8- THEOMAHA DAILY BEJG ! : ' THCltSDAY , J1TLY 5 , Itibh THE CITY. The officials til the ge.vornl depots. report - ' port llirsc fourth of Juljr travel. . Jnllor Miller , nt the. county basilic is ' Inking ti grctildcnl' , satisfncUon in n , new mcuMcino cn o tlmt 1ms been fur- ulshcd Mm. Tom D'onnhuc resisted officer Gregory whilu nrrcstinK him for ( Irunlioniic9 < j lust night. The city i > liysicinn ssiys tlio cut near Tom's loft eye la not n Bcrious wound. Clmrles Gardner nnd Goorco Kngnn , two men at work on tliq brio go , vvero nrrcsted yesterday on the clmrgo of rob bing Kosn.Icnkinon's house on Dodge street of a puriiHol nml n fluting iron. They called to find n boarding place , but not bolus pleased , left and look the articles mentioned. I'rrnnnl I' Uiimbard , tlio Mnpcr , freight npent nnd trcncral good follow , was in Omaha yes- tordny. .JudRO Mnrrua Kavannph , jr. , of DCS Moltuw , U In the city. Notwithstanding his Judicial eminence ho Is one of the loading jouiitf men In DCS Moince social elides. HotiKliu county has n lady for n clcik , and a peed ono , too. Mrs. Howe , is noting in that capacity wlnlo County Clerk Ito.ich takes a vocation with hla family , apart of which will b ? spent on the Mississippi ilvcr. Mr K. E. Minefield , the penlnl ccntloman who presided over the luifruatfo depaiUnuiit of the Webster street dcjwt. 1ms been called to the more | irolUiiblo position of passenger agent with the Union Pacific. Hon. H. M. Tuttle , editor of the Hornrlls- ville , N V , Times , was In tlio city yesterday on a round-about , way from the Chicago con vention. Mr. Tuttle Is an ex-ineinhcr of tlio legislature and a well known polltic.in of western New York. Ho was n shouter for Depew who , he is confident could nave car ried the cmpli estate. Croquet sets , clcpant nnd cheap , Collins' Gun Co. , IHlli Douglas street. Dr. McOrevv , kidney , Rectnl , & priv ate discuses. Room 111 , Bushman block Tlic Union Pacific. "THE OVKULAND ROUTE" Will sell tickets to all points within a distance of two hundred ( UOO ) miles July 8il and 4th , good returning until July 5th atOne Ono faro for the round trip. "Ilal.v" linriirs Done U | > . George Barnes , familiarly known as "liaby , " suffered Umlngloriousniid unspoits- manlike fate of being Jugged yesterday. With .1. M. Lewis , Ed Bernard and Mike Hcrnard ho pot into a drunken row at Hotli- cry's saloon In the afternoon , and the whole parly was run in by tlio police. One of the paily had the back of his head laid open with n beer bottle. It is by copying alter nature that man gets best results. Dr. Jones' lied Clover Tonic ! > nature's own remedy , is purely vegetable , can be taken by the most delicate. Cures all stomach , kid ney and liver troubles. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Buy lawn tennis outfits of Collins' Gun Co. , 11112 Douglas bticet. Dr. Cluck and Dr. Wilkinson , oculists lists and aurists , have removed their offices from N. 13. cor. loth and Dodge slu. , to rooms 18 , 10 , 120 and 21 Barker block , Fifteenth and Farnam sis. Arrrst of n Jliliuraj ninn. On last Saturday night about 11 o'clock , as John Hanscn was on Ins way home , two highway jobbers stopped him near the cor ner of Thirteenth nml Ma on street * , ami re lieved him of his wiituh and about , ? \5U in cash. Ilanscn gave an nccuratc description of the robbers to DotCL-tivo Ormsby , who recognised ono of them SIH Charley llom- ? ijuist , alias Aiuly Johnson , a notations t-toolc , who has been arrested tw ice before for at tempted highway robbery and once for pick ing pockets. Ho was ai rested .icsturd.iy , and jnllcd. Mr. Ilanscn rccoRiiiicd 151om- quist as ono of the men who had lobbed him. An Important Klpinoiit Of thobiiccess of Ilood'hSarsaparilla is the fact that cverv purchaser receives a fair equivalent lor liib money. The familiar head-lino U10 ( ) Doses One Dollar lar , " stolen by imitators , is original with and true only of Hood's Sarsapar- illa. This can easily be proven by anyone ono who desires to test the mailer. For real economy , buy only Hood's Barsapanlla. Sold by all druggists. Best stock of sporting goods in the west ut Collins' Gun Co. , 1312 Doug las street. Smoke Seidonborg's Figaro nnd get the bust 5-cont cigar in the world. Max Mover & Co. . wholesale depot. Auction ! Auction ! At 25IJ1 Parker bt. Friday , July the nth. at 2 o'clock p. m. , a 7-room house lilled with line carpels , parlor sol , bed room sols , kitchen and dining room furniture. Don't miss this sale. SONNENBKUG As FRliTWELL , Auctioneers. IMI'OSTItHtS. Umvortliy of tlio AlniH He- stowed on Them. Thcro is a family named Collins living in the lumber yard at Fifteenth and Mason Directs , who are practiced impostors In so liciting alms. Those thrifty mendicants compose a family of father , mother and live children. Knob child is sent out daily under rn assumed n.uiio and inati in-led to suv tr the credulous public , th.it "mother is sicl < with the ihcumatism and father is stele witli a liiino back and cannot work. " llefoio de tected they hud for bowo time been on tin bt roots , wlnlo the father w.is woikmg for the city at $1 75 a day , and the mother fully able to attend to the ordinary dutit > s of then sqiwlid home. The cluHhcii arc still beg- ging Another case is In North Omnlin , tlio name of the family not bolnjr known. It consists of father , mo'lK-r and clnlil. The Ititun-li.is been bcgKingaiil on the btor.v that "inthci and mother mo both sick nbod. " Tholr.uii was detected by a iieUhliur who haw the dcfeipnlng father leave tlio house before day break ono luoiniiip last week , and the witi was ovci heard to enjoin her leigo lord It huny away lest they ha detected iu the Im position. These in the city who nuiUo It a business to look after tlio worthy poor , say that then in not one , Itinerant mendicant on our suoet ! Who Is n worthy object of chai-lty. PmcKi.Y ASH HITTKUS is an unfail ing cure for all diseases originating it : biliary derangements caused by the malaria of miasmatic countries , Nt other modiclho now on bale will BO ef fectually remove the disturbing ele ments , and at the sumo time tone up tlu whole system , It is sure and safe in it ; action. Tremendous block of Fourth of Julj goods , including the. latest and best , a Collins' Gun Co. , 1312 Douglas tlrcet. ail'.v SMIfiOKi ; . Two Scrap * at tie ! Union 1'iiclllo DC pot nml .Many Hcaln AYuiiiul3 Three H , & M. nion were roughly liandlei by Union Puclllu men i o terd..iy afternoon C. W. Finn , a sjxscml ofllcsor for Jho U. & M. lutuincd from a trip to Soifiu Omaha ni about 'J o'clock , Ho eays that , as ho got of the train Just e.Ht of tjib denot live or si ) men attacked him , ono .with article , anothci With an umbrella and the lost Wtli | lumps o roal. The affray was over ami the uttac\ni | pai ty scattered in atom two 1-Wutes. Pirn ramo out of the nfffr with a Mm-u nnd blui TUo latter u Continental Clothing House , To the Wholesale and Retail Trade of the West. The opportunity of a lite-time for cash buyers - ers throughout the west. Extraordinary closing sale , unapproachable bargains to close the season in every department. Our limited space prevents ug men tioning but very few of the bargain lots offered , but wo guarantee from now un til July -1th , greater bargains in fine Heady-Made Clothing , Furnishing Goodi , Hats and Caps , than were over before quoted by any firm in the cloth ing business in the wc t. No old goods at any price. The goods olTcrcd to you at this sale are all new , made up within the last ninety day ? . HEAD THE LIST , SKR TIIH PRICP.S. H will amply repay the expenses of a trip to Omaha , by any man. woman or child wanting $10 worth of clothing. As specimen ! ! Of the dillercnt bargain lots comprised in this lot , wo mention a few ns follows , with a guarantee that the small number specially mentioned are uo moie attractive or desirable bar gains than hundreds of others to bo found in every department of our estab lishment during this sale. Lot 1187. On Monday wo will place on our counters -100 plain black pure all wool imported Whipcord bulls in full weights , suitable lor use in this elimato ten months of the vcar. Thcscbuitsaro absolutely now , fresh from the work shop , and never shown on our counters befoic. Suits made up in the very lat est style t button cutaway frock , which we olTcr In all si7.es from 83 to14. . Wo shall oiler Ibis frock suil at $15 per suit. Wo have not another word to say about this lot , excepting this , that wo htivo Fold precisely the same suit over since our store was opened for S ± 2 , and never less. less.Lot 3530.Wo offer 150 Mcns' Double Breasted Sack Suits , regular sizes from 85 to U5 , of the celebrated Slater Funnel all wool and guaranteed full indigo. Goods made by the colobraled Slater Woolen Co. , of Webster , Mass. Made nnd trimmed ! in first class manner and perfect fitting. Wo ofTer this lot to close at the unhonrd of price of 39 60i Jtemoinber this lot is all in double breasted Sack Suits. Lot 8050. Wo offer 100 suits , which will positively bo the last of this lot of the cclcbrato.l Sawyer Woolen Co.'s goods of .vhich wo have sold hundreds during Iho last two mouths. Wo offer 100 of tlio neatest styles of those famous goods to close at the remarkably low ' price of SlU. This suit is rotalle'd by every house iti tlio country at $18. Wo have never offered a bargain that has given sueh universal satisfaction as this suit. All sizes at the same price , SlU. Lot , ' ! . Wo offer 600 pnlrs best fancy Cas.simcro Pantaloons , goods Unit were made to soil for $7.60 and 8 Ihlseeti'-on ; goods made by the Globe Woolen Co. , Hock Manufacturing Co. , Ilockauum Mill. Broadbrook Mills , and other mtin- tifacturors of equal reputation. They are in regular sizes , and as nice styles as wo have in our stock at any price. Wo llnd that wo have a surplus of these fine goods and wo do not wish to carry them over , and have consequently made the uniform price of $ .5 per pair for the entire line. These goods are of the very best workmanship , and equal to any $10 custom panlaloons. Price dur ing Ihis closing bale will bo $5. In our Boys' and Children's Depart ment we oiler an EXTRAORDINARY line of bargains , particularly in Short Pant Suits. Our space will not permit of pur enumerating tlio dillercnt bar gains in this dopaatment , however , wo will mention ono lot , a lot of ST > 0 Boys' Knee Pant Suits , embracing three dif ferent styles , which wo have marked at the extraordinarily low price of $2.60 to ' close. Sixes from ! to 11 years. Send for sample suit. You will ho better pleased with them than anything wo have shown jou at Ibis price before. Lot2SJIaiHl2S.il ) . Boys' Long Pant Suits. Wo oiler in this'lot which em braces two styles. Boys' hlrictly all wool ciKslmers saclc suits , coat , pant ) and vest , In dark and medium colors for boys from 10 to 1 1 years of ago. ThH suit was made 10 sell at $10 bt't ' wo wish to reduce our slock of Ihom immodiat'o- and oiler them at this sale to close ' .or only Sit per suit. Every garment is V nr- ranlcd strictly all wool now fresh g ods. Ituniombnr the price 50. GKNTS' FURNISHING GOODADE- PART.MENT. I In this department wo aunoinu el the pale of ! ! ( )0 ) doron Gents' Fancy sh/rls. Tills entire lot was manufactured/ / - prefifrly for this vciii-oil's trade , we nave a large stock of thorn on liana and 'offer ' them tit 50 per cent less than thitfli verge tigo price lo close Ihom out. All its patterns , most desirable styles , fast cov ers , perfect fitting and perfectly niado in every respect , regular jiricea pi which wore from 81 to $1.7o. Tnisontiro lot in all sizes from 11 to 10 and } neck : wo offer at 75 cents each. Order forhalf do/.ou lots no less. Parties at a distance ordering these lots will please give us si/o of collar worn and Ibis is all that is necessary in order to gota perfect lit. Men's Half Hose 7f ) cents per p'nir We offer 8" > 0 ilo/.en of Men's Fancy Half Hose at 75 cents per do/en to close. Regular SI. 50 goods to bo sold only in do/.en lots at the remarkably low pdeo % of 75 cents per do/on , in sizes from tf toll. Sample suits of any of these lots will be sent C. O. Dwith the privilege of examination , to anyacldvess in Nebraska , Iowa , Colorado , Kansas , Wyoming , Dakota and Wyoming. OMBOSATON " Freeland5 Loomis & Co. NEW YORK _ . . DES MOINES Proprietors. Corner Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha , Neb. , Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River , as black mist was washed from the wounds The Mounds aic not serious , though they bled profusely and produced a shirt emi nently lit for the campaign. Finn was mi ni mod. having left his revolver nt home. Ho doesn't know his assailants , and their side of the story has not been heard. About the same time two 13. & M. section bosses named Mike Collpy and .1. English , were also done up. They claim they were on their way to the P.icitlo hotel , when the Union Pacific men attacked them without provocation. A witness of the affair , how ever , btates that Collpy and English were pa- railing up and down the pKitform at the cast end of the Union Pacific depot , nuking maudlin boasts of their ability to do up any man \vho worked for the 'Union Pacific. They were quickly accommodated with a ch.inccto test their prowois. When they | ) lckud themselves up Collpy h.id a cut under the eye and English had several slashes on the head. None of the wounds are seiious. The Union Pacific sluppors dibanpc.iicil bcfoie they could bo identified. Full line of base hall poods at Collins' Gun Co. , IIHU Doughib bti-eet. DrinkMalto. . A 1''ill n I Swim. J. T. Howes was drowned yesterday while bathing in Cut oa" lake near Fitch & Co.'s ice-house. ' 1 he bed } w.is recovered. Howes was about nineteen years old and worked at the Deaf and Dumb institute. Wanted. To buy second-hand furniture for cash. A.V. . Co WAX , 400 N. IGtli. The message boxes of Tim Bun are proving a , great convenience to the public. Pianos tuned nt Jlosno's 1513 Doug st. The message boxes of Tins BII : are proving a { , 'icat convenience to the public. For sale cheap for cash , lot U , block 5 , Marsh add. , with H htory house , ono bloclc south of Lenveinvorlli on " 2oth avenue. JNO. D. Couni : , care of N. B. Falconer. Burglar alarms and electric matting put in by L. W. Wolfe Co. , 1011 Cap itol a von uc. PICKING JplPENNIES. A Novel Scheme by Which a Young Foreigner Mnku4 a Living. A reporter for the Now York Mall and Express was on his way bomo from police hcndqimrturii the other night or rather the other morning , for it was nearly ! > o'clock when ho observed n well-dressed young man walking up anil clown between the car trivnl < H on Broad way. His bead was bent nnd his eyes were fixed on the ground. At fiiM the seribo thought ho was intoxicated , but booing him fctop aside for a hansom that caino tearing down the Hti'uut and then as boon as the cab had pa cd him btep back to tlio track and pui-suo his way , H before , the theory of drink was gone. "llnvo you lost anythingY" the writer ventured to inquire , after following on tlio fcido-wulk for eight or ton blocks. "No , I has'on't lost anything , " the man returned , with coiibidenible stress on tlio " 1. " ' llns anybody lost niiythintfV ' "I ilon't know , but 1 hope w > . " The man's. ropVy wuibiirli tlintoouplod with his niannor , that reporter thought ho mubt bo cru/.y nnd ho mlvited the lifbt policonuin hu met. The policeman came lo tlio tame conclusion after watching him awhile , and finally ho hhoutod to the track walker : "What are you doing in the middle of the road ? ' ' . "Just what you are making n living , " came tlio answer. This roiled the bluecoat , and ho wont out and laid bunds on the young man. Then ctuno nn explanation. The track walker was a young foreigner who , being unable to get any employment , bent | his time in going over the vnri- ous hoi-tro-oar routes looking for coins. Ho selected the districts over which the most riding was done , and then , lifter tlio Itibt car had gone by , ho began his tramp. IIQ raid ho never fulled to find bometbing in tlio shape-of inonoy. As n rule bib best finds , wore between Fourteenth nnd Tliirty- soventli streets , on Broadway and Sixth nnd Fouith avenue's , nl'JuiugU early in tlio night lie sometimes had better fuck- on UpoaiUyay from the South ferry to tlio poatoflluo. ' The idea of looking-for nionoy in this way ocpiiVi'cil to' Iviin one day whwi ridujg" oil u Bleekor'streetc.ir. lie hiid bouylit u Mtiil and K prcss.fromat noiva- boy , nnd in paving for.it-droiipo.il two or three picceb of money , whieli rblldd'otf tlio platform to-the street , H6 gof-oif Iho cur as soon -UB ho.1 could uud went back to look for them. On the way down the track bo found two pennies and a dime , before getting to the spot wheic bo had dropped hib own money. On being nsked how ho accounted for the loss of money on the street , be said that he hud do doubt that many of tlio pieces of money picked up were dropped by passengers getting on and off the cars and by the little newsboys who , as n rule , carry their money very loosely , us well as by drunken men and unfortu nate conductors. In aulk from the battery to Thirty-second street ono night ho picked up SO cents. His usual llnd , however , was about " 0 ccutb or 30 cents , nnd consists mostly of pennies. Absolutely ThH iiowilor never varies \ninivelofpnilty , streiiKth and wholesomeiifss Mine economic than the onllnarj klmlH , itn > l cannot bo sold In competition with llio inultltn < l < > of lowest short wufKlit alum or phosphate jiowuViH. S filmifj"ii fllljx. H ) Y All U VICIMI 1'oVV ILU CO , 11)0 ) \ \ all St , New Voik. HeveYouWill Will buy one of our nobby' Spring Suits , in Worsted fine Cassimere , 01 Scotch Scheviotsin ! a11 tlie p ° par | | c ° ' - of1 * alld styles. Real1 iargans ; tiat cannot fail to be appreciat ed by the discerning We are aware that Inexpensive good * .lie largely adver- Mseil tint season but a 1 of them cannot stand the test of close inspection.We , our customers 'to ' examine our stock , and thus satisfy ( themselves of its ( jnality and our ve racity. ' 3O DAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW lEUSTJO TRUSS Vila * n 1 ail dlirtrriit ( ruin all btlier * . Uoip thapu , ultti 8elf- il pubittou * bniiu boil ) , M tiito reoaosbnck jt OB a ber- . ullKfit iin .ure -.uiiiln raillral DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successor : ) to John 0 J.nobs ) Undertakers & Eml almers At the OH fctaml. H')7 ' Barnaul St. Oitluis by teJegranh boiHeil ! and promptly nttc'niled sa to.N < i'J 'pROF./lFlrKfFOWLEB | , f/oodu / ! , Conn. CHARLES SHIVEBIOK , CMldrens' Carriages , Refrigerators , etc. 1800-120S-12JtO irariMin Street. GREAT SACRIFICE in PRICES OF FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. Violins , Guitars , Rttitjo * , Shnulolinv , Acoi'dlant , Zithers , Au- tol'uti'vs , etc. , AT COST. CRAP BROTHERS , 114 and 116 N. 15th Street. DEWEY & STONE , A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in tlio furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. veruioss uorn J FOR T 'Z LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABLE. THE VERY PERFECTION OF QUALITY. 'J11U amily TARRANT'S | TAHHANT'S v SEUTZCR APIiRIENTSELTZCR APERIENT Kuslly dlB'"ite l ; of tlio llniHt flavor. .A lipiirty lo\craii" for " > < ticmK ui > iK'tite ; u ilrllrutvtlrlnk 'ninrmiuhlv tinted ; null ill'iiis ' ; p.ilatublo ; iincxi uilul in inu'lly ; no Hiiiik utter ollucts , Roqulroa nobolllnr. Marlon Ilnrliuiil , niristlno Tcihnne Ili'rrlok , Ilcun A. K Thomas , M.I ) , ] iruuuunco It llio bet of all the juiweiliTiMl rlioc < iaUn. ! Nootht'i tiinalij Hlii iluMir , [ iiu it j anil VM-i-nvarjiTic < | uUue.-i. ; ! ( iiucLin. Sumiilc iiitltlitl foi Wtitu. II. O. WIMUJIt ik SO\S , I'M I IM1)I3M'U1A. IM. crcians1 N OF OMAHA. Norlli\u"it Corner l-'iiniain anil liUli Sis. 1'iiltl Up CnpKal . $ .100,000 Surplus Viinil . 100,000 I'itANK Mt'Hl'IIV , HAMlrii. : U ItUUKKS , \'tce-l're iaent. JIKN 11. WOlif ) , Ciibhter lA'TUUK UltAKi : . As-sltmit Cashier. Accounts solicited and tirouijit altentivn glv en to biibinvsa iniiubtud to IU i r - Pheoology and Piiysioiogy , Tnstructlonlaall tlmt lolatcs to Health fii'd llitiipmvba. L'haiU Bl tu. h"Wlijj wliut trade , bus.ntls ornroft < khlon IH bi st { uf you , t si mo tlirccaa In lite. HtiW lo UID.V li.lluUuOU. lull fuulal HlllitiliU'SS luivv lin' , flow lectured lluvv tothoribH u luisbiinil , wife. JrunU > biiblui.s * partner Whwa uml wnmu > inauy , od. Choice , rroKiesMjLljni.Uforhi'o ttp f. r MlMvN , | ' , mi.JoBlbt Olllie Houiti , I to lOi'.nj ) JU 1-ainanu t. , UNION TRUST COMPANY. ! ! ( ) S S. I.VI'II S'l' . , OMAHA , MIH. CAPITAN , - $300,000 , Loans Made on Real Estate , Fchool.County mill Miinlclji.il Komls Negotiated WJI. A. PAX'ION1 , I'roMilunt. W.M. ( J. MA L'I < . Vlco-l'reaident. JtOIlIIKT IGA ltI.ICII > . ! - ( rt'turj' . AJ-I'UKU Ml W.A1U ) , Treainrer. \\'M. A. ITON I , Hr.Miiv T. \V ( j.M.tri , Jimi I'll IUIIKLII , UUIIT. I. . OAiti.inifAi.inniMiu.Aiti > , ( Jill. I ! . If VIIKIR. U. S. Jii' ) : ( > SlTMY. ( { OMAHA , - NERBASKA. * 500 , 00 Surplus . 100,000 JIUKMAN K JOHN A. CHlUljJlUO.N , \ Ito 1' . II. DAVIS , fubhlt-r. HV . H. Mr.OUL'Iint , Ats taut Cabhkr Z829,8 \ 0 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars vrrro ehf n > od during tlio raet tvo J ura , nltliout a driun- incr JU ourcuiplov ; Nootbor ItoiiBuiil till ) Horldeau IrutU- lullj mukusU'aliu eliowiui ; . Ono usent fcUalir oulyj wautodluuuchtowu , j SOLD BY ItAOUB D UCCIST3. K4ylR.W.TANSILL&CO.,55 State SLChicaa ? . MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb- ; person ? , tnkfnc ndvAiitnjo of OHP rcputntlon , nro ooiiHtixtitly htnrtinn IIORIIH incdlr.tl citnhlislmioiits to deceive- Hlrnimers vHltltiKthc city. 'Xlicso prctciiclrrt usiinlly dlsnnponr hi ft few wi-cks. Uownru of them or tlielr riinnors or ncoiits. Tlio Oninlui Jtleillc.U nml SuruR'al IiiHtitiuo Is llio only ostubllohptl iniMllcal Ingtl- tiUo In Omnlin. Jr. ' luMcnniny , 1'ioprlotnr , Wlieu yon mnko up your mind irt visit ux , mnkc n iiiuinornmluin of nnr exact nildrcss. nml Unit save trouble , ( Icfny or iul8tnlcc < 4. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Surgical Diseases AND DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. DR. J. ff. MciINAMY , PliysidaD aiiil Siiipi ill fliar TWENTY YEAttS' HOSPITAL AXK > VKlATK PKAGT1CC. Assisted toy a Milicr of Coiupclcnl , Skillful and Ewicncsi Pliy icians and Surgeons Particular Attention paid to Dcforinitiro , Dibcasps of Wonipn , Disrates of llio Urlnnrj niul Sc'\uaI Organs , Prhato lIsensc ) , lllscan" , of ( lie Xenons Sjstcni , Luiifcnutl Tin-oat Diseases , Surglcnl Oncration . , lliiik-p j or Fits , Tiles , Cniiccrs , TIIIIIOIN , Y.ic. More money in\estcd , more bkillful physicians and &mgeons employed ; more patient ? treated ; more cures cllcctcd ; more modern tinproscd instruments , apparatus and applir anceb than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the wpt combined. Largest and most complete Medical InMitutu or Hospital in the vest. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ventilated rooms for patients , three skilled phvsiciaue always in the building. All kinds of diseases ticatcd in the most scicntillc manner , IVc Maoiilktoe Siirpl Braces for Deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Klcctrical Uatteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult i'b , or write for circulars upon all sub jects , lutli lis > t of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by concspondcnce. We have superior advantages and facilities for trentihg diseases , per forming smgical opeiaiions and nursing nattents , which comhined with ouracknoul- edped ahi ity , experience , icsponsihility and icputatioii , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the llr t choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and paticn'b here icccive every advantage that art. tkill. science and human ingenuity , can brinp to bear on theii cases. Theii comfoit and loiucmcnccill alwa > s be taken into consideration. Should ) on conclude to visit us for ticatment or coriespond with us , you will find tlmt thccc statements of our position , location and facilities aie not o\crdia\\n in any paiticular , but arc plain unvainished facts. Only Kelinble Medical Institute faking a Specialty of All Blood Disease succefsfully tieateil. Syphilitic Poison removed from the syslem without meicury. New icstorativc lieatment foi loss of \ ital Power , I'crsons unabla \isilus may I e treated at home ! > ) correspondence. All comnninic.ilions confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express sicurel. ) packed , no maiks to indicate contents or tender. One personal inters iew preferred. Call and consult us 01 send his tory of your case , and \\e will send in plain wrapper , oui BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous DUcascfc , Inipotcncy , Syphilis , Gleet nd ' wish question list. My Reasons for Writing a Book Upon Private , Mai and teens Diseases , I have for many years made a specialty of disacs of the urinary and sexual organs , have become a recojjni'ied authority upon the subject , consequently 1 receive an immense number of letters from physicians and aflbcted persons , asking my opini' ' n and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of Mich persons , I have wiitlen a book , giving if ( jencial description of the most common diseases and conditions , my triMtmrnt , success , advice , etc. After leading it , pcibons \\ill have a clearer idea o ( their condition andean \viite me more intelligently and to the point. It will thcrefoie he seen that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish rcadinj , ; matter to a clans ot persons who read ouUof mcic idlecnriobilv , but for the benefit of the many who aie suffering to a gi cater or jjt-ss device fiom diicases , or the effects of disease * or abu ci. , of the koxual or u unary org/ns. Not a clay passes but we rectivc many calls 01 letters from pcuons mffeiing from/this / class of diseases , 01 their sequel. Man ) of them aie ignorant of the c.uise of the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bnght piospcits and I * shortening their d.ys. Surulcnl opeiaiions for the cine of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Canccif , FUlula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cioss R es ; Varicocelc , Inveitcd Nails , Weiib and Deformities Jtright'b ICczema , etc. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Treated fan-fully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and most approved methods. WRITE VOH HOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , i'KEJJ. Dr. McMenamy has for years devoted a large portion of his time to the study and treatment ot tins class of di'easet. , and has spared neither time nor money lo perfect Immclf , and is fully supplied with every nibtrunient , appliance and rimcdy of value in this department of'Medicme and Surgery. EYE AND EAR DEPARTMENT We claim superiority over any oculist or ainn.1 in tinvve.t , and the thousands whom we have cured , after othtrs have f.ukd , substantiate our cl urns To those ofllicted with Eye and Ear Uiteases , we simply say tall and consult us , get a scientific opinion , then visit whom > ou like , and if you are an intelligent person jou will return tr > us , lor treal- ' " bo'ok , ' describing the Eye nnd Ear and thrir duc.-uci , in plain language with numerous illustration * , are written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write iie Vn'regard lo cates ; i-y reading them caitfnlly plmician and patient will have a clear underbtanding and can describe cafes to us moie iiilellii-pntly. WRI1E IOK. . JSO'Jh. ON DISEASES OK THE EVE AND EAK , PUKE. AUdrcki all lullurt to OMAHA MEDICAL AMD SURGICAL INSTITUTE McMENAMY N W Cor I3h&.0oilg8 ! Sts Omaha Neb. DR , J. W , , , , , . , , , .