Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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A notey eenip tool , place nt the Union
1'nrlfic depot last night , but the fighters
flfippod wny in the crowd bolero tboir
tituncs could bo learned. Two men
jumped upon n third , supposed to be n
scab , knocked him down and kicked
him In the fnce. His howls drew a
crowd , but the two dUiipucarcd ( IB
J. I ) . Murphy , of Xoith rinttc , is fit the
I 'ax ton.
Atnbroic II. Lee , of Waterloo , Noli. , Is nt
the Paxtoii.
K C. Culklns , of Kearney , Is stopping nt
the I'uxton.
Arthur Knglhh ninl Mls i Hello I'nrkcr ,
both of SrrlVmrr , mo stopping nt the 1'nxton.
Herbert Goodrich and George Hlcko.v. of
Fremont. came down yesterday to sue tlio
Oiniihti-IJes Moines giunc.
11. Sillouiiv , thi ! prospective huullord of
the Murnij , has been Joined by his wife ami
daughter , who t'.unc from Cedar Itnplds , In.
t'olonol Clmsc , who Is to deliver the
Vouithof : .Inly or.itton apnlli tills yenr nt
( . 'hniniiipn , Ch HP eonnl.v , loft for tlml plnro
tm morning on the H. > > c. M.
K. Li. Cox , who has made iniiny friends us
tin. rlei-k "f tlio H.irkcr , joins fortunes with
lilt * I'axton from to dnv. .Ilinniy U.ilch will
illl the breach nt the Hurkcr for tlio time
Cnuultt From a Spnrk.
A house owned nnd occupied by Mnry Ann
Hnkor , on the corner of Kiftli nnd I'icreo
Ktreets , was set on llro by u spark from n
passing H. & M. engine ycslcidny. About
$25 worth of diitmiKo wns done before the
llamts weio extinguished by the lire depart
Tlic Pirt !
The llro hulillcs hurt in Inat Monday's
upset tire all Kitting ulont ; nicely , and gr.ul-
unlly recovering from their injuries. They
nro grateful for favors received and speak
particularly of Major Clarkson , who pave
them n largo iinantlty of first-chins cigars to
help while away the hours , and nlso his
chnrinlng daughter , who pi csuntcd them with
some lovely ( lowers.
Three Young Il'ulivvaymcn.
As John Smith , who lives on 'I'enth nnd
Huncioft , was passing down Thirteenth
street near Ai bor about 11 :1B : last night , ho
was knocked down and lobbed by three
highwaymen. His watch and chain nnd t. i
In money wore taken from him. Smith says
Unit in appearance the robbers were all
young fellows of al.out eighteen or nineteen
years , ami ho would icuJlly rccogni/o them
If ho saw them ngam
, V Youthful Tlilul1.
Albeit Walters , a mere lad of fourteen , is
behind the bars nt the central police station
for stealing a watch from a gentleman living
near 1 wenticth and Pierce. A man named
Gcorgo Green is uKo n prisoner on the
charge of being nn accomplice and receiver
of the stolen property. According to the
boy's story , Green induced him to steal the
watch , promising to glvo him 5 if ho would
do so. C ! i cen , however , denies this story.
nnd says that he merely jr.ivo the 5 for
the watch , not knowing It was stolen.
JIo Will Scr\e Out Ills Term.
Ttiomas Whlto was arrested last evening
for making things uncomfoi table for his di
vorced wife , 1-iiizlo Spr.iguc , who lives at
2112 Ginning street. White is also wanted nt
the comity Jail to linish serving out an uncx-
jilrcdtoim. Ho was sent up In Apiil for
lorty-llvo days for thievery , nndshoitly after
Ills term commenced ho was delegated by
the Jailer to assist some of the other prison
ers who were working outside the Jail , when
he soired the opportunity to disappear.
Since then ho has "laid low" until yester
day. _
A Itnrn Gone to Smoke.
The department was brought out at 2
o'clock this morning by an old-tlmo alarm by
locomotive whistles. The occasion was the
burning of n small frame barn in the rear of
William Schmidt's saloon at ( i2 ! South tfinth
street. Aleut two weeks ago it wns used as
a stable for the horses of the
South Omaha brewing company , but
since then its only nso has been
to harbor bums at night. The bain was
probably lit cd by one of its lodireis. In fact
one of them is reported as having threatened
to do so. The property belongs to Mike Dee ,
and his loss will not exceed f'JiM ) . The lire
made a big bla/o , but the depaitment pie-
vented its spreading.
The rideis on the chemical engine had
n thrilling experience on their way to
thollie. A sewer had been opened across
Tenth street , Just south of Hainc.v , but
was enclosed with boards resting on the tips
of upturned barrels. In the daikness of the
shadow cast by the biddings the driver did
not see this. The hoi tes were going at full
speed , With a leap that would do credit to
hurdle racers they cleared the lirst board
nnd the open ditch and knocked the farther
board off its supports. In their wild leap
they carried the front wheels into the air and
across the opening The hind wheels struck
the ditch with a fearful Jar that neail.v shook
the rldoiH oil the onirme , but the momentum
I cari led all safely through.
Cool the blood niiil re/rulnto / the bowels
by the USO Of TAUKANT'h SHI.1/.KIl
block of sporting goods in the
wobt lit Colliiirf' Gun Co. , Illl ! ! DOUJJ-
It Wan Itullt In 1HIO ( and Coinnt-c
Coiiiini'iiceil the Same Year.
OMAIIV , Juno 'J.'l. To the editor of Tun
Iliii : : To settle n hot please answer the fol
lowing question : When was the Denver ,
( Col. ) , mint built nnd nt what date was the
first money coined there ( Also , from what
point did thcp receive the bullion !
flu 1SX ( ) Clark , Umber & Co. , who were
doing n private banking business , began the
coinage of gold money which resembled the
? 5 , ? 1U and t'Ai gold pieces coined by the gov
ernment , with the exception that instead of
bearing the stump , United States of Amer-
icn,1' they bore the stamp , "Clinic , ( Iruber t
Co. , " nnd ' 'Pike's Peak" Instead of "In God
Wo Trust. " These coins wcro heav
ier and In weight weiu ac
tually woith inure than the
goveinmont coins. of them aio now
in the miihunm at Philadelphia. Clark ,
Giuber & Co. established this mint at then
own expense and begun this colnago in ordei
to save the enoi mous cost of $ . ' 10 per * 1KKI ( on
the trmibpoitation ol gold coin horn the Mis
souri nvor hero.
They continued the coining of thcso
pieces until 1Mb , when by order of the gov
ernment tney discontinued. The govern
ment then purchased their "plant" and es
tablished n government branch mint for the
purpose of rcllning bullion only. No 1110110,5
Is coined hcio now nor ha'vtheru ' been shuo
1M1I. The bullion from tflo vai ions smelters
in the west Is sent here and retlned mnl
forwarded to the Philadelphia mint. The
bullion Is received from smelters established
at the various mining camps throughoul
Colorado nnd the west. ]
Without health life hns no sunshine. ,
Who could bo huppy with dytpopslu ,
piles , low spirits , houdiu'ho , nguo , 01
discuses of the stomach , liver or kid
neys ? Dr. Jonos' Hod Clown * Tonic
qulokly euros the above , discuses. Price
61) ) cents. O. 1 < \ Ooodnmn.
Buy liuvn tennis outfits of Collins' Gun
Co , , Kill ! Douglns street.
Troniondous stock of Fourth of .Tulj
goods , including the latest nnd host , tit
Collins' ( jun Co. , 1315 ! Douglas street.
Full line of base ball foods at Collins
Gun 'Jo. , 18Ii ! loun ! ns street.
Tim Union * Pnclllc.
Will seJl tickets to all .points within a ,
ilUUuico of two hundred ( 'J'O ( ' ) miles
July 3d uiul 4th ; good re'turning until
July 6th ut
Olio/uru for the round-trip.
Ti ; DIM MM ? JUM * . '
jrtw Hrrnkprq Ilrou llt UfTorc tlio
.Municipal Hnr < if iluxllco.
Tlio following is the record of nrrcsts made
urlng the month.of June by the police force ,
ml kept by Jailers Johnson ami Hcliont :
\dultery 1
\ . saults -4
Vssault nnd battery 1
iuggery 1
iurglnry T
"nrrying concealed weapons fl
ierklcss drlvhiif. .
) lsturbliig the pence. , 1
Cccping vicious dog 7
) rnnkR COS
"ast driving i >
) isi-lmrgmg ilicnrms , 4
'Ighting 0 ! )
'rnml 1
Dbtninlnp money under fwlso prctonrcs. ! 5
'utfitlvcs from justice ! l
nmblini , ' 2
\eppei s of houses of ill-fiimo S >
njnrinfr property 2
iimatos houses Of proslUutlotl 85
'rostitutcs 2US
iidfrcnt exposure 1
ncni risibility !
"olty larceny 2J
Uiimd larceny , S
jiirceny from porsoit 18
\ lohiting peddler's llcottsu U
Violating hack license I
Violating garbage license 1
Violating plumber's license 1
Violating building llconao 1
Mixing mortar on street , . t
Onsecnc language : i
Heslst lug ofllcer.s 15
I'd keep the pcaco it
Violntiiiff primary election ordinance. . . . 1
Kobbcry 2
Spilling dnt on streets b
Obstructing stieets 80
Deduction , . 1
Shootinit 1
Sign nuisance fl
iU'celvliig stolen goods 1
Leaving teams unhitched 1
Total 2,24'J
Nineteen of tlio cabcs wcro scut to the ills-
.rlct court.
Croquet sets , olotrant nnd chenp ,
Collins' Gun Co. , 1111 ! ! Douglas street.
C. Leo Staub , Architect and Supt. ,
olllco 1019 Howard ; Hi years' experi
ence. Fine , fctylish buildings a apoe-
inlty. _
' UM
SOUTH O'MAIIA xivs. : .
Klllotl While AVorklnjj One Jlour
Kroiii'n Dinner To a Collln.
At half past U Sunday afternoon Enguno
M. Lift sat down to eat his dinner in the en
ginc room of the Omaha packing house , and
ut half past 1 his body lay in a colll n at the
nndci taking establishment ol Hrowcr & Sul
livan , lie was engineer in charge of one of
the free/iiig-mnchines , and white oiling up
his engine , a carboy of ammonia burst. lie
endeavored to esrupc from the stilling fumes ,
but accidentally ran into the lly wheel of an
other engine , and when tiiKen out was dead
Ills node ami both legs were broken , and it
is prob.ihle he never knew whutj'-ti uck him.
He was about twenty-tineo jears ago , and
came from Slmrpsburgh , Md . and lias nn
undo In Hoono county , Iowa. No blnmo
could bo attached to anyone , ami the death
was accidental , hut very sudden. He had
the reputation of being n good workman ,
mid of at all times being perfectly sober Ho
boarded with Mrs. H.\nn , at the corner of
Thirty-second and S streets.
Nittes about ilio City.
John Kane , who broke Jail a week agowas
captured on the hill by Olllcer Hrennan Sat
urday night , nnd is onto moie behind the
Olllcer John Sexton is in receipt of con
gratulations from his many friends. IIo de
cided to commence housekeeping , and yester
day afternoon was married to Miss Mary
Kelly. The cei oniony wns performed by
Father Morlarty at St Hndact's church , and
was witnessed bj a number of friends of
both contracting parties. In future John
will reside nt the coiner of Twenty-sixth
and O street.
Chris Johnson was inn in as a drunk yes
A boy named Snooks fell from a tree nt
Shecly's yesterday morning , and broke his
collarbone. Dr. l inhout took care of him.
Knights of Labor met yesterday afternoon
and perfected ariangemcnts for the Fourth
of July celebration.
The .letter and Young ball club wiped out
the ( into City club to the tune of 10 to 0.
Five innings did it.
This is where you will find the policemen
this month : Olllcer KcdmonJ will be Jailor.
Dining the night watch Andcison will he on
N street , cast ol Twenty-sixth , mid Sexton
will be west of Twcnt.\-sixth and around the
tracks. Looncy and Luiidgrcn will have
the hill to themselves , and Oillcer Dixon will
bo roundsman. In tlio daytime OnkerJ.
Mnloney will have N street to looi ; after ,
O Ulcer lirenn.ui the hill , and Pat Hico Al
"Yes I mean it , " said Councilman McMillan
to Tin : 15ii : reporter. "I'm willing that the
Electric Light company ahull have atwo--cir .
franchise , and no more. 1 said that at the
last council meeting , and 1 don't think the
present coum il has any right to bind their
successor * to anything. If the now council
wants to give a lift ecu year contractlet them
do it , but I am only in luvorol tlio present
council granting a franchise for tlio time
they arc In olllco. " A great many of the
electors think the same as Councilman Mc
Stnoko Seidonbortf'H Figaro nnd ot
the best 5-cont cigar in the world. Max
Mover & Co. . wholesale depot.
Great variety of campaign good's at
Collins' Uun Co. , 1H11 ! Douglas street ,
Dr. McGruw , kidney , Heetnl , & priv
ate diseases. Room l : ! , Bajlunun block
A riiincse Girl.
Ng Yeo Nam is the Clunoso name
berne by a beautiful girl who arrived
on the steamer llclgic nearly a month
ago. When the btcamer was releiircd
from quarautino nnd pretty Ng Yeo was
taken to the circuit court to arrange for
proper bonds for her releiiKJ on a writ
of hnbuns corpus she created no little
buiiBiilion ninong tlio olllcinlh , attorneys
and reporters pretent. Instead of hav
ing a Chino-i' caste of countenance , Ng
Yeo posscxMul an oval fuco , a nose
slightly Human , largo , round , dark
o.H'g , pi-arly teeth and n llgnro that
many nn American beauty would give
worlds to pOBiohd. Snob wa Ng Yeo's
appearance and her actions in court
\\oro entirely anti-Clinie o.
The ordinary Chinese girls demeanor
when among tho-e not ut her o'vu race ,
is propur to a precUoneas. She holds a
handkerchief to her face , novur smiles ,
and under no circumstances e.xprcssi's
surprise in fact a prim maiden aunt
would go into ocstai'ies over such
a ward. JJut Ng Yeo lin'd no ono
to shako n warning linger at her ; she
had all the latitude possible and took
advantage of it. Hlio peered out of the
corner of her eyes at a reporter in a
most bewildering way , then pouted be
cause heMIS tuo modest to saunter over
\\here she sat and say nice things to
her. Kho wns well up in all the arti
fices known by tlio girls of the present
day , and by those thoughtless aire she
wrecked her own happiness , for ho will
bo sent back to China.
Consul 13ee heard about the waif , ami
as blio lucked proper credentials ho pro
ceeded to investigate her ease , : \a it is
quite probable she was shipped to
America fur immoral purposes. The
consul said yesterday ;
"Her case is a remarkable one so far
as I Iiavo gout ) . Jluth of her parents
were not Chinese ; of that 1 am certain
She has J'ortuguotc blood in her veins
apd her verv appear.tiicc disproves the
statement of Lee Kong You that the
girl'is his wife's sister. Ho sajjj she
Aits'born in America'and that die re
turned to China in JhTS.Vhi > pur-
chj'ised her ticket to thibcountry ami by
whom slie was en.t , 1 huvo not learned
No cut or mark down 1)y any house can approach our prices , simply for the rea
son our prices are imulo right to begin with.Ve \ don't start the season with 100 per
cent profit , reduce to 5 l per cent later on , and at the close mark down to a profit of 25
per cent ; this is not , uway. . WE STARJT KIG11T AT FIRST ; that's what sells our
Clothing. The prices are always the lowest at the beginning and the end of season alike.
As the season is closing , we find good sound reasons for marking clown some of our goods.
Some lots don't sell well and again such lots as have sold well are badly broken up. It
is no good policy to carry them over ; it is better to reduce the price and get rid of
them. Thnts the way wo do it and when wo reduce the price wo put it low uhough
to accomplish the object.
Wo offer this week a genuine mark down in many lots of Children's , Boy's and
Men's Suits and Pants ; when you see them you will realize how much of a mark clown
this is. We will let you judge of the Viilues.
Boy's and jo ing Men's llannel Suits , a splendid color and warranted Indigo blue
at $4.50.
Boys and young Men's all Wool Cassimero Suits , a neat dark stripe and a pattern
which will please anybody , honest goods and of fair weight at $4.9O. This is a Suit
which ordinarily can not bo bought for less than $8.OO.
Boy's and young Men's Scotch Cheviot Suits of elegant light color , tasty and
stylish , well made up at $6.75 ; a suit that is selling right along everywhere for from
$1O. to $12.
All these Suits run up to 18.
Boys long and knee Pants for summer wear , at one-half their value.
s : E = > IE a i .A. nil -
We offer this week a big lot of good Seersucker Coats for largo boys and young
men , at the extraordinary price of 25 cents a piece. These Coats are worth $1.OO
and would not be sold for less if we had Vests to match them , as it is we want to close
them out , and offer them at % their value.
The patterns are nice but sizes are from 32 to 3-i only. Come early if you want
one , as they won't last long at the price.
One Price Only. No Deviation ,
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
A crowd nt the corner of Thirteenth
street and Broadway attracted the at
tention of a New York World reporter ,
ind he clutchc'1 his note-book with the
jrip that thrills the news-gathorer'ri
icwh-iiorvc from the thumb up. So the
World wonderer wrote this :
Oil the sidewalk lay a respectable
ooking woman , apparently suite ring
jreat pain. She was poorly dressed ,
ind looked to pleadingly at the sur
rounding spectators that many ladies
were prompted to give her money. In
.1 little while an ambulance arrived , the
surgeon jumped out , and the crowd fell
Iwek to lot him approach the woman.
Hut as soon as he saw her face with a
look of disgust he returned to the am
bulance and refused to taKe her to the
liObpital. The crowd got iiidlgiiantand
several of the laities suggested various
kinds of punishment for the surgeon
ivho had left the "poor faick woman" on
the sidewalk , refusing her medical aid.
In order to better express their con
demnation of the surgeoa's conduct ,
many of them gave the woman more
money. On the departure of the ambu
lance the woman seemed to get better.
She stood up and walked a few steps.
501110 ono asked her if she could walk
lioino , and she said she thought she
could , The crowd dispersed and the
woman started through Thirteenth
street. The reporter followed. When
Third ivonuc was reached the \\oman
entered a saloon and there drank two
glasses of whisky.
The reporter then called on the am
bulance burgeon , who refused to take
the woman , and who ib connected with
ono of the leading hospitals. In re
sponse to questions the surgeon eiiid :
"That woman is an oldtimehospital
fake. " As boon as her purse is low she
will pick out some busy part of Broad
way , fall down and pretend to be very
ill. She eats snull , which makes her
look deathly white for awhile , and this o.xcito sympathy. Passers-by
will , through symp.iphy , give her
money. You see if is a regular busi
ness with her. 1 have had her several
times , and so has every hospital in this
city. She causes ambulance surgeons
no'ond of trouble. "
"Have you many of tho--o 'hospital
fakes' to contend with ? " asked the re
"Why , yes , lots of them , " responded
the surgeon. "There is a man who
simulaten appoplcxy so well that ho can
almost deceive a physician. Ho makes
money by doing so. IIo generally falls
in prominent places , and on the arrival
of an ambulance immediately recovers.
Another ease is that of a young woman
who pretends to have u gastrie ulcer.
She is familiar with the symptoms and
will fall in the street and pretend to bo
buttering great pain. Tlio money she
collects she uses to purchase drink and
"Then there is the case of a man who
simulates paralysis so well that you can
puncture his limb with a knife or a
noi'dlo without a mu clo in his body
twitching. This fellow is an old-timer
and well known in all the hospitals.
The dillicult.- . these 'fakes' is that
when one of UK in is really sick and an
ambulance is summoned the surgeon is
apt to think thorn shaming and then
they me lift. "
Absolutely Pure ,
'J hi ? powilri ne\er varies. A in.irvelqf pntlly ,
s'lc < nlU tun I Vili "Us mt'Miti Mint : icuno , ic
! tli.ui tlic ordumii Unilh. .ai'l canrnt Unt-oM ; n
i n itl > tlif muliitmlcof Io\v < V , li < irt
welihi uliumi | iUt' ihui. i * > > 0urs . ' < JIK'I/IH
ran. . lUKlM.troMi.K Co , , lutiWUbt. . ,
Western Agents for ChlckciliiK , Knabc , Voso
and llalir'lnnas ; Story iiClnrk
A nw itioiti : MFT. :
I'lnnos and Oipnns but llttlp used
ttlil bo f.old this \\eulc nt the following
reduced priced ami terms :
Oi m fnntMl |
i' < il/mcn / ( . Payment.
1 Knabo Square , cost } COO , for
WTO . WJ.OJ (15.00
1 UccKer Uros. Squaru Uiand
co it 14W ) , for iJxiO . iiO.OO 10.00
1 llrailhnry Square , cost $ JW. (
tor JIM . 15.00 10.00
11. 1' . Hale Square , cost $373.
lorfir. 1500 10.00
1 Stodiliml Squaie , coat Mil ,
for SllW . . 10.00 6.00
1 KmcrbcnSiruaro , a splendid
b.iruulii , cost $ * > UO , for JJO. . 10.00 6.0d
111 ullett Davis Sqnaro
Uraml , cost SftV ) . for & 2' > . . . 25.0 ] 15.09
Ularslinll Wenclel Upright
cost & > ( HJ , for 4175 . . . 1VOO 10.00
1 * A indoor t'prlght , cost KOJ ,
for $1M 15.00 10.00
1 Ktnili.ill Organ , cost itt ,
for Wo 10.00 3.00
1 ? , : . - ; . .ttOwan , cost SIM. for
j ( ) 3.00
1 Mason & Hnnilli Organ ,
cost IJW , forf5 ! . 10.03 5.00
Coino early and take your pick. IJrlng this
ad. with you to avoid mistakes.
MAX M12V1JU & BUO. ,
Corner Kith null Fnrimm Sts.
JL I'eukskill-oii-Hnds'on. N V Sent ) for nita-
JNO M.TII.DIIN , M I ) . . .M.A. 1'rluclpal
Knslly dlBPsted : of the Illicit llavor. A lionrty
ticveriiBM for a stii'ng ' npjctlt" ; u dellcufi > iirlne
for the .sensitive 'J hmounlily tostud , nutritions ;
niilntabU' ; uiu'Xii-ikiJ in imiity : no unpleasant
after ctlects. Requires no uolllng.
Marlon Ilnrlniul , Christina Terlmnc Tlorrlck ,
Dean A. It. Thomas , M 1) ) . , pinnonnro It the best
of nil thu powedeml rhocoliites. No other cnniili
It In lliivui , purity and AVI i-n vni'in 1C ( inulltii-s.
matttit for 10 stamps.
10. O.
TIiu Uvorluiul Uoute. "
Has so arranged its Family Slcopin
Car service. , that berths can now bo reserved
served upon application by any tielcct
ngontto M. .1. Uroovy 'assciiBor Agpnt ,
Council Blutl'b , Iowa. The rcborvatioiib
when made are turned over to the train
conductors taUiiif , ' out such carso that
pabsoiiffors can now secure berth's or
dered , the same jw a Pullman berth is
rcbcrvcd and secured.
J. S. TKIillKTS , 13. li. I.OSIAX ,
( Jon. 1' . X T. Afjont. AHs't li.l'.it T. A
Big O linn given univer
sal entisfai'tlun In lb
euro cil Ounorrlicra and
iilcct. 1 i-ri'tcriljeltBnd -
f cul Eato In n commend'
j It to nil EulTereri.
t.J.SlOXIIt , M.I ) . ,
Oectlur , III.
rnion si.oo.
Trr i. a fc " rl Bold by
E T. Allen M. D.
, . , . . ,
IloiUior"tUIc Specialist ,
Spectacle * Accurately I'raatrlbed.
Has , 303-4O4-I7O 6O4.
'Rfmrffrirpfromtlin if
WEAK ! i fSfiil of < .uUiiil | r-
aMViruiJ , urlj ii a > e
it l l i"u > ilunlli Inolln i
iitf full paitiiuUni for Imiuo imi , Hw uC
rtpROF.AFl'ct' ' FOWLER , Mocdus , Oonn.
i iuvmrcutediu6U OM
i > rne' < Kliclra.laaillc licit'
TruM.eointilnixl Ouarontftatho
oolr ona lu U o world vintratli 2
acoiittnuoui Klrclrio * r Magnitft
ml. Scientific , Powerful , Durable ,
orljbln * ud IrtecllTo. Arolilroudi
rn nodcurvd. Ucndbtaiop tot nami tilcC.
mi.T.4 Ir OU lilHCAHLS.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Hcst Kouto from Onmha nnd Council
IJInfft to
- = = THE EAST- - -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. rani , Minneapolis , Cedar Knplds ,
Rock Island , Frecporf , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dubnrjtic , Da > cupvr ) ( ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsvillc ,
llcloit , M'inona , La Crosbc ,
And all other Importunt points East , Northeast and
For tbroiiKh tickets mil on ( ho ticket npent nt 1V)1 )
Farunm etrvet , In Uiirkcr Illocli , or at Union 1'acinu
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Cnro In the
world lire run on the inuln line of Hie Uiltugo , Mil
waukcc A. M I'mil llailuny , imil every attention la
puld to | ) sseugcr > by courteous employca cf Ihe
H. Mll.I.lCH , ( Jcneral Munxjcr.
J. t. ' 1UCKUI1 , Af'Hlant Oincrnl MnnnKor.
A. V. II CAUl'UNTKU , Uuiicrnl 1'msenecr and
Ticket AKent
UKO i : IIHAH'OIII ) , Atslstimt General I'tttvuger
anil Ticket Accnl
J. T. CI .AUK. O enornl Bu perlutcndent.
A'ill buy one of
our nobby Spring
Suits , in "Worsted
fine Cassimere , or |
Scotch Scheviots , in' '
all the popular colors - !
ors and styles. Heal
bargains that cannot
fail to be apprcciat-l
cd by the discerning
We arc aware that
Inexpensive goods
aie largely adver-l
tiscd tins season , but
all of them cannotj
stand the test of
close inspection.We
_ _ _ ® ask our customers
to examine our stock , ana thus satisfy
Ithcmsclvcs of its quality and our ve-
Tlie only roiid to laUo Mr Dea Mnlnoa , Mnrhli.ilton n
CiMur lliumln , t Hilton. Inxiin. ( liu ( : < Milnuuki'u
u 11 nil iminm 1'u-t 'Juilii'iu > | veiirmkii C'ul.i.
ru < liV ) iiunf ! 1 lull lilulm Vitt.iilii uri'f.inmli -
Intiluu anil CalKiirnlu. li < itlt'r nupcrlt-r iiiiumu.'c *
Illlt IMitnllllc | iy nny I'llllT IllH'
Aui .nn n foiv ot ilio IIIIIUITIIIIK I'oln'B ' of Mipi > rli > rity
rnj > } ) tlio iMlruim of Him ruail lii'tniun ouiuliit
iiinl ( hliiiKO , me Its thicu liiiln * iluy "f DAV
( OA ( lll > . wliltli nri-lln iliif t ijinl liiiinaii tin Hiiil
liiK > Miuii7 < * nncn-uiu I'Al.AiT'jl.l.hl'lNM Ali'i ,
uliuli un > in > iili < l nl ( "intdrl iillililiVUKiu IK I'Ml *
1/ilt DKAXVIM' ItOii.M < Alt' ! , iin iirim M'.l lij uiiy.
unit HUM Mill ) itlulirtUiil'AI ATIVI. lllMMi I'AH * ,
tlicuiuul uf Hlilili latin it li liiiiinj vlxiuluru At
CouiKll llliitb , llii'lr.ilin of tlio rnli'ii I'aillji Iliill-
way ci.iuiitci In union iU-i"it wltli lli" o nt lliu < lit-
< ntoNiiitliwoH'iii Hi In I'liluiHut IIIIUIN 'it
tMt Ihiu inuki > tloMt ii nuui ti"ii > 'i''i ' t.i" < u of nil
" ' "
l'iir ilvlriili. lipllunt | ' < ill . I ImliiiiKtl ,
Mujjorii 1 nll llulu'n ' I1llt ' > iiiir J"P il , ,
lliihtun , Si York I'll.null nilila Ha tInmri.
lni.luii.iiiJ Jull polnln in tun l : > t A < k lurtiikcUMU
" 'U '
If jnu l li llic imtt aitoi iu' > Jntlon. All tltket
UBiMiinn'IMl'liuimltttlilj lino.
JflllOIIITT , K 1' . Wl .SON
lull I Munwr. i n I ( r Afoat
iiuor.ii. ills' .
\V N. IIAIIU'I'K. ' ( .nil W i He ill Aiin {
J ) j ; KIMII.U I.Ttikif Afc-ont
G I'1 > 1 Cilj 1'H' Acnl.
HOI .1 M . UijnliH. Nco
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts , Omaha , Neb.
J ' ' L' ! ? '
CAUTION DcHlKiiInu | > Tsnn = , tnklns ; nilvnntnRO of our rcpu'ntlon ,
arc cunstniitly Ntnrtlni ; liouim incdh-nl CHtntillRlimontH to deceive
slraiiirers visiting the city , These iirolciidcrs r.pimlly ( iNnnpcnc In
low weeks. Ilcwnri * of tlicin or tlietr runners or n rnta The Oinnlm
Mrcllual nnd Surnk-nt ItiHtKutc In the only cqtnlillHliod niiullenl lnstl-
tuto In Omaha , Dr. lUcMcmiinv , Proprietor , When yon ninko m > your
nilntl to visit u , innlto n innmor.tmlniii of our exact luldrrsi. nnd thus
snvo troulilo , delay or tiM-l ilces.
DR. J.l \ McMENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in C
Assisted by a Number of Coiiincleiil , Skillful and Exijcriciic3l Physicians anil Surgeons
Particular .Attention pniil to Deformities , DNciws of Women , Diseases of ( ho I'l'Imiry
and Sexunl OrvmiK , I'rhntc DiseiWJ , HH-as-es of the Xenons Sj tem ,
Lung and Throat Disease's , Surgieiil Operation * , 1'pllcpsy or
I'iN , Piles , Cancers , Tumors , J'te.
Mote money imcstcd , moic skilllul ph Mdansnnd burgeons employed ; more patients
treated ; more cures eflcctcil ; moic modern improved inslinmcnts , nppnratus nnd appli
ances than can be found in all other infn manes , institutes or dtspcnsaiics in the west *
combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute 01 llosnitnl in the \\cst. Fifty
newly furnished , well vanned and \cntiKitcd roonib for patients , three skilled pinsicians
always in the huilding. All LituU of diseases tiea'cd ' in the most scientific manner.
IVc Miiiiufactiii'c Sorgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , F.lectiical HaUenei. , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance ,
remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or wnte for circulars upon all subjects
jects- , with list of questions for patients lo answer. Thousands treated successfully by
correspondence We ha\c superior advantages , and facilities for ti eating diseases , per
forming Miigical operations and musing patients , which combined with our acknowl
edged abi ity , experience , lespon&ibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical
and Surgical Institute IhelliH choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute i = conducted upon ftrict business and
scientific principles , and b here icccise exeiy advantage tl-ul art , bkill , science nnd
human ingenuity , can bring lo bear on their cases Their comfort and convenience will
always be taken into consiilciation.
Should j on conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond wi'h ' us xoii will find
that these statements , ot our position , loc.uion and facilities are no ! oxcidiawn in anj
particular , but are plain unvarnished facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of
All Rlood Diseacc > Hictv-sfullv treated. S phili'ic ' Poson ; removed fiom tlu > Rysleni
without mercury New testorative ticatincnt foi losol Vital Power , IVrbons nimblf.
toin' ( us may f cheated athomc by concsponileiicc. All coinir.unic ilions conlldenti0v
Medicines or instalments sent In mail < r express sccuich maiks to indicate ,
contents or sender. One pcisonnl interview prcfcircd. Call and consult us 01 send his- \
lory of your ca e , and we will send in plain wiappci , run
Upon Piivatc , Special or Ncivous Disca > > C6 , Impotciicy , Syphilis , Gleet and .Vancocele ,
with question Hit.
My Reasons for Y/ritiiig / a Book Up Private. Special and Nervous Diseases ,
I have lei inanv jcars made a specialty of diseases of the tinnaiy and sexual organs ,
have become a recognised authority upon the subject , cense < | utntl 1 rccei\c an immense
number of letters fiom physicians mid alllictcd pcibons , asking my opinion and advice
upon indi\idual cases. For the benefit of buch persons , I ha\e uiitten a book , giving a
general description of the most common disi-ascb and conditions , my treatment , success ,
advice , etc. Aftei leading it , poisons will ha\c a clearer iilc.i of their condition andean
\siite me more intelligently and to thepo'nt It will therefore be siicn that our object in
writing these pages it , not to furnish reading matter to a class 01 persons who icad out of
incie idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who aie suffering to a greater 01 less
degree from diseases , or the effects of discaties or abuses , of the bcxual or iirmar ) organs.
Not a dav pastes but we rcctUe many calls 01 lettcis liom pcrhont suflei ing from this
clas ol discuses , or their sequel Main of them aie ignorant of the cause ol the difficulty'
that has wrecked their constilutio'is , thrown a cloud over their bright piospectb and it
shoitcning their da\s.
das.STJPLC3H3R.TT. .
Siiruical operations lor the tuieof Mare Lip. Club Keel , Tumoit , , Cnnccif , Fistula ,
Cataiaci , Strabismus iCiosb Kjcs ; Varuocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Dc'ornutic *
of the Human Body performed in the most scientific manner. . , . . . ,
„ „ „ Chionic Di-cases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Hlood , Skin , Scalp , Stnmacli ,
Liver , Kidnejs.nladder , Nencs , Uoncs , etc. , as Paialy-is , Kpilcpsy , ( Kith ) , Scrofula
Uright's Disease , Tape V/onn , Ulccis or Kcver boies , Dyspepsia ot Gastritis , llaldncts
IJc/cm.i , etc
Trealtd carefully , bkilllnlly and kciisnliMcally by the laltst and rriost approved
metl.odb. . WKITK KOR HOOK ON UISIJAHliS OF WOMliN , I lUili. Dr.
McMenamy has foi , eau devoted a large portion ol l.K . time to the study and treatment
ol this clahs ofdixcascs , and has spared neither time nor money to pcifcci h.nnclf . , and is
Jully bujijihcd with tvm iiihtiiinifiit , apnliani-c and itmed > of value in tins department
of Miilicme : uul bnigcry.
We ilai n supcnoiil ) oicr any oculiot or .must in tinwe t , and the thousands whom
we have cuu-d , altci olhiih have faik-d , uibbt.mtiatu our claims J o those afllicted with
live and liar UiM'Ukt'i. , we bimph na > , call and . us , get a . opinion , then
vibit whom ) ou like , and ifyou jjrcan intelligent person > ou will letuin to us lor trcal-
' the Kye and Kar and their diteakcs , , In plain language with
numeions-illustrations , are written for the benefit of patienth and physicians who write
us in icgard to cases , by rca ling them carefully j > h * ! cian and P ' 7 t " ' " ; c.s } ' : "
undeuiandinii and can describe cabcb to us mcie intelligently.
A < ! ilr'f > all Ifllff. lo
J.W.HcMEHAMY H W.Oor I3U& Oodge Sts
, . . , , . , , ,