" " " " iBl H HE DAILY BEE , m EIGHTEENTH YE Alt. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY , MOENING , JULY 4 , 1SS8 , NUMBER JO ; HIS EYES TURHED TO ALBANY , Grover Grooming Whltnoy for the Now York Governorship. THE FOURTH IN THE DISTRICT. CoiiRrcBHinnn Morrow Snys tlio Const Is Satisfied With Harrison's Itceord on ClilncRO tlon Capital NotcH. UIU laq nn Opponent. WASIIINOTON BUIIRAU TIIP.OMXIU Br.n , } B13 KouKTrnNTHSTiir.RT , > WASIIINQTOX , D. C. , Juli" 3. i Thcro are reports hero of n strong move ment to make Secretary Whitney the demo cratic candidate for govcinorof New York , In order to strengthen the presidential ticket In that state. It In conceded that Senator Wnrncr Miller will bo the republican cnndi * date , and that the campaign will 1)0 fiercer than it over has been. Governor Hill Is not believed bv the administration to bo ns strong bcforo the people of New York as Secretary Whitney would bo. It Is stated that Mr. Whltnoy would bo very glad to mnko the race , i'nd that his nunouncamcnt several days ago that ho would lotlro from the cabinet was made nt a tlmo when ho thought his nomination for the governorship wns probable , nnd ho intended it to pave the way for his retirement from the cabinet and His entry Into the politics of his own state in n inoro positive manner thnn ho has been en gaging in It during the past three jcnrs. Friends of the ptcsulcnt say that If It were not for the fact Hint Governor Hill Is consldoicd very strong with the saloon nnd whisky elements in New York , the administration would pit Whitney ugainsjL him for the nomination and conduct the campaign independent of the Hill hosts. CLLKlllliTINO Till : DAY. Ncitbcr house of congress will bo In scss- slon to-morrow. The Fourth of July is n legal holday hi the District of Columbia. The departments will also bo closoil , and theio will bo u day of rest If n ot of jollifica tion. A largo number of the legislature Have gone to the reunion at GoUisbuip , Pa. , while many othcts have accepted invitations to deliver orations at various points in the country. Many excursions down the Pa tomacand over the iiiilroads will be tun , nnd it is probable that the clement which gives Washington life will bo out of the Distiict of Columbia on the Fourth. About twenty mumbciBof congicss went to Now Yoik this allot noon for the puiposo of attending the centennial celebration by the Tammany society of the declnintionof indcpcdencc. IM UAL , IIAIIUISON'S ciuvKtii : m conn o K. Today's New Yoik Tiihuiie has u lengthv interview with Heprcsenttve Monow of Cal- ifoinla on Genetnl Harrison's Chinese icc- ord. As stated in these dispatches some timengo , Mr. Mouow , in the curly part of this spiing , when Goneiul Hairiion was Hist spoken of for the picsidcutial nomination , nt the rcijucst of his filends in California , looked up tlio Indianlan's ' iccord on tlio Chi nese question. Mr. Morrow , since the nomi nation of General Hniiisou , has ngain gene over the congiessioniil iccords ami Journals IB" of the senate committee on foicign lelntions , nnd in this interview lie gives in detail overv nctlon of Gcncial Hiiriison on tlio Chinese question , both while the various mcnsuics that were proposed when ho was in the sen ate committee , nnd while they were before the senate for con sideration. The iccord proves to bo ono which prompts the Tubune in an nouncing that it gives him more Hticngth be fore the cojntry than if he never had any thing to do with the subject at all , becausa . it shows that ho is a caiolul thinker , a sound reasouer and is an ardent and consistent liicnd of the American luboior and is op posed to the impoi tation of Chinese labor. The Tribune regaids General Harrison's at titude towards Chineseimmigintionussuong I ns that of any other prominent man in the republican party , not excepting Mr. Blame. ' Mr. Moirow says Geneial Harii- 'I son fuvoicd additional legMallon. nnd in a conversation Ho h id with him in ISbfl , while they were on their way to attend a dinner given by tlio Clover club of Philadelphia , General Haiiison told Him , ( Mr. Morrow , ) that ho was not only in favor of fui ther legislation in rcstinmt of Chinese immigration , but that he was in fa vor of u HOW lieaty that would pi ovule for absolute exclusion This was more thlin two j.cnisbcfoio Geneial Haulson's n.uno was mentioned in connection with thepiesidency General Huiiison was a membci of the com- tniltco on foielgn lolations and is on recoul in favor of the bill ptoposcd by hcnatoi Mitchell of Oregon , which is con- eidcrod the most oxticmo anti-Chinese emmigrnlion mcasui'o ever intioducod In congiess. Mr. Morrow cites tlio Congress iomil iccord a number of times to pto\o his statements. Tlio iccoui , ho Ba\H , shows General Hin risen to bo in favor of a clean cut abrogation of the existing treaty with its anoying limitations and excluding the China- men absolutely , which ispicclsely the post tlon occupied by the senators and lepicscnta- tivcs fiom the Pacific coast. Mr. Mouow pays that us picsident , Geneial Hariisou would cnfoico the treaty and hatover leg islation congicss might enact to rcstiict Chi nese emigration. IICI.VV A ( AXDIIIATi : I OH IIIAT.NUI ! . Mis. HolvnA. Lockwood , cindulatcof the equal suffiago paitv for the presidency , pioposcs to take the field in por.son about the middle of the pic- > cut month und make a canvass of eveiy stale. Unlike the other candidates , she will expect an admission fee fiom these who desiio to hoar Her bppccli , for she is after money its well as clory , nud will make this campaign pay her ns she did the last. Bclva x.iis that nho is mote confident of election this time than she wo * in I'-hI , nnd promises to give both Cle\chiml nnd Haiiison positions ii : her cabinet. She nn\s Unit slio hits no paithulur objection to either tlio icpubllcan or the democratic can- tlldato. bcuauna both hu\o good wives and nro influenced bi them , but she thinks that the time hus come when a woman can be trusted to Mcci the ship of state Ml s Lock- wood is a republican hi oveiy essential po litical clement. HIVOIl MKJsTION' . C. 13. Panning , ChinlosOgden and Jainoa D. Slot CUP , of Oiiinhn. are hore. Miss Caiollna Childs , of Nebraska , Has been reappointcd to a cleilishli ) In the post ofilco dopuitment. Thin mcnum's Critic says : "Congrcssmnr ICcrr , of Iowa , fumillirly known ns 'Man nfiuld-to cut-Ills hair , ' appeared on the llooi this mot niug with His hair trlmmod. Some of his Intlnnito fi tends who passed him ii tlio lobby failed to rccoguiro him on account of his changed uppuaiancc. " Pi ititv S , HEATH. ln\cstlKiitlnu ; Fraud * on Indians. WASIIINOTOX , July 3.The senate soled committee on Indian tradyrshipi icsumod It ! investigation last night Into the charges ol fiuud in the letting of timber conducts 01 the Chlppcwa Indian lands in Wisconsin D. L. McKay , state lumber Inspector o Chlppcwa Palls , testified as to the valu o the stumpigc on the Indian reservations it that dUtilct , ono of the charges bciu } that the indiaiii on tlio Chippewa powa i < se-i vtitlon wiu-o not paid the ful vahio of tlielr timber. The witness din ing tin lest season puichakoa about \OLX,000 ) fceto Umber for other persons on the Plambcai river , The average shipping prlco liai been about fi jwsr thousand , or twcnty-llvi cents nioiot.ian Agon' Gregory Imd stutoc wus the highest price over juiid any Chip pew a Indians for stuuipago. William McKiunon , ol Chlupcwa county Win. , lostitlcd to having goue on the Flam beau rcsci vutlon , for the purpose of making contr.uU with tl.u Indians , He g4\e the In ai.uia about Jl.UJO under vcibal ngiceuicnts enJ wlteu Uo uske-d Agtut Giujiory abou o - making contracts wns told they wcio not le pnl. Afterwards Gregory let Sherman and others make the contracts. I'ntcnts to Western Iiuentors. WASHINGTON , July 2. [ Special Tele- ginm to Tun Bnr.J Itnbcrt Btotherlon , jr. , Albion , Neb. , device for conveitlng mo tion ; John B. Olive , Jefferson , In , book sup port ; Alien Fatrchlld , Mcchanicsvlllc , In , , Horse hay-rako ; Molccr F. Holmcr , Mcclnin- icsvllle , In. , car stoves Henry T. Henderson , Keokuk , la .washingmachine ; IraT .tuques , nR&lgtior of ono Half to C. H. Hunt , Lincoln , Neb. , mowing machine ; Peter U. Martin. Dubuque. la. , fire engine lighter ; Ethelbcrt J. Moore and A. It. Paultts , Vllllsea , la. , fastening block for guard rails , switch rails or fiogs ; Dau'l W. Shlek , assignor of ono- linlf to J. W. Uubel , Ottumwa , In , vending apparatus ; Chnstln M. Snyder , Mount Pleas ant , la , ventilating gate for open air kilns. Army Orders. W \SHI\OTOV , July 3 [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bnr. ] Private Hoboit White , troop A , Ninth cavalry , now with his troop , Is dis charged the service. Paragraph 10 , special orders No. 120 , Juno 1,1883 , directing the transfer of Piivnto Robert Hess , company 12 , Seventh infantry , to the hospital cotps is revoked. I'ntents FOP NcbrnHkntM. WASHINGTON- , July 3 [ Special to Tun Bi'i : J The following Nebraska patents were Issued today : Uobort Brothcrton jr. , Al bion , device for cdnvcrting motion ; IraT. ' teqtiles , Lincoln , mowing machine ; Samuel .Vorkuinn . , Beatt'co ' , safety expiess car. FI PTlrrcONG UI2SS. lioiisr. WASIIINOTOV , July3. In the House to-day , on motion of Mr. ftlills of Texas , it was ordered .hat when the house adjourned this nftcr- loon it be to meet on Thursday next. It was ilsongrccd thnt thotaiiff bill would not bo called up for consideration on ThursJay. The house then went into committee of the whole , Mr. Springer of Illinois , In tbo chair , on the tariff bill. On motion of Mr McMillan of Tennessee , the duty on cast polished plate glass was left unchanged. Mr. McKlnley moved to increase from $0 , oT ) 72 per ton the duty on pig iron. Lost. Mr. McKinley mood to restore the present rate of duty on iron railway bars weighing more than tweuty-fivo pounds to the yard. Lost.Mr. . McMillan moved to strike out the clause mposing a duty of $11 a ton on slubj and billets of steel ana to icstoro the present rate of 45 per cent nd valorem. Agreed to Mr. Moillt moved to increase from $20 to * 2t ! per ton the duty on chaicoal bloom iron. Lost.Mr. . McKinley moved to restore the exist- ng rates on bar iron. Mr. Baino of Pennsylvania , In suppoiting the motion , e\piessed himself as opposed to u i eduction of the tarilT , and us in favor of the repeal of the tobacco tax and the tax on alcohol used in the arts. This , Ho thought , would i educe the surplus as fur us it Hliould bo icduced if the government intended to do Justica to the widows and childicn of the soldieis of the war. He said tlio two tickets before the country to day represented two ideas the lepublican ticket that American inaikets nio lor Ameiicans , and tlio other that the American m.nket should bo open to the wet Id. Mr Scott of Pennsylvania charged the re publican paity with having deseitcd its platform of Ibbl fora revision of tariff , nud with going before the counti'i in Iv S asking the people foi their suffrage on 11 principle which it had nevci befoioadvocated. Under tno cry of piotection for American indus tries nnd labor the republican puty pioposed to carry a tariff system which would protect in,00,000 ! ) wage workers us ngamst 10UUJl/00 wage woikors. Mr. Heed of Maine said the American pco- . ) lo wei c producers , and it was for tlio bene fit of the American people who were con sumers that the pi oduccrs , who were also Americins , should ha\o American imukets. Scott said that 10)OJ ) , laborers had been thiown outof woik duiing the past week in the protected industiies which the republi cans stood up to defend. l't been diivcn out because their omployeis hud attempted to make a 10 per cent i eduction in their wages. Why should the manufaclui- cis of Pennsylvania demand that their men submit to this reduction * After long debate McKinley's motion was \oted down. On motion of Breckeniidgo of Aiknnsas n duty of 4 mills per tioutid was imposed on iron or steel , flat , with longitudinal ribs for the in inufaoturc of fencing. Having connected the consideration of four pages of the bill , the committee rose. A con foi euro was nrdciul on the liver and haibor npptopiiation bill , and the House ad- jouinod until Thursday , CINCINNATI'S Tlio City UenutiCully Decorated for To-dnj's Oi-lebintion. , July 3. Cincinnati is a glow ing garden of national colors to-night. Never in her History has such a general dceoiation of buildings been made. The flig supply , libor.il as it was , was exhausted in many lines early in the dui , and iccoutso has been made to iini thing that would give led , white nud bltio coloi s. Equal ly numerous piovision has been made for to night's midnight jubilee of noise hud fireworks , with liiiging bells , booming cannon and nil pcivadingtin hoiris Mrs 1'ollr , of Nnshillc , Tennessee , widow of President James 1C. Polk has been se lected to st.nt the machinery of the exhibi tion Showill iiicompllsh it by picssing an electrical button in her homo at Nnshillc. . Goveinor Thojer , of Ncbiasicii , with sev eral members ot his HtiitT , aio heio to take pait in the opening ceremonies. General Slicildnn'u Condition , DcLAWAKii BnetKUAii'ii , Del. , July 3 The following bulletin was Issued this o\eu Ing : "This inoinliu : General Sheridan hai an attack of pulmonary congestion. It was moio oaMli contioiled than on nny other pie vious occasion. At this hour , b p in. , he Is resting rather quietly. His rcsph.itiou is about 3) , and iiiegular. His pulse is W nnd his temporatuio { > ' " Asm in PAUK , N. J. , July 3. Dr. O'Hielly ono of Gcncial Shoridun'st phjh'cli'iiB , telegraphed graphed Dr. Pnpner to night to como to Doln wuie Bieakwator at onco. Dr Pepper wil st.nt at S a.m. on a special train ( Q Capo May , wheio ho will bo met by a government tug. A Deep Wnter Comcntlon. POUT Woitnt , Tex.full 3 , A drop water convention was called last month bj thu Fort Worth hoard of tiuiio to meet heio 01 July 10 Thu object U to mjino upon the most available point on the Texas cous wheio a deep water poi t can ho hud nt the least cost. Itlslcainod that delegates wll be present fiom Minneapolis , Denver , Iscw Orleans , Lincoln , Neb , and the smaller tow us of Coloi ado unit Nebiaska. Another "Short" BanUcr. JEHSEi Cm , N , J , , July 3. John H. Van- dcrn , for the past ton yeais employed at the Second National bank , wont to the Cutskills on a vacation on Satut day last. Since then Ids lie-counts Have bjou overhauled nnd a shortage of at least 715,400 has been fas- coicreil. A Double Tragedy. IXIJUNAI-OLIS , July 3. At Trafalgar , JohtiEon county , thia morning , Samuel N , Henderson shot and killed his divorced wife and then killed himself. Uhc Knglisli Tin-C. LOVIHI.V , July 3. 1'ho Newmarket July incotinc July opened to day. Donovan wan the 1'renoli 'Jhentci Uiuncd , PAIIS : , July 3. The Theater dts Bouffes at Bordeaux Has. burucd. Loss , i.CKX OOJ fram. * . _ l / 'tptiTp nmi r < i Mi ptpr ? GIGGLING GIRLS HIOM GAGE , An TJnplonsant Feature of the Oroto Ohautauqua. THE NECESSITY OF CULTURE. This nnd Other Interesting Topics Discussed nt Yosterdnj's Session Bloody Fight nt 1'lntts- inoiith Stnto News. The Crcto Ghnntnmin.t. GnouMns , CIIF.TP , Nob. , July 3. [ Special to TUB BEh.J Llfo In : cnts would bo vastly . moro com- tortablo If canvas walls were non conductors of sound It Is nn indisputable fact that there nro a few people who como : o the assembly merely to Have n good time , nnd that in Having this good tlmo they are utterly regardless of the lights and com forts of these who hax'o the misfortune to bo their neighbors. It is surprising How many joung people can not have what they call "a good tlmo" without nn astonishing amount of noisy Jabbering nnd senselesj Hawhawing , all pitched in a key so loud nud shrill that the very echo would awaken the seven slecpeis. THE lire correspondent has dis covered what St. Paul meant by his "thorn In the llcsli. " Ho was living in a tent , and had for near neighbors a trio of gills from Beatrice , gills who had arrived at that giggling , spooney , scicaming tlmo that sometimes , not always thank Heaven , lies between sweet and modest girlhood and sensibleioung womanhood. These girls Had a habit of spending tlio first two-thirds of every night in hammocks with their best > oung men comfot tably ensconsced by their side , and their Ins me scicechiiig nnd insane small talk kept the weary St. Paul from sleeping the sleep that would otherwise have been his portion. No wonder Ho com plained of such a thorn in the flesh. Poor man , he had uncoinplnlnlngly met and over come the world , the flesh nnd the devil , but the nightly turmoil of that trio of Beatrice giils und their best fellows was too much for him. him.At At the New Yoik Chautauqua , wo are told , they have a rule that all lights must be extinguished and all noises must ccaso after 10 o'clock at night. They have also vigilant policemen to sco tlmt this lute is obeicd by the tent-dwellers. This is the kind of a rule nnd the kind of policemen wo need at our as sembly. It Is to be Hoped that cro another jcar the management will see that this "long- felt want is supplied. " Prof. Holmes' lecture on " Alfred , the Sa\on , " ut 11 a. m. iestcrday , excited much favorable comment. This eaily monatch is agicat favoiitowith Prof. Holmes , and ho gav o to the subject his best cIToi t. Here after Tim Bievv ill contain daily a si nopsis of these lectures on IZnclish history. As they Have so much Interest for the hundreds ot people who daily gather in the pavilion to hear them , n catcful synopsis of them can not hut be interesting to readers of Tin : Bi n At 2 i ) . m. icstcrdny the pavilion was Idled with people who desired to hear the readings of Pi of U. Lo Cumnock , of the Not thwcstci n univcisity of Illinois. Prof. Cumnock is said to have no supsnor as n reader in this coun try. Ho is well known throughout tlio cjuntry and for several i cars has taught elo cution at the Now York Chautauqua. His etToits iestcrday weio highly uppieclated and cnjoictf by his Huge audience. The pro- grammo was opened by a solo by Mrs. J. P. Door of Lincoln , accompanied by Mrs. P. V. M. Kaimond , also of Lincoln. This was unanimously pionouncod the best exercise of the kind that has ever been heard upon these grounds Prof. Cumnock then lendcrcdtho following selections : Tlio White Squall Thackcry A Man's a Man lor a' That Bums A Criticical Situation Mark Twain n oiatoncal selection fiom Wendell Phillips CliaiRO of the Light Brigade Tennison The Foxes' Tails Anonymous A Similar Case ( ciicoie ) Anonymous At 4 o'clock Dr. Palmer and his chorus class hud their second ivhcaisul in the pa vilion. The largo platfoim is no longer largo enough to accommodate the ctowd of singers , but this difficulty is to bo remedied ore nnothei rehearsal by its material enlargement. Colonel Cow den's class met at this same hour in the normal Hall. The subject of the session was "Tho C mons of Scripture , " and the hour was spent in classifying the hooks of tlio Old Testament , and nssigning them to their icspectlvo ponods. The advanced nor mal also met at 4 o'clock. This class is studying the books of the Bible They Have now completed the Old Testament and taken up the New. The lesson ycsteidav ufteinoon was "The Early Yeais of Chust. " An examination of the assembly register shows that onlyu small number of these who como upon the grounds take the trouble to comply with the request of the management and icgister tlieii names. The scciotary's register contains onli about fifteen thousand These fifteen thousand people icprcseiit fif teen different states and ono terntori Colorado rado , Minncsotn , Iowa , MUsouii , Illinois , Pennsylvania , Dakota. Kansas , Ohio , Indi ana , \ \ isconsin , Washington , D. C , , Ken tucky , Massachusetts , New York and No- bi aska. The W. C. T. U register contains about one hundred and fifty n imes and two additional states Michigan and California. This makes in all sixteen states one ton Itory and ono district icpiescntcd at tlio seventh session of the Nebraska assem lily. Dr. Huilbjt. socictary of the C. L. S- C , arrived iestci day morning. At 5 o'clock all membcis of the C. L. S. C. met at the hall in the giovo to Hear him talk upon the subjects of inteiest to the circle. Ho was given a heaity gieetmg , and expressed Him self as greatly pleased with the signs of grow tli and prosperity visible In every do- pal tmcnt ol the Nobinska assembly. Ho then gave a biiof histori of the Chuutauquu oigani/ation of this country. It begun in lb t > , and had about tlirco hundred chat tcr mcmhcis It Is now ten years old and has a mcmboiHhip of 70,00) ) , besides some foity thousand who Have cither finished the course 01 given it up. The societ.v in founded upon thico gicat principles ; Fast , overibody needs culture und evcrybojy should huvo it. Thcie nio many who think that the advan tages of education uro for but the few ; that the masses nro better off without It , us it onlj makes them dissatisfied with their lot. Against this Idea the C. L S. C. is ar- ruied. It believes thnt both the rich and the poor should bo cultuied , The rich need culture that thoi may know how to use the money they have accumulated , and how to get the best out of life. The poor need cul- tuio because it will lift them up , will make them better and happier and make their w 01 Id hugcr and brighter. Ono who loves good books need never bo lonely or without something of worth to think about , no mat ter how huniblo nud retired his lot in lifo tiia.v ue The books thnt a pci son reads w ill genuiallv show what kind of a person Ho is. Hi Hutlbut then plctuiod the daily rounds of souio of the luboiiug classes , especially of fin mem' wives. Uho nvcr.igo woman who docs her own Housework may look back through all the duis of foity icars of Her life and every Monday of these all was a washday. The drudging monotony in the lives t' ' t many working people live is enough to drive -them ciazy. Good books vv ill provu tliu best antmOte ln- the w orld for such toilsome monotony. 'Iho second piinciplo on which the C. L. S. il. i& founded Is that even body can hav o culluio. In this country , and especially in the west , cdjuition is to chcip and oppor tunities nro so many , almost e\ cry } oung man can go to college ; and these who cannot gotocollejicuuii iolu thoC. L. S C. , which will fin null jrany advantages. Very few realize the an ount that can bo done by the devotion of un I our a dai to the purpose of cultura The third principle of the C. L. S. C. is that cuituio should fiibt Ioncral , ana then special By tbo tlmo pne has gone through the general course ho will bo apt to Have found some ono thing that he desires to mnko special. Ho who begins rcullng will gener ally end by studying. Of the23,0X ( ) who Have finished the C. L. S C. couise very few Have stopped reading ami stmlimg. Finally , the U. L S C. believes tint our cuituio should bo under Christian auspices Christianity is nothing unless It makes ono wiser , broader , nun o generous nnd gentle. In closing Dr. Hurlbut expressed His great plcasuioin seeing so many nt this assembly engaged In Chautnuqua work , and to know thnt on Kccognltlon day fifty- four will present themselves for- graduation. Ho was pleased to s ly that this was the largest class that his yet graduated at nni western assembly. Mrs. Mary South rope , of Michigan , lec tured in the pavilion nt 8 o'clock last even ing. Bofo'otho lecture began President F. I. Foss mndu a stntojtcnt of the financial standing of the nssoniblj. Ho also said that the growth of the assembly seemed to the management to demand addition tl build ings. The attendance Has almost doubled that of last v car , and the moiioy that bus thus far come in is nearly twice ns much as eiimo in dining tlia sumo tlmo last icar , Tlio tuistees would like to erect dining the coming icnr a Hotel costing $10 OOJ , nud a $ ( ! O')0 ) pav ilinn like the ono at the Now Yoik Chautnuqua It Is thought best to procure the money for those buildings by a fuithor sale of stock Some of the stockholders nro not wilting that stock continue to bo sold at par , but tno m ijorlty are willing that for the picscnt the prlco leman $10 per share. Stock can be bought nt nny time by applying to the president , secretary or superintendent of giounds. Many desirable lots are yet for sale , and can bo also had hi applying to the above parties. After this announcement and a solo by Miss Hambliu , Mis. Lathrop wns Intro duced and began her lectuto. No particular subject wns announced , but the general theme of the nddrcss was a discussion of the causes which hail brought the tempcranco question Into the province of government for settlement. The main reason was found in the fact that other menus have been proven wholly inadequate to meet tlio demands of the ciso. Mrs. Litluop then gavon brief review of the agencies that have thus far been emploicd. The church has long been more or less active la the temperance move ment , but has accomplished comparatively little because of divisions about petty sect and denominational questions. The Washingtonian - ingtonian movement and the crusades both did n good woik , hut both Have had their day. Other menus have been tried , but nil have fallen short of ultimate triumph. Mrs. Lathrop maintained that the tempcranco question Has not suffered any loss by coming into the realm of political discussion. In conclusion Mrs. Lathrop said : "Tho saloon is entrenched like Gibraltar in the wrong attitude of the government , but I believe - liovo the child Is bout that will sco the closed door of the lastBaloon In our country. " Mrs Lathrop has been called the most logical of all the speakers on the temperance question. She certainly is both eloquent and able. Her largo audience showed gieat appreciation of her lecture. To judge by the frequent applause the audience was largely made up ot prohibitionists. The ti.iiO piaver meeting this morning wns led by Colonel Co wden and the subject for con sideration was the icsults of faithful Chris tian work. A gentleman from Illinois gnvo the key note to the meeting by saying that ho thanked God for this grand assembly of the united Christians of Nebraska. He hoped that here all would receive such a si n it of love and Helpfulness that all would go home and shako hands over the things that divide the cliutch and unite in tlio things that are for God and homo and native land. The various classes Held their usual fore noon scBSions , hut moskof the class exercises wcio omunttcd this aftoreoon because of the lawycis' programme. At 10 o'clock the ladies of the W. C. A. mot in the hall in the grove. Brief addresses on the flower mission and the home for the fiiendlcss weio made by some of the moi o prominent ladies who arc iuteicstcd in these subjects At 11 o'clock Prof. Cunnock gave bis second reading. Prof , Holm's lecture on English history was to Have occupied this hour , but it was postponed until the same hour to-utonow. Prof. Cunnock chose for his second reading the follow ing selections : Extinct from Wen dell Phillips' oration on "Ideals ; " "An En counter With an Interviewer , " Murk Twain ; "Connoi , " aimonimous ; "Hoiatio at the Bridge , " Macaulcy ; "A Geaigia Scimon , " from Ford's "duly History of Illinois ; " 'Cuddle Doon , " ( cncoie ) Alex Andeison. To day is lawyers'day and the legal fra- tci mty of the state had charge of the after noon exercises. Judge Coolev , w Ho arrived last evening , delivered un addioss in the pa vilion at 2 o'clock. Dr. Hurlbuit delivered a lecture on John Knoin the pavilion in the evening at 8 o'eloeK Tic Methodist ministcis had n business meeting nt the C. L. S. C. tent at S o'clock. The Picsbytcriuns mot at their hcudqu.utcis at 5 , and nt the same hour a meeting of collcgo students nnd graduates was held at the Congregational headquar ters Miss Mills , of Gates college , Nebraska , who has been spending a few days at the as sembly , left this moirflng for her home in Chicago Mis. Cotton , of Nebraska City , the Misses Many.ud , Jeniilo Smith , of Lincoln , and a Konllcman of Dcwitt have all de cided to provide themselves with assembly cott iges ere another year. Dr. Dwioruirived this morning. Mis. G.ijloid , of Omaha , reached hero this morning. Hon. John M. ThUrston presided at the meeting this afternoon. Tennis and boating are favorite amuse ments witti tlio iounu' people. President Fosj , Supciintcndcnt Water man mid their assistants deserve much praise foi the readiness nnd kindness with which thej meet all the demands made upon them. Following is the progiammo for Wcdncs- dav , July 4 mi'lonal day : ( i 3' ) Pr.ii er seivice , 8 oo Choi us. 8 0) Intermediate class. U:00-Cliildren's : class. 0 00 Advanced normal class , "Tho Teach ings of Chi 1st" ( continued ) . 10:00 : Singing school for beginners. 10 00-Norinal class , "Tlio Bible from God. " 10 00 Tcmpsranco class , "Homo Protec tion " 11 00 Lecture , Hev. Willard Scott , "Get ting Ahead. " 2 00 Senator Charlss F. Mundorson. Sen ator Joseph E Hawley of Connecticut is ex pected with Senator Maiiderson , 8 UO Concert of war songs with bnof ad dresses , in chaigo of General W. C Hemy , coinmander-iii-chief of G , A , H of Nebraska U.30 Ciiand display of fireworks , maii.li of the flambeau company , and other atti ac tions. After the L'aoklng House. KrAUNEt , Neb. , July 8. [ Special Telegram to Tun BM : J A meeting of subscribers to the subsidy askoJ by William Hecht to in sure a packing house in this city was called this evening Tlio amount is raised , nnd Uoss Gamble , W C. Tillson and B. H. Blck- nell appointed tt-ustccs to negotiate with Mr. Hecht und partloi Interested in the enter iirKo Tlio building will bo icady hi Novem ber 1 , with a capacity tmfllcient to handle all the cattle and hogs raised in Buffalo und ad joining counties. Dodco Count } Teachcra. FUFMONT , Neb. , July 3. [ Special to THE Bfci' ] Tlio Dodge countv teacheis' institute opened yesterday with an attendance of about fifty , which number it is expected will bo increased to 100 after the Foutth. The assistant instructors secured by Supeiinten- dent Claicndcn are : Mis Irene Cookc und Mrs. Hdwards , of Lincoln , Prof. George A. Kollai , of Hooper , und Prof J. A. Dowdon , of Noiti ; Bond The session will continue for two weeks. An important thing to bo undertaken will bo * ? arrange a uniform course of study for the publlovhools of the county. Addro > bsd By un Ainerloin. LOXDOV , July i ) . The bishop of Minnesota preached a sei uion to day to" the delegates attending the Episcopal coofureucu at Lain- belt , THE EPISCOPALIAN COUNCIL , High Ohnrch Dlgrnltnrlos Assoniblo at Lnmboth Palnco. NO FALSE POMP DISPLAYED. lit Ilnnsoni Cabs mid "Gro\\l- ci-s" Die Araliblsliop or Canter bury I'rcslilps I'rcsbjtcrlnnsnt JJvotcr Otlicr I'orclKii N'cus. Great [ Copyi lyWSSS tiu Jamtt Onnloli IlcnntU.1 " LOMIOV , July 3. | Now York Herald Cable Special Telegram to Tin : Urn : ] A greater contrast can hardly bo conceived f than between the service in Westminster Abbey last night , with all the pomp nnd cir cumstances of the place , the music nnd crowds inside and outside , and to day the quiet celebration of the holy communion In the chapel of Lambeth palace , n building little known , oven to Londoners. It is of especial interest from Its associations to bishops , for In it all in milto comparatively modern daj s the ui ijorlty of Anglican pre lates , whether homo or colonial , were consecrated crated to the hi h oftlco , nnd hero the ilrst Amelia in bishop was consecrated. The bishops began to arrive about half past 10 , and cannot bo accused of coming In state. Thcio wcio only thrco or four can luges , the majority favorIng - Ing hansom cabs , while a largo number walked ticross Westminister bridge , Bishop Potter coming in what Is sluuglly called hero a "growler , " with no signs of publlo ex citement. The third Lamboth confcienco was opened , and nearly all the bishops who have accented invitations were present. They robed , in the guard room. The Junior colonial prelates walked llrst in the procession. The tall and commanding foim of the archbishop of York towered above his biothren , but it is noteworthy how many moio intellectual pi elates Durham , Gloucester , Bristol , Hipon were small of stature , and the plclato is not tall. The Amciican bishops walked by the side of the homo prelates and In the rest of the procession , preceded by Sir John Dcanc , the vicar general , Sir John Hassard the principal rctristcror General and Sir John Hanham , the nppaiuor general , c line the Archbishop of Canterbury , having on his sides the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of London , ana followed by the Dean of Windsor and his other chap lains. The scene in the cliapcl was unique , tlioio being nearly ono hundred nnd llfty bishops present from nil parts of the world , exercising their functions when nt homo under iv variety of most dissimilar cncutn- stances. The "Vcni Creator" was the introit and the Archbishopof Canteiburi was , of course the cclobiant. After serv ice the nichbishop cntci taincd his Hpisiscopil bi cthcrn at lunch- con and the Hist session commenced nt half past" with nothing occui ling to day of mo ment. The pan- Anglican conference has a rival in the pan-Prcsbi tenon council , whoso pioceed- liigs began in Exeter hall to-day und to which some three hundred representatives have been delegated from all p irts of the world. An opening soimon nnd a garden party at Argyle ledge were included in the coming programmes for rcln\ation. 'Ihc Times Mbcl Suit. LONDON , July 3. The attendance on the second day of the trial of the libel suit of Trank Hugh O'Donnoll against the Times was greatly diminished. The case for the plaintiff was closed after some inconscqueii- ti il testimony bad been introduced , taking only a few moments. Attoiney General Webster opened for the defense , and sav agely attacked P.unell and the leigue , and following the general lines of the Times ar ticles that gave nsj to the suit. Paiuoll en- lined the couit just as Webster was alluding to him , and the court at that moment ad journed for the day. William nnd Hussln. Bruux , July 3. It is behoved that after a definite understanding with Kussi i has been established I mpcior William will piopose that the European powers i educe their armaments. Empoi or William will nt i ivo at St Pcteisbuig August 3 , the czarina's fete day. Tlio Viitlcnn Alarmed. RoMr , July 3. The libcial successes In tlio municipal elections in Italy have alanned the Vatican. The pope , who is opposed to the In tel vention of the clergy , will counsel them to abstain from future elections. To nscorl flic Emperor. BniiMX , July 3 An order 1ms been re ceived at Kiel to Have several war ships In readiness to escort Umpcior William to Ivioustadt about tlio middle of the month. THI : iiAiuusxr CASK. A I'loliablllty That tlio Mimic-rein Will He Granted 11 NCMV Trial. MISXK\rous , July U , [ Speciil Telegram to Tun Hie. ] As the lilth of July ap- proaccs , the day on which the llanctt boys aio to bo cxcuted , the interest In the proceed ings being tak en in their behalf In the su- piomo court Increases. Yesterday the cu- preme couit adjourned. It was expected that the motion for a new tiial would Lo iniido this spring. But Mr Erwlnhas not yet perfected his appeal , and consequently it will bo necessary to postpone tiio argument until next fall Thcio is no likelihood that the boys will hang on the lith. The papers in the case aio now in the hands of the printer In a few days they will bo filed in thosupromo court Then Mr l > wm will ask for a stay , uud m all probability it will bo granted , , n.vrns TAK.rT A "ruMitMa. Tlio Tariff on Dressed Beef Itcaolirs ItM Io\\fht Notch. CnicAoo , July J. In accoidanco with the general expectation , tlio rate on dressed bcof today fell to M cents per hundred , Chicago to Now York , the lowest into over made by any tallroad on this article of freight. On Boston business the "i > ; ; cent rate was maintained The rate on movlsioiis was fin ther reduced to ' „ ' . % emits to Now York , and "T' < i cents to Boston , while in oulcrto maintain the nuthorUed diffuicnces between the live stock nud diesscd bcof rates , a further icducilon was made on cattle in car loads , bringing the rate down to 131J cents to New York , hut leaving it at 14 > < i cents to Boston. Dismissed From tlio Hoard. WASHINGTON , July 3 General Gcorgo C Rogers , of Kansas , member of the board of pension appeals of the interior depaitmeit , has bid ! dismissed and Jtimes A. La.'oy , of Missouri , has b.cn appointed to the vacancy. ' Vllu' : . MiSNhU'Oi.is , July 3 The celebrated ciimiuul libel c.ise of Postmaster General Vllas against William Welch , of this city , was discontinued to day. Cnrpoi Mills Silit lo\u : . CLINTON , Mass. , July 3. The Bigelovr Carpet company's mil ! * , emplojisg 13,000 hands , shut down to duy on account of scai city of woik. JOlNTIiY IXCOIIPOUATI3. ICnnsns t Nolirnskn nnd Chicago , Itock Island At Colorado. * DFNMI , Col. , July 3. A certificate of in corporation of the Chicago , Kansas & Ne braska railway company with the Chicago , Hock Island & Colorado Hallway compiny Was filed with the secretary of state jester- ilay afternoon w 1th a capital of Stt.OJO.OOO. The certificate sots forth that the Kansas company owns the lines of road now con- stiuctcd and being constructed through east ern Kansas. Tlio main line commences to oi > - crate at St. Joe nnd runs in a southwesterly diicction thiough Kansas ton point on the south line cross nnd by the 101st mcredlnn. Several branch lines will bo constructed , ono of which will commence nt llorton , Brown county , and run west to the onstern line ot Colorado , w hero It will connect with the Coloi ado company. The Colorado company will construct a Hue to the latter point to Pueblo and Colorado Spi ings , nnd the cntlro line will be known as the Chicago , Kansas & Nehiaska Hallway company. Tlio principal place of business Is Topoka. The directors tholltstycur moC. II. Jlolson , H. A. Par ker , John O. Sebastian. Danlul Atwood , H. V. Mori Is , GcorgoV. . Samuel and M. A. Lowo. _ _ Glljlj AND 111S milDK. The Soldier or I-'oituno Kvldcntl ) Makes n Good Hiirunln. Niw Yonic , July 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bi.r.J After abiief honeymoon of two dajs , W Keating Gill , the far-famed husband of Miss Gw'inno , iptnrncd to his old haunts In uptown Bioadway icstciday. Ills bride of six days is still at Naiiacansctt Pier with her sister , Miss Cotto Gw imo. The details of the marriage are shrouded In ns much inj story as ever. The fact that Gill Is now n biothcr-Iu-law of Mrs. Coinclius Vauderbllt has not \ct affected the size of his head. Tlio long confeicneo had bi the big brotliT with Gill Satuulay culminated in the lattoi's favor. The Gwj lines and Vim- derbilts , Step papa Matthews und the whole clan nro to recognlra "dear Edith's" hus baud as ono of them , and unless the much discussed benedict's traditional good luck do setts him his row hencofoith will bo a smooth ono to hoe When n goodly portion of the glorious "four hundred" retuin to town m the fall the nuptials will bo publicly solemn- i7cd. Gill leaves town again to dnv and docs not expect to again return to the city until ho does so In tiiutnph with iMis. Gill on his arm. _ _ BOTH PUIjIjKD GUNS. A United Stntc < ) Ollicl.il MnkcH lllniHelf mi Obnoxious Nuisance. DENVI u , July 3. [ Special Tclcsram to THE Bi i. ] A big sensation has been caused heio by a low in theofilcoof the United States icgister of the land ofllce , which oc curred yesterday afternoon Prank J. Molt , the register , has been drinking heavily of late and intruding his attentions m a disi- giccable manner upon two or tin co employes. Among the-ic is aioung man named J. G. Moore , w ho is employ ed in the oftlco of the iccci\er of public monies , adjoining tlio oflleo of the icgister. Yesterday afternoon when the clerks were about leaving Mott iiindo an assault on Mooie. Mooio diew a icvolvcr to defend himself nnd Mott pulled his own and w.is about to use it when the other cleiks in- teifercd and sepaiatcd them. The .iff.ni h is been kept \ cri qu.et but was given away by ono of the cleiks Moti is being taken eaio of by his li lends. Satisfied With Republican Nominees. Pmsntmo , Pa. , July 8. [ Special Tele gram to Tint Bui : . ] The scheme for a national convention ut Washington of coloied people to detcimino their course of action in tlio picsldentinl campngn has been aban doncd , the reason for which is stated by Walter Brown , ono of the leading spuits in the enterprise , as follows : "Tho republi can candidates are so acceptable to the peo- plcof my lace tint there Is no trouble to de termine how to vote. We are thoioughly pleased with Hanison and Morton and will support them almost to a man. 1 h ivo lottci s f i om colored people in nil parts of the countiy saying that the icpublicaa ticket suits them and they will vote for it. In the south paiticul.nly Haiiison is stiong , nnd if the coloi cd people bo allowed to vote they w ill carry at le.ist tin ee states for the repub licans. I learn that the coloied men in the south arc organl/ing to nssci t their i iglits nt the polls , and 11 intei fi'ied with there will bo tiouble. Mink that. " For Defrauding tlio Gneminent. . PlTTsntito , Pa , July ,5. Hieliard Nevms , jr. , ox-resident govern ucnt aiehitect of the United States couit house and postoillco now being built hoie , has been nrtcsted upon charges prcfci rod by Unite 1 Stile ? Special Aeent Brooks , of making fraudulent claims ngainst the govci iiment. It is claimed that Ne\ins iiiin oved and presented false billsfor w oik on the couit house and postonlco ul leged to have been douo bi one. 13 Donovan , but which was never pei formed. Donovan , it is alleged , never signed tno bills , and his name was foi god to them T'ovins usMiils lli.it he will bo able to sutisfuetouly explain the chmges. This ultoinoon Richard Ncvins , jr. , waived preliminary lie. 11111 nnil gave bail in the sum of o,003 , for ti ml at court . Ynlo'rt dew GoiiiK to lO NinIUvi.v : , Conn. , July 3 [ Special Tel egram to Tin : Bur.Hermann ] Oclriclis , icfeicc of the great Yale Harvard i.ice , will take the Yale crew to England to get up a match with the Cambridge cicw. The de cision has not i ct been reached by the ci ow Oeliiclis will pay all excuses. GH Caiter , whowas Yale's stui board stioke , has been piesentedhi his father with ? . ' 5J &IOJ lor each length Yale was ahead ot dm.ud at the finish. Cmtcr comes fiom Honolulu Ho has been chosen captain of the cicw for Ibb'J , _ _ Great CropH in lown. SIII.VANDOAII , la , July 3. [ Special to TUB Bin : ] Thoiyo Imi vest began IIPIC iester- day. Pall wheat Is almost j oady for the sickle , ami oils are beginning to ripin. The small giain ciop in better than it lias boon for n numbei oficus The o.it ciop is so heavy that it has been bcddi'd some bv the Into rain , but not to any considerable ostcnt Corn is n little lute , but is gi wing rapidly nnd gives piomiso of an abundant yield. The farmer usually has one or moiu poor ciops , but such , it seems , will not be the case this i ear. _ Will Trj to Break the Will. Niw : YOIIK , July 3. | Special Telegram to Tun Her ] Blanche Maisdon has deter mined to tiy to b teak the will of her father , riedeiick Marsden , the playwiight , made disinheriting her cnt'.icly bho alleges that ins cruelty and not her misconduct was the cause of her leaving homo , him also alleges that iio was incaniblo of making i ; will on account of insanltv. She will endeavor to get a share of Marsdcn's f 100,000 estate. An l Mcnulvo Cave-In. PiTTsiitno , July 3. A Clnonlilu Scranton special remits an extensive ) cavoinnttho Bellcyuo slope this morning , foicing the minois to fly for their lives. So far ns known one man nnd n number of mules are crushed. So\cn laborer ! ) uiu missing , The BUI face show t , the effect for n long distuiieo , doing coimdvrablo damage to piopcity. ( Jic.it excitement prevail * , Stood tlio Trip s , Del. , July -Tho United Sta'cs steamer Swutara with General Shcndaii ontKMid uirivcu off Di'lawaso brcakw lcr this moi nlng. Gcucial Shciiun stood the tiip fiom Hampton Uor.rts veiy well , Itn'iifh ho is somewhat fillgued b\ the ship's mo tion , Tltuic has been a co uUeraUu mound bwc-11. IOWA'S ' POPULAR PROBLEM , The Rnilrorul Question the Ono o Greatest Concern. A BITTER CONTEST TO RESULTS The University Investigation So Kne Proves tlio HuniidnloMH Charges to be \ \ tlliout Foundation A Smallpox Hcnrc. A Iionjj Struggle Dns MOINI , In. , July [ Special to Tin BM : . ] The railroad problem In lown Is Just now the ono of popular Interest nnil to man ; ? people the one of greatest concern. Tha railroad commissioners liuvo been onjoliicil by the courts from putting Into effect their now schedule of rales. llicy nro therefore ! waiting for the llrst opportunity to assort , tholr rights In coin t , nud see what can b < l ilono to cimblo them to c.n ry on the flghj tlicy linvo begun. The rnllionil officials on tlio other Imiul nro claiming at least n tenu pornry victory , nnil they hope n permanent ono. They expect to light the tnrlff through nil tlio singes of litigation to the supreme court of tlio United States. They nrguo that bcforo n llnnl Rcttlcinont Is i cached a chnnga In cither publlo sentiment or In the composi tion of tlio bouul of eommlsslonois will huva tiikcn plnco tlmt \ \ 111 bo so fuvorublo to thont Unit they can accept thb Munition then wltli sntisfa lion. The eommlssloncis thomselvci mo placed in u peculiar position. On tnuond haiul the lallioud officials nro Insisting- Hint they lia\0 been nrbltrury and unreasonably sevcro oven to the extent of practical confiscation of tholr prop erty , On the other hand some shippers nro complninhnr Unit the commisstonets have raised rates too high mid mo mining thclc business instead of improving it. It is true that in some classes of freight such as coal shipped for shoi t distances , the tariff has been iiiiscd considerably. From less than ! ! 0 cents under the old tailft it is now laisoil to neatly M ) cents on shoit alstiincos. Ot course , It is much lower for long distances the commissioners believing that in this way about the i ight average would bo reached. But mltio operators who ship for short dis tances nro complaining bitterly and demand ing a i eduction. It ( teems to bo understood that nil of the railroads of the state , both these Incorporated under Iowa laws am } those incoipor.itcd In other states but doinff business hero , will unite to icsist the sched ule. There is a prospect of a long and bitter contiovoisy in the courts befoio u result is i cached. Tlio Hint Hearing will bo boforq Judge Hrc\\er nt Le.ivenwoith next Friday. Till : I VIV iUMT\ : 1NL.STIOATIOV. . The invt'stig.itlon nt the state university at Iowa City still drags ita slow length along and with no uppai cut benefit to the public. A gicat many old women's stoiies liuvo beoa investigated and found as foundationlcss an usual. The pel sonnl enmity of tlio deposed Prof. IIciniKbs to ins l.tto associates , par- tieulailv Dr. Peck , seem to bo at the bottom of about all the chaiges thnt m o now being investigated. When two doetois full out 16 is very easy for one to nth up a great deal ot scandal about the other , oven without nny foundation for it. So sensational chmgosarO being continually innclo and disproved in this ; investigation , at an expenscto the publlo ot about > MU. ) It is to bo hope that if the invcsJ tlgation lias no other effect it will nt least ) result in retiring to unenviable obscurity the men who have been responsible for all of the slander and scandul that have been railed about the university and Us honored and faithful oflicials. Tin : "MUi.rov AT ST. LOUIS. The stuto board of health 13 in n very ex cited state of mind. Tlio icason for its in dignation is the neglect of the Missouri authoiltlcs to make public the fact that ) Hinallpox was i aging in St Louis dining the dcmociatic national convention in n malig nant and dangerous form It seem that an ngi cement lias for some tnno existed between the boards of health of the uitrctent states that whenever cases of contagious diseases became known in ono fitato they should bo piomptly lopot ted to the other boat ds. Most of the states have Kept the au'i cement , but the Missoui 1 author ties failed to do their , duty , and it is linown now th it finallpoxliaa been prevalent in St Louis for KO01 ul weeks. and the inferciico is drawn th.it the authori ties buppresscd the news in oulei that people hhould not bo fiightenod into staying away , fiom St. Louis dm ing the convention. Tlio Iowa authoiltlcs mo vcij indign.int nt this , bieaih of faith , and liuvo oxpiosed thorn- selves to the Miisoun oillccis in veiy vigor ous langii.igc nil ui.i'i in ICVN srvTr COVVUNTIOV. The date for the republican state convention - tion is lixed for August 2-Jd , which is carlleo tli. in the coiivciitlon has been hold for sev eral yoais As the geneial ciiuip ii n usually waits upon the state campaign , it is dcsiicd to have the coin ention cat i.so . Hint tlio woik of oigniUntlon may bo begun earlleri than usual. The convention will have to nominate three railroad commissioners to huciecd the present commissionei s who woio appointed to onico. This will bo the llrst time that commiosloncia have been named by convention , and much intetcst is being taken in the iesult It is undei stood that each of tlio piesont commissioners is u cand idate for ic election. Hut as all of them live upon the same line of road , ( and us ono is a demociut , it la not lil.elv that they will all suc ceed themselves. Commissioner Smith of Council HiulTri , Commissioner Campbell at' ' Newton and Coininissioiei Doy at Iowa City aio all on the line of the Kookh Island , and puoplo living on other loadsiircf inising the point that they mo likely to' f.uor unduly the load which passes their ] own hollies Other candidates muutlouoif foi the position mo Mr. John Mahln , editor of the Mimcutlue .Touinal ; Ml. James Wil * son of Tama countv , fonmulv JinotiiUfr ol couplet * and also i.iilioad commissioner , and Mi II U Wheeler of Sio county , picsidonti of the State Agilcultur.il society. It is prob ; , able that Secretary of State Jackson \ \ 111 ba lonominatod by acclamation. There will bo ) n contest for the tnwuiorship between Cap tain Twombloy , the incumbent , and General' ' Hccson of Mnnh illtown. The only immca1 mentioned for supiomo couit judge ut pies-j cut 1110 Judge Seovcis , the incumbent , Judge ; Given of the district couit of tins city , and Judge Granger of Alliimnkco county , j nvrni ING Tin. , riu.i.T. 4 It is lomaikcd that no\oi before have so. many ratlllcution meetings been hold so soon ] nftti the nomination of a lepubllcan ticket as this year. This Is p.n ticuhu ly true of Iowa , where the noinlnation of Harrison and Morton have given universal satisfaction. Old politicians say that there has not boon so inuob enthusiasm manifested BO cailyin the cunp.tign for many years. In nil parts of tlio Htato ratification meetings have been hold nnd pi epai atlons uro being imulo for i ( very lively campaign. There uioso many hoosleis living in Iowa that thcio is n veiyj largo and cnthusiastio clement to stait with thoroughly enthused with nntlv o pi ido for the success of a Tippccnnoo ticket. The demo crats have gl\on up all hope of making Iowa' ' even a doubtful state thU jear , Tlio Hit ; HonllliiK U40B. BOSTON , July U The cnliKs in the pro fessional scullers tin eo mile uieo heio oa1 July 4 , are ; Hamin , Now Voik ; P , II , Con- ] ley , Portland , Mo ; McKay , Hi lifax ; W. P.I Conley , South lioston ; O , Toole , Woicceter ; A. Tiomondons JUeteor. Mii.vtvKU' , July 3 A special to the Kvcninff Wisconsin from Applcton , Wis. , * says : At10yeslcidny : ? afternoon nl'omen * deus meteor was observed to passacr estha southei n Sky from cast to woit. It rivaled the sun in brightness and loft u long train ot sp irks in its wnko. The incfnr moved very slowly und wi evidently at u vci y gi tut , height. It was visible for half a lalnutu uud Hually faded u\vay without uoUtt.