THE OMAHA DAILY EIGHTEENTH YJBAK. OMAHA. THURSDAY , MORNING , JULY 5. 1SS8 , NUMBER 17. ' * „ HE ACCEPTS THE NOMINATION Qoncrnl Harrison Promises to Bo the Republican Standard Doaror. ( . A MODEST , PATRIOTIC REPLY Xo the OlUclnl Message Conveyed to llliu nt lilt Home in Indian- J apolls by the Notification. Committee. 4 , Notified. July 4. The notification committee representing the late republican cDnvcntlon to day ofllelally Informed General Harrison of his nomination. The committee met In the parlors of the' Deimon hotel nt 10 a. m. Hon. M. M. Estco , of California , wan made chairman , and A. H. Potter , of New Jersey , vice chairman. At 10I0 : ! the mctiH bers of the committee , escorted by the local committee , took carriages nnd were driven to General Harrison's residence , where they \ > cre received by Russell Harrison and Cap tain M. G. McLanc. The member * of the committee wcro escorted late the band- Homely decorated parlor and were seated in n semicircle. At 12 o'clock General and Mrs. Harrison , accompanied b.v Mrs. J. N. Huston and Mrs. Johu C. New , entered the parlor nnd took a position facing the committee. General Harrison looked pale nnd care * worn , hl > expression being one of deep seri ousness. Chairman Estco stepped forward and said : "General Harrison , wo are commissioned by the national republican convention to ofllelally notify you of your nomination us the republican candidate for president of t he United States. In doing this wo may bo permitted to remind you that your selection met the hearty apprt val of the whole con vention. It left no embittered feeling tor lukewarm supporters , and Its action voiced the average and best Judgment of the con vention. Nor was your nomination duo to accident or the result of hasty or inconsider ate deliberation. It Indicated that you pos sessed In n most eminent degree these pecu liar qualities wL'lch commended you to the people's favor. In the hour of our country's peril you cheerfully accepted an humble position In the army , went whore your coun try most fieedcJ you , and by long and faith' ful service rose to higher commands am ! resumed graver responsibilities. Elected to the United States senate , your enlightened and conservative statesmanship commanded the respect and inspired the confidence of the American platform adopted by the American people. The convention marks out with clearness and precision the creed of the patty. " After a moment's silence General Harrison replied as follows : "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the com- mittco : The official notice which you have brought of the nomination conferred upon me excites emotions of profound thought and of somewhat conflicting character. That nftcr lull deliberation and free consultation the representatives of the republican patty the United States should hnvo concluded that the great principles enunciated in the platform adopted by the convention could bo in some ine.ihuro safely confided to my c.iro is nu honor of which I urn deeply sensible , nnd for which 1 am very grateful. I do not assume or believe that this choice Implies that the convention found in me any prominent Illness or exceptional fidelity to the principles of the government to 'Inch wo mo mutually pledged. Mysat- isfiu with the icstilt would bo altogether spoiled If that result had been reached by any unwoi thy met hods or by the disparage ment of more eminent men who divided with mo the suffrages of the convention. 1 accept the nomination with so deep a sense of the dignity ot tlio olllco and of the gravity of its duties and responsibility as to altogether exclude - cludo any feeling of exultation or pnue. The principles of the government and the prac tices In the administration upon which the issues aic now fortunately so clearly made , nro so important in their relations to national and to individual ptospenty , that wo mav cxDcct an unusual popular interest In the campaign. Rolling wholly Uliou the considerate Judgment of our fellow i citizens mid gracious favors of God wo will confidently submit our cause to the abitra- ment of a free ballot. "Tho day you liavo chosen for this visit suggests no thoughts that nro nut in harmony with the occasion. The icpubliean pai ty has walked in the light of the Declination of In dependence. It has lifted tlio shaft of pa triotism on the foundation laid ill Hunker Hill. It has made the more P"rfcct union by making all men free. Washington and Lincoln , Yorktown and Apponmttox , thu Declaration of Inde pendence and thu prolmniitlon of emancipa tion are naturall.s and worthily associated in our thoughts IT day. As ' eon as uia.y bo possible. I shell by letter comuwinl- r.ito to > our chairman a mete formal accept ance of the nomination Hut it may but bo proper to say that 1 have already ex.uulned t/o platform with some care , and that its declarations are in harmony with my views. It gives me pleasure , gentlemen , to receive you in my homo and to thank jou for the cor dial manner in which you have conveyed your oflieinl message. " Long and hearty applatiso re-echoed through the house as Gen. Harrison con cluded his address , and , reach ing forth , ho cordially grasp.-il the extended hand of Chairman Kstoo , who then presented him with an olllcinl copy of his notification. The formalities of the oc casion having concluded General Harrison Instantly became the genial host , while Chairman Estco , nctinj ; as master or ceremo nies , intioduced each member of tno co-n- mittee. General Harrison then iniltcd tlio committee to pai take of an elegant lunch which had been spread in tlio Bpatioua din ing room adjoining the library. ri ' The committee go east te-nleht and will meet in Now York on Saturday , for the pur pose of making ariangcments to notdy Hon. Luvl I1. Morton of his nomination us vice president. \vnsTnitx INTKHKSTS. A Coiihlderauly Hediiocd Output Oiir- iiiKtliu Past We lc Crnpf. CiMiss'A'ii , O. , July 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tni ; IJr.B.j The 1'rico Current to morrow will say : There has been considera ble reduction In p.icking operations in the west the past week , the totnl number of ho/s handled being ll > UKX ( > , against lS-'iK)0 ( ) the preceding week and 1(50,000 ( for the corresponding spending time last \car , making n toUil oi 2,1 > ; & , GOO since March 1 , compared with .V.isV Ot 0 a year ago. For thu month of Juno the totnl packhig was about S'JO.OOO ' hogs , against 1)10,000 ) last year. During July last year the totul pac'.fing wuBWO ( , < HH)0r70 ) | > er 3iit com pared witti Juno. It is not likely that Una number will bo exceeded this month. Corn Is doing well In nearly or quite all poitionsof the west. Spting wheat is being favored and without unusual draw backs in thu future crop iiuy icach piopot lions exceeding last year. Win ter wheat is now being harvested in southoiii Ohio and Indian Territory. It is not un likely that the results nm\ show n better ag gregate than could reasonably have been ex pected on the outlook u month ago. Sherldiin Improving. riit.K\\AiiK ) HnikKW.vriu : , July 4. General Sheridan's physicians Issued the following In lletiii ntllu. m i The symptoms of pul monary congestion have rapidly subsided. General Shorldan'ti condition U decidedly better than utter un.v previous ntUick. There is no threatening of heart failure. Killed on CliuTr.iclc. ST. Josui-ir , Mo. , July -4. [ Special Tele gram to Tut : HUB. ] An old innn named Tom Call , a deaf mute , was killed today by u Chicago cage , Kansas & Nebraska railway trnh 1 near Wathena , ICan. , west of this citv. . He was walking along thu truck. His faimlj fit ' > uctir SuYuuuah , Mo , ' i I o - CINCINNATI K.YPOSITION. . Fonnally Opened hy Governor Kora- kcr nnd tlio .Machinery Started , CiNu.vjmi , July 4. The streets wcro nllvo with strangers this afternoon. At 0 o'clock the gates of the exposition were thrown open. At 11 o'clock the formal Opening exercises bbjmtt nt Music hall. The stage was filled with the May festival cho- rous and Cincinnati orchestra. The entrance of Governor Torakor , Governor Thajer of Nebraska. Governor Gray of Indiana , Gov ernor Heaver of Pennsylvania , with their brilliant staffs , nnd Hon. John Sherman and Hon. Hcnjamin Huttcrworth , was a. signal for Hearty applause. An eloquent prayer wns offered b.v Rov. George P. Thayor. Governor Foraker made the welcoming address. Ho begun by nnnilmr the irovornors and others who were present upon the plat form. When ho named the last on the list , 'that ' Illustrious son of Onto. Senator Shcr- imn , " there was a tempest of applause vhich bid fair to interrupt the proceedings. Governor Forakor made the point that this Deposition was national in its churiutcr , in- cmlcd to bo illustrative and commemorative f the progress of Ohio nnd the central states in the past century. It was but a few ulnutes of 12 o'clock and President Allison nnounccd that they would wait for the Ignal from Mrs. Polk tostarttho machinery. Suddenly a gong in the ball sounded. A ripple of npplauno answered the signal , nnd Governor Forahcr explained to the audience ' .hat the gong hud been sounded b.v elec- rlclty touched by the finger of Mrs. polk at tier home in Nashville. Then the little ten- car-old daughter of President .lames Alli- on , stepped to the side of the stimc , and , ircssing nn cloctrlo button , gave twelve slg- ials on the gong , nnd put In notion tlio ponderous machinery of the xposltlon. President Allison then formally leclared the exposition open. After this irief addresses were made by the gentlemen lamed , Governors Tlmyer , Gray mid Heaver , Lieutenant Governor Ur.vnn , Hon. Hcnjamin Duttcrworlh and lion John Sherman , and ho ceremonies wcro ended. The great pa- ado started promptly at 2PO : and moved vithout serious delay over a six milo route. t required two hours to pass a given point , nd was witnessed throughout by delighted rowds. F11I21) MAUSDUN'S AVlljIj. t Will IJ < 5 Contested liy Hlw Daughter on tlio Ground of Insanity. Nnw YOIIK , July I. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UEI : ] Blanche Miirsden , daughter of JYod Marsden , the playwright , who suicided because of her alleged unnatural conduct nnd disowned her in his will , intends to con- est the will. Her portion of the estate is ralued at S-0,000. She alleges that her athor used cocoaine ami was not accounta ble for his acts. She says : "I am prnc- .ically without resources. What is more , 1 nave u name which has been dragged in the : iiIre. It was the constant ertort .111 my former homo of certain iKjrs > ons to convert he trivial follies ot a i oung girl into acts of itudied depravity. My father was a nonoiminiac on the subject of my personal character. Yet the blame was not his so nuch as mj mother's. They never lived i.ippily together. She detested the very .irofession in winch my father won fame and a competence. Actors , playwrights and Uo- "lemhms in general were an abomination to icr. Six years ago my father attempted suicide. IIo latterly became addicted to the excessive use of cocoaine , and consumed on nn average n full bott.o a day. It incod his mind , and ho driven at last tea a condition bordci Ing on insanity , which re sulted in my expulsion iiom tlio parental roof and his suicide. " Among the witnesses which Miss lilancho ivill produce is a prominent Harlem phy sician , who claims to liavo two letters | > ciiiied by Fred Marsden containing a revelation which places the blame upon Mrs. Marsden , , vho always "nagged" him eouceimng lilunclie's conduct. CHASED HY A M01J. Thrilling 13\i > ericiico of a "Q" Fire man at St. Joseph Yesterday. ST. Josrji'ii , Mo. , July 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Uur. } Twenty thousand peel - l > lcMcut to the plcmu given by the trades mid labor assembly nt the fair grounds to day and saw a bloody not. Dick Ilarrigan , iv butcher who had taken no p.n t in any of the melees , was shot through the lung about 4 o'clock this afternoon and his recovery is loubtfnl. Golden Ilolmau , a newly em ployed Chicago , Hurlingtoa . "c " Quincy fire man attend the picnic the brotherhood men determined to run him off the ground. Holman showed fight , but tlio urotherhood men gathered around him crying "Kill the biMu 1 ' Holman started to run and a croud of pcilmps a thousand men started after him. lie hud only one avenue of escape and that was the fair giouad stable-i , and drawing Ins revolver he shot over the ne.uls of the crowd mid opened his way. A ii.ob surrounded thesUill in which ho hid himself when Holman opened the doc'jr. and with pistol in hand made the mob phb him passage way right through them. Ho then ran toward the west exit and fired into a crowd which had run to ho id him off. One of the shots struck and the crowd scpciutmg Ilolman made his escape from the grounds and gave himself up to a policeman. Hinrigan , who is a boy nineteen years of ago , was taicou to his. home. Attend ing physicians nio unable to btato what the result of the wound will bo. Four other scab engineers and their sympathizers were pummelled by the strikeis. . : CKNISllAlj SPOUT. OnwdH at the Dendwood Tour nament The WlnnerH. Drivmvoon. Dak. , July 4 [ Special Tolo- to Tun ULK } In the aOJ-yard hub and hub race to day , for a purse of 5103 , the Deiutwood running team defeated the In- lU'pcndent team , of Council Hiuffs , by less Hum two feet Tima ' "J soromls. It is claimed that this is the best time on record. In the Chlncbe hub nnd hub rare , between the Hi ICeo and Wing Tsuo , 00 yards , for a purse or i'.M ) , the Hi Kee team won. Time ai ) } $ seconds. There will be a coupling contest in the opera house to night between Cor nelius of thu Council Hlufts independents and Molt , champion hose coupler of the world , for of JflOJ and tlio entire g.ito receipts. There wore fully six thousand visitors present to-diiy , anil as many exjtuctcd to morrow , as the programme is to bo contin ued. Tl.o parade Wius the greatest affair over witnessed in the Hl.vck Hills , and the oration of Colonel W. R. Stculo was. a line effoit. Two Drownliit Iat l > es Molnes. DKS MOIMS : , in. , July 4 , [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : ] Herman Cooper , a well known working mm of this city , saw his boy wading in the Des Molnes river this afternoon when he stopped out of his depth. His father Jumped to snyo him and was drowned , but the boy was rescued. A seo- end drowning occurred south of tlio city , A twelve-year-old boy named Miller , while bathing this iiltcnioon , lost his footing and was drowned. A Heavy Storm. MASON Cirr , la. , July 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BKK.J A very heavy storm swept over the north pat t of the county late yesterday afternoon. Corn fields were lev eled , a number of houses unroofed , and binall grain badly dama od. The rain mid wind woio accompanied by thu heaviest , electric slot m known here for years. Many horses and cattle In pastures staudlng near who fences were killed. Illoxvn up by Powder , DKKISOX , In. , July 4. [ Special Telegram lo Tm : UKU j Four boys were seriously in jured andiiUtlgurod for life by the explosion of seventeen pounds of powder at a bham battle to-day. _ . THE LEGAL LIGHTS AT CRETE Many Blnckstonltvns Assemble to Hoar Judge Cooloy'a Looturo. FIRE CRACKER PATRIOTISM. The Fourth Intioihiccd In the Usual Manner at the Assembly Grounds Thirty Igc Cream Victims Stale News. The Ore to Chniitnniiin. | ASIHMIII.T Giturxi ) ? , CitnTn , Neb. , July . [ Special to Tin : HKI : . ] The lecture of Judge T. M. Cooley , chairman of the Inter state commerce commission occurred ycstcr- tcrday afternoon nt U o'clock. About ono hundred lawyers from different parts of the state formed n part of the largo audience that assembled to hear the eminent jurist. Many of the most prominent members of the bar had seats upon the stage , mid among them wns Senator Mandorson , who was the principal orator of to-day. Judge Cooley chose for his subject "Fa miliar Principles of Government. " Ills lec ture was n learned and exhaustive treatise of the organization and growth of govern ments and the relative merits of written and unwritten constitutions. If Judge Cooler's ceturo was too far reaching and profound Tor the mental ix > wcrs of the majority of his iiudionco , it was certainly full of Interest for ill members of the legal profession , and especially interesting for those who had been ils old law students nt the University of Michigan , many of whom were picent in .ho audience. At I o'clock Prof. Holmes' advanced uor- nul class met at the hall In the grove. In studying the books of the JJiblo this class lias now como to the "doctrines throughout the teachings of Christ. " Christ has given His followers ten great doctrines. The first live of these : The doctrine of the king dom of heaven , of the way of salvation , of the new birth , of Messiah's king , and of the law of love formed the subject of this after noon's lesson. The second live doctilnes "will uo discussed to-morrow morning. Prof. Holmes makes frequent use of the blaclt- boaid , and now and then during his recita tions ho pauses to review what has Just been taught. These brief reviews nro always given in concert , and invariably show ex cellent drill on the part of the teacher and the best of attention and studiousncss on the part of the class. The chorus class met at 4 o'clock , and people ple from all over the grounds gathered in the pavilion to listen to the reheaisnl. This class now numbers over two bundled , and is doing excellent work. At the beginning of each rehearsal Prof. Palmer gives ten min utes' instruction in the principles of music. Ho is very popular with his class , and is noted for his extreme punctuality. Ho sees to it that his singers begin the hour's practice on time , that they keep time in nil their singing and stop work when the hour is spent as promptly as they began. The drill goes on without delay or diminution of interest or attention from be ginning to end. During the afternoon the M. E. Church Chaiilauqua association hold u meeting in theC. L. S. C tent. Dr Hurlbut gave an IntcicitniK t.dic , and tlio committee , on con stitution reported progress. It is now an as- suied fact that the Methodists will erect a a j.1,0110 assembly headquarters building dur the next year. At 4 o'clock a meeting was held to devise wajs and means of securing the money yet needed to pay for the headuimrtcib building which they have lately eieeted. At 5 o'clock the C. L. H. C. hold a business meeting at the hall in the gtove. Or. Hurl- but , chairman of the meeting , was -ked nu merous questions of interest to the circle. The class to be graduated this year is quite large and the exercises of recognition dny piomisc to surpass anything of the kind ever seen in the west. Tlio lecture at 8 o'clock in the evening was given by Dr. llurlbut , principal of the C 1- . S. C. Theoponiii/excreibes consisted of a vocal solo by Mi . J.P Dorr , of Lincoln , and a violin solo by Miss Youne , also of Lincoln. Bath Indies were awarded an encore. Dr. Hurlbut was then introduced and delivered his icctuio on John Knox. The beginning of the address consisted of a brief summary ol the life and character of the noted Scotch icforuicr. Although of humble birth Jimd unofficial position , Join Knox was moro powerful than even the proud queen whom he opposed. Ho was the greatest statesman of his time , and he lift'-d his country fiotn feudalism and broke tlio power of the church , that for IK U j > cars hud governed Hejtlnnd. Dr. Hurlbut is an eloquent spiiker , and lias a clear , ring ing voice tlint is pleas-nit to hear. At It ; iO the Lawyers' union held n stock- holdeis meeting in the lawyer's headquar ter bnildinir. President Thurstoii mid Vice President .Sawyer Ix'ing absent , the meeting was called to order by the secretary , anil Judge Morris was made chairman. Tlio fol lowing oillcerb were elected for tlio ensuing year : President , Judge Hroody ; vice presi dent. G. M Lambeitson ; secretary ( .1 cargo II. Hasting ; ttcusuior , Judge Morris. Judge Morris was tlio only olllcer re-elected. The treasurer m.ulo a statement of tlio financial condition of tlio association. As tlieto is Btill a delli it , Judge Itopcwcll suggested that these present take some stock in the asso ciation. Senator Manderson followed am : smvcbtod the rovivm , , ' of tlio state bar asso elation with tin annual meeting at Crete Subscription to block taken an.l in a few minute * 100 was r.iibcd. President IToss stated that Judge Cooley would accept noth ing but his traveling expenses for deliveiing his address. A resolution was passed thank ing Judge Cooley for his nddiess. The morning of the day wo cotohruto dawned With clear skies and a gentle broe/o but soon grew stewing hot. At ft o'clock this morning the tent dwolk-is were awakened bj n fumlado of fire crackers , the small Iwy's fa vonte instrument of torture. About the same hour the G. A. 1C. department band which arrived on the grounds last evening assembled in front of the G. A. 11. headquar ters and rendered a few excellent selections A brass band and a lot of boys , each with t bunch of firecrackers , are not promotivo o Blmnltcr , consequently tliero was moro early rising this morning than tent-dwellers are usually guilty of. The prayer meeting this mnining was lei by Dr. Dtiryea , of lioston , who arrived upoi the grounds yesterday. In speaking of the gieat events which wo eelcbniU ) to-day , ho said , wo should not only think of the pntrio tibia of our fathers , but also of the goodncs of God who gave them the victory. Ho couli think of no better motto for to-day than the ono inscribed in the benl of Massachusets "Tho Ixird our God will bo with us us lie wa with our fathers. " At 0 o'clock. Prof. Holmes met his nil vanced normal class at the ball litho the grove. The subject of this lessoi was the last 11 vo of tlio ten treat doctrine taught by Christ , viz. : The doctrlno o providence , of prayer , of the Holy Spirit o the rcsurrcctiou of the body , and of the flim Judgment. At 10 o'clock Mrs. Elizabeth Lyslo Snxon of Memphis. , Tcnn. , delivered a lecture a the hall in the grove. Her subject was "The Gtcat Hoform. " Her address covered the progress of woman from the time of St Paul down to the present. Paul , she claimed , believed in the Hoiaan law in re gard to women , ana not in the higher law o Christ which fully recognizes her spirituality and values her companionship. Cominj down to the present , ulio claimed that nil or ganued efforts of women liavo been for phil uuthroplcs , and that the ballot in her huuda would only increase her efforts for good In conclusion , she said that civilization has ever gone down without the public efforts o wpmen ; that American civilization now de mands sown uew elcmtval M Us vmbllu life and that this clement can onlsbo furnished ly the motherhood of the country. At 11 o'clock , In the pavilion , Prof. Holmes lellvercd his lecture on "Alfred , the Saxon. " The story of the Norman Invasion , as told In bis lecture was so vivid and comprehensive but the audience gained r. clear knowledge of the struggle between the Normans and ho Saxons mid of the life nnd character of ho creat man who was the simper of Eng- ami's legislation through all the succeeding centuries. No one can hear these lectures on Cngllsh history without marveling how Prof , ilolmes can condense so much Important fact , .hrilllng narration , kccyi aiinalysis of charac ter nnd shrewd comment Into the small space of an hour's lecture. The principal feature of to-day's exercises was the address by Senator Manderwn this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The senator had an Immense audience. Since early this mornIng - Ing a stream line of people i > ourod In through Iho gates , and it grew larger as the dny ad vanced. This evonlii1 ! was hold a concert of war songi and lire works. Several bands were hero nnd the Flambeau club of Lincoln as sisted in the p.Motcchnics. The noon train fioin the east brought sixteen coaches and two ( liglneo , currying 2'PO ( ' people. This small ariuv of excursionists has Just entered the giounds and dispersed in search of rest and shade. The number of people on the grounds to-day is estimated at 10,000. Every ulindy place Is filled with loiterers , and crowds wander hither and thither taking in the sights mid sounds of the Summer City. The following is the programme for Thursday , July 5. Editor's ' Day : KouiiNooN'i 0.30 Prayer service. 8:00Chorus. : . SlX : ) Intermediate class , ! ) :00 : Children's class. IHKI Advanced normal class. "Christ as n Teacher. " 10:00 : Normal class. "The Institutions of the Bible. " 10:10 : Temperance class. "Juvenile work. " 10:00 : Singing school for beginners. 11.00 Lecture , Prof. Holmes : "William Tyndale. " Reformation. AI'TIIKXOON. 2:00 : Lecture , Hon. J. S. Clarkson , of Iowa. 4:00 : Chorus. 4K : ( ) Normal class. "Tho Management of the class. The Week-Day Influences. " 4:00 : Advanced normal class. "Tlio Christian Church , Its Elements and His tory. " 4 iOO Primary teacher's class. 5:00 : ( I ) 8:00 : Lecture , J. T. Duryca , D. D. : "Mind and Uralu. " Thirty Ice Cream Vlctlino. DAVID CITV , Neb.-July 4 [ Special to Tin : UKU. ] There nro now in this town sonic thirty cases of rather severe sickness supposed to bo the result of eating ice cream , as all who are sick are similarly afllicted and had partaken of ice cream at the restaurant of Lymmi Urown on the ! M instant. The doctors say the symptoms indicate a poison of some Kind , us they all suffer from cramp ing of the stomach and bowels , vomiting and purging , which Is follovvol by prostration tea a considerable extent. While all seem pretty sick it is believed that none ol the cases will prove fatal. What there was about this cream diffcient from any heretofore made , to cause this sickness , Is n mystery , as Mr. Hrown is a man of experience in making It , and this is the first to produce such results. The G. A. U. at Valentine. Vu.uxiINC , Neb. , July 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : 13nu. ] The reunion of the G. A. H. of northwestern Ne braska began here today' with a number of posts in attendance. Today about 'J,000 people are in uttemlancs. Tne fair grounds are crowded with strangers and the day has been celebrated in a manner to suit tho-mcit patriotic. The oration' ' by Colonel L. W. Osborn was one of the finest of that gentle man's efforts , holding the vast audience forever over an hour. Hon. L" 1C. Alder is speaking tonight. The reunion will-continue until the Oth , and is a splendid success. Go eva Kcpuhllcana Katifv. GKXEVA , Neb. , July 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hii.J : : The republican ratification meeting last night at the armory was favored with a line address by the editor orator , E. M. Can-oil , of Hebron , followed by E. M. Hillings and W. V. Filield , each of whom was listened to with appreciation by a crowded house. Republicanism is on the rise in Fillmore county. At the call for voters for old Tippccanoo seven old veterans arose. _ School Itonds Sold. Divm Cm , Neb , July4. [ Social to Tun HUB } The school bonds voted by the school distiict , embracing the town ot David City , amounting to * UV,000. were sold bv tiuj Con- linl Nebraska National bank at ! ) ! ) ' cents on the dollar. They were payable in ton ye.irs with a 0 per cent semi-annual interest at the Piscal agency in New York. A Switchman Fatally Crii'ghotl. Coti'MmM , Neb. , July I. iSpceml Tele gram to Tin : ULI : ] George Loiin , a voting man about twenty five years of ago , night switchman in the Union Pacific yards , met with a fatal accident this inorniiiir while coupling eais. Ho was caught between the bumpers and horribly mangled , from the ef fects of which ho died two hours later. Prostrated by Heat. COLUMHU3 , Neb , July 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : UEC. ] George Faiichlld , book keeper in the employ of Speico & North , was nro4trated this afternoon by sunatroko. Ho is lying In a precarious condition , though hope for him Is still entertained , Welcomed Home. Cor.L'Miirs , N.ib. , July 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Hni : . | Arnold Ocholrieh , a prominent young business man of thU city , with his young bride , returned this evening tits p. m. from an extended vihit to Ger many , Ho was met at the depot bv his many friends who extended him a loyal welcome. WIIjlj TIIKY STUIIti : ? Indications of a Serious Agitation Hy the Telegraphers. Nmv YOHK , July I. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hui.J : There are indications of the revival of the agitation by the tolegraphcrs of the country for the amelioration of their condition. Considerable activity has been manifested for some tim in the ranks of the Telegrapherb'brothel hood. A secret meet ing of the delegates from several sections of the country took placa m this city last week. It is understood that it was called by Tom O'Reilly , who is the reoagnized repivMuiUi- tivo of the organized oiicrators , and many of these who participated In Uio strike of lb .1 were present. It was admitted by many of the prominent members of the fiatornlty who wcro spoken to that tlio mccllm. [ was called to consider the present platform of the brothei hood ; to prepare a statement of griev ances which will bo submitted to the local nsscmblles under the Juiisdiciloa of the na tional assembly forapproval or rejection , mid to define u permanent policy to be persist ently pursued in nn effort to improve their condition , A special circular has been dis tributed to the craft urging all to join the brotherhood. The general impression ino- Vinls that the telcginph operators nro deter mined to avail themselves of the busy , rush ing , restless activity and excitement of a presidential year. They will ask reasonable concessions from the companies ut u moment when they cannot bo well ignored. Thu Thiindei-cr'N Libel Suit. LOVDON , July 4. The trial of the liffel suit of O'Dounell against the Times was resumed to-day Attorney General Wobbler read let ters wfth u view of showing thuMhe league instigated the Plurmlic park murders. Tim Jlalonii JiurbtH. Si'iiiNonr.i.1) , ill. , July 4. A local aronuut named Woods made an usseiition hero today in a hot ulr baloon. When he bad reached a height of about ftOft feet hjs baleen burst. Strange to euy. lie eawu iln\vu iti safety. . CLEVELAND LOSING GROUND , Democratic Sontimcmt nt the Gettys burg Reunion. EVEN THE "TIGERS" BOLT HIM. V Cnndld Opinion or tlio Kopuhllcnn Nominees Kljilitlnn the Union Pacific Hill Politics vs. I OK- Islntlon Flncrty Again. CoiintliiK Noses nt Oottysnure. : TiuOMuti : Ur.s , ) fii ; ) FouiiTEr.NTii STiicr.T , V WASHISOTOV , D. C. , July I. I Quito a number < of the statesmen and soldiers whoattendol the reunion ot the survivors of the battle of Gettysburg , re turned to Washington this evening. Not withstanding the fact that the blue and gray net on the field to assure ono another of fraternal of friendship and good will. They report that much was said of polities and that republican candidates have received nu encouragement which will them and grow to the end of the campaign. They say they were surprised at the expressions heard from democrats and ox-confederates in re- fercnco to tlio Cleveland udmisistratlon. ANew Now Yorker says that in returning a vote was taken on two cars occupied by the Irish Lirigado resulting In 10J for Harrison and ! ! 0 for Cleveland. In n car where the "Louis iana Tigers" were a New Orleans regiment Harrison received bo votes and Cleveland 01) ) . This gentleman said he found ninny democratic ct-unloH soldiers who said they will vote for Harrison and Morton on account of Cleveland's ' vetoes of the pen sion bills. There were about 100,000 men on the battle field every day , mid since many of them were democrats a splendid opportunity was offered to get the bend of the political tide. New York republicans are giving no tice to the democrats that if they are figur ing on u walk-over In the Empire stuto and ate calculating that an cilort will not bo made by the republicans to carry they are going to bo woefully mistaken. Mr. Morton told a gen tleman yesterday that the republicans intend to make an organi/ation that will bo as nearly perfect as possible , and that as soon as Chauncey Dcpcw , who is on his wuv to Europe , returns In September there will bo started a republican campaign camp-lire on every hill-top in the state. Mr. Depcw and M. . Morton will take the slum ] ) together , and ex-Senator Warner Miller will be at Uio head of the state organisation. JJO I'ACIPIC 11UI.10U ) li:01SI\TIOV. : Representative Anderson , of Iowa , backed by Heprcsciitativo Anderson , of Kansas , says he intends to keep up the dilatory tactics ho followed on Monday to defeat consideration of the bill to extend the time for paying the Union I'ncitic indebtedness , and that the bill will not bo considered at this session. ' 1 here is no doubt that ono member can defeat the passage of the bill by consumption ! of the time before the me.isuro is reached. An other eflort is to be made to take the bill up u week from next Monday , whlcli is com mittee suspension of rules day , but the day will undoubtedly bo occupied by dilatory work unless tlko friends of the Pacific rail road withdraw. Puiui S. HUATII. Cfovelniul Grows July 4. [ Special to Tun Bin. : ] A democritie member of the house was at the executive mansion the other day talking to Mr. Cleveland about the approach ing campaign , when the charade * of the two republican candidates came up. The president stated he hoped his party would not mistake itself in estimating the strength of Harrison and Morton ; that both men had clean and strong characters , and were im mensely popular m the states ; besides this , they would grow on the people as the campaign progicbsed , and there was nothing except general principles to be brought ngahibl them , and these prmci ylcs weie laid down m the ulatform. This member of coiigie-s tolls mo that the pics- dent is anything hut c.isy of mind on the sub ject of re-election ; that while ho has an abid ing f.uth m his platfoim , and believes that a majority of the people favor uuiieiil revisions of thu tariff and a strong tendency toward free trade , ho thinks the icpublicans will woilt up n wonderful feeling among manu facturers and laborers. The president thinks lie is going to have thu fiiimors with him and the non producers in the largo citves. Tins is where ho bunks his success. Ho believes that thu farmois are in favor of making ruids upon the manufacturing inter ests because tbev have uo dnert in terest in manufactures , while they are lan'o consumers of ina'iufactnied articles. Ho s.i.\rt the lloiubliiMiis | will liavo up hill work demonstrating to the farm.-rs tliat tliu Mills tariff bill is , as claimed by the Republicans , dinmetiicully opK | > sed to their individual in terest. Mr. Cleveland said in his conversa tion that he had no dcsno to run around over the country dmimj the campaign ; but that he intended to visit u number of sections upon request of socket ics , and tlint ho would not only be seen but heard. Mr. Cleveland intends to make his journey late in Uio cam paign , so that his presence in localities will arouse enthusiasm in Ins party Ho con tends that ho will make no political speeches and cays that piUtK-s nro Judued by their plntfoims , mid candidates by their common sense , All Almorbed In Politics. WAMIIINOIOV , July 4. [ Special to Tun Hm : . ] Interest in congress is diverted to- waul politics. Tlwro is mw no hope for any general this session. Tlio work of the committees is done , and the result is upon the calendars of thetwo houses. The HJiinto ls far ahead of the house in clearing up its work. The senate - ate calendar has but aixUwn pages , while that of the house has considerably above ono hundred. Tl ey have Introduced already uUont fourteen tlvousand bills in tills cssion Tlioi o has boon action by committees on about ano-tblid this number , mid the two houses will tnUo action UIMJII ono-half or one-third of those acted upon b.v the committees so tha.t b or 10 per < cut of the measures pro posed w ill become laws. More than half of lliCM piobabiy two-tlurds nro pension bills for individuals. There Is no proHjiect of any general pension legislation in this congress. The scheme of Chalrimin Mutson of the House conunittoo on invalid pensions , in ] iroHslng ] consideration of the the bill re pealing thu limitations of the arrearages of { tensions has alreiuly fallen flat , and no one believes that anything will bo done with it. Only about one-half of thu congressional districts throughout the country h'ivo mudu nominations , and probably one-third or one ! fouith of tlu'in will not not noininato until about the tinio congress ndjouins , which is now believed to bo about the second week in August. This causes great anxiety among many members in the house , and they will bend every eiTort to get away as soon as pos sible. If it were not for the pending tariff bill there would bo absolutely no interest taken in the proceedings of the lion so or the senate beyond private bills , and there nro not many members wqo have measures of local interest now. Thu discussion on tiio tariff bill , of course , keeps up interest to a considerable extent , inasmuch as almost daily articles In the bill are reached whu h have u local bearing to almost every member. II the taritl bill should be disposed ofl us antici pated by Mr. Mills , within two or three weeks the interest In the house will go out like the bottom from a tub , Only Half Fare. The Wabiibli ruilwuy will doll tickets on July < ) d and 4th , good to return July 5th , ul the above rate. For ticket ? anu Iufo.-nis.Uoii call at 1502 Furnnin st. OTIIElt CAMUS. Yesterday's Winners In the National Ivenmic Contests. CIIICAOO , July 4. Hcsult of the morning game : .Jhlenpo 4 4-tO Philadelphia..0 00130050-3 Pitchers-Crock for Chicago and Uufllnton for Philadelphia. Huso hlt Ulilenpa 11 , Philadelphia 10. Errors Chicago 6 , Phila delphia 4. Umpire John Kelly. PiTTsm-nu , July 4. KesUltof the morning ; amo : I'ittsburg 0 a 0 8 t 0 1 a 5-11 Washington. . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Pitchers Morris for Pittsburg , Ollmoto for Washlmiton. Ha o hlts-Pittsbur < r id , Washington H. Errors Pittsburg ! , Wash- ton ! ! . Umpire Kelly. INDUSrni.ii , July 2. Hosult of the mornIng - Ing game : lndlmiiiKDlls..2 ] 0 a 0 I 0 0 5 H-14 Hoaton 0 0 'J 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 D Pitchers Hey lo for Indianapolis , Had- tHwrno for lloston. ltn ohits Indianapolis IT , Hoston I. Krrors Indlauapolla 0 , Hos- ton 0. Umpire Clarkson. American Association , Ctv < ixvvii , July 4. The morning game was called nt the end of the fourth inning on account of rain. The score was : Hroohljn . ! , Cincinnati 0. ST. Louis , July 4. Hesult of the morn ing game : St. Louis 2 00003000-1 Athletics 1 3 LOUI MM.I : , July 4. Hcsult of the morn ing game : Louisville 0 3 Baltimore 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 l > IAXS CITY , July 4. Hcsult of the morn ing game : Kansas City S , Cleveland B. Lei IHMI.I.I : , July I. Hesult of the nftcr- noon game : Louisville 4 , Baltimore 1. CINCINNATI , July 4. Hesult of the nftcr- noon game : Cincinnati I ; ) Urooklyn 2000004 * 0 ST. Louis , July 4. Hesult of the afternoon game : St. Louis 0 00110000-2 Athletics 1 n 0 0 0 I 0 * 11 1C\xs\s CITV , July 4. Hcsult ot the after noon ganio1 Kansas City 1 0500330 3-14 Cleveland 1 303001 3 0-10 Geneva 1-1 , ColnmlniH " . Gr.xnvA , Neb. , July 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hmi.l The Geneva Leaders van quished the Columbus baseball club by a score of 14 to 2. Dcnlson o , Carroll 1. Dcvisox , la. , July 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HIM : . ] The Ucmiison club bent the Carroll nt Carroll , by u score of 5 to Is. Johnston 1 < > , IJOIK ; Pine O. JOHNSro.v , Neb. , July 4. [ Special Tclo- gram to Tin : 15i i : . [ Tlio game played hero to-day between the homo club and Long Pine resulted In a score of 10 to 0 in favor of Johnston. UYAX IS DHAU. The Victim oC Tuesday Nlght'H Shoot- iiiK Afl'ruy Passes Away. Listening to the music of the bands that were celebrating the nation's bnthdiiy , John Kyuii , the victim of Tuesday night's shoot ing affray , passed silently away. Ho died about HI o'clock yesterday mornlmj , and had been unconscious nearly tlio cntlie time. Only ouco did ho appear to recover con sciousness , and that was when Father Morlarly leaned over him to give the con solation of the church. Ho marie no state ment and did not appear to know by whom be was shot. Coroner Urcxol was nt once notified , and after hearing the evidence the Jury returned a verdict that the deceased had come to his death from a pistol shot wound , said shot coming from a pistol in the hands of F. M. Ortlneer. with malice afore thought. The latter was at once removed to thu county jail , and the body was turned over to Heafy Heafy , undci takers. Tlio deceased was twenty-lour years ef ape mid came from Peoria , 111. , where his parents still reside. He was always sober and industrious , and never known to have been engaged Inn quar rel. During his stay in South Omaha lie had made friends of all with wlvom ho came in contact , and they expressed their sympathy in n practical manner , for in less than two hour * they hubsciibcda suflicioiit amount to pay nil ex ] > enscs incurred in sending the body home. O Ulcers Kcduioud and Maloney started the list , ami were noon followed by others , mid to-day the remains will bo for warded to hi'i former home. Francis Meyer Ofllnccr , who is charged with the crime , has made no statement , and refuses to say anything about the shouChig. Ho has nlwaj s been looked upon as a quiet , in offensive man. Ho is a teamster by occupa tion , ami also the keeper ol n boarding- house. It was at his house Walter Parker , the young man who was so severely bcaldcd , died lust week , and it is also said ho has been drinkmg heavily since then. A Traveling ; Sliin'H Hilc. . O\tAiiA.Iul.v 2 To the Editor of Tm : IJni ; : Wishing to go from Pacific Junction , In. , to PliittsmouUi , I tendered the conductor my mileage ticket , asking how much they took out. The conductor told mo thirty-one miles. I told him 1 wished to go to Plaits- mouth only , and to Omaha in the afternoon , and he told mo that it would bo just t'ao same again to co to Omaha , thus foicmg me fiist to pay the regular fnro (7b ( cents ) fioiu Pacific Junction to Omaha , to ride from Pa cific Junction to Plattsinouth , uistanco live miles , rate \2) { cents per mile ; then blurting from Pluttsmoutli they nmko mo pay again from Pacific Junction to Omaha , making a total of ? 1.0 ) for tlio twenty-s.x miles. Now 1 am informed that If 1 hud bought a ticket across the bridge nt 25 cents and then a ticket to Omaha , it would have been the most economical way , costing IK ) cents , or it ] j cents per mile. Now this unquestionably pa.\s them well , and if bo whlo they still take adv.mtago of tlio uninitiated to the tune of about iA per cent profit ( or steal ) over and above their own inllulwl estimated value for the bamo ser- Vll-Of In my opinion thu tima 1ms cjmo for Intel ligent , thinking pcoplo to cry a halt. The yoKe tl e farmers have had to submit to U being forced now upon other people. i uni informed that a shoit timu itgo a gen tleman refusing to pay thu extra demand. either from luck of funds or on nccomit ot the rank imi ! put off the train , and when he again boarded It the conductor took his hat and dei > osited the wuno with the company's trusted agent nt Plattsmouth. Now if thin hridgo Is such valuable prop erty as to Justify 1 % cents per inilo from Piielllc Junction to PJattsmouth , why do they classify it the s.imu as their other ro.ulbed in paying taxes and insist that the same tax only shall bo paid ( and I believe a recent de cision of tl < e couit upholds them in it ) . Now if this Is Nebraska law , it is not tlio kind founded unn | justice and your legislators should rectify it , that is , if it Is not too late. fl. C. WANIII.INII , 377 Hroadwuy , New York. Gent's Watch . Now block of watches direct from factory. IliiiulbOino btyles and low priced. Cuniiiiiu Honors knives and foaka $1.05 per tot. Fine watch repair ing u specialty. You can btivo inonoy by trading with uu. Ihiiuly , Jojilin & Co. , 10111 Funnim ut. JMIbhonrl Pacific ) Hallway Will Hill tickets at ono fnrofor Uio round trip on July < i and -1th , good to return until July r > th. to KuiibUB City and HI. Lou in inuliieivo. Ticket ollieo N Kcor 18th and Farnain Bts. For Hour , Jno. I , Rudiuk has for rout hlt > ele gant place oil Saundorsfctroct , to ollior with Uio furniture thoroln. Call anil sec him before' ho goes uwuy. THE KNIGHTS OF THE CRIP , A Grand Island Overrun by the Fos- tlvo Drummers. TOOK POSSESSION OF THE TOWN , Throughout ili Suite Pntrlotlo Xc brasluuiM Crlobriito the National Dny with Mimic , Oratory , Flags " < ' ' ' 'IPO Crackers. Pntrlotlo Pilgrim * . Ouvvn ] sitNii , Noli. . .Inly 4. [ Special Telegram to 'I'm : Urn : ] Tim knights of the ( rip swooped down upon this little city In largo numbers during the past , fo\v days , ntul with the icport of the morning salute ol thirty guns t sunrise they arose and Immo- dlntcly took possession of the city , the freedom of which hml boon bestowed by out-worthy mid nil ilny long they liavo made the \Vllklu ring with the bombarding crachors mid other explosives peeulnr to the ilny. Kaeli arriv ing trnin biought With it n merry bund ot men nrrnyed in loug linen dusters mid lull white haw , the Insignia of their calling , until nt noon the city was fnlrly alive with them , unit Jollety mid good-fellowship was the order of the dny. Over four hundred members of the Traveling Men's association wore present. And they , In connection with the citizens , iinulo It tlio moat memorable occasion In the city's existence. At 1-iiO n ptoccsslon was formed In fiont of the Palmer bouse , with representatives of the T. I' . A , at the head , followed by a largo number of lloiita representing the business interests of thu I city , making n continuous line tnoro than 0110 uillo in extent mid of a character whlcli would do credit to a much larger city. The line of march led through the prin cipal streets thcneo to n beautiful grove n ! Hhoit distance from the city whore numer ous speeches were listened to mid all classes of sjwt Indulged In , Including wheelborrow , saclc and other races. At 0 : ! H ) orders wore again given to fall In line , each man being supplied with u quantity ot jackets , and to the music of the band and mid the cheers of the ciowd , the procession moved up the street. Myriads of brauliful coloiul lights burned ) iighubo\o thethiong. At a stand erected on a prominent corner , the grand dis play of the evening occurred , ntlOi.'K ) the members assembled at the 1'almer In the spacious dining hall in which was spread a magnificent banquet to pail.iko of the richest oC the bo.uil anil listen to the following toasts : "Oniiiha ami C'.r.iml Island , " by F. .1. Look- woods ; "Knights of the Grip1 Dr. Jones ; "The Press , " Mr. Klllott ; "Our Commerce , " Ucv. Uomstock ; ' "I'ho Ladies , " W. F. Allen. The company then repaired to the Grand op era house , where u ball Is now in progress. At CoIiunlMm. Cot.u\inri > , Neb. , July 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hun.J That patriotic citizen , Mr. Filrpatrick , gave the peolo | ) of this city n Fourth of July colcbtntion , a notice of which recently appeared in Tun Uii : : , not excelled since tlio settlement of the pi ice. The exercises wcto held in Frankfort ) square , Willie Cooliiigo , ono of the high scliool graduates , delivering the oration. Hvron Millett , of Denver , delivered a short address. The entertainment was furnished for old and young , ending with a llreumu's ball at the opera house in thxj evening. At Gcno'i' ' GUNOV , Neb. , July 4. [ Special Tclogranf to Tm : Hia.J : This village is Just com pleting with a brilliant display of fireworks , the Brainiest and most successful Fourth of July celebration over held in the county. More than three thousand people have been in attendance , and the streets nro still crowded with pietism e-scckers. AH exclusion trains to the city wore crowded to their utmost ca pacity. Grand parades , choice music , bnso ball games , hoiso nrlng , theatrical perform ances and various oilier amusements have inado the day ono never to be forgotten by Genoa people and their visitors. At Sidney. Slnvnv , Neb. , July L. [ Special telegram to Tin : Ui.K. } Two thousand people assem bled at the fair grounds today to listen to au able orator , Hon. W. L. Giccne of Kearney. It was full of interesting topics and his audi ence was carried bv storm. General Henry A. Monow presided m his usual excellent milliner. The afternoon spoils consisted of horse and foot races. To-night the grand pyrotechnic display was a splendid feature. Trio weather was beautiful. At ilohnstown. JoiixsTowv , Nob. , July -1.-Special [ Tolo- pram to Tin ; Bii.J : Tlio colcbi.Uion hero to day was a Krund success. At least 1,500 people ple were in ntt'mlmicc. Long Pine's hoolc and ladder mid nulil In companies and hr.m band woio , and also button's baud from Ainsworth. _ _ _ _ _ At Geneva. GiivNeb. : : , . , July 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Uiu ; ] Geneva people and handrails from the surrounding country to-day had the pleasure of listening to Uio eloquent oration of 13 , M. Carroll , and his words went deep into every patriotic heart within thctoimof bib clear voice. About ten thousand were present. All pronounced the iiidustihil parade - rado a grand success. At Niihrtihkn Cy. ! ( NnmusKt Um , Neb. , July I. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Un : . ] The Fourth was quietly observed hero to-day. The prohibi tionists celebrated in great htylo and red loin- onalo flowed freely. II. C. Hctmlsloy , ot Kaiibas City , was the orator of the day and other and lessor lights spread patnotium and prohibition. Thuio were line private dis plays of tliewuiks in the evening. Assaultrd HlH FfrnVH'c. . Lon George , who assaulted County Attor ney Simcral , has Ixxm guilty of enough mis deeds to miiko a strong ease for thy doctrlno of total depravity ; but ono of the meanest was poriKitr.itcd Tuesday night. IIo haa two wives , and after he snc-coHsftilly played Uio sick dodge and got out of Jail ho went hack to Ills first HPJUHO , who m known aa Jesslo Taylor. Shu lives at Fourteenth and Webster Btroots. Tuesday night a couple of olllcorn were m that neighborhood in chaigo of .1 drunken mini , when they heard the loud screams of a woman. They turned tholr prisoner loose , and after going two blocks they located the outcry in Jessie's house. They found the woman with a face beaten almost to u Jelly. Kho said she had bcon as. h.iultcil by George in a Jealous rugo over the attention of another man. Hlio also accused him of robbing her of a diamond pin worth fcJOO. George fled before the arrival of thu olllvcrs. Prostrated hy 11 out. About six in the cveningOniecr Cullen had a prostration that the physicians consider dangerous. Ho chased a fugiltvo five or nix blocks on Twelfth Btroet , and on returning to his beat ho sat down. Passers by noticed that he appeared to bo sick , and the nowrt icached Captain Cormuck on hm way to thu fetation. Tliooflluir was taken to a store , stimulants administeitxl and the city pby- bicinn called. Hu Was delirious , with now and then n moment of mason , and when re moved to tlio station the physician worked over him for uu hour or two. Ho gradually recovered and late in the cnlng he wa ublo to go homo. A. li. FHcli A ; Co. Furnituio. , , 2in ( So. ISth st. Hu'.wuen Funiatn and Douglas. J *