Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    .fK Millp VV' ' 1'l' ' " 1"lVli'r ' ' ' " lE V TE--1 < * ' ! * ) . .
Philip Dnrr , of the Union Pacific cm-
doi > nrtinoiit. tin olil veteran soltliur of
the Muxlftin war , ri'ceivetl lilu piijwrs
yesterday whirli utilities'him to un - > l
pension nor month for the balance of
his life.
Fifty excursionist from northern
I'onnHvlvuniii Htoppcil in the city-last
nlpht'on route fair the PaHtlp lopo.
Thev were ustoniihcd at the marvellous
etrhles the Gate City is making.
I'pi-Mitutl l'nrntraili < 4 ,
Mr. C. I ) . Hamsoii , of Kcnrnoy , is at tlio
Mr. Arthur 1. Urcwl of Uncoiti , is at tie )
Mr. J. SUwltnan of Hod Oak , - Inis at
thi ; Windsor.
fionoral lirooko has returned front a visit to
Mr. J. I ) . Hj mi of Standing Keck Agency ,
is In the city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William M. Hatflcld , of
Ucatrleo , arc in the city.
Mr. Harry Clark mid Miss Mlntiip filckcls ,
of Pine Kidge aironcy , are at ttto I'axton.
Collins Jordan mid daughters Iiavo cone on
n trip through C.imuhi and the eastern states.
Mr. U. S. Mi-lh'ii , pui-chnsilig agent for the
Union 1'ncilt , is back fioin n trip to Denver.
Mr G II Uurr , court reporter of Linn
county , luwii , was a Sunday visitor to
Colonel Hall is home from his trip of In-
upectlon to the posts in thu department of the
Miss Nci'dan , ono of Falconer's clerks , Is
enjoying a vacation -among fnondH in Iowa
and Illinois.
Or. Somcis'family leave to-day for a va-
cntion In the inonntaitis. They will ho joined
by the doctor later.
Air. M. D Smith , Kvclyri 1 ! . Ayres , Allio
M. Smitn and Mr. Fred \V. Chirki- , all of
Creston , In. , were Sunday diners of the Pnx-
Mr Hyion Wibster , of Ilnbuqup , Is in tlio
city. He is internal rovenno collet-tor for
eastern Iowa , and also publisher of tlic Mar-
Dr. M. J. O'Uoiirltc. of O'Neill , and well
known in this city , was In town .ves-tTdiiy
making arrangements for his lemovnl to
t South Omaha , where ho i-i to locate. Ho
* leaves tills morning for O'Neill to reinovo
> . his library , papers and other essentials. Ho
f will return in about a week or ten d.tys.
A Window Slri'jii'r I-'alN.
An elderly inin named John I'atton fell
out of a second story window in the Kile-
horn Valley house curly y stordny morning.
Ills left arm was broken unit the bone pro
truded from the llesh. Ho was otherwise
bruised and Died profusely. IJrcausoof the
hunt lie sut on tlio window hill to cool off ,
but went to sleep.
Kudic S.-IJ-H Slit * Is No Thief.
Sadie Elliott , ono of the waiter girls cm-
ployed lit the hotel , was arrested
last evening on the charge of stealing some
undcrclithcR and aprons from one of the
other waiters. Sadie donicn the c-hnrgo of
( dealing the clothes and says they necl-
dentully got nuo her trim k by being mixed
with her uluthcs.
rondpiimed 'Meat.
The spectacle of a largo wagon of
beef being driven to the dump and east into
the Jin ; Muddy yesterday , led to an imiuiry
ns to the cause , when it was learned that it
was only part of nearly n oar loud which had
been condemned by Fred Ilickstein , tlic in it
Inspector. The moat was Hie property of tno
Omaha Puckinir company , and thov were
preparing to Hell it to their eustomeis , when
tlui inoliostis of the meat inspector passed
Judgment upon it mid declared U unlit for
Unjitlst MNulini Work.
The Unptisi societies of the city held a
union meeting lit the First Hnptist church
last evening to consider the matter of city
missions. Probably the rain kept miuiy
nway , for barely a hundred persons were in
attendance. Addresser were made by Kcvs.
Holmes and Foster , explaining the ne
cessity for missionary work in Omaha mid
urging the Baptists to strive for tlio increase
of their church. Fo action was taken. A
meeting of the city mission board will beheld
held Tnursday night.
The wonderful scenery along tlio
Dulles of tlte Columbia river. Oregon ,
cun bo reached to iulvtinti : < 'o only by
Smoke Scidonberg's Figaro and jjot
the best o-cont cigar in tlio world. Max
Mover & Co. , wholesale depot.
The Baby l 'nrin Putt Two More. Vic
tims t'nilor Ilio DaMcM.
Two more dontlisnre to be added to the list
already pusbbshcd in Tin : HII : : as having oc
curred at Isaii Ma\well's "baby farm" on
Twenty-eighth aud Scward streets. One of
these was n miserable little baby but
a few weeks old , who has ahvady been dc-
crlbcd in tlieso columns , but whoso death
took place several days later than was ex
pected. Tlio tuimo of the mother of the child
could not bo learned , but it was stated that
Bho was a resident of Missouri Valley. Hut ono
baby now remains in the home , and the
mother of this little wnif is Annlo Keith.
This little innocent struggles daily for exist
ence and tries to ilnd It in a bottle ol con
densed milk , to cxtiact which leiiuires about
the smuo exertion us would bo demanded of
an adult In sucking n lemon through a traw.
Jt Is not thought that the little one will long
maintain tlio unequal toiilost. Tlio remains
of the dead child were interred in Forest
Luwn cemetery.
The second death was that of Mrs. Dieiien-
son. She was burned at the "fin in'1 on last
Thursday night while working at u gasoline
stove. She was cared for "by iip'trhbiirs mid ns comfuitablo ns possible during
her sufferings. She was attended by Dis.
Howe and Summers. On Saturday night it
was found advisable to remove her to the
hospital where , yesterday inoriiiiiR at 7. . ! . )
o'clock , she died. The remains wi re re
moved lo Henfey & Henfey's , where the fun
eral will takoiihico to day at U o'clock.
Mis. Dickinson is about twenty ei : ht Vcars
of ngo. She had two children , nged six and
four years respectively. These aru now
being cared for by nelgiilors. T.ho deceased
has ono slsUr in town , but no other relatives.
She has been hero for two years mid in that
time has made a living as best she could
by housekeeping. She was working for
Nan Maxwell for board and shelter for her
self nnd children. The latter are strong and
hearty little ones. Mrs. Dichenson's mn'don '
name was Wont/ , and she was m.-m-ied to
her husband Joseph , In Williainsbunr , In.
She was deserted by him two years ago.
She wus without means and her burial ex
penses will have to bo met by chanty.
Already ono of the neighbors has collected
BUftlcient money to prevent her interrmont
under the auspices of the county.
Notwithstanding the fatality which has
attended the little waifs who
have been Inmates oC this "home-.11 Nnn
Maxwell nunounces that she will continue to
receive children to ho eared for. The an
nouncement is mi unfortunate one. The
wretchedness of her abode , her own poverty ,
her nervous iltapobltion , her makeshift sys
tem of uurslii'- . her ignorance of medicine
nnd , above all , the rate nt which her little
charges have been dying , proclaim the unlit-
ncsft of tlio woman for the means- she has
chosen of making n livelihood. There U no
body to question the woman's sincerity
nnd the morality of her diame
ter , but neither ' or both of these
are sufilclcnt to make her u good nurpo for
hull a doreu children onnost tender age. As
u rule , her charges have been those of Ille
gitimate birth , whom the mothers me only too
nappy to be relieved of , for whom they are
frequently uiMible to pay more than one
month's bonrd and wlicin they subsequently
leave to Nnn Maxwell to support at her own
expense , nnd tlnnlly te bo buried by the
county. Neighbors in tlio vicinity are In
, arms ngu'nst ' the "homo11 mid say that
11 what Miss Nan Maxwell thinks
I'1 Is kindness under difllculties , '
li , In reality , treatment to which even nban *
\ doncd children should never bo subjected.
'ii ' , lieoldcs , they are not gratilled with funerals
at frequent Intervals from their midst , nor
do they favor a foundllug hospital with its
patron * of questionable virtue ut their very
loors. Thc o stoutly r. < " ! ort that If Nan Max
well continues In lift- erratic notions they
vill have rccourso to the couits to enjoin
_ _
Chpyoniif , the cupitol 'of Wyoming ,
nnil the editor of the inttlu Indui-li'V 'of.
the United Stale * , is reached only by'
Dr.'Me'Orcw. kirinoy , Rectal , & nrU'-
itedi ea us. Ko'Mn 1.1 , Dubbin in block
Albert Sinllh , Another of the Trio In
the 1'ollcc Station.
Oflleor Deiupsey and Harry Winter nr-
rlvtd InUinuhii about 'J o'clock yesterday
tftcrnoon with Albert Smith , onuof the trio
) f dishonest clerks , who have been systcmat-
cally robbing their employers , PeWey &
-itone. Smith was captured at Hustings by
Llio oftlcers of that place as lie answered the
description sent out l i telegraph. When h6
saw his game was up ho surrendered wil-
litisly. A tclcgrum sent to tils | city ap
prising the police hero of ills captuic. Of-
Ili-er Hemp-icy was detailed la UrtriL" him to
Dmalia and Harry Winter accompanied him
to identify Smith. The reputed capture of
lliiin Henry , the third crook in
Lhcc.i'o , proves to be u mistiike. He is sim
ply Ihoimht to be atVahoo , but ha- > not yet
ucv'n captured.
It appears tluit all three of the thieves
were stipportintr fust women , and so lo-
pravcd h id i\Hinn ! become that ho was milk
ing prep..rat ions to marry the notoiious
strumpet , Myrtle Hates , with whom lie was
living. The trial of the , two who have been
captured occurs this afternoon at J o'clock.
PitK'Ki.v ASH 15iTTiits : Is an unfuil-
injj onro for all dis-ea-os orijiiatiiig | ; in
biliary de/raiifjeinonts caused by the
malir'ii : : of initisinntlu countries. No
other medicine now on sale will so eN
foetuully remove the disturbing ele
ments , and nt thu same time tone up the
whole tjYatcm. It ia turo and cafe in its
The UNION PACIFIC runs Solid
Train * to Denver from Council UlulVa ,
Omaha and Knn- > > City.
The Hoard ol'Tratlc "Mcetlnfion Sntui1-
ilay Nl/zhl. /
Hoard of trade directors met again S.itur-
nay night , and after the reading of tlio min
utes severul new members took shares of
stock. Councilman Smith explained what
the city council intended to do about sewerage -
ago and viaducts , as it has already appeared
in Tun Hi i : . and it was stated that tin- land
syndicate and stock yards company were
prenaied to take a large number of the bonds
necessary for the work , when issued.
Messrs. Holer and liurdick were granted
permission to address those present , and an
nounced that they were at present engaged
in the manufacture of a patent fence. They
wished to locate in South Omaha , and would
put in a plant worth SJlM'i'O. ' that would em
ploy from llfty to sovuity-mcn. Their
present business necessitates tlio employ
ment of ten traveling salesmen , ami
within a year they expect that it will rcqi.uo
about two hundred mechanics to 1111 the or
ders. They had been offered an aciveaih
by Messrs. .letter and O'Hourke as u site for
their building , and they wished to know if
there were any other liuMimbrnnces. The
matter was referred to Messrs. Dee , How-
land ami Heckett. Communications werO
also received Irom the Mount Vernoii ( O. )
liridge company and W. L. Kvans , of Cedar
Fulls , In. John C. Carroll , treasurer of the
board , then handed in his resignation as a
member and onlcor of the board , and it was
m cepted. A letter from an eastern linn
wishing to start a fertilising and chemical
factory was read and icferrcd to tlio com
mittee on mauut.icturcs , aud tlio board
adjourned for two weeks.
Stock Y'aril Improvements.
Woi k is progressing rapidly on the new
buildings of Messrs. Arinpur & Cudahy.
About 100,000 yards of earth will bo exca
vated to make room for them , the deepest
part of the cut being about forty feet. That
part of the work is being done by Dan. Con
don te Co. , and is in chat gc of W. T. Walker ,
who has to look after 10. ) teams. The build *
IIIK dc-ognod for the ofllces and boarding
hoii'io for tlio clerical force is almost com
pleted. It will bo two stories in height and
cover00x110 feot. The beef packinghouse
will bo I3sx500 and bo entirely ot brick ,
which will necessitate the use of about 1,000-
000 brick. To m < t this the ilrmis erecting an
improved brick-making plant , with a ca
pacity of 50,000 per day. South Omaha still
grows. _
Notes About the City.
LilliuCohen , the oight-months-old daughter
of H. L. Cohen , died Saturday , mid Walter
Soitsh , the four-year-old son of Joscpn
Soasli , was buried \esterday afternoon.
The Hardin ball club failed to put in an
appearance \estorday and tlio game was
awarded to Crane liros. team by a scolc of 0
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whittlesey aud
family have gone east , to Turner , 111. , where
Mrs. U'hittlcsey will spend a few weeks ,
while Mr. Whittlesey will proceed to St.
The gun club shoot resulted In a tie between -
tween James P. Hayes and John O. Ciorman ,
but in shooting it oft' Hayes won the medal.
John Whitlleld , second baseman for tlio
.Tetter & Youngs , has gone to Stuurt , la.
City council meets tonight.
Vestciday au elderly woman naincd 13ctz ,
the wife of a shoemaker on Twenty-sixth
street , endeavored to cxclmniro the evils of
this world for those of another by taking
a dose of oxalic acid. Medical aid was
called and her life saved , but she says she
will try it again on the first opportunity.
Family trouble is said to bo the cause.
AbsoS tely Pure ,
txiwrtpr never vnrlm. Aninrv-clofpurlty ,
stu-'iKth mill vvli'iliKoii'eui'HS ' Mm-o t > coniiiilo
tluiiitlioorulP.arv kliuls. unit cannot bo M > M In
coiuiiutttlun vvltlt tlio multttndi' of lowest Miort
vvolglit alum o
can * . Hi ) v vi. U.vKiMi 1'ovv IIMI Co. , 100 Wall St ,
Nuvv Vork.
Tiiiil Up t iii ital . ? L'.0,000
Surnliis . 50,000
11. w. V.VTI.I , PresUVT.t
. Itus-D , Vice
A. i : . Toi-/.ti.iv"ml
- . \ \ . 11 S. lliiiiits ; ,
W. V. JlOltSrS JOIIN3.COM.IVi ) ,
II. W. V.VTK.-i , I.UVVIB S. llKKl ) ,
lluiiklus 0ltce- !
t'orii'T l-'rh ami I'liniain Sts.
A liiikiu.-luiUu.wTrinaatea ! ! ! (
This is tlio month for closing out Summer Good * and wo propose to wind up the
most successful spring season with a grand cleaving out sale. Wo do not brag much
today of the site ; of our stock , nor the variety of our assortment. Wo admit that just
now yon may find a much larger stock inotliorliouspf.- this fact only demonstrates
that we have done the business and while our competitors generally complain about a
dull season , we have done a larger spring business than we ever dreamt of doing.
What little we have left in the way of Summer Suits , must all go this month ,
and no matter how low the prices were before , wo will cut thorn still more.
The greatest hit of the season was made with our 75c llannol Coat and \rosts.
Tlieso are the talk of the town. When we first advertised them , a great many people
came into the store out of curiosity , just to see whether wo really did give a good Coat
and Vest for that money ; well they were surprised and though they didn't need any
they quickly bought ono , as it was too good a chance to miss and so it comes that al
most every other man you meet on the streets , wears one. AVhen two days ago tlieso
Coats and Vests gave out wo thought wo had sold enough of them and did not intend to
get any more , as we must have supplied half of the population of the city , but so great
was tlio demand for them yesterday and day before , and so many customers were disap-
poincd that wo concluded to telegraph for another shipment. Wo have ordered one
thousand more of thorn ; they will be here and open for sale on Monday morning. Mail
orders accompanied by cash for these Coats and Vests will bo filled until Wednesday ,
as the supply will not last longer.
The balance of our Mohair , Serge and genuine French llannol Coats and Vests
including a few extra fine Pongee Silks has been marked down regardless of cost or
Plain Figure and One Price Only. .
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
iKiilsicMffi ,
Western Apents for ( hlckvilin ; , Kimbe , Vos > o
nnj ll.ihr llios. I'lanuh ; story \ Chirk
A B'EW HlOlti ; I.JJB'T.
Meaning I'iunns and Organs but little used
whlelivvill lie sold this week at the follow Ing
reduced prices and teims :
1 Knnue Squnie , cost. iOJO , for
1 Decker llros. S jii.uo ( Inuiil
co t * 1. ) , tin-ji i 'MM 100) )
iy Siiuare , coit ilUJ ,
tor } l"i" 13.0) 10.00
11.1' . Halo Siiuare , co t WT3.
for'l-r. . 11.00 10.00
1 Stoildard i-qmuo , cost i.f. " > ,
lor jlul 10.0J B.OD
1 Kmem iiHitmre | , a splendid
b irt'tiln , cist tvm , for * 0. . IO.OJ 8.00
1 Hallett Davis friuuie
( ! iiindco-t if n\ for J'il'i. . . 2J.OJ 15.00
IMiilslmll Wemlel L . . . „ . . .
cost * : iOO , for i 17.1 15.00 10.OT
1 WluiNor I'prhjht , cost $ "UJ ,
for * lb.i 1'i.M 10.00
1 Kimb.ill Oignn , cost JI-J1 ,
for jr : > . 1U.OO 3.00
1 INtcy , cost JIM , for
KIO . . . . 10.00 3.00
IMuson A ; llnmlln Oigan ,
cost J..V ) , for $11 10.00 5.00
Como enily nnd ttiko your vlck. Ilrlng this
ail. with j on to avoid mistakes.
WAX MIOYHlt & miO. ,
Corner Kltli uiul Farnnin StH.
CnpUal Stock $150,00(1 (
Mulillily or SloeKIioItk'is ! 100,00i >
Five 2VjCunt Intercut I'dld on Uc-
CHAUUSlf. : MANOnilSON , 1'rcslilcnt.
I. . M. lliNNT/IT ; , \ Ice 1'rrslilent.
V. W. WSSUUS ! : , Mauiiirliif Director.
JOHN r. . wi Mint , Cashier.
.1 , W. ( lAN.NKTT , OuvC. Him ox.
. ) . . ! . llltOW.V , I. . M. MI.NMTT : : ,
C. t. M VMIK1ISON , THUS- i , . KniiAi.r. ,
IIKN'IIV 1'1'NllT , 1 ! . L. Sro.NK ,
OM.VIH li. iVT. CO. , I. . 11. Wll.l.lAMH ,
, ! AMIS : W , SAVAOB , K. W. N.ISII ,
1W. . WIMM..S : : , I. 15. CoNfiliox ,
ANHON ( i. McCooic , N. W. WKI.I.S.
II. NlKMAN , JOHN I ) . Wu.uuit.
Fine t lantil , m < wt rtar lilc , iincl POPWBS lh onlynb-
mliitoly ciirn-ct te | n. Wnrrantinl In unlul in ny
cliiniita AfrW j mr rtflAl r for lln'tn. * tif/i/i /i nft
To E.
Koipiu < ! 3 TutorV
Hcicrcnrcs Motrornlltan Natlnnal llnnk
.11. ( j II un A Co. The llradstrcetCO.
ono , or repairs for sr.iuo , nml
repairs for I'.aKlo l liiinii.ion mid other wring
ers , cnu so lire them by aildro-blnu
STAlt MAXUIIL"1U1U. . \ ( } CO. ,
I1. O. Itiivm or i al'lng ' nt our factory , li
MHe4 West of Iliinti .un 1'urk , in
' ! ' . keriiiun I'lwe
J < Mill hll out.
from our vviiioyiinl. HIc Uuv. uiitciftl ( Ur.'t.
1'int. rihcrrlui , tc. Snn.Ioso Vaults , Seventh.
Iiilit ! > i. S.m Salvador uuj William otreets tiin , C'alltorul.i ,
Taken Up.
Small bay mare pony. Inquire at farm ot
co. ] lh-ili ; ) ! miles-iiurth c < t of Florence.
Will buy one of
our nobby bprinj
Suits , in Worsted
line CaRMincte , or
Scotch Scheviotsin
all the popular col
ors and styles. Real
bargains that cannot
fail to be appreciat
ed by the discerning
We are nvvr-e that
Inexpensive goods |
aie largely ndvcr-
' tised thif season , bin
all of them cannot
stand the test ofj
close inspection.Wei
ask our customers ) |
to examine our stock , and thus satisfy
themselves of its quality and , our ve
Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on lho
Pugct Sound National Bank Given as
Security for Money Invested.
Totlir nile lrnusof biijlni ; property on limewo
nlfrrthc liillnnlni ! ' Wo will ullinv Iroiti il niKntli *
t < > 5jeiirs lime , iim.nllii ! . ' tu Hie lan > l ) uu select.
We rliniKO in Itlier premium nur intercut outline
luiymcnts , nnil will iilvejmi u wairanl ) ileeil. We
linvu lot" alfvuunnil J 'ijotliiit nru within a nullus
of t o "ml u luilf iiilU'siif tlio | nil-onico na
qnlrounly lUpcr tent.uiun eatne't money nnil wo
v.111 KlvcccrldU'il chock Jurthc lull Hiiuiiint ofeucli
nil every ruhi jurnl piiynieiit 'riietlipcklJilrawn
by tlio I'lifCt ? < ) UiuI Niiilunid bunk mull' nuiite | < ii > .
libluHt Biflit mid 5011 em : ilra y < uir inline ) iitiiny
llmotlimii.'li by fiulolnp you forTcIt your tiBlits to
purclm eliind. Mitko your Income , mi miitlrrliow
iniill , earn Homcttiln ? Tninocuntliii'tital ndlroiuti *
HielieiulliiKfurSeiittle , uiul nniniifiitnrinl-llour- !
blilnj. IKMIITH ! inintnorco l tn u tthleol stiiii
lIHl | irozre Um. Ilia dully | > HXMI | lire Illicit null
accounts of IH W cnterpilfu C lil < nr iiiul IHMMI
cur. = lrclet > onttle. AlclrL CXIOK .V M1IO1CK ,
WIlO Inwu tlio I.AlllJIIbT I'HOl'hUTV l.tbT III
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Aid : ! Jiyestlnn ,
Cni'cn DiispcpslH ,
Strcnytlifn * the Nutcin ,
ca Sound ,
n to Sui'slny Mother. * ,
RccoiiimeiiflcOy Eminent Pliysiciaiis ,
For Salt- l i/ all JrnH/l-'ts , and Itlch-
Drny Co , , Wholesale JJruu-
S , K , FELTOH & CO , ,
Water Works
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De-
1 ? ! ! P'nns ' nnct Specificntions.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Straus's ' Building , Fourth Floor ,
ciinuiiiLL : A : CAKH ,
awyors ,
Itooms40 < aniUin rii---t National llnnk. Tele-
Teacher of the Spanish Mandoline ,
With Max .Meyer & Co.
j / : . .inxKixa. M. ; > „
Fpei lal attention to < UMMSOH of dillilrpii. Olllrt
nt lear ct Muiiell i Drint Store , ! j. | j. coi ItiUl
nnd f hlrnKO fctioets. Unuihn.
Homeopathic Physicmns.
Diseases of w unian mid rhll iron n specialty.
li > .l Ninth Ptreet.
Physician and Surgeon ,
Itcsldence No. Vioo Capitol Ave. Olllco , Witlinell
lllk. Telcplione , resilience , 121 j Olllco 51 .
D1I. R. NTINN. M. D. , D. Ch. ,
Trinity Collide , Uublln.
Oculist , Aurist , Throat Diseases ,
Laic Surgeon nt Western Oiilitli.ilnilo mid Assistant
nt HiiiilUpitliilnilc ! llo'pll.11" ,
Ollice Ituoiu K llmker llluek.Uii. m. to I p. tu.
Oniiilia , Xebia K.i.
Physician and Surgeon ,
Otllce rooms 3 uiuH , Continental lllook , N. r .
cor 11th nnil Douj-la sts. Uc-sliU'iiro. 111. * S. 17th
St. Utllcii telephone. fi < J4 : re liluuco teh'iinone.t-i ; ? .
O. S. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
Physician anil Surgeon ,
Onice , N. W. cor. nth mill Don.'ln'i. Olllco tele
phone , HM ; KesliU'il > 'o telephone , I' ' . _
[ n
Uiiferniontccl nncl not
intoxicating. Acts like
a charm in nil cases of Diar-
rhcea and Dysentery nnd all
stornnch nnd l > owol troubles.
Grateful alike to women , chil
dren and convalescent. " . Gives
a delicious flavor to ice-water ,
lemonade or soda-water.
Imported and bottled by
MlllAM'VITCH ' , FlT-TrilKU ft Cp.
Cincinnati , O. For sale by
tlu'f.iiliiwlnu ilcnlors Itlrliaril'on Unit ! Co , llliiko
llruro\ L. A < ll.rHi HIT , ( .Ulfl pinHIIK f. Co.
I lank D.I It.ui'XCn .It It. ( initlu. an I all ulioli .ilu
iiiul r.-tiill iiniL'usis. . liquor ili-ulurx uiul i\luo IULT-
Coinprisi h
rr.ititv roi.i.r.i.i : run i ,
rr.miv H u.i. SKMIVitv. .
I\K\ \ : loitixrDIMV. ( : .
jtrsii MIDK : , \ i. ( oi.ux.i : .
( ( , ) i.l.iiii : : UK IIC.NTAI. .srHiiilV ( : , nnd
I'II > T nit \nr.\Ti : t oi it. < is. :
Ton ntnlniriii'h n'lin" ! s.
1'iest. W. I' . UUIIIUCTS , I.ako r-.r-st , 111.
Fine llonnirlni : ,
Ucaf.c.niblo . I'rlccs
Oohanon Carriage Co , ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Rsinj..e . for trhl of I a .HITeruit tylea l.r innll.on
rcij-lltof K ) cnl li ! tam | . A k fcrcara.So ,
, BUKEMJH & CO. , "L1 ! , " ! * : "
N. W. Cor. 13th and Sts '
. . Dodge , Omaha , Neb ,
CAUTION DcslciiliiK jinr-nitx , takliiu ntU nut a-e of our reputation ,
are ( MiiHtnnlly stnttini ; boutm medical o.Htalillsluneiitx to deoelvo
Ktrniii-ers visiting the city. Tliesc protcnilerH usually disappear In it
lew weeks. Iteuarcnr them or then- runners or auenm. The Omaliii
.Mrdir.U and Surreal Institute N the only cmiihllHlictt miMllrnl imll-
tiito in Oinilin , Or. ' ,
MfMiMinmy , I'ruprliMnr , When you make up your
mind to vim nx , make a memorandum of otir exact address , and thus
nine trouble , delay or mUt.KeJ. .
DR. J.l \ McilENAMY , Physician and Snrpi in fli
' i ! n o
itosi'JTAi , AII > PHI ) ATI : s'BMt'irici : .
Assisted by a Number rtrapctent , Skillful anil Experience ] PlpchiK and Surgeons
rnrUcuIar Addition jiaitl to DoformHiiK , Di-ea of Women , lloa ) < s of ( lie Urinary
anil Sexual OrpinPrhuto DiM'aMN , l > Nea e > of tlio Ncnoiis Sjxtein ,
Lnux uuil Throat DKeaM- ; . Surgical Oppi-iilionx , Knilensy or
1'iN , Piles t'aiu'ciN , TIIIIIOIN , Mir.
More money invested ; inoie s-killiiu [ > ! , _ \ n.i.iti'and Miifi.oiih employed ; moic patients
trcatcinorc ; cures cll'cctcd ; moie modem" impiovcd iiistiumcnis , apparatus and appli
ances than can be found in all otlici iiil'iiniarics , ins-titulcs , or < li pcnsaiici , in t lie west
combined. Largest and most complete Institute or Ilosuitnl in the \\c'-t , 1'ifty
newly furnisliecl , well w-ni mcd and ventilated rooms for patients , tin ce skilled plivsiciaiu
always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the moat scicntillc manner.
Wore Smpl Braces for IMormife Trusses ,
Supporters , Ulectrical Hattcnes , .md can mpply physicians or patients any npplianctf.
remedy or instrument known. Call and consult i s , "or wiitc for circulars upon all sib |
jccts , willi list of questions , for patients to answer. Thousands treated fucccssfully by
correspondence. We lia\e superior ail vantages and facilities for treating discuses , "per-
forming surgical operations and imrsinj ; patients , which combined with our acknowl
edged abi ity , experience , lesponsibility and icputalion , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute Ihellrtt choice.
The Omalia Medical and Surgical InsUtutc is conducted upon strict business and
scientific piinciples , and pat en's hcic icceis Jc\cry advantagc tl-at art. skill , science and
human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfoit and coincidence will
always be taken into consklcintion.
Should von conclude to visit us for treatment or conespond with us , yon will find
that tbc.-c statements ot our position , location and facilities arc not ovcidiawn in any
parti cniai , but nc plain unvatnbhcd facts.
Only Heli.'iblo Medical Institute Making- Specialty of
JL JLv > Ai V T X i. rf-J i- * ' .tO'c.r ) jjUfO'JLoJK- < ' .
All Hlood Diseases succc'sfully treated. P pliiliiic I'oison removed from the system
without mcicury. New icstorativc licatmcnt for loss of Vital Power , I'cti.ons unabM
to visit us may be treated at lionic by correspondence , All communications confidential
Medicines or insttumgnts sent "by mail cr ex-press , tccniclv packed , no marks to indicata
contents or sender. One personal interview prcfcncd. Call and consult us or tend his
tory of your case , and we will sent ! in plain wiappcr , our
Upon Piivatc , Special or Xcivous Disease. , Impotcncy , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocelc ,
with question list.
My Reasons for f riling a BooK Unon Private. Succial anil Kenons Disease ? ,
I have for many ) ears made a specialty of diseases of the in inary and se.\ual
have become a rccogni/cd authority upon the subject , consequently 1 receive ,111 iinmcnso
number of letters from physicians and aHbctcd pcison1- , asking ni } opinion and advice
upon individual cases. Kor tlic benefit of such persons , -I have wiittcn a book , giving a
general description of tlic most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success ,
advice , etc. Afler'ieadlng it , persons will have a cr idea of tlleir condition ajidcau
write me more intelligently and to the point U will therefore be been tha'uur ' object ia
writing those pages is not to Itirnish rc.uling matter to a class 01 persons who lead out of
meic idle cmiosjty , but for tlic benefit of the many who arc suffciing to a greater or less
degree from diseases , or theetfccts of diseases or nhusci , of this sexual or urinary organs.
Not a day passes but we receive inany calls or letters from persons niflctini ; i'roui tliis
caR | oi diseases , or tlicir sc < uicl. 'Many of them arc ignorant of the cause of llicdilliculty/
that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud qvcr their bright piospcets and u
shortening their days.
days.STJ3R.C33SR.1T. .
Snriiical operations lor the ciucof llarc Lip , Chili Feet , Tumors , Cnnccrc , Tibtnla ,
Cataiact , StiabiMims ( Cross Eyes ; Vaiicocc'c ' , Inverted Nails , Wcnb and Deformitic *
of the Human Ilody perfot-med in the most scientific nianner.
We treat Clnonic incases of the Liiiujs , Heart , Head , Ulood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach ,
Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Hones , etc , as Paralysis , Kpilcpsy , ( Kit * ) , Sciofula
Uright'h Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or I'ever Soics , Dyspepsia or Uasliilis , Haldneks
Eczema , etc.
Ticated carefully , ( .killfnlly and scientifically by the latest anil motf approved
. . . . .nods. WRITE FOR HOOK ON DISEASES OK WOMEN , I'llhfc.r. .
McMcnatnv lias for years devoted : i laiijc portion ot lib tune to the htudy and.tieatment
ol this class ofdUease * , nnd ha- spared neither lime nor money lo pcifcct Intmelf , and is
fully supplied vvith every intiiimcnt , up ! itnce : and r. tiled ) of value in this doparlment
of Medicine nnd Spr ecy.
LilLi rUw J-4
We claim nipeiionty over anv niu'.M . or uiiin-l i'i the vve t , aad the thonRntnlh vviiom
we have fined , niter oihois have ( aired , nibst.inii.iti- cl.iiinT < > the e allhcted witU
Eye and Ear UIM--IM-R , woimply bay < M nnd conMiU ui.iet ; a scientific opuri m , then
Vint whom von like , .mil ifyoiuueun intelligent person jo.i will ictiiin to u lor treal-
' " " " ' / the Eye and Ear and' their dii-eai-es in jilain languftKC vvltli
numerous illustrations , aie written for. the heriellt of patienU and jihybiciaiis vv.ho wrlto
lliem carefully pliy.sician and.natitnt vyill have a clear
w in lenaul to cases , by reading ,
understanclinK and can dckcritic oases to us more intelligently. W.KI I li. l-OK HUUh.
all Itllfilo
DR , J. W , NIcMENAMY , H , W , Cor , I3tli& Dodge Sts , , Omaha , Ne .