Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The internal rovotiuo collections
amounted to $1 ,20S.8 : .
Thermometers iiboul the city regis
tered 1(0 ( nt 10 o'clock lust night.
The county commissioners will nc'cd
nil the tiino'tho Inw ullous them ns a
board of equalization , which is until the
10th.Tickct No. 800.T d-ow the gold watch
at the Eden Muteo drawing. If the
holder of the ticket will call the time
piece will bo delivered.
Howe's 10-cont circus opened nt the
corner of Eighteenth nnil Charles
Btreots lust night. The show will re
main hero for two weeks.
Mrs. T. P. Cannon died of consump
tion at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday.
The funeral will be hold from 010 Geor
gia street ut 12 p. m. to-morrow.
Judge Shields issued but ono mar
riage license ycstciday. It was for Nels
J. IJosttom , aged twonty-ono , nnd Miss
Annie Johiifcon , aged twenty-three.
A depraved French prostitute named
Molaiuo was arrested yesterday after
noon for stealing a couple of silk bund-
kerchiefs from a Chluamnn on Dodge
Giles Ilcmpstrad , a locomotive hostler
nt Oakland , Neb. , was killed in a game
of ball Juno 11 by being struck in the
side. The Omaha agent of accident
company ha'a check for the widow for
* 1,4 2.
The Omaha Guards arc not yet tired
of the fun they had in camp at Waterloo
lee on the Fourth , but they are a little-
reticent on the subject of their base
ball talent. Three innings with nine
teen runs wcio all they could bland.
Fred Ulcliter , from St. Pnul. and sheriff of
Ramsey county , Nebraska , was In the city it
few hours yesterday on his way to Kansas
Dr. Livingstone , of PlattsmoutU , was In
the ) city yesterday.
W , P. McCrcary , of IlnsthiRs , a prominent
attoinoy , wus In the city yesterday on his
way to meet his family , who are ijucsU of
Mrs. ISkCreary's ulster , Mm. J. Fred Kimball -
ball , of Council UluHs.
Miss Sue 1 irmly , dtuifrhtor of Colonel
Brmly , of Port Lc.ivqnworth , Is a guest , of
her brother , C. T. Hrmly , of Notth Nine
teenth stieet. Misa LJnuly Is accompanied
by Mips Towiisond ,
Home Miulc Son | > .
The Page soil ] ) works hiivo got so ; far along
in thowock of preparation for the imimifue-
turo bf soap that , jcsterday thoyphucd
their coal orders for immediate Hllinc. Tlio
works , Mr. Page says , will starU e.irly next
week with a capacity of 230 boxes duily.
An Alxluctcd Itoy Found.
Chief Scavoy is ia receipt of a telegram
from Chicago telling him of the capture
thereof a blind man named Theo.lmo Diaw ,
Who hail with him an Omaha boy eight
ohl-whoin ho had abducted , The boy's ' naino
Is Theodore Dayton or U.ikin , and his father
lives on the bottoms near the smelting woi Its.
The police are hunting for the father.
Piniiorjictl Usury.
A story has been circulated in InnlchiR
circles the past day or two aiul has been
listened to with many quiet chuckles. It
runs that C. E Mayno lias recently forced a
Bcttlomcnt with the IBank of Commerce nnd
compelled the institution to disgorge -Jb.OJO
usury exacted from him la various past
The facts are that the H inic of Commerce
lias not charged Mayne usury nnd has not
disgorged anything , but the story is correct
in so much that certain note dtscounteis In
close relations with the bank have been com
pelled by Mayno tj disgorge $ SniOof ) Intciest
collected on en or , and to extend hispipci' , so
that Mayno is to ilay in better slwixj than
for manv a day , though by no means "out of
the woods. "
. Ten Per Cent Dividend in Six Months.
In addition to the corps of graders of M.
Condon & Co. , whom the South Omaha Land
company have put to work grading the ave
nues through Spring Lake park , the company
have put to work , removing the underbrush
'from the beautiful grounds , a largo number
of laborers. Another force hus been set to
work to enlarge thorUiko , the intention being
to have as much of the Work us possible
done by fall.
The Inst meeting of the company was held
Thursday with closed doors , and the most
Important announcement made was the dec
laration of a dividend of 5 per cent. This
was the second dividend of the kind de
clared within six months.
Beware of worthless imitations of-Dr.
Jones' Red Clover Tonic. The genuine
cures headaches , piles , dyspepsia , ague ,
malaria , nnd is a pcrloct tonic and
purifier. Price 60 eontB. Goodman
Drug Co.
The wonderful scenery along the
Palles of the Columbia river , Oregon ,
can bo reached to advantage only by
Ellen Josephine Stork
Has run away from homo June 25th ,
from TokainahNob.nbout noonand the
last seen of her was at Blair , Neb. She
wore at the time u brown and white
chocked gingham dress , hand worked ,
with a crobs btitch with white knitting
cotton on loft side of over&kirt , drc&s
Blurt plain , basque worked with cross
Btitch of white knitting cotton on the
front , representing throe acorns. She
had on u black Jersey , braided in front
and back in black and grey , possibly it
might have been black and red nnd
black and wine braids , all t-iuno style ol
braiding. Doigo style walking hut ,
trimmings in yellow rose , Do
Beige ribbon , with streamers , She
is flvo feet five inches high and
well built ; has davit auburn hair and
( lono-up , at the time nho loft , in a
twist on top of head combed down on
forehead and laid in four or live loops ;
largo , dark brown , intelligent eyes
clear-cut features , dark I'omploNioii ,
nearly fifteen years old but would betaken
taken for eighteen. Her parents Know
not why she loft , ami any information
to the undorbigned will bo gladly re
ceived by a heart-broken mother. A
$1M ( ) reward will bo given for her return
to her parents. If this should meet the
eyes of our daughter Ellen , will she
conio homo or lot us know where she is.
Your mother's heart is nearly broken.
Come home , HonryStorkTekumah ,
Burl comity , Neb. State papers please
copy ,
Dr. McGrow , kicuiuy , Rectal , & priv
ate discuses. Room 111 , Uiishman block
Smoke Soldonborg's Figaro nnd get
the best 5-cont cigar in the world. Max
Mover & Co. , wholesale depot.
" *
Cheyenne , the cnpitol ofV.oniing
and the center of the cattle industry of
the United States , is reached only by
Fraud and Desertion.
Mrs , William Wehrcr , who lives oa Nine
teenth and Vlnton , poured into the eats of a
policeman , ycbtoiday , u pitiful talc of ciuvlty ,
fraud and dcsci tion on the part ( > t her hus
band. She has been married to him for ten
years and has suffered all manner of.rndig
jutles from htm uncomplainingly. Of Into
liibtcud of improving ho has grown worse in
tils treatment , refusing oven to provide fet
her , The property on which t > ho is living is
\voith about FJ.OOO , and U her own by rights ,
but ho MI > B ho has fraudulently got luild ol
it and sold it ta Ills brother Cluules , who hat
been a party in the bold theft. Her husb.iiu
has got the , money for it ami disappeared
Charles Wehrcr threatens to evict her ftou
Uio pi utilises , uud the poor woman \\UUout :
ontinent thin
We will send , packages containing suits of clothing , clotns and woolens of all kinds kept
in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Dakota , Colorado , Kansas and Wyo
ming O. O. D , , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article
o ± merchandise inlour stock at uheir own towns , examining the same before p.aying for the mrand
if not -perfectly satisfactory , returninsr goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts ex
ceeding $10 may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we
have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfac
tory results. You take no risk. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they
do" not please you.
Corner Omaha , Nebraska
cent in the world nntl no friends to RO to is
in preat distress , faho hus tin ee children to
support \\illHlioitly become the mother
of a fourth. _
The UNION PACIFIC curries the
mull lor Australia , China , nntl Japan. .
Death ol'iin Oiiiah i Centrum inn.
M.ii'Kiiret Kelly died nt half-past 4 yester
day afternoon .it the nge of 100 years and ti
months. She was apparently as well ns
usual in the morning , and it is supposed the
extreme licat combined with old age caused
her death. Deceased was born m Tralee ,
county Kerry. Ireland , and was never mar
ried. She lived with her blather , Timothy
Kelly , .it Twelfth ana Chicago streets. Mr.
Kelly is over eighty cius old hhnsqlf nnd
testilics to his sister's auo. Ho h.\s boon i\
resident of Omaha thirty-live yours and ac
cumulated considerable means. His state
ment is endoi scd by two female friends who
came finui the same toun as the deceased.
An Absolute Curo.
is only put up m J&rijo two ounce tin boxes ,
and ib an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
\\ouiuls , chapped hauls , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drujr Co. nt 23
cents per box by mail M cents.
Salt Lake , the Dead Sea of America ,
is reached by the UNION PACIFIC di-
Drink Malto itibpleasant.
A Sinn "Who Can Shake WIUi A Trio of
Friends nt Once.
The overland ( Iyer on the Union Paculc vcs-
terday coined u passenger enrouto tor the
meeting of the Nntional Educational asso
ciation nt San Francisco wno attracted a good
deal of Intel Qbt. His luuno is
George K. Lysaught and ho re
sides at Utira , N. Y. Ills general
appearance is not unlike thooiillnnry inoital ,
but in fact Mr. Lysaught has thico hands
and two mid one-half arms. The third arm
and hand is an attachment to the loft aim
piopcr nnd Is lemailcably well developed
The hand is somewhat smaller than the other
two and the m m begins near the elbow. The
possessor of this strange natural curiosity
has by pi actico been enabled to grasp objects
with the thiid member fairly well , although
It is not as useful us are the other hands.
Strange to say , any dise.ise or
injury sustained by either of
the loft hands is felt , y the other
and three years ago , Mr. Ly&uught htatcs , a
felon on the little linger of the left hand
piopcr was duplicated by the little ringer of
the left hand extra. Lysaught states that
sevcial museums have made him offeis
which ho has icfuscd and will continue to
refuse as ho has a good position and seeks no
notoriety. Depot Muster Haiioy and 1'olico-
man Chamberlain were the two most inter
ested spcctatois.
The UNION PACIFIC runs Solid
Trainb to Denver fiom Council Bluffs ,
Omaha and Kansas City.
AlwayH to Ultimo.
The B. & M. men ai o very bitter over the
punishment of their comrades on the Fouith ,
and aucuso thu Union I'aeillo men of making
mi attack only when they huvo the advantage
of numbeis on their bhle.
"U it I must say , " admitted n 1) . & M. of-
fli'lul , ' 'our men huvo boon to blame in pro
voking every ono of these iiuarrols. I'erhups
they will leain to atttml to their GUII nf
funs , and m time the friction \\ill bo worn
Absolutely Pure.
Tills now iter nev er varies , A marvel of purity ,
Btrencth uml v\lioU > homenrAi. Mor ecouonilp
than the urillmu ) kinds , iin.l cannot bo sold in
raniiwtltlon vUth the ninltltutlu ot lowest shott
vcl lit nluui or phoaplmtu povv ilers. Sold nnlu In
rrtl * . 11 IVVLj\KI.NUl ! UtllCO , 1'Jfl ' Wftll St.
hew lurk ,
Special Sale was not a Humbug.
They did not sell suits that-cost from $12 to $25 for
And those that got suits of S. L. Andrews & Co. , Saturday ,
June 30 , will verify the sale.
j Store. S..L Andrews & Co ,
Southwest Corner Douglas and i th Sts.
j..itnily illRCstcd ; of the finest ilavnr. A hearty
liovtragu for ustionK nppttlto ; u ( Icllcateilrlnk
forthnsonsltlvG. 'JhoioiiKiily testednutritious ; ;
jinlntitblu ; micxcellfil hi iiuilty ; no int
urttrellocta. Roqulros no boiling.
Mnrlon Ilnrltiml , Oirlsllno Tcrlmnc ITorrlck ,
Dean A. H. Tixmwi. > 1.1) , pionounce It the best
of all tlio iiovoilerod < hocoliitos. Noothi'reiiuuN
It In tlavor.imrltyuml v.NTM ) > rirrio : < iualItii-s.
'liticeif. Sample nidllcdor 10 etaini'3. '
II. \VBE.HUIt & SO.\S ,
ilMUA. I'A.
buy one of ,
our nobby Spring
Suits , in Worsted i
fine Cassimere , or. .
Scotcli !
all the popular col
ors anu styles. Real
bargains that cannot
fail to be appreciat
ed by the discerning
We are aware that. .
Inexpensive goods
are laigely nd\er-
tised thie season , hut
ail of them -qannot
stand the test of
close inspection.We | '
( § ask our customers
jto examine out stock , anrf thus satisfy
thcinsehcs of its quality and our ve- ,
racity. I
Itemartable for powerful eympt-
thotlc tone , pliable action and abf
toluie Qurablllty. 'JJ ) ears' record ,
the best guarantee ot th excel *
lence of ttmso liibtrumcuts.
Eiectfo-Magnefis Belts ! |
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science \
Genllcmen'a Belt Sclonl"lca"y HaJc ( and Pwclleally Applied.
flY W8LL i ur.
itxtlim. l'nruli ( , Mrurultix , H lnO B , I > | M UM of Kldn-jr. hplnal I UlHKM * . Tori'll l.l'cr , S
( .out , i'.ihuu.tlonV Knilulon > . A.lhina. llcurl lllnraM. I ) ) i > riiJl. , t'on.llnnllon , l'rT'\'jeluti \
indtvoOuo. MeaknnM , Imrolrnor , OnUrrti , I'llrm Kpllrpfj , Oumb As < tr , DluOcMt , Ulllrooclo. 5
Hloud DiMuiua , Itruotft f < f ; thru thl licit U Jiut whul JOU UM.4.
Kitctrlcltt , Jnitanllit ftllj Lan 'IF a ) plli'i _ _ . , . . „ , . . _ „ _
to y part at Ue bo < V VVhrlu Umll/ can 5TMglM < A M BaBn I B
we r It It eleftrinci the blood and cure *
. , , , . . . , . ,
Murrar.Naperrlllc , III i r. L. Abbott , iiipt. cltTw lerwork . Sooth Donrf Ind i KoU K.Hnmp5onCiilr jall
roit oHeci L 1) . McKlchBf 1. 11. > . Iluffu.o. K. Y. " our bolt has urcomplli bed what no nthtr rumiidjr IIMI I
Jtfadjr norvM and conifottftt ! * ltepBt night " ilotit. Hull , aMcnuui , 16U tiut S91U Slrcct , Hour York1
ilroi iiroduooi a rontlnuout cumnti con vnvn cloctrltllr throouh the n the BITTCI It curei dln
ino IH'U am hiiiiirrccorfnueaanuinaarveii of luoutanaj vruoni 11 n cureu , . . . . t
IIKKKUhNCKiTAny bauk comroerclnl acencr or wboleialo In Chicago ) wtolcialo druggets , I
anlrauclxuaadrhUavu IJTHumUlvnipfor lit r iIlluiliattil | snipnlet [
. "W. A" . X2OX-KT3ii , luTcntorandMaou/acturer , 1U1 VtHbub ATCUOO Clilcoao.
"The Overland Itoutc. "
lias FO arranged its Family Sleopin
Car borvico , tlmt berths can now be reserved
served UIHJII application by any ticket
agent to M. J. UreovjPabsongcr Agent ,
Council BlulTs , Iowa. The reservations
whan made arc turned over to the train
conductors taking out buch carsbo that
passengers can now secure berths or
dered , the same as a Pullman berth ib
reserved and bocured.
j. s. Tisimirrs , u i' . ix > 3ix ,
Otu.1' , i T. Afeut. Ass'tU. 1' . i , T. A
O.-M.lHA , NKH.
l.oitVlr < iranitVUnhootlliitoKd. ! ; Pi >
niilute lltclii.e ami rjiuclloiial dlior.
.S lilTi > aliu ut
, lk'Ifa l , Dublin ami
From Naw Yoik Every Tuesday ,
Cabin passage i.Vt nnd t'fi , accorJing to location
of btalo loom l ciiiblon i < f > to WJ
MCCTUBO to and from Knropo nt I.ovvcht Hates.
Al'bTlN HALDW1N 4 : ( O. , Oen'l Agents ,
f.l liioadvvny , New Voik.
JOHN HLiOiN : : , Oon'l WeMrn ABeiit ,
Hi llandolpli b ( . , Chlcngo.
II AUKV 1 ! . .MOOltr. ! * . Agtut , Oliiuha.
Reduced Cubhi Rules to Glasgow Ex
( Euccc.-sors to John O. Jacobs )
Undertakers & Embplmers
At thu old Mttiul , IVfl 1'arnam St. Oiileis by
ami ' " ' "
telesrapli MiHrltM inotuiuly
T lciil o to o
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb <
CAUTION DoHlunlnc person ? , taking nilvnntflRc of our rc | > iitntloti ,
arc constantly Rtnrtlnc UORUR mecllonl CHtnlilfHlimonta to deceive
btrntiecrs vlqitlng the clly. 'Jlieso pretenders usually dlmippenr In n
low wholes. Uownris of ilieni or their runners or accent * , TinOinnlm
Medlo.U nnd Kurulcnl liiHtttmn Is the only ostnlllnicd ! inrdlenl Insti
tute in Oninlin , Dr. MoMonniny , 1'i'oprlotnr , Wlion you mnko up your
mind to visit tm , innkc a incnioraiuttim of our exact address , nnd tint *
save trouble , de-lny or
DR. J.l \ McMENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in
Assisted by a Number of Competent , Mlfal anmpBrlciical Physicians and Surgeons
FnrUcular Attention paid to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of ( lie Urinary
anil Sexual Organs , Frhatc Diseases , Diseases of the Xenons Sjstein ,
Lung anil Tin-out Diseases , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or
Fits , Piles , Cancers , Tumors , Ltc.
More money invested , more skilllul phticiaiih and suiguons employed ; inorc paticnU
treated , more cures effected ; moie moildrn improved instruments , apparatus and appli"
ances than can be found in all other infirmaries institutes or dispensaries in the vest
combined , Largest anil most complete Medical Institute or in thu west. Fifty
newly furnished , well wanned and ventilated rooms for patients , tinec skilk-tl phvicians
always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in thu most scientific manner.
lc MaiiiiWiiro Sprgiial Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical Hatteries , and can mpply physicians or patients any appliance
icmedy or instrument known. Call and consult i's , or write for circulars upon all tuli } '
jccts , viith list of qucstioiib for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by
correspondence We hae superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , pef-
forming'surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acUiow ] *
abi and , should make tiie Omaha Medical
edccd ity , experience , icsponsihility reputation
i r . _ t t ! . . * . . . , - i . * i ?
ingenuity ,
al\\avs be taken into consideration. ' ' , -t
Should on conclude toisit us for treatment or concspond with us , you will fina
that these statements ot our position , location and facilities aic not o\erdiawn in any )
particular , but tre plain unvarnished facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Spacialty of
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. S } philitic Poison remo\cd fioni the systcnf
\\ithout mercurv. , New testorative treatment foi loss of Vital Power , Persons tinablg
\isHus may Le treated at home by coriespondence. All communications confidential' ,
Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to indicajfef
contents or fender. One personal interview prefei red. Call and comult in , or send hlsi"
tory of your catc , nnd we will send in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and .VaricoceleJ
wi h question list.
My Reasons for rang a BOOK Upon Private , Special and Ncnrons Diseases ,
1 have for many jcars made a specialty of diseases of the urinniy nnd sexual oigansf
have become a recogni/ed authority upon the subject , consequently 1 icceixe an iminensV
number of letters fiom physicians and aflhcted pcrsoni. . asking my opinion and advice
upon individual cases. Tor the benefit of Mich poisons , , I have written a book , ghingq !
general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , Mieccsd/
advice , etc. After leading it , peihons will have a clcarei idea of their condition and cart
write me moieintolligently and to the point It will thcieforc he seen that our object iii
writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to .1 class 01 persons who read out of
mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who nre sufficing to a greater or lestf1
degi ce from diseaces , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the or urinar ) 01 gnnsj
Not a dav passes but we i cctivc many calls or letters IIDIII pcuons sullei ing from lliia
class of disepses , or their sequel. Man ) of them aie ignorant of the cause of the difficulty
tliat has wrecked their coiifclilutio'ib , throu n a cloud over their bright piospccts and m
shortening thcii
Surg'cal operations (01 ( thciuicof Hare Lip , Chili l-'cct , Tumorb , Cancels , Fistnlrt ,
Sti.ibi . ( Cross Ryes Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities
Cataiact t " H H > * > .mus \ * iw * tj\uj M. 1
of th" Human Body perfoimt-d in the most scientific . inannei. . , . . , , _ ,
, . . . . . , . . . . „
" - Heait Head Hlood.Skm ,
We treat Chionic of the Lungs , , , , facalp Stomach/
Liver , Kidneys , Uladdci , Nerves , Hones , etc , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( biU ) , Sciofula
liright's Discas , Tape Worm , Ulcers or I-'cver Sores , Dyspepsia or GaslutU , Ualdnesa"
Ec/cina , etc.
Treated caicfullv , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and most approved
McMenamy has for v cats devoted a laige poition ol his time to the study and treatment
ot tills class ofdUeases , and ha * , spared neither time nor money to pcifecl hinuelf , and is'
fully supplied vMth eveiy instrument , appliance and uinecly of value in this denarlmentf
of Medicine and burgcry. '
IwlJU ilLuJ
We claim supeiiont ) over any otiilist or auust in the west , and the thousands whom
we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims , To those aflhUcd vvitK
Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say , call and consult UM , get a scientific opmUiii , then
visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person jou will return to us for treat-
Our book , ' describing the Kye and Ear and their diseases , In plain language witlt
for the benefit cf and who wrlto
numerous illustrations : , are written pMients physicians
irfrcgaid to cases , i > y reading them carefully physician and palitnt will have a cleaf
undcutanilin" and can describe raes to u more intelligently. WRITE FOR HOOK
Atl lres < i nil U'.tcr. ( < to
DR , J. W , McMENAMY , N , W , Dor , 13th & Dodge Sts , , Orta , Ha-