Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1888, Image 1

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ilii Attempt to Abolish the Missouri
Rlvor Commission.
For.wnnl Nebraska MrasnrcH
A Favorable Ucnorl 1111 ( lie Indian
Lnml 1II1I 1 ho Tariff Outlook
i Hitter.
A N irrowAcnt > c.
\V > airiNOtttf , D , U. . Jul > 2 I
A black eye was given the Missouri river
rommtsaioit In the senate this afternoon , dur
ing thu oituldri ilion of the river ntul harbor
bill. Mr'Pluuib , of Kansas , made fterco
nttick upon the commission ntul moved to
stijko out thu nppropi latlnn providint. for its
continuniiro Iho scnato in committee of
f the wliolo declared It would do this on SatuV-
< luy. It Is probable Hut , fie n [ liroprlullons
lor foi the Missouri along
Nobtuslm and I emu had more to do with n\.f-
gestlng the nbolltion of the 'ommis'don tlmn
anything ulso Senators Pwldock an 1 Alii
fcon sprung ui the front , and defended the
HctiiB In wlilen Iowa and Nebraska are Inter
ested , and tliislr work proved \ory effective
Senator Plumb declared that the present
njstcin of Improvement under the Missoutl
river commission was InelTeclAvo , so far as
the gcnc.-nl'improvemciit of navigation was
concerned Ho said ho would prefer a
lump sum of money ho nppiopiiated for all
improvements of rivers and harbois , and that
should be placed at the disposition of the
president , so that there would ho no favor
itism exorcised and the money would
not bo applied to the preset vntton
of private ptopertj , as It has been.
Ho sold the cngiiuois who lojominended the
woik and superintended it , are not educated
to navigation and do not know \vlml is
notded. 'J'hey understand the ai Is of olTcnso
nnd defense , or are supposed to , hut tboj-
IcrSiv nothing of navigation , and the onicets
wl'j are frequently put in charge as superin-
jiVl juts o Chovvoilc spend their time at
balls and Jung society
SuMjiloi Paddock advocated the expendi
tures t-M-lo by trm commission , so far as thcj
relate to loenl points The impioveincnls
ptoposcd for Nebraska and low.ivveic , ho
Bald , par's and parcels of the gcncinl plan
of the commission Ho had no intciost
whatever in the personnel of the commission
in point of fact ono member of the commis
slon ispoisonullv olTensivo to him , while an-
othci ho docs not know. Mr Paddook called
attention to the fact that the committee on the
Mislsslppi i Ivor and its trlbutntics , of which
ho la chaimmti , Is now and has been for some
llmo conducting an Investigation Into the
plans and wet k of the Mlssouii amt Missis-
Bippi tlver commission and that
the subject was being probed
deeply and thoroughly , and that every
merit and demci it would bo an Ivcd at and
shortly reported to the senate Uo thought
tnc committee ought to bo permitted to com
plete Its investigations bofoio cither ono ol
iho river commissions wore condemned. He
called attention to the enormous value of the
Missouu and Mississippi , and said Unit while
he was not picparcd to endorse cither com <
mission ho thought thcro should be more
k'lovvn of them before they \\cro abolished
i Ho asked that no action , Hitch asas pie
posed , bo t'lken until the committee had com
plcted its woik , and then action be taken in
Senator Allison's icmarks were in the
B.iim direction.
Senator Udmumls followed up the genera
' * llnoof attack made by Senatoi Plumb and
'I declined that the United States did not own
the great rivers , that they wi'ro the piopci tj
i of the people who ucro compelled to pay foi
the Impiovoments , nnd that they bhould bi
allowed to navigate them fieely. Hi
was opposed to taking money on
of the tieasui y to pioteci
piopeity along livers navi atci
under color of assisting navigation He sail
that it had been long a scheme to upend tin
people's money , to piotei t projects , impiovi
lam's and help pnvato inteiests under tin
CD iso of nnpiovii g navigation , while1 in pom
v i nor fact the vvholo cxpondiluioas made ti
tifjihunce the value of pnvato piopeitv Tin
- ' timendiiient ptoposmg to abolish the Mlssout
A ; river commission was defeitcd , and as tin
liver and luiiboi bill passed it continues tin
commission as heutofoie and all of thcpio
visions for Nebi. . ska and Iowa Had it no
been for Senator Paddock's speech the com
mission would have been abolished Tin
\LI \ senator gave not.eo that hcteaftei he wouh
insist that the nppiopiiition for the MISSIS
bippi and Missouri must Hist bo considcici
and iccommcndcc. bv his committee
In the absence and at the icquest of Sena
tor ManUcisoii. Sonatoi Piuldoi k this aftei
noon pioposcd as ainondnients to the sundi ;
civil appiopilatiua bill , the bills making up
piopriations for Toit Omaha , the new Omah ,
jest ) ofllco building , the lepairs of Toils Nto
buna and Koblnson , and the Hastings pub
He building He asked that thoj bo lefeuei
to the respective commtttris having juiisdic
tioti ovei the suujoc t , so that the roi oils ea
bo lead by the senate when the sum r\ ci\i
bill Is taken up. mid thcro will be no gioun
of objectloi ' The last two measures v\ei
offcicdas amendments bKenutoi Maiulci
son , but were icfoiicu to the committee ) o
nppiopriationfi When the Mimln civil bil
comes up there will bo it ports on thos
umcndmcntM fiom the committees on mil
tary nlfaiH and public buildings andgiounds
amioiats of outer mid objeitions usu.i
cannot be madeagiiliiht them.
MOM 1 Kill N'I1HU\SK\ .
The senate committee on p'iblie lands 1
making an effort , o r.ipair the ovei throw o
ce t tain htato tights by an .
of the attotnoy general , mudo last jcat i
refti"e nco to the ft jior cent comm&sion upo
the sale of Indian IniuU biniritliiutli
limits of all tlio states. In IbAT u law \\u
jiassed giving to oaih state n pur eont of tli
lift proceeds of the sale of all public lam !
Jj Ing within the limits , ol the Miuos Ce
tain of thcho states had this r.t'ht inhciei
by reason of tholr oigamo net Pur ieai
this law was he ld to applv to states ufto
VMirds admitted Into the Union , and was ah
coiibti ued to apply to landb vvlneii hud bee
held In Indian mscTvaiions In iviTi , hov
ever , thcso iMMiients weio disfontiniii :
against the advice of both the Hut com ]
ttollorof thoticMsmy and the commibblont
of Indian affairs In his decision the com )
Holler held the giant of 5 per centum ha
Ing boon onro mudo could not bo oftenvni
tovokcd. The tight of the state bceame I
this grant a vested ono which uougicss ion
not afturwaid vacate
Thocomptioller aelnjitteil , us Uld the CPU
inlssioncr of Indian uffulis , that under tl
treaties i cllnaulfching tholr ipsoivations tl
Indians vvcio entitled to the net proi-rcds i
the sale of Indian lauds , but tluj both ho
that oven this did not toleuso the Uniti
States fiom its obligation to pay to the stati
0 par centum on the stlcn of such land
UcsDlto their views , however , thosecirtai
of the Intel ioi sent the question to the at to
npy gencial upon nn application of tliostn
of Kansas for her .1 per centum upon tl
halo of what is known as the ' Oaago tins
linds. " The amount involved was alw
f .VXMand ttioso iti tliu union In 1 7 wo
entitled to the 5 per centum , and that tl
iioi o ntago did not include Indian land
fi his excluded the Motes of Minmsota , Oi
BOD Kansas , Nebiaska , Novnda ami Col
ruilo , admitted since the pnssngc of the ni
nd conctcss U now trvtng to tomcdv ti
trouble Scn&toi Teller to day ft poi ted f av e
Rby ) ftou' the senate committee en publ
land * the remto bill making the act of
March 3 , 1W , nt > pllcahlo to t'io slates men
tioned above , and nlso nppljinjr the law to
Indian ro etvntlons , estimating the value at
M 2C per acre This will glvo Nebraska
quite n largo sum.
One of the lending members of the senate
coinmlilcoon tlnunco saiel this evening on the
tariff outloo , * "The Mills bill will como to us
from the house between the 2U'.h and 2fith. It
will be substlluted bv the ropubln an measure
wo are now at woi k upon The republicans ,
represent mg thenmjni Ity of the -wnate , w ill
i ? | > ort the < iubstiUit bill to the senate1 , and
the democrats , on thopirtof tlu > minority ,
will re-pott the Mills bill Wo will discuss
them n week or ten duvs and pass the rcpub
Mean bill , which will i-o to a conference coin-
inltte'o Thi1 rep-tb'leans ' will never ncrco tea
a bill vv .th fro vv-c * ) ' in it , and the democrats
vHl refuMj'Wl propisitlons dot Including free
.wool Thn con foi o-iee will disaxrocs anJ the
lliriff ( itiesjinu will die uett thoie , so far is
this coiwoss is T'hneerned ' Congress will
then rtdjotirn abnut the middle of August "
, \ K ! VTK TAHIIK nn l.
1 1,1'kcd Senator Allison to day if the senate ?
committee on # n nice would h we a tin ilf bill
rend v to report as soon ns the hous.o . bill
reached theii side of the capital
"I citn not ptomlse that , " ho replied , "but
I will sav tint wo shall have a bill before the
senate In shoit order as soon as wo get a
ehanco to repot t it , and that wo will pass It ,
too , hefoio wo adjouni. Wo can not afford
to le.tvo hero without doing something to
reduce the sin plus and the tovcnno "
"In what form will jour bill como I"
"I can not say , hut wo aio devoting tv good
deal of time and study to the subject "
"Will there bo a fieo vvlilskj cluusol"
"Haully "
siiriinuv rrnis m TTI it.
A prlvato letlcr Irom a member of Gen
eral Slieililnn's jiarly rce-ulved hero this
morning staled lhat ho cnduied the vovago
down the liver and Chesapeake bay much
boltei Umn was c xpcctcd , and that his con
dition Sunday night , after having been about
thittj bouts on llio water , was much Im
pi ovcd The general seemed lo enjojIho
nip and lo bo stimulated by the fresh cool
sea a.r Ho now has moro coiilldonco in his
recovoiy than at aujtmio during his illness
in i-iii.Mi NrvT'vi : vie noi.s VNIIIIINIIncoitoi : .
Representative John Nichols , who is
grand master workman of tlio Knights of
L ibor for his state , and who was elected to
the piesent confess fiom the Foutth North
Carolina disti let , , n the labor candidate
announces himself unalterably for Han ism
and Moiton Ho sajs that the icpublican
platform is just what tlio people have been
demnncling in his state and In Virginia ,
Tennessee and other southetn sections for
jears , and that it will bo endoiscd in North
Carolina HonrjGeoige , Now Yoik's labor
agitator , hiis been in consultation with Mr.
Nichols for two or three clajs , and left foi
homo last night Henry Geoigo savs he is
for Cleveland , because Cleveland Is for free
Undo For every othot reason ho picfers
the republican platfoim.
K 'P. Hoot , of Bcatiieo , Lorov M.utrof
Sidnoj' , Neb , C II Osuotn , of Hi ush Creek ,
la , and Hcinj' V. Howard , of Museatine ,
la. , weio to d.ij admitted to piactico before
the mleiiordcpaitmcut
I'rmii S. HI.ATII.
Xehinskit and lowi\PenslotiM. \
WvsuiNoroN , D. C , July i [ Special Tele-
cram to Tin , Hii'.J The following pension1-
were ft anted Nebt.isltans to day : Original
invalid Kobert D. itobmbon , Crqighton :
Adam H Copicrs , Indianohi ; Joseph Mann ,
Huda ; Uichaid T. Hi own , Tccumse-h ; Will
iam B.Morgan , Uloominglon ; John C. Di ako ,
Wood Uivcr Increase William J. Keller.
Sutton ; Heiny Mastctman , Lincoln. Mex
ican survivors John Foibes Potter , Flor
Pensions for lowans. Original invalid
Hdwaid II Van Volkcnbuigh , Lake Mills :
Nelson Heal , Moorehead ; Jacob West
Hhikesbuig , Samuel Meyer , Anatnosa ; Join
. ! niliotl , Corning , Absalom Hill , Toledo
Thomas H. Daniel , Gaulun Giove ; Eyetial
Hoiiiiigton , Hiadfoul ; Franklin L. Smith ,
Angus , Mai tin Lorns , Ainswoith , James
Slnvveis , Washington ; James Mohan , Le
murs ; Hcla-ily A Joiner , Centrevillo
William T. Ucslmvv Avoca ; Theodotc
Oslrander , Hanoi oft ; William S. Hams
Atlantic , Amos Al , New London
Benj iniin How aid , Wnukon Hestoiattoi
and le-issuo-Jo'-epli Ciamer , Council Hlulfs
Increase -Hcmy Panstian , D.u'enioit ;
James L Ko\s , Hanoi.r Isaac Hnncr , Cooi
H.ipids , Henj.innn H White , H.npcr ; Amo' '
Al Higgs , Springliold ; Fiancis T. Mitchell
Dos Alomes , John Aljeis , Hcasancr , Sulli
van Daniels , Vinton ; Albeit H Shaw
Washington , Thomas A. Bell , Cottonwool !
He-issue William Gioundry , Hulling
ton , Frank Ucckman , I ittlcport
OiiRinal widows , etc Alinoi of William H
lie-land , Cincinnati , Cjrus , father of Wil
ll.nn Sutton , Ottumw.i : Hosa , widow o
Tliomas Cnrr , Keokuk ; Hiimct , widow o
Eugene Hunt , Mcnlo , Hannah , mother o
James A Slccpci , Dow Citj ; Vietoua A
widow of Coinelius L. Morgan , Benvct
Hannah , widow of Wm. G. Kieo , Munay
Alollio A , widow of Thomas A Haiding
Heel Oak.
Army Alattcrfl.
W\sin\oroN , July 2 [ Special Telegran
to Tin : Hi i : ] Pnvalo William Hogens
Tioop A , Ninlh cavahy , now sujiposod to bi
with liis tioop , liavingenlistedvvlnlo a tumor
withoat Iho consent of Ins pttents or jju.u , is discharged.
Second Lioatoiiant Henry S Henlmm , Second
end infantry , is detailed to attend the schoo
of instruction at PccUsklll , N. Y. , to assis
In giving instiuclions to the sovcial oigani
/ations ; of Iho guard of the state o
New Yoik duiing llio pciiod of Iho encamp
ment ending August 11 , U5S
The following naine-a pii-.oneis aio select
ed to iccolvc thu iii.nlc of special favor whiel
w ill bo granted on "Iimependc nc-o dav" end
j car to Iho two iiilhoneis who havoseivei
not less than eighteen months of the-ii ic
spielivo tcims of conllnemunt and whos
ic > oids of cuiiiluet aio Iho most favoinblo o
any at the pi miniFiodeiuk M Selmllej
Into piivato Company G. Sixth infantij
geneial com t mnitial ordeis No 21 , Alaicl
fi , IbMl Depaitment of the PintleWillnn
Sclnieiui , late u emit , gcncinl couit-m.uti.
oidcisNo s'.i ' , Septimbci ! l , lbS5 The ui
cxecutcil poi tions of tlio prisoncis' sentence
are i emitted , ami thev will bo leleasecl froi
eonliiiement t.t Foil Leiivcnwoith July 4.
National De-ht Sliitenient.
WlsniNOlox , July 2. I'ho following is
reeapitalation of the debt statement : Intel
est bcaiing debt , f l.lUO"O.J17 , debt of vvliic
interest co isod at mituiily , $4G < ilat4J , In a ;
ing i.o tntercsl , iih > , IV,2U ) , , lotal debt , pin iiiul inteiest , * l,7l7i8l,791 ; less avail :
bio cash itcniH , $1.2n3bn,271 ( ; net cash in Hi
tieasui v10 V--W,4H ( , debt less c ish In tieai
in v Julj 1st , $ llin,5M , < i.V > ; debt less cash i
tHMsuiy Juno 1st , 51,1 0,1)11l.VJ ;
din ing the month , fl MJ'MUiJ , decrease ) sine
JunoiW , lb > 7 , ill.t.S-U.US ) ; e-ash In trcMsnt
available for the leilauion of 'he ' debt , $ , ils
071M171 , icsetvo fund , flOO.tOJ.OJO ,
able , $ ' 'ltl , ( > .l,7 < t' , total mh in Iho tieasui
us shown bj the geneial account , $ < ii iMi-l,0 }
I Irenien Airl\iiil at Deuilvvood.
Di.\n\v < ioi ) , Dak , July 2 ( Special Tel
gram to Tin : Hi i. | TUo mde-peiiJent hos
team gf Council B lulls ni lived hcto to nif ]
nnd weio coulnllj1 received by the Deai
wood llronirn The citjis bcautlftilljdecui
ated In honor of Iho anival of the ill cine
and Hioworks aio bolng stntup ThoTntn
ton leaui , of Omaha , will aiuvo tomc-nnv
A Dakota Cloiidhin st.
Dn\o\\ooi > , Dak , Julj 2 [ Special Tel
giain to THE HIP. : ] A cloudburst on Fa1 !
Bottom , ntno miles above bcic , jcstcidc
morning , flooding the vallo. , sweeping av\ .
biiclges in.d etouk and cluing gitiat dumu C I
ciops No loss of life tcsultcd
Ailtotiininciii lorilio t'otiidi.
AliL\VAtiM'B , Wis , July 2 1 ho Ameiien
Society of Civil Euglutcrt La adjourned t !
JulyB ,
Not Properly Appreciated By the
Crete Chautauciuans.
Colonel Haiti Delivers n Mngnlflccnt
Addiess Setting 1'orlh the Atlvnnt-
l' Total AlHtlnence Chll-
Uicn'a Dnj State NCVVH.
nho Crete Chnntntttin. ]
A ivimOnoUNDi , CIIITC , Neb , .TuU
2. [ hpeci tl to Tin : Hi c ] At 11 n. m yes
terday Colonel H tin delivered Iho last of the
sctles of brilliant Icctmcs which have so
grcatlj' delighted all who heard them The
opening exercises at this liour consisted of
nn anthem bj' the choir nnd the reading of
ho eighth chapter of Proverbs , and pr.ij er by
) r Dunning Tins opening pt.ijoi was ono
f great earnestness and eloquence , and held
.ho great nudlcnco spellbound The audl-
nice joined in repeating the Lord's prav er.
t was grand to hear the thousands of cam-
est voices lopc-ating in unison the wonderful
ttajor Christians have been pinjing all over
.ho world during all the centuries since the
line of the disciples.
OColonel Haiti then began his gospel icm-
leram.o sermon. It was a logical and clo-
jiiont appeal for total abstinence Dtunk-
urds mo made from moderato diinkersand
ic-ver fiom total abstainers. Modoiato
.IrinKlng is saro for a few people , n cutsc to
groit many , and a risk to cvcrjbody ,
while total abstinence is safe for every body
11 nd a curse lo nobody. In icply to the argu-
ncnt that the Savior made wine , the lec
turer s nd ho would not object to wine were
t made out of only what the Sa
vior made it cold water The wine
hat the Bible blesses Is not the wine thatrtho
Hiblocntses The Hiblo's definition of tern-
> eranco is Ibis- Moderation in rcgaul to
cveijlhliig useful nnd right ; total abstinence
u tcgard to everything huttful and wrong.
Colonel H tin spoke of the danger of mode-r
ule drinking , lefomng to the futo of Hdgar
Allen Pco , John Howard Pa\ne , George D.
Picntiss and the multitude of who had tiled
to bo only modciato diinkeis , but have found
ilrunkatd's graves.
" 1 can undoistand , " sild Colonel Haiu ,
' -how young lady can offer a joung man
wine , I can oven understand how a man of
inlluenco can take u young man into a bar
teem and invilo him to drink , hut 1 cm not
understand how a jouug man who loves his
mother can enter a bar loom , can ever take
even a single glass of that which if long in
dulged in will stitoly break Ills mother's
heart. " Ho plead with patents to Join the
temperance cause for their ehildien's sake ,
spoke of the crime of the saloon license and
expalialcd on the law of human biotheihood
which makes itjnilavvful to do anything that
causes our brother to Btuuiblc "Huf , " Wtf *
"I have influence " "Then
one , no jou get
j'our coflln mid got out of the world. A man
\\hoieally has no Inlluenco has no business
to be alive. Evci vouo can do as much as did
thobllnd man who catricd a lantctn lhat no
ono might stumble over him. The man who
both preaches and practices total prohibition
will never bo u stumbling block in the
waj of others. "
In closing , Colonel Haiu said.
"Young men 1 plead with jou
in the name of mother love ,
of homo love and of love of heaven. Ho m-
dustiious , bo honest , be sober , nnd give jour
hcatt lo God , for He is the best fiie-nd man
evei had To temper.mco add faith in God
and in the immottalitj of the soul. Without
this life is a failuie '
The noon hours weie spent bjr many In the
grove bj'the river. U was a ptotty Sight to
see the numerous hammocks , benches nnd
swings each with u croup of incrrj' occu
pants , 'I ho giovcwas liteially Hlled with
people of all ages , seeking test and plcasuio
in a vauotj of pleasant wajs.
Sunclaj school was heldat 2 p m. The
Bible class met in the pavilion andmunhcicd
scvetal bundled. The lesson consisted of
the 4th chaplci of Hxodus , and the school
was conducted by Piof Holmes. Tlio lesson
began wilh pi.ijer bj Iho le.ulci. and
singing conducted bj Piof Palmer , whoar-
uved at the assembly giounds this iiiounng.
In discussing the questions asked , inanj of
winch were diOicnlt and icquiied eatoful
explanation , Prof. Holmes showed icuiink.i
bio knowledge of the Bible , and raio tact
and ability in handling its dlfUciilt and ob
scute passages. It Is a well known fact that
as a and histoiical Icacher and
Iccluter Piof. Holmes has few if any equals
among the Chautauqua woikciu of this
At 1 o'clock Dr Dunning invited all joung
people uctvveen Iho ages of Iwclvo and twen
ty ono to meet him at the ball in the grove
foi a letson on cliiislian ethics. At the ap
pointed hour the audicnco benches weio well
tilled \\ith joung people , and Dr. Dunning
then gavonbilot address , taking for his
text John 10 , clniptci 10. "Foi 1 am como
that jou might have life , and that jou might
haveitmoio abundantly" Jeaus came into
the world that Ho might make us nlivo to the
things Hint aio highest and best. In order
that wo may bo liuly alive wo mast bocuie-
lul Hist to make the most of our bodies ; second
end , to make the most of our duilj wotk ;
thud , to make the most of our af
fections ; fouith , lo make the most
of our mental and opportunities
In the coutso of his address Dr. Duniinif !
gnvo Iho joung people four rules about
money Fit si , nlwajs plan to get money
onlj by eaining if second , always spend lc-s
than you ( arn , thud , nlwujssend | join
monej after joulmvo euuieil il ; fourth ,
alwujs get the best for join money The
ductoi said lhat the scc-iet of success in
business is not to sco how little woik wo can
do and how easily wo can do it , but to see
how much woik wo can do and how well we
can do it Wo should put the best though !
ami the hcstoffoit in what over wo do , oven
in the smallest tiling. Men ami women whe
give the best , they have ate ulwajs wanted. .
Heicafter tins soeietj of chiislmii ethics
wilt have an nnpoitant patt in the Sundaj
aftei noon services of the Nebraska assembl.v
just as it has long had at the NowYoili
At Tip m , the ladies held n missioning
meeting which was hugely attended. An
inletcsting addicss was given bjr Mis'
Fiancis ISaUer , of Michigan At 7 LO t
nu-tnutial sci vice was held in honor of Prof
bhoiwin , tlio eminent musical diiector , who
has had charge of Iho musical department
of tlio ussemblv lot several j ears , ami whose
death is mounted bj chautuuquans all ovei
the coantij- After the memorial pr.ijer bj
Piesideiit Pcuy , of Dotno college , tin
audieiuc joined in the beautiful responsive
readings and singing of the Chuutauqui
vc-spei se-ivico Tno memorial address was
the-n deliveicd bPiof Holmes , who was i
veij pcisumit fiiend of the dead musician
At the eloso of thomemoual addiess. Mlsi
Con- Gates sang the polo , 'Oh , Loicl , Mi
C.od , Mv Tiust is in Theo " This wits .
I" Dutiful selection , buuttifully lendeied am
( 'ieati.Viipprecn.ted uj the immense audience
The bune'.i.v evening sotmon followed tin
memorial service. Chunc-ollor Cteighlon , o
Lincolii , was tbo speaker of Ilia uvuning
'I ins closLcl ihoe-xeKiSes of Ihe iiislbabbati
of tl e assembly
MoitiJav moinmg dawned hi < i cloudy , un
ccita'r. way und it was hoped that ; > -owouh
have a iKC-ie-i daj than jesterday i'i'Cii
was a bettor breeze , but it was , noveilheless
aveiv uaim do > The fl 30 praje-r ineetini
this nunninn was quite as iiit roting am
! well uUen.lcci as usual. The subject for con
bideratiou was "Christ's Oneness with Hi
Chitrrh. " A lar o number took paitinth
tnecling , and at the close an opportunily wu
Riven for lequests forptajor A number o
thcso pin > i-nt took udvuntugc of the opixit
tat-.ty , aud Dr , Duuulnt ; piaycd aiutstl ,
for these for w hotn rociucBts forprajcr had
been made.
At S o'clock Dr. Palmer took charge of the
chorus class Ho lost no time in prelimi
naries , but ntonco began the work for winch
he hud come. The class contains about 150
singers , most of whom have considerable
knowledge of music. Tlio assembly chorus
class w Id this j ear surpass nnj thing of the
kind ever heard Hi Nebraska , and the con
cert next Fridaj evening will bo well wortli
the pnuso of the most fastidious
At 8 o'clock Key. Stewart's class met in
the normal hall. This class contains about
flftj- members , and Is doing excellent work.
The lesson this morning was "Paul's First
Missionary Journey "
Mrs Kennedy's children's class met In the
normal hall at tl a m. It is no stretch of Iho
tiuttitosaj that no instructor at the assem
bly surpasses Mrs ICetinedy In ability.
.ivt 0 n in Prof Palmer orgaui/ed a class
In harmony
At 10 a tn. the ladies of the W. C T. U.
held their meeting in the largo tent near Iho
Noimal Mrs C M. Woodward rend an in
teresting piper on "Scientific Tempeinneo
instruction. " This was followed bv a llvelv
discussion , in winch sovoial of themoio
prominent temperance vvnrkois participated
At 11 n ui Prof Holmes lectuied on "Al
fred , tbo Saxon. " This lectuie , like allot
Prof Holmes' English historj lectures , was
Intcnselj interesting nnd instt ue-tive. At the
same hour a ptonunclation match , conducted
bjProf. . Cumoek , was held at the hall
in the grove About fifty paitlcipatcd In the
contest. Tlio first prlro was to bo n complete set
of Charles Dickons' woiks. und the second
jirizo n Webster's unabridged dictionary.
'L'he contest Listed an hour. Air 13 P. Tip-
ton of Plum Ci cek won tlio Hrst pn/o nnd
Pi esident Perry of Doano college tlio sec
Senator Mandcrson will arrive to morrow
and will bo ono of the assembly orators on
the Fouith. Judco Coolev and wife will
also arrive to-moriow. Dr. Hurlbuit nnd
Ptof. Cumook came to day The trustees of
the association will hold n , business meeting
at 3 p. m ticYtTliuihdav. All the tiustees
tire requested to bo present.
Tlis afternoon at 2 , Prof Cumoek pave his
flist rending , and this evening Mrs. Lathrop ,
of Michigan , lectured. The following is the
programme for Tuesday , Julj y Lavvjcrs"
Day :
0 JO Praj er service.
8.00 Choi us.
b 00 Intci mediate class.
t ) 00 Childien's class.
0.00 Advanced noimal class "The history
of the English Bible. "Methods of in-
structon " Intorogation
10 00 Singing school for beginners.
10 00 Lecture Prof. Holmes "Homy the
Seventh " Colonization
10.00 Temperance class "Jail and prison
work "
11.00 Headings by Prof. H L. Cuinock.
2.00 Judge T M. Cooley tis expected ) .
4 00 Choi us
4.00 Notmal class "Reviews The scope
and aim of the Suncl i.v school "
1.00 Advanced normal class "The teach
ings ol Clnist. " Continued.
1 00 Prnnarjteachers' class.
t5 00 C. L S C Hound table , led lj Dr. J.
L Hurlbut , principal.
8.00 Lecture J. L. Hurlbut , D. D. "John
Knox. "
Good Prospect of n
ATMN'SOX , Neb , .I'uno 30. [ Correspond
ence of Tin : Hi K ] Atkinson is having : i
gtand jollification ovoj the welcome news
that the Holt eountj" board of supervisois
have at last decided to submit the question
of countj' dlvlsiu" ta a G > to ol the people.
Believing that Holt county is ifluch too
largo for its own welfare , and that the tune
for a division into smaller counties has ai
med , the people of the southeast , southwest
and northwest sections of the county have
petitioned to have these sections detached
from Holt and erected Into now counties , to
bo named respectively Elkhorn , Union and
Niobiaia Tlio petitions wcro signed bj-
over three-fourths of the legal voters of the
terntoij de-shed to bo set ofl , although num.
berless counter petitions and reinon-
sti uncos weio citeulatcd by the
opponents of thb measure , and
in spilo of the opposition of
a nmjoiily of the members of
the countj' board , on the side of the divis
ion and Iho popular majority. The board
to-day , at tlio seventh hour , jicldcd to the
inevitable and pcrfoimed their dutv. Ow
ing to the piomincnt part taken by the pco
plo of this place in Iho division matter , At
kinson is recognized as Ihc loader in the
movement andcett.unly no ono can com
plain of anjlac k ot "staying" qualities in
lier makeup The division pionosltion will
receive an ovei whelming cndoisumcnt at the
The crops up this waj- ate simply grand.
Count on this section for a libcial contiibu-
lion lo the Omaha gialn palace.
The G. A. II.'s at Dorchester.
DoncniSTiH , Neb , July 2. [ SpocKl to
Tin : Hi i ! j Extensive picpaiations are being -
ing made for the G A H teunion to be held
hero Julj- ! t , i and 5. A Lugo attendance is
expected. The welcoming addiess will bo
doliveicd by Commander V W Hagler
Depaitment Commander W C Henry will
speak on "Tho Volunteer Soldier " A grand
camp 11 ro , to bo led by J H. Loior , the light
ing chaplain , will bo held in the pavilion on
tno evening of July ; i.
On llio second day , July 4 , addtcsses will
bo deliveicd bj Mis Humct Wncle , John W
Jiinuiny , Chaplain Lozier and Senator Man-
On the closing day Governor Thaycr , L.
T Van Clevo and ex-Governor Dawes will
speak , and n sham battle will take place in
thn aftei noon. Hninoads will Issue tickcls
good until July 0 nt > ono faro for the louud
IIumholoU'H lint i flout Ion.
IIi'Miioi.UT , Neb , flJuly 2 [ Special to
Tin : Hi.n 1 This city was all enthusiasm
last Satuiday evening , the Decision being
the ratlllcation meeting of the republicans ,
under the auspices of the Haiiison nnd Moi-
lon club. Cannons loaied , bands discoursed
cxiclient musicnnd , all republicans threw off
their letlmrrv and Joined the procession
ehcei ing lustilj for the next president and
vieo piesiUont of the Unitc-d hlalcs Hunt-
son and Merion Aflei Iho line display ot
Hiowoiks , pioce-Rsions , etc , the crowd ad
join tied lo Iho opeia house wheio they weio
uddicsscd bv Hon. Iftham Konvis , of Fall
City , Ho made many Idling tills and there
vvoro not a few deniOiuuts pic-sent who ad
mitted that his argu int'nts weio sound Tlio
e-ampaign is fanly ope-nod and if Ihc signs
indie ate nnj thing Republicanism will cany
eveijthing hcio. _
A Villain GetH Three Montho.
Flu MONT , Neb , July 1 ( Special Telo-
gnimtoTiu : UI.K. ] Thomas O'Hrion , who
was guilty of committing n nameless cruno
on a little colored girl hi Iho cily p.nk on Iho
day of Hie cxcuision of the Omaha colored
people to Fremont last week and who was
afterwards atrcsled n Omahu and brought
heio and lodged in jail had n preliminary
tnul beioio a Justicrt Hunter tins afternoon.
Several witnesses gavti testimony. O'Hiion
was was sentenced to three month's impiis
onmcnt in the county jail
.Nellgh Itennlilicanrf HatH'y.
Ni i ion , July 2 , [ fjpeciul to Tub Hi K 1 A
rousing latitlculion of Uanison und Moitoi
was held at Una pluco last night Speeches
woio made by Messit Willi.iniH , FannonMc-
ICinitiie , Memtt and jjtlieis. Whencvrr tin
name of Htaino was mentioned H ctcalee
gieat enthusiasm. A club of over one bun
died was formed forjllaitison and Moiton ,
Wllli pic&i ! > eels of great success.
Toro Uj/tho / Trnnlc.
YAU-VHAIBO , Neb July 2 [ Special to
'tun HLI- ] Saturday evening as a freight
train from the ca/t was coming down the
bill about two mdes from town it broke li
two and two carsivoio thrown fiom the
rails and about a half miloof the tiack was
psuttv badlv turn up , delaying the
train fiom Omaha several hou .
They Unlto in Ploclgos of Love to
Ono Union nnd Plagr.
Vii Interesting Programme Carried
Out lt > llio Slhorj llnlroil Vctur-
nns CSenernl Slokles Delivers
nn Uloiiictit
in Pence.
July ' 4 The second day of
ho ro union opened clear nnd beautiful.
Trains with thousaneh of passengets rolled
nto the town and the RI cat crowd has grown
arger until the phtro is tilled fuller than at
any time since the memoiablc dajs In 'i J.
At 10 o'clock llvo regiments of Oi ecu's
) Hgado dedicated their monuments on
Culp's hill , ami immcdiatelj nfteiwaul n
reunion of the biigado was hold
Major General Henry J. Slocum and
.liipulier Genotal George I Gicen made ad-
licsscs. At tlic same hour Sickles' eveolsior
jrlgado met at the site of the bi Igado monu-
ne'tit and held dedicatory exercises Ur.
rwltchell delivered an oration and Dr.
5uckle\v read an original poem entitled "U\-
cclsior. "
At half-past 0 o'clock the membcts of the
Irish brigade marched to the Catholic
church , where a requiem mass for those
who fell In battle was celebrated. The
mrly then proceeded to the monument near
: ho "Loop , " back of "Devil's Den , " v , hero
: ho dedication exercises wcro held. Gen
eral Hobcrt Gtigent and Dennis L < \ Uurko
made addi esses
The af lei noon a business meeting of the
Society of the Army of the Potomac was
In addition to these memorials there were
dedicated to day monuments to the following
regiments- The Second , Ono Hundicd r.nd
Tortj ninth , Hightj sixth , Ono Hundred and
Kortj llfth. Tort v Hi st , Fifty second , Tor-
tieth and Nmtieth New Yoik icgunenls , and
the first , Touith and rifth Now YOIK bat-
tciv ; Sixty eighth , Ninotj eighth , Ono Hun-
died and Tenth , One Hundred and Fifth and
Slxtj seventh PoiinsvJvania.
At il o'clock thu corner stone of the "Mem
orial Church of the Prince of Peace" was
formally laid.
At . { o'clock the Societv of the Army of the
Potomac had its annual mec'ting and elected
Gen .loshua Chamberlain president for the
ensuing year At half past t the grand pi o-
cession moved to the losUum in the National
cemeterv , wheie the exercises of the reunion
between the blue and the giev took place.
Gen. Sickles was inti educed as presiding
ollker. Ho spoke as follows :
"This assemblage maiks nn epoch You
aio the survivor * of Uvo gtoat armies.
, vou and jour conn adcs fouclit the decisive
battle of u long and toniblo civil war
Twontj-lho jcnts have passed , and now
the combatants of ' 03 como together ig.iln on
vour old Held of battle to unite in pledges of
love ami devotion to ono constitution , ono
union and Hag. To day theto aio no vlctois ,
no vanquished. As Amoncans all claim
a common share in the glories
oi this battlefield ; meinor.iblo for so many
brilliant feats of aims No stain rests on
the colors of anj battalion , battery or tioop
that contended heio for victoiy. Gallant
Huford , who began the buttle , and brave
P"icl7etts trim eloacjd the struggl" , i.tly
repiesent the inticuid rosls llmtlor three
dajs rivalled each other in titles to
martial renown. Among the hundreds of
inemot ial structures on the field , not one
bearing an inscription that wounds the sus
ceptibilities of an honorable and gallant foe
Wo ullshat o In the rich harvest reaped bj
the whole country from the new America
bom on this battle Held when the republic
concenttatcd her institutions tolibuity uud
"It is some times siid that it is not wise to
perpetuate the memories of the eivil war.
The conflict of 1M)1 S was a war of mstitu
tions and s.v stems and policies. 'Jho memories
of such a war ni c as indestructible as our
civilizition. The names of Lincoln
and Leo and Giant nnd .lackson
can never bo elTiccd Item
our annals. The valoi , fortitude and achieve
mcnts of both armies demand a iccorel in
Ann-lie1 in lustorv Thovv.n of ISsiil r > was
our heioieagc. It eicmonstiatcd the vitality
of icpublican institutions It illustrated the
maitinl spnit and genius ot the Amei-
ican soldier and sailor It was a war in
which sentiment and ideas dominated over
intoicsts'o now sco that obstinacy of
\\.it on both sides compelled the settlement
of all the elements of distinction between
the north and the south. An earlier pc ice
might have been u meio truce Wo fought
until the fuin.ico of wai molted all our dis
cords and molded us in ono homogenous na
tion "
When Govoinor Gordon , of Georgia , ap
peared the eheois were almost deafening.
He said
"Mr. President and Follow Soldieis 1
gicet you to night with far less ttcpidation
and infinitely moio pleasute than in the
early daja of July , lb ( > . ) , when I lust
met you at Gettjsburg I came
then , as now , to meet the soldieis
of the union nrmv It would bo useless to
attempt utterance of the thoughts which now
thrill my spit it. The temptation is to diaw
a contiast between the scenes then wit
nessed and those which greet us heto to
night , a contrast made by this
mass of manly coidiallty and good foi
low ship with Dlong lines of dusty
umfoims whieh then stood in battle nnav
between bustling bajonots and spread en
signs , moving In awful silence and with sul
len tread to grapple each other in deadly
conflict. Thcro is ono suggestion which
denotes my thought at this hour ,
to present which 1 ask brief
indulgence. Of all mnitial values ono
which Is jicrlinps moro characteristic of the
ttuli biavoislho virtuoof ma nanimiti 'My
fullest earldom would I give to bid Clan
AlpmuV chieftain live It wi.s a nohlo
sentiment attributed to Scotland's
magnanimous monarch tis ho stood
gating into the faeo of his slain
antagonist This sentiment , Imrnortali/ed
bv Scott , will associate for all time the name
of Scotland's king with these of the gicat
spirits of the past. How giand are the ex
hibitions of the same gciieious impulses that
clmiaetcii/o the victors upon this mcmoiml
( li Id My fellow coantii men of the noith , if
1 iiiuv bo pci united to spc > ak for these whom
I luprcsent , let mo assure jou that In the
piofoundcst depth of their nature thej re-
cipioeato that generosity wilh all the manli
ness and sincerity of which bravo men are
camble. Wojoln.vouin suiting apart this
lane as an emluiing monument of
peace , biolhcrhood and peipotuul union
Hy the blood of our fallen heroes , wo unilo
in solemn consociation of thcso battle 1ml-
bwcd hills ns u hob , eternal pledge of Illicitly
to the lovo. freedom and unity of this cher
ished tepublic. "
The Northwest's Centennial.
CINCINNATI , O , July 'J. Mayor Smith has
sent out to the mayors of the cities and
towns of the Ohio Valley and ol the tern-
tori northwest of the Ohio river a request
to cause tlio ringing of bells in their lespcc-
tive cities and towns , and the Hunt , of cannon
at midnight , JulA ! ) , and in that way to join
the i iti/ens of Cincinnati in eommemoiuling
tlio ono hundn dtl\unnivcisari of the settle
ment of this vasl leu iloiy , and in rojou ing
that dlvino providence has enabled our people
plo to redeem fiom baibatism audio bung
to Christian civ lualion so great and feitilc u
WrccKeil in a ! ' < > .
GIIUUIT. 11 , July ! i-A fog of unpiccc
dented dcnscnesb prevails hero. Thico Hut-
tsh steameis the ( Jlcndevon , Lionel am
Karl of Dumfrieshavo gene ashore , am
another steamer , tlio Kcsolution , has univce
with her bows mm h damaged , The stc.ami
Hail of Duuiftius la full of watei , nul will
probably bo n total wreck The Glondcvon's
position U dungoi ous 'I hero Is eighteen feet
of jvater In hir fcrehold fehr h .
caruo ,
HP Wni Almost n Conmoslto Photo-
Kruph of the Nation's \ \ niitM.
Wv ut\oTov , July 3. Congressman \VI1-
lam Walter Pholpi has returned to the city
nnd In reviewing the work of the Chicago
convention snjs "After llvo dujs of inccs-
snnt diicussioi ) , nnd having established the
eortect principles of a choice , the convention
cl-oso Genet al Hariison with surprising
inantmltv. Thev wanted a doubtful state ,
latrison lived in Indiana 'Ihey wanted a
vcstern candidale ; Harrison was la the
vest , and not far enough to bo out of knowl
edge and svmpathy with eastern thought ,
laruson was neat theecntor eif population ,
md was almost a composite photograph of
he nation's wants Ho was neither a
ri anger not nn antlgianeer , ho
md goeid running mmlttic-s of
another kind Ho ha 1 a homo and ehorWied
t lie had all the homelv quulilles which
ne Iho best gifts to an Ammic.ui Who see'ks
in ofnYo b.v popular vote. Ho had n good
eeoid ami not ton mmh of it These1 were
he teasons which inlluenced the e-onvention
o nominate Gem ial Hnrusoii I was etitltolv
sincere when I lologiaphodGcneial Haruson
.hat no was one happ.v issue out of nil our
trouble , and that the convention was foi tun-
ito to have found It out. "
Hliermnn ConKtMtnlntos Miiil on ,
IvnivNVroits , July 3 Ttieie were manj
vlsitois loday at the Hiiriison residence , in
eluding Cicnotal We st of California , and
Uencral George Manning of Tennessee , and
Messrs Cheney of New Hampshliei , Allen
if Mulno , and Phillips of Now York , mem-
jers of the commlttco on notlllcallon up-
minted nt Chicago , who are In the city wait
ng the coming of the icinaimlcr of the
committee , who will arrive tomoirow Gen
cuil Harrison has received a warm congrat
ulatoiy letter from Senator Sherman. The
etler Is full of ftlcndsliip for Clonutnl Hai-
risen , nnd expresses win inly an intention to
suppotl tlio ticket.
Ijovl P. Mot-ton In New York.
New YOHK , July 'J - Hon. Lcvl P. Motion
came to this eitj from Khinebcck to-day. Ho
was Immcdiatcb closeted with a number of
friends Ho has not jet .nranged to meet
: he commtttccof theClilciigo e-onvcntion , but
will piobably tcccivo them nt his homo in
Democrat H Assembling.
HALTIMOKF , July 'J Tno guard of
the galhoi Ing elans of the democracy is ar
riving. Itonrcscnlntlvcs of a do/en elubs
liuvonlieadi tepoited.
A Tut tic risher Pinched.
Kr.vWisr , July ! ) The tovonuo cultoi
Crawfoid has arrived here , having in tow
the Utitish schooner Admired , captuicd ofl
1'ooey Kock Liglit while tin lie llshini ? .
iH Hatll'y.
Mi.ssiui' , July ' . ' . The tepublican
inceling this evening was nddicssod by
Muhlon Chance , of NewYoik , and Colonel
W. C. Plummer , of Dakota.
He Unl'oUlH n Plan I 'or IrhiLiii Land-
lot ( ! H Down n Pep.
Nnvv YOHK , July 2. [ Special Telegram to
Tun 111 r ] Dr. McGljnn was in a jovial
humor last night , nnd with many a wink and
grimace unfumciVio the a'itti > oveily socictj ,
in Iho great hall of Cooper union , a plan lor
bringing the landlords down to the plane
upon which the anti-poverty society dcsitcs
to meet them. This was n combination to
tefuso to pay rent. "Suppose , sild the doc
lor , "that" live , ten , fifteen o ; twenty thou
sand tenants shtnlM , on a given day , say to
the Inndloids , 'Wo will pay jou no mote
gtound lent , but only a fail house
hire for jour hire , don't vou think
it would bo a good while
hefoiotho Hndlords could evict them ) At
Hrst thcro must bo a notice , then a ti ial in
the disti let courts bcfoio tenants could bo
turned out Thodistuct coints aio limited
in number I think tlieie aio onlv about
eight of them It might take a good manv
months to expedite tlioso pioe-esses In the
meant line those tenants would ho living in
these houses lent ficc Tno vlctoiy would
almost bo won. " In this sti.un Iho puost of
the new ciusado talked ncailj tlneo ijuaitcis
of an hour Ho said the sihr-me was legal
and practicable It might bo well tolivit
on some tenement house block and mildly
boycott the premises.
Still Signing the Scale.
PiTTsnt no , July ! . ' . Two moie signaluirs
to the Amalgamated scale weie icpoitcd
tlnsinoining They weio the Laugldin non
eompnnj of Lee-chbuiir , Pa , and tiio Find
laj- Iron comany ] of Fimllay , Ohio This
news was Iho occasion of consldciablo 10-
joicnig about Iho woikmcn's hc-adqnaileis ,
but according to the manufncluiois tlio ac
tion of thcso linns wai discounted befoic the
lockout began. The shutdown docs not ef
feet eveiy woikman in and mound tlio mills
us has been icpoited Many of tlioso dcp.ut-
mcnts Unit aio not goveine-d bj the Amalga
mated association scale will continues in op
This evening Supt Walker , rc-picscnting
C.u negie , Phepps \ , Co , sigm d the scale for
nil Unco mills except the Homestead steel
woiks. Tlio Carnegie mills aio now closed ,
but opeiations will ho resumed on Thursday
The He-public lion company , ol this city , also
placed thoit slgnaluics to the scale to ni lit ,
and will slait up the latter p.nt of the week
The Hess lff.unlit.
CIIICAOO , July 2 [ Special Telegram to
Till ) Hri. ] J. Aldiieh Urown , who was ar
rested hcio Satin day night charged with
being the boss bigamist of the country , he-ing
iepreuentcd to have twenty tlneo wives , is
not especially anxious to go back to Dctioit ,
where Iho ( list complaint was lodged against
him , but stoutlv maintains that ho is a nuu h-
abused man. Ho ajs ho has butono wlfo ,
but ndmils that ho has been entiin/k-d with a
lot of others , who have bled him until a good
piopeity that ho had is gene and hn is i oin-
polled lo work at lux trade If this storj1 of
the Delioit ollleois of Hiown bo pi oven ho is
0110 of the most icmuikablo bigamists ever
he-aid of.
Vale n line ItcpiihlirmiH.
VAirsriM : , Neb , July J ( Special Tele-
gium to Tin : liuu J The republicans oigan-
iye-d a Han Ison and Moi ion club to night. A
hn go number were pi usent and joined The
club was organi/ed on u most libetal pilncl
pie , including ladies and hojs ovoi eighteen.
II C. Holslavv was elected piesulent , W.
Marker secretary , John Yeast trtasuier ,
James Connolly captain , D Nicholson Hist
lieutenant and Kd Cl'irk Hec.ond lieutenant
The meeting of the club is lo bo vv cckly until
the close of the campaign.
Tutul right Wilh Despi l
Mifciuuii u , I. T , Julj . ' . Late Satuiday
night at u green coin dunce near Kufal.i ,
United States Maishals Phillijis and Mo-
Gloughlin attempted to ai rest Wesley and
Wattle Is.irnett , two notouous despoiadocs.
A despeialo Hglil orciirtcd , in whicli Phillips
VMIH instantly killed. MeGloughlin continued
Hi ing until uddlcdwilh bullets IJcforo hi :
died ho fatally injured Wullio. Wesley
A Itelie'iti Ing Orilereil ,
Dtm IN , July J Tlio couit of e.xiOieQiiei
has ordeicd the magistincy of Louglnca lo
ichcin Iho ease of Wil. nun O'Hiicn , in Qjdei
to determine the question of the legality ol
sentence- .
An AlkaiihitH Illa e- .
Sr Louis , Mo , Julj 2 Twonty-two busl
nebs houseii and lesidenccs In Ihoovn \ ol
Patagoud.Atk , wpre buined Satutday'ulfht
Loss , $ UOUO , Insurance saiail.
Qormnny'a Knisor Propntinsr for
Two Roynl Visits.
A General Ilellel'Thut H Will lie.ul to
n llette-f Umlct'itnmllnu Hetwcon
the Two ? Ionnrohs Other
Mcotlngs of MonnrclH.
1 t > u Jiimri ttiinlim llennrlt 1
Hi UI.IN , July li [ New Yont Herald
Cable-Special to TIIK Hi r | The visit
which Knlscr Wllhohn Is about to p.n to the
czar will bo one of oxtiomo political 1m-
pottance , exceeding , pot Imps , oilier now his-
loile-al tncelings , allhough Iho tcsult may
not uo seen Immediately nflerwnid. 1 learn
It is believed to bo Kaiser Wllholm's Inten
tion about the 15th or nt the latest on the
1Mb Instant to UMVO Dnutrlc In tlio royal
jacht llohenrollorin for Potorshof , where
the two moimrchs will gtcet ono
another. Count lleibctt Yon Hlsmatek
Is , among others , to nccornpmiy the
kaiser. Hv August 1 his majesty will bo
hick again in thoGoiman etpital from St
Pclctsburg I nlso loam tlttit consldorablo
pieparatlons aio already being made fora
woilhy icccption of the Goimaii kaiser.
With icgaul to the Impression nmdo in po
litical circles bj' the news of the coming iui
pcrlal meeting nnd especially because the
kaiser is going to SU Peteislmig lltst
inslcad of Vienna , I may glvo
the substance of a conversation
I had lo day w ith an eminent personage
who said Iho kalsor's visit to the c/ar would
only meet with enthusiasm and npptcclaUon
from the Russians if made immediately and
not after his m ijostj had boon to Vienna.
It Is believed in political circles In
Vienna full eontlilonoo Is placed In the
kaiser's woids that ho will under all clteum-
stances hold by his iillmno ) with
Au'-tio-Hungirj1 ' , whilst ho docs not consider
th it friendship with Hnssla is Inconsistent
with this I understand that the dates for
the knisci's visits to KinpeiorFiancis Joseph
and King Humbcit have not jet beeni llxed ,
It is believed his majesty will go either about
the cud of August or in tlio autumn to
Vienna and w ill then tatto the opportunity of
going to MOIIS.I to visit tlio king of Italy. At
nnj rate , the meeting between the Austro-
Hungaiian momuchs will tuko place at
The Pope Gtovv ing CnutioiiH.
jroji/ifihf | ; t S till James ( liinlim ltcnnctt.\ \
KOMI- , July 'J [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : HIT | Caidlnal
Men an , Aichbishop Sjdne'j has , since big
auival hero , had long convcisatlons
with the pope on the liish question. The
c.udinalliilesuppoiting the condemnations
bj the liolj' olllco , of the plan campaign anet
the practice of boj colling , has advised
the pope not to take ton stein a
view of the nationalist movement lest
the Catholio Iilsh and ihoir sj'inpa-
Ihi/eis in ojhe-r countries and pailicularly
in the United Slales , should adopt au atti
tude of dellanco'towatd tUu Vatican. The
pope seems to have boon influenced by these
arguments and it is not impiobiblo tint the
Vatican , while miintaining the condemnation
issued troni the holy ofilce , may maintain an
attitude of neutiality , publicly at least , while
continuing to sccielly onfoieo ils view i upon
the Itish cplbcopncy
Jamm ( Ionian
LONDON , July 2 [ Now Yoik Her
ald Cable Special to Tin : Hr.r.J
In connection with the episcopal gathering at
Lambeth palace , which i ommeni-ed today , a
special set v ice was held tonight In Westmin
ster nubcy , at which about ono hunched and
thiity bishops of the Anglic i communion
wcro present Pieviotts to service the bish
ops assembled in the nave where they vvoro
mat studied in procession aicoiding lo daloot
ccmscciaUon. Among Iho bishops in
the procession weio the bishops
of New Yoik , Allnnj , Newark ,
southcin New Jctsej' , wcstein New Yoik
and Minnesota After a full scivico and
gieat buists of oigan and i hoii sim.'ing , tlio
jiichblshop of Cantorbuiy pleached fiom
Kphesl.ins I It ! At the close of Iho seivico
a livmn by Hishop Cleveland Coxo was SUIIR
and tlio primate pmnouiacd the belle-diction.
The pioeesslon t etui ned to the Jerusalem
chamber in a leveisouulci to that obsetvcd
on entoimg. _
A Prominent Hostoninn Dead.
Itojiy/lulil IFftfliu Jamco ( iuiilim llninet ]
LONDOV , July " ( New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Hi r 1 Mi. AV.
Crowniiishield Hogois , of Huston , died to-
clnj at liiown's hotel , Dnvut stieel , after d
short illness , of pneumonia.
Ff.-inlc Huuh O'Donnoll'H Action
Agninivt Hie 'Plumelet cr.
Losnos , Julv 2 Tlio of the action o
Fiank Hugh O'Donncll against Iho London
Times foi libc'l in its at tides on "Paniolllsm
and Ci line , " was began to day Lord Chief
Justice Colericlgo picsidcd O'Donnoll was
tepie-sented bj Mi iCne-gg 'I he c mil t loom
was picked , munj poisons of piommeneo being -
ing piesunl
Hoi Iioi I Gladstone , who was present , sat
by O'Donnc-ll'H siilo The Tunes was ic-pie-
Benlod bj Altoinoy Geneial Sn Hcmy
James , Lumblcy Smith and William Giuliani
Gwjnno Uuegg , in piesc-nting the ease foi
the plaintiff , declined that O'Uoniiellviii
nut in sjmpathy with the Irish oxlroinlsts ,
imt held then methods in dctestnlion. Thu
Times had no c'lonnds for coupling bis numei
with Dial pai lv and the plaintiff therefore
claimed ? riO'j , ( ( ) damages Huegg also said
O'Donncll hud not bc < n connected with tlio
Parnell i > nly since 1 84 Kuegg'H voice was
notsttongand his manner of HJM aklng mon
otonous , and the couit did not appeal p.utlo-
uhnly inteicsled
Tlio Hrst witniHs c-illed was Henry W
Lucy , editor of tlio Daily Novvs Ho said
ho considetcd that the inferences in Iho aril-
clo on "Paniolllsm and Ctiino" inuludud
O'Donnell. '
At this jnnetuio Parnell entered the court-
loom and took a seat between T. P O'Con-
noi and Phiht ) Callnn
On eioss examination Lucy gave testimony
which tended to piovo that O'Donnull wai
picscnt nt the Nationil league meetings
w hero violent speei lies inciting to murder nnd
m win wcro made , and against which ho ut
tered no protest. The lotd chief Justice ruled tlio questions concei nlng Gladstone's
anil league speeches in patliament wora ir
NfWh Pi om Congo
LONDON , Julv 2 The Btea-ncr
ni rived at Liveipool with Congo
to May 27. 'Iho iceonnoiteilng pattieH
vvldeh had adv uncoil along Slanloy'H louto
passed qiunlltica of human bones , which
weie apiurcntly the temun.H uf the victims
who had fallen In tin ) lii-lits bettvnrn
Stanley's followers and the natives No
relief had been received by the camp from
Tippso-Tib. Major Haidolot believing
that Stanley was not moro than llvo hundred
miles from the vamp In the direction of
Khattouni , was utcp.innt ; t ) yuh ou
aim join Him.