Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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NArnrfiN Srtitn. by a well knoxvn New
Yorker , New York. The Judge Publish.
.Nnpolcon Smith la suppoaod to4 1)0 ) rt
flcscpndnnt of the "LUtlo Corporal * "
wliohoiJs dlngramslocniing tire great
treasures ncenmulnto'd Uy his Uliistrious
ancestors , WOVQH In Avith the plot of
n touching story of womnh'fl lo\-o nnd
conitniicy during the great olgo of
I'/.ris l thrj iilitory of how this trcnsui'o
jvBs recovered nnd floaloil in America
jn 13TO. Whooror the prominent Now
Yorker nmy bo ho hus written a good
fctory with an original ptol.
Ton Ooi > AXtiOot-T ) , by Julian Corbctt. New
York. MncMullan & Co.
This work is a romanro of roiniirk-
' tihlo J-cshncs ? , and ono which in every
chtip' - impresses the rorutbr with Iho
intellect and researches of the author.
Thvstory rolatoj "certain noteworthy
iiassagC ! ) from the lifo ot Mr. Jasper
THling. especially his connoelloii with
the fooginning of the puritan party , and
n rotation of his voyngo to Nombro do
Ulos , under that ronowncd navigator ,
Kir Franci ? Dralto. " It is a fitting
companion for "John Inglcsant" and"
"Sir Pcrcivnl. "
"Mrrnons AK AIDI is TnAriuxn Onooiu
rnv. " by Charles P. Kinp , A. M. , Ilontl-
Jnnstcr of the Dearborn school , and for-
inurly hiib-mnatcr of tlio T cwis Grammar
scllool , IJoBton. Messrs. Leo & Slictmnl.
The book is designed to help touchers
nn > l normal pupils in presenting this
Hludy interestingly nnd prollUtbly ; to
give tcachors needed information , or to
indicate where it may bo gained ; nnd
nUo to iltaslrato the teaching < if an ex
perienced tutor in the practical worlc of
the bchool room. The best apparatus
to use In elucidating the subjects arc
described nnd teachers are instructed
how to make , or where to purchase
those which are the most desirable.
"To\i Tin : HniDv.oii Ui'FitoM iniUowr.sT. "
] Jy Hni dolpli Hill , No. 8 , of the "Hoys'
Homo Library. " ) > ttbllshcd by A. L. Hurt ,
5T Hcckmaa street , Now York.
The idea of publishing stories for
boys by tlio best authors ; good whole
some stories , that any parent will bo
glad to put into a child's hands , was an
excellent one and has boon religiously
carried out by the publisher. No. 8.
just published is "Tom the Heady , " by
Handolph Hill , a popular writer , and
keeps up the high standard of the pre
vious numbers , which are by such
authors as James Otis , Horatio Aljjor ,
jr. , Harry Castlemon , Edward S. Kills ,
"Tun RTOIIY or OHIO. " Hy Alexander
Hhick botnff Ilia second volume ol tlio new
scries , tlio "Story of the States , " edited
by Elbridgo S. Urooks , Boston , D. Loth-
orp & Co.
Mr. Black's book sketches the early
history of the Ohio valley , touching
briefly upon the Indian struggles and
traditions ; describes succinctly the
movements thai planted civilization in
Iho northwest , and brings the state
history down to the present , year , with
its centennial observances , thus cover
ing the full century of Ohio's lifo.
13Asr.-iiAi.t. . How to become n player with
tlio orljjitii history anil oxppnoiu'O of the
Riime , by John Montgomery Ward , of the
New York base-ball club. Philadelphia :
I the Athletic Publishing company. |
In a column and a half review of this
work the Now York World says : "Mr.
Ward's book is probably the most ex
haustive work yet published concerning
the great American game. It not only
hunts out the origin of base-ball itself ,
' but goes back in search ot the lirbt ball
Over iifced for purposes of tport or paus-
time , and mentions " : i certain lady of
Corcyra , Anngallu by name. " as having
made the lirst ball for play. "
Tlio Land of the Pueblos. By Susan E.
Wallace. 12mo , cloth , ilnoly illustrated.
Johu 15. Alden , publisher , Now York.
Mrs. Wallace , who is the wife of Gen
eral Low Wallace , author of "Bon
Hur , " is well known as ono of the
brightest , most entertaining , and in
structive writers of the day. This volume -
umo will greatly enhance her reputa
tion. It is a delightful thing to visit
with her the picturesque , romantic , nl-
\Vtiys curious , and sometimes wonderful ,
scones which she places before the
i'cader almost as vividly us the reality.
1'ho story of an ancient American civil-
IsatSon if not as old as that of Egypt ,
J'Ct even more deeply shrouded in mys
tery is a fascinating ono , and ought tope
po familiar as may be to all American
i-cadors. Thousands will welcome the
buok with real delights and no realtor
who takes it up will fail to be oatoi.-
iaincd and instructed ,
The Popular Science Monthly for
.Tuly is on a par with its uniform oxcol-
Jonco. Among its many features are
papers on "Safety in ITouso-Drainngo ,
by Mr. W. 10. Hovt ; "Gourds and Bottles
tles , " bv Grant Allen. The third and
concluding paper of thn scries of "Dar-
wiiii&m and the Christian Faith ; " "Tho
Touching of Psychology. " by M. Paul
Janet. , Mr. George M. Dawson's "Cus
toms and Arts of the Kwakiool" relates
to u curious tribe living in the northern
imrt of Vancouver islands. Dr. Manly
Miles points out what are to be in tub
future the "Linos in Progress in Agri
\ t culture. " Mr. .1. B. Mann makes a vig
> orous exposure of the "Fallacies in the
Trades-Unions Argument. " Knuign
\V. L. Howard describes the observa
tions which ho matle during the expedi
tion in "Arctic Alaska. " Tlio purpose
and importance ol "Manual or Indus
trial Training" nro discussed by Prof ,
O. Von Taubo. A portrait and bkoteli
pro given of Prof. Paul Bert , the late
tlitUingulshod French naturalist and
civil administrator.
The July number of the American
Magazine is being prepared with n
vunv of making it especially appropri
ate for Hummer reading. YVhuo fully
maintaining its high jilnrnry character ,
preference will bo given to the llghtoi
"i class of literature. A feature will bo 11
1 notable symposium discussion , by the
Joijding American authors , of thoChacc
international copyright bill. Frcdorii
U. Mather will contribute an amusing
and interesting description ( fully ilHiv
trated ) of Now England singing bchooii
as they llouribheil sixty or seventy yours
ugo. Mrs. Charlotte iti-ovo Unnovei
Hvill furnish an illustrated paper on
"Housekeeping by the United States
Government , " describing the veterans
homo near Dayton , O , Mrs. Admini
Jahlgrcn will supply a short story cii'
titled "A Night's Adventure. "
The July Magazine' American His
tory is fully up to the high standard o
excellence long since reached by tlii
noble periodical. One of its importan
features is n graphic and instructivi
account of Chief Justlco Morrison K
Waite , from the pan of the editor , will
a full-length frontispiece portrait of tin
the great jurist , Tlio second paper o
the issue is able nnd t > chol
arly essay on "Tho Continental Con
press , " by 'Judge William J. Bacon
Then comes "Personal Recollections o
Andrew Johnson , " a readable skotcl
l > i Hon. Charles K. Tuckormau ; "JIas
rJVniies oo Ono Hundred Years Ago , '
Jiy'S' nator Joseph S. Fowler ; "A Ciuin
11 r in the History of Spain. " bv Hem. . J
, L. M , Curry , of Madrid' "Washington'
Diary for Auguat.17M , " fr im the man
\i'Tiit | collections , of General Mureditl
JiVnd , now in Paris ; "Extracts from ui
.rnglishman's 1'ouket N.otebook1 , ii
. . in which the trnvolor
l.oavcs New Orleans nnd - itachtsVrn ,
I'ru"Tho : Mound BuUdcrs Wcro Indi
ans. ' an Important contribution bjl the
antiquarian ffliolnr Cyrus Thomas. ] 'h.
] } . ; nd " 1'ionocr Work of .Tared
Spnrks , " by lro'f. Herbert'B. A < lnm , of
Johns Hopkins university. .
Tlio Woman's World for-Tuly ts a pnr-
ticulnry good number. The aliening
paitcr by Julia Wodgcwood is 0.11
"Women and' Democracy.1 An illus
trated paper follows , showing what
women have tlono in the way of benefactions -
factions for Oxford. "Recollections of
Cobilen,11 by Dorothy Novill follows.
An account of Marie BashkSrlfcff , a
voung Russian painter , who , if she
looked anything like her portrait , must
have been unusually prdtty. "Women
Club Lifo" Is discussed by Amy Lcoy.
The department of fashions in this
magazine is one that lias no rival , irtid
the women of America liavo thoroughly
u wakened to this fact.
The Monroe chapter in Wide Awako's
Presidential series , "Children of the
White Houso" ( July number ) , gives tin
account of Mndamo Catnpan's famous
bchool in Franco , which Kliza Monroe
nltondcd , where she was the intimate
schoolmate of Hortonso Beauharnais ,
the future queen of Holland. The portraits
traits which the queen sent over to the
daughter of her old school friend have
been engraved for this article , com
prising Iiortcn&G as a schoolgirl , Her
tense as queen , and Mndamo Cam pun.
A spirited picture is drawn of Kllzr In
after life , as Mrs. liny in the white
house , where she inaugurated many of
the social perplexities and quotllons of
etiquette which vex Washington to
"Our Young Folks' Reading Circle"
is the name of a now organisation , '
formed for the purpose of promoting
good reading among the boys and girls
of our laud from eight to sixteen years
of age. It is otllcorod by a board of di-
tors , including William II. Ridoing , of
the Youth's Companion ; Mrs Mary A.
Llvermoro , Frances E. Willnrd , Prof.
J. W. Stearns , of Wisconsin university ;
Dr. John Bascom , Into president of Wis
consin university ; Rev. Lyman Abbott ,
editor of the Curisliati Union , and a
board of coiibclors. among whom are
such names us lion. Richard Edwards ,
Illinois ; Hon. Henry Sabin. Iowa ;
Suporintendcn W. S. PorryAnn Arbor ,
Mich. ; Hon. A. W. Edson , Massachus
etts ; Mary E. Burl , of the Cook County
Normal school ; F. M. Crundon , of the
HI. Louis public library-Miss ; C. M ,
Rowing , of the Hartford library ; J. N.
Lamed , of the Bullalo library ; Superin
tendent J. M. Greenwood , Kansas City ;
Colonel F. W. Parker , and others. Tlie
central olllco is managed by Mr. S. R.
Winchell , nt 185 Wnbash nvonuo , Chicago
cage , to whom inquiries should bo sent
for information nnd terms of member
The author of that taking novel. "A
Modern Jacob , " is a Worcester lady ,
who writes under the nom no plume of
"Hester Stuart. " Some things bhc says
on the subject of marriage are worthy
of special reprint and wide distribu
Tlio time for the Lothrop literature
iirizo competition has been extended to
December 1 , in order to give school
people the summer vacation and the
fall for the preparation of manuscripts ,
This competition , it will be remem
bered , is open to nil school people
children , students and professors in our
public schools , colleges and institutions
of loa"iiing ( Sunday schools included ) ,
and them only.
A pretty fair idea of the literary tal
ent now in training can bo arrived at
when the manuscript of the Lothrop lit
erature pri o competition ( open only to
school people , students and teachers )
are nil in. It may be safely supposed
that all the Longfcllows , Holmcs's ,
Ilawthornes , Howells's nird Mrs. Stowcs
of A. D. 1'JOO ' nro now pegging away at
their school-desks ; and the manuscript
sent in will be well searched for gleams
of "tho divine lire. "
All readers of "Pansy's" books and
their name is lejjion will want a copy
of the dainty volume of selections from
her writings prepared by Miss Grace
Livingston , under Mrs. Alden's own
supervision. The title will bo "Pansics
for Thoughts. " The book will be out
early in July.
In July n now magazine , to bo called
Currcnt'Liloraturc , is to make its llivt
appearance. It is to be eclectic in char
acter , but will dillcr very materially
from other publications , founded upon
the idea of the reproduction of that
which has already been published. The
editor-in-chief of Current Literature is
is Mr. F. M. Somors. who i.-t known to
journalism and literature us the
founder , in connection with Mr. Frank
M. Pixlcy , of the San Francisco Argo
naut. For the last few years Mr.
Somers has been in London , Paris and
this city , studying up the matter of this
new eclectic publication in connection
with otlier business. Ho is , therefore ,
thoroughly informed as to tlie liold anil
its possibilities and fully equipped for
the work. The associate oilitor is Mr.
Alfred Balc.h.
Beware of worthless imitations of Dr.
Jones' Hod Clover Tonic. The genuine
cures headaches , piles , dyscpsiaaguo ] ,
malaria , and is a perfect tonic and
purifier. Price CO cents. Goodman
Drug Co.
Some Marvelous StorlcH Told of an Old
Colored "Oootor. "
A strange case of voodooism has boon
reported at Atlanta , Ga. , nays the Now
York Sun. In Sandeisvilto about a
month ago the wife of the Rov. Tom
Thomas , ono of the most religious col
ored men in the community , felt u pe
culiar pain in her limbs whiim grad
ually onvolopcd the entire body. In
stead of yielding to ordinary physio ,
each ( ioao administered seemed to aug
ment her sulVering , and finally it
dawned upcn Tom that his wife was bo-
wltchod , and he sought the aid of Gus
Choovoi'jt , a half-brocil Indian , noted
for his knowledge of occult sciences.
The old doctor as BOOH as ho approached
preached told Tom that his wile
had been poUoiicd with rattlesnake
poison by a neighbor , and that had
three days more delay boon made she
would have boon doatl. Ho could save
her , though , and for the sum of $18
undertook to antiilutu the poison. His
medicines would , ho said , at o'clock
on a certain day , make her sick almo-it
unto death , but after that bho would
got woll.
The poison under his treatment exuded -
udod from the pores of her skin in
threadlike sprays of mucous. Finally
the woman recovered , and is now at
work booing cotton. Sunday last Iho
old voodoo doctor went to Tom's to find
out the poisoner. This ho pretended to
accomplish with a .talismanio ball pen
dant from u string. The neighbors as
sembled , and the ball was held up in
front of each as his- name was called ,
until Boston May was reached , when
the ball llcw toward him , and ho stood
accused. Old man Jerry's well , on n lot
adjoining Tom's , began boiling up labt
Monday , and whenever a bucket of
vrntei1 is drawn -it begins to foam ami
run over a la. sotlliu powder , until the
ibuckot is oinptv. The wondrous liHlo
ball also lajs this , devilment to Boston ,
and the old doctor says -the cause is a
littlu bottle of poison placed in thu bottom
tom of the well.
An Old Lady Ofvos Homo Sound Advice -
vice t < > n Young AVll'e.
Strange things are sometimes heard
on. the olovnled railroad trains , but it
is seldom that a conversation overheard -
heard is inloi'Mlhig.nnd beneficial as
well , says' the Now York Mail and Ex
press. 11 was reserved for a reporter ,
however , to discover that such n thing
could bo , nnd the discovery was made lu
this way : It was on n , crowded car nt
Thirty-fourth s'troot. An old lady was
talking with n voung woman.
"Woll. Mary Jenkins. " remarked the
former , "did I over ! Why. Molly , 1
hain't eeen you for almost a year ,
'rfposo you're kcepin' hotiso ? Yes , I
thought so. Well , Molly , don't ' forget
to always keep an egg in the house.
You can do without your planner , nml
ye needn't bo over particular 'bout n
L'jvrpot for the front room : but yo can't
'ford to bo without eggs , * '
"Well , returned Molly , "Jim mid I
liuvo thus far managed to have n piano ,
carpets nnd eggs as well. But why do
you lay such stress on keeping eggs at
Imndy One must bo without them oc
casionally. "
"Never do it , Molly ; nu egg is worth
its weight in gold. 'Sposin' you're
warm and fan yourself or cookin'
crullers an'tho grease spatters tin an'
scalds you , the white of mi egg Is the
most soothing thing you can put on it.
If you're choppin' klndlins' and bark
your lingers , nolhin' like egg. 'Sposln' '
Jim gits a Job comforter. That little
skin that lines the inside of an ogg'll
do moro In ono dny than all the bread
and milk , flaxseed soap and sugar
poultices or cobblers wax you would
use in a week. For clcantn' your Hat
irons' an' mnUin' thorn smooth , u&o the
yolk of nn cjrg , nnd by riddm' your
head o' dander well , Molly , there
hain't nothin' to compare with it. For
corns and bunions nolhin'is so coolin'
as the while of an ecrg. For toothache
it can't bc"beat , while in eases of dysin-
tory I don't want no other medicine.
Beaten up slightly with or without
sugar , and swallowed at ono gulp , it
helps to allay the inflammation of the
stomach mid the intestines , and finally
brings you around all right. If you
don't want to drown love's young dream
in a cup of muddy cofTee , use ogg.s to
clear it and , Molly , do you know any-
thin' in the world so good in cases in
poisoniu' as the while of eggsV 1 guess
you don't. TliDn consider Iho value of
eggs in "
The rest of Iho old lady's lecture on
eggs was lost , for at this juncture the
guard called out : "Chatham square ,
change for City hall and Brooklyn
bridge ; this train goes to South ferry ! "
One touch of kindness that a house
keeper will appreciate is the presenta
tion to her of several bottles , na.v of ono
bottle , of Van Duzer's Flavoring Ex
tracts which nro known and esteemed in
every properly ordered household for
their ascertained purity , delicacy and
height of lluvor. They arc particularly
economic , necessitating the use only of
the least quantityand the bottles of the
liye diifi-rcnt sizes contain more than
the average. All grocers bull thorn.
A Nearly Fatal Accident to n Diver
Wlillo 1OO Kcet Below the Sitrluce.
Captain Young had a terribly close
escape with his lifo while at work in 100
feet of water near Faulkner's Island re
cently , says the New Haven ( Conn. )
Union. lie had gone down to put
chains under a sunken vessel. A sys
tem of telephoning has been arranged
for divers , so that by moans of a wire ,
which is inside the air pipe , oral com
munication can bo hold with those on
the boat above ; and to test the efficiency
of this improvement Captain Young had
a now air pipe with the telephone addi
tion made for use on this occasion. Ho
remained under the water some time
and succeeded in placing the chains
under the sunken Helen Augusta , when
suddenly the supply of air , which is
pumped to divers at this depth by steam
power , gave out.
Ills clothing , which was before so
in Hated , was pressed about him. A horrible
rible death from suffocation or the great
pressure of the water at such a depth
seemed imminent. Ho had strength to
signal the men above to haul him up ,
but that was all. Ho felt himself rising
higher and higher toward the surface
of the water , his hand touched the fore-
rail of the sunken craft , and the horri
ble thought of what would certainly bo
if he became entangled in the rigging
overhead came before Ins mind. From
that time lie remembered nothing until
ho recovered consciousness i n hour
The attendants of the diver divined
something wrong and hauled him up as
speedily as possible. In doing so the
air pipe was drawn , and the attendants
BIW : that ono of the brass couplings of
the hoao hud broken. This furnished a
key to llio matter. Grasping a long
and keen knife , one of the attendants
jumped overboard as the inanimate
form of the diver appeared , and , ns boon
as the surface was reached , slit the
heavy suit in various places , so as tu
allow the air to circulate freely about
the incased body. The helmet and
heavy garments were removed ns ox-
pedilioiihly na possible , and an horn
afterwards the captain recovered.
An AliKOlute Cure.
Is only put up In largo two ouneo Un boxci ,
nnd Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped him Is , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro nil kinds of piles ,
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drue Co. at 22
cents per box by mall 80 cents.
Tlio Two lilves Jfaii 3Iay Jjenil ,
Waking and Hli-ojiln .
Paul .Tarrct in the Popular Science
Monthly says : The fact of sleep 111113
of itself have already suggested the
idea of two distinct persons , for wo cer
tainly are not the same sleeping anil
waking. Yet , in bleep wo linvo recol
lections from the waking state , and we
can romoinbor from sleep when awake ,
There is , therefore , an essential con
nection between the two states. There
nro in natural somnambulism at the
game Ume moro and less of analogy
with the wakeful condition , In
ono respect it moro re&omblof
wakofulne&s ; for while , in natural
bleep , the dream is absolutely inco
herent , the somnambulist plays out hit
dreams ; that is , ho executes a system oi
co-ordinated movements having a be
ginning , a middle and an end , or a cer
tain coherence. On the other hand ,
somnambulism is further separated
from wnhefulncss in the fact that the
man awake wholly loses the recollection
of what the slcoplng man has done ,
while the somnambulist can roinembot
what ho has done in n previous sleep ,
There are , then , in some fashion , twc
lives , and the hypothesis dreamed oi
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria ,
When B by WM dcJr , we garo her Ceetoria.
When ike waaa Child , stecritd tor CwtorU ,
. When Kb * became Miss , ehe clunp to Cfcstorta ,
Whtn hc had ChlUren , etc jaT > tfc < ia Caatorla ,
Burlinglon Borlinglo
! Roote .
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago ,
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was In advance of all Sines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in .advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
by Pascal is very near to being roa 1
ized : "If wo dreamed every night the
pume things it would affect us as much as
objects that we see every day ; and if an
artisan were sure to dream during
the twelve hours of every night that he
was a king 1 believe that heou1d be
almost as naimy as a king who should
dream for twelve hours that he was tin
artisan. " ' Pascal speaks hero only ol
dreaming , but it must not bo forgotten
that somnambulist performs actions that
takes place in the real worldho ;
writes , ho ( Iocs nearly everything that
ho does while awake , and is oven able
to speak and reply. Hence we have
only to represent to ourselves somnam
bulism gaining more ami more upon the
walking condition , encroaching upon
it , and at last becoming a second walk
ing alternating with the otncr , and re
taining only one feature of somnam
bulism the loss of recollection on wait
Its superior excellence proven In millions of
homos for more tlmn a quarter of n century. It
Is used by the I'nlted Putt-a f Jovermiient. Kn-
dorsed by the hcnds ot the Kiont universities as
Ihe btroiiso t , tuirrst nnd most healthful. Ur.
1'rlccs Cream ftakliiK 1'owder does not contain
ammonia , lime or nluni. Sold ouly In cans.
1'llKi : 1IAKIM ! I'OWUhU I'D.
New York , Chicago , St. l.ouls.
It baa stood the Test of Yearn ,
' Curing all Diseases of the
EI.B.fte. It Purifies the
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses the .
disappear at once
KIDNEYS its beneficial influenca.
STOMACH It la purely a Medicine
AND ae its cathartic proper
ties forbids itfl me BI a
BOWELS beverage , It is pleai-
act to the testa , and as
easily taken by child-
ran , as adults.
PRlCElDOUAR Bole 1'roprletori ,
BT.Louja and K-iHBiU Orrx
T. E. CILP1N ,
Ilooni 03 Traders' Hullill"Oj
Herercncoi-MetronollUn Nutlonal Bank
It , U Hun A Co , Tlio DruJurtet Co.
Grab Orchard
A. a oorrrv-23 ctrizs :
Crab OrcUard Water Co. LouisvUIo. Kyf
a man for groaning when lie has
IUiL'HmalKinorNeunxlla. { The pain
is simply awful. No torture in the
nncicnt tiiuM was more painful tlmn
lhoe twin illseft'-cs. llnl ouchtn't
a man to bo blamed if , having Ithcii-
inatisni or Ki'tirulqiit , lie wont nsn
when it has uroil
Alli-l'i-pho-ron ,
tliou and < who have MiU'orcd in thu
same way 1 It has cuicil hnmlreils
after physicians have pronounced
them iiKMir.ibli1.
"The xUll ot five phyloinrn conM tint
cun- roe of Ilh uuiiittMti which hid willed
in the hips , nerk nnd nhoulder * . Ho Intento
uj < h the lihin thnt ( deep uan r.hnr > M im ] > iul-
ii lrt Tno lit-st diw nf Alhlophoros pave
me reliof. and the Ihlrd onabltnl mo to slprp
( or four r.iid n tmlf houra nithout nxkiiiK.
1 continued It * 11 0 And am no * wpll "
KKV. S. 11 THOYKIl , New Albany , Ind.
i > iit > fur lheKnntil\il I'oloiX'J pic
ture , " Moorish Mniilun. "
Or the Liquor Knljlt , Positively Cured bj
AdinitiislcrhigDr. Hniues' Ooltlcu
M ran to Rlveu in n cup of coffee or tea with
out the Know ledpe ot the person tuklng It : abso
lutely h&rmlt B , anil vl\l \ effect a permanent nnil
speedy euro , whether llio putlcnt la n inodcrnto
drinker or iin nlcoholic wreck. Thousands of
I'runkuida have licen intule tempcratu men who
1m ve taken Golden Suocltlo in tlialr cotfet ) with
out tholr knowledge ) ami to day believe they
null drinking of tlielroun free will. Itnovci
fnlK The system once Improanatoil With the
BpeclUc , itbpcomes an tutor impossibility for
tlio liquor nppotlto to oxlst. Torsalo by ICuhn
& Co. , loth and Donolas ets. , i > nci 18tli nnd Cum-
'nusts. , UmnliH , Neb. ; A. 1) ) . Foster A ; llro
" ' Ulnils. loxra.
B Department of the I'lutto , Chief Quaiter-
Pster'.s Ollk-c , Onmha. I\ob. , .Inno . ] sia _
Peah-il I'lonoials , mibjcct to the usual condi
tions , will be lecelveil nt thlsriillco until DUO
o'clock p. M. , July 1(1 ( , 1S , nt which tlmi' they
will b oDfiiPil , lor MipplyliiK onts , of c < io < l
mer-hnnlnblo quality , biiliject to inspection ,
ns follows : At Kcjiiiy. Neb. , 4.)1WJ ) Ibs. , more
or lejs. At Sidney , Nob. , CO.O fl Ibs . moro or
less. Thn oats must bo ready for delivery nt
thiMO points ns follows : At Konrney , Neb. .
on or bfloiv .lul > Sith At bldnt-y. Nob. , on or
befoio Annual 10th. The ( iovernment 10-
fervethe ilKht to rojoi't any or nil proposals.
IInnl ! : for bidding and full paitlnilars fur
nished on nppll'-ntlnu to thH ofllce. W.M. 11.
Chief : ( ) uarlorma > ter.
J2lMt jlyChief
WENT , a Rimrantped specific for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsions , Ht , Nervous Nouralpla ,
Heudacne , Nenoua Prostration , caused by tlio
nso of alee hoi or tobacco. Wakefnlnosi , Mental
Depresslou , Softening of the Drain , resulting In
Iniantty. nnd leading to mlserv , decay und
death , f'rcmntnrr Old ARO , llrurenncss , Loss of
Power In either BOX , Involuntary Losses nnd
6permntorhun causud by over-exertion of the
brain , eolf-abuso or over-lndulRencu. llach box
contains ono month's treatment. H.OT n box , or
six boxes for 45.00 , sent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cure any enso. With each order received by
ns for fix boxes , accompanied with Vt.0 < ) , we
will sonrt the purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money If the treatment does not
effect a euro ( Junrnnlecs Issued only by C. P.
UOOUMAN , DriiKuint , Bole Asent , lllS Knrnatn
trflft Omana. Neb
1'alil Up t'npiliil . IjiH.'iO
Surplus . 50,000
U. W. VATKS. 1'resldent
Ia : lBB. HBHU , Vlco I'resldant.
A. K , 'i'ou/AMN. 2nd Vlre President ,
\v. u 8. llL'tini- : ! ,
w , V , Monsu , JOHN 8. OOI.I.INS ,
II , W , VATK-i. JKWIb H , ttf.t.l ) ,
A K. 'faV7.Al.lK.
Hanking Olllro-
Corner l tli and rurimm yts.
A General UankiiiBllusinesaTransacted
Exposition Privileges
QAl El l' < "s ° in wlsliliif lo imivhaie
FDR OHLL , jirlvlleKes at tlio National \ -
iiosltion nt Kansas ( Jlty , ojioulni ; September
J ( > . las' * , and contlnuliiK ( , lx weeks , are In
vited to artdicss C. HAI.l'H EVANS , ( ientral
ilatagcr , Kansas City , -Mo.
( I an ! S end bcautlnw tlie hair.
1'romoU'S a luiurlont prow Hi.
N ir Ffllt to Rulore Ory
HilrloiUYtulhful Color.
Curcj calpdiiruosaiiUlialrfaUIOL-
licit irmtuit ud iMUsg ot I'tt ! 'tut' * , ttc.
Who Is.VEi , NEUVOtJH. Hr.Iin.ITA-
TEI > .wbn In hi I'OLI.Y hud IONO11ANCC
MR6 TmrtR : > awnjr bin VIOORof HODY ,
HIND and MANJflOon. cnuslng xliauitlnR
ilrsln Upon Ibo FOUNTAINS of LIFE.
I3EADA < tmK , DA.OKAC IK , Drcadrtlf
Drrnms , WK.VKNr.WN of Memoir. AHtS-
. .n , . .upon
the fr'ACE. Hiid all tbe KFFEOTH leading to
TIOH or IWHAWJtf T , ihould contult at once
the CKMiRHATEn Dr Clntke , Established
IBM. Hr Clarke has mudo Pir.UVOCn J > T-
Iim.llTT.i2IONl ) nnd all Dltcaees of
Ibo OE.VJTO OEU ART Orgnui a I.ito
fi'nrty. It ouik ii no dlBkrenro WHAT you
TP when orVHO h s fulled to euro jcu.
liar to their aex can consult with the assurance
nf speedy relief and cure. Stud 2 conta poitage
for works on your dictates.
/\5J-flond 4 cent * postage for Velclirntfd
TCcriiB on Oliroulc , Nervous and I > cll-
co'e IHia&see. Coniuliatlon , patsoniil'y or by
Utter , IVen. Consult the old Doctor.
Vbonnnndn cured. O S3 COB and nnrlors
prlvnto. 3-Thoso contemplating Marriaye
cand for Dr. CInrSie'n culsbratcd tfulao
Utlo and Fcmnlp. each 16o. , both 26c.
utampi ) , Bcfoic conflfllnc your , contult
Or. CE.AHKE. A friendly Idler or call may
v ( ! future guecringnnd chamo , and add r.oldcn
y ai8 to lifo. s-Book "'n ( Secret ) Err -
r r& , " EOc. ( etamps ) . Mi-Ulclno and writings
sect everywhere , ecuro from exp re.
Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , U to 12. Addrf ts ,
F. D. OLABKE , M. D.
106 Scs , Olarte SC. . OHIOAQO. ILL.
"The Overland Btoute. "
IIus so nrfanjjrcti its Family
Cur service , that berths cun now bp re
served upon application by any ticket
agontto M. 1. Cjfcovyl'ussonjjef Agent ,
Council Blulfs , Iowa. The reservations
when intulo are turned over to the train
conductors taking' out such cars , > that
passengers cun now secure berths or
dered , the biune as a Pullman berth is
reserved and secured.
J. H. TKUBKTS , K. It. rOMAX ,
Gen. 1' . A ; T. Agent. ABs't ( j . I' . & T. A
S , K , FELTOH & CO ,
( llUL II U1IW
And MauulacturerB' ARcnts for
Hydraulic Engines , Sui-veys. Do-
tnil Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Strain's ' Building , Fourth Floor ,
Bed Bugs , Roaches , Ant-i , Thai
And nny other Injects , use
Infallible Insect Powder ,
A Iso contracts taken for clean
ing liotelH , hospitals and in Ivato residences trom
vunnln. Satmf in linn Kiiurantcud or no pay.
1'rliii Ipal Ijopot 41U Boutli I'Jtli Street.
nigO hnseivenunlver-
lal BatlsfDctlun In till
cure ot CionorrhU'H and
( HocU I prescribe It and
( eel safe In recommend-
liiB II lo all EuOeren.
A.J.hTOXKIl , M.D. ,
Dtettur , III. t.
BOia by
NOB , 3O3-404-I7O-6O4.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homceopalblc Specialist.
ately J'mcrlUd.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N W Couier iltli ai-d ongU 3t.
telephuue , 103 , li jid aa t lej Ugu . o5i.
4JS South Ifftti Street , , <
- o -
Cil K HAH W m rori St. MtirrX T * , |
JJ > IO.V./UUfln i > 9dt9 rooms anil b t
ro'omi 1 r ' , hrf > .
llimss ot S rooms , bn.'wroom ,
. otlicotfir whole lieu ci ho.N an-
nl'hf < l In onk , Mtrlien n1 np-MMrt h rd pine flit
I'tipdlnollsaotmrrcl < l torn , furnace. fdlnr under
nholo lioii'C , built t > l tlio owner. Hull trout la
llRtucom pine * , lot MxIM ,
C 1/ Kf\f\ : t ftonl on 0 * rjt1 TB. Itotn *
JplV/ jOUlloriOnHmisnlih ll llio modem Ira *
provcimnti. The mo t bcnutifnl locM
Clni'in How * ft " room * flnl'liM In jdlow
4 . ) jiJUL'i > lncic t rront , lot In MurMi's ndilllloa
oneni'lo , on atitli Wlh n\c , ncnr lx > nrvntvurth | one-
lirvlt rnrti. A W t > ftr nlii.
Ci'-J QlNVIiul'or I'lnco , put front , lot srntlM.
ijpOjOUlMintle tree , neat A room colt.iuc , Booa
C ? > l at" ' fl'IMii , homo flnMipd Inonk , Imlltbyimnnf
nnil li vi - 'a 1 ! , Imrn on lot. Terms (5 c h , balance to
liiltp < uchn or.
C ! I * > nn H n coifty < tJ. tieuw ! > room * , well.
ip I , , V. JUrl'trrn. vn t IroW , uiimtcl ) terms M
cn Ii. bilnlico nrrstiBPil for.
CM f"V ) > Moeanl bnltdlns lot In Ornnh * View.
Cp IJ I O f300cn lib lnnco 10.i | < T month.
< 2' > HifVl Vnlmiomit I'Inrt'.iilracottnRo liroonn.
tj , ! ) UVV. . / cl tcrn , well nnd conl hon c , S It. nburJ
urmto ; cast trout. Terms fMJ to HU ( ) cash , bMftuo
< ! * ) /ll in Very nno bnlMIng Idt ftenlsci ndJ4
Ci > ij I v/v./ room f or two rottw .
QO fV\n KMt front lot In llnnirom t > l rO iltlU
tJp.iU JU feet , very luhtly , eooil neighborhood
friio.l lioii os colnH up nil around It. '
> , ; Cff \ Now cloRiintS room lie o , nil niodorn
tJfi jV/VJV/lmpiofomptit * , corner \Voolirortu ntiil
Virginia arcnnc'i nir tcrnn.
Ol KIM ! South loth M. comer lot 112 reel unlOltj
tjp IjtJUUSt. , by tJJU'Ol deep. Tito retinues on tel
ro'lliisfl.Wi room for three morn tottnui-s sbmli
trfC'-Sblor ks from M. i nt linn .nolniMimbrnncti. IVnut
1 1\D cnMi , bnlnnco In 1. 2 nnil il yi'fti-i ; n bin Imrvtiln ,
C'U " ? / r"Ifo 1-ottHBO Mnrlon plncoi will iml
( ) , OVV.7 { ; , ( . ) in-li with It ami tnKo Bnumlcn
street property ,
418 South 15th Strcot.
Clinttot MoftrtnRo Salo.
BY virtue of n i'lwlli-1 inoi IKIII.O < < xvcutr > rl ntid
( U'llvoirit byVllllani DnlilHuuni , nf tuclt/ | )
of Oinnlin. iJditKlas County , State ot Ni'brnska ,
to 1' . A Mm sit or Otu.Uiit , Nehrn'kn , nnil ilntod A
Uto'jrithilnyorJitm * , A. l . I'-1' , nlul nictl ihtho t
olllco of tlie Countv Olofk nf llto salil OOunty of
Douulas , on tlio Will tiny ot .Itilto. ls ! < , niul tipon
\\hlcli i to fault MXI Inu'ti inivilt' , nml upon
wnlcli tht'to Is lum < ltio tinMIIU of t o luinilti'il
nnil t\vvntv-two tlollnrn , itJyi , to cntlsfy which
1 nnnll mil the property llu'toln niontloiu-d , nml
tlcsoilbcU , Viz : Two ciroen iloois , 1 nxMiluit , "
lint inc-is , i looking Klns" < , 1 heuntrr Innk , I
Rlass front < ll lR's null' , nml onu nnxolliio stove.
Said propeity Is now at No. "ti > 7 NnrllilLtliBtiTet
In Oliitthn , In snltl county nnil stnto. TliM sivlo
Is liy vttttte of H IOTIcnnlnlnpil In sniil tnort-
K KO : until property will 1 10 i-old nt public nuu-
tlonntNo TOT Notth IMh fltiwt , 111 tlio rttjof
Otnnlin , in Bolil County nml Stnti > . on Iliontli
day of .Inly 1 8 , nt lu o'clock In tins forenoon ot
D xtoil nt Omnhn. thH 'Jrtth iluv of Juno 1883.
jM-JyMO K. A. MAll ll. Moitgunco.
Chattel MortnnKo Sale ,
BY virtue of n chattel mortpiRouxecMitcit mid
ilellvuipd bylllltiui Dahlnmnti , of Iliecltr
of Omaha , Douglas I'uttnty , stnto of Ni'briwkn ,
to 12. A. Mnrsh. of Omnhn , No'ontskn , nnd ilutml
tlu > s.itli dsv of 1-Vbvnnr.v. A.I ) . i Sc , nml tiled In
tlio olllco of t ho comitv rlurk of tlm MRlil county
of DotiKlns. on the aitn ilay of I'uiiruury. liw. at
11 It ) o'clock n , in. , ami upon which default lias
boon ninile , and upon which tharo Is now cHlu
tlie sum of seven hundroil and uty onoi3-100 ;
dollars ( $7ill.8 ! ! > , principal and Interest , to satis
fy which 1 shixll sell the property then'ln men
tioned nnd described , \lz : u dining mom tnbleH ,
' . ) Hilvof-iilatod cmlors , 100 chairs , 1 cooking
rnnco , pipes u'ldllxturi'.s ; 'J Rlass show cnsos , 1
voodencountoriind shi'lvlnu bnek of counter :
nil crockery , glniMvnio , knives nnd forks ! 1
heatliiR atovo , solf-foeder ; ! i" > bedsteads , mattresses -
tresses , KprliiRs , pillows , hheets , blankets ,
nnd nil bed clothlmj lvn li htniiilR , 'M lumps ,
1 small heatlURstovo , 1 laumlryxtovc , nil laun
dry utunslls , including tubs and wringers : nnd
nllperfconnl property now sltiinto at Not. * 07OJ
nml 711 Keith Wth street , nnd r > 17 Hurt struct ,
on alley , all in Omahn , lionclas county. No-
brask.i. This sale Is by virtue of n 1ioer con-
talii'Ml In paid inortKiiKO. Huld pioperly will bu
sold nt public auction at Number 707 Ninth 10th
sUoot , in the city of Oninba , In hnlil county nmJ
ntnlo , on the 11th day of .Inly , 1R-CK , ut 10 o'clock
In the forenoon of Unit day.
Dated nt Oimilin tlils'-Mli dny of .Inno. 188' .
y fMO K , A. JIAllSlI , Jlortgagce.
Certified Checks , Payable nt eight on the
Ptigot Sound National Bank Given as
Security ( or Money Invested.
To tlio'odoilrousor luDliu property on time , wo
offer the lollimliiB' Wo will allow irom ' 1 irtOnthH
to j ) vnrV lime , ncconlliiK to thn lalvl > ou snliict.
\Vo clinrno noltlirr prigmliini nnr inlun-il on tinio
pafiucnts , ami will il\p > ou a wmrnnty ilced.vo
Inivo lots fitiJO 00 mill fvWMtliatnrultliln n rndliis
ot two mid n hnlf inllui ot lliu pn t-olllio vra
qulroonljr 1U per cent AS mi cnrne t iniini-y nnd wn
will uUccCrtlilort chuck for tlio lull nniountof cncli
aiiflcvory HUlxoquont ptiyipcut. Tliodiciklrdruirn
by the I'lmot Hoiniil Niuiunnl bank nml Ii mnilopay-
iibloat fUhl niul you cun ilrnir jrour luonor at any
tlmo tliouphbf MI doing you forfeit your rlKmS to
purclia olfiml. Muko your Inconio , no nmtterliotr
srunll.cHrn iiompthlni ; . 'J'rnn > ciiitlncntnlriillr6nilii
me lieuuliiK forScatllo , nml luaniiliicturlrelatlour.
Ishlnit. ( timernl coiiiineico In In iqt tcol subslnn-
tlnl progrosilon. llio dally pnpora nro lined with
nccouiito of now cnlcrprHon , < : M cnrinndboriia
car ? circle Seattle. Address VOUKtV .MOOKK ,
WIio have tUo l.AIUiKbT 1'HOl'EUTV LIST In
The InrKCBt , tauten mid Ilnoitt In the world
I'attserjdornccorarnodixtlunA unexcelled.
Nuir Yorlit Clii io < vvlu JjfiuUnndat-rv
KTIIIOI'tA . , lt'tT"th CIIICASSIA Jui.v23ih
AM'imiiiA . . . . Ji'i.r 14th
TbnCulphrnlod st and llnest JUMMIth
rMf'iiniRiiin i pcngcr Steamer In Aim. Pth
C1TV OK 1UMK I Chi ) World. Hi | > t. tth
NEW Vnmc'jo Livriii'uoi , VIA VI'KC :
ThoCol ( ] | > r < itod I Lament iiml Uncut I'm .u-NKith : ;
htenmMiip Bunker Stoiimcr In Jl'I.V Bill
ClTVUKIlOMBl thn World. A IK ) .
Hatoon pHiMiun to ( lln KOir , Perry , Liverpool , Itclfust
or ( Juec'ii toffu , KV ) mid UiirnrdH | pur Ijlitt ovr .stouiu *
ors. liiiiiiid iipwardH lorclty or Itoino. uioml-cluia
( U ) . Iti'turn llcknt'iit reduced rnti'8 nnulo nvnlhililo
lor clllicrroute , itli ) > rlnff uxfurslonlHlii tint prlvllu o
cifspelnu tlio North nnd smith of Irulimd.lhu lllv
Mernev nnd | iklin ( | iin ( 'ldo. MucniKi > * ' ' ! . Anchor
Line ilnilts puyublu Jruu of chnrtri ) . Milil ill luwcjt
rules. Kor book of tours , tlckcM or furtliur Informa
tion apply to
HENDERS01I BROS. , 72 La BaUo St. , Chicago.
Or to nny ol our local iiitcnU
Jmlcrsal Music Deals.
Western AKIUIIH for ChlcfcuilnK , Knnlio , Vote
nntl Hahr Hfos. I'lanos ; Btory A : Clark
A rmv
Mcnuinir I'lnnos and Organs lint llttla used
which will bo rohl UilH week nt Iho follovvlua
letlnccil prices nnil lurin ? ;
DlM'H '
1 Knahn Kcjuaro , rest 1600 , for
* : ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r)5.0D ) $10.09
1 Ucciter Bros , fliiuaro Oraml
cost tl.V ) , forlaw 20.00 10.00
1 llradlmry Huart | , ( $ IOU ,
tor tin ) l . . . ir , i ) ] jo 00
1 1. 1' . llnleScjuaa' , cost fJT5.
fnrlUi . 15.00 10,00
1 Btoddard Squaie , co < t t-tti ,
1'ir , ' JUKI . 0.00
1 Kmcrccn Siinaro , n biilondld
Imruulii , cost fVW , lor * K ) . . 10.03 C.'JO '
lllallett Duvla Kinard
cJnind.cost * ' / > ( ) , for ijiii. . Uj.OJ 15,00
Ularaliull VVciiilel Uiultfht
cost taw for ti73 . n.5o 10.00
\Vliidnor t'nrlt'ht , coist i'X ) ) ,
lor IM . . . ! 5.0fJ 10.00
IKImhall Ur.gan , con $ ir > ,
for , r > . 10.00 3.W
1 Kstpy Organ , roit f If.1) ) , for
810 . . . . . 10.00 3.00
IM.iKon & llamlln Organ ,
cost ; . , for Jkl . 10.00 5.00
C'nilin early anil taVu your pick , llrln thU
a-1. with junto avoid inliiakua.
aiAX MKYKIt Ai JUIO , , '
Corner Ititti and I'.trJiitin His ,
Euj V IH
r m w t
. ,
AI.V , B1U11.Y , and otlier drllglillul rrtuit * .
. ' a i R3d A bccond I'M' ! > ' fur tbe
lioi.v LAND , riiicic ! : : ,
TUKKKY.Tliu Ml.l'.auJ
tlieclilefcoinitili.ii iMinie
of Ktiinjip , calls tauiodatu.- ud fur L > riMr , .
E , TO URJEE , Franklin S i.v Bo3tct\v