Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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To Railroads Operating Within the
Conflnos of the Stato.
A Very IntcrcftlltlK Meetlim of the
Slnto Hoard ol Trntisiiorlnthm A.
Itnllraiul ISnniloyn's Coin-
lilultit General Nnw.i.
LrxcotS Bi'rtruu OF Tiir ) OMAHA BEE , )
10W 1 STIIBKT , }
LINCOLN. July 5. )
Tlio regular meeting of tlio bonnl of trans
portation took place this morning at 10
o'clock nt tlio cnpltol rooms , with n full nt-
tenJntiCe , The flrit thin * considered was nn
nplillcatlon from Mr. S. H. Honor , of Long
Pine , nuking Unit the Ellchorn Valley nnd
Missouri 1'ncillo rftllroadi bo Rrniitod the
privilege of making n special reduced rnto on
nil milling machinery shipped to that point
from Lcavoimorth , Kansas , the Valley road
having promised to do BO with the permission
df the stnto board , Mr. Mungcr was clearly
df the opinion that this was an Inter-stnto
question rind beyond the Jurisdiction of the
uonnl of trmiHportntion. However ,
uporr discussion pnrticlputcd " In by
every member of the board , It was
deemed expedient to grant the
privilege so far as nil roads operated in this
stale nro concerned , nnd the following reso
lution , presented by W. H. Monger , pnssed
by a unit voice :
"That the ISlkhorn Valley and Missouri
Pacillo railroad companies , in fact all rail
road companies doing business in this state ,
bo granted the Hcht to make a special reduc
tion rate on all milling machinery shipped to
any point along their lines. "
Auditor Babeook concurred In the resolu
tion recommended by Mr. Munger , but ex
pressed the opinion that this right ought to
bo granted on all commodities , of whatever
kind , tending to the public good. Hut .ludgo
Mniou tersely put the question : Where
would the privilege end I and the subject
Following this eamo n sharp and acrimon
ious discussion of distnnco and distributing
tariffs. Attorney Louse favored reduction ,
or nt least a trial , until It could become rea
sonably certain Unit railroads could not
stand It , nnd would lese money In cense
quence. Mr , Scott was decidedly of the opin
ion that the board had dpno nothing In tlio
past but to make compromises ; that tlio mat
ter should stand as now , nt least until every
member of the board could vote intelligently
on the question ; that the roads In the cast
part of the state could stand what the west
could not * Judge Mason said that an arm
cut from n person would malm nnd Injure
the body ; that this principle would
npply to tlio railroad question ; that
the feeders were supported nnd maintained
by tlio main linns , and that whatever the
cast could stand so could the west , and that
it the body Was making money nnd gather
ing riches the branches would not suffer.
At the close of the discussion Secretary
Lnws Introduced n resolution flxlng n sched
ule of rate reductions , excepting of the llrst
class , as follows :
"Kesolvcd , That it bo ordered that the
board of transportlon urgently request that
all railroads in thohtato mnko distance tariffs
conforming to the following formula , not
raising the first class : First , 100 j second ,
8.-ij third , fi < % ; fourth , fiO ; Jlfth , 50 ; A , 40 ;
1J , ! , C , 80 ; U , 25 ; E , ! > 0.
The vote on the passage of the resolution
stood as follows : Lecse , yo ; Willurd , uyo ;
Laws , aye ; Scott , no ; Habcock , no ,
The concluding work of the day was the
notion of thq.board on the petition of Mr. M.
G. Clark of Seward , numerously signed , setting
ting forth the fact that he was on u railway
section there , working for 81. 23 per day :
that It was not enough for his daily bread ,
nnd praying that the railroad company be
compelled to iiay him S3 per duy instead.
Mr. Clark , In n letter , also stated that ho had
consulted able lawyers regarding the matter ,
nnd that they had Instructed him to appeal
to the honornulo bottrd for redress ; that it
mistaken he would bring the question before
the next legislature and have tlio power
fixed for righting such wrongs.
Judge Mason and W. C. Munger concurred
in the opinion that the board had no Juris
diction as to the matter of wages between
employer and employe , and the opinion was
Hied , with a resolution that the board had no
authority to interpose and could give no re
The county court uouso now being erected
has been subjected to several changes since
the contracts wore lot. The first was made
in the dressing of the stones , which deducted -
ducted about 87,000 from the expense of the
building. Now it is contemplated to use
Ohio frco stone Instead of Colorado sand
Btono , with the cutting all done In Ohio ,
which shuts out all tlio stone cutters from
work in this county , and will probably deduct >
duct $15,000 moro from the expouso of the
building , all of which is directly contrary to
the plans and specifications. The Ohio stone
tan bo dressed for 25 per cent of what the
Colorado stone can bo dressed for , and the
point can bo seen when It Is remembered that
\V H. 13. Stout has the contract for the
Sheriff Martin , of Clay county , Kansas ,
loft for homo this morning in charge ol
Head , the bond jumper , and who was bolt ]
hero recently on tlio criminal charge of rape
and dismissed for want of evidence , only tc
bo real-rested nt tlio Instigation of the ( Jliij
county authorities nnd taken hence on n
requisition of the governor.
Hon. 1'atrlck Kgun is again nt homo , hav
ing arrived ycstisrday direct from Chicago
where ho bus been since the republican
national convention working In ilio interests
II of the Irish national league. Ho is cnthnsl
IIw nstlo over the republican ticket , and says II
is steadily growing in favor. When inter
\w \ rogatcd as to the way the ticket stands will
his countrymen , ho said ; "Quito well ; es
pechilly with the Irish-Americans of Now
York. The likelihood thcro is Hlrongtlml
the republicans will carry the stato. Tin
Irish republicans are very zealous for tin
ticket , nnd the Irish laborers , Irregardless ol
former party fealty , will give Harrison ant
.Morton u most hearty nnd loyal support. "
Wlllium J. Altkcn tmsscd to rest this morn
Ing ut 8M ; ! o'clock , ills death resulted fron
lieart complications , brought on from an in
Jury received whllo attending the great exposition
i \ position at Now Orleans Ho was rcgnrdm
as ono of the most promising young busines !
men of the city , and possessed very man ;
noble qualities of luwvt and mind. The funeral
noral occurs at 3:1(0 : ( p. m. , .Saturday uftcr
iioon ,
Two young men wcro struck by lijjhtnlni
nt Ourileld park during last night's storm
They wcro then concluding their celebration
Fortunately neither of thorn was killed
Ono of them , however , is still prostrated
whllo the other Is able to bo around on tin
TlioOpaiiliiuor tli GninpniKii.
To open the campaign with tiny hopes o
Bpoody success , attack the enemy , malarlu
before it has a chanca to An ol
Btlnnto fee 'twill provo If you don't go rlgh
nt it. If you nro prudent , .too , you will hav
fortUlcd , upon the first intimation of its pros
cnco In your neighborhood , Host otter1
Stomach Hitters is the medicinal ummuii
1 tlon that you require. Kvory form of mi
larial fever yields to this Jluo preventive an
remedy For constipation , Hvor complain !
dyspepsia , nervousness nnd kidney trouble I
is no loss effective , Kcsidents of inuluriti
localities , aid persons sojourning in an
bound for the great west , thould select till
medicine as a means of dofeiie-o against th
frequent visitation of miasma. These 1
delicate health , the nged nnd the enfeoblei
should in every instance ronort to this sign ;
invigoraut. Use it for weak nerves.
Proceed Inge iu the UUtrict Gout
Ycslcnlny ,
The court room had a decidedly hot 5th e
July appearance yesterday when com
was culled. After the reading of the Jourm
Judge Savp < ; o and Mr. Webster had an h
tcrostlng little legal brush before Judg
Oroff , which , In the language of n numbc
of the attorneys present , was very refrosl
ing. The occasion of the collision was uboi
as follows : On the Sith ot Juno Mr. Websto
in bchnlf of the .Hank of Cornmorro , ol
tallied n Judgment against J. T , and Mar
Hart for 520,000 on a promissory note. So
Vice was had on the dcfcudeat ; who Is a res
iJJLvN" '
dent of Count ; ! Bluffs , by publication. The'
ri'-xt dn.v.nft'rtho ' Jndt'mont was rendered
Mr Snvngo filed ft motion to set aside the
judgment nnd open the cnsc for hiring.
The grounds uputi xvhidh the application
was bawd were that the defendant had
jtfiid $14,0 0 of the notf , and had been granlrJ
n extension of time on the remainder of the
tnouht , nnd that the Judgment was asked
\vltliout BUtlleient service. The attorney
or the Ijanu denied all of the fncts set
orth In the application , and asked lhat
ho Judgment Stand as.entered. The clash
ctwocn the nttonioys nbout Dho tinker being
forgery , ahd ought to send the man who
lade It to the penitentiary , nnd about the
ther papers being false , die. , mnuscd the
6urt ns well As the bah Judge GrolT , who
nd entered the Judgment , su , nlned the tno-
Ion to sel It nnUlc.
Tlio case of Ahddrson ngnlnst Smiley ,
rhlcli was on trial Tucsdny before Judge
Vnkcloy , was still occupying hlsl honor's nt-
Jtition yesterday , but reached the Jury In
ho' afternoon.
nnroitn Jfnnp. tOA\n.
The case of M. A. Disbro'w ngnlnst Mary
tapi ) nnd others , which was taken up Titos-
ay , was continued long'enough to allow for
ho argument to bo lizard on the application
or a receiver for the New York Storage
ompany. The application Is mndo by Kd-
ards , who was an officer in the company.
The case of Morehouso Bros , ngnlnst
tlachman St Knhpp , contractors , was on
rlnl before Judge GroIT. Plaintiffs fur-
Ishcil S10MO worth of hardware to the do-
endaiits to bo used in the construction ot a
iouso for Francis Hobblns. They ( ook a mo-
hnnlcs Hen on the building but failed lo sue
n It until nftcr the tlmo hnd expired. They
low bring suit against ttio contractors for
ho amount ,
Tlio evidence in the Kearney canal coin-
any case was concluded Tuesday evening ,
'ho arguments will bo submitted to the court
n writing fnr his honor's consideration.
Before Jndiro Wnkoloy In the afternoon
amci T. MeVlttio confessed Judgment for
1CCO In favor of Paxton & Gallagher.
Judge Wakcloytgrantcd the Merchants'
National bank nn attachment on Scllgman ,
May & Co. nnd the Now York and Omaha
Clothing company for $ . ) ,8fU The claim Is
or u bill of exchange drawn by the Omaha
oncern on the New York house for So.OOO ,
'uo July 15. The ? 300 is for probable costs.
TUB siiciun' suit : > .
John L. Watson began suit against Shcrlft
Villlam Coburn nnd his bondsmen , Fred W.
Gray , I. N. Phillins and John S. Canlloltt ,
barging tlio shcriH with failure to perform
is onlclal duty. In his petition lie says :
Said William Cobura has failed to perform
ho conditions of his said bonds and has
ailed to execute the duties of his said ofllco
f sheriff of Douglas county , Nob. , and has
> ccn guilty of a breach of the condition of
its said bond in this : On or about the Ulst
lay of April , 18S3 , thcro was placed
n the hand of said sheriff n
vrlt of execution issued from the county
ourt of Douglas county , Nebraska , com
manding him to make of the goods , chattels
ind effects of the Now York Storage com-
mny thu sum of S'JUO , and the said William
Jobura , wholly disrcgardful of the duties of
its ofllco and the conditions of his bond to
althfuily discharge the duties of such olllco
and in violation of the rights Of thoJplalntllT ,
evlcd said writ of execution upon the goods ,
varcs and merchandise and effects of said
lompany , which levy was mndo about the
' 1st day of April , 1833. " The petition also
tales that the Judgment under which the
ovy was made was void because it was on-
ercd after George C. Wheeler , president of
ho company , had agreed to assign all the
goods in their possession to said Watson
is security for money loaned
ind other money that ho was
o loan them ; that the judgment was ob-
ained in the couaty court without personal
service ; that the storage company had ex-
> eutod to him ( Watson ) a mortgage on all
heir stock and ho was to retrain poscssion of
lie same and entire control until it was Bold.
Plaintiff further sets forth that defendant
issumcd posesaion of the goods , still retains
lint possession of the goods , and has con-
cried them to his own use. Watson claims
hat the goods held by the said Coburn arc of
lie value of $3,701 ami asks the court for
udgmcnt against him and his boudsuieu for
.hat amount.
Samuel Ilarmcr made application for a
divorce from his wife , Margaret Ilarmcr , to
whom ho was married in November , 1800.
-The grounds of the application are de
William A. Gwyor , Jr. , began suit against
Ralph II. Halo and others , the heirs of Hal-
soy A. Hall , deceased , as assignee of Char-
otto C. Sherwood , Elizabeth 12. Peterson
nnd Mary M. Kelsey , who claim a three-
sixth interest in tlio east half of the north-
cast quarter of section eight , in township
'ourtcen , the property of Halsey A. Hall and
also fora division and sale of the property.
Hoary L. Brown llled an application ask-
ng for a divorce from Dora Brown , his wife ,
setting forth as his grievance , that the defendant -
fondant has been guilty of frequenting
houses of ill-repute and committing adultery
with ono Itogcr Prior.
Victor G. Lantry began suit against Gcorgo
W. Doano and Howard W. Baldridge , ask
ing that they may bo made show what righter
or title they have ia lots 5 and Oof block 4 ,
Howard's addition , which ho claims to own
and occupy. He also asks to have the title
to the lots quieted io him.
Eli Clayton asked for a Judgment against
the Great Western Carbon company on a
promissory note for f 17,570.53 , sold to him by
the bunk of Commerce.
David K. Hancock lias sued C. E. Mayno
to recover on a note for * l,50t , > given William
Forrest July IS. 1SS7.
TIIIvinow : WANTS unit siiAitn.
Margaret Collins lias brought suit against
James , Mary , Nora , Fannie and John Col
lins , children of her late husband to recover
her widow's dower in the property left by
Thomas Collins , such property now being
claimed and held by the children ,
ron Aitu.TnitY.
Henry TJ. Brown has sued his wife Dora
for a divorce on tlio ground of infidelity ,
They were married in Omaha September 17 ,
1881. The plaintiff charges a wrongful co >
habitation at hio home , 802 Pacttio street ,
on the night of Juno 24 , 1883. lie also al.
legos his belief that his wife visited a house
of bad reputation on June ? , S and U in the
company of women of known 111 repute.
Judge Hopowell. who loft the .city Satur
day to upend the Fourth at Crete , did not ru
turn yesterday morning In time to hold court
County Court.
Judge Shields entcrod a Judgment in tlio
sum of $773.25 against C. E. Mayno , and iu
favor of Mr. Simpson ,
Eli Clayton began suit against William
Coburn to collect a promissory note of 4501
given by Coburn to the John Diorks Man
ufacturing company. The note was purch
ased by Clayton from the company.
Charles V. Fouko begun suit against John
13 , Edwards and Charles Corbott lor $ iu era
a replevin bond.
The Coiinolldatod Tank Line company be.
pan suit against H. C. Markcl for $23.03 foi
oil purchasuil by the defendant.
Homer P. Lowin was appointed adminis
tratorof the estate of the late Charles T
Barker. _
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes
and U an absolute euro for old sores , burns
wounds , chapped hatrls , and all skin orup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drui ? Co. at il !
cents per box by mall " 0 conts.
Heal Ubtnte Translors.
\V (3 Albright and wife to J J McCulIorty
lots 1 and u blk. ' aub blV ' - ; Albright's
choice , w el . JCO
W 0 Albrinht mid wife to J J McCutferty ,
lots 7 to ID Ml : U bUb blk 27 Albright's
choirowil . S.60
W ( ] Albright and wife to M 1' Harring
ton , lots 1 to fi blk 1 sub blk y A\- \
bright ' choloo wtl . SK
HobortT Williams t 1 to J J JlcCatlerty ,
lot 13 blk IU lloutteld'n ndil w d . J.OC
M 1' llurrliik'tcn mill wife to J J MtCaf.
forty , lota 2 to 6 blk 1 biib hlk 27 Al-
brlylit'H choice ami lot jblkS Matthews'
snbw d . 3 ,
\V (1 Albright and \\ifo to J J McCntlerty ,
lot & blk 1 nub blk M Albtight'8 choky
wil . UL
William M roster um ! wife , to L llelsk-r ,
lot liblk 1 Foster's add w d . . 1,03
Union 1'acltlc U U to JoUu Kmorlck.w H of
It Kountzo and wife to J A Uorby , lot li
abllcD Kountzo plaoov d .
S Io\va to V II Johnson t-t Hi , lot 7 blk J
Orchard Mill q c d . . . . . .
N 1' Johnson to K Urvgeusen ct el , Iqi 10
bkR ) . . . . .
JA Mhntip Li M JJu'ins' jn , lots.lnivl
SI 1.1k . an\ pst SM , W d 1,150
H C HohnlPta.laim-s 1C l > ar > tte. lo Mblk
1 SO Kxrhanee place \vil 4C5
AT TuJcey et al I i K .1 Kdmurids , lot U
blkizrflfton Illllwd 725
GeorRe U Ilarker tt cUftrlts K Xtc1
.innmi , lot 4 t > lK 1. orchard Hlll.vd ) ,131
K I. lllrrbouur ctnl to C C ! < chnlTer nnd
Vlfe , lotto , blkfl. llogss-fc Hill's mill , w
Clinrlps Sohenerman to J Denlset w ! i lot
P , blk Us , ( Irnml View , w < ! . . . . . , fBT.
South Omaha I.ind Co to J It Helm , lot 13
blk 01 , South nmnha , wd 275
Tl cn \\1fotoOcorge 1'heller. w 40
ft lot 6 nnd nil lot 7. Olsen's add. w < 1 4,000
J fMawhinnor to George Plicller , lots 1
nnd 2 Olien's add , w d 0.7&0
Willlnm W Kcysnr nnd wife to George
Pheller , lot lu Olson's ndil , w 1 2,00)
0 A obonand wlfo to Oeorgo I'hcllor , lot
a , Olien'g add. w d .1.000
J II Hnrto to ( Icorgo 1'heller. lotu Olson's
add , wd. . . 2,00)
Wlllldin ritchand wlfo to ( leorgo Phellcr ,
lot * . Olsen'sndd , \ 'd 2,000
II A Truman to J J Mnboncy , iotO. blk I ! ' ,
lllKhland place , q cd , &
1'ntrlrk tnnd r'o to Wllllnin t'olfftjc. lota .
in , 20,21 and 2-5 , blk 1 in , Uimdeo 1'lnce ,
wit. . , ! 4.COO
1'ntrlck t.nnd Co toVllllnm II Craig , lots
1 too , Mk IS , Dundee I'laccw d 6,200
II KoiilirSo Mid wITo to A Until , lots n. II
nnd 12 , blk Hi , lots 1 nnd f , blk 21 ,
Konntzo Place , w < l 1
Twtnty-elght transfer ? , aggregating..857,899
Hiillillng Pcrnilt < i.
The following permits to build tvcrc Issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildings ,
John Mmtblad , two-story double tene
ment , Nineteenth street , between U-av-
cnwortband JInson , $ -1,000
I.ntoy V Itcnson , two-ctory frnmo block
of stores nlid flats , Sixteenth and Wlrt
streets fi.OOO
li. Wlbcrp , cottagi1. Thlrty-llrst and Ilnr-
dctto streets SCO
Pntillnu ( lontzko nnd Louisa Merclmw ,
Sixtuciithniul Cooihvcll stn-ets 800
John SwoberRcr , cottage , Ninth street ,
near Hickory 1,000
II. It. Stevens , barn , ISCSouth ! ) Sixteenth
street 30
Sir permits , aggregntlnc ; J11.130
tn Weil.
Judge Shields Issued the following mar-
rlngo licenses yesterday :
Name and Resilience. Ago.
I Hans Peter Nelson , Omaha , Neb19
1 Mrs. AnnaM. Anderson , Ottumwa , la..41
( Alfred E. Gycrum , Omaha , Neb 2.1
I Jacobin ! Huso , Oninha , Neb 23
I John Bolkovcc , Omaha , Neb 23
( Maria Tomcc , Omaha , Neb ! ! , )
I Mlllanl E. Gibson. Omaha , Neb 23
( Mary E. Dean , Omaha , Neb IS
( Edward W. Franz , South Omaha , Nob..a"
1 Lena Spalding , Omaha , Neb 2J
( John Flynn , Omaha , Neb 23
( Maggie Eagan , Omaha , Neb 27
j William Huartson , Ashland , Neb 24
1 Eva A. Dawson , South Omaha , Neb 10
i F. William Ellorsick , Omaha , Neb 21 !
( Mary Nash , Omaha , Neb 20
( Alexander Hedge , Omaha , Neb 30
1 Mary C. Murray , Omaha , Neb 30
Beware of worthless imitations of Dr.
Jones' Red Clover Tonic. The genuine
cures headaches , piles , dyspepsia , nguo ,
malaria , and is n perfect tonic and
purifier. Price 50 cents. Goodman
3rug Co.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
nobbed His IJeuol'jxotor.
Jerry Sullivan , a boy of about sixteen ,
: amo to this city about a week ago from
iVtchison , Kan. He claimed to bo from New
ork nnd said ho was hunting an tmclo who
10 thought lived In Omaha. Having no
nonoy and being hungry and barefooted , no
applied to a man named McElligott , who lives
icar Eleventh and Williams street , to assist
lim , which ho did. Since he canio hero Me-
Mow has fed , lodged nnd clothed him , nnd
Wednesday night the youngster
cpaid him for his kindness by
clioving him of a suit of clothes
vorth at least $50 , a gold watch nnd chain
allied at ? 7. > and nUout ? 3 or ? ( ! in casli with
vhlch he made off. The police were notillcd
join in this city and Council Bluffs , anil the
ittlo scoundrel will doubtless bo np-
u'chended. '
The only Complexion Powder in the
wqrlfl that is with out vulgarity , without
njury to the user , and without doubt a
jcautillor , is Pozvtoui'g.
i P
Six Thumping Hearts linppy.
Judge Shields yesterday had , in three-fold
neasure , the pleasure which must come to a
good man who set s up ono of those props of
iiviliz ation , a new family. Ho tied the uup-
: Ial knot for friillnrd E. Gibson and Mary E.
Dean , both of this city ; for Edward W.
1-Yanz and Miss Lena Spalding , both of South
Jmaha ; for William Iluartson of Ashland ,
N'ob. . aud Miss Eva A. Dawson of South
Omaha. The bride last named is only six
The Pntaco oi Products.
Yesterday's meeting of the Palace of Pro-
duccts company was adjourned till 4 o'clock
this afternoon without transacting any busi
ness. Tlio order was to elect a board of di
rectors , but it is desired that all the subscri
bers to stock be present when that is done.
Fowler & Bcindorf submitted a prelim
inary study of the palace. The drawing
showed tlio Fifteenth street elevation ,
and represented tlio exposition front as ex
tended across Capitol avenue.
A delightful substitute for nauseous
pills and crude mineral water is TAU-
Tina's' , c. K
An IntorcHtiiiic Convention of the So
ciety nt Chicago
CUICAOO , July ! 5 , Tlio seventh nntlona
convention of the Societies of Christian En
dcavor was called to order to-day by Presi
dent Van Patten of Burlington , Vt. Tin
session will continue four days. Fully 4,001
delegates are present from all warts of thi
country. Alexander McConnell , of Evans
ton , 111. , was elected secretary ; Roger Lea
vitt of Cedar Rapids , assistant secretary
and A. L. Winship of Lynn , Mass. , time
For the northwest Rov. E. M. Noyos , o
Duluth , said that ut the present time Minno
sola has about ono hundred societies , Wis
cousin 150 , Iowa 19.1 and Dakota W ) . C. M
Perkins spoke briefly of the Increase ntu
zeal and warmth In Christian endeavor worl
In the southwest. A very favorable reporl
was received from the Pacific slope.
The president then read a list of the stand
ing committees , nnd the session was con
eluded with prayer by Rov. N. Boynton , ol
The afternoon session opened with readmi
by Rev , Mr. Whitewater , of Wisconsin , am
prayer by Rov. Dr , Mills , of Massachusetts
Mr. Holdridgc , of Illinois , was called to tin
chair. Tlio lirst paper was by Rov. J. L
Sewell , president of tlio Vermont Stati
union , on " How the society aids the churcl
in the country towns. " Rov. Ralph W
Brokaw , of Bcllovillu , N , J , , road a paper oi
"The value of central organization. " A pa
per which discussed the society as a train
ing school for the church was read by Rev
J. L. Hill , of Mcdford , Muss , Rov. C. E
DichiiiRon. pastor of BerUey temple , Boston
spoHo on the text : "In opening fresh Held !
to young Christian workers , "
Tlio Hxim'rlmont ol' Signalling Fron
tlio Summit of Mount Hood.
PoiiTi.AXD , Ore. , July 5. The lllunilnatloi
of Mount Hood last night proved to bo :
perfect success. At H o'clock the illumine
lion was scon very distinctly on the Buuitni continued burning brightly forth
space of two and a half minutes , The sigh
was a very brilliant one. and was seen for ;
radius of 100 miles. All efforts to socur
signals from the warty on the inountaii
proved unavailable , A letter Just rccclvci
from the party states that they enountcrod i
very heavy snow storm and suffered niucJ
from the seventy of the weather.
A O rand Ktand CraNh.
MEMPHIS , Term. , July C. While three hun
dred or four hundred people were seated 1
the grand stand on the grounds of the Yall
; busha county , Mississippi , fair associatloi
yesterday the supports gave way wlthou
warning .iud thu structure fell to the ground
No ono was killed Outright , but llfty poc-pji
wore token from the ruins with broken arm
and limbs , bruised bodies and almost over
conceivable wound , Some of tha wouodcd'
it is thought , cannot live.
* * * * * < * - ( * ;
Clothing House ,
To the Wholesale and Retail Trade of the West. The opportunity of a Hie-time for cash buy
ers throughout the \vest. Extraordinary closing sale , Unapproachable bargains to close
the season in every department.
Our 11 nil toil space prevents iw men
tioning but very few of the bargain lots
offered , but wo guarantee from now un
til July 4tn , greater bargains In flno
Ileiuly-Mndo nothing , Furnishing
Goods , Hals and Caps , than were over
before quoted by any ilrm In the cloth
ing business In the west. No old goods
nt any price. The goods offered to you
nt this sale are all now , made up within
the last ninety days.
It will amply repay the expenses of n
trln lo Omniui , by rtnv man , woman or
child wanting $10 worth of clothing.
As specimens of the ditto rout bargain
lots comprised In this lot , wo mention n
few as follows , with n guarantee that
the small number specially mentioned
nro uo moro attractive or desirable bar
gains than hundreds of others to bo
found In every department of our estab
lishment during this sale.
Lot 4187. On Monday we will place on
our counters -100 plain black pure 'nil
wool imported Whipcord Suits in full
weights , suitable lor use iu this cllmato
ten months of the vcnv. These suits are
absolutely now , fresh from the work
shop , and never shown on our counters
bcfotc. Suits made tip in the very lat
est style 4 button cutaway frock , which
we olTor in all sizes from ! 55 to 44. Wo
shall offer this frock suit at $15 per suit.
Wo have not another word to say about
this lot , excepting this , that wo have
sold precisely the same s > uit over since
our store was opened for S2- , and never
less.Lot 3-5.10. We offer IfiO Mons' Double
Breasted Sack Suits , regular sixes from
85 to 85. of the celebrated Slater Fniinol
all wool and guaranteed full indigo.
Goods mndo by the celebrated Slater
Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Made
nnd trimmed ) in first class manner nnd
perfect fitting. We offer this lot to
close at the unheard of price of 80 60.
licmombcr this lot is nil in double
breasted Sack Suits.
Lot 8050. Wo odor 103 suits , which
will positively bo the last of this lot of
the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Co.'s
goods of which wo have sold hundreds
during the last two months. We offer
100 of the neatest styles ot those famous
goods to close at the ronmrkablv low
price of S12. This suit IS retailed by
every house iu tlio country at $18. Wo
have never offered a bargain that has
given such universal satisfaction as this
Btiit. All sizes at the same prlco , $1" .
Lot . Wo offer GOO pairs best fancy
Cnsslmero Pantaloons , goods that were
made to sell for $7.50 nnd S3 this season ;
goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. ,
Kock Manufacturing Co. , Ilockanum
Mill , Drondbrook Mills , and other man
ufacturers of equal reputation. They
are in regular sizes , and as nice styles
as wo have iu our stock at any price.
Wo find that wo have a surplus of these
fine goods and wo do not wish to carry
them over , anrt have consequently mndo
the uniform prlc6 of So per pair for the
entire lino. These goods are of the
very best workmansnlp , and equal to
any $10 custom pantaloons. Prlco dur
ing this closing sale will bo $5.
In our Boys' nnd Children's Depart
ment wo offer an BXTKAORD1NAUY
' line of bargains , particularly in Short
Pant Suits. Our space will not permit
of our enumerating the diflcront bar
gains In this dopjiatmont , however , wo
will mention ono lot , a lot of MO Boys'
Knco Pant Suits , embracing three dif-
Samplc suits of any of tliese lots will be sent C. O. D , , with the privilege of examination , to any address in .Nebraska , Iowa
Colorado , Kansas , Wyoming , Dakota and Wyoming. . . . ,
OMAHA rf1 C * " * " " " ' * *
n 4.
Proprietors ;
Corner Douglas and 15tli Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
WASHINGTON , .luly 5. In the senate to-day
Mr. Cullom gave notice that ho would on
Monday next ask the senate to consider a bill
to amend the inter-state commerce act.
A. message from , the president was re
ceived vetoing the bill granting a pension to
Mary Ann Uohcrtyi' The president shows
.he bad character of the woman , and that
the husband , on account of whoso death
v pension was desired , is alive and is
ilmsclf drawing a. pension , Ho says ho
would yield to no man In a desire to see
those who had delended the government lib
erally treated , but the pension list should bo
a roll of honor and not-a matter of indiscrim
inate almsgiving.
The conference report on the agricultural
appropriation bill wan presented and ex
plained in detail by 'Mr. Plumb. The con
ference rnport was concurred In and n further
conference was asked on sorghum.
Mr. Call offered a resolution , which was
adopted , calling on the secretary of the In
terior for Information as to the improper and
unlawful selections of swamp and overflowed
land.A conference was ordered on the postofllco
appropriation hill , nnn Senators Plumb , Al
lison rfnd Heck appointed.
The semite then ndjournod till Monday.
WASHINGTON , Julys. In the house to-day ,
several unimportant bills were reported and
referred and the house then went into
committee of the whole on the bill for the
settlement of the claims of the state of
Florida for expenses Incurred in suppressing
Indian hostilities. The morning hour having
expired the bill wont over without action ,
and Mr. Holman called up the senate land
grant forfeiture bill with amendments
made by the house committee after substitute
amendments had hoen offered , as follows :
By Mr. Stone of Missouri to declare n com
plete forfeiture of the entire grant where the
road wus not completed in time.
By Mr. Payson of Illinois , representing
the minority of committee , to confine the
forfeiture to lands opposite those portions of
the road not now completed.
Mr. Hohnnn explained the nature of the
bill before the house , coining from the com-
inltto , and pointed out the difference in effect
between it and the senate hill. He said that
the senate bill would declare a forfeiture of
5,027-130 acres , while the pending bill would
work a forfeiture of 1 > 4I23,99G ! , ncros , subject
to honn lido sales to settlers. Ho then went
on at length to defend the course of the
democratic party in grunting lands to rail
road companies.
Mr , Pnyaon of Illinois deprecated what ho
described as Hnhnan's long political speech.
After stating thn general rules which hud
governed congress in making tlio grants , Mr.
Payson declared Unit the decision of the su
preme court nad altlrmod thorliht of rail
road companies to go on with the construc
tion of their lines after the expiration of the
date ilxcd < n the granting acts , in the absence
of the prohibiting clause , and as fust
as tholr road progressed and selections
wcro made , to sell their lands. Ho was
weary of waiting hero for years for some
thing to bo done. Here was an opportunity
which should bo nvallod of. Hlnco the last
congrcfts the Northern Pacillo had con
structed enough road to close the title to
0,000,000 acres of public land , nnd the pro
cess would go on unless the house accepted
the senate bill.
Mr. McHao of Arkansas said that If the
senate as constituted now , refused to pass
the total forfeiture bill , the house should
join issue and go to the country , which
would elect u scmato to pass sucli n bill ,
Mr. Weaver of Iowa snid that
the roads had not compiled with
the terms of tholr grants nnd never would.
The people would bo 'Justified in assorting
thuir rights. The llrst proposition in order
was Mr. Store's amendment to inako the
forfeiture complete iw to all lands whuro the
terms of thu grunt had not been compiled
The amendment was rejected ; yeas 00 ,
nays 101.
The question was then put on Mr. Pay
son's minority amendment , which was simi
lar to the senate bill. The amendment was
rejected ; ycus 71 , naya ' . : . ' .
The cominitteo'b substitute was ther
adopted , nnd , the question recurring on th <
passage of the bill as amended , the vote re
suited HI yeas , nays 121 no quorum.
The President IteiuriiH n Nuinher ol
Them AVitliout Approval.
WASHINGTON , July S. In connection with
the vote message returning the hill granting
n pension to Mary Anna Doherty to-day , tin
president refers to a largo number of special
pension bills before him , and says : "Hwouli
bo well if our general pension laws could b (
revised with a view of meeting .ovcrj
meritorious case. In the absunco of such re
vision , and If pensions are -to bo grnntoi
upon equitable grounds and without rcgan
to general laws , the present methods wouh
bo greatly .improved by establishing semi
tribunal to examine facts in every case am
determine upon the merits of the applicu
tion. " '
ThH president also returned , without hh
approval , the senuto hill to grant a ptus-ion U
J. U. Mcrtvn o ! Nebraska , as the dtipeadcu
father of Calvin Morton , who claimed that
his son was killed in the battle with the In
dians in the Ouster massacre. The president
says : "Ills name docs not appear in any
record of soldiers engaged in that battle ,
nna , considering the complete list of casual
ties attending that battle , the death of the
son of the bcncllcinry is far from satisfac
torily established. "
The senate bill to pension Polly II. Smith ,
widow of Lieutenant J. II. Smith , Second
artillery , who served in the army from 1S54
to 1370 , was also returned without executive
approval on the ground that his death had no
connection with the service.
A VoluiniiiouH Report.
Register of Deeds Mcgcath has Just com
pleted his quarterly report which shows the
business transacted in his oftlco for the
months of April , May and Juno. The re
ceipts of the ofllco for the quarter have been
§ 3,813.80 , leaving a surplus of S'OO.V10. The
itemized report covers IU pages of closely
ruled oflico cap paper.
The motto of California means , I have
'ountl it. Only lu that land of sunshine ,
where the orunpro , lemon , olive , fig ami
jrapc bloom and rlpon , and attain their
highest perfection in mid-winter , are
Lho herbs and gum found , that arc u&ed
In that pleasant remedy for all throat
and lunp troubles.
SANTA ABIE the ruler of coiiffhs ,
asthma and consumption. The Good
man Drug Co. has been appointed agent
for this valuable California remedyand
sells it under n guarantee utSl u bottle.
Three for 82.50.
the only guaranteed euro for caUrrh.
81 , by mail 81.10.
The slaughter of the canines has begun at
Nebraska City , and there promises to bo a
rich harvest of dead dogs , us only seventy-
live licenses to keep curs have been taken
Its superior excellence proven In millions of
homos tor moro than aiumrior of n century. It
Is used by the I'nltod Hiatus ( juvermnunt. in
dorsed by the lieailn of thu grout universities as
the strongest , purobt ami moat healthful. Dr.
1'rlccM Crvnni HakliiK I'owcler iloea not contain
nminonlii , llmo or ulnni. Sold only tn cans.
New Vork. Chicago , St. Louis ,
For The Nervous
, The Debilitated
The Aged.
f Medlc&l nd edor.tifio ekill lua at lost > olral the
rroblum of tha Ion ? nrcdetl medicine for the nr.
valid , dtliUlUt&l , and tlio at'ol , by oomlitijliit ? the
Iit nrrva tonlci ) , lYlcry unit Coca , with other i OH : .
live ri-mf-dlea , wlilclj , actlcf -iitIy but efttcirntly
on thu kidney * , liter and bowels , romova < llw ,
rwt r btrtugui aud rcuow vitality. Tliis lutdidue U
. /If fllli ft pUce hcrrtofore nnoerarlM , and mtrki
> E W w in tlio titatmint of Ltrvoiw trouUlf *
Overwork , annltty. diwyite , Uy the founa tlon ol
ncrrnai prostration and weaVueM. ml erjnrifnc
lisa thowu that the iisuel reicodic * do cot lutnU th
itrato and i jrolj tu ot the nerrouk tyetrm
lUcoramenddd bj professional aud biuinus men.
Brad ( or rJrcclux ,
I'rlcoBI.OO. Sold bjr drmiri U.
WELLS , RICHARDSON&CO , . Proprietors
foront styles , which wo have marked at
the extraordinarily low price of $2.50 to
close. Sizes from 4 to 14 years. Send
for sample suit. You will bo better
pleased with them than anything we
ii-ivo shown you at this prlco before.
Tot 2311 and 2830. Boys'Lonff Pant
Suits. We offer in this lot which em
braces two styles. Boys' strictly nil
wool cnsahnora sack suits , coat , pants
nnd vest , in dark and medium colors
for boys from 10 to 14 years of ago. This
Bull was made to sell nt $10 but we wish
to reduce our stock of them immediate-
and offer them nt this sale to eloso for
only SC per suit. Evo/y garment is wnr-
ranted strictly nil wool now fresh goods.
IJcmombor the prlco 80.
In this department wo announce the
sale ot HOO dozen Gents' Fancy Shirts.
This entire lot was manufactured ex
pressly for this season's trade , we have
a large stock of them on hand nnd offer
them nt 60 per cent less than the nvcr-
ngo price to close them out. All new
patterns , most desirable styles , fast col
ors ) , perfect lilting and perfectly mndo
in every respect , regular prices of
which were fromSl to $1.75. Thlsentlro
lot in nil sizes from 14 to lit and i neck
wo olTor nt 75 cents each. Order forlmlf
dozen lots no le a.
Parties nt u distance ordering these
lots will please give us nlzo of collar
worn and tbis Is all that IB necessary iu
order to got a perfect lit.
Men's .U.alf Hose 76 cents per pair
Wo offer Sod do'/.ou of Men's Fancy Hull
Hose nt 75 cents per dozen to close.
Regular 31.50 goods to bo sold only iu
dozen lots at the remarkably low prlco
of 75 cents per do/.eu , in sizes from 9
to 11.
llcHovtul by
TED. who In his FOI.lVgri > nd IGNORANCE
huTKIFtHDnway hts VJGOUof 11ODY ,
B1JWO and MAimoon.cmiilng exhauitinR
dralna upon the FODNTAINB of LIFi : .
HKAI > A < niIE , E1ACKAOHE , Dreadful
Dreanli , WEAKNESS of Memory. DAS1I-
the FACE , and all the BFFKOTN leadtnr to
EAni/r lijiCAY and pernapi CONSUMP
TION or INSANITY , should ooniult at once
the CKL.EEEIATEI > Dr. Clarke , Kitabllshed
1661. Cr. Clarke hw made NERVOUS DE
BILITY , CHRONIC and all Dlieaies of
Ibc OEfflTO UHIVAIIY Orfrans a Life
fitudy. It makes NO dlDaranco WHAT you
fcnye taken or WHO bo > railed to euro you.
* y FBS1AI.KS suffering from dlzeaici pccu <
liar to tb lr icx can ooniult with the aiaurauco
of ipeody rellsf and cure. Send 2 cent ! postage
for works on your dlicaics.
* -Bcnd 4 cents postage for Celebrated
TVorlm on Chronic. lYorvonn o&d UoU
eate Diseases. Consultation , p nonaly ! or by
ktt r , free. Consult the old Doctor.
Tboaiiandi cured. Offices and pnrlom
private. JC3r-Thoso contemplating Marring *
trend for Dr. Clnrho'B celebrated guide
Mala and Female , each IBc. , both 2fio.
( stamps ) . Before confiding your case , consult
Dr. CL.AKHE. A friendly letter or call may
lave future uCt ring and shame , and add eoldon
years to life. ZrBook Life's ( Secret ) Er-
ron , " 50o. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
tent erarrwner * , eooure from sxposuru.
Hours. 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
Ite main lines and bronchos include CUIOAOO ,
usrwonTU. ATcmsoir , CEDAU HAFIUO ,
and Bcorea of iotormadlata cltlss. Choice o !
routcn to and from the FaclQc Ooeit. All trans
fers la Union depots. Fast tralno of Flno Dfi7
OoacbOB , olccant Dlnlnir Oars , macnlQccnt Pullman -
man 1'olace Blaopers , and ( between Chicago , at.
Joseph. AtcnlBon and Kansas city ) IlecllnlaB
Choir Cora. Boats Free , to holders of through
Orst-clasa tickets.
Ohlcngo , Kansas & Nebraska n'y
"Great Rook IslnnU Routo. "
Extends West and Bouthweet from Haniaa City
and Bt. Joseph to NELSON , HOKTON. . KELI.E-
1TUTC1IINSON , CALDWKLI , , and all points In
and boyond. Entire passenger equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacturo. All aafuty ap
pliances and modern Improvements.
The Famous Albert Lou Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Hock Inland ,
Atcnloon , Kansas City and Mlnn apolla and Bt.
Paul. Its Watortown branch trav ° rs a the eroat
of Northern Iowa , BouthwoBtern Mlnneeota , end
East Central Dakota to 'Watortown , Spirit L.aUa.
Bloux Falls and many other towns and cities.
The Bhori , Uno via B noca and Kaukakea offers
caporlor facilities to travel to and from ladliw
apollB , Cincinnati and other Southern volet" .
For Tickets. Maps , Fcliiera , ordftilred informa
tion , apply "tony Coupon Ticket Otflco or addresi
a&u'l 2UantB r. Oen'l Tkt. Cc 1'aett , Ast.
cuicAoo. ir.u
EeJ Bugs , Reaches , Ants , Floai
And any other In.sects , use
Infallible Insect Powder ,
Also contracts taken for clean ,
ing hotels , lies ituls and pi iv&te i eildencca from
vermin. SatU'ictlun ' tsuarnntedd or no jiay.
Principal Depot- Houtu 1'Jlli Stre t ,
roiltlTklr cujedln 60\l 7 Wffr.
Horns' . fcUctro.MuEB.tlc lulu
Tnui.wimUBtd. Uu&riuitt < ilh
only ono in tfcp world ictiitratliiff
contluttou * ClKlHf if Maantltt
' rp nf. beJ iUlQo.rew9rful , Lur ) lu
Oomriruble od Kttcotlre. ATOM ( n
Ovurn.OOOourtd. KOBilbtunpCc.1
rUll IIIL.ll UllUli manhood , nsrvounei ,
n , unnatuial loasei. lac : Of itreuctb ,
visor or doveicpruBt , cuiued by indiacretlen ,
excenta. elo. I aluattocA ' ( lMalilSr ) < t.
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Aids Digestion ,
Cures Dyspepsia ,
Strengthens the Huston ,
Restores Sound , Itcfrcshlng
Priceless to 2furalng Mothers ,
Rccouncnilcil by Eminent Physicians ,
For Sale ball ) DriirjfjistsatHl Rich
ardson Drna Co. , Wholesale Druggists
Tnirt Up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 50,000
II. W.YATIW. President.
LEWIS S. HBKII , Vice President.
A. K. Touz.AMN.2uil Vlco President.
\V. 11. B. lluaiius , ( Jualila
\ \ ' . V. Mouse , JOHN S. COM.INS.
Ilanklug Olllcc
Corner 12th anil Karnani fits.
A General IkuiklURjtuslni'h.s Transuded
rpnn sciENcn op urn , the
* Croat llcillcnl Work ot the
nga on Moubood , Nervuua nndV
I'byilcal Debility , 1'rc mature '
Decline , Errors of VoutU , nil J
tliouutoldniUcrlcacontc'iumt '
tberoon , 300 pages 8vo ,
prescrli > tious for nil dlieai
Cloth , full gilt , only $1.00 , by *
m&ll , sealed. llltutraUvo sample frco to nil young
anil inlddlo-ngcil incu. Bend now. Tlio Oold and
Jewelled Medal avranlod to tlio author by the Na
tional Medical Association Aildrcsi 1' , 0. box
IMS , Iloiton , Ua a.orDr. W. II. 1'AHKK.l , grail
uatcof Harvard JloJlialColleKO,53yijara'iractlca |
In llottonvho may bo coujullud coulltleutlally
Specialty , DIscuoi of Man. Odco Ku. t L'uUnctl SU
Tlio luruutt , fmicst nnd Uneu in ino world
I'mssiiKor accommodations unexci'llou.
New VurUloOlii.uiMvvlu J.oiiiinnilprr-v
RTIIIOPM .Ti't.rtth i Ciiic/sjiA Jui.TlStli
ANCIIOIIIA . . . . Jill V lltli .
1 > KVUMA Jl'I.Y 21lt |
NEW VIIIIK TO l.ivtiii'oor , VIA yurcs'STowK ,
TLp ColcliratoJ i Ijjru'csl nnrt llnon I'm-1 Jlll.r | Hh
' ' " ° ' Auo. ' "
oi-A' 'illi'MKl
- ' airl11 ; I Sopt. ttU
NEW YOIIKTO J.ivKiirooi , i
Tlio f luliratoil I l.amcsl mill nncit I'as- i .H'NB 13th
" ' .WStlt MWr . . . in JUI.V bill
C1TV . tliuVurlJ. . lAUCi. UlU
buloon iiHsriuo to ( lluisovr. Derry , Mrerpnol , llolfait
oryiii'on.lrmu.l.iiiiiKHiiiwunln i > r Illmuow htcum.
cm. I'Uiinil uiwiirU | urelly u ( Itoino. ft-cuntl-elass
I.U. lletiirn tlekett ill rmliicnil rules inuilo iivallttbid
lor ollliur route , ntlorlne oxriir > lunl t tliu prlvllex *
of seulnvtliu.North auitMiutli of Iruliiiul.lliu lllvers
Mrrsoy uml plfturoKjuo fiio. | Hlcuruk'n JJJ. Ancliur
Mao drnlt * puyublo ( rue of choruo , tel > l Hi lowest
rut > I or book of tours , tlckcra or nulUcr Informa
tion u | > | iljr to
HENDERSON BROS. , 72 La Ba'.lo St. , Chicago-
Or to anr of our locul iik'cuU
Hemarkaule tor powerful symp * .
thctletona. pllabla ucllon uifb-
solute durability. < S
the beat guarantun ot tlTiT excel-
" ' *
lenca of inesa instruments" .
l'ee'iiUill-i-liuliOii. ( N V Kenl ) fir cat-
u'e. , INO M.T1LD15N. M ! > . , M-V 'u