Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Cnrrlcr In Any Pftrtof the City nt
T cntr Cents I'er Week. . „ . _ _
Nr. E. No. 4.1.
NlQIlT EDlTOK , No. 23.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Now spring goods nt Keller's.
A permit for a t'JOO residence was Issued
yesterday to Mrs. E. O. Armon.
The Baldwin block is having Its Interior
rejuvenated by painters nnd pnperers.
Gcorgo J. Springer nnd Maggie L.ipkc ,
both of Omalm , were married nt'Squire
Scliurz onico yesterday.
A marrlago llccnso was Issued yesterday
to Asmus Thompson and Mlsa Mlnnlo Topp ,
both of this county ,
Thrco new saloons have been added to the
list of these recently established. Two are
on Broadway and ono on Main street.
The llower festival to Vo given nt the par
lors of the Congregational church this evenIng -
Ing has been postponed until next Monday
evening. Q
In one of the corners of Falrmount park
yesterday there was to bo seen nn empty
beer keg nnd n broken suttco. Some ono had
evidently celebrated the Fourth In the shade.
John Epcrson lost a valuable horse
Wednesday afternoon. The iinnhnal slipped
down the bank Into the Pettlbone ditch , und
in trying to extricate himself ho broke his
The little nouso which has been used by
the superintendents during the construction
of the government building is to bo sold to
the highest bidder , sealed bids to be re
ceived up to July 0.
On account of high water nnd the celebra
tion work 1ms been suspended for a few days
on the new Broadway bridge , but was re
sumed yesterday. It will now be uubhed
along with usual vigor.
John Bog. n hack driver In the employ of
W. 11. Martin , was thrown from his vchiolo
al the initiator last evening und seriously in
jured , The cause of this accident was u
slight obstruction in thu street.
A meeting of the members of the Pacific
hotel syndicate it called for to-night at the
ofilco of the Porogoy & Moore to endeavor to
secure n reduction of thu price asked for tntit
r property from S33.0JO to fy2,500.
A horse belonging to John Stelder was
overcome by heat Wednesday afternoon and
went blindly Into thu house of James Multi-
son , smashing out a window and creating
general havoc. Ho was confined before ir
remediable damage- was done.
Emma , the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Bummcrmuster , died at iliu family
residence , 250 Washington uvenue , Wednes
day evening , aged BOVCU months. The fu
ooral occurred at 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon and wus largely attended.
Thofuneralof "Auntlo" Maxfleld , ono of
the oldest residents of the city , took place
at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the
Saint's church. The deceased was seventy-
eight years of ago , and had resided on Pierce
street for several years preceding her death.
Johnson's fruit store on Broadway nar
rowly escaped burning on Wednesday night.
A lot of fireworks piled on n display board
in front caught llrcd and scattered blue lire ,
children and consternation in every direc
tion. Prompt action prevented a fire.
The gas company is erecting a new gas
ometer at the gas works. It is to bo double
I the size of the old one. Quito an excavation
has already been made , and the work is
II' going on rapidly. The change probably
means cheaper gas , as the company cannot
hope to renew their charter at the present
fabulous prices for gas.
Two sons of F. E. Hongland , while driving
on Pearl street last evening , collided with a
dray , nnd the horse they wcro driving tore
loose from the buggy nnd ran down Fifth
avcnuo. The buggy wus considerably dam
aged , but the occupants escaped unhurt ,
llio horbo was stopped In a short distance ,
and wus found to bo uninjured ,
Mr. Stephens of Omaha , who was form
erly interested in the McClurg cracker fac-
tpry , has brought an interest in the fruit
and candy establishment of which Mr. .Du
quette has been sole proprietor. Mr. Steph
ens Intends moving to this side with his fam
ily nnd glviug his personal attention to the
At the roll call yesterday nt the police sta
tion all the regular boarders were absent and
their places were filled by proxys. J. Ban
ister , Ouster , John Symington and S. S.
Chandler plead guilty to the possession of u
Fourth of July thirst und were fined for ap
peasing It iu the wrong way. The latter con
tributed $7.00 and the others fS.10 each.
'Squire Biggs celebrated the Fourth tying
knots. In the course of twenty-four hours
ho had thrco weddings. The happy couples
wore : J. iCeigenfus , of this city , and May
Pomcroy , of Wnkoma , la. ; Pingrco Saul
nnd Carrie K. Brabham , both of York. Neb. ;
Thomas Hogcrs und Luviim Saucr , both of
Fremont county.
There is an unusually largo number of
crooks in the city , and the pollco have spe
cial instructions to bo on the lookout for mid
night prowlers. It is claimed that the lot of
thugs , burglars and crooks following thoraces
races Is the toughest over seen in this city.
Citizens should bo very careful to see that
everything is secure , unless they desire to
wake up in the morning to find a ransacked
The motor trains carried nearly thrco
thousand people from this city to Lake Man-
awti and return on the Fourth , It was nearly
thrco o'clock on thu morning of the Oth be
fore thcso wcro all brcugbt back. Orders
have been sent to St. Louis for timber to re
pair the broken cur , and it will bo ready for
business again us soon ns possible. Ono
train was making hourly trips as usual yes
An unknown man was prostrated by the
heat last night on the street. The patrol
wagon was called for , but the cranky indi
vidual having it in charge refused to send it.
An alderman made u second request for the
city wugon , but met with refusal on the
ground that ho hud no authority to call for
its use. A public conveyance had to bo se
cured to remove the unfortunate to the pollco
One of the boarders at the Kiel house had
never Indulged in any of thcso modern sort
of fireworks , although ho hud seen a good
many of them. This year ho toolt n hand
himself. Bo selected a good sued sky
rocket , und , Holding Jinnly to the stick , pro
ceeded to light it , and then to twirl it us
though It was n ronmu candle. Bo had
noticed folks firing things thut way , and
was so confident that ho was handling it
right that the surprise wus immense when
the sky-iocket went whizzing away into the
sky , the stick zipping through his lingers ,
leaving a tingling blister thu whole width of
the bund.
As ono of the motor trains was returning
from Manawa Wednesday evening , one of
the lady passengers fainted. A guileless
newspaper man was sitting near her , und
used his fan vigorously to bring her to. See-
liigu ruddy roinptcxloncd gentleman in the
next scat , ho thought it quite likely there
must bo somu whiskv In the vicinity , nnd
turning to thut individual , ho demanded in u
stage whisper : ' "Avoyougot your bottle I"
The party addressed happened to bo ono of
the most decided prohibitionists In the city ,
and the blushes deepened on his rubicund
countenance , while a look of Unbounded us-
tonlhhmcnt overspread the features of the
pencil shaver , who was at a lobs to account
for the roar that 111 lea the cur ,
E , H , Shcnte loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business btrictly
conlUlontlul , Olllco 600 Broadway , cor
ner Muin btreet , up-stnirs.
Everything from a JowHhnrp to a
piano ut C. B. Music Co. , " 1 Broadway.
J.G.Tipton has bargains in rouloottito.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur-
mshinjj * of the Now Vorl : plumbing Co.
Artists prefer the Hullett & Davis
piano , at 0. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
S. U. WuiUvrorth & Co. loan monoy.
At wholesale by J , Y. Fuller , Council
Bluffs , canvassed or uncanvassed hams ,
breakfast bacon and dried beef.
DUuloii Abstract company , 230 Muln street.
Another Day of Exciting Races By
Speedy Horses on a Fine Track.
Wntcr Improvements In the Pnrk
The hlRlit Guards "Win the Scc-
oiul Prize An Insane Tour
ist Tlic Toughs.
The Ilnce1) .
The third day's ' rnccs wcro mndo under the
best conditions possible. Cool enough , nn
elegant track , everything was favorable for
good time and comfort to the spectators.
The nttcndnncovns rather light , as tnlcht
bo expected Immediately after the excite
ment and wear inc'dcnt ' to the Fourth of July.
FIRST juce.
The first race. 2:38 : trot , purse IfiOO , was
called at 2 o'clock , with the following horses
entered : Joe M. , br. p. , A.C. _ Hitchcock ,
" "
tawn , 111. i Silver Cloud , g. s. , S. N. Clement ,
Colon , Mich. ; Bay Frank , b. g. , A. Thomp
son , Omaha. Positions drawn for as fol
lows : Polo , Bambletonian Hashaw ; second ,
Bav Frank ; third , Atlas : fourth , Joe M. ;
fifth , Silver Cloud ; General Schuylcr drawn.
Bashaw sold favorite against Silver Cloud
second and the field. After thrco trials on
score tbo word was given.
First Beat Bashaw held his position
around to the back stretch , where ho broke
> adly , and before ho caught his feet Silver
31oud pressed to the front , which position ho
leld , nnd came down the stretch and under
, ho wire an easy winner in 2:30'f : ' , Atlas second
end , Bashaw third , Bay Frank fourth , Joe
M. fifth.
Second Heat The field was sent away on
the second trial. From the wire It was n
struirglo for positions between Silver Cloud
and Bashaw. The former had the polo , but
t > y ft succession of breaks on the third quar
ter lost it , and when the stretch was reached
lie had the outside. Down they cuaio neck
and neck , Cloud gaining inch by moll , and
finished half a length ahead. Following are
the positions : Bushuwsecond , Atlas third ,
Joe M. fourth , Buy Flunk Jlftli. Time
third Heat The horses were sent away
the second time they came to the wire. It
was a procession all the way around , with
Silver Cloud at the polo und leading. They
came in In this order : Silver Cloud ilrst ,
Bashaw second , Atlas third , Bav Frank
fourth , Joe M. distanced. Time 8.2 ? .
Moneys were awarded in the same order.
Thu owner of Bay Frank entered n protest
against Silver Cloud on the ground that ho
already had a record of 2:35 : nnd was not
clligiblo to enter the 2:30 : class. The pro
test was entertained by the Judges and will
receive evidence to substantiate the protest.
Following is the summary :
Hamilton Bashaw 3 2 2
BayFrunk 4 5 4
Atlas 2 3 3
JoeM 7 5 4 dls
Silver Cloud 1 1 1
Time 2:30X. : °
. - - i - >
The 2:33 : trot , purse $000 , was sandwiched
with the above. Following are the entries
and positions : Polo Plush first , Sarconnett
second , Marquis third , Matt Fisher fourth ,
Gail MeMuhon fifth. Friend Boy drawn.
Plush sold favorite in the pools. After live
trial on score the word was given to start.
First Heat Plush led from the word ,
closely followed by Sarcennett until the
three-quarter pole , when they were neck and
neck. Hero Sarcdnuett broke , but caught
quickly and came into thu stretch In beau
tiful form. The trial for homo was a pretty
exhibition of trotting , both the lead horses
neck ana neck. Within n fowiods of the
wire S.ircennett forircd ahead and passed
homo with a good lead , Plush second , Mar-
tiuis third , Matt Fisher fourth , Gall McMahon -
Mahon fifth. Tune 2:2. : % .
Second Heat Sarcennett lost his feet after
leaving the wire , which gave Plush the pole.
Ho was crowded on the third quarter by
Matt Fisher and Marquis. The struggle for
home was for blood , and finished with Matt
Fisher first , Marquis second , Plush third ,
Sarceunett fourth , Gull McMuhon dis.
Third Heat In this heat Scott McCoy was
put up behind Plush , as the Judges thought
the horse was not being driven to win. Mat
Fisher broke after leaving the wire nnd
Plush took the polo. Ho pushed to the
front , which position ho held to the finish.
The heat closed in the following order :
Plush first , Sarcennett second. Matt Fisher
third , Marquis fourth. Time 2:27)4. :
Fourth Heat When the word was given
Sarcennett was behind and broke on the first
quarter , but quickly caught his feet. The
horses bunched on the turn and held their
respective positions to the scratch. Here
Sarcennett took the outside and came down
in beautiful shape. The finish was made in
the following order : Plush first. Matt
Fisher second , Snrccnnctt third , Marquis
fourth Time 2:2SJ : .
Fourth heat Aftcc scoring four times
the horses were given the word. Plush led
from start to finish. Sarcennett broke at the
wue nnd fell back to fourth place. Ho
passed Margins at the quarter pole and Matt
Fisher at the half , and when the three-quar
ter polo was reached ho was ready to take
the pole from Plush. Hero ho loft his fcol
again und fell to third place , but recovered
and pulled up to bocund place at the wire.
Time , 2:30. :
I' 2 3
Plush 2 3 1
Sarceunett 1 4 2
Marquis 3 2 4
Mutt Fisher 4 1 3
Gull McMahon ' . . . .5 distaucei
Time , 2:25J : $ . 2:21) : ) , 2:2 : ; > f.
PltKK-roU-lLli I'ACINO.
The free-for-all pacing , purse < IX)0 ) , pro\0 (
to bo the race ot the day. Positions wcro
drawn us follows : Toledo Girl ] K > le , Honesty
second , Jewell third , Htlliu Hunker drawn
It was un oven start , but Honesty broke
badly on the first quarter and lost his place
Jewell forged ahead from the first and led to
the wire. Toledo Girl second , Honesty
third. Tane2:219 : < .
Second heat The horses got away well to
cethcr , but Toledo Girl lost her feet Jus
after leaving the wire. Honesty took sccoiu
place and held it to the close ot the heat
Thu homes passed the wlro as follows : Jew
ctt first , Honesty second , Toledo Girl third
Time 2:20J/ : .
Third heat This was simply a repetition
of the first heat from start to finish. Jewel
leading , Toledo Girl second. Honesty
third. , Time 2:22 : , ' . Following is the
Toledo Girl 231 ,
Honesty 333
Jewott Ill
2:2) : . 2:8rtJ4' : . 2:22 : } < ,
A chariot race , three-fourths milo dash
between Mies Uabrr and Miss Williams was
sundwitchcd between the last two trotting
heats. Miss Huber won in 1 : S8) ) < , Mr , But
ler Is to bo congratulated upon his selection
of ladies to drive his thoroughbreds and
Council HlufTs on securing such an attrno-
Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtolo.
It I'nya for Kverybody ,
I Imvo an unusually Inrgo stock of
pant ood.s on hand which 1 want to run
oil' . I will make ai > punts from thisdato
for $5.00 ; iibual price $10.00 , This re
duction applies to all summer goods.
A. Ilurruu , 310 Broadway.
Sflccrliic Tcuolieru by Chance ,
The recent election of scnool teachers re
vives the discussion us to the peculiar meth
ods by which the elections are made. It was
hoped that there would bo a reform this year ,
but the old method wus followed out. Kach
member of thu board nominated his alloted
number of teachers , und of course no ono
would vote against the nominations made by
a brother member. It amounted , as It always
has , to each member choosing a certain num
ber of teachers.
1'veu members of the board regret that
certain tried and successful teachers Imvo
been left out this year. Tha cause of this
seems to bo the peculiar method by which
teachers aro'selected. . Kach mem
ber in turn would nominatea teacher ,
und would leave it to some ace else to nniai-
lute so mo ono eh > a. By this sort of a way it
i was discovered that when there wore only
three or four moro teachers to be elected
'licro were several times that number of old
ca > ; licrs who had not been elected. Seine
ind * ° bo frozen out.
A minority of the board urged the sclcc-
von flrsVNof such of the eld teachers ns It
was deemeiid vlinblo to retain. Then when
; hat list was < ? \nnustpil nominations were to
bo made from tbo new applicants. The
minority was soon voted down on this , and
an Indiscriminate scramble fallowed. Ttifl
result is that 80JBC.worthy teachers have
been left out , and their places giveil loin-
experienced tsnch.C.r9 ' J1 ' 3 suggested that
next year the names bomit in a bat , and
then. ( Jrown by a blindfolded lad. The se
lection w'outl uo about as wise and probably
as satisfactory ! , " *
Full line of sheet music nt Counci
Blurt's Music Co. , 5121 Broadway.
Tor Ilurqlnry.
Chief Lucas made a very quick and clever
capture of two burglars yesterday after
noon. Ho was eating his dinner when ho
saw n man niU'roacj Jmh o Aj sworth in
front of "tho Hechtele. Thinking froin kl3
actions that something , was wrong ho np-
lironohcd nnd learned that the stranger ,
whoso name was J. W. Smith , was making a
complaint that his house , on thu Crescent
City road , was robbed some time Wednes
day , during the absence of the family. The
liouse was locked up at 10 o'clock in the
morning , nnd when the family returned at 7
In the evening they found everything upside
down. Two $ " > gold pieces , nn English sov
ereign , a revolver , handkerchiefs , old coins ,
etc. , wcro missing. Mr. Smith stated that
some of the stolen property had been
pawned at Goldstein's , on Upper Broadway ,
durinir the forenoon , nud the thlof was
described ns a fellow with a black mus
tache , nnd wearing corduroy pants. With
this meagre description the chief started out ,
heading for the dummy depot to Intercept
his man , who inluht take a notion to leave
town. Ho took in all the saloons and dives
on the way , and found the follow and a part
ner drinking In a saloon on Broad
way , be'twecn Seventh and ICIghth stiosts.
They were placed under arrest , \yjieii tbo
gentleman of the corduroy unmentionables
objected to walking along in the hot sun , but
suddenly changed his maid when his wrist
wns encircled by the officer's "comu along. "
The pair weie taken to the police station ,
where they were searched and some of the
stolen goods found in their possession. They
gave the names of George Uutlcr and Charles
Lnwson. The chief visited the Colorado
house , where ho found tUO two gold pieces
and old coins , au of which Smith described
accurately , giving the dates. The proprie
tor said ho refused to take the sovereign ,
not knowing its value.
The foreign coin was found , however , at
Jack Green's place , .Mso a torn oi.e dollar
hill , which were cnsily identified by Smith.
All that was not found was a watch und
chain , which the hlcf tried to sell to Green ,
but the latter would not purchase. The
prisoner Butler was rccogni/cd nt the police
station by both Green and the proprietor of
the Colorado house as the party who had
given them the stolen monoy.
C. H. Miller , a natural born trnn co-
medium is stopping nt 84 North Main
street , over City laundry. He gives
you past , prcbcnt and future.
AVnter High In the Pnrk.
The changes and improvements being made
in Fairuiount park arc rendering that charm
ing resort moro nttnictlvo in many respects.
The water pipes are laid , ami in a few days
the fountains will be running nnd the lake
will bo completed. The fountain at the en
trance of the park is to bo in the form of a
spring , the water coining out from amid the
rocks , presenting a cool , tempting invitation
to the thirsty ones. In the park , near the
summit , is the little house , with its rocky
path and rustic bower , another inviting
plnco where thirst may bo slaked. Ther.o is
a large cistern put in at the summit , and
water is pumped from the reservoir
into this and from this the water
supplies the little house , and the
overflow runs into the little lake located
far down in the Horseshoe valley. The little -
tlo lake will be a beauty. It Is about a hun
dred feet long , and in the center will ho two
sprays and a leaping fountain. A little
further down the valley is another drinking
fountain. The band house , located on the
summit on a prominent point , has bccn'madc.
very attractive , as well'iis convenient. The
driveways are being improved and others
will be made , so that ono fan drive down into
Horseshoe valley , and about the little lake.
Fairmount park is fust becoming one of the
most pleasing parks in the whole country.
Its natural beauties can certainly not bo ex
celled , and with the improvements made each
year , it cannot hut attract attention , and ex
cite the admiration of tourists.
For sale cheap. Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. H. Rico , No. 100
Main street. Council BlulTs , Anxiety.
A special from DCS Moines appeared in
last Tuesday's Hui ; to the effect that a crazy
man was arrested on the train at that city
and lodged In the county J.ii ) for safe keep
ing. He was well supplied with money , and
gave his name ns James Crimmcns. His
ticket was for Council Bluffs , and ho was
from Havcrhill , N. H.
He has not arrived hero , and the object
of his western trip was made Known yester-
duy. His father , John Criniinens , is a la
borer , nnd was ut work In this city until last
April , when ho broke his thumb , nnd wus
compelled to lay up for repairs.
The doctor thought the broken bones wore
knitting nicely , hut they went wrong nnd it
was finally necessary to amputate the mem
Mr. Crimmens was being treated nt St.
Bernard's hospital , and wrote to his son in
New Hampshire to send him money to come
homo. Instead of doing so the Ron started
west to find his father and take him back
with him. The father knew nothing of this
until he saw the special in TUB liii : ; . The
MotherSuperiorof St. Ucrnard's telegraphed
to the chief of pollco nnd she rill at DCS
Moincs in regard to the matter , but no an
swer was received. It Is probable thut the
young man was so afraid of being robbed
that he kept awake to watch his money , and
the loss of sleep and the heat affected his
nervous system so strongly as to unsettle
his reason. Mr. Crimmcns is very anxious
to hear from him , nnd It is honed that tbo
DCS Moincs authorities will reply as to what
disposition has been made of him.
Choicu sugar cured hnina. dried beef
nnd breach fust bacon at wholesale only
J. Y. Fuller , Council Plan's.
Personal Paragraphs ,
O. P. McKisaon has arrived homo from a
three week's trip through the northwest.
Mrs. C. 1C , Andrews and family , of Hills
dale , la. , are visiting with Mrs. ICeesc , of
this city.
Mrs. O. H. Lucas is visiting her father ,
Mr. Edward Glllalhiml , in Mills county. She
will bo absent about a week.
Mr , and Mrs. A A. Hazard and daughter ,
Miss Lou , loft Wednesday for a short cvlslt
with friends in the eastern part of the state.
Andy Jackson spent the Fourth with
friends in tna Bluffs. Ho is at present en
gaged in booming Sioux City through its
famous corn palace.
J. M. Adams , of Boston , is in the city , as
slsting in invoicing the stock in the Doot and
shoo store of E. E. Adams & Co. , in which
he is an interested party ,
Mr , Alfred Prutel , of New York , who is
quito extensively interested in Council Bluffs
realty , spent the Fourth with his friend , Al
derman I Mctcalf. He left for the cast
Wednesday evening ,
Struck By I > lull In I fit ; .
During the thunder storm of Wednesday
evening the barn of Qus Larenburg , in
Washington township , was struck by light
ning. In the hall overhead n largo party ol
young folks were enjoying a Fourth of July
dance , The elect rlo bolt struck the corner of
the barn and stunned nearly everyone in the
vicinity , A young man t > y the name of Em-
crlnu was unharnessing his horse in the yard ,
The horse was thrown to the ground and the
young man , who bad hold of the bridle , was
knocked senseless. A horse in the barn belonging -
longing to Matt Ityan was killed. The build ,
ing was not set on ill o , although the power
ful fluid skipped all around the place at a
lively rate. Mr. Emcrine bos beaa troubled
uirgoat Lowest Prices Stooh , , I METCALF BROTHERS. Furnishing Goods ,
Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto. (
* rJ . _ Dtaler In - ! v a * Hardman , Everett A Fisher
Ctty & .Countj REAL ESTAtE .
Ma.8 hf. ins Mtin SL council niufli. , rww
Co MM SI. M.rV , A7. < Vn > .
I " , largest jofjny Capital Banh in ana the ] Surplus oiw \ , CI JIZENS STATEBAN , K/ | . . . x y ° ur 70B - ss OV
661WC1L IJLUFFS ' -w J LV' U > * * * * , .
Ppinb , 011 & 6la88 Go. _ Ferc&oj & MoofoN Title
Santa Rasa V * , ,
Mo. 8 , parl fit * . ARE THE BEST.
( I'S' I' '
4- -
Manufacturer ot Fine Curjiugcs and Buggies. H. F. H ATTENH AUER I always keen in slock a largo variety of eastern
I have always n full stock to select from. . , makb Carriages , which 1 BOU at a very low rate.
Call and examine. Prices Low. i\o . ar to : tU Fourth Slrcol. I am always ready to show goods.
, vlth rheumatism for some time , but since
: iis experience of Wednesday evening bus
lot been troubled at nil in that way. This
clearly demonstrates thnt electricity Is n sure
euro for rheumatism. All ufllleted ones
should wear a little lightning rod projecting
through the crowns of their huts , nnd roost
on a barb wire fence during a thunder storm ,
ipd the probabilities arc that their rheumatic
pains will soon bo at nn end.
Tlicv Won Under
The competitive drill at Shcnandoah on
the Fourth was a decided success in point of
mtronngc , for fully 2.0JO persons assembled
Io witness it. The Dodge Light Gumds. of
which there was only a small detachment
( twenty-one men ) , arrived there about 10
o'clock. They wcro met by the Shcnandoah
team and escorted to the hotel , where , dur
ing their stay they were well entertained by
Mr. Fowler , the proprietor , and the local
"sogcr boys. " A parade of the streets was
made before noon. At 3 o'clock the drill
took place. No other companies beside those
mentioned appeared. The Dodge Light
Guards lost thu toss and drilled first. After
a fifteen minute exhibition some of the boys
were so fatigued that it was impossible to
proceed. The Shcnundoahs then gave n
longer and better exhibition of tactics. Lieu
tenant Turner , who acted ns judge , awarded
the first money , $73. to the home team und
the sceon 1 , $ n , to tuo Light Guards. Cap
tain Cowles , Lieutenant Dixon nnd the en
tire detachment are Joud in their praises of
the entertainment furnished by their hosts.
A "Western , Wanderer.
Yesterday morning a woman whose name
was not learned was brought from the Mil
waukee depot to the police station. She
was , without question , out of her head ,
whether from the excessive heat or not
could not bo determined. She had nn excur
sion ticket from San Francisco to Now York ,
and was well supplied with money. She
talked wildly , insisted she lived hero and
desired to bo tnkcn to her own residence.
Later it developed that she passed through
here on the through Pacific coast excursion
trjin on Wednesday. She got off the train
atNeoln , leaving her baggage behind her.
She was seen walking swiftly towaid this
city. The conductor of the incoming freight
was given orders to look out for her and ho
picked her up near Parks' Mills , and brought
her into the BlulTs. Chief Lucas placed her
on bourd the cast bound Hock Island passen
ger jesterduy morning , so that she is en
route for her destination.
An ISxpcrt "Boss" Man.
Council Bluffs uow prides itself on having
an expert "boss" reporter. Ho is doing thoraces
races , und samples of his brilliant descrip
tive powers are interesting :
"In the third heat great confusion prevailed
on the homo run. "
"The Maid thus won the heat by a techni
cality , she being really In second placo. "
"Tho mill was run in 1D. : ! Aquarius made
a most splendid Home run. "
" Quinri , having lost a shoe , had been
withdrawn fiom the hent. In the previous
heat he hud been distanced. "
"An easy homo run was made by the
thrco animals , "
" continued to break into
"McGregor a gal
lop. The horses got homo in poor shupo
mid style. "
"Mr. Smith is a shrewd and impartial um
pire. "
"In the hurdle race the horses Jumped
gracefully over the obstructions which had
been placed across the track. They tilted
the second hurdle. "
Overcome \\ltli Heat.
Last evening a young man by the nanio of
Peter Hico loft his place of employment on
Broadway and started for his hoarding place ,
the Colorado house , for supper. A few min-
utrs later ho was seen on Washington avenue -
nuo running at full speed. Heiiching the
corner of Eighth ho fell prone upon the side
walk. As he did not rise , those who hud
noticed his queer actions rushed to his side ,
when it was discovered that he was already
unconscious. Ho was taken into the front
yard at No. 723 and Drs. Thomas and Cook
were sent for. Stimulants were given him ,
but ho failed to rally. At 10:30 : it was not
thought possible that ho could recover.
Very Httlo could ho learned concerning him.
He has been employed in several of thu
restaurants und saloons about the city in a
menial rapacity. The only rclativo he has in
tnls country is a biother living nt Am boy ,
Tougli , Bur Not Tonsil
During the afternoon of the Fourth sev
eral breaks occurred to the motor cars. The
most serious and trotiblcsomo was that at
Tenth avenue , In which a cur was rendered
entirely useless. The train was overloaded ,
and when ready to re-embark , after throw
ing out the broken car , some of the crowd in
sisted that all the passengers should go on
thut train or it should not move at all. Ex
postulntions and other means were tried to
change this determination , but without avail.
Finally Captain Anderson told the would-bo
toughs that he was a deputy sheriff for the
day und that ho would arrest the first man
who attempted to interfere with the moving
of the train. A couple of ( cllows tried to
enforce their previous determination , and
were promptly "cracked" by the deputy for
their pains. When the train wus properly
loaded it moved onward toward the lake ,
after a two hours' delay ,
It May I'rovo Fatal ,
A section hand named John Burke met
with an accident near the local Milwaukee
depot yesterday morning that may cost him
his life. Ho was cutting weeds at the side
of the track , when the engine of an incoming
train struck him on the head , cutting n deep
gash in his scalp and knocking him senseless.
Ho was taken to his homo , 520 Sovcntosnth
avenue , where , u physician attended him. Ha
was severely injured , and the chances are
much against his rccavcry.
Two SliarporH Cincliod ,
About 0 o'clock last evening Attorney
Lindt swore out an information against a
couple of fellows who were running a "skin"
gamoattlio corner of Main nnd Bioadway.
They were taken before "Squlro Bennett for
examination. Mr. Lindt conducted the ex
amination and Mr. Snyder appeared for the
defendants. The case was continued until
to-day , und the prisoners were held ia { 100
bonds. They were unable to furnish the re
quired sum and \vyro taken to tbe county
Jail for snfo keeping. They wcro working
the old swinging ball and pin game , nnd were
catching no end of suckers. They had n per
mit from the city clerk , but It is a sad reflec
tion on the city government. The greed of
the city ofllciuls to get money into the treas
ury is running away with them.
If you are suffering with weak or in-
Ihuncd eyes , or granulated eyelids , you
can bo quickly cured by using Dr. J. II.
McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve. 5J5
cents u box.
Had JllB Uil > s Broken.
A man by the name of Smith , living on the
hank of Indian creek , south of Washington
avenue , was severely injured while attend
ing the races on the Fourth. Ho was climb
ing through the fence ns a runaway team
plunged over it. and nn iron brace struck
him on the left sldo , breaking thrco ribs. Ho
wns taken homo , where ho received prompt
medical attendance.
Popular Education.
We sympathize * with the feeling which
often leads citizens to boast that no child
born in this country need grow up in
ignorance , and yet it is n fact that many
people who have learned to read and
write have never taught themselves to
think. A man who suffered from ca
tarrh , consumption , bronchitisscrofuln.
or "liver complaint , " might read , till
his eyes dropped out , how these apd
many other diseases have been cured by
Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery ,
but is he did not take the lesson to him
self and test the virtues of this great
medicine , his time would bo thrown
QrKClAIjnilvcrtlseiiicntfr.suchns Lostround ,
QTo , Tor Pale , To HentVuntH , HonnlliiR.
etc. , v 111 be luvrted In this column nt thu low
riUcofTiNTKNTSl'iU : : UNI ; for thollrstln-
eltloll und Klvo Cents I'er l.lne for cnch Mibse-
qnontlncitlo'n. Leave advertisements nt our
olllue , tin. lU I'earl Street , near Uroailway ,
Council llluirs. Iowa.
LOST Last evening , byaludy on llrondwny ,
between Seventh stieet and the DOstoIIico1
a pocketbook containing a pass to .Atlantic
) ly leaving at Dee olllce thu Under will bo suit
ably rewarded.
DUKSSMAKINO Also plain sowing douo at
No. ll'.T Third avenue , or by the day.
T71OU BALK The best small fruit and vcgctu
JL ? bio farm In I'ottnwattainle county , two
milcH from Council Dluirs postolllce , at a price
that will sell It , on remarkably easy terms.
Title perfect and property In good londitlon.
Possession given any time. Good reason for
feelllng. II. T. llryant & Co. , ( BO JJroudway ,
Council Illnlls , In.
"OOK TUADK Several stocks of merchandise ,
-L1 also Improved and unimproved farms. Johnston -
ston & Van Patten , 3.1 Main s > t.
T710K SAIX Three year old horso. Gentle
Jand ? sound. ISl'J Ninth t.
WANT HD A middle aged woman , to keep
house. A. Huzcltlne , 1M Ilioadway.
T'O ' HKNT Immediately , for the piimmer , n
good furnished house , 10 rooms ; closet and
bath room ; city water. Apply on premises , bW
nth ave.
WANT To exchange Nebraska or Wisconsin
farmlands for Council IllullH or Omaha
property or merchandise. O. P. McKesson.
\\7 ANTKD Stocks ot merchandise. Have
> T Omaha nnd Council IllullH city property ,
nlto western land to exchange for goods. Cullen
on or address Johnson \ Christian , Kooin X > ,
Cmunber of Commerce , Omaha.
POH SALE At a bargain , 10 acres near stock
yards , Bouth Omaha , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Room 35 , Chamber of Commerce ,
You can get It In any amount , on either shorter
or long time , on chattal or real estate security
Has real estate of all kinds. Call on or address
L. II , Crafts. KU Hroudway , Council lllulls.
Instructor of Music
No. 1H BtiitoHiimn btreH , Council IlluffB , nnd
Jlelnberg's .Music Stoie , Dodge btrootOmaha.
The Morris Type Writer Is a practical , well
made and tlnely ilnthhed inatlilnn. and combines
the pel feet lettering , exact lUllHiiinciit and
\\rltlnijofiiJilKliiirlreil writer. The Kltl-
HUN MlMiOiHAI'll : ( , tfic best apiittiatuu made
for manifolding autographic and type writer
uork UfK ) copies can be taken , TVl'IJVIIITUU
mipplleH for Hale Bsnd for circulars. The Kx-
coUtor Co , , Council
Mention tlilH paper.
D. H , McDANELD & GO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
Muln StreetCouncil Hluthjowx
M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Women mid Children ,
307 Jiroad aXi Council llliili.
181" OKV1'12I >
1NCOU1 | 1878
CO. ,
POWER , Mills and Elevators-
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete stenm plnnti. Regulation , Durability OuiirjS
antecd. Can show letters from users where fuel Kcouomy Is equal with Corliss Nou-CoudenslnK ?
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
> BBiim an BM "
Call OH HI. DROIIL1CI1 , 53S Uroiulwuy , tvlioru you will receive
the Highest Cash Price. l
Wrought and Cast FOR
\Vnlllln \ < fS , Automatic Highest Economy ,
Repair * . Xeio C 3d Hand LI1UII1L.U Simplicity and Durability ,
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council Blullsla. Telephone 100. *
NO , R21 MAIN ST. ,
ron PAI.K nr
( J rower and Denier in
Vegetables , Vegetable Plants , Fruits , Etc ,
JAST ; i iiu : < : i : STUKKT ,
Council IllullH.
Die (3 im given ODlvtr *
" 11 satisfaction In tUo
cure ut Cioiiurrbtei tad
fecUaltiurtcomaiend *
, ne u , o
, U.D. ,
D.e.tur , III.
EId by
Star Stables and Mule Yards
, Council IJluIfs , Opp. Dummy Depot *
Horses and mules ronnUntly on hand , foe
tain ut retail or In cur load lotx. . .
Ordeig promptly lllled by contract ou short
Mock bold nn coraml'Mon.
Telephone 1H. bCIIUJTKH A , IIOI.KV.
u Dummy Depot Council Hluff *
a o a
It. GKAUL , .Mniiiifiic'liirei' .
JVO. 101 I ) , 1SKOAIMVA.Y.
IHUroadwuy Council IHurrs , loui. U