Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Cnfrturod Grand Island For
the Fourth.
/V Grnnil Pnradc nnii Demonstration
ItaccH mid 1'nrk AttrnctlotiH A.
linmittot nnd Ball Tlic
Ttie TrnvolliiK Men Celebrate.
The Fourth of July celebration , banquet
Rnd bull tendered by the resident trnvcllng
jncn and citizens of Grand Island to the trav
eling men of the state , was an event in the
history of that city long to bo remembered.
The day was ushered in at sunrUo by the
firing of a hundred guns announcing the in
auguration of the nation's holiday. By an
order issued by the mayor and city council the
city i7as formally turned over to the knights
of the grip on ttio evening previous , and for
hours the " " held
thirty "boys" supremacy
within her domain , and the cnglo novcr
screamed louder or Happed his wings tnoro
jiatrlotlcally than ho did on that nccnsion.
AH forenoon the reception cotnmlttoo was
busy attending the Incoming trains and es
corting their guests to the Palmer house , the
headquarters for the day. At 1 .30 p. m. the
procession of 300 traveling men , each wear
ing a linen duster , plug hat , white gloves
nnd carrying a cane , formed into line and
inarched and countermarched In the music
of the Oennanla cornet band through the
principal streets of the city , nnd as the pro
cession passed along the thoroughfares , shout
after shout resounded from the throats of
thousands of interested spectators , compli
menting the boys by u royal ovation and a
hearty salute of welcome. Flags waved
from tlm windows and the streets were
literally paclted by the swarms of patriotic
jieoplo , and as cheer after cheer went up
ulong the line It piivo encouragement and
jiowor of endurance to withstand the burn
ing rays of the sun. Four abreast they
inarched nnd never shirked nor missed u
step , to the command of the oflieer , Mr. N.
II. Cohen , nnd presented a military appear-
nnco only equalled by the strictly disciplined
United States regular soldier.
A ( lltANl ) PtT.Llr 1'AUAHB.
After a parade of half an liour the pro
cession was Joined by the mayor and council
In carriages , followed by the entire lire de
partment and one hundred wagons and ve
hicles , representing the grandest trade dis
play over attempted anil carried out in any
country. The line of commercial men fell
back on cither slilo of the street and re
viewed the display , the crowning feature of
which was a Union Pacillo engine , tender
and freight car , propelled by an invisible
force , and bearing a striking resemblance to
the reality. It was named "Thomas L. Kim-
ball" and was numbered Ibis. On ono
cylinder head was the date
IHi 5 nnd on the other Ih
In the cab sat the engineer nnd flrcman in
their engine uniform. On the hide hung a
placard , ou which was printed , "No scabs
need apply. " As the boys road this with
ono voice they shouted "You bet" with suet
vehemence that no ono could mistake their
sentiments regarding this question. In the
car wove the local odli'ers of the road ( IN
tributing and displaying advertisements of
the "Overland Koute. " It was a novel and
Interesting display , and rellects great credit
upon its contriver and bulldir.
A number of Omaha houses were reprc-
edited in the display. It might be men
Honed with propriety that the llrm of Me
Cord , Hrady i'c Co. . represented by liucchoit
nnd Sillek , travelling emissaries for this
great firm , together with Mr. Hrady himself ,
made one of the llnest displays ever seen in
the west. Nothing of the kind ever excelled
It , and the business men of Grand Island
ought to feel under obligations for the at
traction o inagnillcenUy displayed.
The display ofV , I * . Parrotto & Co. ,
represented by Hoc and Garrett , two of at
enterprising travelling men as over buckled
u grip , was a feature of no small importance ,
und the lovely banner was a gem of beauty ,
displaying exquisite taste ncil artistic skill.
D. M. Steele it Co.Vs wapon and banner
formed an imposing spectacle of enterprise
in the ranks , represented by E. LJ. Gtipe.
The Mctcalf Cracker company , of Central
City had three wagons m the precession
loaded with all the different , varieties of
crackcrb and cakes. The wagons wcru pro
fusely decorated , and made probably the
most elaborate and cxiK.'iis'ive display in the
entire procession. This is comparatively a
new llrm In the business , but enterprise and
strict adherence to the principle of making
the host of goods for the least money has
already won for them a very extensive and
growing business. Hut say , when Spethmans'
vruiron bearing sixteen newsboys in uniform
distributing papers by the hundreds , and
carrying the banner , "Tin : OMAHA Hun , the
Traveling Man's Friend , " struck the line ,
the boy did cheer. And when some ono >
says , "Wmt'Rtho matter with Elliott ! " the >
echoing walls on either side of the street re
peated the answer from four hundred voices ,
"He's all right , " .uiiil our CQiitcmporarios i
looked sadly down their noses. There were
ir.nny other interesting features in the pro
cession of smaller moment.
AT Till' I'AUK.
The march was continued to the park at L
West Lawn , about a mile from town , where
an entertaining order of exercises had been
rirrangcd , but owing to the intense heat , and 1
the fatigue occasioned by the. walk , the entire -
tire programme was not gone through with.
The exercises were called to order by
, N. II. Cohen , president , who tlrst introduced 1
AV. T. Allen , a traveling man , who IcU In
prayer. Mayor Platt then delivered the ad
dress of welcome , in which no higher en-
coniums could bo spoken regarding any class
than he uttered. He eulogUod the traveling
men as a class , and pave a short history of
their existence ns such , Next was music
rendered by the male quartette , Llvering-
house , Allen , IJcynijrd and Hereford , "tho
invincibles , " after whiph the speech of the
day , on behalf of the traveling mcu , was de
livered in Incnrsolllnn eloquence by F. G.
1-ockwood , representative of tno Hruus-
wlck-llalke-CaiU'iider company , of which the
following is.a synopsis :
Mr. President , Mr. Mayor , Ladles and
Gentlemen : 1 have been requested by the
president of the Traveling Men's club of this
cit.\ , and alto by the visitors , to respond to
the hearty welcome of Mayor Platt. The
\vortlkyinayornmllhi3irond people of Grand
Island may real ussuivd that the pleanunt
greetings of thlsilay will never bo forgotten ,
but wi'l ' bo cherished as long as life lasts or
memory beyond luo grave can 'bo retained.
In explanation I want10 wiy to the visitors
that the traveling men living in Grand
Island are few in number , anil that with
out the aid of the citizens 1 am afraid
our celebration would have been tiVmmlonoJ.
I have talked with many of the visitors this
niotning and they have all agreed that tlie.V
\\ould not harshly criticise our efforts , oi
course it Is not' such n grand affair as will
exhibit In pur neighboring ' . city tif Omaha ,
but 1 want to remind you 'that the ciivum.
stances are qulto different. Hero the travel
ing men have had to stand a largo expense
bo ldo a deal of hard work. la Omaha the
Knights of Luhoi" make up the colouration
and nil n traveling limn lius to do is to borrow -
row a Hardsell or Cleveland hat , stou in line
nnd march away. This is another Instance
of throwing burdens upon the shoulders ol
l.ilu < r J. pi omBcd my friends who did nu
the honor of requesting mo. to make this re
upoiise that I would make it short ; that I
would not allude to the tariff or any of mv
new f angled notions of reform. Hut I thliili
I can , with propriety , say that sc
long us the iiresent great economlra
ijuectiOiif. are before tbo pocj'to It Is tlx
Outnf traveling men to take wore than u
pnssrnp notice ef them. They Lave more
tin.e to study them and u bettsr chance tc
observe the effect of application than mer
ccitcrully in other business. Passing1 by
the questions of tariff , ttnanct , prohlblttoi
and oilier questions of the present day , I ccr
tnlii that the prticnt cenlury will not pa * '
away before ai.othqr and more Imuortarii
iiursiibu will bo before iiH'ior a solution. I' '
is \\\\ii \ \ to bo called the Irish qucstirn
Later' It has been uallo'l the Scotch niu
VV'ish question. It will soinetlmo b called
the American question. R my ) It is tin
question -ot the rich and tha ; roor : acd bcrt
I * Miens -tha trarellog man will bo at hi :
beet will shluo forth in nil his elor.v
Traveling men k ta poverty. They Hire t <
tff.tvtry ouo vrell clothed na'wall f rt
Nothing mero.dlszuitt plaining tlnitrmei
than * raff ( d coat , ar a hoe drummer thai
1 ihot'.ts * child , end U Vtsdd Uckli you t <
death to sco the fiend that sells farm
machinery when he tackles n fanner trying
to hold an old fasliioned shovel plow. He
will actually go without .sleep and food until
that farmer Is rigged out with ono of his red
painted sulKy corn , plows with all the modern
appliances. So traveling men hate poverty.
They will kick for the last Item on thiS bill of
faro , but one was never known to snatch the
celery away from a boarder. Now. I want
again to assure the mayor and citizens of
Grand Island that the commercial travelers
of this city and nil the visitors from abroad
will remember this oivaslon nnd pray that
the date of all peed luck to each and ever/
ono of you will bo July 4. Iv8. For myself ,
I hope the sequel of the day will bo ns happy
ns the day Itself , and when wo go to our
homes on the morrow tnnl wo may bo better
prepared to further the four grand principles
that must bo the guiding star of th'.s unity in
Its onward march to future greatness. I
mean the four grand principles of good re
ligion , good fellowship , t'ood morals and good
The company then gave themselves up to
amusements , such as wheelbarrow and sack
races , base ball , etc. , after which they re
turned to the city to get a breathing spell
before the exercises of the evening opened ,
.lust at dark the drummers again formed In
line nnd marched through fliu streets , dis
charging lloman candles , to the Intense ex
citement and amusement of the spectators
that lined the streets. A platform had been
arranged for the llrlntr of rockets , and at
U:30 : promptly the grandeur of the heavens
was illuminated by ono enormous discharge ,
nnd as every rocket ascended , bursting in
the starlit skies , it proclaimed a signal of fel
lowship and good feeling to all the traveling
men In the world , m whatever land and under
whatever government they may bo found.
The banquet In the spacious and elegant
dining room at the Palmer house Wds oneof
suoerbly mngnlllccut splendor. The rooms
were handsomely decorated with bunting" ,
Hags , mottoes and emblems , appropriate to
the occasion , and the tables were literally
groaning under the weight of good things.
The ladles , nnd of them one must speak
with special emphasis , are entitled to
all the prulso for their beautiful
and gorgeous decorations , Wherever the
hand of woman is displayed there only can
one realize the rapture aud pleasure , the re-
lincinent and culture of our earthly heaven.
How peerless in beauty , bow exquisite In
form and feature , how angelic in the minis
tration of life's duties ! The mother of all
the living is the comfort ana solace of the
struggling and tolling , the prayer and bene
diction of the dying. The virgin priestess of
the altar of love , guarding the sacred lire *
of affection , in the hallowed mission of
heaven , feeding the streams of life with new
blossoms of beings to people worlds yet un-
trod u.v feet of traveling men or swept by
wings of soaring spirits. They are the
crown Jewels of creation , the diamond
thought of the deity , the lust creative bene
diction from lips divine since God broke the
silence of the dead eternities. They are
Eden's transplanted ( lower , whose bloom and
beauty still lead the soul of the commercial
traveler Into the realms of love , the tree of
life , the fairest In God's garden under the
jewelled stars , earth's highest conception of
the beautiful and niiKolic that linger in the
memories of childhood and haunt the sweet
est , dreams of aspiring.youth and manhood ,
the ones that hallow with the rosy hues of
love the declivities of age from the aurora of
a mother's smile to the last kls.s of earthly
affection. Yes , there were in that assem
blage queenly .lunos with regal
grace and dark lustrous eyes ; Ve-
nuses , rich molded and rosy tinted
with dreamy eloquence in their soft blue
eyes and swelling lines' cf beauty like fruit
from celestial spheres to enthrall the crowd ,
bravo Mar.s and graceful Paris and tempt the
gods and traveling men. Helens worthy to
raise the world in arms and give to them an
Immortal Hornet in his seagirt isle. Cleopa-
tras in their trngli * beauty , with melting
eyes swaying the surging tides of passion till
power and ambition are the fading fragments
of a drummer's dream. Marys and Marthas
sitting in the meekness nf love at the feet , of
wisdom. The Mary of Hyron'.s impassioned
love and Hums' aspiring heaven. The Laura
of Potrarch's celestial visions , the Lfeatrleo
of Dante's divine fancies and sublime images.
Those were among the divinities of the past
renowned in history and emblazoned in eng ,
but still impersonated in the present in those
who were supreme on this occasion. O ,
woman ! They look down upon us like the
goddess from an Olympian height. They
move in the sylph-like forms of the woodland
nymphs and fairies. They were there that
night taking an active part in the ceremonies
and their radiant smile * woroliko the halo of
Homo lav-off heaven unto our waking fancies
and our slumbering dreams. The hand of
Christian love lias lifted her to the heart and
level of man , till the awauening ages have
caught the sunshine of her smile and the
ennobling faith and lovo. Quicker In per
ception , brighter in funey , nobler in good
ness , truer in love , she hath won and wears
the traveling lunu's heart upon her
bosom and his crown of blessing
upon her forehead. She is to him
earth's sweetest charm and brightest Inspir
ation , lifting his fancies and elevating the
aspirations of his nature. A lovely woman
is beautiful , nnd a truly beautiful woman is
always lovely , nnd her ennobling inlluenco is
part of the world's best wealth and a man's
earthly heaven. No man who examines the
constitution of the human mind , with its
longings for the beautiful and lovely , can
deem this idle sentiment or foolish fancy a
tribute of pen service in honied words for
the passing moments to the lady guests at a
genial banquet. Ono may forget the brlghtr
ness and effulgence of the sun In studying
tno dark spots upon Its surface , but it is pro-
ferablo Cor one to npprcclato its warmth and
beauty nnd bask tor iiwhllo in the sunshine
nnd splendor of bright eyes as in n sen of
glory , with the witchery of their glance lin
gering with him us ho dreams of the faces of
the wives , daughters and sweethearts of the
resident traveling men and citizens of Grand
Island , and the memories of the occasion will
bo ft green oasis on life's desert and perpetu
ated to time's , remotest end.
i in : Tois > T ON run occisroN.
After all the tables were tilled the presi
dent introduced Senator Woolbach us toastmaster -
master , and after a few well chosen remarks
introduced the toasts and responses In the
following order :
"Our Commerce. " Uesponse by Hev. H.
A. Crane. *
"Knights of the Grip. " Uesponse by Uev.
Dr. Jones ,
"Tho Proas. " Response by Emer Elliott ,
"Tho La-lies. " Ucsponso by T. F. Allen ,
of lifo insurance fame.
"Omaha and Grand Island. " Hesponso by
F. G. Lockwood , of the Urun.swlek-Hulke-
Colender company.
The toasts were all short and to the point.
The following elaborate bill of faro was
served In a most 'elegant and tasty manner :
Mixi' .
Sardines. Anchovies.
Chicken , Lobster nnd Shrimp Salads.
Turkey ; a la Commerchalc.
Spring ChieUriu , a la Sonmasse.
.Domestic DUCK , with Jelly.
Sugar Cured Ham. Sliced Huflalo Tongue.
Celery. ' Watermelon.
Sliced. Cucumbers. Sliced Tomatoes.
Qclcry IJelUh. Chow Chow.Picalilly. .
Piquant Dressing.
Gherkins. Mixxd'Picklei.
Vanilla Ice Cream. LJisque.
Pineapple Sherbet. Lcuion loo.
Hcrrlcs and Cream. '
Sliced Peaches nnd Cream ,
Dolieat * Cakei Cocoanut Cake.
'Chocolate Cake.
Fruitcake. 'Fancy Cake ,
Oranges. Hannnas. Pears , Plums.
Layer JJalsIns. Assorted Nuts.
Tea. ' Coffee. .Chocolate.
During the pros resof the banquet fonio
eighty of the boys tiled in lino' and marc'ned
into the dining room , dividing- ranks at ti ! ;
door and forming a circld around thn walls ,
and us .joan as each was at hs station nil ru-
malntd as statuary until tho. signal from tha
leader t-avo this words : "What's ' ' .V.o mutter
with the Gvand Island travellnc ir.enl" In
pcrftct concert ths re i > onso came , "Tliej ' .re
all ritlit , you bet. "
Thrco times the tables warn tilled with
i'ltests , and it was away after midiilsht When
the last wcro done callus. In llui opera
house tV ? orchestra discoursed sweet music
to the merry daacsrs until the "we's stua1
hours" uoro approaching the gray in the
caMcru hcruou.
7Diocsm , .
To sivo a cotuiilotn llj > all tbo traveling
: ncn .present would be almost an otnlksn
taiV , It U sufficient to say they almost tilled
the town. The following very eict nilvu Hat
includes 'the nune ; nf visitors' that were
uit durl'JC VliQ day. Many vrtre present
wlios ? names could not be enrolled
O. 'J. Kieyoc. OmahaV. ; . M. Cnrtiiim.
Lincoln : W. S. Helphroy , Ociaha ; J , MuHo
rs&ha ; 0. H , Miller , FMuiont ; } , A ,
Archibald , St. LouUi Otto Holstcin , Putn
ey ; E. Str.isburger. Chiraeo ; E. K , Kerr ,
Chlcairo ; E. M. Collins Fremont ; F. Camp
bell , topoko ; J. H. Nellson , Omaha ; W. E.
Gilbert. Lincoln ; M. L. Howe , Cincinnati' ;
H. H. Stanley , Council Illufis ; Jack Gorrett ,
Omaha ; C. 15. Wright , New York ; S. E.
Taylor , Lincoln ; J. E. StaulTer , Grand Island ;
J. J. Conlcy , Omahil ; M. Milmnn , Lincoln ;
C. H. Smith , Omaha ; E. C. Perkins , St.
Paul ; Emur Elliott , Omaha : \S. T. Hourke ,
Chicago ; M. Ditzens , Koek Island : J. S. LIU ,
Milwaukee ; G. H. Ivens. Chicago ; Will
Hard wick , New York ; L. E. Merry , Lincoln ;
C. H. Elliott , Grand Island ; George Yule ,
Chicago ; H. H. Deems , Omaha ; J. 1C.
Uuck , Davenport , la. : J , N. Harpham. Lin
coln : , l. A. Latix , Chicago ; C.V. . Wright ,
New York ; M. H. Van Horn , Omalm ; D. M.
Eatklns , Omaha ; W. A. Horn , Omaha ; I ? .
Warlike , Omaha ; C. W. Woodruff , Omaha ;
William Hirschl , Philadelphia ; W. H. Wat-
son. Chicaco ; C. W , Motcnlf , Central City ;
E. II. Culver , Omaha ; George McLernon ,
Omaha ; M. F. Johnson , Omaha ; N. D.
Chase , Omaha ; J. E. Griff , Louisville. ICy. ;
H. II. Kuthburn , Lincoln ; O. H. Johnston ,
St. Louis ; J. A. ClUhc. St. Louis ; J. C.
Loving , Chicago ; U. T. Huron , Chicago ; F.
M. Curtis , St. Joe ; William Fletcher , Kansas
City : H. 15. Silleck. Omaha ; G. H. Mosher ,
Omaha ; G. F. Darger , Lincoln ; Clint
Miller , Hultimorc ; G. F. Hummel ,
Omaha ; A. N. Woodruff , Columbus , O. ;
J. H. Allen , Chicairo ; C. H. Pcrrlg , Fremont -
mont ; A. J. Metcalf , Central City ; F.
Michelstettcr. Chicago ; Chas. Pinnnn ,
Davenport ; John Mooney , Omaha ; J. H.
Marshall , Omaha ; J. E. Jangeiisoti , Omaha ;
E. II. Dlmon , DoICalb. 111. ; O. F. Turner ,
Council Hluffs ; A. L. Sheets , Omaha ; H. S.
Longfellow , Chicauo ; E. J. Hoc , Omaha ;
T. .If Warner , Council Hltins ; W. L. East
man , Omaha ; W. G. Uice , Omaha ;
A. J. Schrundcr , Pittsburg ; A.
Shannon , Chicago ; 1C. Hagger.s , Chicago
cage ; W , C. Snyder. Chicago ;
Aug Hothe , Chicago ; N. Strickland , St. .toe ;
S. A. Hent , St. Louis ; W. S. Hentley , Coun
cil Hlufts ; II H. Treat , Fremont ; C. S. Mar
tin , Omaha ; C. W. Stonifer , Omaha ; Dave
Lowe , Omaha ; H. II. Tonkins. Milwaukee ;
D. J. Hughes , Minneapolis ; W. D. Hatch ,
New York ; J. S. Eitenllber. Hochester ; H.
C. Metcalf , Central City ; P. G. Ho.vnard ,
Uoston ; Win. Murr , Council Hlulfs ; J. H.
Lauth , St. Joe ; F. A. Hodgman , Norfolk ; S.
W. Watson , Chicago ; G. A. Hill. Chicago ;
J. P. Logan , Milwaukee ; W. S. Tucker ,
Chicago ; O. A. Dlrkley , Chicago ; F. D. Col-
llns , Chicago ; E. J. Smith , Omaha Hepubli-
can ; D. J. Petitt. Grand Junction ; D. Car
son , Omaha ; S. W. Scoville , Gloversville. N.
Y. ; T. A. Dupor , Omaha ; T. H. Harlan ,
Omaha ; W. H. Taylor. Lincoln ; N. J. Delia-
mater , Chicago ; O. H. WilliamLoupCity : T.
F. Allen , Omaha ; Frank Moorcs , Atehlson ;
P. G. Colin , Chicago ; H. Hohm , Omaha ; W.
A. Messer , . Chicago ; H. II Goosner , St.
Louis ; S. F. Scripture , St. Louis ; E. H.
Walter , Omaha ; L. Lamm , Omaha ; E. H.
Gae. Omaha ; H. D. Neely , Omaha ; T.
Wnldersmith , Washington ; Jack Talbot , St.
Joseph ; S. H. McEldowney , St. Joseph ; D.
H. McElrath , ( Julnr.v ; George Holder ,
Council Hlutfs ; H. V. Hayward , Omaha ; T.
J. Hlocher , Middletown , O. ; A. C. Weir ,
Omaha ; E. 15. Huggera , Omaha ; Gcortro
Koss , Omaha ; E. D. Vase , Fremont ; W. T.
Huuyun , Des Moines ; M. Schwartz. St.
Joseph ; F. A. Heynolds , Chicago ; W. T.
Uousdell , South Omaha ; F. C. Wood ,
Omalm ; II. J. Dunkin , Omaha ; H. C.
Sti'.phen , Chicago ; George Ritchie , Omaha ;
L. W. Garoutte. Des Moines ; F. W. Hclwig ,
Lincoln ; M. L. Collins , btillwater , Minn. ;
E. E. Long , ; John Weber , Chicago :
I. H. Winterstcin , Hastings.
TIM ; uusoi.i TIOSS.
At nn Informal meetimr called by the visitIng -
Ing traveling men at the close of n sumptuous
banquet given at the Palmer house at Grand
Island , Neb. , July 4 , lb ? > , at which the fol
lowing states were represented : Vermont
Massachusetts , Ohio , Illinois , Wisconsin ,
Kentucky , Kansas , Missouri , New York
Nebraska , Indiana and Texas , Mr. A. N ,
Woodruff , of Ohio , was called to the chair ,
and Mr. F. M. Curtis , of Missouri , chosen
secretary , nnd the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
Whereas , The visiting traveling men to
day hero assembled by Invitation of the trav
eling men residing in Grand Island do hereby
resolve , that we return our sincere thanks
to the resident traveling men , and also to the
citizens of Grand Island , lor the royal manner
nor in which wo have been entertained , ami
for the hospitality of the city extended to us
through their mayor and council.
Hcsolved , That to the hotels for their suc
cessful endeavors to make nil tilings pleas
ant , wo return our sinc.'iv thanks.
W. H. T\\i.ini of Nebraska ,
W. T. Hoi IIKI : of Illinois ,
A. H. Hol'MNs of Wisconsin ,
GKOIKII : It. lr.vs of Iowa ,
N. D. Cii.vsn of Missouri ,
Committee on Resolutions.
xcn > : > .
The waiter girls at the Palmer wore th
emblem of the country the stars and wtripes ,
The mall carriers rode splendid Horses an
their presence was commendable in the pro
The success of the entertainment Is largol
duo to the untiring efforts of N. II. Cohei
and W. H. Dingmarc.
The fat man's race was subdued by th' '
heat attending the march to the grounds
und there were no entries.
There were four entries In the 100 yan
wheelbarrow race and the box of cigars wa :
won by Dave Lowe , of the H. T. Clark Dru
company , of Lincoln.
The boys would not remain quiet
enough to get a good negative for a picture
but there was ono taken just the same , and
they loom up in great shape , too.
The patriotism of the street car company Is
to be deplored and they ought to bo hooted
out Of the country. Not a banner nor Hag on
any of their horses or cars was visible.
The budges were of gros grain and satin
trimmed In gold fringe. The traveling men
wore red , t-he citizens blue and these of the
reception committee were cream color.
W. S. Holphrey , the Hooth oyster man , had
a line banner in the parade which made his
competitors look sick. W. S. is always get
ting there along with the front ranks in en-
. tcrprise.
Hut ono Incident occurred to mar the oc
casion , nnd that happened in the procession
to Mr. J. S. Litt who was overcome by the
intense heat and had to bo helped to his
hotel. His hasty recovery was a Bource of
gratification to nil his brothers pnsont.
There was some talk of a barbecue of the
following roasted fat men : T. J. HIacher , the
1 * . J. Sorg tobacco man ; John Talbot , of St.
Joseph ; H. J. Gocrncr , of the Omaha Sad
dlery company , nnd others.
C ) , my , how they did sweat ,
"I've got no collars now ! "
Grand Island has made a great hit in this
the iniiiatory banquet to the j commercial
travelers , tlnough which her fume and
greatness "will be judiciously advertised to
the world. Next year let some other enter
prising city in the state take it up and profit
by the experience of this.
Tin : Hit : wishes to return its gratitude to
the generous cituens and traveling men for
the royal reception tendered Us representa
tive. Especially to the ruception committee.
Me. and Mrs. O. D. Goodrich , and Mr. and
Mrs. William Murr It is nuclei- lasting obli
Aslilanil Items.
John Hlnklcy , ono of. the pioneer drummers
ef Nebraska , resides in Ashland. His resi
dence is located in the west side of the city
on cast slepe of the hill , surrounded by the
most beautiful lawn in the city. Saturday
evenlns , July 7 , It was more beautiful than
over. U was illuminated with Chinese lan
terns and set with tables , being a reception
tendered the traveling men and their wives
who rosld" In Ashland , civen by Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hmklcy , assisted by Miss Hinkley. The w.ts passed Jn card playing , music
nnd dam-ing , and all pronounce Mr. and
Mrs. H.nkluy royal entertainers. A. D. Fox
and Ditk Custer carried off the honors at.
hit-h nvo.
The Travelers club gave a picnic
July 4 on tiio banks of thg Wahoo. The
guetts from ab.cad were Mr. and Miss Itcr-
uld , from PlattMiioath , nndMr. _ and Mrs ,
Nesblt , a fellow : C , T. from Tekamah , Neb. ,
Mils Garry , , of Plattsmouth , and Miss Allen ,
of Omaha.
. Sits. Kalon'i Tlianks.
The follpw.n ? letter of thanks was sent by
Mrs , C. E. Eaton , the wife of Charley Eaton ,
who was lat.tily InjuicJ In the wreck on the
I ) , k M. at Altna sornn lime , ago , to his fellow
travelers , who dirt all in their power to hiako
the last hour * of their comrade pleasant and
peaceful :
LIXCII.S , Neb. , July 2,15S. To the Platte
Valley Traveling Moil Gentlemen : I desire
to express my heartfelt thanks for the beau
tiful trihutn Ir. tte form of resolutions which
'I ' mtelved from you Juno 2) . I shall always
prlis tbeiu - ry bifkly "eridsaqo of the
Continental Clothing
Largest Clothing House West of ths Mississippi
We will send packages containing suits of clothing , clotns and woolens of all kinds kept
in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota , Colorado , Kansas and Wyo
ming O. O. D , , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article
o ± merchandise inlour stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for the m'and
if not perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts ex
ceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we
have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfac
tory results. You take no risk. Examine the ffoods , and return them at our expense if they
do not please you.
Corner 15th and Douglas Streets , - * Omaha , Nebraska
loving esteem In which my husband was held
by his fellow travelers. Yours very grate
fully , Mils. C. E. EATOX.
Oinnliu Sunday Guests.
At the Paxton F. Meyer , Chicago ; P. E.
Tiorney , Philadelphia ; John I. Dunn , Kan
sas City ; Mont Tillotson , New York ; E.
Hoyd , Uoston ; S. II. Knight , New York ;
M. Evans , Chicago ; J. Clegg. New York ; J.
II. Meyer , Chicago ; J. T. Wertz , Hoston ;
Aug. Rothe , Cliicago ; Ed. T. Hm-
ford , St. Louis ; S. Meyer , Chicago ;
P , G. Sriyder , New York ; G. H. Green ,
Chicago ; John Weir , Chicago ; M. Kauf-
men , Cincinnati ; J. E. Nelson , Chicago ;
John A. Cole , St. Louis ; Abe A. Hallenborg ,
Chicago ; J. 1' . Tiickonnan , Philadelphia ; E.
Weingrecn , New York ; C. A. Eastman ,
Chicago ; H. Frankcnberg , Rochester. N. Y. ;
A. C. Helms , Chicago ; A. Holman ,
Rochester , N. Y. ; L. J. Ripley , Fort
Madison , la. ; II. A. Wassor , Philadelphia ;
D. E. Hurley , Haltlmoro ; F. M. Hurley , La
fayette. 1ml. ; A. C. Lombard , Kansas City ;
John P. Murray , Roekfonl , 111. ; William L.
Rose , Chicago ; W. II. Clise. Denver ; F. F.
Clohesey , Kansas City ; A. 11. Sullivan , Denver
verM. . C. llealion , MnrsjiiiHtown , la. ; Wil-
HnmT. Cornelison. Pcoria ; R. I. McClurg ,
Chicago ; George W. Fuller. Des Moines ; I ) .
Morgan , Cincinnati ; W. M. Kecnan. Chicago
cage ; W. J. Fischel , Rorhester ,
New York ; T. U Drake , Chicago ;
G. S. Wilcox , New York ; J. J. Smith , Chicago
cage ; S. A. March , Minneapolis ; N. Reiss ,
Chicago ; S. U. Miller , New York ; C. H.
May , Chicago ; J. Steinberg , Kansas City ;
John A. Scott , St. Louis ; M. Sclileissncr ,
New York ; Walter W. Pollock , Milwaukee.
At the Millard : W. S. White , Des
Moines ; H. S. Lyman , Salt Lake ; R. T.
Lewis , Cambridge ; Edwin Glow , L. Her
man , St. Louis ; C. Plnttenburg , L. L. Rap-
pie ; N. M. Carlo and wife , M. L. Lehnaier ,
T. H. Jones , C. A. Van Anden , M. Turbitt ,
Chicago ; E. J. Pattit , Lincoln ; A. Hood
and wife , F. F. Clohesy , Kansas City ; R.
Goldlacho , Philadelphia ; A. Steiglitz ,
Now York ; A. F. Hosteller , Lancaster ;
C. H. Cone , Kansas City ; C. S.
Heath , Richmond ; E. P. Carr , Hoston ;
L. Lerun , Lancaster , Pa. ; E. R. Talbot ,
Syracuse , N. Y. ; II. A. Gross , Lancas
ter , Pa. ; F. Johnson , Cincinnati ; J. W.
Jones , New York ; P. Cramer , New Jersey.
"I cannot praise Hood's Sursaparilla
half enough , ' snys nnothor- whoso &on ,
alniost blind with scrofula , was cured by
this medicine.
A Pas-senner Who lionises to Give Up
JIlH Ticket.
A Savannah Ga. dispatch to the At
lanta Constitution of a recent date
says : An interesting' anil important
case has boon e'oiieluded in the superior
courtthat of Schottky against the Tyheo
road for & > ,000 damages. Schottky last
summer took the train at Tvbec. IIo
was unable to got a seat , owing to the
crowd , anil therefore refused to give up
hi-i tiukot. Ho was ojootoil 11 vo miles
from the city , and claimed that ho was
sick , and foil and hurt himself on the
crossties. The road introiluuod evidence
that Schottky was warned beforehand
that the train was crowded , and that a
later train would leave for Savannah ,
.luilgo Adams charged ;
Our conclusion is that a passpugor
who goes upon a railroad car , assuming
as ho has the right , in the absence of
information or evidence to the contrary
10 assume , that ho will be furnished with
a scat , may rightfully refuse to deliver
up his ticket if a beat ho not proviik'il ,
but that a passenger who goes upon a
railroad car with the knowledge Hint a
? cat cannot bo sccurcil , waives his right
to the accommodation , and may bo c.x-
polled if he declines to surrouder his
ticket ; provided , however , ho is not ox-
] ) osod to any unnecessary or unavoidable
peril. If Mr. Sfhottlcy'knowbeforo the
train left Tybeo that the cars wore full ,
nnd that ho could not obtain a scat.then
ho waived his-right to a seat , and if ho
refuses on this account to deliver up his
ticket to tho. conductor , the conductor
had the right to o.vpcl him from the car ,
exposing him , however , to no greater
peril than \vasnocossary.
It is not required that ho should bo
put oil at a station. It was required ,
however , that he bo put oil'at a place
which , in view of the locality and of all
the cii'cumstancos , ' was as reasonable ,
safe and lit for the purpose as was prac
ticable. If lie was put oft' in an im
proper place , a place more unfit
unsafe for the purpose than somq other
that might have boon chosen , then the
oxpo'uro.on that ground was illegal and
would give him a right to damages , but
If he was put alY ntn plaooasreaso'nablo ,
pafe nnd til 'ns-coiild bo secured prau-
lically for that'purpose , then his'expul
sion was legal and.r.igluful-if ho' wont
on the cars nnd know that ho could not
got a scat. If , on tlid olhor hand , U
does not appear that Mr.SchotlKy
know befora the Irain lofl Tybco th.ut
Iho oirs. ; wore full , and lhat ho could not
procure a seat , then ho had u right to a.
seat , and liad the right to retain his
tiukot if the scat wa uot I.uruisUed'.Lim ,
and the conductor had no right to nut
him off. lie would then ho entitled to
damages. The jury found for the de
Its superior excellence proven in millions of
homos for more tlmn miuartor of a century , it
ISUSIMI liytlio I'nltod States Cluvoriiniont. IJn-
dorsi'tl by the bonds of the Brent universities as
the stronco-it , purest and most healthful. Dr.
I > rlci > H tin-urn flnklni ; 1'owiler iloes not contain
ninmonln. llino or uluni. Sold only In cans.
New York , clilcago. St. I.ouls
"Tlic Overland iconic. "
Has so arranged its b'ainily Sleopin
Car Korvieo , that berths can now bo reserved
served uon ) appliuatiou by any lielcot
ngejitlo M. J. Cireovyl'assongor Ajjpnt ,
Council LJlulTs , Io\va. The reservations
when made are turned ever to the train
conductors taking out such cars , so that
passengers can now soeuro berths or
dered , the same as a Pullman berth is
reserved and secured.
J. S. TKIJUKTS , 1C. Ii. M > MAX.
Geu.P. &T. Afc'out. AbS'tO. I1. & T. A
OM.VHA , N131J.
WBAK MENf/M / ! rrttlini 01
fM3tS & * > ? > " ' . wi OUAI RiJTIll TO
. .tilthIllll MW IMr OTCI >
nil' S linuoui , nUM , loolhlif currrnt. of
Elwtric- If ? dirttlly tnrouah all ir.ak r-rt..mtor-
> .ta hulth and Vltoroui SIMOjlh. CUctria
Curr.ntfoltlnitantlr or f&uco In ctefc. Iraprot.mtot. o er I1 oth.r belt. . Vforii c . * i p
rtuD.rtly cnrcil In Ih-.o month. . p.mphleHc.
The Ssnden Eleetriu Co. 189 Li9a lie t. . '
Advertising Inn nlwnys provca
successful. IJcforo placing any
Newspaper Advertising1 consul
4S lo < Uudol l > blntt. CHICAGO.
fiAl estlifactlnn in th *
euro of Gonprrhu'a and
( ilcet. 1 rrcscribolUna
fee ! safe In recommend.
Ing it to all sufferers.
A. J.STONKI1 , JI.D. ,
Deeilur , III.
In Boia by
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-C04.
NKitvnrson.iHixiTAi. : iiuiiiLirr , I.OKT MAN.
v Ilialh tiUlpMrkat-1' ? . ' " ' Clrriilar * frf-n
. ti Utubori Bltt.l. lUlllUU , ILL.
A quick , pprmanentcura
for lokt or failing
- . - manhood , nervousncita ,
weakness , unnatural losses , lack of struiutli ,
vleor or'developmsnt , cauaeil ! ) > Indltcrotiou ,
excesses , otc. ra/uaM book tent ( fiilrtl/rte. )
uHlA MBkMects ory.iult.lul r.
Ifi Lm 11 ran. t rlr d < - y lo.l
, it' * . I win MUIUA TAluftblv IrcAlUu iMledi
cout-vlDin ; full | MrtlcuUni fur honi cure , frt * (
char ? * A < 1ilr.M ,
PROF..F. C. FOWLER. KoodUf. Coin.
Fullness After Eating
Hrlluvi-a IO
Tlioonly roiul to tnko ( or Dos .Molne.iMnr linllowu
Cc'lur ItiiptiK ( 'Uitmi ) , Dlxun. Clm'uui ) , .Milwauhrti
untl nil points Kn t. To tliupeople ot Nubr.i ku. Cole
rado.N yuuilnv. I'tuli , lilnhu. Ncviulti , Oietron , WuMi *
inutoii nnii rulifornln. It ottersfcuperlor tulvantuses
not pox'lblii by any other Iliu- .
Aiuontiu f 'w of the nuiueryu * pnlnts ol superiority
PnJotMl liy the patrons ol this roail between Oni.ilm
anil Chicago , are Iti Ihroo trains a ilny of HAV
COAI'lIKh , which arc tlm t1m'"t Hint huiiinn art nml
liiKciiully crtuori'.ite. lln l'AIA'i.SIKKI'lNU'AltS ; ,
\vlilc ! ) aru moilold of romlort anil plKKanre. Ill 1'All-
1.OUIIKA\V1MS HOO.M CAHS , munrnanoil by liny ,
anil If widely rdobratnil PALATIAL UININI1 ( 'Alls ,
the equal of whlc-li cannot bo touml elsewhere. At
Council JIlutKlliolralm of Iho Union 1'uclHo Unit-
way connect In union ilcput with those of the Chi-
cairo X .Northwestern Ity. In Chicago thn trains ot
this line inahH clo e connection nlth llioso of nil
other ia : lern linns.
Kor Detroit , rolumbtii , Ini1lKnnpfill , Cincinnati ,
NlBL'Ora Fulls , llunnlo , I'lttshnrg , Toronto , Montrmil ,
lli > li > n , Nuvr York , Philadelphia , llaltlaiorc , Wa U.
Inuton , anil all points In ihu Knit. Ask for tickets Tla
" "
If yon wish the bo t accommodation. All ticket
iigenl' sc.ll ilckets Tla this Him.
If. IIIJGIiriT , E. I' . WIT.fON ,
( jun'l ManaKCr. ( icu'l l'a i'r ARCnt.
cnirAcm. n.i.s.
W. N. IIAIICOCK , lien'l Western Acrnt.
1) . U. K1MI1A1,1.Ticket Asent
O. R WIIsT , t'lly I'assenner Agent.
1401 l-'urnaiu St. , Uuiulia , Nob.
. , i " - r . . , u \ . i .in , , i _ i.ii.
Its mtiin llr.ea and brunches Include CinCAOO ,
and SCOTOB ol Intermediate citle * . Choice of
routes to and from the raclllo Coast All trans
fers in Union depots. lrast trains of Fine Da ?
Coacbea , elegant Dining Care , magnificent Pull ,
man Falaco Sleepers , and ( between Chicago. Ot.
Joseph. Atchloou and Kansas City ) Kccllnine
Chair Cars , b'eata Free , to bcldero of Uirouca
Crat-class tickets.
Chicago , Knnsne & Nebraska R'y
'Croat Rock IslnnU Routo. "
Extends West and Southwest from Konaaa City
and Bt. Josoi'h ' to NELSON , JIOHTON , , BELLE-
DUTOIJJN80N , CALDW LL , and all polnta La
and beyond. Entire pasaenitur equipment of tbo
celebrated Pullman manufacture , All eafjty op-
DllMiccfl and modem Improvements.
The Famous Albert Lon Route
Is the fovorlts between Chicago , Rock Island ,
Atchlion , Kansas City and MlnnootioHa outlet.
FauL Its Tntertawn branch traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Oouthwestern Minnesota , and
aet Cantral Dakota to Wuturtown , H lrlt Luk-j ,
Bloux Falls and many other towns and cities.
The 13hort Line vtrvUenocu and Kaakakea offers
superior faclUtloa to travel to and from Indlau-
npolls. Cincinnati And nthei Southern points.
ForTickuto. U pu , iVldors , ordoctrod Infarma *
tton , apply lit tuir COUP.JU Tkliot Offlto or addrsai
Oen'l Tkt. Ct Vu.3. Art.
Itf marlcatile for power fill arnipa-
tuatlc tona. pliable netjon and ab-
tblute out ability , jj y'eari' r jcord ,
tb beat yyur&nUi * of tti excel-
\eiica \ ot fca 9 icttruuicSIs.
T \ ItllNTS
nas TIUFI.Kl ) awar his VIGOR of BOIiy ,
HlPfOand MANMOOO.cmifliigcxbaiutlng
ar&lna upon the FOUNT AINM nf LIFE.
nrAI > A < OUr. IIACKACIIE , Drendftl
Drenrat. WEAKNEHH of Memory , nAHH. .
rUJ.KKNHln HCriKTT. I'lMPI.KS upon
the FACK. and nil Iho KFPKtvrN IcfiJInifto
TlOtt or INNANITY. iliould consult nt cmco
tha CKI.KHUATEn Dr. Clnrke , Evtabllihcd
1S.M. Ur Clarke li made NUnVOUN UK.
II I LIT V. fllinoNIO anil all Dlseaiei of
the HKNITO UIlI.VAnV Orgnni n Ufa
ftndy It rnnUc * MO dltTcreuce WHAT you
icvc taken \VE1O hns fulled to cure you.
C5-F1CH AS. CH suOerlns from dls a c pecm
liar to thtlr t x CAM coiuult with the atsuranea
Of speedy roller and cure. Send 2 cents poitoga
for worki on yonr dlseaics.
Ctt-Uund 4 cent * poitoge for Cfllobratoil
Work * on < ! hroulc , Nervous and Dell *
CA'O niseruoa. Consultation , porton&Uy or by
VMtor , fret > . Consult the uli ! I > octor.
cnred. O in cos and parlor *
private. * 'a-Thoso contemplating Marriage
tflud for Ur. Vlitrlto'B celebrated julfls
Mule nnd Pvmnle. each lie. , both 268.
utampg ) . llofoio conflmng your case , conault
for. OJLAHKE. A friendly letter or call may
IRTO future suacringand. > hame , and add golden
yean to life. a-Ecok "Life * * ( H cret ) Er >
ran , " iOc. fitamps ) . Medicine and writing *
tent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to S. Sundays , 9 to 12. Addrcsc ,
F. D. OLABKB , M. D.
IBS sa. dark at. . GHIOAQQ , ILL.
Health is Weait i !
I ) . B. 0. Writ's NCRVR ANU
HP.ST. a Biiiirantecd Bpecltlo for Hysteria. Ulzslf
nets , ConvtiHlon , Klt. , Nervou * NeumlKliL
Heauocne. Nervous 1'ro.itrntlon , caUHed by the
nso of alcohol or tobacco. WafcefiilMM. Mental
Depression , Softening of the Ilraln , i sultlaala
InsaDlty , ami Inauini ; to mUnrr , dociy nuj
( Icuth , rreioature Old ARC , Ilarriiiiacxa , Los.i of
1'ower In either BOX , involuntary Losses and
Pp rmntorhipa caused by ovrxortlon of the
bralu. Belf-aliuin or ovcr-lndulcence. Each box
contalnM one month's treatment. tl.OQ a box , or
six boxes for K.UO , sent by mail prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any ease. With ouch ordr roc lv d by
til for nix boxes , accompanied with IS.OO , we
will Fend the purchaser our written cuaranto *
to refund the money it the treatment does uot
effect a cure. Ciuarantec.i issued only by 0. F ,
OOODMAN , Drucrlst , Bolo Agent , 1110 1'arnaa
Ktreft. Oinana , N l >
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlic Itest Route from Omaha niul Council
itiuirs to
Chicago , ANDMllvraukre ,
St. Paul , MlmifiniiollH , Ccdnr I'plU ( ,
Kock Island , Freeport , llnu'nford ,
Cllutou , Dubuquc , DuYt'iijiort ,
Elgin , Madison , Jaucsvllle ,
Uclolt , Wluonn , Li : Crosse ,
And all other Important polnti , .Northrsilnnl
Per throiith tickets rail on tht ticket sifat stlHl
r&ruuu street , la linrker Illocli , or nt UnlOM l'oNc
rullmsn HIcepars an < 1 the flncit Dlalnr C r In ths
worlJ eru run on the piln Uca of iho CUIciiD , Mil
woujoc A Ht. 1'aul ItMIWAf , nnJ evdrj slUallpa II
paid to iiaBicaciri lieoiul t > u cuiploytl cf Ulf
C ° '
n ! ll'lTi.Kn. fl ner l Mtonjor.
J. K.'HICKiit. A.ilitBnui.ncr * ! Mnnorer.
A. V , It , UAUt'UXTfcU , UdDBIsf 1'as.tOfSr tn4
Ticket AB'ht.
HBO. 1J , UUAI'fORD , Annum Genersl riteu W
aua'flcVet Ai > nt.
J.r.CI.AIciiIfnfralKuprriateiiatBt. .
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
vrer6 ililni.ij durlug tlm pi it
two ri , without a dniui.
intr in ODreirtj.lnr Nl/c > tLi
houbolnth * world eta truU >
tullrtnaksiuob a ibunlsj.
Un * aient ( ditltr aulr )
wtnt dlue clitcifu ,
H.W.TANSILLiCO.B5ficeSI.Chlca ! ! c