THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JULY 5 , 188& , . THE. DAILY BEE. KVKIIV MOUXIXO. . OK prn. Jlnltr ( Morning IXlltion ) Including Sunday Her. Ono Ycnr . . . . I'or Mr Months . < 6 J'or Three Mmiilii , . . . . . . 2 SO The Otnulm FumUy 111 E , mulled to nny nd- ( Irev.Onp Year . - 200 OMAHA OCrir , No .MUVtiin r iJl.\Mprnr.irr. NEW VOUK O I ICK. IIOOM * II AM1 16 TltHltr.Mt luii.invn. WtmitNdTOH umriii > o 613 l Btltr.ET. All romtnnnltfttlnns relnllnit to news nnil cell- torlnt nmtter should IJQ nddrfts ed to the L.UITQR ° " ' ' s i.nrcr.118. , Alt Trasltipfs letters nnd rejnlttnncpi * hould b RddrrMtdto THK IHr. l'i III.IMIINO COMI-ANV , OMAHA. I r ftsthwlM and voitofllco orders to lif made pftyiiblo to the order of tlio company. The Bee PnfflshlnsFciiiany , Proprietors I ] . KOSFAVATKU. Editor. Til 13 DAIljY llKi : . finorn Rtntmiciit ofCirciilfttlon. Etnteof Kelirnsfcn , I , . I" County of Douglas , < ( Ico. Il Tzicliiick , Fecrotnry of The nee Pub- llthliiR complin ) . docs soluntily mrcnr that the jirttmfclrculatlon of tlio Dully Ilco for the week cndlntr June : " . ! , 1H68 , wns ns follows- Patunlnv. June S3 . 2U > > > Siindny , .luiio 24 . 3J.WM Xondny , .lunoi'i . ' ? . ' ; ! , Tin sdny , .1 unc 2 > i . SM' l ) WcdueMl y.lHn < ' 1.7 . Jg.l Thursday. .iunoS8 . IT. ' Vrlday , Juno1- . ' . . > " . ' ' AvcraRe . SO 057 OKO.II.T7.SUIII7CH. Kwom to before mo i > nd subseilbod In my pressure UilsiMtu day of .Mine , A. D. , 18J8. K. I'.FKIU Notary 1'ubllc. Btfttoot Nelirnslca , I. - ' " County of Dougl" , decree II. TzuchucV , being first duly worn , rtppospN ntuUnj-B tlmt ho Userretnryof Tlio lieu I'ubltslilnt , ' coiiipmiy , tlmt the.nctunl . nvurnKo tally ctirulatlou of the Dally Hoc for tlio month of July. IKT , was K.irtt copies ; for AliKiist. Ib87 , 14ir,1 i-optes : foe September , 1 < W , 14JH copies : for October. M7U , ' 3 copier for November , 1N-T , 15.2M copies ; for December , 1M > 7 , IVMI copies ; for .liimmn. UW. cot- lea ; for 1'cbnmry , 1W. K > . ' " 3 copies ; for March , 3tff. I'.i.a ! ' copies ; for April , 1KNS 18.T44 copies , for Mny , ISM , 1SU"1 copies ; for Juno , 1S88 , 1U.SH C01"C8- - . 01:0. : ii. izsciiucit Bnnrn to before mo mid subscribed In my presence thls.'Wth tiny of June , A. D. ISSS. N. 1 * . 1'KIIi Notary 1'ubllc. AYKllAtii : DAILY CWCULATION 20,057 TotaHor tuG VM14 = 0,4 = 00 _ Mu. WmrXKY , of Grover Cleveland's cabinet , will have to climb over a very big1 Hill before ho can run for the pov- crnorship of Now York. Win : ! ? the report bccuino known tlmt William H. BnrnumVSIB again selected chairman of the Democratic national committco , the inulo miirkot wont up a TIIUIH : is to bo war to the bitter end botwcon the riulroiul commissioners and the Iowa railroads. Without oxcoptioti the people of tlmt state support the fatand taken by the commissioners. Gov. Lnrrabeo has before him the opportun ity of his life to breaic the domineering attitude of the railroad HUMS in Ireland has taken anew now lease of life since Mr. Gladstone 1ms again infused some of hib old-lime vigor into the fight. In coiioequenee Iho Irish leaders have plucked up courage , and it looks now as if the house of commons is to bo made the battle ground of another prolonged fclruggle for Irish olf-govornmont. IT isn't much of n recommendation to auibitioue young men to run for con gress when a bright young congress man like Perry Bolmoiit , of Now York , niter eight years' service in the house , is tired of being "an errand-boy for his constituents. " The truth of the matter is that it is difficult to accomplish any thing in the house in the present tem per of the two parties. A man who has ambition can find a field more satisfac tory for his ability outside of the halls of congress. NKWSPAIMIIS that feed their patrons on plates are liable occasionally to im pose upon them , and inako themselves supremely ridiculous. A striking ox- tuuplo of plate enterprise is furnished by our venerable contemporary , the JfbnjMrcd , across the river , which prints an address alleged to have boon deliv ered by the Reverend Talmago at the Crolo assembly. As a matter of fact , Dr. Talmago is on the Atlantic beach , and his address is still among the things that are to bo. IIo failed to keep his appointment at Crete , and his literary managers that supply his sermons and addresses in advance could not have foreseen this break on the part of the great pulpit pounder. Such of the people of Council BlulTs and west ern Iowa as still depend on the JYbiijKi- tcil for their daily information have had a treat out of nn empty decanter. THK Fort Worth board of trade has called for a deep-water convention July 10 , to which delegates of business men from all the western states and territo ries are invited. The object of the con vention is to discuss which of the three bays on the coast of Texas would bo most advisable todovolop into a deepwater ter harbor. The movement inaugurated by the people of Texas is destined to be fraught with great benefits to the west. AVitli deep-water ports on the To.\as coast easy communication with Europe can bo cbtablishod and a great trade v/ith Mexico and South America can eventually bo built up. Tlio obsta cles in the way are many. The harbors of Toxns are few in number , bhallow and dangerous to navigation. There are three principal inlets which can be made safe and sin vicuable. These nro Galveston bay , Matagorda bay , ami AraiiBiis pass. Of the three it is thought that Aransas pass , 200 miles Eouth of Galventon , can with tlio least expense ho dredged and deepened io as to allow the entrance of largo ocean steamers. The borions objection to Aransas pass is its location. There are no uitlob at the head of this gulf , and it is too far down the coast , It is stated , however , that if the government will aid the slate of Texas in Improving this waterway , that the various railroads of Texas \\lll unite in building a city at the head of the Pass. , which would bo nvxtlo the terminus - minus of all the leading lines in the Plate. But it is doubtful whether a project on so stupendous a scale will be undertaken. The moro probable ac tion of the- Fort Worth convention will 1)0 to urge on .congress and thu tttato the necessity of improving Gulvuatoii 1'ay. ID the judgment of many en gineers , the bay of Gulvcston under the present conditions is best suited for the sq of a safe and ilaop water harbor , A I'olntod Truth. General Sherman Is' a most careful and intettlKOBt observer of public afi- fairs , and r\o has niv exceedingly terse ami pointed wny of staling the results of liis observation , lie is reported to have said that "there has not been a true union man sent to represent this country in foreign lamls under tlio pres ent administration , " and so far as wo hnvo observed , no defender of the ad ministration hns come forward with an attempt to refute the statement. It is a very pointed truth which Iho Demo cratic organs do not care to come in con tact with , and it is ono which tlio Amer ican people will do well to consider. It is a matter of no small sig nificance that the present admin istration has sent ns representa tives of this government in for eign lands only men who were in a greater or less degree tin friendly to the union cause during the period of the great struggle for the preservation of the government. Who are some of the men to whom this charge will apply ? The govern ment is represented in Kngland by Mr. Phelps , who was a somewhat active democrat during the rebellion , when among other evidences of his anti-union sentiment ho publicly characterised President Lincoln as a buffoon and otherwise attempted to disparage that great man , then burdened with a weight of cares and responsibilities greater than was borne by nny man of his time , and who exhibited through all a wisdom and patriotism never sur passed. Mr. Phelps is oven now more of nn English man than an Ameri can in feeling. Our roprosoatativo in Franco is an old Maryland democrat of the purest bourbon type , who never uttered a word of sympathy for the union , and was always found acting with tlio party in his state which desired - sired the success of the confederacy. It is nowhere recorded of Minister Mc- Lane that ho failed to champion the democratic party , even when it gtxvo aid and comfort to the enemy by declar ing the war a failure. The minister to Germany is George II. Pcndloton , who was the democratic candidate for yico president in 1804 , and stood on the plat form which proclaimed the war a fail ure , thereby giving encouragement to the enemies of the govern ment south and nol'th. Tlio minister - tor to Austria-Hungary was a confed erate general , who was llrst appointed minister to Moxlcoand withdrawn when it was discovered lhathis political disab ilities had not been removed , another ox-confederate receiving the appoint ment. Minister Law ton subsequently asked to be purged , and when this was done , the administration promptly facnt him to Vienna. These examples will bo sufficient to justify the statement of General Sher man. The present administration has retained a few consular officers who were appointed under previous adminis trations , and who consequently wore union men , but among its own appoint ments of men to represent the govern ment abroad , not one , so far as wo know , was a true friend of the union in the day of peril. A. Republican Tariff Rill. Senator Allison informs TIIK Bnu's Washington correspondent that the senate will shortly present a bill to re duce the surplus revenues from the re publican standpoint. This is ab it should bo. The eflorts of a democratic house have spread disgust throughout the country in both parties , both by reason of the means used and the result attained. The means used were n complete suppression of all testimony as to the advantages or disadvantages of proposed changes in the tarill schedules. Tlio majority held their sessions with closed doors. They refused to hear alike the manufacturers and laborers , the Randalls and the Jewetts. Tlio result attained is a bill which the best economists , irrespective of party , declare will increase rather than reduce the revenue through an influx of dutiable imports which are manufac tured in this country , and which will close mills and blow out furnaces with out any corresponding benefits to Amer ican producers. Assuming that the farmers of the west arc not interested in the diversifi cation of industry the Mills-Cleveland tariff bill has driven the knife into every product upon which western farmers depend for a homo market. Its boasted free list , by whose extension the greatest benefits of tnrill reform would bo granted to the greatest num ber , has lioon sliced and pared down to suit the wishes of democratic constituencies. In its present form the bill is a mongrel aggregation of inconsistencies and blunders. The west is in favor of a reform in the tariff and a reduction of revenue to Iho needs of the country. But it is not and never has been in favor of an im- coiibidcrcd and wholesale attack- upon indiibtrlcs employing 7,000,000 mechan ics and giving sustenance tn 00,000,000 of our population , and affording a homo market for the products of the ag riculturists of the entire nation. It has rUon in protest against the exactions of the Bessoinor kings , the salt monopolists and the lumber barons , but it lias never insisted that every clatr. of industry shall bo assailed for the benellt of a single class. It has been steadily and consistently in favor of tariff reform , but it has never raised its voice on behalf of industrial destruc tion , For this reason the republican tariff reform measure will bo awaited with interest by millions of intelligent farm ers and wngo workers throughout the country. It will come from a committee whore all aides have had a hearing and will In all probability too nocoin- paliied by a. report dissecting the and errors of the measure for which U ib prepared as a substitute , THK freight rate war on oabtorn trunk linos'has assumed a peculiar ph.Uo when dressed beef and live stock are carried at rates never b&foro made by nny railroad. The indications are that bou-rock has not jet boon touched , and that cutting will extend : to all oliibops el freight. .Tho action of those uit- throfit monopolists in. ruining each Other stands in dived contrast with "granger legislation , " of which the railroads are tiding to make so much capital. No granger legislation was over himcd at ruining a railroad. In vestors and stockholders , frightened elf whenever a state attempts to oquali70 rates , should turn their attention to tlieif own railroad managers who nro filching their pockets. Mn. DKPKW has como to the con clusion that the only business worth prosecuting is that of railroading. With a salary of * 10,000 a year ns pres ident of the Now York Central , ho can accept his political disability to a nomi nation for a30,000 ofllco at Washington without a pang. WHERE NEWS IS SCARCE. How Sailors In tlio Arctic Ocean Get Their Itcndliiu Mutter. "What do we do wilh so many old papers ? Send Ihom up to Iho Arctic ocean. " It was the proprietor ol nn oulfltllng sloro on Pucille street , nnd ho was answering the inquiry of the reporter ns lo whnl ho wauled of 5,000 pictorial und slory papers , for which ho had nd- verlisod in tlio San Francisco Examiner. "To the Arctic ocean ! And what do you do with them there ? " " \Vc bend them up to the sailors on whaling vessels. About three hundred bailers , engaged through us , are up there over half the year , nnd to each ono of these wo bend nt least llftcon papers every season. They are glad to gel most anything in the shape ot n paper , bul most of the men like mngn- /.inos boiler than anything else. " "Do you depend entirely on the an swers to your ndvortibcmcnts for your slock of papers ? " "No ; wo go lo each ono of Iho news papers in Ihis oily , bolli wccklv and daily , and got back numbers. And then wo send to each of the bailers a few of the current issues of the city papery. These papers came hero in answer to our advertisement , " and ho put his hand on n slack three feet high. Some of Ihe numbers dale back eight or nine years. "Hero is nnothor stack of papers , " and ho pointed to u heap of papers two feet tall , "tlmt is ready to bo as sorted and done up in bundles , one for each ship. "Those letters , do they also go ? " A long box full of yellow envelopes , each with n superscription to somebody on some wlinloship , "Arctic ocean , " lay beside the papers. "Yes , wo send each year ono loiter to each man. Of course , they like to know what is going on hero , and wo write a general account of matters of in terest and personal go&sip , and what ever \\o think the man would like to know. " "You don't write a different individ ual letter to each man , do you ? " "Oh , no. We bunch tlioin as much as possible and make the biimo letlors in duplicate do for several men. These lotlcrs are all ready lo be sent up next week on the Bear , but it will bo aboul a , monlh before the papers and lotlcrs arc nil mi.xcd up and slarled olf. The men exchange llieir papers and leltors , so thai what wo send keeps the entire licet in reading mailer through the season. A Now Version oft lie Ouster Massacre Fremont Tribune : Dr. David Tall- chill , who was mentioned as being in Fremont a few days ago , gave a re porter nn interview regarding Ihe ter rible battle between Sitting Bull and General Custor on Juno 2-3 , 1675 , which rosulled in Iho death of tlmt famous cavalry commander and all but two of his subordinates and soldiers. A brief biography of Dr. Tnlhehift will go far loward establishing' his re liability and opportunity for an un biased version of thai battle. Tnllichilf , who is a fullbloodcdIndian , having had Ihe advantage of six yours of schooling in Iho cilics of Washington and Phila delphia , is an educated man and gentle man with largo experience , both in eastern society and in frontier life. In 1801 ho was selected and placed in the union army as a spy whore he con tinued to the close of the war and in which capacity ho became acquainted with Major Showaltor , whose firm friend ho still remains and whose guest ho tilwaj'h is when visiting Fremont. For the past six years ho has boon liv- inJ3 nt Bussoll , Brown county , Nob. , and has won a desirable reputntion as a physician and as n truthful , honorable and well respected man. After the war TnllehifT was employed ' by the government nnd stalioncd al'lho Sac and Fox agency in Indian territory as an interpreter and when ho was taken by Mr. Mccchnm , the govern ment peace commissioner in the early part of the season of 1870 to assist in a settlement of the growing hostilities between the whites and Sitting Bull on the Big Horn rhor in Montana. In aboul two weeks after tlio arrival of the party at the Indian camp , Silling Bull received a notice from General Custor to remove his women and children us it was his intention to attack him. To this Tnllcliill claims that Sitting Bull al once soul his women und children into the British dominions , and scuit word to Custor lhal ho was nol a fight ing man nor could lie bee Iho nccessily of a battle while Mooclmm , Iho ponce commissioner , was in his camp lo oiled a compromise. To Iho surprise of all Iho noxl report from the Indian scouts was thai the "long-haired warrior" was upon Ihom and Iho battle of Uray or Iho "big horn" was on in earnest. Hero commences the marked fo ilure of Tallcliiff's report. With the opening of tha battle began one of the llorcost thunder storms over wilnesbod in thai country of mountains and Ihe homo of moniilain storms. The thunder wns deafening , Ihe incessant lightning was blinding while the inin and wind vied with ouch other in their efforts to produce confusion and destruc tion. After the storm sot in neither party wcro visible to tlio other and wilh the cessation of the storm censed Iho human strife which in comparison to the raging element : ) was simply puerile. Tlio ground \\ns strewn with the dead , but not with the dying for at least from forty to lifty of bolh whites and Indian with equally as many horses were killed by the falal bolts of lightning with not n mark of a wound upon their persons. Tallchiff showed us the scnr of a wound which ho received on his ( eg from a stray arrow and which prevented him from making a tour of the Hold , but says the Indians told him that it was the lightning thai did the most of Iho ( loath work and tlmt Ouster's body showed no wound or war. It is his opinion Unit but for the storm , the light which ut first was far moro savage from tlio surprise of the Indians than from their natural bravery would have soon terminated in n complete surrender to General Cu&tor and'probably in a cessa tion of hoitilitics , which lie is not alone in thinking wns nbt entirely the fault of tlio Indians. Dr. Sago's C'aturrh Remedy euros .when every olhbr ' eo-cajlcd remedy fails. . Drink Mnlio forlho norvea. tT\Tfft1\TtT\t V . . . . . . . , . , . . . . t\lKl How CJomttota , aud lusrvno Prttlonts Oolobrnt 6d the Fourth. II MUSIC , DANCING AND BANQUETS. I'cnctrntcs tlio Rtooin or the State Institutions nnd tlio In mates 1'orgct Their Ser * rous for n Day. LINCOLN Bi'iimu OP THE OM utv BEE , ) IttJO I' STIIKBT , > LINCOLN , July 4. ) The streets nrc unusually quiet today. Ono would scarcely know tlmt this Is the nnnivcmry of tlio tuition's birth from the outward display. Lincoln seem1 * to bo foij gutfully quiet. Cclobrntors hied themselves away to Crete on the etirly laornliitr trnln to ooze out their patriotism under the rnys of tlio hottest sun of tlio year , tlio thermometer registering 10-1 degtocs In the sluulo at high noon todny. This nty contributed nt least 1,000 of the assembly's Rucsts. And jet the day hero * was not devoid of Interesting features. Tlio steward , nt tlio asylum for the Insane , huuianltnriiin like , made am ple proparaton for the enjoyment nnd recreation of tliounfortunates in his charge. At 4 o'clock the brass band connected with the Institution marched throiiKli the grounds , discoursing sweet music ; cheerful , perhaps. to all such us nmj bo recovering reason and soothing to those who oven Itnow not their madness. At 4 ! IO prayer was offered. Ur. J. T. Hay followed , reading the declaration of independence , and the superintendent , Dr. \ \ ' , ICiuipp , delivered an appropiialo oration. The spread commenced at precisely 5 o'clock , nndvns complete with good tilings , con sisting of Ice cream , lemonade , cakes , caiuiy , nuts and all Wads of fruits obtainable. In the meanwhile dancing commenced on the green nnd was ciinnged in only by the pa tients. After they hud gone to rest the em ployes took the phitfoun , and continued to trip the light mntustlcs. Verily the day was a happy ono at the asylum. The dny was observed at thosttto peniten tial y as a legal holiday. There was uo work and the men were given numeious favors. The dinner provided was an extra line one. Cigars and leinoiude were given to each prisoner. During the afternoon the Hop kins minstrels , selected fiom among the con victs , gave a grand entertainment ut the chapel. There wcro thirteen stars and four end men. Piemeing was the order nt Cushman's park. Quito a largo crowd enjoyed the day there. Mrs. Weber , assisted by talented vo calists from homo and abroad , gave a conceit of national airs , assisted -bv the Philhar monic orchestra. The exhibition of tlio New poit divers at 5 o'clock , made from tree tops , proved an intcicstiiig feature of the day's piogiammc. AN IMPORT INT IIUMNTSS ClItNGC. Mr. W. Hcnek , who 1ms fur a long time been the eOleient < ashler of the Lombird In vestment company , has resigned his position and loaves at once for Colorado to engage m business for himself. He is succeeded by Mr. E C. Jones , who takes the Hist | Uaeo in stead of the bccoad , which ho held under Mr. Heriek. Tim cu.i. snuiiKAiinn. The G. A. H , department band of Sterling gave the dailv Call a seicnude hist night. It may be called a handsome compliment , ur.d the hoys appreciated it. OMUUOA1ST LINCOLN" . The tennis tournament , which was ar ranged for some days ago , to take place he- tweon tin eo teams of Omaha nlujcis and tlnce of Lincoln , occuricd this forenoon at the capitol Riounds and was witnessed by a large number of the admiicrs ot the game. The games woie not without interest , although the playing of the home teams doas not show up well in thu score , the visitors winning every game with ono exception. The prac tice of the Omaha teams was evidently such that they had become experts , while Lin coln's teams , however skilllul their plays , were met at every turn and the vie- toiy was sweeping. The visitois ex press themselves Highly pleased with the way they wore cntci tallied , nnd cxpicsscd the hope that another senes of games might be arranged for. md played. The visitors left on the afternoon tiaiu to attend the asscmblj atCieto. Tlicscoic was as fol lows : Omaha I.athrop nml Howe . fi ! t 0 0 Lincoln AllonunaGerstliaidt . 2012 ( Jmuha Turnder ami Illldretli . 0 0 tl Lincoln A lieu and Noithain . 4 , J 1 Oinalin Knsimaaaiul Kostuimer . . . . 0 ( i ( ) Lincoln 'Jonnluy and Hurr . 133 HliPHBMi : tOLIll I'HOUCEDIXOs. Yesterday's piococdings of the supreme coui t at e us follows : Stuttnischo vs Lamb. Hcfereoordeied to take fuither testimony and make report within sixty clays. Motions for rehearing wcro overruled in the following causes : Kungo vs. Hi own. Colpctzer vs wuidcns , etc. Trinity church , Hell vs Arndt. Costs divided. Aultmun , Miller & Co. vs Michael Leahy. i > ior from the district court of Cuming county. Afllnned. Opinion hv Cohh , .1. Warren & Co. vs Martin. Error from the district court of Tillmoro county. Affirmed. Opinion by Cobb , J. ICinnoy vs Hickok. Error from the district court of Lancaster county. Afllrmed. Opinion by Maxwell , J. Graves vs FriU et al. Erior from the dis trict court of Holt county. Afllrmed. Opin ion bv Maxwell , J. Brooks vs Dutchor. Error fiom the dis trict com t of Holt county. Keaflirmed. Opin ion by Cobb , .1. Gorocke vs Campbell. Error from the dis trict comt of Madison county. Hevcised and remanded with diiection that it bo dismissed. Opinion Uv Oobb , J. Grand 1'rairiu township vs Schuro. Urior from the district court of 1'latto county. Af- lli mcd. Opinion bv Cobb , J. The State insurance company of Dos Moines , Iowa , vs Joi dan. Error from the dlstiiet couit of Madison count ) . Koveisod and remanded , Opinion by Cobb , J. Nichols v Farwcll and company. Error from the district court of Ued Willow county. Afllrmed. Opinion bv Cobb , J. Kccno ct al vs Gaslin. Ei ror from Uisti let court of Uulfalo county. Alllnued. Opinion by Maxwell , ,1. Ueeu , Jones & Co. ct al vs A.G.Hagly. Er ror from the district com t of Cedar county. Anli mcd. Opinion by Maxwell. J. Ponsohotcr vs italic et al. Appeal from dlsti let count of Sherman county. Kcversed and dlsinihsoil. Opinion by Maxwell , J.g Langan vs Thuminel. Appeal Irom dis trict court of Hall county. Afllrmed. Opin ion by Cobb , J. Wilcox v lidbon. Error from the district couit of Hamilton county. AtUimod. Opin ion by ) { ecso , Ch. J. UosowntorvB Hoffman , Erior from the district com t of Lancaster county. Kovcrsed and rcnmmlcd. Opinion by House , Ch. J. Willaid v Foiter. Error from tlio dis trict court of Hoqao county , Alllnued. Opinion by Col ) ! ) , ,1. Herahibcr vs Uulouo & Co. Error from the disti let court of Holt county , Alllrmed. Opinion by Maxwell , .1. Child vs Maker Appeal from ttio district court of Purnas county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Cobb , J. Slate ox rol Peppiir vs Spelco. Mandamus. Writ dimicd. Opinion by Maxwell , .7. Kogeis et al vs Thtnstoii. Erior from the district court ot Valley county. Kovorsed unil luinunded Opinion by Maxwell , J. The couit adjourned to Tuesday , Septem ber 18 , liSS at 8 90 o'clock a. m . when the docket of caused from llrst judicial district will bo called. , , * Gicat variety of campaign goods at Collins' Gun Uo , , WJL Douglas fotreot , Kor 1'lokiiit ; I'oclcotti. Henry Tleagle , a bricklayer living in South Omaha , caught a stranger iu thu uct of stealing Ills money from a vest pocket while in a shooting-gullciy on HoutlrThlr- tccnth street rioaglc callodJOfllcer'Godola , who arrested Ed Horry. Deny says tlmt ' 8 not his name. IIu Is 11 sotig-and-danco man , but can cook or wait la a icstauiuut on u pinch. _ Ijofs of Orlt is admirable in a warrior , but abomina ble in a dimlifrico. This- destructive component many tooth powders and naste-t contain. Use for thu tooth KOXOUONT only , popular for oror thirty joars. and u liquid of delightful fragraucp which purifies the urcuilt. GOO.OOO WORDS'A DAY , How the Newt nt the Chicago ConVcti- * tton Was Sent Alirontl. The convention that has'just closed \\i\s the most Important lo Iho newspa pers of the country that has ever been held , sny < t the Intel-Ocean. That f eight years ngo was the only ono that can bo compared with it , because it cov ered the same number of dajs ; but ill 18SO the lines were distinctly drawn be tween Grant nml 131aino , with tlio Hold holding the balance of newer , and there was not much speculation as to Iho out come. In this convention there has been the field nnd the Blaine senti ment , which has kept the air filled with speculation for two weeks. Men hnvo been freer to talk dur ing this convention than they wcro eight years ago. Then there wore bitter - tor factions which had no communica tion with each other. It was a contest measured by endurance , This has been ono in which good nature aboundedand diplomacy played the leading nnrt. The managers of Sherman's forces nave been found in the rooms of the Allison men , the Grcshnm men , nnd wherever there wore republicans. Tlio advocates of the other candidates were just as free in mingling with their opponents , nnd all this encouraged "peculation. There have boon between 2oO and ! JOO special correspondents in the city , represent ing the daily press of the country , nnd as largo n number of newspaper men who had no place at the working tables in tlio convention hall hut were inter ested spectators from the gal leries. All of these men have been writing columns of mutter , speculating upon the outcome of the convention. To meet Iho demand the telegraph companies provided extra wires nnd a large corps of oflh'ioiit op erators , and it can safely bo said that never before has there been a conven tion or any other o\ent which sent out so much news as has gone from Chicago to the country and the world in the last ton days. Superintendent dowry , of the West ern Union , bays tjioro has never been so largo a telegraph service anvwhoro as that of their company in the last week. The special matter from special cor respondents alone amounted to 500,000 words n day from the time the conven tion assembled until its close. The Western Associated Press sent scut out the regular report , of the con- \ontion over leased wires , and tele graphed moro than 0.000 words n day. Iho other press associations together sent out about the same amount of mat ter. In all , the wires of the Western Union company have carried about 600- 000 words a day , and reports and specu lations on the convention in the last ten days which have been bent out from the Chicago otllco , amount to about 0- , 000,000 words or moro than double the amount sent out from the St. Louis con vention. Superintendent dowry says that the telegraph companies never had the same facilities for reporting a conven tion to the country before or anywhere else. In the ante-room of the convention hall wore thirty direct circuits to thirty of the leading cities and towns of the country , and these were manned by forty competent operators. All matter for afternoon papers , all bulletins , and all important telegrams filed were bent direct from the convention hall. Super intendent Ulowry had a table directly in front of the speaker' * stand , anil George Bain sat there with him making up bulletins. Ho had two assistant to change the manifold for him and help him with the figures on the ballots. Connecting that table with the operat ing room below was a pneumatic tube , which carried all bulletins and all asso ciated press matter to the operators. Bulletins were sent by the Western union to every city and town along their lines free of charge during the sessions of the convention so tlmt the whole country was kept informed as to what took place. Some mounted mes sengers carried matter for morning pa- pcisfrom the convention hall to the main oflleo at the corner of Washing ton and LaSalle streets , where : fiO op erators manned the wires , and kept running day and night. With the re lays between UOO and 700 men were em ployed by the Western Union company to take care of the convention reports. Arrangements wcro also made throughout the country for close attention to the working of the whey. Special locomotives and baud-cars were in readiness at all tunes to repair breaks which might occur and inter- feie with the service. But the weather was favorable and the service has been unsurpassed. No city can compare with Chicago for telegraphic facilities for reporting great conventions. The city is the greatest distributing point in the country and located as it is , can touch all parts of the country bj duoct cir cuit without repeating matter , as it would have to bo if sent to Now York. From Chicago we can reach Now York nnd San Francisco , St. Paul and New Orleans by direct wlru , without re peating meagoi anywhere. When the convention wns taking the test ballot for president morning light ning operators sat at their instruments below , with their lingers on the key ready to Hash the nomination over the whole country and the world. Mr. Bain and his assistants in front of thu speak er's debit kept tab on the vote , and the instant enough votes were recorded for Senator Hai-rimm to give him the nom ination the signal was given , and utray it went to the outside world before the convention realised what it had dono. The nomination was read from the speaker's desk in the house at Washing ton before the Indiana delegation bugnh to shout in tlio convenlion.and in thirty seconds from the time ho mid enough ovtes his nomination was road in San Francisco. It was cabled to London and roail in the metropolis of the world two minutes after , and before the vote was announced in Iho convention. Superintendent dowry sajs that ho has heard it said that there was but ono operator in the wigwam in ISdO when Lincoln was nominated. In IhiiS , when ( jonoral Grant was nominated in Crosby's opera house , the Western Union olllcers and operators hud the use of a proscenium box , and four oper ators soul out the report of that con vention from the hall. In 187D , at Cin cinnati there was a greater interest taken in reaching the country by full telegraphic ) reports , and llflcon oper ators were in the hall. Since then there have boon special arrangements made , whereby the cor respondents might file their matter in the convention hall. But there have boon fully a million inoio words bunt out from this convention than ain oth er over held. Supurintondont dowry has given his whole time to the con vention , and hue never boon absent from his table in the hall during the session. Mr. K. II. Summers hnd charge of the editorial circuits , and was as- hlbtod by W. B. Somerville , of New York , and SuperintendentTubbs , of the Chicago olllco. Chief Operator Lloyd , at the main ofllco , nnd Hulliyan at thu convention hull , deserve the highest p'-nibo for their work. The. newspaper men in the city spoilt ) in the highest terms of praise of the way in which their ropurts eio bent out , and thu Associated prcas also buys the facilities were uncnualcd. . ' * 1 Tlio ( Jiillura tit' TolJ.H' " < > There ib no happier being ou o'lith. says the Now Yoriv Pi ess , than the negro farmer riding into a southern to'wu'behicd a half starved steer with a load of Utbavco in his prairlo schoonpr. U represents tlio product ot a small natch in a favmed p'nrt of his farm , but it may bring him $ ,1,000 or indro. At ono of tliu sales at Durham , .the bnsy Uttlo town in the center'ot the hrlgh't yellow Sfoi'lh Carolina tobacco bo.ll , or the golden belt , as they call it , n grny- haired old colored man stood watching the crowd of buyers ns tlroy bid against each other on the pile that ieprpontcd his crop. As the amount ro o higher and higher , his eyes grow larger and larger , his limbs shook , nnd he changed his ouid of tobacco from side to Mtlo so quickly that ho did not hnvo time to chew it. When SI , 1500 was reached ho could no longer contain himself , but alioulcil : "Stop right there , gent- incus ; dais enough ! IJis niggah cant stand no more. Never had so much money in nil my born days. " And ho might well bo surprised , for his old steer had drawn it nil to the sales ware house at ono load. The o tobacco auc tions are lively spectacles. In ono of the largest warehouses in Durham ns many as 1,000 piles of tobacco tire laid out at one sale. Tlio auctioneer slops from pile lo pile as ho sells , the buyeis following him. Ho noxor says a word nbout the quality of the leaf , but simply rattles olt the liguros , never stopping until the pllo is knocked down. The buyers know the quality us soon as their eyes rest on it. Occasionally they will run their hands into a pile , select tv bunch and feel of it , but usually pile nflor pile is bold without n person touch ing it. The bids run right along , each bidder knowing just what ho is doing. These bidders are the most expert men in the business , and represent houses in the surrounding Section nnd distant manufacturers and dealers. The New York and foreign markets are icpre- sonlcd at all the tobacco sales in Dur ham , N. C. , and Lvnehburg and Dan ville , Vn. The North Carolina bright yellow to bacco industry has pro\ed a mine of wealth to the planters. When Sher man's armv stopped near Durham the boys got some of the tobacco to smoke in their pipes' . They were so delighted with it that when they reached their homes they sent for more. The to bacco thus got the best of advertising. The crop is a troublesome ono to han- dlo. There are throe kinds of worms that like to feed upon it , of these horn worm likes the plant so well that it haste to bo picked oil by hand ; and the field hands go searching for it by lantern light ut night. Then the matter of cur ing the leaf is tv very delicate one. A whole crop may bo spoiled alto gether or precipitated s-oino grades lower in the scale by a little carelessness or unskillful ness in regulating the heat. Thebais usually are bcvcnteen and one-half feet square , just holding -130 sticks. Tlio heat is raised from the yellowing heat at the rate of live degrees every two hours. When the heat reaches lol de grees it is kept there twelve hours. It is then raised live degrees every hour and a half until it gets to IbO de grees , which cures both stem and stock in a 'short timo. Kentucky , w ith her 181.000,000 pounds of tobacco , equals the next four highest states , lca\lng out Virginia's 70,000,000. Kentucky'b product equals those of Pennsylvania , Ohio , Tennessee , North Carolina. Maryland , Connecticut and Missouri , which are the principal tobacco states , although New Yorl : looms up with a respectable product of 0lhl-lU ! , Mas > a- chusetts 5iV,450. : ( ) Indiana Sfa" , , S12 , and Illinois 2t)3oH25 pounds. "CALIFORNIA ! THE LAND OF DISCOVERIES. > VbPcuf\E ; roi\ EATARRH OROV1LLECAL.I M DtCO.OROWULfAL Santa Abie : and : Cat-K-Oure For Sale by G-oodman Oo , And lor this very reason there. Is notto-duyn toniedy within the TRUE reach of tlio public inoio highly pii/oil foi Its Milno in the hoiibo- hold , in Ihu countlUK-room\\ork- MERIT Hhlp und lu'torj , than lli.NM < Vh I'lsjun iu u lenicdy lor utli'-K nnd imlns of muy kind. In ( lllIKllS , < 'OldS , IIOIlHl Ili'SSJlli'll - WILL rI\.Ohist I'uliiN , Hhx'inmtlMn , N lat'LU mill liHcklKhl * , III SHOV * I'l.Asll II llll'lO'tli/fd b ) Jllljhl- iliiiiK anil pnUu OB untxtiiinil ALWAYS l < liud\ without an oiinal It 111-13 pioiiiptly , pleuhiimly nnd i Ifert- uullj To secure Kt1' ' icwiUs lll UH ll k fill HhNMI.N'rt Ullll WIN luke no other plaster Many \MJllilluiH pUfltCIl * 1110 OtlOlLll OII till'reputation of III NMI.N'I but ciircifulbtiynrs won't bodocel\cd WEAK. * rHCEAflVK ViiKlf ASH , Kn- iiiiuuui , ml d , loot hi i g cumati of 'Cimtl/ through all vtik fitti.rnfor * . „ _ _ . -httliriftid VUofOuiBlnrjiL : tltiUic Ctvrenl Wv'lvUlnitMllr cr o forff H | * , ( Orf io j ih Orttteitnjpro > rminUt > ty li otHrr ttlU wonlraieipcr * p nintly rurd to IL i mo Ui * 9rft1 4 { itrnphUt < c rtmp Tho3and o EUctrlo Co. IfiO L 8allc il Chfcifict our now I'.t'iMi.novi : ir IMM- PAIH.V OUTKITM , wltli cunitllutUi.1 drill tunica ami full Inforttutlca ttUut tireanltlne anil drilling tnirtlilnx Ctuti , ( . 'ATAIOClfE I ftKE. A , Q. SPALDIHti & DROS , , The Cajifliuales of ilic ReiHilcan Party , Also Clrtelnnd OIK ! Iliiiiinnii , Ilin Dcilid. erotic Cnmlntes A Shoit Non-l'mll- snn Sketch ortltoronrCnnilhlntes An Oinnlm Man n Candidate. Now thnt the convention of Imth crent t > olltl U imilliv * lm\e been ) u > Ul and uelinvntho can lUdnteo , the iwlltli itl pot will bo boUltiu until next NownlKr. Nearly flfty vcars ngo the crntKifAllinrof tiip i > re < m lopubllrnurniidlilnto ns elected ptosidvnt nnd holdodiroono month , dj itic in ptiirpnt the und of Hint time , llui jno- ptntMr llntitainlsn nmii well klicwn to tlio lieonloof the t'nltod States.bpliiRWlmt Jitprnicd t * soli inndo num. bom la the Immblo wnllcs of llfo ho lm , by hU untiring pnorpy nud uimiv iiionrlmliloliitcsilty , risen to the top of the Ind- ilcrof fniiio , 1 IIP rnmlMnta \lroproHlcleat oil thoieimbllrantlcki't linlsiin we'll known mnii , hnvlnubocn InputiHe life for a longtime , ( if tlio candidates of the ilemm ratlc luuy Mr , Cloxo- Inndhni been provUient for iicxrlv four ycnis mill It lMimiortvi nitocixy Hiijtlilnpof hfm as IIP Is w oil know n. ixsis Uo Mr. lliiunmn , who lm < brrn In public llfo Mr a Ions time. ImMau berant nlti-il StMrs MMmtor for ono term nnd held numerous oni o . 'I hero Is ji-t nnolhercnii. dldatoofwlioin wo wish ti npink , ono who H not neirty 10 v oil known as the fun mentioned above , but who pinvpd tlnotiuh hn tpnu ns n rnmllilntonnd ! . u m n linpiu man 'Hit gout- Ionian In n.uc4tloii Is CIIAHI.CS \nt.t.iox 811 r vu v tn STUEET , a stone inn oa In the employ of .Tuil o Iltiekoll Mr. Carlsonlinsbvon n H'sldont of Uiuulin fol about OUP j CHI , and pi 1m to tlmt time was n re ilcU'iit of Iowa , nml foi nboiit MX months past hndiiultoati experoliao which we will glvo lu hlso\Mi wav. l.nst full 1 catipltt a SCVPTO cold , which both cu'il mo a KHut ilcal , culisliiK me to cough rontlmmll > , until nt last 1 commpnrod to inlso Iniiti-qmintitliMof bloodat CM-IJ toiifrlilninpell. 1 full tiled , ilrow y. nml ileprussoil la spliltg ; hoon mv tncntlilnc bociitno shoit mid nn chest woulil Rometlnu'S fool in If U MAS bound tight by Mimhtlilnc. I wnulil KO to bleep us tmml. w hull I would wnku up with vhmvliiK. 1 would be In bed und open tn > winilnwt , innl with my mouth wlclo oiicil pnp for bioath. 1 would often snooze anil i mi at the 110 0 : m > face would becomcMcry icil , my cjes immitiiput. nnd the pel npii nlIon brenk out nil M-PV my body ; nt\ brenihlnt'woiiiil be hoit Joikinir , nml could bo huurdnll over the loom ; my tept innl linnds w ould be cold , nnd 1 of tc n felt us Ifl w ould never como out of It Sometimes tlieuo sppllswoul , ; only last n tenilimtoi , ut otliei Union puihnps un hournr inoic. When 1 would bp ln to tough thu tlnhtiioss would let up espei Inlh nfu r 1 had rnHed iiultcu inian'lty ofven tumelous mucus. 1 consulted quftt u number of phjuli Inns , who only pine mo tompoinn lellel 1 Ind ottcn iendli-McCt\8tPStlm ml ilslnlh > Mlnllyinpois , lint wns somo\vlint hkoptleal , Atliibt I ilocliU " to go nnd nee him He cxninliied me t hoi OUR. Iv , and told mo I hnd the asthma : snld ho conli. benellt mo. nnd I Minted tientln with him. 'I h s was piirh in Mny. Ills treatment relieved moat oiuo. 1 Imdiio seveioHpcllsnfioi tiontment , und for sometime now hnvo not hnd asjmptom of im formei tioublo. rtonotwheuru or cough ut nil , nnd leel tlmt I nm riirrd-oron allei one month slientmont I fait all light but clodded to Inkuanothei mouth to bo posltixoof aiudiiul cine. 1 cheerfully icrommcml Or McCoy , as ho has cm ( > d mo , and I Kimw of plant } of persons that he 1st i rating who iuelmpio\iiig woudei- fully nndinpldlv. 'Iho fifth candidate mentioned abo\ols Mi. furl on , who hus been u candidate for lionlth nnd hns buoneiy MU cosstul In hlscnndldiuy. Mr. Cuilson , whoso poitinlt the column nbo\e , losldits ut No. Ml r.iriinm htieet , nnd H willinjctocnrrnijoi.itu this Rtntuniput lo nny ono doubting It , who will nddiess or call on him there. wnNTv-oxi : QUESTIONS. A Kcnv Sj inptoiiiH of Dlnoasc That May 1'iotc Sorlnus lo You. Toyou ) ha\o fiequcnt Ills of mental deprcs- Do yon experience Jlnglng or buzzing uolsoi iasom enrs lo um feel ns though you must suffocate \\llell ) < , J tig < lo\Hl. ' .Are yon troubled with a liacl.lng cough and pcneinl debility i1 .Arc your oNosgonoially weak and wutuy and fieijiiently inllniwd/ Does your voice hno a husk , thick fcound nud a nusiil sort of twnngf Jsjoin bienthlieijucntly olleushc from some unnrioniitnblo rau e/ llnvo > on udiill , oiipies'ho headache , gencr- nil ) ouii thouyes/ lo v > n have tohnwknndcoiigii frerjuintlyln the clfett to < lem j our thionti" .Aio jcia loiiug yniu hoiiheof smell und Is your scns-o of taste hi coming dulled i Does join nose alunjs feel stopped up , fore- im ; joutu bri'uthe through your inoiuhr Oo yon froiinoiitly feel dUzy , pafllculnrly whtnHlooplngtoiilrk niuthliiRoil the floor' DoestiM-rj llltli'diaft of nn nnd o\ory Hllght ihunge of grto you a coldi' Arti > on unnoyod by u coiiMtuntdt slro to haw U and B ] > lt out nn endless iiuiintlt > of plile m ? Do jou rise from bed UK tiled unil ue.ik UH you wire the night before and feel us though jou wnnted to lie there fureei t Is join throat Illicit with phlegm In the morn- inn , whlih can only bo dlbchniKcd alter % loU-ut conghliig nnd lianKltif,1 nnd HplttliiK/ Uo Jim oicasluiinll ) unkn tiom n troubled strop with a Htait nnd teuln * ifjon hud jUbt cscuped nhoiilblo death by choking/ Have j on lost nil inteicHt In your cullliiKQr Mindless or formei iiloaanies , nil umbltlon gone , nid do ) on feul Indllluiont whether to mouow tlmHjim nlhoordead/ j\ioyou troubled with n dlsclinrKO from the hend Into Iho throat. HomutlmiM wulery nnd ox * cchhUo. homotimvs mm u , thick , Miking to whntpvi'i It lonrlus , i-onii'tlmei bloody , nnd lipuib al\\VM imtild and dliMisIie' rim nbine mo Hume of the many symptoms of tnlarrh nnd ln-glnnlni. . ' of IIIIIK tr < iulil - Not one * i use In u bundled will lntvo nil otlUI | > 1' liut ever ) on ntreitul will lime n few 01 miiiny of tin m. 'Ihegu utei 01 more HuimiN join ntnii < turns , the limn di ni'i ions junr condition. 'Him clubs of dlsu.imi In ti filled very siici e-btiilly by 1)1. Mc ( ny 01 his fisboi lutflH 'flu mint ) i niuirci- jiorti-d thioiuh thu cohiiniH of the dull ) pupniH pi OM h I his , und each hi nteniPiil published in null- hi. un Inllvtl e HKIIIU UK gh i n bj thi-patiiiii i mcd , l.r MI'OJ ' nnd his ns oiIitiM um iiDbe-iet nus- triims , butiiuoiil-.p.isi ) by tluli nkillfnl < iinbl- nation of the bi l kiioui , leinitlli a , iipphod in HID moft niiio\eil | | iiiunnii , imd b ) imlnr the lalest und muit hlvhlyiKominelnli'd upjil uncos known to Ihopiofission 'Ilioj IhiitipiodiiMHi } . Hints tl nt hpi nk for themsi Ivos In tliu muii > p i- 111 nt s i m i d. nnd w o nsuiti o our i mulci t bin t IIIHO eminent phM iuns ha\o nrhie\iIUHii ) > ii h In niiliudlM.i'-o ' which fun 01 m > othti cluctoM < uu dupllcntu ixxnoit J. CRESAP McCOY , Late of Bclleviic Hospital New YorK , JI.\H UH'JtCb No. Q1O and 311 Rnmuro Bulldliiff , Coint-rl lltipnth end llniui ) , Omaha Neb , whua nil i muMo ( Htns uit ) lu-.Utd Willl 8U < ILWi Midli * \ diw a i i iroutcd .kllirully. ( < inMump- liuu. Ilili-hi A dlniuHt , l\niie | > nln , ( ( lioum.Hhm , Mini nil .N JlltVOfs HJ.slf.\SK3 All dtsra-cs pa- cullnr _ , to tl u MK . . a RpoclHlty. OAl'.MtHII ( ONHUIiT ION nt olllco or l > > niiitl , il ( jllliu lujuiK ' 'to ' 11 iii.i.'tc'4p m.'toBp. ) u -inulii ; , ulllco lioiii * fiouiUa. in , tu 1 l > in ( onoMum'li n > o n c.fKenjiroiul > t u'lentloM. ' Maiiul o.i ui r troaluil Bin i eiKfully by tr , Mi ( o > - thriiugh the IIIH | | . anil U In thus l > uMlil furtlii'su iiuabln to mnVu u jourticy t'i jblulu MI CI.SslTI. UDdl'irAIi THKATMUM1 AT Nn let tn i KMW ( rtcl Cuilosi prcomimnlcd by io All i.sall slioulcl be nd < lr 'iciilto ' lit .1 f'ie p ( ' ( , Ilooui : JU iiid | 11 , ] [ auii.'v Ui.iuhu KvV.