlm , Kulimnkn.
IniuurUTo ami .lubbers of
erector ? , Glassware , Limps , Silverware
Etc. 1511 runiani St. , Now I'axton HulKllnrf.
Commission and
' " ' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Spcclnltlr" Iluttcr. Vug * C'IPI | > P 1'nnltry , Gnmo ,
llli Howard Street. Omaha.
Successor * to Mcfchsno A Schroc'ilcr. )
Proiiace Commission anil Cold Storage ,
Omaha. NebrnsKa.
\ \ llOlC4lllO
Flour , Feed , Grain anil General Coinmision
llcr liiint. Corrriiinnilc'iiccsolli-lteil. 1011 Nortli ICtU
CoaCoko ! _ and Umo.
' ' "
OfvfAHA C'OAL. COKE & "C\ME \ CQ ,
Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal ,
SW South 11th Street , Omnrm , Ncbmikn.
Mannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement. Hunter. J.linc ,
Drain Vile , nncl J-OWIT l'l | > e. UCIru , i'nston liutvl ,
Karnaui ft. , Uiunhn , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Goto ,
! 14 Soitlh 13th St. . Omahn , Nob.
JJry Goods and
M. E SM'ITH & co. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1KB nnd 1101 Douglas , Cor. llth Ft. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Cunts' Kurnltlilnu ( Joo.ln. Corner llth uml lliunoy
MB. , Qmnhii. Neb.-aakn.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnnm Struct. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omnlm , Ncbiaska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
.05,507 , ' , m mill 711 S. 10th St. , Omahn , .Vtb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
t ( h nml I.cavenwgrth btructi , Omnha , Notrnskr. .
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Mctuls , t-hect Iron , etc. Agents for Howe Scaloi ,
MiamiI'owdiTnudl.jinuii lltirjjcdlro ,
( Jznuha , Nebrasltti.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Alcchaulc * ' Tools nml lliinalo Scalps. ItUo Douclui
t-treot , Umithn , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th anil Harnuy rlts. , Omaha , Neb. Western A cnti
for Aui'.ln row ill1 r Co. , Ji'tlfnon htvcl Nail : ,
Fairbanks StHii < 1unt Scnlci
Wholesale .Munnfuctiri.Tiuf )
Saddlery & Jabbers of Siddlery Hardware
And Leather. 1IOJ , l\K > nn\ \ HOT lluruoy S
Nbia < ku.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Waiion Htork , llanlwaro. Ijumbor , Ktc. IV. "
uml 1211 llarncrfettect. Omaha.
t _
W. L. PARROTTE & . CO. , . .
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
1107 llarney SI ret" , Omaha. Nab. _
_ _ _ _ Lumber. _ _
ww '
OM AHA L U M B E\Tco. \ .
All Kinds of Building Material at WliulBsali
13U Street ami Union 1'iieltlo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktp. Yeitfi Corner 7U > ficJ Doutfla i Came
U'.h KI\I | Domlui. _ "
" "
C. N" DIETZ , '
Dealer in All Kinduf Lumber ,
California gtfeetiOmaha , N6br 'kk. |
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Ctb. ted Dauglai Stl. . Omabk. '
To Dealers Only ,
Wholesale Lumber Etc ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets nJ 1'arquot Flooring 9th ami
JM11II n cry nnd Notion8. .
" "
? . OBERFELDER * "c67T
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Noiions
SN. Jlil nnil 313 Smith Itllitrp. . t
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcnns 1'niU. , SMrU. lllo. I Knit ml 1101 Uoualaj Street ,
Oiimlm. Neb.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4 I nml < Oi S ( nth ICtli St , Omnlm.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo tiu'iuo. Ittc. , Oiualm. A. II. lllrluii | , Mitnitiifr.
Kotions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
IUA Hnrner Struct , Oiniirm.
Office Fxturo9. !
.MnmiCtutiirors of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantk-v Sl < lrlioanli , I1lok l'n . " nttiivVitH
rnM's.rnrtllloiis. llullliiKOnunlur . llooriiiiJXS'jno
Ciiolnrii , MlnorK.otc dietary nml ollln1 , 1TUU and liJ *
fcoutli loth tit. , Oiuuli.i , Tulupliutio Hit-
Paints nnd oils.
\Miolo > : ilo Dc.ilcrs In
Paints , Oils , Window Gtes , Etc ,
lll < Firnmn Street. Omaha , Xeb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice tork of rrlntlnv , Wnii | | > liii ! find Writing
1'0-er. f pcclnl Httciitlon > . ' | TCII to cur loail onli *
J'apor Boxos.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Noi. 1317 end 1310 Dotwlna St. , Oumuil , Neb ,
JS. < ahJ3oorat
Wholoaalo Munur ctnror of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch UrtHo , 12th iind liartl htruotn , Oinnlm , Nub.
iVannfacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
V sulillnjjs , HlHlr Work nnd Interior llanl Wood Kir *
ill. N. K. Corner nth Mini liOiivuuHorlh Streets ,
OMAHA p A N i N CMILL c.o , . (
Kaaafactnrers of Moulding , Sasli , Doors ,
And Illnil ! , Tunilnir , Ptnlr-woik , Hank iind Olllco Fltx
iltmi. auUi tmil 1'opiilutuii Avcmin.
Materials. _
' ' j
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers In Type. l'ri"i oi ami Printer1 * ' Supplies. KJ )
South litli SirfOt.Omnlia.
Rubber Cooclo.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnbbcr Goods
311 Clothing uiul Leather lleltln1UM Kurnnm Street.
Pumps , Etc.
A. L. STRAfja CO. 7 .
Pumps , Pipes and Engines , . -
Steam , Wntnr , Hallway nnd Mining Supplies , Etc. $ 'J
ffJ ) , ytl nnd 1C 11 nniiira ttroet , Omahn. * \ 1
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam nnd Water Puppllei. Ileailminrters for Must.
KooH A CD'S Kooiln. 1111 1 iirnnm M.Omiilui.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Halllclny Wind Mllli. ( IBnrultttlFnrnnm St. , Oranlia.
0. ! ' . Itoaa , Ai'tltlti Munager.
engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Shoot Iron Work Steam I'mntu , HHW MIK . 1213-1215
1-'iivenwnHli j-tn-i't. Oniah.i
PHIL. srirviMEL"
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 iinil V13 Joni'H vtut Dniiili i.
Storage , Forwarding A. Commlaslon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
nrmichlitin'ouf tlin lloitnpjr Iliwi.-Co. llimulcsat
wholesale anil retull , 1 I > j 1/lOaml 1312 Izura Street.
Oinahn. IVIuiiliony Nn. " : < l.
Sm kc Stocks , Bollor8Etc _
' ' "
Maniifactnring Dealer in Smoke stacks ,
UrHchlliL' * , TiinKs nml Uoneral Holler JteiitrluK. | 1314
Dinl.'i ) Mrret.Oiialii. : Nuh
Lager Beer Brewers ,
I'i31 Notlh UUtlitppntli Slrent. Uniulm.K-h.
" Cornloo. JJ
" "
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kjjuneter. I'ruprlo It. V3d Diuliru anil1'J.laml 101
North lutli t. . 31. ( imiilm
Iron Works.
Carter.1 ; eon. 1V' ' | > * . Manufacturer * of all kinds
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Irun Worlc
WorU South IXJth ami 11. A. .M. Croniiliig.
' ' 7 < f VIIIHI.IXH luo.v WOIIKS.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorK ,
KiiKlnos , \Vork.Gonernl roun\rr. ) Muolilno auJ
llhickiinHh Wurk Oillioanil U'oiks , U.r. U/ .
uml Kth ctreet , Uiuiiha , _
. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
UcMt Hulls , Wnilnvr ( KlowiT RtaiiiKVlro
f-U-in. IUC. lil Nurtli irtli Htrijiit. Omaha. _
"b M A H A S AF1 E antriRON WOR K S ,
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
nnilt , . ! uU Work , Iron ami Wlru Funclnir , Hlen , lite.
O. Aii'lruon. ' 1'fop'r Cur. llth anU Jackjou Ht .
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Hcrppns , fnrbank , ntnrni.itoriH ro Iilenrei.utc.
'iruil Awnln- > . l.ock niUli M jchinurr null
llack ! mlth Woik . Wl.-uutli llth tit.
Fire'and Bintlar Proof Safes , Time Locfcs ,
( loncrnl Aifcnti ) fnlllnbold Unto ti. Ixick Co.'i
VaulU ) mid Jail Wuik , llli Karuaiu atrcot. Omnba.
llltt i > H" given cnlvtr.
tal eatlslactlon In th
euro o ! Uonorrucea and
( ccUato In recommend *
U to all lurTereri.
CluclnntU , Docilur , Ilk
Olilo. TntCK , Sl.OO , +
Bald by UruuUtl.1