Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    News For the Members of the Secret -
crot Orders of the Country.
A Short Hlftinry oftho Stntc
ntlon of ARC < ! Masons KorcBtcrs
In Oinnha Installation of Of-
llccrs Grip Notes.
Tlio Veteran Free Mn onq.
There is an organization In the state
known among the members of the Masonic
order that is but slightly known throughout
the state by the public generally. It is
crdlcd the Association of Veteran Free Ma
sons of the Stnto of Nebraska.
Iu January of this year Mr. Hubert C. Jor
dan , Mr. William Cloburn nnd Mr. William
H. Bowcn conceived the Idea of organizing
this veteran association nnd admitting into
it all Masons throughout the state who have
, t been members In good standing in the order
for twenty-ono years or louder. They an
nounced the Idea of the organization and
made it known that ns soon ns txvelve men
wcro ready to subscribe their names to n
constitution they would perfect the organiza
tion. By January 23d , the following gentle
men hud made known their dcslro to become
members of such mi association : Kobort C.
Jordan. William CIcburn. William K. Bowcn ,
Myer Ilcllinnn , Lorln Miller , Augustus A.
Egbert , John Logan , Henry T. Clarke , El-
bcrt T. Dulte , Thomas A. Creigh. William
B. S , Hughes , Henry C. Alkln , Lemuel H.
Case , William Adair , Geo. Armstrong , Henry
Brown , Dakota City , Alex Atkinson ,
Lcverett M. Anderson , William J. Mount ,
Tholeininh A. Mcgoath , Daniel H. AVhcelor.
H will bo seen by this that all the organiza
tion members with the exception of Mr.
Burns were residents of Omaha.
The trentlcmcn who have Joined the orga
nization slnco January are : Alfred G. Hns-
tlngH , Lincoln ; Hobort W. Furnus , Brown-
11 villo ; Bernard Newman , Oinnha ; Michael
B. Murphy , Plnttsmouth ; James W. Moore ,
Washington ; Harry 1' . Dcuel , Omaha ; Jacob
King , I'anlllion ; John T. Paulson , Omaha ;
! Leo P. Gillette' , Beatrice ; Martin Dunham ,
| Omaha ; Philip Wiadehciin , Omaha ; George
" KIt W. LlnliiKcr , Omaha ; Edward Kosowutcr ,
Omalm : Newell H. Wllcox , Puplllion ; Sam
uel W. Hayes , Norfolk ; Albert L. Towle ,
Nlobrur.i ; Henry N. Blake , Beatrice ; Julius
Newhamer , Sidney ; William Lecse , Lincoln ;
E. 1C. Long , Omaha ; Austin Hum
phrey , Lincoln ; E. C. Wllcnx , Wy-
nioro ; E. A. Allen , North Loup ;
Benjamin P. Kuwait , Logan , Colo. ; Liberty
B. Hhinn , Hurchard ; Hubert Holliugsworth ,
Nelson ; Charles 1C. Coutant , Omaha ; H. L.
Smith , Geneva ; Joseph Van Valin , Nelson ;
George B. France , York.
Honorary Members Robert Hall , Aurora ,
111. , now of Omaha ; Henry 1C. Hill , La
Grange , Ky.
Thu object of the organization as set forth
In thu constitution Is to cultivate moro in-
tiraato friendly relations among Freemasons ,
who , though united in the objects of a com
mon brotherhood , have been kept apart by
remoteness of domieil and Masonic member
ship ; to encourage the younger brethren
.to persevere in the straight path of
rectitude and virtue nnd to prove to them
that the possession of Masonic degrees , how
ever high , will never bo admitted by genuine
"Ancient , Free and Accepted Masoas" as the
equivalent of faith , hope and charity , or an
atonement for a neglect or total disregard of
the most solemn vows ; to cheer and encour
age thu old to remain lalthful to the end ; to
pay tn the memory of the faithful dead the
duo and appropriate need of respect and
sympathy , and to show by our discriminating
action In such matters that wo do not , ns
Masons under mistaken views of charity , ac
cord ono treatment alike to all , whether their
lives nave been for good or evil.
The olllcers elected for the llrst year were :
President , Bro. Lorin Miller ; llrst vice-presi
dent , Bro. Hobort C. Jordan ; second vice-
president , Bro. Henry T. Clarice ; third vice-
president , Bro. Daniel H. Wheeler ; fourth
vice-president , Bro. Alfred G. Hustings ; fifth
It r vice-president. Bro. William Adalr ; treas
urer , Bro. Thomas A. Creigh ; secretary , Bro.
William H. Bowcu ; stewards , Brothers Win.
Cleburnc , Henry C.AIkln nnd Henry Brown.
There are two regular meetings of the order
each year , the annual meeting which Is held
on the day of the Festival of St. John the
Almoner ( January 23) ) or if that date occurs
on Sunday , the following Monday evening at
Freemasons' hall In Omaha. The semi
annual meeting is held at the sumo time as
the grand ledge meeting of the state.
Ono of the features of the semi-annual
meeting Is the annual dinner which is spread
for all the members of the lodge. The llrst
feast was spread at the grand ledge meeting
" nt Lincoln Thursday night , Juno 21. On
> that occasion about forty of the veterans
were nsKimibk-d for the occasion and a most
enjoyable meeting was had.
The members of the order are entitled to
wear a badge which has been designed es
pecially for the order , The badge is of blue
and gold and consists of an oblong MI mire
live-eighths by four-eighths of an incli , bearing -
ing a setting sun iu thu west and "Nebraska
Veteran Freemason , 16SV
Thu roll of members docs not include near
nil the members of the order in this state
who have bocn members long enough to en
title them to have their nunius upon the
rolls. The list , however , is increasing very
rapidly and before another year the order of
veterans will have a long list of members.
A. O. U. W. QlilucrH Instiillcil.
At the regular meeting of Omaha lodge ,
No. 18. A. O. U. W. , held last Monday night ,
the officers for the ensuing year were in
stalled and work in the second nnd third de
grees was performed. Tlio committee who
have had charge of the furnishing of the
new hall Illcd their report. U was shown
thut all the furnishing bills against the
Oidor have been paid and the llnancus of the
ledge are in excellent condition , Thu rooms
nro fitted up in a tasty nii elegant manner
and will bo the home for some years of
Omaha Lodge , No. IS.
The Grand Conclave.
The annual conclave of the Grand Com-
mandcry of the Knights Templar of Minnesota
seta was hold at Duluth recently , and was
attended by R. E. Thomas Montgomery ,
grand commander , and nil the grand oniccrs
of the state. Deli-gallons and delegates were
present from every commandory in the state ,
except Bayard commumlery of Still Water.
Ono of the very Interesting features of the
mcotlni ; was the annual address of the grand
commander , in which ho reviewed the year's
work of the order. The meeting was moro
of the nature of a few days of social enjoy
ment than of actual business truiiMii'tions ,
and thu knights of Duluth did themselves
more tnaii proud as hosts. In the procession
to thu home of the Krand commander about
1W ) swords were In line , and the scene they
presented was the grandest tn its line that
was ever witnessed in Duluth. The meeting
was eau of universal pleasure , and one. that
will ho remembered during thu entire year
by every knight present.
A Wcll'KnriiiMl Appointment.
W. 03. Lane , of Lincoln , was recently ap
pointed assistant adjutant general of the uni
form rank , Knights of Pythias. The ap
pointment was made by Brigadier General-
Dayton , of the order. During General Day
ton's absence- Europe W. S. Spimcer , of
this city.occupicd tlio position and performed
the duties of the ofllco in a masterly manner.
Mr. Lane is a Pythian old in the bcrvico and
well up tn the workings of the order. In his.
appointment General Dayton adds a ( rood as
sistant and vuluubh ) otllcor to his stall. Gen
eral Lane was to assumethu duties of his >
now olllcu the llrdt of this month.
of Honor Knllcf Fund.
At a recent meeting of the committee of
the supreme council on the relief loan fund
of the American Legion of Honor , the supreme
premo secretary reported the following up to
May'JS ; Arkansas , 7 weeks , fl40 ; Califor
nia , 19 weeks , $200 ; Connecticut , 10 weeks ,
riOO ; District of Columbia. Itt weeks , $ -JtM ;
Georgia , 8 weeks , ? UiO ; Illinois , 2" weeks ,
t'WS ; Louisiana , S weeks , ? 10d ; Massachu
setts , 173 weeks , f3,10S ; Maryland , 52 weeks ,
trJO ; Maine , IB weeks , tWS ; Mississippi , 4
weeks , ? SO ; Missouri , 17.wceksflGO ; North
Carolina' , 15 weeks , fMj New Hampshire ,
BwtcUs , Ml ) ; New Jersey , 25 weeks , $344 ;
New York , 90 weeks , JSOS ; Ohio , 2 weeks ,
$224 : Pennsylvania , 151 weeks , $2,120 ; South
Carolina , 4 weeks , t.V ) ; Virginia , 10 weeks ,
SS ; Vermont , 8 weeks , f GJ ; West Virginia ,
pjnia , 4 weeks. $10 ; Wisconsin , 22 weeks ,
8132 ; totnl , 714 weeks , fSS. . Thus it will
be soon that Massachusetts lendfrin the num- '
tier of weeks drawn , nnd Is second in the
amount , while Pennsylvania Is In the lead in
the amount nnd scc.ondin . the number of
weeks. The amount advanced by the su
preme council hai been very small. In live
months there has been advanced less than
one-twolfth part of -assessment. . Also a
part of the relief so advanced has been
already returned to the bcnclit fund by the
bcnellcinrlcs of dead companions who had
availed themselves of this provision.
C = 3 A N"ohad go.
At the recent meeting of the grand ledge
of New Vork It was decided that a suitable
Insignia for members of the grand ledge bo
adopted nnd worn by grand lodge members
on all Masonic occasions. The committee on
finance reported that the receipts ot the
grand ledge to nnd Including Juno 0 were
$10S.M)3.1Sthcdlsburscmentswore71,03.i.i7 ) ; ,
leaving n cash balance of Wt > G2.41. Upon
the recommendation of the committee on
Jurisprudence , the independent grand lodges
of Spain , Mexico , Victoria nnd Australia
wcro not accorded recognition. The request
of the grand ledge of Vermont for the selec
tion of an arbitrntot to settle the difference
existing between the two grand lodges was
favorably received , nnd Charles Kooinc , sug
gested by Vermont , was accepted by New
\ork. A largo number of the delegates do
nated their per dlcm compensation to the
asylum fund , all the grand oniccrs present
likewise , while the master of Hohcnliuden
ledge of Hrooklyn authorized the grand
master to draw upon him for $100 , to bo nn-
plicd to the quota of any ledge or lodges un
able to pay its share. The fund tor the eree-
tlon of the asylum was increased about
A MnBonlc Order.
Charles Koome , grand master of the
Knights Templars of the United States of
America , has issued an important proclama
tion to all grand and subordinate command-
cries holding charters feom the grand en
campment. The paper dated Klchmond , Vn. ,
Juno 2 Ust [ A. O. 770J , and declare the grand
coinmnndery of Iowa and nil sir knights in
its obedience to bo In a state of disloyalty
and rebellion , and until a revocation of this
order is announced , all Templar intercourse
between the grand commandery and all sir
kniuhts in Its obedience and the loval
Knights Templar of the United States is 'in
Supreme Led e KesolutloiiB.
In the supreme ledge of the Knights of
Pythias the following resolutions were pre
sented by K'jpresentntives Gale and Smith
of Massachusetts and were unanimously
adopted :
Whereas , ono Darius Wilson nnd others
have issued a circular in regard to establish
ing a now order styled "The Improved Order
Knights of Pythias ; " and
Whereas , the facts that have led to the ac
tion of such persons , and the motives that
nro apparently actuating them in attempting
to establish said now order should bo known
to all Knights of Pythias ; and
BiWliereas , such action should be taken as
will give full knowledge to our order , and
such action as will secure , maintain and pre
serve the rights and interests of our order ,
therefore , be It
Kesolved , That the supreme chancellor
shall have full power in the promises to do
and enforce whatever he deems proper and
necessary , and to Incur such expense in con
nection therewith as in his Judgment is re
quired to be paid in thu usual manner.
* *
The Companies Standing.
The folio wing figures show the percentage
and standing of the companies who took
part in the competitive Knights of Pythias
drill at Cincinnati :
First prize , $1,200 , Hastings Division , No.
19 , of Hastings , Ind. , 9S.54 ; second prize ,
$800 , Kokomo division , No. 0 , of Kokomo ,
Ind. , 98.10 ; third prize , $000 , Terre Haute di
vision , No. 3 , of Terre Haute , Ind. . W.SS ;
fourth prize $400 , Fort Dearborn division ,
No. 1. of Chicago , 111. , ll(5.B ( ; fifth prize , WOO ,
Lochiel division. No. 11 , of Elgin , 111. , iii.5i ( ; ;
sixth prize , $1110 , Miami division , No. 33 , of
Toledo , O. , 05.04.
The remainder \vore in this order : Louisville -
villo division , of Louisville. Ky. , 94.77 ; Kan
sas City division , of Kansas City , Mo. , 94. i'.l ;
Oak division , Cleveland , O. , 95.75 ; Now Al
bany division , New Albany. Ind. , ! 3.i5 ( ; La-
fnyctto division , Lafayette , Ind. , 9f..rii : ( ;
Agamemnon division , Lima , O. , 90.25 ; Indian-
aplls division , Indianapolis , Ind. , 90.10 Couer
do Leon division , Lancaster , O. , 69.05.
The I'onjilikcM.'pNio Meeting.
Grand Chancellor Ansou S. McNab , of the
Knights ot Pytnlas , In a recent public letter ,
after giving the ofllcial notice from the
supreme chancellor , in which the latter an
nounced the formation of the Loyal Grand
lodge of Pennsylvania nnd directed that all
documents attested over its seal must be
properly respected ami oflleially recognized
throughout the order , the circular went on to
say :
At the lust session of the grand lodge the
place for holding the session this year was
fixed at Poughkeepsie. Our act of incorpora
tion as well as the constitution says the
"annual session shall bu held on thu Tues
day succeeding the f ourth Monday of July
in earn year. "
The city authorities of Poughkeepsio have
determined to celebrate their centennial dur
ing the same week in which our session
would occur. As n result their hotel proprie
tors have refused to rnuko any special rates ,
or oven to engage any rooms for the accom
modation of our members. Thu probabilities
are that wo should have to pay higher rates
and tuko crowded and much inferior rooms.
Ono of two alternatives wo wcro compelled
to choose , cither to meet elsewhere at the
date fixed by our laws , or to meet at Pough
keepsio "at the time spcilled , and if no
quorum bo presimt to adjourn the meeting
from time to time until a quorum shall ap
pear. "
The latter course met the approval of the
loeal committed at Poughkeopsle , and was
also deemed moro advisable by me.
1 shall probably meet with the G. K. K. S.
and a few of the representatives of lodges at
Poughkeepslu oa Tuesday , July ' M , and ad
journ until Tuesday , July : )1 ) , at 10 a. in. , at
which time the grand ledge will undoubtedly
have a quorum and proceed to the transac
tion of business , Grand oniccrs , representa
tives and others intending to bo present at
the session , will therefore nrrango to attend
on Tuesda.i , July .11 , at in a. in. This nr-
raiiL'emeiit will undoubtedly bo more com-
fo 'table and economical and undoubtedly
lawful under our constitution.
r l'yUinH Statistics.
Abstrrcts of reports of the various grand
lodges of Knlghtb of Pythias up to the Istof
January of this year give the following sta
tistics of membership : Pennsylvania , : i ,23'l ' ;
Ohio , 19.4.VJ ; Now Vork , I',71'5 ' ; Indiana ,
12,201 ; California , 10,00 ; ) . Illinois and Iowa
come next with 0,13 $ and S,5'25 , rospcctiovly ,
nnd few of the jurisdictions reach ( i.OOO.
Delaware and North Carolina are the only
btates showing a net loss , which , however , is
but slight. The total membership is 20 ,940.
The following facts are given iu regard to
thu order in Kansas : On the illst of Decem
ber the total membership was 7,575 a gain
for the year cf 1,211 members. The total ex
penditure of subordinate lodges during ISs"
was WO.r.S5.r)0 : the total receipts , $ ; f.,7i.i.57. ;
At tha close of the year there was cash on
hand in the ledge treasuries of $21,401. $9 ; In
the widow nnd orphans' fuud , $ .M7.40 ! ; while
flUJli'.l.M were invested in bonds and ether
securities , and $ . ' 7 > : i93.90 in real estate. The
total value of regalia , furniture and other
property of lodges was $ li9i.2 ! : $ . Total
assets of lodcos , $110b3i.97. : The total re
ceipts of the Grand lodge during 1SS7 were
f4,290.3l > , and the total expenditures $1,357.72.
A Monument to Henry Price.
Of the various Masonic events of the year ,
says the Hoston Herald , it may fairly bo said
that the most important was thu dedication
a few days ago of a Masonic monument to
the memory of Henry Price , who was the
first provincial grand master of Masons in
North the grand ledge of Massa
chusetts , F. and A. M , This monument lias
bceu erected iu Towusend , Mass. , where the
Init years of his life were spent. Henry
Price removed to Townscnd about 1TM , and
died there is l- . For over n century the
plnec of burial marked by nn ancient
slate stone nbaut three feet square , which
lately bec.une much dilapidated.
Some years ago the grand lodee learned
that the headstone originally erected over
the grave of Henry price had become' badly
craeKod nnd was In danger of destruction ,
nnd appropriated $500 for the erection of n
moro suitable monument. For various
reasons nothing was done In the matter until
thlsycar. Under the charge of the board of
directors of the gniuil lodge n monument has
been erected in the now cemetery in Townsend -
send upon a beautiful lot given for the pur
pose by the citizens of the town. The re
mains have been removed from the old
cemetery nnd deposited in n vault in the
foundation of the monument. The whole ex
pense of the erection was borne by the grand
lodge. The monument stands on a beautiful
eminence , commanding a view of the home
stead formerly owned by Price , and where
ho lived ninny years. The stones which stood
at the head nnd foot of the grave In the old
cemetery will bo cared for by the grand
lodge , granite bnies having been
prepared for their reception. The
monument is of hammered prariito. The
bane Is 4 feet square by 1 foot fl inches high ,
and from this sprint'.1 } the shaft , a perfect
cube , : i feoto Inchon each way. The whole is
surmounted by an apex raising straight ! 1
inches find then coming to n point in tluj form
of a pyramid 1 foot further. The total height
Is 0 feet. On the face of the shaft is raised
letters , ujwn a polished surface , Is cut this
Inscription : "Henry Price , Founder of Duly
Constituted Masonry in America. " Upon the
back , also finely polished , the inscription has
been cut in sunken letters. It Is taken from
the ancient stone that has marked the last
rcstlng-plnco of the remains of the venerable
mason for over a century , though in an ab
breviated form. This inscription reads :
"Horn In London about Itl'.M ; removed to
Hoston about 17 l ; appointed provincial
grand master of New iZngland in 17li.'l , and
the same year a cornet In the governor's
guards with the rank of major : removed to
Townswid nbout 1715 ! ! , nnd died there May 20 ,
IfciO. His life was consistent with his duty
us a Mason and a man. "
Foresters in Omalin.
The order of Foresters has begun workIng -
Ing in Omaha and South Omaha and the In
dications are that there Will soon bo well
established lodges of the order In the city.
The gentlemen In South Omaha who are in
terested In the work held a meeting some
evenings ago and arranged upon last night
ns the time for meeting nnd perfecting their
organization. The movement for an organi
zation in this city has boon so far perfected
that the Omaha branch will hold n meeting
for the same purpose Monday evening at
1B1B Dodge street. Organizer liyrno of
Chicago reports thut both branches start out
with n good list of members and hopes within
a year to organize a state court.
The Independent Order of Foresters is n
benevolent organization , based oinhe broad
est principles of mutual aid and fraternal in
tercourse in social and business .life. The
order is particularly stronp in Illinois , where
there are 1K1 courts , with n membership of
1IKX ! , ( ) . In cases of sickness a member draws
$7 per week , and in case of death the heirs
receive $1,000. Only good men morally , so
cially and physically are admitted. Creeds
and politics have no place in the order. It
aims to elevate the poor , assist the unfor
tunate , to relieve the distressed and protect
the widows nad orphans of deceased breth
ren. Where its principles are thoroughly
known it commands tlio support of faobur , up
right and conscientious people.
* * r
The order of Chosen Friends of Cleveland ,
O. , and the northern part of the state , guvo
an excursion to Toronto the Fourth of July.
The accumulation of the guarantee fund of
the order of the American Legion of Honor
up to May IB has amounted to about $1)0,000. )
The accumulation of the guarantee fund of
the order of American Legion of Honor up
to May intli , has amounted to nbout $110,000.
The new Masonic temple at Westmiastcr ,
British Columbia , was dedicated by the
grand lodge of thut Jurisdiction last Satur
During the years that the American Le
gion of Honor has been running moro thsyi
$11,000,01)0 ) has been paid to the beneficiaries
of moro than three thousand seven hundred
dead companions.
Assessment No. Ill was called July 2. The
record of the call shows SI7 ) ! ; ! members and
1,107 subordinate councils ; current cash bal
ance in tlio W. ami O. H. fund , Juno 15. was
$2-,190.S7 ; held for delayed claims , $24,000.
From the reports of the various insurance
departments the American Legion of Honor
stands second on the list of fraternal orders
for its cheapness iu transacting its business ,
it costing only 1.75 per cent on the amount of
business done.
From the reports of the various insurance
departments , the American Legion of Honor
stands second on thu list of fraternal orders
for its cheapness in transacting its business ,
being only 1 75-100 per cent on the amount of
business done.
The assessment notice for Juno of the
Knights of Honor order has been received by
thu subordinate lodges. It provides for 118
deaths , three of which occurred in Ohio.
Thu total amount paid to widows and orphans
to date is $24 , ( > llb45.0l.
The supreme dictator of the order of
Knights of Honor will recommend to the su
preme lodge that the rank of past grand dictator
tater bo conferred upon the member who se
cures the largest number of applications for
membership to this ledge between now and
July 1 , 18M" " .
Grand Protector Groom , of the Knights
and Ladles of Honor , has issued official cir
cular 3 , calling on thu lodges to arrange for
celebrating thu eluventh anniversary of the
order in September next. The first meeting
for that purpose will be held Monday even
ing , July 9th , in the reception room of Pacific
For July three assessments have been
called in Department H , Knights and Ladies
of Honor Nos. 15S , 159 , 1(10. ( Thosu aru for
iihiu deaths , as follows ; Now York , 2 ; Now
Jersey , 2 ; Ohio , Tcuiiussce , Illinois , Missis
sippi , Nebraska , 1 each. Total amount of
benoilts paid out by this department , $74-
O09.50. ! The above assessments eovor deaths
up to June 15,1SSS.
Thu membership statement of the Knights
and Ladles of Honor for the month of May ,
1NS\ shows an increase of 1,101 members , a
decrease of 415 , n net increase of 9Mi , and a
net decrease of ! iO. .Six hundred and forty-
oni ) certificates wcru issued and KM consoli
dations effected. The not increase in thu
order was O.Vi members. Tlio total number
of lodges now in existence is l.lllil.
In order to develop n healthy working
rivalry between the ditfurent grand jurisdic
tions nnd supreme lodges of thu Knights of
Honor the supreme lodge has offered a prlzo
of a magnificent silk banner to thu grand and
subordinate lodges securing the largest num
ber of now members during the coming year.
The banners are to remain the property of
tlio lodges wlmiini. them only so long as they
retain thu first rank In membership.
The supreme ledge 1C. of P. adopted the
committee's report authorizing the board of
control to levy assessments in addition to the
ono assessment per month , as heretofore ,
when neccss.iry. It also adopted a resolution
declaring implicitly that i.o authority has
over been granted for the creation of a ledge
of colored knights , and thut no colored man
can lawfully bo admitted to any lodge.
There Is now in press , soon to bo issued by
William Mill llutler , editor of the Pythian
Knight , a pocket cyclopedia of secret socie
ties , u most interesting and useful work of
reference fur all who are members of frater
nal organ I/at ions. Kach order is referred to
by a complete history of its institution , ad
vancement and general progress , and tlio
work cannot fail to gtvo satisfaction to all
who may luckily receive ft.
Two assessments Knights and Ladles of
Honor , Nos. 223 and 224 , have been called in
Department A , for July , which cover forty-
four deaths , distributed us follows : New
York , 14 ; Illinois , 11 : Nuw Jersey , 4j MIs
souri , 4 ; Pennsylvania , 2 ; Massachusetts , 3 ;
Ohio , Kentucky , Texas , Colorado , Missis
sippi and Nebraska. 1 each. Total amount
of benefits paid out la this department , $ , ' , -
5iO,27 ! > .G5 , The above assessments cover
deuths up to Juno 13 , IbSS.
At ono of the past sessions of the grand
lodge , Knights of Pythias , Past Grand Chan ,
ccllor Ktanton L. Carter , assumed that ho
was a member of thut grand body and en
titled to speak upon all questions coming be
fore it , although not u duly elected repre
sentative of his subordinate lodgo. This
right was denied by the then presiding of
ficer of the grand lodge , and Mr. Carter was
not permitted to be heard. Mr. Carter there
upon took exceptions and guvc notice of ap
peal , nnd did nppenf to the supreme lodge ,
which body hnn u hiinci1 the appeal , thus
settling the question tlmt past grand chan
cellors are inemlMirj * of the grand lodge nnd
entitled to all the rights imd urlvileges ns
The rejwrt of the sviprcmc secretary of the
American Legion of Honor shows that thcro
hns been ndvanced for relief in cases of dis
ability and sickness , for the llrst live mouths
of this year , the sjim of $5 * . , less than one-
twelfth part of nil aisbssmeut. And n part
of this sum has already been returned to the
benefit fund by the beneficiaries of deceased
companions. Of the , sum ndvanced Califor
nia members ImVa Jreeelved $200. Some
changes were mage 'li the rules governing
this fund at a recent meeting of the relief
Supreme Keportcr H. P. Nelirm , of the
Knights of Honor , announces the following
gain of membership in the Jurisdictions
named for the week ending Juno 10 last : Ala
bama 4. Arkansas ! { 3 , California 2 , Colorado
2 , Florida 4 , Georgia 7 , Idaho 1 , Illinois 11 ,
Indiana 9 , Kansas 9 , Kentucky 9 , Louisiana
9 , Maine 1 , Maryland 1 , Mmsachuietts 4 ,
Minnesota 2 , Mississippi ! l , Missouri 'I , Ne
braska 1 , New Jersey 4 , New York 23 , North
Carolina 2 , Ohio a , Pennsylvania 2 , South
Carolina 2 , Tcniiessco 3 , Texas 32 , Virginia 1.
Total , 11'2.
Pretty little Mrs. Jiirdino hml lost her
diamond brooch , valued in the thou
sands , and wag in a pock ot trouble ; for
it had leen ) presented to her on her
wedding day , and , aside from its value ,
was prized as a memento of the father
now dead.
Her husband was continually lectur
ing her upon her carelessness with re
gard to her jewels , and prophesying
the loss of some ono of them , and now
the most valuable of all had been
stolen. Stolen , for she utterly refused
to believe in its being lost.
Fortunately , as she comforted herself ,
her husband was away on ono of his
long business trips , and could not bo
expected back for at least six weeks. In
the meantime nho would keep the lots
qnlot and send for the best detective
talent to assist in the discovery of the
missing jewel.
The losssho had diccovorcd after ris
ing in the morning. She had been tea
a party on the previous evening mid re
turned homo late. Doing very tired ,
she drowsily submitted to the opera
tions of her maid and was soon in the
Hid of Nod.
llor first thought in tlio morning was
of her jewels. Llor earrings and brace
lets wore found in the jewel box , but
not her brooch. In alarm she rang for
her maid who in answer to her ques
tions said she had not scon the brooch
since Mral Jardino pinned it on the
previous evening.
This maid , Barker by name had been
with her too many years to be suspected.
So she sat down and had a "good cry , "
then sent for a detective.
Later in the day a card was brought
to her on which was engraved the nanio
of "John Roach. " The detective , of
"Show the gentleman up , .Tames , "
Mrs. Jardino said said to the footman.
A moment later John Roach stood in
Mrs. .Tarcline's cosy little morning room.
Mrs. Jardino never-having had any ex
perience with this class of men , was
rather taken abauk to find a well-
dressed gentleman before her , and in
her surprise allowed him to take the
initiative in the conversation.
"IIo\v can I servo you , Mrs. JardinoV"
His manner was faultless , ns was his
voice. Recovering somewhat from her
amazement , she stated her case very
quickly , and implored him to leave no
stone unturned to restore her diamond
to her.
Roach suggested that this was a dilll-
cult thing to do , and that Mrs. Jardino
must not bo too sanguine as to his
"Oh , but I know you will find the
brooch ! You must ! Whatever shall I
do if Mr. Jardine discovers my lossV"
'Um is Mr. Jardino a good judge of
diamond ? " asked Roach.
"No that is , not particularly. "
"Well , you say ho will remain away
about six weeks ? "
"Yes. "
"My advice then would bo to go to a
jeweler and have a paste brooch inndo
ns near as possible like the one which is
lost "
"Oh , I could never wear it ! " inter
rupted Mrs. Jardino.
"I did not say for wear , but simply to
lay in your jewel-box , and then should
your husband bo curious ho would
'never notice the deception. "
Having learned all ho could of the
persons with whom Mrs. Jardine had
mixed at the party , and received a his
tory of the servants , Roach took his de
parture , promising to lot her hear from
him soon. The dutective was not a
man easily discouraged , but the jewel
business was perplexing. Fashionable
women had been losing jewels all win-
tor. Ho had a dozen cases on his hands
like this ono , and had not yet boon able
to lind the slightest clew to the culprit.
Ho was convinced that the thief was
operating alone , and that tie was not
getting rid of the jewels either in New
York , Brooklyn , Hoston , Philadelphia
or Baltimore , for the pawn-shops were
closely watched. *
Ho had haunted parties , receptions ,
weddings and oven funerals , but had
not been able to discover any one that
lie could oven biispeet. His patience
was sorely tried.
Thus things went on for
weeks. The time for Mr. .inrdino'ti re
turn was drawing nigh and his wife was
nearly frantic. John Hoach determined
upon an experiment.
In looking over Mrs. Jardino's ornaments -
monts ho had noticed a very hamlsomo
gold dagger with a cross for the handle.
This cross was studded with diamonds
and was a very costly all'air. Ho told
the lady to wear that dagger on the
next evening she wont to a party or ro-
coptlon. Mrs. Jardino at once con
sented to wear it at Mrs. Blank's ball ,
on which occasion Roach was present.
Ho saw her when Hho caino in , looking
resplendent in wiUc | silk , with the
ilnggor at her bosom. Over her arm
she carried an opera wrap.
After hours of patient \yatching Roach
observed that a very distinguished look
ing man constantly hovered about the
ladies who were tie ) most jewelry , and
that ho seemed particularly fond of
Mrs. Jardino. Ho managed to ascer
tain that this gentleman was of excel
lent family , but possessed little means.
During the evening ho said to Mrs.
Jardine :
"Jf you IOSQ. that dagger to-night
don'l bo alarmed , for I will return it to
you in the morning. "
Perfectly mystified , she was about to
question mm , but ho was gone.
Just at this moment the gentleman
before mentioned requested a dunce
but on the plea of fatigue Mrs. Jardino
excused herself and said she thought
slio would return homo. Ho politely
oll'orcd to call her carriage , and , olTor-
ing his arm , led the way downstairs.
Upon the vehicle being announced ho
placed her cloak over her shoulders. A
swcot "thank you" from Mrs. Jurdino ,
and she was on her way homo.
Probably n square had been traversed
when the coachman halted , aiid Roach's
face appeared at the carriage window.
"Havo you your dagger , Mrs. Jar
dinoV" ho Inquired.
"Why , certainly I have ! "
"Look , please. " .
"Ohl" scream.'It's "
. A little scream. gonol"
"As I thought. " muttered Roach.
"You will have it in tlio morning , Mrs.
Jnrdino. Good-night , Drive on ; John. ' '
nnd jho detective was gone again.
.Ho returned to Mrs. HlaeK's baVl-
room. but the aristocratic gentleman
had departed , Securing his address ,
Roach went direct to his lodgings. Ho
overtook his man at his doorstop.
"Good-morning ! " called Roach.
Tlio gentleman turned' and looked at
the speaker.
"You have the advantage of me , sir , ' '
said he.
"Yes , " said Roach , "I think I have.
I want the diamond billed dagger which
you so neatly abstracted from Mrs. Jar
dino's corsage when you kindly fastened
her cloak fo ; her , nnd also a diamond
brooch which you took in the same
manner several weeks ago. "
The suddenness and directness of
Roach's manner took away the other's
breath , and ho could only ejaculate
mechanically :
"Come in/ '
Roach did so. The man was so un
nerved that ho gave way immodintoly ,
and begged so hard to bo spared a fel
on's cell that the detective told him if
ho would leave the country the next
day ho would not arrest him.
Roach not only recovered Mrs. Jar-
dino's brooch and dagger , but many ar
ticles belonging to other parties. Tlio
thief had disposed of some of the stolen
stones through a "fence" a receiver
of stolen goods.
Roach saw him on board a steamship
next day , on his way to foreign ports.
Mrs. Jardine was overjoyed to receive
back her proportv and dismayed to
learn that her haiulsomo friend was the
thiof. There have been no moro mys
terious diamond robberies lately , and
pretty Mrs. Jardino is now very careful
of her jewels.
Ladies of Omaha ,
The celebrated firm of Turpin & Co. ,
haue opened ono of their great Be , lOc
and U5c stores in your city , and would
bo pleased to have you call and exam
ine their immense and varied stock of
Glassware ,
Tinware and
These goods have been selected by
an expert of many years experience in
the business. He has often given ideas
to manufacturers , who have cordially
acquiesced in his excellent taste and
The ladies of Omaha have a rare op
portunity of selecting beautiful and
useful articles from our largo stock at
prices within the reach of all.
We also have an immense stock of
from 5c to 2-5c.
1509 FARNAM ST. ,
Four Doom Above Ifith.
We have a Fine Stock
of Everything
coming under this head
Sunday , Sth.
Tuesday. 10th
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb ;
CAUTION DcMlKiilnu iKTsoup , taking ndvniitnuo or our rcpiilntlon ,
nro cotiBtniilly stnrtlni ; IIOKIIR tnctllnnl CHtnhllHliiiiontfl t < > tlcculvo
etrntiKcra visiting ttic city. Tlic o pretcmtcrH uounlly illnn | > i > nr til n
few wncks. llnwnra of tlicnt or their runners or nuoula Xlie Omnlm
Miullcnt anil Hurt-lent Institute It the only cRtnlillnlicd meUlcnl InMl-
ttilo In Oinnlm. Dr. Mc-Monnmy , Proprietor , When you niako up your
mlmt to visit IIH , make n iiioinoritiKltiiu of our exact nildrcHn. niul tliu *
envo trouble , tlolay or nil.stnkcu. " "
EMMY , Physician and Surgeon in Cliarg&
Assisted by a Number of Competent , Skillful anil ExBcrienceJ Pliysiciaus and Surgeons
rartlcular Attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of tlic Urlnnrj
niul Sexual Organs , 1'rivate Diseases , Diseases of the Nervous Sjstein ,
Lunff ami Tiiroat Diseases , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or
Fits , riles , Cancers , Tumors , Etc.
More money invested ; more skillful phyt-iciansand surgeons employed ; more patients
treated ; more cures effected ; more modern improved instruments , apparatus nnd appli
ances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west
combined. Largest nnd most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty
newly furnished , \\ell wanned and ventilated rooms for patients , three skilled physicians
always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most bcicntillc manner.
Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporte , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance ,
remedy or instrument known. Call nnd consult rs , or write for circulars upon all sub
jects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by
correspondence. We have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , per
forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl
edged abi ity , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute the flrit choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and
scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art , skill , science and
human ingenuity , can britiR to hear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience will
always he taken into consideration.
Should you conclude to vihit us for treatment or correspond with us , yon will find
that these statements ol our position , location and facilities arc not overdrawn in any
particular , but ire plain unvarnished facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system
without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power , Persons unable
to visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All communications confidential
Medicines or instruments t-cnt by mailer express , securely packed , no marks to indicate
contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send his
tory of your case , nnd we will tend in plain wrapper , our
, ,
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele ,
wilh question list.
My Reasons for f riling a Boofc Upon Private , Special and Nervous Diseases ,
I have for many years made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs ,
have become a recoyni/ed authority upon the subject , consequently 1 receive an immense
number of letters from physicians and nlllictcd poisons , asking my opinion and adtici ;
upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , 1 have written a book , giving a.
general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , .success ,
advice , etc. After leading it , pertons will have a clearer idea of their condition andean
write me morcintoUigently and to the point. Jt will therefore he seen that our object in
writing these pages is not to lurnish reading matter to n class 01 persons who read out of
mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less
degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs.
Not a day pastes but we receive many calls or letters from persons Mtflcring from this
class of disease * , or their bequel , Many of them arc ignorant of the cause of thediOiculty
that has wrecked their constitutions thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and i
shortening their days.
Surgical operations lor the cure of Ilarc Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula ,
Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ; Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities
of the Human Hody performed in the most scientific manner.
We treat Chronic Diseases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach ,
Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Hones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) , Scrofula ,
Ilright's Dilate , Tape Worm , Ulcer * or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis , Raldncss
Eczema , etc.
Treated carefully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and most approved
McMenamy hns for years devoted a large portion ol' his time to the study and treatment
ol this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect liinuclf , and is
fully supplied with every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department
of Medicine and Surgery.
We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom
we have cured , after other * have failed , substantiate oui claims. To those alllictcd with
Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say , call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , Iheu
visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person yon will return to us for treat
ment and cure.
Our book , describing the Eye and Ear anil their diseat.cs , in plain language with
numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write
us in regard to cases ; by reading them carefully physician and patient will hayea clvnt
understanding and can dcsprihe cases to ns more intelligently. WRITE FOR HOOK ;
all Jullcrrf I
DR , J. W , McMENAMY , N , W , Cor , 13th & Dodge Sts , , Omaha , NB