Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1888, Page 10, Image 10

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. under this head 10 cents per
ttaa for the firm Insertion. 7 cents for each mib-
frequent Insertion , nnd tUtf n line per month.
Ho HdrertlneiiiGUt taken for lets thnn 2.rents
Tot tnl > llrst Insertion. Seven words will be
Counted to the linn ; they must run consecutively
Mid must be paid In A1)VAN ) ( I' . All advertise-
Kent * must by handed In before 12 : : o'clock p.
ro. . and umlor no clrcumntanccs will they bet
t Ven or dlxcnntlniipfl by telephone.
I'm tics adx'eitlslng In these columns and hav-
hig the ansxxrrs addressed In earn of Tnr Urn
Trill please ASK for n check to enable thorn to get
ITielr letters , us none xxlll be dcllvornd except on
prof-etitatlon of check. All ansxxcrs to adver
tisements Miould be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisemi-ntH In these columns are pub-
Ilslird In both morning and evening editions of
Tn Iltr , tlm circulation of xxhlch acgregat'5
more than 18XHI ( papers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the bcnofli , not only of the city circu
lation of THE I U.K. but also of Council muffs.
Lincoln and other cltlts and towns thtoughout
this ( tcrtlon of the country-
Ailxertlclng for thtse tolunins xvlll bo taken ,
onthoabovt rnnditlons , at the following busi
ness hoiiKOs , xx ho are nnthorlrcd agents for 1 nn
IIK hperlnl notices , nnd Mill quote thu same
rates as can bo had nt the main ollico.
OHN W. llim : riiarmacUt , 8 0 South Tenth
GHA.sTfik iilY : ) , Rtntloncis nnd 1'rlnteis , 113
6 II fAUSSWOHril , I'hnrmaclst , 211 j Cum-
lug .Street.
\\T iniIlf.S . { , I'haunnclst , ( HI North 10th
{ 1KO.W. 1'AHlt , I'harmaclst , 180" ) St. Mary's
Avrntii *
A N1 Ml Situation by 3 oung man of ux-
pcrleucoand capacity us Bookkeep or
bhlpplni ; i lerk , or In any position In xx Inch ho
can make himself useful. Address S 70. Hoc of
fice. 6W 0 *
WANTKI ) Situation us drug clerk. Hcgls-
tend In Nebraska. One year and a half
mmetleiiio. HiMtof roferonces. Address \ \ m.
OsooniM , btromsbtirg , Neb. DJ9-UJ
W A NTRD Situation ixs llrst-class bread and
cake , biker. S.II. ( llee Olllco. 41U 8t
\\TA NTKO- Voting man for marking and
fortlng In laundry. Applx * at onto , fron
tlet Bteum laundry , 101Hoxxard. . Mt ! lOf
TMrANTKD-ii oed olllco clerks xxell up In
T > genual otllco xxotk , or don't apply at
Aniioui-Cudahy Packing Co , South Omaha.
4'J ( 8 *
\\rn\VlSll to employ a foxv sal smen on
" | milnry to soil out gooclsbv Kimiilu to the
Wiojesalj ) nliil I eUIl trade of Omaha , Neb. , and
tidJolnlilgMtate. Wo are the 1 truest manutac-
tllitiaJU thlrticitintry Send I cents st imp foi
J"TrirUr3iais | iSo postals aitHXxuied. C'tnti unliil
MIiannfa"tiirlng Co. , Cincinnati , O. " fij'isj
WANTIID 20 men for surfacing and gi.ixcl
tialu xxork Ship Mondaj moinlng. lien-
-on'8J,1uplojment AgencLtOU bouth 10th st.
AGKNTSxxautod totako orlers for our noxv
book , Woild's Great Nations , Just out.
J'lnoJianco foi tne light man to make money.
P. A Gaxln. IWl'tixlonblock. 5MO ?
"VY ) Ixxocarpenteis foi shop xxork. s.
w. cor. .Mth and Cumlng st. BJI-M
WAVTI'D Txx cnty-llx o teams for grading In
Diinduu I'liie Applx Monday moinlng to
A. L , West , on the ground. & 13-SJ
AOHN'IS foi thu fastest selling and best pay-
Ing aitlrlu out. make $10 u da } . Wtltu tor
particulars. T. J. I'crrln , Lili'u
\VANTKD-llread bikois. Apply Sunday
T moiuliig at 11 o'clock , JOB. Oaineau Cratker
Co. 5Ut h *
* t \rAN'lf.D M nn cook foi nil olllLct'H mrss ,
Tt must haxeimexcepllonablereliioiicos. JIO ,
KOOI ! night cook * s , y Amuilcmtiltein * H , dish-
' -a , gin duels etc. > ln. Hiega'JIl'i ' S IDtli
1'I7 b *
A OIN1S ! xxantod tosellfiom house to house
JtXlu the city und HlnllH. homethlug nexx ; a
good chance Call 150J Ilainej , fiom 7 to U a.
in , , from 4 to 7 p. m. 4J 8 *
\T ANTKD A baker nt once , BIOS Cumliig st.
> _ 4'0 ' b *
17"AN'IKD - mlddlo-iiRed men of good ad-
lire-is ; good pay. Lull nti-OJl N. 27th. 191 U
W ) Immedlatoly , H hullo agents. Call
nt once nt'l'l Cnldxx ell st. 45 ! ) b *
* l\7AN'ILDnt once , t good men of good nd-
TT die-ss , good ihesserH , foi positions paying
from * KO to * W per xxeok. 'Ihis is htrlctly
liislne-s ; no ono but tint-class men need apply.
Adtlless I' . O box .CM. llentilce. Neb. 4'HI ' lit
V\7AN'I III ) A jouiigmanof 17 in IN jears ,
i must bo perfectly n liable and xxllllug to
Vork. Addrcba SM llccollice. J
\\7AMKD 1 camp co3k ? lfl , 1 Hhort-order
' cook fW , 1 xeionu cookSi'i , 1 farm handSlb ,
room and boird , 1 boy prixato lamllx , must
milk tow. Omaha Ump. lluuaii , 111) ) N. Kith at.
' A Of.NTSaud canx-asscrs quick ; best noxolty
tl-iii America You can see thu money sticking
h-lghl out ; # 10 to S.J5 daily 'Jhofzard llat
llack , size of sllx 01 quai tm ; cam In x est poi kct ,
Jiang jour Int on xxlndoxx , minor , or side of
Iiouse , Kxeiy man that xxeaisa hat buys. Im-
pitiihc piollts to agents. Sample nnd terms lOc.
I. K. Cinmlnll , \ Co , Chicago. J76-11 *
\ \ falx tiavellng nnd local salesmen ,
' TI bilary and e\etisi'H ] ; no c'\ieilenco ] neces-
fcary , Addtess x.lth stnmp , I'almcr A. Co. . Des
JMome-i , In yjl IB *
TAfxTBD 100 paving Btono dressuis at
' Northxxestern Labor Agi'iicjShip dally ,
ohn Muldoon \ . Co , ,115 S. loth st. 3IJ-
ANTKD fuergetlc men nnd xxomenoxery
xxhwio for a genleel moiiej-making busi
ness. * 0xxceklyirollt guaranteed eiihlirthnn
IfiO n.onthiy otherxx Iso. Kxperlcnco nbsolutely
wnnetcmtni y. Permanent position and exclusive
territory assun d. fc'.OOHamplcs fue. Writn for
TiaitliiifarH , Address , x > ithstamp , Moirlll Mf'g
Co. II M. Chit ago. a.7 Jy Ut
7AM KD Men for the xxest. Albright's
labor agency. ll.'O Kainam t CI4
-Am. Dint. 'lol. to , JJM Douglas.
r-\NTin-iood : diess makers , Apply nt
ini.l Harnoy Atreet. 6j-S |
'AN I KD 110 } a nnd girls nt I nil bank's Ind
Hiintry o.w ia
'IAN1KD A competent girl foi geueinl
I house xxoik nt 2V ! ) f , u nam at. OMl
T" AOY Adl.NT.S Wn xxant good camassers
J-J for tint Mine- Williamson Corset bills
( ixlthout tioubie ; Ills pcilvctly , Llbeial ti ims.
William on Coi set A. Hi ace Co , , 18 S. SKth wt.
Bt , Iiouls , Mo.
_ . ' ! > Lady took aud liou.oki-oiier fora
t lub of 8 gentlemen , t W , loom nnd boird ;
kTi hid } to ntteuil a lunch counter , & -1) , ll
Ititut'ioom glrU , $ ! 0 ; " pattiy tooks , * f'l ' ; ( J
Inutidiy glim , glrli to xxorlc tn bonullng house
out 01 ill } , J-'iiMUi ; .1 for ( JoiHidl HlutiH , $1 ; 1
( HuhxxtiOittiK. gill for liumilrj uiul dlbhxximlilng ,
pa , room heiswlf , mid UN ) glib for gi nernl house-
xxork , * HoSJ per xxeek gMu. lire'ga , tliu , boiith
( t5th 4U7
* \ \ rAS'TKD A good gill foi geneialxoik
cl IU01 Douge bt. ( iood xx ages paid
_ I" _
\\T AM HD A good gill lei gentral house-
xxork lu a faiiill } of J , Jl per xxeek. Inquire
( BliN Iflthbt 4b3tl
' AM'KD Dlnlngroom and ch imbor girls nl
l A t < ado hotel , 1-15 Dougl 111.118 tiei month
A N'IKD-Cook. 1001 N. 10th.
* lurnim mil *
"AN'IKD ( Joodgirl for general housoxx oil ; ,
213 K , 10th M 113 U
_ _
ANIL'DUlil forKenernl houaoxxork. Ap-
pi ) atoncont 171UN,2t.that. u , b
TT\ rANTKl ) Olil for K iiural lioutexxork. 52 ]
T > foiilh Jlthttroet , 8 12 cor Juckdon. JJJb
\ rANlf.U A xx et imr o for a child a fexx-
i 1 1 months old Addieiii S M , Hee. UJ
I loom gills , 4 dUhxxaihurs , U cooks lor ho
tels , S pastr } cooks , dining room girls for the
vest. Jot a of places for Kills. Omalm Ku
Zluifuu , 11V N , Ii'th Ht , 37J
rAh 1 KT-A | ulrl for ( -enorul housexxork , uxv
cor. IMIinuilLeaxenxxorth&H. J71
\TtrANTKn-A woman jiastiy cook at Ncxx
I T > VorL i hop hou o , 1I1U Douglas Ht.
fTFAN'l KU Competent cook and laundress ,
i l refrrfiicos roiiulred. t > m II family. Apply
to MM. W. 11. MeOVrd. 30J S lath. Xfi
tArANTKO-Dlnlugroom girl at Occidental
iTl hotel. 813
OTANTfU-Lady apents. "A" kklit and bus-
1 f tie combiuetl nid H. hose ttupportera.
Both lievx. ItiK nrotltn. beciuu loxxna for aprluir
trade IadlcsvMipily ! fo.ttr.W. W bhlustoii
bt. ,
CANADIAN imiiloutcnt : Ollica-Male and
fun le help sent to all p trtn if fiviu Is ad-
( ran el. IteMcnco , Omaha X atlouul buuk. Mu.
JLIrcea , ul 1S. . loth. ' 1'iil. bit. 1 < u j ) H'
KA Bmploytnent offlco.No. 317 North
] cth at : Male and female help supplied ,
rrhote fnnitllea a specialty. S7018t
MAHA ) . llnroau. 119 N. icth ht , oldest
and most rellabln 6mco In city , If you need
liclprallor wrlto. Tul 1IU. afi JvlJ
WAN1KD A Hue to handle on commission
In Nebraska , ( 'oloiado and KAIIVLS or ad-
virllsltiR to do oxer name territory. Address
3. IM. Hee ofllca. Ml h *
W ANTKD Immedlntelj txxo persons to learn
bookkeeping , good situations. J. H. Smith ,
room MS llamge block , WJ 10 *
\\TANT KI--lMirclia for line larijo IIOUSP
noxx bchiK built lu Cllttou Hill Stieet cats
nnd licit Hallxxay station nt hand , Onlv Sl.OOO.
and monthlx' p i > ments at that. Will sell house
anil three lota It dealt ed , A. 1 * . Ttlke } , Uth and
l < ougl is. < i.'i
\\rANTf.n lloatd and room In prlxnto lam-
i lly , for cmtlemnn , xxlto anil txro Hiinilt
children ; tetms imist bo reasonable : lefciouces
exchanged Address S 5. ) , llee olllce. % S'J
\VANTKD To buy or tiRde fora Rood build
tin ; th it can be moved. I'leaso call on
or address Ucorgo J.Slcinstloru" , room 0 , onpo-
gltcI'.O. gil ;
\ \7 ANTFn-Tho public to mnko Rood usoot
i ) 'Iho Dec's message boxes throughout the
flly. 100
\\rANTKI ) If } ou liaxo nny land" ! , lots , or
i > houses and lots to sell or exrhaiiuo for
other proper ! } , call on mo orxxrlto lean tint !
} on n customer. 0. 0. Spotsxxood , 303'iS. Ititn.
"VyANIKD Table boardeis , ion Dodge.
TXTANTKI ) lly txx-o gentlemen , txxo nlcelx"
V > fuinlihcd looms , In a gootl nelghboihood ,
near business cenlor , xx 1th modern com enlcnccR.
Hefuonccs uxchanged. Address S. 6llee. .
6.17-10 * .
V\TANTKD To rent by a responsible party , a
TI furnished hou o of four or llxo rooms ; or
thrca or four furnished rooms for light house-
keeping. Address So" , lleo olllco. IH.ll )
WANTKD Cottage of fi or 0 rooms xxithln
11 } miles of postolllco. Address , glx Ing
lo"atlon nnd rent expected. Address S li ) , llee.
ijiuli JuNT : llou 7 rooms , l.uge jard , on
JL ? auh nnd llnrncy. Small house ? 7.-)0 12th
undJonos Hoitso and bain 'I'd nnd Hoxxard
st flu. Linahnn A Mnhonoy , Itoom 50iT 1'nxton
block. 5511
TJlOIt HUNT axunr faro i > y moox Ing In the
JL "llei llitf > , ' llttid xxlth all the most modem
conxenlences. 7 light rooms Including bath ,
pintrles , closets , steim heat , gus and xxattr ,
"also txxo nice scoies ' and basement. "Hefei-
enciis required. ' Apply to Hammond V Her ,
hatdxxaie , 121 South Kith bt. 51la7
TJ10H HKNT 8-ioom house , fill farnun.lmn ,
J cltx water a , soxx er , bath , bteiim ho it. C.
Hartman.20iSlicel ( > block. 500 10
F ? HKNT 2 houses , 3 and 4 rooms.II j S.
1 llth , I" J. Hartmnn. 5108 ?
1J10H HKNT 7-room llat , 1007 lioxxard st ,
JL ? Cochian llron,4f , llirkcr block. 4KI 1U
POlt HUNT-fi room cottage , Sll S. JJd st.
474 8 *
"IIIOll HUNT 1 5-room house. B"th axe. bet.
-I.1 I' und Dodge. _ 477 h *
TjlOirilKNl' House , 1JJU Capitol mo. Apply
JJ ut residence. 4"9 lu ?
rpnN-UOOM brick IIOH O on Douglas. ncnr ± ! d ,
JLrent $70 ; fuinlturo vciy line ; prlco il.oTiO.
10 room boarding honso on 1) ivenport.neai Hit ! . ,
rent J7) ) , f > V ) ; tlOJ cash , bal fJ'i pel month , box--
tial other bouse- ' for runt xxlth the fuinlturufoi
saloon time. Co operatlxo Land i. Lot Co . 203
N. ICth st. 4U- ! )
" 1710 It HUNT Txo noxv moderu S-room houses
JU bath and all imxloui liupioxemeiits , Im hid
ing furnace and atatlomuy xv.ishtubs.rlhuu
houses are splendldlj loc.ited xxlthln a foxi foot
ofl'arkaxe. To good tenants long leases xxlll
be made If clcblred. Amos , solo agents. 1507 far-
uain st. 48S 8
HKNT2iroom boartllng house , corner
llth and Dodge sts. 4 11 U'
" | 7 < OK HKNT 3 5-1 oem cottages , centrallj Io-
X1 cated , rent iii a month. Mead luxc'stmeiit
Co , ai b. 15th St. 402
171011 HKNT A pretty 7-room house on Call-
Jt ? fornla street. Oasand city xx.iter. Inquire
Netheitnn Ilull,21'J S. llth st. 4li7 K
FOHHENT Jioom house with cellar , etc. ,
cor 27th axe and Hoxxard Ht. 41J8J
O'H IlUNT fl loom"house 2J12 Caldxxell st.
one block west of baunderb. Iniiuire 1307
Irani t-t. 44J at
_ . HKNT A ncxx1room house ; loxx lent
Mis. Muronoy , 10th st Just north of Hancroft ,
U7-S ?
F ilf.NT 1 5 room house , * t\i \ nxo and
' \\ebdter. Imiuiro Room U)5 ) , I'axton block
I' . J. Creedon.
"I710HHUNT furnished 01 iinfuinlshed S room
-f cottage , model n ImpioxcmciUs , on ( ieortla
axe , near I'aik. Knqtiiie K. U. 1'cteison , s. e.
cor. luth nnd Douglas. .J07-SJ
FOR HKNT A splendid Hi oem cottage and
large birn on North IBth bt. H. C. 1'attor-
bou , 'JIH south 15th bt .t ti
FOH HKNT ! i six room houses , coi 1 ith aud
Vinton. Telephone MW. John L. 11 ill.
FOR HKNT Cheap , nn elegant nexx U-room
house xvlth all modern improvement ! * , 1J17
S2Uthbtrcct. Just south \\oolxxoith. .
FOH RENT Modern single house of i ) roo-ns ,
bath room , hot nnd cold xvater , onutreet car
line and paved street , rcndv tor occupancy
Aug. 1 , $ li * per month. Apply nt once C. t
Harrison , 41d 8.15th at. i.1'J
T710H HKNT 7-room house , No. 1513 S Sth St. ;
J-1 o-room cottago. No. fll'j Win St. ; fi-ioom rot-
tugc. No.- " ) Charles st. Inqulio HOU Cap ave.
Ill )
FOH HKNT or Sale New cottago. lied foul
1'laco , on easy ii.ijmeuts. inquire M. L.
Hoedcr , room 4UI1 I'axton blocs. )7
.TOL'SK for rent , furniture for bale , 1 block
from I' , O. , 1015 Dodge bt. fcf > 7
lionHKNT fine 10 and 11 loom nexv bilck
Jlion , all modern conxententes nt loxv
rates , nt 21th und Cass , on car line. H. T , Clark ,
nt L nlon Trust Co. hn 8
T71OH HKNT 2 noxv houses , all modern im-
proxoments , tlesirablo locitlon. 1C A Leav-
cnxrorth , loom 1 , 1117 f ainam st. 811
" | 7\OH \ HKNT A land 5loom hoiibo. SBS Dor-
JL/casst. liankO. Olsen. b07.1lr ! )
FOH UKNr A line 10-room brick house xxlth
all niodurn liupiox'emonth , line lotatlon on
btuct car line. H. .M. Genius , 111H Douglas bt.
5" )
" 171OH HKNT 7-room house on paxed Btieot , 0
J- ' blocks f i oiu court home , tw per month I ; .
I' , biaxcr , loom 10 , linikei block UJ
Poll SALK Txxo i.cxx , S room houses lu Or
chard Hill mid I'oppleton fark.111 fi ll
tin up foi in h , 01 xxilltakogood liiht ornotond
11101 tgage puiier. All ) uaxonable IHIIIIH to hon
est paities. 0. ( fcpothxxood , WV | S. llith. ll'i
IjUJH HUNT 10 loom house Kill st. ! N/.i- ) ;
-L rooinlmiibo f H , b-ioom house iH , 7-roim
hou-tisJo , O-room house Hoxxnid ht and other
houses 0. K Tnompson , bhcele } block. .IJJ
Foil HKNT-A desirable nlno-ioom house iill
modem Impioxi-mcnth , hulC block from
i able line on xxmt Dodge st. All Improx eir.onts ,
cheapto good leiinnt. r. J. Hothxxlck.-JI h Uth.
" 1J10H HKNT I urnlshed house , gootl locution ,
JJ for partlcuhiM call at the olllco of'1 has.
Hrommn \ Co. , loom J , Chamhnr of Commerce.
IllAVi : a foui room house on luth street , txvo
blocks fcouth of Vlntou , that I xxlll rent to n
good tenant foi Jlpur month , ex PI x thing In
good ropali ( Uorgo J , bternsdorll' , Hoom o ,
opposite 1' O. 31
rpf.N room huiise xxlth jnrd , near I arnnm nnd
a-24lh st , bteun heat and nil modern 1m-
pio\cmeuts ju5 pei month. Call 207 S 21th st.
HKNT A mat Ku cottaRo. Apply nt
once , 0. f Hnrri-.on , ild S 10th st. III
SKVKHAL Mco unfurnished looms for Hshl
hounvktujiliiKat 111 outh2iith btrcot. uii.
in r DodKO , on t u cable lines , 51S b *
FOH HUNT-DesIrable furnished rooms , cool
unilaluuly. lOil Dodge bt. MI8J
I UH HhMT 'Ixxo front looms , neatly fur-
AcUhed. . blS lloxxiud st fifth *
TJlOll HKNT-2 furnished front rooms , aiilta-
-L' bio for2or4 iientlouion ; cool ; central loia
tlou , Inquire room 0 , ad tltwr , 1JOJ Dotmla * .
6W1I *
"VTJCI5LV furnished looms for ladles orgentlo-
-Liiiipu , 1 block cable and jed car lines , ccaucr
"Ut und Webster.
TJlUHNlbllKD front room , 1IU Hex > aid it
31S o *
TTHlll 1U..NT Laigo front loom , grouad lioor ,
Jfurnished. . iU'.ou shaded , cool , xxlndoxx s open
upon gia ' a plat , xxlth maple trees. KW Hoxxard.
_ .JW dj
LAHUK nnd small room Miltablo for gentle-
. man , xxuh or xvlthouf board , 1S1J Dodvo.
lOTl Ilf.NT-Nlccly furnlshod rooms , W17
I-oarenxxorlh. 4 > 08t
IXniNlSllKl ) room M. 800 3.22nd.
1JIOH HKNT-Kurnlshcd front room , fi blacts
-C from P.O. . modern tonx eulences , ail N. 17th.
9S1 8
EOH HUNT I'leasant largo gtound lloor room
XTltn alcox-e , closnt , large yard , nice fhado ,
cable and street cars at door. No. 112 S. 21th.r .
r > ]
TTKHt HENT-2 furnished rooms , xxlth or xrlth-
JL ? out board , prlx ate family lull Ooualas st.
5li HJ
171011 HliNTWellentllatenslesplngrooms ,
J ? furnWied. ! * Hoxxard. 83 monthly or xxeekty.
" | jU > K HIN 1 I in nlshcii room xxitn boani tor
J * ? mnirlidiouple In family of txxo adults.
Terms xciy loxv , references. Address S7Jlleo
olllie M7-s
U suite ot txxo roomi. south
fiont. all modern com cnienecs , )7in ) CASS.
T710H 1UNT : 2 rooms. futnlMied complete for
J-1 liotiiekteplng xxlthln one block of po tonice ,
furnlluio nexx and tor sale cheap. AddtessS 71 ,
lice olllco. EM. ! st
"I710H HRNT-Txvonoxvly ftunlshett rooms , no
JL oilier roomers ; lottago. nil north 17th st.
Y furnished rooms , ens ulto or singly ,
J- > xx 1th or xx Ithout board. 1701 Dodge st
TWO nlcel } furnished cast fiont rooms , xxlth
balcony , lu prlx ate family , xx Ith or xx Ithout
bonid , ( ill bouth Ucorglaaxe. Veiy rei onable.
fOI II ?
SOUTH room nlcclx' furnished , modern con-
xenlonces , HUllablo foi'ono gcnlleman. J.M07
Doughi" 8sJ
F OH HKNT-Nlcely furnlsheti room for 2
gentlemen. Ilefeienccs. SOU Harney st.
FOH HUNT Cozy carpeted olllce or small
store room , llrst lloor , choke loc itlon. Also
desk loom In a nice olllce. furnished sleeping
loom attached If desired. Adtliess 1' O box 7W ,
nil ) 10'
OHOICi : front room xxlth bond In pleisant
home. Itofeicnces f O south SBth ave. frti-'tj
"ITlL'llNlSHED-Uoomsxxlthboaiil ) HttiU
f.Jl a7 >
HUNT furnished rooms , 2-J07 Douglas.
41M lit
D rooms , ai8 N. nth bt.
TJ1OH HUNT Nlcelj fuinlshul Iront rooms ,
JL1 | ir , cuss. 47i > bt
ri'XUO large front looms nlcclj furnished xxllh
-L all motiein conxenlencos , largo shadj jaid.
Itefeieliccs required. U04 Itult st. : f)7 ) 8 *
rpWO furnished teems , 1519 lloxxnrd , 2d lloor
-L sr ; Hi *
UUNISHK1) looms and boaul , 18U Chicago.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ! Mt-ttl
O HOOMS suitable for2ot nioioBcntlemen.Jll.
8J2 S. Iftll. 17b M
FUHNISHKD front loom rhcap , 2110 Hnrnoy.
3111 8 ;
_ _ _
"VT/lcn / largo ftont loom xxlth b.ith.fortxxo gen-
Jtiemen or single. A pplyJJJ Douglas.
OK lUINT furnished room , 210iJ farnnni.
5Jl U'
T71OH llhNT flat , xx 1th or xx Ithotitboard , \ erv
- ieisonable , N\V. col. lOthaud Ilickotj.niJH
GOOD" furnished rooms xx ItiTboard , 1202 N. 18.
4 1 U
_ _
IT1OH HUNT rurnlshed rooms in Oreutilg blk
-L' cor. l.lth and Dodge stg. Inquire of Gee It , .
Dax-ls. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 1
NICELY futnisod looms xxlth modern con-
\oulencesatU10S.17thst. 07J
"VT ICKLY furnished rooms , xx Ith or xx Ithout
-l > board. 201J Douglas at. _ 4J1 jy 1'rf
"IJOOMS Including boird in the Young : Wo-
- men's homo 1U10 Dodge it. lleferentos re
quired. 1)40 )
N1C1U.Y furnished rooms , $1 per xxeek or J.1 10
month , 510 , 501 and QUO S. mil st. 403 Jyl It
FOL'H gentlemen can bo accommodated xxlth
nntco suite of rooms and Ural-class board ut
2. % ! ! ) St Marj's live. . Oiadtly block. b'J'i
FOIt HKNT 1 urnlsliert room xxlth board for
txxo gentlemen.V'O St. Mary's ave. 807
FO R R E N TR 0 6 Rfl slTrTF U R N ISH"ipT
"TT10H Itr.NT 't looms , cellai and pantry , M'tS.
- tJd st. Aaion I'uttrson. 1'ilce W per month.
_ 4M b *
rour(4)rooms. ( ) 41"iS loth st . ( M 00
1 lireo(3) ( ) rooms , 11J2N 21st at . K 5U
'llneo (1) ( ) rooms , IIL'7 N. 20th bt . 11 2T >
' 1 hreo ( J ) rooms , HJO.N.2lst st . U Si )
1 otu ( I ) looms , 17U.ebiter > jt . 1800
foui (4) ( ) rooms. 11 1 South nth bt . JO ( K )
T\xo-rooms ( ) , 707 1'arlllcst . 1 00
1 xx o(2) ( ) looms. IMS Hoxxaul st . 10 Oti
One (1) ( ) barn. 7th and 1'aclHc sts . fi OJ
Tour (4)rooms,17obsterst ( ) ( . 22 HI
lour ( I ) looms , llii S 1'ithst . . . . 2000
'llneo CDroonn. 7fll'5 1'aolllcst . . . 1100
Apply to Judge Renting Agnucx' , Heiald
building , S. W coiner of 13th and Harnoy st.
TjlOH KlTNT Nexv htoio bulftiing fu3t com-
-L pleted , ono block fiom depot , at South Oma
ha , liujulre of ( Joe N. Hicks , Ilarkci block ,
a xx coi. inth and fin nam sts. fA > U
POH HKNT-Small store on nth betxxecn f.u-
nam and Hnrnoy , largo safe for sale. Apply
Itoom 411 1st Nat bank bldg. 4 ! 1
O , f fICKft and stores In Sheoly block O.K.
Thompson , room 2U b' ' 3
"I710H HUNT Store on Dodge street , betxxeen
-I- fifteenth and Sixteenth Htuuts. Charles W.
Halno } , Itoom 4 , Arlington I Hock. JIXMG *
FOH HKNT Store , basement and xxarohonso
attached , suitable for tin hanlxvare shop or
plumber : goottplaio foi grocery stole. 114 S.
llth st. Inquire O. Ulncomlnl. 217
FOH lintfT- Store room , northxxest cor. 15th
nnd Ytnton. U7J
JTOHK for lent r.f ) N. IBth , Inquire of
Hc-nry Oathoir , fill Callfoiiila s > t , 453
FOR HKNT Retail business room on 15th ut.
C. f. Hariison , 418 S. 15th st US
FOH HKNT lluHpment nnd Ice house nt 1711
Hurt St. , lecentlj occupied by the Lcmp
Hroxxlng ( o ofht Louis laiqulre nt 870 N.2" > th
uxo oral piomNos , JS1 lit
. OlOJy 20
/ U. THOM 1'SON , Hoom 1LJ bbeoly blot It.
If YOU xxant joui houspH reDted place them
xx'lth Henuxva X Co. , lotli , opposite postolllce ,
- Jul } I . .diurttiter loft ie-
Jxidxer In gent H room at l'a\ton hotel , \ \ ill
Ilii'li i pleasn torrespondc Ynluabloon nctount
iitasMi intlons , suitable ii'XMiid paid AddiosM
f f I'uul , Id IN. 'JtllMt. , it Joseph , Mo , fi.WbJ
LOS1' Dog named Cmly. In I near N. 'iotli Ht ,
uv'istored 471 , i'le.iso dullxel at 102 N. 10th
st , and locclxo unxaril. 4W B *
IObT In or near High scliool grounds , gen-
i thman'K gold xxati'h. fludoi x\ill phase
leavux.imuut lleo olllco nud get leixx aril' 455 b
LObT In South Omaha , pocketbook contain *
h ) { xuhniblo papers I luitoi tommunieato
xxlth K. Yantlev enter , rapllllon , Neb , Hoxvaid ,
OST-.SIlc umbiella xxlth silver liandlu
inaiked C ( ' . - > . Return to JUJi , U Itith st. ami
ri'telxe lexxard U > 0
mtf.N' fl'-Jul } } hoise ll hands lii h ,
xxhiti fai e , about 1) ) } e ars old , alio ha }
mart ) 14 liauda high one jlass cje ; both Imxo
xxhltohlnd fect , at 41st street ono block south
of Lenvenxxorth ; ollico looms V-M Iron Lank
building J W Kllcr.
" 17101JND A xxatch ; tha oxxner can liavo the
JL ? sumy b } pioxlug proper ! ) and pajins , '
charge * , by calliM0at U. 1' . sliops , at Lcary s
shop , or at my lesldeuce on Walnut Hill , 2
blot ks west of Hamilton fct. bildgo. K. il.XX hit-
nej. 451 b
IJdtllbONAL Spirit IUIIIIM und ntcklu Iron for
H ; Iron , S'tc ; liangs of latest stlo ut low
rates. Mr.s Kute Claiupltt , 20SN , Ifith st. C.Be'
IKllbONAL Tnocurtia of adxorlUIng Is lie-
Ing , 1 toneh the only ptnfect laillui' tailor
aj.stem In the city , to proxu it challeuxo all
other * to out n test nt my loom. 1'rof Molpoei's
scientlllo dress cutting school , 15th mid ( uiiltol
axo. OJ1J
1 K ! > O.VAL-l'artnerxxlth U)0 ) capital lo gq
J lu businesi in the city fur i > omcthlug now ; b
snio thincullat ; 1WJ Haiuey bt. Tto U u m.
and from 4 to 7 p. m. 4 < il tit
IJKHbOVAL If joulmvuu personal item.or
. any communl' ' atlou , drop it tn oue ot 1 ho
lice's meoiaje boxes. 100
mo the ladles : Mrs , M V. Dolp. wllli the orl -
JL Inal Parisian method of dress cutting nnd
dcslcnlug nnd ll of Its xvoudftrful Improx'o-
ments to facilitate learning , will bo at the Bar
ker hotel In this city two vreeks toxxnlt upon
callers , and teach the only Parisian metnod
tiught In America It Is e y to lenrn. nd nts
nil pupils for good plying positions Mothers ,
xxlxes nnd daughters , this Is no opportunity for
you Agents xrantod In all toxvns In Nebraska
Mrs M.J. DnlpProprietor and Manufacturer of
Parisian Methods. Patterns cut to measure.
fwl-Jy IS *
IDPRSONAIi-Prlvatfl homo for ladles during
L confinement , strictly confidential. Infants
niloined. Address K 4. * , Ilco olllce. uOt Jylst
IF you want to buy , neil , rent or exchange
( All on or address Uoorgo J. Stemsdorlf ,
room C , opposite P , O. 2S1
1 KlisONAL-Kllon Josephine sionTlms inn
nxxn } from her home , Juno 21 , at Tokamah ,
Neb , about noon , and the last seen of hei xvas
at Illalr , Neb. Sim xx ore nt the time n broxxn
mid xx Into checked gingham dress , hand xxorkotl ,
xxltlin cioss stitch , with whlto knitting cotton
on left side of oxersklrt. dress skirt plain ,
ba qiioxxorkedxxlth cross stitch of xxhltts knit
ting cotton on the front , iopre entlng tlirno
atoms. Shohadonn black Jersoj' , braliled In
front and back In black and grcj- , possibly It
might Imxo black nnd red and nnd xxlno
braids , nil same stj'lo of braiding llelgp stjlo
\xaiklng hat , trimmings lu jclloxx' rose.
Do Itcigo ribbon , xxlth strcameis She
Is tlxtfeet llxo inches high and
xx oil Imlll ; has dark auburn hair nud done up.
nt the time she b ft. In a txx 1st on the top nf head
combed doxxn on foiehead nnd laid In foui or
llxo loups ; laige. dark bioxxn Intelligent ejos ,
clear cut features , dark complexion , nearly fif
teen yours old , but xxould betaken for eighteen ,
Hi r parents kiioxx not xx hy she left and any In
formation to the undersigned xxlll be gladl } i -
celxed bx a heartbiokcn motlier. A JhiOicxxiiid
xxlll bo gix en for her return to her patents. If
this nhould meet the oes of out daughter
Klleti , xxlll she como homo or let us knoxv xxheio
she Is ? Your mother s heart Is nearly broken.
Como home. Henry Stork , Ickaninh , Hurt
count } ' . Nob. 417-12
FOH SAM ? Ono txpoxill r nnd oclostyo.
Iliillilro 1-07 Douglas st. tM II
T71OH SALK An elegant noxx' trycycle. sullnblo
JL1 for lady 01 gentleman , cost JIN ) . Will xell
It for MOT. Hes Blltt Mnpio at. . Omalm. SOIU'
Foil 8ALK Cheap Large library case. 11
feet high and ll feet long. Jloom .10. U. S.
National bank. fill ! ) *
FOK SALK Cheap , good hoisoiind btttclier'H
cm t. S K 20th nnd 1'lerce. MM 11'
TT10H SALK Cheap-One of the best tamlly
JL1 horses InOmnhaxx eight about 1'JuOlbs , color
dark buy , ago 7yrs ; xxlll also sell phaeton nnd
hnrnossmnko ; xxonn oiler. Daniel II. Wheeler ,
room I , Crelghtoa block , Douglas and nth sts. ,
Omnlia. 487 8
TTHMl SALK Lease and elegant ncxxfurnlturo
JL' of 'M loom pilxato boarding house , " blocks
from 1' . O. Oxxiiei leaving city. Address t > CO ,
llee. < 471-'t
FOIt H A LK Hoarding-house xxlth 15 rooms ,
good locution , on Doughi ! ) st , pilce'H.IOJ.
Apply II. Mannxxollor. 414 S. 14th t. 4C011 *
POH SALK furniture and peed xxlll. St
Charles hotel , Llntoln , Neb. Ono block
from depots and postolllce. Long lease on sat-
isfactoij teiins. Address O. M. , bt. Ch irlcb
hotel. SOI
EIHSr MOHTGAGK notes for sate. Ooo. N.
Hicks , room 40. llaricor block. 410 S
SIX pel cent bonds for sale or exchange for
good real estate or Interest lu a pa } Ing busi-
ne s. Address , Ho\.JJ , Moirlstoxvn , Nexx-Jer-
HOHHK , buggy nnd harness for bale cheap ,
Ilenr } Wood.SCth and Grant st. 3B7 aS'
F I OK SALE A family can lage and team , atLee
Leo A. Nichol s lix cry bain. Telephone MO.
FOIl SALK A line family maio 4 years old ,
perfectly site ; also an almost nexv Bn } tier
buggy nnd hainess Inquire L. D. Hurnett , cell.
Uth and fnriiam , at Ilelman's. GSJ.
OK SALK-riiinlngmillmachlneiy. Call at
1400 Daxenport st , Omaha. .110
FOR SALK A fexx-holco milch coxxs , C. f.
Harrison. 418 3. luth bt. ! A' > JlrM
s iOMK 1st mort notes for silo , ono nnd txx-o
yeaisln : small sums. Adthcss Oi ! , lleo ollio.
F Oil feALK 1 ino single hoiso hainess and
buggy. Charles. A , Oo's , 418 S. 15th st.
10 > jly 28
BAHN to bo moved 1 haxe n barn that xxlll
accommodate four her os and Is In good
repair that I xx 111 trade or sell very cheap. Ap
ply to 0. Daith , pioprietor Haundet3 street
market , butxxceu Caldrtell and Hamilton
BKAlJTIft'L faces nud lorms guaranteed.
1 nee ble ich u'moros teeckles pimples ami
wilnklo * , $1 pel boitle. Hook of letelpts for
the complei tlou > CCIIN. bend 4 ceutH for cli-
cular. Madame Huppert , IJ btnto stieet
Tf you xx ant to engage In bnsliii ss call on us.
xx o can lit xott out. Co opcratixe I and X Lot
Co . an N st. 421J1
nj HE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gellea-
J- beck , t-OJ ll rnqy st , IttJ
ANTKD Karlh to till In 2Jd nnd Chicago
sts. Imiulre at 1113 I'nruim st. 4708
rnoT.VVT.SIOHS I can place soxeral thousind
JL dollnrs on g"od ) iropcrty nt fair mtes of In
terest , lieo. N. Hicks , room 40 , Hnrkoi block.
J. W KLSHANS. No. 311 S. Kith opposite
chamber of tommerc. ) Hullding material
of all kinds , best Vcnetlm blind oxer made , art
glahs , pressed brick , building stone , llro biick ,
terra cotta , dumb \x alters , luxvu furnlturi' ,
iron fences , etc. , etc. Ifinxvant of liny article
not to bo foundselsoxvhere lu the city , see mo.
you nave anytnlng to trade c'xh on or address -
dross OeorgoJ. Sternsdorll , Itoom 0 , oppo
site postollico. 1W
j7i STKHNSlXMrFfTroom 0. opiiositepost-
olllcoxxlll tiado } ou n good farm or city
properly fora hoi so. buggy and harness. 1JJ
rpllHbestxxlndoxv screen In the market Call
J-at 8.1) ) . cor. Uth and Douglas nnd I xxlll pioie
Itlojou fredW. ( jrny. 7tA ) .lyJJ
/HLKANINO and Dyeing All kinds of llrst-
Wi lass cleaning and dxoingdono at thi'Onnha
Steim \\orks.l5JJlloxxnrd ) St. Tolephonoiil" .
COO .1 } 19
Jiiisiv ; ; bull for sci x Ice , coi Jllh and Jackson
street ! MJU ;
"J OMH for Destitute Women nnd Children ,
JilSllmt fct. IO
w OMAN'S KxcTianuo , Idl7 farnam st. Lunch
dall } , supper b.iturtlay nights. viu
) A good l.or'e. buggy and hurnesj
In exchange for South Omnlia loU. Goorga
J.SteinsdorlT. loom0 , opp posulllci ) . U
' Shorthand Institute iT the
largthtand on ! } exclimlxc * , pinctlcal shoit-
hand and tjpoxviltlng school In the xxest fiulei
the management of C , C. Valontlne , olllci il com t
repoitei ot thu'JIuid Judii lal dliitilct of No
Inui-ka , and 1'rof. II. H. Holes u x < rlmtlm ie-
portei or lai o oxperlenio and loputatlon , as-
blstid by otliiTi'Xpeifonccd teatheis. Out list
of graduates Is tliu largest of any school In thu
xxut ; all me occupying llrst class positions aud
glx Ing entliuHatUfai lion. If } on intend leuru-
ing Hhorthnud mid tpcxxiltiug attend a Hint-
class si heel nnd bo suio of a good Munition ,
btudents tan entc-i at uny tlmo ; no summiu xn-
cation. I'ltman's , Munson'rt nnd ( jrah tm SHVS-
terns taught Idstructlou given on Hammond &
liemlngton Tj poxx rltcrs toi sumo price , Partic
ular attention paid to spelling , punctuation ,
business and legal foiins , etc. for full partic
ulars i'nd for ciicuiars or call at Yulentiiio'H
Shorthand Institute , Nexv I'axton building ,
Omnlia , Nob. 2iW Jy31
' blOHAGK-We haxe at our xx are-
CII15A1' good btoiage loom for household
furnituie orotliei pi isonal propurty ; also urn-
plo loom foi meichaiidtso htorago. Rates nns-
enable Ureat Western Tpe fouudi } . 1111
Hoxxnrd slreijt. J'Jil Id
\7"KRY Cheap Storage -limn nexx building ;
i Ux e stories. Klexutor Mfg Co. , 1118 Howard.
rpltACKAOK , storage , loxvest rutoj. VT. M
JL llualiman , Hll Louvfinworth. Ifi7
" COMKOlfrAHliru to froom housoTnif loT
Inside thu 2 uiilo limit ; xxlll put lu cash xx ith
a farm or smaller homl ) and lot. Actlxe Heal
Kstate iSc rropert/Kxthauge , 15't Dodce bt ,
* - * i i
IVANl'BD To bjil.ncigar nnd confection-
> > cry btore lu good location. Stranger , W17
Jones at. EiU 0 *
" \xrANTKD-Koxv good morlgases. A. 1'
T l Tukoy , nth and Douglas 4i4
" \\rANTKD-To buy ill klniis of household
t goods foi cash Kurtfirson furniture Co ,
715. 717 and 7lU'i ' N IMIl bt. ! Shjxi ! ;
_ . in deitrablo
llr t-clnts bar-
nternidoril ,
- you liax'u imin-ovou buslnuss or reslaence
11you * that jou xrlah to tell , call aud BU <
me. deorse J. b'terusdortt , room 0 , opposite
postollico. ' '
W 11/Lbuy fiirnltnroof n hou or flat c n *
trally located. Co-op , L. A L. Co 9M N. 18th
SHVKHAIiiitorobtilldlnps or houses that can
be movod. \ \ HI pay good price If suited ,
George J. StornsJorff , room 8 , opx | > lto jxv t-
onice. 1-1
Dlt. NANN1K V. Warren , clnlrvovnnt. Med
ical , bonlness and test medium , IMngnonls
fre . Kemaltt diseases a spoclaltr. 119 N. 16th
tt.Kooms S/t3 Tel.641. 1W
MONliYTo l-oan lly the undorslsned , xvho
has the only property or.taiil7ed hnn agency
In Omaha. 1/oixtn ot 110 to * ilU made on Iiirnt-
tnre , pianos , organs.horsos , xx AKOM .marhlnery ,
etc , xvlthoutremoxnl. No delays. All business
strictly conlldentliit , I.o-xtn so inailo tint any
part can be paid at any time , each payment 10-
ducliig the cost tire rati , Adxancis made on
line xuitcho 3 and diamonds. 1'ersons nhould
"carefully consider who they are dealing xx-lth. as
many nexr concerns are dally coming Into exis
tence. Should you need moimy call nnd seoms.
W. ll. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthaoll bulldliiK,15th and
1 lamer. 170
OMAHA ( "hallo ! Loan I o , has money to loan
on chattel and collateral security. Hoom u ,
Omaha Xafl Hank 171
LOANS inado on city pioperty loxv rates. 0.
T Motion , 1417 Kaiimm , Itoomsl ) and M.
; i)7 ) u 2
M OMto : loan on rexl oMnto ;
bought und sold. Wallace , Crclghtou lihick.
LOANS matin to parties doMrlnn to build. U.
V. Sholes , room 1 , Darker block HM
MONUYOood cofiniiprcTal iTiper amf Hhort
tlmv mortgages bought , lleul estate loans
negotiated. S. A Sloman , Uth and rarniim.
_ [ _ _ m _
YI'.HY IMX- tales on choice cltv and farm
loans. Contial Loan and Trust Co , Ifllt fur.
nam M lls-s
MONK V to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged , LcaUtt Hurnham ,
room 1. Crelghton block 178
( hriOO.OiW < l per cont. Money to loin on Impro-
pxed farms or city property , .lames A. Wood
man , at the old tire Insurance olllco of Mmphy
&Lox-ett. ! TOS. Mthst H17
MONKY to loan on nirnlturc , borsos. xx-agons ,
tte. , or on any approx ed sncurlty. ,1. W. Hob-
bins. It. an aheoly blk. Inth and Hoxxnrd. C7
"JVfONUYto loan. Jlortgages bought. Klmball ,
JL'JL Champ & Hyan , H. 0 , U. S. Nat. Hank.
SHOUT time loans made by 1) ) . K. Johnson ,
late pies't Ilink of Mern . lleforomes 1st
Nat. bank , Omaha. It. W5 , Ncxv IMxtou block
TbJJy '
_ _ _
TiroNKYtoloan. G. K. ahompsou. licelvblk-
EASrCKN money cheap Olllcc 1'hlladilphla
Mortgage and Trust Co , room U , lloaid of
Trade , Get ) , w. 1' . Coitos , llopie ontatlxo.
'I71JXJ7 *
T.OANSomeal titato , W. L Selby , 1U1 fnr-
. IM1
Si IsC : Hixrils U Hi L Co. for joaus , loom ill
1st Nat Dank. ! 0
MONfJY to loin on norses , furniture and other
personal propel tx or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business conlldenttul. Olllco S. W. cor
ner nth and Douglas its. nntianceon lothst.
The 1'alrkank Iniestmcut Co. 175
HI ! . IltKY S3IM.OJO to loin on cltv property
and Impioxcd faun Inud block ,
; 174
MONf.Ytoloan on furniture xxagons , etc.
xx Ithout removal 01 on collateral security.
Hiisluessbtrlctly confidential A. II. ( Iroenxxood
A. Co. , It 1 , Cunnliighitm block , cor U & Jackson.
M ; ONKY : loaned nt C F. Heed A , CO.'H Loan
ollito , on furniture , pianos , horses , xxagons ,
poi sonal property of all kinds , nud all other
ui tides ot x-altio xxithout rcmoxnl , Ul'l ' S. 13th.
All bubluess strictly , 170
TII1K Omahi financial llxchange. Room li.
Darker block , bouthxxcst coiner of far-
iinm nnd liith sts
Makes a specialty of bhort-tlina collaleral and
real estate loans.
Money alxxays on hand In sums of $100 and up-
\\nrilatoniiyaiuouut , to loan on appi ox ed se
becuiod notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estnto and cash to cxch for
goo 1 llrst 01 second mortgnges
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
boil-Is , trust deeds llrst or second moitgago so-
< urlt } , xx ( front publicity , dola } 01 led tape
I In uiclnl business of any kind trnns icted
prompt ! } , quietly and fahly. Hoom 1" ) , Ilaiker
block , Coi belt , Manager. 17 ! )
MONEY to loan on chattels , xxithout removal
or Illlug ; lluauelal business of all kinds
transacted xxithout publicltx ; money atlxancul
on jexxolry , notes , ntc. It xx hi pay you to coo us.
1'eople's financial Kxclmngo. O. lloiiscareu ,
manager , H.OOtf Darkerblk.iJthnnd fnrnamstb
gjljy lit
MONKY to loan Long time. Geoigo J. I'aul ,
It/H farnam st. ,10
GI'KH CKNT money to loau. I'attersou A , Ilar-
iinul'lla S15th ft IM
DON'T borroxv money on furniture , hoises ,
xxagons , etc. until } ou hnxo seen C. It.
Jacobs , loom tin , first National bank building ,
cor. Uth and f nrimi.i ISO
$ "iOOf > Oi ) to loan at fipei cent. Linnhnn & Mahoney -
honey , Room COD , I'axtou block. I1- !
LOANS mndeou Improx ed and unlmproxcd
city pioperlx nt loxxest lates of luteiest ,
rpeciil rates on largo lo ins on Insldo propurty.
Odell llios. \ Co. Jli S. 10th st. li > l
LOANS made on real estate nnd mortgiges
bought. Lcxx Is S Heed X Co , 15J1 Fnruam.
18 <
M ONEY to loin. O. f. IHvls Co , ical pstato
and loan agents , IWo furnam st. I'll
MONKY to loan lu any amount , either for
building or otherxxlso , at loxx est rales of In-
tei est and on short notice. D , V Sholes. room
] , Darker block. IK- ) . '
HK. COLK loans inonoy on Improxtl city or
( aim piopeity. Itoom 0 , Contluontal block.
T OANS made In nil the principal additions to
J-JOmnha nt loxx est rates , D. V. bliolcs , loom 1 ,
llaikei block M !
I OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand ,
Jw. Jl , Hants , ox or B3J S nth st. 187
dfMO.COOto loan on Omaha city pioperty atG
Ppei cent. ( i. \ \ . Diy , be cor IX. bid IM
BL1LD1NO loans. Lluahan & Muhoney
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co , 1VB
Karuam street Complete abstrvctu fur-
Blehed , and titles to real eatatu iiamlaea , pur-
lected and ciuirantood. 5-1
B KNSON acAIlM i.u f urnisn complitta
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
rralostatoln Oinahn and Douglas county upou
short notice , Ihu inoitcomnhitosatof uwtraat
bookalii i the city No. 15U farr.aui it. Mi
\\rANTKD 'lo exchange niheaimii and hand
> Dlanii for llxe htoik , xxill uxeliaiigo foi
txxo coxxs and pigs and chli kens ; \\lll tnl.e nil
out ot alloxx balanre 1)110 ) to Im puld i'i pt > i
month , Addicts J R. I'liompson , Omaha , Nub.
M'l A
FOH SAM-Ol : exchangealluehtoik of'-cu
mal murthaiidlnct , bought n xx one xoii
nj'oIdisliits - . fJftvj toSJ.MKi pi > i month , \\ant
U'lWUnsh nnd balance good ile-u land , block
xxlll luxolieK.iKO. Also n 111 t > \ class loxx a farm
to KMhangu foi ftuhianku 01 Kau a.f land ,
\\ritotoj. L. Irxln , Waterloo , Ioxx.i. Till 8'cj
R ALi : Hare clmiio. A general utock of
moichaildUe ; xvlll lux'olin about JKi.OOO ; nil
tstablUhetl trade of Uyiais wlnmlhlg : iixeriu )
iinnual bales jiiO.OnU ; lotnti d In a lapidly ciou-
lug toxxn of U'IH ) population lu tin ) heart of the
( , itat Hrpuhlleuii xalhy on the H > x. M. itll- :
xx ay im liner farming i onutry aioxxhciixci.x
faxornble leuns to ilglit putty. I 01 fuithei adiht. b ( K , earn lieu olllieOinah i ,
Keb. r > M )
" \\rfhaxonfexx i are business tnuniuit ioller
tlmthuxo been ihoiouglil } iiixi > silt.'iitc d
nnd xx e MiirauUt < Omaha llusino s 1 M Imngo ,
a. xx corner 15th nnd Douglas , H. 5. 517.
\XriJ haxo txxo eiinlom-rs foi a btock of boon
T > und shot H , groi eiies , lloui nnd feed htoro ,
orilingb. Omalm llu lueai Kxchangu , xv cor
15th ami Douglas , H " > . 517
\\ri.ha\uu partiicrihlp Inti-rest In un ostab-
ii Halted insuraum agencx paying J..My ) per
x ear for b ilo to a gootl. relliblo man Oinuha I'.x , , s xx coi l.rith and Dougl is , H 5.
FOR bALK balooii , lestauiatlto \ K of
drugs , Jlxerybirn , ronfectlonery , comnils-
Blon business , tobacco store , Htock of Imrdxidro ,
meat niatktt , linker } , fouudiy and machine
shop , f urulrthid Hats and hoarding houses Co-
operatlxe Land X Lot I o , iftlj N ICth st 4J3 'J
IIDlt SALK A banking business , in a prom
inent loiatlou xxlth tlxtuie3. books , time-
ItKkchtst , Kasu and good xxlll , AddrussS ttl ,
lleoollitc. UI 1J
FORfaALK-OrtrudB lor goo 1 Omaha prop ,
erty , u complete por't ' packing establish
ment , xxlth 2 ncrts of gioimd , of incuui-
brunce. loiatod lu best toxxn InNcbraski lor
parUiulais oiiiiuiro of Illrkhiusei \ Hliimu ,
loom 13 , Wure blocK , < ' - ' I
"l\rANTEI-fartner xxllh ? 500tos ) c.thlt to
I l lux entluu business paln a castij-rodt Of
{ 400 to i'JiO per uijJltli , Addict Kux.UKlIc-
ntrlce , Neb. ' i'Jd ' U'
171011 SAIiK The oldest dmif ftnd wall paper
JL ? store In a llx'o city of 8,51105 dally sties fio-
xxlllluxolca MBOu ! OTpenses light. Address
llox 104 , riattsmouth. Neb , 3 % 8
1710H SALK-Harbef mien , first-class furnl-
-L1 tnre ; bath-rooms on tlrst floor. r clflo hotel ,
bt Joseph , Mo 31'.10t
171011 SALK-Stock of notion , clgirs andnexvs ,
JL ? with store fixtures and safe ; also furnltur *
of a ten room boarding house , dolnprRood busi
ness ; for trade , soda fountain , horse and har
ness. Address a.2S 10th st , KB ! 0t
"V\7K have for sale a longtime lease of the best
' T location for fancy retail business in the
city , f caron , Cole & Robertson , 310 S. luth st ,
FOH SAI.K Nexx s and clgxr store on princi
pal street In Omaha , on account of i busi
nesses , cheap for cash. AddroM O 51 , Hoe.
I71OH SA M : A llrst class dairy xx it n good xx 111 !
J-1 fixtures and pasture sold If deslrcil. from 5J
tol5Ucoxx-s. Inquire J. f. lloch , Omahxl'O.
" 171OH SAI.l'-At Iveainey , Neb.tlio furniture
J-1 and lease of ( Irani ! Cent nil hotel. The oc-
pnd licst house In the city , and the best looated ,
bolng opposite depots. Doing n pax Ing busi
ness.lllbesolti at a bargain. Inquire T. C.
Hralnnfd , Mhlunx hotel , Krurnov , Neb U17
rpKK not'ce. I xxould like to coi respond
Xxxlth paitt'sdt ' lrliigto buj half Inteiest lu
n stoik lunch llaxon large tract of the llm-M
hiiul , xxell xxnleied.111 pa } 20peicent on In
xestmtnt 'Ihe bnst of lefiienccs rutnlshe'd
mid leqttlicd , Addiess S5'i , llee olllce. M.1 SJ
EIOII I'Y ( SO ) acres of nnd adjoining Lake
Miinaxxa , Council , lllulfs , in 'ihis tract
% x111 make 40Jbeautiful lots ; and Is free fiom
encumbrance. What have x-ou to offorKleoigo
.LStei _ nsdorn. room ( i. opp ( ' . O. 107
" \\rANTKD To exchange txxn lots In best
i business block lu a groxxlng inlhonil
toxxn of 2nopoiiiilatlon ( , or building lnis in H
toxx n of ii.wo population , llxo railroads , Kansas ,
for stoik clotliliig and luiiilshlng goods. Ad-
dicssbox 151 , Hoehelie , 111 , glxlug amount of
Rtotk. 540-10 *
UNINITMIIKKKO South Omaha pioperty
for n homo In or near Hnnscom flace. Act-
Ix-o Heal Katnte & TropiTty lixcmtngc. 16J4
Dodgo. Mil
l/IOK ixt : IIANOK-I hax'o some line Omilm
-I-1 lots foi sale cheap , or xxlll trade for slglitl )
unlmptox ed lotw.or good house and lot In Coum ft
Illulls ; let me knoxv xxlnt xou hax-e. Din H
hcclor. Ji. , Crelghton block , Douglis mid loth
sts , Omaha. 4Si ) 8
CJ1HAM laundry , planing mill , hotel In Spltlt
VJLake , la , nnd meat market. Co-opoi itlxo
Land and Lot ( o , 20T > N Ibth Ht. 4UJt )
GJ. SI ERNfaDORf f. room 0. opposite post-
. olllco , has some good land In Molt count r ,
Neb , to tr.ulo for Oimua property. Will assume
light Incumbr.mce. aij
rpHADK A largo spin of sorrel horses , inij
JL hands high , xx eight J7iKi. To trade for smaller
team. C. M. Kntoii , 810 N. 16th. 741Jly22.
\\TllAThnxo jou tuollei for I.Jst ) ncies of
T > tlmb Ifltid In West Vliginla , clear of In-
cumbr-ince. perteet title. OeoigoJ. blerusdoill ,
Room tl , oppo-.lto 1' . O. 2.11
"VT15\V 2 se-xtcd carriage and nexv slnglo top
-L > buggv to trade for long tlmo teal ostito
inoitgage W. L. Selby r.21 . farnam st. HI
MfRANKLIN Headquarters for tiadlntj ,
nnd money to loin. Room 543. I'n\tui <
building , \\hat hnxe } ots to ollei In exchange
lei tlie tolloxxlug piopt-itj /
Lots 20 , 27 mid M. bouth Sexouth axe ( foimeil }
1'nrk Wlldo no . 7-ioom house ; all modern im-
piovoments , Ktnble nnd carrl igo house ; llftx
xxallliecs slreof each lotf > 0\144.
Lot 2blk 0 , and lot 1. blk 11. Druid Hill ad ,
4-1 oem hoiis d , nexx.
Lot 21. blk H. , Albright's nimev , SouthOmnhi ,
nice Improxodf > loom house
Will ti ule the aboxo piopeity for good land
01 oil } lots. 4-"i S
rpo nXCHANOK-l can oiler for a fexx dis
\\ostlaxxn park , compilable sexenty clioito
lots In West Omaha , lieniIv opposite Hnstu's
hotel on Park street and Ju t this side ot \ \ est-
huxn , the coming manufactiiilng point of out
city. This piopi'itj Is Mtuatt dnt the Into sec
tion of the txMjninlnstieets leiiding out of the
city The M. 1' . belt line lallxxny runs thiongh
ono coiner and the f. K A , M. Y. H. H. xxithln
tin oo blocks. His only ton minutes litlo by rail
to South Olnnha and less than txxciity minutes
ildo from the business center of Omaha bub
in bin trains i tinning oxer } horn or txxo x111 be
gin t mining on the belt line July 11 , this month ,
stopping at a nexv depot to bo elected at out e at
this uoint.eatlaxxn park is coxcrod xxlth u
splendid gioxo of shade lives-smooth lexel
laxxn and xxotild make one of the llnest summer
gardens nnd picnic giomuls xxcst of Chicago.
Kasily leached fiom either Omalm or bouth
Om ilia Just outside tile city limits , escapl- :
high ti\es or license , and
adxauttiges supeilor to any othci location
around our ilty. It can bo made thegic.itcst
summet resort of Omnlia.
'Jhi'ie xxlll be no dltllailty In rent R this
piopeit } fora stimmei garden fora gro ml lent
of fl.JOJto i 1.50(1 ( pel x eai.
I ots mound and oeyond this additl haxe
sold at MOu ami V.OO 'Ihls piopeity Is noan-i
toxxn , flouts tm main RtieetRnndlsceituinlv
xxoith us miulilf not moioat $ > 00a lot. At T-OJ
a lot this addition xxould bring about Jll.dJO
and xx 111 be x01 th KAOoO Ithln txo x ears. I ean
ollut the xxliole pioput } if sold together for the
loxx cash x nluatlon ot } > / > 00 ; Incuinbrauce due
In about I , 2. y and 4 JI.UH at 8 pel rent ,
Jr,00. oxxnei'fi equity , iJo.OHO , xxhlih can be
traded for good rli > ar Mini land or stock lanth.
If jou xxantns good nn Investment as tlicie is
in the city ol Omaha it ixillpiv } on tilnxiMil-
gate till ) . Address G. N Illcks , leal c-state
agunt , llaikei bloi k , Omaha , Neb. 4J > 8
BHICFv Wanted-100LOOO bricks lu exchange
for good lusiilo Omiha property. S. A.
Sloman loom 22 nnd AJ Ilellman buli ; . I'D
LA HO I ! llxeiy stock. Trade for good reil es-
I ite nnd small amount of cash 1'ilco about
Jlu,0 ) rent tliM W. Co-opeiatlxe Land and Lot
Co. , 20" ) N. Kith at. I'i2 'I
A GOOD spanof mules. Will Undo roi ono
good horao 01 sell cheip. At the Heal Ks-
tntonnd 1'ropcity Kxchanje , 1WI Dodge.
431 8
SALOON doln ; a gootl ImsliiLSS and In ceutinl
location ; pike W.OOO ; exchange foi ilty
nronortv. Co-oioiutixo Land aud Lot Co , 20 >
N 10th bt. 4id-8
STOCK of dry goods , boots and Hhoos and
gent's f in nlshing goods. IinolcoWiOiO. t' > .Wl
htoi k of hiirdxxare. htockof diy gootlx and no
tions , J7.00J. block of i lothing , bootN nnd Mhoos
nnd lints and caps , * . ' 'ilrij ) htoik of dry goods
nnd notions Jl.iWO. Stoik n dry goods.t lothing ,
hoots und bhoe-i and hits and cups 2stocks of
tlriigs. Co operntixo Lind nnd Lot Co. , 2iVi N
I0tlist. I'U ' ll
niO TRADK foi othei pioperty 10) ) 0715(1 (
Jncres in Ilnxxn Co ; , Ui nues Mm k larm nnd
cattle Muilckl'o Omnlia piopiity for gio e-
lies ; lox1 a farm lor { 0,000 ; stoi K ot geu < i il mer-
ihMiidlso ; 04) acn's Hue Innd in Coloi.ido
btexons llros , 1W1 farnam st. 411 8
TMl'ROVKD and unlmpioxed farms , houses
nnd lots , In this and lulghii iiliu cities. Co-
opeiatlvo Land and Lot Co , 20i N , liltii 4''l !
" \\rIIAT Imxo } ou to trade for lai o double
i 10 loom house , motlc-in Impioxuinentti ,
south fiont , largo bain Ycr } de-lrablu
Kuiiut/ I 'late. C M. Katon , 810 N. b th.
FOR TRADK foi farms ht , coiner ,
fainam st lots , stock of dij poods et < ;
bongos and loto bouth Omalm , cfti ir lots In
Omnhn , nonth Omihi. Coum 11 lllnlH , nud
Spiimllelil , Ohio ; Miglnla nxo on car line ,
tleinnt lion so , lot nud xncnnt lot , Omaha
hlfxins HIOH , 11JI al Ull t. III N
JTI'IR I M \SCK-lloiinoand lot , .N't b fai m
in south Omah i lot toi xaciut lot lu 1 : ( ai-
thnge. I lii'olu I'lii' o or \ \ ust Cumlng ndil W
L belby , I ill fnin im sr , il4 !
\\7ILL tiadc IW0 acri s of NebiasKa land. 1m-
' i pi ox oil , tor iu < it liandlsooi Inside < lt > pi op
city. \ \ . It. I'niki. , liJllCilldrtcllht , Will'
\\Tl LL give } on a good trade foi an eight or
li ten room lion , e and lot ( Uorge J. Hterns-
dorlf , Room H , opposite I' . O till
I HAY ! ! a xxull Impioxod HJ acre faun In liar-
lun county. Nil ) . , about s miles noith of Al
ma , county seat Any one xx anting n good Kin ill
farm will do xxo'l ' to let monnoxx xvliat tht'j have
toollor. CioorgeJ. StcinidorU , Uoun 0 , opn 1' ,
\\Tl LL THADK good framii btoro room , 22xsn ,
? locnted on bout miner In ( Jnjiord , smith
( onnlj , KUIISUH ilnt < OxlfiO ) , imliK iimbiiod , foi
hoti-t nnd lot in omalm , and a.--uino a i"a > oiia-
blelnciimbraiiLo Addreis f , H. < > i utt. ( onn-
ell HIiilfH. la -Julyr t )
_ _
TWIIAT na\o ) ou to trade for W acres ot mnjl
i Y iinlncumbcrotl In Jiinear. county , xt U , ,
n miles from county seat. O. ,1. bternsdorlf loom
0 , opp I'OntOlliCtf. 11)7
GJ. STKRNbDORf F , Hoom fi. opposite I' .
f O , has some choice farm land to tiado
for city propei ty , Will assume light Incum-
bianccn , ! l
) . ( ' Clty"lols Will tiado 7or
horse and bngcy. Room 4J3 , new r xto'i
block. W
GCulf : , corner -1 1 and Douglas ats , to trade for
an eight to ten room house and lot. ( loo.J.
Slern-ilorll room 0 , opposite I' O SU _
FOH EXCHAMiK NVb. farm or txxo bouth
Omaha lot * for span of m tru.t or mules w.
L. Helby. 15il Knrimm t 1 'I
rilHADKS niailo In real uatito aud peiitotul
J. jiioperty. See exchaajo book. ( ! o-oo. K
and L Co J05 N Itith st I. ' }
X'A ; J cottage uii'iimirlot n > ur corner of J nil
j. > nud 'uiiumi , Vi blk from i able car , 1 blk
from jiaxvn'.uut prl > e (1 I'M A snap Acttvo
Real I uth A. 1'iopeity Uxcun0re ! , 1W4 Dodge
JfSS SALK IMx-ato homo ! pIXXl rOASAn.1 fo *
selling. Address K U , HBO onico. { .via
SALK-Or exchange , W hare nomt
good Omaht real mtate uml NobrtukA
farm * , xvhlch xve xvili neil cheap or trade tot
stock of clothing , furnishing poods , dry coodi
boots and shuns , groceries or liardvrftro. &chl 4
Ingot Hros . 014 8 10th st. 103
$ 1'fiO for n peed house and full lot near HocV
car line , atex ens llros , 1521 Fnrn m. tll-fr
T/IAHNAM St 8-room house nnd full lot , poulll
"l ) ' " ' 01'1' ' * ! ? nnfif.gIM *
LOT , house and barn torsalo at ft bargain , on
car line , cornet Wih nnd Grant at * Apply
on promises , iC7n/J *
rp\\KtVK per cent Inxestmcnt for Sftlo
J. 'I hree " story and basement brick housed , 10
rooms onch , all modain Improvements , on rabid
Hue , NU.MW : , n&W ( cash , balance 4 years ; \xlll
take ( , oed ilear lot for part of cash payment.
rpIMIKIS good South Omaha Ic's at n pnca
JL much boloxv tholr xaluo. Lol II , block li
Albright's Annex' Just N. W. of depot , on main ,
county road , fuu. IKII L block .1 , firoxxn 1'ark ,
cornci on aitl and " H'1 dlroxvn ) street , JI..W.
Lota block 21 , South Omaha , finest Inutile lot ,
OOxl.Vi , east front , tWJ. M. A. I'pton , V Co , B 3
17Vlt ) SAM ! A tmo ran front lot In Windsor
A'Dlive. now s loom homo well , cistern , co
iiieiitod cellar , etc A line liomn , only J.1.700J
tiOtt < nth , jv in ono car. 1ml In three joars ; wo
Imvothu cxcluslxo sale of this. M. A. Upton &
1 ; ° . Vii
UMOWbuysafulhot and good 4 room cottnuo
Pin a ( mod locution I ) . V. sholos , room I , lint.
Vtr block IKM
IfOHSALK-llotel. lloekes hous , at Control
JMix. . Aob , two Moilos. SI room * . barn nua
Mimplo loom. 1'rlco for house nnil furnlturo ,
Jlt ( i , pumontHi ( ) ; cash , flUMtm } onr ntiii
Jl.iOOtxxt > .xi > ais ; Intel nt , 10 pur ut.or allcnsli
HSW. WUte to X. 11. retslnger , Ccutrnl J'lty ,
l/lOHHALlIor LoasQ HulldltiKnnd lot , south
-1 xxost corntr franklin and Sounders sts In.
iliilro UW Douglas St. IU514 1
av. > 00 bti } s n full lot and Rood Moom cottage.
Pflasy terms ami good locution , I ) V.Shols
room 1 , llarkor block. . wi !
Foil HALK fiflxHO. south anrt castfionto
lorSthand Don-as ; nn elegant lot with 8-
loom house ( now ) for tiiHW : JI.WO cash. Wo
haxe cxcluslxo sale of this. M. A. t'pton .V Co ,
1 his lot ml Joins ( loodman'a Uuo ground * . TUT
"iriOHSALK. farms on lone time. Co Opera/-
-A.1 tlvo I , ind and Lot Co. , 'M N. IHth bt. 0-7
ONLY a few lots loft In II. A M. pnik addition
to South Uniiihn. What lm\o jon toofleri
OuorKo J.Stornsdoi IT. Hooin f , opp : V. 0. tfll
Hf.Hli'S a Rood thlns-Lot IB , blk 5 , Omaha
Mow , it room house , ilty. rlstcru and xroll
.itcr , fnniiico , etc. Rvcrythlns scasi
leaded to Oct , 1 ith at J.T ) per month , only W,7 ( > o
Jl.twt ) cash , bill inco 1,8 , ! l and ! j curs at 0 nnd
poi tent. M A Upton & . Co. tea
1/VMl SA lK or trade on casv terms Lot 10 bits
A1 .M. Albright's ( holce. Uits 15 , 1(1 ( , 17 blk'J
Hoppo sub tllxAlbilght's choice. Lot'blkr.
Sanndeis A , Hlmcb ingh's add Lots 1 nnd 2 blk
l' ' , llilgcs place. Geo. H. Daxls , Mtllnul hotel loom. 3 jll
TT\ON'T miss thIs-Lot li , Clarico's addition ,
l-/just north of bt Mnry's axe , ill feet front.
\xoith fit. KM. Wo xx 111 Mill for n short tlmo tot
? o.m M A. Uflon A , Co. V )
GJ. STKRNSDORff , loom 0 opposite post >
olllco , xxlll soil } on a good 4 room housu
on Ifith street , " blocks south of car line , by pay-
lug * AM tnsli. balant'B monthly payments to
suit. 1 his is u splendid oppoitunlty for any *
ono xx anting a cheap homo. 2J1
FOlt SAMllcnntlfiU : east front lotlnAr-
oado t > la < v nn .Kith ht , Just south of Lo-uen
\ > orth foi Jl. iO. This H < Vxbelon ) actual uihio
and xx 111 bo in the market n short tlmuonlvut
the prkoiiliotod. M. A. Upton A Co. 310
EASY toims A now 5 room IIOIIHO , good loca
tion , fMHWery ; small cash payment re-
qulud. Stuxens llros , 15'-'t I'mmm. 411-S .
IOI1 ical cstnto o. ll on Uco. J. Paul , IfiOO Tarn
US )
G l LT cd i > pioperty nloim rablo line to Hans-
com p xi k. \ \ ulshan's Imposition b'ld .
MS lot
OH/iOO vlll ImvnKood house and birnwith a
T lotjOxUT'i fuet I lax o also n 10 foot south
front lot foi iboO. Apply -MltUocatur stioet.
I. ( ) . N HICKS , real ost.xtn agent , offers th
iluicnln , nx ) feet south front on I'opplclon
nxinuo Haiiscom 1'lace. Can
, make this bargain -
gain If cold nt once.
llaiioiln lu Hauscom plnco , lot 2 , block" . Wit
171 feot. east front on "Id street , siinoundou by
ukxint homes ; o\\noi Is out of lou n and \\ants
inonevcau ; make a special UKUIO on this Ifsol4
HaiKaln Lots 11 and 1J. block 7. Hanscom
plaue , luCKIlU to < st , south and east fiont. corner
.iJd and I'opplelon n\o , magnll | ( cnt Mou.otiu
of the tlnest usldenco sltos In Omiha , bticotrf
mid lots all ended , xx ntcr and BUS In htrcot , Juso
tlio phi i > lei an iloKiint ichldenuior bloi k o
housis. cm make this abpeclal bargain If sold
.It cinrii caln Lot 'I , block 0 , Hnnscom phce. fiOrf
151) ) I et. splendid \ It xv , Hint-class nelchuoilioodj
in li o i.,7W ) .
llariruin Coiitoi , IHOxioo fecttil ! and Popplo-
ton , ixo , Iluusiom placu , pi. i feet grade , xxutcr
mid fn ; > Instieet only fi , 100. „
11 iiKalii Hi atitlful houth front lot on 1'oppli'-
ton ax nue , Hauscom I'lace , price if.'O'J ' , only
fTUl c .nil , lial ini e 1 , , 'I and I yeais.
lliiKiiln NIII tast liont lot on Loxxoavenun'
1 > ot xx eon fnimim and Leuxenxxorthats , 01117
hniBuln-W foot on Tlilrtcenth street , near
I'lerte , xxlth small cottage , can oITer lor a fo\V \
< U > H lit fli.l'OO.
llnipi'n-il\Udou ( ioth avonne. Clarke's ad-
dltlon , bot'xcoii St. Mat j's avenue and llaruey
btieet , foi a fuxx' daxH at fC.OUO. I
liuiB.UuWixiv ) feet , corner J audOith street ,
South Omaha , M.ViO.
llargaln 'Ixvo lots In Tabor IMacn , corner
I.oxxt < uveimu and Hoxxard street , Justthrou
blot kH xx list of thn olOBaut nexv houses uoxv be-
iiiK cn-i ted lu West Omaha. This will million
Bpliiiulld situ fin txxoruldunces. . Car llmt xvlth-
In one block. Cull and lol ua shoxv xoii this.
Iliir uln splendid corner , bOxIM feet on n
and llrtllex-iie stH , the key to the gateway of
South Omiihu , Immedlatoly adjoining the nwx-
nllli cut nexv puk now being laid otitbythu
boulh Omaha Land Co. , Jl.OOO.only i-W casli 10-
-lluslno-is lot In South Omaha , on If
hi. but , "ijlh and . 'Tlh uta , just xxest of Hoot nnd
lloin noxxspaper olllio , tor sale lit a bargain It
tak'Mi nun k. 1 1 in oil at foi nate HOveral Uiolco
c'ii nin and Inslih lotxnoir the business cnnter
ol Month ( imiilni at pi Ices that make them b irj
Kilns , and tuUo good mortgage uotu as part
pa > mi nt
llaif'alii Milcndld buslnoss lot on Vlntou
tiei t , ntiii 'Ixxentleth , forty feet fiontatre , only
llai gain Ono of the llnest business lots In
SoiithOmahii , i..IVJ , fl.lH.Xl cash ; bixlitucu J und J
> aih ,
Iliirralnsln Wesliaxxn , the coming manutar-
tin lug point of OinuliH , HoM-ral < liuli-o lualtl.'ii D
lols IOM II , onxxhlth 1 build liousus to Hiilt
iiiircliaii rrt ami hell on Ninall cash payment.
Iiingtlmi ) , pilrrtof lots J1W to 8oOJ. Call and
Bi i ) them und gut < liolco ,
'Jnouboxuiun onlvu foxv ot the mnny bir ,
ei , Ouo N. Illckg , lleul Ustatn iigt-
Hooin < " . llarkci block. _ 4U3 i )
III \ | { choice , Inaltlo , full lots , upon
xvlili li 1 1 an linlld-hoiuos to itult pun hasui4
upon tluili own HI > I n tlouof plans , and on UTHU
to suit 'Ihls xxlll jiay to Investigate. I ) V.
bholei , loom t , Darker block. 1-J
TO IKK to tontiartors , boiled pioposnli
N xilll 01 ii ixi < 1 by llio Hchoolbonrd of Hebron -
bron , Ni'b , until out o'i JOCK p. m. Aug. 1st , 1'fcf ' ,
t < i ih iiiMitim ti in of nn 8-iooui brick school
hoiih toco-.t iibuiii il , ( ) W ) Iho bouid also lu
xl'i Miii i lint toi In atlng thu building by
Muuin rlaiis and Mpi'illlcatlons may boHuuilut
the oltl < eof thi > tn y , f , A. 1'oxxi-lf , one door
cast uf tlu iioit olllit1 , Hebron , NobrusKa.
Jill } BlllOtJ
Tolcpliniio Alrond. ) 1
The ilchiio of thu Kiiclish government
to obtain cnutiol of all tlio tulophoiiio
hurxieo thioii linnt the country , lum
lull the vni'lniH uoinpaiiioH to scolc a
.niinoii { , rr < iiiMtl of negotiation , nml thin
tlu.'j llntl to pruiiuso bobt in n combination
" nil tholr iesuon " In
tion , "i > ooluijr ,
ether \xordd the govonunont xvlll have
to dual xxith otio hlioiif , ' central inumro- :
inont , ahlo to obtain good tcrma , in *
Htcad ofxitli stnoral einallor concerns ,
the xvcaltiif-Hs of aomo of which woulu
load thoin to sot a Dad example and pro- ,
ccdoat in Bulling out for n trlllo. In
any oxuiit the telephone buslnoss in
Ihi < , 'lantl i lilcoly to go through
thu biiino btagoa of dovolop-
inoiit and of concontratiou of
power that have boon Been
iioi'o. Telegraphy in this country pi o
aunts a iilctuiu of xxhat the Hold of tolo-
jihony may bo toiiyeariihoiico.and even
in electriu lighting there may boonoror
later bo a movement towards combina
tion , perhaps on a more oxtonsix-o wcnlo
than Hurfaco indications forcloll. In
telephony , at any late , the drift of af-
faiiii is eecldedly toxxards centralisa
Wncklj tiiatoinnut.
NEW XOIIK , July 7. Tlio xvuoltly bank
statement shoxxs tbut tlio rcacivu has ilu
crcasoil $3W0,4' } , > S. The obanka now Jiolcl