Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement * underbill head 10 cents per
linn ( or tlic first Insertion , T cents for each sub ;
fiequrnt Insertion , and 11.40 a linn per month' .
No advertisement taken for less than Sficents
tor ti ) flr t Insertion. Seven words will be
counted to tlio line ! they must run consecutively
and must bo paid In A1 VANCK. All advertise
ments must by handed In before 13:3(1 o'clock p.
m . and under no circumstance * will they lie
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in these columns and hav
ing the answers addressed In care of THIS DUE
will please B.SK for a chock to enable thorn to got
their lettern , as none will be delivered one opt on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should 1m enclosed In envelope * ! ,
All advertisements In these columns are pub-
ll lied In both morning and evening edltlous of
Tnti HKK. the circulation of which aggregates
more than papers daily , and elves the nd-
verlHers the benefit , not only of the city clrcu-
lutlonof TIIK DKE , but alto of Counrll niufffl ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country. _
_ _
Advertising for these columns will bo taken ,
on the abovn conditions , at the following bnsl-
ne-n lionsci , who arc authorized agentsfor Tim
Dr.R bperlal notices , and will quote the mime
r Ucs ns can bo had at the tnaln olllco.
' '
J'ollN W. DULL , Pharmacist , 8JO South Tenth
TTllABK & KniiV. Stationers and Printers , 111
w South 1 ( th Street.
tj H FAllNSWOnTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Jj * Ing hire et. _
\\T J. IlUOlir.S , Pharmacist , 02 ! Notth Ifith
M . BtlL'Ct.
KO.V. . PAKll , Pharmacist , 1W St. Mary's
\\rANTKD-PosItlou ns collector. City ret-
erences and security furnished. Address" ,
H112 , lice olllce. 4377 *
YVANTI'D Olllce work by young attorney.
TT ex-bank cashier. Address , 8 6' ) , Dee olllco.
4'17 7 *
" \\r ANTIJU lly n young girl with recommend-
TT utlous , a situation In a small family to do
Keiftti1 housework : steady employment. Ad-
dre'js ' N K. olllco .117 N IBth t. 4,14-f , *
"Y\r ANTit-Sltuntlon : ns llm-'class ' bread nnd
1 > cake baker. S. ( II. lloa Olllce- .
\\rANTKD-A position by n young lady of
> > expurliMice a * bookkivner or to uo olllco
voik. Address S. & 7 , lluo Olllcu. 424 7
"Vr ANTED A yardman nt the Cozzens hotel.
> M J. I'rnnck , l'ro | ) 4K-7J
ly. 0 ngents. Cnll at
i < once ntai'4 Caldwell ttt. 4508
° Y\7 ANTED lliiinodlntol A good , competent
TT gtnccrv clerk for general store work and
Hunio iiook-kc-c'plng. J , C. Wlemor , s w cor. liith
and rhlrngo 4"Hi U
"IVANTHD-l-Ogorvd mentor inllioad Work.
TT Will hhlp to-day. For frco trainspot tn-
tlon Cnll nt No. 1511 Farnam street. O. D. Mcr-
rj matt. 47J-7J
AN'TriD First-class salesman msliondo-
clnrtiaent. Must have lefeience. Tne Fair.
4111 !
T.yANTED . Agents for the Economy 1'ual
T * burner , IIMper cent prollt. Samiilc , tl.5Q
prepnlil , circnhlr on npiillcntlon. Exclusive
tenuiiry given , Adiliesj 117 North 2d St. , 1'hila-
ilolphln , I'll. 41K-7
TVTANTEDat once. 4good men of good ad-
TT , good diossers , for positions paying
from ti&O to J.WO pnr week. This Is strictly
liuslueha ; no one but flrct-cln s men need itpply.
Addioss P. O , box SM , Dontrlce , Neb. Iffj lit
" \\rANTDD-Clerk In a country town : general
T t Htorn : must have experience , spenk lloho.
mlnu nnd come well it-commended. Addiesr. S
U , lleo olllce. 112-7-
\\7 ANTKD A llrst-clins hotel Clerk nt lUiro-
> penu hotel , KB S 10th St. 3"l 0
" \\7ANTED A voung mnnnf 17 or 1H yearn ,
must bo poifectly lellablonnd willing to
v ork. AddreaH S K > lice ollice. VJf >
\\r.\NTED-l cnmi ) coot SIO , 1 Hhort-ordi-r
' cook JO , 1 hccond cook \ i , 1 farm hnnil Jb" .
room ami boaid , 1 boy iirlvnto family : mtmt
inllk cow. Omaha llnruau , 11U N. liith ut.
_ _ _
A GENT.S nnd canvassers quick ; best novelty
uTMn America You can wee the money htlcklng
right out ; * li ) to $ ! > dully UlioVlrnul lint
Hack , size of nlvnr ! quarter ; carry in vest pot kot ,
Jiang your hut on window , mirror , or side of
liotiHC. Everyman that wcarrf a hatbi | > .s. Im-
inonvo prollts to agents. Sample nnd terms lOc.
Jj. E. Cilmdull iV Co. , Chicago , D75-11 *
"VXTANTED trnvi'ilng nml locnl Bnlesmon ,
t i salary nnd uxpcnat's ; no oxnarlencu nr > ro < -
lary Address with stamp , Palmer \ Co. , 1 > 'S
Jlomos , lu . 391 18 *
wanted ororywlrarn to Eoll our cam-
AGENTS . Ki.'qulH .s iv > ovperieuce . , nell nt
piglit j' to 510 a day cnsll ) made , Semi for
culnr.s 'midterms. 8. W iuvls & Co . 1'royl-
iluucu , It. L
"YATANTED-S first-class milkcia.J. F. Hooli ,
T T uotth of denf nnd dumb Institute , li.1l ii *
'YrANTiilfiO : ) paving stone diossois nt
> \ Norths vsteTU Labor Aginey. Hhlp dally.
Jolm Mnhloon A : Co , Jllti S. IQlh at. 81'J-
T\'ANTii-A : No. 1 butcher to work in a mnr-
M ket ; must be a good market mnn ; must bs
Bobci mid give cocci ipfcit-iicq ; a good mnn can
Iiavo a Ktejulyjob. .lohn May bury , Nellnh , An-
Jfelope Co. . Nob. H5-Of
ri77ANTiD : Knergi-tlc men nnd women ovf-ry-
' T i where for a genteel moni < y-mnklng busl-
flesi. & 0 weekly prollt cnnruntreil auxior than
J0 ( ! monthly othurwin > . i\peilcnco : absolntBly
imuecessnry. Pcrmnnunt position nnd exclusive
territory assured. $ : ! .00 samples free. Wrltn for
jinitlculaiH. AdUress , , with stnmp , Meirill Mf'g
jCo. . UKI. Chicago. ! 7 Jy r
j NIIHOF.TlC , reliable men wnutcdto solicit
J fern large iianufucttiilut ; house : no capital
requlicd : icfeivncu nocesdiuy. Address Dux
- 07 , Omnhs Neb. 100 Jy7
hniTANTKD-Men for ths west. Albilght's
i T\ labor agency. 11 A ) Paniam st. ru
fOlb-Ajn. it. Tel. Co. , JJ04 Douglas.
\\T AN rii- : girls at Samdlnnvlnn hotel
T 7fJfa. llth. 4ii'J. 7 *
TV7fJfa. - . 1011 N.
4 in
UD-Fli-st-clnsa Bhli't-makcrs , 1112
Fnrnum. 4H11'
' AN'i'Ul ) Good girl for general honsewoik ,
L'lQ N. llltli st. 441 it
lTANTiD-lrl : forgfiiernl houbowork. Ap-
. ' J' 'JJ1 ° "gp t ITlON.aithat. 4I7 ! 8 *
i7"ANTRD Olrl for general housework. 523
Bputh 14th tstieet , 8 K cor Jackson. 4 lh
7ANTF.D A wet nurse for n child a few
1 month ! ! old. Address 8 M , Doe , 43)
't\rANThn- A ilr ! > t-cfass cook" with rofoT >
I i en cos. Chas. Shtvuiick10 Fnrnum at.
fY\rANTEI-A ) ghl to tnkocaro of children ,
, Ti none but experienced , nt " 314 DougjitH st ,
425 71
il\r AN'J 111) An fxpoiloiicecl nnreoj'lrl _ ,
mnn pioioried , at115 St. Mary'a nv < i.
41U 0'
| 1'1 nt once. Mw .lames
nayneu , e.'i N > utli st. _ _ 4u :
/ VrANTIIgood { rtlnlng'room girls , fju'n
' , month ana board ; 1st nnd Sml gu 1 in same
amily ; Uglrln lor Council Illutld ; a rooks tor
iuall hotelt In country towns ; I In city , til : 4
ll-.huu-lieia ; 1 laundress , pantiy girl , and 'Ofor
Tcnonil housework , JJtoK. Mrs. Drega. .lIMj
. 15th tt. 407 i.
rANTHn-Chambcrmnld nt the Wluduor ho"
fVVANTKI-S t'liU gennral work , a dining
ii loomglrlH , 4 ilUhwnshers , acooka for h > -
lels. 2 pastiy cooks , dlnliit ; room glrU for tlm
ivost , Iota of places fur gills , Omnha Rmp ,
Bureau , 119 N. Itith st. _ 37J
Voiiua nurse gill , l
.W7 7
rANTi5D-A nurse gill , 10U Haraey
7ANT15l > Auirrlcan or ( Inrniun elrl lor
general housework , 71'J South Ibth.
.rANTKD A girl forfieiuiral housework , nw
cor , lt < tli uud I.OH > UIU\ oil hot.- . . 3Tl
fXrANTRD A womnn pastry cooie at Now
> > York chop hoiiso , 1I1U DougKs bt. 1'A ) 8
ANTKD ( jooil gill for house wort I iff nm-
lly of threa. WiSJiitJii. * ' * _
lArANTKlF Competent rook nnd ,
TT references required , email tuinlly , Apply
o M ifl. > V. H. McCord. 204 S ? .
V .i > ji.i > A Plrl lo ll ° < llnlng-room and
T chamber workund girl to wink In kitchen.
) oian house , i J. li-tutt. , near St. Mniy' > i\e ,
ifT'r"A"N ' fnD-Gooa cook , maleor feuiAle. : oj
North Wth , New York ivstuunuit. Wl
v - ) { ; ' : girl ut Occl ler.uil
> hotel.
r ANTF.D-Lndy A" sVlrl nnd bus.
tie comblueil ' boss supporters.
' " " ' "
JotU no'w. liln p'rontg , Secu'ie"towns for tprliiqi
rudo. LadlrsTbupply Co. , Wi W. M uihlnglon
- Chicago. 126-jyjJ !
lHA8itA employment office , No. ail North
16th st. Male and femMe help Rtlppllod.
families a spoolnlty. g08
/CANADIAN Employment Office Mate and
v femalp help sent to all parts If fare Is ad
vanced. Reference , Omaha National bank. Mrs.
lircga , 31 m g. liith. Tel , an. _ 78S Jyli *
MAHA Rmp. llurcaii. 119 N. 16th st , oldest
and most reliable oflicn In city. K you need
help call or write. Tel 1112. _ aajyli
WANTED Men and boys out of work to call
nttlieClty Intelligence ollice ( Crelahton
blk ) corner th and Douglas stg. _ 1J.I
WANTKU l'iiri-haner for flne largo house
now being built In Cllrton Illll. Street cars
and Holt Hallway station at hand. Only tJ.OK ) ,
and monthly payment * at that. Will sell home
nnd three Ion It dcslied. A. I' . Tukey , 15th and
Douglas. _ 405
WANTI'.I ) Hoard and room In private fam
ily. for gentleman , wire and two small
children ; terms matt bo reasonable ; reference *
exchanged. Address S 6.1 , Ilcoonice. H-M-'J
\\f ANTED To buy or trade tor n good build-
i r ing that can bo moved , I'loaso call on
or address Uoorge J. Btornsilorff , room < \ oppo-
Bite 1' . O. ! X11
WANTED The public to make good use of
The lloo's message boxes throughout the
city. 100
_ _ _
WANTED It you have txny lamia , lots , or
houses and lot * to soil or exchange for
other property , call on me or write. I can find
you ix customer. 0. 0. SiiotsvrooJ. 303H HMUtn.
ENOAOKMKNT3 to do dressmaking In fami
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , B09 S. Mil at.
ttl ) Jy7 *
_ _
ANTElT Table boat den. 1013 Dodge !
1U. >
WANTKD To rent by a responsible party , n
furnl'hcd house ox four or n\o rooms ; or
three or four furnished room * for light house-
kueplng. Addre.g3KI , lieu olllco. 3C'j-9
ANTED-Cottage of fi or room * within
\Yt miles of postodlco. Address , giving
location nnd rpnt expected. Address S 10 , Heo.
"IIIOH HKNT-.2ironm boarding house , coi uer
-1 ? tltll nnd Dodge sK 4'I4 13'
"IflOU HENT 2 o-room cottngei , centrally lo-
J-1 cated. rent * r n mouth. Meail Investment
Co. . 'lit 3 , loth at. 4M
I710H HENT A pretty 7-ioom house on Tall-
JL1 fornln street , Dnsnnd elty water. Inquire
Netlii-rton Hull. 21i > i ? . 14th st. 407 ( tf
FOR KENT ,1-room house with cellar , etc. ,
cor 27lh nvo ami Howard st. 4418 ?
Ii1Or.HKNT-i ! oomhouse"2',12 Caldwell st ,
one block west of Sanmlers. lunuli o 1S07
Izard st. 44i t
TTIOH KENT A new 4ifOom house : low rout
- * - ' Mrs.Maroney , 10th st Just uoith of Hnncioft ,
427-8 ?
FOR HENT House , 7 room * , closets , pantry ,
cellar , city water anil cUtcrn. low lent to
small family. S. W. cor. S > th and 1'lerco sts.
431 71
FOH ttENT 1 fi-room house , 2Jth nvo. nnd
\Vebster. Inquire Itoom mi , I'nxton blook
I' . J. Creoilon. 237
FOU HENT Furnished or unfurnished 8-room
cottage' , modern ilnprovuinvuts , on Georgia
nvc.nonr I'uik. r.nquliu E. E. 1'otcr.son. H. u.
cor , liilh and Douglns. 3C7-6 ;
"IfWH IlKNT'-One 7-ioom house on 2'ith ave ,
-L1 oiio-lmlf block not th ot CumliiK ht. House
No. lei ! . J. it. lllack , room C.'X-O.Jll'uxton ) lllock.
8S 7
OK KENT Six-room cotUgu lilfl N. 17th.
Inquire between 12 and 1 p. in. 4111 1 *
FOR HUNT A splendid 5-ioom cottaao and
large bnrn on Not th 10th st. It. C. Patter
son , 'Jis south nth st. : MW
FOH HUNT 2 six-room houses , cor. loth and
Vlnton , Telephone a' ) . John L.JIill.
SO ! t
"filOIl HIJNT--riieap , an elegant new O-room
JL1 house with nil modem Improvements , 1317
S 26th street. Just south of Woolwoith.
'Ml K *
F0t | HENT Modern singlohott.seotrooms ! ) ,
tinth room , hot and cold water , on street cxr
line mid paved street , re'idy lor occupancy
Aug. 1 , Jl.'i per. month. Apply nt once C. 1' ,
HarrlKon.Jls s. 15th st. 21 ! ) '
WO1 } HKNT 7-lOom hou < o. No. 151S S 5th St. ;
JL1 B-rooin cottage. No. Oil ) Win. ht. : n-roam cot
tage. No. 2VJ5 Cluules st. Inquire 1100 Cap nve.
FOll llKXT-or Sale New cottage , Hertford
Plaeo , on oasv payments. Kuimlto M. L ,
Hoertrr , loom li l PnxtonblocK. 1)1" )
rfol'Sn for rent , furniture for sale , 1 bloik
from P. O. , 1015 Dodge st. 807
OOH HUNT Vinn 10 and-Ill-room now brlfk
JL ? houses.wlth nil modern conveniences , nt low
rates , ntItli and Cnss , on car lino1. H. T. C'lnrk.
at Union Trust Co. Ki'J 8
FOR HUNT 2 new houses , nil modem Im
provements , desirable location. U A Lear-
cnv/orth , loom 1,1117 1'arnnm st. 61 !
OK KENT A ! l and fi-room house , 2S Dor-
cnHSt. PiankO. OHcn. d07 Jj'19f
FOIl HRNT A line ID-room brli-k house with
nil modern Improvements line lorntlon on
street car line. U. M. Genius , HUS Douglas tit.
&T 1
T710H UP.NT 7-room house on paved street. 0
-U blocks from court house. JM per month D.
P. Seuter. room 40 , DuVker block. 13'J
FOK SALE Two new , 6-room houses In Or
chard Hill nnd Poppleton Park. Will foil
cheap for cnsh , or will take good llrst or second
mortgage paper. Any reasonable terms to lion-
est parties. ( J. C. Bpotswood. BOoM 8. lflth. 11 >
IjlOU IlKNT 10 room house 17th t. . { CO : tK.
J ? room house $ .1" > , b-room house ? . ) " > , 7-room
house $ K ; O-room honso Howard ht nud other
houses. 0. E. Tnompson , Sheeley block. 3.1) )
F UJNT : A dcslrnblo nine-room house nil
J modern Improvements , Imlf block fiom
cnble line on went Dodge st. All Improvements.
cheap to good tenant. F. J. Uothwlck.s-Ji s 1 Ith.
. . . . HENT Furnished house , good location ,
JL1 tor particulars call at the olllco of Tims.
Drennun \ Co. , room 3 , Chamber of Commerce.
Ill A VK n four-room house on ICth street , two
blocks south of Yinton , that I will tentto a
good tenntu for } 12 per month , everything in
good repair. Ucorgo J. fatcnisdouf , Itoom 0 ,
opposite P. O. 231
rrMJN room house with ynul , near Farnam nnd
J21IH bt. , fati'iuu heat and all modern im
provements. &I3 per month. Call 207 S. Sltl st.
Oil HKNT A nent fJO cottage. Applv at
once. C. F. Harrison , 418 S lutli st. 1II
3D rooms , HIS N. 15th bt.
- * 440 lit
" \TIOKLY furnished rooms , rnsulto or single ,
J-s with or witliout bo.iui. 170.1 Dodge t.
TjWU HENT-Nicely furnished rojius , 2017
-L1 Le.U'eiiworth , > IIUS ;
'I71VKN1SHHD room M , 800 S. 2-nd. !
JJ 122 fc
"T71011 HKNT FnrnUhed front room , 5 blocks
Jtix > m P.O. , modem convenlonces , 'M N , 17th.
JTlOlt HUNT Furnished looms , 2207 Douglas.
J 4U2 lit
"IT OH IlKNT-Large front loom , ground lloor ,
J. furnlthtiil.H2.tA ) . Shaded , cool , wtiulowsopen
upon glass plat , wltli maplu trees , bit ) Howaid.
"J'l'iJ '
APLiASANT : furnished . loom . sultablo for ono
or two gentlemen ; nlso three untuinlaheil
Imseiui'iit loonu for llglit liouaekeepliij , ' . Apply
USl Cupltol ut e. ! l70-'lt
'I71O11 ItP.NI' Well ventllatnu sleeping rooms'
42 f uinhhed.HW Howard , id monthly or weekly.
_ _
rpwo large front rooms nicely fuinlshed with
JL all moiiern i oiu onlt.-ni.-eb , largo sluuly yard.
Hi'fuli'lici-.s roiulivd. ! iU04 IllUtiit. 8U7 H
IjlUltNlSHEUtront room , HIS Howard st
-K Jia
SH'IINISHKI ) rooms , with or without board ,
-U Silr. , comer Plcutantnud St. Maiy'n ave ,
rnWO fumlehfldrooms , 1518 Howard , 2d floor.
JL .ti ! 10'
"ITuill UKNT-Two or three nicely furnished
JL1 rooms , suitable for rooinlug or light hotuo-
Kofplng. til so. 1'Jth t. 331 fl
" "
FU1INI3HUD room * and board , lB12"chicago"
COMFOllfAni.K furnishedbed-room.soutli
front , with dressing room attached , buttnblt )
for two geiitlvmon , lib Capitol nve. 255
SOl'TH room nicely fntiilhed , modt-rn con-
voniences , suitnLlu for ontt gcullcman. 2107
LAUGH and vinall room inltnble'for uentle-
\vithorwllUouV board , lolS DoiUe.
FOll IlENT-Newly furnished * o front room
with alcove and bnjr window , private house ;
board if desired ; No. 3 Georgia ave. ( S.Hh at ) .
SVQ 7 *
room cheap. 8110 Harncy.
F rooms for' rent. 1701 Capitol
avenue. g40
"VTICE large front room with bath.fortwo gon-
itleinen or single. A pply 2203 Douglas.
FURNISHED- wllh board , 2220 Hurt.
u room * \ 80) ) . Knd.
HHNT-Nlcely furnished front room
Iwlth l > oird In private family , for two ladle. *
or man and wife. Address or call 2219 Daven
port St. , 3d house from N. W. cor. high school.
400 0 *
ri OOD furnished rooms with board , 1203 N. 18.
T7MTHNISH ED room.wlth or without breakfnst ;
JL1 reasonable 2M1 Chicago st. 4.10-7 *
1011 HUNT A small pleasant room. 1700
Chicago St. 740
_ _
171011 HKNT Furnished rooms in Qrounlg blk
Jcor , Mth and Dodge sts. Inquire ot Oeo. U. ,
Davis. Mlllnrd holcl bllllnrd room. U !
_ _
fuimsed loom * with modern con
veniences nt 019 8. 17th st. 07 J .
FOR KENT-Furnlshed reams , 1318 Dodge.
Y furnUlied rooms , with or without
board , a ) 1.1 Douglas st. 431 Jy 1st
" | > OOMS Including board In the Young Wo-
-Ll' men's homo 1910 Dodge st. lloferenco * re
quired. inu
" \riOKIA" furnished rooms , II per week or ? 3.rX )
! > month , Kti , rot nndfiUH 8. Ibth st. 4rtJ Jyllt
ITIOUll gentlemen can bo accommodated with
J. a nice sulto of rooms nud llrst-class board nt
g > R ) Bt. Mary's avo. . Ornddy block. tft'5 '
FOR HUNT Furnlihcd room With board for
two gentlemen. 'MM St. Mary's ave. M7
Four (41 ( rooms. 4i : > s. inth st . J20 no
Three { . ) ) rooms , 1 1:2 : N 21st t . 12 r,0
Three (3) ( ) rooms , lit7 ! N. 20th st . 11 23
Three ( : t ) ropms , IIMN.UIstwt . . . 12 W )
l'our(4)roomt ( ) , ITiciAVclHtcr st . 1800
Pour (4) ( ) iooii ; * . < ii : South I'Jtnst- ' . ao no
Twor-'lrooms , 707 Pixcltlcst . . ' .00
Two ( H ) rooms. IBlb Howard st . 10 ( X )
Olio (1) ( ) lut n. 7th and Padllohts . f < < M
Four (4) ( ) rooms 1703 Wubstorst . ft ! M
Tone (4) ( ) loom * . 4111 S lUthst . . . 2) ) ( 1
Tlnee f.tlroiim.t. 701'S 1'nclllcst . 1100
Atiiily to .ludgo Hcntlmj Agency. Hfrnld
ulldliiB , S. W. corner of IBth and llarnoy st.
_ _
T7UW HKNT Small store on 5th lictwccn 1'nr-
L nnm nnd Itnrney. largo safe for sale. Apply
Itoom 4111st Nat bank bldg. _ 431
F OII HKN'T 2 front rooms for ollice. Inqtilio
1201 1'aiiiain st. ! W7 u *
OFFICF..S nnd storfcs In Slioc-ly block G. K.
Thompson , room 212 S)3 )
IriOH HUNT Store on I'odge street. Delweon
Fifteenth nnd Sixteenth streets. Charles W.
llnlnoy , Itoom 4. Arlington lllock. 300-10 *
POIl IlKNT Store , bn ement and wnrrhouso
nttnchert , suitable for tin hardware shop or
plumber : good place for grocery store. 1U S.
rtthbt. liuinlru G. Glacomlnl. 217
FOH lir.NTStoreroom , northwest cor. IBth
and Yluton. 1)J )
TOllE for lent , MO N. Ulth. Inquire of
Henry Osthotl , 1513 California st. 4.13
"T710U HKNT HHck store \rtth bn eineut , No.
4W)7 ) S. 13th at. ; 2 olllces on second lloor No.
110D Karnnm St. , by I'aulseu & Co. , IDtl Fnruam
st. , room 8 , 101
Foil III'.NT Hetnll business room on Idttt st.
C. P. Hnrrlson. 41S S. 15th
FOH HUNT Uaseinent and Ice house at 1711
Hurt ht. , lucently occuiiled by the Letup
Ilrewlng Co. orst. Louis , liuqulre nt l)7i ) ) N.2.'itli
JJI It. SMITII-G10N. Kith.
OWJy 20'
G.E. . THOMPSON , Kooui 1LJ Shcely block.
. Ill , '
IPOUwnntyour houses rt-.ited place them
with Uoimwn A. Co. , 15th , opposlto po-tollico.
rPHEOmnha Commercial collcgu glves grnm-
-l mar , wilting nnd hpelllug free to all Its
shorthand and typcwiliing .students , tuition
very low , situations furnjMiod when possible.
About 110.stuilenth now In attendance , Wilto
llohrbough Ilios. for paiticuliits. Visit the col
lege , UK r.unnm. Ui3Jy"
roSI'-rCold llllgieo bracelet. IVIdny after-
' noon , Jienr comer 2 itli and Dodge .sts. Ite-
wnul If loturned to Ooo. 1) . AdjniH , l il
Dodgu ht. 471-7'
LOST In or near High .school grounds , gen-
tli'innn'M gold watch. Plnder will plcaso
leave same at Hue o Ilice and get lew ard4.W8
IOST A pocketbook containing check-book ,
J receipts , ifli ) lu cuiioucy , etc. llDturn to 110
S. 14th st. and lecelve reward. IK'-G'
JOST In South Omaha , pocketbook contain-
-Jlng valuable papers I Initor conimunicate
with E. Ynndeventer , Pnpilllon , Nob. Howurd.
OST Sllu umbrella with silver handle
J miukcd 0 C S. llotuin to 30"i5 ! S loth st. aim
receive reward. UJO
FOUND A watch ; the owner can hnvu tlio
same by proving iiroporty and paying
( barges by calling at 17. P. shops. nf Lenry H
Khop , or ac my residence on Walnut Hill , S
blockh west of Hamilton bt. bildge. E. it.Whit
ney. 411 b *
i > EUSONAL Elli'ii .loscphlne Storit has run
away from her home , Jnuo 'i. at 'IVkuinnli ,
.N'eli , about noon , and the last hL-cn of her was
at Ill.xlr. Nui > . blio wore-at the tjmo n brown
nnd whiti * checked gingham dieiH.hnnil worked ,
v. itli u cross btitch , with whltu knitting cotton
on left side of overiklrt , hklrt plain ,
hiiHUowotki | > d with cross Htlti-h of white knit-
tinx cotton on the front , lupiuxentlng three
nri.inx. Shu had on a black Joii-oy , biMlded In
front and back In bliK'k nnd gruy , po lhty U
inixbt bnvo blnck uml led nnd black mid wine
braids , all name btyln of braiding. Helgu ht > lo
of wulklng lint , trimmings In yellow ro-o.
Do Dingo ribbon , with hit earners , Shu
Is live feet nvo Indies high nnd
won built ; has dark auburn hair nnd done up ,
nt tlm tlmoHhe left , In a twist on the top of head
combed down on foiehvad mid laid In four or
llvo loups ; laige dnrk blown intelligent eyes ,
denrciit features , dnrk complexion , nearly lit'-
tnen yi-ai-H old , but w ould bu tukon for eighteen.
Her parents know not why nho left and nny In-
lormatlon to the nndurslgiuMl will bu ghully 10-
celved by n hi-nitbioken mothpr. A JIW reward
wlllboglvc-n foi her ratnin to her patents. If
thl.-i should incut the eyes of our duuglitcr
Ellen , will Mio conui homo or let us know wlu ro
him Is'/ your mother' * ! heart Is nearly broken.
Coi no home. Henry Mark , Tekamnh , Dint
county , Nob. 117-1-
PEUFONAL fl uufurnUhod looms for rout ,
hiiltable for Hinall family , 1410 Chicago Ht. ,
bot. lllh and 16th. Imiutiu of .Mrs. Saw yer. inn
Chicago. 3ii 0
rpo the Indies : Mrs. M V. Dc-lp , with the ortic-
X Innl Pnrialnn motliod ofdiess cutting and
designing nnd all of its woudurful liuurove-
mcnts to tacHlt.itt ) learning , will bu ut the Dur-
ker hotel In this city two weeks to wait upon
callers , and teach tlio only PaiUInn mettioil
taught In America. It is ensy to le.un , and tits
Ml-Jy IS *
"pEUSONAL-Hcnry rrelghlon. 1519 1'nrnam
-L HI . liaa been appointed Kuncrul agent for the
American Iliitlilluu and Loanussuul.itlon , tlioju
wlalung toniuke protltnblo liueslinuntsor loans
fihonld call on him. 1'h u *
TDKIIBONAL Private home for ladles during
Jcoutinement , btrlctly contlclentliil. Infants
adopted. Adilresj P. I ? , Dee ollice , 660 JylbJ
IP you want to buy , bell , runt or exctmiige
call on or address George J. Sternsdoi IT ,
room B , opposite P. O. -J.H
I3EHSONAL If you Have 9 personal item , or
nny communication , drop U In ono of Tlio
lice's menage boxes , 10 !
"ITHHl SALE lcuo anil t'leijant new fninltnru
J-1 of0 room private boarding house. 2 blo-ks
f i om P.O. Owner leaving city. Addirai Siw ,
Dee , 4i ; lut-
_ _ _ _ '
FOlt SALE Doardlng-hotibti with Is'Tooins !
good IIM atlou , on Douglas t. , price f 1.13J.
Apply H. Maimwelier. (11 S. nth bt. 10U 11 >
37 011 SALE Kurnlture nud good will. St
. Chailua hotel , I.tiuoln , Neb. One block
from depots nud postottlce , Loni ; luane on t-ut-
l fa < tuiy terms. AililiVaS U. M. , St , Clmiies
hotel SDl
OAWDt'ST for bale. FredW. Oray. Cth and i
Olousla3."ly " silt
Fen SALHTfry clieap-One canopy top
phaetoo1j'nrly new. Mrs Ifor , H.M Sher
man BVO amTIOOT Karnam st , 3C6-7
TTHRST MOIlTOAtlK notes for sale. Oeo. N.
JL ? Hicks , room < 0 , Darner block. 410 S
QIX per ceu'tlftihds for snle or exchange for
VJgood real estnto or Interest In a tiaylng busi
ness. AJdrrt,01Jox 3TJ , Morrlstovrn , New Jer
sey , rrie 372 St
"I7H1H SAIJV Exlra fine sorrel mare , weight
JL ? 1.1KO , lyeftw old. U. Altmau. 617NJCth st.
1/IOH oung driving horse. Duck-
JJ eye stnble. inh and llarney. _ ! tM 1 *
HOUSE , ibngrvy and harness for sale cheap.
Henry \VpOd , 2Cth and Oinnt st. 337 ft2
flOH SA Lfr"Kow canopy top cut under car-
1 rlago for onb" horse. Call No. 000 Snunders.
FOHSALE Ainborg cabinet llio 18 drawer.
Fred W. Gray. 3i3C
Foil SALE A family carriage and team , nt
Leo & Nlchol's livery barn. Telephone 840.
FOll SA LK A line family mare 4 years old ,
perfectly sate ; nlso an nlmost now Snvder
buggy nnd harness. lnrmlro L. D. Duruett , cor.
13th nnd Fnrnnm , nt Hulmnii's. GSJ.
SALU Planing null machinery. Cnll at
Davenport st , Omnhn , 310
1POU SALE Must be M > ldono ! team good road
JL1 horses , Jacksnn wnuon nnd double nnrnness ,
nil nenrly now. Inquire 1P1I S. llth '
ITU ) ! ! S A IjE-A few choice milch cows. C. F.
JL1 Harrison. 418 3. 15th s . 10jJl-23
IOM13 lt mort. note * for sale , one and two
s years : in small sums. Address O- , lien otllo.
IT1OU HAliE I'luo single her o harness and
L1 buggy. Charles A , ( loss. 41S S. loth st.
lOSJly 23
BAHN to bo moved I have a barn tllnt will
accommodate four horses and Is lu good
repair that t will trade or aoll very cheap. Ap
ply to 0 , Ilarth , proprietor Saundcrs street
market , botwcou Okldwell and Hamilton
THEbanjatnught as an art by Geo. ft Gellen-
beck. H > J Hnrnoy st. 183
1\rANTEU-r.nrtli in 111 ! In 2ld and Chlrago
it His. Inquire at 1111) ) l-'nrnam st. 470-8
T HAVE been appointed general agent for the
J-Amerlcnn llur/dlng / nnd Loan association ,
which 1 * natlonnl In It * operations : Investors
ntul borrowers sliculd cnl ] anil Investigate Its
walkings. Henry CrolghtijU , lull ) rarnum t.
I'Vt G $
niOINVKSTU8 ) I can place fievernl thousand
X dollar * on g od propeity at fair rates of tn-
lercst. Guo. N. Illcks , coom 40 , Darker block.
.1. WELSHAN . NO. 311 S. Ulth opposite
chamberof rammerco. Ilulldlng material
of all kinds , best Venetian blliulevur madi' , art
glass , pri > < seil brick , biiltcllnij stone , llro brick ,
terra cottn , rtunib waiters , Inwn. fiunltuip.
Iron fences , etc. , etc. If in want of any article
not to be fouudnftliewhuro In the city , scu me.
IP you nave nnytnlng to trade call on or ad-
circus Oeorgo J. Sternsdortr , Itoom li , oplKV
site postolllco. 167
G s. ,
olllcewlll trade you a good farm or city
property fof a hoise. buggy nud harness. 1J3
111 E best window ucroen in the marKet Call
at H. H. cor. nth and Douglas nnd I will prove
It to you. 1'redV. . Gray. 7CO Jy 23
and Dyeing-All kind * of llr < t-
CLEANING nnd ilvelng douU lit thuOmalm
Steam Dye \Vori3lj3i ) ; llowurdst. TclophonolM * .
TEHSEY bull for service , cor 31th and .Inck'-on
tJ street. gJ13t ) !
_ _
HOMH for Dcstltuto Wouaou and Ciilldran.
2713 Hurt , st ! IIO
_ _ _ _ *
WTMAN'S Exchunge , 1C17 rarnaniitr I.imch
dally , ftnppdf Saturday nights. 1'4 ' J
WANTED A good horse , buggj- and hnrnes *
In cxcjinugo for South OnuilmloUs. ( leorga
J.SteinsdorlT. roomfi , opp postoillcj. 2U .
TAI.ENTIKE'S Short hand Instltutu 1s tno
largestfunfl only oxcluitvu. practical shott-
hand ami tvpewiltlug srhool In tnu west , ruder
the innnuRumoutot C. t. Viilontlno.olllclal court
lepoiter ot tiu'riiliil judicial district of Ne
braska , nnd I'rof. H. II. lloyies , n verbatim } o-
poiter or Inipo' evperlenco and luputatiou , as
sisted by other uxpuiientvil tea'-hers. Our list
of graduates K the largest of nny school lit the
vest ; all occupying- first -class positions nnd
giving cntlio sntlsfai tion. If ynu Intend loiun-
Ing shorthand nnd typuwiitlug attend n llr-st-
clii sfcliool and be hiiio of a good situation.
StiulcntH can enter at any tlniu ; no summer \ n-
catlon. I'ltmnn'.s. Mnnsuii'.s nnd ( Jrahnni'.s sys
tems taught I'nrtititlar ntti-ntion paid to siiMl-
liig. punctuntiun , buslines nud legal foims , etc.
Tor lull pnrHeulnrs bend for circulars or cnll nt
Valeutiiif'rt Shorthand Institute , New I'nxton
building , Omaha , N 'b. "tih JyJl
CHEAP STOHAGE We liavo nt our wilo-
hniisu good stoiage loom for household
iurnltnio or other purscmnl property : nUo nm-
plf loom lor merchiindUo Moragc. Hntcs ivns-
( iiiablo. C.iont Webtcru Typo Foundry , lilt
Himard sfrevt. ifM jti
vs 'HY Cheap Storage Ilrnu now biillding ;
live HtorlOii. Uluvntor Mt'g Co. , 111K liuward.
rpHACKAOn , storage , lowest ratoj. W. M
JL Duslimuu. Ull Loavonworth. Vn
"VV /"ANTIID Few good mortgages. A. P.
Tukey. 15th and Uouglas. 4fi4.
ANTED 1.000 yards of dirt. Apply nt 1 1
S. ICthht. John Kimzl. '
" \7irANT13D To buy nil kiins of household
TT goous for cash. FurciMou Furniture Co. ,
711. 717 ainl7l Ki N. Ulth st. cai-Jyltf
( looil nonso and lot in desirable
WANTilD thoclfy ; will give first-class bar-
pain to anyone if suited. Uco. j. Sternsdonr ,
lloom C , Frenzer blK. Pltf _
" \A7ILLbuy furnlturoofn tionao or flat ccn-
V V trally located. Co-op. L. ic L. Co ' . ' 05 N. l th
IP you navi * improved btislness or residence
propel ty Unit j on wish to f-oll. call and t-eo
mo. ( foorgo J. bterusilorlt , room 0 , opjioilte
oatollice S3i
_ _ _ _ _
SEVnilAL store buildings or houses that can
bemovud. Will pay good price if suited ,
Heorgo J. Sternsdortr , room U , opposlto post-
olhco. Vi
CLAIHVOVANT-C. 11. Jllller , n nntliral
born trance mudlum , Is stopping nt No.MI
Noith Main stroat , over City Laundry. Ho gives
yonrpast , pri ent nnd futiiic. Terms , COc and jl.
DH. NANNIK V. Warrun , clnlrvovant.
leal , business and test medium. DUenosU
free. Female diseased a specialty. 119 N , lUth
M..ltoomsgA3 Tel. I'll. ' lu-J
M ONHY fo Lonn Tl7 tliennilerslgnei , who
has the only property organized loan agency
InOmtilm. Loans of SIU to ilOJmado on fiiini-
tuie , pinnos. organs.horses , wagons.mai'hlnery ,
etc , without ifcmovnl. No delays. All bininuhs
strictly ciinllddjitlal. Loans no mndo that any
part can bo pull ] at nnv time' , each paynibiit ro-
duclng the unst pro lata. Aclvauren mndo on
Dim \uitclicf mid diamonds. Persons ulionld
carefully cansidur who they are dealing w 1th , an
ninny now cpn rns are daily coming into exls-
toni e. Khoold you need money cnll nnd use mu.
\V. H , Croft'ltoom I , Wlthnell bulldlns,15th and
llnrnoy. _ 17(1 (
OMAHA riinnol Loan Co. , has money to loan
on chattel and collateral security. Hoom U ,
Omahn Nafl Dnuk 171
LOANS nriidab'n city property low rates. C.
T , Mmton , 1117 1 arnuin , Itoonu u nnd 10.
i : t7 ! a S
MONKYtqlonn on ion ! cstato ; morUmgos
bought and sold. Wallace , Crclyhton mock.
improved real estates no
commission' charged. Leuvltt Durnham ,
room 1. Ci-ullHi { ! ( } block. _ 17ti
LOANS- will ninke a few choice loans at
extc'ptionully low laten ; cah on liiind.
Klmbnll , Chump & llyan , room U , U. S Nafl
bank. l&l-fl
_ _
TMjy * ) o per cont. Money to loan on Impio-
$ \ ea farms or city property. Janien A. Wood-
mnn , at tne old tire insurance olhcu of Murphy
&Loyett , iOQ H. 1.1th at. _ 317
[ \ I ONKV to loan on ruriiiture , lioroen. wagons ,
1'i etc , , or on any unproved aecurity. J. W , Hob-
bins. U. aj ) siieely blk. l" th and Howard. 671
M ONKV to loan. Mortgages bought. Klmball ,
Champ i ; llyan , U. 0. U. S. Nat. Ilnuk.
iKU Jyl3
_ _
CJ IIOIIT time loans made by 1) . R. Johiuon ,
Dlnte pres't Jlank of Merna. lleftreuces 1st
Nat. bank , Omahn. It. Mo , New 1'axton block
705 Jy *
_ _ _
OANS iund to parties desiring to bullet. I ) .
V . Slioleii , room L Darker block. U03-
Good comiuerclafiiaper unit Bhort
time mortgagor bought , llfal estate loans
in-collated , s. A. Sluuiuu , Uth and Farnam. rates on choice city and farm
loans. CentraJ t oan ami Trust Co. . l ll Far.
nam st , 11S-J
to loan. O. K. Tliompson , Sheoly blk-
CALL on Henry Crclghton , 1M ! > Famam st ,
who I * general agent for the American Hulld-
Ing and Loan association. 137
EASTRRN money cheap. Ofllco Philadelphia
Mortgage and Trust Co. , room U , Do.ird ot
Trndo. Oeo. W , V. Coate , lleprosentatlve.
T.OANSonrcalMtato , W. L. Selby , 1KI Far-
JUuam. P41
SKU Harrl * U UAe Ii Co. for loans , room 411
1st Xat Hank. sa )
ATONBY to loan onnorso * . furniture nnd other
J.'ip rsonal propertr or collateral. Hate * mod
erate : builnes * confldontlftl. Olllco S. W. cor
ner 1Mb and Dougla * st-s. Cutraucoonlothst.
Tlio Knlrkank Investment Co. ITS
HI ) . llir.VJ5 ( U iO to loan on city property
and Improved farm land. Frenzcr block.
MUNI2Y to loan on furnltiiro wagons etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security ,
Kuslnes * strictly conlldentlal. A. 1C. ( Jrecnwood
* Co. , It 1 , Cunningham block , cor U & Jackson.
MONl'.Y loaned at 0. K. Heed & Co.'s
onire , on fnrnlturo , plnno * . h ( > se . wngons > ,
porsonnl property of nil kind * , nnd nil other
articles of value without removal , 31 ! " S. l.ltli.
All business strictly conlldontlal , 17tl
rpHK Omaha Tlnanclal Kxchange. lloom 13 ,
JL llarker block , southwest corner of Tar-
nntn and l.'ith sts.
Makes n specialty of short-ttmo collateral and
real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of J100 nnd up-
wimis to any amount , U ? loan oil approved BO-
Secured notes bought , iiold or exchanged.
Clear real cstato anil cash to exchange for
good first or second mortgage * .
Loans made upon land contract * , atock * ,
bond * , trust deed * , llrst or second imntgago so-
curlty , without publicity , delay or red tiw. : |
Tlnanelal buslne * * of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Itoom r > , llarker
block , Covbett , Mananer. l'.i >
MONKY to Joan on chattels , w Itliout removal
or tiling : Ilimnclnl business of alt kinds
transacted n'lthout publicity : money advanced
on Jewelry , notes , etc. It will pay you to sow us.
1'ooplo's Financial Kxchangu. O. llouscarcn ,
manager , H.uOi ; llarkerblk.lJttinnd raruamsts
U31 jy l
roNKYtoloan. Long time. George J. Paul.
L lt l I nrnnm st. * J
C { 1'KU CENT money to loan , Patterson * liar-
vJnnnl 318 S 15th st HJ
DON'T boriow money on furniture , horses ,
wngoiw , etc. . until you have M-eil C. 11.
Jacobs , room 41i ) , National building ,
cor. Kit hand Knrnain ISO
$ rA.COOto ) loanai 0 per cent. I.lmthan \ Mahoney -
honey , lloom fiOO , 1'nxton block. 1S2
T OANSmadoon impro\ed nnd unlmprovod
JJclty propurty nt lowest rntc * of Interest ,
spwlnl rates on largo loan * on Instdo property.
Odcll llros. A : Co. , .I1J S. 10th st , 18.1
LOANS mndo on renl cstato nud mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Heed \ Co. , 1521 Kurnnm.
MONEY to loan. O. I' . Davl * Co. , renl estate
_ nnd loan agenf. 15Qq rnrnnm st. 1IU
MONEY to loan In nny nniounr , either for '
buildlnKOT otherwise , nt lowest intes of In
terest nnd ( in short notlcu. 1) . V. Shales , room
1 , llarker block. 03
HE. COLE loans monev on improved city or
tnrm property. Itoom U , Continental block.
IOANS made In all the principal additions to
JOmahn nt lowest rates. D. V. Shales , room I ,
Darker block UO !
IOANP mndo on real estate. Cash on hand.
JM , Hams , over S3 J S 13th st. 187
( KiOO.fOJ to loan on Omaha city property ntC
Pper cent. G.V. . Day , bo cor Ex. bid. IsS
"OL'ILDING loans. Llnnhnn & Mnhotioy
MIDLAND Guarantee nml Trust Co. . 1505
Karnnm streflt Complete abstract * fur
nished , nud titles to real estate -jramlued , p r-
fected nnd cnarantood. OH
IDENSON&CAKMICHAEL fumtsn compioto
JL > and guaranteed abitrncta of tltlo to any
renlostutoln Oiu.ili.i andDouglis county upon
short notlco. The most comnlute set of abstniiit
books tn the city. No. 151J Karnani at. 58. !
Foil SALE A banking bu < .inu5 , In a prom
inent location , with tlxtuu-j , books , time *
lock chfst , lease uml good will. A-ddioss
lleo olliiv. 4,1.'J 10 *
FOH HALE Or trade for good Omaha piop-
city , n complete poik pucking istaiillsh-
mentwlth2acics nf gioiind , clem of inciiin-
brnnco , located In be-t town In Nebraska. I'oi *
pnrtli-ulats enqnlu- Illiklmusui'A. llrunor ,
\ Ware bliKk. 452 U
\\7"ANTF.D 1'ai tncr with 6100 to f--(10 ( cash to
T f invest lu a business paying cuMi prollt of
5tl)0 * to iirW per month. Addles * llo.Htl ! , lie-
atrice. Neb. 10S 11 *
TfUIt ) SALE-A well ustnbli hed jnlillncrvliiisT-
J- ' ness , now stock ; cnsh rfqiuiL-il , about ri.lWJ.
Address S ! fi. Hue ollice. 3fl CT
FOH SALE The oldest driK and wall paper
stoiu In a live city of h"U ) : daily sales Jio :
will invoice Jl.'iOj ; uxp nsus light. Address
HoxlOl5,1'lattsmynth , Neb. 3UD ht
\\rANTED-A partner with from Jl.OOO to
JUMKXJto Invest in uspi'LiaUy manufactur
ing enterprise. 1'k'iity of work to bo hail nnd
largo prollts. For particulars address loom
Omaha board of trmli- . 3H : 0 *
FOH SALE Harbor shop , first-class furni
ture ; bath-rooms on first lloor. 1'acillc hotel ,
St Joseph , Mo. 341MO *
T71OH SALE Flock of notion , cigars and news ,
-E with Htoio llxtuitis and safu ; also iurnltmo
of n ten loom boarding house , doini ; good busi
ness ; lor trade , sodn fountain , horse nnd har
ness. Address 32 S 10th st. ! , ' 10 ?
IjlOK SALK or Exchange Drugftoro in cltv ,
JJ doing gond business ; good opening for phy
sician. AddicsaS 17 Hoe. Lli'Jtit
FOH SALK-Phcnp ; the best paying Indies
and gunts Dhort order restaurant In Omaha ,
making J-VJ a month clear ; bust of i canons for
soiling. Address.St'J : , Koe. all Of
"VTTEhnvo for sale a longtime. Ipnaeof the bnst
V > location for fancy wall business m tlio
city. 1'caron , Cole .V HoberUon , 310 ti. 15th st.
17011 SALE NUWH nnd cignr store on princl-
- pul Htrcot In Omnhn , on ncconut ot 2 bust-
, cheap fur cash. Addic-it O G ) , lieu.
niOH SALE A llrst clnss dairy witn good will ,
-L1 Uxtuius and pasture sold if desired , from u'j
to 150co s , Inquire J. 1' . IIocli , Omaha P.O.
POH SALE At Ivonrney , Neb. , the fitriiltuis
and lease ot Grand Central lintel. Tlio second
end best house in the city , nnd the licit lonated ,
being opposite dt-puts. Doing u paying busi
ness. Will bo sola at a bargain. Inquire T. C.
Hr.ilnafd , Midway hotel , Kearney , Neb. W7
BHICIv Wnnted-100,000 bricks in oxcliaugo
lor good Inside Omaha property. K. A.
Slonmn room 22 and 21 Hollman bl < Ju. 1 < J3
G.l. HTKHNHDOHKl' . room t ) . opposlto pon-
ollice , lia-i HOIIIO good land In Holt county ,
Neb. , to trade fur Omaha property. Will ansnme
light Incumbranco. 2U5
niHADE A Inrgospan of hoirt'l horsen , Ifil' ,
X handihlgli , weight 2700. ' 1'otrailu for smaller
team. U. M. Eaton. MO N. 16th. 744-Jlyi.- ! .
\\7IIAT have you to oirnr for j.SiM ncros of
i T tlmbor land In Won Virginia , cloai of in.
cnmbrance , perfect tltlo , lit'orge J. Sternsdortr ,
Hoom 0 , opposlto 1' . U , 2JI
"VTEW 3 scntcd cnrrlago mul now slnglo top
Jbnggv to trade for long tlmo leal estate
mortgngoV. . L. Sul'jy ' l.V.'l funum ut , 1'Jl
A OOOD span of mules. Will trade for no
good horse or Mil Uu-ap , Ai'tt\o Ileal Es
tate and Property Exchange , 1121 U.jdgi ? .
4 H
SALOON doing n good busiiitSi nnd In cmtral
location ; jnlco tiKU ; t-xiliaiiiic for city
property. Co-uijcrntlvo Land and Lot Co , K03
K pllh St. 4M-H
MPHANKLIN HendriuartPrs for trading ,
and money to loan. Koutn 511 , I'axtoii
building. What nnve you to ollei In exuhnnae
for the follow Ing property/
Lots 'M , 27 and 3U , South Seventh avu.ifoimurly
Park Wilde ave.i , 7-room house ; nil modern Im
provements , stable ami ciurlaye house ; lilt ) '
wall trues. Mzo of eauh lot ftOxrn
Lot2i , blku , nudlut 1 , blk II , Drnld 11 111 ad ,
4-ioom houses , now.
Lot 21 , blk 10 , Albright'R annex , South Omaha ,
ntcu Improved .Viooin house
Will trade thuubove proneity for good lander
or city lots. 421' ' S
rpo THADE for oilier property-100 or : iu !
J. acres In Itrow n Co. ; ; fJai res stock J arm and
ciittle ili-rrli'l : Co. : Omulm piopeity tor gioce-
i lea j Iowa mnn for JO.OOU ; toK ot geiifrnl mer-
thandlbe ; UO turos fine land In CuUaa'do.
M evens llros. , 10'1 Farnamst. 411 H
EIUHTYtbO ; acres of nnd uillulnins Lu'o
Munawa. ( Xinncll. filmlj , In. This tract
will make 40Ubeautiful lots and 11 fri a from
tucumbruuca. What have you to oltcrr Cioor a
, toowO , opiiP. 0 , ' - '
WHAT hitro you to trade for large double
10 room house , modern Improvement. * ,
south front , largo barn. Very deilrabla.
Kountz Place : ( X M. Galen , 810 N. Wh ,
_ J _
mo EXCHANGE lean offer for A few days
JUWestlavrn park. comprHtng ncronty cholco
lots In West Omaha , nearly opposite llnsor's
liotol on Park street and Just thl * shl ot West-
lawn , tne. coming manufacturing point of our
city. Till * property I * situated at the Intersec
tion ot the two main streets lending out of the
city ThoM.P. b lt line railway run * through
on corner nnd the K. U & M. V. U. H. mtmn
three blocks. It Is only ton minute * ride by rail
to South Omaha nnd les * than twenty minutes
rldo from the business center of Omaha , sub
urban trains running every hour or two will be
gin running on the bolt line July 15 , this month.
Mopping at n now depot to bo erected at once at
thl * txiiiit. Westlawn park f * covered with a
splendid grove of Mimic tree * . 'smooth Invol
lawn and would mafce one of the finest snminor
gardens mid picnic ground * west ot Chicago.
Enslly readied from either Omaha or South
Omaha just outside the city limit. * , escaping
high taxes or license , and possessing natural
advantages superior to any other location
nround our city. It emi bo made the greatest
summer resort of Omahn ,
There will be no diniculty In rent K thl *
ptoperty fern xumniergnrilon for n ijro nd rent
ot f ia ) I to * l. 0 per year.
Lots nround nud beyond this nddltl have
Bold nt * 4Mi nsul VAX ) . This property I * nearer
town , fronts on nmln street * nnd'lscertmnly
vnrtlinHimirhtf not moroiit JVWn lot. At f."iOo
f. lot thl * addition would bring about KM.dDO
Mid w III bo worth ttQ.QW within two yem.s. I can
oiTcrtho wholopioperty If sold together for thn
low rash vahmtion of J2VW ! Incumbrnnco duo
In nbout I , 2 , ; i nnd 4 yenrs nt 8 per cent ,
IWHM : owner' * equity , $2HWXi , which can bo
trndoil for good clear fnrm land or stock ranch ,
If you wanlns good nn Investment n * there Is
In the city of Omaha It wlllpny you to Investi
gate thl * . Address O. N. Illcks , real estnto
agent. I linker block , Omulm , Neb. IM ( I
ITIOH THADE for farms Dortgo st. corner ,
JL' Karnam st. lot * , stock ot diy goods , etc. :
houses nnd lots South Omaha , cfenr lots In
Omaha. South Omnha , Council IJluITH , nnd
Simngllold , Ohio ; Virginia nvo on cnr line ;
vlfgnnt house , lot and vacant lot , Omulm.
Steven * llros. , Ifcil Kaniain st. 4H
FOH EXCHANdE-Honsonmllot. Neb. farm
or South Omaha lot for vacant lot In Car-
thage. Lincoln Place or West Cumlng add. W.
L. Selby , I53i I'nrnam st. DI8
\\riLLtrade4FO acres of NebrnsKa land , tin-
piox'i'd , formerchandlsoorlusldecltypi rep
orty. W. H. Pnl ks , 2ol3 C.lldw ell st. IHO-ll *
\\rjLli give you a good trade for an eight or
ton loom housa and lot. George J. Sterns-
JorlT. lloom U. opposite p.p. su
I HAVE A well Improved 80 aero fat in In Har-
Ian county. Neb. , about 8 miles north or Al
ma , county sent. Any ono wanting n good smnll
fnrm will do well to let me know \ylint they have
to otter. George J , SternsdoTu" , lloom 0 , ojin. P.
O. [ Ml
T\7I LL TRADE good frame store loom , 22 < PO ,
T > locnted on beat corner In Onylord. Smith
county , Kansas ( lot ) xl5U ) , unlncnmbereil , for
honso nntl lot In Omnha , nnd assume a icasona-
ble lucumbrnnco. Address P. II. Orcult. Conn.
cliuuus. i.u iw-July 2.-i
\\THAT have you to trade for Po acres or mnn
TT tinlncumbeied In Junean county , Wls , ,
3 miles fiom rouuty seat. G. J.
0 , opp Postolllco. 107
G.T. STKHNSDOHFF , Uoom 0. opposilo P.
O. , has some choice fnrm land lo trnrte
for city property. Will assume light Incum-
brances. 231
fTO lIXCHANGl Cltv lots. Will trndcTfor
* . and buggy. Uoom 403 , new Pnxto-i
block. D58
/Gxl32 , corner S3d nnd Douglas sts , to trarto for
VJ nn eight to ten-room house and lot. ( Ico.J.
Stcrnsdorll room 0 , opposite P O. 230
POll KXCHANGF.-Ncb ! fnim or two Soittn
Omnhn lots for span of mm en or mules W.
L. Selby , 1521 Farnam st. ll't
made la real estate anil jior.sonnl
JL jiroperty. See cxchanaa book. Oo-on. L.
nnd L. Co. 2Q.i N. liith st. l'J5
rW ( is the tlmo to so lire a beautiful homo.
I can oiler MOIIIO of tliu finest lots in Han-
scorn plncu nt prices and terms it wlllpavyou to
Invcstig . Hicks , Ilaiker block. 4VJ 0
TJ1OH HALE Prlvntn liolno ; good reasons for
-U soiling. Add ! ess E 4J , lleo ollice. 15S 8
B A HO A IN 3(50 ( feet south front on Poppleton
ave , llnnscoin Place , ( 'nil nnd gut pike and
teiin.s. Ut < o , N. HIckM , Darker blouk.
$1,7IJO for a good hoti = o nud full lot ucnr Hod-
cnr lino. Stevi-ns llros. , 15'1 Ftu-nnnu 411-8
TjlOll SALE Or exchange for stock of mer-
J-1 I'liauiUse , " , $ } nrres larm land In Decutur
county , Kansas ; 27i > under cultivation with good
plowing ciop ; to ) head of cattle. This Is ( Irst
class farm land , lle.s near the Hock Island and
II. A ; M. railroads. Address mo nt Omaha. P. J.
Wet rail. ifc'J GJ
T CAN ofler for ale some of the finest resi
dence lots in Hunscom Place , nnd will bo
pleased to Miow this property to any one look-
lug for a rholco residence hlty ; cnll nnd boo
them. Illnks , Itoom 10 , Darker block. 410 0
T71A I1NA.M St H-ioom house nnd full lot. south
JL ? fiout , IH.5UO ; n bargain. Stevens llros , 1521
Fainamst. 411-8
] OT , house nnd tor sale ut n bargain , on
-Jcarllm- , corner tlh ! nnd ( Jrnnt sts Apply
on premise ? . 327 n SI ?
riWIJIiYE per cent Investment For Sale
JL Three 2-story and basement brick houses , 10
looms I'ncli , all inodorn Improvomcnts. on c.iblo
Hue , $33,000 : iHr > OJ cas'h , balunru 4 years ; will
tnko good clear lot lor pait ot cash payment
M. A..Upton ACo. y a
I CAN offer n be.nitlful resldoncu corner on
Poppleton avc'ime , Hansi om Plure , at figures make It a splendid bargain. Call and see
It. Hlckx. Itoom 40. DarkiT block. 410 'I
rilHHKn good South Omaha lots at n pnre
JL much below their vnluo. Lot H , block. It ,
Albrlglit'K Annex' just N. W. of demit , on nmln
county road , WOO. Lot 1. block 3 , Drown Park ,
corner on Md and "H'1 ( Drown ) street , il.200.
Lot 3. block 24. Sooth Omaha , lluost inside lot.
" " ) , cast front , W ) . M. A. Upton & Co. 885
A HE yon looklnir for n home ? Don't miss
seeing the choice icsldonco lots In Hanscotn
Place olluied by Hicks , Darker lllock. 150 0
"iriOIl SALE A mco cast front lot in Windsor
JL' place , now b loom house well , cistern , ce
mented cullnr , etc. A line homo , only &J.700 :
S."iOO cnsh , flUO lu ono year , bal lu three yeai.s ; wa
have the exclusive sale or this. .M. A. Upton iV
Co. Till
QJNAP Per a few days will sell lot 11. block
> > 1 Summit PIuco Add , ( M feet on Parnuui
i > t , for W.WW cash Klinliall , Clump A. llyan ,
room 0 , U. S. Nntionnl Hani : . 212 o
$ lOJObny a fulli ot nnd good l-room cottage
In a good locution I ) . V. Sliulos , room 1 , Ilai
ker block wj
flr0) ) buys n full lot nnd good 4-room cottage ,
Pensy tci ins nnd good location. 1) V.Sholo
loom I , lliirkur blouk , . .102
IJAltnAINSin llanscom Plnco-l ( nnoir r for
J Joalo so\oral of the llnesl cast front mid cor
ner lots In Hniisron Hlnco nt prices and terms it
will pay yon to Investigate Call and lot mo
show you this propmly. Ciuo , N. Illcks. Idiom
4U , Dm kor block. 450 U
8ALE-fiOxl40 , Eoutn anil cast front o
; cor Hh and Donas ; an ulegnul lot with 8-
room house muwi for JftWW ; 'I.IOO cash. Wo
have oxcluslvosiilo of this. M. A. I'pton A : Co
This lot adjoins ( loodmnn's ilnu grounds. 707
TJAHfiAIN III Hanscom Plnco.-Vf.ot.rji anilTi
JJblork 7 , li-tltllUfeet , corner Poppletull nv-
onuc and Kil hti mniiniflront view ; ono of the
llni'ntiorneis In Iho ailditlon , htreutH ruid lots
nllginili'd ; Ju t thn plnci , fet ulcgaut rcsldunco
or bloLkof hoiisos. Hicks , Hoom 40. Darker
block. 45'J ' U
SALE. I'linns on UpngUmo. CoOperative
tive Land nnd Lot Co. , 205 N , 10th St. U ! <
NlTY a few lots left in II. a M. park ailaltlon
to South Omulm. What huruyou tooflery
Oeorga J. Bternsdortr. Hoom n , upp.p , O. 2)1 )
T/OH SALE ' siiftlon ot very line. luvoltnbin
JL' land , IHo mile * noith ot county sent of
ffance countv , irnllinton ) on I' , p. i nail I or
terms nddri * * M , P , Hormanscn , 2JJ1 fuming st.
Omaha , Nub. 3M ) ( IJ
POH SALE A now 0 room IIOIIKC , nil modern
rdiiien'encei , lot W < l'l. : 3rd lot t-iihl l"lh on
Lnthropst , lvonnt/ place ; price 4J'ou , liuo (
cnsh , bal. trtu , month or asdo.ilieu. Hamilton
Dios. , builders , VH .So. lethst. 718jyl.
l OH SALE or trade on easy terms Lot M blk
J1 34 , AlUllKhl'b choice. Lots 15 , 10 , 17 blk 3
Hoppe sub dlv , Albright's choice. I.otThlkl ,
Saunileri * , V' li'3 adil. Lots 1 nnd 2 hlk
I' ' , HrifL's place. Ueo. H. Davis , Mlllanl lintel
blllluril room. tfj Jyll
"T "VON'T miss this Lot W , Clance'd addition ,
.L/Just north of St. Mary's avp. , 01 feet front.
worth JO , too. We will sell for a sliort time for
M,500. M A. irrton&Co. UM
/1 ,1. STEHNSDOIU'F , room fl opposlto pott
\J olllcu , will hull you a gooj l-room huusu
on PHIi fttroel , ' . ' blocks soutu ot car line , by puy-
ing % 'M filth , balance monthly , payments to
mlt.'j'hU U n npicndld opportunity for uny-
( > e wnntlnga cheap UODIO , ' ' 11
" 1I10K SALE--Or exUianije. We have
-L KOoJ Orauha real estate and Nohruk.i
fftrms , which wo will will chaap or trade ior
Bto-'kof c'othlnif ' , furnl-diliiK KOD.H. dry goudi > ,
IxjotoimashoHn gtnwrieior liaidwuro. Srhlos-
Injvr Ucoi. , Oil d. UtU < H. I'Ji
following ) . N. 1IICK3. real cMato agent , OffOH thl
Unrgftln ,1i feet south front on PoppletOQ
avenua , Hanscom Place. Can make this b >
gixla If sold nt once.
Ilargaln-ln Hanscom place , lot t , blocK 7. CO *
171 foal , east front on SVl street , surrounded by
elegant homes : owner I * out ot town ami wanti
money ; ran make a special figure on this It old
quick ,
Durgaln tx > ts 11 and 12. block 7 , llmntcom
place , lOOtllO toot , south and oat front , corner
; cd and Poppleton nve. , magnificent now , ont
of the finest resldenro alte * In Omaha , streets
and lots all graded , water anil gas In slroot , just
the place lor an elegant residence or block ot
house * ; can make thl. * a special bargain It sold
at once.
DargalnM 21 , block fl , nanscom place. BOt
ISO foot , splendid view , tlrst-cliiss neighborhood :
price W.710.
IliugiUn Corner , IDOxlOi ) feel , ! ttd nnd Popple *
ton nve , llanscom place , perfect grade , water
and gaIn street , only { , \4iXl.
Hat gain lleautlf ill .south front lot nn Popplo
ton avenue , llanscom Place , price JU.700 , only
l7COrnsh , balance 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 year. * ,
Dnrgaln Nice eat rront lot on Lowoaronno'
between Karuam and Leaven \vorth sts. , only
Dargaln Wl feet on Thirteenth street , near
Pierce , with small cottage , can offer lor a few
days at M.OUI.
Ilnrgaln-64xl28 on Si'th avenue. Clarke's ad
dition , between St. Mary's avenue and liar nay
street , for a few days nt J.\iV ) ,
llargaln 120x150 feet , comer J anil 20th street.
South Omaha. W.WO.
llnrgnln T\vo lots In Tabor Place , corner
l.owo avenue and Howard sliuet , jut thrco
block * west of Hie elegant now houe * now be
ing erected In West Omahn. This will innko n
splundld ulte for two residence * . Car line vrlth *
In ono block. Cnll nnd let us show yon this.
llargaln Splendid corner. iMxl&O feet on 11
nnd llollovuo sN , the key to tlio gateway ot
South Omaha , Immediately adjoining the mag
nificent now pnrk now being laid out by the
South Omaha Land Co. , Jl.OOO , only * 300 cnsh re
Hargnm Duslncss lot tn South OiunhlX , on M
st. bot. 2-ith and ! 7th sts. , Just wct ot Hoot nnd
Horn newspaper olllco , for sale nt n bargain 1C
taken quick , t can oirer for sale sovornl choice
corner ntul Inside lots near the buslno * * center
of South Omahn nt prices that makn them bar
gains , nud tnko good mortgage uota as part
llargaln Splendid hnslnes s lot on Vlnfon
street , hear Twentieth , forty foot frontage , only
* 2.tXJO.
Dnrgnln Ono or the ( most huslncs * lots In
South Omnhn , ! ,750 , $1,000 cash ; bnlnnco 1 nnd 3
Ilargnlns in Wcstiawn , the coming lunnutao-
tilrlng point of Omnha , sovOral choice residence
Ipts to sell , on which 1 can build Imusos to suit
purchasers nml aell on smnll rash payment ,
longtime , price of lots friX ) to ifOOJ. Cnllnni *
sen them and get choice.
Tno abo\ are only a row of the many bar.
gains w o oiler , Ouo. N. Hicks , Itenl Estate agt-
Itoom 40. Darker block. 4M 0
FOll SALE llonullful cnst front lot In Ar-
cndn place on : t > Uh st. . just south of Lonven
worth , for Jl.RX ) . 'Hits Is 500 bulow aclunl vnluo
and will beln thu market n short tlmo only At
the prloo quoted. M. A. Uptw > V Co. BIO
EASY torni < tA t new 6-room house , good locn- '
tlon , fc.tKXJ : very eniall cash puymont re-
quired. Stoxuns Pros. , I Ml Fnriuim. 411-il
TJIOU real cstato call on Gco. J. Paul , 1009 Farn '
I II AVE several cholco , Inside , full lots , upon
which I can build houses to suit purchasers
upon their own Selection ot plans , nnd on terms
to suit. This will pay to Investigate , I ) . V.
Sholea. roonil , Hnrkcr block. 125
Epps's Cocoa
"Ilr a thorough knonleJco of tlio natural lawl
wlilcli Rovurn tun opornliun ot ( lltosdon mJ niitrl-
tluu , and br cnrcfnl nppUcailnn ot Cti Bno propurtlci
uf null selected C6ron , .Mr. l'p \ % lias prorliloJ oni
tirraklast lahlcs wlllni dcllcaloir navuroa beicrJCO
which may TO usraanr bCHTy rtoilor's 1)1111. It Is
liy llio Judlcloiu uro or nuuli iirtlcln of diet that a
coiisilUillon mny tie ruilimlly tuili up until lirona
rnuugli to rnslst ovnrr tcnJoncr to illivnuo. Hun-
drciliuf Bubtlnmnlnillcsnra Qoatlni ; nround iisreaflr
tonlttcknlierover tlmrnlB * ncak | iolnUT QTBT
psrnpo nmiir n fntal nlmtt liy keeping oiirioWei well
furtlHodniib pure blooil uml it proporlr nourlibcd
frame.- Civil borvlco ( lutotlo.
Made simply with bolllnn water or milk. Bold onlr
lu hiilf pound tln > by Urocors laUehul tbus :
TAMFQ PPP5 Honuropnthlo Chemists .
i ? , Pfl
Pcrfctt Riding Duggics.
Breaking Carls.
Flno.ncT > nlrlnr ( ,
UOusonnblo Prices.
Bohanon Carriage Go , ,
Fend forratnlotrtio
State & Monroe Sts. CHICAGO , T
IlImhlirrM thrj/ncwlrenlui "
( ileJofrgeofDiBlIuitruntDU ,
1 ullormiaulFqulpmcntt,40U ,
> ln niuitrnlloai J KrtMon }
tf Drum Cojft , iDClu'SIng ' Ue-V
caitlcf Mal rUU TrltcmlLfi.N ,
tc Contkltii iDitrnctton for
kuuteurltau'li ' , l'ierctieinJ8e l 3
JrumM jorT .ctl < ? iil HT Liwi.mJ
i bclcoUJ Uil ot DAQ ! UK '
Our now < 'A'r.\l.OQUE OF CM.M-
PAH1V OUTFITS , wltli constitution.
drill tnctlci nnd full Information about
organizing ami drllllnir Murcliln ? Clubs.
A. 0 , SPALDINQ & BROS , ,
1UH MnilUnii Nt. , { U41 IlronOivor ,
{ RiiW YOHK. ;
Aclvortlslng hai always proven
sn.crejsful. liefoio placing nny
Ncivspnpcr Advortlslnj consult
IS CD 19 liudDtub falrctt , CHICAGO
S riiccessfully iihud monthly by over 10,000
"I idios. AruSaf ? . Kffectual and ricaiunt
f 1 PIT Imx by mnll.or ut driiggistB. Scaled
J'nrttciilan 3 iKiatnge Btttmpn. Address
Tut : IX'uuin CUCMICAL Co. , Vimioir , Uicn.
7'"or ' Hiilc ami by infill hi/
Ji'iii ( 'o , , Oiiidliit , Neb.
( ! nil bo niili'kly CUI7CD nt h Qla by udllir
Mit\otmnniiHixuAi : , IHIUI.ITV : , I.OBT MAN.
Ililiill.tir. VI liyinill , lilal | urLjiri ) Sn.l > lmilnnrrt > i > ,
HTaMlallll 111)11 lit (0. . Hi Unrliimi Slrcrl , llllUliO , ILL.
WFflK BSS ? M aTnrlnKfromtli ( f.
1 1 UHlV Rffl fii KfH'U \ orynilthrul er.
' ilB M BU I urn , i' rlr ilis'ny , lait
IllanhUOrl , f tO I Mill MMlTlt VlilUDblO lIX'litljM ( f AlOd )
ronuliihiir full | Mitlcnl iii fur IIOIIID tun > , frro ot
( . .halvA dli f.
PROF. F , C. FOWLER. Moodus. Conn.
And Chicago ,
Tjia.jn > 1'iail to t.ike for Ia .MnliioiMar lulown !
Coilur lluiillx , Clinton DUi.ll. CliHnuo.lilitiuikuo
ml all iiiilntt K.ut To ilia punpla < > l KubrJuka. Coto-
r.Hlo. WyiiiiniiK Dluli.JJubu Nuvuda. OfiV'in.Vn ' li-
Inutoii nml rallfornlii , it/iilort mpcrlor ailretitsjui
not puinlhlii by miy oilier line.
Ainuux H fOA of ttio nuuiurou * points of fiinrrlDrltr
rnji ) ! ' . ! hy ihiii.ttr ) < ui ( nt IliU rim ] botireun Oiiuliii
anil Cliliiiuii , Hie II * tliruu Imlnii a day uf DAY
j OACIIIW. wlilcli uro llio Diiont Ihul Iniiiinnnrt iut
liiKunultr cmcrmilu. lt > I'AI.AOKril.KIU'lMi t'AllH ,
nlilch iiru nuxleU of nttnilorl Htiil iluiftincv. It * t'AII.
UJUDUAWIMi KOOM ( 'AMS. loniiriiuiMxl by unr ,
nnd 111 wlJiily sl I'ALATIAI , IHNINO ( 'A US.
llio equal lit MhlcliCHiinut bo fuunJ eaa\rlinro. | At
tViuni.ll Itlulft , tliiitnilnt ( if Ihn Union I'miltlo lidll-
nujr cunnvct In union UDpol v > lili lliuso of the iiii-
( uu"Nurtlino'lirii Itjr. In the tr.ilrK of
Hi line inikii clote coiinocUon with Cioie of all
otlirr Knuti'm llnt-i.
Tor Dotroll , Columbm. InilUnipolIti f.'InHnnitl ,
Nltvorn Kulls. Ilimaln. 1'llttbur.t , ' 1'nruntn. iluniroal.
lli toii , Now Voile , riillmluliilira , llttlilim > rVnsh -
liuluu.uul all polnti In tlio Knst. A k lor lif-Vcu fU
If you nlih the bcot acoinjuioJuClcti. AD tl let
kuvnli Hell llokoU \ In IUI < Un .
ir.lll'UIIITr , K. P. WII DS
- an-M.n. | er. Ucn'U VrAwnu
W. N IIAIICOCK. Ccn'lVi > turu Avtut.
1) i ; KIMi\I.UTK-k.i Aceat
0VK T , City raMfiuir AjeoV
HOI I'liruam St. , Omaha , jb , '