Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 05, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    - Valient Rules Strong Uhdor Many
Favorable Influoncos.
. Onts Also IluloSteady Provisions
s. Still Quite I ) U.fI'rlinc . Cflttlp
in .Good Diiiiinntt' Young
Caltlo Wcnk Quotations.
Gi'it'Aflo. July 8. ISpeclal Telegram to
THE Hr.n.l mnrltet was firm and
slendy ; for a time It wai actually strong at
fi range of Jfc above yesterday's closing , Au
gust being quoted at SOJ.fe , September nt
Efl\'o nnd December at S.'ljg'c. The advance
* ' and general firmness was caused by buying
for foreign nccountonn fairly generous scnle ,
moderate purchases by Ilutchitison nnd good
local support Induced by bullish foreign crop
ndvlces nnd improving market cables. About
the most Important bit of news from the
other side was tlio announcement that the
deficiency in the French crop was estimated ut
5 > ,000,000 bushels. Crop prospects in Kussia
wcro described as good , and an unusually
largo number of cargoes are "on" the coast"
( rivalling sale. The pressure is not great , how-
uvor , nnd Kngllsh nnd continental markets
show n better tone. The local tone , however ,
Is not rampantly boiiyant. On the con
trary , the feeling Is ono of decided
uncertainly. Conditions nro bullish , but
the speculative support is Him nnd not gen
eral. Probably the most depressing influence
Is the crop prospect In the northwest. This
lias not yet assumed tangible form , but it
c.xlsts In the background , and the effect is
felt. The season la tlio spring wheat coun
try was from two to four weeks late , but
providence has since been very Kind , nnd
the weather has recently been such as to ml-
vnnco the crops wonderfully. The state
ment is frequently heard now that "pros
pects were never better in the northwest. "
The crop has cot been sowed yet , however ,
nnd has yet to pass through Its most critical
stages , but It looks well now , according to all
authorities , and the present Is , after nil , the
controlling Inllticnco , as a rule. The esti
mated M.W.O.OCO bushel dcllclcnc.v In the
French crop fell Hat. It only stimulated
local buying , nnd that to n moderate extent.
\Vhero the market is really and genuinely
bullish It would have caused u big-jump , most
likely. The closing range to-day was Mdie
nbovo that of yesterday. The friends of
wheat arc encouraged but not jubilant ; they
are hopeful but not tiggressivo or puffed uj >
A discovery that 8TiO,000 bushels or there
abouts of corn had been chartered yesterday
about which no reitort was made served to
give to the market a firmness of tone around
thu opening and made bulls of most of the
local traders. August advanced toI'Ju nnd
September to 4 ! > Jc. A largo proportion of
tlio corn that goes out of hero now is No. 2
nnd No. " yellow , and most of it is destined
for shipment to foreign parts. Some oxcito-
inetit was caused by the receipt of dispatches
from Now York that -40,01:0 : bushels of corn
had been posted there as out of , condition ,
and the Infcrcnco was that it" was corn
shipped from Chicago lately. This proved
not to be the case , however , as the corn had
been in store m Now York since the middle
of May. This llttlo incident furnished an
excuse for selling , nnd the market broke y du
% c. It recovered , however , and the price
closed a simile higher than yesterday.
Oats followed corn , except that it did not
recover as strongly after the break in the
middle of the session , and closed only frac
tionally above the bottom. There is quite a
respectable speculative trade passing in
oats now , and Interest in tliis cereal seems to
be Improving. July is still n full Cc above
, i " ' \ provisions the late dullness was in a
ri oat measure , continued. For cash prop
erty there was perhaps a little more inquiry ,
but speculation was slow and mainly on
local account. The outside Interest exhib
ited was limited nnd In the general
market the changes made only increased
the discomllturo of holders and sellers ,
for delivery later than this month. Pork at
Ibo close of business showed u diclino of
V c and lard of 5@7 } c. Short ribs for Au
gust and September wcro unchanged. July
pork und short ribs being well settled or
placed , closed only n trillo under August ,
pork % c and short ribs 5c. Lard for luly
ranged ytc under August. The stock show
ing , though exhibiting u largo Increase in
meats and lard 7 was no surprise to tbetrade | ,
yet It helped to increase the depression wit-
ncssed. August was the pivotal montii in
the day's light trading.
CHICAGO , July a. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HBU.I CATTLE The estimated receipts
of cattle lo day wcro y.OOO ; for the week so
far 1G20. : ! Business was brisk in the mature
cattle line , a few loads of prime dry-fed
etccrs selling out quickly at an advance of
25c as compared with Friday last. There
wcro 03 cars of steers among the arrivals , the
property of Nglse Morris , tlmt wcro on tligir
wiiy lo Now York for export , and not offered
on the market. The taking away of this
number loft only a small run of natives on
sale. Tcxahs underwent little or no change ;
wore slow nnd values rather weak than
otherwise. There is no show for an advance ,
as there were from 112,000 to M.OOO in sight
ut Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City this
morning. Poor nnd common natives re
mained down to low water mark , nml are
worth more money in the country than
Chicago. Veal calves continue to como
along in unprecedented numbers , and nro
nelllng at the lowest prices on record.
Btochors and feeders are quiet and steady.
Choice to extra beeves , 1450 to IIVX ) Ibs. ,
E5.SOi20.10 ( : medium to good steers , 13T.O to
1500 Ibs. , { 5.2.p : < f 5.75 ; I''UO to lilftO Ibs. ,
ri.li5@ri.16 ; 1150 lo P.0 ( ) Ibs. , fl.Kil.70 ( ) ( ;
Btockers and feeders quiet at ft.Mii ! ( U.j-5 ; cows
bulls and mixed weak nt (1.3.V < i3.(0 ( ; bulk ,
Ji.tO@3,00 ; slop fed steers , $5.aOtY8J. ( Texas
cattle opened steady but closed lOo lower ;
Moors , 16l ! to 1,500 Ibs , f 3.00(3 ( : ) . 75 ; 750 to ICO
Ibs , t2.l'5(3i.l5 ' ( : ; WO to " 00 Ibs , fU.'iCga.TOj
cows , tl.o@2,10. :
llotit Kbtimalcd receipts , 11KK , ( ) ; for the
week to far , lil , ) ! < ) , litislness was again
brisk and values n strong nickel higher , with
sales of sclcclcd heavy tit (5.bP@ti.S-Ki
nnd onuorlwo tmiall lots at tS.t'S ; medium
selected , f5.70(25,75. (
ClilcitK" ' July a. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Ciittlo Hccoipts , 8,500 ; good unlives 10 ( > g
L'Ou higher ; choice to extra bcovcx , $ o.SUig (
11.10 ; common to good , ? I.OO ( < ? 5.T5 ; stockers
nml feeders. fci.50Ul.l5 ( ! ! ; cows , bulls und
mixed , $ I.U. ' ) ( < Z3.0j ( ) Texas cuttlo , $ l.iX ) ( : i.75.
Hogs Hecelpls , lO.iKM ) ; market acliro ;
5o higher ; qualil.v bolter ; mixed , $ .r > .fi'J@3.7ll ;
heavy , tri.CXI&jR.bS ; light , f5.-15Q5.70 ; skips ,
Sheep--Hecelpts , 4,500 ; market steady ;
natives. ? 250 ( < < .5.'J5 ; western , ja.'JlK 3. ;
J'lixaiiH , W.'Jftcri'J.SSi lambs , firm ut f i.7f > ( < $
6.00 per lixi Ibs.
KiinwiiH City , July .I , Cattle Hccclpts ,
B.tXXI ; shipment ) * , 1,000 ; good to choice corn-
fed , $ .YOOO 'V50 ; common to medium , fl.O IOB
1.0(1 ; grabs range steers , $ .i.OOJ3.-10 ( ; utockcrs
nnd feeding nicer * , ! . ( K > ( < $ : ) .50 ; COWB. fL-UKo )
B 15.
Hops Receipts , 5,000 , ; shipments. , miner ;
poo'd to choice , $ fl.-luy:5.5U : ; common to med
ium , S.'UOfiiO.UO ; blclps and pigs , S-'i.'JoOi.'i.oo.
National Sleek YitrtU , ! > ! St.
IjoiilH , July a. Cattle Uoceipts , 8,01)0 )
tliipmcnU , iiono ; market stronger : choice
heavy native steers , fi.nv&'i-TA i fair to
rood , f l,40i5.10 ( : butchers' steers , medium
to choice , W.C'iJ-.50 ) ( ( ; Mockers liniS feeders
fair to uood , < ' .i-,40\rlr ! > 0 ; ningcis , corn-fed
ti.-r ; M4.5' ' ) ; grass-fed. fti. 0 : < fcMn. !
Ijojjs Kci'cipts , 2wO ; shipments , none
market &Ux > hV r ; choU-e heavy and butch
er ' solcutliuu , ' I1.00u5.10 ( ; piKUIntmcitlun
to prime , f5.4ncv3.lK ) : tight grades , ovJinnrj
to bckt , $5.SOtfl5.50 , . .
' N'sw YORK , July 8. ISpvoial Telfcratu to
U' B I3 e.l STOCKS Tbis has boon the dull-
UV 'dayviioe8ied IDYull street in years.
O '
There was no .disfxjsitlon on Uio part of
traders to t.iko hold , nnd the attendance on
'change ' was about nt slim rw was ever wit
' nessed. The day's tron aetiojis wcro .only
P5 033 share * , the like of wliich hns.'mjvcr
been seen-on tiny full day by the-'majority of
'stock iradc'rs. The 'con'tlnued ftccreaso-In
'business is distressing , a'nd-thcr.o appears/to /
bo no w.ay of rpllcvin'g It : Tho. feature of the
market was. the business in Ilock Islandj
which broKe from 1.3't' ( to rod.V on.scl.ling of
3,300 shares of long stock , duo it was.said , 10
holders b.ei'omln dlj'coimiged at the recent
p6or showing miido by the company. . '
.OovniiSHUNTs Government bonds 'wcro
dull but steady. . .
U. P. 4scoupon. . . 127M do ' . ' . - ! ! . .
U.S. < ! { sroglstred.i07M NY.Central Iffi'i'
U.8 I'iscoiipon..li7' ' ( , O. II. N TO't
Pnrlllp cs of 'M 11 IP. T ZIM
Cannda Southern. . ll ! > < Pacific .Mull 12'i '
Oetitrnl Pnclllc ! I if ) . Il.JtU I * ' *
Chlraco & Alton. . . 1X1 I Pullman PulaceCailrn
C.ll.AcQ 112't Heading W
I.I.V\V ) UN' * , lloek IMnml lli"
I ) . Ac U.O 1.Vi Kt. I , , AS. F IH't
Ilrlo 2l' | ! do preferred r U
do preferred W , i U..U. & St. Paul. . . P
" do preferred Kfi'i '
I. . II.&W 1(1 ( st.p..vo .tin
K.itT IIP , do preferred in )
I.akoShoro Texns pnrlllc 'MV
I. . Ac .V ffntoii , Pacific M' ' {
Michigan Central. . Ti > 4 W. , St. I , . & P IS
.MissouriPacific. . 71'i | do preferred. . . . ! !
MlMoiirlPacldo. . . . XWiVr. U. Telegraph. . 7 ? j
dopreferrcd Cl l
MOXKV ox CALL Easy at Ic lM per cent ,
closed offered at I.
PniMB MKitCAXTii.n PAi'iiu OGII per
STCIILIXO E.\cn\Nrtn Stoutly , ? I.SfJf for
sixty day bills t M.SSJ for dctnnnd.
Chlcnuo , July 0 ! following nro the
2:30 : closing prices :
Flour Steady nnd unclmnprod.
Wheat The market was < iuict thrmuhottt ,
lint nt the same time the fecllnp was rather
llrm and prices nvorncrc'd higher , closing 5 ; @
Jfe nhovo yeslnrday's quotations ; caMi , Ti1'
@iOo ; July , & 0o ; August , SO o ; .September ,
? M'c.
Corn Fairly active ; opened at yesterday's
closing prices \\fis firm and then advanced
J c , then became easier and sold olt crulcd
steady and closed ! ( if ? < c higher than ycstcr.
day ; cash , 47 ? > ( a ; July. 4715-IDc ; August ,
< c ; September H-IOo.
Onts .Inly closed Jij@ ? c above yesterday's
closing ; other futures wcio weaker ; cash and
July , ! ! ! J c ; August , SjJi'c ; Kcptembcr , a5) c.
Hyc JJull at We.
Uarloy Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy Nominal at ? 12.'J3'R2.CO. rn
Flax Seed-1.30.
Whisky ? 1. 20.
Pork Modei-ately active ; weak ; closed
quiet ; cash and July. ii.-15 : ; August , Siy.4TJ
Lard More nctivc ; weak ; prices declined
O.'ttlS' ' c , and closed nuiet ; cash and July ,
" August , § 3.0Jl d < ; .S.O."j ; September ,
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. $ (5.2.1(1115.50 ;
short clear , ? 7 > 50t)7.UO ) : short rlba , $7.-t5.
liuttxir Market for dairy products llrm
. .
ltOt * - " 4 V't O * j t1UIH , V 4 > UUll4 \ Illl't ik.
; cho'ldars ' skim , ( iit > ic ; tint , 5'iiJc. (
Eggs Candled , 1 Ifel-U e.
Hides Unclinngcd ; green sailed calf , -4J
( Soc ; heavy creen salted,5 > ; ( it5''i'cllplitpreuii ;
palled , r > jir ! ( < p < ; ; salted bull , : Bc ; dry Hint ,
Sc , dry calf , fcc ; deacons , "Jftfe oucacli ; dry
salted , ( i@7c.
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 , solid packed ,
fc ; No. 2 , ye , and cake , -lo per ll .
Kccoipto. Shiiimi'nts.
Flour , bbls lli.OOJ 14.0 ( ' > 1
Wheat bu IS.OOii
Corn , bu 110,000 l.s.i )0 )
Oats , bu bJ,000 : Mr..i00 !
Uyobtl 2,000 4.000
Hur'.oy. bbls 2,000 ' , ' .000
New Vcirk , July ! J. Wheat Kccolptx ,
none ; exports , S.OOO : no demand for spot
ots ; options moderately active and linn , ad-
nnclng 3 ( ' < ; Yc , closlujr steady ; ungraded
'cd ' , S2Vtf@ 'Ju ' ; No , 2 red , S'J. CioO fc deliv
ered , SSiiOtS c In store and elevator , b ! @
S'.l' ' ' c f. o. b. ; August closing ntSS t1.
Corn Ucccipts , 11,000 ; exports , 115,000 ;
s ) > ot steady and fiiirl.v active , closing citsy ;
options less active and weak , closing barely
steady ; ungraded mixed , SiQiTjI c ; No. ! i.
" ) K 5l ) i : to arrive and here delivered , August
closiutr at 5r > e.
Oats Hecoipts , 13-i.pJO ; exports , : > 00 ;
spot ailvanccd J c on white and unchanged
on mixed , closing steady ; mixed western , . ' ! 4
@ 3Sc ; while western , 40@llc. (
Coffee Mruzil spot dull and entirely
nominal ; options moderately active und llrm ,
closing at an advance of 100 ( points.
Sales , -Ili.OOO bags , Including. July > 11.2ilii ( >
11.10 ; August , S10.r@10.40 : ; ; September , J 10.10
@io.or .
Petroleum United closed at 7i'fc. : ; '
s Firm ; in fair demand ; western , lli
1'ork Quiet and stead v : mess quoted at
15.0 ( ) < V815. : > . - > for now ; > 11.O14.2T ( > for old.
Lard" Spot , quiet , closing weak ; western ,
Butter Quiet but firm ; western , 13@10.lfe.
Cheese Weaker ; white and colored Hats ,
Mimicui > olin , July , ' ) . Wheat Market
strong ; yesterday's H ures n shade higher ;
receipts , 202 cars ; shipments , US cars. Clos
ing : No. 1 hard. b-O'tfc ; August , Sljrfe ; on
track , Sl > < jc ; No. 1 northern , July , Tflo ;
August , SOc ; on track , 711 ] < ; ( [ bOc ; No. 12 norlh-
crn. July , 75c ; August , 7tic ; on track , 70c.
Flpur Unv'ijtuwd ; patents to ship in sacks
in car lots , 5l.J55rt'l.-l5. : '
Cincinnati , July 3. Wheat Dull and
lower ; No. 2 red , S-lc.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , SOtfc.
Oats Firm : No. 2 mixed , 34J u.
Hye Dull ; No. 2 , li'te. '
Pork linroly steady , $1-1.25.
LardNoniiiial. .
Whisky Active and llrm ut ? 1.14.
SlllwaiiUi-e , July 3. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 7Sc ; August , 7"l.'c ; September , ib' .
Corn-Dull ; No. 3.Hie. .
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , 'Mo.
Kyo Quiet : No. 1 , 5To.
Hurley Quiet ; No 2. .We.
Provisions Steady ; pork , cash and July ,
St. IjotilH. July 3. Wheat Higher for
options ; casli,81.l4i5-'c ( ! ! ; July , 70 = < c ; August ,
Corn Higher ; cash , 45i'10c ; July,4.p Kc ;
August , 4ii ( ; .
Oats Kasy ; cash , X3 > @U3o ; July , SO c ;
August , 82Jff.
1'ork fl'1.30.
Lard Nominal.
Whisky * 1.14.
Mutlcr Uiichnnged ; creamery , 15il18cj ( !
dairy , Ilifl5u.
Idvurpodl , July 3. Wheat Firm ;
demand fulr and holders offer moderately ;
red western spring , ( is tJd < 5 > is per cental.
Corn Firm ; demand fair ; now mixed
western , 4a 7 d per cental ,
KaiiMiH City , July 3. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 7ljfc ( bid.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 cash , 41c bid ,
Oats-No. 2 , cash , 2'Jc bid.
New Orloiiiis , July 3. Corn Quiet
but steady : in sacKs mixed , < ! I@ii2o ; yellow ,
IKlo ; white , fiEe.
Oals-UaselUcd ; No. 2 , 4lICc.
Cornmeal Quiet but llrm at fJ.s-5.
Hog Products Dull ; prices ubliade lower ;
pork , lU.tW j laru , reilncd tierce , H.V ± yt@
'iJulk Meats Shoulders , fO.-IO ; long clear
und clear ribs , 7.'JJ.
Cm tic. ,
Monday. July 3 , HS3.
The cattle market was htrong to-day on dc-
sirublo ItindH of beef cattle , but only steady
on other gnidec , 'J hero wcro not catllo
enough here , however , to make much uf a
uiurltel. No very good luttlo were sold ex
cept spmo which weru bought in the country
nnd brought in hero to bo weighed up ,
The hog market opened caslor , b ut rnpldly
gained in strength uml clonul strong. ' The
market us u whole' was abouv steady. One
load of choice heavy hops re.iched.JR.50. The
receipts were liberal , but there wcro not
enough llyhl hogs the ilomanj. .
There were none hero to make u.murket.
Cattle < . , I 500
Hogs , „ . ' , . 5,700
'I . . ' .
I The f olio'.Ylu } ? ) * . u lable cfjiticej paid' in
this marKCt for the grades of stock men
1'rimostecrs. 1300 lo 1500 Ibs. .J4.50
PrimosieoTs , llWlo 1301) Ibs4,25
Pntllttlo steers , t X ) to 1050 Ibs. 4.00
Common to gotvl co\vs . 1.80 M2.50
(1hblce to fancy -cows , . . ; . 2. ) ( < < 3.00
Common to cholco bulls. ; . 2. 5 3.00
Fftlr'tochoieellghthoRS. . 5.20 < < 5.80
Falrto.cholco.hpavy hops . 5.40
Fair to cholco miiteJ hogs. . . . . . 5.30
Representative Sale * .
No. ' . " . Ar. Pr.
. Fic'owa. . . . . . " 1012 2 S3
ScaWs. 2.8 >
COO 800
Z feeders. , . , . ; . . ' . . . . 3.00
1 heifer ; ' . : . ! ' 70 8.00
1 heifer ; ' ; 8.00
4 oxen. . .I , . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 1407 8.25
- 7-co\vs , . ' , .1201 8..10
10 steer. * , prassers. ' . . . . . . . . , lW."i 8.15
13 yearlings' . . . , . . . . . . . 8VJ 4.oa
21 steers . ,114'J 4.25
( i steers , . 4.25
3 steers . . .1U73 4.25
21 steers .113J 4.25
27 steers , .1118 4.r > o
1 veal calf . 210 450
100 steers , .123(5 ( 4.75
2 veal calves . 155 4.75
nee ? .
No. Av. Shk. 1'r. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
12. . .10.1 SO fl.75 ( V. ) . . , .270 3-0 5.iO !
0) . . . . .13 < 410 fi.00 77. . . .217 1(50 ( 5.3J
01. . . .2. . ! ) 400 S.10 09. . . .2IS 120 o.BO
7J. . ' ' 120 6.25 02. . . .243 100 6,30
CO. . . . 'm IliO 5.25 03. . . .237 KX ) 5.w :
74 . .20 ! ) 120 5.25 . .247 120 5.30
07. . 22S 120 5 8'i fli . . .243 820 53)
02. . 210 5.25 or. . . .310 120 B.I50
70..2U5 5.-J5 01. . . .2(53 ( ICO 5.30
40..2.V5 SO 5.25 10. . . .201 5.30
rii.23'J 210 5.25 o73. . . . .270 SO 5.iO !
72.lb3 120 5.25 73. . so 5.CO
SJ..1T2 COO 5.25 O1 ) . , . .270 320 5.I10
70. . .202 200 5.25 05. . . .2n ! 3'JO ' o.KO
57 , SO 52" ) 02. . . .ISO 5.30
51. . .220 1(50 ( 5.2.- 73. . 6.30
50. . .230 SO B.s : > 51. . 100 5.30
. .218 5.25 70. . . .221 120 5.W )
. .ior 6.25 SI. . iil'Jt bl ) 6.30
02. . . .2-2:3 : 3'JO 5.25 07. . . .a3 100 5.30
03. . . .212 240 5.25 05. . . .2 : > s 5 30
70..221 10J 5.25 00. . . .270 320 6 30
00..205 100 . .203 40 5.30
bl. . .2IS 260 525 ] 7ll ! . .2M 40 5.EO
58. 200 5.2 % 02. . . .202 80
77. 250 5.27' ' $ . .251 40
. .203 1C.O 5.27)4 ) tn ! ! . .210 200
. .2KJ 120 6.27 00. . . .207 2-10
OJ. . .221 ! K ) ' ' . .2tS 320
SO. . 237 120 h'/jlitf r'ti ) ! ! . .273 120M 6.32
74. . .230 ' . ' 00 6.2 ? 53. , . .2S7 M ) 5.3. )
7 ! ) . . .2H'J SO 5,274 f'2. . 100 B.B5
73. , .23 $ 120 5.2H ? 611. . 40 5.IC >
73. . .1V5 120 5.27 } 5ti. 200 5.35
01. , .2J1 ( 6.30 til. . . .2S7 400 5.85
01.n. . . .220 ICO 5.o : ; OS. . . .24 ! ) SO 5..T5
n.m. . . .2,14 100 6.30 02. . . .270 210 5.35
75. . .230 200 5.30 70. . . 2113 5.35
71. . .23'J 210 5,30 05. . ! .25t5 40 5.35
77 , . 217 100 5.30 f.O. . . . .2C4 120 5.35
70. . .2311 120 5.30 05. . . .2(57 ( 100 B.87Jjf
. .257 41) ) 5.30 f.4. , . 270 100 5.87H
so ! OOy 40 5.30 72 . .283 100 5.40
03. ! M7u 200 6.30 6 2. . .27 ! ) 120 5.40
117. . .220 NX ) 5.30 00. . . .2(53 ( 5.-10
OS. . .234 2 < H ) 5.30 5 ! ! . . SO 5.40
77..20 ! ) 4) ) 5.30 05. , 100 B.42X
70..22- ) 01. , 40 5.45
72..211 120 5.30 4'J. . . .83 ! ) 120 5.45
05..201 yt',0 5.30 53. , . .2SS 5.50
ami SliliincntM.
Slowing the ofllcial receipts and shlmncnts
of live stcelt at Soutli Omaha during the
month of June.
H.lll.HOADS. P
I.i-ft over I.Wll
C. , -M.ASt. 1' . It'y
' . , Jl.&st. h. It'y
Mo. IMC. ll'y 1C7
U. r. ll'y B.III4 TM174 1.0S7 cue
C. ir N' . W. It'y -V11I
It. Ar.M. ll'y 0'Wi '
( ' . . It. I. \ 1' . It'y '
CSt.l'.M. .VO.U'y I,1-a ll',4'-.i
1-.E.\- .'y 409
Driven In
Grand total 2,7f < 5 IM.lBii
J'nckers I'lirclinsco.
Showing the number of hogs bought by the
loading buyers on to-day's market :
G. II. Hammond & Co 012
Omaha 1' . Co 7S2
Armour-Cudahy Packing Co 2,843
Swift & Co 377
Squlrcs&Co 712
ICingan &Co 027
Cleve'.Tid P. & P. Co 275
O. 15. Wilson Co
IInrlstcnd & Co 12S
Ciibbs & White 2-1:1 :
LL. ; . Lambert 2-Ki
J. Doud ays
Ijlvo Stock Notes.
S. J. Fisher , Glen KucU , came In after
O. W. Spencer , Blue Sprint's , was in with
cattle and hogs.
ICieno & Muhonoy , Albion , topped the mar
ket with u load of ' .hS-lb hogs.
G. W. Hoyer , Lincoln , and H. Hoda , Nio-
brar.i , Avero both hero with eattle.
There is a very peed prosiicct of two more
paekiii liouseb being located at the yards.
Light hogs were in very good demand
to-day. The light hog market is improving
here very rapidly.
Trade was good to-day and almost every
thing offered found ready salo. Quotations ,
however , ruled unchanged.
A ' " of lM-iO'.i hogs wcro received here Of thiH number liKi.OW were
slaughtered hero and the balauco were
shipped to outside packers.
IMcUmnii Hros. & Acker is the style of a
new commission llrm just opened at the
yards. All the members of the llrm are old
and well known live stock men who have
been in the business for a good many years.
William Carter , IJecincr ; JJ. J. Ticrne.v ,
Ausley ; 1'iirust Anderson , Oakland ; A.
Truesdalcf Hradshaw ; John Dixon , Green
wood ; W. J. Uavls. Grand Island ; P. , f.
Hoonoy , Dray ton , Neb. , and Ed Grlflln ,
laimiica , wcf. < among tiioso who came In
with hogs.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc.
Tuesday , July 3.
HUTTEU Fancy creamery roll butler. 20@
21o ; wilh solid packed at ir. Kio ; elioieu
country butler , UiC'Ulc ; common grades , 11 ©
"rioot-Slrlctly fresh. 1415c. (
Ciiiitutis : : Per case of 10 Ibs , $1.75@2.00.
Southern cherries t3.00j3.25 ( per 21 quart
STitiwiiniwiKS $2.55tffi2.75 per lO t case.
lii.cKiiiuunJ3.oOc : 43.50 per case.
HI.U-I ; Ktsrnr.iiiticrt $3.75 (3.50 per case ;
rod raspberries. (4.60(1(5.50 ( per case.
CncuaU Full rroim , ! ! ( Mu.
PpTATiins Cholru liolnn grown , 75@S5o ;
Utah und Colorado stock , 00u05c'low ( ;
grades , 65itr ( ; > V ,
Poi'i.Tnv No dressed fowl In the murkcl ;
llvo chickens , i3.oOSi3.75 per doz ; spring
chickeiiR , f J.oor23.2i.
STIIINO MIAXSfl.50 per bu.
ToMATons-Per crate , 11.50 ; per bu. , ? 3,50
(23.00. (
- U.iSAXiS Cbinmoii medium , $2.&OQ3.00pcr
bunch ; choice , f300 ( < i3.5l.low ) ; fraucs , J2.00.
Tuiisirs California , 2 > i(33c ( i > er ! b.
] ) TUS Pei-bian , 0 ( g7o per lu.
Ls\mX4-$7.00a'NOO per cat.0. '
OH\Nur.s Mentinas. f0.50f$7 per box ;
Hodl , $ r.50@s per box , JlOJtl 5.3per half
box. ' '
CAULin-owEit Good stork , tl.50iJI.75 per
CAUIIAGHS Homo grown 75c per doz.
' Ai-fLKs 75iiVUoi > er one-third bushel , Juno
apples. . .
Cii > U Choice Micaie-an elder , H.60@0.50
per bbl. of U2 gal. ' . ' .
OX ? Native stocK * 1 To l W > , Spanish ,
pcrbcixof filbs , $1 73 ( < iOOi California on-
ons , ? ( rtJtc per Ib.
I'orcoKX Choice rice com Isi uotcd ( it 3 5
leper Ib. ; other kinds 2' , He per Ib.
CAIIHOTS New stock.tO"Mr > c per dez.
HEANS-Good stock , $2. < XXrt2.73 ; Califqrnia '
bean * , f2.25ie2.XO. (
Fins In Inycrs , IScA.ISc1. cake , 10c pec Ib.
NI-T ? 1'eannts , raw , Ol < ( ? 7cy Hnull nut.i ,
18c ; nlinoiid.o , TaTraironn , 2c ; Encllsli will-
nuts , 15ttlSc ; tllborts , ISo ; Itnllan chestnuts ,
15e ; vecans , 15c. . .
HONET lO&i'Slo for 1 Ib. frames ; canned
honey , 10@12o per Ib.
Pritr. lAVI.E Sviifr ? 1.25 per gal.
SAI.SIFV S5c per bunch.
WATtlMit.oxs-$35.00 ( per 100.
Orocors lilst ,
SfO.Ut Granulated , ( l' < ( .7c : conf. A.f.Jf ®
C.KC ; white extra C , OVC'i'-'ic ' ; extra C , fitjiy
O c ; yellow C , 5JfC"f' , ei cut loaf , 7) ) < C'fi
Se ; powdered , f 'tjiS' ' c ; New Orleans , 5 0"
CoFFnn Ordinary grades , ICJlUe ; fair ,
17@lSc : prime , lC'tl'-W' ' ; fancy green and
yellow , S26l23 ! ( < ; old government Java , 2 ( i §
aOc ; interior Java , 2. ' > ( ( 2Sc ; Moel.n , 2Sc ' 30o ;
Arhucklo'9 roasted , 21 ' e ; McLauph'lln's
XXXX , ai clllworth'n ; , 21c ; Hcd Cross ,
2lr ; Alaroma , 2I.40 ; Gorman , SOJfe.
WononxwAUC Two-hnop palls , per do/ . ,
$1.-IO ; three-hoop palls. fl.Uo ; No. 1 tub ,
spruce , in nests , 70o per nest.
Ton A ceo I' Ixirllliirtl'A Climax , 4 , " > c ;
Splendid , 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight , -He ;
I.eggclt fi Meyer's SUir , 45o ; Cornerstone ,
SKlc ; Drummond's Horseshoe , -tr.c ; .1. T. ,
I''c ; Sorg's Spearhead , ! > ; "Cut Kate1
2Vc ; "Oh , My. " 2 < e ; 1'ipor Hoidsirk. Olc.
TOHACIHI SMOKIXO C.ttlin's Meerschaum ,
3lo ; Cutlin's Old Style , S3e : Sweet Tip Top ,
S2o ; U. N. O. , 17e ; Hod , White and Blue ,
" pails , SLMrtLBO.
SVI.T Per hbl in carload lots. S1.-15.
Uoru Seven-slxtcJiiths , 10 10140.
CAXHY Mixed , ti.nic ; stick" , t > ( ( i'.i < fc.
l'icKi.r.3 Medium , in bbls , fii.CO ; do In half
bbls , Sl.'ii ; small , In hbls , S7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $ 1.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , SS.OJ ; do in
half bbls , 8UU.
HOM.AXII Hnniiixos CSQiOc per keg.
MAPU : Hricks I'J..j'c ' per Ib. ; penny
cakes , I.ijl4c ) ( per Ib. ; pure maple syrup1.25
per gal.
HHOOMS Extra , 4-tle , $3.'iO ( ; parlor , ,1-tio ,
painted handles , W.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 ,
sJl.M ; heavy stable broms4.00.
Mirror gloss , "ijfe ; Graves' corn ,
0) < c ; Oswcgo gloss. 7c ; Oswego corn. 7c.
Tnvs Japans , 2Qrtr > r e ; Gunpowder , 20@
OOe ; Young Ilynon , iSiJtVie ; Oolonp. ! ! 0@"iOc.
Powiicit AXII SHOT Shot , 81.30 ; buckshot ,
f l.i"i ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 : half kegs.
SJ.75 ; one- four ! hi. SI. 50 ; blasting kegs , 2.35 ;
fuses , 100 ft. , 43@7ue.
CHACKEUS CAKKS , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soiln , Si : ; ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda
snowllake ( in'tins ) , lOc ; soda candy , 5 ! 'c ;
soda wafers ( in tins ) lOc ; soda zephyrs , be ;
city ojster , CJ-jC ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyster ,
7c ; gem oyster , 5c ; monitor , 7o ; Omaha
wafers , lOo ; grahaut wafers in pound pack
ages , 12 jc ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7 c ; oat
meal , be ; oat meal wafers , UK1. ; oat incal wa
fers in pound packages , 12J c ; animals. 12c ;
Bollvcr ginger ( rounti.7c ; cream , So ; Corn-
hill , lOc ; cracknells , lOo ; frosted creiim , 8 } c ;
ginger snaps , Sc ; ginger simps ( city ) , Do ;
homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13o ; homemade
made ginger snaps , (1-Ib ( cans ) per dozen.
$2.50 ; lemon creams , Sc ; pretzels ( hand
made ) , UJje ; assorted .c.ikes and jumbles ,
llJic ; assorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea
( in tins ) , per box , $7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ;
butter jumbles , ll } < fc ; llrunswick , 15c ;
brandy snaps , I6c ; chocolate drops ( new ) ,
lOc : chocolate wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch
( In tinsl per dozen , S4.50 : cocoa talTy snaps ,
14e ; cott'eo cake , 12o ; Cuba jumbles , ll' c ;
cream puffs , 30e ; egg jumbles. ll ) < jO : ginger
drops , Uc ; honey jumbles , llj < e ; jolly lin
gers , 15o ; jelly wafers , 15c ; jellvtart ( new ) ,
Ific ; lady lingers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14e ; vn-
nilhi wafers , 14c ; Vicnnii wafers , 1 dozen
packages in a box , per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans Ic per Ib advance
except snowflake and wafer soda , which are
packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb
paper boxes , ? < fe per Ib advance ; all other
goods Ic per Ib advance. Soda in 1-lb paper
boxes , Ic per Ib advance. The 2-lb boxes are
packed in cases holding 18 In a case. The 2-
Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a.
case. The 4-lb boxes are [ lacked in cases
holding 3D In a case. Ono-lb graham and oat
meal wafers packed 2 do zin a case.
Show tops fo'r boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3.00 ,
not returnable. Cans for snowilako soda ,
? "i.K ) per doz. Tin cases with class face to
display the goods , 75c each. No charges for
packages except for cans and returnable
goods. Glass front tin cans and "snowflakc"
soda cans are returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goodn.
PUINTS SOLID Coi.ons Atlantic. Oc ;
Slater , 5 , ' c ; Berlin oil , O' o ; Garner oil , 0@
7c. PIXII AXI > Hems Kichmond , 0 } < c ; Al
len , 0rfc ; Hlvcr Point , 5c ; Steel Hlver , Oc ;
Hichmond , Oc ; Pacific. OJ c. INDIGO BLUI :
Washington , OJ c : Century , digo blue prints ,
lie : American , O c ; Arnold , O'tfc ; Arnold H ,
10J c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10Jo ;
DKI > S Charter Oak , 5c : Hatnapo , 4J c ; Lodi ,
5e ; Allen , ( ic ; Uiclimqnd , Oc : Windsor , O c ;
Eddystone , 0'tfo ' ; Pacilic , 0 > c.
BATTS Standard , Uc ; Gem , lOc ; Heauty ,
12kc ; Bayonne , 14c : U , cased , $ fi.50.
CAiu'UT WAUP Bibb , white , 19c ; colored ,
Miscm.LANnous Table oil cloth , $2.S , " ) :
plain Holland , Sj.r < { 9c ; Dado Holland ,
yk'c.CoMroin nits $ fl.GOu ( 35.00.
BUICIIID : : SIIIITIXCI : Ucrkley cambric No.
00 , ' . 'Kc ' ; Host Yet. 4-4 , 0c , butter cloth ,
OO , 4'xj'c ' ; Cabot , 7 c ! Farwcll , S c ; Fruit
of Loom , Oi c ; Frceno G , 0 ; Hope , 7u ;
King Philip cambric , lie , Lousdalo , llj/c ;
Lonsdale , SJ c ; New York mills , 10JjC ; Pep-
perell , 42-in. , lie ; Pepparell , 40-in. , 12c ; Pep-
pcrell , li-4 , lOo ; Pciiperell , 8-4,21c : Peppcrell ,
11-4 , 23c ; Pi'iipcrcll , 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4 ,
S > ic ; Canton , 4-4 , 'JJe ; Triumph , Cc ; Warn
utta , lOc ; Valley , 5c.
GINOHAM Plunkctt checks , 7' ' < e ; Whltlcn-
ton , 7 0 ; York , 7Ku ; Normanill dress , 8J c ;
Calcutta dress , 8 } o ; Whittendon dress , b } o ;
Heufrow dress , b > & ' 12.l.uC.
TICKS Lewiston , ! Ju in. , 12 } c ; Lcwlston ,
32 in. , 13 , ' c ; York , S2-in. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7Kc ; Thorndyko , OO , 8K ; Thorndyko FF ,
HMe ; Thorndyko 120 , OJAThorndyko ; XX ,
15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , O' e ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DCXI.MH Amoskeag U , 0-oz , lOc ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz. , 13Jrfo ; Ha.vmarliet ,
8J c ; Jaffrey , XX , ll' c ; Jalirey XXX , 12Kc ;
Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
FLANNELS Plaid Kaftsmnn , 20cs Goscen ,
32' ' < c ; Clear Lake. 32 ! < c ; Maple City , 30Kc.
Wliite-G H No. 2 , f , 21c ; C II No. 1 * { ,
! Uc ) ; Qucchcr , * * Lf . 1/f , 2o ; Quecher , No. wj
, : n , 'c ; Quecher. No. 4 , % , : i2ko ; Anawan ,
18Kc ; Windsor , 2'l e ; Hcd XC , 24-in , WAa\ \
E 24-in , Sin ; GG , 21-in , 16c ; H A F , ? f , 25o
,1 H F , Jf , 27c ; G , % . SSc.
CIIAMI .Stevens' B. Oc ; bleached , 7e ;
Stevens' A , 7c ; bleached , 8J c ; Stevens' P ,
Sko ; blenched , iJ ) < e ; Stevens' N , 'Jjfc ;
bleached , lOJ c ; Stevens' S U T , iB&c.
"l/'ftt 18ft. Sflft.'ssft. ' 24ft.
.17 A020 On 00 22 W ) 22 00
.17 Ml'iW 00 21 001 ( XI 2:1 : )
2x3 . 17 M 20 IIU 21 (10,22 ( , HO 22 H )
sxin .17 HISOUI ; 1 002:1 : U3 ) ' : | 110
2x12 . 10M ! ( -1 ( KI24 OU2 00
2x4-b .15 Mil HI I M 23 dO'2i ' : 00
IIOMillS ,
No. 1 com , B 1 , . ? 1S.W ) I No. 3 com , s 1 . . ? lfl.50
No. 2 com , si. . 17.00 | No. 4 com , K 1 s. . 13.50
No. 1 , 4 & Din I2&14 ft , rough f 19.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " 1U.50
No. 2 , " " 14 " 10.50
No.2 , " " 10 " 18.00
A , 12 , 13 & 10 ft.f21.50 I O , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.f 15.50
B , " " 20.50 JD , " " 12.50
2d com ? f In White Pine coiling 34.00
" " " " . . . 2S.OO
Clear Jf In Norway " " 1400
2dcotniii " " " 10.00
A 0 in White Pine.- I'JO.50
BOin " " , , 33.50
UOin " " 30.00
nOin " " ' 81.60
EOin " " . ( Sel. Fencing . .1000
0 in Drop Siding 50c. pur M extra.
Star-4 inch Flooring ' , * 21.00
1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring.23.00
Clear'K inch Ceiling v , -iO.OO
Clear } { Inch PartiUon El.Oo
Clear % Inch , Partltiou J2 above % luch"
510 North l6ttjW , ( Mafia ,
Paid lit CnpUnl . . - „ , . . . $100,000
UKO ; E. Il.UlKUH , President *
1' . . JOHNSON , Cashier.
nillKOTOHS :
T. , H. .TOHNSO.V , O : o. K.
A Ocncrnl Hanking tlunlncss Transacted.
Interest Allow i'tl ou Tlnio Deposits.
Cnpllnl Slock Sir.O.OOO
Llablllljr of Stockholder. * . ' 100,000
lflvc Pcr Cvnt Interest I'attt on Dc-
ta C < ni > ottnlcd { jcnil-
CH.Ult.KSF. MANDK1ISON , President.
I , . M. HINNITT. : : Vice President.
P. W. WKSSELI.S , Mnimtslng invcctor.
JOHN P. . Wll.llflt , Cnsliler.
.1 , W. O KNNKTT , ( irV C. ll.VUTO.V ,
.1 , .1. llllOWN , 1. . M. IIKNNKTT ,
C. I' . MANtlKIISOTllOS. . I ( . KlMIIAI.t , ,
IlK.xiiv I'uNiiT , I ! , I. . STUNK ,
( ) M Ml \ I ; . iVT. CO. , 1 , . 11. WII.L1AM3 ,
MAX Mr.Yiiu , TlllT.M. N 11UCK ,
.IAMIIS w , SAVACIII , \V.N.\flt ,
K. w. WIXBIM. : : . It I ! COMIIIOX ,
ANSO.V ( ! . McCooK , X. W. WKI.LM ,
II. NlKMAN , JOHN ] : . wii.uirn.
I'M mMure Decline ami Function * ! dlK > t
rf r cum ! iti'MoMf Stomach MMlclnt-t ,
? * " * , 4M. K f I Sealed Trrat If encDlfreeonapplicftt toti.
MARSTON BO.l P klUw , t i1f L
Ilunnlng between Council llluirs and Albright ,
lu addition to the. stations mentioned , trains
stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets ,
and at the Summit In Omaha.
Leave. Arrive ,
A No. 14 4OOp.m'I : ' ) No.2 8:20 : a. m.
11 No. 2 0:4,1 : p.m.U'No. 13..11:30 : n. in.
U No. o 0ir : > u. in. t ) No.5 5:45 : p. m.
A No. 4 :40 : li. iii.A | No.3 fiDO ; p. in.
C DCS Molncs Accammodntlon.
C lc. < Molnes Accommodation.
A No.o 0:40 : a. III.IA No. 3 H:15 : a.m.
A 'No.B 4:00 : p. m. A No. 7 11:30 : a.m.
A No.4 (1:4.1 ( : p. m.lANo. 6 0:50 : p.m.
A No.2 0:25 : a. m.A | No.3 , .0:31 : a.m.
A No.4 0:10 : p , III.IA No. i 0:30 : p.m.
A No. 10 7:0.1 : n. III.IA No.ll RMn.m. :
A No. 12 7:00 : p. m.lA No.ll 0:00 : p.m.
A No.8 3:40 : p.m.'A ' No.7 11:35Rm. :
C No. 14 0:50 : 11. in. A No , 5 0:40 : a.m.
A No.4 0:41 : u. in. II No. 15 0:45 : n.m.
A No.8 4:00 : p.m. A No , 7 0:0) : ) p.m.
A No , 0 0:40 : p. 111. A No.3 7:00 : p.m.
A dully ; II dally except Sat. ; C dully except
Sun. ; 1) except Mon. ; t fubt mall : Limited.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Office-Hoom 24 , Onposllu Kicliango Hull.lion , Imlon
block Vnrds , boutli Omalia.Neti.
MoCOY BnoS. ,
Live Stoclc Commission Merchants ,
Unrket f ml > bo < l frcuon uppllcutlon. Htnckvrs nnd
feeders furnlsbvil on unod terms. Ituferenci'sOnm *
hu.Suttonnl Hunk nml houlli Oiiiutia Nutlouoi , Uulun
Muck Yt-rds , f uutli Umnlm.
Live Stock Commission ,
I'.oora 15 , Kicbun/e lIullilliiK , Union Etock TvJ * .
fcouth OiualiH.icb.
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Scorn ? . * , Op | > lte iirliuu-u ; llulldinj , Uulon Stock
V rUi , soiuu Oniibii.NcO.
Of Omaha , Limited '
AgrTcuTturm Impiomonts. .
" < * '
. ,
C rrt7i'c itpd Itueul
I0tb , OiniihH ,
AgricultnrallnmlemenisJWaEonsCarriaEes )
i. Klc. Wliolcinlc. Om n , NcbrH > kik ,
Whplemtlo Dcjil'm In
Agricultural inmlements.Wagons&Bnggies .
Wl , IW , ! W nncl OT Jonc Strect ( Om tii .
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CultlTnlon , II r ItdVcK.CIclor Mlllt anil' n 1'ul-
Tcrltom. Cor. Uth nnd Nlcholm ftrceta.
' *
Wl'ti ON A l M PL E ME NT C O. ,
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
( Virncr Uth nml Nlrlinlnn Street * .
Akron , Ohio.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. I ! . Mcul , Mnnittcr. 131.1 l.oavenwortli ! > l.,0nnlm.
SInniifnctiircrKnnil Jobbora In
Wagons , Buggies , Raks ? , Plows Etc ,
Cor. il > nnl 1'itcltlc ptrcctn , Onmlia.Xob.
ArtlBtB *
" "
"A HOSPE , Jr. .
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Pouclim Street , Onishn , J
Boots nncl Shoos *
( Succetturt to Heed , Jone A to. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
.ARcntifor lUuIon Uutiticr Slice Co. 11UJ , 11UI * 1IW
lliiriH'j- . , Uinnlia. Xt'brunVn.
W. V. MORSE Si CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , ItKHlOj lo 8ln St. . Omnlm Mauufiictorj- , Sum
mer St. luiston.
Booksellers nncl Stntfonora.
H. M , & S. W. JONES.
Succe for to A. T. Kcnjron A Co. , Wliolesulc & Itotnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Ktne Wedding Slatlonory , Ccitnnierclal Statlonorjr ,
IJ'J-J Jouiju9 ! Street. Oumlul , Nub ,
_ CpfpOS , plC08 , ElC.
Umahn Ootruc and Hplcu Mllli.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlarorlnK Eztrncti , Lnundrr Dluo. Inkr , Ktc. 11K-
111(1 ( Ilnrncy Street , Omnlm. Nulirmkn.
Crookory nn
" " "
"wrL""wR i a H T ,
Agent for trio Manufacturer ! and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. OfS co , 317 B. IStli Bt. , Omalin , Nebraska.
luiuortcrs and Jobbers of
Crcckcry , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Kti' . 1514 Klirnnm St. , New 1'atton llulldlnK.
Commission and Storage-
" " ' '
"fjl'DD'ELL & RIDlJELL ,
Storage aufl Commission Merchants ;
SpcclultlCH Unttor , .KKKS , ChPOKe. rmiltry , Gnrao ,
1112 Howard Street. Ouinhn.
Successor * to McSlmne A t-cbrociler. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omalm. NebruBka.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Jlcrchnnt. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North It'll )
Street , Omaha , Neb.
Coal , Coke and uimo.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South 13th Street , Omalm. Nctiraikn.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And Milppori of Coal , Coke , Cement. 1'lntter , I.lmo ,
IJrmln Tile , and Sewer 1'lpe. Offloo , I'nxton Hotel ,
r'Krnnru tit. , Umalia , Nob. TulepUone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South l.'th U. Omaha. Kcb.
DryjCoods and Notions.
" " '
M. E"SM'ITH & co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1103 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth Pt. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Notions .
Gents' k'urnlthtni ; Oooili. Corner llth "ml Hiuncy
Bti. , Omnha. Ncbraeka.
FiirnUuro. _
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Fnrnani Street. Omatm. Nebraska.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Croc , , rk _ > B.-
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TOG , TOT , T09 and 711 S. 1Mb St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 th and I.cavenirorth StreetsOmaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MetiUu , Plie t Iron. etc. AKentB for Howe Bculuh ,
Miami 1'owiler and I./imtn Iturucd wlro ,
Omnliii , Nubrunku.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and JlutJalo Hcalcs. 1KJ6 Douglm
Ktrect , Omaha , Netiranin.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOth and lUrner fits. , Onmlm , Neb. Western Aaenti
for Austin 1'owrter Co. , Jcffornon fluulNallc ,
F lrb nkt StunJurU Scales.
\yjiolcrulu Miinutiictureri ( if
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Harare
Andlxiatbcr , U3J , UW and ll'(7 ( Ilnrney Bt. , Omaha ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , WBKOII Ktock , Hardware , I.un.bor , Ktc. 12V.
and 1VI1 llaruey Blrect.Oruiha.
Hots , Caps , Eto ,
Wholesale Hats , Caps anil Straw Goods ,
110 ? Harner Street. Omuhu. Neb.
Office Fixtures. ' , , ' J. , "
TU K k 111 MON 1)3 > 1 A S UF AOl'tjillfNa'cor
Manuluitateti uf
Bank , Office and'Saloon fixtures , .
MjntlesSldebosnls. . lloolc Cases , Ilruir KUtuir : jy ll
CmePRitltlOBS. U llati.Q | > uaUti , accr Ud\\iyo
Coolers. Mlrrofj etc. I-Wfry r.lawec , ItJOVaa ttii
All Kinds of Bnilding Material at BulesaK
_ _ _ $ _ M nnd.l'nlon 1'nnlfleTruckOirmhu.
Dealer in Lnmber , Lath , Lime , 'Sash ,
Door * , Etc. Y -Vrner 7th nnd Doivtl 9 | Corn'ef
r r " " " "
Dealer in' All Kinds.of Lumber ,
ruhnn.tCnUfptlim StreetsOmfitm , Nclrn iV- (
Lumber Lime Cement Elc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer h and Uoncln * Si * . . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
ORlce.lWlKarnnmftreet Omaha.
Wholesale Liimlier , Etc ,
Imported niul American J'ortlnml Cement , BUM
Client ( urMllrrniiVco llrdrnullc Cement ami '
Qulney White Mine.
CHAS. n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Liniilier ,
Wood Carrots nml I'lirqiicl flooring Pth nn > l I > vt M
_ _ Mllllnory nncl
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
UN.mnmt snSouth tlih sin-el
ivTA N U F A OT a 0 RN G""CO
Maniifactiirors of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Llrts , Kip. lUHnml 1101 Uoiwlas Street ,
uuintiu. Not * ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
103 nntl < l J8kiitti 10th HI. , Omnlm ,
Wliolsale Refined and Liibricatins Oils ,
Axle Grease , Ktc. , Omaha. A , II. Bishop , Mmiancr ,
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
llllfi llarnor Ptroet. Oinnlm.
Paints and oils.
\VUolc nla Dvnlors In
Paints , Oils , WiUuOW Glass , Etc ,
II10 Fnrnam Htroct , Omnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr n nice stock of lrlntlni ; , Wrapping nncl Wrltlnf
1'fc er. HinclKl attunllon given to car loud onliirn. .
PaporBoxos. _
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 131T uml 1319 Douglas St. , Omaha , Ncb
S,3Bh , Doors , Etc. vJt
M. A. DISBROV. ' f. CO. ,
\Vliolcsnlo Mnnu. .cturera of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , tyi
Hrnnch Ofllco , 12th anil Itnnl Stroeta. Oinnlm , Nab , i
Mamifactiircra of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
-ulcUHpi ! , Rtnlr Work nml Interior lUnl Wood I < 1a <
sb. N. K.C'ornt'r 8th nnd l.uavuuwurtb Streets ,
Uiualin , $ cb.
Maiiafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
Ami llllnili" , TurnlnK , Ptalr-woih. Hank nml OfQco I1U
linns. 'Jluh uml 1'opplutoa Avnnuu.
_ Prl jtors' Mjo orinls. _
' ' "
Auxiliary Pnblisliers ,
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing and Leather BcltUiK. KUW Fiirniira BtroeC.
Steam Fillings , Pumps , Etc. \
Pumns , Pipes and Enpies ,
itcttm- Etc-
Wnolcsale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings ,
iteam nud WMor Buppllpi. ncndqnnrterH fur Mast ,
I-uu t A Co'ii KoodB. 1111 rnnmni St.Omuha.
Steam and Water SupDlies ,
Hallldny WliiaMIIln. 519 nnd OM Fnrnnm Bt.Omab .
U. 1Ilia. . , Actlnn MaiiuKiT ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet irun W ? ' . " H'l"iP ' ! P i"P ? . 8w , MM | . Kimu
U'livonKorth Miect. Omnlm
, Goods.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 nnd t'l.iJoncfl ' Htn-i-t ninnlni.
Btorogo , ForwnrdlnK & Commission
" *
Storage. Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch huuro of the Ileinioy IliiK y Co. MuiJtdcB t
wbulenulo Mini rvtall , l. H 131tlanil IH12 Itunl mreut/
Omaha. TeU-ptiunu No. 1M.
Smoke Stocks , P o 11 o re , Jj jlc.
" " "
Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Slacks ,
Urltchloei , Tunki anil ( luncral Holler ItupalrluK. UU
llodtrn HlrfL-l. Omaliu , Neb
STOR2 & 1LER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1WI North h'lKtbtccntb Ftrect. Oiuiiha. Vf h.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpcnctcr. l'ruirlrtnr. | iulDoiliio mid lUlHinl Iti
Nurth loth Mroc'i. Oiuiilm.
' "
Carter ft l-pn , 1'iop'n. Miiu\irnclurcr of ull kind )
Steam Boilers , Tan'is ' and Sliest Iron W
\Vutk > Pouth Will mid II. A. St. CroiMnir ,
V/roiiglit / and Cast Iron Building Worfc
KnirlncB , llrun Work. UOI.RIII ! 1 initulry , Mnohlno auil
lllacktuiltli Wmk tliiliuiiiid W.nks , II I' . Kjr.
H nil IHh Mri'el , Om.iliu ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
[ loik ItillnVln'l ' < r ( jiinnN. 1'iowcr SI.IIHVlro !
t-lKiir , itc. : Ui Kurlh Kill bliectOimilin ,
"olvi A H s \ F E qptT fSb wcrnKsT
Man'frs ' of Fire HSurglar Proof Safes
fault * , Jail Wurk , Iron and \Viro K'-ni'lnn , .Vk'n , ] ; 'to ,
U. Aulrttn. IVoii'r Cur. lull An I jAikiun SI * .
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
tud Srrecni. for banks , cilliivi.iiurvt ( iiidu ( tictc.
liniifjvpa AWIIIHJ * lo' nu.ith M\itinorr LJ
JlUikimliU Wpik > . * 'Jt.onla ' nt'i M
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time locks ,
( iii.crH Ajftiti tot Iilet/oll iat ) '
tCUli FUoaia