THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , MONDAY , JULY 2 , 1888. YOU SUFFER from Biliousness Piles , Constipation , , Sick llcndnclic , Hour Stomneli , Colds , Liver Trouble Jmimlico Di/,7.inees , , / . , BmlTnslo in the Mouth , dc. You NEED NO I.OXOF.H Warner's SAFE Pills \VIM \ , CTIIK YOU. They have CURED TENS OK TIIOUSAND3. 'TllO.V pOSCS9 HIPPO points ot superiority ; sugar cqntt'tl ; purely vegetable , contain no calomel , mercury or inincrnl oE nny kind ; do not gripe ; never sicken ; easy lo take ; niiM in operation ; anil for tTu'yg i-ciisgnsjirc Tin : PAVOIUTKS OH WOMEN' . Ask for WARNER'S SAFE PILLS , Ho Herein1 ; , Ho Or any other Mineral Poison. It It Niturc'g riomcdr , made exclusive/ ! from ttoolsnntl Hcrln. It Is 1 * rfcctly Ilarmlom. It Ij the oaljr rcmcilj known to the world that lift * ever yet CiirtU conlnuloui JJIood l\il > on In alt III ilnt/a , It curej Mtrcurlal nheumatUtn , Cnncer , BcrofulB.ond olhcr blowl diseases heretofore considered Incurublo. It cures any dlicnsi caused from Impure blood. It li now | > re- lullirdby thotnitul of tlio but | > lij lclani In the United fitaltn , m a touto. We aji | > cna the Ftalcmcut of n few ! I have nnd H 8 B on putlrntu conr le c. In * from fever anil front ini-arte ; with lli but results. J. N , OiKirv. M. 1) . . LllaMlle , On " . til.Wlllln While nmtctcit with B. ruliila M'Yin yinn I prfwrlliul H. B. B. , und lo Uay he ti a fnl mid ruumt bor. C. W. 1'AHKIR , 41 D. RICHMOND. VA. , Oco. U. IKS - I ha o taVen thn o boll Ics of Hw If I'm BpcclHc for tccomlary Mood pnUnn. It acli inuih Itoltrrllinn pot uhurau ) other remedy I liatervorineil. t ) \VlMFiru > . II D , Formerly of Sumex Co. , Va. DR. E. J Hit * , tlio wi'll known ilruitKlsl nil iihynlclan. of Nanhvllle , Howard Cuuntr. Ark. , write * " Having nome knowledge n to what 8. S. 8 l romposnl of. I can fafoly recommend It a the roinul ) fnralltklu ill * lasM , It mallei" not what the name may be " Wo hn\o ft Ikxik ghlnR a hUtory of tlili wonderful rrnmly , and lln cure * . from nil OTerlnu world , Inch will convince jou that all wo my l true , and which wulllmall fre on application. Nn fninlly fhould l > wlitioutlt. We hn\e another on Contagious IJlonil 1'ulson , nent on tame terms. Wrltr- tit a lil'lory of jour ea o , and our phjKklaii will ad l o rlih you lij Ulti-r.ln ittlcteH contliUiice. Wo will not dctelv * you knowingly. For ( ale by all dnisPlMs. TIIK SWIFT Brrciric Co , IMnnrr \ilunlii Oa , 1 New York , 7" * Hr uil as I l.onilou. tun , tiHuow llUL NERIS ! NERVES ! ! What terrible vlsiom this little word brings befcrc tlie eyes of the nervous. Headache , Neuralgia , Indirection , Sleeplessness , Nervous Prostration , All stare them In the face * Yet all these nervous troubles can be cured by using For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TON/0 Also contains the best remedies for diseased con dition of the Kidneys , Liver , and lllood , which always tccompany nerve troubles. It i a Nerve Tonic , an Alteratlte , a Laxative , unJ a Diuretic. That Is why It CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. $1.00 a bottle. Send for full particular * W&LS , RICHARDSON & CO. Proprietors , BURLINGTON. VT Certified Checks , Payable at Sight on Puget Sound National Bank Given as Security lor Money Invested. 1 TothoioilemroiiHQf bityln propmty on time , wo nniTllw lollciwlint : Wi < will nllon friim .1 months In iyi'iirn' time , niTordlnu to thii land yon fleet , \V ( ! clmniu iM'ltner iirciiilum nor Inlrrvst on tlino liaviiii'iiti , nnd nlll ulNoyim a wiirninty deedV hu\ulotiint MUUIniiildulOlliiitnru within u imllin ot two and n half lulleool tlio vo l-ollUo wu qulronnlr Hirer rent , a an cuniffl nnuicr and wo will giturcrtlHeil clii'clt forlhu full nniount of emli and uTrry xutocijiirnt | iiyment : Tuccliccklmlrunn br the 1'iiuet Hiiund .Nntlomil hank ulul In mailopay nul ati > lElit und ou tun draw > nur inoiicy iitiiny llliinlhoiiiihbjr imdntng jron forfrlt your rltbln to pnrtbasu laud * Make your Income1 , no matter how rniHll , earn romelhlni ; TranrriintliU'iitalrnllruuds lulionUIng Inr Scnlllo. und inHnufurlurlni.'flour. ! Itlilni ! CeiiFinl fomniircn I * In u Mill' ot MilifUn- tlal prourenslon. Tbo dally pui < ui uru Illlnli\nli accounta of new cntcrpilsen. ( 'Hblo < Hri.niiit IHITFC rariicircleHratllP. Adcln > r < i COOK .tr MOIIIti : , Who luTO tlin LAIKiRnT I'ltUPKUTV LIST lu 1 SEATTLE , W , T. ( \ i _ The largot , laitett and dne > t In the world I'auenKor acc < iuimodtiloni ( unexrilled. mv York lu ( lliocuir vlu I > oudnnilvrrv n Itsr.KSIA , . . . JiTSR th I DrVilMA . . .ll'l.v 2lit KTIIUH'IA.HIM 7th VlllCAhSU . .JUI.ath AMIHIIIIA Jl'l V lllll I NfcW VOHK TO I.O I.HI'IIOI VIA Ot n.VRTIHV.S. Tbo Coleliraled i l.nnii'H and linen ! > I Jl'l.v lltli hleainililii I tenner Meuiner lu AUU. Ktl C1TV OK ItOMK ) the World I r-o | t. Mil Nl.W VlllllkTU l.IVJ'ltl'OUI. MA Qt'H'NMUWW. The Celebrated llarvctt und rine t I'm * ! .U'XK 1 Ith Muiiuitlilp ieninr ; Mcnuier In IJi'i Mh CU'VOKlloMKl the \Vorld. I.IUU till baleen IIIIIIIIKU tufllaiuon , Derrr. Mrcrpool , llolfiut or ( , 'iiiiMi > l wnfVlHinl upnanln lur ( ilai on Meiuil- i > r . hllHiid iiiiward * foreitj of lloin beeondilaka M ) . Ili'limi lUUlnM rvdueed rntemiiadu iiTiillablo lor cither route , oilerli IE vxcimlonlHii tliu inulle.'u of ( ulniilho. North undroiitli tit Ireliind.tho ItlTor * Mrrrvr Hiiil I'lctiiictquo ( ; , . bteer.iiiii IM. Andiiir Line ilriiit. paynblu Ir u l charge , eli | at Uxreit ratvii Kjrliuuk vt touis , Hiker * or further Inform1 lion ap ) > 1y to HENDERSON BRCS.,73 La Sa'le St. , Chicags. to any of our loial u.i'iil TRIAL" NEW TRUSS > i ' a u iiiri M fium ill ttJJfrr' , > llltr , U iip h rr. withfcclf- r tJJunltii ; Hull In rcntt r , * tl i > t < llH'f t all p ltlou of the hody , v > In In tbol > nlll't"i ' ruu preeaes pack tu Intostliioa JjiBtuu a nor- Cliculrifree * iiiCl-liluS mibs lUif idle -.FOUNTAIN J CUT"A.NP F'LU.Q. Jncomparabiy tha Qeat. PROSPEROUS YOUNG CITY , Sorao Facts of the Resources and Advantages of Fullerton , Nob- . ITS LOCATION AND CLIMATE. Crop nnd Stock Iloports or Nnncc County For tlio Ycur 1H87 Mniuif'nctiirlnt ; nntl Com- nicrvlnl Interests. I'tillorton , Nolirn lcn. Thcro is no town within the borders of the great stnto of Nebraska of which there lins boon so little written or stiitl j historically orolherwisoand ) of which so t much can truthfully bo * aid , as of Fullerlon , the county scut of Nanco county. For beautiful natural location and richness in resources there is not her rival in the state. Fulterton Is located on a plnttcati at the foot of the divide of the great Loup and Cedar Hivcr valleys , and from her slightly elevated position,1ms a splendid view of the intersection of these two rivers a few miles below in what now becomes the Main Loup valley , widely known for its fertility and richness of soil. From a point a half a mile north- cast of the town upon one of a serins of pioinincnt blulTs is presented a magnifi cent view of the Cedar River valley , extending - tending as far to the northeast as the naked eye can sec. Wending its way down this valley toward-Fullerton is the beautiful Cedar rivorof ronmrkablo uniform width and consisting of a suc cession of short bends , from several of which where it. is less than ; i half milo across from one bond to another , it is fully four or llvo miles around by the main channel. The banks on each side being heavily clothed with foliage of cedars and pop lar , presents ono of the grandest pieces of scenery to bo found any where cast of the great gorges ot the Rockies or the cascades of the \lleghenies or Sierra Novadas. Hero s certainly a Hold for the view artist. t is unquestionably too grand and pic- uresquo for the descriptive pen to do doqnato justice. It is from this stream hat Fullerton obtains her great natural ml unlimited water power , which is tow being utilized by means of turbine \heels and can bo transferred by means f electricity to manufactories in any mrt of the city. " The young" and prosperous city of ' ' 'ullerton ' was located in 1S79 , the fol- owing year in 1880 , they bad a popula- ion of lifty people. In 1885 tlio popula- , ion had increased to ! )00. ) It is now ully lf > 00 and at the rate of increase for , ho past few years li,000 inhabitants can safely be predicted in the year 1S90. L'his is certainly a most excellent sliow- ng but nothing startling when consid eration is given the fact that Fullerton ins some natural advantages possessed t y very few of our western cities , be sides having a live , energetic , intclli- ent , class of business men who are walou&ly guarding her future 'n tore-tits and taking the lead in public mprovcmciits. They now have in con- .cinplation a mangilicont system of city water works upon the reservoir plan. rholiSgh blutls immediately back of the city and overlooking the Cedar river UTord an admirable location for a sys tem of inexhaustible supply of resor- \oirs , from winch they would have a 100-foot fall to the city , and about wen ty foot fall from the city to either .lie Loup or Cedar rivers , not over a utlf milo distance north or south. Jt is tlto intended to place at the dam across .lie Cedar , where the force pumps will jo located , a sot of Turbine wheels from which the electric .ight dynamos will obtain power , also Irom which power can bo had for other manufactories now nugotiating for loca tion hero. This is certainly the grand est opportunity for a canning factory , woolen factory , paper mills , andin fact , any kind of manufacturing interests , to locate their plants whore power can bo had cheaply , and in the very midst of : tn agricultural countrv , producing raw material for the manufacture of any ar ticle required for consumption at Homo or abroad. mi ! CUM ATI : . Fullerton is peculiarly fortunate in her location. At an altitude of 1,710 feetblie has secured a mp t exhilorating and healthful climate in the hottest day * of summer her nights nro delightfully cool and the days are not at all oppress ive because of the pure , dry atmosphere. The w inters are exceedingly short and pleasant , compared with tlio long , cold , stormy and disagreeable winters of the north and northwoit. Sickness is something - thing almost unknown among her citi zens , while lung and bronchial troubles were never heard of in this climate. AVATKUWAYb AND SOU , . Nance county is situated in the cen tral part of Nebraska. It is commonly known as the ljawnco reservation. Its length , from cast to west , is thirty miles , its breadth ( ifteon miles , and it contains about 1180,000 acres. The soil is more fertiU ) and the country bettor wntorea than any county , perhaps , in Nebraska. The Loup Hews through the county its entire length ; the Heaver and Cedar cross it from northwest to southeast. Uesides , there are other htreams : Skccdoo , Cottonwood , Horse , Plum , Council. Timber and Ash creeks. It can bo been by a glance at the map that the county is plentifully supplied with water from these numerous water courses ruiiiiiiitr in all parts of the county. Drouths do not , therefore , aflect the crops in this soctttm in anv degree mentionable. The soil of the valley is , generally speak ing , of a black alluvial , while on the Mefa land a rich , black , sandy loam prevails which for crop raising is not surpashcd anywhere in the state , nnd for trrass and grazing purposes there is no liner land on the continent. There is no portion of the states or territories offering hotter inducements to those wishing now homos or business loca tions than in Nanco county. Unim proved lands ean bo had at from M to ? lt ) per aero , and some as line improved farms us can bo found in any state in the union ean bo had for $10 to SU5 per acre , Nanco county has a slight advantage over her sister counties in another respect. .Some ten years ago the entire county of Nanco comprised the "Pawnee Indian reserva tion , " tolectod originally by the Indians as such because of their knowledge of its luting the finest land in the state. In 1b78 the secretary of the interior ordered the reservation opened up for settlement and the lands gold by the general land dopurtment , which was accordingly done. Consequently the purchasers" have perfect title and are of a good elas of people , who are able to put up substantial homes , anil there is , as a result , not a homesteader , a pre-emption claim , or u sod house in the county. The county is free from debt , has n tluo court house at Fultorton nnd money in the treasury. Tlio population of Nance county is between 10,000 and I'.OOO. Thcro nro now forty district and two graded schools with sixtytcacliprd and , an enumeration or curoilmoat 3,000 chlldr6n between the ages of five and twenty-one vcars in the county. citor A > 'J > VrocK IIKPOIIT OK x.VN'fu fOt'NTVj 1HS7. The follo\ylng statistics , showing the crops raised in the count } during the year 1887 , nnd live stock shipped and on hnnd during the year , have been carefully compiled by acommltte ap pointed by the Fullerton board of trade. The figures hero below given are totals of reports handed in by the farmers and stockmen of the county. They are re liable , and entitled to credit. Bushels Market nnrt Tons. Value. Corn fi3r ! ) , > 12 $2. . > < V4 00 Wheat OJ.ioi 20.vioo Oats 215.341) ) 4ip41 : OJ ' ' ' ' ' n , ricy..V.V.V.V.V.V.V. . ft'rfli si'sis oo Flux 1S72I 20XXI ( 00 Potatoes 12ir ( 0,000 00 liny 10,840 07,34 , 00 Totnl 055,042 511)1,410 ) 00 Number. Vulvio. Hojts on hnnd .Inn. I. 1S < 3. . I4.3S4 $14:1,810 : FfttliogssouldurititflbS ? . . 12,000 144,000 Totnl 2fltSl : S237.S40 Cnttlo on hand .Inn. 1 , 1SSS. lli I ) M f .WO.ftV ) Fat cnttlo soltl in 1S7 C.OIO ! U2,000 Totnl 21,00. ! SrtJI.OSO Work horses and mules on farms only ' . ' .SGi . ) $3 0,7.10 , Impcirtcd horses Clyde , Slilro. Pcrclieron , 10 ; Standard tribes , 4 14 3V > 00 Total 8,50 Mnrkut value of prain and stock In Nance county , iiielilillti ! ? stoiM flipped out during the year 1SST , anil stock and grain on hand Jan. 1 , ISsS. . . . $1.733,530 00 No. of Cars. All kinds of grain shipped during the year ! Sb7 3,744 Fat heirs shipped 204 Fut cnttlo shipped S17 Total cars 4,103 Making in all a train of c.irs twonty- llvo miles long. All of this grain and stock raised and shipped in the year 18S7 , and from a county less than ten years old. From present indications of crops this year there is no question but what the above showing will bo increased at least ! 2.j per cent in 18S8. 11A1I.UOAD3. Fullerton is located on the main line of the Omaha , Niobrara & Black Hills railway , 12 : ! miles west of Omaha by rail. This road is practically a branch of the Union Pacilie railway system running from Columbus to the Black Hills , and will probably bo pushed for ward from Cedar Rapids , its present terminus , before the shades of another autumn appear. The main line of the Union Pacific overland route is no doubt in time , to run via Fullerton and St. Paul to North Platto. This is almost a boo line from Columbus to North Platte and would shorten the present route very mate rially. The surveys and a portion of the grading for this eut-olT , is is under stood , have been completed. The Northwestern railway , also the Chicago. Rock Island & Pacilie and the Burlington & Missouri River road are all reaching out into the northwestern territory and heading for the rich Mid dle Loup and Cedar Valley country. It is highly probable that the latter com pany may build from Central City , in Morrick county , to Fullerton yet this season. This will give Fullerton most excellent railway and shipping facili ties. 3IANUrACTOUY'S HOL- uu MILLS. The Fullerton Roller Mills owned by G. Wheeler & Co. are the largest and most capacious ot any in the North west. They were established in 18Srun : ? by water power and have a capacity ol about 150 barrels per day. The bulk of the Hour from this mill is shipncd to Iowa. Colorado and the Central part ol Nebraska. Tlio mill runs night and day , and the proprietors are contem plating the enlargement of the building and putting in more rollers. The fol lowing shows the amount of grain pur chased at these mills in the year of 18n7 : Bushels Value Oats at 22c l.r > ,000 $3,300 Corn at ! ! 0c 27,000 7,100 \Vlieatat55c 00,000 33,000 Toll 4,000 Total 10J.OOO17,100 llltlCK. Messrs. Hurley & Watts established a brick factory in Fullerton in 1882 and since that time have been supplying Fullerton and the adjoin ing towns with a superior buildinir brick. They have an inexhaustible sup ply of line brick clay in the blulls on Cedar river. When running full force they have a capacity of 110,000 per day CIO All VACTOKY. The cigar factory recently establishes in Fullerton by Mr. William Baxter is ' among the loa'din ? enterprises of tint' place. The present capacity is about 1.000 per day , but witJi increased facili ties it will soon be able to supply thodo- maiul from the northwest territory will the best brands of cigars and tobaccos ) nno KACTOUV. This factory is largely patronised bj the surrounding country but the bull of its product is shipped to Omaha and Denver. The capacity of this mill is about fifteen tons per day. It also turns out meal , flax seed , etc. Messrs Wheeler & Co. , of the roller mills , are also proprietors of this factory. The following statement will intcrcs the reader. U shows the amount o business done in Fullertoa and the amount of capital invested for the yeai 1SS7 : C.ipitnl. Business General Merchandise. . $15,000 H17.00 Hlaeksmitliini , ' 1,200 3,001 Hard ware 11,000 S'.I.IXK ' Furniture 2f.OO ilXK , ( Livery 12,5(10 ( 7 , ? < X Groceries (1,200 ( ai..VX Drutis I'.tHK ) 2i,0X ( ( Lumber 30,000 100,00 Pumps and Windmills. 1,500 5,001 \Viinon \ \ orks liUO 8lHK Millinery l.yji ) 4-jrc At'i-ifiiUural linplum'ts 10,000 35,2H Harness 2,000 & .IKK Coiifccltoneiy S50 Juwulry and Musical Instruments 0,300 12.0X Meat Market 4,030 7,001 \VullUoruiK 1,110 Newspapers 0 , v > Kstato 321,41 Loans ' .Mi UK Insurance l.'i.COO Amount paid for freight 2l,31 ( > Express. " Total 1147,450 * S > itVUS Banking busines of Nance county , 18S7 : Capital Invistcd. $202,500 , LuaiiK and Dibcounts Ull.iVC } Average Deposits W1.2I5 r.xrh.ingcs liotiKlit Uii OJ1 Sold U.M..TJJ Tot al C-2,4'J 7'tO From stub data as can readily be- ob tained it it , bafo to predict that the biVi- ness of Fullerton in IBbS will show an increase of at least " "j or ! > 0 per cent over that of 1SS7 , as bhown above. UUiVATOIlS Fullerton iaoll supplied with ele vators. The principal one is that of Fuller & Patoii , cbtablibhod in IfeSH. with a capacity of 40,000 bushclb of grain , and a capital investment , includ ing their lumber and coal interests , of Jlio.OOO. . Thi linn is among the heaviest buyoi'b nnd bhippors of gruln , lumber , coal and Hvo stack In thotato. Tliey are also largo .land owners' and r.eal o&tato dealers. Tbo elevator of G. Wf.c'eler & Co. , which is rim in connection with the roller mills , was erected in 1M4. It. has a storage capacity pf 'J0,000 bushels of grain , and represents , together with roller ni.U ? nnd ground feed factory , a cajiitall/alion of $83,000. Lumry Broselevator , established in 1SS7 , has a storage capacity of 10,000 bushels of grain. They are heavy buy ers and shippers of all kinds of small grains , also deal largely in agricultural implements , wagons , carriagesbuggies , phaetons , etc. There is no firm in the county carrying us large a supply of theso'articles as Lumry Bros. do. Their investment is about i25UOO. LUMIIKH YAUUS. There are three or four lumber yards in Fullerton , all carrying a good assort ment of different grades and kinds of lumber , window frames , sashes , blinds , screens , doors , and everything in their lino. Among the leading firms may bo mentioned Fuller vt Paten , E. M. Lagrange - grange and H. Stevenson & Co. IIAN'KS. The "First National Bank" Chnun- cov Wiltso , president ; Theodore C. Koch , cashier ; capital stock , 8.50.000 ; surplus , $ ! ! 0K)0. ( ) This is the oldest bank ( by succession ) in Nance county. Kstablis'hed in 1SS1 , itis conducted upon a conservative policy and does strictly banking business. The president of the First National is one of the heaviest land owners in the county and the stock holders represent a half million doll'irs. It is considered one of the leading banks of the stale. THI : "crmr.N" . ' IIAXK. " E. D. Gould , president : F. M. Lagrange - grange , cashier ; capital. $ oO,000 ; undi vided profits. Mo.OOO. This is a private bank , organlyotl in 1SSH. It has a re sponsibility of $100,000 nnd is consid ered ono of the strongest institutions in the state. It. . does a general banking business , negotiates farm loans and has for its correspondents the loading banks of Omalia , New York City and Chicago. Ilotcl9. TIIKOAY 1IOUS15. Fullerlon can boast of her line hotels. The new "Gay House" erected in 18S7 of brick , upon the latest modern archi tectural designs at a cost of $15,000 , has thirty-live largo airy rooms ; all modern conveniences ; line sample rooms for traveling men ; house heated by steam , etc. Tills hotel takes rank with the Pacific at Norfolk , Eno at Fremont , Grand Pacific at Columbus , and Frank Gay , the proprietor , knows how to run it to suit the boys. TIIK .IUDK1XS IIOUSK. The Judkins Bros. , formerly of Red Oak , la. , are now in Fullerton running this house. It was erected in 18bO and s tlio oldest regular _ hotel in the conn ty. It lins a good livery in connection with the houso. The Judkins nro widely mown as hotel men and keep a lirht- class house with all modern convon- 011 ccs. The Fullerton hotel , kept by J. A. Knight , nlso the Commercial hotel by Z. E. Jacks-oil , are both good houses and get a considerable share of the trade. ClIUHUHKS. There are two churches in Fullerton , the Methodist Episcopal Rev. J.V. . Robinson pastor , and the Prcsbytorinn Rev. . ) . C. Irwin pastor. The Catholics have an occasional service in the hall , and arc contemplating the erection of a line church this season . The Nanco County Journal is the ollicial and the oldest paper of the county. It was established in 1879 , has always been straight republican in politics , has the large t circulation of any paper in the county ( about one thousand weekly ) , and is therefore the best advertising medium of the north west. Mr. M. II. Barberthe editor and proprietor of the Journal , is one of the best informed men in the stale , and ono of Fullerton's leading citi/.ens. The Nanco County Signal reorganized from the Fullerto'n Telescope in the sprincr of ISSS. The Signal is repub lican in politics and has a circulation of about seven hundred weekly. The Fullerton Post , democratic , was established in Fullerton in 18S8 , and for a new paper has quite a neat circula tion of between three hundred and live hundred weekly. Itcnl Instate. WiLT , O. JONI-.S. Since the townsito of Fullerton was laid out in 1879 there has been a steady demand for town lots and an immense business has been transacted by the real estate dealers. Mr. Will G. Jones , who established hero in IbbU , has been one of the most energetic and m successful. Out of the $ ; W1,11U worth of transactions in 18VT , Will Jones handleiU170J12. ! As will be seen , considerable over half of the total transactions passed through hit hands. Ho is a large owner and deal er in lands , negotiates farm loans , etc. N. n. H. OI > IM : < . Mr. Odell , who docs a general real estate nnd exchange business , is one of the earliest settlers in Nance county , lie made over $100,000 worth of transfers and negotiated over $70,000 worth of loans in 18S7. Ho is one of Fullerton's mo = t enterprising eitiyonsand bus largo landed interests in the town and coun try. oiiouoi : s. JI'CHI.S.VKV. : The pioneer of Nance county , George McChesney , came to Nance county some two years before it 'was orgnni/.ed or sold by the Pawnees for settlement , and con sequently knows every foot of ground in the county. Ho is doing a general real estate and loan business , and is consid ered ono of Fullorton's lending citizens. M. U. llAltllKlt. Mr. Barber , who is proprietor of the Nance County Journal , is ono of Nance county's pioneers. Ho is largely inter ested'in lands in this section , and does a general real estate , loan and coin- miss ion busincbs in Fullerton. JIA UKIS 11UUS. This is considered one of the heavies' ' real cstato linns in Nance county Messrs. S. and L. Unrris are widely known in Nance county. They do i general real e ate , loan and insurance business , buy , sell or exchange farm 01 city property , ATTO11NHY8 AT L.UV. Moiklejohn & Thompson are the leading attorneys in Fullerton and Nanco county. They also practice largely in the state nnd United States courts. Mr. George D. Meiklojohn , o this linn , is a graduate of Ann Arbor ( Mich. ) law school. Ho is now chairman of the republican state central committee and state fconator from his county. Mr. Albert Thompson ib a native of Illinois. Ho graduated in the St. Louis law school , came to Nobnibifa in 188(1 ( , and is considered ona of the loading attorneys in the state. This firm also deals largely in real estate and farms in Fullerton and Nanco county. 1.IVKUV hTAlir.HS. Fullerton hus three or four good liv ery and feed stablea , the leading ono of which is that of J. W. Xibboll , nearly opposite the Gay houso. This is a stable of about fifty btuck , among which are some line matched carriage teams , road- bters and gaited baddle ho.racs. as line no will bo found in any eastern city Etnbles. Special attention is given to traveling men at thoso' btablcs. Mr. /-ibbell ib an 6U sott'.e'v ' , having estab lished liuro in Ib'i' ' , t'i" ' now hus a.capi- Ull investment ( if about iSO',000. lie owns and control's the omnibus line and was at the lust election mudo shcrill of N'anco county by ono of the largest npjorltics on the ticket. .T. i : . Kitl.tni.KK x CO. This firm is among Fullptt'on's argest mercantile houses. It was established in libO , With a capital of 810,000. They carry a full ino of hardware , stoves , fanges , barb viro , etc. Mr. Kricdlcr is a fncmbor of ho board of trade of Vullorton and is regarded as ono of her leading citizi-ni. Fullerton has many other mercantile louses not mentioned in detail. She ins fixe general merchandise stores , hreo grocery stores , two drug stores , , wo hardware stores , three agricultural mplcmcnt stores , two wngon and repair shops , two restaurants , two millinery tores , two meat markets , two jewelry stores , two harness stores , ono dentist , ono photographer , six carpenter , three aney stock breeders , four painters , ono > ! llinrd hall , three blacksmith , one confectioner , two barber shops , ono fur- ilturo dealer , eleven attorneys nt law , Ivo doctors , six masons nnd plasterers and one nursery. Fullerton has ono of the finest schools in ho county. The high school with an on- ollment of about ono thousand two ihndred pupils Is conducted by the fol- owing nblo corps of teachers : G. W. Cro/ier , principal ; U. M. Henderson , rrnmmar school ; Miss Mamie Smith , irst assistant ; Miss Lena Brady , second tsslstant ; Miss Hester Spackman , pri mary. Secret orders nro well represented in Fullerton : A. lA. . M. No. Sl ! , I. O. O. F. No. ! ) . A. O. U. W. No. ( ill. G. A. I. No. 117 , are located there besides a lumber of others in the county. Any one intercftcd in manufacturing would do well lo look to Fullcrton for a ocalion. The country is now and far removed from largo cities , nnd an im- nenso home trade would result to the manufacturer. Thcro is an excellent ipporlunity for manufncturers here. ' The wator'powor is doubly valuable in n western country , where coal is high liriced , and sometimes hard to jot. Minneapolis nnd other towns of Minnesota owe their prosperity largely to the development of their water powers. For natural advantages the L'cdar and Loup are not lo bo excelled. To the manufacturer , merchant , me chanic , farmer , or laborer , of the ca'-t , who are discontented and seeking a new location , wo would say , a most excellent location can bo had in Nance county ; it is a new country , wants settlers and land can be had there on easy terms. Any person wishing further informa tion in regard to Fullerton's great water power , real estate , or Nance county lands , can obtain the same by writing to Will G. Jones , N.B.S. Odell , M. II. Barber , George T. McChesney or Harris Bros. , at Fullerton ; they are all largely interested in town and county property and would bo pleased to give any information desired. Who la WEAK , WEUVOUS. WEBILITA- has TRIFLED awny hid VIOOUof HOUY , MINI * and MANHOOD.cauilne exhausting drains upon the FOUNTAINS of LIFE. II E Al > Al'IIE , EIArKACIIE , Dreadful Dreams , IVEAKNENH of Memory. HASH- FULNKHSin SOCIETY. IMMIM.LN upon the FACE , and ( ill the EFFECTS leading to EAKLY DKCAY and perhaps CONSUMP TION or INSANITY , should consult at once the CUI.KUIlA.TEn Dr. Clark" , Ettabllshcd 1851 Fr Clfirko lifts mnde NERYOUH 1 > E- lilMIY. t'UnoNIC and nil Diseases of the ENT < > Ultl.VAIlY Orirnns a I.llo rt'nJy. It taakea H > dlflerenco WHAT you VTC taken or % VH < J has failed to euro you. 4a-FKMAI.EH suffering from dlicuios pecu liar to their 89z can consult with the assurance of speedy rellofnnd cure. Scud 2 cents postage for works on your diseases. J i-0cnd 4 cents postage for Volobrntrtl Works on Chroulc , NcrvouN and Dell- on'c Diseases. Cousultatlon , pcrsonul'y ' or by tatter , froo. Consult the olil Doctor. TliDuinmlH cured. OOIcca and uiirlorn private. aThose contemplatlnB Marrlaeo uend for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide- Hnlc and Fciunle. each 15c. , both Xe. ( Btampi ) , Hefoie confldlDC your case , consult Ir. CI.AHKE. A friendly letter or call may lave future nuderincinil shame , and add rolden years to life. WBook "I.lfe'B ( Secret ) Er- rora , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medicine writings sent everywhere , secure from expontirc. Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address , F. D. CLARKE , M. D. USB SOL Clark at , . CHICAGO , ILL. A Concontratoci Liquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. Aids Dlycstifni , Cures Di/nflcpsta , SlreiiytltciiH the Itcstoi'es Sound , Jtefreshlnu I'rtcclcss lo Xnrainy Mother * , Rccommenflcilliy Eminent Pliysicians , For Sale \ > \i \ all Dritr/tjMsaml ardson Dnuj Co. , Wholesale SteekPiano Hemarlcable for powerful ymp > tin-lie tonu. pliable ucllon ami ab solute durability. HJ ycnra' record , tlio jQinranlee of tilt cicel' leuca ot ttieisa lpatrunn nt . WQQDBR1DOE BROS , rnn IflrU nill V A lulcjc , permanent cure rim MrH llfil T < or . ' 08t.or . rUll IIILIl UllLli mnnhooil. nervousness. weakness , unnatural losses , lack of Btreneth , vlKor or ilevelopmont , caused by Indlscretiou. exceniies , etc. I iilunMt bovk trnt Itrnlnltfrit. KlllS MKDICAI , CO. . BUFFALO , N. T. JUDICIOUS AND PEKSISTErif Ailvfitlsluc IIIIH nhvnjs piovcB successful. Ilofoio plnclngnn ? Nowspitpor AdVL-rtlelnjr consut LORD & THOMAS , ill\Blnl6l\U iUt\T , U ( 19 Uudol k U/.U CHICAGO. . .u I'-U.MtlC N l > IIUMMAV J U UI.4.MIUIIII. PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. . Live stock Commission Merchants. OfficeHoorn 54 Opposite Klclmnio Iliilldlni ; , l/nloa ftocli Vunlf. ollth Ouiuhn , f ub MOCOY Live Stoclc Commission Merchants , Murkct furtilrhoil ( red on uppucatlun l-Uicktr" anil fL'i'ilurn furnuhwl mi u ' l terms Ituieruiui't omu- tin Nutkinal Hunk HIHI huutti Oir.nttH .Nulloum , L'lilua Muck V..rdk , himtli Omaha Live stock Commission , Hooro I'j , Kicliaiine Ilniuilni ; . Cnlua btock Yard * , buutli Cliuiiliu .Neb ALEXANDER A FITCH , Commision Dealers in Life Sock , i ' . " . ' , Uuiiutllu Kichtuigu Iliilldlrv , Uulun Stock i , guutli txuati.i Nub. UNION STOCK"YA'RDS co. , Of Omaha , Limited , .w IT JJar J. AgrTcuTttiroi impiomontsl _ OHURCHILL PARKER , DealerinAgricnltmallmpleiiiEnts , Wagons , dfCK anil llnr lr * . .li lc * Ptrfft.bttuccnftliatij Utti , Omaha , Nctiratka. ' ' " L'IN'IN'Q ER & M ET UWLF co. , Agricnltnrallmplefflents.Wagons.Carriagcs . . n , Ktr. WholosKlc. Oniaha , N PARUN , ORENDORF& MARTIN , \ \ hi'lculo Dealer * In Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggies TOl , ! J , 'AO nnd ! : Jonp Strcft.Omaliii. _ pTpTw A ST * & C o7 Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CultlTMon , H y llnkrt , Clilor Mills ami I.uban 1'ul- renter * . Cur lithaiul McholH < Mriel > . wiNONA iMPLEMENT CO Wholc" l < > - AgricnltiiralImplGineiitsWagoiis&Bu , gics C < 'rurr 14th mid Nlcholin yirccl < . OMAHA IlIIANdl. J. F. SEIBERL1NO As CO. , Akron. Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K Mead , Mnniuor 1111 U-nvonworlh * tOnvilm. Alnnuftitiirrriinn IJobbcn In Wagons s , Buggies , Rakes , Plow Etc , Cur. inn nn > l 1'nclilc Stfo ts , Omaha. Neb. Artists' A HOSPE , Jr./ Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 161t l > ouila ! < ttrcot , Oinuhn , Nobrnfka. _ _ Boots nntl Shooa. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( MlCCl'S Ors tO ll"l'll , JOIH'S A CO I WholesaleMainifactnrersofBootsandShoes AKCiitafor lli'fton Iliitmcr Shoo Co. IIU3,110J Jt 1IUQ llnrnry t-t. . Uninlm Xelraaka. W. V. MORSE & CO. . JolJhers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1103-llllj lougln St.Oiiulin ManulwitorySum mer MIk Bloii. Dooksotlors nnd Statlonors _ _ H. MT& S. W. JONES Succcssorsto A. T. Keiiron \ Co. . Wholesale A Iletall Bookseller and Stationers , fine Wecldlnit Slntlonpry , Commercial Matloncry li."J Douclaa Street. Oinaua.hcb. Coffees , Splcoa , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Oinnlia Coffee aud bplcu Mlllv. Teas , Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder , Flarorl UK K.tiuctl.I .i.Klry . iiiuiIIIRB. . i.iu. HH- liinilnrnrr Htrt'cl. Omnlin. NolirR kii. Crockery and Clnsavvaro. W. L" WRIGHT , .Apent fortlio Miinufacturcru nnd Imrorlcrs < if Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. OUl co , 817 8.13th tt. , Omahu , N'obrankn. PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN , Imnortor ntnl lottborsof Crocker/ , Glassware , Larais , Silverware Ktc. 1M4 Fnrnnni St. . Now 1'nvton Ilulldlnit. " Commlasion " and Storage. _ _ RIDDELL St RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , upeclultlc * nutler , Knn * . Clic'cnc. Poultry , Game , IIJ : ! Howard Street. Omahn. CEO. SCHROECER & CO. . Buecussors to SIcfcltano X .ucliroeier ! ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Onmlia. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Coininision Merchant. Corropondpncoaollrltcd lOllNorthlCth Mrt'i't.oni.ih i. Nub. Coal , Cciko and Ltmo- OMAHA COALr COKE & LUvfE" Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal , 203 South 13th Street , Oiimhn , Ncbraika. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , Ami fhlmiers of ro l , Coke , Coment. 1'lftntor , I.lmo , Drain Tile , and ( Miner I'lpc onion , 1'ailmi llottl , txrnitm til , Onmtm , Neb. Tulcpboiio 611. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 2H South Uth H .Omaha , Xcb. Dry Coodo nnd Notions. M. E'SMITH & co. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1KB ami 1104 Douclns , Cor. llth St. , Omnbn , Neb. KLPATRICK-KOCH"DRY ! GOoFsCo Importers and Johhers in Dry GoodsNotions , li cuts' Kuriilablnv ( looiH. Corner llth mid HoJ MH , OmuliH , Nchruvkn. Furniture. DE\VEY It Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Kiirnam Strcrt Omabn. NoliratkH. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Oiuulin , Nebraska Groceries. PAXTONTGA'L.LAGHER 'i'coTT Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TOE , 787,703 and 711 6. Rth St. , Omaha , Nth. Mc3C OR6. BRADY & CO Wholesale Grocers , I th and I-cnvotiwflrtti Streets , Omuha , Nehrnika. Hardware. HARD- Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , ilctuls , Pheet lion. etc. Agents for IIowe Scales' Mluiiil 1'oudtT nnd I.yiiiun llurljud Omiilm , NuUraaku. HIMEBAUGH A : TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Hc'Cbanlcl' Tonli and lluffnlo f-cnlci. U05 IJouulai btreet , Omaha , Nebruaka , RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harney Kti , Ornaba , Neb. Western Aecnl , tor Austin 1'owdcr Co. , JuUKtum bltel Nalle , tulrbanki btandard Htnlei. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , Wholesale Manufacturen of Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware Aud leather ll'Jj ' , li'u ' on 1 H r ; lluruey Bt.,0iuabu , NL Urul a. Heavy Hardware. " " " " " " * "W , JTBROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlngs , Waiion Stoek , Hardware , I.umbor , Kte. uud 1211 Ilurnuy streetOuitha. _ Hats , Caps , Eto. " " " " W. L. PARROT ! E & CO. . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , II'JT Harncr Mroxt. OniKUu. Nch Odico F.xturoa. T1JU SlUMONlla JIASUrAr-JUHI.NCl I ilanu'ait ireri of Bank , OHlce and Saloon Fixtures , intliii Shlfi'03rd HuokCnk i Drat rUlurc * Wall JOB i I'artitKJim limn . ' , ( miler . ilnrnnd Wino kiolcn. Mlrror > etc tuitury anil onlce , 17jUuuil lift Lumber'- _ ' OMAHA LUMBER cb' . , All Kinds of Building Material Wholesale HtjptrfctanJ I'nlon raclnaTrufk.Qrnahi. UOUIS Dealer in Lumber , Lath , lime , Sasli , Poors. Kle. Yardf t'orner 7th mid DyuKltsj Cornt ; C. N. DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , I'ttiand California SlrecH , Omatm , Nebraska. W . GRAY" Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner fih nnJ l > ouela Sl . .Om h . _ T7W. HAKVEY LUMBER CO' , * To Dealers Only , Office. ItCT r'urnaro Slrcot Ornahn. Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported urul American I'ortlaml I'cmcnt Jt Afccnt forMllvaukvn llTilrmiltcOment nml Quliicy While l.liiio. _ CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpet * ami Parquet Kloorlnn Plli ami TVi-n _ _ Mllllnory nnd Notions. " " I. OBERFELDER .V CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions _ Ovornlla. ' CA'NVlELD IANUFACTURINccO. . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcnno 1'mits , stilus , IHe. IKBniul 1101 Douuliu Street , Omntm. Net ) , Nottona. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4(0 ( anil WiHciith lOtli PI. , Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wuolsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Jlo Orraae , Etc.Oinalin , A. II. lllfhop , Manager , VINYARD fit SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1KB llnrnor Htroot , Omalia. _ Paints and "CUMMINGS & NEILSON. Wholesale Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HH Karnitm ytioi-t. Omaha.Neb. P opo r. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , .1. Wholesale Paper Dealers , Curry n nlco stock of PrlntlnE , Wrapping and Writing l'n 3r. bpt'Clnl nucnllou uJTCn lo tnr lo < l onlcru 1 Pnpor Boxos. JOHN L. W1LKIE , Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory , os. 1117 ami IH'J ' Uouh'ln8 St. , Oniiilm , Nob. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROV t CO. . Wliolcialu Mannr tctirrcrn of Sasht Doors , Blinds and Mouldings Ilnmcli co , mh anil Itnnl htrcots , Omnh.i , Neb BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , . ' ulillnp , "lair Work and Interior llnnl Woo I Tin. mi. N. U. Corner Mh iiiul l/cnvomrorlli Streets , Oiiiiihu , I > cU. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. . Msuafactarere of Monlding , Sash , Doors , And nilnil" , Turning , Ptnlrwoil.Hank and tltltf * VJIil UUU i'opplf tUU AYOllUO Printers' Mntorlnlo. ' ' ' 'WE'STERN'NEWSPAPER UN ON. Auxiliary Publishers , [ x-alorsln Trpe , Pre < 'i anil I'rlnti-ri fcuppllcs. 01 Sculli I''tli irvct , Oinalin. Rubber Goods. " OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods W Clothing and l.uattitr UclUui : . 1XN ( Karnnra Stroet. _ Moam Flttlng8 , Pumpa , Etc. A. 1. . STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Eipies , Jtcam , Water , lUllrmr nnd Mlnlnc Supplies , Ktc. ' . .W.K1 \ uml Ml 1'uiniim Miett , Oiiinhn. CHUHCHlUL PilJivi P CO7 | ' Wholesale Pinups , Pipe , Fittings , Steam an ' Walur Biippllo * . Ilpiulqimrtpn for Mast. Fount & Co'n Riiinlii , 11111 nrimiii PI , Oni.ilm U. S. V/IND ENGINE .V PUMT CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , llnlllduy WlnrtMIIK ( lISnndlKOFiirnnni SOmuh [ . li 1 Hcj5 , Ai tin , ' MuniiKer BROWNELL & CO. . Rngines , Boilers and General Machinery , Shuutlroii Work Steam Pumps. Hnw MINn. UlUilS IhMie.'t ill mini Soocls. STIMMEL .v'co. Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds I'll ' and HI IJoiicx Mr , ' , t OiniiliH. Storage , Forwnrdlng & Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS .V CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , ranch linuituof the llpirnoy DuCK7C. < > , lliUKlena nuoleaulunnU rcuiiLlU'i iJlOanci HIS Isurd Street , Omalin. Tt'leiiliono No. 760. _ OMAHA MANUFACTDRERS. ' StackH. Bollore , " H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stack UrltchloKii , Tanlm nnd General Dolh > r Ilopalrluu , 1315 Hlrrct. OinaliK. Neb Browora. _ _ STORZ & , ILER7" Lager Beer Brewers , 1171 North L'tiitbtccnlh Ktrect. Omaha. Trb. Cornloo. " " EAGLE c6RNICE"w6"RI < S , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Jutm Kpunuter. l'roirlPtur | WJ llmlyu uncl lUlnud 101 North Kali btreel , Dmnhn. Iron Works. , _ STEAM BOILER WORKS. Carter li I-OM , 1'rop Miinufaeturi'rtiif all klndt Steam Boilers , Tdi'.s and Sheet Iron Worlc Wnrki bonth .Illli nnd II , \ M C'lotilnii. I'AATON A , VIK1.U.NU 1UO.N WOIIKH. Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorK , Knlnei , llrum Work Uenurul l-oundry.llaolilno nd M Uluckemllli Work intiioand Wurkt , U. I1. Ity. and IHh tlrtui iiruiihu _ OMAHA WIRE & IRON WOR KB. 'U ' Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Doik ItallB , Window Giiardi Hnwer Ptandi , Wlro Mifi > . hit. IU North Kill hlrvi't.Oinuha OM A H A sX F iFancTl R ON Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes yanlU.Jall W'ir I'-nclnif Blgnt , Klo. U Andrcin. I'roii r Cur 1 lib and Jaikion Sti C"HAMPION IRON nn < i WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards uud Screens , fur l > anlc * ttl , * "IOJ J ru Ulonfei otct liui > r ri > d Awiun , ' 1 o < ks.iutb Mailuni'ry aud oik 4UJ > gulli lull hit. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time L General AutnU for DltibulJ fcafu ft. I/5ck Cc Y uUniUlJua\Yttlk ! , Uli f