Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Olobuloa of Thick Bltumon
Ejected From a Cnvo.
Tlio "hltllo llrll" of Venr/.tioln An
NtltiK IjrtiiT l-'riini the United
Suites Consul nt Mnrnuallio
AiiHtrnllan Wool.
Itlch III Asnlinlt.
, luly S ( Special to Tnr.
-A very Interesting letter has been re
ceived ut the department of tule from United
States Consul I'luinaohcr , located lit Mur-
ncalho , Venezuela , on the subject of nsplmlt
-ond petroleum in that country. Mr I'lu-
niachcr , in spunking of the putroluum de
posits in the country hu represents , pives a
racy sketch of some remarkable phenomena.
Jlo miysi
"J'hat part of the department Colon sit
uated between the rivers nnd Santa Anna ,
Zullu and the Sierra and Columbian frontier ,
is very ilch in asphalt nnd petroleum. Thu
Information which wo have legardlng thin
extensive mid Interesting section , which is
an uninhabited forest , is derived chiclly from
.the t cpoi Is of the searchers for balsam co
ftalbu , which abounds In this region , although
the following data are tukun from the
personal obsurvutions of un American gen
tlemen who made a special explora
tion. Near the Hlo do Ore , and nt the foot of
the Sierra , there Is very curious phenome
non , consisting of a horizontal cave , which
constantly ejects , In the form of large glo
bules , u thick bitumen. These globules ex
plode nt the mouth of the cnvo with a noise
BUlllciunt to bo heard a cousuleiublo distance ,
and thu albumen , forming u slow current ,
lalls finally into u largo deposit of the sumo
substance near the The terri
tory bounded by the rivers Xuha , Untntumbo
'nnd Cordillera is rich in deposits and Hews
Of asphalt und petroleum , especially toward
the soutli , where the latter is very ubundant ,
At a distance of a little more than seven kil
ometers from the confluence1 of thu rivers
Turn and Surdlnete , thuro Is a mound of
Bund of fiom twenty live to thirty feet in
height , with an are.i of ubout threu thousand
pciuntc feet. On Its surface are u multitude
pf cylindrical holes of different si/ns which
eject with violence streams of petroleum und
- hot wutcr , eausng a noise ciiuul to that pro
duced nj two or three steamers blowing off
simultaneously , for u long distance from
the Kite of this phenomenon thu ground is
covered or impregnated with petroleum. Thu
low explorers for eapabiu , who have
Visited the place , c.tll It thu infernito ( little
hell ) . Among other items it is stilted that
' from nno onl.of . these streams of petroleum
\vus filled in nno niinuto a receptacle of the
cupai Ity of four gallons , which for one hour
jvould bo 'JIO gallons , or 5,7iHJ gallons in
twenty four hours ; und oven supposing this
' calculation to bo somewhat exaggerated , the
. fact remains that such u considerablu nuiu-
bur of petroleum Juts in constant uutivo oper
ation must produce dully an enormous quan
tity This petroleum is of excellent
fluulitj , with a density of eighty-
, three decrees , which is n sulllcient
, prude for foreign markets. Considering the
1 ImmeiiHU amount of inllunnnublu gases which
* must bo givun out by the Hews and deposits
ot poll oleum described above , It may bo
easily believed that this bus u direct bearing
upon the phenomenon known .since the con
quest as tlio 'I'.iro' of Maracalbo. This can-
Gists of constant lightning , without explo-
, Bion. whicli may bo observed towarit the
southward from the bar , at the entrance to
the lake , und which liodum , in bis gcotr-
' 'frnph.V , explains us being caused by thu va
pors iirislng from the hot water swamps sit
uated ubout one league to the eastward of
ihe mouth of the I : cal.into river , ut the
southern extremity of the h.ko. In the do-
r partmunt Sucre , ut the foot of thu mount-
3iinb , are.found various cropptngs of nsplmlt
" > &nd loul. Near thu mountains , and not far
.froui the river Torondoy , there nro various
flows of a substunco which appears to bo dis
tinct Troin either asphalt or petroleum. It in
li liquid , of n black color , with little density ,
and strongly Impregnated with carbonic ncnl ,
&ml its apparent identity with u biibstancu
" biut with In tlic United States among the
great anthracite deposits leads to the belief
" that there also maybe iliscovetcd formations
of that valuable mineral. "
The last special or Gullotln edition of the
United States eounsulur reports , issued nt
the department of stuto this week , contains
n lengthy and carefully prepared statement
bn the subject of Auslrilusl.ui wool from
United States Consul Grifllnu Sydney , New
South Wales. It Is stated upon the author
ity of u democratic member of the liouso that
this report was prepared for the purpose of
fnntcinp nn impression upon congress in the
Discussion of the Mills tariff bill , but the Hg-
* urcs produced by it form nn argument
tigainsl thu adoption of the free wool clause
In the tariff bill. Thuro uro two sets of tub
ular stutemunts in this report. One of them
r'contains the value of thu wool produced in
. Australia from 1VP.3 to 1SSS , while the other
, plvcs un exhibit showing thu export of
wool to thu United States from
lelbourno for each season since 1871.
.tU'p appreciate the meaning of these figures It
phould be stated upon the authority of dcui-
* ocratic meiabctsof the liouso committee on
ways nnd means thut Australian wool is
{ Vrorth ubout ! ! 3 per cent more than the artl-
tplc piodnccd In the United States. One of
'Hho arguments offmed by thu democrats In
laver of free wool is , that the Australian
vool is finer than that In the United States ,
ind that it is necessary in thu manufacture
if goods from thu product of the United
Mates. This report shows thut the average
miunct of wool in Australia during the last
itxtcu.ii years was worth KM,70JU. " > U a year.
J2neh halo averaged u little over $ " > $ In
American money , ami dui ing Iho lust year
mo firm exported from the single port of
Uclbourno IH.WW bales to the United Stntos
t Is shown fmthcr , in this report , that the
otal number of sheep In the United Status
luring the period omhruLcit has increased
rom nineteen millions to ovwsixtj millions ,
vhlle the Increase hi the Australian export
if wool to thu I'tilled Stntes during the same
> oriod has doubled , thus showing that our
mpolls of wool are Increasing quite us nip-
idly us our increase in flocks of sheep , not-
ivltht-tunding the duty now levied on foreign
wool This is a clour demonstration , proven
by dei.ocrutie figures , that despite the in-
crous.e in our floeits of sheep our demumlb for
raw wool nru growing more rapidly than the
products. Farmers will lead \\ith interest a
coinp.i l on between tlio prices of wool In
.Austra ui nnd the United States. 'While the
Ordinary unwashed wool was commanding UJ
Cents this spring in our markets , Iho Aus
tralian wool , quoted us "good UVOIMIU , frco , "
ut 111 cents or If- cents , whilu the "mcillurn , "
Which thu dcmocnitle members of the house
are proclaiming us far superior to
the host American guide , is quoted
at from 14 to IS cents a pound , or from 7 to
7K pence. The "good average ' washed and
picked Australian wool is quoted ut from I ! . '
to 14 pence , or ' M to 25 cents , u pound in Aus
tralia , and the s-amo grade of American wool
is at the snmit tunu quoted in the American
inarketi at 3J cents a pound. To appreciate
Jtccnl ; the comparison pf thesM tlgure.s , the
Irnilor should mid nbput 3.1 per cent to the
Jlgun i on Australian wool , il ho would rre-
CKiilu' the nrKUincntsthudcmocrut.s nru inuk-
jng nr w In the house. It can readily bo seen
bow r ueh L'hoai-or than Amenc'ins thu Aus
tralians will lay down wool In American mar
kets rf wool Is placed on the free list by tl.o
, yo or the Mills bill , "
" the democrats "in congress arc claui-
Orlng for free trade and declanni ; that the
markets of the United States uro being Im
poverished so far as the export trade Is eon-
corned , and ate contending that tliuonly way
to incic.isu the demand for our surplus is to
fcstftb' ' sli ( roe i-ominorelal Intercourse will
v * U nations , thuto 'iro several countries whlcl
tsvoherctofoio furiilshod the market for
ur raw materials that are engaging In open
Ing un their own Holds for the purpose o
, huttintr out thu American > lold. Kor manj
Jean. I , usala 1ms been one of tlio most cov
§ ! ted lnVcfHOf Anierlcan raw cotton. lur
Inp the past decade a number of the cotton
lannufai'turers of New Knplmid have pena to
the ci itntry of the Wlilto Tsur and cstab
Itshcd fuetorli's. Thrco or four largo cottoi
inlll * Invp recently been jmt to wont on tlm
jtppva near St. 1'etorsburir. while sovcrn
&av > born Cbtubllshod on tbo Volga aboil
Jloncw nnd Kljnt Novgorod. These lmvp l
consr.iiod Amonc.iu cotton ulisosl cxclu
Mvcly Russia has recently not only In-
crea ed her taxes on Imports but has estab
lished taxes on a number of her imports ,
notably cereals. And now comes the in
formation from our consul at St , Petersburg
that the Russian government has Just
opened her much-talkcd-of Trans-Caspian
railway , which Is over 1.3SO versa In length ,
or about 000 miles It Is a military road , It
is true , but one of the principal objects in
the construction of this road by the Uussiuii
government is to open the door Into the great
cotton fields of Central Asia The tsar
hopes to produce even more cotton from his
own soil than will bo required by the manu
facturers of bis country. It Is the money 61
the Russian empire that has built this road ,
nnd it will bo the empire's money which will
establish n system of Irrigation. Intended
to mak" the hot plains and deserts'
In Central Asia productive of rotton.
All this tends to not only cut of un import
ant market for raw materials from the
United States , but also the market for our
manufactured articles. ' 1 hero was imported
into Russia last , \ear 10COJIK,0 pouds ( the
pouds are thlitjsix pounds ( costing WiW ( < ) ,000
rubb'cs , or $15,000.0 )0. ) As the great bulk of
this comes from the United States It will be
seen that the opening of this cotton-produc
ing region of Russia , and the establishment
of ptoeesses for irrigation , is n very serious
matter to the United States. It can bo seen
also trial If the United States had free trade ,
or anything that approached free trade , the
cotton industries of this country would at
once bo closed out. In Central Asia and
other portions of the Russian omplio where
It is proposed to produce cotton and compete
with the southern states of America the very
best grades of common labor can bo procured
at from 30 to 71) ) roubles per day , or ! . " > to li.'j
cents a day for each man , and about half
that amount for each woman , and the la
borers in that country work from I o'clock In
the morning till ' . ) o'clock nt night Russia
Intends to do even more than this for the
purpose of competing uith the. United
States mat kets. blm is projecting the con
struction of n great railway across Siberia to
the 1'acillc ocean. The explorations by the
surveyors and engineers huvo already begun.
It is proposed to bring into competition with
tlio United States the immense resources of
Russia's oxllo country , which ulonu is larger
than all of tha United States , and where the
empire employs exile or pauper nnd criminal
labor. It would not be n wholesome reflec
tion to anticipate the romH | > titlon of a coun
try like Russia with her luoiUOU ) ) ( ) souls ,
with her serfs , slaves and ignorance combin
ing to wlpo out the thrifty industrial Inter
ests of America.
Eugene Hipgins , tbe Haltlmoro ward
striker , who achieved so much notoriety in a
short time as appointment clerk of tlio treas
ury department , and who gave out to the
press that ho was tired of public lifo and do-
sircd to enter into private business , has been
spending a good deal of his time recently in
Washington. Higgins is a very fair sample
of a class of cheap politicians who were
brought into prominence by this administra
tion and proving unsatisfactory wore thrown
overboard after a brief trial and permitted to
sink out of sight. A year ago the name of
Illggins appeared In almost every newspaper
In the country , daily , and the people about
Washington were inclined to think that he
was for all time to como tin influential citizen
of the United States. Immcdiatelv after hu
letired from bis oftleo ho returned to his po
litical haunts uroiin.1 Baltimore and the cap- !
al of Maryland and began to cngago
n that species of small polities
vhieh has given him a political hand-hold
ipon the rough classes in his native otate.
t is said that Higirms is desirous of securing
mother place under tlio administration , and
fiat he 1ms boon soliciting his friends in
congress to help him out Senator Germans
s reported to have loft Higgins to "sink or
swim" some time bcfoio the latter loft the
rcasury department , nnd he linds himself
vithout any of that political influence he
ilmself boasted of possessing onlv a lew
nonths ago to a degree which enabled him
o control Maryland politics. Hero is a man
vho less than a year ago was running the
lolltics of the treasury with n hich hand ,
ticking men out of office and thrusting
otheis into places with that neglige which
lecomos old politicians of omnipotent power ,
vlulo to-day bo is himself hustling around
or n place , nnd is unable to command oven
the slightest inlluoncc.
Action to lie Taken hy tlicIU-otlicrliood
to Protect Innocent Men.
CHICAGO , July b General Manager Stone ,
of the Chicago. Uurlington kc * Quinoy road
was seen to-night and questioned regarding
.ho dynamite conspiracy. Ho says that the
road is bound to make a case against the
conspirators already arrested , and perhaps
others who are under strict .surveillance ,
He says the road wants no dealings with
LJrothcrhood locomotive engineers , neither
lo they propose to bo molested by its mom-
l > crs. What was n great conspiracy , ho says ,
lias been broken up and loss ot liio and prop
erty Imvo been averted.
Chairman Hoge , In an Interview , says :
"If the railroads , through thu dictation of
Lbo Uurlington , arc ready to declare open
war upon the brotherhoods wo arc ready for
them , It is claimed that wholesale arrests
ire to be made of men who were prominent
in the recent strike when Stone , of the 15ur-
llncton , gives the word. I have said before ,
and I say It again , that if any such thing oc
curs every road In Chicago will bo tied up
within thirty-six hours , "
Dyspeptics rejoice in the mild'yot
ortiiin action of TAIWAXT'S SKLTK'KU
Howe's now London shows , by far the
Inrgost of till ton-cent circuses' , arrived
in Omaha , this noon , and will open to
il t ht nt 18th nnd Ulmrles streets. They
remain six days.
Dr. IlnmiltonVnrron , MagnotioPhy-
bician und surgeon , lloom 3 , Crounso
block , cornur 10th , tind Cupitol avenue.
Chronic and nervous ilisuusoa n special
ty. Telephone (111. (
l > rn\riii Good Cro\vd4 find Giving
Good 1'oiToriiintice.s.
Howo's ten-cent circus is receiving de
served patronage. H Is located on the
corner of Eighteenth and Charles streets In
the northern part of the .city. How
it is possible to giva as good
n performance for 111 cents as the company
dues is the wonacr of all who have attended.
The riding , athletic performances , lunnj
clowns , trick animals and all the amusing
accessories of the higher-priced circuses are Ube
bo scci. beneath thu canvas of tins low pneci
but meritorious circus. Their intcntioi
i = t to remain hero for two weeks at least.
After satisfjiiig the amusement loving popu
laeo of North Omaha thoj wdl strike a loea
tlun In the southern end of the city. Those
who have no * attended thould certainly go
Care for the Children
Children ( eel the debility ot the changing
seasons , oven more than udults , nnd they become -
como cross , pcovlsh , and uncontrollablo.
Tlio blood shutild bo eloaiif cd and tlio system
Invigorated by the U5c ot Hpod's Satsaparllla.
"Last Spring my two children were vacci
nated. Soon after , they broke all out with run-
nlngsores , so dreadful I tUeuu ! ; ; i should lose
tbcin. Hood's Sarssiiatllla cured t.licjn cota-
plctely ; Kr > < \ they | ia\o been healtliy n\cr
since. I do feel that Hood's Himparlll.i
s\\d ray thlldrcn to inc. " Mlts. C. L.
TnojirsoN , West Warren , Mass.
Purify the Blood
Jlocd's SiMaparllU Is characterized b *
thrco peculiarities : 1st , the combination o !
remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion ; 3dtho
proeen of securing the 'irthe medklnal
qualities , The result Is a incdklno of unusual
ircngth , cDccllng cures liltlictto unknown.
tJciut for book containing additional cvlilenco.
' 'Hood's ' Sars.irarll'a tones up my system ,
purifies my blood , sharpens mv nupctlt * . and
pecnn to make mo o\er. " J. ) ' . TitOJirsoN ,
Jieclitcr of Deeds , Lowell , itass.
"Hood'i Sarsaparllli Items nil others , anil
\rorih its weight in fild. " I. D.VIIU GTOM ,
.W IJauli titrcej , New York City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all drugrMta. ' ' sl * tor 5.Mr.di
only by C. / . HOOP ft CO. , LovroVi , WMI.
100 DoayBB Ono DoHar.
Dos Molnos Turns the Tables on St.
Paul's Apostles.
Milwaukee Administers n Terrible
Dulihliig to the Corn Hunkers
Minneapolis Goes to Wlilto
Hear Lake to Play.
Deq .Molncs 4 , St. Paul O.
ST. Put. , July S. ( Special Telegram to
fur. HIT. J Oes Molncs turned the tables on
ho home team In to-day's game , giving It its
Irst shut-out of the season on the home
grounds This result was accomplished by
the superb pitching of Cushman , who held
ho homo team down to two safe hits. Sow-
lers albo pitched nn excellent game for the
lomo feam , but was unfortunate In that the
our hits made oil his delivery were all soured -
; ured in the same Inning. The St. Paul
> oys hit the ball oftencr and harder than did
hu Huwkoyes , but were wholly unable to get
hem out of the reach of the les Molncs
lelders. Fully three thousand people wit-
icsscd the game. The ? coic :
St. Paul 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ucs Moine-s. . . .0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 * 4
Knrncd runs les Molncs . Two-base
ills I'ickctt , Komler , Double plays
lellly , Shafcr and Morls oy , Carroll and
{ cutler , Stearns and Qumn. Hascs on balls
Mornsscy. Veach , Shafcr ( Dos Molacs ) ,
Stearns. Hit by pitcher Quinn. Struck
out Hy Sowders 10. by Cushman 7. Wild
litehcs Sowileis 1. Hasos stolen Uy
Jnlnn. ( . Left on bases St Paul 3 , Dos
Moincs 1. Time 1:2o. : Umpire Fessenden. City 1U , .Minneapolis li.
ST. PACI , , July S. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BinJ ; Manager Goodlng evaded the
njunetion restraining him from playing ball
n Minneapolis by t ran f erring the gumo
clicduled for to-day to the grounds at White
.Icar lake , and it was a great success , the at-
cndanco being fully 2uOU. The Cowboys
coined to bo able to solve Klopp's pitching
n an easy manner and at opportune times ,
nd were assisted by disastrous errors on
ho part of the Minneapolis men , The game
vas without feature. Score :
Minneapolis 0 1 1000000 2
vnnsasCity ' 3 0 0 1 3 0 2 'J * 10
IJaso hits Minneapolis 8 , Kansas City 10.
Errors Minneapolis , Kansas City 3.
Earned runs Minneapolis 1 , Kansas Citv 5.
Two-base hits Hawes. Three-base hits
Jartwright , Curtis , Johnson. liases on
Mils Oif Klopp 1 , oft Swart/el 1. Struck
out Hy Klopp ! ! , by Swart /nl 0. Passed
balls Gunson. Wild pitch Klopp 1. liases
tolun Jovno (2) ( ) , Manning Left on bases
Minneapolis 5 , Kansas City fi. rust base on
en ors Minneapolis 2 , Kansas City 3. Time
.33. Umpire Powers.
Milwaukee 1O , Siouv City-1.
Mn.w VUKKC , July S. [ Special Telegram
o Tnc Hit.J : The second Milwaukee-Sioux
3ity game was plaved in a druzling rain
o-day. The ball was wet and hard to nan-
He. Nevertheless Grifllth , Milwaukee's now
litchcr , pitched a line game. Harkncss was
in easy target for the locals , and they hit
inn bard , often and sequentially. 13oth sides
leldcd brilliantly at times , though a number
of errors were made the result of wet
grounds nnd a wet ball. Milwaukee made
hreo runs in each inning for four innings.
The score :
Milwaukee 3 n 3 0 3 0 1 2 1 10
Sioux City 2 0001 1000 4
Kurned runs Milwaukee 10 , Sioux City 1.
Hascs on balls-Oft Grittlth 5 , oft Harkncss
4. Struck out Lowe , Whiteley , Litzl ( ) ,
Force , Genius (2) ( ) . Harkncss (2) ( ) , Two base
hits McAlccr , Lowe , Mills , Whitoloy ,
Force. Three base hits -Strauss. Double
iilays Force to Pranter to Litz. Passed
kills Mills 2 , Pranter 1. Wild pitches
Gnlllth 3. Uuiptic Urcnuan ,
Htilit Prevented tlio Gamo.
Fifteen hundred people were disappointed
yesterday afternoon. About that number
went out to the ball park pcspltc the ominous
clouds that were gathering , to bee the
Omahns and Chicagos play. 13oth teams
were on band nnd Indulged in preliminary
practice , but rain commenced to fall before 4
o'clock , and the game was postponed. It will
be placed this aitcrnoou.
Too Much Uain.
MILWAUKEE , July 8. The Western associ
ation is on its lust legs and it is supposed that
it will disband shortly. Kansas City is said
to bo the only club ahead this season , lialny
weather is given as the cause of the em
barrassed condition of the association.
Yesterday's AVIiinora In the American
CINCINNATI , July S. Result of to-day's
game :
Cincinnati 0 4
Athletics 0 0001000 I
KANSAS CITV , July 8. Re.sult of to-dny's
Kansas City 0 2
Haltimoro 0 1
ST. Louis , July S. Result of to-day's
game :
St. Louis 1 3
Brooklyn 1 00001002-
Loimviw.E , July S. Result of to-day's
game :
Loutsvlllo 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3
Cleveland 0 00000000 0
Newport II , SpriiiKvlow O.
NnwrouT , Neb. , July 8. [ Special to Tnn
Biu. : ] The most exciting game of ball over
witnessed in the northwest occurred July 4 ,
between the Newport and Springview clubs
nt Sprmgviow , Neb. The Nowports won by
a score of H to 9. Up to the ninth inning
the Springviow willow wielders secured only
two runs. In this inning thu Nowports had
n passed ball with the bases full which was
held in the crowd and decided a blocked ball ,
and three runners passed over the homo
plate. The excitement became intense , the
crowd surging onto the diamond from both
sides. Four more scores were made owing
to the players being unable to Held the ball
on account of the crowd , which the marshals
wore unable to keep baei ; . Several hundred
dollars changed hands on thu result of the
game. The game was for n purse of $100.
Democrats Good Halt
VALENTINE , Neb. , July S. [ Special Tele
gram to TIJE UhE 1 A very exciting game
of base bull was played hero to-day between
the two political parlies , the score standing
It ) to 7 in favor of the democrats , The game
was witnessed by an linmniiso audience , who
encored the playing Of their respective par
ties in the most cnthu-iastio manner. Ray
and Harnc.v were the uattery for the demo
crats and Vcrrlnstoti and U'.itson for the
republic : ; : ; s.
International Shooting Festival.
NKWAIIK. , N. II. , July S. The ( list inter
national shooting festival vail commence to
morrow and continue during the entire week
Several maiksmeh from Europe are ex
pcctcd to participate.
Tlie MnrltioroiiKlis.
LoS'noN , July S. The Dnko and Duchess
of Murlborouh arrived at Quconstown today -
day on the steamer Auranl.i. They will pro
ceed to Woodstock , where they will remain
until the end of Autumn , when they will rq-
turn to America.
To buy Kccdnil-ljand furiutiirn for cash.
A.V. . UIWAX ,
UKi N , Ifith.
The mcssag" boxes of .TltK BIK : nre
proving .a great convenience to the
JMoHc.- _ _
If you want u good vurrhitfo or bugg
cheap , } jo to
SuuvsOX's , llO'Jnnd ' 1411 nodse 9t.
Alioni lllrylco IJov.
"Wo have more orders tlmn we cnn
fill , " # ! iltl a luiiiTTni ; rcfricorntor mnnu-
fnclurcr to a No Vtirlc Mall ami Kv-
iircss rcortor ] ) ; , "tliut Is , unless wo
increase our workfnjj force very
larycly. "
Twenty yours pco , nnd t-von lefe. " . tlio
ordinary rofrltfoViitor usuivlly consisted
of a rntlior iiriruitive-looldng wooden
box , rtornotiinud mounted on four clubby
le s and lined with /Jiue. No particular
pluco was nHsltrned for tbo ice. aud It
was tfuncrnlly plai-cd upon the bottom
of the chest.t'Neither were there
any Mich thiiir > fe As cotnparltnontH ,
and provistoiH of every do-
boription were 'deposited promis
cuously upon wooden shelves , with the
Inevitable result that they absorbed
each other's odnrs , smell nnd taste to a
very unpleasant' extent. These crude
refrigerators were to urioritNfnelory
that it soon became the endeavor of
American Inventive ttilent to improve
upon them , nud .so decided hns been the
sucoeis of elTortS in this direction that
to-day the old-time leo-ehcbt 1ms for the
most purl either been used for lire wood
or disposed of to some dealer in bocond-
liarid furniture. A p'ciU advance was
made by the use of the upright refrig
erators , with separate compartments for
ice nun provisions and interior arrange
ments tfmt secured comparative econ
omy of ice nud dry-cold air , but all the
manifold improvements may boaid
to have culminated in the
improved dry-air refrigerators inndo
use of in our best families
to-day. Ever since these money savors
made their Jir t appearance it bus been'
conceded to bo the modern and model
refrigerator , unsurpassable from every
point of view , and adapted to the needs
of nil ice consumers. A few of the dis- <
tiuctive advantages of this refrigerator
are : The extraordinary nnd uncqunled ,
preserving qualities and the best econ
omy in the use of ice , the remarkably
low and uniform temperature that can
bo maintained , nnd the great variety of
food that can be kept together , each retaining -
taining its own flavor. It has in addi
tion insulated nails containing perfect
dead-air spaces , the best known non
conductor of heat and cold. The very
latest improvements in this class of
goods consists of a double air space all
around , and tbo substitution of brass
handles for these formerly made of mal
leable iron.
Kcfrigcrntors as made nowadays are
built in a great variety of styles and
sizes , adapted to the varying require
ments of private families , hotels , res
taurants , grocers , butchers , provision
dealers and publicinstitutions. . They
range in price from 8 .75 to $ leO each
nnd nro in constant demand. The re
frigerator is purely an American insti
tution , and although having a tremend
ous sale throughout the union , they are
exported to all countries in largo num
bers , and the industry is increasing very
Tlio Uest I'aitl Writers.
A Now York 1 jttcr says : Hnrlnn P.
Ilalhcy , of this city , claims to bo the
best paid story writer. Not long since
he told mo ( tOorgciMutiroe was paying
him at the rate of 87,501) ) per year for
bK ' 'Old Sleuth"stories. . Among the
women writers Mrs. SJbuthworth leads ,
with Mary K. 13ryan a clo o second.
Mrs. South worth lias , something like
$7,000 per annum from the Now Yorlc
Ledger. The other lady , who caino not
so very long ago from below Mason and
Dixon's line , attracted the attention of
her present employed by her work on
the Sunny South , ircr pen yields her
about 80,000 a , yedr. Speaking of
the south Uioj'o is another lady
living there who makes a living writ
ing for northern weeklies , and her pen
is probably the most prolific in the busi
ness , but yet hlio does not earn ns much
as Maw E. Bryan. This is Mrs. 12.
Burke Collins , of New Orleans. 1 be
lieve the first paper on which she earned
money was the Now York Clipper , to
the columns of which she furnished sev-
or'il ' serials and many sketches. 1 have
known a serial from Mrs. Collins' pen to
bo running in the Now York Weekly ,
another in the Family Story Paper
and a third in the Saturday Night.
Besides , she furnished a sketch
weekly to the Family Story Paper and
also did other literary work. It is said
of Mrs. Collins that she has never boon
seen by any of her northern publishers.
Still another southern lady whoso ro
mances are highly popular with the
masses is Mrs. Emma Garrison Jones ,
who is employed by Mr. Norman L.
Munro. This lady is an invalid , and
has not left her home in years. Her
F.ilary is about equal to that of Mary E.
Bryan , and to earn it Mrs. Garrison-
Jones Is not required to write as much
as the former.
Lincoln null McClrllnn.
In the following paragraph from the
Century lifo of Lincoln an account is
given , from the diary o' Colonel Hay
'hinriclf , of an extraordinary incident of
the year 1S01 , which has given rise to
many rumors : The friendly visits of the
president to army headquarters wore
continued almost every night until the
13th of November , when an incident
occurred which virtually put an end to
them. On that evening Mr. Lincoln
walked aerojtf the street ns usual , accom
panied by one of his household , to the
residence of the secretary of stnto , anil
after ti short visit there both of them
went to General Meridian's : house ,
in II street. They wore there tolil
tliat the general ha'd gone to the wed
ding of an olllcor and wouhl soon ro-
turn. They waited nearly an hour in
the drawing room , when the general
returned , and , without paving any
special attention to the orderly who
told him the president was wailing to
see him , wont up stairs. The president ,
thinking his name had not been an
nounced to the general , again sent a
servant to his room and received the
answer that ho had gene to bed. Mr.
Lincoln attached no special im
portance to this incident , and , to far as
we know , never uskcd'nor ' received any
Burlington Burlington
Route Route
CB.ftO.ftR. CB8QRR.
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propsr.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past. - Mv' ,
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
explanation of it. Tint it wixs not un-
nntimil that he should conclude his fre
quent visits luid become irkiomc to the
general , mid that ho bliould discontinue
them. There was no cesiiition n ( their
friendly relations , though after this
most of their conferences were held ut
the executive immsion.
Howe's circus. lOc fahow. ISth uuiT
Charles .
) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Howe's circus. lOc bhow. ISth nnd
Tor .sale cheap for cash , lot 2 , block
C , Marsh laid. , with li story house , one
block south of Leuvenworth on "oth
nveiiuo. J.vo. D. COWIK ,
care of N. H. Falconer.
If vou buy
without getting
IIotigluiuT's prices
you will lose money.
Instructing Iilnle Hntlier.s.
Babyhood : Self-support in the water-
is bO easily accomplished that children
who are old enough to bathe alone in
ponds or nt the seaside should have the
"knack" of it explained until they
thoroughly and unmistakably under
stand it and have practiced it bullicienly
in charge of their elders to give them a
sense of assurance and sclf-rolianeo
when alone. It is not generally known
that a finger laid upon any lloating ob
ject , like a log , an overturned bout ,
or oven an oar , will sustain the
body iu smooth water suf-
lleiently for tlio head to bo
kept free for breathing and seeing.
Many persons are drowned because they
cxerl tbeninelves wildly when thrown
into the water suddenly , yet a boat half
filled with water , or with oven litUo
more than the gunwales above the sur
face , will support as many persons as
can got their hands on it , if they be
have quietly. A per on of perfect hclf-
) Kasossion , though not knowing how to
swim , would , in cases of accident , stand
a much bettor chance for lifo b.y resolv
ing to remain motionless , with sueh
support , and call until help came , than
would nn export sw'miner who should
' lose his hcad"aii'l lljundor around un
til his strength wr.s exhausted.
In this , as' in mi'iiy other things , the
best way to inst"uut u little i-hild is by
telling a story involving birch scones as
it is desired' impress upon the lis
tener , followed later by other stories
calculated to reach the sune end. until
the theory it , firmly lixed in the child's
mind ; then , when opportunities for
practical application come , to make the
mo-it of them. In no case should a fear
of the water bo allowed to impress it
self , except such as is based on the
swimmer's ) own recklessness or carclc.-s-
ncss. There is no knowing how soon
tlio occasion may come when parents
will bo unspeakably thankul for hav
ing cultivated a habit of self-possession
in their children at an early age.
The ability to on the back , with
no support , yet keeping the chin above
water , js not o easily acquired , yet it is
surprising how many boys and girls do
acquire it at a very early ago. In tills ,
however , much depends upon the si o
of tlio chest capacity relatively to total
weight of tlio body , as well as the set of
the head on the shoulders , and there
arc some who can not learn to lloat.
gives a Ravishing
Jy Fair Skin.
for the Face , Neck 11 ( nslnntlynppll
Amis & Hand. no Detection
, , ,
41S South l.'ttli Street.
ClIT / OOO Kloaant corner on St Mary' * KTB. !
tJ,3lJ\ i\.l\J tine liiruo luuim ot 9 ronniimnil batu
room ; Inruo shade tree * . aboiullful homo
Ol ff \ ( \ { \ Homo of s room * , bath room ,
, p 1 x.7\ "v/V / ntttc over whole liouio. lunno Iln-
nWicil In ( ink. kltclR'n nn < l np-'l.ilri Iiaril pine till-
Illicit In oil ; ' . * UO b.irrul tMtorn , furnucCi c llur ninKT
wliolti lieu u. built by tbe owiiur l iist liunt 111
llitn coiu pbuc , lot iVtxlsl ,
Ol C\ riCII tn ( irnnt on ( Iporpla avo. Homo
% p l\/tjv/v/nrril moms with all tbe mnilrrn Im-
provuuicnM. Thu nioit bentittrnl locution In tbuclty.
Cl iXMft Honsn vf 8 rooms llnlilit'il In > < 'll ( v
ff < Jill H'l'hiL' , on t from , lot In Mnr ir > inlillUon
nn urailo. ini scmili 2itli u\i3 , uoar Lot enwortliioiio-
tiulf ca&b A bis b ircnln.
OJ * - ? / ir | Wh 'l nr INaco. rn t trout , lot Krnilcd ,
,7f.OV'l/ultailo trro * . n .it ft room inttntir , ( jinl
well anil { 'Morn , bolide t'.nlnbiMl tnoak , built li } owner
unit llvo In It , bain ou lot. Tomu 3 tasb , b.u.iucu to
C ; I tC\ ( \ ll n cnm 1'Iaro. licino ! i rooin . wtll.
7 I.JJ rMi'ni cntt Inint , niuntel , termi 'n
i mil , bnl.inco iirranuril for.
Ctl fY ) llU'ennl biiriillnit lot In Omalm View.
VJ , vj it ) RiUciislibnluiiu > IO. per month.
Cl' rt/\f\ I'nlriuoiini I'laco , iilcucoltaKV Sroonis ,
( p'V 'vy rlHiern. well iunl coul bniiHe , - ft. above
rait el ci t tront. Terms t > to flWJ ( cash , bulano
V(1tV ( Inc bnlMInu lot Danl'cs add ,
room for two tott.ik'0 * .
C'l ; i'j.'rrj L'.ist front lot In lliin coin iilnce KUII4
jpwVilV7 fevl. very slqlitl ) , coud neighborhood
KOOd lion C9iulnjt np all around It. '
C""T f\\f\ Nuw clOK int 8 room timi'Knil modern
tT'JV'- ' - ' rnipnucmenls , lotnur WoolMoitti KDd
Vlrclnla avenue' . un y lornit.
C ! Inn I Sonlli Will * ! corner lot r.J fcrt on lOlli
' „ ; I , JUl&l , by ui feet deep. ' 1'iro rottiiBt'D on lot
coiling fl'yvi , riinri tor thri-o niorr coltimi'i , nhiido
tronvlblo k < Irotu l carlln .nnlniuiiibriiinr Terms
, baliiiK'O In 1 , U and t ! year * , a bl * ; bargain.
" > 'l'u 'Otlago Milrlon plate ! will put
J.'jul casli nlth Ituud take taunuers
street propcrtj.
418 South ISth Street.
State Line.
To ( ilnsgrjnv , Itclfast , Dublin and Liverpool
From Naw York Every Tuesday ,
Cub hi passage Wi and S'A areon'tng to location
of st.iw room. Kxcnr.slon WH to WJ.
Steera o to and trora Kuropo at Lowest Ilatoi.
AUSTIN 1IAUMV1N & CO. . Gen'l Agents ,
M llrouihvay. New Voik.
JOHN IHjEGlIN , Gon'l WiisU-rn AK * nt.
W Knndulpli Ht. , Chicago.
IIAKKV i : . MOOHIIS. Agent , Onmlm.
Reduced Cabin Hates to Ghit-gow Ex
Tlieiio lots are -JSvl W , ovorloulliiR tlio i Ity.nud
sitn.iti-d noartllB fai torle-t In Jloyd's mid. and
lltdfoid I'lni c.V. . > w 111 si-1 ! ctuy It' lots at J.'iJ
eath. Terms , JIO cush and } 0 pui moai'i
She Tried and Knows.
A leading cheinM of Neir Vork
tays : " No plasters ol > nch merit iw
Plasters h.ivecvur
the A lli-lo-plio-ros
before been jiroduceil. " They ure
a novelty heeame tlioy are not made
simply to kull cheap , they are the
best that Rcii'iice , skill and money
can produce , and will do what u
claimed fur them. Kor sprains ,
aches , weakness , lammies * , etc. ,
they me nncqnalcd.
4 Fullon Ht .KaniliiiVv.O , N'ov Sl.'ST
The AtblotJioros J1 tcr atut Ilka
in Kir II l ttin i 'i I i\et trlitl n < l r
fciHFfil jinny V.lli' ! Our ilriflnt
rat I iilii lrr ari' lUI iiit tin1 .tauio" but
I il.iu'l think K.UCI'V Irpnilnul inyiirm
anil rhniil I r In July , utM It Ji w Ixru
ralntul mucc , but II ilocn not pun muot
oil now MrIILH Mxniu.
CS-Sana o rents for lliclxuutlfiil cnlorci)7ilo ) *
ttirc Mixirhh Maidi'ii "
Oor npwT. ' . \ I.UOl'P * > t' ( 'All-
I'AfCJX OUTFITnltii c-nitltutlon.
drill Uctl > HQd full lofArtaktlnn About
- - an < l rtNlllrtf Mnri binChits. .
10 ' 111- i
nOS S. 15TH ST. , OMAHA , NKD.
CAPITAN , - . $300,000 ,
Loans Made on Real Estate ,
School.Cotinty nnd Municipal llonds Negotiated
WM. A. PAXTO.V , President.
W.M. 0. .MAUL , Vico-rrcsldent.
ALi'itr.D MIU.AKD. Treasurer.
WM. A. I'AXTON , IlKMitvT. Cr.AnKE ,
ItOIIT. I. . UA11MR1IS Al.Klir.ll MlLLAllU ,
Ol.O. C. HAIlKKIi.
Capital $ r > 00,000
Surplus , . 10 0,000
I1KHMAN KOUNTZK , President.
JOHN A. ruinuirroN , vice President.
r. II. DAVIS. CflHlilor.
W. H. MUGC1UIKH , Assltnnt Casnter.
To : ! < ! S. Sixteenth St.
P. Windheim
X ocilcz Irx
Paints , Oils , Varnishes
lioston. Mow. ; Kansas City , Sfo ,
Capital Surplus J
Thli * compiny has opOm-d an Omaha office and
iod tofnrnlsli money promptly ou lui-
city and faun propetty.
lii-atloiH bent away for approval.
d mid i > ulil ( or wit hout dolay.
.lilllN W. fllSir , Mnnaurr.
'M > h'outh I'Mi Ht , , 1'lrst Nutloual JJunlc.
rorncrof 10th nnd Tarnam Htrpets , Chamber of
lomtnvrce llulldlng.
Cimllnl Stock . ? 100,000
Liilhillty of SlocWiolders . 80UOUO
Klro per cent pMrt on rlepoult" , Imni ra 4e on rful
rctnlu unit | .ur "cc'untr , nole . vturrauti , Jtuas ,
nud liuiiJs | iurclia > uil.
JOHN I. Jlll.K" ,
AKIIltl'.W IIs. . ,
UK.\ lilt 1. . TllOMAJ.CniMtr ,
I10AI11) Ola rlUECTORii
John K Milei , Krnitui IIen OD ,
( -nniupl Cntnur. Julm II. Ki nt.
Anitrvrr lluiuwiiter , MorrliMotrliou ,
W A. ti lilbliou , ll n. K. ll rker ,
< ; < iv AlTln Kjundur > , Iuitfrl'riiiiul ( ,
Niir.unn A. Kulin , J.tnio Thorupiuu ,
K It. Juliiuon. . , Jouu lluiU ,
Uoo. 0. Hubble.
( gucccesors to John 0. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At Hip old Htand. HT ! 1'arnam fit. Ordeis b/
lelccruuh uollcltrrt nndpiomptly uttundrU
TdUpbouo to.No JJ
Tlio AhlanrtFchool Hoard Invfto rnncspoHd.
cnco aud nuplatlons on Heam heating iipp-riL1
tun furthelr tcliuol bnlldlnf. A/ldru
. . . . . . *
4. 4tliljiudK " * ' - ' - - *