r T" 4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. JULY 7. 1888. - 3 i THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Exhibits Ooneldornblo Activ ity But Closes. Lip CORN FIRM AT OLD PRICES. Oats AVIthotit Special Fontitr-c Pro- vlslonH Still llnlo StrodR Cattle In Good Demand Hogs Continue Actlvu Gcticrnl Quotations. CHICAGO PHOIIUCI3 MA11KHT. CHICAGO , July li. [ Spcclnl Telegram to Tun IJtn.1 Foreign crops and market news \vns the prent factor in tlio wheat innrkct to- < lay. Prices opened Jv@Xc "P from ycstcr- < lny on strons cables. Then it was recalled by pit traders that houses having forelRti connections had been steady buyers hero and In Hc\v York for several days. To-day they were buying harder than over. They began at the opening nnd bought earnestly for an hour. The domestic situation also bristled with bull points. Harvest returns from Ken tucky , Tennessee and for one hundred miles north of the Ohio are worse limn oven the most extreme crop-killers httd prophccicd , Ocncral nnd long-continued rains are Inter fering seriously with harvesting , nnd the northwest is ngnln sending In advices some what less rosy than usual , Thus fnr , however - over , it may bo siild that unfavorable news from that Huctlon IH based on fears nnd an ticipations rather thiin visible signs of an un- favornblo character. The foregoing points may bo said to fairly comprise the sum total of bull news , and It operated to advance prices sharply , At the opening August wheat sold atSSJfc , September at fc3o anil December nt"i ( o. August advanced to Sic , September to 8.fc : ) ' nnd December to NVfo. Up to about noon the market ruled firm , with prices within J c of the top , but the last hour witnessed ti sharp reaction nnd values declined ! } < jC , and the close , being nervous , the crowd got HtmnlcloUH of the cables. "Thoro Is too much of it and it is altogether too unanimous , " was the sago remark of ono of the cynics of the pit , anil upon the theory that foreign specu lators were engineering an emotional bulge to sell on , the crowd rushed In and a tumble occurred. Ttio winter wheat market did not re ? pond to the advance , St. Louis being con < spicuously a laggard when it should have been strong , if credence was to bo placed in the harvesting ndvieos above alluded to. St. Louis dragged all day and quickly rellcctcd the Into weakness here. The break was caused , however , to a great extent by local realizing. The advanro ofl e from the bottom was esteemed' by muny to bo u good place to take prolits , The doing of this on n wholesale scale wai Btifllclcnt to account for the reaction. Ono feature of the trading was the premium attained by July over August. It ranged ' /Ji-i ( - c nbovo August the whole of the ses sion. The close to-day was > VKc , under yesterday , though it looked like a bull day. Trade in corn is extending over a wide range of futures. Thu country is selling year nnd May ( I860) ) corn freely on favorable crop prospects , at n scale of prices discour aging to bulls on near futures. Neverthe less corn cables are strong , and the shipping movement is certainly largo enough to give the bulls good ground for hoping for an ad vance. Tlio market ruled very llrm most ol the day and closed about the same as y.ester day as to price. Oats dm not develop features of special Interest and price changes were neither im portant nor significant. The damage tc the crops on account of the storms of the last two days does not seem t j bo serious. The provision market again exhibited con siderable strength. In lard , particularly , the feeling was mores than ordinarily bullish , The strict investigations inaugurated by the English authorities of tlio importations ol this article are beginning to have their in lliieaco here. Lard was wanted to-day b cash and speculative buyers in a rathur f r.'e manner , and at the close it was quoted 10(3 ( llJ'.flc higher thana yts'crday's e'.oiings. lr park tlio day's advance wnsJ'J c , and in sliorl ribs Ul < ; ( i ( > 5c. Tlio general trade was alsc strengthened bytho light runjof hogs , and r further improvement in the same. The cast product sold quite fairly , and in the entire market comparatively fair interest was bhown. Speculation , however , was niainlj on local account. Q August and Septembei were the favorite months. July pork win the same as August , while July short rib : were 2 } o and July lard S@7 > e under. CHICAGO VB sroou. CHICAOO , July (5. ( ( Special Telegram te Tnr. UEB.I UATTM : The estimated receipt worts (1,000 , of which 2,000 were Tcxans. Tin light run nnd extraordinary low rail rate : ( down to-day to lie per 100 Ibs to New York to the cast and the seaboard have brough about a good demand for holiday week mil in the face of the warm weather and n plcn tiful supply of light seasonable luxuries o Hie table , there is n good demand for bee both in this country and abroad ; hcnco i fctrong market for good and useful cattle n an advance of ii.@IOo over the current rate of last week. Texans , especially good stock were nlso higher. Lower grades of natives although not advancing in the same ratio ui good natives , are sharing in ho general up turn. Of course , a light run nnd low rate nro at tlio bottom of the advance Give us 6,000 cattle a week and advance mil rates to the old ilgurcs and prices woule go down llko the proverbial sticK of the ox pcuded sky-rockot , and both events are liabl to happen. Country shippers should act no e'onllngly. Keep clear of English spce'Uhi tloifs. The stocker and feeder trndo is i Bhado better than last week. Veal calvei continue to come forward in unprecedented noumbers und nro selling nt ruinously IOM prices. Quotations nro us follows : 'Choice to extra hooves , JO.OO&tfi.yO ; mcetium to gooi steers , 1UM to 1,500 Ibs , ? -10(25.110 ( : l.COJ te 1,8.10 Ibs , W.(04i5.50 ( ; 50 to 1,200 , Ibs y4.25@-l.kU ; stockers and feeders , quiet nn unchanged at ? 2.40 < 2H.PO ; cows , bulls nn mixed , lUo higher nt ? 1.7r > @ 'i.35 ; bulk $ 'J,50i ( < ! ' .SO ; Blojvfed steers , M.iO@r ! > .S5 Texas cattle advanced f > @ 10c. Steers , 050 t J.050 Ibs , $3.0003.70 ; 750 to WO Ibs M.Ol'3.K ( ) ; 00010700 Ibs , ! > . ! ! . > ( 2.ITi ( ; cow ? $1.40ye'2)0 : ) ; western rmigers , ; 3.60jl.l ( ! Heos The estinmtcel receipts wen 8,030. Husiness was again active und pncci Btroiur , omo salesmen reporting an advance of a nickel , but in a general way there was llttlo or no change. Fancy assorted hcarj sold at ? 5.80Uf > .W , and ono eir two lots a J5.1K ) ; medium butchers' weights , also ligh I'hiladclphms at fi.tO. The tall ends of lot culled over by the shippers generally sold ti packers nt about fi.M ) ; choice assorted ligh of 170 to 100 averages sold at ? 5.7C < 35,75. MVK STOCK. Chlcnget , July 0 , Tun Drovers' Journa reports us follows : Ottlo Uccelpts , 0,030 , Including 2,50 head of Texas and western cattle ; best mi tlvos r.QJIOohlghor . ; choiceto extra beeves $ rt.Wic < { 0.au ; common to good , * I.35 ( 3.W ) stockers and feeders. $ ) .4UC"U.UO ; cows , bull and mixed ( lOo higher ) , fl.75@3.35 ; Tcxa cattle , 1.40tf3.70 ( ; western rangers , fcl.50 ; < $4 Vi. Hogs Uereipts , 0,000 ; market nctivo an 5c higher ; mixed , Jj.tX5.N' ) > ; heavy , ? 5,70v ! 6.t > 0 ; light , fV&5 ( < f5.bO ; skips , gi.TStgA.M ) , Sheep--Receipts , 3,000 ; market quiet un unchanged ; natives , Inferior to fancy , * 2.5 ( .C5.5 ; Tcxans , fJ.OOa3.75. Kansas City , July ( ) . Cattle Receipts 2,500 ; shipmentsl,00 < Jgood ; to choicecornfce ; v f5.00i'i.J.O ; common to medium , JH.&Otj lv\ 4.60 ; grass rungo steers , ) .00g.50 ( ; ] | stocker \ > ami feeding steers. ( ' . ' . ( XXtf&UU ; cows. * l,40j a.oo. a.oo.Hogs Receipts , 4/100 : shlprnents , 300 to choice , f5.5X25.0"i ! ; common to me Seed , f5.100j5.40 ; nklps and pigs , $2.50ei5.X ( Niitlonul Slock Vurila , Knur. 81 luiiiU , July 0. Cattle Receipts , ' . ' ,00(1 ehipments , 1,000 ; market stronger ; cholc heavy native steers , * 5,10@5.$0 ; fair t 4.IK ) . Hogs Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none choice heavy and butchers' solcctloni t5.05Q5.75 : packing , ineaiuta to prime , | 5.-I Q5.75. KINANCIAU Kfew YORK , July 0. [ Special Telegram to THE UKn.l STOCKS For several days the Ounnition of the stock market has been point- ng U > n decided change and to-day It came. ? or the first time In a long period there has jcen-n peed degree of activity and n decided advance. The bears became thoroughly alarmed nt the prospect nnd began to take in stocK. St. Paul was one of the features , ris- ng from 03 (301 early In the weoktoGO ( < Gfl'j. ' Uock Island , which was 100K ycstcr- lay is now lOHiftlOSV. Northwestern rose from 105Jf to 107(3107 ( } . The general list shows nn advance of } e3K- The market opened strong at an Improvement , but even it the ndvnnco there was an utter absence of long stocks. Holders will not sell nnd the In'ttrs were evidently alarmed at the situa tion. The business of the forenoon resulted n n marked rise on the leading western roads nnd coalers , the trunks participating to n fair extent. The commission people bought moderately and the loan crowd gnvo evidence of a largo short Interest. Hands were strong and St. Paul was bought largely for Chicago nnd for Saratoga. The total sales for the day were 1S'.I ' , " > M shares. GovnitSMHXTS Government bonds wore dull but steady. YF.STLUDAY'S QUOTATIONS. II. R. < pregtMcrcel.12U C. A" N. W . 107 > IJ. 8. 4 rounon. . . 127U iloprcferrcel.8 ] : ; , i U.S. 4isroBlstrea.i07U ! .V.Y. Central . imii ? U.8 4'is ' coupon. . . 107U O. It. I'nclllc Us of 'M . 110 1' . T Camilla Southern. . WJ 1'nclflc Mull OntrnU'nclllc . : il > ( 'O. ' D.A : K & Alton. . .11 C. , II. * ( J 112'iIteadliiK ffl'i I ) . . IW IM'i'ltock ' ' Island ] ( I ) . Alt. U 1fi'i ' St. I , . * 9. ! ' ! W'i Krlo 24S dopreferre-d Cil elo preferred ' My C. , M. & St. 1'iitil. . . O'l'i ' Illinois CcYitruV. ; ! ! 'llO'I do prcferriel Ittl'M I. , II. A : W 11 SU1' . AtO .I./ K.T I3'i de ) prnfurrcd. . . . . . Hul " " " " ' " I.nkeShbro.V. . . . . ni5 Texas 1'aclllo J.1'J L.A : N MU Union 1'aclllc fMii MIclilRan Central..7HH W..81.L. &P 14 Missouri 1'aclflo. , . 73'ii | do prntwrrod. . . . ! ! ? Mlssonrll'aclliCi. . . 24i.\V. U. Telegraph. . ,0'i elo preferred K ) I MONEY ON CALL Easy ; closeelnt IQIJi per cent. PntME MCUCANTILE PAPBii JtQO per cent. STKULINO ExcirocDull but steady nml tinchiinpcil at J-l.fj ? for sixty day bills ; I'or dcmnnel. 1'KODUCR MAUICI3T3. July 0. Following are the 2:110 : closing prices : Flour Finn and unchanged. Wheat Active nnel unsettled , opening strong und % @ ? | C higher , but the navanco brought out , free offerings , especially in Sep tcmber and December deliveries ; the weak ness in these deliveries induced liberal real izing for August and the result wtw u heavy nnd weak market , declining l'4 < rf > l.J < e , re covered some and finally closed ( excepting July ) 'i'OfJio lower than the closing Ilgurcs yesterday ; cas.li , 8I:1i : ( < cS2c ! ( ; July , b2'so ; August , 81c ; September , Sl ? e ; December , 8 1 c. Corn Unsettled ; opened SK@M ° higher : advanced , ' ( , c more , later became weak ami prices so1 d oft" IVc , then becutna Rteadier , closing a shade higher tnan yesterday ; cash , 4r , a-lc ( ! ; July , 4'J.4c ' ; August , 4'J'J-Mc ' ; Sep tember , 50c. Oats Closed higher ; cash , Sl C'lIMc ; July , iie ! ; August , 2ie ( ; September , 'J5 > ic. Rye Dull ; cash , Me. Hurley Dull ; cash , C3c. Prime Timothy 2.40. Flux-Si. Id. Whisky Steady tit 61.20. Pork Firm and higher , cash ami July , $13.00 ; August , S13.57Koi1i0 ; ( ; ; September , 3.UM ( < t > 13.70. Lard Firm nnd hitrhor ; cash and .luly , 5S.20 ; August , S3.2.V September , . * S.i2 ; > . Dry Salted Me.vts Shoulders. .25jri.riO ; ; short clear , $7.85il7.)0 ( ) ; short ribs , ? 7.00. Butter Steady ; creamery , 154@l'Jc ' ' ; dairy , 14iiU c. Cheese Etnler ; full cream chcddars , SJi' C sJ e ; flats. SI4eib c ; ftim-y young Amer icas , UCx.O'i'c ' ; skim , iVi7c : ; flats , , r > ( VtOc. " Eggs Kirm ; candled , l feHe" Hides Uneliangud ; green salted calf , 4J- ej3c ; heavy green saIteelr > } c"jUi lightgrcen Milted , r jji ! ( ic' ; salted bull , H'ife ; dry Hint , to , dry i-alf , So ; deacons , 20jfJ5o ( ciwh ; dry salted , C@7c. Tallow Unchanged : Xo. 1 , solid packed , 3-Ji'c ; No. 2 , 3c , and cake , 4c pur ll > . Hecoipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 12,000 fi.ClK ] Wheat bu . l,00l ! ) ( 14,000 Corn , bu . 141.000 4MiJtl ) Oats , bu . 155,000 ID'.I.OOO Hyobu . 1,000 1C0 ( ! Barley , bbls . 3.0DO 1.000 Now Vork , JulyJ 0. Wheat Hceicints , 7,000 ; exports , lOb.OOO ; spot dull and lower , closing weak ; options active but very irregu lar , closing heavy but lower ; ungraded red , Mi . @ ! < c ; No. 2 red , & ! ) ) , c in elevator , 00 ( < tiO'4C ! ' f. o. b. ; 01@'Jl ' o ailoat ; August closing at b'J ' c. Corn Receipts , 2.000 ; exports , ,10,000 ; spot fairly active ami firmer ; options moder ately active , closing steady ; ungrueied mixed , MQJ.MJijc ; No. 2. oi ( > 4(3' ( > ( % c ; August , fill'lOM'c ; August clewing at Olijjc. Oafs Keceipts , : > 2,500 ; exports , none ; spot closed 14a ( > 3'jl ! higher , with light grudo ; mixed western , 34ie3Sc ( ; white western , 41) ) @ 47c. ColTec Spot Hrazil irrowth , dull and nominal ; options dull nnd weak , closing at a deulino of 15VMU ( points. Sales , 41,500 bags , Including July , Sll.OOeWl 1.15 ; August , $10.03 010.20 ; September , t'J.bf 0U.OO. Turpentine Dull at yjc. Petroleum Steady , united closed nt 74 > ' ( fc. Eggs Fairly active but steady ; western , Pork Firm ; mess , ? 15.00@ 15.25 for now ; $14.oa@14.25 for old. Lard Spot moderately active , higher and strong ; western steam , $ S,4. " > . Hutter Quiet ; western , 12@19 } c. Cheese Dull and easy ; white and colored flats , 7@ < iC. Minneapolis , July 0. Market advnm-e.'d J o early , but closed weak ; receipts , , 2 ' 1 cars ; shipments , 40 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , July 62) c ; August , b.ic ; on track , 8uJ o ; No. 1 northern , July , Sic ; August , til H'c ; on track , 82c ; No. 2 northern , July , 77c ; August , 76von \ track , 7Se. Flour Unchanged ; patents to ship in sacks in cur lots , $4.i5 : ( ' 4.45. Ciiicliuuitl , July 0. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red , Sic. Corn -Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 50 } c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 34) 0330. Kyu Dull ; No. 2 , 0o. ! 1'ork Quiet ; § 14.25. Lard Firm ; S7.WiXe. Whisky Firm ; S1.14. Milwaukee , July 0. Wheat Steady ; rash , VJBc ; August , 8u ; Scjitcmbur , ' Corn Dull ; No. 8. 4 < ! e. Oats Dull ; No. ti white , SGc. Kye Dull ; No. 1 , COo. Harloy-Dull ; No. 2 , 59c. Provisions Steady ; porlc , July , $13.55. Ht. IjeitilH. July ! ! , Wheat Lower ; cash , SOwsiHo ; July , KOU'c ; August , So c , Corn Higher ; cash , 40 > ii)17e ; July , 40 > oj 4JJ ( JC' August , < ' Oats Finn ; cash , 4 to ; August , 4iJ ! c bid. 1'ork S14.25. Lard 7.75 Whisky $1. 14. Hutter Steady ; creamery , 15c < MSc ; dairy , ljlverpeil , July 0 , Wheat Strong ; demand good anil holders oifer BparitiRly ; California , No. 1 , ( is 7J d ( < jOs 8 > < d per cental ; rod western spring , Os 0 > < reii ( eia 7 Jd pel cental. Corn Firm ; demand good ; new mixed wcbtcrn , 4s lOj tl per cental. HniiHan City , July (1. ( Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 soft , cash , 7Jj'o bid ; August , 72o bid , " 3 asked , Corn Higher ; No. 2 cash , 43o ; August. 43c. 43c.Oats No. 2 , cash , 21J < fc bid , 22o asked. New Orleans. July 0. Corn Jrregu Jar ; mixcei , OOcSCSc ; yellow , G'o ; white , 05c , Oats Scarce and llrm ; No. 2 , 45 ; . Cornmeal Steady at f.S5. Hog Products Scarce and firm : pork , fl4.02Uhml ; , 17.75. Hulk Meats Shoulders , J0.50 ; long "clcai und clear ribs , $7,93. OMAHA JjlVlJ STOC1U Cattle. Friday , July 0 , 18S3. There was a little more life to the cattle trudo to-elay , and good corn fee ; catlo sold quite readily to the dressei beef men at steady to strong prices. Abou all the desirable cattle changed hands before the market closed , The receipts were light to-day , although heavier than during the pnst two days. There was n very active demand for light hogs , which sold eiuiekly nt an ndvnnce ol C@lPc. Heavy lines were not in as peed de mand , and were Inclined to drag nt steady prices , Nearly everything , both llf ht nnd heavy sold nt & 02ttOc. The hogs were all sold before midday. Sheep. There were only two loads hero to-day. Ilccclpta. Cattle T. C Hogs 3M > 0 Sheep 1'JS I'rcvnlliiiK I'rlue * . Thofollowlnsr is a table of prlcss p.xUl in this mantel for the grades of a'.oc'f men tioned. Prime steers. 1300 to 1.103 Ibs. . > .20 OS. BO Prime steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. 4.50 B5.00 Fntllttlo steers , l > 00 to 1050 Ibs. 4.0i ) ; < l 1.75 Common to good cows 1.75 Ot2."fl Choice to fancy cows 2.DO ( rf 3.00 Common to choice bulls a.2.1 rd3.no Fair to choice light hogs 5.50 WMK ) Fair to choice heavy hos 5.55 f < t5.X ( ) Fair to choice mixed hoc1 * 5.50 ( JJ5.55 Showing the number of hogs bought by the loading buyers on to-day's market : . G. H. Hammond & Co 44C Omaha P. Co ili ! Armour-Cudahy Packing Co ' 37 J. P. Seiuiro .t Cej 42 ! C. H. North & Co . ' 4'Je Hrainard Bros 11. U. V. Hurtlett ' . -a : A. Spring ; . . . 12 ! ' M. Crane it Son . . . . 24' Stephens , Hamilton & Co , . If Davis & Atwood lll ! Huckstcin & Co : . . - ' -I'M II. S. Morr.s Hi ; C. E. Doort- - , ; J. Dotid , 3.11 McCoy lill E. L. Lambert 201 E. U. Harper Kit G. 13. Wilson &Co li I'orlc I'tiekinjj. . Special reports to the Cincinnati Price Current show the number of hotfs p.ickoj from March 1 to date and latest mail dates nl the undermentioned plae-es , compared will : the corresponding time hist year , as follows : Ijlvo Steick Notes. Light hogs higher. Heavy hogs stcaely. Desirable kinds of cattle strone. Cliarles Dunn , Slaplelmrst : , was here tine ! sold OOc hogs. F. G. ICienc. Albion , was in with foui loads of hogs. Mr. W.vlnnd , Harlnn , la. , made his first visit to the yards to-day. Asliel Edgincton , Fullcrton , was in will : two loads of hogs that sold for $ .1.55 une $5.00. Among the cattle shippers nt the yards were E. H. Cawlca , Gibbon , J. C. Goodall , Hilda , nnd Bennett Ewin. " William Huc'k , Essex , In. , and A. M. Waketleld , Atlantic , la. , wore among the visitors at the yards. The Nebraska Uvo Stock Shippers asso ciation will hold their next meeting at Ex change hotel , South Omahu , Neb. , Wednes day , July 11 , 1SSS , tit 2 j > . in. E. 13. Sluitt , Craig ; Henry Koch , Hi-ad- shaw ; Henry Lemmcr , Humphrey , nnel W , L. Haughn , Ilarlan , la. , were among tliobc who were hero and marketed hogs. Omaha has gained 00,000 in thei number ol hogs slaughtered this season , as compared with tlio same time ; last year. During the si mo time Kansas City has fallen oil 70(00 ! ( , Messrs Taylor & Wyant , Silver City , la. , were hero and marketed four cars of cattle of their own feeding. The cattle avcrasroel 1,432 Ibs. and brought if.1.50 , the top of the market. OMAlliV WIlOIJCSAiatJ M/VUKJ2T. Products Fruits , Nuts , Ktc. . Friday , July 0. Trade was nctivo all around to-day ami prices ruled firm with slight advances notceJ in lemons and berries , Hi'TTint Fane-y cri'umer.v roll butter , 20 ( 21c ; with solid packed nt 15o ) ] < ie. ' ; choice country butter , 13 ( 14ci common grades , llii ( ISc. ISc.Eoo Strle-tly fresh , 14' ' M5c. CiiKitiuua J'or case of lOlbi. $1,75S2.00. ( Southern cherries cJ.50 per drawer of U epjarts. SritAwnr.Hiili : * ? 2.5552.75 per 10-qt case , Hl.ACKinititits : f3.KK ( < it.50 ; | ier caso. lii.At'i ; U.vtriiKiiuiijf4.0iVe4.5 ( ) ( ) per case ; led raspberries , 4.50 ( < e'.1.50 per caso. Ciiucsi : Full cro.im , i(15l4e- : , POTATOES New , i-2.75Wi.CO ; per lb ; ? 1.K ( SI.15 per bushel. Pon.Tiiv No dressed fowl in the market ; live chit-kens , 30i3.75 ( ( per doz ; spring chickons. $2.00(2(3.2.1. STIIINCI HIIANS ? 1.50 per bu. To > UTon Per crate , $2.25S2.50. ( PINK AITMS : fJ.25'ji2.r,0. HANANAS Common medium , ? 3.50g3.00pai bunch ; choice , W.OOie.3.f.O ; low grades , t'.OO , Ti'iiXH's California , 3' . ( le/'ic / per lb. DATK'S Persian , OH@To per lb , LEMe > Ns-S,00iiS.5o ( pere-ase. OitANeus : Mesbinas , $0.50i$7 ( per box ; Kodi , $7.50(2fS ( per box , S-1QJJ.53 per hall box. CAUIU-I.O\VEII Good stock , S1.50@1.75 pei doz , CABIIACUS Homo grown , 2ltfo per lb. Avi'LLa 75ij.90cper ( one-third bushel , Juno apples. CIDIU : Chotco Miemgan elder , M.DOgO.M per bbl. of 82 gal. Oxioxs-Nativo stock1.25@1.50 ; Spanish , per box of 5 Ibs , $1.75(2,2.00 ( ; California on' ons , 3J @le perlb. Poi-coitx Choice rice corn Isquotcd at 358 4cpcr lb. ; other kinds 2)feJ3o ) per lb. CAHHOTS Now stock , 20c per doz. HuAxs-Good stock , f2.00 ( < T3.75 ; Californic beans , * 2.2.'x32.40. Fios In layers , 13@15o ; cake , lOc per lb. NUTS Puanuts , raw , Oi @ 7o ; . Hrazil nuts Uo ; almonds , Tarrueonu , aio ; English wal nuts , 15 ( 180 ; filberts , 1,60 ; Italian chestnuts 15u ; pccuus , 15c. a Ifi aiclfortl lb. frames ; canned .oney , 10oll2epcrlb ( i FJPt nn MAPI.E STif.r$1.25 per pal. PSA1.MFY 25c pej ; hunch , rj WAititMELo.vs f 0.00gJ5.00 ( per 100. Oi-eiiWrt Ijjftt , SfoMt Grnnulateeii 7 > 4ei7 ( } c ; conf , A. 7" (7(7140 ( ; white cxtrq C.flk , < algc ( ; extra O , 0 V ( etRxc ; yellow IS Of foijc ; cut loafs , 7J be ; ixnvdcrcd , 75-s ( . 31V < s < Corm : Ordinary ' , ifraues , 10@17c ; fair. 17@lSe ; prime , lSij'Upfe'c ; fnncy green nnel yellow , ! . ' < 3.3c ; old government Java , 2St ( $ l0c ! ; Interior Java. ! i.'K < l23c : Mocha. SSetfSOc1 : Arbucklo s rousted , . llipi'c ; McLnuirhllu's XXXX , lU c ; DllwenUi's , 10UoKcd Crass , IPr : Alnronm , H'9jC | German , H-J c. WOOI > EX\VAUI : jf'wo'hoop palls , per dor. . , ? 1.40 ; throe-hoop , pa Is. Sl.tio ; No. 1 tub , i7.lKNo. ) ; 3 tub , W.QO ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ; washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern Queen washboards , 2.75 ; nssortcd bowls , S2.7.V f o. t i-hurns , f.i.t'O ; No. 2 churns , $3.50 ; No. 8 churns , 47.60 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , In nests , 70e per nest. Toiucco Pl.rei-Lorillard's Climax , -ISf ; Splendid , 45r ; Mechanic's Delight , 44e ; Lcggctt & Meyer's Slur , 4."c ; Cornerstone.1 , ! 19c ; Druintiiniid's Horscslioo , 45c ; J. T. , 4''c : Sort's Spciirhrael , 45c ; "Cut Unto , ' ' 21'c ' ; "Oh , My , " 2Vc ; Viper Heidsick , C4e6. ; . S. . afiV. Toimvo SvoKis-o Catlln's Meerschaum , 3lo ; Catlin's Olet Style. 23c ; Sweet Tip Top , Kc ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Hod , White and Blue , ISO. ISO.Jcu.ir.s - 0-lb palls , S1.25Wl.50. SU.T Per bbl In cm-load lots , ? 1.10. ! Koi'i : Seven-sixteenths , O'jC'1" ' * ' - C\NDY Mixed , t > ( e ' < )11c ) ; stlelc , liQ.l } e. PICKI.KH Medium' , In bbls , W.Oo" ; elo in halt bbls , $ ! l.fili ; small , in bbls , $7.0J ; do in half bbls , 51.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , $3.00 ; tlo In half bbls-l.50. lleii.i.ANi ) HnuuiNos 09ii > 70c per keg. iMAi-i.i : St'OAH Hrielis 12ljC per lb. ; penny calics , 1ieil4i3 ! ( per lb. ; pure maple syrup$1.25 per gal , HitnoMR Kxtrn , 4-tin , $2.00 ; parlor , 3-tio , pnlnted hiiuellos , $2.25 ; No. 1. jsj.OO ; No. 2 , 51.1)3 ) ; heavy stable broms$4.oa ST.vm-ti Mirr.it-gloss , 5 e ; Graves' corn , Gvc ! ; Ouweeo gloss. " , Oswego \ corn. 7e. Ti\i : Japans , aoejifdo ; Gunpowder , anrft OOe- : Young Hyson , 22ifliV > c ; Oolong. BOM5ile. Pownr.u AMI Suei ) Shot-.HO ? ! ; buckshot , $1.55 ; Hnrnrel powder , kegs , $5.00 ; half he-gs. S..i5 ; ont'-fourtlis. $1.50 ; blasting icegs , $2.35 ; fuses , 100 ft. , 45tf7."e. ( Uiri\in : : LAUD Tierce , 7Vt 411-lb seuaro | cnns , 7'Ye50lb ; round , be' ; 20-lb round , S'se ' ; 1'J-lb ' pails , Slac.5-Ib : ; pails , SJ < j'c ; 3-lb palls , PiM viMie > x < < Hums , llfrjll' c ; breakfast bacon , lO tftlOJjc ; bncon sides , Wc'i'.je : dry salt , SUO' 'c ; shoulders , 7 j'lSldrieel ' ; l-eejf , S'-aC ' lltf. Uitir.n FIIUIT Apples , bbls. , new , ' .fs- cvaporiitcel , Sjiiio , ( ! ; blackberries , ovnpo rntO'l , II'- ! ) ! , ; pitted cherries , 2 ( > ( ii21c ; peaches , HaitUako jS.evnponited , IIJ C" l-.c ; poelcil pene-hcs , 2S ( 21)c ) ; ovuporuted niparcd , irel7c ( : new currants , 7n.7'4 ' ; prunes , ? ( ( ! . ' : citron , 23VMc ( ! ; raisins , ' 'al- ifornin. Loiielou lave.iv , $ > - . > .00i ( 2.(0 ( ; Cali- feirulu looiei muse-atcls , S1.7ltfil.SO ( ( ; now Vu- lonuln , ' . . , CvxJtKi' ! iJtuin * Oyster * . No. 2 Standa-il , pur cnso , $3 -JOvt.iO ( : ; -strawberries , 2 Ibs. per c.sc : , f2.int2.40 ; ( ) ; rj .spberrie' , 2 Ibs , , j > cr cii e , 5U.i2.)0 ! ( : ) ; Cu.ifornia pe sr , per case- , $1.0C'Of.70 ; : apricots , jier ca o. $1.21) ) 1' ) ! . ! ! ( ) ; Califoniin ) i ineheo , ) ) o\ ' ease , 5 50 5.ii'i ; Cal- ifui niu whiti cherr cs , per mse , $3.SiC'li'0 ( ) ( ; California pjuitis pur caso. 4.- ( ) ; , 4 7 > > ; No. 2 blueberries. ' . ' Ibs. per I'UBO , ! ? l.l'iHn2 ' ( ) i ; 1'itio npplos , 2 lb. per case , $ : .25 ( i .4b ( ) ; 1 lU. salmot.- | per do/ . , Jl.'Oo * l.'O ' ; 2 lb gooseberries , per e-nse , $2.10 ( $ ; . : ; 2 lb , ttiruiiK bcians , pet- case ? , ? 1.75 ( > i.su--S lb. marrow fnt peas. $2.00 ( < e2.75 ; 2 lb. canly. Juno pears , $2.40t2.iO ( ! ( ; 3 Ibr tomatoes , $ i.2i < vt2.40 ; 2 lb. I'oni..Uec i.-l I. Citii-KiUi < , U\KKS , ETI- . Prices subject to clmn'KO. Setla ) , 5o ; felly gooelm , 7c ; soda snowtiako ( in tifls ) , lUo odti roueiy , O'etc ; sotia wivfors ( in tlnsvllhsoelu ; /ephyrs. Sc ; vity Oistor.ic ( ! ; uxcelsior , 7c ; farina oyster , ic ; trem oyster , tic ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl pystor , Oc ; pit'iilc , 5c ; snow drop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; 15ostrm , .Sc ; Omaha butter , 7c ; sawtooth butter , O fe ; ci-.icker meal , 5 } c ; . rahuii ) , St ; : Kraliam wafers , lOo ; graham wnfers in pouiiel pack ages , 12 , ' c ; liarel bread , 5c ; milk , 7Jjc ; oat meal , be ; eiat meiil w.tfet-H , lec ! ; oat meal wa fers m pound packages , 12'jc ; animals , lie ; liolivur ginger ( rnunuV ) 7c ; civam , Sc ; Corn- hill , lOo ; cnicknejlls , Hie ; frot-ted cream , 8J o ; ( 'ingcr snaps , SiBiti ; ur snaps ( city ) , lie ; home maelo ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; home tniielu glugcr snups , (1-lb cans ) iier elozen , $2.50 ; lemon creams , So ; pretzels ( hand made ) , llJic ; assorted cikos and Jumbles , llj c ; ussortcel lingers , I5tiiflornoon tea ( in tins ) , per box , $7.U ( ) ; banana fingers , Me ; butter jumbles. HJ.c ; Urunswick , 15c ; brandy s > imps , 15o ; chocolate drops ( new ) , lUe : chocolate wafers , 15o ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) per elozen. 94.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 1-lc ; cott'co cake , 12e ; Cuba jumbles , ll'ijc ; cream puffs , 3llc ; egg jumbles. 113./C- ginger drops , lie ; honey jumbles , HKc ; jelly lin gers , 15e ; jelly wafers , 15e ; jcliv tart ( new ) , ! . " ) ' ; lady llDgors , 13c ; vanilla bur , 14c ; va nilla vwii'ors , 14c ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen ] ) ackagcs In a box. per dozen , $2.50. All gootls pncketl lit cans U- per lb advance except snovvliake and wafer soda , which are packctl only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb paper boxes , jC par lb ndv'tinrc ; all other goods Ic per II ) uelvane-o. Soda In 1-lb paper boxes , Ic per lb advance. Tiio 2-lb boxes arc packed in case * holding IS in a caso. The 2- Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in u case. The 4-lb boxes are ) pat-keel in cases holding 30 in a case. One-lb gralmm and ont- meal wafers parlc > d 2 do.in a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 7flu. Cans for wafer boda , $3.00 , not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda , $5.00 per doz. Tin cases with gins * face to display the goods , 75c each. No charges for packages except for cans and returnable goods. Glass fremt tin cans and "snowflako" soda cans arei returnable at prices charged. Try OeioOfi. PIIISTS SOLID Counts Atlantic , Oo ; Slater , fi'.j'c ; llerlin oil , OWc ; Garner oil , d(4 7c. PISH AXD Itemr.s Kie'hmonel , OJ < c ; Al len , 0'v'c ; River Point , 5e ; Steel Kivor , Oo ; Uichmonel , Oc ; Pacific. 0'ijC. ' Isnieio HiA'i : Washington , G'fi- ' : Century , digo bltio prints , He ; American , li'c ' ; Arnold , ( i o ; Arnold H , 10 > ; c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 } < e ! ; Diti'.ss Charter Oak , "c ; llamapo , 4' < Jc ; Uodl , 5c ; Allen , ( ic ; Uie-hmond , ( ! e ; Windsor , OKc ; Eddystono , 0)4c ; Put-ilic , 0-ic ! , HATTB Standard , lie ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12 > 8'c ; Hayonno , 14c ; H , cased , S9..V ) . CAiti'1-.T WAIIIUibb , white , 19c ; colored , s Pablo oil cloth , 82.85 ; plain Holland , S 4fiUse ( ) ; Dado Holland , L'ejMFomuns $ o.0f'3..oo. ( ) Hi.nKcnni ) SiiiiinTStiUerklcy cambric No. 00 , .I'li'e ; Ucst Yet , 4-4 , 0fc , butter cloth , OO , 4J. < c ; Cabot , 7 , ' c ; Farwell , S > c ; Fruit of Loom. H'-ic ' ; Frccno G , 0 ; Hope , 7 c ; King Philip cambric , lie , Lonsdalu , ll' c ; Loiibdala , % c\ \ Now Vork mills , lOJi'c ; Pep- pcroll , 4'Mn. , lie ; Pcpperell , 40-in. , UV ; Pep- poroll , 0-4 , lOc ; 1'i'ppcrall ' , b-l,21c : Pcipurcll | , ! M. 2les : ; Prpporcll , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-1 , 6i' ! | ; Canton , 4-4 , d'.G ; Triumph , Oc ; Wain utta , lOc ; Vullny , 5c. OISOHAM Plunkctt checks , 7l < ? ej ; Whitton- ton , "i c ; York , 7J-Jc ; Normaneli dress , bjjc ; Calcutta dross , h } c ; Whit tendon diess , b , ' o ; Konfrew dress , s C"12'ii'c. TICKS Luwiutun , J * in. , 12Wc ; I ewiston , 33 ill. . 13' < ; c ; Yorkin. ! . , 14c ; Swift river , 7)i-'c ) : Thormlyko , OO , 8 } ; Thornelyko FF , R'JcTliorudykciiao ; , 9j < fc ; Tliorndyko XX , 15e' ; Cordis , No. S , 'JJ 'c ; Cordis , No.I , lie. li.NlMS Amoskeag Uo / ! , lOc ; Everett , 7-03. , lie ! ; York , 7-oz. , ISJ o ; Hiiymai-ltet , bj..e ; Joftrey , XX , ll' ' c ; Jalirey XXX , 12 > ; c ; Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Hcuver Creek 1JU , lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc. FI.ANSKUS Pluiel Ilaftsman , 20c : Gosecn , 31xc ; Clear Luke , y2ie ; Maplei City , OMe. Whito-G H No. 3 , X , 21o ; C H No. 1 % , 0c ; Qucuhcr , No. 1 , M , 2c ; Qucclier. No , 2 , Hi ! . 'TK ' " . ; .Quwli * . Na.4 , 9. , , ) . Annwnn , la f , Windsor , ! i > icHedXC. ; " ' . _ . E 24-in , 21c ; GO , VM-ih , 16c liilAl ; , % , 25o , % ; , - " . -njc. _ . CitAbii Stevens' 13. Oo ; blcaclied , 7o ; Stevens' A , 7kc ; bleached , 8 } < c ; Stevens' P , Wo ; bleached , O e ; Stevens' N , " " - bleached , lOJ c ; Stevens' S H T , niMnxsioss AND TIMBER. ll\i Alk0 < No. 1 corn , s 1 , .f 18.50 I No. 3 com , a 1 s.$15.f > 0 No. 2 com , s 1. . 17.00 I No. 4 com , s 1 s. . 13.50 FKXCISG. No , I , 4.0in 13 & 14 ( t , rough ? 10.50 No. 1 , " 1G . " ,10.50 No. 2 , " ' 14 " 10.50 No. 2 , " ' 18 " < . . 16.00 Who U TVVAK , ? TERTCIM. ? DEniMTA * TKlt. who Iq htl roi.l.Y snd 1ONO A NCE hU VlCUIIlof UODY , drain It upon the FOUNTAINS of I.iri ; , HKAnAliUr. BACKACHE , trradi\il Dreuunt , WEAKNBMH of Memory , ItASII. FULTfESS In HOOIETT , IMMl'l.tfi upon the FA < : K. undnllthc EFFECTS IpKillmMn BAUI.Y DKCAT d rrh M CONSUMP. TION nr INNANI1 V , should consult nt unco the CKl'EIIUATED Lr. Onrkn. K tnhll h.1 iKM. tf Clurko ha tnarte nEHVUl'N IK- nlf.lTV. 'HHON'IC and nil Diseases of the QF.MTO vniXAItT Orzans A Ufa Wndy. It m ke WO elllTerenco WHAT you tA p tixkon nr > vno bus fMlcd to cure you. . . UBr to their tez can consult with the usuranco at speed j relief and euro. Send 2 cents pcstago for works on your dl ceuei. ? 03"0cnd 4 ce < nU postnue for t'clobrnlpel Wort < on Chronic , norvout nud > ) cli cn"o Iiisc-A es. Corjullfitloti. pc-notiH\y ! or by titter , free. Consr.U the Iel Iloolor. VhnnsanM4 cnrcd. OtTlcruand nnrlnrii private.Thnso contoniplatlne MarrUuo e ud for Dr. Clnrkc'n cclt'brntod guMe Mnlc and r > ni lp , ench 15c. , both c. ( ttnuipi ) , Bcfotti confldlng your case , consult Dr. OI.AMUK. A friendly letter or fall may uvc future suacrlngntid ibauic , and edd coldcn years to life. * * Bcok "I.in-'d ( Ptt-rct ) KP- rura , " 50o. ( slsmps ) . Medleltic ntul wrllltiRS Mnt everywhere , tocuro from -iio ui'c. noun , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 tn 12. Atltlrcti , P. D. OLABKH , M. D. J.OQ 50. ClsrlC St. . CUIOAUO , ILL. Dn.B. 0. WEST'S Nr.nvr. AND HKAIW MEM' , n gitierantped oivclllc for llyett'rla , . ness , Couriilslons. l Its , Ncrvom Neuralgia , Heatlaelie. Nervous 1'rostratlon. cat.aecl by tlio tiKoof nlceholor tobacco. Wokcfit'newt. Mental l cpr"slou , i-oftcnlns of the Ilraln , resultliiB In Insanity , nntl leatilnc ; to tnlncrv , decnjmitl dputli. rrctiiature Old Ape , Ilarrenncss , Loss of TownIn olther sex. Involuntary I.osoes nntl Spennatorlucn caujetl l > y over-exertion eif the brain , self-nbugo or over-lnelulRence. Knch box rontatiiM one month's treatmest. H.M n box , or six boxes for J-i.oo , sent by mnil prepaid ou ro- cclptof price. WB ODARANTBK SIX UOXE8 To euro any caso. With o.ich order received by n.i for six tioxes , accompanied with ti.OO , wo will cenel tlio purchasur our written guarantees toJefundtho money If the treatment elocsnot effect a cure. Guarantees Issucel only by O.K. liOODMAN. Dniijiilst , Bolo Agent. lllO Faruara Ktw , t Opurn Vfcl > UNAtOUAlNTtO WITH THE CtCOnAPHr OF 1HC COUNTRY Vllll OBTAIN fL'CM INFORMATION fROM A STUDf CP THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLARD fi P&GIFIC R'Y Ito > ue\ln lines and branches include CETJCAao , PEOIUA , MOLINE , HCCK ISLAND. DAVEN- POHT. DEB MOINED , COUMCH , BLTTITB , MUa- CATINE , KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH. LEAV- ENWOIlTn , ATCHIBON. OEDAK HAPID3 , WATEHLOO , jMINNEArOLIS , end BT. PAUL , and ecorco of IntoricccJiRto cities. Cholco oJ routes to nuU from the Pacillc Coast. All trana- fero in Union depots. Fact trains of rino Dr.y Ooacbca , elegant Dining Cars , tnagniflccu. Pull- men Palace Blacpors , and ( betwocn Chicago , St. Jooeph , Atchlsoa and Kansas City ) neclinlnc Cbnir Cars. Boats Frao. to holders of through flrot-claEH tlclceta. Chicago , IConsas & Nebraska R'y "Groat Rock Island Routo. " KxtendB West and Southwest from Kanoaa City and St. Joceph to NELSON. HOBTON , . 3ELIB- VILLE , TOPEKA. HEIUNOTON , WICHITA , HUTCHINBON , CALDVrELI. . and all points hi KAN8A3 AMD SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and beyond. Entira pass uAcroQUlpment of tlio celebrated Pullman inanufacturo. All aafaty ap- pliancee and modern improvements. The Famous Albert Loa Route la the favorite between Chicago. Hock Island , Atchison , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St. PauL Itu Watertowu branch travereeo tlio great "WHEAT AMD DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Soutbwcc-tcm Mlnnepota , and Ecct Central Dakota \7atertovm. . Spirit Lake , BIcux FaKu and many othei to\vna and cities. The tbort Line via Bcnocu and Kankakea offcrg Bupcvior facilities to travel to and from Indian- UjioliB. Cincinnati and other Southern points. For Tk6tB , Haps , l"c Iders , or desired Informa tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket ocico or mldrcBa E. ST. JOHN , I' . A. HOLBROOK , Qcn'l Jttauascr. Ocn'l Tkt. & PO33. Act. CHICAGO , U. S. DEFOSITOHY , OUAHA , NEB. Paid Up Cnpitnl . $2. ' 0,000 Hurplus . 50,000 H. W. YATKS" . President. Lr.wis S. ItKKD , Vice President. A. 13. Tou7.Ai.ix.ml Vice Preslilont. W. II. S. HuniiK.s , Caslilo W. A' . Moitsu , JeiisS. COM.INS , 11.V. . VATKS , I.KWIS S. HKUD , A. K. T Hanking Olllre THE IRON BANK , CorniT 12th nnd l-'nrnum Pts. A General llunklnBlluslncssTransacted COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION JS7S. Noa. 3O3-4O4-I70- . THS MOST PBBPBOT OP PENS. Are the Best , IN THU USSUNTIAh lU'AI.ITIKH OV Durability , Evenness of Point , and Workmanship. Samples fnr trial of 12 different ptylcn br mill , on rcewll'tof ' JO ce-iil in vtuurii. Ask lorcanl .No. a IVISOH , BUKEMftH & CO , , WF & . .it. I-.H.MEB. N I' . HlniHA.V. J. II. 1II.AMIUIID. PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Office lloom 24 , Oiipojlte Kichunifu llulldlnn , rjnloa _ 1-toc'k Vardii , Houtli Uiunun , Neil ) . Live Stock Commission Merchants , Vhrkct ( uriilthetl free on application. Ctorkcn nnd fccdern furnisltfcil on ijood teriu * . Itutcreneeseinii * ha National Hank iintl rtoutU Ownhu National , Union Stock iVrdl , boutu Oiuaha. SORI MER.V/ESTERFIELpiSi MALEV Live Stock Commission , Room 15 , Kicbaniio llulldlnit , Union Etoek Varil . boutu Omaha , Nub , ALEXANDER & FITCH. Commision Dealers in Live Sock , , Opiu lta EichaniKi ilulldlnv , Union Stock Yardi.buutU Oinaba.Neti. _ UNION STOCK YARDS CO7 , Of Omaha , Limited , . . .Bwel.Bmortutcndcnt. OMAEiJOBBEfDIBEGW _ Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural IfflpleiMnl $ , aps , Cfirrlscci find IliisKlf. .Iron Stwt.betwcou&thiind _ IDth.Omstin , N _ LININGErT& M ETCS\LF CO. , A ricnlturalIniil6inGnls ) , apflsCarriages , , Ktc. Wholesale. Omaha , Nebraska , PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , \Vliolp. lo llo li > r < In Agricultural Implements , Wagons&Buiies 001 , ( W , fffi n > } W7 Jones Street , Oman * . _ ' P. P. MAST &c67 ' Manufacturers of Bnoieye Drills , Sscte , CultlvMnm , llnj ItnVix , Odor Jnllln and I.ubttn 1'ul- _ TCrltcr . _ Cor.l < tn Sful Nicholas ytrocU. VV I N ON A I'M P LER1 IE N T cf O . , WllOlC All Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies Comer lllh and Nlf holns Streets. OMAHA IlllAXCIt. J. F. SEIUERLING A : CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Macliiiicry anil Binder Twine , \V. II. Mca.l.Manajef. . 121.1 l.onvpnwnrlh t. , Omaha. MOUINE.MlLBURN&STODDARDCo Mnmifiicturtrsand Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc , Cor. SHIinnl I'nclllc streets , Omnha.Ncb. Artists' Materials. " A HOSPE. Jr. , Artists' ' Maicrials , Pianos and Organs , 1.M3 loujlr. ) ! < Street , Onnhn , Nebraska. _ Boots and Shoos. _ KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , OJucciwr * to Heed , Joues A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoos AKunts lur Ili tnn llubncr tjheio Co. 1KB , 1IQ1A ; HIM _ llniiH'j' M. . Omaha. Niitirn.ikn. W. V. MORSE & CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , 1103-UOo Douclnn Bt.Omnlm Manufactory , Sum mer Si. IUMUIU Booksellers and Stntlonprs. " " " " H."M. &V. vv."JONES , Succcssorsto A. T. Kenyan i Co. , WholvMlo Altctnll Booksellers and Stationers , Kino Wedding Stntlimery. Cimiinvrclnl ftalloncrj. lJ'-3 Doitfins Street. Oumlin , Neb. Coffooa , Splcoa , Etc- _ " CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Oninlm Co fee ami fplco Mill' . Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , KlarurltiR llxtrncte , Laundry HlUn. Inks , Ktc. Ull- 141-1 llnrnov yirt'i-t. OniiiliH. Xptirmka. Crockery and Claoswaro- " w. u . WR IGHT. Apcnt for Hit-Manufacturers and Importers of Crofcy , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. OUl ce , 317 S. 13tb fct. , Omaha. Nebraska. PERKINS. CATCH & LAUMAN , InDor.i'rs ; anil Jobbers of Glassware , Lamps , Silierware Ktc. l.lll Knrnam St. , New I'uxton IhilldliiB. Commission and Storage- RIDDELL& RIDDELL" Storage and Commission Merchants , lcsnnttpr , F.avf , Clii'C'p. I'n-.iltry , Game , 1112 llowiml Street. Omaha. CEO. SCHROEDER & . CO. , successors to Xlcfiliane & Schrocilcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FA1RBHASS. Wbole ale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Coiniiiision Merchant. Correspondence1 sollollpd. 1011 North ICth MreclUmah'i , Net' . _ Con ! , Coke and LI mo. OMAHA COAU COKE sT LIMlT' Jootos of Hard and Soft Coal , SKI South nth Street , Onmhn , Kebratkn. J. J. JOHNS pr& co. . Mannfacturcrs of Illinois White Lime , nilplilmier * of Coal , Cokr , Ooirient. I'laitcr. I.lin Drain Vile , anil Sewer t'l | > e. Ofllci < . Paxum Hotel , 1'Hriiam Ht. , Uuiulia , Neb. Tvluphonc 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coie , 514 Houtli ir.tli St..Onmha , Neb. Dry Goods and Hotlona. M. E SMITH & CoIT Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaba , Neb. K1LPATRICK-KOCH DRYCOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions Gouts' Furnishing Gondt. Corner llth and Sin. . Uaialia. Ni'trui > l.a. Furniture. DEWEY 4 STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Knrnum Street. Omaba. Nebraika. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Ouiuba , Nebraska. Crocorioa. P A X T O N . "cA LlTA C H E R kCO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 7W , T07 , ; m anJ 7110 , lOtb Ft , , Omaha , Neb. MoCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , } Hi nnd Leuvcnworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Harclvvnro. LEE , CLARKE. ANDRnESEN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , MutulH , Sheet Iron , etc. .AKenU for flowe Bciilos , Jliaml I'pwdiT nnd l.yman Ilurbeil wlro , Omuhu , Mubraskiu HIMEBAUCH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and tlurfalo Hcalea , It03 Douglai titrect , Umnliii , Nebranittt. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , IDthand HarncrBts. , Omaha , Nob. Wvitrrn AB for Autllii Powder C < i. , Jcller on Steel Nails , Kalrlank btanilunl hcalfs. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , Wholesale Manufacturers of Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. HOI , It'll an.l . l rr llnruuy Ht. , Omaha , Nebraska. JHoavy Hardwar , ' w. J.'BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Woiion Stock. Hardware , I.umbor , Ktc. I'M. und 1211 llarnuy Htrcet , Omaha. _ ' w. L.'PARROTTE & , co. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 lUrncy BtreeU Omaha. Neb. Office Fixtures. _ _ _ TIIK FlMMONIISMANUr'ACTUIUNU CO. ManiilacUreri of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantlet. frUlctiunrJi , Hook Caiet. Drug llstures.Wal Ca c , ruit.tions. ItalllniisCounter * . liuernndWInc Coulcrn. Mlrruri.ete I netur ; mid omrf , I'i'M und n * boulu Ulti til. , Oiiiahu. Tetvpiwutf l\U- \ 'dhlTWaiMrfr-iiift- OMAHA LUMBlitco' . 7 All Kinds of Building : Material at Wholesale lt l Street nd ( Jjlon retclflc Track , Oman * . , LOUIS BRADFORD ] Dealer in Lnmlicr , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , lite. Yards-Corner th nntl Dourfl&il Comet flth nml IKiUfilnft. C. N. DIETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , ISttirun ! Californls PlreotJ. Omaha , Nebra V . - FMED Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner Mb ivn.t Douctas SU-Onrnhd. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER C077 To Dealers Only , Offlfc , tliO Varnnm f trept. Omaha , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Importeil and American I'orllniul t'cmsnt. Stall ARCIU for Mlln-nnken llilranllc Ceuien" and QuliicyVhlto I .line. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood LuniDcr , Wood Carpets ami Parquet Kloorlnir , Mb. anil tin"ti Nollons. ryillllnory nnd _ _ " " " " " " * j. OBERFELDER A Co" Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions ! V < , ; ) | n and 213 South lltb Ovornlla , _ _ _ _ _ . MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'nnU , Shirts , Rtc. llinnnd 1101 Douxlat Strcot , Omahn * Neb. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 410 iinil r , Be nth 10th Ht , , Omaha. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle ( Ireasc , Ktc. , Omaha. A. II. lllshop. Mananef. VINYA'RD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' FnmisWng Goods , lll llnrney Ptreot. Omaha. Paintsjjnd "CUMMINGS & NELSON , Wholesale Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Gte , Etc , lllfi Farnam Stroet. Omaha , Neb. Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CC. . WliolcsalB Paper Dealers , Cnrrr n nice itocK of I'rtntliiK. Wrapping ami Writing ! l'nf r. HpuclKl attention itiron to car load or.lfri.'Vjl T Pan ° r Boxos. " * j'OHN LW1LTKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Xe . 1317 and 1310 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROV t , CO. , WholesaleManur .ctiircrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Brunch UfflcU , IStli and Izard Btreota , Omaha , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blin3stl V-ulilliins , SlnlrWork nml Interior Hnrrt Wood He ! ii. N. U. Corner Hth unil I.t'uvunwureU blrcctsI ejiiiahu. JSeb. " OMAHA PLANlTJC MILL CO. . i Majafoctarers of Monlfling , Sasli , Doors/ / ] And llllnili , Turnlne , fitalr-woilt. Hunk nnd Ofllco FIW tliiju. * ueh aod 1'opylcton Avrnue. i\ \ Prlntors" Matorlals. "WESTERN NEWspAPER UNToN , Auxiliary Publishers , Pvalcrsln Typo. I'ri'"os nnd l'iInters' SuDDllcs. Ml &outti IZtli Strt'et. OiuHhn. Rubber Goods. M OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber i 311 Clutlilns nail I.oMlicr Uoltlni ; . KKM Knrimm Ktroat. ' Sto rn Httings , Pumps , Etc. , A. L. STRANG CO. , Piiiups , Pipes and Engines , EtO. CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. . Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ' 3tcam and Water fitippllcn. TTpadqiiRrtrrie for Ma t , Kumt A Cu'it KQuUn. 1111 farimm Ht. , Omuliu. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. . " Steal ana" Water Supplies , ll&lllclur Wind > IIII . 018 nnd KS1 Fnrnam Bt. , OmiuhmJ H. K lto t , Acting Manager. , Boilers and General Sheet Iron Work Htenm Pmnpi , Haw MIMi. Il3-121i Lcnvenworth Htrout. Omnlm. Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL A CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Cll and (113 ( Jones Strict Omaha. Storage , Forwarding & CommlBBlonj H ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Id Storage , Forwarding and Commission , kl Drttnch hoiiyo nf the Unimex Ilimgy Co. Iliiciil MUolesalc ttutl rctnll , ItM 131l ( iil 1.112 Uurd htru Oninlm. 'i'tluplionu Ni.7CO. k i Srnoke Stacks , Dollora , Etc. " H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacte- UrltcUlufn , Tiinku itiul Ccne'reil Holler ItoualrtUE. llli IHiilgo Btrcot.Umiiliii.Neti. Drowora. > STORZ& ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 Notth ISIutbtoeutb fctreet. Oinalm. Kch. Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice- , John Epunetor. I'rniirictor. ICU Doiltd uud lUluntl lui Nuilhllrth airlift. e > nialia. Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS. Carter [ i too , i'rop'a. Mmiufacturcru of nil klndi Steam Boilers , Tan'is ' and Sliest Iron Worlfc Work > Houtli SOlli nnd 11 , A M. Crotdnf. J'AXTON & VIKHU.NO IIIO.V WOIIKS. V/rouglit / ana Cast Iron Building Worfc ; HntMncs , llrami Worli Qoncrnl 1'oumlry , llHOtilncuml Uluckiiultli Work. uilUe unrt W < irkn , U. 1' , It/ , unil Uih stri-i'l. Umtilia. ' " OMAH"A WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Detk IlnllVlnilow OunriU. Flower HI IKVlra | Elgin. Etc. Ill Nortli If eh bind , eimulia. OMAIHA S"AFE and IRON WORKS. Man'frs ' of Fire &Bnrglar Proof Safes' raults.Joll Work , Irnimnd Wire Kdiiclnif , Hlgtu. Kt , U. Andrcuo. I'rup'r Cor , llth unil Jacktuu BU. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKfJ Irou and Wire Fences , Railings , Guard * and Pcrcani , ( or bunk ) , unicri.iturco. raildunro.oto. ImuniTud Awnlnin , I ockn'nlili ' .Machinery uul lllui'ktinlih Wurkt. Vllbuutu HIUHt. ' -rvrEAOHER Jk LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time locU ( icnrru ) AL' ' ' ' 'e > r Ihobold fntu A I ck l'o. ' Tuulta aud Jail \Yutk , Hli Faruau Wtrttt , Ouaht.