Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1888, Image 1

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Herr Fourth's Promotion Cixusos
Considerable Speculation.
Puttkamor's Resignation Supposed
to Bo Satisfactory to Bismarck.
Its Dissolution Also Causes an End
less Amount of Gossip.
Count Herbert IlUnmrck llclni ;
Kroiight Forward IIH tlic Clilcf.Servt
nut to Hie Crown A
16 Amcrlenui Jsiuiicil Taylor
Politics in Ilerlln.
| Cr > irfa'it ' tb&Sbu Juincs Ronl < m H
I BimiK , July 7. [ Now York Herald
Cable-Special to Tun 15ir. : . ] Politics are
II still nt fever heat in Germany. Hcrr
Fourth's selection , or rather promotion , ns
TI' minister of the interior should not hnvo sur
prised any ono .In Prussi-n. It is the rule ,
rather thnn the exception , for ministers to bo
highly trained pleaders without paity
claims , but Uien In Prussia , and now in Gcr.-
many , ministers nro so seldom changed
that between thd changes precedents
nro forgotten. Herr Fourth's promotion ,
there-fore , came like ) i htnlng from clear
sky. The papers hnvo ever slnco bcdn full
Of theories nnd surmise1 * ns to why no got
the place. TJiQ general supposition nmong
IB outsiders is that His rtarck , in his usual pol
icy qf governing by division , feared that the
accession of the ypung conservative emperor
might milkc the conservative party strong
cuough to bo Independent of him , and that
therefore he was not unwilling to wit-
ricss p'uttkamer's firccd resignation. The
Jong delay in api , 'nting ' the new minis
ter is thought * to bo the result of a
struggle between Hinmnrck. wishing n na
tional liberal minister , nndtlio conservatives
intent only on Puttnmkoi' or some other wire
puller strong in the conservative faith ,
Which , by the way , has Mlsmnrck for its
kej S'.OIIQ , but discards Gaunt Herbert Bis-
inarck , The Krnz Xoiturtg and Other Innu-
r ' * ft cntial conservative papers lent themselves to
m this theory by printing such extraordinary
suggestions as that the letter from Freder *
ick III. , which caused Puttumkcr's ab-
lupl fall was a forged ono forged , nnd Hent
after- the kaiser had ceased to care for
politics. To outsiders the appointment wns
n neutral one , and came naturally as n proof
of the long deadlock between the conserva
tives and 'national liberals. Its influence
ended In Bismarcklan defeat. The conserva
tive papers , too , nt once hot up the cry that
Hcrr Fourth was merely keeping the place
warm for some one of the true faith. It is
cxticmcly doubtful whether this view "is
correct. It seems at lca t possible that the
young kaiser , in his first impoitant
appointment , has shown his grand
father's quick perception of character and
enriched Germany by uneai thing a steady ,
highly trained , non-paitisan minister brought
up In the department he now controls and
able to accomplish its scivico to the last
touch of clllcicncy.
Tlio dissolution of the Cai tcl election agree
ment has also caused endless gossip. The
agreement between the national liberals
nnd conservatives nmilo for the scptcnnato
relehstag elections gave the former
largo increases In numbers. The national
liberal secession , say the radicals , Is
merely n trick to save themselves
from heavy losses at the approaching landtag
elections. So much is certain that Iho con
BCI vativo nlltunco has cost them many Prus
t ' sian votes , and that iu Prussia , nt least , It
Bcoms that in ordinary elections there will bo
no room for the liberal paity which votes
with the conservatives. The secession Is not
likely to effect Bismarck's Caitcl iclclistug
The kaiser's proposed Russian trip , np
pointed by the bourse , U highly disapproved
by many of his subjects. The Yolks
Kcltuncr , for Instance , gives two columns to
tnii wni nlng that "Only Germany and its allies
can save the freedom of the old world Irom
thodevnstntiiiK horde of half Asiatic Slavs , "
r.nd that this may separate Gcriiiiiny from
her allies. The tenor of the comment made
hero on such ni tides Is that lho\ ignore that
widely known fact that wjiilo Franco re-
ninlnta a great poucr Russia will not advance
to Constantinople , but that Fiance out of the
way , Germany can , when needed , have all
Europe ns nn ally ngiilnst Russia. Other
papers preach because Count Luttichan , who
notlllcd the accession of Frcdcilck III. , saw
the c/ar for only llvo minute ; , nnd received
the nniicx otdcr of the second class , while
General Pnpc , who did n similar service tor
the present emperor , talked with the czar
for nn hour and received a high Russian or
der us a Itcopsako.
Many odd commonU nro mnde on Bis-
marek's probable nbscnco from the imperial
meeting , In nil of which is forgotten tl.o fuU
Unit ho has steadily shown n desire to bring
forward his son , Count Herbert , ns the chief
tcryant of the crown , while
ho hlmsolf poses as a worn-
out watch-dog kept In oftlcial chains
only out of imperial kindness. Count Her-
boil accordingly goes to Russia with the
kaiser us deputy chancellor. Bisi'iark mere
ly watches , unless there cornea an uuex-
pcctcd hitch In the negotiations.
Another American is teaching Germans how
wo do things In America , Henry Taylor by
name. Ho is rather a dandy , with cards engraved -
graved , a pockctbook stamped with his
name , nnd also showing lettcis from the
Amtilcan legation In London.
The Hnmbuig Ycicln's bnr.k paid him
| 2WW en- the New York Pioduee i : > 'Uiiinire
; > ank letter of credit. Americans named
Tnylor should avoid the Hamburg bank this
bummer , or at lenst until the $2,000 loss la
written oft or forgotten.
Tlio widening of Fricdorichntrnssc from
Hebron to Dorothea Is likely to include the
building of a vnst cafe covering the whole
of the block from the Bchrcn-
utrasso restaurant to Untcr den
Linden , and with n wide frontngo
on Linden. It Is snid that the horse cnr
company will pnj to the city four million
marks of the cost of this Improvement for the
right to cross the Linden.
All of the Austrian roads leading to Rus
sian frontiers nro choked with troops which
hnvc been bold for months in readiness nnd
arc now taldng , advantage of an era of pctrco
and good will to get as near the frontier as
possible. Six months ago the mlv.mco Into
Gnlicin of a corporal's ' guard caused n
panic. Now whole regiments nro marching
and trouble Is rising.
Empress Victoria is collecting obituaries of
the into emperor. She might pirhnps ac
knowledge the receipt of a good American
The courts decide that a guido book , if of
public utility , may dcclnro that n hotel is
high priced and bad.
Vnenors "Die Feen , " rccchtly first per
formed , is generally criticised us n
mixture of n dozen composers cemented by
occasional bursts of brilliant "Wngncu-lan
music It is not likely to bo ofteu repeated.
In spile of Berlin's vapid house construc
tion rents in thq east and north sections
have been Increased ono-thlrd on all new
Yellow Marshal Niels arc the Ifaisorin's fa
vorite Mower.
Bismarck ilow keeps for friends boxes of
cigars from the German colonies nnd in l&l'O '
there is to bo n colonial congress.
The Berlin bank has mounted Its bourse
taesscngcrs on trycloles.
Ail Organ Izut Ion That ; Is Forol\\K \
People to Move Out ol'tlie Country.
Li ITM ; ROCK , Ark. , July 7. Evan Millcn-
pcr was placed in the penitOiitiar.y this morn-
ins ? , having boon captured in Cherokee Hay ,
Randolph county. lie is charged with In
timidating government witnesses , lie is a
typical despor.ulo. April Samuel Ryan
was convicted In this United States court
here on the charge of selling liquor without
u license and sentenced to imprison
ment. I'cter Gates , a farmer living at
Cherokee Hay and Eli Vaughn wci o wil-
ilcsses against Hyiin. Since the trial these
men hiivo been subjected to the grossest , In
dignities , Millingcr dii octlng the prosecution.
Last week Gales , believing his life en
dangered , ( led to Missouri Tuesday night.
A ncrto was thrust under the door of
Vaughan's house , advising him to leave the
Country within ten days. A big bundle of
hickory switches accompanied tbo warning.
There nro a number of desperadoes in Chc'r-
okco Bay whor.lmvo intimidated law-abiding
citizens nnd virtually instituted areiKiiot
terror/ They sire organized , like iho "While
Caps" of Indiana , and deal out punishment
to suit themselves , A posse has been sent to
the scene ol the trouble.
St. IjftnlH A 'tatcd Over n Scnnllnl In
HlKli LI Co.
ST , Louis , July 7. The mo t startling so
cial sensation that has occurred hero for
years was revealed to the public this after
noon , when it was announced that Henry
W. Moore , managing editor of thq Post-Dis
patch , and the wlfo of John W. Norton ,
manager of tlie Gland opera house and the
Olympic theater , loft the city together last
night. It appears that the couple have
been unduly intimate for over a
year. On Thursday evening Norton met
Moore and Mrs. Norton at the corner of
Lucas and Jefferson avenues and attempted
to shoot Mooie , but was disarmed bv a
friend. Mrs. Nui ton ycstci day removed her
monjuy and other valuables from a safe do
pes'company ! , amounting to about $20,000 ,
and at 10 o'clock last night she and Moore
left the city in a carriage. Moore has a most
estimable wife , who Is now at Manitou
Allvo AVItli a Dislocated Nook.
MII.\V.UKPI : , July 7. Charles J. Cotton ,
who had his neck dislocated while bathing
at Madison yesterday , was brought to Mil-
WIIUKCO to day accompanied by several phy
sicians. Notwithstanding the strangeness
mid gravity of his position Mr. Cotton is o\-
tronii'ly rheurful and talkative and Is very
confident that ho will ft Giver. In order to
make it impossible for him to move his head
and shoulders and thus Increase the danger
of severing or fractuiiiig the spinal marrow
and cause death , the whole upper portion of
his body is cast in plaster of Paris mold.
illithwny Hobliery In Dakota.
Ru'll ) Crrv , Dak , July 7.--fSpecial Tclo-
gram to Tin : Bin : . ] O. A. Martin , a furni
ture dealer at Tliermosa , was robbed by a
highwayman about n milo and a half from
town last night. Ho was accosted by a man
who asked him to assist mint her on n horse ,
Haying his log was broken by a fall. Martin
Kttmpnd down to lift the prostrate man ami
was struck on the back of the On ro-
covormg ho found his wau-b and cliain , f.'K
in monuy and othci valuables missing. The
lobbcitt escaped.
'ftt Sue Itov. Dr. Titlmngn.
ST. I'AVI. , July 7. The Manlewood Park
association of the Minnesota Chatniuiuu is
preparing to bring s-ilt for ? 10OiW damages
aguinst Itov. 'J' . DC Witt Talmago , of Brooit-
lyn. The association charges that Mr. Tnl-
mugc agreed to rome to Maplcwoon and as
Hist In opening the assembly on July 'J , 4 urn
5 , nnd that his falluro to keep his engage
ment has damaged the association to the
amount named.
Klopcd AVItti n Horse Trnlnnr.
Sim nvvn.i.i : , 111. , July 7. Miss Mlnnlo
HucUney , daughter of L. J. Hackney , a.
hmidsoino brunette , about eighteen years o :
age , eloped to-day with T. O. Freeman , a
hoi'M ) trainer from Plymouth , I ml , u follow
of good appe.irani'o mid about thirty-three
years of n0'o , who was in her father's employ.
Thu.\ took the train this nftcinoun for In
dianapolis , nnd telegrams were sent thcio for
their iinost.
Hiilclded nn Ills Wilii'H Grave.
PiTTsiiLiiij , July 0.-Early this morning
the body of Joseph F. Rapj > , with u bullet
hole In hU temple , \V.H found lying upon the
grave of his recently deceased wife ami
child , in St. Mary's ccuictory , on Nunnery
Hill , Allcghany. SInce the deaths in his
family , a few numths sincn , Mr. Rapp has
been melancholy to an unusual degree. He
loft Ills mother's resilience some time bo-
twecn midnight nnd morning. Au empty
rc\oUer was found by his sldo.
The Itnlcs Still Tumbling.
CHICAGO. July 7. The Erie road made
another cut iu Pressed beef rates to day
from 17H to 15J cents between Chicago and
NewYoik. The Ohio roads met this rate
and went a step further by n reduction tn
1'JV , ' cents to Philadelphia and I'JJi cents tote
to Baltimore. The rate < in live iiocl : c
1 ccut , bci K ijuyte-1. - \ fr ) . etui * .
Tin ; s. c. K. roNvn.vr
inirtint ( llitslu > - - Tinn nctenl nt
YoMprdny' * ScsMlous.
Cmr\oo > , July 7. At to-dny's session of
Christian Endeavor convention the feature of
.ho proceedings was the cven miti'ito's ail-
Ircsscs on "committees. " Edwnrd D. Nilcs ,
of Uoston , who spoke on "tho missionary'
committee , " received the most marked nt-
tcntion. Ho wanted to know what was the
use of discussing foreign missions when
there wcio 10(0) ( ) foreign Infidels and idol
worshippers belntr landed on our shores
every month , nnd when In few large cities ,
0,1)00 ) non-church goers die nnd go to perdi
tion every year.
An Interesting exercise of the morning was
the question box , conducted by Rev. J. L.
Hill , of Mcdford , Mass. RDV. Hlaheslcc , of
Spencer , Mnss. , mlilicssod the convention on
"Our Publications. " Ho made an earnest
appeal for liberal support to "Golden Rule. "
Rev.V. . Mnc.Millan , of Oberlin , O. , spoke
on the topic of "Junior Societies. " A recess
was then taken.
The committee on nominntlor.s nnnounccd
the following persons for election ns ofllccrs :
Moderator of the conference , W. J. Van Patton -
ton , of Hurlington , Vt. ; vice- president , Rev.
J. W. Cooper , Now Britain , Conn. ; Wnylnnd
Hoyt , Philadelphia ; Charles V. Deems , New
York ; S. J. Nichols , St. Louis ; Hisiiop
Samuel Fellows , Chicaira ; Robert Chnstcc ,
St. Paul ; Charles D. Harrows , San Fran
The committee on ciedeutlals reported that
there weio twenty-three states represented
In the convention , 700 societies and over4OOJ
delegates. Treasurer Shaw reported that
the plcdccs which had been made by the con
vention amounted to gl7i ( ! ) , Rev. Dr.
Mitchell , secretary of the Presbyterian
board of foreign missions , spoke upon mis
sion work In foicign lands. Prof. W. P.
Hin per , of Yale college , spoke on "Tho
study of the bible. " Miss Francis E. Wil-
Inrd. President of the National Woman's
Christian Tcmpcimicc union , delivered a lec
ture on temperance.
How n Dakota Woman Kaicntcd Her
Husband's Espionage.
Pir.uiin , Dak. , July 7. [ Special Telegram
to THE BIE. ] About n year ngo the wife of
Nicholas Schultz left his bed and board and
applied for n divorce on the ground of cruelty.
Since then Mrs. Schultz has been living by
herself. She is quite gay and , , it is said , has
not ut times refused the company of other
gentlemen , and this has aroused the ire of-
her husband , who has kept up nn espionage
on her house , much to her discomfiture. Lnst
nlpht she found him spying nt her bedroom
window soon after she bad retired , and draw
ing n pistol , she opened lire. He lied without
n hurt from the whistling balls , nnd this
morning was arrested on complaint of his
wife. The troubles of the pair have been
the subject of much contention in the courts
and the frequent tneme of conversation dur
ing the past year.
The Mt. Hood SlRiinls.
PoiiTi.AXD , Ore. , July 7. The Mt. Hood
illumination party has just returned. They
rc'poi t having a terribly rdugh time. Cold ,
bitter weather prevailed , accompanied by a
furious gale mid blinding snow storm. Lieu
tenant O'Ncil icports having distinctly seen
on the night of the Fourth , Jlnshcsof calcium
light from the heliograph , made by the Uill-
ted States signal otlleer in this city. IIo was
nimble to read the signals owing to tha
distance and the murky condition of the at
mosphere. O'Ncil and Glass express the
opinion that the heliographic signals can be
easily read for a distance of sixty-five miles.
The illumination experiment proved a grand
Tlio Conference of Charities.
BUFF M.O , July 7. At this morning's ses
sion of the national conference of charities
and corrections Dr. Richardson of Athens ,
Ohio , read a paper on " 15rain Hygiene. " The
subject was discussud by Hon. W. B. Letch-
worth , Rev. F. H. Wines of Springllold , 111. ,
nnd A. O. Wright of Wisconsin. Dr. 13ryce ,
superintendent of the Alabama asylum tor
the insnne , lead a paper on "Moral nnd
Criminal Responsibility. " Dr. O. W. Archi
bald , of the Dakota asylum for the insane ,
read a paucr on "Practical Hints on the
Care and Treatment of the'Insane. "
ratal Pall From n Sonflbld.
ST. Lours , July ( ! . At 10 o'clock this morn
ing a piece of heavy stone coping fell from
the Cdgo of the root of Central Turner hall
nndhtiucka scaffold which was hanging
below it , and upon which two painters were
working , curbing nil down to the pavement ,
n distance of tniity-livc Icet. Charles Hal-
bring , of 310 Cedar street , was instantly
killed. Hcrnord Zaiinfc , the second painter ,
escaped with slight injuries. The wreck
murowly missed striking several passers-by
upon the street as it foil.
Captured u .Moonshiner.
CuATTVNOonA , July 7. An important ar
rest was made this morning by a deputy
marshal , who captuied Sam Price nt his
lionui in Roano county. Price is charged
with being one of the leaders of n gang of
Illicit distillers in Roano county , nnd at least
n score or moro arrests will bo made in the
same neighborhood. It is said that tlicru arc
no less than u do/en illicit distillcucs located
within n radius of two miles In the moun
tains. Price was bound over to the next
teim of the United States court.
Washouts In Texas.
ST. Louis , July 7. Advices from southern
Texas say that terrible rnlns during the past
few days have caused a washout of the truck
on the Southern Pacillo road near Orange
and ncaumont so that travel Is completely
blocked. In some places the water Is nlno
feet deep over the tracks. It Is believed that
travel will not bo resumed for several dajs.
One tinm of passcngeis has been bound in al
a small station and uill no doubt need relief
very soon , which will have to be furnished by
Steamship Arrivals.
NEW YOIIK , July 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bin : . ] Arrived The Celtic from Liver
pool ,
BU.TIMOIIH , July 7.--Arrived Tlio Miser
frum Hicmcn.
Soi/riMMi-TON , July 7 , Arrived The
Rlimohuul fium Antwerp.
QuuK.NbiGWK , July 7. Arrived--Tho Vcno
tlan fioui Boston.
IJroken Up by the Police.
LOSPOX , July 7. A largo assemblage In
Trafalgar square this afternoon was ad
diossed by Saunders nnd Conycre. Resolu
tions uero adopted denouncing Halfour , chief
secretary for Ireland. Several scrimmages
occurred during the proceedings , and finally
the police charged the mob nnd u.ado several
A CollUiiui at Sea.
HAVIIK , July 7. The steamer Vlllo do
Hrcst , belonging to the General TransAtlantic
lantic company , collided with and sank the
steamer C'harlcs Quint , belonging to the
some company. The captain of the Qulul
and four of her crow were drowned.
Judge ; fJrcslinin Sail * For Kurope.
NEW YOIIK , July 7. Judge ( Jrcsham sailed
for Europe this afternoon , to bo abroad u
few months. _
An Extra Sew ioii Called.
AI.HAM , July 7. Governor Hill has callec
an extra session of the legislature for J.uly
17 for the purpose of appropriating funds to
p.-ovido work for the prisoners iu the btnto
A .Millioiuilrv Downfall.
K , Juno 7. K. H Pain i , once
reputed ' to bo woith $1 , < XW,000. committed
n1 because lie fu'al r.ot pay
A Venturesome Reporter Inter
views the Weather Clerk.
Alphonso Baudot Writes a Novel
Ridiculing the Academy.
The Dlvino Sarah Will Appear as
Romeo to Her Juliet.
A French Version to lie Used , After
Which Tlicy Will Come to
America nnd Produce. It
Up In a. n illoon , .
[ Cojii/r/i/'il / / lkt $ 1 > U Jniiio ? ( 'union Hewlett ,
PAKIS , July 7. [ Now York Herald Cnbld
Special to Tun Bui } . ] The interest of the
past week has been largely meteorological
and literary. Half the week has been spent
in savage nbuso of the weather , and the
other half in the criticising of Daudet and
the academy.
Since hret Saturday not a single day has
passed without rain and wind or thunder.
On some days , as yesterday , wo had n com
bination. It waste ascertain , if possible , the
meteorological vagaries of the weather clerk
that a Herald correspondent went up in a
balloon with M. Jouvcs nnd two assistants ,
M. Mallet and M. Carpenter , Thursday
Alphonse DaudetV neW novel "IVImmor-
tel , " which bus Just appeared in book form ,
marks the author's dcllnlta renunciation of
nil academical aspirations if ever ho had any.
After reading Dauclct'B merciless satire or
tlio petty jealousies , intriqucs , rivalries and
sins which llouiish behind the scenes of tlio
venerable institute , no member of the im
mortal foity is likcjy to waut to sit next to
him. The central figures of "L'linmortelo"
nro 'Stier Rcliu , a typo of dry-as-
dust conventional academician , Prcydett
a weak aspirant to immortality
and Vcdrino embodying the revolt
njainst the wretched ' .tyranny of 'tho insti
tute. The minor characters of Lavaucx ,
Dmijou , Fago , Mine. Astler , Mine. Atichlin
and the Duchess do Radovan , they arc terri
bly life-like so life-like that the immo has
already been put on alrof tUcrn. .
' One of Baudot's character's informs us that
nil academicians , are privately grouped into
three classes tlio dukes , tlio pet dcloups. nnd
cabochons. Under the hitter head come all
scribblers , poets , novelists , dramatists , the
Sardous , Dumas nnd Coppccs. Bypctd'oloups"
wo were told to understand tbo savants ,
bishops and old fogies. In a sensationnl
chapter Vcdiino wnrriSpporProydcl not to
listen to tlio beguiling Hattery of the inimor-
tills vi bo have now-a-doys taken to beckoning
out of the window to young men of talent
wliom they are ambitious to drag behind
their tottering triumph car. remaps there
Is a , little too much personal rancor in L' Im-
moitclc , but it is curious nnd inteicsting to
Paris nnd nil men of letters wlio know
whether it will over attain the popularity of
"Lo Nnbab" or "Sappho. " It may , however ,
double it.
Sai all is to play Romeo to Mrs. James
Brown Potter's Juliet In Paris next year , so
the grande tragedienne says , and when she
resolves to do n thing she generally does it
unless , of course , she changes her mind.
Sarah was , when I called to sco her , in ex
cellent health nnd spirits , n couple of days
ngo nt her pretty little hotel on the Boule
vard Pcreicr. She was dicsscd in n
charming violet plush tea-gown.
"Yes , for four years longer , " replied Mine.
Bernhardt. Then , with n vivacious glance
at Mrs. Potter , who was sitting near her ,
Bho exclaimed , "Abbey has nil tlio good ar
tists , you know. "
"That reminds mo , I am thinking of play
ing Romeo hero to Mrs. Potter's Juliet dur
ing the exhibition yoar"rhapsodlcally added
the tragedienne. "Mrs. Potter is my ideal
Juliet. She has such n girlish face and llg-
urc well , exactly what I always looked for
in Juliet. I hear , too , she is
so good in tragedy. I feel sure
our Romeo mid Juliet will make a
hit , don't you ? Wo shall net in French
here , of course , but a little later when I hnvo
perfected myself In English wo shall play It
in America in the original. "
"For the next twelve months , " said Sarah
when her visitor had rallied from his sur
prise , "Mis. Potter will study to perfect her
French accent. I shall do the same with my
English. .Meanwhile I start for London on
Satuiday. My husband , M. Damala , will nc-
compuny me , but wo shall not act together
until October , when wo begin our European
tour. "
Mr. William Watt r onof Louisville , with
Mis. Edward Bale's , has reached Paris.
Robot T. Lincoln and Miss Lincoln nro ut
the Athene. Commodore Slnvin goes to
Normandy. Mrs. James Brown Putter has
gone to Tiouvllle. Before leaving she pur
chased for her homo , ' Allco L Buoll's line
copy of Mine. Lo Brnn's portrait of Mine.
Mole R.iiiwmd , the famous Comcdlo Fran-
cniso actress. The original is now in the
Louvre. Mr. und Mrs. Townsend Bearding
have gene to St. Merit , und Mrs.
Cutting and son to Hamburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Hqnry E. Abbey have
flitted to Germanyj The Misses Gucrnco
nnd Scott arc with JJIrs. Hewitt nt Contrexc-
vilo. ! Mr. Jotin C. Iflood and family are at
the Bristol. Mr. Cl irlcs W. Davis , of Philadelphia -
ladelphia , and Mr. u id Mrs. Hurry W.
tousareat the Bin la. General and Mrs.
Wislurnro at the HI itol Windsor. Mr. aui
j Mine. GubiiclSaloii ! an have icturncdVow
' tuoir wedding tour , Sir Llonell Snckvillo
i W'-tt and Lis t daughters sailed from
Havre to-day on La l3ourgoyi > e , Among
the other passengers were Mr. Charles
Astor , Miss Mildred Lee , Miss Polk nnd Ad
uiirrtl nnd Mrs Stcmbel. Mr. John Jncob
Astor goes to Germany Tuesday. Mrs. Ed-
waid Fnrrlngton has , owing to the death of
licr husband , left -for London , Whence she
will go to Germany. Mr. nnd Mrs. William
T. Kakcllar and Miss Da Wolfe tire In Lon
don. The hitter sails for Now York on the
23d. Theodore nnd Mrs. BJorkstcln have
gene to Sweden. Mmo. Christina Nilsson
left yesterday for Mont d1 Or.
General Malinger Stone's Statement
Snld to l > o Itldloiiloiis.
Ciuovno , July 7. Speaking of General
Manager Stone's statement of yesterday ,
Daniel Donuhtio , attorney for the alleged
Burlington dynamiters , said to day : "When
you como to examine the statement critically
there is very little it it. It won't bear in
vestigation , Stone makes the point that
Bowles was receiving Brotherhood funds
through Baucrelscn. Of course ho was. So
were nil the brotherhood englncrs In that
division. Tlio brotherhood never mndo any
secret of it ; In fact , they wniited the public
to know they were supporting the men on
stviko. Then as. to the numerous explosions ,
How is It that nothing was ever heard of
them until now ) Wo Claim that It was a put-
tip Job on the part of a lot of hungry do-
toctlvcs who have to make a case to keep
themselves In njob. Alexander Smith , who
wasnric.stcd yesterday In connection with
tlio alleged dj nnmito plot , was taken before
Commissioner Hnyno this afternoon nnd
formally bound over In I.OOO . uotida for ex
amination on the liith , Inst.
IIo Kscnpes Dentil from Machinery
Only to Die in Convulsions Later On.
Nuw YOIIK , July 7. Engineer Dwyer , of
the ferryboat Hnckcnsack of the Hobokcn
ferry , hud a thrilling experience yesterday.
Ho heard n groan In the engine-room , and
Hinging up the sliding door saw Morris Dcnn ,
one of the firemen , lying prostrate on the
mnssivo Iron crank with his face as white as
chalk. His eyes had a wild glare In them
nnd ho wns trembling like n leaf. The en-
gince" called to the man to get up. Dcnn
did ( io , and then Hung himself ngaln on his
perilous perch , and thrusting his arm down
Into the depths , exclaimed wildly : "I want
to go down there. "
Two or three men were standing outside
the narrow door. "Como In nnd get him
out , " said Dwier. They Bquee/ed In through
the narrow aperture and with great dldlcuUy
rescued lenn ) , who weighed Dot ) pounds , from
his dangCrousposltion. When they took hold
of him his hands were ns cold as Ice , though
they were dripping- with peisniration. IIo
lay inert as le.ul , nnd they bait to lift him
bodily over the iron railings that guarded the
pit in which tlio cranks swung round. One
turn of thpso wheels would have ground the
mailman to pulp or hurled him n
bleeding mass llftecu feet below. It
wns n blood-curdling sight the niaunmn
hugplng the heavy cranks which work the
padillo wheels , and 'which would Iling him to
nn awful death , mangling him to n pulp , if
ho wore . not torn from his resting place.
Panting and sweating the three men finally
work'ed him off the terrible crilnks nud
through the narrow door on to the dock.
"When they placed hUri on the dock 11 whisky
bottle , half empty fell from his pocket.
Denu died At the hospital last- night , refusing
to speak n word. Ho was 43 years old , nnd.
loaves a wife and two children destitute ,
without money enough to pay his funeral cx-
A Straiij-o Mirror.
The old city of Rouen , in Franco , has a
pretty sight that is worth describing to your
crowd of young folks. The little men nnd
miiids nro fond of looking-glnsses , I know ,
but I doubt if they nil have licnVd of the
queer ono of which I shall now tell them.
Near the west door of the church of St.
Oucn , in the city of Rouen , is a marble basin
filled with water. It is so placed that the.
water acts us a mirror , and In the face of it
ono sees all the Insldo of tbo church. Look
doWn into the water und you sco the pillars ,
and the ceiling , nmt tl o ntcturcR nud ttatu-
nry , and npnily nil the interior ornamenta
tion of tlio building , The stately basin
seems to take pride in holding Us beautiful
pictuicof the church.
Both Knew II All.
During the trial of n c.isc In the supreme
court recently , in which distinguished coun
sel were engaged , the two had been em
ployed in arguing n law polnf.
"There is nothing in that , " sail ono ; "I
have examined into it and know. "
"Obi" unswcied the opposing counsel , "you
know everything , you do. "
"No , " quietly retorted the first lawyer , "I
don't know everything , but you and I to
gether do. "
"What do you mean , sir ? "
"Why , you know overj thing except that
you are u dnuiphool , and 1 know that. "
A Kroo-Kor-AII
Rihivo St'N , Miss. , July 7.-S. II. Whit-
worth und Henry McCarthy got Into n dI0l-
culty to-day in which friends on noth sides
tookpait. All the parties were armed with
Winchester rilles nnd pistols. P. II , Ivy and
Sam Austin were Instantly killed. Henry
McCarthy is missing and is supposed to have
been killed. S. B. Whitoworth and Ben
McLean tuo badly wounded.
I'arnell and tlio Ministry.
LONDON , July 7. The Pall Mall Gazette
says that the ministers obviously do not con
sider Pnrnoll's denial as conclusive of his in-
nocenco. Their supporters declare that the
denial is false. The ministry must either
cxpol I'arnell from pailiamcnt or dismiss At
torney General Webster. No middle course
is compatible with the honor and responsi
bility of the government.
Moro Signalnri'K to the Scnlo.
Pmsiiriin , July 7. The Amalgamated as
sociation received ofllclal notice this morning
that tbo Linden Steel company , of this city ,
nnd the Newport fKy. ) Iron company hnd
signed the scale , The scale now lias eighteen
signatures , including two of the largest linns
in the city. The manufacturers assert that
the majority will stand flun until the work
men accept thu proposed reduction ,
An Important Decree.
Ciucioo , July 7. An important decree by
Judge ( ireshi.m , carrying out still further
his famous decision in the Wabash case , wns
entered here to day. The decree is in favor
ot Brown ft Chapin in the matter of their
chum for rental for the use of the Toledo ,
Peoria it Western railway by the receiver ot
tlio Wabash. The amount of tlio duereo is
$ , ' 57,7110.
The * Weather Indications ,
For Neb'-nshu Ruin , followed by fair nnd
warmer weather ; variable wind * .
Forlown : Rain , followed by fair nnd
warmer weather ; variable winds.
For Dakota : 'Warmer wrathcr ; local
rains ; i.tutionary fair weather and uouthcrly
I nil limed u Itc.'pnliliuans.
INDIA SOLA , Nob. , July 7 [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BKI : ] A rousing republican
ratifU ution meeting was held hero to night.
There were . ' 1,10:1 : people in town and . ' 00 .In
lino. There were delegations from MtCook ,
Cambridge and Culbcrtson.
Decrees Tor Americans.
LONDON , July 7. The University of Cam
bridge lias conferred the degree of.L.L.D.
upon tile Episcopal Binhops of
New York und Minnesota.
Creston llnllrond Men Kxclted Oxer
the Arrest4 at Chlo.iu" .
C n TON , la. , July 7. ( Spccinl Telegram
to Tin : Ten. ] The dynamite plot nud nrroit
of the brotherhood men has caused n com
motion hero among the strlkcts and railroad
employes. Prominent men In the brother
hood disclaim any knowledge of or acquaint
ance with the parties under arrest , nnd
claim that the thine Is u put up Job to create
a sentiment ngalnst\holr cause. Local rail
way ofllclals , however , sny that Brodonck
came hero on the fith of Juno nud stayed un
til the noth , when ho went to Knnsns City ,
nnd that n detective had followed him
from Burlington to Oltumwa , DCS
Molncs , Omn'ia ' nud Creston. They say
that his movements while hero were closely
watched , nnd that he wns In company with
brotherhood ofllcers , nnd went to the lodge
rooms. Bowles , they nlso claim , wns hero on
Iho night of Juno SO , when ho loft for DCS
Moines , where , It Is stated , ho was met by
brotherhood men from Creston , They nro
not sure from the description whether Wil
son was or not , but think ho wns. The
movements of the others were watched with
great cnro.
Diuilnp'H Artesian Well.
Ui'XtAV , In. , July 7. [ Special to Tin :
Unit. ] At n depth of 1M" feet the work on
the artesian , well hero was stopped. A vein
of water was struck nt n depth of 1COJ feet
nud niiothcr nt about 1,80U fceU An abund
ance , of water la obtained , but no ilow. Tlio
water , after pumping twenty-four hours with
n three and one-half inch pump , at about
forty gallons per minute , stood forty-seven
feet from the surface , not having been low
ered any by the pumping. The water Is pure
and 1ms n temperature of ( W degrees. Steps
nro being taken to utilize the water with a
complete system of wnter woiks , giving tin
abundance of water for private ns well as
publicise. The cost of sinking tlio well was
Burglars visited the town last night and
scouted nSTri gold watch and about $11) ) in
Fire at GIcMtwnnd , Iowa.
GLCNUOOU , la. , July " . [ Special Telegram
to TIIK Bnn. ] Thd brlcK block occupied be-
law by Hardman & Ashley , grocers , and by
the central telephone olllco , burned last
night. The origin of the llto is unknown ,
but It Is bsllovcd to bo accidcntlnl. The
stock is a totul loss , with $1,000 insurance.
Nothing whatever wns saved from cither
story. The line dental rooms of F. M.
Sherivo and the ofllco of Dr. D. M. Hamilton
were a total loss without any insurance. By
great exertions the Mills County National
bank was saved from destruction , though
considerably dnmapcd. A still night saved
the city from a disastrous lire.
'Jho I'cuk-UinrluliH Controversy.
Io\VA Cirv , July 7. The witnesses boforu
the investigation committee to-day were
Editor Faulkes , Dr. Stewart , Air. Richard
sun , Dr. Simonton nnd Dr. Hinilchs , which
closes the chapter known as- the "Pojlc-
Hlurichs" of the university investigation.
WASHINGTON , July 7. The house to-day
passed the senate bill providing.for the sale
of tlio site of Feat Omahlh Neb. , and appro
priating ? L'00-000 , for the purchase of a jicw
site and the construction of suitable build
ings ticrcon. ) On motion of Mr. Randall the
bill wits amended by the insertion of a proviso
vise that not more than one-third pi the ap
propriation shall bo expended for the purpose
of n site.
A Joint resolution was passed selecting
Leonaid A. Harris of Ohio , John A. Martin
of Kansas and J. T. Ilartranft of Pennsyl
vania to fill vacancies on the board of mana
gers of the national homo for disabled
The morning hour haviug expired the house
went into committee of the whole on the
tariff bill , the pending amendment being the
ono offered by Mr , Cannon of Illinois to the
sugar schedule. The amendment was fa
vored by Messis. Gear nnd Henderson of
Iowa , and Ryan and Peters of Kansas , and
opposed bj Messrs. Kelly of Pennsylvania ,
Orson of Kansas , McKcmm of California
and Holmes of Iowa. A long de1 > ate took
place , mostly of a political nature , and pending
ing a vote cm the amendment the bill was
passed authorising the colislrue.tion of n
bridge across the Missouri river ucai Kansas
City and the house adjourned.
An Ajjed Ne ro Imen Several Yearn
With a Serpc.'iil In His Body.
ATI.ANTI , G-a. , July 7. Jeff Jackson , an old
negro , died in HnberRham county n few days
ago. Whllo drinking water from n wood
spring some years ago ho swallowed some
thing , that nt the time created no uneasiness-
Since then , early every spring , ho has been
troubled with intense pains that mndc death
appear Inevitable. Only at these Intervals
ho experienced suffering that ho described ns
ftelmgthat n roptllo was gnawing at his
vitals It baflled tlio skill of all the phjsi-
cmns whom ho consulted , nnd the old man
became resigned to his annual suUciings ,
which lasted only through the spring months.
A few days ago , while sitting by his cabin
door smoking , ho gave a sudden moan and
foil forward. In n moment moro ho was
dead. Several physicians held n post-mortem
examination , which proved a case unprece
dented. In the stomach of the man wns
found a living sui pent nearly two feet long ,
n species of the common black snnKc. After
being icinovcd it died almost Instantly. Dr.
Beimel has preserved it in alcohol. Jackson
was about eighty yearn old , nnd had enjoyed
good health with the exception of the spi ing
Bufferings mentioned.
TIUJ srcuKiTiin : H
Tlio Motley Stolen l > y Pitcher Found
In London ,
PKOVIIH-NCI : , July 7. Tlio Union hank ofll-
cials received word by enblo to day that the
whole bond of securities , bills receivable and
other property stolen by Charles A. Pitcher ,
the dolaulting teller , have boon recnptuicd
in London. Pitcher had mailed thorn to J A.
Roberts , his assumed nnnio , und hollcved
them safu fiom the bank , and that .it was in
ids power to keep their hiding place iiBecict
until the bank would bo ready to compromi eon
on u basis of Pitcher's ictaining * U > 0GGO
cash. The stealings agfji'-nnte ? iUOOlU.
and Iowa Pension * .
N , July 7. [ .Special Telegram
to Tin ! Bii : . ] The following Nebraska pen
sions were granted to duj : Increase Jcsso
Choppull , ISehgii ; Samuel linker , Sulum ,
Pensions for iowans : Increase -Thomas
Lias , Lcmars ; Jcsso B , Uumbaugli , Nuulon
Joseph M. Billing" , Lohigh ; Martin V , Wag
ner. Mtircngo ; Vincent C. L'-ww , Ruck-
well ; SeiinourW Peck , Can oil , ( 'handier
Preston , La-it Dos Moines ; Kdwaul E. Rob-
cits , Martngo ; Lcander O , Fuller , alias
John C. Fuller. Allcrlun ; Benjamin E. Hull ,
Taintcr ; Jcicmlab C. Kilmer , Biooklyn ;
Bcnton A. Matthews , Knuxvillo. Jcsslo
Stafford , Plum Hollow ; Samuel Storr , Du-
buquc ; Thomas MnrHhulI , Scotch Grove ;
Henry ICumboi ling. Mt. Vurnon ; Frank'.m
Hoffman , Kcokuk. Adolph Lalm , Britt ;
David Bradshaw , Truro ; Jacob Stout , Rod-
Hold ; Isaac Jcssup , Wmtorsctt , Andrew J.
Hill , Brodciiihuw , Buujamin F. Crocker ,
rp. _ _
A Thcutor Burned.
u. , Mass. , July 7. The Academy
of Music , Commonwealth hotel nnd several
stores wcie burned to-night. Loss , 5100,000.
Tlio ftfcRtliiK Proclaimed.
PUI.UXJuly 7. The meeting anno'inecd
to bo liclJ at KoMca , at which Diiit' , w s to
spculc , hui >
TTTI ? rr/n > T rrnpiTp
IIoVlshos to Establish n Protooto *
rate iu Dulgnrln.
A Frmitlo Appeal to the Poles By a '
Russian Nowspnpor.
The Physicians' Report On It to Bo
Published This Woolc.
It In Bcliifj Expended In A\i Attempt
to Pnrtlu-r Develop Ills .Splen
did Military Service Tlio
Autumn Manoeuvres.
tO ) > i/i luM JS. > Sliy tlic iV. \ffactateil \ l'ifjo.1
Bmiux , July 7. The czar hns asked
In nn autograph letter to Kmpcror Will-
lam that Prince Bismarck accompany
the emperor to St. Petersburg , where M. Do
Giers will formally present n proposal for a
nominal Russian protectorate In Bulgaria.
The proposal docs not involve the occupation ,
of Iho country by Russia , The
for the Bulgarian throne is to bo Appointed ,
by nn ambassadorial conference to bo held
nt Vienna or Constantinople ! . U thcso terms
are accepted the cznr will order the army
corps mustering on the Austrian nud German
Ironticr.s back Into the Interior.
Prince Bismarck , at the cabinet meeting
yesterday , stated thcso proposals , nnd said '
that ho believed they offered a chiinco for the
peaceful solution of the question , nud that ho
intended to respond by going to St. Peters
burg if the Austrian government coincided -
in liis viuwH.
A Warsaw paper , the acknowledged organ
of General Ghnurke , asserts that the na-
tionnl pnity , With whom the czar must .
reckon , is determined to reap the fullest ro-
suits for the blood and inonoy cx-pcndcd ja
the wnr.s with Turkey. In the sumo nrticlo
the Poles of Poson and Gnlncia .
are ; exhorted to rally around Russia
in the approaching war with Germany.
r\ll slaves " the article "
, says , "unvst uuito
against the insatiable Germans , " | ind the
promise is hold out that When Germany has
been vanquished by the combined French '
and Russian forces the Poles will once moro
bo joined in ono nation unfler Russian pro
tection. In connection with this article it is
Known that General Ignatloft has been making -
ing overtures V the l.'ol cftyjrailtco in
Vienna for mutual nction against the Aus-
triatis- when thy Avar opens. The G-oneral
promises the Poles nnd the pan-slavic party
the ro-c.itaulishmoit ) of autonomy in Poland ,
including the areas annexed by Austria and
Prince Bismnrck met the bundcsrnth to
day. Jt was the last sitting before the siif/i- /
mer vacation. Everything is now tending
toward dullness and a temporary suspension
of political Hlo. Even the emperor's ' journey
to Russia does not arousu much interest
The bill provision for working
people incapacitated by ago was before
the bundesrnUi. The bill provides that com
pulsory insurance fluids are to bo raised
hi tin co partB , one to bo contributed
by the empire by means of an assessment ;
the second by a promise from cmployeis , and
the remaining sliare by contributions from
employes , the men paying twcnty-ono pfen
nings und the women fourteen pfennings ,
weekly. Every man becoming un Invalid
will receive an allowance of 1120 marks and
every woman eighty marks yearly. If they
are permanent invalids they will receive ISO
marks i early. Thei o will bo no reduction
in the pensions of men who nro pi evented
from paying their contributions through military -
itary torvlco.
The doctors'icjiort on the malady of Em
peror Ficdciick will ho published on Tuesday
ne\t. The icport deals strictly with the na
ture of the disease , and contains separata
and special lepoits signed by Profs. Bnrdcl-
ebcn , Bcrgmnnn , Gcrhardt , ICussmaul ,
Schroclter und Schmidt. Neither Muo
ICouic nor Bo veil signs thu repoit. Mao-
keiuie will Issue a uoparnto repent , wltli
statement , fiom the Austrian ptofcssor , Bill-
roth , defending Mackenzie's tieutmcnt.
The cmpcuor , in accepting the rcaignntioa
ot General Von Capnki , conferred upuii him
Iho grand cross of the red cairlei and as
signed him to the command of un army
corps ut tliu uutumn'manoimvcrs. The cm-
peror appeaih to attach tlio utmost Import *
cnco to the nun OU.TCIH. Ho Isariaiii ing to-
hnlil daily conferences with General Von ,
Krasigk , leader of the cavalry division ot
the third army corps , nnd with
Captain Von Gosslcr nnd other
cavalry ofllccrs. It is his Intention
to further dcvclopo the cavalry Hcrvlco , IIo
is ulboexpcilmenting with n view to thocm-
pluj mcnt of prisoners for both the construc
tion fi ml dcstiuctlon of rnilwajH , tclepr.iph
lines , hi luges and tunnels. Ilia energy hns
vivified every dcpaitmcnt of the military
service. The miinoeirvors will bo of cxccp-
tiomd Intel cat , pi ( sentiiif ; the latest developments -
opments in the art of killing. The firing late
to bo under c'lcctr o light , applied in various
ways , now blinking to full view the BttucKcd
and again the attacking party.
A statement , printed In tha
Paris Kouvcllo Revue on an
alliance between Germany and Belgium is
reproduced In the papers here. Whllo thu
statement Is believed trno in subslnncu '
it is considered inuccuruto an to details. No
treaty has been concluded between Germany \t \
and Belgium , but it is known that Princa j
Bismarck has n written contract with Kin ; ,1
Leopold , under which , in the event ot , t
war with Franco , Gcrnjan ticops will ba 1
Allowed to pass ovesr Belgian territory. If I
Franco' should bo conquered , Belgium U to t ; |
be po i milled to annex tho. French dcjiurt- dj
incuts of Pas-rte Ci.lals , Soinuic , AUuq au.\ I
Ai Ac tiues , I