> > N PART II. THE PAGES. 9-16 n 1 ' V/ " Vk EIGHTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA SUNDAY MOBNJTffG , JU1A" 1 , 18SS.-SIXTEEN PAGES. n. / f CHINA SILK. 24 inch China Silk , new choice goods in dark and light colors at Sgc\ \ regular price , $1.25. Changeable Surahs all new combination , at 8gc ; regu lar price $1.25. Black Surah at 85c ; regular price $1.00. WASH GOODS. 2 cases cotton Challies , the newest wash fabric in the mar ket at 7j c ; regular price IOG. Striped Seersuckers , new styles at 7jc ; regular price Good styles in dress Ginghams at 4 c , regular price ice. New styles of dress satteens at i5c. Pacific lawns on Monday , regular price i2j/ c. BLACK LACE FLOUNCING 42 inch black Chantilly lace flouncing at 96 c. would be cheap at $1.25. 42 inch black Chantilly lace flouncings at $1.85 , worth $2.40. 42 inch black Chantilly lace flouncing at $2.75 , the regular retail price on this quality of lace is $4.00 42 inch black Chantilly lace flouncing at $5.oo. This same quality and style of lace we sole this season at $7.00. 42 incl black Guipure lace flouncing ai $1.35 , this is a wonderful bar gain and worth $2.00. Black Guipure lace flouncing the width is 42 inches and the price $1.50 , it cannot be duplicate anywhere at less than $2.50. PARASOLS. At 95c we will sell plain satir parasols in colors thatarewortl $1.75. At $1.50 we will sel Moire satin and fancy parasols that arc worth $2.25. At $1.89 checked , striped and fancy al silk parasols that are worth $5 to-morrow $1.89. At $2.75 , 50 cream lace covered shot silk also fancy checks at $2.75 How Some Snnkos Frightened the Nogroos. A TEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL'S MANIA. I'lio Chinese K l > Its ! Queer Cattle Acted Ijike a Snnko A Peculiar Snake A AVniulcrfiil DOJJ A Ijlviii Corpse. Queer Cuttle. The Portland Orcgonian tells of a fctrnngo laved of wild cattle found in the high hills skirting the Umpijua Valley. "In the mountains , near Riddles and Kosobud , they are probably most plenti ful , but they do not venture down in the valley much. They stay on the hillb and got wato > ' from the living' springs which rihe thoro. For the most part they are concealed in the dense growth of oak and lir in those mountains. There is heavy underbrush , too , so that it in a hard matter to got them. They go in hands of six or eight usually , but at night a herd of forty or lifty got to gether and lie down in the sumo jnrct that is , they sloop in the i-aino spot , which is usually secluded among the trees. A band of wild eattlo luno boon known to get together on a cleared plaeed like this every night for a couple of years. * * * A peculiarity about thotori enttlu is that their eyes and horns are jot Muck. The return , 5rib and the whole apple of the eve nro ono mass of black. YOU can't distinguish liny dilleronco in any part of it. The horns , too , while hoing black as inkarc long and sharp. " Acted liiko a Knalcc. A short time ago Otto tYiink.iut eight- yonr-old. boy living near Hirminghnm , Ala. , found a largo r.iUlesiinko. The boy had often said that ho wanted a pot snuko , t > o wlion ho found the reptile ho began to stroke it on the head and back will ) hirt hand. The biiako scorned pleased for a time , but liually became angry and bit the hey on the rifht log just below the knee. The little follow plnvod on bomo time before going homo , and when he reached the luuibo the bit ten limb was swelling rapidly. Medical aid was obtained , and the pain and , swelling were relieved after a time , but I immcdiatolv the boy began tocrawl and twist himself , imitating the action of a snake , lie continued in this condition with brief lueid intervals , when he died. Strange Florida 1'oonlo. Ferdinand , Flu. , was in a t-tato of wild ferment all last week , and intense ov. citomont raged among the colored pop ulation over the alleged appearance ol a band of bold burglars , who , in order It moro ofloetually conceal themselves wont about in gangs of six or more dressed in white. Stories o. ' midnight robbery won ) rife , and nearly ovurj householder upon the fro.it verandu with a. shot-gun. A diligent beared failed to elicit any authentic cnso ol theft , nor could the singular rumor be traced to its source. The excitement while it lasted , was highly entertaining , people being gravely infoimcd thai these singular marauders , < vho went about in largo gangs , chid in uniform ol white , were in the habit of killing people ple by pinching them on th\ \ arms , thus Stopping the arterial circi lalioh , and reduced from $6.00. At § 3.75 , 109 fancy black satin , trimmed with lace , also fancy at $3.75 ; worth $7. At $4.39 , colored Faille Francaise , fancy stripes and checks , at $4.39 ; reduced from $7.00 and $8.00. At $5.69 , fancy Pangce silk , India silk , and black silk parasols at $5.69 ; worth $9. At § 7.50 ; colored striped Moire black satin , with lace , cream lace , covered black silk with fringe trimming at $7.50 , reduced from $12 , At 18.98 ; black silk , ele gantly trimmed Lace covered at $8.98 , worth $13.50. BLACKJ ERSEY MITTS 33c. To-morrow we will place on sale 200 dozen of ladies' black and colored embroidered silk mitts that are equal to anything sold in town at 5oc ; our price Monday is 33c. HOSIERY. 100 dozen ladies' fancy striped and printed full regular made cotton Hose at 170 ; the regular price of this line of Hosiery is25c. Sodozcn ladies' fine striped , full regular made cotton hose at 2ic , rcducec" from 29c. Ladies' pin striped also 4 and 4 stripes in all com binations , at 29c , reduced from 4oc. Special lots of fancy ribbed and striped cotton and lisle thread hosiery at 42csome ; in this lot worth $2. SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! 400 dozed ladies' black lisle Hose with white feet , at 4gc ; they are worth $1.00. LADIES'SUMMER VESTS. 12 dozen ladies' lace Balbriggan - gan and gauze vests , odd sizes at 35c , reduced from 75c and $1.00. LACE MITTS. 4 extraordinary bargains in that death ensued without leaving any tiaco \iolonce ; alsoj that , enraged at the interference which a policeman naturally offered , they set upon and stripped' him naked. A Peculiar Snake. Hassan Toolidgo , of Ward City , Ari- /ona , will probably soon bo in a circus. Ho has devoted his siiaro time to edu cating a black snake , and has taught it a number of remarkable tricks. At the word of command the snnko will tie itself up in n Turk's knot and remain in that position until released. Then it will stand straight up on the end of its tail and bibs an accompaniment to a violin which ils master plays. The in telligent reptile sees to putting the chickens in their coop at night , and if ono happens to bo inibsing it will thresh around and hiss in a most alarming manner ii'itil Mr. Toolidgo's attention is attracted. Its favorite resting place at night is ono of Mr. Toolidge's long boots. A Wonderful Don. R. M. Jackson , of I31ullton , Oa. , has n dog whoso sagacity and intelligence is something wonderful. It is n shep herd. A few day ago Mr. Jnckbon was in a piece of wood , when ho had occa sion to send the dog to the house for a match. Being unable to make Mrs. Jackson understand him ho wont to the lire place and picked up a chunk of lire , with which ho started to his master. WJien ho reached the edge of the wood the tire became so hot that ho had to drop it , which ignited the dry , pine straw and sot the woods on tiro. The dog sot up a barking tliat soon brought Mr. Jackson to the rescue. Whoa ho reached the dog ho was .1 rprisod to lind that he had broken a i 10 limb and was combating the lire as e loctively as if ho was human. A IAIn ; ; Corpse. "An amusing incident happened in n neighboring county a few days ago , " says a despatch from Nashville' , Tonn. "A gentleman had been out in the country to attend a funeral , and ho rode back to town with the driver of tin heni'so. It being a cold night , ho con ceived the idea of wrapping himself uji in a blanket and getting inside the hearse , which ho did. The negroes along the road was very much fright ened by seeing a dead man , as they tin light , outside of a collln in a hearse ' and as his body would roll about they became still moro frightened. The driver created a sensation when ho reached town by opening the liearct and waking the man inside , " A Ijiist ol ScrjicnlH At Mount Ilolloy , S , C. , Dr. Hvrd anil n party of hands were at work in the wovids. While some of the men were chopping a log il suddenly began In move toward a cioek , and the negiooa lied in terror. As the log readied tlie cicek and fell into it Ihe source of itc power of locomotion was revealed in r most astounding manner. Hundreds ol busing serpents leaped forth from thoit hiding-place in the log , and dartcil forth in different directions in the water , The fnnkcs were of the genuine water moccasin species , varying ii length from that of a buggy spoke to ; hoe handle. Dr. Hyrd and others stout by watching the snakes depart , and their going consumed fully thirty min utes. Three of the negroes who llei1 when the log begun lo mp\o have 1101 since been heard from. - A Strange Girl. Among the inmates of the Home foi Pueblo-Minded Children in South Bos- lace Mitts to be placed on sale Monday. Lot i at igc , com prises lace and Jersey Milts in black and colors ; they are worth 35C. Lot II is composed of fine black and colored Jersey and lace Mitts , at 25c , reduced from 5oc and 65c. Lot III at 35c ; cream , pink , blue , tans , old gold and black Jersey silk Mitts that are worth 75C. Lot IV , black silk Jersey Mitts.also . evening shades , extra length and a rare bargain ; they arc worth $ i .00. CHILDREN'S ' WHITE DRESSES 89c. On Monday we offer an un usual bargain in Children's white Mother Hubbarcl Dresses with hem stitched yoke in i , 2 , and 3 years sizes at 890. We have only about 12 dozen of this style so we ask an early in spection. $1.19. Ten dozen Children's Gretchen Dresses at $1.19 , that are worth $1.50 ; Monday only at this price. WHITE LAWN SUITS. We make special prices on several numbers of ladies' white lawn dresses on Mondaywhich will include the following. $3.19. I. Ladies'white lawn suits at $3.19. These suits are worth $4.50 ; they are well made and we guarantee a fit in every case. $4..37 IL Ladies' white lawn suits , embroidered yoke waist with full tucked skirt and sash , worth $5.50 , on Mon day , at 4.37. III. Ladies white lawn suits heavily me- broidcred with basque waist at $5.98. This number is a bar gain at $7.50. Also a very choice assortment at $7.50 , $8 $9 , $10 , $12.50 , and $16.50. ton there is a little ten-year-old gir whoso ease has thus far ballled the bcsi authorities on mental diseases says a Boston dispatch. Her peculiar culiar trait is her inordinate desire t < : climb to the top porch on any object , he it over s-o high , to mount and b.danco herself upon seemingly innrccssablo ledges and there rest content. On entering tering a room and knowing she is un observed she will Iling open a door and catching hold of the edge \\itlihor hands and pro-sing her knees together climb to the top and beat herself , wholly unconcerned and apparently happy. She \\ill Mving back and forlii with no fear of falling. Indeed , she has never been known to lese her bnl a n ce. Her most troublesome trait is hoi strong aversion to wearing any cloth ing. .Sho discards her shoos and stock ings whenever possible , tears olT he : garments , and causes no end of care tc the patient attendants , who ( hid lie : fiom time to time almoit devoid of cov ering. She frequently climbs will wonderful agility upon a wardrobe twelve foot high , or again will mount to the to ) ) shelf and there coil herself up like a cat. She has boon known to ascend an pightcon-foot pillar support ing the coiling and roost upon its lodge. Ono night she left her bed and deliber ately climbed down the spouting from the fourth story to the street. She has never injured' herself. Her parents are both strong mentally and physically. A Singular Kreak. The collection of animals now at the park "Xoo" is very Inrijn and consists of many rare specimens , says the I.alti- moro Sun of a recent date. Among the latest arrivals ia family of Chinese rabits , which are very unique in ap pearance. They are larger than the American species and not quite so nimblo. The our , which is like that of n benglo hound , gives them their peculiar appearance. A three and-a- , hnlf logged cat has also boon presented to Captain Cns-el by a lady who de clined to give her name. The cat was first quartered with the guinea pign , but has latdv been put in with inonko.sB. "Hilly'the oldest monkey in the Xoo , gave the cat a friendly ro'- eoption , and the monkeys and the cat live In peace and harmony in the same cage of the park Xoo , , ' EDISON'S FLYING MACHINE. Inventor Kdixuu Pondering on mi Old I'l-dbleni. Thomas A. F.dicon , the inventor , was at work in ono of the largo upper looms of hit. laboratoiy perfecting an attach ment for convening piano notes to his phonograph , when a New York" Sun re porter patented himself. "A IIj ing machine':1 : Oh , you , I'm go ing to do the bust I can toward solving that ancient problem , " he re plied to the reporter's inquiry about the electric Hying machine , \\Inch , it had been reported , ho was eomissioned by the Spanish government to make. "A man , whoso naino I can t recall now , came here about two or three weeks ago. Ho said ho had been sent over from the Spanish government to study the scioncu of aoriul navigation. Ho baid they wanted a machine so con structed that it would carry an electric motor , camera , etc. to a considerable hf'lght by means of wings or fans pro pelled by the motor. It would bo oper ated fiom a covciuil wagon , in which an ollleer would bo seated , and would be connected with a dynamo In the wagon by wi.-fs. In .this way it uns hoped photographs could bo tukun of the LADIES' DRESSING SACQUES. To close out some odd size ? we will sell a dressing sacque marked $1.25 , on Monday at Sgc ; only two to a customer. Dressing sacqucsat $1.50 2,25 $3.00 and $4.50 that for quality and price are unequalled in the city. NOTTINGHAM LACE CUR TAINS. Special prices made on num bers of lace curtains that we wish to close out ; to close out these odd lots quickly we will give with every pair a 5 foot curtain pole with brass trim- nings. Nottingham lace cur- ains full 3 yards long , taped all round at $1.00 , $1.50 , $1.75 and 2.25. Nottingham lace cur- ains 3 yards long , full taped at $2.50 , $2.75 , $3.00 , $3.50 , $4.00 , $4.50. Nottingham lace curtains at $5.00 , $5.50 , $6.00 : md $6.50 ; these curtains arc worth at least 25 per cent more than we ask for them without the poles. REMNANTS OF WHITE GOODS. We have devidecl our rem nants of white goods into four lots and will sell them Monday at S c , i2 c , isc and 25cper yard ; these remnants arc in lengths from | i to 12 yards , c. We have plain white and cream India linens and mulls , cream checked , organ dies ; white lace stripes and checks , printed Indialinonsand colored striped canvas cloths , all worth i2j cand i5c ; rem nant price S C. At 12 1-2C. Black checked organdy , black and white organdies , white and cream India linens and mulls , also lace chqcks and stripes worth from 2oc to 25c ; rem- cncmy and their movements , while the operator in hia wn on below need not expose himself , 'flip photographs were to be dropped from time to time by some arrange incut. Tho'-o in brief woie all the instructions ho gave mo ; the rest was to bo loft to my own taste and fancy. "It reminds mo of a scheme I had many times thought of. and f promised him I would do my best in the matter. I wanted to tackle the problem on my own account. I like to try and answer these hard questions. If I am able to construct the kind of machine they want J shall have practically solved the long-mooted question of the possibility of aerial navigation. For the main point in this question is that of the lift ing power or motor. The matter of propelling the machine through the air and steering is a comparatively sim ple allnir. So many people have boon studying the ciuostion , however , that I am not in the least confident of success , and porhap-j I have not the ghost of a ohnneo. " "Have you arrived nt any theory on this subject V asked the reporter. ' 'No , I don't begin that way. I am now only experimenting upon'a few of the fundamental , questions , involved. There are two ways of inventing. One is to make your machine lirst , and then boo if it will work ! the other is to lirst lind out if it is posbihlo to do the thing , then make your machine. The greater number of inventors adopt the lirst plan. "What wo want to know first is whether or not aerial navigation is pos sible. When I have settled this ques tion , which may take a year or moro , I will then take up.tho other points in their order. Inljvnysliko to begin at the A , H , C in 'these ' mutter. , . Any other s\btom is a Jjooil deal like trying trying to rend language without having leai nod the alphabet. "I begun the other day by weighintra motor with fans attached on n rairlwnks scalo. After getting the e.sact weight ol the motor wo get the fans to working. They , of course , ] ight < > nud the weight to a certain extent , and we thus got lig- nros as a basis upon which to calculate the lifting powerf / f fansor wingsof cer tain hi/es. I intend to measure the pull ing power of birds soon , by tying a string to their fuel , fastening the other end to a spring registering scale , and then letting them lly away. Oh , dear , there are a hundiod fact- , to discover before I can think of tackling the rjcnl queation of an aerial ship. I have never gone very deeply into the matter , but it is a sub ject which mtero'sts moery much. Almost all persona when they thinl ; of aerial mnigation Imagine the neoomitv of rining to a gron height. Hut w hy do this ? Why not gp along the roadsat an at an elevation of uuout ten fuel ? Of course , when neccstary wo could rise higher , but. as a iulo , a few feet above the ground wouldniiPwor all purposes , Jf aerial navagatron is possible I believe this will bo the ri'llll'ar ' ' mode of travel in the future. Oio ) advantage it has is the small itowor necessary for the pro pulsion of an air ship and the great speed which ctould bo obtained , ( irneinl Mcdilosh Dnnil. Jfrw UiiL'\swicK , N J. , Juno 8J. Gencrul .lolia II. Mulntosh , United States nnny , re tired , died lust night at his. icsidunco in tins city of lieait disuiis. ? , aged sixty , T At the fonuution'of the National Union of Ijousc Carpenters and Joiner. , in Now York in IMiTi the qucsthia of an ci rlit liour day was nnionj ; the i > ubocte ] of discussion Delegates from twenty-live towub weio in attemUiue. nant price Monday 12 i-2c. At i5c. Lace striped mulls in cream , blue and pink , worth 35c ; remnant price i5c. At 250. Checked and corded pique and white India linens that we have sold from 4oc to 75c ; remnant price 25c. Rem nants of wool dress goods at less than their regular value. We make these extraordinary prices to clean up our spring stock ; these remnants are all of the best styles and most sale able goods and come in lengths from i to 7 yards ; remnants at 7 t-2c per yard ; all the rem nants of fancy checked and fan cy weaves in cotton warp goods that we have been selling from i5c to 250 ; on Monday all at 7 i-2c per yard. At loc we will sell 36 inch black and white striped , also cream , pink and blue bunting remnants worth 35c , all at IOG 'per yard. At ifc we will sell evening shades of albatross bourcttc clothblack and grey , pin stripes and all wool serge remnants , all worth from 350 to 6oc per yard ; rem nant price I9c. At 250 per yard. We will sell remnants of Debcige , Nun's Veiling and striped suiting flannels that are worth 6oc to 750 , but remnants must be sold and Monday's price 5sit25c. At 45c per yard , we will sell all the finest wool goods that we have in remnants , they sold regularly at $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50 ; Monday's price is 45c in remnants only. LINEN LAP ROBES. Two lots of linen lap robes atspecial prices to close them out. Full size striped all linen Lap robes at 42 i-2c , worth 85c. Full size striped all linen lap robes at 78c , worth $1.50. WOMEN INVENT A NEW TRADE Now York Sisters Start in as Ladles' ' Maids-at-L-argo. THE OLD HAIRPIN STILL STICKS. Tons of tlie Hand ) Little Instruments Still Needed to Supply tlio Trade An KveniiiK Sen sation on Broadway. Nirvv YORK , Juno 27 [ Correspond ence of Tun Bin : . ] During the past week and part of the present the news center of the country was transferred from Iho great molropolis to the busy city of Chicago. But yet there were many events of interest transpiring oven during the great convention. Something now under the sun has just been developed in the way of a trade that of ofTin Tin : LADY'S MAID AT LAUGH. Two sisters have eslablished themselves in the business and the prospects are that competition in the new line will soon spring up and Iho departure will early become a li.xed industry of Gotham The older of the two bisters was for a number of years maid to a woman ol fashion and cstablibhcd something of a reputation for taste in arranging the hair , draping the gown , decking it with flowers , and DO on. Mho was un able , 1'mully , to submit to Iho exactions of her mistress , and instead of looking for a now place strucl out in n moro indcpenden lino. She had something of an no quaintance acquired during her year- of service and utilised this to gather i clientage of her own. She and her bib ter are settled eo/ily in a pretty 11 vo- room lint , and the ladies whom they beautify know Ihoin robpoetholv as , sa'y Mllo. lioso and Mllo. Maria. They are down-oast Yankees , but their Yankee bciibo tolls them thai maids must , of course , bo French. In a pretty girl going to a bi : llu girl who hasn'ta maul , or whose maid is to ho misted for ordin ary toilols only , Ihen Mllo. Hose musl bo lo the fore. Mllo. Hose will catch together the masses of lace or tulle and put on delicate , tolling touches , produc ing ollocts which the pretty girl never dreamed of before. Then she will take a double handful of ro.scs or other nat ural lloworn and drop them over Iho gown and lack Ihein up junl where they happen to fall , making a very How or of the pretly girl horholf. She will do Iho bud up in her wrnp , ride to Iho scene of festivity with her , and pronounce her all in order for the conquest before the hello leaves the dressing-room. Is a wedding on the tapis , then it is Mllo. Marie's'turn. . Mllo. Mario's forte is dressing a brido. Her hands can work magic when she baa them on a bridal veil , and the \oung wife who has the orange blossoms pinned by her recom- mcnilb her lo all tier unmarried mates. Miles. Ho o and Marie attend to Iho toilets and decoiate the gowns of any number of dressy women and girls. Their order books are usually full , and their charges run from $2 and J.'l well up into the twenties , according to the elaborateness of the design or the amount of service called for , They aio going to divide the summer between FEAT11ER Pt LLOWS. Great clearing sale Monday" morning. On Monday morn ing we offer our entire stock of fine Featlu4r Pillows regardless of cost. Fine Down Pillows at less than ordinary feather. We have made a large cut on these goods to clean them out. At $1.49 48 pairs fine clean Feather Pillows at $1.49 ; re duced from $2.25. At $1.98 35 pairs fine Feather Pillows at $1.98 ; reduced from $2.75. At $2.39 28 pairs extra fine live geese Feather Pillows at $2.39 ; reduced from $3.50. At $2.98 38 pairs fine live geese Feather Pillows at $2.98 ; re duced from $4. At$3.98. 35 pairs fine live geese Feather pillows at $3.98 ; reduced from $5.25. At $5.68 Best Down Pillows , covered with German linen ticking , worth $9 ; sale price $5.68 , Bulk Feathers at 550 and 75C a pound. These goods we guarantee free from oder and dirt. M O S O U I TT O NETTING FRO M AUCTION A A PIECE. We have received a very large shipment of Mosquito netting in all colors , bought very much under regular price at auction by our New York agent. On Monday morning we will place these on sale at 35c a piece ; this is the best quality and sold everywhere at 45c. No faded goods. On Monday , on our second floor , we will make a special sale of Boys' Express Wagons/ Bicycles , Tricycles , Vcloci- p e d e s and Wheelbarrows. These goods must be sold to give us more room , and we make the prices accordingly. We sell them at less than half what the same goods can be Newport and Saratoga , and have nl- icady advance engagements , dales to bo settled moro delinitoly Inter at both watering places. They are very par ticular about the women they work for , and stand upon references. They say they can't afford , from a business point of view , to have any clients whose ante cedents and present standing won" bear looking into. Koso and Marie are bright girls , and will no doubt make a little fortune. WO.MK.V AND HAIUI'I.VS. Nearly c\orybody both male and female have at some time in their lives ken an interest in hairpins , and have noted the evolution which has taken placein that necessary article ol woman's toilet. The other day I visited a Broadway dealer , and casually asked if there was a very great demand now- a-dn.\b for the common wire hairpin. "Tlieio is always some demand for the useful little article , " replied the dealer , "but the present style of hairdressin dispenses with the 110 of the wire pi if , and the advent of those largo ornamen tal pins , now so popular with the ladie has tended to lower the demand for tin moro common article considerably. ] manage , how over , to sell about a ton ol cheap hairpins every year. " "Whatbecomes of all the hairpins ? " "I fear you will have to ask Mmo. Diss Debar for the solution of that conundrum. It is ono of those ques tions which , like the sphinx' * riddle , i likely to remain tinasworcd for all time 1 can only suggest that perhaps the hairpin goes the way of old bustles buttons , ribbons , and other discarded articles of feminine adornment. Hit were not for the innumerable uses to winch a woman can put thesimplo little hairpin it would have vanished into history along with the high comb and hoopsftirt. 1 dent believe there is any tool which the average woman cm manipulnlo with such consummate sliil and dainty deftness as the hairpin. With a hamner or sharp-edged too" such as the chisel a woman Kiieceods ii doing little moro than bruii-ing or cut ting her fair lingers , hut plaeo a hair pin in her hands and watch the wend em she performs. One who had nuvoi before seen a hairpin in the hands of i woman would never imagine Unit sf many devices lay hidden within aosmal a bit of mntal. ' With the hali-pln \\oman open envelopes , fnbtens her dress , suspends i c.ilnndnr or picture on the wall , pick her tooth and outs apart the leaves o her miiga/ino or hook. It becomes 01 occasions an improvised nut-pick , o shoo and glovo-bnttonor ; or is a swiltly transformed into a hook , scoop , or crank , Nor is this a complete cata logue of the manifold uses of the mod est hairpin. Necessity iH the mother of invention , and HO the hairpin becomes the tool of the moment for whatever purpose the fair mechanic wills. " "Then jon believe that the hairpin has coino to stay ' ( ' ' " 1 think it lias , or at least It will re main until manual training forum apart of the education of our girls in the schools and colleges. You may rest as sured , however , that the hairpin will receive the attention of at least ono mere generation of women , " A f-CAKUn' J'AUACJIUTK. There was quite a sensation on busy Hrnadwny about i ) o'clock the other evening. It was.nl ! cieatod by a proUy girl , with a pair of fair Marguerite braids hanging below her waist , who fairly How up the street with a seni'lot sunbhado spread above her head. The bootblacks shouted , "Ah , thcrof 'fraiil you'll eel tunnedV" and u moping mes- jought for in other stores. Express Wagons with iron axles and Gendron iron wheels cgular price $2.75 , reduced to l' $1.95. Steel Body Express / Wagons , size 13x28 , wheels 10 ) i xi6 inches , with the Gendron ) alent wheels , at $2.85 , reduced from $3-75. Steel Body Ex press Wagons , size 14x31 , wheels 12 and 18 inches , with patent wire wheels , at $3.19 , educed from $4.25. Steel Body Express Wagons , size 15x33 , and wheels 14 and 20 inches , at $3.50 ; reduced from $4.75. 24 Express Wagons at 35c ; reduced from 5oc. 6 Express Wagons at 5oc ; reduced from 75c. 8 Goat Carts at $ -1.25 each ; reduced from $6.50 and $8.50. Bicycles with rubber tires , 36-inch wheel , at $11.75 ; reduced from $15. Bicycles , with rubber tires , 39-inch wheel at $13.50 ; reduced from $17.50. Bicycles with rubber tires , 42- inch wheel , at $17.50 ; reduced from $22. Bicycles with 32- inch wheels at $6.75 ; reduced from $9. Iron Velocipedes , with patent oval iron tire wheels at $3.25 ; reduced from $4.25. Velocipedes at $3.75 ; reduced from $5. Velocipedes at $4.25 ; reduced from $6. Ve locipedes at $5 ; reduced from $7. Tricycles at $4.25 ; reduced from $6. Girls' Tricycles at $6.25 ; reduced from $8. Girls' Tricycles at $6.75 ; reduced from $9. Girls' Tricycles at $7.88 ; reduced from $10.50. ' Children's Toy Carts at Sc ; re duced from i5c. Children's Toy Carts at rsc ; reduced from 2oc. Children's Toy Carts at 200 ; reduced from 3oc. Toy Wheelbarrows at 5oc ; reduced from 75c. Toy Wheelbarrows at 75c ; reduced from $ i. senger hey actually accelerated Ilia speed towaid hi-i dohtiimtion to follow close behind her and ask her if she was afraid sho'd freckle in the electric light. The policeman on the corner woke up with a vague idea of stopping her , but before the idea was formulated , she was away like a bird half a block u ] > town , with a crowd of boys and youths in swift pursuit shouting and laughing. They might as well hava tried to keep 1111 with a runaway steam engine on a frolic as to get within touch * ing distance of those loosing braids and' dancing hunshacle. Far in the rear a little group oJ friends , ono of whom was ovidontlj the girl's sister , very tired , very warm and very angry in her endeavors to over take the scarlet satin , exclaimed : "Oh , she thinks she's smart , doesn't she ? " Mut on the distance , where the him pi narrow lo the point of divergence , the S"arlct huns'iado ' was propelled by the pretty girl. She was apparently obliv ious of the disturbance about , her , and she wore a do-or-dio expression such as is given to the pictures of heroes or martyrs at their execution. I'robably Marie Antoinette had such an intense , rapt face when she inmlo up her mind and her toilet to go to her execution. Any way , Marie Antoinette died like ; i lady , with no outcry , and the girl with the scarlet parachute won horwagor in spite of the crowd , and never lowered her parasol until the dnrkncsB of a sid'j street shrouded her in mvstory. A I.ITTM : MISS HAS A LONG .lotntxnv. On Sunday InstMnggio Wcllc8oloveu years old , reaehod here on her way to 1'ittsburg after a journey from Knghind unaccompanied. The iitllo girl in a , Yorkshire IHJF , and until she was started from America had never been awuv from homo. Her uncle , John Kay , resides at Pittsburg. Tlireo years ago , when on a vinlt lo England , ho took a fanci to the child , and recently sent foL * her , SheIK \ started for America with a Ing fastened to her waist , on which was Mr , Ka. 's addresn. Her passage was made on the Pity of ( 'hosier , the stownrdosf ! curing for bel aud seeing that a relative mot her in Now York , i'lom New Vork she wont in charge of the ( rain men. By an error Mr. Kay wont to the depot'at 1'ittsburg too early on Sunday , and had left when the child arrived , Ono Jo I the depol hands read the directions and plaeed he > - on a street car. The con ductor put bur off. No. 12 engine com pany's boys HIIW her , road the tag and took her lo Mr. Kay's house , a square away , In speaking of her long trip the child said site had boon sick but ono day , and hud no trouble , Tliey Have I arge HeudH. " Seven1 being the average sl/e of ft man's head as measured by his hat , " snjb a London oxohnngo , "it appears thai out of fourteen difitinouishod prr- sonngob , two ( Lord Cholmsford and Dean Slanloy ) wore below , while the other two ( Lord Bencoiiblleld and the prince of Wales ) wore exactly up to lliu average. Of the others , Dickens , Sol- borne , and Height required 71 , Karl Kubsoll 7J , Lord Macaulay , Gladbtono , and Thackeray 74 , IvOiiis J'hilipne 7f , and the archbishop of York H full ! Of. twonty-threo dibtinguishod men whoso actual brain-weights are known , four , including the Into I'rof. Hughes 13onno6 and Hermann , the philologist , wore dis tinctly below the average , showing that , a woll-c-onstituted brain of small dimen sions may be capable of doing much hot- tec work than many a larger organ whoso internal constitution ierom ( ono cautu or other , defectiva. " '