Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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&rattora of Interest Transpiring nt
the State Capital.
Incorporation of the Sana Roclc Gold
Mltilnp Company Postofllco State-
wont School Lands Forfeited
Mluor Mention.
1029 P STREET , }
LINCOLN. July 0. )
Secretary Laws to-day received nrtlclcs in
corporating the Sand Kock Gold Mining com
pany , which vrcro duly filed , covering prop
erty described os follows :
The lllg Sand Jnck , No. 1 , as recorded In
the mining records ofllco nt Bear City , Ark. ,
of the Dear mountain mining district , in
Montgomery county , record book I , page 73 ,
nnd the mining claim known ns Big Sand
Jnck , No. B , of the same book , page 74 , and
also the Shoo Ply claim , recorded on page 75 ,
nil situated In section 15 , township U , range
83. county and state above stated.
The object of this company is to procure
mineral lands from the United states gov
ernment tinder the mining laws , and to at-
1en < t to the buying nnd soiling of mining
lands cither by claim or deed ; the erection
of bull-lingo ami machinery on mining hinds ;
the buying nnd soiling of mining machinery
nnd aparatus ; the working nnd operating of
mines in the state of Arkansas for their min
eral production and profit : the buying and
soiling of real estate other than mineral
lands , and the maintenances of all buildings
and oQIccs necessary to carry on successfully
the business of the corporate company.
The principal place of business is placed at
Itlverton , Franklin county , Nebraska , but
authority Is delegated to the board of direc
tors to establish such other places of busi
ness ns may bo deemed necessary from tlmo
to tlmo. The capital stock of the company Is
fixed nt nt $3,000,0 0 , two thousand of which
must bo subscribed and paid before business
ran bo commenced. The shares arc fixed at
10 each , and the board of directors for the
year going out are as ( follows : Jooscph M.
Lailamme. , Hugo A. Dubuque , Simon Fen
taine , Joseph H. Aralot nnd Alphonso Camp-
boll. Thereafter the ofllucrs will bo elected
on the 1st day of January. The charter con
tinues for llfty years.
rosTorricn STATHXIES'T.
The following is the statement of the
amount of business transacted at the Lin
coln postofllco for the quarter ending JunoilO :
Total revenue from the sale of stnmus ,
15,133.30j running expense , $5,055.10 ; net
proceeds , * l M3.17. The carriers received
$3,213.33 and 'ttie clerks $1,751.43.
This ofllco is now the headquarters for four
railway postoQlco routes , ths clerks of which
uro ull paid hero , ns well ns other expenses
attending the postal work.
The commissioners nro sending out a list
of about 5,000 ucrcs of forfeited school lands ,
situated In twcnty-llvo counties of the state ,
the most of which arc western , which will
bo again put on the market on the 4th day of
next August. Notice of the leasing of these
lands will bo published in county papers
where they are located.
Gov. Thnyor to-day issued the following
notarial commissions :
Arthur B. Callelmn. Bonkolman , Dund.v
county ; P. B. Gavin , Wallace , Lincoln
county ; John T. Jack , Phebe , Perkins
county ; Marquis E. Outchcr , Plainview ,
Pierce county.
John M. Cotton , iato of the State Demo
crat , has accepted the position of city editor
on the State Journal. Mr. A. B. Hayes will
become managing nnd associate editor next
Monday , and Mr. Hibard , the present man
aging editor , will take Hugh Me dicker's
place ns telegraph editor , who goes into the
composing rooms.
J. H. Dean , editor of the Review , was sued
for criminal libel before Judge Houston to
day , the warrant being issued at throe
o'clock upon the affidavit of Frank West ,
party plaintiff. The grounds are based upon
the following item appearing in his sensa >
tionnl paper a few days ago.
"A man -wo mean u person by the name
of Frank West- running a bunko shop ,
employment shop , thieves shop , anarchists
shop , robbers shop , Chinese sliop , dead beat
fihop , and other shops too numerous to men
tion , on O street , between Tenth nnd Elev
enth. W'lJ' ' is he not in the penitentiary ! "
W. F. Weekloy , a H. & M. brnkcman , was
drowned in Oak Creek , west of Lincoln , this
afternoon. Two gentlemen also came near
ilrowning In attcinutlng to rescue him.
Weokley pulled one of them under the water
twice in his drowning struggles.
The B. & M. lias concluded an arrange
ment with the Western Union by which all
Its commercial business is turned over to
that company. This Is understood to bo a
ronsunmtion of an agreement entered into
bovpral years aero between these companies ,
but owing to the failure to roach a perfect
understanding on tlio part of the B. & M.
the company lias continued to do commercial
business until now. The wires used for com
mercial business have been taken out of their
Dftlco hero , and but one , for railway business ,
is retained.
TIio question of pure water is one of con
tinued interest hero. An attempt will bo
irrnde to raise funds by subscription if the
end cannot bo readied in any other way.
The leading citi/ens and business men of the
city arc a unit on the question , and if the
jniblir purse will not bear the strain other
inaus will be provided. Public wells that
will furnish pure water must be wade before
tli state fair.
Mr , W. It. Ilcrlckwas presented this morn
ing with n handsome gold headed C.IMO by bis
li'to associates In thouiUcoof the Lombard
Investment compan ) . The late cashier of
tills institution leaves for his Colorado homo
with the good wishes of hU friends and asso
ciates of this city. The cano WHS presented
by Mr. Chapman , nnd although completely
uipriscd Mr. llcrlck received it , icturning
a neat little reply speech.
Commissioner Scott thinks that Tin : Bun
misrepresented him to-duy In his position op
posing a reduction of the railway distance
tariff * , lie says ills opposition was duo to
the fact that the western part of the state
needs more roads , and that railway compa
nies will not build Ilium if reduction
on tariff rates is continually agitated.
Instead of saying the board of transporta
tion urgently requests , the Bureau should
have said , to-day : "It is ordered by Hin
board of transportation that nil railroads in
tills state make all distance tariffs conform to
the following formula , not raising the first
class : First , 100 ; second , b5 ; third , CO ;
fourth , W ) : fifth , 40 ; A , 40 ; H , 35 ; C , HO ; U.
C"ij B , 0. This order to take effect on mid
after the 25th day of July , ISSs.
ijotsor Grit
is inimitable in u warrior , but nbomlna-
l lo in a ( lentifrifo. This destructive
component many tooth powders nnil
pastes contain. Use for the tooth
SOHODONT only , popular for over
thirty yours , and a liquid of delightful
irngranco which purities the breath.
Drink Malta.
A Uonuistlu'i Ftml on HIT .Muster's
The servant girl in the employ of Depot
Muster llai.oy , of the Union Pacitio , ana who
jesides on Farnani near the court house ,
\ upon going out in the back yard after km-
\ dlmijs Thursday morning was surprised to
see reposing upon the wood pile what she
stated "was the biggest cat she over saw "
She called the animal in very persuasive ac
cents but his catshlp arched his back and
spread lib cluws so threateningly that she
was fain to get back in the house ns fast as
possible , pausing at the door long enough to
Jire a stick of steve wood nt the feline , who
tliui-eupou slid off. She told her adventure
to Mr. llaucy who merely laughed and de
clared himself In favor Of hiring a new girl ,
0110 who was not afraid of cats. Later in
tlio day two children numud .Corby ,
whocro playing in a barn
threp or four blocks further up the street
were sot upon by tlio animal , and ono after
being severely scratched ran into the house
and informed his father. The old man
liunted up the family pistol uud wcut guu-
nlng for the varrolnt. Ho found him in his
manger , find after sliOotiDR him six times
succeeded in kllllnp him. The creature vrni
B small specimen of catamount , nnd is sup
posed to hove escaped from Sells Uro * ' , mo-
nnffcrlo , a it corresponds very well with ono
seen hero ot the time they were in the city
with thctrMiow.nnd from the fact that it was
not os wild as arc the gcnulncjuntmncd. Mr.
Hancy will liavo the creature stuffed nnd
mounted , nnd has turned the carcass over to
n taxidermist for that purpose.
Tno liver nnd kidneys must bo kept
in good condition. Hood's Snrsapnr-
ilia is a great remedy for regulating
tlicso organs.
Colonel J. A. S. Ueiul , Ronoral traveling
of the Union Pacluc , is in the city.
Colonel K. P. Hooker , the veteran stock
agent of the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific ,
arrived in the city yesterday.
Opal station , on the Idaho division of the
union 1'ncitlc , lias boon opened as a reporting -
ing freight and passenger station.
Another rumor that the Santa Fe Is en
deavoring to obtain n footing In Omaha Is in
circulation , and a railroad from Ilhinelandcs.
Wisconsin , to Omaha Is the latest projected
The passenger traffic on the Union Pacific Is
increasing at n rapid rate. Yesterday's over
land 1lyor carried six Pullman sleepers ,
every berth of which was taken up , nnd
nearly half as many more replications fllod.
On Monday next ten coaches filled with
school teachers on route to the National Ed
ucational convention nt San Francisco , will
Icavo Cmnha on the flyer.
Yesterday the Pennsylvania road began
to nut in a condition for occupancy n room
on tlio ground lloornt 231 South Thirteenth ,
on the west side of the Merchant's National
bank. The road comprises a number ot lines
running east from Chicago , the Plttsuurg ,
Port Wayne & Chicago , the Pitnhandlo and
the Vandalla from St. Louis. The road will
be represented hero by Jules O , Lumbard ,
who has long been general traveling agent
for the Star line and who will henceforth reside -
side here nnd act ns general agent of the
Mr. Crandall , of the Union Pacific shops ,
in speaking of the great incrcaso in freight
trafllc on the road , Is authority for the state
ment that tlio company are remodelling over
llfty ordinary freight cars and equipping
them for fast service. Air brakes and
Miller platforms nro among the great im
provements lidded. Thcso trains will bo run
nt the highest rate of speed nnd their time
will equal that of the fast passenger train ,
the llycr.
A shocking accident occurred nt Evanston -
ton , Wyo. , July 4. The men in the Union
Pnclllc shops nt that point constructed a can
non with which to lire n salute. Tito gun was
nmdo from a car axle. At the llrst shot the
cannon exploded , and besides injuring nearly
everyone present , blew the right arm oft a
man named John Johnson , put out an eye for
John Braimn anil toro a thumb off the right
hand of man named Thomas Fife.
A change in the price of lumber may be
anticipated soon , owing to n recent decision
of Chairman Mldglcy of the southwestern
statistical bureau. The northwestern lines
interested in lumber trnflic had him appointed
as arbitrator , and had him decide whelher
the differential rate on lumber from UieChip-
powa valley to the Missouri ought to bo \
cents as was arranged In Fcbruary.or whether
it should remain ( ' cents above tlio Chicago
rate. Mr. ilidgc-ly decided in favor of the
OK-cent differential , which will bo adopted ns
soon us the tea days' notice can bo given.
PnrciciA' Asn BITTKKS is an unfail
ing cure for nil diseases originating in
biliary derangements caused by the
malaria of miasmatic countries. No
other medicine now on sale will so ef
fectually remove tlio disturbing ele
ments , and nt the same time tone up the
whole system. It is sure and safe in Its
Trutli Must Prevail.
Hbcently the Omnha Herald published the
following in a letter dated at Deadwood ,
D. T :
The Herald is rapidly becoming the lead
ing newspaper that circulates among the
Ulack Hills. In this part of tlio Hills its
superiority is already established over all the
other Omuhn newspapers nnd over its St.
Paul contemporaries as well. Nearly llfty
copies of the Herald are Sold daily in this
city , while less than half that number of
Tin : Br.u is sold , nnd Tliu UEC is its chiuf
The fact of the matter is that at the present
time ten copies of Tin : HUE are sold in Deadwood -
wood to two of the Herald , nnd the same
ratio is maintained in the Dcadwood post-
ofllcc. Tun 13iu is prepared to substantiate
this statement fully.
"All mo ! " sighed Potts. "I'm tired of living ,
The world is hollow , ambition's viiin. "
"Come now ! " baid bis chum , "I know the
.symptoms ;
It's all your liver that's very plain. "
You need not suffer , for help is easy ;
Pierco's Pullets go right to the place.
'A friend to the bilious , ' I well might call
There's nothing better ; they'll suit your
case. "
Potts ceased his sighing t > J bought the
"Pellets. "
No inoro ho mourncth his liaplcss'lot !
His fuco Is cheerful , his heart is lightsome ,
His melancholy Is quilo forgot I
A .Small 10inln//l { > iiint.
i d Goldsmith , In tliu employ of Isaac
Worth , Fifteenth and Sherman avenue ,
skippeu out day before yesterday with $13 of
Ills employer's monoy. Tom Ormsby found
liiin in Council HlufTs , but lie refused to bo
brought across tlio river until requisition pa
pers were made nut. Ho had lost nil his
imodlc at one of tlio gambling establishments
in Council liluiTs.
Ono touch of kindness that u house
keeper will appreciate ia tlio probonta-
tion to her of bcvornl bottles , nay of ono
botllo , of Van Duzor's Flavoring Kx-
tractb which are known nnd ostoomcd in
every properly ordered household for
their ascertained purity , delicacy and
height ol llavor. Thpy'nro purtieulnrly
economic , necessitating the use only of
the least quantitynnd the bottles ot tbc
Uye different sues contain more thtui
tbe average , All grocers bell them.
A CaHO of SuiiKlrolco.
While a laborer mimed Oiottlicd Ilaucli
was at work on the sewer now being con
structed near Sltccl.\'s , ho was. buddenlj
prostrated with sunstroke. A physician was
culled und proper restoratives given until lit
was in condition to bo taken home The am
is a veri severe one , but lie will probably ro
Its superior excellence proven In millions o
homes for more than a quarter ot a century. 1
Uusuduy the United Slates Government. Ku
doraed by the heads of tbc great universities a
the utruugest , imrcbt and most healthful. Ir )
I'rlcea Cream flaking Powder doe * not contaii
ammonia , lime or alum. Sold only in cans.
rillUE 11AKINQ I'OWDEU ( X ) .
New Vork , "Ulcago , bt. LouU
cvnra - _ , . ,
, Tfniirnlxln , Pclntlrn ,
T.nmlmgo , llrerknclie , Toothnclio , Snr
Throat , SncllliiRii Sprains , Urul c ,
liurnt , Sci > ld , rro t-lltc8.
fhe 4Tnir ClmrUf A. Vogoler Co. , Hallo. , Mil
AKB omen uMAUYEfncitCTntMroiis
It has etood the Test of Tears ,
In Coring all Diieaeea of the
ELD.&o. It Purifies the
Blood , Invigorates and
OleanieBtho Sy tea.
disappear at cnco
KIDNEYS Its beneficial influence.
STOMACH It li purely a Mcdlcbo
AND asltu cathartic proper-
tiei forbids Its uia as a
BOWELS beverage. It la pleas
ant to the taste , and as
easily takoa by child
ren ftSadultS. _ _ _
PRIbElDOllAR Bole Proprietors ,
RT.LociB anil KANSAS Cm
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated liy the legislature In IW , for I'd-
ucntlonal nnd Clmrllnlile purpose * , nnil its frnn-
chlso miido a pan of the present State Constitu
tion , in 1KTO. by nn overwhelming popular vote.
take plato i-'eml-Anntinlly , { .luno nnd December )
INflS take place onoachof theotherten months
in the year , anil are all drawn in public , at tlio
Academy of Music , New Orleans , Ia.
"We do hereby certify that \ve supervise th"
nrranneinents for nil the Monthly nnd Heml-An-
mial Drawings ot Tile UniKiami State Lottery
Couiliany , nnd in pers-on maiuiRO and control
tlio UrawIUBS themselves , nlid that the s > anio
nro conducted with honesty , fairness , nnd In
Rood faith toward all parties nnd we authorize
the company to nse this rertillcate.ith f.-xc-
simlles of our slguatuios nttuched. In Us adver-
tlboinonts. "
\Vo the umlerolfrned ISnnks and nnnkers will
pay all PrJlses drawn In The LouislaiiH btito
Lotteries which may bo presented nt our coun
" Ilk.
In tliu Aoiulomy of MIMIC , New Or
Icnns , TucMlny. J ly 1 < > , 1HH8.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
1CO.OOO Tickets at Tvreaty Dollars each ,
Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
I.ISTOK ntm : < .
jrMluuM- | . frvxvjoi
i i'iiixi ? OK ii0,0 IIH iouuo )
OK rxMKWis wiuj )
. - . , - . - '
' _ ' I'Hl'/.KS ( ) ! ' lll.iOJnio . 20WiO
r , I'Hi/.ixiK .VKUU-P . as)1 ' ) * )
i'nr/.is : or inut ) are '
I'lll/.KS tT r,0l are . fi"iUOl "
I'UIX.Krt Ol' ! WJ lire . Mn )
I'HIXKS OP SVlarc . . . . - . 1CO.OW
Al'I'linXIMAIlllN I'lll/.K- ! .
I'llzeiof gaOaro . i WCO )
do , iiUlnre Ilu/'UO
do. aOuru ! WIHX )
TKI15IINAI. I'lll' U4.
do. KXlnru
KM do. Ill ) nro
jjjl 1'rlzes nmountiiiK to . 41.0JI.4-03
NIITI. TUkctsilianlna Cupiinl I'rizea nro not entitled -
titled to turintniil I'rlit'i.
Sift'uu ( 'i.t'ii llAii.i , or imy lurtlier Infornmtlon
rtcslrpil , wrlto lojjllpl ) t ttiu uiulcrilKiicJ , clu uly Mitt-
Inuyour n Ui'iid1 , with ftiiio , county , bliwt inn )
Nunilior. Mniu ruiilil luliirn mull nulHcry | | | t > ii *
aurc'U liy ynur iMiclmliM an Knvulupu Ufiuliii ; > uur
! -enil I'OVl'Al , NDTII * . i : | irL' " .Money Order * , of
Now Vork ixcliniiiu : ) In . U HIT , uiirioncy by
ix : | < ri-M Lit uui oxiivniul ' - . ' [ . . , . , „ . . .
* l AI'Alit III. . .
.SulV ( Jllv'UIJl. l/.l. ,
or M. A. DAl'I'IIIN.
\Vn liiiuloil : ) C
Address Regis ieicii Letters to
New Orleans , J/i.
> inVTl TVT I > in > 'J'1'11 ' llic inwenco of ( inn-
1 V hlM TjltL 1 > muiu.0 . li.Murei.nrcl awl
} > , t.lio nru in ( hiir ii ol tin1 > l < -i in rs. i ,1 iiiiianti
nl iilwnliilu lairno b mill tnlri'un ! " , tliat tlio clnini 01
miml 1'iinal. unit that IH > unu inn | i"ibly illvuie
\ilinl nuinui'iilldniw a I'n/o.
' III' MI.MIinit.n. o that tin' payment nt l'rl/rs M
( it'AHAM'l.l.ll IIV rol'll NATIONAL HANKint
ltw Oili > un < . anil tln > Tlrhoio mo - > MIUM | l > > thn I'IL'-I-
ilentul uu liixiitniio'i. uln-e liiartou'il ritlits .u. . >
ivuifnl/c.l In tliu liifclieil < unrliheiutniu , bcwaro
ot an ) imltuliuii < ioriiiioiuiii [ > ii4 reliiMin 4 '
Von can stop Unit srrutfliint ;
and frettnil ! > yualiittSuni7itW
llumos.U'imioi , r-ovi1 inr'let-
ler. l.'cze'ini , liliiKWoini , ( iioiind
If joiiish to prjveiit rontn
SUFFERING Ions : or "rulLlilni ; " dleaie
iiurtiii , ' the Minimer montlix ,
( elilu'i nmuiu your family nr
FOR your doiue tiinu innls.i bum
. KHIl'llVV M'l.l'llfll C\MU.i : <
lireiy In your l'lo--eti > , Celluis ,
COMFORT ; ' ' . i.s , ; ' ulliouseicken (
. „ . , . . , lllm i j i'- , Miihlelloi ;
in inu O Veil- . - A'"iliitelynodiiiier ' ! |
AilU JUT I of lire. -i'i.uidli-in e handy
und always u udy for Immediate
lUl' .
"Iteine.i.ij'i1 llr. N-ON' { >
p ln , .
llli :
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Itest Houto from Omaha and Council
Chicago , AND Mlhvaukoe ,
St. i'aiil , Mluncaiiolls , Cedar
Hock Island , I'rccpoi't , Itoclifonl ,
Clinton , luliiuo ) | , Damiport ,
iit'in ; , Madison ,
JU'lult , Winoua , La Crosse ,
Aud all other Important polali Uait , Kcrtboast and
Kor tUrougb tlckoti call ot Hie ticket nceit nt
Karoam ttruU , la Darker lllock , or at Union I'uclBo
I'ullman Bleepert anJ Itio flnoit ninlnij Cir In the
noria aru run mi tbe uiulu lice of tliu Cbtca o , Mil
wnukcu 4 be. 1'aul Italliray , nJ evurjuttvntlon li
p&li ) to paiiea ttr * l > jr courlouui tiuplojci cj Uie
IL MILLKU. ( loncml Manager.
J. f. TUCliEll. A lst > olOener l llartaEcr.
A. V. U. CAUi'KNTKK , Ucuoral l'aj nier ana
Ticket Agent.
OKO. K. UBAKFORU.AuliUnt Gsnurtl
nil Tlrkol Ak-eci.
J. T. C1U.UK. Utaenil taji
Our usual Semi-Annual Clearance Sale of Spring and Summer Clothing will com
mence ted ay. and everything in the store will be sold at
Less than the original price. Our former clearance sales have always been a great
success , and as we have on hand at present a most elegant assortment of fine Mer
chant Tailor Made clothing , we look forward to a big rush , and we advise those con
templating purchasing to call as early as possible , as the old adage says , first choice
is always best , Some goods we bought this spring at
Of the making , so you can imagine what a bargain you will have if you purchase
a suit of us , These are some of OUR PRICES :
Spring Suits , Correct Styles , Elegantly Made and Trimmed ,
$ 9.50 buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $20.
11,50 buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
13.75 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28.
16.00 buys a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to order for $3O.
2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O.
24.00 buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $50.
28.50 buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $60.
SO.OObuys a Crepe Worstedimp. ( ) 4-Button Cutaway.whichwas made to order for $65.
§ 18.00 Buys a Cassimere Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for $37.
$22.50 Buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $45.
$25.50 Buys a Corkscrew Prince. Albert Suit , which was made to order for $50.
$3O.OO Buys a Hobby Pin Check , light color , which was made to order for $ SO.
$35.OO Buys an Imported Worsted , satin lined , which was made to order for $7O.
$4O.OO Buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $80.
A Xobby and Complete line of Pantaloons from $2.7S to $10. All alterations to improve a Jit done free ofcltarqe.
H < 3&B fl SB&H fl Hi B
1119 EARNAM STREET. 1119.
Three Doors East of I2th Street
fail Orders Promptly Attended to ,
BUILDINGS , All Buildings brilliantly ever made in America , val and Performances.
in the heart of the city , illuminated by innumera ued at $1,000,000. MACHINERY HALL
within ten minutes' ride of ble Electrical and Gas Jets. Horticultural Hall of un ,
all hotels and stations. equalled beauty. 1,5OO Feet in ! Lon { ,
Wonderful display of
through which will ply
ol Treasures from the "War , from all parts of the North
Navy and other Depart mcnts , west. The great EDUCATIONAL ,
the Smithsonian Institute , AN ART DEPARTMENT and numerous other De
National Museum and Fish of the finest collection of partments perfectly ar
Commission. Paintings and Sculpture devoted to Music , Spectacles ranged.
Or tlio Liquor Habit , I'odHhrlj Cured bj
AdmitihtcrliigDr. Jlaine.V Goldcu
U can Le glvon in a cnp of coffee or tea with
out the Knowledge or the person tukJnf it ; abso
lutely hurmlCEg. and will ellcct a permanent and
speedy euro , vUmthcr the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreci , Tliousands o !
ilrunknids haTe been made temperate men who
have taken ( loldfii Boecldoin tneircolleo with
out their knowledge and to-day believe they
uult drlnklucof tUulrown free will. It never
fails. UliBsydtum once Impropnated With the
Specific , It bucomcs nn utter tmpoislblllty for
the liquor appetite to exist. Korsalo by Kuhn
\ . Co. , 15th und UouijInB eta , ana Ifetli and CJtim-
'r.gstH. , dmulm , Neb. ; A. 1) ) . roster llio
"nutiril IllulTs , Jowa.
lnu ono , or repairs fjr Jl ! e and
repairs foi Kuylo Champion und otheiriUjj
crs. can eC' itretlieui by addrejslua
I' . O. Ilex V. < 9 , 01 railing at our fect < ij IV ,
Mi en\\ > st of lltttlhcjti. lUriv lit
icki'niuin : 1'iuce
* H MII tH4tlu *
l d J Iiidlitnllon. 01
MI M. BE Ct intuit . TO
" " " " " " ' "
I thlKHciCcpu/n ) , .
JtnrkiTiviVtiKNita , giv.
9tt tmUtL uothUf currfBU of
4)7 tknmjh nt ucik piili tutor.
- - . _ . - _ ftnd Vi orou * Str.cth. UcUia * > UtrcliloiUctlr ot .ofoifil : Jl.wo la uib.
Ur.Kt tIiiiprovmiDt.Of.r all othtr l > lu wontc i per *
'rcur dlmkti < 0' > li" SfiUd pmipbUUc.Uoci
- r - .
Unfornicritcd am ] not
intoxicating. Acts -like
A cliarm in nil cases of Diar *
rluca nnd Dysentery and all
Etomnch and bowel troubles.
Grateful alike to women , chil
dren nnd convalcBcenU. Gives
n dcliuioiis flavor to ice-water ,
lemonade or eoda-\vatcr.
Imported and bottled by
Cincinnati , O. J'orBaloby
Iliefiiilowliii ; iU'upr | Ilieliurdaon liniif Cu , Illnko
llrutu.v ( K . . AilUT.v Heller , lilajntone llrus A Co.
Krunli liisiiiino \ Co . II Jl ( Jrolte unl all liolc ulu
nn < 1 r'tu'l Ornngisu , hijuor deuiers nnii tMno uier
chnlB ovuri vihfru
E.T.Allen , M. D. (
Homa-opathlc Speclitlist ,
tpect clu Accurately 1'ietcribud.
Surgeon and Physician ,
, Office N , W Comer HlhaDd UjuvU * St. Offl
' teleplioue. Idi ; UciWaucu talspUous , 5M.-
S. K. FELTON & CO. ,
Miter \Vorb \ Contractors
And Mfimit.icturcrs' Agents for
Of nil ( Inscriptions ,
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. Do-
toil Finns nnd Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Slraiig's ' Bnilnz , Fourth Floor ,
I Oil I > iSTIOVlNl : (
led Bugs , Roaches , Ants , Floa-
And uny other Insects , use
! ; . OKS'J KI
Infallible Insect Powder ,
Also contracts taken for clean
ing hoteU.liofaltalaandpiivatB looldeuttijtroiu
voiinln. fiatU'ocHon guarnnteixl or no pay.
I'rlnclpal ICPO < < H > BoutU latli Street.
f. E. CILPIN ,
Kooiu 03 Traders' nalldlnaL ,
n terencn-WnronolUi Q National Dank.
ft. Uuim& Co. Ton Urad < ir tC * .
I.AKH ifHisr : rou.roic.
nntitv coi.i.i'.oK FOU LADIES.
ItL'rill MICllK Al. COM.lXli : .
( MJM.RCli 01' DKNTAI , BUItQUUV. and
I'or catalngiieH address ,
I'li-bt , W. O. H ( ) KltT8 , l.aUe forest , III.
For Young Ladies.
'llaee cour ei ut htndy. TlioroitKhness In eve
ry department , lltilldln ulegantly furiiUUea ,
Heated with steam , llKliteil with gus , water
from st. ilalr liver Ktijiorior tulvmitageb in
music und art. Address for circular.
ftttlliltVlUJi HCIIOOI , , Kt.Clalr , MIcU.
\\ull iiiiuK < ii { . will n'jultPfil tiTarlrarnti of U * .
clianlciil mill t Ull Kneliieorliii ; , lilnclrklty , ChcmU ,
try ami DIAWIIIKl.ilun < lt
KurCamloiuo.uiIlie ( 'f. U.
VJ South Wlllluiiihtown , Herkshlro county ,
MIIBS. A prhKtu Bthnol for boyr. 1'repate for
college , be Icntillu M-h.jol or liunlness , I'oi ly- month - .
onth year begins 'J'liuisciay , Septtmlier 13tu.
Tor catalogue address UliO. I' , Mll.rv * .
refkhklll-on-llndson. N. V Seal ) for catu-
ue. JNU. M.Tll.UliN. M D..H.A. IVlucip l ,
I Ull IIILI1 UllLli tuanboodD nrouca ,
weakness , unnatural loaioa. lack of atrtuBttil
vtKor or development , cauuod by IndlfccreUOO ,
emei. 6tc. rulwt W k < iox ' ! ( nl l/rr < .
ElilK MEDICAL CO. . K' V. T ,