' $ ? f * ' > fWlPl"f JF THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , JULY 8 , ISBB.TWEL VHB PAGES. S , p , V1UOR TO TAKING INVENTORY August 1st Will Oflor Numerous In every department. In our Gent's Furnishing De partment we will offer 25 dozen ofMother's ' Friend Waists At 59c , These are the same Waists that other houses ask $1.OO and $1.25 each. We have all sizes In Men's black "Sanitary" HalfHoso , warranted not to discolor the feet or clothing. Fancy Striped Balbriggan Shirts & Drawers. 50C , These are n recent purchase by our Eastern representative and psually retail for $2.OO a suit. We offer them for one week at BOc a garment. - Look at our display of Gent's furnishing Goods In our East window and see what you can buy for BOc. These are made of good quality pf Muslin , and bound with /'Cash's" / trimming. Other houses Hsk $1.OO for this same night Bhirt ; our price is only 69c. CAUSE OF M'COOK'S ' WRATH , It IB Sent to Governor Thayer "With An Explanation. A VERY UNFORTUNATE MISTAKE ( Tlio Insult to Old Soldiers Said to Have llccn Unintentional on tlio 1'nrt of Those Who Owned tlio Fine. LINCOLN Huniuu or TIII : OMUI.I HEE , ] ItW'J ' P Sruiir : , V LINIOI.N. July 7. J The flag that caused such u hurrah at Me- Cook on the evening of July 3 , which was suspended from the Citizens' bank and the Famous clothing house , of that city , ut the time evoking such cries as "Shoot It down ! " "Tear the rng down ! " was received by ex- liress by Governor Thaycr to-day , without explanation or comment other than the in scription on the reverse side of the tag that mnrlcod the Hag's destination : "Fiom Jacob bteinmctz. " The Hag in question , pronounced the stars nnd bars ut McCook , and which is biiid to have set old soldiers and loyal ritbcns theio wild with excitement , is somo- wliut like an old rebel Hag In design. H i-f made of three stiipcs of red. white and blue cloth , about two feet In width und perhaps sixteen feet in length. In the upper right liuiid corner Is set n squnropiece of red cloth , Imprinted on which is an eagle und a few regulation stats , nnd attached to this is a Bimill Hug of stars and stripes. Hut national colors only wore used. The Hag remained suspended from the buildings stated about twenty minutes , when it was torn down , the excitement there hav ing grown so intense that It was un- pafo to let it remain longer. Btolmnct/ , receiver of public mon eys ut the United Stutes hind olllco , und Po- llco Judge O'Donnoll stretched the rope Hint suspended the rug. It is alleged to huvo lieen a dliectsluput tholovets of the na tional ting , imd us such wns promptly ro- penieil , Since the forego'ng wns written Governor Q'hayer received n letter from Mr. Stcinnitz explaining the circumstances from his prem ises. Ho Rtiys that he Improvised tire Hug because ho could not get the stars und Ktiipi's , of suitable sue , without too great ex pense , nnd that his patriotism might show forth with equal zest with thu rest of his fel low citizens on the Fouith the Hug f - In question was hastily made and unfurled. Ilu asked the governor to wnto him , for | > ubl'inn , In his opinion whether or not the the thing in nny way resembled the old rebel slurs una bars , Governor Thaycr pould not conceive why he should aid in set I tling the mutter or why thu Hug .should have been sent him ul ull und will pay no utlen- tion whatever to the letter. IL One is forcibly reminded by this Incident that the loyul noith will not stand mijth'iig ' tiiat looks like the old rebel Hag L V v living from mast or house top on the great day of the nation's birth , or for that mutter at any other time. While Stcinmetz had probably no intention of ] > ievoking the .vrath of h' ' old neighbors and 11 lends , the symbol ho ' V ) to show fvrth lus patiiotlbui wus pot /ecptiiK with good Judgment. U Is ha' yiiut thtt citizens of hlcl'ook have been -frei'Ating u petition iirajlng tbulGrovcr Cleveland nliu'l cause his icmovul from his position , und this is probably < ho reason that ho sought Governor U'havor'b statement that the rug und old red Ininduna ho unfollcd wus not dUloyul to thu fct irs und stripes. A Niiniioiut : : coxTEMri.vrrn. In conversation \\ith Stute Superintendent Lune- this morning , ho said : ' Our oflirr woi K IIMV is utmost entirely routi 10. I have been cnu-UM'd in settling trivial disputes over school matters for thu | w.kt fo-.v days in almost every part of tlio fttato. This duty i crowing soicewhat irk- votiiu. and county superintendents ought to b : < unlit to settle these muddles , or for thai matter Hut board of director * of tlo various WILL CONTINUE ALL MC VT yirri/ NEXT WEEK ! The Most Successful Sale of Box Robes Ever Inaugurated in Omaha. HALF PRICE ! Will be our price on every box robe , All are handsomely em broideredand made offineSwiss , Batiste , Chambray and Scotch Ginghams. Each robe contains 1O yards of plain material and 9 yards of fine embroidery. Re member , Monday , and for one week , at HALF PRICE. Nainsook Plaids , Plain and Broken Monday morning we offer BOOO yards of this 12c quality of Nain seek Plaid. At this price , 0Jcwo will only sell 12 yards to each customer1 , and none to dealers. 20c To close out a surplus stock of BO pieces of above white goods , which has retailed readily at SOc and 38c ; we offer the lot without reserve at 2Oc a yard. Sale com mences Monday morning and lasts one week. school districts , without the aid of the state depaitment. Hut it seems Ihat the school laws covering minor questions nro too obscure. For instance , com plaint is mndo that n party has been elected to the oftlco of school director who can neither read nor write the English language , when , perhaps , the major portion of the resi dents of the school district are intelligent , native born citi/ens. The pertinent question arising is , is hucb u party eligible to the of- llcol Complaints are continuous that district tieasurcis arc paying off bonds , whereas such payment ought to bo muuo by the county treasurer. Divers other questions more or less complicated are constantly re ceived that the school laws ought to clearly dell no. Now , I propose to prepare extensive notes , explanatory of the school laws of the state , covering all these technical questions and have thorn become a part of the school laws prepared for the general use of district boards. " niSTIUCT COtKT NEWS. The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran church petitioned Judge Field this morning in the district couit , praying that a second mort gage of WOO bo placed on their property , lots and M , In block ' .IT , to raise money to build n parsonage to cost jiOl ) . The trustees were N. Cl. Plerson , rims. Oiibtafson , Andrew An derson , O. J. Olson and P. A SJogson. The petition was considered nnd granted. David Smith prajs that the marital bonds uniting him to Maggie Smith may bo sev ered. The petition recited that the couple were married in this state in IsirO ; that his wifein wunton disregard of their marital relations and rights , on or about the I'.lth of lust September , ut or near Syru cuso , Otoo county , committed adultery with one ( icorgo Ueasly , and for this nnd divers other reasons the plaintiff has ceased to live with his wife , who has left the state , and prays for perfect freedom. Asa H. Jones seeks separation from her husband , William W. Jones , because of kicks and cuffs nnd violent tibttso. She recites that her husband has an ungovernable tem per , addresses her with vile nnd upprobrous cplthct-s , thus making her homo u hell on earth , nnd asks that the mailtul bonds bind ing them , one unto the other , bo forever dis- fcolvcd. The petitions In thcso cases wore ull filed with the clerk of the district court this morn ing. , A VICTIM Or ICK WATKll. Charles McMillan , \\orkman in the U , & M. car shops , is the Hist victim of the p.x- trcmo heat of the summer In Lincoln. While utwork yesterday during the forenoon ho yielded to the temptation und drunk immod erately of lee wuter , und was taken violently lently sick nt noon , just after ho had ratou his dinner. The action of the water caused contraction of the stomach. The circulation was rcttaded , blood clot followed , and death relieved him from his sufferings ubout 7 o'clock p. m. Ho resided at No. 23i3 O street , nnd the funeral will take place from his residence lit 3 o'clocn to-niorroxv after noon. CITY xiw8 : Avn NOTES. Governor Thayer i oturncd from his visit to Cincinnati , O , , this morning over the Chicago , Hurhugton \ Quiucy railway. Ho states that the homeward journey was un comfortably warm , but that the cheerful as surances for republican victory In Novem ber , everywhere manifest , mudo the trip feomcwhat bearable. M. L. Hrown , president of the Kurokn coal company , DCS Moincs. la. , accompanied by his \\ifo , are in the city to attend tno funeral of William J. Altken , Mrs Hrown'n brother , which occurred ut 2.UO o'clock this afternoon. Vho body of W. F. W.eokloy , the U. & M. brukcnmn , drowned In Oak crock yesterday , wns iccovcred nt 5 o'clock In the evening. The coroner's jury found u verdict of uccidcntal drowning. The body was shipped to La Platte , near Omahn. where the young man's parents reside , for burial to day. Kailroud employes and ollleluls of this city ure said to bo very rnucli chngrincd over the uctiou of the board of tran i > ortuUon in re ducing distance tuutts on freights. They claim that thu reduction will bo ruinous to the business of railway companies through out tbo state. Hut this cry has been so frequent whenever such action lwi been talked or contemplated that tlio wail fails to produce any wry great sympathy. Indeed , the feeling here is that a commencement has been inado that will eventually result favor ably for the shippernnd producer The Lancaster county republican central S , P , IMPORTANT SALE OP Fine Jersey and Lace Milts 250 a Pair , "UETROOR/VDE" / SCAM. PATKNTED. Come In black and assorted shades of tans , and niadoof finest quality of silk. Note the price , only 25c a pair. Embroid'd ' Jersey Mitts AND Finest Lace Skills , 500 a Pair. Those are the balance of a man ufacturers stock which wo closed out at a discount of 88 1-3 per cent off original cost. Shades black and selected tan shades ; pricedurlng this sale SOc a pair. Black and Tan Lace , and Embroidered "FULL FASHION PATENTED. " All Mitts , Lace and Jersey that we have sold from $1. and up wards have been marked down for this sale to 7Bc a pair. Mail Orders Filled Sole Agents for Butterick's Pat terns. committee mot yostorduy afternoon uml fixed the llth day of August as tUo tune for hold ing the primary elections , unit tin Kith , at 'J o'clock i > . 111. , as the date for holding the county convention. The ropicsontation was based upon the vote cast for Hun. Samuel Maxwell for ussociute Justice of the supreme court , ono delegate ueing ultcniato forevoi.y twenty votes cast for him. John S. MeNair left to-day for Battle Cieek , Mich. , to accept u position as chief engineer on a road now under construction from thatpomt. MeNair leaves w.um friends , who wbh him well m lin new Held of labor. Windmills For Kloctrio lighting. Some time ago the inedibilities of windmills for domestic electric lighting were mentioned in scioneo , und lately the experiment has boon prnetieully tried. Prof. lilyth rend before- the Glasgow Philosophical society a paper on the .subject , in which he describes an experiment which ho made last summer. the lighting of a cottage in which ho spent his vacation by a dynamo driven by a windmill , and charging u btorage battery. The wind mill used was an old-fashioned type , with four arms at right angles to oaoh other , each of them thirteen feet long. Tliero was no especial regulating de vice. The d.\namo was belted directly to the lly-wheel of the inill.andchargeit twelve cells of .storage which supplied the inde-cont lumiM in the cottage. Prof. IJlylh had never u ed more limn ton lainpat once , but ho could have iiied more. With a good breeze , enough electricity could bo stored in half a day to supply light for four evenings of three or four hours uneh. The lamps u cd were of h-cundlo power. When charging , the current passed through a cut-out that would discon nect thorn from the dynamo when it ran below a certain speed ; BO the wind mill couid bo allowed to run all the time , charging the butlory when the wind happened to bo htro'ng enough. The current had boon used to run a light turning lathe , and Prof. Bl.\th had begun to nmlco a light carriage' 1)0 run by the stored electricity. The paper opens to us a Held for ingenuity , comfort , and amusement in our home.- , . Windmills much superior to that described - scribed can bo readIv ! purchased , a small dynamo can be bought or built at little coat , and storage-batteries can bo purchased or inudu. With them wo could light our house economically ; our light would bo bolter , cooler , and healthier than gas or coal oil lamps ; wlnlo the current could bo utilized for running fans , sowing machines , etc. Indeed , to the average American , with some spare time and some small in genuity , thoamusomontand instruction of sucli a plant would moro than puv for its expense- . Tlio Dreamed Shook * . 1 have never soon published any ac count of the effect of a dream respecting the taking of an electric shock , says 11 correspondent. The following 1 be lie vo to lw authentic , as it happened tome mo : Ono day , three yours ago , I had oc casion to "monkey" with a Wrush ma nipulator for charging btoruiu ; battery. The charging current from u sixty-Hvo- hght Hrush dynamo of at > 00 volts , was "on , " and 1 stood in mud soaking through my shoes. I touched a bare spot and sat down with considerable force , my arm Hying out seemingly witli Infinite power , uluioat dislocating it. During tno following night J dreamt that 1 had taken a oliouk , and the olfect upon my muscles waa exactly the namu , my arm Hying out , and my room-mate rocoivlng a blow which was-stated to bo vnry uncomfortable , und the jar from vhich luvukono'l uie. P , MAKE A GRAND SACRIFICE SAL OP CHILDREN'S Embroidr'd Caps At 150. All of those Caps have sold from 2Bc to 8Bo each during the season ; now offered at IBc each. CHILDREN'S EMBROIDERED CAPS 25c. All of the Caps we offer at this price have sold heretofore at from 89c to BOc. Come early as our quantity is limited. Ladies' Traveling 95c. Those Hand Satchels are made of Seal , Alligdtor , and other fancy leathers. Not one has sold under $2.OO , wh'ilo ' many have sold as high as $3.00. We have placed them on a separate table opposite Notion Department , and marked them all at 93c each. Agents for Butterick's Patterns. The Pleasures of Wooded Doll and Shady Grove. PICNIC AND GAY TALLY-HO. Where Society People arc Passing Uie Summer and How the Ones at Homo ai-o Amiislnj ; Themselves. 1'lcnlc at llaiiscom Park. Yesterday afternoon and evening the cool retreats of Hnnscoin purk echoed with the merriment of about one hundred and llfty of Omaha's leading society people who sought in this delightful resort a brief respite from the burning heat , llammoclts nnd swings bi lbo score were put up and constantly kept In borvieo , A huy afternoon delightfully passed was clowned with a picnic supper about C o clocir. In the evening a line orchestra m- spned by the beauty of the syhan iptieat , tendered some of its best , an.i dancing which commenced ubout U o'clock was continued until ubout midnight. Dance at Pi-ycko lirot. The various persons In PeyekeUros. ' mam moth establishment are eminently u boeial lot of people , fiom the genial boss , Julius , to the boy who sweeps out the establishment. Pleased with the great success of the dnnco given n couple of weeks ago , another hop was given on Tuesday evening , which was in every way far ahead of the llrst dance given. Over 200 persons wcio present , und u snlendid time was enjoyed. The paitv was given in honor of the twenty-second birth day of Mr. H. W. Dyuall , foreman of the candy department , and was u complete surprise to him. In the midst of the festivities this popular gentleman was called into the middle of the lloor und before ho knew what was up ho found Mr. ( JoeU making a very happy presentation speech and handing him an elegant gold handled silk umbrella us u token of the uvard of the workmen in his ilmrgc. Mr. D.vball was atitonished , but managed to express his pro found gratitude. The Jollillcution then con tinued until about } o'clock u. m. Kxeollont lorreshmeiits wore served whenever the guests felt so disposed. Tlio Kourlli ut Avery Park. A party of young people from tins city celebrated the Fourth of July ut Mr. Avery's purk near Council Hluffs. Tim party loft the city nt ' .I n m , IivAvery leading the march. The lovely grpumls were beautifully deco rated. The gqntlemcn repaired to the lawn , where they engaged in u game of ball , while the Indies arranged the various refreshments which were partaken of at 1 p , m. The pro grammeuis then opened by the reading of the declaration of .independence by thu Kev. Mr. Forbes. Tins was followed with u song by the glee club , The pieniceM then retired to vunous parts of the grounds , where hum- moi ks and swings wore erected About 5 p. m. luncheon was bcrvcd , with ull tlio delica cies of the hcason. The day wus closed with races , which were vorj interesting , especially tlio ladies' race , which elicited great laugh- turo und uppluuse. The three purges were won hi tlio Misses Anna Cruig , HoaoTujlor and Anna Hiixhold. Picniu ut Paildonk'H Orovo. A pleasant putty of } oung people under the direction of Mrs. Harm < y loft (1. A. HoaglUnd's ruoidcuco Wednesday morning at the early hour of 0 o'clock for Paddock's ( jrovu , bomo ten miles outside the city Stepnun&on's bix-in-luuid was the moue of conveyance. The Uuy was spent in a ritto luuinumunt uml various other sports. At uoon with well whutted appetites the party sat down to u most toothsome luncheon served picnio stylo. The paitiripators in the dulfghtful ovpnt were the 'Mofcsrs. Will Crary , Will IXunc , Hustin , Smith. Seuvor , Coshllu , Patrick , W. L. Mel'tguu. LADIES' BIBBED BALBBIGGAN VESTS Has bound neck and finished bottom tom , sleeveless ; comes In Ecru on ly. Marked spec- ally for this sale at 08c each. BalMggan Vests Lace finished , nock and bottom sleeves , satin facing and pearl buttons , a regular $1.OO Vest for BOc. BLACK SILK PLATED HOSE BO dozen black silk plated Hose a quality that has sold for $1.28 ; during this sale our price will be only 78c a pair. These are extra length , come in modes , drabs , and tans and of fered during this sale at 3Bc a pair , or 3 pairs for $1.OO. Special sale all during the week of Ladies' Parasols at prices re gardless of cost. The Misses Dowe.\ , Orchard , Williams , Hal- combo , Ida Dixon , Yost , Laura Hoaglaud and MM. IJarnoj. 1'iof. Fu.IickV Concert. Prof. Fred Selliclc's concert on Tuesday evening last , in aid of the choir fund of the Westminster Presbyterian church , drew a largo audience of music-loving people. The programme , which was semi-classical , waa an excellent one , Mrs. Sales Atwntor's rendi tion of Mulders' "Staccato-Polka , " delighted the uudicnco. Mr. W.V. . Howloy sang with great taste Hotoli's "Cry of Jovo. " Miss .lulia Nowcombc'.s nnd Mr. II. McLaity's elocutionary cJTojtb charmed the audience , nml were deserving of the heaity encores which wore responded to. The church quartette , consisting of Messrs. Atwater and Norns. Mrs. Atwater and Miss New- combo , assisted by n chorus of ehildien , sang several numbers , and their rich harmony added greatly to the ' mony evening's enter tainment. The instrumental music was very Hue. Mibs Flora Com sen , who played Ley- bach's "Fantasle" Ua most promising young pianist Prof Sclllck plaved .selections from Mendelssohn's oratorio of "Athalio , " and dis played his ability by his perfect rendering of Mnndclssolm's "Duetto , " one of his beauti ful "ttoiigs without words. " The ovoning'ti entortuiiimont wns most appropriately brought to a close by the singing of the national hymn , the audience heartily Joining in the singing. _ Tin : nioycllHlft Visit lllnlr. 13y special invitation twenty-llvo members of the Omahn Wheel club visited IJlair on the Fourth of July , bud u splendid time und added grcatlj to the succes of the celebration at that burg. Two of the prizes offered were won by Frank Mitt uuer , while Guy Mead and Frank Clarke each carried oft' a trophy. The following wore the members of tin ) club who took i > art : E. H , Smith , Ed. Lytlo , O. W. and T. P. Cramer , Hart Uook , Guy Mcud , Harry MoCormiek , .liimcs Joseph ! , O. O. Francisco , W. II. Koonlg , F. S. StellingV. . ( 'ooinbo , William Kuiorson , Walt Morris , Frank Mittauor , Kd. Howmun , F. Ficoinan , II. H. Rhodes , G. 11. DIcU , W. F. Crcary , Frank Clai ho and Perry Itadollct. Mr. Mttlcllulil'.s Tally- lid Party. The tally bo uui ty given by Mr. Louis Lit- tlclleld assisted by MM , Chailoy Stephens , in honor of Miss Minnie Kline , of Kansas City , wan one of the events of the Fourth commanding general attention , being ( juito nn imposing spuUuflo , rrsplenduut In cm- blcumtio decoration us well as youth and beauty of the occupants. The party con sisted of Mesdames Li ko and Stephens , the Misse-t Shipiiun , Klin ) , Lawrence , Nettie and Mug/io McKay , Luke , Jones und Luke ; the Messrs. Pickons , Jones , Mckay , Craig. Clark Dunmori , Patterson , Howard und Nelson. After u pleasant drive ubout the city the party headed for Tort Omaha , where an elegant lunch was served. Party. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Soliijsolin , 510 South Twcnti second street , gave n pleasant party at their homo Thursday evening In honor of the engagement of their son Fred to Miss Overmior , of Kansas City. Music , games und sociul con verso wore the lending feuturos of the delightful ocuulun. Among thosu present were : Messrs S J. Fisher , Julius Meier , ts. Obcrfelder , M. Oberfelder , Simeon Bloom , S Kindskops , Khrlicn , Lund , Misses Pauline und ( ! umo Goldsmith , Tiltio New- limn , Hluncho llelimun , Annie und Minnie Rolhschilds , Tillio htinuehill. Cora Hcndit , Chiru Rindhkop , Ehihur Jacjbs , Mrs. S. W. Kindbkops , una uthurn I'ulnterri' . Sign Society. The Sign Painters' Social association , which numbers among its ran Us u niiinbcr of men of line artistic taste ? , who haudtc the brush as deftly on the canvas UH on tin sign board , have Hold their last session for this season. Next fall they intend to lit up n suite of rooms as elegant as nn > club rooms In tlio city , und Bparo nothing to make their sociul guthering.s In every wa > u nucccss. At prc-ient Andruw Elton is acting presi dent , G. F. ' Uhlmun , seu'Ctaiy , und A. O. Rogncr , sergoant-at-arms. SHss Dolitn'a Uirtlidny Party. Miss Lulu Doluu , daughter o ( MaJor.Hall , S , OFFER WONDERFUL BARGAINS SCRIM , 5c. 0OOO yni'ds colored nnd ecru Scrim will be on solo Monday , nnd for one week nt Be n ynrd. NOTTINGHAM Lace Curtains , $1.25. These come oxtrn length , tnped edges , nnd selected patterns , n rare bargain at$1.2B n pair. Door Curtains These are a lot of odd pairs , marked at this great sacrifice in price to close the lot previous to taking inventory of stock. Re member the price , only $2.7C a pair. Remnants Furniture Covering. Remnants of Silk. Remnants of Plushes. Remnants of Madras. Remnants of Scrim. For one week at absolutely HALF PHICE. gave a birthdaj patty lo u number of her young lady friends on last Saturday. It WKS strictly u feminine affair and the girls declare - clare they hud n delightful time Those Picsent were- Misses Nettin Thompson , Mabel Taylor , Marj'uiet Hiown , Murgnict Cook , Julia Yutes , Jennie More , Helen Smith , May Hums , Murgniet Hull , Nellie Nuib , May Yntes , Nina Marshall , Minnie Doyle , He.ssic HulettnndGcorgioMucdonald Kdnculional Society II. ill. Masonic hall was ublaro with lis-ht nnd resonant with music luU evening , nnd , despilo lite warm weather , dancing was most pleasantly indulged in. The event wus n ball given by the Workitigmou's International Educational society , nnd was well attended. Everything in connection with the occasion was of the highest order. The music was exceptionally line , and the supper excellent. The ntr.tir netted n neat litllu sum for the sociely. _ Pnrtv at Annu Vllln. The Misses Alice und Currio Howcll gave n dollghllul paity Thursday evening In honor of Miss Stella MeL'urty , of Baltimore. The uflalr was given ut Annu Villa , near the coiner of South Thirty-seventh snd Ccntro streets , the beautilul homo of Samuel J. Howcll. A largo number of friends of the young hostesses were present und were do- lichtcd with the charming young lady fiom Haltiiiiorc. I'lfiilc. Tom Pollcr's plcasanl homo on Sherman avenue was ilin scene of u pleasant moon- llghl picnic Wednesday evening. A platform was erected for dancing , and neurlv one hundred of Mr. Potter's friends Joined in the evening's pleasures. Matrimonial Market. HKO\\N-IIAUUI3. Oil Tuesday morning ut 10 o'clock , Miss Irene Harris , ono of Omaha's most popular school teacher1 * , was married to Rov. W. L. lirown , of Hlulr. Rov. A. W. Luniur ofllcl- uted in his usual quiet und easy innnnor. In the evening the newly wedded pair Blurted cast on their wedding trip. General Gossip. Major Wilson Is ut Spliil Luko. Miss Eva Mason is ul Wall lake. C. F. Goodman has left for Kutopo. II. P , Lewis will summer In Hoston. D J. A. Hoyd hns returned from the cast. C. T. Taylor has returned from Colorado. QGeorge 10. Pntchott is in Jamestown , N.Y. Mrs. Hhfas leaves for her Eutopcun trip to day. day.C. C. F. Goodman has loft for u trip to Eu rope. rope.H. W. Patrick has ictuincd from Now York. D. Sopor and wlfo left for Chicago on Thursday. Dr. Dohcrty has Joined his family lit Col- fax Springs , Mrs. C , W. Cochran has returned from Springlleld , In. James P. English and Rev. J , R , English are in Wisconsin. John I. Rcdick und family left for Los An geles on Friduv. County Clerk Kocho has boon spending the past week in Clinton , lu. Colonel W. F. Sapn und his son Will huvo returned from New York S. R. Johnsou and wife have gene to San Pram isco for the summer. Mia. W J. Whitchouse , of Norlh Loup , is vi.sitmg old fricndn in the city. Mr E. H. Scott , Mrs , C. H. Scott and Miss Kiltie have gene to Colorado , Mrs Dr. Parncll has gene to Clifton Springs , N. Y. , for the summer. Howard Kennedy , Jr. , U at homo for the summer from William's college. The MUaes Tina and JIuttio McSuauo left last evening for Garfleld Hoach. A. D. Bratrdels nnd Miss F. Hraudoisloft Thursday for Ihe Allantio coast , Mrs. Lyinun Richardson and daughter have ROUB cast to pass tho'sumtncr. ' Mrs. D. T. Mount und Mrs. Dunham have returned from their visit in the cast. MM. Gcorgo A. Hoagland will sojourn dur ing Lot weather at MutikatoMluu. . iMorse&Co : LADIES' A lot of odd Suits that wo have sold from $8 OO to $7.0O ; wo now offer at $0 7O each. QUANTITY LIMITED. Wo have O special styles which wo will sell next weak at $1O. These are all handsomely om- broldorod White Suits. LADIES' WHITE SUITS , BLACK EMBROIDERED , $12. Those are without question the handsomest Suits in the city and can only bo found at our estab lishment. LADIES' /0 / A l\/TDTTP \ / CTTTTO lAMMll Slllb $3.45 To close out our balance of CambricSuits on hand which wo have sold atSB. and $ O ; wo offer selection at$3. < * O. DressingSacques 2 BARGAINS ! $1 and $1.50 For this week we have two ex ceptional bargains in Ladies Dres * sing Sacques. BAI&GAIST 1 : Made up with Lawn or Cambria tucked front , embroidery on neck and sleeves. The cheapest Sacqua for $1. in the city. BARGAIN 2 : Also made of Cambric or Lawn tucked front and beautiful em broidery on neck and sleeves. A bargain at $1.8O. W 1 ? Uucllsh will spend the next four weeks at the cool lakes of Wisconsin. Mis , A L. Uobinson of Maryland is the guest of her sliter , Mrs. C. A. Hlngcr. rjM's T A. Mepenth will pass the next month with friends of Crete and DeWItt. Mrs. L. II ICurty left Friduv evening for Chicago , where she will visit for n weelc. Miss Lulu Monro of Nebraska Citv is vis iting Miss Lulu HallenUnc , 10IS Webster. John Patrick has retuined from Ynlo college - lego , where he graduated about four weeks ago. ago.Mrs. . Lymnn Richardson and Miss nicn- nrdson have left for the cast to pass the sum mer. mer.Governor Governor Manning and wife , of Denver , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. . J. Rock well. The family of Rov. A. W. Lunmr hnvo loft for Tckaniah where they will pass thu heutcJ. term. Jules Lombard , ono of the famous quar tette of campaign singers , was In the city Friday. Colonel Champion Chase delivered the Fourth of July address at Champion , Chasa county. Mrs. K. C. MeShuno and children have left lor Huffulo to puss the rciiiuinder of the Hummer. J. F. Harton hns returned from HurllnRton , Vt. , whither ho wus called by the Illness of his father. Senator Mandcrsnn nnd wiforeturned from Crete Thursday , and loft for Washington the following day. A. S. Ktiger loft Tuesday evening for the White mountains where ho will pass the month of July. Mrs. Jacob Williams nnd family uro upend ing tbo summer in Chicago near the siiudcs of Lincoln park. Superintendent James of the city schools has left with his family for California for a month s vacation. Tom Cushing Is homo from Fordhain , N , Y. . where ho has been attending St. John's college the past year. Humphrey Moynihan and wlfo returned Tuesday morning from n three weeks' visit with old fi lends In Chicago , The JioVt Deun Gardner has recovered fiom his severe Illnchs to again resume his duties at Trinity cathedral this morning , The Rov. Willard Scott loft Monday for New York , wlicro ho has since sol sail for Scotland. Ho will bo absent ubout three months. Mrs. Cynthia Needhnm 1ms returned from her iwo months' visit. She \\us accompanied by her sister , who will spend the summer with her. Kd nnd Otto Mauror loft on Wednesday evening to visit their parents ut the old homo in Germany. They set sail from Now York yobtoiduy. Isaac Knhn nnd hli bride , nftcr having spent a month on their -wedding lour , Imvo rolurnod U ) Omuhu , where they will make. their future homo , J. T. Cowio , chief buyer for N. 13. Fal coner , accompanied by Mrs. Cowle , is taking a vacation ut Urand Island. Mr. und Mrs. Cowlo will bo absent nboul ten days. Mrs. H. J. Pcnfold , Mm Kinmu Godoman and Musters Guy , Ray und Leo Pcnfold have gene for u two months' "outing" on the shores of Luke ICrio and Lake Clmtitauquu , Mr. II G Clark has inovod to his now rci- Idciico ul Florence , wliero ho will make his homo In the future , but will still continue In business in Omuhu. Mr. Clark is taking the initiative stop that is bound to glow popular with well to do cituenb as the city increases in biic. A Cj ulonu in Indiana. Cine too , July 7. A destructive wind struck the town of Kdwuulhbnrg. hid. , late last night , creating snd havoc throughout the village. The wind wus tcrrillo , carrying uway many houses. There is not n business house in thu place- but thai is damaged to amore moro or lo s extent , and the town is almost a complete wreck. A largo und huudsoma hotel that had just been completed und bad not yet been furnished was moved llttocn feet from its foundation und completely wrecked. Soverul dwelling ! ! were unroofed and u number of burns dastruyuJ. No ouv injured us far a known.