H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY 9. 188a 3 I Cures BJJ tid RETUJtti OF * AT DRUttelSTS'AND DEA. THE CHAS-AA/OGElERCfo'BALIO'MO' / 'la the realm of dlceaso tbo focU of lib fcrTltanco nrn mod numerous ami urcdall/1 ccumnUtlnic. Hire- , alas , they bccomi- ter rible , fateful anil nTcrwlmlmlun. Ko fact of uatuto h inoro pregnant with awful me.in * IMJ thnn the fact of the Inheritance of cll/eni" . It lni.it till | .hj > ! elan ou lili dally round * , | mrnliliij lil art uud flllirin blra wllh ilHmay. lh lefrrnd of the undent Orcrki plcturm the Kuril s as puriulnR families frinii generation to generation , renlorlnt them deiolate. The Turin 'till ply thrlr work of terror anil death , but they rr * nut now cl'ithvd In the garb of lupcritt * tlnn , but apprar In the more IntelllfslbU bul Gt > li-H awful form nf hereditary dl'cite. Jliilrrn rrlcuco , nhlcli bal Illuminated rnfttiy dark corner * of nature , ban ihcd new lljflit on the ominous words of th B-rl | > turc , "The slus of thn fathers ahull b l ltcd upon the children unto ( he third find fourth generation. " Instance * of hereditary dlicare abound , fifty per cent , of care * of coniumptlnn , that fearful destroyer of fami lies , of cincer and scrofula , rim In families through Inheritance. Insanity In bertdltnrj In n marked degree , but , fortunately , Ilka many other hereditary dlseafrs , tends to vcrir Itself out , the itnclc becoming extinct , A dlitlnifulfhHl scientist truly ; ri : "No organ or texture of tbo body In ejcmpt from tha chancn of belnrf the subject of hereditary disease. " Probably more chronic dlnvncs , which pi-rniiuontly modify the otructiir * nn-l functions of the body , are more or leti liable to be Inherited. The Important and far rcacbtna practical deductions from mich fa-ts-nlfi-ctlnB FO powerfully the happlncn of Imlirldimld and families nnd tha collective welfare of the nation are obtlouslo rcllco- tins mlndi , ami the best meant for preent- Ing or curing these dllearei Is a subject of Intrnso Ind rent to all. Fortunately nutur * ha * provided a remedy , which oiperlcnc * bail attested us Infallible , and the remedy li the world famous t wlft'a Specif ) ? , jmr vegetable compound-nature's antidote for all blood poison J. To the afflicted It Is blessing of Inestimable ! value. An Interest. lnr ( treatise on "Blood and Sktu Dlscaoa" Will ba mailed frco by addrcwdng Tnt Btvu-r Krzcino Co. , Uranor S , Atlanta. Qa > NERVES ! NERVES ! ! What terrible vision * this little word brings ln'Sirc the eyes of the nervous. Headache , Neuralgia , Indigestion , Sleeplessness , Nervous Prostration , All stare them in the fice Yet all these ntrvoul troubles can be cured by using For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contalas the best remedies for diseased con * ditlor , , of the Kidneys , Mver. and iJIood , which always accompany nerve troubles. It it a Nerve Tonic , an Alterative , a Laxative , and A Diuretic. That is why It CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $1.00 a Bottle. Send for full particular * . WFLLS , RICHARDSON A CO. , Proprietors , BURLINGTON , VT , It hti itood the T it of Tctro , In Coring all Diietiei of the BLOOD. LIVEB , STOM ACH , KIDNEYB.BOW- ILB.Ac. ItPurlflMths Blood , Invlgorttti and OltuieitbeBytUm. DT PEP5IACONSTI. CURC9 PATIOlf , JAUNDICE , AUOIKAUSOFTrlKl BICKHEADACHE.BIL- HVER lOUSOOXPLAIHTU.&O diuppoar at once under KIDNEYS lit ben flelaUnfluonc9. STOMACH It ii purely a Xedleiue AND at iti cathartic proper ties forbids its use as a BOWELS. beverage. It is pleasant - ant to tne taste , and as easily taken by children asaduUa , ren _ _ _ W1DRUGGISTS PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO PRICElDOlURl Hoi * I'rurirUtori. ST.J/JDH and KiHiua Onr Uiistly illKOSta lof ; the llnest llavor.A heart ] liovcriiRQ for a strong uppetlto : u dcllcnti flilnk furthOhuiiKttnc. 'I'liuroni-hly tested ; iiu IrltloiH , i > nliit.iblt > ; uiiext-clleil In luulty ; n < Uii [ > k'ixsint ; i\rter uirccls. Keiiulrca no boiling soi.n nv W.R. BENNETT&CO , II. O. UlB.UDU SONS , , 1'A. Iho larKfit , fa > lu < l and Umiit In the work I I'aMongor accommodation * unuzeelled. I .N v v ITorlt lu UlaiKuvv via l onilnndTrrv nrniniIAHll.T 7th | ClllCA : < su..Jl1LVSt . ANruoiin . Jni.viuii 1)KMM1 , . . . JlM.T''htl Ntw VOUKTO i.tvLdfooi , VIA ( jtiKrvsrowx. 1 bo Celebrated I Largest and llneit Pas-1 Jui.vlltl Meaniililii ienc r rileaiuor lu Aril. M CITV Of llOMKl thaWoild. Ueiit. tt Nl , ' Vdlllt Til I.IVCHI'OUl. VIA QUrCNSTUWN. Tb Celebrated I iJirgett and tlnetl Can-1 JII.NC ISt ! riivunnblri fungor Meaniur In Jt'l.v Ml Cl'l'VOV ItOilKI the World. I AUO. tl r-nlci-iu pai.uue to tllan.'ow. lierry , Liverpool , llellai ut yui-i-mtown , IV } und upnnriU PIT ( iluiiiow Moan cri , V and upwarda for CUT ol Hoii'O. hvcond-elni I > U Itclurn tUkrltat redured rales mada arallabl lor either route , piltrlnt cxeurtlonlstKthe pliTlleu of teelnuthu Ninth and Miutli nl lu-land.lhe lllrei > leri ej iind plilurenuc Clyde , bleuni erjU. Anclin I.lno omits paral-le freu ol chir e , old Hi lowei Kor buok of toura , llcVor or luttber Inlonni tlon apply to HENDERSOU BnoS.,72 La Sails St. , Chicago Or to ujr of our lucal ngcnts PEERLESS DYES \ ! GEM'S ' BRILLIANT PROSPECT Inducements Offered By This Llttlo WIdo-Awako Nebraska Town. A VERY PICTURESQUE LOCATION. Information Concern I nij IIH tlun , SoliooN , ltii.lni'HS ) Interests nnd Cllnutte The Anrlctil- tnrut The nnmo carries us back in memory to that far away Genoa of biinny Italy with till her grand and picturesque land scapes , sunsets , anil liistorical beauty nnd loveliness , but never was tlio writjr more favorably impre cd than upon a recent visit to the little city by tills nnmo in the state of No- braslui , some 11- miles northwest from the city of Omaha. It is situated near the center of Naneo county , at the foot of : i series of prominent hills which form the cast terminal boundary of the lovely Heaver valley , and the north limit'of the Loup prairie , near whuro the fonnc'f silvery stream lees itself in the broad expan.-o of the hitter's turbu lent waters. The location of tbo town is as I'tCTtMtnSCJUK AND KNCIlANTINO as can be found in the state. From the summit of the neighboring hills the cyo wanders cast and northwest , along whore the glimmering waters of the Loup rtanco and sparkle in the sun's bright beams , over miles and miles of gra---y mi-ad- ows , verdant groves and fertile - tile plains , where may be scon scoreof cottages , farms and stock ranches. Tlio view pi-osented , like a vast | ) aiiorainn , is one to charm the traveler , and of which the oldest resident- ver grow , veary. Hut the beautiful scenery , now iner attractive to the home-seeker , is really unimportant when wo come to on-ider the rich elements which com mie -alubrious climate and produot- ve soil to make IhN section rank high iinotig the most favored spots on earth hat tillers of the soil have ever found , 'or. bo it on the golden shore.- the .illicit ! 1'acilic , on the famous prairies of iho north , in the sunny south , or among the fertile valleys of the far-famed Nile , all things equal , there is no plaeo known where the poor man stands a butter show for making a living and gaining a competency than hero in central Nebraska. A.way to the south and southeast ncross the Loup river one can ga/.o upon thousands of acres of line wild lauds mil improved farms in Nance county , lands that respond promptly and boun teously to the touch of the plow and are pouring thousands ) of dollars annually "nlo the pockets of the owners. SOIL. The soil of these valleys is wonder fully productive of cereals , grasses and vegetables , being of a rich , black , alln- \ ml deposit to a depth of from three to eight feet , and well watered by the many nutural waterways passing through the county in different di rections. Forty to eighty bushels of corn to the aero is an ordinary crop hero. Farming The entire country sur rounding Genoa is beyond question as well adapted to divorsilied farming and stock-raising as any place on the face of the globe , and that is saying a good deal. It has boon practically demon strated during the past ten years that good crops of all kinds of small grain can bo successfully raised with rea sonable effort on the part of the farmers. Stock-raising is , howevertho most important branch of industry in this section. It , is nothing unusual for a carload of porkers to average from four to live hundred pounds each. It is told of the farmers in this section and it cannot bo gainsaid , that as in yo olden times they do not have to open u feathor-bed and take out a couple of poundsof feathers for market every time they want to visit a state fair or a town show. CLIMATIC. The high altitude of Genoa makes the atmosphere dry and light , yet full of pure , bracing and invigorating quali ties. Malaria , catarrh , or bronchial troubles were never known in this locality. Here the summers do not run to the extreme. The oppressive boat of the day is unheard of. The winters are mild and the oft predicted blUzurd. a- la-Now York has not yet arrived. I'OI'ULATION AND SCHOOLS. The population of Genoa is about 1,000 exclusive of the inmates of the govern ment school. The high school of Genoa is under the supervision of Prof. N. G. Pratt ho is ably assisted by Miss Mary Wells , Miss M. Pugsloy and Mrs. Mor ton. This school has an enrollment of about 217 pupils between the age ot five and twenty-one and an actutil attendance of about 105 children. GKNOA INDIAN SCHOOL. One of the special attractions of Genoa is the government Indian school established in 1881 , and although it is yet in its infancy a great deal has been accomplished , not only in the improve ment of the premi&os but in the ad vancement of the pupils. Four years ago the school was started under the management of Colonel S. F. Tappan and its history is marked by his manly efforts against the innate prejudices ol Indian parents and the Miporstitious fears ol untutored childred. During the past two years the school has been under the management of Mr. Horace K. ( Jhaso , of Pcoria , 111. , and consider ing the small appropriations made fet mainUumnco of the school , the results liavo certainly rellectcd great credit tc liis management. A new main building and several shops have just boon com pleted and a hospital is now in course of construction. This will make about twenty substantial buildings in all upon the government's farm of MO acres of as line land as there is in Nance county. The chief object 01 Mr. Cha'-o's management is tc not only give the pupils u thorougl : knowledge of civilized life , a good edil cation in the English language nnd agricultural pursuits , hut to make , as far as possible , the institution solf-suS' taining. This ho accomplishes by Imv- ing a competent person in change o each department. The labor of the boy : is utilized in the Held , the garden and the carpenter and shoe shops , while thlit of the girls in the sewing room ant the kitchen , and a portion of the time of both is devoted to the school roolr and the chapel. In this way the worl < is performed by and according to the peculiar Illness and ability of cacti pupil , She products raised and artiolei manufactured have been displayed tii various fairs and exhibitions , and have always rcc'elved unqualified praise There nro now 170 pupils in actual at ttmdanco , principally of the Siou. tribealthough the Arapahoes , Omahas Winnejbagocs and Mandans uro large ! ' ronrei-cntcd. .Superintendent Cluiso. is over mind ful of the pleasure , comforts ant happiness of the children. The-boy hrtre their bate ball nines , turning poles , spring boards , top1 * , miirblt > setc. while the girls have thelv grace hoojj ? swing and croquet sols , in enact the children engage in all harmless ; amusc- mcnt . They nave two brass bands , a line orchestra mimic club and choir. Al'-o a new-paper. The Pipe of Peace , a bright , instructive little paper printed semi monthly by the Indian boyA picture gallery has recently' been started and some of the work already done is highly creditable. The clo mil- ness of the buildings and the neat ap pearance and quiet deportment of the j > .Mills not only shows that the children h'lvo practical ideas of the lc ons taught bnt redound * greatly to the credit of the government and iho super intendent in chargci HANK. The Genoa State bank. S. II. Andor- MII president , G. Will-on , cashier. Capital WO.OOO. surpluiO , * > 00. This bank \va inporporaU'd and established in IS's. ! . Consequently it is ono of the oldest banking institutions in the county. The policy of the Genoa Sfite bank has been liberal , yet con-ervatively trans- nctinir a strictly banking business. Tbo nre-uicnt and'storkholdori - - are largo land owners and widely knovwi through out the west for their unlimited re sponsibility. The bank is considered tiio strongest in-titutum in this section. It has for its correspondents the Fourth National , New York city ; Union Na tional , Chicago , 111. ' , Nebraska Notional , Omaha , Nob. KMVATOU. : The Genoa J'.levator comnany. e - tnbllshud nt Genoa in is l , with u capi tal iiiNo-tiniMit of $10.01111. Tills elevator has a handhngcapacity of 11.0'IOluishcls dully and a storage capacity of over 100.000 bushels. Mr. A. K. Kent , of Chicago , is owner , nnd Mr. 1' . L. Hurko manager nt Genoa. Thi.s ulevnttir is doing the bulk of the bu-iness for this section of the country and is considered one of the best managed businesses in Genoa. This company also deal largely in li\c slock. ui.u : , I > TATI : . Mr. I' . V. Clark is the oldest real es tate dealer in TCanco county. lie es- talilishcd his land otlice in Genoa in l MI. He made tiu > original sales for the government of a majority of all lands -old in the eastern part of the county unit n , large portion of ihoso la the west. Mr. Clark is1 thoroughly fa- mlitir with every foot of ground in Nance county as well as in theadioin- tig counties of Platte , Ho mo and Mor- rick. His s'Uos have been nuisllv to citizens of Iowa. Illinois , Minno-oti , Wisconsin and Missouri. He has a largo list of splendid bargains , and any person wishing to purcha-e or having binds which they wish to put upon the market cannot lo butter than to apply to Mr. Chirk. He also handles largo quantities of ch ° np western Nebraska. Kansas and Colorado lands , which can be had at very low ligurcs and ou easy terms. .7. 3. TIU'MAN' .t CO. This is one of the largest real estate linns in the state of Nebraska. Their transaction during t'.io put year have been very large.amounting to over $100- 000. The member ? of this linn are largo land owners themselves , negotiate loans upon larm land- , and do a general in surance lui-iness. Mr. Truiii'in is a practical surveyor , knows every foot of Nance county land , and has upon the linn's book- , some of the best bargains in those lands over offered to the public : line unimproved lands for from V > to 10 per aero , and some as highly unproved land as can bo found anywhere in Iho east , for * 10 to fr-i per aero , and upon easy terms. The linn's bnineis not con'linod to Nance county alono. They have lands in adjoining counties and in Kansas , Wyoming and Dakota , upon their books for sale or to exchange for other lands. They have a splendid piece rich farm land near Genoa to ex change for a stock of goods. Any per son wishing further reliable information in regard to western lands or having lands for sale ca'inot do better than ad dress ,1..I. Trnm.in & Co. . and receive prompt and reliable attention. A\ ' . II. WIN'IT.IMIOI'IIAM. Among the lo ulsng mercantile hous is of Genoa is that of Mr. William JI. Winterbotham , established in KShii , with a capital of 810.000 in stoves , hard ware , tinwiiro , etc. \Viutorbotliiim is considered ono of Genoa and Niiuco county's leading citi/.ons. being chair man of the county bo ird of suparvisurjj and always found at the head of any and every move for the promotion of the intoVosts and welfare of Nanco county and its citizens. NllWsl'Al'lIlt1- . Genoa can boast of having the oldest newspaper in Nance county , the Genoa Louder , published by John L. liixby. The Leader is a live , progressive paper , with a circulation of about ono thou sand ; independent in politics , and known as the reform organ of the north west. Genoa has live general merchandises stores. One hotel. Two meat markets. Two drug stores. Two millinery stores. Ono furniture store. Ono llonring mill , Ono feed mill. One barber shop. Two attornoys-at-law. Two blacksmiths. Ono grocery store. One harness shop. Ono brick yard. Two agricultural implement stores. Throe bricklayers. Three carpenters. Three draymen. Ono confectionery. Two churches The Congregational , Uev. N. C. Uosworth , Pastor. Metho dist ICpibcopal , Kov. William Ksplin , pastor. Also two secret orders , the A. F. and A. M. , and A. O. U. W. Genoa's location upon the main line of the Omaha , Niobrara & Hltick Hills railway and at tbo junction of the Al bion Cedar Hapids branch of the same road , which is virtually a branch of the great Union Pacilic system , make the place easy of access. The Union Pacilio is now giving excursion rates to these points in Nebraska , making it quite convenient for parties seeking now locations to visit the country first. The writer is indebted to Mr. Bixby. of the Genoa Loader , for data furnished. When fragile woman sighs , deploring Tne clmrins ttuit quickly f.ulo away , What power the bloom of health restoring , Can check the projfrois of decay I The only aid that's worth uUcntion. For lulns anil ill of such description , Thousands of women gladly mention. 'Tis Vlorco's Favorite * Proscription. " The price of this royal remedy , Dr. Piorc'os Favorite Proscription , is but ono dollar. Specific for all these chronic ailments and weaknesses peculiar to women. The only medicine for such maladies , sold by druggists , under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers , that it will give satis faction or money rcfundodi See guar antee on bottle wrapper. Largo bottles $1. Six for Jo. ' Do you attend church regularly ? " queried the pastor of : i inntt who had Just moved into his parish , "No , I novcr go to church , but attend nil the wcildmgii and funerals. I en joy them Just as we'll , und then there aret no curle-ctloiiB. " _ Beware of worthless imitations of Dr. Jones' lied Clover Tqnic. The genuine cures headaches , piles , dyspepsia , ague , malaria , and is a perfect tonio and mi rider.- Price 60 centa. Goodman Urug Co. TRADE CONDITIONS IN OMAHA , The National' Holiday Mnkoa a Dull Wo6k Generally. MONEY STILL IN GOOD SUPPLY. on the Kluc A Stinrp Advance Looked For1 In Coal Dry Goods Tenillni ; Upwiu il Quotations. OMAHA TUADIItUVIKW. : . Trade for the past week has been dull ex cept ni pyrotechnics , which have been in brisk demand and gotio off rapidly in due cel ebration of our i-ouiitry's natal day. The usual period of midsummer dullness mid va cation will now Intervene' . Money continues very easy und our bankers are carrying more currency than they wish. Hates are held steady at 8 to 10 per coat , though a few vnl ued customer ! ) tire met at 7 per cent. Groceries are unchanged , sugars holding ver.x strong nt tin uelviincu Saturday of an a > l dltiomd 1 1'i ' , and a' further rise unt.cipalcd Syrup * and rice ate quiet. CoaYes dull and declining : the heavy crop in sight having n depressing elTeet. Domestic dried fruits are negleeted and lower. A general advance Is looked for in canned Cal ifornia fruits. The apricot crop Is short and said to be cornered by u Sun Francisco s.n . - die ite. The weather hus been very lavor- able for a large pack of corn and tomatoes in this state and packers ure feeling jubilant. There has bv.-en u furtner udvuni-einiieanuts. admittedly due to ae"unl senr < - it.anil . not to manipulation of the market , us was sup posed ; and cleaners 'ire unable to yocure all th'-v need. In hardware there is notiiine spe'ial to note , li.ii bed wire is held linn , liar Iron M no lower. A number of iron masters have signed the amalgamated association s scale , a ; > they hud contracts nude which must be lilled and it is thought the signing will be come general. The Railway Age reports H.'liiO mileof ) railway main ttack lad during the first MV months of 1 > , or only about 100 miles less than w.ts laid during the lirst Inlf of l sV , which was a noted year in railrojd con- struetion. ( Joal IMS been advanced at the east % , ' . * , e per t n , und an advance of ! Tie , and perhaps fi.ic , is looked for in Omaha shortly. Dealers are refusing orders , except for immediate deliv ery , and ttie count ) y is stocking up heaily. . In dry goods pncjs have been well main tained all through the list. Cotton llannels ire higher , and all eotton goods are tcmling upward. HUIMNO Stnrk A , seamless 4)li o ; Amos- ke.ig , seamless , KJ4V ; Leuiston A , seamless , 'je ' ; AmeneMii , &eaml"ss , la" burlaps , I to , "i bu , 7f < ( . v ; guntue" , single , IMo ; gunnies , double 20 ; wool sucks , : ie. CIMI.Anthracite , ran-re , nut and small egg.T'.I .Ml ; largo egg. > ' . ! ' . " > ; Rock Snnir | , $7 U I ; Colorado , 47.0U ; steam e-oal , il 7" ) to .ct ) . Joornis : Moi'hu. 2iliT ( c ; Uio , good , 111 ( < il7c ; ; Mmi'lanling ' , vM 'Oe ; roasting IJui , It ( iliicO ; ( ! Java. S-iyi . ' ( ! . . : . lava , infori'ir. 21 JIc ; Kio , fancy , UKul''c ' ; Santos and Mur- ae.tibo , ITQtlHo. Su.Mis Cut loaf , s e ; cubes. 79fe ; pow dered , 7 c : granulated , 7V"7 * c ; standard T. ( i' < c ; o'f A. f. e : white extra C. d e , C , , 1 ' - ; yjllo\v \ < l' > ' | C ; brown , ( ( ( ' , .c. IsMtt i's AMI. Mmssi > Suisar s.M'iips common to choice , 2.W-'te ; corn syrup. 2-a ) " 4 ; black sirup uiolusse-t. l.'ic ; New Drlc fib molasses , open kettle , ; )5 ) 5tc ) ; Xcw Oilcans eenlrit'iiRrtl , 27t ( < ; ioe , Sorglunn , 2i ( t"c. . 1K i. Carolina and Louisianu , iri7cPatna ( ; and UanL'oon , . " > ( < f.V .c. Uiiir.n Put if1 l'is , in bofper Ib , \ \ \ < t Kic. lies , in m its , per Ib , > yt ml1 ; dates , in boxes. .V 'fiTi.1 ; L uidon layer nusins , per box , t'l .Vl'ir.J.iIi.Mnlag.i lyoio ruism" , * > 2 : 'Oi < J - " ( > ; new Vali'iicia itnsin-j , per Ibyt \ HLCili - lorniu loose muscatels , per box , 1.7Vn2.0ii ; Califormtv London layer raisins , per box , i2.3 : > ? 2.r > 0 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , llljO. ( > le. Calllorntn pitted plums , per Ib , 1U < liic ; dried DluekUerries , per Ib , sj fipv ; dii.-u raspberries , per Ib , ill ) n ! ' " > . ; dried apples , 7io ( iic : evaporated npple , sf/jot. | ; Californiu sun dneel puae'hes , ISiiililJjf ; Cdifornia unpared evaporated pjaehes , 1 ictl c : evaporated Cul- iforniu apricots , I'QO.OZantco ; currants , ( % ; TurKisli prunes , 4'ae ' ; citron , 2J , < t2J. Kisn Ctilifoima salmon , per bbl , f HrtlS ! ( ; halibut , per Ib , 14c ; family white lisli , per 'j-bbl ' , $1.25 ; white fish , No. 1 , per ' „ bbl , tfJ.5' ) ; tro > it , per l bbl. .N"J 75 ; healed hcrrmy , per box , 2 c ; new Holland herring , per keg , Ii2c ; George's Hay split herrintr , per bbl , now , SS.2V split Labrador herring , per bbl , new , $7.5J ; extra George's cod , per Ib , new , 5Jfe ; Western Hunk cod , per Ib , new , 4J/e ; boneless cod , "i@7c ; largo family mackerel , pe-r K-Ml ) iS.5u ; "luckerol , No. 1 bay , K-bbI , * -.ii3 ' ! ; smoked bloaters , per box , SI. (10. ( TOIIACCO Plug , 2f@iTo ! ; smoking , 10@35. JKI.I.II-.S ? 1.U5 per 'io-lb lull. SVI.T * l.EO@l. : per bbl. Kori.-7-Hi. ll' ' t I'Cc. C\MI M'xuJ ' , U"l > c ; stick , ngf.l' c. Ou.s Carbon eliino , ! .Vfe ; ; nuptha , 03 ° , O'c , ; ciruon , oleane , ! ( ) > = , UV ; extra lard , 015.- ; carbon , prime white , ir > 0 = ,6 ; > { e : Xo. 1 lard , itoe ; carbon , snow white , 15' ) = , 10 , ? ; neatsfoot , best,5'ic ; c irboticocone , 12 > c ; lln- seed , raw r,3headlight ; , 175 ° , li ; < e ; lin seed. boiled , r > Ue ; gasoline , S7 ° , 14o ; lurpen- tinc , : tc ; gasoline , 71 = , lO c. Sl'iei > Nutmeg , | ner Hi , ri3 ( 7. > c ; pepper , per It' , 170U"c ; cloves , ; per Hi , Ibte21c ; all spice , 7-cem ( . ( ' nnmon , TC' 'C. Nen.s Iron nails 'I0r ' cs < $205@2.10 ; steel nails , per kc < r , $2 15 ( > ! .2.2U ; wire mils , per keg , W.dOOi-J.ro. TKAS Young Hyson , common to fuir , 1S ( < ? 2" > e ; Voting Ilyson , good to fancy , ! : ili ( ? . ° > 5e ; Gunpowder , common to good , lil > l ic ; Gun powder , c'loico ' to fun-y , 4iH't"'ij ; Japan , common to medium , 15@5c ! ; Japan , choice to fancy , ! ] ( ) viiM5e ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ( i5c ! ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 47Ue ( ' ; Im perial. common to medium , 25 ( ! < . : i5e ; Imperial , good to fancy , 4'f ( ' j'e. ' ) Ni r Almonds , 14 ( < MGc ; filberts , OfVflOc ; Hr.uil , fK't'ic ' ; walnuts , 10@12c ; pecans , 7 % ( < < > 6 4 o ; poimutb , Ct\'tsiife. , An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AHIETINK OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two ounce tin bo\cs , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped him Is , and all skin erup tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AHlrU'INK OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 23 cents per box by mail . ! 0 cents. SOME PECULIAR VERDICTS. tendered liy Juries Wild 1)1(1 Not Know \Vlnit Was K\icotcil | of 'I hem. . The duties of those who servo on cor oner's juries do not ordinarily faitrge > tt anything vorv funny , ant1 yet seine laughable results ' goino from their work , particularly if'thoy do not exactly un derstand what w s expected of them , .says tlio Octroi Free iVoig. .saysAn unuisiiijjfstory in told ot a verdict brought in by a western jury Impaneled to inquire into tljei cause of the ( loath of a man supposed' to liavo committed sui cide. The vordictj was brief and to the point , the foreman paying simply : "Wo , tbo jury , Und the deceased guilty as clmr/feu. / ; ' Another jury examined a great many wltnosvos in tire tsyo of n man run over by a railroad engine. The verdict was : ' Wo find him to hilvo come to death by being cut in two by n railroad on- gtno , whereby ho could irot breathe , hence ho choked to death. " A coroner's jury in the back woods Of Missouri heard all the evidence in the ca o of u man killed by a runaway team , and brought in a following verdict : "The jury finds the deceased to liavo comu to liis death at the hands of a run away team , the horses , therefore , being blameless , , they Leiag frightened by a . " dog. _ The only Complexion Powder in thq world that is without vulgarity , without injury to the user , nnd without 'doubt a beautillcr , is Pozzoni' . Salt Lake , the Dead Sea of America , is reaqhed by the UNION PACIFIC di rect. CALIFORNIA ! THIS LAND OP DISCOVERIES. ir\E ro \ ! ATARHH OR'OVILLECALJ . ttrtottlt 9.2- . 3 k . - IABIE1INrMEDicfl.oreiyiLLr.CAL Sunta Abie : and : Cat-K-Cure [ 'or Sale by Goodman Dru ° ' Co , Crab Orchard WATER. NATURES' GREAT REMEDY. r oci-n-v3 = crrrii : x-cia Cg&stipatioo , Crnb Orchard Wnter Co. IjQulsvtlle , Ky. GIir.YI.dCK IXSTI'ITTIJ. oulli Wlllliiiiist j\vn , llerkshltn county , Mil"A i > rlvuti > school for IMIVI. 1'ri'p.ne lor "nUi'ni' M-tentlllo t.liool or lni-.lni'v' < . IVaty-s-ov- entn yiMi bt- ins ' 1'luiiiil.i.v , Sipti-mbor I'lth. ( ll'.O. ! ' . Mil.1- ! , 1'iliictp.il. rs a posing hUnnps. Address na uiiusi CUEUICAL Co. , DLTROIT , ilicu. or sf ttmlb'i until ( > idoottmn Jriif/ i o , , Oiniiliii , St'b. EXHAUSTED VITALITY fPHE SCIENCE OF MFK.thc - * Ric.it Medical Work of Iho npu on Manhooil , Ni-nom nnd < J'njslcal DibJllty , 1'n mature' ' DiclU.f , Urrorsof Youth , nil * tliPuntoMiiiUerlcfconsequcnf thtioun , 31) imgi'l Bvo , 125 tire'trlrtlous for nil dlsca'os. . Clolli , full gilt , only ft. 00 , bj' niall.FCnlcd. Ulastr.ithuEiiiiiiU- to all young and i. lddlo ngcd men. Send nuw. Tbu Qold and Jon cllcd Medal BW nrdcd to the author by the NR. tloiitl Jledlccl Asaoc'.tlloii. Address I1. O. tnx 1S93 , lioston , Manor Dr. W. II. I'ARKKil , wail uateof Harvard ledlcal College , 1I3 year s' | > ra.tlco In H ) Ktnn , wbo may bo cntifiultud conlldcullally bpeclalt ) , Dlscajca of Mau. onice No. 1 L'ulll.icU nU 3O BAYS' TRE&L. THIS NEW LASTIC TRUSS aim * a J'ad utirtreiit fro n all other * , is cup frhape. * lthH lf- adJuMlnfrliallln ctntcr , adnptii .K'flo Up'mtiouioftlie Kilywhllo iiiobollin the cup nrcesea back n > - ttiaIntestinesJpBt as a por- eon doaa with the flnser. , wii"hllBRt prfi ure tbo HemlaTfl la Jd recurrly day and night , and a radical euro . . . . . . certain. . _ Ularasj. rturnttinnnd , * * lunp. . . Hntby mall . ruClrcUirs ( rcc. if l * I ftuTIIV > ILtiV di' , e'hicVu'iif. E.T.Allen , M. D. , Homoeopathic Specialist. THROAT AND NOSE , BpeUaslGe Accurately 1'rescribed. S.AM.GE BL'K. , OMAIIA\ \ ir. J. . Surgeon and Physician. OBIce N. NV Luiner Mtli iiCi.l bouyUs St. Office telephone , 40 j ; Uuslduuco telephone , M3. RUPTURE eUlTClTcurplflnOO d > br Dr. . . ruu.coroblntd. OunrAntoeatte ohljr ono In tbe world Koneratliur acontlnuoni Kltctrie It Uaantlu currfnt. Belentlfle. Powerful , DurAblOi . , . . . . . .nfortuble and Eff eilre. Avoid IrnuJ * R O ro.OOi ) cured. Band BUmv f 01 lunuhltt , AI.M > KI.EotlUO IIKI.TM FOR iJlSKAfKH. 08. ttORIIE. IKVENTOB. IB1 WABUH AYE. ' CHICWO. FOUNTAIN 33R.A.2STDS KINE > CUT AND PLUG IncomDirably the Boat. Use PARKKR'S CINCKK TOMIO llliout dilny. A trtrtHiOtUillinl ioinKtiiiiJ | that run j when nil tl-xj f ll j. c " dtlie ur tra C8 if t'ollKli.\Veal % I.tljlfH , Asttliiia. Jln rrtj n.liiMunl ! 'idu , Mhuu llon. LCc. utDiug UtJ. KENDERCORNS. ThomCi-H , ret-tnnJ Ist cure for Corn ? , lUitilcnn , Ae , Ftoj 3 ( Oijal-i K * u v H fomfoitto tlio fut Nc\ti falla to cure. W < enta ut UrjrftrlUc. Hiscux & Co , N. Y. roil Eed Eugs , Hoahs , Ants , Flea : .Awl any other insects usii r. nus'i Infallible Insect Powder , A Ho contructs tiiken for dean- Ins liotuls , lios'SltrtNamljirhutf rfultleni csfiuia vi'riiiin. SntlHnctlini KirantOnil 01 no puy. I'rimipnl Ucpiit 41 South 1 .th faucet. rpiiu I'KnicsKiu , MM.ITAUV ACADI.MV ; J. l'cek.skillon-llulson. ( N Y Sen I ) for eatu- e. JNO. M.TIMUN , M ! > . . M.A. V > lliclial | It. p.\LMKn N p mrnutv. J H HI.SM IIAIIII , PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. . Liyo Slock C'jiMission ' Mercliauts. Off.co Kooiu 2t , Ouprulle Kjtebanic IIulMIni , ' , Unlun Slouk Yuril * , aoulb Uiuuliit , eo. MCCOY BROS. . live Slock Coraniissioii Mcrcliants , Mitrkot furnished frco on uppllc tlnn. HockQr * nnd feertcri furnished on uood tcnu . Itu'orcnit-i ( lui.i- hn.Nittlonal llnnk unirMiiitt ) Ouiahu Nallomu , Uuluu r-lock Y..nloutli Omnlin. KO"RTiviER WESTER'FTi'Lp& MALEY Live Stock Commission , lloom li , Kxcuanca lIulldlnK. Unloa Stock Tardi , bouth ejinalin ! , Neb. ALEXANDER & FITCH. Cominision Dealers in Lire Sock , OppoMto Rxrhnueo MuiMliiy , Uuton Stock Yards SoulU uraatia , N * UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Oraalia , Limited , CBojil.8us rlatcn J i > U ABrlcuitiirtu impionmnts. "CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in AEricnltural Implcmenls , Wagons , Currln es nnd lluceln. Ji irn flreet bctwccnStUnnd Ktn , e'mikhn , Mt > ra > kn , UN FN G E R" & M ET CLF CO. . Agjiciiltnrallmiilciiieiits.fasoiis.Carriages . . , Kle. Wboleiale. Onmtm , Npbr kiv ' " " MARTIN7" iuOfni' ) i' cr n AEricnltural Implements , Wagons & Buggies (01 ( , n , TO nnd IW Jones Street , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. . Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Cultivnlors , I'ny llaXpi.CUIpr Mill * nml Mil-mi 1'ul _ \iclicr for lltti ami Mcluilus Mti'i'ta. " WINofJA IMPLEMENT CO. \Vholp ilp Agricultural IiiiDlemciits , Wagons & Buggies ( ( .rniT lull -iiid MI lmln trtcl' OMAHA J F. SElBEFil.ING CO. , Akion , Ohio , Harycsting Machinery and Binder Twine , W B .Meal MIUIUKT. IZIlI.enTi-nwnrth "I. , Umnb.i. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARDCo MnmiriKtuivr.i nnJ.rol'ber In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , PJows Etc , Cor. vth nnd I'ucUlc Mroot" , Onmlm , Noli. ArtlBtB' Motorlnls. " A HOSPE , Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 15H IKiUfllis Mreut , Omiibn , Nebrnrka. _ Boots and Shoos. _ KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. . ( ucte * orii to ll < ii d , Jout-ft A e'o ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes An'nUlur IliiFtiui Uubter Sbue Co 1KB , 11U1 \ 11U1 _ _ _ Iliuney M. . Oinnb " . Nebrnakn. _ _ _ _ _ _ w. v. MORS"E \ co. . JOuhers of Boots a.id . Shoes , 1101 , llttHWJ louxln ) m.Om.ilia Mnniifaetorjr.Snm- HUT l III stun. BooUsnllors and H. M , .fc's. w."JONES/ Eueccsiioriito A T. Kenyn A Co. , Wliulcsalo A Ilctnll Bootecllcrs and Stationers , Fine Wcddlnu ftHUoncr > < Connnerilal Stnllonery lo. ; Doitk'iua Slieet. Uii'ali.i ' , Neb , Coffees , Gplcos , EtC' CLARKE COFFEE CO.7 Umuba ColTce und Hpho Mill. . Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Hitrortni ; KiUiictf. l.nuiulry llluu , Ink' , Kte. U 141 ft lliirnfv Mreet. Dinnbi. Nelirnskn. Crookory and Clnsawnro. W. L. WRIGHT. Apcnt for the Mnnufacturert nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Laiims , Chimneys , itc. Offl co , .117 S. 13th bt. , Ou.uUu , Nebraska. PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN. IinnortciM and .lolber-i of CiGckery , Glassware , Lamis , Silverware Itif , 1MI rnrnani bt. , Ne 1'nxton llulldln * Commlselon nnd Storngo. x' " RIDDELL & R1DDELL7" Storage and Commission Merchants , ireclultlctlutter. . lrw , 1'hpp'o , I'nultry , Came , Hi : ! Howard Street. Omaha. CEO. SCHROECER & CO. . Bueceasoru to McPhuno A Sclirnedcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaliu. Nf FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. \\hnle < nlo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Corre iioniencp ! olnlii | < l. 1U14 NortU ll'th Cpa ! , Coke _ end Llmo. ' ' " " O'MAHA COALTCOK'E & "LIME"COM Johte of Hard and Soft Coal , 50afouth nth Street , Omaha , Ncbraikn. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And ulilpjipra of Coal. Coke , Cement , I'lmter , Urno , iirjiln Tile , and tJcwer 1'lpe , Omrc , 1'arton IIOUI , huriiiu ; St. , Umahii , Neb. Telephoi-3 811. . NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Dry Goods and Notions. M. E SMITH * CO. , Dry Goads , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 nnd 1104 DotmlRS , Cor. llth gt.pmnhri. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYCOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Gents' furulslilni ; ( inodi. Tomer lllli and Huner r-ts. , Otimli DEWEY & STONED Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karnam Street. Ornah a. Nebraika. CHARLES"SHIVERICK , Furniture Oinulia , Nebra'ka. CrocorloB. PAXTON. GALLAGHER"sc'co ? Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 105 , ' , in , TW and SI 1 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD. BRADY i CO. . Wholesale Grocers , t th and I.envcmvorth Strccti , Oinnlia , Nebraska. _ Hardwero. _ " LEE"CLARKE. ANDRlflfaEN HAHO- V/ARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , blioot lion , etc. Agents ( or Hnwo Scaleb , Jlliiml I'ouilci-iinill.jiii.ui Iliuhod Nebraska , HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools nnd Ilulfnlo denies , Kb& Douglui ijtroct , Uoiuha , Nebrixka , RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Hurner Sti. , Omaba , N'eli. Wntern Aeent' forAuttln rondert'n. , Jerriiron S-teol Nallu , _ rulrbunki btundurd Scales. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY UO. Whulcnalo .Mnniifncturcri of Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And Lcalhur. 113.1,11 . % find 1107 Iliimcy Bt. , Omaha , Nubra ka. Honvy Hnrdwtiro. W. J7 BROATChT" Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring ! , Waiion Flock , UnnlifiUB , I.umticr , Etc. and 1311 llnrney blreut , Uiuuba. Hats , Caps , Etc. 1wTL. . PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hals , Caps and Straw Goods , 1137 llarnej s'tre t. Omnhn. Nob. Office Fixteiroa. iTlK S1.MMOXD5 MANUVAC-rUHlSa'cO. Mnniiluitiircrs cf Baiii , Office and Salcon Fixtures , ll ptle < Hrtclionrdt , Ilnck Cnsri , Kliturrs.Wall t'nion , I'aitltloiit , ltHlllii .Cuunt < iri , Be rauil Wine Ciioliir" , Mirror * elo , lu < lurj mul nttirr , 17JU ud lift fcomuijth St.Oiuuli , > 'lci l > tiuuo 111' * , o uimiuiuii'iv Lumber. _ _ " " " * LUMBER c6 , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale l t i Ftroet iiml I'nlon Pacific Tract , Om.ilm. ' LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Luinlier , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doon , l.'tc. Y rJ t'orner ? tli mi.I " Vllmml DtitiRliK. Dealer in All Kinfl ? of Lninlicr , IMhnnd California Street" . Omaha , Nebra'Vn. FRED \V. CfAY" " Linulier Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , i and I oniln * ! . Omaha. T7W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , ' ' To Dealers Only , Odlfo , ( ton 1'nrnnm Sltoot Onmhs. ' JOHN A WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Liimlicr , Etc , ImpprtM ml Amorlo.iH'ottlaihl t'l'incnt Pt t ( Ahfiit tor MINntiki-c llvilriullo Cvuiriit nliJ yulncyMillo l.lmv. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwooii Lumber , Wooil rnrrutu itiul 1'nrguot rioorliu pth unit lr Fflllllnory nnd NotlonsT "i. OBERFELDER".v'co. . . Importers & Jotihers in Millinery & Notions 3H. Ill ) nllil S15 South llth "tri-l-l Ovornila. _ , CANFTELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcnns runts , hMtts , Kte Ilinnnit 1104 Uouitlai Street , Oinnlm. .Sph , Noti'ona. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods l l nniHJJHnilh ICtli Pt .Omaha. Oils. "CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE co. , Wholsale Reflned and Lubricating Oils , I Axle Oreaso , Etc. , Ouiaba. A U. Blihop , Mntiana VINYARD & SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , lllttllamor Streut. Omaha. Paints and CUMMINCS" & NEILSON , Wliolc-iilo IK'iilcrs lit Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , 1IH l-'irniim Slicpt. OmahaNob. . Paper. . Wl * % 'VMA. * ' wv4 w rf > CARPENTER Wholesale Paper Dealers , furry finite Mock of rrlntlnc , Wrapplnir nnrt Wrltlnl 1'itfUr. Bi'uclttlattuntjoamvon loinr lo J nnli-r ) ' Papbr" _ . " „ JOHN L. WILKE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Kos 111 , und 131'J ' Dou lm Bt.Omulia , Nab , Sjsh , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROV { , CO. , " Wbolesalo Munur eturern of Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Tlranch tQra ( , iiii and Izurd Slrt-eta , Omaba , Neb. V BoTTivTMANUFAtrrURING CO. I Manufacturers of Sash. Doors , Blinds , uldlnL" . Stair Work and Interior Hani Woo-t K1B an. N. U.Coriivr * < ili and lAiiiveunorthblruetc , i. _ Omaha. Sjuti. _ J OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. . liajafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors And llllniU , Turnlnc , Ptalr-woili , Hank and OSIco Kit , _ tlntf < . 'Jitli mid I'oppUton ATumio. _ / _ Printers' Materials. _ " ' "WESTERN NEWSPAPER'UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , Dvalcra In Tyre , I'reoes and Prlntcri' Supplies. 601 South inbSlreel.em tia. Goods. ' " OMAHA RUBBER CO. , 311 Clothing und leather Belting. MOB Faroam Slrti Steam Flttlnse Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRANd CO. Pumps , Pipes and Engines. iteam. Water , Hallway nnd Mlnlnit Riippllci , Etc. VU , Vti and KM Iarnnm Htruct , Omalia. CTTUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Piunps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Wilier Bnppllci. TTeadqnarter for Malt , Fuont ACo' tooda. 1111 I arnnm M. , Omaha. ' U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Ualllday Wind Mills. ( IWand KMFarnam Hl.,0ui h . K U. K , Ho i , Acting Manager , ( ft BROWNELL it CO . , Gnsines , Boilers and General Machinery- Sheet Iron Work Steam Pumps , Maw MIMi. l.c Vf nwnrlli Sir gl. Omaha. Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL * CO. . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden SeeJ 911 and ill1Jone SlrPt.t Onmlm. Storage , Forwarding & Commlsalor ARMSTRONG. PETTIS is CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission- , rnnch liiMinniif th Ilcmii-y llucgr Co. Ilii ilcial trUuloaleund retail. LtM IllOand H12 hard Mreut. paiuba. Tclnpbono No.'M. _ l Sm kc Stacks , Bollors , Eto- " ' H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Static UrltcbliiL' " . Tanka nnd ( k't.onu Holler Ucpalrim ; * uU DudtfR Mrppt , OmHtiii , Neb * _ Browora STOR2 & Lager Beer Brewers , IKl North Elethtecnth Elraet , Oinulia. > ( b. _ A " Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice * John Kpcnutor. 1'roprlctnr. VM Dmluft and 1XI ( und IN North 10th tftrout , ( nnilia . Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS. Carter I. f on , I'rop * Manufacturers of all kinds Steam Boilers , Tan'is and Sheet Iron \M \ \ Vorkoutli .Vth and II. 4 M. Cronlne. 1'AMON A , VIRKMNO IKON WOIIKH. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Kni-lnun , Ilran Wurlc Conetal Kounilrr , Mno'iluo ' unJl llUtktinltli W ik oillie and Wuiks , I ) . 1 * . Hr. nnd lull Mrert , Oravlu. t ' OrvTAffA WIRE & IRON WC5RKS , * Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Doik llalli , Window Uunrd' . Klower tanduVlr t-Uiu.Ktu. Ul North K.tli Hlngt , Oinulia , OMAHASAFE and IRON Man'frsofFire&BurglarProofSafes ' - Vaults , Jail Work , Iron and Wlra Kenclni , Alcns. Ktd. U. Andreen , Prop'r Cor. I Ita aad Jai ktuu bli , CHAIyTPION IRON and WIR"E"wbrm3 Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Screen * , Inr hunk * , otnc e . lor . raildeqrei , etc/ i d AwnloK' . 1 eikinnib Mtcblnerr ant lllatkimlth Worlis. Wlt-uutl4 Utb tU. LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Gnnomt Az ut for Diolb'a S f TaulU ui-J Jali W U , Uli l'ata lt t , O Ait ,