Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
line for the Ilrst ln ortlon , 7 cent * for e rh ( nib-
reqiu-nt Insertion , nnd IIW n.lino per month.
NY-ndvertlFfpwnt taken for less tlmn 3a < onn
fnr tlip Jlrst Insertion. , heven words willbo
counted to thn linn ; tlioyrnmtruiironscrntlvdy
nn I tili-t be p .Id in ADV AN ( 15. All ndverH c-
incut mti-t by blinded In before U TO < rloi k p.
in. , nt.d under no circumstnn-es will they bo
Ink n or dlscontlnutd by tele-phono.
Parties ndvtrtlsinp In thcau column * nnd hftv.
inp the nnswi > r n < ldic"od In care of TUB 111 K
will please ASK fern cho < kto enable thorn to get
their lettorn , nsnona vvlll be delivered except on
presentntion of clu-rk. All miswers to auvc-'r- '
tlsnnetits Miould IIP ortcloiwd In envelopes.
Ml advertisements in these olwnns nri pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
TIIK Hn. the circulation of which nggrepatps
inert than 1VAM papers dally , nml gives the nd-
% pjtl efsthe bonelll , not only of the city circu
lation of'I in. HI-K , but also of Council IJIuHs.
J Incoln nml other cltliH nnd towns throughout
this section of the countrv.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken ,
on the above conditions , at the following bu l-
ness hoiuei , w lie are nntliorlred agents for Til E
HER fpeclal notlipo , nnd vvlll ( juote the same
rates nn can bo had Ht the main olllce.
IOHNW. * 1JICLL , PhnrmaclstrsJO Soiilh Tenth
CJ Stropt.
/ 1HA8P : IIDY ! , Stationers and Printers , 111
South Uth Street.
It. r'AHNSWOUTir , Pharmacist. Sir , Cum-
Ing Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , OJ4 North Uth
. Street.
, Pharmacist , 18OI St. Mary'B
" \\7ANTKD 1'ofcltlon ns inn-no by practical ,
i f trnlned iiurso from cast ; best of lefcience.
Addrcts Mis. Bcott , 1417 Harney st. ! W :
\VANTP.D-SltuatIon In grocery store ; speak
i T ; i lungtiagos : willing to woik for siimll
xvoges. Apply 1 ! 1 Paclllost 804 ! )
\\7ANTr.D A good biend nnd cake bnVcr.
Vocgcll & Dining , lOi North Thlitepiith
Btrcct. . ' ) o *
boy whoisaKood
scilbennd speaks KuglUh and Herman , to
v\ork In real cHtata ollicoi Address , Heal 1
tatc , Oinihii. Neb. 301-5' '
\\TANTKI ) A good bread nnd cnkn bakt-r ;
good vvngc'rt guaranteed. Immlro of ( Icoigo
Jlasler , I'remont , Neb. UtrJ-O
lTANTii ; ) I'lrst-tlnsH harbor nt once , at
i Kiel's hotel binbcTshop , Council lllulls.
AaP.NTSiuapingblgm-oflts spiling " 0. K"
potato peek'rit ; other goods , samples and
terms of each postpaid , ICc. P. Uates , J ) Deyst. ,
Ni w Vnrk. IMn-Il *
W ANTED i\ppiienccd : milker. No.m 4115
launders. : m
AOKNT3 wanted overywheia to sell our cam
paign goods. Keinilrrs no experience , sell at
night , ( i to J ll ) n dav easily made , bend for oil-
fiilars and terms. 8. W Davis A Co . Piovl-
deuce. II. I. 310 C
"V\fANTRD Agents to sell satin campaign
> badges. Send 2'ic for complete samples. U.
W Kindle ) & Co. , 21tl N lid tit. Phllada 311 ! ) *
l7"ANTii-a : llrst clnis milkers. J. V Hoch ,
> noith of ileaf and dumb institute. Kit ,
AOI3NTS vnntctl for the Kureka homo gas
generator. 'J ho I'ureka Is the only perfect do-
vlco over invented by which kerosene oil can bo
Uhed lu any 01 dimity cook stow , inngu or open
prate with perfect safety , and without smell or
emoke , nnd vvlll give 111010 heat from tha
nioi.o t oil consumed than nny other devlro
ov er prct-r.trd before the public. Addles for
cliculnis and fcrnis , the llurok
Co. , M P.ust llth stNe > v York. ail ;
"V\rANTKD Twe > good men as managers ut
> i Heatiici- and 1 'turnout. Hofeionct'S nnd
12 0 cash icfiulred. Palaiy ? 1,200 per ye ir. 'I ho
I.pomls Nutional f.lbiary Association , , lt , IT. S. 2'J' > J !
\\TAN' ! KD-1 Piano plnjor , saloon , 1117lodgo
i' st. ! ! ir j ?
" \A7ANTnD KiO pavliiK htono dressoia at
> > Noithwestcrn Labor Agency , bhlp daily.
John Mllldoon \ Co , iJlli S. 10th st. : m
i 2orl ! A 1 cm pouters to mit up
haidvvuod llulsli. liuiulru 1'lrst National
bank. ; 4-J < =
. . . ' 113D Two oneigotlc younitmcii to take
chnigo of an olllce , good salary : hinall
capital icipjlrcd. M. 13. Mason , 1'JOI rnrniim at.
TANTHD At VnlPaialso , Neb.a compoteirt
r barber ; a steady lob guaranteed ; 410 per
week . , ,1 H. Davis , Valparaiso , Neb. 217 ! i ?
1 VAr > 'TRB A No-1 butcher to work In a mar
t > ket ; must bo a good market man ; must be
sober mid give good reference ; a good niuu can
Imvo n steady job. John Mnybuiy , Ncllgh. Antelope >
ii telopo Co. , Neb. 111-et
" \\7ANTiD : 1 or S nt tlvo businessmen to take
hold of Hrtlclu ; prollt fiom JlOtoWOathiy ;
capital roi.ulrcd , JiXJ to fJM. Itoom 4. Cromibo
block , 111) ) N , lUth st. 47
"V\T ANTED Kneigctlc men and women every-
it vfhero for a gentcvl inone.v-mnklng busl ,
ness. fiO weekly piollt giuuanteed rnslei than
ItUinonthl ) otheiwihc. Kxperleuco absolutely
nnnecesstiry. Permanent position and oiclusivo
tcrrltoij assured. $200 nampltH fitp. Wilto for
pnttlriihiis. Addrets , with stamp , Mprrlll Mfg
Co. , II M , Chicago. 227 .IyU
ENl'.lKjKTIC , lollublu nipii wiintcdto solicit
t f : JjJfoi n ling''innufacnirliig house ; no capital
b nqtilicd ; iSfpienco nucessary , Atldioss llox
' 'it Hpj' Omnha ; , Neb. 10J , ly7
VT-AN'lKI-Mt'u for the west. Albilphfa
labor agency. 1U"0 I'unium Bt. C1I
> OYs-Ani. Dlst. Tel. Co. , Ibul Douglas.
* . 12J
) Woman piibtiy cook , $10 ; seconil
i . cook , J.'O : laundress , 51h , 4 cooks for bonul-
Inp houses , eM to J ill cooks for Abliland , Aiap.i-
lio" , l'i eninilt and Ntnfolk , WO to J > 0 ; cool : ami
Pi ( onil glil for mime family , 44 ; toi Council
lllulfs. fi , nnd no for gein'ialnonio'nurkln ' anil
nut of city , also ID good diniiigioom gills , * .ii ,
board nnd loom ih-.s. llicga , U14ii South 1'ith.
" \\rAKTKI ) Competent cook and laundiess ,
ii letoieiircs rt'qulied , Miiall lumih. Apply
to Mrs.N. . II. McCartl , 301 6 bth. ti-ii
V\yANTKI-l liht-class 1st and 2il girl , binall
T fiimll ) ; good vva esj Uurmuii piefi'iicd.
S-MJ Dodgy. Mra. Phillips. uH
\VANTP.D-NurJoghl at2112 Douglas
nt once. IWJ 5
l7"ANTii-2 : ) illningrnom BlrH at Arc.ulo
> hotel , Ul'i Douglas st , waged } ls pel mouth
; > 0d tt
i : I ) Drrssiiialter tocomn tohonso anil
few by thuday ; niudt know how to cut uutl
ill pdrfeetly Mrs , Martin , 2 > UU Piirnuni bt.14U
) A girl for general hnusuvmk.
Apply ' . ' 1st and I.ouiat. A. M. Collott.
A plrl to do illnlng-iooni am !
chamber work ami girl to worU in kltilnn
Uoiaii house * , 4 b. IMh bt. , near bt. Mar ) a nvc ,
l ANTKD-Uood cook , main or female , 707
> Ninth 10th , Now Yorkiestuuiant. fOl
r ANTii-Dlnlncroom : girl at Occidental
hotel. t > 43
\ \ rANTKIDlnlngroyui gill and dishwasher ,
1U01 N lUth. .V
"IVANTUD-Lady ngpnts. "A" bl.iiland bus-
it tie tomblneil mal II , liose uuppoiteis ,
llQth new. Illc iirfHIts. Secure towns foi wpilng
tindo. 1 adieu'Supply Co.,261 ! \\nshlngton
St. . Chicago.
NiiUtASKA : employment olUce.No. 17 Nortl i > t. Malu and f niilo | help supplied
1'rlvato ' famlllea a unoi laity 2iU 8
/1ANADIAN llmoloymunt OIHcn-Mule niu
V/fe-iimle help tent to all pans if font Is ad
Minted. Heforence , Omaha National bank. Mis
Hregu.llUViS.16th. Tpl , eM. _ 7Kjjlt
OMAHA l.niplTnre.ui , H9 N. loth bt , olde-si
aud most tellable olllro in city. If yon neud
liolpcftllorwillf. Tel 111. ! . J.1)jyl2 )
\ArANTii-Mcn : ) and bos out of work in cal
ut ( ho City liuollgcnca olllcu ( Crelghtou
Tulk ) cornel 15th und Douglas ot j. lij
"tA/'ANTHD-Alady room-mate ; none but re-
Ul'j iit
"l\7 ANTi:0 : To buy or tiaitu for n good bul
Vt Ing that can bo moved , Please call on
.cr adOrcis Utorga J.StoruHlorll , roum 0 , onpo-
fcite P. O. il
\VANTKD Tlie public to make good us o
> I'Tluj ilea'i lutis aga boxes throughout thu
cit.r , ' , 108
\\7ANTED-Ifyou liave any' lailds. lots , or
i > houses and lats to soil or exchange foe
cthT pioiwrly. c U onuie ur vvrlttf. lean tlna
rou ftvutt u r , C. < X Biie > uvood , 3Uilj f. Ktn.
. . . . . i" i
do dfw
Miss Stnrdy , yj ) s.-M st
Table boanlerflfl
\\rAN'lKI ) ColtaBe of.6 or fi roiMrt'witltln
i I I" , ' lutles of post .niw. Ait-lre . irivlHg
lev ation nud rcct expcacd , Addre-mS In , lire ,
Foil lir.NT 2 lx-roojn lionac * . cor. 13th nnd
Vlntoii. Telephone W3. John I. . Hill.
lj\OH HKNT Cheap , hn rtejrnnt nch 0-rootn
J-1 house with nil modeni Improv enu-nts , 1J17
BCOtliHtrcct. Just bouthbt Woolworth.
ana 12 *
ry-HOOM hotup In beautiful location ou Callfor-
nla st ; rent ISOi furniture for rent on en'ty
terms , Co-operatlvo Land & tat Co. , W5N. 16th.
ir01t Iti.VT-At : lB.n N. leth t. U rooin of
Jan ulitht room honno ; bnth and modern Itn-
provFinrnw , Hcnt , MU per month , owner and
wlfo to board with party renting. Will pay fj
per VN eek boirtl. gfi7-3
TTOIl HUNT-Modcrn alniflo house of tiroonifl ,
J bath roomhot and coldvsntcr , on trcot car
line and paved Mroot , icady for occupancy
AUK , 1 , MS per month. Apply at ouco C. F
1 larrlson. 413 a. U.that. iili )
HKNT-No.2111 CRpltol nvcnuc , apply to
O. I' . lavln Company , ito 1'nrnain st
T710H KiNT-7-room : home. No. 1518 9 6th St. !
-1 B-room cottatto. No. 019 Win. st. : 5-room cot-
tage. No.UTi ) Charles st. Inqulio HOGCapavo.
Foil lli.NT-or : Sale-New cottaRe , nedford
I'laco , on easy pi > incuts. Ktupulro M. I , ,
Itocdcr. loom 41X11'uxtonblocic. ti" > 7
Foil IUNT ; KJ room boarUIng housn corner
llth and Dodge AH. . 471 . > f
HOUSP for rent , fiirnlturo for Hale , 1 block
from 1 * . U. , IQlii Dodge gt. 8 7
OU UIINT-rine 10 nnd l-room ) new bdck
honscvwllh all modern convenience * , at low
rate * , at ith mid Cass , on cat Hue , H. ' ,
at Union Trust Co. 83-J 8
FOH HUNT 2 new houses , all modern Im
provements , doslrablo location. KAIcav *
cnvvorth , room 1,1417 1'iuimm st. 813
FOR UBNT-ARnntl 5-rooni house. 20M Iloi-
cos st. Krank O. Ulton. C07 Jyl'J *
T71OU lir.NT A line 10 room brick house with
J-'all modern ImprovcmentH , line location on
sticct cai lino. it. M. Genius , 1403 Douglas st ,
FOH HUNT I'lno cottage , largo barn , beauti
ful grounds and Bimdo trees , J10 per mouth.
It. U. I'ltttcison , i)18 ) 8. loth at. 617
TJ10H HKNT 7-iOoni house on iiaved street , 0
-L blocks from court house , J.XJ per month 1 ! .
1' . Bonvcr , loom 10 , liaikc-r block. 4J'J '
FOH SAI.TI T o 8-room hon es In Or-
than ! Hill nnd IVmpleton 1'aik. Will sell
cheap for cash , or M 111 taK Rood llrst or second
inortRaKo paper. Any reasonable terms to lion-
c-bt parties. C. C. SpolMYpod. ag'i ' H. ICth. 44'i
TWOlTllKNT-lO room hotiso Kill Bt. , $00 : -
J-room homo H" > , 8 room < .l"i , 7-ioom
hoii'ioli'i : C-room house Hovanl stand other
housei O. E. Tuompsou , Sheeloy block. Ski
FOH lir.NT I 8-1 oem honso and barn , 1017
WobstorBt. ; 1 fi-rooni houw , th ave nnd
Webster , lnqulio Itoom 005,1'axton block. I' .
J. Crcedon. ' - ' . ' > "
FOIl HKNT A desirable nlno-rooni house all
modern improvemouli , linlt block fiom
cublo line ou west Dod u st. All improvements ,
cheap to good tenant , r. J. Ilothw luk.-'Jl S Uth.
TJIOIl ItnNT rurnlshed house , Rood location ,
-L' lor pnrtleiilirs call at the ollico of 'IhoH.
llrennan i : Co. , loom J , Chamber of Commerce.
I1IAVK n foui-room house on Kith street , two
blocks south of Vlnton , that I will lenttoa
Rood tenant for Jl- per .month. cveiythltiK in
Kood repair. George J. SteiiibctorU , lloom 0 ,
opposite 1' . O. SU
TIMIN loom house with yaid , near 1 aiiuim and
JL "Ith st , bteam he it and all modern 1m-
piovcrncnts. Ju ; per month. C\ill"UTS. 2lth t.
FOH HUNT S-ioom honso. North Saundi-rs
Bt. Kuaulro of 0. W. IJenll i. Co. . .1133.
ICth. 130
F"OH ItCNT A IjcatH cottURC. Applv at
onci > . C. 1" HitriNon , 4I8S Ijthst. 1JI
171UHN1SHED front room7l412 Howard st
318 0 *
ITHNISHUI ) looms , with or vltliont board ,
2'iU. ' , comer Pleasaiitand bt. Maiy s ave.
3i ! ) 0 *
N'ICEI.V furnished looms , ICOU Douglas.
J-13 ot
rp\VO furnlslmd rooms , 1018 Howard , 2d lloor.
J- XS 10
171OH UKNP riirnlBhed loom forJ ! gentlemen
J- with or without bord , 4-'t N. 17th. y.'l Ct
FOH HUNT Two or three nicely firnlshed
looms , hiiltablu foi looming or light house-
Keeping. Wl bo. 1'ith ' bt. JJ1 0-
SM AUj fuiiiHliod i oem : breakfast If desired ;
terms icasonable. "jll Chicago &t. > U7 K
Tm LUtNiSIUl loom W , NW S. S3nil.
POH ItENT Nicely furnished , cool front
loom , all coin enlcnccs , 17J- ! Capitol uve.
TV'ICIUjV' furnished rooms for ladles or Kcntle-
-I- ' menu , 1 block cublo and led car Hues , coi net-
Slbtnnd Websti'i. ' 0 is *
NICK latgn , newly fuiiilshed front loom.fiiilt-
able for2 or 4 KCiitlonmn. Gas and bath.
Hent J15. Kbtabiook bit , 401 N loth. Ml lit
ACOMKOHTAHI.i : furnishedbod-ioom.soutli
fiuut , vUth ill t'sslng loom attached , suitable
for two gi.ntloinc n , Uilt capital avo. S.3 <
ITiOll HUNT No\vly fniiilfiliod HO front loom
- - ' v\lth aleov-pnnd bay window , pilvatu hou o ;
boaid if desliedj No. d" Oeoigla ave. (829th ( st > .
FL'HNISIir.D front room cheap , 2110 Ilaincy.
LA KG Kfiont room , bay window , east o\pos-
ure , g.ii Only ictpcctablo paitlea wmitcd ,
_ _
1710 It Itl'NT rnrnlshcd fiont mom , D blocks
J11 om P.O. , moiUrii come'ulcnces , a l N. 15 th.
fM 5 *
nlctly fuinlslu'd looms , llrst-tlnss
boaid , inodeiu eonvc'iilences , lain Dodge st ,
IAHOIIHOOM hultablo for two Kentlcmen.
i Cable and two lines ot cait ) . 1'c'iluit prl-
vary. K5J N. Sutli , corCumlng. WJ-U
TTlUHNISHKirioonu. and boaid , 1UJ Chlc.iRo.
* ' *
_ _ li5.4' !
7j > UH HUNT Tvvo or tluc'O nli-ely furnished
-L rooms , suitable for looming or Unlit house-
Keeping. Unqtlliu l&IJ Webalei . '
TJU'llNlSJint ) looms for lent. friJi ciipltol
-L1 avenue. 'Jll-d'
TTIUJINISIUJD front loom , 71'JS Ibth st.
J ? iui c *
IU5NT 2Iargo fion.i oems nicely fur
ulnhed with nil modem conv'enlencos , tixtia
location. J.'I N. Uth ht. Uuei 1 *
"VncR lingo front loom with Imth.fortwo gen-
- ltiemun ur ningle. Apply ' 'J/J Uouglin.
looms with board , SKQ Hurt.
150 tit
QOl"l II lopm nicely fiinitehed. modem con-
Ovonlences , bultablo for ono gentleman. 21U7
Uongla ! . . bit.
T7IOH HiN'Jrurnlshcd : looms. C07 N. 17th st.
TilOH 1UJNT-A Binull pleasant loom. UOO
K Chli ago tt. 748
171011 Itr.NT Furnished rooms In Greuntg blk
- - ' toi. Uth and DocltruHta. Inquire of Goo. H. ,
Davis. Mlllurd hotul ullliuril room. It :
"VTICIILY furnued rooms with tnoiUin con-
- lvtnlt'iiceant Oiag. llth at. 072
1TUJH HUNT-rurnlshed rooms. Itia Dodge ,
JLJ Ul.'Jy 0
N'ICKI.Y furnished rooms , with or without
boaid , 201J Douglas bt. < 31 Jy lit
FOH HKNT Nicely fmtiUhed i-ooms wTth
board ; rotarcucc ) * . 14 lUrnam t. 'JI7-4
"I t OOM S including board In the Young Wo-
- V men's homo 1110 * Dodco bt. ' lloferonces re-
tliilied. t'10
_ _ _
XT K'BIA" furnished rooms , (1 per week or MM
± * momli. Ut ! , 601 antlBOO t ; . Ibth at. 402 Jyl4t
IT OlMt gentlf men can be accommodated wltb
-L ii nice tihitu of rooms uiUI tint-class board at
MaQ-'fl aye. . Oraddy block. bUj
171011 HKXT rufnlslied ro.Mnv ith boird for
- * - t\vo Ketttlemei. | acj St. Mury'a Jive. MJ7
LA1IG1 ; ttiid'tmall rooin eultable .for gcct-te-
wan. wnhorwttLout buarvl,16C..Dodire ,
* * . - *
JjlUHNISHKD ro ms , inSCOth. . CM Jy3
2 Front rooms fofofllpc. Inquire
1UI Kurnain tt. _ ! B7 6 * _ . _
Ql'FICKS and stores In SheelJ- block 0 < 1. E.
. Tiiomrxon , rooin 212 _
HCNT-hiorelTn I'oiUe afreet ,
l | ftrenthRUl.SlVce&tll ( > rf ot9.
Hniney , lloorri 4 , Arlington Itlock.
TOHE for rent lrt n immth. . iiil rutriliiR si. ,
WMnut Illtl.Milt dnipplst. KTOI er or butcher.
Apply at Sav ge stln shop , 117 South Wh.
HKNT-Store , basement and vv-Rrcliiti e
attachfd , suitable for tin Hardware shop or
Plumber : Booiiplmo for grocery store. Ill S.
Inquire O. Olacolnlnl. _ 217
TItOH HKNTStoreroom , n6rthvrcst cor IMh I
- nnd Vlnton. " 7J
S . .r for rent filfl N. Wth , Inquire of
llfury Qstholf. 1MI California ft. 459
/\rKK E Tor Kent ( ! round lloor oflico. No.
vt : t \ . isth St. Apply room 41) ) , lit nat ,
bank building. U'J
. , .r .
FOlt IIKNT llrlrk flnro with bapoment , No.
M7 8. IJtih Bt. : a otlices on f < ec6nd floor No ,
Vm rnrnam t. , by Pniilsen & Co. , 15111'arnam
St. . room a. 101
IOH HKNT-ltetall buMncss rooin on 16tn st.
C. r. Karrl-oii , 418 8.15th at 123
TpourToroonii.4lRlT intlt st. . .i. . . tSOO >
JL1 TIirce(3)roillns\iil.2N1. ( ) lst8t. . . , . . , . . 12 DO
Tlirco ( .broonfs. litfl ; N. 2th ) ht II 't
'lhrco.lroonis ( ) , 1120(1.21 ( < tst . . 12 CO
four (4) ( ) roonunili ! South IVtUDt 91 ( M
TwoRlroonis , 707 1'nclllcst .1. . 1 00
Two(2) ( ) rooms.1824 ' Howard Rr' . . . n. . < . 1000
Ono (1) ( ) barn , "tli and Pnclllc Bts fi OJ
Four (4)room ( ) * , IV ! } Webster st . . . 23 W )
ronr(4)roomsBi ( ) a intli st . „ , , , . 2J w
Tlnco rbrooin.s iOHi I'nclllPst. . 11 Oi )
J'l'lyn ' 3udge Iteiitlnu Agency , Herald
building , t. W. corner of 15th and Harnev st.
U. SMlTII-010 N. liltli.
( tlOJy SO *
K. THOMPSON. HoornllS Bhecly block.
I r YOU want your houses rented place them
with Ilcnavvn & Co. , 15th , opposlto postonico.
rplltt Onialm Commetclalcollego gives gram-
-Limn , vvrlttng nnd spelling free to all UH
hoithand and typewiltlng stuilants , tuition
very low . .situations furnished when possible.
About 110 students now In attendance. Write
llohrboiigh Ilios for paitlculais. Visit the col
lege , 1114 ramam. 97JJy7
IOST-lletwiPii IMh and Cnss and 11th nnd
J Dodge , small blnck pocket-book , containing
I'lilon I'aclllr bildgo im'-s and aniuuil passes
over S. C. \ P. , C. .V N W. . C. M. At bt. P. , C II.
A. ( . ) , \ Cic. Hetnrn to C O.'Young , loom
2.1 , Neb Nafl Hank , and iccche rewaid. U2I 5 *
ONI ! lound gold locket , with nnmannd photo-
giaph ; liberal row aid to llndci nt lleoollke.
OST One light biy horse , branded , weight
Jabout WK ) pounds , small soio on left hip ; IP-
waul If ictmneil to 11. II. Wllles , Jetlcrson
bn.uaio bain , loth st. 001
LOST Itoval mllonge book Np. : ni4. Kinder
please i etui H to lleo ollico and get icwaitl.
LOST I'oclvPt book , ladles , between fitn and
Klthon I'ninam. Howaul v > lll bo pild by
leaving at Cozruns hotel. 2UJ-.1 *
LOST-SIlk umbiella with silver hindle
mm ked CCS. ItetnintooO'i'/j b Idthbt. nnu
iecol\u leward 30
FOUND PocketlooK containing small
amount of mono ) , owner can have It by
prov Ing property. H. Chapman. 813 N liith st
350 ,1 *
IJEIlbONAIi A Christian lady , n tearher of city , tleslieb a lady companion for a
short pleasure nip. to the mountain * . Addiess
lit. once with leferences , b SI llee oHlce. 834
rpo the ladles : Mu. M V. Delp , with the orlg-
JL inal PaiUlanmi'thod ot'diess cutting and
designing and all of Its wonderful Imuiovo-
incuts to facilitate learning , w 111 bo at thu liai-
ker hotel In this city two weeks to wait upon
calleis , and teach the only Paiislan met nod
taught lu America It is e isy to loam , and llta
nil pupils for good paying ] ) osltions. Mothers ,
w Iv es and daughter * , this Is nn opportunity for
> oii. Agents w anted In all towns hi Nebraska.
Mrs M J. Delp.Proptletor aud Manufaciuier of
1'urlalau Methods. Patterns cut to mensuio.
551-Jy Ib *
PintbONAIi Henry Crclghton , inio Parnam
ht , has been appointed geucial agent for the
American Building and Loan association ; those
wishing tomako prolitable Investments or loans
should call on him. 1 IS I , *
Ijr.KSONAL Private homo for ladles dm lug
conlluemont , htilctly ontldential , Infants
adonted. Address K 1. ' , Hee otlho. J ) 1W
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or oxclmugo
call on or addie s Geoigo J. Stcrnsdoill ,
loom u , opposite P , O. 2:11 :
PKHSONlrIf ) ou have u personal Item , or
any communication , drop U In ono of Thu
Deu's meiMige boxes , IIM
FOK SAI I ! A 1 mare , haine'-s nud butcher's
cart cheap. Address S ill ) lice olllce Jl > j J
"fjlOK HALII rineottngdrhliijr hoiso. lltick-
JL' e.vohtablo , lath and Hniney. , Uil 1 *
HOllPi ; , buggy and harness fm tale thap. .
Henry Wood. "Otli nnd Giant ht. .L'7 n "
FOH SAM ! Now canopy top cut under car-
ilageforonu hoiso. Call No. Udo
FOHSAI/r. Ambergtablnet illo 16 drawer.
Trod W. Gray. an o
SAWDI'.sr for bale. 1'icd W. Giny , ( ilh and
Douglas ,
FOK SAI.K A family canlagn and ( pain , nt
Leo \ Nichol's liver ) barn , Telephone MO.
"fTIOIt PALII Pom pool tables , bais , h
JL1 and complete tempcianco hall outllt , A No.
1 tiade. \ \ ill sell all or pint dlit cheap nnd nay
half expenses If tiade is made at ome , biilhi ng
can be lented. D. D. Ma ) Held , City ho el , 1 ro-
iiioul. Neb , , i"J . ( *
FOIl SALi : A fine family mnio 4 ycaisold ,
pelfectly sate ; also tin almost new Hijdtr
buggy and haincss Imiulro L , D , lluinctt , coi.
Uth and Paiiiam , nt Ilelmau'a. Ibj.
T71OH BALIJ Pinning mill machliipr ) ' . Call at
JL' 1400 Davenpoi 1st , Omaha. ulu
1/1011 BALK-At abnrgalualad'ssidosaddli- ,
-L ? almost now and latest Immovod , Inquire at
1. du ill Davis' aulo btabluj , 1410Da\enport ht.
' -X8J.1 . J'
Foil SALn Lease ( J J ) eirssHn'dfiitnlturo )
of 10 loom hoiuo on rarnsiu Bt II. W.
Huntiess , 1117 Paiiiiim nt. 2J15 *
taigi-lM "rules aiulmivj' ) ) ifo' ' t > l > ' ( '
kJchenp or trade at Savnso'rf-nu htm , 117oiith
lltli. 2j ; , )
"IjlOIl SALIl-Mtist bo f-oldoimtpailigood ! load
J.1 hoi.-e * . jntkson wagon and iloiibij luuiiut'ba ,
nil neatly nuw. liuiulio l'JH-8. ' 'llth-Kt '
2A-C *
1POII BALI : A fewiholcoinlltU cows. 0. p.
JL1 Harilaon , 41b B. 15th bt. 105J1)"H
FOR SAj.K-Purnlture and good will , ' St
Clmilej hotel , Lincoln , Nub. Ono bloek
from depots and poMnllice. Long lease bn hat-
isfnctoiy teims. Address G. M , , bt. Chillies
hotel. 2ul
"TTIOIl SAI.P.-A milk route ot , 20 or 21 cans ,
J- horses , liaineso , wiigon , can < utc. Addiebs
B31 , lltoollito. Ill Bt
OJlKlbtmort. notes for hale , one und two
email suiui. Addrc j O2 , llee ntllu.
"IT BALi : Pine single hoihe harness mid
JL > buggy. Charles A , GOBS , 418 S. 15tl4 f > t.
ICI1 Per Mile , three bundled tons of tliiiriio ,
. nt PloreuaAddresi II. Hall , Ploronee ,
BAHN to beraoied I liavon barn that vvlll
uccouimodiito foui hur c.s and U In good
repair that 1 w ill trade or sell v ery theap AI > -
ply to G. Hiirth , piopiletor fiaunderi * street
maiket. between Culdrvell and Hamilton
T71OH SAl.K One nails largo improvect lira
. . , J'roof ' safi. Inqulru room 411 1st nut bunk
building. mi
T7AQH SAf.H The furniture , carpats , Uxturoi
-L' und lease of a pleasantly locstod. newly
furnishrd house , near homo and cubla car/ .
Iiouse heated by ( team , furniture , etc. . In uno
ItssUiaa a year ; must bo sold at once. I'or par
ticulars apply to llurtuioji * Ulbjoo. IHIJ I'ar--
cam st. lev
taught M an art by Qto.ff. Oalisa-
T ItVK liei > n Bj.r luua g ' . r d HAH * for t' e
Ltnprlinn HuiMlng Un t Loan n--o < , at | in ,
wliiihls nntuinnl In n < upcratlons ; lnvf"-Iors
nnd bnrrois shi > uld2rall nnd Hue--tipnto in
workings. Henry CrcfgWon , 15101'arnntn st.
i.xi c ;
.1. UULSHANS. No. 311 ? . 10th opposite
chamber of f-omui j ; < e. tlttlldliiK material
of nil kfntt * , l > 'it VeiiptlfHi blind ev pr madp. art
glaM , pressed brltk , bulming stone , fire brick ,
terra cottn. dunili wnli-rs , lawn furniture ,
Iron fences , ct i .etc. iLmwnnt of any nrtitle
not to bo f oundtelsevv liWC In the city , see me.
IP foil naro nnytnlnlffo trade call oil or nd-
tlrpss ( leorgo J. Sternsdoru" , Koom u , onpo-
lto postolllt o C 197
GJ. S. STKHNSDOHKL' . room 0. opposltopo < t-
olllccvtlll trade JJtSi a good fnrm or city
property fora her c , bTiygy nnd liarue-s . li
rpmb : < stwlndowRcrr1 > nln thoinarKct ( 'ill
-1 nt 8. 13. cor. nth nnd Douglas nudl will prove
It lo J ou. Fred W. Orny. 7CO Jy22
tiKANIN'n nnd Dyclng-AH kinds of llrst-
class rloinlnir nnd tire In it done at thcOmnha
Steam Djo Works , 15J3 Howard st. TelcphonoU7. !
_ Cud JyU )
JlIllSP.Y bull for service , cor 3llh and Jnpk .oti
HOMIIfor Destitute .Women and Children ,
2718 Hurt M. vi 10
HOHSl'.S nnd cnttle taken to pasture , n
to Henry Osthoir 1613 California st. TO1. .
W OMAN'S Exelmiuro , 1617 Karnmn st. l.Unch
dally , supper Saturday nights. 010
\NTKD-A Rood ! orso. buggy and harness
In exchange for South Omaha lots , fleorge
J. SteinsdoilT , room tl , opp postonico , 2JO
7\IiNTIXr.Is"shortlmmf : Institute Is the
lnige t and enl ) exclusive , prnrtlcal short-
hnndnnd tjpewiitlni ; HChool In tlio west , t'uder
the ninnagement of C. C. Valentine , olllclnl court
leporter ot the a bird Judicial district of Nebraska -
braska , nnd I'rof. H. ll. lloyles , a vcibatlm re-
poiter ot largo experience and reputation , us-
slstcd uy oturr experienced teachers. Our list
of graduates Is the largest of any school In the
west ; all aio occupying first-class positions and
chine cut Ire Hatlsfnition , If you intend learn
ing Miorthand and t ) pew riling attend a llrst-
class school nnd be sure of n good situation ,
fctiuli-nts tnn enter at any time : no summer va
cation. IMtman'H , Munsou'a and Oraham's ss-
terns taught Particular attention paid to spell-
lug , punctuation , business and legal forms , etc.
I'or lull particulars send for clrcnlais or call nt
Valentino's Shorthand Institute , New I'axton
building. Omaha , Neb. Bits Jy31
CHEAP SrOItAGIJ-Wo have at our waio-
house good storage loom for household
fiiriiltnio or other pel Minnl piopprty ; aKo ample -
plo loom for nieithnndlso storage. Kates leas-
onablc. Orent Western Tjpo 1'oundry , lilt
Howard street. ' 'in ) 10
YIIIIY Cheap Stouige Ilran now building ;
live stories. Klcvator Mfg Co. , Ills Howard.
n HACKAQn , storage , lowest rates. W. JI
JL llushmau , Utl Leavenvvorth. in"
" \ V ANTr.l4t > ) J'nrils of tllrt. Applv at 251
> > S Ifithst. John ICunzl. , inot
\\7ANTKD-A good soroiid hand surveor's
> T transit.Vm. . fcyinmouds , 27-J Illondo st.
'Aft ; i *
121)-To ) buy nil kinds of household
i T goods for ca h. Tuiguson 1 urnlturo Co ,
71717 and 71''j ! N Ifith st. U2'-J ) ) 1 ! )
WANTIJU Good house and lot in desirable
part of the cltyy ; ill give Ilist-class bar
gain to anyone if suited. ( Jeo. j.Sternsdorir ,
Itoom 0 , rrenzor blk. ' ' his
" \S7ILLbuy furnlturoota house or Hat cen-
VV tmy ! ! located. Co-oK L. & L. Co SOi N. Iflth
| V 103
IP you have ImproVei ! business or residence
propert ) that v on wish to .sell , call nnd see
me. ( feorgo J. bternsdoiO' , room 0 , opposlto
postoillce. sy
SI VIIHALstoie buildings or houses that can
L/o moved. Will py good price if united.
Ocoigu J. StemsdoriT , room 0 , opposite pos-
ollico. ijj
C 7\Tll VO YA N T c7 11. " Miller , a natural
bom trance medium , la stopping at No. . ! (
Noith Jlaln ftiect , over City Laundry. He gives
) our past , present and future. TeiinsGOc and fl.
Put. NANNIK V. Wn'rren , clairvoyant. MeS
jJ leal , business and t st medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases aispectulty. 119 N. lath
bt. . Ilooms 2 & 3 Tel. 44. lo'J
MONI2Y To Loan lly the iindeisigned , who
has the only propel ty organized loan agency
in Omaha Loins ot $10 to iJlOJ nmdo ou ttiriu-
tuie , pianos , organshorses , wagonsniachlneiy ,
etc , without removal. No delays. AH business
strictly ronUtlentinl. Loans so made that any
part can bo paid at nnv time , each painent ie-
duclng the cost pie rata. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. 1'ersons should
caiefully consider w ho they are tie illng w 1th. as
many new concerns aio dally coming into exis
tence. Should ) ou need money call and oo me.
W. H. Cioft , Iooni4. ( Wltlmellbulldlng.ljth and
Hainoy. 170
IOANS made on city property low rates , C.
* T. Jlorton , 1117 Fainam , HoomsOnnd 10.
i 7 u 2
MONKY to loan on hones , furnltnie , pianos ,
land contracts , and other personal prop-
eity. Hii-'luesa coiltldentlal. Koom ,1 , Omaha
Nafljmnk 171
MONKYto loan on collnteial s-onultles. E ,
C , MillarChalmers , loom 22 , Harker block ,
tSl 5 *
M ONKY to loan ou leil Obtate ; mortgages
bought and sold. Wallace , Ctelghton block.
MONnYtoloauon Improved lenlostata ; no
commission charged. J.eavltt liuinhini ,
loom 1. Cieight011 block r,8
LOANhewlllmakon \ few choice loans at
exrcptlon.illy low rates ; cash on hand.
Klmball , Chump k Kyiui , loom 0 , U. S. Nat'l
bank. 15) ) . | )
$500,000 0 pel cent , Money to loan ou Impio-
veil fauns or city piopeity. James A. N ood-
iiiaii , at the old llro inuiuunco olllce of Mtiiphy
A. LovettUNlltlist. . II17
TVIONUY to loan on rmuiture , horops , wagons ,
J.1 etior on any appro * ed becurlty. .1. W. Hob-
bins , H. 'Mi bheoly blk. Pith and How aid. 671
A V low lates on cholco cltv nnd fniiii
loans. Ceutial Loan and Tiust Co. , Mil I'm ,
. liu-i
MONKY to loan. U. H. Thoinpoon , Sliei-I )
S'JU on Henry CieUhton , 111 ! ) Parnam f-t ,
whoH geneial agent lor thoAimrican Ilnlld-
Ing and Loan association. 1 17 ll *
N monev cheap. Ollleo Phlladelphli
Jj Moitgagoniid Tuiat Co , loom U , lloaulof
'Jiade , Geo. W. 1' . Cu Uos , Itopieselltatlvo.
_ _ _ ti7SJy37 *
T OANS on real estate , W.I , , belby , r.Jl 1 ur-
-LJiluiu. ( ill
OIIi ; Harris H Ki , 1 , Co. for loans , 100111 411
2 | tNatJllau k , ao
MONI5Y toloauonlioihos , tuinitnro nnd other
pai sonnl property 01 collateral. Hates mod-
irate ; business confidential. Ollico S. W , corn -
n r IMh and Douglas strtii I'.ntrauioou llithst ,
'jho I'liliKunk Investment Co. 175
TOANS made to pnrtlfu desiring to build. D.
J V , bholes , room 1 , Harkor block. ln/J
HH. IHUV-KU. ( < MO tVloan nn city piopoity
and impioied taim laud. I'leiuor block.
MONKV loaned nt C F. Itec-d .V. CO.'B Joan
olllce , on lurnttiirn , } ilinio . horsoj. vviigons ,
personal nropi-rty of a ) | kinds , and nil other
in tliles of vnlito without iiinoviil , U1H S Uth ,
All business strictly conllllfiittal , 110
M ONUY to loan. Moitgagos bought. IClmball ,
Champ & It ) an , It. U , U. b. Nut. Hank.
_ _ _
S HOItT time loans mrtflo by D. U. "johiwon ,
lulu pies't llanU of lUina. Heferome-i 1st
Nut. bank. Omaha. It. JU ) , New Paxtoii block
rpIIK Omaha l'innnMI : Hxchnn o , ( loom 1" > ,
* llarker bluck , bouthwest corner of Tar-
imtn nnd IMh Bth. '
Makes u spcLlalty of thort-tiiao collateral and
real tstatu luans.
Money alwayri on hand In sums of J100 and up-
vvnrils to an ) amount , to loan on approved te-
.Secured n6tP3 bought , sold or pxthanged.
Clear real estate ami tush to exchange for
good Ilrot or second mortgages
Io.ins nmdo upon land contracts , stocks ,
bon-ls , lru t ilfii-dH. oi-bocond nioitgagtt so-
turity , " 111.out publicity , delay or red tape business of any kind transacted
juoinptf ) . quietly und fatily , Itoom 15 , Darker
block , Coi belt , Manager. 17'J '
MONKV to loan on chattels , wituout removal
or tiling ; hnanrlat business of all kinds
transacted ulthout publicity" inoney aiUancvd
on Jewelry , notes , ntr. IfvOll pay yuu to neti us.
people's > ! imndul Kxclmngu. 0. llousraren ,
r , It.sar llarker blk,16thand 1'arnainnta
rONKVtoloun. ixiiiK time. George J. Paul ,
1. liiOU Kurnum fct. JJO
MONKV-rOood commercial paper -and short
tlmHrnoitgngvi bought. Itvul estate louii *
uesotuted. b. A , bloiu&u , 13th anil l'vrnani.
TIONKVti loan on furnltnro writ ; m < , M < ,
-i' I without rtiuovalor on collateral 'scuirltv.
Iluslno sill' ' tly cotilldrnlial A , 15 Oroenwood
\ Co , , K 1 , Cuiinliiglmiii blutk , cor U tt Jackson ,
OPtiH CKNT money to loan , Patterson X Ilftr-
imrd n * 3 15th st 1"rt
TV ) N'T Ixirrow liioney on furntttir < > , horse- * ,
J J wapoin , etc. , until you have wen r. II.
.Iftcobs. room 41ii , First National bank building ,
cor. Hth and 1'nrnftin 1(0
_ . . . lonnnt B percent. I.lmhan & Mft-
Phonc' % lloom too , Paxton block. 1M
IOANiJ tnajlf on Improvetl and unimproved
Jolty property nt lowest rates of interest ,
pp < Inl rates on Inrjre loans ou Inside property.
Udell llros. * Co , 31iS. . ICth st. IH.I
LOANS made on real estate nnd moitRftRos
bouglit. IxivvlsS. llceclA Co. , 1581 r.irnam. .
MOSHV to loan. 0. P. Onv Is Co. , real estate
and loan agents , I.'iOi ) Pnrnam st. HI
MONIJY to loan Hi nny ninount , cither for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of In
terest nnd on short notice. D. V. Sholes , room
1 , Darker block. WU
JT IK , COLK loans money on Improv ad city or
tfarru property. Room 0 , Continental block.
T DANS made In nil the principal additions to
JJOnmlm nt lowest rates. D. V. Sholcs , room 1 ,
llarker block OOJ
roil estate. Cash on hand ,
\V. SI , Harris , ovur 28J S 15th at. 187
itGOO.tOJto loan on Uinnlm city propcitvatC
Pper cent. 0.V. . Day , se cor IX. bid Istt
Bl 1I.1MNG loins , liinahnu & Mnhonoy
MIDLAND atinrnntoo and Trust Co. . 1SOJ
Fnrnnra street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate txaralned , per *
fected and guaranteed. O1 * !
T3KNSON tt OAKMlCIIAKr > furnlsn complota
JL ) and gitarantood abstracts of tltlo to any
rent estate in Omihfl. and Douglas county upon
short notice. Tno most uoiuiilato set of abstract
books In tha city. No. Iril9 Kitrnnm st. 53- !
rplli ; Inventor of the wool dioss hlrt Just
JL patented an Invention of unusual merit :
\ \ 111 sell nn interest or take partner vvlthsoiui )
capital , 1 his Is niarooppuitunlty. Address S
4' ' . lieu. i,2 i r.
ANTHD-A pnrtnor with from SI.OOO to
flu 00(1 ( to Invest In u specialty manufactur
ing cntoi prise. I'lentvof woik to bo had mid
laigi > profits. Tor particulars nddiess ioom ) ,
Omahn board of tiade. _ _ _ jKS ii *
"IJIOU SAM'-llnrber shop. ( list-class furnU
JL tuio ; bath-looms on Hooi. 1'aclllc hotul ,
St Joseph , Mo. UIMO *
TJUIH SAUJ-Stork of notion , cigars and news ,
JJ with store IKtures and xaf : also furnltuio
of a ten loom boaidtnu house , doing good biisl-
iu" < s ; lor tiade , Rortii fountain , homo and bin-
ness. Address i''S 10th st. SB 10 $
U7ANTI D A piutncr with SKX ) to take half
Intel est In n good pa ) lug bakery business.
Apply , foi pnrtltuliiiH , to 510 North loth at.
FOtt SAIilJ Saloon dohiR Rood buslnoss a
line coiner , long lease allow rental ; w 111 be
sold at n bargain , nlh lake pait In tiade. Ad-
diets S If , lieu Olljce. 1"JJ 3 ;
FOH SALKor KxoIiniiRC Druij stoio in city ,
doing Rood business ; good opening for phy
sician. Address b 17 lice. an ) flt
S AI.OON S3CO cash 111 buy a peed saloon ,
with Uxtuies and stock. Kent J40 ner month
and lease on thu place. J. Joliniticn , l.'iOii I'm-
uum st , room JO. 'S)3J )
OK SALK-Choa : the bo-t pajlng ladles
and uent1. hort order rcatnuraut In Unmhn ,
innklnBMXJamonth elcar ; bosc of icason- , for
belling. Addie sS3't , Hoc. Sll _ 0 *
OMAHA Iliflness KxchniiKO I'ct-'ons '
hiB to engiipo In business \ \ 111 consult their
Interests bv taillnn at tlio Omaha llustness IK- ;
change. ' 1 heluu e n lluo list of business clmli-
ces to oiler hlth have been thoroughly tin es-
tiuitod , and guaranteed. They aio tecominond-
cd bj tlio banks and moil-hunts of the city , and
an v person dealing \\lth them will llnd them to
llable. They handle n p itcnt rlKhts. ' 1 ho fol
low Inn business chauceo hao been cstlgatetl
and puaiantecd
Cl iirs , confui tlonnry and now s , city.
Hoot and shoo stork In storage , city.
Dairy and milk loute , city.
Partner In established Imuranco agency , city.
Klnii haloon anil icstanriiut , clij.
Stock and agency of the Pastner niter , city.
Drug stock , Not th Loup. Neb.
Uoohb nnd Btatlonerv , IlastiiiKa , Neb.
Hooka and stationery , York , Neb.
S. W. Cor. 15th and Douglas , II. 5.
US )
LU.MI1KH } ard for sale at JIcCool. Neb. Only
jard In place , invoice about JJ.OW. Half
cash 'lime on balance with approved senility
Coed reason for Belling. Addiess.A. llrubaker ,
York. Neb. WU It
FOK SAIiK Or trade , rcstauiant and lunch
counter. Addre-,3. a. 15 , Hoe Ollico. 'JiJ J *
OTHIj for rent 'JStorv brick In Noolu , la.
built especially for hotel purposes , newly
painted and papeicd. e\orjthln convenient
nnd llrst-class , city water In unlldlug. Addiess
with icferences , Drawers Ncola , la. ( ! 58 4 *
WII have for Falo a longtime lease of the best
location for fancy retail business in tha
city , real on , Cole & Itouertsou , U10 S , 1 Jth st.
FOH SALE News and clqir Ptoro cm princi
pal street In Omaha , on account of J Ijiiol-
, cheap for cash. Addie33 O SI , Hoe.
< JOl
1710H SAI.I3 or nxclnngp Hotel and meat
JL1 maiket In Hay Spilug- . , Neb , at a bargain.
Adeiess H. JIcNafr , Ciowford , Nub. U'lJJyt *
C10K SAf.K A llr t class dairy w itn peed w 111 ,
JJ HxtuiPS and pa > tme sold If deslied , fi om 5J
liuiuUo J. 1' . I loch , Omaha l > ( ) .
_ 34SJylj
FOHSAI/K Atlveainev. Neb , the furnltuio
nndU'.u-o of ( irand Central hotel. The t-oc-
end besthon-e In thnclty , and the best looated ,
being opposite tit pots. Dolm ; a pa\ln busi
\\illboEolilata b.irgaln. InnulioT. C.
llialnatd , illdway hotel , Keainey , Neb. 'JJ7
CC 1 ,2UO STOCK of drugs ; one-half cash and bal-
M' niuu In land Uoopciutito J.and& Lot Co. ,
SKj N , liUh ht. ; ] ! . . ; )
iO iXIANOi-Iandfor : ! : ineichandlse. N ,
C. JJjeis , bomcitot , Neb. 2 ? $ I *
" ] SJi\V ; 2 seated carriage and now sliiRla top
JL > bnggv to trade for long time real eitnto
mortgage. \ \ ' . L. belby 15J1 Tainam st. Ml
BUICK AVantod 100,000 btlcks In oxphnngo
forsood iiislrto Omaha property. S. A.
Eloinrw lOomSiandS ) Hellinan bldg. 1UJ
G3. bTHItNfalJOItrr. loom II. opposite post-
. ollico , hustioino good land In llolt county ,
Neb. , to trade fin Omaha propel ty. \ \ 111 assume
llthtlncumbranca. _ ao
FpHADi : A Jargospan oforrel hoihes , liiTj
-L hand * high , weight J7iU. ) Ty trade for sinnlloi
team. O.J . J-utun , blu N. lUh. 741 jly " - ' .
" \\71IATha\o you to oiler for 1S acres of
> timber land In U'ost Virginia , clear ot In-
cumbralue , perfwt tltlo. GeoigoJ. Stctiwloiu.
Itoom d. nppoMo I' . O. zsi
KKA1) ) our list of prnppny to oxihango
IVenty-four choice lots in ( 'ott i n J'lup ,
neaithoMi } . ' , licit l.lne | | y. In West fiiiahn.
'Jhetaulnttt aroiltiu and uneiicumbiiod. 1'itcu
itUU ) Wll | tliiilu Joi good clear tuim land
'i'o l5\-chftliAi-Nino ! ) ntco h > ts In the oilglnal
South Omaha addition , six hloJs north of the
\liuluct to bo built on fistioet , and font blocks
finjii the Jnni.Uuu of four great llii"H of i , ill-
load , the M. T , , (7 , \ N.W. , r. I' , and II. A , > l ,
and onlytwo blo < kx tiom the lint duput on the
I' . I1 , in bouth Omaha. Tlmro 1 < no better piop-
city In tnu city to iinproiu forrtntal jnn poses.
'Jheselols ai worth at low cash valuation
JI.WW. Ownoi s equity is about W.39U. Will
tiadu foi good farm land.
To Uxchanga 'IVo elegant comer lots , each
liUxlWI feet , In thu original south oniuhu addi
tion , lutho beet renting portion of thoiily.
( an build the Mimll cottages on eacn of theno
lots that will j lidil a lent \ \ ot : per cunt per
annum. 1'ileVof wh lot 1 1'iOJ ' , In iimbian o
Joint on o.ich l"t , duo in about lour yimisaiH
pcr'uit.lll \ tiado equliv in the o two lots ,
ifJ.liOU , tor good , clear taim land.
To llxihango Lots fl and 7 in Swetnam's i > ub ,
Smith Omaha , ( umprtslngi-Oti&i l ' -t , finntlng
on HcllPMioor ith t , wlt'i ' goud t < ni < t ulhllnij.
"ith Is thn inuln thorouchfuro < uuneLting Umu-
hu nnd Ninth Ouiaha. 'I his property will bring
H ) pel fonr | f.nil within twelvu mnnths ami lii
the best medium insldoproiii ity on the maik t.
1'rtto , ifl.MO. liicnmbuinit ) Ha , due In four und
onuiialf jeus. Canollorc nitty * ) , / ) foruood ,
clear farm land
'Jo Ui'haiiKe Thrco nlco lots In block 11 ,
Ilrown b park , only lx bloika from pacKtnn
huii9e3 , Jncumbrancea f'H eatli. jirl' o < ; uiearh ,
i'b equity in tlic- hits tl.-tlll 'Ihe nbuvu
Piopeny Ix all tlidt cu > ii und
double the prli u aske 1 liixiclu of two yi-ar.i.
To Kxihango-Sjacus on 1'urk htieet. licit
Mno Huu.t thrmigh one umdtr , K. K. \ M. V.
It. II. within three blocks. 'Jlils Is without uny
nutation the llne-.t Invuxtincnt now on the mat -
Kit I'ncesilliectly on tw o main utreutH , nnd will
bo or.thfi0.0fn within two jeaii. Ounci wants
tlrsl-iluits land mdtablo for atoik farm Can
iiiasi ) Miinu one a nplrndtd deal outhlsiniiiicit ) .
( Jeo. N. Hicks. Itoum 1) , Marker lllock.3i3
3i3 3
1710U rXCIAMi ! ! : lluiiseandlit , hob furm
' orboiith Omaha lot for . .icaut lot In t.'ar-
ihuRp. Lincoln Plai o orVe t Cumins addf ,
L. belby , I5.'l rur.ium t , Ob
ElOJirVSl ( ) acres of and adjoining J.ake
Mttnawu. Ojiinctl , Illulfs , lu This tract
will tr.ukti 4 j boautlful lots and Is free from
huce. What have vou to oUer ? Ooorit *
dojtr , room" . opp I * , o , liij
\VH\t liaVy U to tfatlft for tr\f"iJo i6 ! Wo
> ? 10 roftin hoiKp , modem improvertienw ,
siAth front , larpo bnrn , Vt-y deslrnbl * .
Kountz I'lnco ; C. il. Katon , WO N. l t i.
.J43-JI.V 22.
_ ( _ _
\\TlIi1i pvp'youa peed trade for n clcht or
> > irn ropm hnu e nnd V > t Ueorgo J , Sterns-
dorIT , Hoora fl , opposite P. O Sll
IpOll TrHADi-t'otliKonnd : full lot or vacant
J lot. 11. W. lluntre s , room ! HIT 1'arnftm t ,
] S73 3 *
_ _
T1IAVR a well Impravpd POnorc tartn Hi liar-
Ian county , Neb , , about s miles north of Al
ma , count v pat. Any oncwantlnUa ijriod mull
farm w ill do w oil to let me Know w lint llu-y Imvo
toollcr. Ueorgo J. SterujdorlT , lloom 6 , opp. I1.
\\riM. TIIADU Roodfrnmo store room , 2Jx n ,
locntc < l on lxt corner In ( In ) lord. Smith
county , Knns-is dot TOxl'iO ) , unlinumbt'rod , for
house nnd lot In Omnha , nnd assume n reasona
ble Incuuihranco. Address F. H. Oruitt , Coun
cil lllulls , I x. _ ! -.luly 2. ' )
" \\71IAT have vou to trade for "Vncroi or lami
i tinlncumbcrpd In .Ituipnn coimtv , Wls ,
n miles from rouuty sent. U. J. StcmsdorlT.rootu
0. opp 1'ostonico. 187
G. J. STRIlNSlMmtT , llonm 0. oppostto t1.
O , lias some choice farm land to trade
for city pioperty. Will nssnmo light Incum-
brnncos. -11
mil ixCltANOi-Clty : lots. Will trade for
Ihorao and buggy. Itoom i03 , now 1'nxton
block. PV )
I { OxI.TJ , corner 23A and Dnimlns tfl , to trade for
U nil eight to ten-room house and lot. ( Ico.J.
81crn dorir room ' 6 , opposlto 1' p. 10
Nob. farm or tw
Omnha lots for spanof mares or mules W.
! . Belby. 1521 rarnmn St. 1'U '
rpItADKS made In real estate nud personal
JL property. See exchange bookoon. ( . 1 * .
nnd L. Co. a N. lUlh st. liii
] OT , house and barn lor sale nt a bargain , on
Jem line , corneraith nnd Grunt BIS Apply
on prcmtbcs. 837 aI *
njlOH HAIn-A nlco F-room house with Tot air
JL1 iJii , bath , electric bolls and gas , Ji-block
south of Kouuf/u 1'liico : cheap , as the owner Is
about leaving city. C. II. Walworth , BOS 8. 1Mb.
T.OOK I Look ! 1 5 and 0 room cottages In splen-
l did locality for sale on monthly pavments.
F. K. Hailing , 1U1 rainam , ' .V > t
171011 SAI.K-IJonutlful east front lot In Ar-
JL1 cndi > plaro on ! % > tli st. just south of heaven
worth , for JI.HM.This Is J.V.K ) below actual \alno
and vvlll be In the market a short tlmoonlv at
the piiceiiuolod. M. A. Upton X Co. niu per cent Investment I'or Sale
JL Tluee 2-story mid basement bili'k houseti , 10
rooms each , nil modern Improvement s. on cnblo
line , KM.IXIO ; f.s,60J cash , bnluiu'e I years ; will
tuke good clear lot fur pint of cash piimcnt ,
M. A CptonACo. Ml
171011 SAIiK Or Tiado 1OT acres Innd , near
JL ? LnVo Mtinawn. Council Illnirs.iilsellin
40 nrro tracts , mid tnko good Nebraska land In
exchange. Address ! ! . U 0. , cure Dee , Council
lllulls. \ ! 1
TUIItr.R good South Omnha lots nt n puce
much below their vnliio. I.otJI , block 1- ,
Albright s Annos. ' just N. W. of depot , on main
county road , if 100. Lot I , block 9 , Iliown Paik ,
comer on aid nnd "H'1 ( llrownl stioet , fl.-'OO.
Lot tt block 24 , South Omaha , llnust Inside lot ,
coxlJO , cast front , * JOl. M. A. Upton \ Co. IIH'J
171011 SAM : I0ion ( acres good farmtnc land In
JL1 Stanton , ri.inkltn. t'uster and Cliejenuo
counties , Nob. ( Jeo. H. Peterson. 01S S. l.lth st.
S7'ijy.-i '
" 71011 SAIiK. rnimson longtime. Co-Opora-
JU tire Land and Lot Co. . 2U3 N. l th Bt. W7
ONI.V a few lots left In II. A. M. park
to South OmnliH.Vliit Imvo jon to oirer ?
George J. Btoriudoill. Itoom ( t , opp.U1. O.II
H KHi : 8 n gootffhlng Lot 15 , "blft F , Omaha
View , thioom house , city , cistern anil vvcll
water , fiitnmo , etc. Eveiything Hist ciRJ"S !
Icabedto Ort , lithntfld per month , only J.t,7K ( ) ;
SI , 000 cash , balanrti 1 , L' , , { und I yoatsnt C and M
per cent. M A Upton ir Co. bP9
DD. SMKA'ION. UaiU-r IllocK , Omalm , has
i following in Soutli Omnha lor Mile : Jl , < 00
Improved ioim > r pi opuity , 1 per cent In omc.
Coiner on i/ and : T > tu Bticets , ifl'J per font , nt
about lj cash , balance easy , ( oilier on Ij St. ,
ue.iil viaduct , ; with no cibh dovvn. Huxinoss
lots on I. ht nt 'SiOandSl.MW , one and twobloi ks
fi om depot , which will tlonblu In i-ix mouths ,
Lot 10 , block Mi on " 4th st , ,500. Lot 11 , blnck
00. oilL'Tthst. . Jl.JJO. Lot I ) , lilo-k BB , f-VMO , $ .IV )
cash , balnnio years. House and lot on west
Bide , JV ) cash and tlO pel month. Full lot. II )
minutes walk of "ArmourV , " for JU" > , } lliCO
rash , balance yearly. Also other bargains on
hand. 7W
POH SALi : A new n loom house , all modern
conveniences , lot G0\l"l , ! Ud lot east isth on
Latluop st , Kountzo plain ; pi Ice * i ) , 100 , iJI.OflO
rash , bal. $7" > a mouth or asclcsilica. Hamilton
111 03. , bulldois , JOS So. Ibthbt. _ 7I8J1 ,
Gio. : N. HICKS , ical ottntongcut , oilers the
follovving :
llaigaln In Hnnscom place , lotU , block 7 , Wx )
171 feel , east front on Sid btiei-t , Kiiiroiindod by
elegant homes ; owner Is out of town and wants
money ; can make a bpcclal llguie on this If bold
Iliirgaln Lot 11 and Ii. block 7. Hanscom
plate , ! MxllO ) feet , south and oust fiont , corner
, Kd and 1'oppleton uvo. , mugiilllcent view , ono
of the tlnest resldeiiPO sites lu Omaha , stioets
and lots all guided , water and gas In street , Just
the place lor an elegant leslilemi ) or blotk of
lioiiivs ; can make this u special bnignin If sold
nt once.
llnigaln Lot 21 , blO"k fi , Hanscom place. Ms
lr 0 leot , Hpleudld v lew , llrst-class ntlgliboihood ;
pilci > JJ,7iiO.
I larg.iin Coiner , lOOxlW feet , Kd nnd 1'opplo-
ton nvo , Ilaus ( om place , perfect giacle , water
and gas In street , only i,4iH ) .
Haigiln Ijcnutlfiil bouth front lot on I'opplo-
ton avenue , llausiom Place , jiico ) f,700 , only
$700 rash , balance 1. 2 , J and 1 jeuis.
llirgain Nlcei'astfiont lot on Lowe aventip'
between rnruam nnd Leaveu.voith ts. , omy
llargaln W feet on Thirteenth strppt , iienr
I'leice , with small cottngo , cunollei lor a few
tin ) * lit ii.iM.
llugaln lH\12son 20th avenue. Cl.ukc's ad
dition , between St. JIary's avenue and Hauiey
street , lor a few davs at f VM.
llaigaln l.'Oxl.V ) leet , coiner. I nntlSdth stret t ,
South Omaha , iMr.H. )
llargaln ' 1 wo lots In Tabor Placp , corner
Lowe avenue and Ilowaid stiei-t , Justthreo
blocks west of the ( legant now houses now bo-
ingprprti'dln WestOuiauu This will make a
Hplendld site foi twoiesldencos , Car linn with
in ono block Call and let us show \on this.
lluigain Splendid comer , PuxI'O fed on I )
ami llelh MIO wts , thu Key to tlio gatewa ) of
South Omaha , Immediately adjoining the mag-
lilll' cut new paik nnvv ln'lng laid out by the
bouth Omului Laud Co. , gl.OJO. only isOJ laili 10-
llargnin Iluslness lot in South Omaha , on M and . ' 7th Ms. , west of Hoot and
Iloin uewspiipoi otllio , lor Kilu at n baigiln if
taken imli k. I cnu oiler for silo so\vinl < Ii il > 'o
coiner and In ldu lots n.'iu the husiiiPhs confer
of South Omaha at pili LM that makti Ihein bai-
gains , and take good inurtgaifo uoto as pait
llnrgnlii Splendid business lot on Vint on
( .tnet , neat ' 1 v.uuUoth , forty fuel Ii outage , only
llargaln Olio of ( hn llnost buslnPislots in
Fouth Omaha , i..T&O , 1,000 cash ; bulanco 1 und 2
) eiis.
ll.irgalns In Westlawn , the coming manufac
turing point of Omiiha , i hol < e rifldeii' ' e
lots to sell , on which 1 tan build houses to Milt
] iurtlin eisand bell on Miiull tnsh jiaMiient ,
long i line , price ofloln Jiuo to if. < OJ. Call nnd
BCD them and get i liolce ,
'I no above are only a tew of the many bar
gains wo oiler , ( leu. N. lllckd , Heal Ks'ato a t.
Koom W , Darker block. ,1'J J
"V TO W U thu time to Jin o t. I'or , mlo by ( Uo.
J- > SI Cooper , mom 5 1 , Darker building ,
Lots land 2 , A II Sauudei'ii add , UJ-xlfJ , y
cash , bill 4 or S years , i lO.O'J' ' ' ) .
Lot 2 , in ' .til" , < ity , two honsos , lent S50
numtli. ) j ijsh slO.O'W.
Lot 2 , blk rj'i , < ity improvements , rontl-J
month , la ruf-li , * 17 , KJ ,
Lot 11 , blk h ) , ItoodH riist ( two houses ) ? 1,00J
cash , or ono for Jl.tOJ und onolor A800 ; for
both , H .
Lotn ll and U , blk II Lowe's add , H cash ,
? 1.000.
Lots land 2 , blk 1 Hodford's place , tunp , *
cash. iH.m
Lot . ( , block O. Shlnnn 2nd , } j cash , f..OuO.
Lot 2 * > , buunybldu add , 1 room honso and good
bain , binithoast corner , * -ooo ( ash ( cheap ) , * . ! , wo ,
Lot I' , block 1 | , llaiiaconi I'lace , corner , i-j
rash. } LM. ( _
Lot II. .1. 1. IteUlck's add , to city of Omaha , (600 (
cimh. Jl.fiiKi.
'i hiis the linest trackage jiroperty und a big
bin gain.
House nnd lot In Omaha View great brugaln ,
Sli | ) . Coiuo lu and < oo about It.
l.ol \\indaui 1'laco llxtunslon , i . " > " > ) cash ,
iot II , biok 0 , Jcromo I'ai k , on 1'aruam , J-j
cash , ttt/iio
Lots in Richmond ndd , on LuavcnwortliHt. ,
{ IVjto } V")0 ; easy tiinm ; homo on Lta\ nil w will
bt. , honth trouta , fTtM to iwW.
LoU In Table Land from fi > J to ST/I ; easy
lerma ,
Do ) ou w ant inuncy to Improv e ) our pi operty /
Como and n'e mu Loans muclultli cllbi/atch.
Wanted hoiiseo to ri nt ,
\\lth \ million il'ilUi hotel cable extension
north to Luke , nilit-s cannot remain long at
' hetruo guide , "buy w lien none
VMtnts u thing , und sell whim every ou wants
It. " huro rend to wealth. ( Jood funning piop.
trty to trade , vvltii sumo money for Omaha in op-
crty. Cooper , Ilarkor building. 1175
T/IOH SAI.i : A nice east front lot in Windsor
JL'plaie. now U loom hoiisu \ > ell , cUttvin , ce-
menlfid collar , etc , A line homo , only t-1,7011 ;
I.VXl aigli , ! .VjO hi ono year , bulin | hrcoyeuraM ;
have t l.o exclualvu sale of this. M. A Upton it
Co , ' 7W
J71OU HALK-SOxHO , eoutn and eastfronto
, X' cor 6th and Oorctuii an elegant lot with ( j-
rooui uouse ( now ) for IA OW ; 4LVX ) cash. We
Imvp oxtlublvo dl of till * . M , A , ' Upton ic Co.
' ( Jpoiliauu'-a tine grounds.u 7.VJ
. lVsA $ ! or trade , ' " ' -i f rius lot 10 M |
IM , Alntlflht's ttiui > , W > ts I\inl7blks
Hoppe nib' < liv , AlbrlchVs fioico Lot7blkL
S undOf .1 ItlrufbAUtth s a-\d. \ Ix > s 1 and 1 ell
P. IlrlpBi pUc.c > . Geo. H.Davis , MlUnrS hot
billiard room.
ON'TmlM thU-Lot ll.
just north ot St. Mnry'sftvt , tl | Met front , ,
worth W.IW. Wo will-ell for n short time tot
t > \WU. > I A.T itou.v , Co. 3.V )
7S j7pTKllNfSDuVl. ( | < rnoniB tmposlt * post ! '
V olllce. vvlll tall ) ou a peed 4-room housa
enl lth > street , 2 bloi ks south of car line , by pfty
ItiB I.W cnsti. ImUtnn ! monthly pnymcnts td
wilt 'I his is n ppianiiirt optxirtiinlty for nr
ono wniitlnp a cheap home. 2J1
RNAP T'or n fovr lnysr"wlU fell lot It. blocH
J Summit Pl co Add , ft * feet on 1 ariimu
nt , for ? , SO cash Klmbnll , Champ A Hynu.
room0 , r.8. National Hank. 2 il
. buys n fulll ot and good 4-room cottRRi
In n good location. J ) , V , Sholci , room 1 , llau
kcr block 000
(1JIXM buys n full lot nml good 4-room ciittngf
Pcnsy terms alii ! good locution. D V.Shftlj
room I , llarkcr block. ( " 01
1 I ( U'SlSnnd lot In South Omnl.i forpalo onli
I H \ small cash payment , bal mnuthly , ol
terms tomtit. D , D. smeaton , room 11 , Durkcr
block. CMJ
T710H SAM' Or exchatiRO. Wo Imvo soml
JL ? good Omnha n-nl rstnto nnd Ncbinikn
farms , which wo will j > ell cheap or trntte foi
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry good * ,
boots nnd shoos , groceries or linrdw are. Bchlev
Ingcr llros. . 014 a. 10th st. 3
TKlt rcnl ostnto call on Oca. J , Paul , HX > 1 fara
rilAVKsovoral choice. Inside , full lots , upon
which I can build houses to suit purchaser )
upon their own selection of plans , nnd on ternn ;
to suit , llils will pay to Investigate , 1) . Vi
bholos , room I , llarkur block 1S3
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul '
The Host Houto from Oiimlm and Council
Iliads to \
EAST s- <
Chlcniro , AND
St. 1'nul , Mlnnoitpolls , Collar
Uock Island Itockfonl
, rrcoport , )
L'llntou , DnbiKiue , Dmcuporf )
'ln Mntllson .lnncs lll
El , , . > | >
IloIoK , M'hioun , La Cro&tff , ,
And all other Important polnti Uast , NottUcut 4Q
Honthciist >
for tlirnuuli tickets mil nntlie ticket DBCnt fit IMl
Knrniim Blrcut , In llnrhcr IJIock , or ut Union PaclQo
I'ullmnn Sleepers anil the llnost Dining Tarn In t
vorM are run tm the niuln llnu of llm Clilcftyp. J
wnnkro & bt 1'nul Unlhvnr. un > l cr r > ultyutlph
iml.l to iiiiB oiiKers by couileuui umi'lojcs 01 I
compnti ) . .
Jl. MII.L.I'R CcncrnlSlLiUKor.
J. K 'UiUlvKU , AMlsUnt ( ieniTM Mnnncor.
A. v. n CAiifUN riiit , uanorAi i'u nfor tad
tll'.O K" UKAKfOUl ) , Assistant Goneml I'uitncel
nuJ Ticket Aocnt
J. T. U1JV.U11. General buporlntondeul.
The only mad to take for Dos .Molnoi Jlrmlmltoira
Ceilur HanUli , Chntim l > l\on , t In. uo .vllhraukutf
ami all points inst : T.MIic'i'i" ' > plo of Nobrmkn , Cilo-
imlo , Wuiuliiu Utah Idiiho , Novaihi , Orpcnri , Wasln
InKlon anil CatlfuniU. 11 otior : * superior aUumtugef
not posHlbln by nnv nlhor line. 1
Amonu a lew of tlio IIIIIUITOIU points of superiority
pnjn > oii ny the pitrnns ot tlih roail Uet\\oe iiOainli4
anil fhliHKO , aio Us throii triihn n ilay of DAY
( OACIIlPi , which nrutho finest Hint Inuniin nr ( and
liiBoniilty ciin nreiite. Its ! M.ACUSLKEl'I.NaOAHH ,
wlikli iinitnoilulAiif cnnifnitiimluleiiniiro lu 1'AIU
IXIU DIIAW1MI HOO.M TAltS , inisuriniMoil l > r nny ,
nnil Its wliloly 111 ( linttpil I'AL VT1AI. 1 > ININU UA1H ,
tliopniinlnf rhlih ciiiinot bo fouml < Isowlierp. At
Council llliint.ihnlnilns of ilia Union I'nclllo lutll-
wny connect In iniliin ileput nllh thii'a of tlie Chi-
CIIKO& NoilliiroMorn Itjr In Clilcisii the trains of
tills linn iiiukn < IOHO connection with tUoso of nil
other riiRtrrn llm s
I'or Detroit tnliitnbns , Indlnnnpolh , rinclnnntl ,
Nlii.'nru I'alh , Hniraln 1'lltHljiiri ; , 'loronto , MontreMt ,
llo t in , .V' Vink I hlliiltliihla , Ililtlnioru , Wasli-
hi2toniuJ : U polntb.ln tliu liit. : Aik lor tlek.cj via
If yon rrlMi the l-t ) nptuinmuJatlon. All llcliot
nronts sell ilokcts via I Ills lln
11.111 lillll'l' , K V. WH.SON ,
tit'ii'lMnimgcr. . fJeiiirabj'r Apont.
. . .
W. N. UAllUK'K , l.i n I VWstvrn Aucnt.
1)1 , KIV1IIA1 I , , 'lirliet At-ont
( } h \ \ l-M' , tlty 1'Hssoiuer Agent.
1101 Painam bt. , Omaha , Neb.
JtemarkabU for powerful gympj.
Tlu'tli- tnULpllablu action and U-
solum durability. , ri yearn' record ,
Thn beat guarantee fit the excoF
lenre oif tneso lustriiinents.
Pet-Uhklll ini-lliuKiiii , N V hcnl ) for cnu-
loguo. JNO M.T1LDLN , M D , M.A. PUnclpal ,
Its mala lines anil brancboa include CJ1IOAOO ,
nnd Bcorcs of intonaodtato citlca. Cholco ol
routes to und from the I'aclQc Coait. All trnna-
fcis iii Union depots , yaat trains of lrino D&y
Coaches , elegant Dining Ouro , magnificent VoU-
nan Palace Blooper * , and ( between Chicago , at
Joseph , AtchlecQ oad JCcineas city ) llotllnlna
Cbolr Cora. Baata JFreo , to holder * of throuL-b
Uret-claia tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'v
"Croat nock lalnncl Routo. "
Extends Weit ona Bouthwoot from Kantin City
nnd Bt. Joseph to N&L8ON , H011TON. , 11KLLB-
virxE. TOPEKA , JIKBr falow , WICHITA.
ITUTCIJINSOW , OALDWEIX , and all polnU in
and beyond. Entire pouenger equipment of th
celtbratotl Pullmiui muiufoctuie. All caftty ay
pUdncei and modern tmprovoacata.
The Pnmous Albert Loa Route
Ii tb farorlU bctwetn Chicago , Hock Island.
AtchJjon , Katu&i City iqid MlhuoapolU aril Bt. '
Paul. It * 'VruUrtown brunch travurvea the trcal
cf Kprtberu IOWB. Botithwe tern Mlnn ot ,
East C ntrtl Dakota to W t9rtown. Spirit
i 0 * " . i
The Bhort Llna vl Deneco
nod Kaakakoo o fer
fuprior fucilltl * . to tr.T.I to end frcni Iudu2 i.
er ceL , . Map , , yow r , or deil/cd InTone *
tlou , apply nt any Ooup > > iiTlck < , tomceoraddret