7 I' ' THE .OMASA' DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. JULY 8 , ISSS.-TWELTO PAGES. Their , on p. City Passenger and Ticket Agent , r Salt Lake , the Dead Sea of America , is reached by the UNION PACIFIC direct. The UNION PACIFIC was first called the Great Take the UNION PACIFIC for Garfield Beach Overland Route. Soda Springs , Idaho , excelling all the Spas of the best Watering Place in the United States. the world , can be reached only by the 'OUIOVd NOINH UNION PACIFIC. QUIOVd I NOINR Aiuopeioi2aj | 0 } du } is adcung cq. SuioS jo The UNION PACIFIC is the only road running through thefamous Alpine Tunnel , 11,600 feet above the sea level. . & OlJIOVd NOIN n 9M1- A > poy ui SUILJSJJ pirn qjadns Popular excursions to San Francisco , Los Ange les , and other points in California , are run overthe UNION PACIFIC. I1' < x v e2 COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE , Latoat Nowa From All Parts of the State. PROVED UP ON HIS HOMESTEAD. Double Courtships A I'nlr of Buns K Astronomy A School Xcnolicr'a Contract July Fourth. The week just closed 1ms , on account , of general preparations for the observance and the propoy celebration for the glorious Fourth of July , beuu quiet , very quiet. Yet there are several occurrences worthy of note. Fo ? instance , from Armstrong , Neb. , comes the following chunk of information : A certain voter known hereabouts awn zealous illsoljilu of lluiM-hus recently proved up on Ills honiei'tfiid , neil having hocnred a loan on tlio piuno coju'hi'Icil to vuluhratu tlio uvunt , which lie cUil liy imrulmt-mg n kca of lioer mid u fmv klndiTi ! HplrltH to help tiartiiku ; they iloubtles * imrtnnk , for eitch claims ho kept per- feottysoDor while the rent got bleepy drunk. Adorn man "proves up" on a homestead It is in order to celebrate , and the custom of Inlying n ICK of boor and Inviting u few klu- tlic'il.spii'itb Is not new by any means. Indeed , cci'tuin voters who arc not " /eatous disciples of liacelius" have been guilty of the same conduct with far Iffs provocation. Another correspondent writes his country paper this choice paragraph : A friend Inform * us tlnit ho rerontlv observed two young men nnil two yonuu itullCH. onutof town , In n oniMiorsu Ijiiguy , dolliij n good lob of comtlng while going nloui ; the public highway , Jt wns'ii Bight worth seeing. It must have been. Ona good honlthy young man , tuul .a pretty , vivacious , plump young Ind.v out courting In a buggy , can fur nish a vast fund of amusement for a spcuta- lor , especially if tlio vehicle. Is constructed on tlio narrow Kaugo principle , 'i'ho reader who lins been so fortunate us to have soon ono or nlol-6 hiuideniH of this kind , can im- nglno what Jolly old sensations would creep pvor him when , Instead of ono couple , two exhibited Ihcinsnlvcs before his admiring giua. And all four in a ono horse buggy , loo. The "friend'1 mentioned was playing in great luck when s.vrotud behind a liunuli of eoHonwoods by the roaiUido ho witnessed this very iiitorciling cpUodo. A one Imo paragraph In items from 121k Creek rends us follows ABA Will lluwli'y 1 ( iiu still studies n'trounmy , Tim quciitlun is hereby propounded. Do you , William , still study astronomy I Or has the giv.it llrmament studded with stars , planets uobuliu ; etc. , proven too much for you ) Or have you decided to keep up your liiveatigatlon of things celestial , and what is iho condition of affairs on the iilnnet Mars ns regards the recent nominations for the presidency in this our glorious country us glgmillcd. to you by the btrango people who Inhabit the little pl.uiet said to 'resemble the baU of mud on which wo Tan you "mid the answer In the stars'1 mid inform us of Iho prevailing opinion on J upitor of thoclTfct the pnssngo of the Mills tariff bill would Imvo upon the infant industries of the luttii with belts around it to keep it from tailing to pieces ! If you have not decided \ cease , and Imvo not as yet ceased your uniblng tlio mysteries of spare you will con ic u favor on all of us by sending in your mnnusrilpt written on one side only , with your nnmt nUucued. not of necessity for pub lication , but us u guarantee of good faith. 1'Vom High Uldgo Is clipped Iho foilowingT .Mr , Nclxoa llmlm : : ) lus a wall and \vluil mill 'J Iiuvlnu will wiices quite uu imp.rjyj. Bi"iit on tlia hoinfstia'l , A . .vlnmill Is n valuable Improvement on n boniest sad ; Indeed , a good , tlrot-clus ? wind mill , well oiled , U n grant institution. VTIie.n not in use. . piu pliigvjler for the stock or a bucketful for culinary puriwses , a wind mill can be used as nn cniamont. It should b > ) IKiintcd whiUt with either red or blue tips in orlcr tobo.ivfiirdod with morotUuu ordinary interest. From Logan It Is learned ttmt : . In vldlinr ovir the oountrv wo find Jt very Unnl U r.tl across Dry CV OK. h'uno ot the liruliBi ; me completed at thU ilntu. TLi is oJvl AltlicuBh JouKlc&s true Ije the ] ) oradvcnturo of n iloubt. Hut it docs seem just u little bit improbable that anyone , man or woman , greafco'r small , should have nny trouble in fording a Dry ereolc. From the Grabow district comes the in formation that : .1. 13. Hover closed his term of school in the QiiibaxvilUtrlr-ton Krliluy. lie. has contracted lot iich thoHcliool thucjintni ; jvarat 150 per month. Hover toolc the contract too cheaply. Fifty pe.i month while seemingly a very liberal Hillary , is not enough by any means. During tlio fall season . ) . K. will walk homo each night with a. different pupil , whoso fond parents will insist upon his catechising the youngster In their presence after supper. Then when bedtime arrives they will put him in the spare bedroom , which has not been opened for niivity days , and ho will disrobe and climb in between a pair of cotton sheets which have not boon aired Kinco January ! ! ( ) , and will lay there mid shiver and wish ho was bank in York state. Then in the morning ho will wako up with a b.ul cold , and during the day will "c.ill ttb the lirat glass id spcllig1 and snec/o and Uorchoo for three weeks. Durinp hog killing tinio lie will dine , sup and breakfast upon tenderloins , spare-ribs ami BOUSO until he arrives at n condition when ho will bo ashamed to look a hog in the face. During Iho winter season ho will bo compelled to build his own llres in the morning two hours before school opens , ami in blizzard time will have to tie his pupils together witli a string and lead them through the storm , for which no subscription will bo started , because suuli action will by that time bo chestnutty. No , Hover , $ r > 0 is not enough. From Hooper It is learn that I'lsh nvu reported us being qultoplpntlful In tlio rlvor and thu lakes sincii the remitt rise In tlu > river , mid our local sportsmen nvo having considerable hport. .loo Caldwell captured a cattish Friday that weighed onty-tnrH.o pounds. As this is the first ilsh story of the season , nothing will bo said. Last woo ) ; this column contained several birth announcements. They were nil singles , and there was a raft of 1em , metaphorically speaking. Hut a now movement has bncn inaugurated. They nro coming in pairs. Listen to this from Srrlbnur. The. homo of Mr. and Mrs , ( ins II , linns wits iiiiulu lintipy Monda ) morning by the arrival ol a I'n 11 pair of t'.vln.s. a boy mid a girl. Tin-so may bo stylo.l Fresh Hun ? . Hlght hero it may not bo out of order to slate that In the future no new born infant will recuivo nny notice in this column hereafter unless ho or she is IKIT. twins. This single haiidod work mutt bo stopped. C. M. J. * SING UJj.\ KIT IRS. A mocking bird In Albany , Ga. , whistles the Uoulnngor march. A turtle has been found nt Knu Claire , Wis. , with the figures 1810 cut on its back. A sand spout 300 feet lilgh and about llfty feet In diameter was observed tiio other day during a storm upon the coast near Colleton , 3 , ( J. Sylvanla , Oa. has a stock of corn ten feet high , ami which contains seven well de veloped shoots , six of which huvo put out sihis. An autopsy on the body of Kelson Lee , who was kil'ed ' in Charleston , W. Va. , a few ilu.vs ago , showed that his heart was situated , on the right fe.de of bis brtiut. ; T. II. Stewart , of Smyrna , Ga , , owns a cat witlrthrce kittens. A young rabbit was given her to eat recently , but instead , she 'adopted it and is rearing it as carefully as Ii it had been ono of her Kittens , The other day thrco colored men at Charleston , S. C. , captured u monster soft- shall turtle which wuighed 30-5 pounds. Its brad was several si/.cs larger than an ordi nary man's , and its mouth was enormous. A dry goods merchant In Nowville , Cum berland county , Pennsylvania , dreamed one night last week that ho was soiling and meas uring olT great quantities of dress goods , and f-o realistic was the dream that ho actualy tqro the sheets of the bdtl Into pieces. Muttliew . Soduiau , an eccentric old man who died nt Terre Haute , Ind , , last week , was burled In a colUn which for twenty-live years lie had kept In hU bed roopi. The monument over his grave was erected ac cording to bis orders fully thirty years ago , \V. J' . Heaves , a chicken fancier , ofVost - ville , Coun. , has a 1'lymouth Hook hen that has jutt laid r.n ccg measuring T3 < inches ono . way and 1 > K tbo other. lusluo of it-was an. other perfect e x , s" and.all , ana so far U boats the season's record for ovarian mon strosities. There is u very remarkable npple tree in nockingham county , South Carolina , it is said , which has berne fruit for a number of years , but has never been known to b'o.- som. The fruit , while resembling an npp'e in size and general appearance , tastes like u pineapple. Henry Gary , of Key West , Fin. , has a novel shaped potatoo. Standing at a distance of six or seven feet ono could not tell it from a wild duck which hail been deprived of its body feathers , and to make the de lusion inoro perfect ho had inserted a few tail feathers , A curious monstrosity of Vienna is a girl who. though born February 15 , 1S71 , has lived only in the cradle. She has a sound constitution , but has never outgrown the physical or mental stature of a suckling. She utters only inarticulate sounds , has all her teeth , but never masticates , often sleeps two clays and nights at a time , and has never risen. Jim Hlovins , living near White Rock , Tox. , killed a very largo chicken sniiko a few days ago , mill noticing the snake's body was un usually largo mid ill-shaped , made an incision nml found it to contain a largo cow horn , and In the horn a largo rat. It , is supposed that the snake chased the r.it into the horn , and to secure the rat swallowed the horn. From Birmingham , Ala , , , comes this cerio tale of u snake. Otto Franks , eight years old , In trying to pet a big rattlesnake , was bitten below the knee , but by use of proper remedies apparently cured of the bite. Soon , however , lie b 'gun to crawl and writhe in the most snake-liko fashion , and -kept it up witli short intervals of quiescence until ho tiled. tiled.Yet Yet another "sea serpent" has been heard from , this time from Alpena , Mich. , whcro it is reported that people living along Thunder Hay have been terrified by the appearance of n monster snake. It was llrst discovered in a potato Hold , at a little distance inland , but afterwards , according to the story , was seen to "go over the ground as lively ns a horse , and glide Into the hay. " It is reported from Detroit that a hid named Frank Ualloy , sixteen years old , has Kuril a mania for thrusting pins ami needles into the right sldo of his face and neck that It has become necessary to Mind him to the lunatic asylum. At the time of his departure ho had from thirty to forty pins buried to the head in his cheek , besides an unknown number of needles that were out of sight , The Greensboro ( Oa. ) Sun says ; Mr , J. II. H. Hrown , ono of the most prosperous farmers of the Vcn/.o.v neighborhood , laid upon our table a curiosity in the shape of an egg. The egg was not unnaturally largo , but at the small end It was raised In tlio shupo of u serpent. The reptile was per fectly plain , seeming to lie called around It. The head , oye.s , body and tall were all per fectly formed. Wo have the shell in our of fice , and doubting Thomasus may come in and satis fy themselves. If a Girl is Iturn In January , she will bo n prudent hou.sowifo , given to melancholy , but good U'liiporcd. If in February , u humane and iifToc- tionuto wife and tender mother. If in March , a frivolous chatterbox , somewhat given to quurroling. If in April , inconstant , not very in telligent , but likely to bo good-looking. If in May , handt-omo , nminblo , and likely to bo happy. If in Juno , impetuous , will marry early , and be frivolous. If in July , passably handsome , but with a sulky temper. S If in August , amiable nn.d practical , and likely to marry rich. ' If in September , discreet , utlablc , and much liked. If in October , pretty nnd oquettiah , and likely to bo'unhappy. If in November , fiber.il , kind of u mild disposition. _ ' If in December , well-proportioned , fond of novelty , and extravagant. > Ma-damn Gerster , m a letter to a Philadel phia friend , cays that she does cot contem plate returning to Auiwlea. ODD CORNERS IN THE CAPITOL The Variouu Nooks and Passages Beneath thO'Domo. ' RAMBLES UNDER tHE ROTUNDA. Tlio VcnlllntliiK Dciuirtinctit Tlie Folding Kixmis Vault * null Umlcriiroiiiul Duels Uiil're- ( liieiitct ! KOOIIIH. Tlce. ] The usual visitor at' the national capitol is generally shown nbput the building by frjcnds or by one of the numerous guides who make their headiiual'ter.s In the rotunda. The trip takes him through rooms and passages which have been described over and over again. Tlio newspaper-reading pub lic is familiar with the ascent'of tlio dome , the halls of both houses of congress , the marble room and lobbies.'Hut the vast dimen sions of the building enable it to contain many nooks ami corners which the ordinary sight-seer has neither time nor opportunity to explore. From general appearances the capitol con sists of two stories and u basement , but be neath this is a sub-basement which extends under the whole building. Immedi ately under the dome in this sub-basement ono can enter , by a dark narrow p.issago , the place which U termed the crypt. This is u large , unllghted room of circular form in which at ono time it was proposed to place the remains of Wash ington. However , the plan could not bo car ried out on account of tlio objections of some of his relatives. At the pivsjnt time , the only use made of this apartment Is to store in it thn catafalque upon which have rested the bodies of various statesmen who have lain in state In the rotunda. This piece of furniture , heavily draped in black , lends a solemnity to the room wliMi was intended to bo the burial place of the "father of his couvtry. " In , his same sub-basement , beneath each wiiigtf tlio building , nro situated dinVrent departments appertaining to each brunch of congress. Kach house has its ventilating department , its folding-room and its restau rant. The hall of the house nnd also of the senate , being situated in the center of their respective wings of the building , have no windows , and consequently obtain their sup ply of Jrosh uir through ; ducts which cpen under the hollow lloor. flikowisc the impure air is drawn off by pipc.j lending from tlio room above the hall.Tlio machinery by which this is accomplished is stationed In u largo room m the nub-basement. It consists of engines , largo steam funs , etc. The air Is drawn through an underground passage leading under tlio walks ami vaults from a small tower In the grounds. Hut there nro other uir-ducts which open under thu walks In different places around the building. The air is , of course , heated before - fore being sent Into the hull. For tbis , the vaults beneath the walks surround ing the capital are utilized to hold the boilurs ami heating apparatus. Vl'liese vaults nro very numerous and are u'fcd for various pur poses. Homo contain coal , while others are used by the carpenters , plumbers , electri cians , or as store-rooms. Not far from the ventilating fans is a largo room used as ' a kitchen to supply the restaurant immediately above it. This is furnished with all the culinary nppliunces , but is conducted by private parties subject to the rules laid down by congress. Next to the kitchen are the folding-rooms. The vast number of public documents sent out each year by members of congress must bo securely wrapped or enclosed in envel opes. For this purpose a fcnmll armies of men nro employed who make ttieir headquarters in this part of the building. Their rooms are packed with books , wapplug > paper and benches. Hut documents for the 1mmeniato use of congressmen are stored in n. dhTcrcnt place. The document room of the house Is a small passage leading' from statuary hall , besides the gallery of .the old house of rcprcscnta- . lives. In the senate , tills department is directly above the corridor leading to the , rotunda. Hchlnd this U .the seriate library and by various pab agca uaK-tlllcd with old papers , ono can iniiko his way to thu spuou botwe.n the ceiling and the roof of the supreme court room. This is the old portion of the building which was partially burned by the Hritish In ISM and ono can still see traces of old wooden beams a ml laths peep ing out through the broken plaster. The dust of ages awaits the intrusion of some curious Individual. The existence of the place is not , generally known and consequently quently it is seldom entered. V. 1C. ItEljIOIOUS. Dr. Joseph Barker has just completed nineteen years of pastoral service in City temple , London. Mr. J. F. Mojottn. in his recent lecture on "Judaism. " estimated the total number of .Tews throiichout the world as between eight and ten millions. The number of Conp.-eritronal ; communi cants in the state of New York has Increased 50 per cent since ISiu. The Luthcru church is doing ( 'rand wont nml achieving wonderful success in America. In Is7l ) tlionumbjrof communicants in Unit denomination in tills country was less than IdO.DO'J. ' Now there nro over 1)3.OJ. ( ) ( ) ( ) A St. Louis minister says that the greatest font of baptism in the history of the Haptist church in modern times was that performed in July , ISiS. by .T. C. dough , u missionary , who , with tlio assistance of llvti uiitivu preachers , Immersed -,2'i'J , converted breth ren within six hours. There are thirty-four summer assemblies modelled after the original ono at Cliuutuu- qua , N. Y. , and its outline of work Is done in each. Of these assemblies forty-ono nro located in twenty-one different states and territories of the United States , ono is in Canada , and ono in ICnglnnd. In the pulpit treatment of texts there is such thing as homiletie vivisection , in which the very life of the sucrcd words is killed out by urtillclal plans and excessive divisions. Wo so busy ourselves with the "skeleton" of thesermon that thu soul of the text escapes us , nii',1 it , too , becomes a skeleton In our hands. There is now In session In London an Inter national missionary convention which is at tended by delegates from nlmost.if not quite , every nation of the world , including many converts from heathenism , lieports already received indicate that great enthusiasm prevails - vails and all the meetings are thronged. Many men whoso names are household words in religious circles have crossed oceans or traversed continents to bo present. Ameri can churches of all denominations are very largely represented. NOVIH/i'lUSi IX JltWKMtY. Corsage pins In dull and Roman link pat terns are popular. A well executed grasshopper , In green and brownish gold , In a novel brooch , A peculiar pattern In garter buckles repre sents a circular corrugated plaque of oxi- di/cd silver upon which rests u coiled ser pent. A heart of plain gold , paved with diamonds , entwined with another set witli sapphires , makes an attractive top design for u knifo- edge bracelet. A seasonable design for small silver cases is a catcher in the act of stopping a swiftly-coining bail. On court-plaster cases it is especially appropriate. The repousso head of a terrified horse , having u broken bridle dangling from the mouth , is a design for cigar cases which will not bo relished by nervous equestrians. A costly brooch Is in the shape of a six- pointed star , the rays set with emeralds , rubles and diamonds , In the centre Is a largo brilliant surrounded by u circle of smaller ones. An attractive brooch has a center piece of moonstone on which appears a sculptured head. Surrounding it are sixteen diamonds and ( > carls set alternately , the latter var Ing from a pure white to an almost black color. Watch cases In oxidized silver nro now seen in' many designs. A spider snug within Ms web , a scene from the familiar willow pat tern on china , flowers , leaves , rocks and landscapes , ' all etched , are among those most in favor. ' . ' A'handsome cigarette case is of oxidized silver , having on its -cover a. female figure in repousso surrounded , by a sunburst. The' case , is slightly curved la order to tit snugly , against the body when carried in an ui > pcr' vest pocket. I THE FUNNY SIDE OF THINGS , A Column of Humor and Comicali ties. AN EPOCH IN A GIRL'S LIFE. No Wonder the Hoys IJOVM Her Ills Patent Kaok-t lliul Uecn Worked Tlio Usual Happenings in Sniltlivllle. NoVnnilcr tlin Hoys hove Hor. Mitis Auiiio MeCormielv , ono of Ilnw- kinsvillc's most charming young Indies , was in town recently , says tlio Dodge county ( On. ) iToiirniil , iiutl made u. num ber of friends uiul nwny mushes among our gay and festive youths. I cannot blame iho boys for falling' in love with her , however , for any young lady who can jlay ) two pieces on u piano and King a third at the sumo time , is competent to captivate tlio most fastidious of us. I liuvo often heard of line performers on the piano , but haves ncvor f-cen or hoard any ono who could compute with her. She can sit with her hack to the in- filriimont and play most beautifully. It is said'that .she can piny tliroo different inhtrumoiits at once , and I don't doubt it , for she offered to do so here if furnished the proper instrument * * . An Kpocli In a Cirl'H lt\ro. \ Is wlion she has her cars pierced for tlio lir.st pair of earrings , " remarked : i jeweler with n family. "I'm the father of t1 family myself and I know. The lirst question always is how to got the holes punched. ' 'i'ho elder sinter volunteers to under take it , and the entire family gather to witness tlio operation. Tlio mother holds the trembling hands of the will ing victim. Ono of the boys gets an auger and is driven from the room with reproofs The sister comes with the needle. She is shaking from head to foot. She sots Iho pcint of the little in strument in the velvet llesh , lots out n little spurt of blood and quietly faints. It is evident that the operation will have to ) ) o conducted by eomo one of less tender sensibilities , "At last u happy thought strikes the father and ho calls Upon a jeweler with liis daughter. " 'I would like to got my daughter a pair of solitaires , ' ho Bays to the clerk , but unfortunately her .ears are not piorced.1 The clerk sinllcH , stands behind her , and pinches each little oar till it i * white. Then ho runsa sharp stool needle through both lobes and wipes oil' the half.drop of blood with a. piece of mus lin. " 'Do up your oars for a week when you go out'he says in n business-like way , and then : 'Now. sir , what sized solitaires would you like to look at ? " ' Ho Would Not Work. Detroit l-Yco Press : A citizen yes terday stood on the stops of u Oriswold street bank , gazing at something across the street. While thus occupied a pedestrian halted , ascended a stop or two , mid after taking off hie hut. said : "Hoing , you knojv , as I haven't had anything to to oat for two days , I didn't know but what you could ' spare mo u dime. " ' The citizen did not lower his eyes by au inch. "Presume the cashier gave you all bills , you know"continued the man- ' 'but if ; you'll bo pleased to hunt around in your nockqlaTvo ' no doubt you'd find n , dime. " ' . . ; ' Not ji sign that ho was heard or seen , "I would take it as a great Invor , I assure you. Purty tough , you know , to tackle a job on an empty stomach. IVo got .Ml ) worth of work waiting for mo at soon as I can got n meal. " And yet no sign. "It's only a loan , you know. A loan to be returned to-morrow. I hate to ask it , colonel , but there's no other way forme. If you should happen to have a quarter it would be till the same a loan. " The colonel scorned hewn out of mar ble. ' "Hope you'll excuse me. " continued the man , "but I happened to see you as " I passed. There's no particular "hurry , you know , but the sooner I got the money the sooner 1 can 1111 up and go to woi-- ! . " woiT. . e colonel now made n move to raise his imbrelln. "Tlio cashier would doubtless change ii bill for you if you are broke for silver. This is a line rain , colonel. Things must bo looking nice in the country. Make it a half , colonel , and I'll bo around Saturday. " The colonel decondod the stops us rigid as n poker. "I'll take your address , "said the man , as ho followed behind , "because I'm very partinular about repaying borrowbtl money. I might telegraph to my brother in Buffalo , but ho might not ba at homo , you know. Now , colonel , if you would bo so kind as to hand mo out " The colonel joined the procession and disappeared , and after looking up and down the street a minute the tramp said : "I might .as well quit right hero. Some ono has worked tills town before on my patent racket , and ho didn'teveii leave a good name behind. " Down In Sniltlivllle. Smithvillo ( Ga. ) News : Dolweou men- hies , mumps and melons , we're having a lively time down this way. The world owes every man n living , and is never black in paying it to u good collector. If the people want us to "blow" the town , they must help us raise the wind. Wo return thanks to Tom Burton for the gift of u new linen duster. Hut un less we can get a railroad ticket it won't bo of much Ube to UH. . The editor will leave to-morrow for parts ( heretofore ) unknown , JIo is ffiw ing to church , and hopes to return with grace enough to keep him till grist comes in. A Georgia poet writes : "I go to strike the lyre , " If the llsh season is on ho needn't go far ; for the liar will come ttf him. him.A A Texas pony , n quart of whisky and" something that looked like a man passed through Sinlthvillo yesterday. This was the llrst cyclone that' has vis ited us thin year , Wo were not in last Monday when Colonel .tonkins , of the Forks , culled to settle his bill. It is Htrango that he al ways calls when wo are out , and louvoa' nothing for us but his "regards. " "Fellow citizens ! " oxeluimedu Smith- villd orator , "when the war-cry rung over this broad land " . ' ' , Vpu , was in the barn loft , under six foot o' fodderl" , . shouted a man in the crowd who know him. ' ( A certain young man , who Js n flrt't- class grocery clerk , asked us yesterday how long it would take him to learn to * bo nn editor , It's -according to what' , kind of n constitution ho has , mid just how much malaria ho eau.stand. beforo- lie weakens. . In the. latter stage of consumption , the tilllic.tod will find relief and comfort in Dr. J. .If. McLeair's Tar 'Wi'no Lung. Halm , Us soothing clTcctH on the is remarkable : , ii5 cents a. bottlr