Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1888, Image 1

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A Prominent Democrat Talks About
His Party's Chances.
Preparing llnr'ln Fop Use In Indlmm-
H > w the Presidential Hcttlng
Huns A IlnrrlHon Cabin In
Congressman Vnncc's Opinion.
51 ! { Fet im.Kvrit STiiniT : , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , July 1. )
Heprosentntlvo Vance , who was elected as
A democrat by a small majority with the
assistance of a largo vole cast for the pro
hibition candidate , says Harrison and Mor
ton will llkclv carry Connecticut , and the
democrats may as well icallro it llrst as last.
With Connecticut and Indiana and the other
states carried by Hlaine , the republicans can
elect their ticket without New York , no says ,
and he adds that the tariff plank of the plat
forms of the two pintles will give the icpub
licans strength In nil the doubtful states.
Mr. Vance continues : "The democrats are
not to have a walk-over by any means , and
the sooner the fact Is rccjgnbed the bct'er. '
Connecticut , as is known , Is an exceedingly
doubtful Btiitc. It never gives a plural
ity for either side of over a few
thousand. Since ls2 Its electoral vote has
alternated from one party to the other In
every presidential campaign. In isT'J It went
for Grant and Wilson , in 1S70 for Tilden and
Hcndricks , In 1SSO for Gaillcld and Authur
nml In 1SC4 for Cleveland and Hcndricks.
This year , In order to carry out the natural
order of rotation it seems that It had ought
to go for Harrison and Morton. Connecticut's
industries nro well protected under the present
sent tariff-law and this is why the situation
Is made doubtful.
Gradually , but surely the democrats are
generally becoming serious and areackt.owl
edging that n combination of circumstances
conspires to weigh tlieir ticket down and
that the outlook is not as hopeful as they at
llrst thought.
When Shcerin , Indiana's member ofthe
democratic national committee , wan here
hist week to sco the president it is stated
that ho advocated the establishment of a
western branch | jf the national commlttcj
of Indianapolis and that his friends urged
Chairman Hurnum mid others .to place him
nt tlie head of it. Some of the members
of the committee objected to Mr. Shcerin
becoming the manager of tbo
branch , however , and insisted that
Senator Gorman should bo placed
in charge with a view to carry Indiana for
Cleveland and Thiirinan. Mr. Shcrwin made
n good enough impression but a great many
democrats feel a little doubtful about putting
nny Indiana man in charge of the western
branch when they recall the fact that in IbbO ,
up to the hist hour of election night , all the
Indiana managers thought Indiana was
surely democratic , heir conlldcnco being so
great that a few days before election ? 25,000
was by their consent and advice diverted
from Indiana and sent to Cincinnati to be
swallowed up by the ward bummers of that
city. Then the paity at largo does not have
an abiding confidence in the ability of booster
democrats to handle money in the persuasion
of voters and the object In sending Gorman
to Indianapolis is to sco that there is not
only as good mi organisation as can bo af
fected but that tlio floaters are boodloizod
and that the prohibition ticket is booaied seas
as to catch us many republican votes as poss
rooi.s ON Tiin KM.CTION.
Dispatches sent from Washington during
the past week have told of the woiJc of the
pool rooms and the odds that are laid against
the republican ticket. In every instance the
statements wcro made by democratic
writers and advocates of tlie pres. nt admin
Istrntion. During the Hi st two or three dai s
after the Chicago convention it was reported
at the pool rooms , which aio now all located
inside the city limits , that odds wore oflcrcd
against tlio republican ticket , but 1 have
failed to find posted on any of tlio boards
anything of tlio kind. The odds for Cleve
land have all been in tlio minds of enthusias
tic democrats. A very few bets have been
made on even terms , but there is moiomonc.y
laid on the success ol Harrison and Morton
than on Cleveland. Hcpro entativo Wood
burn , of Nevada , ollors to bet $1,000 on each
state that Califoinl.i , Nevada and Oicxon
will go republican next November. Scnatoi
Uowcn has an opinion that he Is icady to
back up with about 10,000. IIo will select
ten northern states , including Indiana. Con
nectleut , Now Jersey and New Yoik , am
place 81,000 on each ono of them , with an ad
ditlomtl1,000 on the general icsult Asa
matter of lact ho Is a Harrison man. There
nro tin eo republican congressmen in New
York offering to wager even money on the
success of Harrison a < id Morion. The demo
crats who are talking so much about betting
do not bet.
10 IIKVIVI : Tin : cAMt-unv or I IO.
Tlieio is talk of icviving in the District ol
Columbia the cider and log cabin cainp.Jgi
of 1S-IO , when General Harrison of Tippo
canoe was elected president with Tyler , too.
on the ticket for vice president. The loj.
cabin of that year In Washington was bull
in front of the Center market , about whore
Eighth street would stilko that structure
It was eighty feet long and forty feet wide
and ono story high , and there were cooi
skins and alt the paraphernalia of "Tippu
canoe and Tyler , too , " Including a cooneri
appropriately afllxcd to it. Tlio spot is now
occupied by n park , and if consent can bo se
cured another log cabin , with a long latch
string , will be put up , and the coon skins
will again cover tlio interior ami show
through the crevices to the exterior , making
a kind of museum of ohleii-tnno f urn it nro ,
and an illustration of the early politics of tlio
country. PBIIUI S. llnu'ii.
A Wei-It of Kpoccliiiiakini ; .
WASliiNTiTov , D. C. , .lulv 1. Monday's
session of the senate will bo devoted to
Bpccclmmkmg. The river mid harbor bill
mid in my appropriation bill are both in an
unfinished Htate and will bo disposed of in
advance of any ether legislative business.
No other appropriation bills will bo reauy
for consideration this week. It is Senator
Dolpli's intention to press the sea coast de
fense bill during the week. It was the un-
iierutanding when the house adjourned yes
terday that the tariff debate would bo sus
pended on Monday in order to allow the
house to act upon several measures of public
impoitanco. On Tuesday u detailed consid
eration of the tarlll bill will Uo resumed and
' 'ii ' will probably run through the week , with a
possible interruption In favor of public busi
Weekly Crop Itonnri.
WASHINGTON , July 1. The weekly crop
weather bulletin saja : Tlie weather for the
past week has been favorable for all growing
crowing crops In the wheat , corn and tobacco
legions In tlio Ohio , upporMUsisslpplandMU-
sourl valleys , and Tennessee. Ilcavv rains
doubtless Interfered with harvesting fiom
Missouri eastward to Virginia. Kcports
from the Interior of the mhldlu states indi
cate that lalns have been very bcnctlciul to
the growing crops.
' ii iO i
I'\\\oi' ) \\Viitlior HeportH.
WASHINGTON , July 1. Notice has been
Issued by the signal oillco that on and after
July 1 there will be but two regular telegraph
reports received daily ut the signal oflice ,
und tlio indications will be prepared fioiii
tlvcso reports and issued to the , associated
press as promptly as. practicable , probably
about 10 a. m. and 10 p. in. The indications
will bo for u period of thirty-six hours fiom
( bo time of each report.
Till ; ItnCOIll ) .
TJio Financial Transactions of tlie
Past AVcok.
UOSTOV , Mass , July 1 [ Kw ] lal Tele
prnm to the Her . ] The following table
compiled from dl patches to the Post fiom
the managers of the lending clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the grass exchanges -
changes for the week ended Juno 30
1S5S , with Iho raid per cent of increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
forros'ondliiK wcok last year :
Tlio GllI-Gwynno Matrimonial Story
K.\cltus Mncli Intcirst.
rr Pnu : , H. I. , July 1. [ Spe
cial Telegram to THU linu.j Interest in the
ill-Gwynno singular matrimonial story is
nil absorbing hero. Abraham D. Gwynno ,
brother of the alleged bride , arrived last
evening and had a long talk with Gill.
To-day ho said to a repot tcr : "My sister
undoubtedly met Gill at the time she was
.iroducmg . her play last winter. 1 cannot
onccivo why Gill should bj so anxious to
; ivo such publicity to tno affair and get nil
itir names in print. I have never met Gill
before thh evening1. Wo have Just llaishcd
quiet little chat together and have como to
un amicable understanding. Gill was under
the impression that my sister was earnest
ind fully understood his meaning. On Tues-
Jay evening lie called and recited tlio wed
ding ceicinony. Hols very willing to with-
it nwr from claiming my sister as his wife ,
n fact , Ido not sco how ho could claim her
iinyway. IIo is contented to remain engaged
lo her and to tills 1 have consented , no-
Itnowlcdging them to bo engaged until the
other members of the family cm be con-
tilted. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt is now
ibioad and has not been communicated
.vitli. My uncle , W. II. Flagg , is their
guardian , but 1 promise you beieaftor I shall
i-isit them oftener. We are not children of
Duke Gwynne , who went to Mexico , but of
. \ . B. Gw.vnie , formerly a lawyer of Cincin
nati , who died at the age of tliii ty-two. No ,
I do not think there will bo any blood
spilled , ns Gill has consented to abide by my
wishes In the matter. Please state that my
sister is not married but simply engaged for
the present. "
Hlnino'n Florence Kcltcr in tlie Way
ol' His Nomination.
Nr.w YOIIK , July I. [ Special Telegram
o Tin : lien. ] T. C. Crawford telegraphs
from London to-night saying that the public
s wrong in concluding that Mrs. Hlaine was
opposed lo Hlaino's eindidacy a second time ; .
that Hlaino would really have liked to run
but couldn't after his Florence letter. lie
ays that Hhiino's eonrsj on that sulo of the
water has been thoroughly consistent. Hems
ms not intrigued , cabled , or written letters
upon the subject , either before or since his
1'aris letter to Whltolaw Held. The con
duct of his friends at homo has , however ,
detracted from the consistent appearance of
his personal position. They appeared not to
believe ho was actually out ol the canvass ,
and If his friends did not believe it his
enemies could not be expected to cicdit it
HIaine's friends remembered Ins former dec
laration before leaving the United States ,
and sought to get the withdrawal of other
candidates and his unanimous nomination.
This f.nlcJ , and as tlioy could not use
Hlalno as a candidate , all hopj of securing
his nomination fell through. If ho had con
sented at the earlier stages of the convention
to htivo Ins naino brought formally forward
as a candidalt ) ho would undoubtedly have
been nominated. Hut as the only condition
of his appearing in the canvas could not ba
carried out , Hlaino's people turned to Gen
eral Harrison as a compromise candidate.
Senator Mitchell 1'rcdlcts n Sunep on
( lie Const.
New YOIIK. July 1. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Hic. : ] Senator John II. Mitchell , of
Oregon , who is at the Hoffman bouse , is con
fident of republican success. IIo s-iid that
his Judgment might bo somewhat wuiped bi
lbo results of the recent election in Oregon ,
which ho declared was un out and out light
over the tariff Issue ; but , nevertheless , he
was of the opinion that the republicans stood
a good ebanco to carry eveij northern state.
' 1 hoj would sweep the Pacific coast and Indi
ana , und , to his way of thinking the only de
batable ground was in the east , in tlie states
of New York , New Jersey , Connecticut and
possibly Illinois , where there was a good
deal of internal dissension in tlio paity , and
where tantl tcfornicrs had made a consider
able number of converts Concerning tlio
Chinese record of General Ilr.inson , Senator
Mitchell said it was simply that of the most
of the prominent men in the republican
pal tv of the cast. Ho behoved in the re-
sti iclion of Chinese Immigration within the
piopur confines of tlie ticaty stipulations.
General Slici id m's Condition.
Foiuiii : MOVIIOB , Va. , July l.--Tho
United Stairs steamer Swatara , with Gen-
ciai Slieridan on boaid , arrived at S o'clock
this morning. A boat was sent ashore with
a bulletin announcing that the general passed
a comfortable day yesterday. Ho was some
what icstless during tlie night , probably on
ncrnunt of his new surroundings , but his
general condition is satisfactory Ho
Is .very comfortable on the vessel.
Owing to a heavy swell outside
fr m the effects of u iccent storm Captain
McGowan decided to remain hero until to-
morionnuinimi ; .
The bciu'fU'ial effect of the sea voyage on
General Sheridan's condition is already ap-
patent , nml his physicians uiegrcatly pleased
wan tlio icsult of thu trip thus far. The
following bulletin was Just received :
"General Sheridan has had a very com
fortable day. Ho has rested well and his
symptoms nro favorable "
It the weather is pleasant the Swatara
sails at daylight to-monoiy.
Ktcamsliip Arrivals.
NKW YOIIK , July --Special [ Telegram to
TUB UCE.J Arrived The- City of Kich
itioiul , from Liverpool ; La Gas -ognc , from
Havro ; the Holairo , fiom Hamburg ; the
Franc , fratil London ; the Schcdaui , from
lUvia' , July J. Arrived La Hourgoene ,
from New York.
TllflllCVIC \TTIVn\VPI ? ?
Increased Interest Manifested at
the Oroto Olmutauqua.
The Divine Sny Prostration Kroin
Jlcat nml O-er oik Prevented His
j'lilfllliim His
The Crrle Chnntniuiun.
As r.MiiLY Guouxns , Cunri : , Neb. , July 1.
[ Special to Tnc DEC.j A slight explanation
of Dr Talmago's strange conduct in refusing
to keep his contract at Crete is now supposed
to have been discovered. The last number
of the Congregatlonnllst , a paper published
in New Yoik City , announces tliat Dr. Till-
mage's ' church will soon go on an excursion
to the White mountains Many Chautau-
quans now suspect that upon leainlng of this
contemplated dissipation on the part of the
sheep of his pasture the learned doctor could
not resist the temptation to run away from
his engagements and go along with them.
If the unforeseen circumstances that caused
Mr. Talmago to break his contract at Crete ,
bitterly mortifying the management of the
assembly and disappointing thousands of
people , was nothing moro than a desire to go
pienielng with his flock ho will soon discover
that the assembly people will not patiently
enduio such treatment and will bo forced to
take the consequences of willfully breaking
a leg-ill engagement. Two telegrams ad
dressed to Dr. Talmago were received at the
Cietc oflleo this morning. This shows that
Talmago's friends in the cast expected him
to bo in Crete to day.
Yesterday was children's day at the assem
bly At 'J p. in. about two hundred children
met at the normal hall , mid having formed
a p-occssion , marched to the pavilion and
filed into the seats reserved for them. The
audience at this hour numbered between
I.OUOamt 5,001) ) . Dr. Dunninggavothochildren
a blackboard lesson on American history.
Having ascertained by a show of hands that
most of the children present had read "The
Pilgrims' Progress , " ho told the little people
that lie would tell them about a new pilgrim
and what ho did. In the year 1G20 our new pil
grim landed on Plymouth Hoek. In llUl ho
kept Thanksgiving day ; in 1022 ho built his
first meeting house ; in i ( ' < ' 2'3 ho had a fast day ;
in ItiUO ho began to build Boston ; in 1G3. > he
settled Connecticut ; in 1033 ho founded Har
vard college ; in lOI.'l ho organized a colonial
congress ; in KUSU lie printed a Uiblo for the
Indians ; in IGsO he began to use a fork , and
hung a clock on his wall. It took our pilgtim
almost a century to do all these wonderful
things. Then ho began the work of another
century. In 170.3 ho founded Yale college ;
In 1704 lie printed his first newspaper in Hos-
ton ; in 1710 he began to drink tea ; ia 1711
he put his first letter in a postoflico ; in 17:20 :
ho began to cat potatoes ; in 17-15 ho built an
organ ; in 1750 he put up n stove and a light
ning rod ; in 1700 he began to wear a shirt
collar , and took his wife to church in a
chaise ; In 1705 he joined the sons of libeity ;
in 1770ho dumped Ids tea into Uoston liar ,
bor ; in 1774 he lit his streets with oil lamps ;
in 1770 ho became independent ; in 1780 ho
bought his llrst unibicllu ; in 1700 he started
a cotton factory , and in 1K { ) he made himself
a cotton gin. This completed the work of
another century.
Dr Dunning then told what the new pil
grim did in the present century following
him year by year. Coming down to the pies
cut decade , he said :
"Now , children , what did this pilgrim do
in ivj. "
"Ho stalled the Nebraska Cliautauqua , "
shouted a chorus of childiea's voices ,
"Uight,1' said the doctor , "ami for whom
dldholcctuic in IssM"
"For Ptcsidcnt Harrison , " shouted the
children , and the pavillion rang with laugh
ter.The children thoioughly enjoyed Dr. Dun
mug's history lesson and clapped their hands
in applause at its close.
Colonel Cowdcn then gave a shoit chil
dren's ' lesson , and u Huiinese , whoso name
is unspclhible , gave a Jive minutes' talk
Miss Ilaiiilin then sang an appiopuate clul-
dien's song and the little people weio dis
missed , greatly delighted with the exorcises
of Children's day.
In the evening Colonel Hain delivered his
lectuie on tlie "Golden Gate , " a synopsis of
which was given in to-day's Hrc. It was
unanimously pronounced the finest lectuie
and the finest audience tlms was ever known
at the Nebraska assembly.
Miss Cora Cates , the sweet singer , arrived
on the grounds Satuiday evening , and will
lietcafter assist with the music.
At 5 p in. yesterday there was a college
confeienco. Addresses weie made by Piesi-
dent Perry , of Doanc colleire , and by PICSI-
dcnt lUnghind , of Hastings college. Tin
question. "Why Young Men Should Go to
College , " was ably discussed by these gen
tlemen. The progress of higher education m
the west and the need of a well disciplined
mind were the two points especially einpha
Sunday morning ut the assembly is some
thing that will never be forgotten by the
tent dwellers. The beauty of the morning ,
tllo crowds of happy people , the pence and
good older and .Sabbath tmnquility that
reigned over all the beautiful Summer city
will long linger in the memory of all.
The lirst wedding that ever occuried on
the assembly giciunds took place in the par
lor ol Dunning hull this morning. Andiew
M. Hargis mid Ida M. Kvans. of Giand
Island , chose this beautiful Sabbath for theli
wedding day , and the beautiful parlor of the
new assembly building for the place of the
occurrinie of the hapiiy event. They came
to the asseinblj with the expectation ol being
married by Dr. Tiilmago. but us Mr. Talmago
did not please to bo hero the young couple
askoJ Dr. Dunning to perfoim the ceremony
The wedding was witnessed by soveia
guests of Dunning hall und by some of the
olllccrs of the assembly.
This being Sunday morning the prayer
meeting was hold at f > o'clock. Hetweei
yHit ( > and liKt ) people were present. The
subject was , "Cluisi's words to us. " The
audience had been requested to be ready to
repeat as many as possible of Cluistsowi :
words , and many complied with the request
A , ported shower of Christ's snjings came
fiom all over the audience , a half do/ei
people sometimes rising up together. Tins
was not only the largest but also the bos
and most cainost ol all the assembly prayei
meetings This is saying a good deal , for
assembly prajer meetings aio all wonder
fully interesting and eainest and well at
tended. The only drawback about them is
that people keep coming in during everi
moment of the mooting. More eaio nbou
bc-ing in tune would bo greatly appreciated
both by those wiio have charge of thos <
meetings and by these who uirivo at the
piopcr time.
At 10.10 ! Colonel Hain delivered a gospo :
tempenuico sermon The elioius , composci
of 15llvoices , sang the antlu-m , "Praise jo
Jehovah , " which was composed by Dr
Palmer , who was present in the audience
having nrnved at Crete. last evening. Dr
Dunning then announced that lie had re
ceived a telegram from , Dr. Tnlmuge , who I *
in ithoilo Island , and claims that he is BO
ovirt-omo by beat ami by frequent lecturing
that he is physically incapacitated from com
ing to Nebra kn Tins would sound very
well if nobody suffoied from the heat
except 13 r Talmago. und If Col
onel Hail ) , who ban of late done more
und Lnltiir lecturing than Dr. Taluiago has
done , had not done his work for him. The
Bleat preaehpr-will find a hotter excuse than
a little heat and a little physical weakness if
ho exiic'eU the thousands whom ho disap
pointed to forgive hiai'fcr failing to keep his
contract. Thc.large audience of this ; awn-
ng the number present being variously cs-
Imatcd at from ten to llftcen thousand , re
ceived the news of Ur. Ttilmapo's wherea
bouts , and his forced excuse with much in-
llffcrcnco. Everybody has grown weary of
dm , and Colonel Unin Is now receiving the
ittentlon and applause nf all. The eloquent
Kentuckiaii is almost Idolized , both because
of his great ability as a lecturer , and because
of his great kindness In so tibly taking the
ilnee of the absent TnljnngiV His sermon
ibis morning was ono o the best over do-
livcred upon the as-seml ly platform. A re-
port of it will bo given to-moriow. together
with n lopoi t of theexr clses of the after-
noon. About 11 f teen th lusaml people aio on
the grounds to day. Al are pleased with the
exercises , and the best i f order prevails nil
over the irrouuds.
A Severe Soln i nt Gordon.
Oonno.N , Nr.n. , .Inly f. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HIM : . ] The nfost severe electrical
storm over witnessed vjslted this section lust
night about 10 o'clock and continued till 11.
The thundeiing and lightning were terrible * .
Fully six inches of wat r fell duringtho hour.
The Chicago express on ttio Frceniont , 111U-
horn and Missouri Valley tied up till day
light for safely. The depot was struck and
Agent Peveritt mid fnnjlly narrowly escap
ed. His son George , sleeping up stairs , was
severely stunned , and Ms wife suffered a
severe shock but Is how out of danger.
Frank Thompson's stdro front was blown
down and several other building wcro slightly
damaged. Wo have had more rain this sea
son than over before. Small grain is look
ing well. Corn Is backward but healthy and
an abundant yield is premised.
I'nlntyra Hut I lien.
PAIMVHNob. . , July 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tut : line. ] Tjio republicans of this
precinct turned out to ( the tune of about two
thousand last evening to ratify the nomina
tion of Harrison and Mprton. Speeches wcro
made by n number of our local speakers and
the oration of tlio eveiiing delivered by lion
E. F. Collins , ot Hennct , was u noble effort ,
calling forth loud and prolonged cheers.
Alter the speech making was over the citi
zens left the opera house to witness ono of
grandest displays of lire works ever given in
Palmj ra. 'Iho band was present dlscouising
sweet music for the republicans to have their
big time by. If the voters of the United
States work ns haul for the republican
ticket ns the republican club at tills place
does you may rest assured that our white
house will bo graced with the brains fur
nished by Hen Harriso * ! after next inaugura
tion day.
WISTIUN : , Neb. , July 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : line. ] Under tlio auspices of
the lepublican club ( if Western , General
George S. Smith of Omaha addressed the
citizens and republicans of this part of the
county at Greenwood upon the issues in the
national campaign. Mr. Smith was followed
by Messrs. Heard , Wooloy , Huller and Heed ,
of Weeping Water , and other local speakers.
The campaign is now fully open in Western
and the republicans are bearing the oh !
standard on to victory.
Accidentally Shot.
Kcvnxcr , Neb. . Jily 1. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hni.J : Edward Pi iest , aged
twenty , came hero recently from Dorians
Ind. Huiiiiing short of funds he hired out
this morning to a man by the name of Woods
who was moving his family overland to
Colorado. While takin'g care of the childrer
this evening in tlie absence of the patents , a
five-year-old boy secured a revolver for
amusement. In attempting to take it from
him the boy discharged the weapon , the ball
taking ellect in Priest's left lung. The
wound will probably bo fatal.
The [ { ntiuciitkm nt Camnrhlee.
CAXIIIHIIIOI : , Neb. , July 1. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Uni : . ] A grand Harrison anil
Moiton ratification meeting was held here
last night. A large bjmn'rc was kindled , an
vils fired and shouts of "hurt ah for Harrison
and Morton" lilled the air. Pi eminent
speakers addressed the largo and enthusi
astic audience and the Cambridge cornet
band supplied an abundance of campaigi
music. Republicans are feeling jubilanl
over the nominations and are confident ol
success next fall.
Painful Accident to An Old
CunTu , Neb. , July 1. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hic. : ] Mrs. Ivolbcl , an aged lady ,
the wife of Anton IColbel , living six miles
west of Crete , in attempting to step from ai
east bound passenger train Ibis evening hat !
her left foot cut oil by the car wheel. She
suffered great pain , and her recovery is
considered doubtful by the company's physi
cian , Dr. Com ad.
Hotli Acquitted.
GIUNT , Neb. , July ] . [ Special Tclcgran
to Tin : Hic. : | The trial of Cash Williams ,
J. M. Higlow and C. A. Gilbert upon allega
tions made by H. Htirton that he had beel
swindled by them in fraudulently obtaining
his note for insurance , i esultcd in tlieir dis
mis'-al. Tlie hearing lasted all nay jester-
day and until midnight lust night.
Capitalists Apparently
n Grievous -Mistake- .
Niw : YOIIK , July I. [ Special Tolegran
to TinHii.J : : The English financial assist
unco , which was announced on Thursday las
as coming to aid the Nicaragua canal , seems
to have chosen tlio wrong one of the two
companies winch are in the Held with the an
nounced intention of connecting the Atlantic
and the Pacific. This means n ship cana
through Nicaragua. That is what Do Gu/
man , Nicaragua ! ! minister to Washington
told a repoi tor at the Fifth Avenue hole
to day. Tlio two companies nro the Nicu
laguan Canal Construction company , of tills
city , and the Atlantic and Paciilc Ship Cana
company , of which a L. Hlackman m prcsi
dent It is to tlie latter that the promised
financial assistance is to bo given while the
fmmer now holds concessions from tlie
Ni-'aracuan govoi mnent. Dr. Guzman said
' It was in ism , ut tlio time of the gold fevci
In Calilornia , when passemrcrs from the At-
lantie to tlio Pacific wcro can led ncros' '
Nicaragua as well as across the Isthmus o
Panama , that the prujqct of the canal was jii s
mooted. The Atlantic and Pacific Tunis !
company was formed and obtained concessions
Irom Nicaragua for the canal. Jn K15 tlio
filibuster , ( /eneral Wnlkei , took possessloi
of Nicaragua and held it for two ycais. Tlio
tiiinsit company got into trouble with him
Its concession was revoked but was rcncwei
by the reconstructed government which fol
lowed Ins downfall The transit company
did nothing to cairy out the agreement b.\
which the concession was granted to it , ant
for the past twenty years my goveinmcir
has considered the concession i evoked by the
very terms of the agreement itsclt. 1 am ox
peeling by the next mail fiom Nicaragiu
papeis which will piovo this fact conclu
"Some three or four years ago , " continued
Dr. Oiumni ) , "Nicaragua entered into nego
tiations with the government of the Unilei
States to construct the canal. That tieatj
was defeated in tlio senate. Some time aftei
A. G. Meiiocal , an engineer , went to Nicura
gua in behalf of the canal constiuction com
p.iiiy , and made certain surveys. The result
wus the granting of concessions to thu com
pany. I'ho bill for its iniorporation hai
already pushed the LJnito.l States senate , aiu
is now before tlio house , and this is the onl.s
company winch my government recognizes as
having concessions to construct i | cana'
across its territory. I can only say thai
neither he , nor his company , hold any com
mission whMi the Nifuraguun govcinuicn
admits to be valid. "
Vicar General Cuiiwa ) | ) cil. ;
CHH\OO , 111. , July l. Vciy Hov. Palrlcl
Joseph -t'onway , vicarueneral anil rector o
I tic- Holy Name < , died : it his icsi
dunce this morning.
How the Oolonol mid the Kuight Eo-
came Estranged.
Mr * . lugoi-soll Snys She AVn * Cut lly
the Cabinet Society Through the
Influence of Mr * . Itlnine
Getting Kv Mi.
Charged With Inrntitiulp.
WAMII.NHTON , Juno 30. [ Special" to Tun
HIB. : ] "There Is moro human nature about
Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll than any man I
know prominently before the country at this
time , " observed ono of the colonel's old sen
atorial friends this morning. "If 1 had been
absent from the United States for ten years
and dropped into Chicago during the conven
tion only to find Colonel Ingersoll tlieio
working for Walter ( J. Orcsham , and know
ing some things that I now know and not
knowing others , I would have been amarcd
beyond description. When I came to the
senate , something like ten jcars ago , 1 used
to often go l ° Colonel Ingersoli's ofllce. and
ho frequently came to my committee room In
the senate , mid we discussed politics , religion
mid incidents growing out of the war with
that freedom and confidence that character
ises two brothers. Colonel Ingcisoll was the
bitterest enemy of Koscoo Colliding that I
ever heard of. Ho did not dislike Colliding
personally as much as ho did politically. Ho
worshiped Hlaine , as ono can see by reading
his speech placing him In nomination at Cin
cinnati In lb G. He thought that Hlaine was
the ideal statesman , politician and citizen. Ho
regarded Colliding as haughty , ungrateful ,
prejudiced and narrow-gauged. He saw in
Hlalno overi thing that was good , and In Conk-
ling everything that was bad. 1 then liked
Blaine very much more than I do now , and I
was a steadfast friend of Colliding. I knew
the great loader of the stalwarts , in a
familiar way , and 1 knew the qualities of his
high personal merit so well that 1 could not
help admit ing him to the fullest extent of
my ability. J used to bog Ingersoll to con
sider Colliding moro Judiciously , and bo
more sparing in his condemnation of him. If
you will read .George C. Gorham's excoria
tion of Hlaine , recently published in a Now
York paper , and his laudations ol Colliding ,
and will take into consideration that Gorhani
and Ingersoll are intimate friends , and then
you will also lead the colonel's eulogy de
livered ut the old homo of Mr. Colliding , you
will sec that Colonel Inkers-oil's ideal of man
was Mr. Colliding at thu time ol the hitter's
death. 1 cati understand how Colonel Injjcr-
sell came to love Mr. Colliding as ho did ,
but I have been unable to understand why
Ingersoll so thoroughly despises Mr. Ulaino. "
"During the Kepublican convention at
Chicago in I'-Sl , I went to the rooms of Col
onel Ingersoll , in the Grand Puciilc hotel , for
the purpose of ascertaining why he had lo
cated his headquaiters tlieio to work against
the nomination of Air. Ulaine , when but
eight years bcfoio ho was running the boom
of the Plumed Knight , to whom ho gave this
title , at Cincinnati. Mrs. Ingersoll , who is
one of the brainiest , happiest and sweetest-
dlspositioncd women in all the country , was
In the parlor with Colonel IngcrsollBwhen-I
was admitted. Both of them received mo as
nearly simultaneously as is possible'
' 'I ' Colonel said I 'to if
came , , , see you
would not tell me , for publication , what has
brought about this great change of attitude
towards Mr. Ulaine on your part. ' "
"Certainly,1 said the hisusually
frank and good imtured way , ' 1 will toll jou.
There is no secret about it , whatever I
thought everybody knew why we , ' tuining to
Mrs. Ingersoll and laying his hand on her
shoulder , 'aftuctiunntely , aie now opposed to
Mr. Ulaine , while we were for him at Cin
cumuli in Is'G.
" 'Lot mo tell him , eolonel , ' interposed Mr.
Ingcisoll ; 'I think 1 can do it quite as well
as ion can , and 1 have moro time than you
have. ' "
' "Very well , ' replied the colonel , and I
took a scat beside Mrs. Ingersoll , when she
began to talk , as nearly as 1 can remember
as follows :
" ' 1 have often told Colonel Ingersoll dur
ing the past thieeyeais that there was Just
ono thing that 1 icgretod moie than all others
in all of ins political ciueer and that was the
magnificent speech ho delivered for Mr.
Hlamo at Cincinnati when ho placed him in
nomination , and when lie used those memor
able phrases : 'The past rises before mo
like a dicam , ' 'the plumed knight , ' and other
expressions you are as familiar with as I am ,
no doubt. There is no man living who is
a dearer friend and a moro enthusiastic
friend than Colonel Ingersoll. His friend
ship for those lie admires is unbounded and
proverbial. Ho loved Mr. Hlamo as lie
did a brother and his enthusiasm for
him and his confidence in him
led mo to bo as strong a
Hlaine woman as ho was a Hlaine man. 1
fairly awakened him ut night when lie was
preparing his nomination speech and made
suggestions to him to bo used in his eulogy
Mr. Hlaino was defeated , of course , and Mr.
I hues was nominated.V'o retained our ad
miration and friendship for Mr. Hlaine until
Mi. Garlleld went into the white house in
March , IhSI. During the campaign which
ended in the election of General Gaiiloht ,
Colonel Ingersoll did everything ho could to
bring abuut success fortho republican ticket.
You remember there weie great posteis
made and circulated all over the country on
which weie extracts from Colonel Ingoisell's
speech , placing in nomination Mr. Ulaine ,
and Mr. Garlleld was held up as the ideal
friend of the Plumed Knight. Colonel Inger
sell delivered speeches and worked like a
ward politician. Naturally , when General
Garilold went into the white house , wo pre
sumed that wo had , ut least , the icspoctof
the president , and that wo would have
some influence with him. Colonel Inger
sell never wanted a federal ofllce. His am
bition lies in other ditc'Llioiis. Tlieio is not
a single position within the c'ift ol the presi
dent he would Imvo now or ever \\ould have
had. He would rather be what he is than be
pn sident , because he would not bu able to
toward his friends , if ho wcro In power , to
the extent that he would desire , and , as u
consequence , he would bo miserable. The
colonef was among the first to call upon Pres
ident Garlleld , nml to congratulate him not
only upon his success , hut upon the organi/-
ation of his cabinet. Ho uas especially
pleased \\ith the selection of Mr. Hlaine to
be secretary of state. Ho thought hm
Plumed Knight would make a grand premier
of the cabinet. D.IJS llnally slipped into
weeks , and the weeks finally made two or
three months after President Garllold went
into the white house. The colonel discov-
eicd along about this time that his reccp
lions ut the white house were growing coal ,
and at times ho was compelled to wait in the
icception loom with the masses of people
ple who.had no other than trivial polit
ical or social business with the presi
dent.Vo talked the matter over and 1 told
the colonel that the trouble came irom Mr.
Hlamo. He would nut believe it , but said ho
would go and sco Mr. lilainu. He culled
upon him at his residence or his private ofllco
in the department of state , and while he
could discover that ihcro was ti change in
the man , so far as his pcisonul attitude to
ward him was coiifctncd , Mr Ulaine patted
him on the back , smiled blandly into his eyes
and ussuicd him that ho was the same dear
and truu friend that he always was , und that
ho would make him all right at the white
house. Instead of maltois getting better at
the white house they grew weiso. Now , 1
discovered the secret Mj personal relations
with Mrs Hluinu had , up to the tune of Mr.
blame's induction into the cabinet , been
such its to lead me to oxpect-no ( . that I es
pecially desired iti-tu be received into full
me.mbership of thu cabinet society. I re
membered all at ouco that there , had been
numerous recaptions an.d ilmnois given by
people' connected V.Uh the cabinet , uud that 1
ind not received invitations to them. I told
the colonel that Mrs. Hlamo was at the bottom
tom of all the difficulty. It was but n few
Injs Until my suspicions wcro con
tinued , and 1 instantly said
that 1 did not want to associate with nay of
the lot , and from that moment wo cut the
hypocritical crowd. 1 never said a word or
did an act except in friendship nnectinc Mrs.
Ultimo , Mrs. Garilold , or either of fieir hus-
Imads , and I am sure that the same is true of
Colonel lupoi soil Now you know whv we
worooppo pil to Mr. Ulaine in Chlcaco in
ISM , whllo wo wore for him in Cincinnati in
l i " '
"It has been suggested , and 1 believe It.
that ono thing \\hich largely Influenced
Colonel Inecisoll to work for , ludo
Grcsham at Chicago last weoic was the fact
that the Judee was an ardent friend of Mr
Colliding , and has no p.itienoo with Mr.
Hlalno. while Colonel In 'M-soll Is a man of
as little prejudice as any one I can think of ,
there is no doubt in my mind , that the
sympathies and dl llko < of a man like Judge
Giesham would Imvo an iiillueneo upon
Colonel lugersoll when they run in such
sympathetic ! ! ! channels as they do. Theio
are many reasons pci mial to Colonel
In ersolllnch argue in favor of his alliance
with Judge Grcsham. "
The ItiMiinrknlili * AVuy In Which Ore-
KOII Will CVIehrnto the Fourih.
Poiui.vN'ii , Oro. , Juno } ! 0. Oregon Is
going to have an illumination on the Fourth
of July which will no do ubt attract attention
around the world. L-ist year u party of live
adventurous and sturday young men as
cended Mount Hood nearly to the summit ,
which Is 12,300 feet hleh , each carrying
twenty pounds of red lire , and at 11 :30 : p m.
set fire to It. The illumination was seen in
this city , fifty-two miles distant as the crow
Hies , by more than forty thousand people ,
who wcro watching for it , and persons
living in southeastern Oregon. 110 miles
from the "snowy sentinel , " saw the bla/e
Tills year a 'chain of snow-coveicd peaks ,
stretching from northern California nearly
to the British Columbia line , a distance of
700 miles , will bo illuminated with red lire.
The committee in charge of the connnq ; cele
bration in tills city stalled the ball rolling by
a liberal appropriation for illuminating
Mountt Hood , St Helen's and Adams , all
three within sixty miles of Portland. The
matter has been placed in the hands of Wil
liam G. Steel , secretary of the Oregon Al
pine club , who will superintend personally
the \\ork on Mount Hood. Ho has already
organised a paity of eight and will leave
hero Juuo ! tO Other Poitland parties will
attend to Adams and St. Helen's
A party from Kugeno will illuminate the
Thieo Sistcts , near the head of the William-
otto valley , about 1'JO miles south of hero , and
a party fiom Ashland will Illuminate Mount
Pitt , a peak forty miles north of the Califor
nia. Airaagements have been perfected by
the citizens of Sissons , Cal. , to burn red fire
on the summit of Shasta. They will have to
undergo little hardship , as the grandest of
Paciilc coast snow peaics is only sixteen miles
distant. The citizens of Seattle , AV. T. , will
illuminate Mount liamier , and the Poit
To\Miseml people at e expected to take care
of Mount Haker.
Should the night prove cloudless , a person
on any of the hills back of Portland will bo
able to see the lire burning on live mount
ains , namely , IJaincr , St. Helen's , Adams ,
Hood and the Three Sisters. Each illumi
natimr party will bo able to see the wet k of
at least one of the others. Haintor will bo
able to see Hood. Hood to sec the Three Sis
ters , mid so on down to Shasta. The only
pioblem Is the weather. Ascents of the
mountains have been made innumerable
times and it was „ demonstrated- year
that ono mail" if * ho bo strong
and willing car. pack a load of
twenty pounds. Those who touch oil the red
fire must i emaln on the summit until day
light. and this requires what Kobeit Collyer ,
the Scotch nlacksmith , calls "clear grit ; " but
men enough have been found to do it. Oregon
boys are made of the same stufl as our brave ,
restless forefathers , who outran the pio-
photic visions of Cooper , conquered savages.
and Doing halted bv the Paeiiie ocean , tinned
around and formed in this wilderness a great
Signal I0\perimonts.
Poim.vNM ) , Ore , July 1. Owing to the con
tinued cloudy weather and the obscuration of
Mount Hood , nothing has yet been seen of
the signals from the illuminating party. It
is impossible to make signals by means of
the heliograph unless the sun shines brightly.
The paity is expected to i each the enter
rocks by noon to-day. Should the utmos
phone condition uo very favoiablc , elicits
\ \ ill bo made to signal to and fro after night.
Should the feasibility of signaling after dark
by means of calcium lights for that distance
bo demonstrated , a complete revolution in
night signaling will doubtless be wrought.
A Curioiu Accident on one ol' the
Cliicmo Cnhlo Jjines.
Cincvoo , 111. , July 1. A grip car , beyond
control , and running at the rate of eight
miles per hour through the business part of
the city , caused a livc'y ' scene tonight. The
result was three badly wrecked cars , many
badly frightened women and children , and
sonic seveie contusions , but no fatalities.
As the Clatk street car
came out of the tunnel , going
south , the driver made an attempt to apply
the brakes , but without olTcct , as the strand
of cable had wound itself mound the grip
and uas movim ; the train at n dangriuiis
speed. Just ahead of this was the Wells
street train lilled with passengers. At Mon-
i oe sti cut the Wells street train was struck
and thrown into the gutter. Two blocks
further on the flying tram sti tick a curve at
Dearborn stt ect , and the ear became disen
gaged f i om thu sti , ind , and ended its career
Jumping the track. The passengers on
the Wells street ears were extricated ,
and several wcro found to bo badly
injuicd. Mrs Kahn , of Wabasli avenue ,
had her side badly crushed , and was other
wise injuicd. Hessio .Mitchell had her lower
limbs ei iihhed , and a score of othei s , who i e-
Juscd to glvo their names , leceived minor
cuts and bruises. The loss to the Cable
company will bo about tlOUOU.
1)1 Ml in London.
| r < i/f/M ) | ) IhHa / ; / / JilinCH ( Jiiiilnn Ilrnnttt.\ \
LONDON , July 1. | Now York Herald
Cable Special To'egram ' to Tin : HKB ] The
American colony last evening suddenly lost
aromiadein the death fiom pcritontis at
Long's hotel of Mr. ICdward A very Furring-
Ion , of both Now York and Paris , In the for
tieth jear of his ago. He was on u visit to
Kngland for the purpose of consulting Dr.
Herman Vaiicr for an affection of Ins heart
Ho married a daughter of Mr. I. U. I1. La-
liier , the well known New York banker. She
was with him when ho died. Ho was not
believed , even by his physician , critically 111.
Ho was originally from Indiana and served
In the United States navy but aftci wards i ti
thed. Many will remcinbei him as consul
for this government at Valcntia , in Spam.
Ncai ly all the year IbST ho passed in Pai is
He uas u member of the Union League club
of New York. His fiiunds may bo glad to
know that ho received every possible medi
cal attention from such distinguished physi
cians as Sir William Jciincr and Dr. Harlon
_ _
( jcriiifiny WIIIIIH Peace.
LONDON , July 1 The Herlin correspon
dent of the News buys : Prince Hi.smarck ,
in conversation with members of the upper
house of the Prussian diet , expressed the
conviction that peace would not bo disturbed
unless other power * provo kcd war ,
Mnlnn KepublluniiM Itu I ( ! ' ) '
PoriiiASP , Mo. , July 1. An * immense.
Iliumon and Morton ratification meeting
was Ill-lit hcio last night. '
Commissioners Restrained From
Publishing the Freight Rates.
Citizens of tlio llmvkoye Slnto
ii\K \ to I'ljjtu tlio Matter to tlio
Itltter Kml I'ntiUciil
Hnllroml Commissioner ? )
DCS MOINIS : , July 1. [ Special to Tun
13in. : ] Uontrnry to expectations , the rail
roads Imvo rcfuscil to acquiesce In the freight
rntc1) fixed by the lionril of rnilionil eommls-
sloncts nml have appealed to the courts.
Sum rnlnill , the drmoeiiUle Judge of the
Iowa City district , \\lio was formerly n rail
road lawyer , nt the Instance of the Chicago ,
Ilock Island ft Pacific mid Darlington , Cedar
Kapids A , Not thorn , ha- * Issued u porninucnt
Injunction restraining the commissioners
from publishing the rates it * reunited by law.
Judge HrcMver , sitting at St. Paul ,
has also Issued a temporary InJunction -
Junction to the sumo effect
at tlie instance of the Milwaukee , the "Q. "
and the Northwestern Thcio Is no doubt
that the railroads have been encouraged In
this move by the Hepburn class of politi
cians , who Imvo pursuaded tiiem that this
anti-monopoly movement Is only a "flurry"
that has already expended Its force.
To ii v that the people aio highly Incensed
at this action ot the railroads will not half
oxpi ess their feelings. They iccognizo now
that a long and bitter fight Is before them ,
and one in which national politics will bo
entirely lost sight of. The roniinlssiotn'ra
claim that , as the rates have been prepared ,
by the terms of the law they will
go Into effect without publication
on August 10. An effort will bo miulo by
Attorney Halter to dissolve the in
junction pending ; in the federal court , and It
will likely bo .successful. Should it fall ,
however , the governor will in all piolmbillty
call the legislature together to llx an absolute
ironclad late by law. Two-cent faro will
then follow , and Borne of the most radical
railroad legislation over devised will go on
the statute books. .
Many frlcnus of the rends express the
opinion that this last move was ill-advised ,
and can only icsult In more widespread
hostility to ralliends in goueial , and
more stringent legislation for their control.
Several Senators , llKoVeldman of Montgom
erv whoso action defeated the maximum
tariff bill , arc now Imploring the governor to
re-convene the legislature in order to pass
this measuio.
TIM : riti siiiBVTiM , NOMINAIIOV.
Few people in Iowa expected to sco Allison
nominated , and as the sequel showed oven
the delegates themselves did not entertain
very high hopes of being able to achieve this
result. The rank and illo of the republicans
were strongly in favorof Giesham , and had ho
been nominated ho would have swept the
state like a prairie lire and to the tune of
50,000majority. However , there lire Ilooslcm
in this state , and the enthusiasm among-
them for Harrison is Intense. Log cabins '
and coon skins will soon bo plentiful in every J
town and village The haul cider accompani
ment , however , will Imvo to bo omitted In
deference to the prohibition ficntiment. Harrison
risen will poll the full party vote and easily
carry the state by 25,000 majority. Tlw lRli
license independent republicans.of tlihTcity ,
who baited the ticket last your , nra fast getting
ting back into the ranks. " "
(1 M.VA\l/.ii > I'OMTICM. COIirSrS.
It is amusing to witness the antics of the
small aimy of railroad striken ) to obtain
recognition in the councils of the paity. At
every impoitant party gathering Polo Hep
burn John Woolson ' "J'olt"
, , Clark and men
of that ilk aio on hand to accept mi invitation
to aildiess the people and work themselves
tip into political prominence. It in not likely
that the treachery of this class of men will
soon bo forgotten , and any attempt to foist
them on the paityill meet with determined
opposition by the rank and tile ol the paity.
1111 : Tinitn I'Min rnoimn HOMST-I.
The small tit. John contingent in this state
me annoyed at what they call the free
whisky plank In the republican platform.
They at lirst were disposed to denounce the
party for this planK , but being reminded that
the plank was almost exactly like their own
adopted at Indianapolis , tho.Imvo main
tained a disci ect silence. However , they
will make an active cnnvat > s of the state and
may lead awnv a foiv ovoraloiis prohibition
republicans to the support of their ticket.
The stale convention will ho held on Au
gust ' . ' : ! (1 ( , and from this time on the political
pot will lie in a constant state of ebullition.
For state olllccrs , Frank Jackson will likely
secure a third term for sccietary of state.
Treasurer Twombly , as inembcrof the execu
tive committee , has offended the corpora-
lions , and thi'.y are after his scalp. Hyron A.
lieeson , of Murshnlltown , is his leading op
ponent. Attorney General Halter is rustlltu ;
around for a third term also , and so far has
the Held all to himself , and will likely re
ceive the coveted pri/o Hix. :
"Persuade. " -
They Hnlitonlco-pjicrH to
IJuj ii Ccrlaln Ilrnnd \VlilHlty. .
Nr.w YOIIK , July 1. ( Spi'dal Telegram
to TUB Hir.l : A number of wholesale
liquor dealers have united for the purpose of
collecting evidence to present to Mayor
Hewitt. They claim that certain police ofll-
cials have used their influence to compel re
tail dealers to buy a particular brand of
whisky sold by a house in this city. Ono of
thu best known police captains in the city Is
alleged to have gene about with an agent for
this company to various retail dealers to
"poisuauo" them to buy this whiskv , and thu r\
agent in question Is said to bo Imptcntly ao
tninpanled in his canvassing trips by police
men in nnifoun. The matter was brought to
the attention of the World ycstoi day by ono
of the largest liquer houses in the c-ity. A.
reporter was intiodmod to the Jinn's agent ,
Who gave the names of several retail dealers
who had formeily been lilb ciistomuis , but ,
Who claimed to be obliged through police In
fluence , to use the brand of whisky in < pies >
lion. Said the agent : "These saloonkeep
ers will not sneak of the matter except In the
sti iciest conlltleiico because they fear the re
sults which would certainly follow if they
should make an exposure. Theio is talk
mnung them , however , of Joining hands
against tlieir pei secutuis The police have
thorn light under llieir thumbs. There art )
excise indictments against many of them
which the police have it in their power to
push to trial at any time. Any police cap-
lain , if ho sees fit , can ruin u saloonkeeper's
business and get him into tioublo. They
cannot do that with wholesale dealers , how
ever , and tlie latter are determined thai their
cnstomeis shall not bo blackmailed by
them. "
A Tower of Slronulli ,
INDIANU'OI.IH , Ind. , July 1. Stephen II.
Kkins is in the city , the guest of General
Harrison. Speaking of the iioiniimUon ho
BIIJH : "The ticket has all the elements of
stiength. " He thinks- the ticket will largely
inoieaso the republican vote in the country
districts of New York , and will get a full
party vote in New Yoik city and King *
( ounly Ho sajs lliu appearance of Patriot
Ford up ; n the platform of the republican
meeting in Now York Fridaj night Indicates
that the Irish and laboring people understand
the issue of protection , and that his. piebencu
has inspired the leading Irishmen throughout
the country.
"Weather Indications.
WASHixcroM , D. C. , July 1. For Ncbrask
uud Dakota. ; Slightly cooler ; local rains , fol
lowed by Southerly winds " , shifting to souttv
.erly- .