Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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" 7 , ( Urrftwmrnl * tiniT'r lhl lit-nif li/tr nta p r
line nr the lint Insertion , 7 cnts forcMi h nub-
n'quent Insertion , nnd ILW ix Hue IMT month.
No advertljMttnent taken for l ss tlmn 25 cent *
lor th first ln rtloii. sloven words \\lll bn
counted to the linethiy must run lomm utlvely
nn'l mint be | > ltd In UiVANC 12. All mlvertlw
inditN must by handed In b"f ro 12 o'clock p.
in. , mid under no clrcum fnn'lp4 will they be
inkrn or discontinue d by telephone.
I'urtles advertising In thrse columns ftnd hnv-
Irs the answers addressed In cnr < > of IIIK HFB
will please nan fora chwktoenable them to get
Ihrtr letters , ns none will bo dcdUered except on
jire'ontaUon of check. AH ntmwers to nuver-
tisrinents should iw enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In th'iso columns nro pub
lished In both morning nnd ovntilng cdltloni of
Tin : lit f. tlie circulation nf which nttgrc-nntps
mori than IH On ) pnpors dally , nnd nlves the ml-
vprtUtrn thebenolli , not only of the city clrc-u-
lotion of TUB HKE. but also of Co.ui'll IllutTs ,
Lincoln nnd other clttt > < * mid ton us throughout
1liUi fcction of the country.
Adrcrtlslngfor these columns will be taken ,
on tLe nbove conditions , .it tlie fotlowlnx bust *
tieix hon ei. whonre authorlzednKontsforTllu
DKK special notices , and will ( jiioto the same
rates an can bo had at the main olllco.
" bllN W. wit.L , I'harmaclst , S South Tenth
/ 1IIASR&RII > r , Stationers and I'rlutcrs , 111
W ijoudi I6th Street.
If , rAUNSWOllTH , I'harmnclst , 211i Cum-
\\r J. liyailiS. : I'hnrmncUt , < K1 North 10th
T T Street.
KO.W.PAHIl. Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
"l.\rANTKl ) Situation by u sensible middle
V > aged woman ns housukeutier. Is neat ,
capable nnd Industrious and not afraid of work.
M nry ; 1)0x764. ,5--
\\rAN" ! KD Day njonng lngllshman. ! sltnn-
i tlou ns groom ami coachman In urlvnto
family. Address S < n lice. 2 1 2 *
LAW A line ponmun wants a nltuatlon as
l copyist or clerk ; law olllco profoired. Ad-
tlrcss , iiuc.
\\rANTnt ) A pofltlou by u yomii ; lady wheT
T > has had conilderablu cxpeilclico lu olllce
worlc. Address a 2) ) , Dee olllco.
\\7 ANTKD t'osltlon as bookkeeper or assist-
TT ant In olllce , by a man of o.tpeiicnto ; best
of relcrenccH. S so , lleo olllco. ici'JMt
" \\rANri'KD-Sltuatloii ns pnli'sludy of copjlst.
> > Address S 14. this ollko. W7-2
\VANTRO-Flfty p.ivlnr ; Htono drcs crs at
M WoodrnH's ( itmrilos , Kansas. UO miles
west of Lincoln , ou II. A M . Tho.s. 1'rlce. ; 2sil ! JJ
WANTI'D Fl\u yoiingmeu , nx-itcliool toach-
crspicIVrrcd ( Jood salarv. Heferonioro-
qulred Call or address M. K. Mason , HiU Far-
liam st. 278 2J
\\rAN"JifJ ? Couple of lively boys for pre'S
"TT fiv.'TnH , nuil r w strong , mtlvo ijlrls.
llomfs , Omnlui ling Co. , llth street Mmliict.
1IJ ! ! 0'
_ _ _ _
' \\7ANV13-nood men to secure memberships
r In the LoomlH Nat'l Library usso. ; liberal
pay 1 . S. KaVllunk bulldliiR. 14S 0t
" \\r ANTIJD Man and wlio 1 6 work lu private
> family , wllo must bo a No. 1 cook and
Innndicss. man thoiough groom , alio2 men and
v l\os on farms near city , T.W. Jlia llrega , ilH'j
Bouth nth. IK ; *
\\rANTKD Man and > \lfo on u stork ranrh ,
Vf W , 2 good hands , same ranch ; 2 good
men on n truck farm. First-class waiter , its' ;
illaliuiiaheiH , hecoud tookn , hulpers , etc. Mis.
Dtega , Dll" S. lith st. SB3-'S
"V\rANTI3D Soliciting manager for a largo
* easteinllfo insiiiaiieo company for the
state of Nebraska. Addtusj ut onto S II lieu
olllcu. 2" > l-2 *
\ i f ANTii ; ) A No. 1 butcher to woik 111 a mart -
t > ket ; must be a good market innn ; must be
Robt'l nnd gl\e > rood l etui eiuo : agood Ulan can
have a steady Job. John JIuybury , Nullgh. An
telope Co. , Neu . 143-Uf
\\T AN'I KU 1 or 2 active business mi n to tuku
hold or article : profit fiom Jloto40u day ;
capital lecmired , tfuO to J2TK ) . Hoom 1 , Ciomiso
" Mock , 111) ) N , ICth sj. 1117 .1
"VYMN'I KU Kneigetlc men and women oveiy-
T > wheio tor n genteel niouey-maklmt buil-
1 ness , $10 weekly profit gmunnteed easier than
IU ) monthly otherwise. Kxpcilenco absolutely
unnecessary. Pcimnncnt position nnd exclusive
torritorj ns-iureil. J2.00 samples f ice. Wrlto for
paitUnl.u.M. Addicts , wlthstamp , Merrill Mt'cr
Co. . H iVI. Chicago. -.27 Jyl f
JT NKlinKTlC , rellnblo men wanted to solicit
JLUfor n laige 'Manufacturing house' : no capital
required ; lefeienco nucessary. Address Hex
i.'C7. Omaha. Neb. 100 Jy7
T\7AHTKl-Men foe the west. Albilght's
f i labor agency. IWlParnam 8t fill
BOVB- . Dial. Tel. Co. .
"V\rANTKD Woman cook for Columbu" , ? IO ;
1 for AHhland. VW ; 1 for city , JS ; 2 for
1 > oarcriiu houses , f.'u ; U dining loom girls , MIre ,
< \re paid ; I In c Ity , M per week. Wo have pl.u es
ji'.r ( llshwashorH , laundry girls , pautiy girls
'Vei j duj , aii'l any unmlx'r of pnvato lamily
jnliica. Mis. Hiegii. 316 South 15th. 805-2 *
" \ \ \NTrill-A good girl , good wages. 13.13 N.
T 22nd st. ' 211UJ *
riWO competent sow Ing girls wanted ; also an
J. apprentice. Call at once at 10JU Douglas st.
\VANTID-Nurse : Bill ut 2112 Douglas st.
i i Call at once. 155 M"
A lady stenographer. Must b
competent. Apply , Jos. Uarncau Ciacko
i.\\ T'ANTKIlly a coiupetcut
i.V ' ' lUKlu families. Aildross S. Ml , Hen olllce.
} I ' \\TANTKD Thlen persons to liiatiuctin book-
V J""H iV keeping ; situations in July. J. II. Smith ,
] ) ) i ! cNpcrtnccountnnt , loom Ml * , Hnuige block.
if ) / O/JJJO ;
_ " _ _
) i I T\rA"NTr.n rir t-cln , HKlrl in small family.
jvr\ \ * ' (01 ( gouoiiil hcnisuwoi'k ; must bu good
V ook 202i * llarii.'y. Mis. A. I ) . Morse.
"ly ANTKD DressmaKi-r to come tohousa ami
> V HOW by thu day ; must know how to i ut anil
Jit poricttlj Mr.s , Mai tin , Ml'J ' Faiii.uu st.
' \\rANTRD Oood phi for general hoitsowoi ! : ,
yiimll family , naat'oitax et. us
' \\fANTKI ) A girl for geiioial hoiihewoik.
T > Apply 21st and Locust. A. M. Collett.
tit'J ' 3 *
; > clrl'toTlo aild
\ \ ANTKO-A Ulnlng-room
T chanibor w orlcand gill to wink in kitchen
Hoi nil house , 4J2S , itlhst. , mar bt. Mary's avu
' \\rANTUU ( Jill tor gonc'ral hoiiMjvvuiiC. W
M. Yntes , ; il07 Calltoi nhi. 'JjO
) -Good cook , maloor female , 707
Ninth Hith , New York ivstnuiant. UOI
AY 7ANTKD Diulllgiojm gill ut Occidental
hotel. HI
" \ArANTI2D Iiliilngiooii * girl and dtshvvnshar ,
luOl NJiith. 72 ?
"l\T ANTKD Lady agents. "A" tklit.uul bus-
if lie coiiibliiou uitd II. hole siipportoitt.
IJpth now. Hlgpiollta Secure towns tor spring
trado. Ladles' Supply Co. . 2s , W. Wnshliuton
H. . ( hlcngo. h2ii.J } 11
' "
VTiilH.\SKA : emplojment olllco. No. JI7Noit
JItlth St. Malu and lenuil , } hull ) supplied
J'Uvatc families a fijiu. laity , 270 H
ANADIAN Kmiiloymunt Olllco-Malo anc
fuliuilo help sent to all paits if futo id ad
vuncod. HornencB , Omaha National bmik. Mis
Jliega.aU'S S. 15th. Tel e l. 7h5JyU'
OMAHA Kmp. llureau , ll'J N. IQIh Ht , oldest
and moKt ruilublci ollic. < in city. If you need
help call or vv rite. _ ' 1 > IJ i 12. sa Jy 12
TTANTKO- and bosoilt of vvcnk to call
HI thi ) City Imullgeiice ullluu ( Cu > lghtou
blUl cornar 15th and Douglas uta. 615
AiKMKNTS todiiiliessmaklus. lu fuml-
i sollclteil. Miij Sturdy , W t.
LJ > 'J.
\ \ ' ANTKU-To buy or Uailu tor a good bulhV
Ii lug Hint cnu be moved. 1'lcasu call on
or mldress Uuorjjo J.sturnsdjr0 , room ii , oppo-
pltiP. . 0 _ 2JI
"l\f ANTKO The public to makogoo < l useot
11 ' 1143 Uca'n mu Jgu boxes throughout thg
rlly 100
ASTKD-If jou have any lands , Msor
. . houses and 1 lots to soil or escliango for
other nropei ty , c.Ul ou mo or writ * , lean line
you u customer. C. C. SpoUvvoed'JOJij 8 , IDtn
* TIrANTKU Kmii'.shed house for smntner , n
TI loacer If ikulnsO. About < i loom * , coot
, QO thlldrv'u. Addict a ij. Ute oiiiir.
VlTANTEl ) Cotlnee of.rt or C rooms vltMrj
TTi'i miles of po t ifllco , Address , plving
ixatloii and rent cxpei tod. Address S It ) , Hi e.
THOH ItBNf iVnftW .vl i t > TitTsrx ( rf > o 8 of
JL ; nn eight morn hottse ; b\th ( and mocTern Irn-
provemrnts , Itent , SH per month , owner nnd
w ife to Iwinrcl with party renting. Will pay } .i
per w eek bo rd. 207 a *
_ _
. ' Cass nil
- - n < r ,
ronv enleni t , lent ie > \ furniture f > 00 , KXc sh
ml til per inn ; 10-room bonrdlni ; hou o cm
Dnvonport u nr 16th St. , rent JKi , furniture } ll )
! liQcn h , bnl i y ; 8 other houses , all centrally
lei ated. Co-op J , ft L ( ' < > . , 2U.1 N ICth * t. ! WS 2
IjlOH HUNT 8-rooin house and t > arn , blR lot ,
Ahn de trees , nil In first-class order , on 2oth
nve. clo n to 1'oppleton ; chcnn , SW per month.
C. K. Meagher. Hoom 2 , iver Haymond's Jewelry
store. KtJTOt
it HKNT-3-rooni house for small family
Sith nvo. and Howard st. 70 mi *
I7IOHHKNT A hou o of 0 rooms with batli
JL1 and nil modem Improvements. Apply at
1GUU N. IMh. 1 7 .1 Jt
HKNT-3 7-rooiil lints , 1(117 ( nnd 1000
Howard st. Cochran llro * . , 4G , Darker block ,
G > 9 HO *
79I-30 * i
POH HKNT-S-room cottage. No. < K7 S ITtlj
nvo. , rent $ W. 11. Malcholu , 1G21 Howard st ,
Troll KENT Modern single house of 0 rooms ,
JL.1 bath room , hot nnd cold \\i\tcr. on street car
line and pnvcd street , ready for occupancy
Aug. 1 , H5 per month. Apply at oncu C. r.
Harrison. 4 3. ISthat. 21i )
TT1011 HKNT Two houses , three rooms each.
JL ? City water and sewer. Knqutru 121" ) Chicago
cage st. 103-2 *
"TJlOll HKN"1 Two houses : ) rooms each , city
JL' water and scvver , Inquire 1215 Chicago t.
1UJ2 *
ITlOlt UKNT-No. 2111 Capitol nvonuo. apply to
I ? 0.1'.Davis Company , IWXi rnrnnm st.
TOH HKNT 7-room house. No. 1618 Suth Bt. :
JLroom ( ( rottnKe. No. fill ) \Vtii. St. : n-room cot
tage. No.2723 Chailesst. luqulro 1100 Cap avo.
FOH HHNT-or Sale-New cottage , Hcdford
Place , on easy p.ijraont.M. Kmililiu M. U
Hoedcr. room 4KI I'lixtonblocic. U" > 7
oit HKNT 22-room boarding house corner
nth and Dodge sts. 174 : ) f
HOUSR for rent , furniture for sale , 1 block
from 1' . O. , 1BI5 Dodge it. Si7 (
irOH llIINT-rino 10 and Ill-loom new brick
JL' houses.vv 1th nil modern conveniences , at low
rates , nt 21th and Cass , on car lino. H. T. Clark ,
nt Union Trust Co , 8'K ) 8
POH HKNT 2 new houses , nil modern Im
provements , desirable location. K A Leav-
envvorth , loom 1 , 1117 I'ni'iiam st , 8IJ
TT'OH ' HKNT Cottage , 7-rooms , near high
JL ? school , only $2. > per month , with furniture
for solo cheap. Don't apply unions you want to
buvtho turnlturc. Totter iV Macleod , room 3 ,
111" rarnnm bt. C37
FOH HKNT A < l and o-rooui house. 2H2S Dor-
cm st. Trank O. Olson. ( .07 .Ij l't )
" 171OH HKNt' Two homes on Bherninn
JL' aventio la uillo limit to good parties , on year
lease , very luasonuble. Wiiuht & Lasbiuy , 213
S. 14th st. KID
FOH HKNT A line 10-room brick house with
all modern ImpiovoiiionH , line locution on
bticct cat line. It. M. Ucnliih , U08 Douglas st.
171011 IIKNT rino cottnge , largo barn , beautl-
JL'tul grounds and tilinilo trees , f 10 per month.
H. C. I'attcrsou. .118 S. luth st. 017
FOH HKNT 7-ioom hoii'-e on pnved street , 0
blocks from com t house. fW per month. 12.
P. Seaver , ioom4l > , llaiker block. 4.i'J '
FOH SALK 'Ivvo hew , P-room hou'-es In Or-
chaid Hill nnd I'opplcton Pink.111 hell
cheap for cash , or w 111 take good Ilrst or second
moitgngo paper. Any reasonable terms to hou-
csl parties. C. C. Spotswood. SWHJ S. ICth. 445
"IjlOH HKNT 10 loom house 17th Ht. . * CO ; 0-
JL1 room house JV > , K-rooni hoiiso J.l" > , 7-room
hoii'O W3 ; f-room ! house How aid st and other
houses 0. 12. Tnompion. Sheeley bloc-k. 3.J3
"ITiOH HKNT 1 s-ioom hoiiso and b.irn , 1M7 !
JL ? Webster fit. ; 1 B-rooiu house , 2bth a\o. and
Webster. Inqulio Itoom OJ3 , 1'axton block. 1' .
J. Cieedon. " ' "
HENT 7 room cottage on S 2iith st.bath
JL1 loom , hot water , heating nppaiatun , 3 btall
barn , apply D. O. McKvvun. 310 315th st , bit
Foil HKNT A desirable nluo-rooin house all
nioderti improvements , half block ficiiu
cable lluo on Dodge ht. All Improvements ,
cheap to good tenant. 1' . J. llothw lck,221 S Hth.
IjlOIt HKNT C-room modern Impiovccl houso.
JL ? Apply M. Klgutter 10 d rarnam st. 6U
HKNT Furnished house , good location ,
JL ? tor particulars call at the olllco of 'Ihos.
Ureniiau & Co. , room i ) . Chamber of Commerce.
III AV12 a four-room honso on Kith street , two
blocks south of Vlnton , I will rent to a
good tenant for S12 per mouth , ever } thing In
good repair. George J. btenibdorir , Hoom 0 ,
opposlto 1' , O. Sil
rpl'.N loom house with yiud , near I'.unam and
JL24th ht. , Steam boat and nil modern tin-
piovemont3. flu per month. Call 207 S. 2lth st.
! J4'i
"TjlOH HKNT An Loom hou- , with bath , onu
JL ? block from car line , W ) mouth. U.K.
Cole , room U bloc ! : U23
T71OH HKNT b-room houso. North Sounders
JL ? Bt. Lliejulio of C.V. . Uuall i : Co. . 31'J S.
lUth. 517
"IT OH HKNT \ \ lion von want to mut a house ,
JL ? btoiuof onicego to II. K.Colu. Olb-
IT OH HKNT A neat WO cottngo. Apply at
JJ one.C. . I' Harrison , 118 S luth st. 019
| 7\OH \ HKNT Nicely funiMied looms. JOOJ
L1 Douglas. 22 ! ) .10
\\7ANTKD-Fiiriilshed loom with board In
ii prlvatrt family , by geiitleuiaii and wife ;
tcims reasonable. Addiess S41 , Ileo. 230-.rJ ?
"ITKJH HI'NT Four Inrgo desirable rooms In
- - ' house 27US Seward bt , southern exposure ,
1174 . ! 07
FoTTHF.NT 2 turnlshed rooms one block
houthof fair grounds , 2 blocks liom strecit
carlu full view of driving exhibits ; jileisaiit
lointlon. Imiulie coi. lOlh and Mandeisoti , np-
Etalis. OJ2JO'
fiont room , flrst llqor , suitable for 2
- Kfiillcmen , F. Is Dodge. 7in-iOt :
"IJOOMS furul hed lu pilvnte family wither
J Vwitliout boaid. 250J bt. Mary's avc > .
052 30 ?
"iriOH HF.NT A nice front room w Ith Hi st-class
-L1 boaid at n reasonable intc.ut 1021 Fainamst.
" ] ? OH HKNT.Novvly furnUhed s. e. front room
J with nlicixu and buy window , pilvatohou e ,
niodein c oiivenlences , boaid If desired , Terms
irutoiutblo. ic2 ! lieorgla avoS. ( 2yth st ) . M , 'iu *
"I OVKLY H. o. loom , iilMj sullo of tiont rooms
J i and unrnrnUlii'd roomx , high , bummer lo
cation. Ituteicncui 2. ' > 2 rainiim. ftMjoO
HKNT Large front room , ground lloor ,
fuinihlii'd , ( IS , Miaded cool , windows openIng -
Ing upon gtuss plat with maple tiees i-Q'j '
How arcl s . 277 2J
_ _
rp llltKK nicely fuml'hod rooms.
X board , iaLdenu.oiivtnlviicu3 , lld'J ' Dodge t.
"ioH HKNT Lnigo front room with small
JI klti hen , fuiiilshtfd lor liaht hoiweKefpli
JI2 , ut NI7 Ninth 17th st. 84 > St
J' Ali(3i ( : HOOM Sultabli ) for two tieutlumen.
-t Cal'loaud two linen of cms. 1'trtoct pil-
vncy. t-23 N. 2tth.corCuiiilU ! ; . 2i'J-U
l4UT 11 N'si : D omism boaid , If U Chicago.
JL ? 251-ul *
" 171OH HUNT-TWO or thiee nlioly funilshed
J looms , suitabld for r ; imlij01 light hoiuo
keoplng. Unqulio 1H1U Wtb-tev st. 20 1j ;
FFHMSHKD looms for rent. 1701ipitcl
lUoilue. 2H-U *
HKNT Nfwly fuinlshed looms , iv w
J hoiiM > . overythliiir tlrst-cias.s , 31 ; bouth lulh
lialfbloc' ' ; liom fiuiuiu. Stf.'Jf
7"'ll ' HKNT-l'iirnlihvd rooms ixuvi N 17th t.
? ZM 2 *
_ _
1 IfILV furi < Uheirr > ins , suitable for light
Miousekseijlnt ; , icf reuvu re < iuirtd. iflll 'usa
: U fiont looui , 71" . Ifith it ,
liil M
.w. . HKNT 2 large tron * npms ; likely fur
iiUhed with all modoru c.onv.ultMicC ! < .u tru
location. 'X'l N. 1'itli bt. li JI
iriOH KUNT-runilshTl roomi , 2101 TTri :
J street. 2U52 ;
"V ll'K I irtfrt front room with bat'i.fortwo ten-
.O ti-meij or stusla Apply 2-VJ Doiiila .
PUHNISIU.'D- wliU Voarct , 2-JA ) Hurt.
) .vmr
iron 11R NT 2 rooms , S closiTuTll' ? . era laig
JL : room no. No t ' s. itth jt. r > 7 i
M iroom nlcalp'furnlii'ed. uiod-n-n con-
, sultablo for ouo ieiil'juitu. ; ! " 107
" . " rf ;
toll HENT-Nicely fnrnlsheil rooms with
board j reference * . g.14 1'arntm st. 977-U
F KKNTFTirnlshed rooms. CO" N. 17th st.
) lt HBNT Nicely furnished room * ! fiOS N
17th t. 21J g
TAND OMK S P. front room , bath , rent
cheap. 3S23 Pninnmst. 2iO " '
HNTsTlEO roomlo , 805 S. Mud.
. . . . IinST A small pleasant room. 17W
Chlragost. 7fl
HKNT Furnished rooms In Oreunlff blk
cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. U. ,
Davis. Mlllerd hotel billiard room. 53) )
HUNT Furnished rooms , with or with-
outbonrd. 2iW St. Mary's nveUraddy bite ,
"IJIOH KENT Two nicely furnished rooms
4. with modern < onvenlenics , with or without
board , goto ft * at 1 1 N , mil St. , ou 2 car Hues.
VTHTLY fnrnlsed rooms with modern con-
JL > \ enleni es at 018 S. 17th st. C72
1OU UUNT-Furulshcd rooms 1510 Dodpe.
J5 BU'Jy 8
"VTICKIA furnl'hed room ? , il per week or M.W
J. > montli , rxt. , cut nndriQil 8. Ifth st. 402 .Iyl4
FOR KENT A nicely furnished front room ,
miltnhlo for two gontlemeu. Kuiiulro nt
Efcll , at Jlary'aavo. 411
TT1OII HUNT ilooms nnd front rooms en suite ,
Jat IS21 Fornnm st. , near court house , UU7
KOOMS IncludlnK bonrd In the Young Wo
men's home 11UO Dodge st. Koforoncn ro-
imlred. Oil )
"VTICKI.Y furnished rooms , with or without
IN board. 201.1 Douglas st. 431 Jy lit
1J10UII gentlemen can bonccommodnted with
J a nlcoHUlto of rooms and tlrst-clasj boanl ut
S.V ? ) Bt Mary's avo. . ( Irnddy block. fflj
FOH HUNT l'"urnlshed room with board for
two gentlemen. 'JI20 St. Mnry'a nvo. K7 !
LAHOK nnd small room suitable for gentle
man , with or without board , 1812 Dodge.
rooms. 113S20tU. C20 Jy3
to rent , nil modern 'mprovcmcnts. ' 1709
Dodge st. 775
HKNT llooms furnished nnd unfur
nished , 1724Cap. nrc. tV)3
Illour (41 ( rooms. 4IiS. lllth st .TstHW
JL1 Three f.l ) rooms , lira N 20th st 1,1 50
Thleo ( III rooms , 1122 N. 21st st 11 W )
Tin ee CD looms 1120N.21stst 12 M
Kour < 4i rooms , 411 South Wtn st ! U l
'llnee (3) ( ) rooms. No. lHmS. 7tliBt. . 1100
T oi2irooms. 707 1'aclllcst V ( X )
Onoili barn. 7th and 1'aclllc sts n IV )
rouridrooins , 1702 Webster ht 22 M
Alily to .luilgo Hcntlim Agency , Herald
bulldlug , S.V corner of 15th and llarney st.
St'2 '
IflOH HENT Clienp storage room nt the
JL ( Jrint Western Type rouutlry , 1114 Howard
street. KB 3)
"I71OH HUNT 5 Ktoies , 4 Hats nncl iihouso-- , all
Jne ami supplied with modem lmpio\e-
r.K. Smith , uiON. intiut. -
"Troll HKNT-Stoie , basement nhd warehousn
JL' attached. Biiitablo for tin hardvyaio shop or
plumber : good place for cTOcerj"8tore. Il4 S.
l.'lth st. Inquire ( i. lilacomiut. 217
( JIl HKNT-Store-room , northwest cor l.'lth
nd Vlnton. U72
S TOlllJ for lent. 51'J N. loth. Inquire of
Henry Ostholl , 151'1 California st. 458
OFFICF.S and stores In Sheely block (5. K.
Thompson , loom 2U 6K ! >
OFKICF For Itcnt ( Iround lloor oilico , No.
: t S inth Bt. Apply loom 411 , 1st nat.
bank bullilintr. 751
TjlOIl HKNT DeslraDIo store on Fainnm , for
JJ wholesal'ug ' , etc. Leavltt Uurtihniu , H. 1 ,
Ciolghton WotK. 17
FOH HKNT Uriel : store with basement. No.
507 S. loth St. ; 2 ollices on second lioor No.
ir,0l ! Fiunaui St. , by I'aulseu i Co. , 1311 Farnam
St. . room 8. 4.11
FOH HKNT Hetall business room on 13tn st.
C. F. Harrison , 41s S. 15th st.
BASCMKNT for rent one block from post-
otllcii. where a number of boaiders are kept.
1013 Dodge st : K)7
. ClOJy 20
GK. TUOMl'SON , Hoom III Shtely block.
TF YOU want your house * rented place them
JL with Iteuavva & Co. , 15th , opposite poatollice.
rpHKOinahn Commercial college gives gram-
X mar. v\rltlng nnd spelling free to all Its
shorthand ami typewriting students , tuition
very low , situations furillsned when possible.
About IlOstudontHUow In attendance , Wiito
Hohrbough Ilros. for particulars. Visit the col
lege , 1114 F.unnm. 073 1y"
TOST .lime 19 , somewhere ontvieen 2id and
J C'limlugs and 1'tth and Paul Sts. , u purse
containing gold medal with owner's name on
one bide , and on the other St. Kdwaids Acad. ,
Cumberland. Md. , Juuo : w , 'so. There was a
Httluchiingo In purse , lint medal Is all owner
cares toi. If the tinder will return same to the
C O. D. groieiy , 718 and 7-0 N. 1'lth ' st. , they
w ill bo suitably it ) warded.
OST Hoyal mlTT-age book No. 3 HI. Finder
please iituru to Ileo olllco and get lew aid.
TOST A small bay mare with white spot on.
Jforehead , weight between SuO nndUOU. Ho-
tuin to JohuUulld , HJnd aud Calltoiula sts ,
Sin iiO *
THAYED or Stolen A daik bay horse 13
hands high , short aud fftt ; u liberal leward
will be paid for his retiuu. A. Cm lisle , 1220
JOIICB stioot , telephone 111) ) . W7 OUt
YF.D One soriell horse with white star
on loieht'iul , long scni ouleft fore leg , v\lth
leather halter ou. Hotiirn to L. C. Knouold. Ul'j
South . )2d ) st. , and get luvvaid. 272-2
TOST I'oi ket book , ladies , between 12th and
J I Ith on Farnam. Howard will bo pild by
leaving at Cozrens hotel. 2W 3 *
OST Silk umbivll i with silver luindle
JmiukedCCS. Itetuin to JOo'j ' b liith st aim
lecolvo icvvard iUU
rpo Ihci ladles. Mrs. M V. Delp , with the oiig-
J Inal I'ailblanmi'lhod ofdross cuttiugaiid
designing and all of Its wonderful inuiiovo-
mi ills to facilitate learning , will be at the II ir-
kt'i' hotel In this city two w . < 'kn to wait upon
calleis , and teach tlu < only Parisian inotuod
taught lu A merle a It Is easy to loaru. ami ( Its
nil pupils lor good paying positions Mothers ,
w ivvH aud daughters , this Is an opportunity for
You Aguii. . . wanted 111 all towns In Nebraska
Mrs M J. ii'lpl'roirlotor ) ] and Manufacturer of
Parisian Methods , 1'atturiis cut to meuhiiie.
_ Sil-Jy Ib *
IiKHSONAL-btorai'o loom at lowesf rates
( \\esternType Foundiy , 1111 Howaul
HtU'et. ti'.W
i ) K UMJNAI. llvur'y Crelghtou. lll'J Fa mam
st . has been appolnteil funeiul agent for thu
American Iliilldlng and Loau -ocliulou ; those
wishing to make pioiltablo imostmuntsor loans
should call ou him. 1 > s b-
PKHSi IN A L 1'rlvato homo for ladies during
i iinllnemi'iit , strl > tl > < onlldentlal , inliini.s
udoDtLil. Address K I. ' , Uee olllio. MViJ > b
IF you wuut to buy , sell , rent or oxciiaiigo
mil on or addrevi tieorfo J , bturusdoiir ,
loom ii , opposite I' , U. 2:11 :
1)KHM > Nlr If jou have a per onai Item , < it
any communication , diop it in one of Thu
Dee d menage boxes jui
"IJ1OII rtAI.BVery rhcap , 1 haul coal utove. 1
.i.1 lawn mu er , witidovv pole , se < letury or book
case , nigs , bedroom set tlieap , window sliadus ,
klti hen iiteuMl.s , gasoline xtove , dlniur st.t ,
silvertea sot , cti , etc. Call at oiuu , Mi > . I for ,
ll.SiiMitfriuau avo. 217 2
17UH siAMJ Au elegant now trlcjcle , sultn-
bin fur lady and nemlumun , co t 'fl-J. ' will
sell it tor i\m. \ lies 21U2 Maple St. , Omaha.
"I71O11 SALI ! Ociulu jioiiy wlih or without curt
-L Apply corner 22il and Durdfltebts.
2i5i-2 ! ;
TilOH SALK Must be sodono ] ! tram peed road
hoiM s , Jackson vvagou and double hurnuess ,
idluearly now. inquire ivu S. llth
BALK-A lew .lu.lce milch cows. C. 7 ,
1 m ris n,41iiS. 15th bt. Iu5j Ij-M
"Ijioll bALK Furuituro and good vvllu st"
I1 CUarles hotel , Lincoln , Neb. Ona block
from dptu nnd postolllce. Long leatu ou sat-
iHf.utoi > terms. Address G. M. , St. Charles
hotel. JMJI
[ 7IOH SALU-A ulik rout-j of 20 or2i cans.
; rr'- ! ' ! ' ' ' "ness , wagon , cans etc. Addle * *
H HI. lien olllce. _ ill 3 ?
o u BALK-TWO Hue bird uses , cues p. u"
ovlro Sjjtf DwAtur , si
st f3 * T silo , nne nnd two
ycars In smnll sums ! Addresi O 2 , Do om * .
I .303
> j
"IjTOK SALK fine siiiL'le her o harness and
-i ? btiggrI'harles A , , 4is S. ISth t.
lV ( > jly23
iH1OH SALK-Second-fiVM llnir. cheap-eight
JL feet. Apply s o cor. 1'Wi ' and Howard > t
. . I ISM *
TTB For sale , three luutalrod tons of rlenr Ire ,
J nt Florence. Address It. Unit , Florence ,
Neb. \ . 117-fi'
BAHN tobe moved rTmren barn that will
nicommodntu fourjiorscs nud Is In peed
repair that I vv 111 trade 3r sell very cheap Aj-
ply to O. llarth. proprietor Ssunders street
mntkot. between CiilOnXSItaiul 11 mull ton
rm * C31
. . SALK One Halls Inrgo improved llro
proof safe. Inqulro room HI 1st nat bank
building. 7iV
"tjlOH SALK The furniture , cirpets. llxtures
JL.1 audience of a pleasantly located , newly
furnished house , nonr horse and cable cars ,
house heated by steam , furniture , etc , , In use
Ic-ssthnii nyeur ; must be sold nt once. For par-
tutilarsnpply to llurtmati A Gibson , 1613 I'nr-
unin st. IK *
T HAVE been appointed general agent for the
Ji American llulldliig and Loan association ,
which Is national In Its operations ; Investors
nnd borrowers should rail nnd Investigate Its
workings. Henry Crelghton. 1319 Farnam st.
IM C *
W.I. WKLSHANS , No. 311 S. Kith tlppo.-dto
chamber of commerce , llulldliig material
of all kinds best Venetian blind over made , nit
glass , pressed brick , building stone , lire brick ,
terra cotta , dumb wallers , lawn furnlluie.
Iron touces. etc. , etc. If In want of any artlclo
not to bo found elsewhere In the city , see mo.
rpIIK banjo taught as nn art by Goo. f , Oollon-
JL beck.W'j IJornoyst. _ IS ! _
iriOH SAT.K ATlno" family mare t years old ,
JO perfectly sate ; also nn almost new Miydur
buggy and hiuness Inquire L. U. Himiett. cor.
lJtJ anilFariiam _ , at Holman'.s. _ _ fi ) . _
Ti > KFOTtK you buy a refrlgerntor gotoMiiltli
J'Potter's factory and see the best drv nlr
lotilgeratorniade. Ill ) Nllthst. i'50 ! l
T > ATIIONi/K home Indiistiy by buying a ro-
Jl frigcrator of Smith & . 1'ottcr , 110 N llth st.
HTTAJfrlfl ) Furniture for stoi ngeT lowest
tales. Giant Western Typo Foundry. 1114
Howard street. b5230
_ _
P p IT Kl lesrwTiulovv screen In the marKet .Ca 1 1
JL at S. K. ror. nth and Douglas and 1 will prove
It lojou. Fred W. ( iray. _ THI Jy22
and Dyeing-All kinds of tlrst-
class cleaning and dvulng done at the Omaha
Steam Dye Woiks,152H Howaidst. Telephone ! ) 17.
CM Jyl'l '
TUH8KY bull for service , cor Jlth and Jnckioii
street. 2D1J13 ?
. Iiestltuto .Women nnd Children ,
12718 Hurt st. U10
] " roiisirs amrcattle tnkon 10 pasture , apply"
"Lto Henry Usthotr 1C1J California st. 7tftJJt
IfOMAN'S IXchange , 11.17 I'nrnam st. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. Ill' ' )
GJ.S.STKUSSDOHFF. room 0. opposite post-
olllcewill tiade you a good farm or city
property fora horse , buggy and harnya" . I U
" 1710H SALF. A top tniigy ; , nearly nevv.U olum
-L1 bus make , also good single harness. A. 11 ,
Comstock. ai2 S.jnth st. Ml
IF you nave inytnlns to trade call on or ad
dress ( JeorgoJ. Sterusdoi II , Hoom 0 , oppo
site postolllco 1G7
"Y\rANTED A good horse , buggy and harness
i i Hi exchange for South Omaha lots. Oeoigo
J. SteinsdorlT. roomO , oyj ) postolllce. SM
ATA'ljlJN'rTNirs'sliortliftml IiTstitllte Is the
> largest and onlv exiclsisrve , piactical short
hand and tvpvwilUim sohool In tlie wist. Fnder
the maiiagouiontof C. C. V'uleullne , olllclal coiut
ropoiter ( it the Third ' , U llclal dlslrlct of Ne
braska , and 1'rof. 11. 11. Uoyles , -verbatim re-
poiti-r or laige oxperlenio and reputation , as
sisted by other expei leuced tuachfrs. Our list
of graduates Is the lamesf of any--chool in the
west ; all are oerupylnglir-t-clnss posit Ions nnd
givingctitlio satlsfactiioi. It you Intend learu-
iuif Mioithaud and tynqiMlting attend u Ilist-
i lass school and be suiu of a good situation.
Students t an enter at any tlmo ; no summer v a-
cation. I'ttmnn's , MuusGii's and Orahaiu'w sys-
tcms t.ui-ht l'arllciihilattentlon paid to spell
ing , punctuation , buslnd > K and legal forms , etc.
For lull paitlrulnrs send lor circulars or call ut
Valentine's Shorthand -Institute , New I'axtou
bulldlug , Omaha , Nob. 2fis. jy.ll
" \71-HY Cheap Storage Dran now building ;
> ll\o stories. Elevator Mfg Co. , 1118 Howard.
, PljyJ7 ! )
IMIAl' STOHAfiU-Wo have nt our wnro-
house good storage room for household
furnltuto or other propoity : also am
ple loom lor meichaiidisa storage. Hates reas
onable. Great Western Typo Foundry. 1111
Howard strei't. KJ-i)0 )
rpltACKAQK. storage , lowest ratoj. W. M
JL llualimun , Ull Lcnvonwortli. Ki
\\7ANTKD To"lmy TTinnmls of hoiisiJIiold
V ? goons for ca h. rurgtiion 1'urulturo Co. ,
TJj.JJtt aiidJ7J 4 N Hith .st , 02ii-Jyl'.l '
"WANTKD To buy a bull pup. Inquire 21 , ' N
> V Hitli t. 220 10
\\rANTKD Per cnsh , a pony , iiKci u dog catt
l or rnrilnge , olio suitable lei collecting. II.
Hoaemhal , til. ) and iir ; > N liith st. 211 : tO
i7ANTii : ) Oood house and lot In dcslrahls
I pirtof the city ; will give llt-it-class bar-
pnln to anyone If suited. ( leo. j. sterusdorir.
Hoom ( I. Preiuer bin. BIS
w ILL buy furnltureof a House or Hat cen
trally located. Co-op. L. A : L. Co 205 N. 10th
"II you have improved business or lesliteuro
J piopeity that vou wish to sell , call and M-O
me. Ooorgo J. bteiusdorll , room 0 , opposite
postollice. S
SKVKHAL store bulldlni-'S or houses that can
bo moved. Will pay good piico if hulled.
( Jeorgo J. Steiusdorir , room 0 , opposlto post *
ollico. 1'il
DH. NANNIK V. Wuiren , clalrvoraut. .Med
ical , business and test medium , Dlngnonls
free. Female diseases a specialty. US ) N. Uith
St. , Hooms 24. J Tol. 4I. Wl
MONKY To Loan lly the iindorilgiii'd , wlio
hat the onlj p.-oiieity urgnuued loan agency
lu Omaha. LoansorilO to vlOimado on liuiii-
tine , pianos , 01 gamhorses ,' hlnt'iy ,
c-tc , without removal. Nodc-lajs. All business
btrlctly coiilldentlnl. Loans so made that any
pail can ho paid at anv time , ench pajineiit 10-
ducing the coat mo m to. Advances made on
line w itches and diamonds. 1'eisons nhould
eaiefully consider vv ho they are dealing w ith. as
many new conceiiis are dally coming into e\li-
tc-nco. Shcjuld you need moiii'v call and i-ooine.
U. H. C'roft , Hoom I. Wlthnollbulldlng.lSth and
H ai uoy. M' >
" ] \I ONKY to loan on hordes , fuinlture , pianos ,
J-'llaiid contiact.s , and other personal piop-
urly. lliinluuds contlileutial. Uoom II , Oinulta
Nat'l bank DII2
MONKY to loan on < ollatcinl sucuritips , K ,
C , Millar A : Chalmers , room 22 , llurker block ,
Ml 5 *
MONKY to loan on real estate : mortgages
bought uud sold. WaUaco , Ciulghton blot k.
AIONLY to loaucm imtiiovud leaTe tuto ; no
iiJ commission ilmrKudJ Leavitt lluvnham ,
room L Cu-Iiditou block rio
LOANh vAo viill iiiaktsft few fhcuco lot unt
uxi c-ptlonally low mtosj cash ou hand.
Klmbull , Cli.iuip A. Hy n , loom U , U.H. Nat'l
biinl : . , , 151-U
$ & 00OiW ' ) pel i f > nt. jfcaoy to loan on Impio
\ed tainii 01 rity pioptfjty. ,1 allies A Uuuil
man , at tnu old llro InsiiMuco oltico of .Miuuliy
Lovett. 220 S. Uthfct. _ l tr _ IH7
TV 1 ONKY to loan ou fuwVuie , linnet , vvannim ,
J.1I utc1. , or cm any appii&fid 8 curlly. .1. W. liub-
biuit. . 2i > i shocly blk , igjh and How mil. 6U
A K/vv uiti'S on rcliuli n city and titnii
loans. CViitnd Louii'SJd Co. , lull 1'ar.
et r-
iiain -s
TT u.NKV tolcniii , U. i : , 'niomp oii , ShuclybuT
tlZ _ jjfg _ w
CALL on llinry Crol4fitun. I'll" rarnam st ,
vv ho U j'i > ii"i al ascnt toi the Aiuc-rUan lluild-
iiiK aud Loan U4io'-Uiion. * 1 17 o *
TT'AVrr.H.NliiiTiPrclie'aTi Olllce l'hilad HlijUit
' * Moitratanil 1' Co , room U , Hoard of
Tr > idf , Uco. W , 1' . Coitus , HoprosL'iitatlvo.
LOANb on teal uututoV. . L. Selby , 1W1 1'ur-
_ num. _ _ _ S'H ' _
MoNKYtoloiii Lowest rates. No delay. J.
L. Hlco \ Co. , over ( 'omnuTCial Nat'l bank.
[ Ml )
_ _ _
] \IONKY loanouon furnllui1 , pianos , organ * ,
-1'ihoisod , etc , low ratw. J. J. WllUuson i ;
Co. ' U17 I'uruaiii. 6W
LJKi : Harris H K \ L Co. for loans , room 111
( J\s\ \ Nat Hank. SM
MONKY to loan ; cash on baud ; 110 delay. J.
W 4' . E. L. Squire. 1119 rariiam ut , 1'Irat
National binlc bulluliig K > ' >
MONKY to loan on hordes , furniture and other
personal property or collateral. Hate * mod-
eratu : builuiss couiideatlul. Otllco SV , cor
ner 15th and Douglas sts , Kntruuce oil nth bt.
Til * Fulrkank lave tment Co.
OANS uiade fo iartloi deMrinK to UulTd7 r7.
\ , bliolea , room 1 , llart r block , Wi
. loan In sny amount , cither for
. 'Unilldlnfror otherwise , nt lowest inte of In-
ttr t ahd on short notice. I ) . V , Shciles , room
1 , Harker block. US
Hll. 1UKYMnn.ocw to lo n nn city irbparty
and improved form laud. Prenzcr block.
_ _
MONKY loaned ntC K. Ileeif'x Co.'s
olllce , on furniture , piano * , horseo , xva ,
per onal property of all kinds , and nil other
articles of value vdthout removal , 311 S , 13th.
AU business strictly ronildentlal , &IU
MONKY to lonn. Mortgupe boucht. Ivlmboll ,
Clininp A. Hyau , It. 0,1' . 9. Nat. Hank.
SHOUT time loam made by 1) ) . K. , lohn on ,
. late pres't Ihink of Merna. Heferencos lit
Nat. bank , Omaha , H. KM , New raxton block
W. Jy 2'
rplir. Omahn rinaticlal Kxchanpe. Hoom 1\
JL Darker block , southwest corner of Far
nam find llth SM.
Makes n specialty of short-time collateral nnd
real estate foam.
Money alw ays on hand In sums of 1100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved so-
cm Ity.
Secured notes bought sold or flxthanned.
Clear real estate and ca h to exchange for
good first or second mortua es
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds. Ilrst or ( xscond mortgage so-
curlty , without publicity , delay or red tape.
rtnanclal business of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom IS , llarkor
block , Corbett , Manager. Ig.l
[ ONKY to loan on chattels , without removal
or tiling ! financial business of all kinds
ZM Jy lit
M' ONKYtoloan. ' Long time. George J. Paul ,
1WJ rarnnm st. SO
T OANS made In nil the prlnclpil additions to
JLJomaha at lowest rates. 1) . V. Sholes , room 1 ,
Darker block Wl
BON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until jou ha > o Keen ( ' . II ,
.lacobs , room tin. First N'atlonal bank building ,
cor. llitUimd Faruniu ! > 'l
ONF.Y Good commercial paper and short
time mortgages bought. Heal estate loans
negotiated. S. A. Sloman , nth and rarnnm.
MONKYtoloan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
Ditslness strictly confidential A. U. Oreoliwood
A : Co. , K 1 , Cunningham block , cor U & Jackson.
$ )00,00i ) to loan at fl per cent. Lluahnn St .Ma-
honey , Room 50i ) , 1'aMon block. Wi7
T OANS made on Improved and unimproved
JLJclty piopnitv nt lowest rates of Interest ,
special lutes on large lo.uu on Inside property.
Udell Ilros. & Co. , ! IU S. Kith st , 4l
OANS made ou real estate and mortgages
bought. Lew Is S. Heed \-Co. , 1521 Farnam.
II II. COLK loans money ou Improved cltv or
* farm property. Hoom 0 , Continental block.
GI'IJK CKNT money to loan , I'atter'ion .V liar-
mil d aiSSlMhst to'J
M ONIJY to loan. O. r. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , law Fainamst. DTP
I OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
J\V. M , llairls , o\ur 22J S loth st. 5-
$ W < VOto"1oa ) ou Omaha city jnopoitri atd
per cent. a. W. Day , so cor lix. uhl 67.1
BUILDING loans. Lluahau & Mahoney
SALOON WOO cash will buy a good saloon ,
vMth Uxtures and itock. Kent tlO ui-r month
and leimij on the place. J. Johanscu , liUU Far-
mini st. , room 10. 2M ) iij
TJ Olt SALH Two good icstauraiits ; prlienc-
Jt ! ooullng to Imokv. Co-op. , L. A. L. Co.2J3
N. lull st. 228 2
AN established business olTerea , capital iiiiw.
A big thing to llrst-class man ; best of lea-
sons for selling. Addruas h J. ) , lieu olllce.
117 ! 50 *
GOOD paying restaurant for salo. Apply
117 N list CKlflJ.
EtJl'lTY in n line homo lu Kountzo place to
trndu for clear land or lots. Address S 2 ,
Dee oljlce. _
TT\OH \ SALI3 Cheap ; the best paying ladles
a ? and gents shot t order restaurant lu Omaha ,
making S200 n month clear ; best of iea ons for
selling. Address Sii3. Doe. 211 0 ?
IDUIUDEUS notice 1 want residence elected
J Jin Omaha in exchange for house and lot lu
Council I ) lu Its and some cash. Address S 4J ,
Dee olllce. 2Si 21-
OMAHA Huslness llxchango Persons wish
ing to engage lu business will consult tholr
Interests bv muling at the Omaha Dullness IX-
chaugu. They have u Hue list of business chali
ces to otfer which have boon thoroughly in\us-
tlgated , and guaranteed. They are lecommend-
ud by tlio banks and merchants oC the city , and
any person dealing with them will tlnd them re
liable. They handle no patent rights. The fol
lowing business chances have been investigated
and guaranteed :
Cigars , confectionary and news , city.
Hoot and shoo stock lu Htorago , city.
Dairy nnd milk route , city.
I'aitner lu established Insmanro agency , city.
Fine saloon nnd restaurant , chy.
Stock and agency of the 1'astuor Filter , city.
Drug stock. North Loup , Nob.
Hooks and stationery , flnstiiiKS , Nob.
Docks and stationery. Yoik , Nel ) .
S. W. Cor. 13th and Douglas , H. 5.
I'M IIKH yard for sale at McCool , Neb. Only
yard lu place. Invoice about * .JlJil. ) Half
cash Time on balance with nppioed security.
Good ii'iison for soiling. Addiess.A. Hrubaker ,
Yoik , Nub. IWI .If
POIt BALK Or trade , icstamnnt and luiuh
counter. Address , S. 15 , Dee Ollirc. W. a *
HOTKL for rent 2Storv bilck in Neola , la.
built especially for hotel purposes , newly
painted mid papejcd , everything coiuenlent
and llrst-class , city water In building. Address
with references , Drawers Neola , In. U5S I *
FOH BALK Well appointed and stocked
lunch counter and vootauram , splendid lex alien -
lion ; easy toims to right paity. Address S 13 ,
Ileo olllce. ICi 2 ?
T\7K have for sale a longtime lea e of the best
ii locution for iimcy letail business in the
city , rent on , Cole lc Hobcitsou , U10 a. 15th st.
FOlt SALli Cheap and on very easy terms to
lospoiLslblo paity , lease tiiriiltiiio nnd llx-
tnii'hof a good seunul cl.iss Hotel , 7u rooms , Hist
class location mid doing a largo business. Ad
dress S 10 , Ileo oim e. tta--'t
I71OH SALU News and cigar stole on piintl-
JL' pul stuut In Omalia , on ULcount o 2 busi
nesses , cheap for cash. Addrosj O 51 , Uee.
( fll
IilOH SAL1 ! of i\chaiige-Hotel and meat
maiket lu Hay Spilngs , Null , ut a bargain.
Adeioss H. McNafr , Crowfoid , Nob. Ciljyl *
I7IOU SALi : AllrsTcliTss"dalry"w itn gooinuIT
Jllxtmvs and pastille sold U deslio 1 , fromCJ
to 150COHM. liumiro.I. F. HoLli , Umnhnl'i ) .
aiHjjMI *
FOH SALIi At Kearney. Neb. , Iho fiirultuta
and leasoof ( iiand Central hotel. The second
end bust house In the cltv , and the best looated ,
being opposite depots. Doliu n paving busi
ness. Will bo sola at u bargain. Imiulie T. 0.
Ilinliinfd , .MldvvayliotBl _ , K' ' nu'V. Neb. KI7
171OH SALII-Chcap , utocn and gook fixture * o
- Ia H.iloon wt-U Uuiited In Lincoln , N b. Ad-
dl l s S 11 , Dei ) olllu' . W 2
1 J HICK VAHD Kor Sal - The omy Tii ickv-ard
Jiudty of UXX ( ) inhabitants , making a iut
annual piollt of over * IXIO ( ; will sell either pait
or wholii interest to ilylit paity Addiest / B.
Uraiul Island , Neb , 1' . O. box 20. ! WO
" \\7ILL give you a good ti.ide for an night or
\ \ ten room , housu uiiil lot. ( jeuigo J. Menu-
iloill. Hoom ii , opposltH r , O. 2II
IIVKKV stable for * -OI ( in f.iim land , ami 1 ,
J 2 01 tl.OtfJ in cash. Co op L A. L Co , 20.i N
n.thHtt a-jj B
BHII'K wanted in oxchaiigo for Inside inoii-
i-it } In Council Hiulld. Addioss B 4'J , Hue
olllce. 2111 St
"VTI1W 2 seated cnrrlngo and now single lop
-l > buggy to trailu for long time leal mtata
moitgagu. W. L. Selby Jj.'l Fauiam st. ii'ii
" 1 1IAY1 ! a "well Improved BOncio faim In liar-
J Ian i ounty. Nib , about H miles north of Al
um , n mmv , sent. Any ouo wanting a good small
t.iim will du vtell to let IIIH UOVV what lln'.v have
to oiler , tioorjfu J. StvrnsdoiIf , Hoom t > , opii l' ,
\\rl LL THADi : good frame atoro room , 22\sn ,
ii Jointed ou beat coiner in ( inylord , Mnith
couuty , Kansad dot .WxlW ) , uiitnc iiiaben d , for
h u > o and lot m Omaha , uiiil assuino u rfusonn-
ble Incii'iibrance. Address F. II , Ouutt. Conn ,
ell Hliiils. la. ttJiily ; 2" >
" \\7HAT have jou to trade for large double
i i 10 loom house , moilviii Improveiiitnti ,
8'iuth front , large barn. Very desirable.
Kountz I'late. C. M. Uaton , H'J ' N. 10th.
10U01) farm In Nubraska to i xchaiu' " fo.
housb and lot Coop L Jv L Co. , 20.J N luh . st
BHICIC Wauted-lUO.OW bridts In exchange
for good Inside O'liulm property. .S. A.
Sloman room 22 und 2J Hellmau bldi ; . u7V
GJ. STKHNrtuDHKK room 6. omKMlte jiot
oillcxt has Homo good land In Holt county ,
NVb. , to trade Wr Ouialia pryiiKiti , \ \ IU .4
E Alarpe pin of sorrel horses , in > 4
JL hands hUh , weight STiKi. To trade forsnmlKr
team. 0. M. Katon. 810 N. 16th. 741-Jly22.
" \\TKATlmvo > ml to offer for 1.3SO ncresat
1 1 timber lAnd Inve < t Ylrglnln , clear of In-
curabrance , perfect title. Ueorge J. Stern dorir ,
Hoom fl , opi > oslto V. 0. 8U
lHAinVCotnee nnd ( nil lot for vncant
lot. 11 , w. Huntress , room 1 111 * arnnm st.
mn KXt'llANOK-Clty lots. Will trndo for
JL horse nnd buggy , lioom 4X1 , now 1'axto.i
block. P53
KKAD our list of property to exchnturo
Twenty-four cholc'o lots in Cottnite I'lnee ,
near the M. I' . Helt Line lly. , In West Oiunha.
'lhe o lots nre clear nnd unencumbered. 1'rlio
$ , 100 > \ ill trade for good lenr fin m land
To VAchange Nine nlcn lots In the oilelnnl
South Omnhn addition , six blocks north of the
\laduct to bo built ou Lstteet , and four blocks
from the Junction of four great lines of rail
road. the M. I1. . C. A N. W. , I * . I1 , nnd II. & M .
nud only two blocks from the Ilrst depot on the
X' . P. In South Omnhn. Then * Is no better prop
erty lit tne city to Improve for rental purposes.
IhesuloM re worth nt low cash valuation
* ' .Wi > . Owner's equity Is nbout ? VWO. Will
trndo for good farm land.
To Ktchatige Two clefrnut corner lots ench
rpO\l,1 < l feet , in the original South Omaha addi
tion. In the best renting portion of thetlty. .
( nn build live small cottnges ou each of tlie so
lots Hint will yield it rent il of 2'i per cent per
annum. Price of ench lot fll.W ) , Incunibntnco
JOix ) ou o.ich lot , dun In nbout four years nt S
tier cent. Will Irndo equity lu those two lots ,
& .COO. for good , clear tarm Innd ,
To Kxehaiige Lots 8 nud 7 lu swotnam's sub ,
South Omnhn , comprising SxlW ) ) feet , fronting
on llellovuo or 24th st , w Ith good store building ,
21th Is the main thoroiuhfnre connecting Omn
hn nud South Omaha. This property will bring
$ HM per front foot within twelvemonths , nnd Is
the best medium Inside property on the market.
Pi ice , tl.iuo. liicumbi anee 11,200 , duo lu four and
one unit years. Can offer equity W.GUO for good ,
clear farm laud.
To Kxcbaiige Three nice lots In block 11 ,
lliowna park , only six blocks from packing
houses , liicumbrnnccs ! % ) each , pilce i00 each ,
owner's equity lu these lots J1.4IO. Iho above
pioperty Is all tlrst class nnd wlllboworth
doiiulo the price asked Insldo of two years.
To Kxchaugo 20 ncres ou I'aik street. Holt
Lluo Hy ruus through ono condor. P. , K. & M. V.
H. H. within three blocks. This Is without nny
question the tlnest Investment now on the mar
ket. Paces directly on iwonmln streets , nud will
In * worth * oOiiio ( within two years. Owner wants
tlrst'class Innd suitable for stock fnrm. Can
tunko snmo ono n splendid donl on this property.
Uco. N. Hicks , Hoom 40 , Darker Illock.
gos no
GUxlIK , corner 23d nud Douglas sts , to trnito for
an eight to ten-room house and lot. ( leo.J.
Sternsdortt room 6 , opposite P O. 2W ;
"V"\7HAT have you to trade for bU ncros of
uulneumborod In .luneaii county. Wls , .
.1 miles from county seat. O. J , StoriibdcrlT.rootii
0 , opp Postolllco. 107
TTIOlf KXCI 1 ANOK-Houso nnd lot. Neb. farm
JL' or South Omaha lot for vacant lot In Carthage
thago , Lincoln Place or West Cutnlug ndd.V. .
Ii. Selby. 1521 rarnam st. 18
171011 KXCHANJK-Nob. ( farm or two South
JL ? Omaha lots for xpau of marcs or mules , w.
L. Solhy , 1521 rarnam st. 7S
GJ.STKHNSDOHI'r. Hoom C , opposlto P.
i O , has some choice farm land to trade
for city property. Will assume light inciim-
biallces. 231
EIGHTY ( SO ) acres of nud adjoining Lake
Jlunavva , Council. Illulls. la. This tract
will make 400 beautiful lots and Is free from
encumbrance. What have Vou to oiler/ George
J. SteinsdorlT , roouii ) , opp P. O. 107
rpHADKS made In real cutatn nud personal
JL property. Heo exchange book. Co-ou. It ,
nnd L. Co. 203 N. lllth st. 5 ! > 0
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. . 1M3
Faruam street Complete nbstrncts fur-
nt&hed , nud titles to leal estatd txamliiod , per
fected aud gunranteud. u11 !
Abstracts South Onialn Kd. Johnson As
Co. , ngeuts South Oir.ahn Land Co. , have
the only complete set of abstract books lu
South Omalia. Complete abstracts furnished
ou .short notice. Olliua opposite depot. South
Omaha. G-w !
BKNSON&CAHMICHAEL furnish complnto
and guaraiitood abstracts of tltlo to any
real osfite lu Omaha andDouglis county upon
short notice. The most comrduto s < * tof abstract
bookMifthoclty. No. 1,111) ) Karnam .st. C3J
IOO 1C 1 Look 1 ! G nnd 0 room cott ages lu spleu-
J did locality for sale on monthly payments.
r. 1C. Darling , 1521 rainuin. 253 4
FOH SALK Ileautlful east tiout lot lu Ar
cade place on IKlth St. . JiHt south of Leaven
worth , for $1NW. Thla Is SWU below actual value
nnd will be In the maikot a bhort time onlv nt
the price quoted. M. A. Upton Jc Co. aiJ
n WKLVK per cent Investmeut Per Sale
JL Three 2-story and basement brick hoiihes , 10
rooms each , nil modern Improvements , ou cable
line. UUU ; W.60J cash , balance 4 years ; will
take good clear lot lor part of cash payment ,
M. A. Cpton A : Co. DM )
rpHHKK good South Omaha lots at n price
JL much below tholr valiio. Lot 14 , block 12 ,
Albright's Aunox' Just N. W. of depot , ou main
county road , $100. Lot 1. block ; ) , 111 own Park ,
coiner on 2M and "H1 ( llrovvn ) btieet , JI.200.
Lot.I. block 2-1. South Omahn , lluest Inside lot ,
OUxl.V ) , east front , t'JUJ. M. A. Upton Ac Co. t'83 '
POH SALK Two nuu South Omaha lots , one
a c ouier. cheap if told w Ithlu a week. Acl-
diehS O52 , Jleo. (138 (
| 7HH SALK 10,001) ) acres good farming laud In
JL ? Stauton , riniiklln. I'lister aud Chcveimu
counties. , Nob. Geo. H. Petoibou. Uls S. 1,1th st.
. S7HJ.V I
"IjAOH SALK. Pnrms ou longtime. Co-Oiicr.x-
JL1 tlTO Laud mid Lot Co. . 20. N. Hith bt. IL'7
TI71OH ic-nl estate call on Uco. J. I'TitflTlCO'i riiriT
JL1 ssy
ONLY a few lots left In It. A , SI. park mlditlon
to South Omaha. What have vou to olleiV
George J. Stemsdorir , Hoom fi , opp.lP. O. 2J1
( iWW buys a fuinof iiiicl gooil"4-roonrc3ottapo7
Pu.isy terms and good location. D V.bhole
room I , Uaikor block , . ws
KKCS a good thing-Lot 15 , blk fi , Onviha
ViewIMoom house , city , cKtern and well
water , furnace * , otc. Kverythliig llr t-classi
leased to Oct. IHh nt n per month , only J.,7UO ) ;
gl , < HX ) cash , biilanc-o ) , 2 , .1 and 4 years at U and 8
percent , ii A I'ptou Ar Co. bM )
A 1 HI'S IN 12SS propertj' , irfl ft. south front
on , Capitol avo. between 15th and 10th sts. ,
with houses tenting foi find per month. l ) uer
is u iiou-iusliloiit , now lu city , and boun 1 to soil ,
Kumiltoof John W. Taylor , Alerchunt'H hotel ,
or J. D Melklo , 2 boaid of tradobdg. 7Si
nsMKA'I'Ori , Darker Dloci : , Omalin , has
follow Ing lu South Omaha lor sale : li-JJ
improve d i oiner pioiiKity , lit jicr cent 111' omit.
Corner on L and 'i'lth stunt * , ill vr loot , lit
about i , cash , balance easy. Comci on L HI , ,
ni'Hr ] viaduct , * with no cnsh down , liisini's !
lots on Lst ntisujundiLcud , niiiMindtwoliioi ks
liomdeiKt , which will doubly in MX months ,
Lot 1' ' ) , block HI on 21th St. , tr,00 , L"t 11 , block
l/j , cm 27th St. , * law. Ut ii , bloc k Vi. Mm. ( j.jV )
cash , lialam o 2 years. House and lot on west
Bide , $ Vl c ash ancl W ] > er month. Full lut , Id
mimite walk of "Armour's , " lor JI25 , JIIJ MJ
cash , balance yearly. Also other bargains on
hand. 7W
T L7Hlclj If CO. . KIMI Kstiito. bli
Ijnoit bALU A ni'vv 'i loom house , all modmii
colivfliloncos , lot 50(121 , 3ul lot fast fill oil
Lathrop st , Kouut7B place ; pileoif t.'iOi ) , Jl.iioo
ciihli , bal. * 7iu month or iisdoslioil , llumlltou
Dies , , bulldoiH , iU fao. Ibthtit. 74sjy |
IViN'T-mlss thls-Lot l' , CIarKo's ivldItlon7"
.l-'Just noith of St. Marv'hiiVK. , ill fui-t fumt
woilh t'l,4UO. ' We will sell for n bhort time for
ISW , M. A. Upton * ( Co , 'I-V )
G1 J. oTflltNSDOHFF , roymO oppoilto post"
' oilier- , will hell you a good < -ioom huiiso
on Irtth sti oat , I blocks Kotith of car lluo , by pay-
tug fiwi rush. balancH monthly payments to
niiit. Till * is a splendid oppoitutilty toi anyone -
ono wanting a cheap home , 211
SNAP Fur'ii fovrdayirvvlll huTnor"uTblok (
2 Summit I'ljcu Add , i > * f < ot on Faniain
ht , for $ iNOiash ) Klmbnll , ( 'hnmp < V Hyuu ,
KIDIII l ) , I. , b. National Dank. 212 U
$ 1,0)0 buys n fulll 01 and good 4-loom cottngo
In a good location D , V , Shales , room I , llai-
kor block yjc ;
1 011 SA LU or irailo on easy terms Lot lu blk
A.1 ! H. Albrl-'ht s choi'i' ' . Lots 15 , in , 17 blk 2 ,
lloppo sub dlv , Albtiglit's choice. Lot 7 blk I ,
Samplers , V Hlmobaugh's add. LOIS 1 and J blk
I' . HilBRi place. Ileo. It. DavH , Mlllnid holi-1
billiard room. _ _ * sjyi |
" " "
1 J. . HlCK&CO."Hoal Cstato. 5H
TjliJH hALi--Or : trade : fOacics. HaUaifTouuT
JL ty , Nob. , imp.
| KOuciiM , 1 1 oil Co , Neb , Imp.
: < 20 ai nn , Knox Co. Neb , Imp.
1W ) ucn a , ( ire loy Co. Nob.
40acic , adjoining l.uko Manawa
Lots In II .1 M. 1'nik. South Omaha , clear ,
2 lots. Jlflrosfc ) Hill , i' ) .
1 lot. Kountzu I'luce , uuoumboied. ili' > .
Clots. Arnold Pink , tiiicumbuied , i AW.
I lot , ore-hard Hill , t-ncumburod , 4103.
l lot , Cumlng st , cor. iUt. ! uiieucumberod ,
'i lot. Furnam st , bot. 33th nnd aath , unencuni-
lierod , t..Ui ) .
I acie , Solomon's add , encumbered , JJiO.
1'iesh tockclgurs , Invoice * JX ( ,
hpan horsn.s. liarnesi and delivery wajon.
1 Hall's combination Hate , nearly new ,
Also business and realdouco prupuity tu all
parts of the city , for sale or trade for stocks of
toodj , good farm property or tlty property.
H. A. Slouiuu.
lleltniun block , Omaha , Neb ,
. WICK * CO , Ueal K UW. ; tit
HOt'SUandlot lu South OinnliA f < T Rlo tfnlj
? * , smiill caihpn.vtwut , 1ml monthly , 01
terms to suit. l > , 1) > Siucnton , room H , ll.irkor
blocic. MO
1 , KICU&CO. , H AI listnte. 6J4
SAJiK Or cxrhniifrn. Wo have some
gncxl Omnhn real cst < ito nnd Nebraska
farms , which wo will sell cheap or trade for
Hoc k of clothing , furnishing poods , dry poods ,
lioots andshoes , groceries or Imrdvv nre , gchles- IA
ingcr litw. . nil s. loth st. BIO
"IfOlt SALK-A nice enM front lot In Windsor
JL nmro , new 8 room homo well , cistern , ce
mented cellar , etc. A fine hnmc , only J3,7CO |
J.VX ) cn h , ttfti in ono yenr , bill In three ye.M s ; w o
liavotlieexilusircsiUoof this , M A. Tpton *
C'o. V.H1
.V HICKS. real cstnto ngent. olTcrs the
following :
ItnrKnln In Hnn ecvm place. lot 2 , block 7 , Mi
171 feet , enst front on Sid street , surrounded by
elegant homos ; owner la out of touinuul wants
mom-j-j cnu uinko n special llguro on this If sold
llnrgaln Lot II nnd 12. block 7. Hansrom
place * , UVxlltl feet , south ntul east front , corner
> IM nnd Popploton avenue * . mnjjnltlcentYlow.ono
of the llni' t re sldtuce sites lu Omnhn , .strooia
nnd lots nil grnileil. tcr nnd cos In street , Just
Iho plixco for nn elecnnt residence or block of
houxus ) cnu make this ix speclnl bargnlu If sold
HiirKftln Lot 21 , block n , llnn.scom place , Bflt
IV ) feet , splendid vlow , llrst-clivss nelghburhoout
[ irlco s,7W ) ,
llftrgnln Coiner , IWxlOO fect.-t.'iul nnd 1'op.
pleton nvemip. llnnsrom 1'laco , perfect grade ,
water nnd BIIS In street , only M,4U. (
llargaln llo.iutlful south fnmt lot on 1'opiilo-
ion a\onue , llau.icom 1'lace , price W.7W , only
two "ash , bnmnco I , a , 3 nnd 4 year1' ,
ItnwUn- Nice east front lot on l.owo aronuo.
iict\u'on Varnam and len\em\orth sts. , ouiy
hnrKAln-ftl feet on Thirteenth street , noor
1'lerce. M It h small cottage , cnu otter for a taw
dnys nt f (1HX ( ( ) .
linrKiiln 04x128 on Sillh nvenue. Clnrko's ad-
dltlou , botneen St. Mary's nvctiuonud HurutV
Btreot. tor ifov daya nt * , ' , f4iO. .
ItarRalu laixlSd feet , corner J nudSCtu strcof ,
South Omaha , 1,500.
ItnrRnln'Hro lots In Tabor I'lnce. corner
I , own nvonue and Howard struct , Just Hirra
lilocks west of the olenant now houses now bo
ln erected lu'ost Umatia. This will make a
Mileudld site for two residences. Car line wltli-
In emi block Call and let us show you this. _
HarRnln Splendid corner , WxloO feet on u
nnd llello\no st-j. , the key to thogutuwny of
South Omaha , Immediately luljolnltig the IUAR-
ulllcoiit now park now liolnn luld out by the
uoutli Omnhn Land Co. , $ IIXH ) , only fc < 00 civau fo-
' 1 llnrKnm lluslneis lot In South Omnhn , on 51
st bet. Siithnnd 27th sts. , just wast of Hoof nnd
Horn newspaper olllco , for nalo at a ImlKUlU If
taken iiulek. I can oiler 1'or sale soveial uholco
corner and Inside lots near th business center
of South Omaha at pilous that make them bar-
Kalns , and tnko good mortKagu uotouapait
Ilargain Splptidld business lot on Vlnton
street , uoar Twentieth , foitj feet frontage , only
llnrRnln Ono or the finest business lots In
South ( .Imuhii , fJ.TW , $1,000 cash ; b.ilanco 1 uud 'J
llnrgalns In Westlnwn , the coming manufoc-
turliiK jiolnt of Omaha , soeral t holeo residence
lots to sell , on w hlch I can build nouses to suit
purchasers and sull nn .small ciU payment ,
long time , price of lots Jl,0 ( to * , " .OJ. Cull iU > il
sen them and get choice. .
Tno nbo\ arc only a lew of the ninny nnr-
gains \\o oiler. Oeo. N. Ilkks , Ueul Kslato rtgt.
Uoom 40 , lliirkcr blocK. _ aia iO
rp\VO cottnRps , lust completed , for halo In west
J-ond , between rnriiuninnd I lodge : $1,500 cash ,
balance as you w ant It. Aildrew t > JI , lleo onico.
TOOK ! Look l"i ! and fl-ioom cottages in nplon-
Jdld locality , for sale ou monthly payments.
r. K. U.irllnir , ir > M rarnnm , _ t'M ' iiO
AlIOMKatn Dargnln UlcRant cottage , full
enst front Int. -\11 modern Improvements.
J blocKH f i oni llauscom Address the
owner. U in , lloo. 7iiU gJ
"IJIOH SAM2fiOxUO , Foiitn and cahtfronto
Jt ? cor Mil and Dot ens ; an elegant lot with 8-
i oem house ( new ) form CUD ; Jl.WO cash. Wo
have excluslvosnlo of this. M. A. Upton if Co.
Uhls lot adjoins tioodiimu's line giouuds. 7'JT '
"VTOW Is the time to invest. Per .wlobyGeo.
JM Cooper , loom Ii' , Ilaikor building.
Lots land 2. A II Snunder's add , U'Jxl42 ' , ' ,
cash , bal I or 5 voars , f lO.lHH ) .
Lot 2 , lu 20IM. city , two houses , lout JX )
month , ' 3 cnsh , tlO.OOO.
Lot 2 , blk Hi , " ) , city improvements , rcnt12j
month , * cash , if \ , < M.
Lot II , blk 10 , Heod's Plist ( two houses ) tl.OOO
cash , or one for if 1,000 and ouo for nJ.800 ; for
both tt.sOO.
Lots 11 and 12 , blk II Lowe's ndd , M cash ,
Lots 1 nnd 2 , blk 1 Lodford's place , snap. H
cnsh. $1,2110.
Lot : > , block O , Shlnns 2nd , } S cash , F..OOO.
Lot 23 , Sunnyslde add , I loom house and good
barn , Boutheast corner , fAOHO cash ( chenpl.'f.t.bOO ' ,
Lot 12 , block 11 , llanscom Place , corner , ft
ca'-h. ) jUX ) .
Lot U , J. 1. Hedlck'andd , to city of Omaha , $ SOO
cash. 1(1.800. (
This is the Unest trackage property nnd n Wff
' '
'llnuiu'nnd lot In Omaha Vlow great bargain ,
$1.100. Come In nnd see nbout It.
Lot 32 Windsor Place Kxtenulon , 1550 cash ,
$ -.00. .
Lot ID , block 0 , Jcromo Park , on Faruam , } j
cash , } i > .r > tiO
Lots in Illchmond ndd. on Lenvenworth St. ,
$ l. > UtoViOi easy terms ; .some ou LeaveuuortU
ht. . south fronts , iTOO to ? 81K ) .
Lots In Table Land fioni 8-00 to $300 ; easy
teims ,
Do 3 ou want money to Improve your property ?
Como nud see mo Loans nmdo with dlspatcu.
Wanted houses to rent ,
With million chdlar hotel cable extension
nortn to Lake , ptlccs cannot icmalii long nt
thesellgurcs 'Ihutiiia guide , "buy when noun
\vnnts a thing , and soil when every ono wants
It. " feme1 load to wealth , ( iood farming prop- .
i'ity to tindi'.vvlth xciino moni'y foi Omahn prop
erty. Cooper , Darker building. 1)75 )
THAVKsnvcral choice , inside , full lots , upon
which I can build houses to suit purchasers
upon their own suluc Him of plans , and ou terms
to milt This will pay to invintl ato. D. V ,
x , room 1 , ll.trkur block
L. lUCi : & CO. , Heal liitnta. C93
fNtcou i'ncD WITH THC otoon rHroF THE cojNtny win
Its mala llroa tend bruuchos Incluilo CHIOAOO.
I'onr. BED MOIJIEO , ooujfoiij ULUFTD , HUB *
and ucorca of Intermcaiata cUUs. Cholca of
routoa to anil from the Puclflo Corjit. All tranij-
fcra In Union clgpoto. Fast trains of Fine Cay
Coaches , elegant Dining Cora , mucnlflcont Poll *
man Falaco Bloopers , and ( between Chicago , BU
Jooopli. AtchlaoQ and ICanoaa city ) llccllnlaa
Chair Cara , Beau Vioo , to boldorg of tbrougt )
Crbt-claee tlcltotu.
Chicago , Kansas A Nebraska H'y
"OrontRook lelnnd Route. "
KxlondsV/eet end Boulhwoet from KnnsaBClt ?
aud Bt. Joeeiih to NELUON , HOHTON , , BELLK-
iiUTcniNBON , CALDV.T-LL : , nud oil pomu in
and boynnd , Entlra ro' ongcr oijulpmont of tlio
colebratad Pullmua mnnufiicture. AU eafty * P
Iilianceu and modern irapi overoaaU. '
The Famous Albert Lon Route
IB the fnvorlto between Chlcano , Itock Inland ;
Atclilcon , KnnBdB City and Mluneapollu nodBt.
1'uuL lie V/at rtown branch truvoruen the great
of Northern Iowa , Boutliwosttm Minnesota , and
Katt Central Dakota to Wetertown. Uplrit Lake.
Bloux Fallu and many other towcu and cllUn.
Ihu 8bor > . Line via tlinecu uad Kankakeo otr rl
euperlor facllitlta to travel to and fromlndluj.
upolla , Clnclaoati and nlhur Southern polQU.
i'or TJclioU ) , Mups , ytliliira , or clestrud Inforraa-
tieD , apply at cmy Coup > > u Tlchut Otncu or udilrce *
Qtio'l Kuuwer. Oen'l Tkt , & I'uaj. Act.
' II 1 , 1 C NUTICI5 - 11 KAW\ \ HTI5H3
Di'purtineut of thu I'lattu , Chief Ouaiter-
lin'rt Olliif , OinaliM , Nsli. , Junu 2loW. .
Koaled 1'ionosaU , * iibjeu to thu tuual rondl >
lions , will bo iccelvod at tills ollire until ona
o'clock r. M. , July 18 , J M3. at which tluin they
will bo opttncd , for bupplyliu ; oats , of food
merchantable quality. Hi'ilui t to liitpectlon ,
us followo : At Kcain > Nni.nm . | ln. , inora
nrloja. At hliln < jj , Nt-h. wi.n Uitt \ \ , inuioor
lesi. 'llio oalB iuu i bo Mudy fo ilollv rv > it
these points an { oli.-iv . At Heal iiey , N b. .
on fir iic-foiw Jul > aith At tiidiiwy , Neb , DU or
before Aiunst I'lth The ( iovviitnuiit te-
serve , the rUht to icjoct uiw or at ) piop
lor lii'ldlnj nnd full putli ilat-i fur.
nished on atipllmtluu to thlt \Yi \ ! . lL
Ht'CUK- o