Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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D ! ly ( Morning Edition ) Including Sunday
nr.F.Onc Year. . . (10 M
JMr Bit Months . . 6 >
J'orThreeMnntln . 260
The Ornnhn Sunday Ur.r. , mailed to any ad-
ilress , One Year . 200
. .
nuii.ntxo. WASHINGTON OrricK , o 513
I'OUllTtr.NTII STlir.KT.
All communication * relating to news nnrt edl-
Ctlal mnttcr should be mldreased to the Kuiioil
nif.njESJ < lrrrnug-
All IniMncM lottcru nfl rraiUtnnrcs should no
nmiressed to TIIK llr.K I'l-nuKiiIsn COMPASV ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poatofllco orders to
bo raiuto pnynblc to the order of tlio company.
Ic BCD PiiMIsliiiisFSiiiiaiiy. Propriolors
E. nOSEWATEK. Editor.
Tltlu H13K ,
. Sxvorn Statement ofClrculntlon.
Elntt1 of Nebraska , I , .
County of DmiKliUf I . ,
Oeo. ll.Tziichuck , dccretnry of Tlio Hen Pub-
lIMiInv company , docs noldnnly swear that the
ecluaTctrculntlon nf tbo Dally Ilco for the week
endlnp Juno 2V. JhfcS. was as follows'
Saturday. .luiioia . 81 Ay
6undnyJimo2l . 2-000
Monday , June S3 . SI'llS
Tuesday , Juno 2S . 2U"0
"WodnpMlny. Juno 27 . IB.JIIO
Tuimilny , .fiin 23 . JWHJ
1'rlday , Juneirj . .li , 3.i
Avcratc ( . ' ' '
Eworn to bcfnro mo and subarribod In my
presence this 30th day of .Itino , A. I ) . . 1S8&
N. V. KK1 U Notary 1'ubllc.
fitato of Nebraska. ( - .
County of DoiiRlns , t " "
II. TzHclmcle. iielnK first duly sworn ,
ilepoM'H nnd snys thnt ho Is secretary ot The Ilco
FubllMilne company , thnt the nctunl nvcrnpo
dolly clrculntlon of the Dully Ilco for the
month of July. ] W7 , wns copies ; for , 1887,14,151 copies ; for September , IBS" ,
J4nu : copies ; for October , 1OT , U.'lEJcopies ' ; for
November , Ibtv ? , 1t > , ' i ) copies ; for Decumber ,
Jts7. IM'll ' copies ; for Jammry. MM. ir..3l cop-
> ' 1'8'
C01 '
Sworn to before mo nml subscribed In my.
presence thlsDUth < lny ot .Itinc , A. 1) . 18S3.
N. 1' . FKIli Notary Public.
Total for tin mi 14Q.4QQ
NOTHING will do inoro to revive the
demand for outside property than the
extension of the cable roads.
IK wo cnn't have tin Omaha and
Ynnlttoti line just at present , wo will
at least enjoy suburban trains on the
Missouri Viiciflc.
Em-roil WATTKHSON'S star-eyed goddess -
doss must nowadays suffer intensely
from democratic neglect , if she is
clothed in nothing but Thurinan's ban-
.datm and Grovor's civil service reform
THE American party in convention
at San Francisco has tondcrod its nomi-
nntion for prcsidont to Mayor Hewitt ,
of'Now York. But. olil Abram can never
Hccopt after kissing the Dutchcss of
MnrlborouKh-Hammersly on the lips.
It's not "American , " you know.
EVEN the candidate on the prohibi
tion ticket cannot escape without a
Binutlge. General Pisko is accused of
gambling in stocks. What kind of a
president would a stock gambler make V
But Mr. Fisko , fortunately for the fair
ftvmo of this country , is in no danger of
struck by presidential lightning.
IT is a , matter of infinite satisfaction
that the speeches made at the reunion
of old soldiers at Gettysburg , when the
blue and the irray met to celebrate the
twonty-Iifth anniversary of the decisive
battle of the rebellion , wore tempered
with the kindliest feelings. But can
thofco who forgive the assault on the na
tion's life over forget ?
Fou cold blooded rascality Defaulter
Pitcher , of the broken Providence bank ,
stands without a rival. The wonder is
that such a self-confessed rogue could
have boon a trusted bunk clerk. Bank
managers must go out of their way for
the special purpose of picking up ras
cals to do their business , judging from
this and numerous other examples.
Pacific railroad crowd nt bay anxious to
force the Outhwaito bill under suspcn-
uion of the rules. The Iowa represen
tative did it with his little bill of 1121
l > establish a municipal code for
the District of Columbia. The cohorts
of the Union Pacific wore not prepared
for 11 gun loaded with such n paper wad.
Kii may bo the conclusion of
tlio judiciary committee of the council
with regard to the request made by
Mayor Broatch for Mr. Mayno's retire
ment from the board of public works ,
wo bolicvc it is In the interest of good
government that Mr. Mtiyno make way
for some man who on joys popular confi
dence and it * not complicated in question
able transactions.
Tins Bun lias received several re
quests for informntion rcgimling import
fluties collected by the English govern
ment , The policy of that government
in late years has been to levy customs
duties on n few nrticlos. At this time
l sa than twenty articles contribute to
i&o receipts from customs , the most
Important of these being tobacco ,
spirits , tea and wine. The tqtal revo-
mio from this source is about ono hun
dred million dollars annually.
THAT hard working railroad man ,
Chuuncoy Dopow , who is likewise the
"granger's friend , " had such a hard
tlmo working tlio nlr-Urakes from Now
York to Chicago during the middle o :
fluno that his company lias gonorouslj
ilccidcd to send him across the Atlantic
to regain his health. But our own over
worked ox-Chicago express driver , Join
M. Thurston , is compelled to earn his
thousand dollars a month by pounding
the campaign how-gag with Paul Van-
A roiuiEsroxiiKNT nskb TIIK Bii
whether the resolution in favor of torn
porance offered in the Chicago conven
lion just before adjournment by Mr
Boutollo , nnd adopted with but ono dis
Eonting vote , is u part of the platform
d'ho mover of the resolution instinctlj
etatud that it was intended to bo a par
of the platform , nnd the conventioi
m adopted U with that understanding
trhoro cnn therefore bo no controversy
on that point. The Boutollo resolutioi
is ns much u part of the platform as any
other plunk in it.
. A Cheering Outlook.
The general outlook for the North
west , according to all reports , was never
rroro favorable than nt the present
lino. The conditions arc most encour
aging , fully justifying the confident
ccllng that every where prevails. The
crops are in splendid condition , and
, horc is hardly a possibility that the
angtilno expectations of the farmers
vlll fail of realization. The late mid
cold spring , which was so dlsagroablo
o the denizens of the towns , and which
md the effect of somewhat retarding
ratio , appears to have brought a most
ample compensation In ' benefit to the
ogriculturist. His grain sprouted llnoly
vlion favorable weather came , and
mdcr the exceptionally auspicious con-
litlons that have since prevailed with
out interruption has grown rapidly and
igorously. Bolter weather for vogeta-
ion than has boon cxpcrloncod during
he past two months could not be do-
ircd , nnd all observers in the north-
vest agree in stating that the results
are In the highest degree gratifying.
Everywhere the crops of till kinds nro
at their best , and the promise of pros-
) orlty for the farmers , which carries
vith itu like promise to all Interests ,
s most fjattoring. The soil tillers of
Minnesota and Dakota , looking out
ipon their vast fields of vigorously
growing grain , can face the immediate
uturo with entire complacency.
Eqaully favorable is the outlook for
lie farmers of Nebraska nnd Iowa.
IMio reports wo have given from our
correspondents in this state wore in the
lighcst degree satisfactory regarding
ill crops , and especially so ns to the
great staple , corn. Nothing has oc
curred to detract from the promise hold
out by these reports , and it is now
thought to bo assured that the corn
crap of Nebraska will bo the largest anil
finest in the history ot the state. Rc-
) orts from all portions of Iowa represent
.ho crops to bo in excellent condition
and the outlook all that could bo de
Tims every present indication is on-
, lrcly favorable to a splendid harvest in
the great grain-growing region of the
country , and it is n Situation and a
proiniso which the whole people
ple may find pleasure in
contemplating. An abundant har
vest moans general prosperity , for
when the farmers of Iho country are
doing well all other interests fool the
lonoficiul ollccts. It is no mere figure of
speech to term agriculture the founda-
,5oa of national wealth and prosperity.
Lt is , in fact , so , us the statistics of the
country's material progress most con
clusively demonstrate. To agriculture
; ho nation has boon indebted during
, he past fifteen years for the favorable
mlnnco of trade , while it has contribu-
, od vastly more than any other interest
.o building up and maintaining sources
of wealth and power. It is not easy to
underestimate the value of an abundant
larvest , and if the promise now hold
out is reali/.cd there will bo no risk in
predicting a degree of general business
ictivity and prosperity next year that
will equal , and perhaps surpass , the ex
ceptional experience of the country last
year. The prospect at this time is such
as to give encouragement and confidence
to all interests.
Conlhlontinl Cnmimlnii Maunders.
General Harrison has no more im
portant and delicate task than that of
selecting his conildcn tial managers in
the campaign. Personal representatives
of this character were not necessary to
the presidential candidates in our
earlier history , when campaigns wore
differently conducted , but they have be
come an essential part of the present
system of conducting a national political
contest. A candidate for the presi
dency cannot unaided look after all the
details of a campaign , nor is it possible
or desirable for him to personally com
municate his wishes and plans to poli
ticians promiscuously. There are cer
tain strategical moves which must
bo made under cover , BO thai
the enemy shall not bo made aware ol
them until they have accomplished the
desired result. There are individuals
to bo reached and their services util
ised whom it would not bo expedient , il
always entirely practicable , for the can
didate to deal with personally. Thort
are other matters which , on the scon
of practicability or of policy , the candi
date cannot or must not personally con
cern himself with. Hence the neces
sity of ono or more confidential nuum-
gors , whose olllco it is to represent the
candidate , and , as far as possible , curri
out his wishes and plans.
Tlio qualifications for this importaiv
position are largo experience in prac
tical politics , a wide acquaintance
with party leaders great and small , t
faculty for organizing , and perhaps
also , for intriguing , of which there i :
always more or loss to bo done in cvorj
political campaign , and careful judg
iiiont and sound discretion. A liigl
character for honor and problti
should bo a chief requirement in n COM
fidcntiul manager , but as a rule tlii
has been thought of loss consequence
than political skill and shrew'dness ,
General Harrison will bo no bctto
able than were other candidates undo ;
the present campaign system to go
along without the confidential roprcson
tatlvo , and there is a good deal of in
torcst to know whom ho will select fo
this difficult and important of
fico. Very much more depend
upon it than is commonly sup
posed. Public judgment is in no snml
degree Intluoncod regarding the character
actor of the principal by that of tin
agout. A candidate may dangerousl ;
handicap himself by choosing as a con
fidentlal representative a man \\hos
record Is largely vulnerable. All thcs <
things , it may safely bo supposed , ar
fully understood by General Harrison
who is fur from being u tyro in politics
and doubtless ho will not make the in IE
take of choosing a confidential manage
who would bo unsatisfactory to his owi
party und assailable by the opposl
tlon. Two or throe individuals of mor
than local fame as politicians ar
thought of as possible recipient
of General . Harrison's confidence
but there are cogent reason
for the hope that neither of then
will bo selected. The record of'pno o
them would certainly not do the part
any good , while 03 to the others , it i
very questionable whether they possess
ho required qualifications wo have in-
Heated. The republican candidate
iced bo In no hurry In selecting his
confidential managers , as the iwrty was
lover in better condition than at this
irao , and wo have no doubt ho can bo
rttstod to choose men who will bo satis-
aotory to all republicans and whoso po-
Itlcal judgment and skill will bo valu
able in the contest.
An Inllucntlnl I'irin.
What would Omaha bo without Wo ,
Ua& Co ? That public-spirited firm
makes nnd unmakes our city charters ,
exorcises constant supervision over our
nunlcipal and county affairs , kecp3
always on hand a full supply of dagos
md other voting chattels , besides a
elect assortment of bulldozers , repeat
ers and ballot-box staffer * , for use at
) rimirios ; and elections , nud carries an
ibundanco of lubricator for boodlors.
lust now this enterprising firm is o.xer-
olscd chiefly over the impending re
organization of the board of public
vorks. It is the boast of Wo , Us & Co.
hat they hold the balance of power be-
, \vccn \ the mayor and council , and will
only lot go their grip when the
low board is organized to suit them.
This Is by no means an Idlo'boast. It
s a notorious fact that thcso contractors
n paving materials and dealers In votes
mvc not only engineered their own
obs through the council but have
armed out their influence and dictated
onus to other contractors. To use n
slang phrase , \Vo Us & Co. are running
.hliigs . in Omaha at tliq cxpensO of the
taxpayers pretty much to suit them
TIIK announcement is mndo that the
reat Santa Fe route will build a line to
Omaha. The importance of our city ns
a commercial metropolis and stock and
rain center has long ago Impressed it
self upon tlio Santa Fo people. The re
cent rapid growth of our packing indus
tries and the load which Omaha has
Lakcn over Kansas City as a hog "and
iuttlc market has spurred that company
Lo outstrip its rivals in getting into
Omaha from the southwest. It
is confidently reported that surveys
liavo already been made from
Kansas into Nebraska through Nuckolls
Bounty. And it is more than likely that
a route has been selected to run through
Thaycr , Fillmore , Saline , Lancaster and
other counties , to Omaha. While it is
the evident intention of the Santa Fo
railroad to reach our city in the direc
tion indicated , wo must not lese sight
that the Rock Island is said to bo push
ing its way from Kansas through JotTer-
son und the southern tier of counties
into Omaha. The race between these
rival corporations will bo watched
with interest. There ibovery indication ,
if the Santa Fo and Rock Island build ,
that railroad construction will be ex
tremely active in Nebraska this
and next season. The coming
of two such powerful rail
roads from the southwest , coupled with
the advent of the Winona , St. Paul &
Duluth and the Duluth , St. Paul &
Southwestern from the northeast , will
be of incalculable value to Omaha , and
make this city ono of the great railroad
centers in the country.
Tun stnto board of transportation ,
having heard the voice of the railroads
and their thirty odd friends , will now
proceed to arrange it schedule of local
freight rates based upon a formula pre
pared by the board. The heads of the
railroad corporations in Nebraska may
rest easy on their pillows , for it is
is not the purpose of the state
board to ruin the railroads in their
lecfitimate business ns common carriers.
On authority of the attorney general ,
the now rates will not nearly touch the
Iowa rates , nor force the railroads of
Nebraska to do business for glory only.
But a reduction will bo made , and wlion
the schedule is complete the people will
bo able to see how much of a scaling
down has boon accomplished. The ques-
.tion , of course , is , will the railroads
quietly adopt tlio recommendations of
tlio board , or will they incense the people
ple by defying its mandate ; '
Oilier I.iuiln Tlinn Ours.
The English elections nro stciidily
testimony to the growing disposition of the
people of Knglnntl to see Justice- done to
irolnml. Kvorywhoro tlio tory ministry arc
losing ground , nnd us they have no policy ox-
cupt their Irish policy the retrogression mubt
bo duo to that alone. The people of Kiifilinul
nro learning slowly but surely on the Irisli
question. Tlin Salisbury government has
ugnln got itself into u dllunnmi on an inv
portnnt fenturo ot the local government bill ,
nnd inuy have to make another retreat ,
When it was found that it would bo impossl
bio to carry through the liouso of commons
Mr. Kitchle's proposnl for making compensa
tion to liquor dealers in cnso their licenses
should bo revoked under the operations ol
the local government bill , the consnrvntivi
leaders decided to withdraw entirely nil
these clauses of the bill which plnco the
granting of liquor licensor uuilur the control
of the county boards. It was hoped thus tc
escape the whole vexed subject.
For years the temperance people ol
Great liritaln have been told by the party ii
power , whichever party It might bo , thnt II
was out of the qufstlon for parliament to legIslate
Islato against the drink evil , but thnt when
the tlmo should como for relegating mutter
of local government to the deeiaion of local
authorities ono of the things turned over for
each community to regulate in its. own wuj
would bo the rum trallle. Now the iivowa
by the present government of an intention to
go on with Mr. Ritchie's bill in the mam , bul
to except dram shops from its operation
innUcs the temperance people angry nnd tho.v
nro determined to show light. Mr. Gmdstonc
has Indlcutcd his willingness to help tticin ,
* *
Ulsmarck is credited with the plan o :
bringing the czar of Russia and the youiu
emperor of Germany together , nnd it is l > j
no means improbable that the proposed meet
ing wus urninged nt his suggestion. If , as
Is said , Uistnarek 1ms been nblo to convinui
the czar that nn alliance between Hussia am
Franco would not bo to the interest ot tin
former , then it is sufo to presumeho liu ;
given the Uussinu autocrat good and sub
stautlal reasons for tbo lattcr's change ii
his original forccnbt of the situation. As ti
these reasons it is at present vain to specu
Into , They may include a "free hand" it
the east , us was accorded as the price of tin
czar's neutrality during the Fiiiuco-Germai
war. Yet the czar should remember that hi
father , Alexander , had good cause to reprc
this net of Russian comity , which the Gcrmai
chancellor repaid .by the perpetration of tin
coolest piccoof international treachery whicl
history has recorded. In case , however , tba
his Russc-Qorman npproachmont is fully con-
urantcd , how will it bo with Franco ! On
ho very hcols of Itizcorecs tlio declaration
lint Uismnrcl : looks with dMIke , distrust ,
nnd suspicion on th tutprnnl political con-
ditlon of that count , * & < more or loss Influ-
cnclng Its external , frlil * Is naturnl enough.
f the chancellor i is boon successful in
breaking up the pro rammo'for tlio pr6cctcd ]
Frnnco-Husslan nlllatlcolio will bo prepared
to take cnro of franco. Nor , possibly , will
lie wnit nny action oftlid latter which would
give him oven the color of n right to do so
when ho thinks ot tlmo to strike ; for ho
knows full well that thnt tlmo eortfilnly Is
when Franco is without n single nlly on the
entire continent , ns , if tills intcst rumor bo
correct , Is the case at present.
Thooutlook for Uie world's fnlr to bo held
in Pnris next ycnr Is far from fnvornblo. so
fnr ns relates tn the exhibits of other
European nations. The fnlr wns to furnish
nn occasion for a Justification of the deeds of
1739 , und n glorification of the men who per
formed them , nnd the French exhibit wns by
wn.v of showing to the world what n century
of liberty with brief periods of reaction-
had accomplished for humanity nnd France.
Tills is the way In which the French look nt
the exposition. Foreigners nccopt their
view. At the present tlmo the monarchial
governments of Europe bid fnlr to signify
their disapproval of the events of ITS'J by
refusing to allow their subjects to exhibit.
IJismarck has taken the No German
exhibit will bo forthcoming ; Bismarck re
fuses to sanction , oven indirectly , the tak
ing of the Basilic. His nlly , the Emperor ot
Austro-IIuugnry , hns nlso dcclnrcd thnt ho
will not honor the anlvcrsury of nn event
which led up to the execution of the daugh-
tcr of Mnrla Theresa ; no Austrian goods
will bo sent to the exposition. Tlio cmporor
of Russia is said to bo of the same mind.
Premier Crispi , of Italy , declares thnt Italy's
relations with Germany will lend her to pur
sue the course taken by that empire. Scnor
Sngastn , of Spain , refuses to commit him
self ; ho will not promise to exhibit. Even
England holds back nnd says she hns the
mutter under consideration. The prospect
is that no European monarchy will bo repre
sented nt the fair , nnd this for the avowed
reason that co-operation by thorn would bo
regarded ns n tncit sanction of the republican
form of government.
In Australia Great Britain Is confronted
with difllcultics of n most perplexing , charac
ter. Some of the colonies want to get rid of
the coolies nnd nro determined to stop
Chinese Immigration. Hut their foreign affairs -
fairs nro managed by the London govern
ment. In return for trade privileges Great
Britain hns granted the right to China to
ship part of her surplus population to Aus
tralia , nud tlio British merchants and manu
facturers do not want to bo deprived of their
advantageous position in Iho markets of
China , which would bo the consequence If
tlio British govcriuaout should prohibit
coolie immigration into the Australian cole
nies. The colonists thinic they nro capable
of managing tlioir own affairs , uud they
do not attempt to conceal their sentiments.
Sir Henry Parker , the present premier of
New South Wall's , who has for many years
bocii in faVor of restrictions on Chinese im
migration , hns always steadily refused to
base his case on thonhtellectunl or moral in
fcriority of the Cultujso , or to treat their in
dustry as other than a"virtue. But ho stnnds
oil the ground that every nation has a right
to protect itself against niiy form of evil , nud
that it would bo u misfortune for the colonists
nists to have ' 5 in ? their midst
nny largo number ft of n race
which could not mix with them socially
or politically. U'o h vo a.'right , ho says , to
preserve the typo of our nationality , and if
British statesmen were stfddonly trans
formed into colonial statesmen they would
take the same view. They nrc bound , there
fore , to consider the question fairly nud from
nn Australian standpoint. Prom this point
of view the swarming nnd settling of nooplo
whoao presence will affect so gravely the
national life of Australia and will shut out
immigrants who can be welded into one
homogeneous initi-jnarc to be guarded against
by protecting restrictions.
* *
Tlio Panama canal swindle is approaching
the ncuto singe which has been so long fore
seen by nil competent practitioners. No
body except Do Lcsseps mid his confederates
knows what hns been the result of the lot
tery loan , but the price of the sliurcs hns
fallen ill ) francs since the loan wns said to
have been subscribed for in part by the
public nnd in part by an unnamed syndi
cate. The amount of money rnisod may
suftlco 10 carry the company nnothcr
year , nt the end of which time Do Lesspps
will be besieging the government to
tuUo up the work nnd carry it through. This
is the inevitable sequent : . of the lottery loan
and of the desperate state of the company's
affairs. Wo have .said that no private com
pany could bo formed now that would agree
to tnko the Panama work as it stands ns n
free gift nnd agree to complete it cither ns n
sea level or as n lock canal. There will bo
nn opportunity to test this financial estimate
6f the Panama situation before the time lixed
by Do Lcssops for opening tlio canal for
* f-
Tlio fall of General Bouhingcr was clearly
presaged by his failure to olert Ills chief sup
porter , M. Deroulede , to the chamber of
deputies two weulcs ago , nnd it is now con-
llrmed by the second ballot , which hus re
sulted in the return of a Bonapartist. Every
effort of the Boulangorists wns put forth in
this campaign , nnd its outcome makes it palpable -
pablo that the Boulangcr mania Is waning
swiftly. The general Is just now politically
dead , but whether ho will stay dead Is a
question. Franco is unlike nny other coun
try in thnt the man olio tramples under foot
to-day may bo worshipped ns mi idol to-mor
row. Opportunity therefore may set Bou-
langer on his feet again n week , a month or a
year hence , but to-day ho is only a cipher in
French politics.
t I
The theory thnt tha * wijito paslm who hna
arrived In the Bnhr-ol-Ghazol province ia
Stanley appears to bb ginning ground , al
though to try nnd reach JJmin Bey in thnt
way Is nkin to going around Kobln flood's
barn , To thus go duo north , when ho had
decided that his course should bo duo cast as
nearly as pjssiblo , wotyld Imply thut the dif
llcultics of the supposed route proved to bo
greater than ho hud anticipated , nnd not thnt
ho had set his minden nny such Quixotic
schema ns the capturoiof Khartoum and the
putting down of the rebellion in the Soudan.
What n well-trained und disciplined English
nrmy fulled to accomplish'1' ' , is not likely to be
nttained by a few hundred men urtdrillcd
nnd short of provisions. Besides , Stanley's
past history Justifies the belief that ho is not
likely to bo led away from the faithful carry
ing out of any task imposed on him.
\Vhcn Germany seized Alsace-Lorraine Bis
marck was warned that the day of conquest
had gone by , and that in spreading the Gor
man Hag over three millions of foreigners he
would not increase German power , but would
plant a sore in the side of Germany which
would become a source of novcr-cndlug
trouble and danger. Ho was deaf to the
warning. It Is coming true , Alsaco-Lor-
raino have never for ono hour swerved from
their attachment to France. If anything
were wanting to confirm their love for the
old flag and to deepen thoU'disllko for their
present musters , it would bo just such at
tempts to vex them as the passport regula
tion , . .
Ony nntl Ills Mttlc iJnmbs.
San I'ranclito Alia.
Jay Gould is In favor of the wool liirllt of
S07. llo Is a flockmastcr , nnd gets n largo
clip from his lambs In Wall street.
Still Clinnoo tor Clmmicoj- .
St. 7xil * Olofte-Dcmnmit.
Let Chnuncoy M. Dcpow sell out his rail
road stocks , come west , buy n farm , nutl settle -
tlo down nnd ho may yctbo president.
Wlinr Knch Said.
Xcie Yatk Vittft
"Como on , boys , " Is what Harrison used to
say as ho loil his regiment into battle. Clove-
; nnd dlit not oven say "Go on , boys , " from
the rear.
It Certainty Docs Iioolc Tilkc It.
Kew Tork H'orM.
Nebraska republicans have started out
with a log cabin and nn nrrny of old men who
voted for old Tippocanoo in 1S10. Of course
this nonsense will spread.
The AVlilto I'nslm In Politics.
iYit/mWpWa / Vrtii.
Gonornl lion Harrison is the big White
Pasha who has appeared in the democratic
desert. The mnhdi of the white house should
took out for him.
They Will Not Sit On It.
llntlon Atlvcrtltcr.
The rcllo hunters , it seems , have whittled
General Harrison's front yard fence nil to
blU. Ibis Is of little consequence , however ,
as the republicans or their candidates have
little use for n fcnco In this campaign.
My 'Art IsTi'iio to Oninlin.
1'lnncer I'riis.
George Francis Tralu , after n Uip Van
Winkloian hibernation , has again , mounted
the lecture platform. Wo matter what his
lecture Is for the evening , when ho arrives nt
the peroration ho Invariably closes with "My
nrt Is true to Omnho , "
Dnngcr iVIicnd.
The Lincoln Call thus concludes : A
thoughtful parusal of the Om.ilm World
since the employment of n democratic nml a
republican editor who light dally duels in Its
columns gives rise to an Irresistible fore
boding that the whole Institution will some
day , bolero the close of Iho campaign , go
into the air by spontaneous comuustlon.
Uow It Stai'tntl.
According to Thurlow Weed , it wns the
tnunt of n Virginia newspaper , the Richmond
Enquirer , then edited by the famous Thonms
Richie , thnt General Harrison "would bo
contented in n log cabin with plenty of hard
cider" that lead to tlio famous campaign of
ls4J. The whlgs at ouco took it up nnd made
the phrase u watchword. With tills they
split the cars of the groucllings ami carried
the country.
A Democrat's Tribute.
Ex-Senator Hurrisoii's record
- on the
Chinese question is published in the World
this morning. It shows that In 1SS. ho voted
against the bill to exclude Cliinnmcn from
this country for u period of ten years. His
defense is thnt the bill violated treaty stipu
lations , hence his opposition to it. So much
is said about Mr. Harrison's record on the
Chinese question that it i * well to have the
_ _
It is Jlorc.
01 ! ( Htu ISttzzant ,
Glad summer is hereWith
With its usual romances
Its conventions and beer ,
Its socials und dances ;
The roses smell sweet
And thn groceries cheesy ,
The ladies look neat
And the butter spreads easy.
IVnsloii Vetoes. '
ITiiA/ifnyfmi / ( Y/dc. /
The president takes up his pen ,
And writes nvto note ,
And every time he signs n naino
He bursts n soldier vote.
n .Jottings. .
Schuyler's schools had ( US pupils enrolled
the past year.
A portion of tlio skeleton of n mammoth
has been unearthed at Paxton.
The Cuss county Teachers' institute will
bo held at Louisville , beginning.lul.v ! i3.
Madison newspapers nrc engaged in a
search for tlio town board of tnutc , which
hns mysteriously disappeared.
A number of Pnxtou people are the latest
sufferers from eating ice cream. All of them
were in n precarious condition for u short
time , but recovered.
Andiew Coppersmith , n Keith county
farmer , accidentally drank n quantity of poi-
8on which ho had prepared to kill ground
squirrels. lie found out his mistake , how
ever , in time to prevent futul results.
The woman's relief corps of Hehuyler gave
n sociable the other evening which was iv
very remuncnitivo affair. Tliicve.s walked
off with the supply of ice cream , nud just ns
they had liuishcd cntlug it were discovered.
Instead of having the robbers in-rested they
were- told to come down handsomely , which
they did. The cream brought in more money
than if it had been retailed by the dish.
The ladies have returned a vote of tlianlts to
the citixup.h for their liberal patronage.
Two prisoners in the jail nt Mudlson colo-
brntcd Indcpemienco dny by malting their
escape. Their names nro Thomn-t Voung
nml James Stono. They were permitted to
be out of their cells during tlio ovonlnp , tiiid
while being allowed this privilege , used it
to break n hole through the side of the build
ing nnd departed for parts unknown. Stone
was in for sixty days for resisting nn officer
nud trying to paint red the town of Uurnett.
He had nerved out about half his term.
Young wns sent from Norfolk for thirty
days for the larceny of n coat nnd vest.
That Grand Island's celebration of the
ever glorious wns of absorbing Interest is at
tested by tlio fact thnt Mr. nnd Mrs. Feuhr-
mnn were BO completely carried nway with
the festivities that they went homo and re
tired , Icavmffthcir two-year-old child nt
Llodcrkranz hall. Just us Mrs. F.vns doz
ing off to sloop she missed the baby's fa
miliar howl , nnd then it suddenly dawned on
the fond parents that their offspring had
been forgotten. Mr. F. hitched up to Ills
buggy nnd went back nnd got the child , dud-
Ing'it nil right , nnd declaring to the boys
that it would bo made decidedly warm for
thoai if they told on him. But they told Jus > t
tlio samo.
Nuckolls county hns produced tlio prize
calf story. Albert Half , living nt Hardy ,
went out to milk his cow the other morning
and found thut she Imd given birth to two
healthy calves. Twin bovincs nro not con
sidered n novelty in that section , but the
queer freak of tins particular case is the assertion -
sortion that when Albert looked up the pedi-
grco of the youthful cattle ho found ono to
bo n thoroughbred Polled Angus , without
horns nud black ns u bear , while the other
was u very line Holstein , with horns and nil
the marks ot pure bred cuttlo of thnt variety.
The old Indy cow was consldcicd but n com
mon beast , nnd now Albert's parlor is none
too good for her accommodation.
On Tuesday evening nt McCook there wns
displayed from the window of the United
Ktutcs land office what was taken to bo a
rebel regimental Hag , to which was pinned
in ono corner u miniature oi the stars and
stripes. Tlio questionable llag had been
Homing in the brcozo but a few minutes
when It attracted tlio attention of nn old vet
eran , nnd ere long thcro wns n consultation
of old soldiers. J. A. Wilcox , us their spokes
man , repaired to the oflice , interviewed Mr.
S. P. Hart , and the Hag came down. The in
rident caused some very hard remarks to bo
mndo , nnd on the -1th nn old veteran was so
forcible In his denunciation of the outrage
that a policeman put him in the cooler. This
created another furore , and ho was released
luetuntor by the police Judge , ns it became
evident thnt the cooler would bo n minus
quantity In short order unless It was clone.
TJie Const nml Northwest.
The Atchtson , Topeka & Santa Fc road
lias been completed to Los Angeles ,
J.L. . Callison hus been Indicted for the
murder of Thomas Donahue at Clur.lnda.
The republican territorial convention of
Idaho is called to moot tn ffnlloy August 2) ,
Charles NelUcton wns crushed by a rolling
lo'g at Quattzburg , IdaUo , last week , and was
Mrs. Emma C. Smith of Anaheim , Cat. ,
hcs become violently Insane through re
ligious excitement ,
A scarcity of water IR reported from. Ne
vada , The ranges nro burned out and there
will not bo over half n crop.
Nina Van Zandt , the proxy wlfo of August
Spies , the anarchist , reccntlypassod through
Denver with her mother. A reporter who
saxv her says thnt she seemed bright ami
cheerful , and showed no traces of the sorrow
that overwhelmed her when Spies was exe
Residents of Mnlad , Idaho , nro excited over
tlio rumor that Governor Stevenson will
make It liH personal business to see that the
sheriffs of the territory will oxcrclso the ut
most ddlgenco in seeing thnt every Mormon
will bo nrrcstcd who attempts to vote at the
coming fnll election.
Elko county , N'evndn , Is yet without a
clerk , the person cloeted to the office hnvlng ,
it is supposed , gone to a warmer cllnmto.
The "obvious reasons" for which ho left nro
said to bo nn attempt to burglarize Wells ,
Fnrgo & Co.'s ofllco nnd forging two notes ,
ono for $700 nnd the other lor $300. Rela
tives of the clerk paid the t500 note nnd will
probably pay tlio other.
CoininlttcCR Getting Down to Work
AVhy All Should Subscribe.
The election of officers for the Palace of
Products company has been deferred tlllnoxt
wcok. On account of the extreme heat some
of tlio sub-soliciting committees Lave delayed
their work , nnd it Is desirable to have n largo
rcproscntntlon of Interested persons when
otllccrs nrc chosen. A number of the load
ing stockholders have agreed to ask Joseph
Unrncau to permit them to run blin for pres
ident , and thus far there is no opposition to
tbo movement. If Mr. Garnonu will give his
consent he will .Undoubtedly bo chosen , and
his friends vouch for him ns nn exceedingly
popular nnd efficient executive.
L. O. Jones , ono of the cntliuilnstio promo
ters of the project , snys : "Why , thcro is good
reason to believe that the Palace can bo mndo
to attract ICO.COO people who would.not como
to Omaha otherwise. Thcro Is not n business
man or n property owner whom such nn In-
Ilux of strangers will not help in a greater or
loss degree. I think n $100 subscription
n good Investment for inc. I spend
time in getting out ndvoittscments
nnd pay to have them published in Tm : Bnn
to attract people to my store. On the 'sanio
principle 1 um ready to give both time nnd
money to the Palace to attract people to
Omaha. A dollar for each 1,000 people is
cheap enough. I nm satisfied I will get
enough extra business out of thnt thousand
people to pay mo back thnt ? 1. Other re
tailers throughout tlio city will bo bonollttod
in the same way. Tlio enterprise will nt-
tract country merchants , and our whole
salers will hnyo nn opportunity of becoming
acquainted with their customers , n valuable
advantage , ns any Jobber can toll you. Of
course the return to the private citl/ton will
not bo ns largo or ns direct , but even ho will
got a benellt from the enternriso if success
ful. It will be the subject of newspaper
comment nil over the county , and convey n
good impression of the vim of the city and
the proteclivencss of the stutc. Anything
that attracts business enterprises or homo
sccicers to Omaha is a benelit to property
owners. Omniums are a busy people , I
know , but somebody must lind time to push
this enterprise through. "
"Tlio lice's" Mes njo Iloxcs.
Some time ago TUB Bus caused to bo
placed in the rotunda of the Millnrd , Paxton ,
Windsor and Barker hotels , the B. . .t M. ,
Union Pacillo and St. Paul depots novel mes
sage boxes for the accommodation of the
public. Information has como in of late
proving that mnttor dropped in the boxes had
b2Cii stolen. As the llrst locks placed on
the boxes were ordinary ones
it. has been found necessary to re
place them with Yale locks of the most
intricate pattern nnd parties dropping nny-
thing in the shape of n communication in
them now can rest nssured thnt it will bo
delivered promptly. Nothing of value has
ever been deposited in those boxes. The
messenger opuns the boxes every three
hours , nud matter deposited will reach the
ofiico without delay. The experiment having
proved n success , more will be erected at
points to be designated in a few days. Ev
ery OHO having anything of interest is Invited
to communicate.
Drink Malto ; it . odu fountain.
Iluinlursaiul months ngo the Plumbers' and
Steam-litters' Association entered into nn
agreement in which , on condition that the
muster plumbers should not biro other than
union men upon Jobs in this -city , the union
plumbers agreed to work for no man wjio
was not n member of the Master Plumbers
association. Recently it was discovered that
some of the innhter plumbers have been ad
vertising for men in the cast , nnd endeavor
ing IT brinir them hero , while others have
publicly stated that they would biro whom
soever they pleased , union or non-union men.
The Plumbers' union has just acted on the
matter , nnd withdrawn from the agreement
above outlined. Huruaftor , they claim they
will work upon no building upon which a
' scab" bricklayer , plasterer or carpenter is
Until i he skin wns rn\v. Moily cov
ered with sonli-s I He , ! uiiotH of mor
tar. Cured by the Ciiticura Iteini-
( I oi.
I urn going tntrll you of the oxtrnordlnnrv
change your ( TruTHA iKMiiiiiparfoimoiloii ( :
inu. Abniit tliiUt nt April lust 1 nottci'il sumo
rod plmplus llki1 1 oinliiKoiit nil ovi-r my boilvf
but thought in. . tiling ot It until home tlmo later
on , when U begun to look llkn iqnU of morlnr
spotted on. aim whirhrumuotr Inlnyurs , accom
panied with Iti-hlnif. I would PI rittrh ovorv
nlgli' nlizht until I wns raw , then the no.xl night
thi ) Bcali'H , bi'lnu formed meiimvhtlo , weru
Hcrnti huil oil nuiiln. Invnln did 1 consult nil
thu doctors In the country , but without nld.
Alter giving up nil hopes of locovery , I Imp.
pened to 1,01' nn tidvurtl.iumPnt in thonuwtimper
iibont yonrCiiTiruiiA KKMiuni'nnrt : purchased
them trout my ihn ; ; Ul , und obtained almost
InriiL-illalo relief. I lu-Kiin to notice that t'.u .
Kdily uruptlons gnuluully droppuil oil' nnd ill-
nppeuivil onu by onu. and have been fully cured.
I hud tlie iliseani- thirteen mouths before 1 be-
K.m taking thu Ci'Tici'HHcMr.uir.H , nml In
lour or Ilvn weeks vns entirely cured. My din-
LMI-I- wan eczema anil psoriasis , 1 rrcommeinled
tlio I'C'-jn riiA KIM : > IIIIM to all In my vl'-inlty ' ,
nil'l ' 1 knuw ot a Ki-ciit many who have taken
tlii-m , nml thnnk inn for tbo knowloiliro or lliein ,
especially motlier.-i who huvu Imhes lili nrnly
eruptions on their head * nml bodied , I rmmot
expri"In words tne thanks to you torvliat
tinYriiTlM ( ltKMiiuis : : have been to me. .My
hoity wax i-overeil with Heuleh , nml I V.-.IH nn
autiil sp.'cttirle to iK'hold. No - my nUln Is ns
nice nnd clear an a baby's.
tJKO. COTHV , Merrill , WU.
Sept. 21 , 1M7 ,
IVb. 7. Itw , Not n trnco whatsoever of the
dlseaho from whlih I Millered hus Hhown itnulf
aim o my euro. OUO. COTKV.
Wocnriuot do Justice to the obtoem In which
ClJTirt'H \ , the wreat Skin euro , nnd ( ; imcrn\
HO.M' , uu tixiiiilutte Kkln IlimutlUer. prepared
from it , anil CrriuuiiA UKSOI.VKNT. the now
Illooil I'tirlller , uru held by thu thousumU
upon thutisamiH whoso llve.i have been iniiilo
happy by thu cure ot imonlzlng , humlllatlim ,
itching , wnly nnd pimply diseases of the skin ,
huuip , und blood , \\lthloMothalr.
Sold everywhere. ] 'rice , Cimrrm , Wlc : ROAI > ,
2.V ; JIKSIII.VUNT , il. Prepared by tlio I'ormi
Diii'fi > \ { 'HKiiiru , f'o. , Huston , Mass.
fr"Scnil for "How to euro t klu Ulsensrs , " Iii
us , f'U Illustrations , nnd luO tuatlmonlaU.
' iKS , bliick-headt , roil , roush.chapped nnd
Ml'fiK Mkm prevented by I'IJTILTUA
Chest I'alns , Soreness , Woaknem.
, tint ( juuL'b , Aethmn. I'lvnrlxy
l InllammuUon 111:1 : IJ-.VKU IN o n
> IIN1 Tli by Ihu ClTIl tllA ANII-l'AI.N
I'I-AB rut Nothing llku it for Weak l.unga.
Crab Orchard
* r mm
Dyspepsia , Sici-Hiadiclie , Coastipalioa ,
Crab Orcliard Water Co. LoulflrUIe , Ky *
A Short Dissertation on Cnmllilntrf
In Gcncrnl riic ICxpcrlcnco of nn
Otnnlm Cnmlltlrxte. ANew
Now that ( lie convention ot both creat point
Ml parties have been held and we have the can
dldntos , the political pot will bo bolllnit until
next November. Nearly nfty yearn IIRO the
Rrnnclfntlicrof the present ivpuhllcancnmltilnta
was elected prcxldeut and held olllco one month ,
dying In olllco nt the end ot that time , The piu
scut Mr. Harrison Is a man well known to the
pooploof the United States , bchiR what Is termed
a self made man , born In the Immblo walks oC
llfohoha , by his untiring energy nnrt unap
proachable. Integrity , risen t < > the top of tlio lad <
oorof fnino. The candidate for vleo president on
the republican ticket ts also a well known man.
having been In public life for n long t lino. Of t hu
randliintos of the democratic party Mr. Cleve
land has been president for nearly four years
and It Is unnecessary to say anything of him ai
he Is well known , ns Is also Mr. Thurman , wha
liai been In public llfo for n long tlmo. Imvlnir
been n United Stolen ponator for ono term nud
hold numerous ofllces. Tliero Is yet another can.
rtldatoofwhomwo wish to npcak , ono who U
not nearly so well known as the four mentioned
nbovo. but who passed through hu term as n
candidate ami is now a happy man. The gent *
Ionian la question U
citAn&ns OAnrt.sox sit rAimu stnEfif-
n Ktono mason in the employ of JndKO IlaslcSll *
Mr. Oirlsonhas been n resident of Omaha IOC
nbottt ono year , and prior to that time was n ro'
hldcnt of Iowa , und for about six months pasff
hadciultcan exporcluco which wo will ulvj ) W
his own % vav. ;
Last fall I caught ft savcro cold , Wlilch uottf
cretl mo a Rruut deal , causliiK mo to coiiKli
continually , until at last 1 commenced to rafsij
lariio quantities of blood at every coughing spell *
1 felt tired , drew y , und depressed In spirits ;
soon my breathing became short and my chest
woul < l sometimes feel as It It was bound tight !
by gomhthlnp. I would go to sleep as usual )
whou I would wako mi with wheezing. I woulil
be lu bed and open the windows , imd with in
tnou li wldo ojien gasp for broatlu I woulil
often biioozo ana run tit the nose : my facO woulu <
become very red , my oycs prominont. and thai
perspiration break out all over my body ; my
oreaihlng would bo Bliort Jorklnii , and could bd
heard all over the room ; my ffot and ImmlJ
would be cold , and I of u-n fult aH If 1 would nororf
come out of It. Sometimes these spoils would
only last a fo'.v minutes , at other times porllbpii
an hour or more. When' 1 would begin to cougli
tlio tightness would lot up , especially nf tor I Unit
rnUeu nulto a nuantlty of very tenacious mucus )
1 consulted quite a number of puyhtclans. whrf
oulyKavu mo temporary relief. 1 had oftort
read lr M cUoy's testimonials In t ho dally papers/
but was somewhat skeptical. At last I decided ;
to go and KCO him. Ho examined me thoroughly - '
ly , and told me I had the asthma : Bald ho coulti
bcnetlt me , and I started treating with him/
This was early In May. Ills treatment rellovoci
moatouco. 1 had no severe spells after the Ilrsn
treatment , and for sometime now have not had
a symptom of my former trouble , do not wheeze *
or cough nt all , and feel that 1 am cured overt
nfli-r one month's treatment I felt all right , out ?
decided to take another mouth to ho positive 06
a radical euro , , J
1 cnn cheerfully recommend Dr. McCoy , ns lifl
has ritred me , nud 1 know of plenty of person' *
tliut IIP Is treating who are Improving womlcrW
fully and rapidly. Y t1
Tfio firth cmidldat'o mentioned above Is Mri
Carlson , who hus bei'ii a candidate for hoaltlf
nnd Ims been very aiirccsstul in his candidacy
Mr. Carlson , whose portrait firaces the column- ;
nbiivc , roildt's nt No. 811 Kiimniii htrei-t , nnd lif
willing to corroborate this statement to any omf
doivbtlngit , who will addu-ai or call ou UliUt
there. . ,
A Few Symptoms of Disease Ilmll
Slay 1'rovo Serious to V'ou.
Do you have frequent Ills of mental
slou ?
Do you experience ringing or buzzing noises
Inyouri'ar.-i/ i
Do you- feel ns though you must suffocate
when lying down ?
A re you troubled with a Hacking cough nnJ ,
general debility ? ,
Are your eyes generally wool : nnd watery nna
frequently mtlunu'd ? j
Docs your volre have n husk , thick sound nna
n nnsul HOI t of twang'/ >
IK your breath fit'iiueiitly oll'enslve from gome ] ?
Ilavoyou a dull. oppressive headache , gcner *
nlly located over the eyes ? ,
IID you have to Imwk nnd rough frequently In
tinriK'ct to i-li-iir your throat ? v
Am you lo-lng your BUHSU of smell and layout
bonse of tnslo IwomlnK dulled ? , . - ' j
DOCK your noMi always feel stopped up , fore3
inn you to bri'ittho throiiKh your niouih'c "
Uo you freciwmtly fi-ul dizzy , particularly
when btooplnu toplrk anything oir flic floor ? *
Doiauvcry littli1 draft ot mr nml every slight )
rlinnSo ( ot tumpprnture glvo you n cold ? ff" . *
Are you annoyed by n conatnntdiislris tolmwjC
mul ] ) lt out an endless quantity of phleym ? ' ;
Do you ri&i- from bed IIH tired unit wual ; us you
were the night buforo und feel us though yoU
wanted to lie tliero forovcr ?
Is your throat lllled with phloem tn the mnt-h-
luff , which can only be cllschnrfiutl after Vloloul
coiiRhlng nml hawking and pitting ? '
Uo you occasionally wake from a troubled
xloep with u hturt uud fool IIH if you had just
escaped nhorrlhlu death by choking ?
Hiivo you lost nil Interest In your cnlllnsor
business or former pleasures , all ambition Rene ,
ami do you feel Imfinnietit whether to-morrovf
Iliiils you nllve or iiwul ?
Aroyou iroublcil with n discharge from tha
lietul into ihu throat , KomutimuH wutery and ex-
.ci-HHivc , hoinotlmiis imu-uii , thick , htfi'klng to
Mhalevor II toiii'hi-s , i-oniPttmci bloody , I M
Hourly nl ays putrl'l nml citi-n-lve
Tiie itbuvu are nome of the many symptoms ol
catarrh ainl Iho bi'Klnnlni. of 1mm tronblo-t. Not
onu ru-te lu u Imniltxil will have all oftliem , but
ovuryonB iilli'i'ioil will have u few or mamy ot
thi'iu. The Ki-cuti-r or moi-it wrluiiH your ymp-
tiilna , thimure ili-imoraiiH your condition. This
tn-uti-d very micru hfiilly by
Dr. McCoy orhHnssoi-lutns. 'Ihu ninny cases reported
ported through the column * of. the dully paper *
pi orus this , ami ouch hlnteiwnt jmbllshcd U ub-
i-titni'liilly the hiimo us given by tlio piitlciit cured ,
I.r. McCoy nnd his associates use no bociut nos
trums , but cure olsoasB by tlmlr wlcllltiil combi
nation of the bust known remedies , applied lu
tlif most approved miinnor , and by using tha
latest iimlmmt hliihly lucommunded iipplluncod
known to thu profo.-islon. They thiispniducoro-
sultt thnt spi'itk for thi'insulvt'it ' In thu many pn-
t lentsciirorl. nnd we nssuro our readers that thcso
nnilneiu phyali-lnmt have uchlovudaHUcci'sa in
curing dlHi-iibo which fuw or no other ductot4
can dtipllcuto.
Late of Bellovnc Hospital NCY/ / YorK ,
No. 31O nnd 311 Bumtro Bulldinfir ,
Corner rift' enth and llnnicy HIS , Oinalni , Nub. ,
where nil curnblu fuses nru trcutud
with HIU cess.
Medical dlneabOo irualed skillfully. CoiiKiimi > -
tlon , Itrlflu'H dlhrasn. HyHpcpala , Ithoumntlrm ,
iilid ull MCUVOl'rt Il l'.A iH. : All dU Brfus pe-
culiur to the bexes u ttpcclalty. UATAltitli
' CdNBill/l'ATIONnt olllco or by mall , jl.
Olllcu 11 u , t p. in. , 7 to Up.
in , biinduy olllce houm from U u , m. , to 1 p. m ,
( 'orifaiiondeiice re.c ( > lviu < ] irompt attention.
Many diseases uro trouled biicc < ' > aully by Dr.
McCoy through the mulls , nnd It U thus postlblo
forilio.-i ! uiiabln to niaku u journey to obtain
No Ivttcru unawiTed nnlc s nccompaiilea by < c
All rjnll bhould be nddroj < cd to Dr J. C'resay
McCcy , Itoom * UIU nnd Ull , lUmye
Umnha , Neb. .